path: root/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar')
14 files changed, 1188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b93d38add4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+def centerpt=
+ (w-((w-leadgap)/2), xht+3.2thin)
+beginchar (19, shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The acute accent (e)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ z0 = centerpt;
+ top y1=h; %z1-z0=whatever*(dir tilt);
+ rt x1 = w;
+ draw z0--z1;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("}", shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The double acute accent (e')";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ z0 = centerpt;
+ top y1=h; %z1-z0=whatever*(dir tilt);
+ rt x1 = w;
+ draw z0--z1;
+ draw ((z0--z1) shifted (2.5*thin*right));
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("_", shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The dot-above accent (i)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup pensquare scaled thick rotated 45;
+ z0 = centerpt;
+ drawdot z0;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (127, shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The umlaut accent (double i)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup pensquare scaled thick rotated 45;
+ z0 = centerpt;
+ z1 = z0 + thick*left;
+ z2 = z0 + thick*right;
+ drawdot z1; drawdot z2;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (25, shortwidth, 0, -6thin#); "The schwa accent (dot below)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup pensquare scaled thick rotated 45;
+ z0 = centerpt;
+ x1 = x0;
+ y1 = -3thin;
+ drawdot z1;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (24, shortwidth, 0, -6thin#); "The 'y' accent (two dots below)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup pensquare scaled thick rotated 45;
+ z0 = centerpt;
+ x1 = x0 - thick;
+ x2 = x0 + thick;
+ y1 = y2 = -3thin;
+ drawdot z1; drawdot z2;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("^", shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The circumflex (3-dot 'a')";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ agap := w/6;
+ alength := 1.5*thick;
+ z0 = centerpt;
+ z1 = z0 + agap*left;
+ z2=z1+alength*(dir (tilt+90));
+ z3 = z0 + agap*up;
+ z4 = z3 + alength*up;
+ z5 = z0 + agap*right;
+ z6 = z5 + alength*(dir tilt);
+ draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4; draw z5--z6;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (20, shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The right-loop accent (o)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y, rightcurl;
+ path rightcurl;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ z0 = centerpt;
+ top y1=h; x1 = .7[x0, w];
+ rt x2=w; y2 = .7[y0, h];
+ x3 = .8[x0,w]; y1-y2 = y2-y3;
+ rightcurl = (z0..tension 2.0..z1{right}..z2..z3);
+ draw rightcurl;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (22, shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The double right-loop accent (o')";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y, rightcurl;
+ path rightcurl;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ z0 = centerpt;
+ top y1=h; x1 = .7[x0, w];
+ rt x2=w; y2 = .7[y0, h];
+ x3 = .8[x0,w]; y1-y2 = y2-y3;
