path: root/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/drm/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/drm/')
1 files changed, 714 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/drm/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/drm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0999bba8f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/drm/
@@ -0,0 +1,714 @@
+% +AMDG This document was begun on 26 April 11EX, the feast
+% of St. Catherine of Siena, and it is humbly dedicated to
+% her and the Immaculate Heart of Mary for their prayers,
+% and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for His mercy.
+picture hyphen;
+picture paren;
+picture period;
+picture opendoublequote;
+picture questionmark;
+picture bang;
+picture leftsinguill;
+picture leftdoubguill;
+picture slash;
+picture lessthan;
+picture opensquare;
+beginchar(".",pwid#,pwid#,0); "The period .";
+z0 = (w/2,dotwid);
+z1 = z0 shifted (dotwid,0);
+z2 = z0 shifted (0,dotwid);
+z3 = z0 shifted (-dotwid,0);
+z4 = z0 shifted (0,-dotwid);
+path period;
+period = z1..z2..z3..z4..cycle;
+fill period;
+%period := currentpicture;
+beginchar(",",pwid#,pwid#,0); "The comma ,";
+z0 = (w/2,dotwid);
+z1 = z0 shifted (dotwid,0);
+z2 = z0 shifted (0,dotwid);
+z3 = z0 shifted (-dotwid,0);
+z4 = z0 shifted (0,-dotwid/2);
+z5 = z3 shifted (-dotwid/2,-3dotwid);
+z6 = z1 shifted (-o,-2.0dotwid);
+path commapost;
+commapost = z4..{dir -165}z5{right}..z6..z1..z2..z3..z4--cycle;
+fill commapost;
+beginchar(oct"047",pwid#,cap#,0); "The apostrophe";
+fill commapost shifted (0,h-2dotwid+o/2);
+thinwid# = 0.4pt#;
+beginchar("-",2pwid#,ex#,0); "The hyphen, -";
+z0 = (ss,3h/4);
+z1 = (w-ss,y0);
+z2 = z0 shifted (thinwid/2,thinwid/2);
+z3 = z2 shifted (0,-thinwid);
+z4 = z1 shifted (-thinwid/2,thinwid/2);
+z5 = z4 shifted (0,-thinwid);
+fill z2..z0..z3--z5..z1..z4--cycle;
+hyphen := currentpicture;
+beginchar(oct"177",2pwid#,ex#,0); "The break hyphen, -";
+currentpicture := hyphen;
+beginchar(oct"025",3pwid#,ex#,0); "The en-dash, --";
+z0 = (ss,3h/4);
+z1 = (w-ss,y0);
+z2 = z0 shifted (thinwid/2,thinwid/2);
+z3 = z2 shifted (0,-thinwid);
+z4 = z1 shifted (-thinwid/2,thinwid/2);
+z5 = z4 shifted (0,-thinwid);
+fill z2..z0..z3--z5..z1..z4--cycle;
+beginchar(oct"026",em#+2ss#,ex#,0); "The em-dash, ---";
+z0 = (ss,3h/4);
+z1 = (w-ss,y0);
+z2 = z0 shifted (thinwid/2,thinwid/2);
+z3 = z2 shifted (0,-thinwid);
+z4 = z1 shifted (-thinwid/2,thinwid/2);
+z5 = z4 shifted (0,-thinwid);
+fill z2..z0..z3--z5..z1..z4--cycle;
+beginchar("(",1.5pwid#,cap#,dep#); "The open parenthesis, (";
+z0 = (w,h+o);
+z1 = (w,-dep-o);
+z2 = (ss,(h-dep)/2);
+z3 = z2 shifted (thickl,0);
+path parenpath;
+parenpath = z1{dir 150}..{up}z3{up}..{dir 30}z0{dir
+ 200}..{down}z2{down}..{dir -20}z1..cycle;
+fill parenpath;
+paren := currentpicture;
+beginchar(")",1.5pwid#,cap#,dep#); "The close parenthesis, )";
+pair center; center = (w/2,(h-dep)/2);
+fill parenpath rotatedaround (center,180);
+beginchar(":",pwid#,ex#,0); "The colon, :";
+fill period;
