path: root/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cs/')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cs/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee9ce725837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cs/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+% This is an auxiliary file which prepares reading a CM
+% parametric file using method of
+% Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski \& Marek Ry\'cko
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Copyright (C) 1991--1998 Petr Novak <>
+% Karel Horak <>
+% Ladislav Lhotka <>
+% Petr Olsak <>
+% The files included in this directory are the METAFONT sources
+% for CSfonts. It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+% the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+if unknown cmbase: input cmbase fi
+% the following codes correspond to the ISO-Latin2
+numeric lowc[];
+cs_shift = 0; cs_uc = -32;
+for $=225,232,239,236,224,252,237,249,229,197,246,242,243,244,228,248,
+ 185,187,250,233,253,190,184: lowc[$+cs_uc]=$+cs_shift;
+ cs_aa =225+cs_shift; cs_AA=cs_aa+cs_uc;
+ cs_cz =232+cs_shift; cs_CZ=cs_cz+cs_uc;
+ cs_dj =239+cs_shift; cs_DJ=cs_dj+cs_uc;
+ cs_ie =236+cs_shift; cs_IE=cs_ie+cs_uc;
+ cs_rr =224+cs_shift; cs_RR=cs_rr+cs_uc;
+ cs_ue =252+cs_shift; cs_UE=cs_ue+cs_uc;
+ cs_ii =237+cs_shift; cs_II=cs_ii+cs_uc;
+ cs_ou =249+cs_shift; cs_OU=cs_ou+cs_uc;
+ cs_ll =229+cs_shift; cs_LL=cs_ll+cs_uc;
+ cs_lj =181; cs_LJ=165;
+ cs_oe =246+cs_shift; cs_OE=cs_oe+cs_uc;
+ cs_nj =242+cs_shift; cs_NJ=cs_nj+cs_uc;
+ cs_oo =243+cs_shift; cs_OO=cs_oo+cs_uc;
+ cs_uo =244+cs_shift; cs_UO=cs_uo+cs_uc;
+ cs_ae =228+cs_shift; cs_AE=cs_ae+cs_uc;
+ cs_rz =248+cs_shift; cs_RZ=cs_rz+cs_uc;
+ cs_sh =185+cs_shift; cs_SH=169;
+ cs_tj =187+cs_shift; cs_TJ=171;
+ cs_uu =250+cs_shift; cs_UU=cs_uu+cs_uc;
+ cs_ee =233+cs_shift; cs_EE=cs_ee+cs_uc;
+ cs_yy =253+cs_shift; cs_YY=cs_yy+cs_uc;
+ cs_zh =190+cs_shift; cs_ZH=174;
+ cs_ax =184+cs_shift; cs_AX=cs_ax+cs_uc;
+% additional characters
+ single_opening_quote:=240; % ,
+ single_closing_quote:=241; % `
+ opening_quotes:=254; % ,,
+ closing_quotes:=255; % ``
+ french_opening_quotes:=158; % <<
+ french_closing_quotes:=159; % >>
+ oneperthousand:=141; %.
+ ogonek:=157;
+ cs_hyph = 156; %% ^^c4(ý) ýý> ^^9c in *.tcp is recommended
+% % the following codes correspond to the Cork scheme
+% numeric lowc[];
+% cs_shift = 128; cs_uc = -32;
+% for $=97,66,35,36,37,47,71,124,109,55,40,41,118,44,115,116,100,48,50,
+% 52,122,86,105,88,125,58: lowc[$+cs_shift+cs_uc]=$+cs_shift;
+% endfor
+% cs_aa = 97+cs_shift; cs_AA=cs_aa+cs_uc;
+% cs_qb = 66+cs_shift;%
+% cs_cz = 35+cs_shift; cs_CZ=cs_cz+cs_uc;
+% cs_dj = 36+cs_shift; cs_DJ=cs_dj+cs_uc;
+% cs_ie = 37+cs_shift; cs_IE=cs_ie+cs_uc;
+% cs_rr = 47+cs_shift; cs_RR=cs_rr+cs_uc;
+% cs_qg = 71+cs_shift;%
+% cs_ue = 124+cs_shift; cs_UE=cs_ue+cs_uc;
+% cs_ii = 109+cs_shift; cs_II=cs_ii+cs_uc;
+% cs_ou = 55+cs_shift; cs_OU=cs_ou+cs_uc;
+% cs_ll = 40+cs_shift; cs_LL=cs_ll+cs_uc;
+% cs_lj = 41+cs_shift; cs_LJ=cs_lj+cs_uc;
+% cs_oe = 118+cs_shift; cs_OE=cs_oe+cs_uc;
+% cs_nj = 44+cs_shift; cs_NJ=cs_nj+cs_uc;
+% cs_oo = 115+cs_shift; cs_OO=cs_oo+cs_uc;
+% cs_uo = 116+cs_shift; cs_UO=cs_uo+cs_uc;
+% cs_ae = 100+cs_shift; cs_AE=cs_ae+cs_uc;
+% cs_rz = 48+cs_shift; cs_RZ=cs_rz+cs_uc;
+% cs_sh = 50+cs_shift; cs_SH=cs_sh+cs_uc;
+% cs_tj = 52+cs_shift; cs_TJ=cs_tj+cs_uc;
+% cs_uu = 122+cs_shift; cs_UU=cs_uu+cs_uc;
+% cs_qv = 86+cs_shift;%
+% cs_ee = 105+cs_shift; cs_EE=cs_ee+cs_uc;
+% cs_ax = 88+cs_shift; cs_AX=cs_ax+cs_uc;
+% cs_yy = 125+cs_shift; cs_YY=cs_yy+cs_uc;
+% cs_zh = 58+cs_shift; cs_ZH=cs_zh+cs_uc;
+% % additional characters
+% single_opening_quote:=240; % ,
+% single_closing_quote:=241; % `
+% opening_quotes:=254; % ,,
+% closing_quotes:=255; % ``
+% french_opening_quotes:=248; % <<
+% french_closing_quotes:=249; % >>
+% oneperthousand:=141; %.
