path: root/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/bbold/
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1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/bbold/ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/bbold/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd1f3c633b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/bbold/
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+% Blackboard bold base file, containing lots of horrible hacks.
+% Alan Jeffrey, 12--18 Dec 1989.
+% I'm doing all my own digitization, so I don't need help from MF.
+autorounding := 0;
+% To get the unsharp version of x#, say unsharp x#.
+def unsharp = hppp * enddef;
+% The only pen I'm working with is of size pen_size. This makes life
+% rather easier. To find the x-coordinate whose left-hand edge is
+% at hround x, say leftround x, and similarly for rightround,
+% topround and bottomround.
+def leftround expr x = hround x + 1/2 pen_size enddef;
+def rightround expr x = hround x - 1/2 pen_size enddef;
+def topround expr y = vround y - 1/2 pen_size enddef;
+def bottomround expr y = vround y + 1/2 pen_size enddef;
+% Using this, I can give the equivalent of define_whole_pixels...
+def define_whole_top_pixels (text t) =
+ forsuffixes $ = t:
+ $ := topround unsharp $.#;
+ endfor
+def define_whole_bottom_pixels (text t) =
+ forsuffixes $ = t:
+ $ := bottomround unsharp $.#;
+ endfor
+% The point y~x is short for (x,y). The reason for switching the
+% points around is that I find it easier to say Top~Left than
+% (Left, Top).
+primarydef x ~ y = (y,x) enddef;
+% To find the average of two points, say p -+- q.
+primarydef x ~ y = (y,x) enddef;
+tertiarydef x -+- y = .5[x,y] enddef;
+% To get the point 1/2fatness above p, say above p. This is useful
+% for drawing lines fatness in width. Similarly we have commands
+% below, leftof and rightof.
+def above secondary p =
+ p + 1/2fatness * up
+def below secondary p =
+ p + 1/2fatness * down
+def leftof secondary p =
+ p + 1/2fatness * left
+def rightof secondary p =
+ p + 1/2fatness * right
+% The command farleftof is equivalent to leftof leftof, and similarly
+% farrightof.
+def farleftof secondary p =
+ p + fatness * left
+def farrightof secondary p =
+ p + fatness * right
+% To get curves with o-correction, we need to be able to move
+% o pixels up or down.
+def oabove secondary p =
+ p + o * up
+def obelow secondary p =
+ p + o * down
+% To declare a new variable foo of type T, say var (T) foo.
+def var (text type) text declarations =
+ save declarations;
+ type declarations
+% Given a cyclic path p, outline p draws the path and fills the inside
+% with white. This is stolen from the MF book, exercise 13.11.
+def outline expr c =
+ begingroup
+ picture region;
+ region := nullpicture;
+ interim turningcheck := 0;
+ addto region contour c;
+ cull region dropping (0,0);
+ cullit;
+ addto currentpicture also -region;
+ cullit;
+ draw c
+ endgroup
+% Given a path p, leftside p is the path 1/2 fatness to its left,
+% and similarly rightside.
+def leftside primary apath =
+ apath shifted (1/2fatness * left)
+def rightside primary apath =
+ apath shifted (1/2fatness * right)
+% Given a path p, fatten p draws the leftside of p,
+% the rightside of p, and joins them up with straight lines.
+def fatten expr apath =
+ leftside apath
+ -- (reverse rightside apath)
+ -- cycle
+% Given a point p, splodge p draws an o-corrected circle of radius
+% fatness around p.
+def splodge expr apoint =
+ above apoint + o*up {right}
+ .. rightof apoint + o*right {down}
+ .. below apoint + o*down {left}
+ .. leftof apoint + o*left {up}
+ .. cycle
+% The command splodgel does the same, but doesn't close the cycle,
+% and leaves the current point at the left of the circle.
