path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/apnum/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/apnum/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3abf6cad9fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/apnum/README
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+apnum -- Arbitrary precision numbers implemented by TeX macros
+Petr Olsak Nov. 2014
+The basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power
+to an integer) are implemented by TeX macros in this package. Operands can be
+numbers with arbitrary number of digits (or scientific notation is allowed).
+The expression scanner is provided too. The exhaustive documentation
+(including detail TeXnical documentation) is included. The macro includes many
+optimizations and uses only TeX primitives (from classic TeX) and \newcount
+Files: README ... this file
+ apnum.tex ... TeX macro
+ apnum.pdf ... documentation (generated from apnum.d)
+ apnum.d ... documentation (source for apnum.pdf)
+License: Public domain.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/apnum/apnum.d b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/apnum/apnum.d
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4c7b65572f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/apnum/apnum.d
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+% apnum.tex -- Arbitrary Precision Numbers
+% The documentation, Petr Olsak, 2014
+% You can create the pdf version of this documentation by the command
+% pdfcsplain apnum.d
+% run this command four times (for the consistence of all cross references)
+% If you need to generate the documentation then the packages csplain and docbytex
+% have to be installed in your TeX distribution.
+\input utf8off \clearmubyte % use pdfcsplain
+\def\projectversion{1.0 2014}
+\def\headtitle{Arbitrary Precision Numbers}
+\showboxbreadth=1500 \showboxdepth=2
+\input docby.tex
+\setlinecomment{\percent} \noactive{\nb\percent} \noactive{\percent\cbrace}
+\noactive{\nb fontdimen}
+\def\tittoc{Table Of Contents}
+\def\titversion{version }
+ \catcode`\[=1 \catcode`]=2 \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12
+ \gdef\obrace[{] \gdef\cbrace[}]
+ The bold number is the number of the page where the item is documented.
+ Other numbers are pagenumbers of the occurrences of such item.
+ \medskip}
+\def\nn#1 {\noactive{\nb#1}}
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
+\centerline{\tt apnum.tex}
+\title Arbitrary Precision Numbers
+\author Petr Ol\v s\'ak
+ {}}
+\dotoc \bookmarks
+\sec User's Documentation
+This macro file "apnum.tex" implements addition, subtraction, multiplication,
+division and power to an integer of numbers with arbitrary number of decimal
+digits. The numbers are in the form:
+where optional "<sign>" is the sequence of "+" and/or "-". The nonzero number is
+treated as negative if and only if there is odd number of "-" signs.
+The first part or second part of "<digits>" (but not both) can be empty.
+The decimal point is optional if second part of "<digits>" is empty.
+There can be unlimited number of digits in the operands. Only \TeX{} main
+memory or your patience during calculation with very large numbers are your
+limits. Note, that this implementation includes many optimizations and it is
+above 100 times faster (on large numbers) than the implementation of the
+similar task in the package "fltpoint.sty". And the "fp.sty" doesn't
+implements arbitrary number of digits. The extensive technical documentation
+can serve as an inspiration how to do \TeX{} macro programming.
+\subsec Evaluation of Expressions
+After "\input apnum" in your document you can use the macro
+\db evaldef "<sequence>{<expression>}".
+It gives the possibility for comfortable calculation. The "<expression>" can
+include numbers (in the form described above) combined by "+", "-", "*", "/"
+and "^" operators and by possible brackets "()" in an usual way. The result
+is stored to the "<sequence>" as a literal macro. Examples:
+\evaldef\A {2+4*(3+7)}
+ % ... the macro \A includes 42
+\evaldef\B {\the\pageno * \A}
+ % ... the macro \B includes 84
+\evaldef\C {123456789000123456789 * -123456789123456789123456789}
+ % ... \C includes -15241578765447341344197531849955953099750190521
+\evaldef\D {1.23456789 + 12345678.9 - \A}
+ % ... the macro \D includes 12345596.13456789
+\evaldef\X {1/3}
+ % ... the macro \X includes .3333333333333333333
+The limit of the number of digits of the division result can be set by
+\db apTOT and \db apFRAC registers. First one declares maximum calculated
+digits and second one declares maximum of digits after decimal point. The
+result is limited by both those registers. If the "\apTOT" is negative,
+then its absolute value is treated as a ``soft limit'': all digits before
+decimal point are calculated even if this limit is exceeded. The digits
+after decimal point are not calculated when this limit is reached.
+The special value "\apTOT=0" means that the calculation is limited
+only by "\apFRAC". Default values are "\apTOT=-30" "\apFRAC=20".
+The operator "^" means the powering, i.e "2^8" is "256". The exponent have
+to be an integer (no decimal point is allowed) and a relatively small
+integer is assumed.
+The scanner of the "\evaldef" macro reads something like ``operand
+binary-operator operand binary-operator etc.'' without expansion.
+The spaces are not significant. The operands are:
+\item * numbers (in the format "<sign><digits>.<digits>") or
+\item * numbers in scientific notation (see the section 1.3) or
+\item * sequences "<sign>\the<token>" or "<sign>\number<token>" or
+\item * any other single "<token>" optionally preceded by "<sign>" and
+ optionally followed by a sequence of parameters enclosed in braces, for
+ example "\A" or "\B{<text>}" or "-\C{<textA>}{<textB>}".
+It means that you can use numbers or macros without parameter or
+macros with one or more parameters enclosed
+in braces as operands.
+The "apnum.tex" macro file provides the following ``function-like'' macros
+which can be used as an operand in the "<expression>":
+\db ABS "{<value>}" for an absolute value,
+\db iDIV "{<dividend>}{<divisor>}" for an integer division,
+\db iMOD "{<dividend>}{<divisor>}" for an integer remainder,
+\db iROUND "{<value>}" for rounding the number to the integer,
+\db iFRAC "{<value>}" for fraction part of the "\iROUND",
+\db FAC "{<value>}" for a factorial. The arguments of these functions can be a
+nested "<expressions>" with the syntax like in the "\evaldef" macro. Example:
+\evaldef\B{ 30*\ABS{ 100 - 1.12*\the\widowpenalty } / (4+\A) }
+Note that the arguments of the ``function-like'' macros are enclosed by normal
+\TeX{} braces "{}" but the round brackets "()" are used for re-arranging of the
+common priority of the "+", "-", "*", "/" and "^" operators.
+The macro used as an operand in the "<expression>" can be
+a ``literal-macro'' directly expandable
+to a number (like "\A" above) or it is a ``function-like'' macro with the
+following properties:
+\item * It is protected by "\relax" as its first token after expansion.
+\item * It calculates the result and saves it into the "\OUT" macro.
+\subsec Basic Functions
+The "apnum.tex" macro file provides the \db PLUS, \db MINUS, \db MUL, \db DIV
+and \db POW macros (with two parameters). They are internally used for
+evaluation of the "<expression>" mentioned above.
+The parameters of these macros can be numbers or another
+"\PLUS", "\MINUS", "\MUL", "\DIV" or "\POW" macro call or another
+``literal macro'' with the number or ``function-like'' macro as described
+above. The result of calculation is stored in the macro~\db OUT.
