path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc
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-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/colortab-doc.pdfbin0 -> 62039 bytes
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/Changes b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/Changes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..db014bfef98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+colortab.tex --------
+1.00 2010-05-13 - change license to lppl (hv)
+ - update documentation (hv)
+ - new LaTeX style file (hv)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/Makefile b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/Makefile
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index 00000000000..7bd3e48751f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# `Makefile' for `pst-3dplot.pdf', hv, 2007/03/17
+.SUFFIXES : .tex .ltx .dvi .ps .pdf .eps
+PACKAGE = colortab
+MAIN = $(PACKAGE)-doc
+TDS = ~/PSTricks/PSTricks-TDS
+LATEX = latex
+ARCHNAME = $(MAIN)-$(shell date +%y%m%d)
+ARCHFILES = $(PACKAGE).sty $(PACKAGE).tex $(PACKAGE).pro $(MAIN).tex README Changes Makefile
+all : doc clean
+doc: $(MAIN).pdf
+$(MAIN).pdf : $(MAIN).ps
+ GS_OPTIONS=-dAutoRotatePages=/None ps2pdf $<
+$(MAIN).ps : $(MAIN).dvi
+ dvips $<
+$(MAIN).dvi : $(MAIN).tex
+ $(LATEX) $<
+ $(LATEX) $<
+# if ! test -f $(basename $<).glo ; then touch $(basename $<).glo; fi
+# if ! test -f $(basename $<).idx ; then touch $(basename $<).idx; fi
+# makeindex -t $(basename $<).ilg -s -o $(basename $<).ind $(basename $<).idx
+# makeindex -s -t $(basename $<).glg -o $(basename $<).gls \
+# $(basename $<).glo
+# bibtex $(basename $<)
+# $(LATEX) $<
+# $(LATEX) $<
+clean :
+ $(RM) $(addprefix $(MAIN), .log .aux .glg .glo .gls .ilg .idx .ind .tmp .toc .out .blg .Roessler .bbl )
+ $(RM) $(addprefix $(MAIN), .dvi .ps .xcp)
+ $(RM) data3d.Roessler
+veryclean : clean
+ $(RM) $(addprefix $(MAIN), .pdf .bbl .blg)
+arch :
+ zip $(ARCHNAME).zip $(ARCHFILES)
+ cp -u Changes $(TDS)/doc/generic/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u README $(TDS)/doc/generic/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u $(MAIN).pdf $(TDS)/doc/generic/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u Changes $(TDS)/tex/latex/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u $(PACKAGE).sty $(TDS)/tex/latex/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u Changes $(TDS)/tex/generic/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u $(PACKAGE).tex $(TDS)/tex/generic/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u Changes $(TDS)/dvips/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u $(PACKAGE).pro $(TDS)/dvips/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u $(PACKAGE).pro ~/Links/dvips-local/
+ cp -u Changes $(TDS)/source/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u $(MAIN).tex $(TDS)/source/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u $(MAIN).bib $(TDS)/source/$(PACKAGE)/
+ cp -u Makefile $(TDS)/source/$(PACKAGE)/
+# EOF
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d44f43bc872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/colortab-doc.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/colortab-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/colortab-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a71f74da113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/colortab-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+%% Documentation for colortab.tex/colortab.sty.
+%% The color commands \gray and \lightgray must be defined if you
+%% want to see the examples. pstricks.tex will be loaded for this
+%% purpose if it is found. Otherwise, you must load your own
+%% color commands.
+%% Change these if using different size paper. You can also include the
+%% twosided style option, if desired:
+\usepackage [T1]{fontenc}
+% Short meta (works in verbatim. Can't use < for other purposes.
+\catcode`\<=13 \def<#1>{{\rm\it #1\/}} % <meta> (works in verbatim)
+% Short verbatim. " can appear in verbatim environments.
+% Verbatim item:
+% Verbatim section"
+% 1. Save example verbatim to \jobname.tmp,
+% 2. Input verbatim with \catcode`\"=14 (" is a comment).
+% 3. Input again with \catcode\`"=9 (" is ignored).
+ \VerbatimEnvironment\begin{VerbatimOut}{\jobname.tmp}}
+ \end{VerbatimOut}%.
+ \renewcommand{\EveryVerbatimLine}{}%
+ \renewcommand{\EveryVerbatimCodes}{\catcode`\"=14}%
+ \LVerbatimInput{\jobname.tmp}%
+ \catcode`\"=9}
+\iftrue% always using color
+ \begin{center}\leavevmode\input{\jobname.tmp}\end{center}}
+\title{Documentation\thanks{Documentation revised by Herbert Vo\ss} for colortab:\\[5pt]
+ Shading and coloring \TeX\ tables, v. \CTfv}
+\author{Timothy Van Zandt\\ \url{tvz@Princeton.EDU}}
+"colortab.tex/colortab.sty" contains macros that let you use your color
+commands for shading and coloring cells in tables and other alignment
+environments. It is compatible with most \TeX\ macro packages.