+% ogonek:=157;
+% cs_hyph = 156; %% ^^c4(ý) ýý> ^^9c in *.tcp is recommended
+if unknown improve_kerns: boolean improve_kerns; improve_kerns=true; fi;
+% redefinition of generate
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+string driver_name,ss; numeric ii;
+vardef generate @# = driver_name:=str @#; endgroup enddef;
+vardef use_driver @# =
+% |@#| is either empty or equals to the pt-size of the driver
+ if unknown param_base:
+% in sophisticated applications a user may wish to specify
+% |param_base| prior to calling |use_driver|:
+ string param_base; param_base=jobname;
+ string new_param_b;
+ if (substring(0,2) of param_base) = "cs":
+ new_param_b := "cm"&substring(2,8) of param_base;
+ elseif (substring(1,3) of param_base) = "cs":
+ new_param_b := substring(0,1) of param_base&"cm"&
+ substring(3,8) of param_base;
+ elseif (substring(2,4) of param_base) = "cs":
+ new_param_b := substring(0,2) of param_base&"cm"&
+ substring(4,8) of param_base;
+ fi;
+ param_base := new_param_b;
+ fi
+ ii:=0;
+ forever:
+ ii:=ii+1;
+ ss:=substring(length(param_base)-ii,length(param_base)-ii+1) of param_base;
+ exitif (ss<"0") or (ss>"9");
+ endfor;
+ ii:=ii-1;
+ if str@# <> "":
+ numeric scale;
+ scale=scantokens(
+ substring(length(param_base)-ii,length(param_base)) of param_base)/@#;
+ numeric true_pt#; true_pt#=pt#; pt#:=scale*true_pt#;
+% |ogonek_pen#| is the only sharp extra PL parameter; it must be treated
+% differently:
+% if known ogonek_pen#: ogonek_pen#:=scale*ogonek_pen#; fi
+ scantokens(
+ "input "&(substring(0,length(param_base)-ii) of param_base)&str @#);
+ pt#:=true_pt#;
+ else:
+ scantokens("input "&param_base);
+ fi
+ font_identifier:=substring(0,length(param_base)-ii) of param_base;
+ scantokens("input "&
+ if driver_name="roman": "kmroman"
+ elseif driver_name="sroman": "kmroman"
+ elseif driver_name="textit": "kmtextit"
+ elseif driver_name="csc": "kmcsc"
+ elseif driver_name="texset": "kmtexset"
+ elseif driver_name="title": "kmtitle"
+ else: driver_name fi);
+% The proportion of |vair/stem| depends drastically on resolution;
+% e.g., for 300 dpi cmbx10 |vair=1| and |stem=5|, for 746 dpi cmbx10
+% (300 dpi, magstep 5) |vair=4| and |stem=12|, while, sharply speaking,
+% |stem#/vair#=3.15381|; hence a new variable |xvair| has been introduced
+% to be used in some crucial places instead of |vair|.
+vardef xvair = stem*vair#/stem# enddef;
+%%% italcorr corrital
+% correction of italic correction (cf. D. E. Knuth, The \MF{}book, p. 105):
+vardef corrital z suffix $ =
+% |z$| is the rightmost position of a pen (in accent path)
+ if not monospace:
+ save charic_; charic_=(rt(x$)-r)/hppp+slant*y$/vppp+.5u#;
+ if charic_>charic: charic:=charic_; fi
+%| else: %| |charic=mono_charic#|, do nothing
+ fi