path: root/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/itrans/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1061 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/itrans/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/itrans/
deleted file mode 100644
index b811a075515..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/itrans/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1061 +0,0 @@
-% This file is part of the TeluguTeX Software Package.
-%Copyright (c) 1991 Lakshmankumar Mukkavilli
-%The TeluguTeX Software Package is distributed in the hope that
-%it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
-%accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
-%or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
-%unless he says so in writing. Refer to the TeluguTeX Software Package
-%General Public License for full details.
-%Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
-%the TeluguTeX Software Package, but only under the conditions described in the
-%TeluguTeX Software Package General Public License. A copy of this license is
-%supposed to have been given to you along with TeluguTeX Software Package so you
-%can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
-%file named CopyrightLong. Among other things, the copyright notice
-%and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
-% This file contains code to generate vowels, vowel modifiers,
-% consonant bases, consonant conjuncts and accents
-stest(va); telchar "vowel a";
-sketch z10..z11..z1..z3..z4..z5..z6..z7--z8;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vaa); telchar "vowel aa";
-sketch z10..z11..z1..z3..z4..z2 &z2{(0,1)}..{up}z12..z6..z5..{left}z7--z8;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ve); telchar "vowel e";
-d:=abs(bot y10);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vee); telchar "vowel ee";
-z10=top z1;
-currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (u,0);
-z6 = (0,1/2x_height);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vu); telchar "vowel u";
-barandhook_form(7,v_u_width,1); z20=0.5[z8,z9];
-h:=top y20a;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vuu); telchar "vowel uu";
-barandhook_form(7,w-x7,8); vwedge(8); vwedge(9);
-h:=top y8a;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vro); telchar "vowel ro";
-w:=rt x8b.b;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vroo); telchar "vowel roo";
-w:=rt x11b;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vlo); telchar "vowel lo";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vloo); telchar "vowel loo";
-w:=rt x9b;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vea); telchar "vowel ea";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(veae); telchar "vowel eae";
-lft z10 = (0,5/6x_height);
-z11 = (1/2v_ea_width,asc_height1);
-sketch z10{up}..{right}z11;
-h:=top y11;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vi); telchar "vowel i";
-bot z2=(x1+2u,0); rt z3=(v_i_width,1/2x_height);
-top z4=(x2,x_height); z5=(x1,x_height-y1); top z6=(1/2x1,x_height);
-lft z7=(0,y5);
- sketch rt z1..z2..z3..z4..z5;
- sketch z5..z6..z7;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vao); telchar "vowel ao";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vaoo); telchar "vowel aoo";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vau); telchar "vowel au";
-z12=top z2;
-h:=top y12c; w:=rt x1000b;
-endtchar; etest;
-%--------------------end of vowels-------------------
-stest(vma); telchar "vowel modifier of a";
-top z1=(2/5vm_a_width,x_height); vm_a_form(1);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmaa); telchar "vowel modifier of aa";
-top z1 = (0,x_height);
-h:=top y1;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmaaa); telchar "vowel modifier of aa";
-% used for kha,nga,ja,nya etc.
-top z1 = (0,x_height);
-pivot_message((1.6u),rt x1);
-h:=top y1;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vme); telchar "vowel modifier of e";
-h:=top y7;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmee); telchar "vowel modifier of ee";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmeea); telchar "vowel modifier of ee";
-% Used with kha,cha,ccha,ja,ta,na,ba,bha,ma,la,lla,va etc.