+Adding color to tables is fraught with difficulties, but as the examples in
+this file indicate, it can be done. In any case, consider this an advanced
+topic, and be aware that the commands in "colortab.tex" are not robust.
+This is meant to supplement your own color commands. There are many macro
+files that implement color for the various "dvi" drivers that can support
+color. E.g., the PSTricks package works with a variety of DVI-to-PS drivers.
+For example, suppose you have a macro that defines the color command "\gray".
+"colortab.tex" requires that one of the following produce a gray line:
+ {\gray \hrule}
+ \gray{\hrule}
+if you want to use this command to color the cells in tables.
+This is probably the case if the one of the following produces gray text:
+ {\gray I am gray!}
+ \gray{I am gray!}
+"colortab.tex" contains macros for \TeX's "\halign" primitive. Incorporating
+color into high-level macros based on the "\halign" primitive requires a
+case-by-case treatment. "colortab.tex" also contains macros for coloring cells
+\LaTeX's various array environments, and for the \LaTeX\ "longtable"
+environment that is defined in the "longtable" (or "longtabl") style option.
+These can serve as examples that can be accommodated to other table macros.
+See the code itself for happy hacking.
+\section{\TeX's halign primitive}
+To shade cells in an alignment, use
+ \coloralign
+instead of "\halign". Then, to color the columns in one or more rows, type
+ \CC
+ <row of colors>\cr
+ <rows to be colored>\cr
+ \ECC
+For example:
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height11.5pt
+ depth6.5pt width0pt}%
+ \vbox{\offinterlineskip
+ \coloralign{%
+ \vrule\strut\quad\hfil#\hfil\quad
+ &\vrule\quad\hfil#\quad\vrule\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}%
+ \CC
+ \gray &\cr
+ Tamarind&Chiplote\cr
+ \ECC\noalign{\hrule}%
+ \CC
+ \lightgray &\gray\cr
+ Lulu&Serrano\cr\noalign{\hrule}%
+ Guanabana&Larga\cr
+ \ECC\noalign{\hrule}%
+ }}
+"\CC" and "\ECC" stand for ``ColorCells'' and ``EndColorCells'', respectively.
+You cannot change the name of "\ECC" with "\let" or "\def" (without redefining
+"\CC"), because it is really just a delimiter. This is also true of the first
+"\cr", which marks the end of the row of color commands.
+Remember that only complete rows can go between "\CC" and "\ECC". Where you
+include horizontal lines is generally inconsequential. You can have nested
+"\coloralign" environments, but the nested environment must be enclosed in
+brackets "{}". There is no "\coloralign to" or "\coloralign spread" because
+the space inserted by "\tabskip" won't be shaded.
+These macros are not very robust. You can make best use of them by knowing how
+they work. "\coloralign" just saves the preamble, and otherwise is identical
+to "\halign". "\CC" finds the height of the rows that have to be colored, and
+then "\CC" draws a rectangle using \TeX's line-drawing primitives in each
+cell, colored by the color commands included in the first line that follows
+"\CC". E.g.,
+ \yellow &&\red \cr
+draws a yellow rectangle in column 1, nothing in column 2, and a red rectangle
+in column 3. Then "\CC" goes back up the height of the rectangle, so that
+\TeX's current point is back where it was when "\CC" started. At this point,
+"\CC" has finished its work. When the next rows of the alignment environment
+are processed by "\halign", they are put down on top of the rectangles, and
+hence have colored backgrounds.
+"\CC" finds the height of the rows to be colored by putting the rows into an
+"\halign" environment, using the preamble that was saved by "\coloralign", and
+then measuring the height of the resulting box.
+\section{\LaTeX\ array environments}
+Cells can be colored in a \LaTeX\ array without using a special array
+environment (i.e., there is no \LaTeX\ analog to "\coloralign"). Use "\LCC"
+instead of "\CC", and use "\\" to end the row of color commands instead of
+"\cr". For example:
+ \def\arraystretch{1.5}%
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|c|}\hline
+ \LCC
+ \gray & \\
+ Tamarind & Chiplote \\ \hline
+ \ECC
+ \LCC
+ \lightgray & \gray\\
+ Lulu & Serrano\\ \hline
+ Guanabana & Larga\\ \hline
+ \ECC
+ \end{tabular}
+The same caveats apply as with the "\coloralign" environment.