+fill period shifted (0,ex-2dotwid-o);
+beginchar(";",pwid#,ex#,0); "The semicolon, ;";
+fill period shifted (0,ex-2dotwid-o);
+fill commapost;
+beginchar(oct"140",pwid#,cap#,0); "The open quote, `";
+fill commapost rotatedaround ((w/2,h/2),180)
+ shifted (0,-0.5pwid);
+beginchar(oct"020",1.75pwid#,cap#,0); "The open double quote, ``";
+fill commapost rotatedaround ((w/2,h/2),180)
+ shifted (0,-2dotwid);
+fill commapost rotatedaround ((w/2,h/2),180)
+ shifted (-0.75pwid,-2dotwid);
+opendoublequote := currentpicture;
+beginchar(oct"021",1.75pwid#,cap#,0); "The close double quote, ''";
+fill commapost shifted (0pwid,h-2dotwid);
+fill commapost shifted (0.75pwid,h-2dotwid);
+beginchar(oct"022",1.75pwid#,cap#,0); "The baseline open double quote, ,,";
+fill commapost shifted (0pwid,0);
+fill commapost shifted (0.75pwid,0);
+beginchar("?",digwid#+2ss#,cap#,0); "The question mark, ?";
+z0 = (w/2,h+o);
+z1 = z0 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z2 = (w-ss,3h/4);
+z3 = z2 shifted (-curvl,0);
+z4 = (ss,3h/4);
+z5 = (w/2-thickl/2,3dotwid);
+z6 = z5 shifted (thickl,0);
+z7 = (w/2-thickl/2,h/2);
+z8 = z7 shifted (thickl,0);
+z9 = z7 shifted (0,thinl);
+z10 = z9 shifted (thickl,0);
+z16 = 0.5[z5,z6]; y16 := dotwid;
+fill fullcircle scaled 2dotwid shifted z16;
+questionmark := currentpicture;
+beginchar(oct"041",1.5pwid#,cap#,0); "The exclamation point, !";
+z0 = (w/2-thickl/2,h);
+z1 = z0 shifted (thickl/2,o);
+z2 = z0 shifted (thickl,0);
+z3 = (x0+o,3dotwid);
+z4 = (x2-o,y3);
+z5 = 0.5[z3,z4] shifted (0,-o);
+fill z0..z1..z2--z4..z5..z3--cycle;
+fill fullcircle scaled 2dotwid shifted (x5,dotwid);
+bang := currentpicture;
+beginchar(oct"275",1.5pwid#,cap#,dep#); "The reverse exclamation point";
+currentpicture := bang rotatedaround ((w/2,(h-dep)/2),180);
+beginchar(oct"276",digwid#+2ss#,cap#,dep#); "The reverse question mark";
+currentpicture := questionmark rotatedaround ((w/2,(h-dep)/2),180);
+beginchar(oct"016",pwid#+2ss#,ex#,0); "Left single guillemet";
+z0 = (o,h/2);
+z1 = (w-3o,7h/8);
+z2 = (w-3o,h/8);
+z3 = 0.5[z0,z1];
+z4 = 0.5[z0,z2];
+z5 = 0.1[z3,z2];
+z6 = 0.1[z4,z1];
+z7 = z0 shifted (curvl,0);
+z8 = 0.5[z3,z12];
+z9 = 0.5[z4,z12];
+z10 = z1 shifted (2o,0);
+z11 = z2 shifted (2o,0);
+z12 = (w,h/2);
+path guillone; path guilltwo;
+guillone = z0{dir 10}..z5..{dir 60}z1..z10{dir -100}..z8..z7--cycle;
+guilltwo = z0{dir -10}..z6..{dir -60}z2..z11{dir 100}..z9..z7--cycle;
+fill guillone; fill guilltwo;
+leftsinguill := currentpicture;
+beginchar(oct"017",pwid#+2ss#,ex#,0); "Right single guillemet";
+fill guillone reflectedabout ((w/2,0),(w/2,h));
+fill guilltwo reflectedabout ((w/2,0),(w/2,h));
+beginchar(oct"023",1.5pwid#+2ss#,ex#,0); "Left double guillemet";
+fill guillone shifted (-o/2,0);
+fill guillone shifted (pwid/2+o/2,0);
+fill guilltwo shifted (-o/2,0);
+fill guilltwo shifted (pwid/2+o/2,0);
+leftdoubguill := currentpicture;
+beginchar(oct"024",1.5pwid#+2ss#,ex#,0); "Right double guillemet";
+fill guillone shifted (-o/2,0)
+ rotatedaround ((w/2,h/2),180);
+fill guillone shifted (pwid/2+o/2,0)