+ % ... \OUT is -123456789000000000
+ % ... \OUT is 42
+ % ... \OUT is .33333333333333333333
+The number of digits calculated by "\DIV" macro is limited by the
+"\apTOT" and "\apFRAC" registers as described above.
+There is another result of "\DIV" calculation stored in the \db XOUT macro.
+It is the remainder of the division. Example:
+\apTOT=0 \apFRAC=0 \DIV{12345678912345}{2} \ifnum\XOUT=0 even \else odd\fi
+You cannot use "\ifodd" primitive here because the number is too big.
+The macro "\POW{<base>}{<exponent>}" calculates the power to the integer
+exponent. A slight optimization is implemented here so the usage of "\POW"
+is faster than repeated multiplication. The decimal non-integer exponents are not
+allowed because the implementation of exp, ln, etc.\ functions would be a
+future work.
+The \db SIGN is the \TeX{} register with another output of the calculation of
+"\evaldef", "\PLUS", "\MINUS", "\MUL" and "\DIV" macros. It is equal
+to 1 if the result is positive, it is equal to $-1$, if the result is negative
+and it is equal to 0, if the result is 0. You can implement the conditionals
+of the type
+\TEST {123456789123456789} > {123456789123456788} \iftrue OK \else KO \fi
+by the following definition:
+\def\TEST#1#2#3#4{\MINUS{#1}{#3}\ifnum\SIGN #2 0 }
+Note that the arguments of "\PLUS", "\MINUS", "\MUL", "\DIV" and "\POW" macros
+accept their arguments as one single operand, no "<expressions>" (like in
+"\evaldef") are allowed. There is no sense to combine the basic functions
+"\PLUS", "\MINUS" etc.\ with binary operators "+", "-", "*", "/" and "^".
+The \db ROUND "<sequence>{<num>}" rounds the number, which is included in
+the macro "<sequence>" and redefines "<sequence>" as rounded number.
+The digits after decimal point at the position greater than "<num>" are ignored
+in the rounded number. The ignored part is saved to the "\XOUT" macro. Examples:
+\def\A{12.3456}\ROUND\A{1} % \A is "12.3", \XOUT is "456"
+\def\A{12.3456}\ROUND\A{9} % \A is "12.3456", \XOUT is empty
+\def\A{12.3456}\ROUND\A{0} % \A is "12", \XOUT is "3456"
+\def\A{12.0001}\ROUND\A{2} % \A is "12", \XOUT is "01"
+\def\A{.000001}\ROUND\A{2} % \A is "0", \XOUT is "0001"
+\def\A{-12.3456}\ROUND\A{2} % \A is "-12.34", \XOUT is "56"
+\def\A{12.3456}\ROUND\A{-1} % \A is "10", \XOUT is "23456"
+\def\A{12.3456}\ROUND\A{-4} % \A is "0", \XOUT is "00123456"
+\subsec Scientific Notation of Numbers
+The macros "\evaldef" "\PLUS", "\MINUS", "\MUL", "\DIV" and "\POW" are able
+to operate with the numbers written in the notation:
+For example "1.234E9" means $1.234\cdot 10^9$, i.e.\ "1234000000" or
+the text "1.234E-3" means ".001234". The decimal exponent (after the "E"
+letter) have to be in the range $\pm\,2\,147\,483\,647$ because
+we store this value in normal \TeX{} register.
+The macros "\evaldef" "\PLUS", "\MINUS", "\MUL", "\DIV" and "\POW" operate by
+``normal way'' if there are no arguments with "E" syntax.
+But if an argument is expressed in scientific form, the macros
+provide the calculation with mantissa and exponent separately and the mantissa of
+the result is found in the "\OUT" macro (or in the macro defined by "\evaldef")
+and the exponent is in stored the \db apE register.
+Note, that "\OUT" is a macro but "\apE" is a register.
+You can define the macro which shows the result of the calculation, for
+\def\showE#1{\message{#1\ifnum\apE=0 \else*10^\the\apE\fi}}
+No macros mentioned above store the result back in the scientific notation,
+only mantissa is stored. You need to use "\apE" register to print the result
+similar as in the example above. Or you can use the macro \db addE
+\unskip~"<sequence>" macro which redefines the "<sequence>" macro in order
+to add the "E<exponent>" to this macro. The "<exponent>" is read from the
+current value of the "\apE" register.
+There are another usable functions for operations with scientific numbers.
+\item * \db ROLL "<sequence>{<shift>}" \dots the "<sequence>" is assumed to
+ be a macro with the number. The decimal point of this number is
+ shifted right by "<shift>" parameter, i.e.\ the result is multiplied by
+ "10^<shift>". The "<sequence>" is redefined by this result.
+ For example "\ROLL\A{\apE}" converts the
+ number of the form "<mantissa>*10^\apE" to the normal number.
+\item * \db NORM "<sequence>{<num>}"
+ \dots the "<sequence>" is supposed to be a macro with "<mantissa>" and it
+ will be redefined. The number "<mantissa>*10^\apE" (with current value of
+ the "\apE" register) is assumed.
+ The new mantissa saved in the "<sequence>" is the ``normalized mantissa'' of
+ the same number. The "\apE" register is corrected so the ``normalized
+ mantissa''"*10^\apE" gives the same number.
+ The "<num>" parameter is the number of non-zero digits before the decimal
+ point in the outputted mantissa. If the parameter "<num>"
+ starts by dot following by integer (for example "{.2}"), then the
+ outputted mantissa has "<num>" digits after decimal point.
+ For example "\def\A{1.234}\apE=0" "\NORM\A{.0}" defines "\A" as "1234"
+ and "\apE=-3".
+ The macros "\PLUS", "\MUL" etc.\ don't use this macro, they operate with
+ the mantissa without correcting the position of decimal point and adequate
+ correcting of the exponent.
+The following example saves the result of the "\evaldef" in scientific
+notation with the mantissa with maximal three digits after decimal point and one
+digit before.
+The macros "\ROUND", "\addE", "\ROLL" and "\NORM" redefine the macro
+"<sequence>" given as their first argument. The macro "<sequence>" must be
+directly the number in the format
+"<simple sign><digits>.<digits>" where "<simple sign>" is one minus or none
+and the rest of number has the format described in the first paragraph of
+this documentation. The scientific notation isn't allowed here. This format
+of numbers is in accordance with the output of the macros "\evaldef",
+"\PLUS", "\MINUS" etc.
+\subsec Experiments
+The following table shows the time needed for calculation of randomly
+selected examples. The comparison with the package "fltpoint.sty" is shown.
+The symbol $\infty$ means that it is out of my patience.
+\halign{&\ \hfil#\hfil\ \cr
+ input & \# of digits in the result & time spent by {\tt apnum.tex} &
+ time spent by {\tt fltpoint.sty}\cr
+ 200! & 375 & 0.33 sec & 173 sec \cr
+ 1000! & 2568 & 29 sec & $\infty$ \cr
+ $5^{17^2}$ & 203 & 0.1 sec & 81 sec \cr
+ $5^{17^3}$ & 3435 & 2.1 sec & $\infty$ \cr
+ $1/17$ & 1000 & 0.13 sec & 113 sec \cr
+ $1/17$ & 100000 & 142 sec & $\infty$ \cr
+\sec The Implementation
+First, the greeting. The \db apnumversion includes the version of this software.