+When \n\LCC\ and \n\ECC\ are used with Frank Mittelbach's "array.sty", nested
+array-type environments and "\multicolumn" commands wipe out information
+needed by \n\ECC\. Here is a workaround: Put "\SP" (``SavePreamble'') at the
+beginning of the array-type environment (right after the column declarations),
+and put "\RP" (``RestorePreamble'') at the end of each line containing a
+"\multicolumn" command or nested array-type environment (after the "\\", and
+before the \n\ECC). For example:
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|c|}\SP\hline
+ \LCC
+ \gray & \\
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{Tamarind}\\ \RP \hline
+ \ECC
+ \end{tabular}
+Further nesting (e.g., an array within a "\multicolumn", or a "\multicolumn"
+or array within a nested array) sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. You
+will have to figure that one out for yourself.
+"longtable.sty", by David Carlisle, defines the "longtable" environment, for
+making multipage tables. "\LCC" will not work with "longtable". However,
+"colortab" contains other macros that will work, if you use "longtable.sty" in
+conjunction with Frank Mittelbach's "array.sty". These macros have been tested
+only briefly, with version 3.04 of "longtable.sty" and version 2.1b of
+Before every column identifier in the environment's argument (e.g., "c", "l",
+"r", "p", "m" or "b"), put
+ \vitem"!{\LC}" If none of the below applies;
+ \vitem"!{\LCi}" If the column is preceded by one or more vertical lines;
+ \vitem"!{\LCii}" If the column is followed by two vertical lines;
+ \vitem"!{\LCiii}" If the column is preceded by one or more vertical lines
+and followed by two vertical lines.
+ \vitem"!{\LCz{<len1>}{<len2>}}" If "colortab" should back up by <len1>
+before drawing the background, and should draw the background <len2> shorter
+than the width of the column.
+Remember that you have to do this for every column, not just the columns that
+you want to color.
+Then include
+ \LColors <color> & <color> & ... & <color>\\
+in the first row of the environment, and later on as well if you wish to
+change the colors. Here also you have to include every column, but you can
+leave an entry blank if you don't want any background color in that column.
+The color comes out right, or at all, only after you have run the file enough
+times for "longtable.sty" to set the alignment correctly.
+Here is an example. The output will appear in this documentation only if
+"longtable.sty" or "longtabl.sty" is installed on your system.
+ \makeatletter
+ \catcode`\<=12
+% Modification Denis GIROU (CNRS/IDRIS - France) - &lt;; - 10 Sep. 1996
+% Can't work with LaTeX 2e
+% \@input{longtable.sty}%
+% \@input{longtabl.sty}%
+% \@input{array.sty}%
+ \@input{longtable.styX}% Avoid loading of longtable.sty...
+ \@input{longtabl.sty}%
+ \@input{array.styX}% Avoid loading of array.sty...
+ \@testtrue
+ \@ifundefined{c@LT@tables}{\@testfalse}{}%
+ \@ifundefined{d@llarbegin}{\@testfalse}{}%
+ \if@test\else
+ \renewenvironment{example}{\VerbatimEnvironment\LVerbatim}{\endLVerbatim}%
+ \fi
+ \makeatother
+ \begin{longtable}{|!{\LCiii}l||!{\LCi}c|!{\LCi}c|}\hline
+ \LColors \gray & & \\
+ Tamarind & Chiplote & Galanga\\ \hline
+ \LColors \lightgray & & \gray\\
+ Lulu & & Serrano\\ \hline
+ Guanabana & Larga &\\ \hline
+ \end{longtable}
+\section{Coloring lines}
+Let's begin with the "\halign" environment. Changing the color of lines is
+easy, because if you write, say, "{\gray\hrule}", then the line comes out
+gray. For example:
+ % Thicker lines and wider spacing give better view:
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{%
+ \vrule height15.5pt depth8.5pt width0pt}%
+ \def\Hrule{\hrule height 2.5pt}%
+ \def\Vrule{\vrule width 2.5pt}%
+ % Now the table:
+ \vbox{\offinterlineskip
+ \halign{%
+ {\lightgray\Vrule}\strut\quad\hfil#\hfil\quad
+ &{\gray\Vrule}\quad\hfil#\quad\Vrule\cr
+ \noalign{\Hrule}%
+ Tamarind& Chiplote\cr\noalign{{\darkgray\Hrule}}%
+ Lulu& Serrano\cr\noalign{\Hrule}%
+ Guanabana& Larga\cr\noalign{{\lightgray\Hrule}}%
+ }}
+With \LaTeX, you can add an entry like
+ @{\hspace{\tabcolsep}{\gray\vrule}\hspace{\tabcolsep}}
+to the argument of the alignment environment, instead of "|", if you want to
+color the vertical line that is drawn. If using "array.sty", you can try:
+ !{{\gray\vrule}}
+To color horizontal lines with \LaTeX, don't bother trying
+ {\gray\hline}
+because it won't work. You write your own version of "\hline" and "\cline", or
+use the non-aligned color commands described in the next section.
