path: root/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/vntex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/vntex')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/vntex/t5.enc b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/vntex/t5.enc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..35d1f8ac25a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/vntex/t5.enc
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+% Copyright 2000-2005 Werner Lemberg <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+% t5.enc
+% This is LaTeX T5 encoding for Vietnamese
+% history:
+% version 1.0 (28-Jan-2000):
+% First version.
+% version 1.1 (29-Apr-2002):
+% Rewritten to make it AGL compliant.
+% version 1.2 (01-May-2002):
+% Use uni2423 instead uni2420.
+% version 1.3 (27-Sep-2002):
+% . Changed the following glyph names to Unicode entities:
+% 0xB3 uni1EBD etilde
+% 0x93 uni1EBC Etilde
+% . Ytilde (uni1EF8) was used in slot for ytilde (uni1EF9).
+% . Using .notdef in slot for compound word mark (on position 0x17)
+% caused some problems so it was changed to cwm (for compatibilty
+% with ec.enc).
+% . Use sfthyphen in slot 127 instead of hyphen.
+% version 1.4 (20-Apr-2005):
+% Add copyright.
+% Minor documentation updates.
+% LIGKERN hyphen hyphen =: endash ;
+% LIGKERN endash hyphen =: emdash ;
+% LIGKERN quoteleft quoteleft =: quotedblleft ;
+% LIGKERN quoteright quoteright =: quotedblright ;
+% LIGKERN comma comma =: quotedblbase ;
+% We blow away kerns to and from spaces (TeX doesn't have a
+% space) and also remove any kerns from the numbers.
+% LIGKERN space {} * ; * {} space ;
+% LIGKERN zero {} * ; * {} zero ;
+% LIGKERN one {} * ; * {} one ;
+% LIGKERN two {} * ; * {} two ;
+% LIGKERN three {} * ; * {} three ;
+% LIGKERN four {} * ; * {} four ;
+% LIGKERN five {} * ; * {} five ;
+% LIGKERN six {} * ; * {} six ;
+% LIGKERN seven {} * ; * {} seven ;
+% LIGKERN eight {} * ; * {} eight ;
+% LIGKERN nine {} * ; * {} nine ;
+% Some notes on the glyph names:
+% . We follow the Adobe Glyph List (AGL), also using its associated
+% algorithm.
+% . The glyphs `spacing dot below' (on position 0x05), `spacing hook above'
+% (on position 0x0C), and `compound word mark' (on position 0x17) are not
+% in Unicode. We call them `dotbelow', `hookabove', and `cwm',
+% respectively.
+% . The following glyphs have no special name in the AGL (or names which
+% should not be used in general) and are thus represented as a Unicode
+% entity:
+% 0x1A uni1EF6 Y hook above
+% 0x1B uni1EF7 y hook above
+% 0x1C uni1EF4 Y dot below
+% 0x1D uni1EF5 y dot below
+% 0x20 uni2423 graphic symbol for space
+% 0x83 uni1EA2 A hook above
+% 0x84 uni1EA0 A dot below
+% 0x86 uni1EA6 A circumflex grave
+% 0x87 uni1EA4 A circumflex acute
+% 0x88 uni1EAA A circumflex tilde
+% 0x89 uni1EA8 A circumflex hook above
+% 0x8A uni1EAC A circumflex dot below
+% 0x8C uni1EB0 A breve grave
+% 0x8D uni1EAE A breve acute
+% 0x8E uni1EB4 A breve tilde
+% 0x8F uni1EB2 A breve hook above
+% 0x90 uni1EB6 A breve dot below
+% 0x93 uni1EBC E tilde
+% 0x94 uni1EBA E hook above
+% 0x95 uni1EB8 E dot below
+% 0x97 uni1EC0 E circumflex grave
+% 0x98 uni1EBE E circumflex acute
+% 0x99 uni1EC4 E circumflex tilde
+% 0x9A uni1EC2 E circumflex hook above
+% 0x9B uni1EC6 E circumflex dot below
+% 0x9F uni1EC8 I hook above
+% 0xA3 uni1EA3 a hook above
+% 0xA4 uni1EA1 a dot below
+% 0xA6 uni1EA7 a circumflex grave
+% 0xA7 uni1EA5 a circumflex acute
+% 0xA8 uni1EAB a circumflex tilde
+% 0xA9 uni1EA9 a circumflex hook above
+% 0xAA uni1EAD a circumflex dot below
+% 0xAC uni1EB1 a breve grave
+% 0xAD uni1EAF a breve acute
+% 0xAE uni1EB5 a breve tilde
+% 0xAF uni1EB3 a breve hook above
+% 0xB0 uni1EB7 a breve dot below
+% 0xB3 uni1EBD e tilde
+% 0xB4 uni1EBB e hook above
+% 0xB5 uni1EB9 e dot below
+% 0xB7 uni1EC1 e circumflex grave
+% 0xB8 uni1EBF e circumflex acute