+\ifirst{apnum.tex} {apnumversion}{\empty}{+-}
+We declare auxiliary counters and one boolean variable.
+Somebody sometimes sets the "@" character to the special catcode. But we
+need to be sure that there is normal catcode of the "@" character.
+\subsec Public Macros
+The definitions of the public macros follow. They are based on internal
+macros described below.
+The \db apSIGN is an internal representation of the public "\SIGN" register.
+Another public registers "\apE", "\apTOT" and "\apFRAC" are used directly.
+\subsec Evaluation of the Expression
+Suppose the following expression "\A+\B*(\C+\D)+\E" as an example.
+The main task of the "\evaldef\x{\A+\B*(\C+\D)+\E}" is to prepare the macro
+"\tmpb" with the content (in this example)
+"\PLUS{\PLUS{\A}{\MUL{\B}{\PLUS{\C}{\D}}}}{\E}" and to execute the "\tmpb"
+The expression scanner adds the "\end" at the end of the expression and
+reads from left to right the couples ``operand, operator''. For our example:
+"\A+", "\B*", "\C+", "\D+" and "\E\end". The "\end" operator has the
+priority 0, plus, minus have priority 1, "*"~and~"/" have priority 2 and "^"
+has priority 3. The brackets are ignored, but each occurrence of the opening
+bracket "(" increases priority by 4 and each occurrence of closing bracket
+")" decreases priority by~4. The scanner puts each couple including its
+current priority to the stack and does a test at the top of the stack. The
+top of the stack is executed if the priority of the top operator is less or
+equal the previous operator priority. For our example the stack is only
+pushed without execution until "\D+" occurs. Our example in the stack looks
+ \D + 1 1<=5 exec:
+ \C + 5 {\C+\D} + 1 1<=2 exec:
+ \B * 2 \B * 2 {\B*{\C+\D}} + 1 1<=1 exec:
+ \A + 1 \A + 1 \A + 1 {\A+{\B*{\C+\D}}} + 1
+bottom 0 bottom 0 bottom 0 bottom 0
+Now, the priority on the top is greater, then scanner pushes next couple and
+does the test on the top of the stack again.
+ \E \end 0 0<=1 exec:
+ {\A+{\B*{\C+\D}}} + 1 {{\A+{\B*{\C+\D}}}+\E} \end 0 0<=0 exec:
+ bottom 0 bottom 0 RESULT
+Let $p_t$, $p_p$ are the priority on the top and the previous
+priority in the stack. Let $v_t$, $v_p$ are operands on the top and in the
+previous line in the stack, and the same notation is used for operators
+$o_t$ and $o_p$. If $p_t\le p_p$ then: pop the stack twice, create composed
+operand $v_n=v_p \, o_p \, v_t$ and push $v_n$, $o_t$, $p_t$. Else
+push new couple ``operand, operator'' from the expression scanner.
+In both cases try to execute the top of the stack again.
+If the bottom of the stack is reached then the last operand is the result.
+The macro \db apEVALa "<sequence>{<expression>}" runs the evaluation of the
+expression in the group. The base priority is initialized by "\apnumA=0",
+then "\apEVALb<expression>\end" scans the expression and saves the
+result in the form "\PLUS{\A}{\MUL{\B}{\C}}" (etc.) into the "\tmpb" macro. This
+macro is expanded after group and the content in "\tmpb" is executed. The
+new result of such execution is stored to the "\OUT" macro, which is finally
+set to the desired "<sequence>".
+The scanner is in one of the two states: reading operand or reading operator.
+The first state is initialized by \db apEVALb which follows to the
+"\apEVALc". The \db apEVALc reads one token and switches by its value.
+If the value is a "+" or "-" sign, it is assumed to be the part of the
+operand prefix. Plus sign is ignored (and "\apEVALc" is run again),
+minus signs are accumulated into "\tmpa".
+The auxiliary macro \db apEVALd runs the following tokens to the "\fi", but
+first it closes the conditional and skips the rest of the macro "\apEVALc".
+\ilabel [eval:the] {ifx\nb the}
+\ilabel [eval:number] {ifx\nb number}
+\ilabel [eval:num] {apTESTdigit}
+\ilabel [eval:nonum] {apEVALg}
+\inext{apEVALb}{def\nb apEVALd}{++}
+If the next token is opening bracket, then the global priority is increased
+by 4 using the macro \db apEVALe. Moreover, if the sign before bracket
+generates the negative result, then the new multiplication (by $-1$)
+is added using "\apEVALp" to the operand stack.
+If the next token is "\the" or "\number" primitives (see lines \cite[eval:the] and
+\cite[eval:number]), then one following token is
+assumed as \TeX{} register and these two tokens are interpreted as an operand.
+This is done by \db apEVALf. The operand is packed to the "\tmpb" macro.
+If the next token is not a number (the "\apTESTdigit#1\iftrue" results like
+"\iffalse" at line~\cite[eval:num]) then we save
+the sign plus this token to the "\tmpb"
+at line~\cite[eval:nonum]
+and we do check of the following token by "\futurelet". The \db
+apEVALg is processed after that. The test is performed here if the following
+token is open brace (a macro with parameter). If this is true then this
+parameter is appended to "\tmpb" by \db apEVALh and the test about the
+existence of second parameter in braces is repeated by next "\futurelet".
+The result of this loop is stored into "\tmpb" macro which includes
+"<sign>" followed by "<token>" followed by all
+parameters in braces. This is considered as an operand.
+\inext{apEVALg}{def\nb apEVALh}{++}
+If the next token after the sign is a digit or a dot (tested in "\apEVALc"
+by "\apTESTdigit" at line~\cite[eval:num]), then there are two cases. The
+number includes the "E" symbol as a first symbol (this is allowed in
+scientific notation, mantissa is assumed to equal to one). The "\apEVALk"
+is executed in such case. Else the "\apEVALn" starts the reading the
+The first case with "E" letter in the number is solved by macros \db apEVALk
+and \db apEVALm. The number after "E" is read by "\apE=" and this number is
+appended to the "\tmpb" and the expression scanner skips to "\apEVALo".
+\inext{apEVALk}{def\nb apEVALm}{++}
+The second case (there is normal number) is processed by the macro \db
+apEVALn. This macro reads digits (token per token) and saves them to the
+"\tmpb". If the next token isn't digit nor dot then the second state of the
+scanner (reading an operator) is invoked by running "\apEVALo".
+If the "E" is found then the exponent is read to "\apE" and it is processed by
+The reading an operator is done by the \db apEVALo macro. This is more
+simple because the operator is only one token. Depending on this token the
+macro \db apEVALp "<operator><priority>" pushes to the stack (by
+the macro "\apEVALpush") the value from "\tmpb", the "<operator"> and the priority
+increased by "\apnumA" (level of brackets).
+If there is a problem (level of brackets less than zero, level of brackets not
+equal to zero at the end of the expression, unknown operator) we print an
+error using "\apEVALerror" macro.