+\section{Non-aligned color with PSTricks}
+Here are a few other commands that can be useful for adding color to tables.
+{\bf They only work with PSTricks, v0.93 or later.} <color> in this case is
+the name of the color, without the backslash. These fudge the color commands
+so that they do not have to be balanced with respect to \TeX\ grouping. You
+can achieve the same thing using "\special{<raw postscript>}" and "\noalign",
+if you know what you are doing. These should work with just about any
+alignment macro, include "\halign" and \LaTeX's "tabular" environment.
+\vitem"\AC{<color>} ... \EAC" \
+ These stand for "AlignColor" and "EndAlignColor", respectively. <color> is
+the name of the color, without a backslash, rather than a color command. This
+can be used within a cell, but they do not have to be within the same cell,
+nor do they have to be properly nested with respect to \TeX\ grouping.
+Generally, "\AC{<color>}" switches to <color>, and \n\EAC\ restores the color
+that would be in effect if the first \n\AC\ command were missing.
+\vitem"\NAC{<color>} ... \ENAC" \
+ These stand for "NoAlignColor" and "EndNoAlignColor", respectively. These
+are like \n\AC\ and \n\EAC, but the color commands are put inside a
+"\noalign". They can only appear at the end of a line, after "\\" or "\cr".
+Actually, these do not even have to be used in pairs.
+Here is an example of how "\AC", etc., can be used. to color lines in \LaTeX\
+arrays. The output will appear in this documentation only if PSTricks is
+installed on your system:
+ \renewenvironment{example}{\VerbatimEnvironment\LVerbatim}{\endLVerbatim}
+ \arrayrulewidth 1.5pt
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|c|}\hline
+ Tamarind& Chiplote\\ \NAC{gray}\hline\ENAC
+ Lulu& Serrano\\ \cline{1-1}
+ \NAC{lightgray}\cline{2-2}\ENAC
+ Guanabana\AC{lightgray} & \EAC Larga\\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+%% END colortab.doc
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/colortab.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/colortab.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..85abe169366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/colortab/colortab.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+%% BEGIN colortab.tex/colortab.sty
+%% COPYRIGHT 1993/2010, by Timothy Van Zandt, tvz@Princeton.EDU
+%% colortab.tex/colortab.sty lets you shade or color the cells in a
+%% alignment environments (e.g., \halign and \LaTeX's tabular and
+%% array environments). It is compatible with most TeX macro packages,
+%% including Plain TeX, LaTeX, AmSTeX, and Ams-LaTeX. You must be
+%% use in conjunction with other color commands.
+%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
+%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+%% CODE:
+% colortab.tex uses TeX primitives, plus the Plain TeX commands:
+% \newcount, \newtoks, \newbox, \newif and \z@.
+% The LaTeX specific macros also use some LaTeX commands.
+\csname ColortabLoaded\endcsname
+\ifx\PSTricksLoaded\endinput\else \input pstricks.tex\fi
+\message{\space\space v\fileversion\space\space\filedate\space\space <tvz>}
+% These scratch registers are set globally:
+% This flag is used to shut off colortab:
+% To color row cells of unknown height we first have to put the rows in an
+% alignment and measure the resulting height, then put down a row of blobs
+% (with \hrule, and then move back up the page.
+% For TeX's \halign primitive, \coloralign saves the preamble in the token
+% register \CT@preamble. This is used to calculate the height of the columns
+% that are to be colored in.