+ rotatedaround ((w/2,h/2),180);
+fill guilltwo shifted (-o/2,0)
+ rotatedaround ((w/2,h/2),180);
+fill guilltwo shifted (pwid/2+o/2,0)
+ rotatedaround ((w/2,h/2),180);
+%fill guillone reflectedabout ((w/2,0),(w/2,h))
+% shifted (-o/2,0);
+%fill guillone reflectedabout ((w/2,0),(w/2,h))
+% shifted (pwid/2+o/2,0);
+%fill guilltwo reflectedabout ((w/2,0),(w/2,h))
+% shifted (-o/2,0);
+%fill guilltwo reflectedabout ((w/2,0),(w/2,h))
+% shifted (pwid/2+o/2,0);
+beginchar(oct"030",1.4pwid#+2ss#,3ex#/4,0); "Lower 0 for pertriqua";
+zeroh = 1.2pwid;
+zerohh = 3ex/4;
+z0 = (w/2,h);
+z1 = z0 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z2 = (w/2,0);
+z3 = z2 shifted (0,thinl);
+z4 = (w-ss,h/2);
+z5 = z4 shifted (-1.7thinl,0);
+z6 = (ss,h-zerohh/2);
+z7 = z6 shifted (thinl,0);
+fill z0..z4..z2..z6..cycle;
+unfill z1..z5..z3..z7..cycle;
+beginchar(oct"052",ex#,ex#,0); "Asterisk, *";
+z0 = (w/2,h/2);
+z1 = (w/2,o);
+z2 = (w/2,h-o);
+z3 = z1 rotatedaround (z0,60);
+z4 = z3 rotatedaround (z0,60);
+z5 = z4 rotatedaround (z0,120);
+z6 = z5 rotatedaround (z0,60);
+z7 = z6 rotatedaround (z0,60);
+pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
+draw z2--z1;
+draw z4--z6;
+draw z5--z3;
+beginchar(oct"053",ex#,ex#,0); "Plus (addition) sign, +";
+pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
+top z0 = (w/2,h-o);
+bot z1 = (w/2,o);
+lft z2 = (o,h/2);
+rt z3 = (w-o,h/2);
+draw z0--z1;
+draw z2--z3;
+beginchar(oct"057",ex#/2+2ss#,cap#,0); "The forward slash, /";
+pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
+lft z0 = (o,o);
+rt z1 = (w-o,h-o);
+draw z0--z1;
+slash := currentpicture;
+beginchar(oct"134",ex#/2+2ss#,cap#,0); "The backslash, \";
+currentpicture := slash reflectedabout ((w/2,h),(w/2,0));
+beginchar(oct"042",1.75pwid#,cap#,0); "straight double quote";
+z0 = (w/2-thickl,h-o);
+z1 = z0 shifted (2accwid,-2accwid);
+z2 = z0 shifted (-2accwid,-2accwid);
+z3 = z0 shifted (0,-1.5pwid);
+z4 = z3 shifted (-accwid,o);
+z5 = z3 shifted (accwid,o);
+path singquote; singquote = z2..z0..z1--z5..z3..z4--cycle;
+fill singquote;
+fill singquote shifted (2thickl,0);
+beginchar("#",em#+ss#,cap#,dep#); "The pound sign, #";
+full = h+d;
+z0 = (0.33w-hair,0.25full-dep+hair) shifted (ss,ss);
+z1 = (0.57w-hair,0.25full-dep+hair) shifted (ss,ss);
+z2 = (0.33w+hair,0.5full-dep+hair) shifted (ss,ss);
+z3 = (0.57w+hair,0.5full-dep+hair) shifted (ss,ss);
+z4 = 2[z0,z2];
+z5 = 2[z2,z0];
+z6 = 2[z1,z3];
+z7 = 2[z3,z1];
+z8 = 2[z2,z3];
+z9 = 2[z3,z2];
+z10 = 2[z0,z1];
+z11 = 2[z1,z0];
+pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
+draw z4--z5; draw z7--z6; draw z9--z8; draw z11--z10;
+beginchar("$",3em#/4+2ss#,cap#,0); "The dollar sign, $";
+z0 = (w/2,h+o);
+z1 = (w/2,0-o);
+z2 = (w-ss,3h/4);
+z3 = (w-ss,h/4);
+z4 = (ss,3h/4);
+z5 = (ss,h/4);
+z6 = z4 shifted (curvl,0);
+z7 = z3 shifted (-curvl,0);
+z8 = z0 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z9 = z1 shifted (0,thinl);
+pickup pencircle scaled 1.2thinl;
+z20 = (w/2-3thickl/4,h+o);
+z21 = (w/2-3thickl/4,-o);