+The "\next" is set to "\apEVALb", i.e.\ scanner returns back to the state of
+reading the operand. But exceptions exist: if the ")" is found then
+priority is decreased and the macro "\apEVALo" is executed again.
+If the end of the "<expression>" is found then the loop is ended by
+\inext{apEVALo}{\count=2 ^^B\cbrace}{++}
+The public values of "\PLUS", "\MINUS" etc.\ macros are saved to the
+\db apEPLUS, \db apEMINUS, \db apEMUL, \db apEDIV, \db apEPOW and these
+sequences are used in "\evaldef". The reason is that the public macros can
+be changed later by the user but we need be sure of usage the right macros.
+The \db apEVALstack macro includes the stack, three items
+"{<operand>}{<operator>}{<priority>}" per level. Left part of the macro
+contents is the top of the stack. The stack is initialized with empty
+operand and operator and with priority zero. The dot here is only the ``total
+bottom'' of the stack.
+The macro \db apEVALpush "{<operand>}{<operator>}{<priority>}" pushes its
+parameters to the stack and runs "\apEVALdo<whole stack>@" to do the
+desired work on the top of the stack.
+Finally, the macro
+\db apEVALdo "{<vt>}{<ot>}{<pt>}{<vp>}{<op>}{<pp>}<rest of the stack>@"
+performs the execution described at the beginning of this section. The new
+operand "<vn>" is created as "<op>{vp}{vt}", this means
+"\apEPLUS{<vp>}{<vt>}" for example. The operand is not executed now, only the
+result is composed by the normal \TeX{} notation. If the bottom of the stack
+is reached then the result is saved to the "\tmpb" macro. This macro is
+executed after group by the "\apEVALa" macro.
+The macro \db apEVALerror "<string>" prints an error message. We decide to
+be better to print only "\message", no "\errmessage". The "\tmpb" is
+prepared to create "\OUT" as "??" and the "\next" macro is set in order to skip
+the rest of the scanned "<expression>".
+The auxiliary macro \db apTESTdigit "<token>\iftrue" tests, if the given token is
+digit, dot or "E" letter.
+\subsec Preparation of the Parameter
+All operands of "\PLUS", "\MINUS", "\MUL", "\DIV" and "\POW" macros are
+preprocessed by "\apPPa" macro. This macro solves (roughly speaking) the
+following tasks:
+\item * It partially expands (by "\expandafter") the parameter while "<sign>" is read.
+\item * The "<sign>" is removed from parameter and the appropriate "\apSIGN"
+ value is set.
+\item * If the next token after "<sign>" is "\relax" then the rest of the
+ parameter is executed in the group and the results "\OUT", "\apSIGN" and
+ "\apE" are used.
+\item * Else the number is read and saved to the parameter.
+\item * If the read number has the scientific notation "<mantissa>E<exponent>"
+ then only "<mantissa>" is saved to the parameter and "\apE" is set as
+ "<exponent>". Else "\apE" is zero.
+The macro \db apPPa "<sequence><parameter>" calls
+\db apPPb "<parameter>@<sequence>" and starts reading the
+"<parameter>". The result will be stored to the "<sequence>".
+Each token from "<sign>" is processed by three "\expandafter"s (because
+there could be "\csname...\endcsname"). It means that the
+parameter is partially expanded when "<sign>" is read. The "\apPPb" macro
+sets the initial value of "\tmpc" and "\apSIGN" and executes the macro
+\db apPPc "<parameter>@<sequence>".
+\inext{apPPa}{def\nb apPPd}{++}
+The "\apPPc" reads one token from "<sign>" and it is called recursively
+while there are "+" or "-" signs. If the read token is "+" or "-" then
+the \db apPPd closes conditionals and executes "\apPPc" again.
+If "\relax" is found then the rest of parameter is executed by the
+\db apPPe. The macro ends by \db apPPf "<result>@" and this macro
+reverses the sign if the result is negative and removes the minus sign
+from the front of the parameter.
+\inext{apPPe}{def\nb apPPf}{++}
+The \db apPPg "<parameter>@" macro is called when the "<sign>" was processed
+and removed from the input stream. The main reason of this macro is to
+remove trailing zeros from the left and to check, if there is the zero value
+written for example in the form "0000.000". When this macro is started then
+"\tmpc" is empty. This is a flag for removing trailing zeros. They are simply
+ignored before decimal point. The "\apPPg" is called again by \db apPPh
+macro which removes the rest of "\apPPg" macro and closes the conditional.
+If the decimal point is found then next zeros are accumulated to the "\tmpc".
+If the end of the parameter "@" is found and we are in the ``removing zeros
+state'' then the whole value is assumed to be zero and this is processed by
+"\apPPi @". If another digit is found (say 2) then there are two
+situations: if the "\tmpc" is non-empty, then the digit is appended to the
+"\tmpc" and the "\apPPi<expanded tmp>" is processed (say "\apPPi .002")
+followed by the rest of the parameter. Else the digit itself is stored to
+the "\tmpc" and it is returned back to the input stream (say "\apPPi"~"2")
+followed by the rest of the parameter.
+\inext{apPPg}{def\nb apPPh}{++}
+The macro \db apPPi "<parameter without trailing zeros>@<sequence>"
+switches to two cases: if the execution of the parameter was processed then
+the "\OUT" doesn't include "E" notation and we can simply define
+"<sequence>" as the "<parameter>" by the \db apPPj macro. This saves the
+copying of the (possible) long result to the input stream again.
+If the executing of the parameter was not performed, then we need to test
+the existence of the "E" notation of the number by the \db apPPk macro. We
+need to put the "<parameter>" to the input stream and to use \db apPPl to
+test these cases. We need to remove unwanted "E" letter by the \db apPPm macro.
+\inext{apPPi}{def\nb apPPm}{++}
+The \db apPPn "<param>" macro does the same as "\apPPa\OUT{<param>}",
+but the minus sign is returned back to the "\OUT" macro if the result is
+The \db apPPab "<macro>{<paramA>}{<paramB>}" is used for parameters of
+all macros "\PLUS", "\MUL" etc. It
+prepares the "<paramA>" to "\tmpa", "<paramB>" to "\tmpb", the sign and
+"<decimal exponent>" of "<paramA>" to the "\apSIGNa" and "\apEa", the same
+of "<paramB>" to the "\apSIGNa" and "\apEa". Finally, it executes the
+The \db apPPs "<macro><sequence>{<param>}" prepares parameters for "\ROLL",
+"\ROUND" and "\NORM" macros. It saves the "<param>" to the "\tmpc" macro,
+expands the "<sequence>" and runs the macro
+\db apPPt \unskip~"<macro><expanded sequence>.@<sequence>". The macro "\apPPt"
+reads first token from the "<expanded sequence>" to "#2". If "#2" is minus
+sign, then "\apnumG=-1". Else
+"\apnumG=1". Finally the "<macro><expanded sequence>.@<sequence>"
+is executed (but without the minus sign in the input stream).
+If "#2" is zero then \db apPPu "<macro><rest>.@<sequence>" is executed. If
+the "<rest>" is empty, (i.e.\ the parameter is simply zero) then "<macro>"
+isn't executed because there in nothing to do with zero number as a parameter of
+"\ROLL", "\ROUND" or "\NORM" macros.