+ \afterassignment\coloralign@
+ \setbox\CT@box=\hbox}
+ \egroup
+ \CT@preamble{\halign\bgroup#1\cr}%
+ \the\CT@preamble}
+% \CC reads the next row, which should contain the color commands, and then
+% the rows to be colored. The height of the latter rows is calculated, and
+% then the row of colors is processed. \CT@columncolor uses \leaders to get
+% each color to fill the column horizontally, and it uses the previously
+% calculated height to fill the columns vertically.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\next\@nil
+ \def\next##1&\@nil{\gdef\CT@next{##1}}%
+ \expandafter\next\CT@next\@nil
+ \def\CT@temp\@nil{}%
+ \else
+ \ifx\next\CT@space
+ \def\CT@temp{%
+ \def\next{\futurelet\next\CT@columncolor}%
+ \afterassignment\next\let\CT@temp= }%
+ \else
+ \def\CT@temp{\CT@@columncolor}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \CT@temp}
+ \ifx\next&%
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\CT@next\expandafter{\CT@next\omit{}&}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\CT@next\expandafter{\CT@next
+ \omit{{\ignorespaces#1{\leaders\hrule height\CT@dim\hfil}}}&}%
+ \fi
+ \futurelet\next\CT@columncolor}
+{\def\\{\global\let\CT@space= }\\ }
+ \ifcolortab
+ \noalign{%
+ \setbox\CT@box=\vbox{#1#3\crcr\egroup}%
+ \CT@dim=\ht\CT@box
+ \global\advance\CT@dim by \dp\CT@box
+ \def\CT@next{}%
+ \futurelet\next\CT@columncolor#2&\@nil}%
+ \CT@next\cr
+ \noalign{\vskip-\CT@dim}%
+ \fi
+ #3}
+% With \LaTeX's alignment macros, the preamble is saved for us in \@preamble.
+% Otherwise, \LCC is the same as \CC.
+% This unaligned color stuff only works with PSTricks:
+% \@ifundefined{color@#1}%
+% {\@pstrickserr{Color not defined: `#1'}\@ehpa}%
+ {\pstVerb{\pst@usecolor{#1}}}}
+ \noalign{%
+ \ifnum\CT@LCinitflag=\c@LT@tables\else\CT@LCinit\fi
+ \ifnum\CT@LCflag=\z@
+ \global\CT@LCnum 1
+ \CT@LColors#1&\@nil
+ \global\CT@LCnum\CT@LCmax
+ \fi}}
+ \global\@namedef{LColor@\the\CT@LCnum}{#1}%
+ \@ifnextchar\@nil{\@gobble}{%
+ \global\advance\CT@LCnum 1
+ \CT@LColors}}
+ \ifcolortab
+ \@ifundefined{LT@\romannumeral\c@LT@tables}%
+ {\gdef\CT@LCflag{1}}{\gdef\CT@LCflag{\z@}}%
+ \else
+ \gdef{CT@LCflag{1}}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\CT@LCflag=\z@
+ \begingroup
+ \def\omit\kern##1&{%
+ \advance\CT@LCnum 1
+ \CT@dim=##1\relax
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname LCdim@\the\CT@LCnum\endcsname{%
+ \number\CT@dim sp}}%
+ \CT@LCnum\z@
+ \@nameuse{LT@\romannumeral\c@LT@tables}&%
+ \xdef\CT@LCmax{\the\CT@LCnum}%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+ \xdef\CT@LCinitflag{\the\c@LT@tables}}
+ \kern-\@tempdima
+ \ifnum\CT@LCflag=\z@
+ \ifnum\CT@LCnum=\CT@LCmax\relax
+ \global\CT@LCnum 1
+ \else
+ \global\advance\CT@LCnum 1
+ \fi
+ \CT@dim=\@nameuse{LCdim@\the\CT@LCnum}\relax
+ \advance\CT@dim-\@tempdimb
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname LColor@\the\CT@LCnum\endcsname\@empty\else
+ \begingroup
+ \@nameuse{LColor@\the\CT@LCnum}{%
+ \vrule width\CT@dim}%
+ \endgroup
+ \kern-\CT@dim
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \@tempdima=\doublerulesep
+ \ifnum\CT@LCflag=\z@
+ \ifnum\CT@LCnum=\CT@LCmax\relax
+ \@tempdimb=\arrayrulewidth
+ \else
+ \@tempdimb=\z@
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \@tempdima=\z@
+ \@tempdimb=\doublerulesep
+ \advance\@tempdimb=\arrayrulewidth
+ \LC@Cell}
+ \LCi@
+ \advance\@tempdimb\doublerulesep
+ \advance\@tempdimb\arrayrulewidth
+ \LC@Cell}
+ \@tempdima=#1
+ \@tempdimb=#2
+ \LC@Cell}
+%% END colortab.tex/colortab.sty
+%% BEGIN colortab.doc
+%% Documentation for colortab.tex/colortab.sty.
+%% Run through LaTeX, with or without the NFSS.
+%% You need the file fancybox.sty, available from Princeton.EDU:/pub/tvz
+%% The color commands \gray and \lightgray must be defined if you
+%% want to see the examples. pstricks.tex will be loaded for this
+%% purpose if it is found. Otherwise, you must load your own
+%% color commands.