+ rightcurl = (z0..tension 2.0..z1{right}..z2..z3);
+ draw rightcurl;
+ draw (rightcurl shifted (3*thin,0));
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (21, shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The left-loop accent (u)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ z0 = centerpt;
+ lft x1 = 1/3[leadgap, x0]; top y1 = 3/4[y0,h];
+ top y2 = h; x2 = x0;
+ y3 = y1; x3-x0 = x0-x1;
+ draw z1..z2{right}..z0{down};
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (23, shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The left-loop accent (u)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y, leftcurl;
+ path leftcurl;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ z0 = centerpt;
+ lft x1 = 1/3[leadgap, x0]; top y1 = 3/4[y0,h];
+ top y2 = h; x2 = x0;
+ y3 = y1; x3-x0 = x0-x1;
+ leftcurl = (z1..z2{right}..z0{down});
+ draw leftcurl;
+ draw leftcurl shifted ((x1-x0)*right);
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (28, .7shortwidth, 0, .8dep#); "S-hook";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen rotated 90;
+ x0 = leadgap; y0=0;
+ rt x1=w; y1=.7[y0,-d];
+ x2=.5[x0,x1]; y2=-d;
+ x3=x0+thin; y3=y1;
+ draw z0..tension 2.0..z1{down}..z2..z3{up};
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (30, shortwidth, .5[xht#,cap#], 0); "Beleriandic W";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ x0=w-((w-leadgap)/2); y0=h;
+ lft x2=leadgap/2; top y1=y0+thick; z1=z2+whatever*(dir tilt);
+ y2=y3=y0;
+ rt x3=w-leadgap/2;
+ bot y4=y3-thick; z4=z3-whatever*(dir tilt);
+ draw z1.. z2..z0{right}.. z3..z4;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (8, shortwidth, 0, .4xht#); "Short bottom bar";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ lft x0 = leadgap; rt x1 = w;
+ y0=y1=-d;
+ draw z0--z1;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (9, 1em#, 0, .4xht#); "Long bottom bar";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ lft x0 = leadgap; rt x1 = w;
+ y0=y1=-d;
+ draw z0--z1;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (10, shortwidth, .4[xht#,cap#], 0); "Short top bar";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ lft x0 = leadgap; rt x1 = w;
+ y0=y1=h;
+ draw z0--z1;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (11, 1em#, .4[xht#,cap#], 0); "Long top bar";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ lft x0 = leadgap; rt x1 = w;
+ y0=y1=h;
+ draw z0--z1;
+ endgroup;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..29e1b313d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+def commonr=
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ save x,y,sweep;
+ path sweep;
+ lft x0 = leadgap; top y0 = h;
+ lft x1 = 0; z0-z1 = whatever*(dir tilt);
+ x2 = .75w; top y2=h;
+ rt x3 = w; y3 = .5h;
+ lft x4 = leadgap; y4 = -.65d;
+ x5 = .5w; y5 = -d;
+ x6 = .85w; z6-z5 = whatever*(dir tilt);
+ sweep = (z2..z3{down}..z4{down}..z5{right}..z6);
+ z7 = sweep intersectionpoint
+ ((-infinity,0)--(infinity,0));
+ draw sweep;
+ draw z1--z0..z7;
+beginchar("r", shortwidth, xht#, dep#); "The letter r (romen)";
+ begingroup;
+ commonr;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar(18, shortwidth, xht#, dep#); "The ligature rh (arda)";
+ begingroup;
+ commonr;
+ z8 = point .5 of (z0..z7);
+ x9 = x1;
