path: root/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/musictex/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/musictex/')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/musictex/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/musictex/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..04d83c01173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/musictex/
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+% Change of length into longueur for new (Nicolas Brouard 4/11/91)
+input musicdef
+% %
+% %
+% (Phrasierungsbogen und Bogen der Steigung 0) %
+% %
+def drawslurs (expr st) =
+ save i, factor, longueur, height;
+ numeric i, absp, longueur, height, factor;
+ factor:= 1/6;
+ for i= 0 upto 15:
+ longueur := (i+2)*nhw#;
+ height := 0 ;
+ beginchar(i, longueur, height, 0);
+ clear;
+ z2r = (w,h);
+ z1l = origin;
+ absp := abs((-h,w));
+ if (factor*absp)>2nhh : factor:= 2nhh/absp fi;
+ z3r = 1/2z2l+factor*(-h,w);
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos3(5/12beamht,90);
+ % currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; %statt dir 30
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawslursneg (expr st) =
+ save i, factor, longueur, depth;
+ numeric i, absp, longueur, depth, factor;
+ factor:= 1/6;
+ for i=0 upto 15:
+ longueur := (i+2)*nhw#;
+ depth := longueur*st ;
+ beginchar(16+i, longueur, 0, depth);
+ clear;
+ z2l = (w,-d);
+ z1r = origin;
+ absp := abs((d,w));
+ if (factor*absp)>2nhh : factor:= 2nhh/absp fi;
+ z3r = 1/2z2l+factor*(d,w);
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos3(5/12beamht,90);
+% currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ penstroke (z1e..z3e..z2e) rotatedaround(1/2z2r, 180);
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawleftslur =
+ save i, longueur, height;
+ numeric i, longueur, height;
+ longueur := 9*nhw#;
+ for i = 1 upto 9:
+ height := (i+2)*1/2nhh# ;
+ beginchar(i-1+32, longueur, height, 0);
+ clear;
+ z2r = (w+4thinwidth,h);
+ z1l = origin;
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(5/12beamht,90);
+% currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ penstroke z1e..z2e{(2w,0)}; %statt dir 30
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawrightslur =
+ save i, longueur, height;
+ numeric i, longueur, height;
+ longueur := 9*nhw#;
+ for i= 1 upto 9:
+ height := (i+2)*1/2nhh#;
+ beginchar(i-1+48, longueur, height, 0);
+ clear;
+ z1r = (0-4\thinwidth,h);
+ z2l = (w,0);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos1(5/12beamht,90);
+% currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ penstroke z1e{right}..z2e; %statt dir 30
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawleftslurneg =
+ save i, longueur, depth;
+ numeric i, longueur, depth;
+ longueur := 9*nhw#;
+ for i= 1 upto 9:
+ depth := (i+2)*1/2nhh# ;
+ beginchar(i-1+64, longueur, 0, depth);
+ clear;
+ z2l = (w+4thinwidth,-d);
+ z1r = origin;
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(5/12beamht,90);
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ % currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ penstroke z1e..z2e{(2w,0)}; %statt dir 30
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawrightslurneg =
+ save i, longueur, depth;
+ numeric i, longueur, depth;
+ longueur := 9*nhw#;
+ for i= 1 upto 9:
+ depth := (i+2)*1/2nhh#;
+ beginchar(i-1+80, longueur, 0, depth);
+ clear;
+ z1l = (0-4\thinwidth,-d);
+ z2r = (w,0);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos1(5/12beamht,90);
+% currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ penstroke z1e{right}..z2e; %statt dir 30
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+%decrescendo und cresc.
+def drawcrescendo =
+ save i, height, longueur, depth;
+ numeric i, longueur, height, depth;
+ for i= 0 upto 15:
+ longueur := (i+1)*nhw#;
+ depth := 1/2nhh# ;
+ height := depth ;
+ beginchar(i+96, longueur, height, depth);
+ clear;
+ z1 = origin;
+ z2l = (w,h);
+ z3r = (w,-d);
+ penpos2(1/16mm,90);
+ penpos1(1/16mm,90);
+ penpos3(1/16mm,90);
+ pickup pencircle scaled (blacker);
+ penstrike z1e--z2e;
+ penstrike z1e--z3e;
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawdecrescendo =
+ save i, height, longueur, depth;
+ numeric i, longueur, height, depth;
+ for i= 0 upto 15:
+ longueur := (i+1)*nhw#;
+ depth := 1/2nhh# ;
+ height := depth ;
+ beginchar(i+112, longueur, height, depth);
+ clear;
+ z1l = (0,h);
+ z2 = (w,0);
+ z3r = (0,-d);
+ penpos2(1/16mm,90);
+ penpos1(1/16mm,90);
+ penpos3(1/16mm,90);
+ pickup pencircle scaled (blacker);
+ penstrike z3e---z2e;
+ penstrike z1e---z2e;
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+% Bogen nach oben %
+% Bogen nach unten %
+% linge Halbboegen nach oben %
+% rechte Halbboegen nach oben %
+% linke Halbboegen nach unten %
+% rechte Halbboegen nach unten %
+% Crescendo und Decrescendo %