-% w and h are revised
-top z1=(0,vm_e_height1);
-vm_hook_form(1,3); w:=rt x1c;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmeeb); telchar "vowel modifier of ee";
-% Used with ra,ga and da(and its variations)
-% w and h are revised
-top z1=(0,vm_e_height3);
-vm_hook_form(1,3); w:=rt x1c;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmu); telchar "vowel modifier of u";
-rt z1 = (0,w_height);
-w:=rt x1b;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmuu); telchar "vowel modifier of uu";
-rt z1 = (0,w_height);
-w:=rt x1d.b;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmro); telchar "vowel modifier of ro";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmroo); telchar "vowel modifier of roo";
-w:=rt x7b;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmlo); telchar "vowel modifier of lo";
-%w,h and d are revised later
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmloo); telchar "vowel modifier of loo";
-%w,h and d are revised later
-w:=rt x9b;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmea); telchar "vowel modifier of ea";
-top z1 = (4/7w,x_height);
-h:=top y1c;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmeae); telchar "vowel modifier of eae";
-top z1 = (4/7w,x_height);
-z2 = z1b;
-w:=rt x2c;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmib); telchar "vowel modifier of i(bottom)";
-%top of vm_i is same as vm_ea
-top z1=(0,0);
-barandhook_form(1,w,5); erase sketch barandhook_p;
-transform t;
-t:= identity rotated 180 shifted (vmwidth,-(bot_accent+(top y1a - bot y1c)));
-sketch barandhook_p transformed t;
-d:=abs(ypart (top z1 transformed t));
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmao); telchar "vowel modifier of ao";
-vm_ao_form(1,0);sketch vm_ao_pa;
-sketch subpath(0,5) of vm_ao_pb;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmaoo); telchar "vowel modifier of aoo";
-vm_ao_form(1,0);sketch vm_ao_pa; % place the hook
-sketch vm_ao_pb;
-w:=rt x1l; h:=top y1j;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmaooa); telchar "vowel modifier of aoo(alternate)";
-% This is basically a hook to be attached on top of ao modifier
-vm_ao_form(1,0); % place the hook
-sketch vm_ao_pb; erase sketch subpath (0,5) of vm_ao_pb;
-numeric left_shift;left_shift:=x1i;
-currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-left_shift,0);
-h:=top y1j;w:=(rt x1l)-left_shift;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmau); telchar "vowel modifier of au";
-z1 = (0,x_height);
-w:=rt x1000b; h:=top y1c;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(vmp); telchar "absence of vowel modifier(pollu)";
-top z1=(1/3w,x_height); top z2 = (1/5w,x_height);
-z3=(x2,(x_height+asc_height)/2); z4=(w/2,y3);
-top z5=(x2,h); top rt z6=(w,h);
-sketch z1--z2{left}..{right}z3--z4;
-sketch z3{left}..{right}z5--z6;
-endtchar; etest;
-%------------End of Vowel Modifiers-------------------
-stest(cbka); telchar "base of consonant ka";
-sketch cb_ka_p;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbkha); telchar "base of consonant kha";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbga); telchar "base of consonant ga";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbgha); telchar "base of consonant gha";
-sketch subpath(0,3.4) of cb_va_p;
-top z10=1/2[rt z1,z1];
-w:=rt x3b;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbnga); telchar "base of consonant nga";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbcha); telchar "base of consonant cha";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbccha); telchar "base of consonant ccha";
-z10 = 1/2[rt z5,z5];
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbja); telchar "base of consonant ja";
-sketch cb_ja_pb;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbjha); telchar "base of consonant jha";
-% The next statement will identify the point on ra_form
-% where the bowl will be attached.
-z5 = (cb_ra_p) intersectionpoint ((x1,w_height)--(x1+w,w_height));
-z6 = z5b;
-z7 = z6;
-w:=rt x7b;
-pivot_message(x1,x5,lft x7d);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbnya); telchar "base of consonant nya";
-z14= v_e_p intersectionpoint ((x4,j_height)--(w,j_height));
-w:=rt x15b;d:=abs(bot y10);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbtta); telchar "base of consonant tta";
-sketch cb_tta_p;
-h:=top y18a;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbttha); telchar "base of consonant ttha";
-z10 = (x1,1/2x_height);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbdda); telchar "base of consonant dda";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbddha); telchar "base of consonant ddha";
-z12=3/4[rt z5,z5];
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbnna); telchar "base of consonant nna";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbta); telchar "base of consonant ta";
- sketch cb_ta_p;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbtha); telchar "base of consonant tha";
-z10 = (x1,2/3x_height-uh);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbda); telchar "base of consonant da";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbdha); telchar "base of consonant dha";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbna);telchar "base of consonant na";
-sketch cb_na_p;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbpa); telchar "base of consonant pa";
-sketch subpath(0,3.4) of cb_va_p;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbpha); telchar "base of consonant pha";