+ z8-z9 = whatever*(dir tilt);
+ x10 = x0; y10=y9;
+ draw z8--z9..tension 3.0..z10{dir tilt};
+ endgroup;
+def commonl=
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ path tilde;
+ lft x1=leadgap;top y1=h;
+ rt x4 = w; y4=h;
+ y2-y1 = y4-y3 = 3(y4-y1);
+ z2-z1=z4-z3=whatever*(dir tilt);
+ tilde = ( z1..controls z2 and z3..z4); % straight from Page 152 of MFbook
+ z5 = point .6 of tilde;
+ lft x6 = leadgap+1/20em; y6 = -.25d;
+ x7 = .5[leadgap, w]; bot y7=-d;
+ rt x8 = w-leadgap; y8 = 0;
+ y9=.25h; z9-z8=whatever*(dir (tilt+90));
+ draw tilde;
+ z10 = point .6 of (z5..z6{down});
+beginchar("l", .8em#, xht#, dep#); "The letter l (lambe)";
+ begingroup;
+ commonl;
+ draw z5..z6{down}..z7{right}..z8..z9;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar("L", .8em#, xht#, dep#); "The ligature ld (alda)";
+ begingroup;
+ commonl;
+ draw z5..tension 1.5..z10..z9..z8..z7..z6;
+ endgroup;
+def commonsz=
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ save x,y,spath;
+ path spath,zspath,zpath;
+ x0 =.9w; top y0=height;
+ x0-x1 = .08w; z0-z1=whatever*(dir(tilt-10));
+ y3=xht/2; lft x3=leadgap;
+ x4 = w/2+leadgap; bot y4=0;
+ rt x5 = w; y5 = xht/2; %z5-z4 = whatever*(dir tilt);
+ z6-z5=whatever*(dir (tilt+90));
+ x6=x5-.3w;
+ spath=(z0..z1..tension 2.2..z3{down}..z4{right}..z5{up}..z6{dir(tilt+90)});
+ zspath=(z0..z1..tension 2.2..z3{down}..z4{right}..z5);
+ x7=x3; y7= -.6d;
+ x8=x4; bot y8=-d;
+ x9=x5; y9= -.6d;
+ z10-z9= z6-z5;
+ zpath=(z4..tension 2.2..z7{down}..z8{right}..z9{up}..z10{dir(tilt+90)});
+beginchar("s", shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The letter s (silme)";
+ begingroup;
+ save height;
+ height=h;
+ commonsz;
+ draw spath;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar(3, shortwidth, xht#, dep#); "The letter s reversed (silme nuquerna)";
+ begingroup;
+ save height;
+ height=cap;
+ commonsz;
+ draw (spath rotatedabout ( (.5[leadgap,w],xht/2), 180));
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("z", shortwidth, cap#, dep#); "The letter z (aze)";
+ begingroup;
+ save height; height=h;
+ commonsz;
+ draw zspath;
+ draw zpath;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (26, shortwidth, cap#, dep#); "The letter z reversed (aze nuquerna)";
+ begingroup;
+ save height; height=cap;
+ commonsz;
+ draw (zspath rotatedabout ( (.5[leadgap,w],0), 180));
+ draw (zpath rotatedabout ( (.5[leadgap,w],0), 180));
+ endgroup;
+beginchar("e", shortwidth, xht#, 0); "The letter e (yanta)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ top y0 = h; x0=.5[0, w];
+ lft x1 = 0; y1=0;
+ y2=0; rt x2=w;
+ y3=y0; x3=x0-.7thick;
+ z4-z1 = whatever*(z0-z2);
+ x1-x4=.2thin;
+ z6-z2 = whatever*(z0-z1);
+ x6=w;
+ draw z3..z0--z2..z6;
+ draw z4..z1--z0;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar("h", shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The letter h (hyarmen)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ top y0 = h; x0=leadgap;
+ lft x1 = leadgap+.3thick; y1=0;
+ y2=0; rt x2=w;
+ y3=y0; x3=x0-.7thick;
+ z4-z1 = whatever*(z0-z2);
+ x1-x4=.2thin;
+ z5 = point .5 of (z0--z2);
+ z6-z2 = whatever*(z5-z1);
+ x6=w;
+ draw z3..z0--z2..z6;
+ draw z4..z1--z5;
+ endgroup;
+% This character requires a bit more height than the others so that
+% accents get raised enough.