+\inext{apPPs}{\count=2 ^^B\cbrace}{++}
+The macro \db apEVALone "<macro><parameter>" prepares one parameter for
+the function-like "<macro>". This parameter could be an "<expression>".
+The "<macro>" is executed after the parameter is evaluated and saved to the
+"\OUT" macro. The sign is removed from the parameter by the \db apNOminus
+The macro \db apEVALtwo "<macro><paramA><paramB>" evaluates the "<paramA>"
+and "<paramB>". They could be "<expressions>". They are saved to the "\tmpa"
+and "\tmpb" macros, the signs are saved to "\apSIGNa" and "\apSIGNb", the
+exponents (if scientific notation were used) are saved to "\apEa" and
+"\apEb" registers. Finally the the function-like "<macro>" is executed.
+\subsec Addition and Subtraction
+The significant part of the optimization in "\PLUS", "\MUL", "\DIV" and "\POW" macros
+is the fact, that we don't treat with single decimal digits but with their
+quartets. This means that we are using the numeral system with the base
+10000 and we calculate four decimal digits in one elementary operation. The
+base was chosen $10^4$ because the multiplication of such numbers gives
+results less than $10^8$ and the maximal number in the \TeX{} register
+is about $2\cdot10^9$. We'll use the word ``Digit'' (with capitalized D) in
+this documentation if this means the digit in the numeral system with base
+10000, i.e.\ one Digit is four digits.
+Note that for addition we can use the numeral system with the base $10^8$
+but we don't do it, because the auxiliary macros "\apIV*" for numeral system of the
+base $10^4$ are already prepared.
+Suppose the following example (the spaces between Digits are here only for
+more clarity).
+ 123 4567 8901 9999 \apnumA=12 \apnumE=3 \apnumD=16
++ 22.423 \apnumB=0 \apnumF=2 \apnumC=12
+sum in reversed order and without transmissions:
+ {4230}{10021}{8901}{4567}{123} \apnumD=-4
+sum in normal order including transmissions:
+ 123 4567 8902 0021.423
+In the first pass, we put the number with more or equal Digits before decimal
+point above the second number. There are three Digits more in the example.
+The "\apnumC" register saves this information (multiplied by 4). The first
+pass creates the sum in reversed order without transmissions between Digits.
+It simply copies the "\apnumC/4" Digits from the first number to the result in reversed
+order. Then it does the sums of Digits without transmissions. The "\apnumD"
+is a relative position of the decimal point to the edge of the calculated
+The second pass reads the result of the first pass, calculates transmissions and
+saves the result in normal order.
+The first Digit of the operands cannot include four digits. The number of
+digits in the first Digit is saved in "\apnumE" (for first operand) and in
+"\apnumF" (for second one). The rule is to have the decimal point between
+Digits in all circumstances.
+The macro \db apPLUSa does the following work:
+\ilabel[plus:apE] {apEa}
+\ilabel[plus:DIGa] {apDIG\nb tmpa}
+\ilabel[plus:DIGb] {apDIG\nb tmpb}
+\ilabel[plus:moda] {-\nb apnumE}
+\ilabel[plus:modb] {-\nb apnumF}
+\ilabel[plus:apnC] {apnumC=}
+\ilabel[plus:xA] {apSIGNa}
+\ilabel[plus:xB] {apSIGNb}
+\ilabel[plus:sg] {apSIGN=}
+\ilabel[plus:xAm] {PLUSxA-}
+\ilabel[plus:ba] {apPLUSg}
+\ilabel[plus:bb] {apnumC=-}
+\ilabel[plus:G] {apnumG=0}
+\ilabel[plus:next] {next=}
+\ilabel[plus:X] {apnumX=0}
+\ilabel[plus:fa] {00123}
+\ilabel[plus:fb] {apPLUSy}
+\item * It gets the operands in "\tmpa" and "\tmpb" macros using the "\apPPab".
+\item * If the scientific notation is used and the decimal
+ exponents "\apEa" and "\apEb" are not equal then the decimal point of one
+ operand have to be shifted (by the macro "\apPLUSxE" at line~\cite[plus:apE]).
+\item * The digits before decimal point are calculated for both operands by
+ the "\apDIG" macro. The first result is saved to "\apnumA" and the second
+ result is saved to "\apnumB". The "\apDIG" macro removes decimal point (if
+ exists) from the parameters (lines~\cite[plus:DIGa] and~\cite[plus:DIGb]).
+\item * The number of digits in the first Digit is calculated by "\apIVmod"
+ for both operands. This number is saved to "\apnumE" and "\apnumF". This
+ number is subtracted from "\apnumA" and "\apnumB", so these
+ registers now includes multiply of four
+ (lines~\cite[plus:moda] and~\cite[plus:modb]).
+\item * The "\apnumC" includes the difference of Digits before the decimal
+ point (multiplied by four) of given operands
+ (line~\cite[plus:apnC]).
+\item * If the first operand is negative then the minus sign is inserted to
+ the \db apPLUSxA macro else this macro is empty. The same for the second
+ operand and for the macro \db apPLUSxB is done
+ (lines~\cite[plus:xA] and~\cite[plus:xB]).
+\item * If both operands are positive, then the sign of the result "\apSIGN"
+ is set to one. If both operands are negative, then the sign is set to $-1$.
+ But in both cases mentioned above we will do (internally) addition, so the
+ macros "\apPLUSxA" and "\apPLUSxB" are set to empty.
+ If one operand is negative and second positive then we will do
+ subtraction. The "\apSIGN" register is set to zero and
+ it will set to the right value later
+ (lines~\cite[plus:sg] to~\cite[plus:xAm]).
+\item * The macro "\apPLUSb<first op><first dig><second op><second dig><first Dig>"
+ does the calculation of the first pass. The "<first op>" has to have more
+ or equal Digits before decimal point than "<second op>". This is reason why
+ this macro is called in two variants dependent on the value "\apnumC".
+ The macros "\apPLUSxA" and "\apPLUSxB" (with the sign of the operands) are
+ exchanged (by the "\apPLUSg") if the operands are exchanged
+ (lines~\cite[plus:ba] to~\cite[plus:bb]).
+\item * The "\apnumG" is set by the macro "\apPLUSb" to the sign of the
+ first nonzero Digit. It is equal to zero if there are only zero Digits after
+ first pass. The result is zero in such case and we do nothing more
+ (line~\cite[plus:G]).
+\item * The transmission calculation is different for addition and
+ subtraction. If the subtraction is processed then the sign of the result
+ is set (using the value "\apnumG") and the "\apPLUSm" for transmissions is
+ prepared. Else the "\apPLUSp" for transmissions is prepared as the "\next" macro
+ (line~\cite[plus:next])
+\item * The result of the first pass is expanded in the input stream and the
+ "\next" (i.e.\ transmissions calculation) is activated at line~\cite[plus:X].