-sketch subpath(0,3.4) of cb_va_p;
-top z10 = 1/2[rt z1,z1];
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbba); telchar "base of consonant ba";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbbha); telchar "base of consonant bha";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbma); telchar "base of consonant ma";
-sketch cb_va_p;
-w:=rt x3b;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbya); telchar "base of consonant ya";
- sketch z1..z2..z3..z4..cycle;
- sketch z3{down}..{right}z5..z6..z7..z8;
-w:=rt x6b;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbra); telchar "base of consonant ra";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbrra); telchar "base of consonant rra";
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbla); telchar "base of consonant la";
- sketch cb_la_p;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cblla); telchar "base of consonant lla";
- cb_lla_form;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbva); telchar "base of consonant va";
-sketch cb_va_p;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbca); telchar "base of consonant ca";
- cb_ca_form;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbsha); telchar "base of consonant sha";
-sketch subpath(0,3.4) of cb_va_p;
-bot rt z25 = (cb_sha_width,-d);
-sketch bot z3{down}..{right}z25;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbsa); telchar "base of consonant sa";
-sketch subpath (0,4.7) of cb_na_p;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbha); telchar "base of consonant ha";
-z10 = point 3.6 of cb_va_p;
-top z11 = (x10,x_height);
-sketch subpath(0,3) of cb_va_p..z11;
-w:=rt x11b;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbksha); telchar "base of consonant ksha";
-sketch cb_ka_p;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbdt); telchar "dantyam accent(sits at top)";
-% h is set later
-top z1=(0,top_accent);
-barandhook_form(1,w,5);erase sketch barandhook_p;
-transform t;
-t:=identity reflectedabout (top z1, top z1 + (w,0));
-sketch barandhook_p transformed t;
-h:=ypart((bot z1c) transformed t);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbnp); telchar "consonant nakaarapollu(np)";
-bot z1 = (1/2w,0);
-bot z2 = (1/5w,0);
-z3 = (x2,1/3x_height);
-z4 = (x1,y3);
-z5 = (x3,2/3x_height);
-z6 = (x1,y5);
-top z7 = (x2,x_height);
-top rt z8 = (w,x_height);
-sketch z1--z2{left}..{right}z3--z4;
-sketch z3{left}..{right}z5--z6;
-sketch z5{left}..{right}z7--z8;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbvg); telchar "consonant valapalagilaka(vg)";
-bot z1 = (1/2w,0);
-bot z2 = (1/5w,0);
-z3 = (x2,1/3x_height);
-z4 = (x1,y3);
-top z5 = (x2,2/3x_height);
-top rt z6 = (w,2/3x_height);
-sketch z1--z2{left}..{right}z3--z4;
-sketch z3{left}..{right}z5--z6;
-h:=top y5;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbbb); telchar "consonant blackbox(bb)";
-%This is not really a letter in Telugu. However this character
-% is useful for demonstrating vowel modifiers, cons. conjuncts, accents etc.
-fill (0,-d)--(w,-d)--(w,h)--(0,h)--cycle;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbbo); telchar "consonant outlinebox(bo)";
-%This is not really a letter in Telugu. However this character
-% is useful for demonstrating vowel modifiers, cons. conjuncts, accents etc.
-bot lft z1=(0,-d);bot rt z2=(w,-d);top rt z3=(w,h); top lft z4=(0,h);
-sketch z1--z4; sketch z2--z3; sketch z1a--z2a; sketch z4a--z3a;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cbbe); telchar "consonant emptybox(be)";
-%This is not really a letter in Telugu. However this character
-% is useful for demonstrating vowel modifiers, cons. conjuncts, accents etc.
-endtchar; etest;
-%----------------End of Consonants(Base)----------
-stest(ccka); telchar "consonant conjunct of ka";
-top lft z1 = (0,h);
-z2 = (w/4,(-d+h)/2);
-lft z3 = (0,-1/3d);
-bot z4 = (1/3w,-d);
-z5 = (w/2,0);
-rt z6 = (w,0);
-sketch z1..z2..z3..z4{right}..{up}z5--z6;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cckha); telchar "consonant conjunct of kha";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_kha_p);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccga); telchar "consonant conjunct of ga";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_ga_p);cc_whd(0,0);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccgha); telchar "consonant conjunct of gha";
-sketch subpath(0,3.4) of cb_va_p;
-top z10=1/2[rt z1,z1];
-cc_clear; cc_transform(subpath(0,3.4) of cb_va_p);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccnga); telchar "consonant conjunct of nga";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_ja_pa);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cccha); telchar "consonant conjunct of cha";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(((subpath (0,6) of cb_cha_p) .. z97));
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccccha); telchar "consonant conjunct of ccha";
-z10 = 1/2[rt z5,z5];
-cc_clear; cc_transform(((subpath (0,6) of cb_cha_p) .. z97));
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccja); telchar "consonant conjunct of ja";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_ja_pa);
-cc_transform(cb_ja_pb); cc_whd(0,0);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccjha); telchar "consonant conjunct of jha";
-% The next statement will identify the point on ra_form
-% where the bowl will be attached.