+ charht := .3[xht#,cap#];
+beginchar ("u", shortwidth, xht#, 0); "The letter u (ure)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ lft x0 = leadgap;
+ top y1 = h;
+ rt x2 = w;
+ bot y3 = 0;
+ y0 = .65h; x1 = leadgap+.35w;
+ y2 = .35h; x3 = leadgap+.65w;
+ draw z0..z1..z2..z3..cycle;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (15, shortwidth+thick#, cap#,0); "The ligature hw (hwesta sindarinwa)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w-thick, longstem, stemdepth)
+ z7=bowpoint;
+ bot y8 = 0; x8=1/2[x7,leadgap];
+ lft x9 = leadgap; y9=1/2xht;
+ top y10 = xht; x10=x8;
+ draw z7{down}..z8{left}..z9{up}..z10{right}..cycle;
+ rt x11 = w-thick; y11 = 0;
+ z12= (w, 0);
+ draw z11--z12;
+ endgroup;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..22c7648a88a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+beginchar("C", shortwidth,xht#,dep#); "The ligature CH (calma)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, 0, true);
+beginchar("j", 1em#,xht#,dep#); "The letter j (anga)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint,w-bowsize*em+leadgap, true);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, leadgap, true);
+beginchar("S", shortwidth,cap#,0); "The ligature SH (harma)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,longstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, leadgap, true);
+beginchar("Z", 1em#,cap#,0); "The ligature ZH (anca)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,longstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint,w-bowsize*em+leadgap, true);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, leadgap, true);
+beginchar("O", shortwidth,xht#,0); "The letter o (anna)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, leadgap, true);
+beginchar("Y", 1em#,xht#,0); "The ligature ny (ngoldo)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint,w-bowsize*em+leadgap, true);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, leadgap, true);
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cc0b6b30204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+def commoncarrier=
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ x0=x1-thick; top y0=h;
+ x1=1/2[leadgap,w]; y1=y0;
+ x2=x1; y2=-d/2;
+ x3=x0; y3=-d;
+ draw z0--z1{down}..z2{down}..z3;
+beginchar ("i",3*leadgap#,xht#,.2dep#); "Short carrier";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ commoncarrier;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (16,3*leadgap#,xht#,dep#); "Long carrier";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ commoncarrier;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (17,3*leadgap#,cap#,0); "Carrier Halla";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ x0=x1-thick/3; top y0=h;
+ x1=1/2[leadgap,w]; y1=y0;
+ x2=x1; y2=-d;
+ draw z0--z1{down}..z2;
+ endgroup;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d3db6dcf7c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+beginchar ("a",shortwidth, xht#, 0); "The letter a (modus beleriandi)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ top y1= h; x1 = .75[leadgap, w];
+ lft x2= leadgap; y2= .4h;
+ bot y3= 0; x3= .5[leadgap, w];
+ y4= .2h; rt x4=w;
+ draw z1..z2{down}..z3{right}..z4;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("y", shortwidth, xht#, 1/2dep#); "The letter y (modus beleriandi)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ x1=leadgap; y1=.5h;
+ x2 = 2/3[x1,w]; top y2=h;
+ rt x3=w; y3=0;
+ lft x4=leadgap; y4=-d;
+ draw z1..z2{right}..z3..z4;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar("o", shortwidth,xht#,0); "The letter o (anna ar taith)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, leadgap, true);
+ draw barpoint..barpoint+3thin*right;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dc258c00d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+ligtable "t": "h" =: "T";
+ligtable "d": "h" =: "D";
+ligtable "c": "h" =: "C";
+ligtable "s": "h" =: "S";
+ligtable "n": "g" =: "N";
+ligtable "h": "w" =: oct"027";
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fbd4992b2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+def firstbow(expr start,finish,looped) =
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y,t;
+ x0 = start; top y0=xht;
+ x1 = x0; bot y1=0;
+ x2=finish; bot y2=0;
+ if looped:
+ t=1.0;
+ else:
+ t=1.0;
+ fi;
+ draw z0{down}..z1..tension t..z2;
+ bowpoint:=z1;
+ penlabels (0,1,2);
+ endgroup;
+def secondstem(expr start, finishpoint) =
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y, stem;
+ path stem;
+ z0=(start, h);
+ z1 = z0 + serifthick*left;
+ z2 = z0 + serifthick*right;
+ z3= (start, 0);
+ x4 = 1/2[x3, (xpart finishpoint)]; y4 = -d;
+ draw z1--z0;%--z2;