+%% Change these if using different size paper. You can also include the
+%% twosided style option, if desired:
+% Load pstricks.tex if it is found:
+% Input colortab.tex here to check file version:
+\input colortab.tex
+ \@latexerr{colortab input file and documentation do not have the same
+ version}\@ehd
+\def\expanddate#1/#2/#3/{\year=19#1 \month=#2 \day=#3}
+ \expandafter\expanddate\filedate/
+ \xdef\thefiledate{\today}
+\title{Documentation for colortab.tex/colortab.sty:\\[5pt]
+ Shading and coloring \TeX\ tables}
+\author{Timothy Van Zandt\\ tvz@Princeton.EDU}
+\date{Version \fileversion\\ \thefiledate}
+ \begin{center}
+ {\Large\bf \@title \par}
+ \vskip 1.2em {\lineskip .5em
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@author\end{tabular}\par}
+ \vskip .8em {\@date}%
+ \end{center}
+ \par
+ \vskip .5em}
+ \markboth{Documentation for colortab.tex/.sty}%
+ {Version \fileversion, \thefiledate}%
+ \markright{colortab.tex, Version \fileversion}
+ \par\vfill
+ \begin{quote}
+ \begin{center} \Large\bf Contents \end{center}
+ \def\numberline##1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss##1\hskip 1em}}%
+ \let\oldaddvspace\addvspace
+ \def\addvspace##1{%
+ \myskip##1\relax
+ \oldaddvspace{.5\myskip}}
+ \@starttoc{toc}%
+ \end{quote}
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \vfill
+ \clearpage}
+% Paragraphs are marked by large space rather than indentation:
+\parindent 0pt
+\parskip 7pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
+\setlength{\headheight}{12pt} % height of running head
+\setlength{\headsep}{30pt} % distance between header and text
+\setlength{\textheight}{8.2in} % height of text on page
+% Adjust margins for different paper size:
+\advance\oddsidemargin .5\@tempdima
+\advance\evensidemargin .5\@tempdima
+\advance\topmargin .5\@tempdima
+% Short meta (works in verbatim. Can't use < for other purposes.
+\catcode`\<=13 \def<#1>{{\rm\it #1\/}} % <meta> (works in verbatim)
+% Short verbatim. " can appear in verbatim environments.
+% Verbatim item:
+% Verbatim section"
+% 1. Save example verbatim to \jobname.tmp,
+% 2. Input verbatim with \catcode`\"=14 (" is a comment).
+% 3. Input again with \catcode\`"=9 (" is ignored).
+ \VerbatimEnvironment\begin{VerbatimOut}{\jobname.tmp}}
+ \end{VerbatimOut}%.
+ \renewcommand{\EveryVerbatimLine}{}%
+ \renewcommand{\EveryVerbatimCodes}{\catcode`\"=14}%
+ \LVerbatimInput{\jobname.tmp}%
+ \catcode`\"=9}
+ {\@ifundefined{gray}{\@testfalse}{\@testtrue}}
+ \begin{center}\leavevmode\input{\jobname.tmp}\end{center}}
+"colortab.tex/colortab.sty" contains macros that let you use your color
+commands for shading and coloring cells in tables and other alignment
+environments. It is compatible with most \TeX\ macro packages.
+Adding color to tables is fraught with difficulties, but as the examples in
+this file indicate, it can be done. In any case, consider this an advanced
+topic, and be aware that the commands in "colortab.tex" are not robust.
+This is meant to supplement your own color commands. There are many macro
+files that implement color for the various "dvi" drivers that can support
+color. E.g., the PSTricks package works with a variety of DVI-to-PS drivers.
+For example, suppose you have a macro that defines the color command "\gray".
+"colortab.tex" requires that one of the following produce a gray line:
+ {\gray \hrule}
+ \gray{\hrule}
+if you want to use this command to color the cells in tables.
+This is probably the case if the one of the following produces gray text:
+ {\gray I am gray!}
+ \gray{I am gray!}
+"colortab.tex" contains macros for \TeX's "\halign" primitive. Incorporating
+color into high-level macros based on the "\halign" primitive requires a
+case-by-case treatment. "colortab.tex" also contains macros for coloring cells
+\LaTeX's various array environments, and for the \LaTeX\ "longtable"
+environment that is defined in the "longtable" (or "longtabl") style option.
+These can serve as examples that can be accommodated to other table macros.
+See the code itself for happy hacking.
+\section{\TeX's halign primitive}
+To shade cells in an alignment, use
+ \coloralign
+instead of "\halign". Then, to color the columns in one or more rows, type
+ \CC
+ <row of colors>\cr
+ <rows to be colored>\cr
+ \ECC
+For example:
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height11.5pt
+ depth6.5pt width0pt}%
+ \vbox{\offinterlineskip
+ \coloralign{%
+ \vrule\strut\quad\hfil#\hfil\quad
+ &\vrule\quad\hfil#\quad\vrule\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}%
+ \CC
+ \gray &\cr
+ Tamarind&Chiplote\cr
+ \ECC\noalign{\hrule}%
+ \CC
+ \lightgray &\gray\cr
+ Lulu&Serrano\cr\noalign{\hrule}%
+ Guanabana&Larga\cr
+ \ECC\noalign{\hrule}%
+ }}
+"\CC" and "\ECC" stand for ``ColorCells'' and ``EndColorCells'', respectively.