-path p; p:=vm_u_p;
-z6 = z5b;
-z7 = z6;
-w:=rt x7b;
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_ra_p);
-cc_transform(p); cc_transform(vm_u_p);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccnya); telchar "consonant conjunct of nya";
-z14= v_e_p intersectionpoint ((x4,j_height)--(w,j_height));
-z15=rt z14;
-w:=rt x15b;d:=abs(bot y10);
-cc_clear; cc_transform(v_e_p);
-d:=d+(abs(bot y10) - pen_width/2)*cc_scale + pen_width/2+bot_spill;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cctta); telchar "consonant conjunct of tta";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_tta_p); cc_whd(0,0);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccttha); telchar "consonant conjunct of ttha";
-z10 = (x1,1/2x_height);
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_ra_p);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccdda); telchar "consonant conjunct of dda";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(v_u_p); cc_whd(0,0);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccddha); telchar "consonant conjunct of ddha";
-z12=3/4[rt z5,z5];
-cc_clear; cc_transform(v_u_p);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccnna); telchar "consonant conjunct of nna";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_nna_p);cc_whd(0,0);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccta); telchar "consonant conjunct of ta";
-% d is set later
-top z1=(0,0); barandhook_form(1,w,5); erase sketch barandhook_p;
-sketch barandhook_p reflectedabout ( top z1, top z1+(w,0))
- shifted (0, (-bot_accent+ (bot y1c)));
-d:=bot_accent- (bot y1c);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cctha); telchar "consonant conjunct of tha";
-z10 = (x1,2/3x_height-uh);
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_da_p);
-cc_transform(wedge_p); cc_f_transform(fill_dot_p);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccda); telchar "consonant conjunct of da";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_da_p);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccdha); telchar "consonant conjunct of dha";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_da_p);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccna); telchar "consonant conjunct of na";
-top lft z1 = (0,h);
-z2 = (1/2w,(h-d)/2);
-bot z3 = (1/4w,-d);
-lft z4 = (0,-d+1/2sc_height);
-z5 = (x3,y3+sc_height);
-bot z6 = (3/4w,-d);
-rt z7 = (w,y4);
-sketch z1..z2..z3..z4..z5..z6..z7;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccpa); telchar "consonant conjunct of pa";
-sketch subpath(0,3.4) of cb_va_p;
-cc_clear; cc_transform(((subpath(0,2) of cb_va_p)..z97));
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccpha); telchar "consonant conjunct of pha";
-sketch subpath(0,3.4) of cb_va_p;
-top z10 = 1/2[rt z1,z1];
-cc_clear; cc_transform(((subpath(0,2) of cb_va_p)..z97));
-cc_transform(lit_cir_p);cc_transform(wedge_p); cc_whd(1,1);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccba); telchar "consonant conjunct of ba";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(((subpath(0,7) of cb_ba_p)..z97));
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccbha); telchar "consonant conjunct of bha";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(((subpath(0,7) of cb_ba_p)..z97));
-cc_transform(wedge_p); cc_whd(1,1);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccma); telchar "consonant conjunct of ma";
-rt z1=(w,-d+uh);bot z2=(w/2,-d);
-lft z3=(0,-d/3); z4=(2/3w,x_height/5);
-rt z5=(w,0); z6=(x4,-5/10d);
-z7=(w/2,y5); z8=(2/3w,x_height/2);
-top lft z9=(0,h);
-sketch z1..z2..z3..z4..z5..z6..z7..z8..z9;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccya); telchar "consonant conjunct of ya";
-lft z1 = (0,-1/3d); z2 = (w/4,0); z3 = (1/4w,-1/2d);
-bot z4 = (1/3w,-d); z5 = (2/3w,0); z6 = (1/3w,j_height);