+ stem = ( z0..z3{down}..z4..tension 1.2..finishpoint);
+ draw stem;
+ top y5 = xht;
+ barpoint := stem intersectionpoint
+ ((-infinity,y5)--(infinity, y5));
+ penlabels (0,1,2,3,4);
+ endgroup;
+def thirdstem(expr start)=
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y,stem;
+ path stem;
+ z0=(start, h);
+ z1 = z0 + serifthick*left;
+ z2 = z0 + serifthick*right;
+ z3= (start, 0);
+ x4 = .5[0,start]; y4 = -d;
+ x5=0; y5 = 1/2 (-d);
+ draw z1--z0;%--z2;
+ stem = ( z0..z3{down}..z4..z5);
+ draw stem;
+ bowpoint := stem intersectionpoint
+ ((-infinity,bowstart)--(infinity, bowstart));
+ barpoint := stem intersectionpoint
+ ((-infinity,0)--(infinity, 0));
+ penlabels (0,1,2,3,4,5);
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("0", shortwidth, xht#, 1/2dep#); "The numeral 0";
+ begingroup;
+ save x,y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ lft x1=leadgap; y1=.5h;
+ x2 = 1/2[x1,w]; top y2=h;
+ rt x3=w; y3=0;
+ x4=leadgap; y4=-d;
+ draw z1..z2{right}..z3{down}..z4;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("1", shortwidth, xht#, 0); "The numeral 1";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ firstbow(leadgap, w-thick, true);
+ top y10=h;
+ barpoint:=(w,y10);
+ overbar;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("2", .75em#, xht#, 0); "The numeral 2";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ firstbow (1/2[leadgap,w], w-thick, true);
+ firstbow (leadgap, xpart bowpoint, false);
+ top y10=h;
+ barpoint:=(w,y10);
+ overbar;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("3", 1em#, xht#, 0); "The numeral 3";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ firstbow (2/3[leadgap,w], w-thick, true);
+ firstbow (1/3[leadgap,w], xpart bowpoint, false);
+ firstbow (leadgap, xpart bowpoint, false);
+ top y10=h;
+ barpoint:=(w,y10);
+ overbar;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("4", shortwidth, 3/4[xht#,cap#], 3/4xht#); "The numeral 4";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ rt x0 = w; y0 = -d/3;
+ secondstem (leadgap, z0);
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("5", .75em#, 3/4[xht#, cap#], 3/4xht#); "The numeral 5";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ firstbow (1/2[leadgap,w], w-thick, true);
+ secondstem (leadgap, bowpoint);
+ top y10=xht;
+ draw barpoint--(w,y10);
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("6", 1em#, 3/4[xht#, cap#], 3/4xht#); "The numeral 6";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ firstbow (2/3[leadgap,w], w-thick, true);
+ firstbow (1/3[leadgap,w], xpart bowpoint, false);
+ secondstem (leadgap, bowpoint);
+ top y10=xht;
+ draw barpoint--(w,y10);
+ endgroup;
+thirdwidth := 2.5*leadgap;
+beginchar ("7", 3*leadgap#, 3/4[xht#, cap#], 3/4xht#); "The numeral 7";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ thirdstem (thirdwidth);
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("8", .75em#, 3/4[xht#, cap#], 3/4xht#); "The numeral 8";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ thirdstem (thirdwidth);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, false);
+ underbar;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("9", 1em#, 3/4[xht#, cap#], 3/4xht#); "The numeral 9";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ thirdstem (thirdwidth);
+ luva (bowpoint, 1/2[thirdwidth,w], false);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, false);
+ underbar;
+ endgroup;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..03b2819faa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+beginchar("p", shortwidth,xht#,dep#); "The letter p (parma)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, false);
+ underbar;
+beginchar("b", 1em#,xht#,dep#); "The letter b (umbar)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, bowsize*em, false);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, false);
+ underbar;
+beginchar("f", shortwidth, cap#, 0); "the letter f (formen)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap, longstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, false);
+ underbar;
+beginchar("v", 1em#, cap#, 0); "the letter v (ampa)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap, longstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, bowsize*em, false);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, false);
+ underbar;
+beginchar (14, 1em#, cap#, dep#); "the word 'OF'";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap, longstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, bowsize*em, false);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, false);
+ underbar;
+% Should also be a related "of the" glyph