+\item * if the result is in the form ".000123", then the decimal point and
+ the trailing zeros have to be inserted. Else the trailing zeros from the
+ left side of the result have to be removed by "\apPLUSy". This macro adds
+ the sign of the result too
+ (lines~\cite[plus:fa] to~\cite[plus:fb])
+The macro \db apPLUSb "<first op><first dig><second op><second dig><first Dig>"
+starts the first pass. The "<first op>" is the first operand (which have
+more or equal Digits before decimal point). The "<first dig>" is the number
+of digits in the first Digit in the first operand. The "<second op>" is the
+second operand and the "<second dig>" is the number of digits in the first
+Digit of the second operand. The "<first Dig>" is the number of Digits
+before decimal point of the first operand, but without the first Digit and
+multiplied by~4.
+The macro"\apPLUSb" saves the second operand to "\tmpd" and appends the
+$4-{}$"<second dig>" empty parameters before this operand in order to
+read desired number of digits to the first Digit of this oparand.
+The macro "\apPLUSb" saves the first operand to the input queue after
+"\apPLUSc" macro. It inserts the appropriate number of empty parameters (in
+"\tmpc") before this operand in order to read the right number of digits in
+the first attempt. It appends the "\apNL" marks to the end in order to
+recognize the end of the input stream. These macros expands simply to zero
+but we can test the end of input stream by "\ifx".
+The macro "\apPLUSb" calculates the number of digits before decimal point
+(rounded up to multiply by 4) in "\apnumD" by advancing "<first DIG>" by~4.
+It initializes "\apnumZ" to zero. If the first nonzero Digit will be found
+then "\apnumZ" will be set to this Digit in the "\apPLUSc" macro.
+The macro \db apPLUSc is called repeatedly. It reads one Digit from input
+stream and saves it to the "\apnumY". Then it calls the \db apPLUSe, which
+reads (if it is allowed, i.e.\ if "\apnumC"{\tt\char`<}"=0") one digit from
+second operand "\tmpd" by the "\apIVread" macro.
+Then it does the addition of these digits and saves the result
+into the "\OUT" macro in reverse order.
+Note, that the sign "\apPLUSxA" is used when "\apnumY" is read and the sign
+"\apPLUSxB" is used when advancing is performed. This means that we are
+doing addition or subtraction here.
+If the first nonzero Digit is reached, then the macro \db apPLUSh sets the
+sign of the result to the "\apnumG" and (maybe) exchanges the "\apPLUSxA"
+and "\apPLUSxB" macros (by the \db apPLUSg macro)
+in order to the internal result of the subtraction will be always non-negative.
+If the end of input stream is reached, then "\next" (used at line~\cite[plus:nn])
+is reset from its original value "\apPLUSc" to the \db apPLUSd where the
+"\apnumY" is simply set to zero. The reading from input stream is finished.
+This occurs when there are more Digits after decimal point in the second
+operand than in the first one. If the end of input stream is reached and the
+"\tmpd" macro is empty (all data from second operand was read too) then the
+\db apPLUSf macro removes the rest of input stream and the first pass of the
+calculation is done.
+\ilabel[plus:nn] {next^^E}
+\inext{apPLUSc}{def\nb apPLUSh}{++}
+Why there is a complication about reading one parameter from input stream
+but second one from the macro "\tmpd"? This is more faster than to save both
+parameters to the macros and using "\apIVread" for both because the
+"\apIVread" must redefine its parameter. You can examine that this
+parameter is very long.
+The \db apPLUSm "<data>@" macro does transmissions calculation when
+subtracting. The "<data>" from first pass is expanded in the input stream.
+The "\apPLUSm" macro reads repeatedly one Digit from the "<data>" until the
+stop mark is reached. The Digits are in the range $-9999$ to $9999$. If the
+Digit is negative then we need to add $10000$ and set the transmission value
+"\apnumX" to one, else "\apnumX" is zero. When the next Digit is processed then
+the calculated transmission value is subtracted. The macro "\apPLUSw" writes
+the result for each Digit "\apnumA" in the normal (human readable) order.
+The \db apPLUSp "<data>@" macro does transmissions calculation when
+addition is processed. It is very similar to"\apPLUSm", but Digits are in
+the range $0$ to $19998$. If the Digit value is greater then $9999$ then we
+need to subtract $10000$ and set the transmission value "\apnumX" to one,
+else "\apnumX" is zero.
+The \db apPLUSw writes the result with one Digit (saved in "\apnumA") to the
+"\OUT" macro. The "\OUT" is initialized as empty. If it is empty (it means
+we are after decimal point), then we need to write all four digits by
+"\apIVwrite" macro (including left zeros) but we need to remove right zeros
+by "\apREMzerosR". If the decimal point is reached, then it is saved to the
+"\OUT". But if the previous "\OUT" is empty (it means there are no digits
+after decimal point or all such digits are zero) then "\def\OUT{\empty}"
+ensures that the "\OUT" is non-empty and the ignoring of right zeros are
+disabled from now.
+The macro \db apPLUSy "<expanded OUT>@" removes left trailing zeros from the
+"\OUT" macro and saves the possible minus sign by the \db apPLUSz macro.
+\inext{apPLUSy}{def\nb apPLUSz}{++}
+The macro \db apPLUSxE uses the "\apROLLa" in order to shift the decimal
+point of the operand. We need to set the same decimal exponent in scientific
+notation before the addition or subtraction is processed.
+\subsec Multiplication
+Suppose the following multiplication example: "1234*567=699678".
+\def\begtthook{\lccode`~=`\ \lowercase{\def~{\ }}}
+ Normal format: | Mirrored format:
+ 1 2 3 4 * | 4 3 2 1 *
+ 5 6 7 | 7 6 5
+ ---------------- | -----------------
+*7: 7 14 21 28 | *7: 28 21 14 7
+*6: 6 12 18 24 | *6: 24 18 12 6
+*5: 5 10 15 20 | *5: 20 15 10 5
+ ---------------- | -----------------
+ 6 9 9 6 7 8 | 8 7 6 9 9 6
+This example is in numeral system of base 10 only for simplification, the
+macros work really with base 10000.
+Because we have to do the transmissions between Digit positions
+from right to left in the normal format and because it is more natural for
+\TeX{} to put the data into the input stream and
+read it sequentially from left to right, we use the mirrored format in our
+The macro \db apMULa does the following:
+\ilabel[mul:apE] {apE}
+\ilabel[mul:sgn] {apSIGN}
+\ilabel[mul:sgn0] {apSIGN=0}
+\ilabel[mul:diga] {apDIG\nb tmpa}
+\ilabel[mul:digb] {apnumD=}
+\ilabel[mul:ba] {apIVmod}
+\ilabel[mul:bb] {tmpc}
+\ilabel[mul:b] {*.}
+\ilabel[mul:ca] {tmpb^^E}
+\ilabel[mul:cb] {apMULc}
+\ilabel[mul:d] {apMULd}
+\ilabel[mul:g] {apMULg}
+\ilabel[mul:z] {0-}
+\ilabel[mul:zz] {tmpa\nb OUT}
+\item * It gets the parameters in "\tmpa" and "\tmpb" preprocessed using
+ the "\apPPab" macro.
+\item * It evaluates the exponent of ten "\apE" which is usable when
+ the scientific notation of numbers is used
+ (line~\cite[mul:apE]).