+You cannot change the name of "\ECC" with "\let" or "\def" (without redefining
+"\CC"), because it is really just a delimiter. This is also true of the first
+"\cr", which marks the end of the row of color commands.
+Remember that only complete rows can go between "\CC" and "\ECC". Where you
+include horizontal lines is generally inconsequential. You can have nested
+"\coloralign" environments, but the nested environment must be enclosed in
+brackets "{}". There is no "\coloralign to" or "\coloralign spread" because
+the space inserted by "\tabskip" won't be shaded.
+These macros are not very robust. You can make best use of them by knowing how
+they work. "\coloralign" just saves the preamble, and otherwise is identical
+to "\halign". "\CC" finds the height of the rows that have to be colored, and
+then "\CC" draws a rectangle using \TeX's line-drawing primitives in each
+cell, colored by the color commands included in the first line that follows
+"\CC". E.g.,
+ \yellow &&\red \cr
+draws a yellow rectangle in column 1, nothing in column 2, and a red rectangle
+in column 3. Then "\CC" goes back up the height of the rectangle, so that
+\TeX's current point is back where it was when "\CC" started. At this point,
+"\CC" has finished its work. When the next rows of the alignment environment
+are processed by "\halign", they are put down on top of the rectangles, and
+hence have colored backgrounds.
+"\CC" finds the height of the rows to be colored by putting the rows into an
+"\halign" environment, using the preamble that was saved by "\coloralign", and
+then measuring the height of the resulting box.
+\section{\LaTeX\ array environments}
+Cells can be colored in a \LaTeX\ array without using a special array
+environment (i.e., there is no \LaTeX\ analog to "\coloralign"). Use "\LCC"
+instead of "\CC", and use "\\" to end the row of color commands instead of
+"\cr". For example:
+ \def\arraystretch{1.5}%
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|c|}\hline
+ \LCC
+ \gray & \\
+ Tamarind & Chiplote \\ \hline
+ \ECC
+ \LCC
+ \lightgray & \gray\\
+ Lulu & Serrano\\ \hline
+ Guanabana & Larga\\ \hline
+ \ECC
+ \end{tabular}
+The same caveats apply as with the "\coloralign" environment.
+When \n\LCC\ and \n\ECC\ are used with Frank Mittelbach's "array.sty", nested
+array-type environments and "\multicolumn" commands wipe out information
+needed by \n\ECC\. Here is a workaround: Put "\SP" (``SavePreamble'') at the
+beginning of the array-type environment (right after the column declarations),
+and put "\RP" (``RestorePreamble'') at the end of each line containing a
+"\multicolumn" command or nested array-type environment (after the "\\", and
+before the \n\ECC). For example:
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|c|}\SP\hline
+ \LCC
+ \gray & \\
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{Tamarind}\\ \RP \hline
+ \ECC
+ \end{tabular}
+Further nesting (e.g., an array within a "\multicolumn", or a "\multicolumn"
+or array within a nested array) sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. You
+will have to figure that one out for yourself.
+"longtable.sty", by David Carlisle, defines the "longtable" environment, for
+making multipage tables. "\LCC" will not work with "longtable". However,
+"colortab" contains other macros that will work, if you use "longtable.sty" in
+conjunction with Frank Mittelbach's "array.sty". These macros have been tested
+only briefly, with version 3.04 of "longtable.sty" and version 2.1b of
+Before every column identifier in the environment's argument (e.g., "c", "l",
+"r", "p", "m" or "b"), put
+ \vitem"!{\LC}" If none of the below applies;
+ \vitem"!{\LCi}" If the column is preceded by one or more vertical lines;
+ \vitem"!{\LCii}" If the column is followed by two vertical lines;
+ \vitem"!{\LCiii}" If the column is preceded by one or more vertical lines
+and followed by two vertical lines.
+ \vitem"!{\LCz{<len1>}{<len2>}}" If "colortab" should back up by <len1>
+before drawing the background, and should draw the background <len2> shorter
+than the width of the column.
+Remember that you have to do this for every column, not just the columns that
+you want to color.
+Then include
+ \LColors <color> & <color> & ... & <color>\\
+in the first row of the environment, and later on as well if you wish to
+change the colors. Here also you have to include every column, but you can
+leave an entry blank if you don't want any background color in that column.