+beginchar ("w", shortwidth, xht#, 0); "the letter w (vala)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco (leadgap, shortstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, false);
+ underbar;
+beginchar ("m", 1em#, xht#, 0); "the letter m (malta)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap, shortstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, bowsize*em, false);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, false);
+ underbar;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b63c5a4e910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+beginchar (",", 3*leadgap#, xht#, 0); "The punctuation comma (one dot)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup pensquare scaled thick rotated 45;
+ z1 = (1/2w, h/2);
+ drawdot z1;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (";", 2*leadgap#, xht#, 0); "The punctuation semicolon (two dots)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup pensquare scaled thick rotated 45;
+ z1 = (w/2, h-2thin);
+ z2 = (w/2, 2thin);
+ drawdot z1;
+ drawdot z2;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar (".", 3*leadgap#, xht#, 0); "The punctuation period (four dots)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup pensquare scaled thick rotated 45;
+ z1 = (w/3, h-2thin);
+ z2 = (w/3, 2thin);
+ z3 = (w, h-2thin);
+ z4 = (w, 2thin);
+ drawdot z1;
+ drawdot z2;
+ drawdot z3;
+ drawdot z4;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("!", .7shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The exclamation point";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ rt x1 = w; top y1=h;
+ y2 = y3 = h/2;
+ z1-z2 = z3-z4 = whatever*(dir 40);
+ x4 = leadgap; %bot y4=0;
+ draw z1..controls z2 and z3..z4;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("?", .7shortwidth, cap#, 0); "The question mark";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco (leadgap, longstem, stemdepth);
+ z1 = bowpoint;
+ top y2 = xht; x2 = .6[leadgap, w];
+ rt x3 = w; y3 = .7xht;
+ lft x4 = leadgap; bot y4 = 0;
+ draw z1..tension 2.0..z2..z3..z4;
+ z6-z5 = z2-z1;
+ top y6 = h; x6 = x2;
+ z7-z6 = z3-z2;
+ draw z5..tension 2.0..z6..z7..tension 1.5..z1;
+ endgroup;
+beginchar ("-", shortwidth, xht#, 0); "The dash (tilde)";
+ begingroup;
+ save x, y;
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ x1 = leadgap;
+ x4 = w;
+ y1 = .4h; y4 = .6h;
+ z2-z1 = z4-z3 = whatever*(dir tilt);
+ y2-y1 = 3 (y4-y1);
+ draw z1..controls z2 and z3..z4;
+ endgroup;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee6c40d3be1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+beginchar("k", shortwidth,xht#,dep#); "The letter k (quesse)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, 0, false);
+ overbar;
+beginchar("g", 1em#,xht#,dep#); "The letter g (ungwe)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint,w-bowsize*em+leadgap, false);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, leadgap, false);
+ overbar;
+beginchar("K", shortwidth,cap#,0); "The ligature KH (hwesta)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,longstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, leadgap, false);
+ overbar;
+beginchar("G", 1em#,cap#,0); "The ligature GH (unque)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,longstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint,w-bowsize*em+leadgap, false);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, leadgap, false);
+ overbar;
+beginchar("A", shortwidth,xht#,0); "The letter A (Vilya)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, leadgap, false);
+ overbar;
+beginchar("N", 1em#,xht#,0); "The ligature NG (Ngwalme)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ nutelco(w,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ nuluva (bowpoint,w-bowsize*em+leadgap, false);
+ nuluva (bowpoint, leadgap, false);
+ overbar;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9b0f7ae7574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+em#:=10pt#; cap#=.8em#; dep#=.4em#; xht#=.4em#;
+shortwidth := .6em#;
+thick#:=9/80em#; thin#:=3/80em#;
+leadgap# := .1em#;
+bowstart#= .66xht#;
+serifthick# := 1.1thick#;
+tilt:=50; seriftilt := 110; botseriftilt:=80;
+shortstem := .7;
+longstem := .85;
+stemdepth := .9;
+bowsize := .58;
+pen elvishpen; elvishpen = pencircle xscaled thick yscaled thin rotated tilt;
+% Because even "tall" characters want to be accented in the same place,
+% but because we want to use "h" in "beginchar" definitions
+% in a typical plain-MF way,
+% we force all characters to have a character height of xht#. This is
+% something a kludge, and makes tall characters stick into preceding lines
+% when the baselines are not sufficiently separated. But that iss how the
+% title-page inscription looks anyway.
