path: root/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cbfonts-all/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cbfonts-all/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cbfonts-all/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cbfonts-all/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bdeff88bfb..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cbfonts-all/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-% Copyright (C) 1997, 1999 Claudio Beccari
-% The copyright holds only for the file that enucleates the spline macros,
-% not for the macros themselves that are copyright of J"orge Knappen.
-% This file includes the spline macros for computing font paramenters
-% from a table. It includes all the macros written by J"orge Knappen for the
-% ec fonts. Thanks to J"orge for the good things these macros do, blame to me
-% for their misuse.
-vardef simple_gendef@#(text aa)(text t)=
- string s[];
- s1:="";
- s2:=str @#;
- index:=1;
- forsuffixes $=t: ydata[index]:=$ if s1<>s2: *@# fi;
- index:=index+1;
- endfor;
- if numpoints>(index-1): errmessage "Missing parameter"; message str aa; fi;
- if numpoints<(index-1): errmessage "Too many parameters"; message str aa; fi;
- aa:=ydata[merke];
- if gencheck: message str aa fi;
-vardef extended_gendef@#(text aa)(text t)=
- string s[];
- s1:="";
- s2:=str @#;
- index:=1;
- forsuffixes $=t: ydata[index]:=$ if s1<>s2: *@# fi;
- index:=index+1;
- endfor;
- if numpoints>(index-1): errmessage "Missing parameter"; message str aa; fi;
- if numpoints<(index-1): errmessage "Too many parameters"; message str aa; fi;
- if gensize>basedata[numpoints]:
- numeric hilf [];
- hilf[1]:=(ydata[numpoints]-ydata[numpoints-1])/(basedata[numpoints]-basedata[numpoints-1]);
- hilf[2]:=(ydata[numpoints]-ydata[numpoints-2])/(basedata[numpoints]-basedata[numpoints-2]);
- hilf[3]:=ydata[numpoints]-hilf1*basedata[numpoints];
- hilf[4]:=ydata[numpoints]-hilf2*basedata[numpoints];
- spy:=(hilf[1]*gensize+hilf[3])/2+(hilf[2]*gensize+hilf[4])/2;
- aa:=spy;
- else:
- for index = 1 upto numpoints-1:
- interval[index]:=basedata[index+1]-basedata[index];
- endfor;
- for index=1 upto numpoints:
- spline[1][index]:=ydata[index];
- endfor;
- for index=2 upto numpoints-1:
- alpha[index]:=3*((spline[1][index+1]*interval[index-1])%
- -(spline[1][index]*(basedata[index+1]-basedata[index-1]))%
- +(spline[1][index-1]*interval[index]))%
- /(interval[index-1]*interval[index]);
- endfor;
- spl[1]:=0;
- spmu[1]:=0;
- spz[1]:=0;
- for index=2 upto numpoints-1:
- spl[index]:=2*(basedata[index+1]-basedata[index-1])%
- -interval[index-1]*spmu[index-1];
- spmu[index]:=interval[index]/spl[index];
- spz[index]:=(alpha[index]-interval[index-1]*spz[index-1])/spl[index];
- endfor;
- spline[3][numpoints]:=0;
- for index=numpoints-1 downto 1:
- spline[3][index]:=spz[index]-spmu[index]*spline[3][index+1];
- endfor;
- for index=numpoints -1 downto 1:
- spline[2][index]:=(spline[1][index+1]-spline[1][index])/interval[index]%
- -interval[index]*(spline[3][index+1]*spline[3][index])/3;
- spline[4][index]:=(spline[3][index+1]-spline[3][index])/(3*interval[index]);
- endfor;
- location:=1;
- for term=1 upto numpoints-1:
- if gensize > basedata[term]: location:=term; fi
- endfor;
- spx:=gensize-basedata[location];
- spy:=((spline[4][location]*spx+spline[3][location])*spx+spline[2][location])*spx+spline[1][location];
- aa:=spy; fi;
- if gencheck: message str aa fi;
-vardef basedef(text t)=
- boolean basevalue; boolean gencheck;
- numeric index; numeric ergbnis; numeric location; numeric term;
- numeric numpoints; numeric spx; numeric spy;
- numeric basedata[]; numeric interval[]; numeric alpha[];
- numeric spl[]; numeric spmu[]; numeric spz[];
- numeric ydata[]; numeric spline[][];
- basevalue:=false; gencheck:=false;
- index:=1;
- forsuffixes $=t: basedata[index]:=$;
- if $=gensize: basevalue:=true; merke:=index; fi;
- index:=index+1;
- endfor;
- numpoints:=index-1;
- if numpoints<3: errmessage "Not enough reference points"; fi
- if basevalue: def gendef=simple_gendef enddef; else:
- def gendef=extended_gendef enddef; fi
-def clear_extra_memory= % Release ressources hold by the extrapolation routine
- numeric index; numeric ergbnis; numeric location; numeric term;
- numeric numpoints; numeric spx; numeric spy;
- numeric basedata[]; numeric interval[]; numeric alpha[];
- numeric spl[]; numeric spmu[]; numeric spz[];
- numeric ydata[]; numeric spline[][];
- numeric hilf []; string s[];