+\item * It calculates "\apSIGN" of the result
+ (line~\cite[mul:sgn]).
+\item * If "\apSIGN=0" then the result is zero and we will do nothing more
+ (line~\cite[mul:sgn0]).
+\item * The decimal point is removed from the parameters by
+ "\apDIG<param><register>". The "\apnumD" includes the number of digits
+ before decimal point (after the "\apDIG" is used) and the
+ "<register>" includes the number of digits in the rest. The "\apnumA"
+ or "\apnumB" includes total number of digits in the parameters "\tmpa" or
+ "\tmpb" respectively. The "\apnumD" is re-calculated: it saves the number
+ of digits after decimal point in the result
+ (lines~\cite[mul:diga] to~\cite[mul:digb]).
+\item *
+ Let $A$ is the number of total digits in the "<param>" and let
+ $F=A \mathrel{\rm mod} 4$, but if $F=0$ then reassign it to $F=4$. Then $F$
+ means the number of digits in the first Digit. This calculation
+ is done by "\apIVmod<A><F>" macro. All another Digits will have four digits.
+ The "\apMULb<param>@@@@" is able to read four digits, next four digits
+ etc. We need to insert appropriate number of empty parameters before the "<param>".
+ For example "\apMULb{}{}{}<param>@@@@" reads first only one digit from "<param>",
+ next four digits etc. The appropriate number of empty parameters are prepared in
+ the "\tmpc" macro
+ (lines~\cite[mul:ba] to~\cite[mul:bb]).
+\item * The "\apMULb" reads the "<paramA>" (all Digits) and
+ prepares the "\OUT" macro in the special interleaved format
+ (described below). The format is finished by "*." in the line~\cite[mul:b].
+\item * Analogical work is done with the second parameter "<paramB>". But this
+ parameter is processed by "\apMULc", which reads Digits of the parameter
+ and inserts them to the "\tmpa" in the reversed order
+ (lines~\cite[mul:ca] to~\cite[mul:cb]).
+\item * The main calculation is done by "\apMULd<paramB>@", which reads Digits
+ from "<paramB>" (in reversed order) and does multiplication of the
+ "<paramA>" (saved in the "\OUT") by these Digits
+ (line~\cite[mul:d]).
+\item * The "\apMULg" macro converts the result "\OUT" to the human
+ readable form
+ (line~\cite[mul:g]).
+\item * The possible minus sign and the trailing zeros of results of the
+ type ".00123" is prepared by "\apADDzeros\tmpa" to the "\tmpa" macro.
+ This macro is appended to the result in the "\OUT" macro
+ (lines~\cite[mul:z] to~\cite[mul:zz]).
+We need to read the two data streams when the multiplication of the "<paramA>"
+by one Digit from "<paramB>" is performed and the partial sum is
+actualized. First: the digits of the "<paramA>" and second: the partial sum.
+We can save these streams to two macros and read one piece of information
+from such macros at each step, but this si not effective because the whole
+stream have to be read and redefined at each step. For \TeX{} is more
+natural to put one data stream to the input queue and to read pieces of
+infromation thereof. Thus we interleave both
+data streams into one "\OUT" in such a way that one element of data from first
+stream is followed by one element from second stream and it is followed by second
+element from first stream etc. Suppose that we are at the end of $i-th$ line
+of the multiplication scheme where we have the partial sums $s_n, s_{n-1},
+\ldots, s_0$ and the Digits of "<paramA>" are $d_k, d_{k-1}, \ldots, d_0$.
+The zero index belongs to the most right position in the mirrored format.
+The data will be prepared in the form:
+. {s_n} {s_(n-1)}...{s_(k+1)} * {s_k} {d_(k-1)}...{s_1} {d_1} {s_0} {d_0} *
+For our example (there is a simplification: numeral system of base 10 is
+used and no transmissions are processed), after second line (multiplication by 6 and
+calculation of partial sums) we have in "\OUT":
+. {28} * {45} {4} {32} {3} {19} {2} {6} {1} *
+and we need to create the following line during calculation of next line
+of multiplication scheme:
+. {28} {45} * {5*4+32} {4} {5*3+19} {3} {5*2+6} {2} {5*1} {1} *
+This special format of data includes two parts. After the starting dot,
+there is a sequence of sums which are definitely calculated. This sequence
+is ended by first "*" mark. The last definitely calculated sum follows this
+mark. Then the partial sums with the Digits of "<paramA>" are interleaved
+and the data are finalized by second "*". If the calculation processes the
+the second part of the data then the general task is to read two data
+elements (partial sum and the Digit) and to write two data elements (the new
+partial sum and the previous Digit). The line calculation starts by copying
+of the first part of data until the first "*" and
+appending the first data element after "*". Then the "*" is written and the
+middle processing described above is started.
+The macro \db apMULb "<paramA>@@@@" prepares the special format of the macro
+"\OUT" described above where the partial sums are zero. It means:
+* . {d_k} 0 {d_(k-1)} 0 ... 0 {d_0} *
+where $d_i$ are Digits of "<paramA>" in reversed order.
+The first ``sum'' is only dot. It will be
+moved before "*" during the first line processing.
+Why there is such special ``pseudo-sum''? The "\apMULe" with the parameter
+delimited by the first "*" is used in the context
+"\apMULe.{<sum>}*" during the third line processing
+and the dot here protects from removing the braces around the first real sum.
+The macro \db apMULc "<paramB>@@@@" reads Digits from "<paramB>" and saves
+them in reversed order into "\tmpa". Each Digit is enclosed by \TeX{} braces
+The macro \db apMULd "<paramB>@" reads the Digits from "<paramB>"
+(in reversed order),
+uses them as a coefficient for multiplication stored in "\tmpnumA" and
+processes the "\apMULe <special data format>" for each such coefficient.
+This corresponds with one line in the multiplication scheme.
+The macro \db apMULe "<special data format>" copies the first part of data
+format to the "\OUT", copies the next element after first "*", appends "*"
+and does the calculation by "\apMULf". The \db apMULf is recursively
+called. It reads the Digit to "#1" and the partial sum to the "#2" and
+writes "{\appnumA*#1+#2}{#1}" to the "\OUT" (lines~\cite[mul:f1] to~\cite[mul:f2]).
+If we are at the end of data, then
+"#2" is "*" and we write the "{\apnumA*#1}{#1}" followed by ending "*" to the
+"\OUT" (lines~\cite[mul:f3] to~\cite[mul:f4]).
+\ilabel[mul:f1] {2^^E}
+\ilabel[mul:f2] {expandafter\nb apMULf}
+\ilabel[mul:f3] {ifx*}
+\ilabel[mul:f4] {fi*}
+\ilabel[mul:f5] {MULf0}
+There are several complications in the algorithm described above.
+\item * The result isn't saved directly to the "\OUT"
+ macro, but partially into the macros "\apOUT:<num>", as described in the
+ section about auxiliary macros where the "\apOUTx" macro is defined.
+\item * The transmissions between Digit positions are calculated.
+ First, the transmission value "\apnumX" is set to zero in the "\apMULe".