+let oldendchar = endchar;
+def endchar=
+ charht := xht#;
+ oldendchar;
+input tiw;
+font_normal_space .45em#;
+font_normal_stretch .22em#;
+font_normal_shrink .15em#;
+font_x_height xht#;
+font_quad 1em#;
+font_extra_space 1/6em#;
+input ligtable;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..42f439852a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+slant := sind 10/cosd 10;
+currenttransform := identity slanted slant;
+em#:=10pt#; cap#=.7em#; dep#=.4em#; xht#=.4em#;
+shortwidth := .4em#;
+slant:=sind 12/cosd 12;
+thick#:=2/80em#; thin#:=1/150em#;
+leadgap# := .08em#;
+bowstart#= .9xht#;
+serifthick# := .01pt#;
+tilt:=45; seriftilt := 45; botseriftilt:=45;
+shortstem := .6;
+longstem := .95;
+stemdepth := .9;
+bowsize := .5;
+pen elvishpen; elvishpen = pensquare xscaled thick yscaled thin rotated tilt;
+% Because even "tall" characters want to be accented in the same place,
+% but because we want to use "h" in "beginchar" definitions
+% in a typical plain-MF way,
+% we force all characters to have a character height of xht#. This is
+% something a kludge, and makes tall characters stick into preceding lines
+% when the baselines are not sufficiently separated. But that iss how the
+% title-page inscription looks anyway.
+let oldendchar = endchar;
+def endchar=
+ charht := xht#;
+ oldendchar;
+input tiw;
+font_normal_space .45em#;
+font_normal_stretch .22em#;
+font_normal_shrink .15em#;
+font_slant slant;
+font_x_height xht#;
+font_quad 1em#;
+font_extra_space 1/6em#;
+input ligtable;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2692b53e540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+beginchar("t", shortwidth,xht#,dep#); "The letter t (tinco)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, true);
+beginchar("d", 1em#,xht#,dep#); "The letter d (ando)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap,shortstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, bowsize*em, true);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, true);
+beginchar("T", shortwidth, cap#, 0); "the ligature th (thule)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap, longstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, true);
+beginchar("D", 1em#, cap#, 0); "the ligature dh (anto)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap, longstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, bowsize*em, true);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, true);
+beginchar (004, 1em#, cap#, dep#); "the word 'THE'";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap, longstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, bowsize*em, true);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, true);
+beginchar ("R", shortwidth, xht#, 0); "the weak letter R (ore)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco (leadgap, shortstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, true);
+beginchar ("n", 1em#, xht#, 0); "the letter n (numen)";
+ pickup elvishpen;
+ telco(leadgap, shortstem, stemdepth);
+ luva (bowpoint, bowsize*em, true);
+ luva (bowpoint, w, true);
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c71bf61bc0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/tengwar/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+% Copyright 1988 Michael Urban
+% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+% this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this
+% copyright notice is included in the copy.
+% License is granted to produce fonts based on the information
+% in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed
+% without charge to any third party.
+% SCCS ID @(#) 1.1 10/1/86
+pair bowpoint, barpoint, hookpoint;
+input telcor;
+input luvar;
+input bars;
+input tincotema; input parmatema;
+input calmatema;
+input quessetema;
+input additionals;
+input fullvowels;
+input carriers;
+input accents;
+input punctuation;
+input numerals;