-top z7 = (2/3w,h); rt z8=(w,y6);
-sketch z1..z2..z3..z4..z5..z6..z7..z8;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccra); telchar "consonant conjunct of ra";
-top lft z1=(0,-bot_accent); bot z2=(w/2,-d); top rt z3=(w,-bot_accent);
-sketch z1..z2..z3;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccrra); telchar "consonant conjunct of rra";
-cc_clear; cc_transform(cb_rra_p); cc_whd(0,0);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccla); telchar "consonant conjunct of la";
-path s,t;
-bot z1=(w/4,-d); lft z2 =(0,-1/2d); top z3=(x1,-bot_accent);
-top z4=(w/2,y2);
-s= z1..z2..z3..z4;
-t=s reflectedabout ((w/2,h),(w/2,-d));
-sketch s;sketch t;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(cclla); telchar "consonant conjunct of lla";
- cb_lla_form;
-cc_clear; cc_transform(((subpath (0,6) of cb_lla_pa)..z97));
-cc_transform(cb_lla_pb); cc_whd(1,0);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccva); telchar "consonant conjunct of va";
-lit_cir_form; erase sketch lit_cir_p;
-transform t;
-t= identity shifted (0,-d);
-sketch lit_cir_p transformed t;
-z10=z1 transformed t;
-z2 = (0,y1); bot z3 = (2/3w,-d); rt z4 = (w,-1/2d);
-z5 = (1/3w,w_height); top z6 = (2/3w,h); rt z7 = (w,j_height);
-sketch z10..z3..z4..z5..z6..z7;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccca); telchar "consonant conjunct of ca";
- cb_ca_form;
-cc_clear; cc_transform(((subpath (0,6) of cb_ca_p){up}..z97)); cc_whd(1,0);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccsha); telchar "consonant conjunct of sha";
-sketch subpath(0,3.4) of cb_va_p;
-bot rt z10 = (cb_sha_width,0);
-sketch z3..z10;
-cc_clear; cc_transform(subpath(0,3.4) of cb_va_p);
-cc_transform((z3..z10)); cc_whd(0,0);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccsa); telchar "consonant conjunct of sa";
-sketch subpath (0,4.7) of cb_na_p;
-cc_clear; cc_transform(((subpath (0,4) of cb_na_p)..z97)); cc_whd(1,0);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ccha); telchar "consonant conjunct of ha";
-z10 = point 3.6 of cb_va_p;
-top z11 = (x10,x_height);
-sketch subpath(0,3) of cb_va_p..z11;
-cc_clear; cc_transform((subpath(0,3) of cb_va_p..z11));
-cc_transform(barandhook_p); cc_whd(0,0);
-endtchar; etest;
-% ---------- start of ubayaksharas -----------
-stest(uas); telchar "accent ardhasunna";
-top rt z2=(w,h); bot rt z1=(w,0); lft z3=(0,h/2);
-sketch z1..z3..z2;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(us); telchar "accent sunna";
-top z2=(w/2,h); bot z1=(x2,0);
-sketch z1..z2..cycle;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(uvi); telchar "accent visarga";
-top z2 = (w/2,h); bot z1 =(x2,3h/5);
-path puvi;
-puvi= z1..z2..cycle;
-sketch puvi; sketch puvi shifted (0,-2h/3);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(uav); telchar "accent ardhavisarga";
-path puav;
-top z2 = (w/2,h); bot z1 =(x2,3h/5);
-puav = subpath (0.25,1.75) of (z1..z2..cycle);
-sketch puav;sketch puav shifted (0,-2h/3);
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ua); telchar "accent avagraha";
-top lft z1=(0,h); lft z2=(0,h/4); z3=(w/2,(y1+y2)/2);
-bot lft z4=(0,0); bot rt z5=(w,0);
-sketch flex (z1,z3,z2,z4)& z4--z5;
-endtchar; etest;
-% ----------- end of ubhayaksharas ----------
-% bars used for transliteration of vedic hymns
-stest(buone); telchar "b udatta(one bar)";
-bot z1=(w/2,top_accent); top z2=(x1,h);
-sketch z1--z2;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(butwo); telchar "b udatta (two bars)";
-bot z1=(w/4,top_accent); top z2=(x1,h);
-bot z3=(w/4+w/2,top_accent); z4=z2+(w/2,0);
-sketch z1--z2; sketch z3-- z4;
-endtchar; etest;
-stest(ba); telchar "b anudatta";
-% d is set later
-top lft z1=(0,-bot_accent);top rt z2=(w,-bot_accent);
-sketch z1--z2;
-d:=- (bot y1);
-endtchar; etest;