+def splodgel tertiary apoint =
+ leftof apoint + o*left {up}
+ .. above apoint + o*up {right}
+ .. rightof apoint + o*right {down}
+ .. below apoint + o*down {left}
+ .. leftof apoint + o*left {up}
+% Similarly, splodger leaves the current point at the right of the
+% circle.
+def splodger tertiary apoint =
+ rightof apoint + o*right {down}
+ .. below apoint + o*down {left}
+ .. leftof apoint + o*left {up}
+ .. above apoint + o*up {right}
+ .. rightof apoint + o*right {down}
+% sometime (p, q) gives the time along p when it intersects q.
+def sometime (expr apath, bpath) =
+ xpart (apath intersectiontimes bpath)
+% othertime (p, q) gives another time at which p intersects q.
+def othertime (expr apath, bpath) =
+ length apath - sometime (reverse apath) (reverse bpath)
+% firsttime (p, q) gives the smallest of sometime (p,q) and othertime (p,q).
+def firsttime (expr apath, bpath) =
+ min (sometime (apath) (bpath), othertime (apath) (bpath))
+% lasttime (p, q) gives the largest of the two times.
+def lasttime (expr apath, bpath) =
+ max (sometime (apath) (bpath), othertime (apath) (bpath))
+% We can then clip p with q by finding the subpath of p from 0 to
+% the time p intersects q.
+def cliponce (expr apath, clippath) =
+ subpath (0, sometime (apath) (clippath)) of apath
+% Similarly, if p intersects q twice, we can find the path between
+% the two times it intersects with cliptwice.
+def cliptwice (expr apath, clippath) =
+ subpath
+ (firsttime (apath) (clippath), lasttime (apath) (clippath))
+ of apath
+% Given a path p and two paths q and r which intersect p,
+% we can find the path between when p crosses q and when p crosses r.
+% someclipbetween (p, q, r) will always start at q and finish at r.
+def someclipbetween (expr apath, firstclip, secondclip) =
+ subpath
+ (sometime (apath) (firstclip),
+ sometime (apath) (secondclip))
+ of
+ apath
+% firstclipbetween does the same, but if p intersects q and r more
+% than once, it gives the first clipping.
+def firstclipbetween (expr apath, firstclip, secondclip) =
+ subpath
+ (firsttime (apath) (firstclip),
+ firsttime (apath) (secondclip))
+ of
+ apath
+% lastclipbetween gives the last clipping.
+def lastclipbetween (expr apath, firstclip, secondclip) =
+ subpath
+ (lasttime (apath) (firstclip),
+ lasttime (apath) (secondclip))
+ of
+ apath
+% We can join these together and clip fat lines.
+def fatcliponce (expr apath, clippath) =
+ cliponce (leftside apath) (clippath)
+ -- someclipbetween (clippath) (leftside apath) (rightside apath)
+ -- reverse cliponce (rightside apath) (clippath)
+ -- cycle
+def fatcliptwice (expr apath, clippath) =
+ cliptwice (leftside apath) (clippath)
+ -- lastclipbetween (clippath) (leftside apath) (rightside apath)
+ -- cliptwice (rightside apath) (reverse clippath)
+ -- firstclipbetween (clippath) (rightside apath) (leftside apath)
+ -- cycle
+% bbchar (c) (l#, w#, r#) (t#, b#) begins a character at code c,
+% of width w# with l# gap at the left and r# gap at the right.
+% It's topmost point is at t# and its bottommost point at b#.
+% From these parameters we calculate Width (the width of the character
+% in whole pixels) and hardTop and hardBottom (the exact top and bottom
+% of the character). Top is then 1/2 pensize from the top of the character,
+% and Bottom is 1/2 pensize from the bottom. This means if we draw a line
+% through top, the top of it will exactly touch the top. We then calculate
+% Left, Middle, and Right in the same way, using calculateLeftetc.