+% 0xB9 uni1EC5 e circumflex tilde
+% 0xBA uni1EC3 e circumflex hook above
+% 0xBB uni1EC7 e circumflex dot below
+% 0xBF uni1EC9 i hook above
+% 0xC0 uni1ECA I dot below
+% 0xC4 uni1ECE O hook above
+% 0xC5 uni1ECC O dot below
+% 0xC7 uni1ED2 O circumflex grave
+% 0xC8 uni1ED0 O circumflex acute
+% 0xC9 uni1ED6 O circumflex tilde
+% 0xCA uni1ED4 O circumflex hook above
+% 0xCB uni1ED8 O circumflex dot below
+% 0xCD uni1EDC O horn grave
+% 0xCE uni1EDA O horn acute
+% 0xCF uni1EE0 O horn tilde
+% 0xD0 uni1EDE O horn hook above
+% 0xD1 uni1EE2 O horn dot below
+% 0xD5 uni1EE6 U hook above
+% 0xD6 uni1EE4 U dot below
+% 0xD8 uni1EEA U horn grave
+% 0xD9 uni1EE8 U horn acute
+% 0xDA uni1EEE U horn tilde
+% 0xDB uni1EEC U horn hook above
+% 0xDC uni1EF0 U horn dot below
+% 0xDF uni1EF8 Y tilde
+% 0xE0 uni1ECB i dot below
+% 0xE4 uni1ECF o hook above
+% 0xE5 uni1ECD o dot below
+% 0xE7 uni1ED3 o circumflex grave
+% 0xE8 uni1ED1 o circumflex acute
+% 0xE9 uni1ED7 o circumflex tilde
+% 0xEA uni1ED5 o circumflex hook above
+% 0xEB uni1ED9 o circumflex dot below
+% 0xED uni1EDD o horn grave
+% 0xEE uni1EDB o horn acute
+% 0xEF uni1EE1 o horn tilde
+% 0xF0 uni1EDF o horn hook above
+% 0xF1 uni1EE3 o horn dot below
+% 0xF5 uni1EE7 u hook above
+% 0xF6 uni1EE5 u dot below
+% 0xF8 uni1EEB u horn grave
+% 0xF9 uni1EE9 u horn acute
+% 0xFA uni1EEF u horn tilde
+% 0xFB uni1EED u horn hook above
+% 0xFC uni1EF1 u horn dot below
+% 0xFF uni1EF9 y tilde
+/T5Encoding [
+% 0x00
+ /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde
+ /dieresis /dotbelow /ring /caron
+ /breve /macron /dotaccent /cedilla
+ /hookabove /quotesinglbase /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright
+% 0x10
+ /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quotedblbase /guillemotleft
+ /guillemotright /endash /emdash /cwm
+ /zeroinferior /dotlessi /uni1EF6 /uni1EF7
+ /uni1EF4 /uni1EF5 /Dcroat /dcroat
+% 0x20
+ /uni2423 /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign
+ /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
+ /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus
+ /comma /hyphen /period /slash
+% 0x30
+ /zero /one /two /three
+ /four /five /six /seven
+ /eight /nine /colon /semicolon
+ /less /equal /greater /question
+% 0x40
+ /at /A /B /C
+ /D /E /F /G
+ /H /I /J /K
+ /L /M /N /O
+% 0x50
+ /P /Q /R /S
+ /T /U /V /W
+ /X /Y /Z /bracketleft
+ /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore
+% 0x60
+ /quoteleft /a /b /c
+ /d /e /f /g
+ /h /i /j /k
+ /l /m /n /o
+% 0x70
+ /p /q /r /s
+ /t /u /v /w
+ /x /y /z /braceleft
+ /bar /braceright /asciitilde /sfthyphen
+% 0x80
+ /Agrave /Aacute /Atilde /uni1EA2
+ /uni1EA0 /Acircumflex /uni1EA6 /uni1EA4
+ /uni1EAA /uni1EA8 /uni1EAC /Abreve
+ /uni1EB0 /uni1EAE /uni1EB4 /uni1EB2
+% 0x90
+ /uni1EB6 /Egrave /Eacute /uni1EBC
+ /uni1EBA /uni1EB8 /Ecircumflex /uni1EC0
+ /uni1EBE /uni1EC4 /uni1EC2 /uni1EC6
+ /Igrave /Iacute /Itilde /uni1EC8
+% 0xA0
+ /agrave /aacute /atilde /uni1EA3
+ /uni1EA1 /acircumflex /uni1EA7 /uni1EA5
+ /uni1EAB /uni1EA9 /uni1EAD /abreve
+ /uni1EB1 /uni1EAF /uni1EB5 /uni1EB3
+% 0xB0
+ /uni1EB7 /egrave /eacute /uni1EBD
+ /uni1EBB /uni1EB9 /ecircumflex /uni1EC1
+ /uni1EBF /uni1EC5 /uni1EC3 /uni1EC7
+ /igrave /iacute /itilde /uni1EC9
+% 0xC0
+ /uni1ECA /Ograve /Oacute /Otilde
+ /uni1ECE /uni1ECC /Ocircumflex /uni1ED2
+ /uni1ED0 /uni1ED6 /uni1ED4 /uni1ED8
+ /Ohorn /uni1EDC /uni1EDA /uni1EE0
+% 0xD0
+ /uni1EDE /uni1EE2 /Ugrave /Uacute
+ /Utilde /uni1EE6 /uni1EE4 /Uhorn
+ /uni1EEA /uni1EE8 /uni1EEE /uni1EEC
+ /uni1EF0 /Ygrave /Yacute /uni1EF8
+% 0xE0
+ /uni1ECB /ograve /oacute /otilde
+ /uni1ECF /uni1ECD /ocircumflex /uni1ED3
+ /uni1ED1 /uni1ED7 /uni1ED5 /uni1ED9
+ /ohorn /uni1EDD /uni1EDB /uni1EE1
+% 0xF0
+ /uni1EDF /uni1EE3 /ugrave /uacute
+ /utilde /uni1EE7 /uni1EE5 /uhorn
+ /uni1EEB /uni1EE9 /uni1EEF /uni1EED
+ /uni1EF1 /ygrave /yacute /uni1EF9
+] def
+% end of t5.enc