+The color comes out right, or at all, only after you have run the file enough
+times for "longtable.sty" to set the alignment correctly.
+Here is an example. The output will appear in this documentation only if
+"longtable.sty" or "longtabl.sty" is installed on your system.
+ \makeatletter
+ \catcode`\<=12
+ \@input{longtable.sty}%
+ \@input{longtabl.sty}%
+ \@input{array.sty}%
+ \@testtrue
+ \@ifundefined{c@LT@tables}{\@testfalse}{}%
+ \@ifundefined{d@llarbegin}{\@testfalse}{}%
+ \if@test\else
+ \renewenvironment{example}{\VerbatimEnvironment\LVerbatim}{\endLVerbatim}%
+ \fi
+ \makeatother
+ \begin{longtable}{|!{\LCiii}l||!{\LCi}c|!{\LCi}c|}\hline
+ \LColors \gray & & \\
+ Tamarind & Chiplote & Galanga\\ \hline
+ \LColors \lightgray & & \gray\\
+ Lulu & & Serrano\\ \hline
+ Guanabana & Larga &\\ \hline
+ \end{longtable}
+\section{Coloring lines}
+Let's begin with the "\halign" environment. Changing the color of lines is
+easy, because if you write, say, "{\gray\hrule}", then the line comes out
+gray. For example:
+ % Thicker lines and wider spacing give better view:
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{%
+ \vrule height15.5pt depth8.5pt width0pt}%
+ \def\Hrule{\hrule height 2.5pt}%
+ \def\Vrule{\vrule width 2.5pt}%
+ % Now the table:
+ \vbox{\offinterlineskip
+ \halign{%
+ {\lightgray\Vrule}\strut\quad\hfil#\hfil\quad
+ &{\gray\Vrule}\quad\hfil#\quad\Vrule\cr
+ \noalign{\Hrule}%
+ Tamarind& Chiplote\cr\noalign{{\darkgray\Hrule}}%
+ Lulu& Serrano\cr\noalign{\Hrule}%
+ Guanabana& Larga\cr\noalign{{\lightgray\Hrule}}%
+ }}
+With \LaTeX, you can add an entry like
+ @{\hspace{\tabcolsep}{\gray\vrule}\hspace{\tabcolsep}}
+to the argument of the alignment environment, instead of "|", if you want to
+color the vertical line that is drawn. If using "array.sty", you can try:
+ !{{\gray\vrule}}
+To color horizontal lines with \LaTeX, don't bother trying
+ {\gray\hline}
+because it won't work. You write your own version of "\hline" and "\cline", or
+use the non-aligned color commands described in the next section.
+\section{Non-aligned color with PSTricks}
+Here are a few other commands that can be useful for adding color to tables.
+{\bf They only work with PSTricks, v0.93 or later.} <color> in this case is
+the name of the color, without the backslash. These fudge the color commands
+so that they do not have to be balanced with respect to \TeX\ grouping. You
+can achieve the same thing using "\special{<raw postscript>}" and "\noalign",
+if you know what you are doing. These should work with just about any
+alignment macro, include "\halign" and \LaTeX's "tabular" environment.
+\vitem"\AC{<color>} ... \EAC" \
+ These stand for "AlignColor" and "EndAlignColor", respectively. <color> is
+the name of the color, without a backslash, rather than a color command. This
+can be used within a cell, but they do not have to be within the same cell,
+nor do they have to be properly nested with respect to \TeX\ grouping.
+Generally, "\AC{<color>}" switches to <color>, and \n\EAC\ restores the color
+that would be in effect if the first \n\AC\ command were missing.
+\vitem"\NAC{<color>} ... \ENAC" \
+ These stand for "NoAlignColor" and "EndNoAlignColor", respectively. These
+are like \n\AC\ and \n\EAC, but the color commands are put inside a
+"\noalign". They can only appear at the end of a line, after "\\" or "\cr".
+Actually, these do not even have to be used in pairs.
+Here is an example of how "\AC", etc., can be used. to color lines in \LaTeX\
+arrays. The output will appear in this documentation only if PSTricks is
+installed on your system:
+ \renewenvironment{example}{\VerbatimEnvironment\LVerbatim}{\endLVerbatim}
+ \arrayrulewidth 1.5pt
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|c|}\hline
+ Tamarind& Chiplote\\ \NAC{gray}\hline\ENAC
+ Lulu& Serrano\\ \cline{1-1}
+ \NAC{lightgray}\cline{2-2}\ENAC
+ Guanabana\AC{lightgray} & \EAC Larga\\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+%% END colortab.doc