+z22 = (w/2+3thickl/4,h+o);
+z23 = (w/2+3thickl/4,-o);
+draw z20--z21; draw z22--z23;
+beginchar("<",ex#,ex#,0); "The less than sign, <";
+z0 = (2o,h/2);
+z1 = (w-2o,h-o);
+z2 = (w-2o,o);
+pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
+draw z1--z0--z2;
+lessthan := currentpicture;
+beginchar(">",ex#,ex#,0); "The greater than sign, >";
+currentpicture := lessthan reflectedabout ((w/2,h),(w/2,0));
+beginchar("=",ex#,ex#,0); "The equals sign, =";
+z0 = (2o,h/3);
+z1 = (w-2o,h/3);
+z2 = (2o,2h/3);
+z3 = (w-2o,2h/3);
+pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
+draw z0--z1;
+draw z2--z3;
+beginchar("%",5em#/6,cap#,0); "The perbiqua sign, %";
+z0 = (0.6zeroh,h);
+z1 = z0 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z2 = (0.6zeroh,h-zerohh);
+z3 = z2 shifted (0,thinl);
+z4 = (1.2zeroh,h-zerohh/2);
+z5 = z4 shifted (-1.7thinl,0);
+z6 = (ss,h-zerohh/2);
+z7 = z6 shifted (thinl,0);
+fill z0..z4..z2..z6..cycle;
+unfill z1..z5..z3..z7..cycle;
+z10 = (w-0.6zeroh,zerohh);
+z11 = z10 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z12 = (w-0.6zeroh,0);
+z13 = z12 shifted (0,thinl);
+z14 = (w-ss,zerohh/2);
+z15 = z14 shifted (-1.7thinl,0);
+z16 = (w-1.2zeroh,zerohh/2);
+z17 = z16 shifted (thinl,0);
+fill z10..z14..z12..z16..cycle;
+unfill z11..z15..z13..z17..cycle;
+z22 = (w-ss,h);
+z23 = z22 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z20 = 0.5[z0,z22] shifted (0,-0.25pwid);
+z21 = z20 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z24 = (ss,-o);
+z25 = z24 shifted (0,0.75thinl);
+z26 = z24 shifted (0.75thinl,0);
+z27 = z23 shifted (-1.5thinl,-hair);
+fill z0..z20..z22--z23--z26..z24..z25--z27..z21..z1--cycle;
+beginchar("&",3em#/4,cap#,0); "The ampersand, &";
+z0 = (w-userw/2,4h/9);
+z1 = z0 shifted (-thickl,0);
+z2 = (w/2,0-o);
+z3 = z2 shifted (0,thinl);
+z4 = (ss,h/3);
+z5 = z4 shifted (thickl,0);
+z6 = (w/2-thickl/2-hair/2,h-2userh);
+z7 = z6 shifted (thickl-o,0);
+z8 = (w/2-hair/2,h+o);
+z9 = (w-ss,0);
+z10 = z9 shifted (-thinl,0);
+z11 = z6 shifted (-thinl,0);
+z12 = z7 shifted (thinl,0);
+z13 = z8 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z14 = z1 shifted (-hair,hair/2);
+z15 = z0 shifted (hair,hair/2);
+z16 = z14 shifted (0,hair/2);
+z17 = z15 shifted (0,hair/2);
+z18 = 0.5[z1,z14];
+z19 = 0.5[z0,z15];
+pickup pencircle scaled 1;
+beginchar("[",2pwid#,cap#+ss#,dep#); "The open square bracket, [";
+z0 = (w-ss,h);
+z1 = z0 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z2 = (ss,h);
+z3 = z2 shifted (thinl,-thinl);
+z4 = (ss,-dep);
+z5 = z4 shifted (thinl,thinl);
+z6 = (w-ss,-dep);
+z7 = z6 shifted (0,thinl);
+z8 = 0.5[z0,z1] shifted (0,0);
+z9 = 0.5[z7,z6] shifted (0,0);
+path squarebrack;
+squarebrack = z0--z2--z4--z6--z7--z5--z3--z1--cycle;
+fill squarebrack;
+opensquare := currentpicture;
+beginchar("]",2pwid#,cap#+ss#,dep#); "The close square bracket, ]";
+fill squarebrack rotatedaround ((w/2,(h-dep)/2),180);
+beginchar("|",pwid#/2,cap#+ss#,dep#); "The pipe, |";
+z0 = (w/2,h-o);
+z1 = (w/2,-dep+o);
+pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