+def bbchar
+ (expr code)
+ (expr sharphardLeft, sharpWidth, sharprightgap)
+ (expr sharphardTop, sharphardBottom) =
+ beginchar
+ (code)
+ (sharphardLeft + sharpWidth + sharprightgap)
+ (max (sharphardTop, 0pt#))
+ (max (-sharphardBottom, 0pt#));
+ save Top, Bottom, Horizon, hardTop, hardBottom,
+ Width, hardLeft, hardRight, Left, Right, Middle;
+ hardTop# = sharphardTop;
+ hardBottom# = sharphardBottom;
+ Width# = sharpWidth;
+ hardLeft# = sharphardLeft;
+ hardRight# = sharphardLeft + sharpWidth;
+ define_whole_pixels (Width);
+ define_whole_vertical_pixels (hardTop, hardBottom);
+ Top = topround hardTop;
+ Bottom = bottomround hardBottom;
+ Horizon = .5 [Top, Bottom];
+ calculateLeftetc;
+ pickup pencircle scaled pen_size;
+def calculateLeftetc =
+ hardLeft := floor (unsharp hardLeft#);
+ hardRight := hardLeft + Width;
+ Left := (hardLeft + 1/2pen_size);
+ Middle := (hardLeft + 1/2Width);
+ Right := (hardRight - 1/2pen_size);
+% bbcap is bbchar with the top at ATop# and the bottom at aBottom#.
+def bbcap (expr code, leftgap, width, rightgap) =
+ bbchar (code) (leftgap, width, rightgap) (ATop#, aBottom#);
+% bbnum is bbchar with the dimensions of a number hard-wired.
+def bbnum (expr code) =
+ bbchar (code) (medgap#, numeral#, medgap#) (oneTop#, aBottom#);
+% For characters such as < and > which appear a lot blacker than the
+% others, we can surround the character by beginblacker n ... endblacker,
+% which temporarily multiplies fatness by n.
+def beginblacker expr blackness =
+ begingroup
+ save oldfatness;
+ oldfatness# := fatness#;
+ save fatness;
+ fatness# := oldfatness# * blackness;
+ define_whole_pixels (fatness)
+let endblacker = endgroup;
+% To try to get characters symmetric, we need to round the width so there
+% are the same number of characters on the left of the central vertical
+% as there are on the right. So if we are symmetrical around a pen of
+% size 2n, we need to make the width even. If we are symmetrical around
+% a pen of size 2n+1 we need to make the width odd. This is done with
+% roundlike (x) y, which rounds y to be even iff x is even.
+def roundlike (expr x) expr y =
+ 2 * (round (x -+- y)) - x
+% To make the character symmetric, we round Width like pen_size.
+def symmetric =
+ Width := roundlike (pen_size) unsharp Width#;
+ calculateLeftetc
+% To make the character symmetric around a fat vertical, we round
+% Width like fatness + pen_size.
+def fatsymmetric =
+ Width := roundlike (fatness + pen_size) unsharp Width#;
+ calculateLeftetc
+% makebox and maketicks nicked from cmbase, adjusted for this job.
+def makebox(text rule) =
+ for y=0, hardBottom, hardTop:
+ rule((0,y)t_,(w,y)t_); endfor % horizontals
+ for x=0,hardLeft,hardRight,w:
+ rule((x,hardBottom)t_,(x,hardTop)t_); endfor % verticals
+def maketicks(text rule) =
+ for y=0, hardBottom, hardTop:
+ rule((-10,y)t_,(0,y)t_); % horizontals at left
+ rule((w,y)t_,(w+10,y)t_); % horizontals at right
+ endfor
+ for x=0,hardLeft,hardRight,w:
+ rule((x,hardBottom-10)t_,(x,hardBottom)t_); % verticals at bottom
+ rule((x,hardTop)t_,(x,hardTop+10)t_); % verticals at top
+ endfor % verticals at top
+% Some parameters I never use, but are needed by the cmr parameter files.
+ square_dots, hefty, serifs, monospace,
+ variant_g, low_asterisk, math_fitting;
+% And that's that.