+draw z0--z1;
+beginchar("{",1.8pwid#,cap#+ss#,dep#); "The open curly bracket, {";
+brackwid = 2thinl;
+toth = h+d;
+pickup pencircle xscaled brackwid yscaled (thinl);
+top rt z0 = (w-ss,h);
+bot rt z1 = (w-ss,-dep);
+lft z2 = (ss,h-toth/2);
+z3 = (3(x0-x2)/4,h-toth/4);
+z4 = (3(x0-x2)/4,h-3toth/4);
+path curlybrack;
+curlybrack = z0{left}..{down}z3..{left}z2{right}..z4{down}..{right}z1;
+draw curlybrack;
+beginchar("}",1.8pwid#,cap#+ss#,dep#); "The close curly bracket, }";
+pickup pencircle xscaled brackwid yscaled (thinl);
+draw curlybrack rotatedaround ((w/2,(h-dep)/2),180);
+beginchar(oct"237",4ex#/5,cap#,dep#); "The section symbol";
+sh = 2toth/3-thinl+o;
+z0 = (w-ss,h-sh/4);
+z1 = (w/2,h+o);
+z2 = z1 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z3 = (ss,h-sh/4);
+z4 = z3 shifted (thinl,0);
+z5 = (w-ss,h-3sh/4);
+z6 = z5 shifted (-thinl,0);
+z7 = (w/2,h-sh);
+z8 = z7 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z9 = (w/2,h-sh/2+curvl/2);
+z10 = z9 shifted (0,-curvl);
+z11 = z0 shifted (-thinl,0);
+z12 = 0.5[z0,z11] shifted (0,-o);
+z13 = (ss,h-3sh/4);
+z14 = z13 shifted (thinl,0);
+z15 = 0.5[z13,z14] shifted (0,hair/2);
+path halfsect;
+halfsect =
+fill halfsect;
+fill halfsect shifted (0,-sh/2);
+beginchar(oct"277",5em#/6+2ss#,cap#,0); "The British pound sign";
+z0 = (3w/4,h+o);
+z1 = z0 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z2 = (w-ss-hair,4h/5);
+z3 = z2 shifted (-thinl,0);
+z4 = 0.5[z2,z3] shifted (0,-hair/2);
+z5 = (0.5w,4h/5);
+z6 = z5 shifted (-thickl,0);
+z7 = (w/2+thickl/2,h/4);
+z8 = z7 shifted (-thickl,0);
+z9 = (x8-thickl,-hair/4);
+z10 = z9 shifted (0,thinl);
+z12 = (ss,h/5);
+z13 = z12 shifted (thickl,0);
+z14 = 0.5[z8,z7] shifted (0,-thinl);
+z15 = z14 shifted (0,1.3thinl);
+z16 = (3w/4,-hair/4);
+z17 = z16 shifted (0,thinl);
+z18 = (w-ss-hair,userw);
+z19 = z18 shifted (0,thinl);
+z20 = 0.5[z18,z19] shifted (hair,0);
+z21 = (2ss,0.6h);
+z22 = (w-2ss,0.6h);
+pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
+draw z21--z22;
+beginchar(oct"100",em#,cap#,0); "The at sign, @";
+z0 = (w/4-o,h/2);
+z1 = (3w/4-o,h/2);
+z2 = (w/2-o,3h/4);
+z3 = (w/2-o,h/4);
+z4 = z2 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z5 = z3 shifted (0,thinl);
+z6 = z0 shifted (thickl,0);
+z7 = z1 shifted (-0.8thickl,0);
+z8 = (x7,y5+2thinl);
+z9 = (x1,y5+2thinl);
+z10 = (x7,y3+2thinl);
+z11 = (x1,y3+2thinl);
+z12 = z11 shifted (thinl,-thinl);
+z13 = z12 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z14 = (w-o,h/2);
+z15 = z14 shifted (-thinl,0);
+z16 = (w/2,h);
+z17 = z16 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z18 = (o,h/2);
+z19 = z18 shifted (thinl,0);
+z20 = (w/2,0);
+z21 = z20 shifted (0,thinl);
+z22 = z12 shifted (thickl,-thickl);
+z23 = z22 shifted (0,-thinl);
+z24 = 0.5[z22,z23] shifted (o,0);
+z25 = (x7,y2-thinl/2);
+z26 = (x1,y2-thinl/2);
+fill z0..z2..z1..z3..cycle;
+unfill z6..z4..z7..z5..cycle;
+30}..z24..z23{dir -150}..{left}z20{left}..{up}z18{up}..{right}z16{right}..{down}z14{down}..{left}z13{left}..z10--z7--z25--cycle;