+ Then this value is subtracted from the calculated value "\apnumB" and
+ the new transmission is calculated using the "\apIVtrans" macro
+ if "\apnumB"${}\ge10000$. This macro modifies "\apnumB" in order it is right
+ Digit in our numeral system.
+\item * If the last digit has nonzero transmission, then the calculation
+ isn't finished, but the new pair "{<transmission>}{0}" is added to the
+ "\OUT". This is done by recursively call of "\apMULf" at line~\cite[mul:f5].
+\item * The another situation can be occurred: the last pair has both values
+ zeros. Then we needn't to write this zero to the output. This is solved by
+ the test "\ifnum\the\apnumB#1=0" at line~\cite[mul:f4].
+The macro \db apMULg "<special data format>@" removes the first dot
+(it is the "#1" parameter) and prepares the "\OUT" to writing the result in
+reverse order, i.e. in human readable form. The next work is done by
+"\apMULh" and "\apMULi" macros. The \db apMULh repeatedly reads the first part of the
+special data format (Digits of the result are here) until the first "*"
+is found. The output is stored by
+"\apMULo<digits>{<data>}" macro. If the first "*" is found then the
+\db apMULi macro repeatedly reads the triple
+"{<Digit of result>}{<Digit of A>}{<next Digit of result>}" and saves the first
+element in full (four-digits) form by the "\apIVwrite" if the third element
+isn't the stop-mark "*". Else the last Digit (first Digit in the human
+readable form) is saved by "\the", because we needn't the trailing zeros
+here. The third element is put back to the input stream but it is ignored by
+\db apMULj macro when the process is finished.
+\inext{apMULg}{def\nb apMULj}{++}
+The \db apMULo "<digits>{<data>}" appends "<data>" to the "\OUT" macro.
+The number of digits after decimal point "\apnumD" is decreased by the
+number of actually printed digits "<digits>". If the decimal point is to be
+printed into "<data>" then it is performed by the \db apMULt macro.
+\inext{apMULo}{def\nb apMULt}{++}
+\subsec Division
+Suppose the following example:
+ <paramA> : <paramB> <output>
+ 12345:678 = [12:6=2] 2 (2->1)
+2*678 -1356
+ -1215 <0 correction! 1
+ 12345
+1*678 -678
+ 5565 [55:6=8] 9 (9->8)
+9*678 -6102
+ -537 <0 correction! 8
+ 5565
+8*678 -5424
+ 1410 [14:6=2] 2
+2*678 -1356
+ 0540 [05:6=0] 0
+0*678 -0
+ 5400 [54:6=8] 9 (2x correction: 9->8, 8->7)
+ ...
+ 12345:678 = 182079...
+We implement the division similar like pupils do it in the school (only the
+numeral system with base 10000 instead 10 is actually used, but we keep with
+base 10 in our illustrations). At each step of the operation, we get first
+two Digits from the dividend or remainder (called partial dividend or
+remainder) and do divide it by the first nonzero Digit of the divisor (called partial
+divisor). Unfortunately, the resulted Digit cannot be the definitive value
+of the result. We are able to find out this after the whole divisor is
+multiplied by resulted Digit and compared with the whole remainder. We
+cannot do this test immediately but only after a lot of following
+operations (imagine that the remainder and divisor have a huge number of Digits).
+We need to subtract the remainder by the multiple of the divisor at each
+step. This means that we need to calculate the transmissions from the Digit
+position to the next Digit position from right to left (in the scheme
+illustrated above). Thus we need to reverse the order of Digits
+in the remainder and divisor. We do this reversion only once at the
+preparation state of the division and we interleave the data from the
+divisor and the dividend (the dividend will be replaced by the remainder,
+next by next remainder etc.).
+The number of Digits of the dividend can be much greater than the number of
+Digits of the divisor. We need to calculate only with the first part of
+dividend/remainder in such case. We need to get only one new Digit from the
+rest of dividend at each calculation step. The illustration follows:
+...used dividend.. | ... rest of dividend ... | .... divisor ....
+1234567890123456789 7890123456789012345678901234 : 1231231231231231231
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 7 <- calculated remainder
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x8 <- new calculated remainder
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx9 <- new calculated remainder etc.
+We'll interleave only the ``used dividend'' part with the divisor at the
+preparation state. We'll put the ``rest of dividend'' to the input stream in
+the normal order. The macros do the iteration over calculation steps and
+they can read only one new Digit from this input stream if they need it.
+This approach needs no manipulation with the (potentially long) ``rest of the
+dividend'' at each step. If the divisor has only one Digit (or comparable small Digits)
+then the algorithm has only linear complexity with respect to the number of
+Digits in the dividend.
+The numeral system with the base 10000 brings a little problem: we are
+simply able to calculate the number of digits which are multiple of four. But
+user typically wishes another number of calculated decimal digits. We cannot
+simply strip the trailing digits after calculation because the user needs to
+read the right remainder. This is a reason why we calculate the number of
+digits for the first Digit of the result. All another
+calculated Digits will have four digits. We need to prepare the first
+``partial dividend'' in order to the $F$ digits will be calculated first.
+How to do it? Suppose the following illustration of the first two Digits in the
+``partial remainder'' and ``partial divisor'':
+0000 7777 : 1111 = 7 .. one digit in the result
+0007 7778 : 1111 = 70 .. two digits in the result
+0077 7788 : 1111 = 700 .. three digits in the result
+0777 7888 : 1111 = 7000 .. four digits in the result
+7777 8888 : 1111 = ???? .. not possible in the numeral system of base 10000
+We need to read $F-1$ digits to the first Digit and four digits to the
+second Digit of the ``partial dividend''. But this is true only if the
+dividend is ``comparably greater or equal to'' divisor. The word
+``comparably greater'' means that we ignore signs and the decimal point in
+compared numbers and we assume the decimal points in the front of both
+numbers just before the first nonzero digit. It is obvious that if the
+dividend is ``comparably less'' than divisor then we need to read $F$ digits
+to the first Digit.
+The \db apDIVa macro uses the "\tmpa" (dividend) and "\tmpb" (divisor)
+macros and does the following work:
+\ilabel[div:0] {SIGNb=0}
+\ilabel[div:sgn] {SIGN=}
+\ilabel[div:a0] {SIGNa=0}
+\ilabel[div:ape] {apE=}
+\ilabel[div:diga] {apDIG}
+\ilabel[div:digb] {advance\nb apnumD}
+\ilabel[div:comp] {DIVcomp}
+\ilabel[div:ifap] {ifapX}
+\ilabel[div:ca] {apnumC=}
+\ilabel[div:cb] {ifnum\nb apnumC}
+\ilabel[div:h] {advance\nb apnumH}
+\ilabel[div:F] {apIVmod}
+\ilabel[div:rb] {apIVread\nb tmpb}
+\ilabel[div:ra] {apIVreadX}
+\ilabel[div:rc] {apIVread\nb tmpa}
+\ilabel[div:xa] {apDIVxA}
+\ilabel[div:xb] {apDIVxB}
+\ilabel[div:xout] {edef\nb XOUT}
+\ilabel[div:outa] {edef\nb OUT}
+\ilabel[div:outb] {apADDzeros}
+\ilabel[div:z] {apnumZ=}
+\ilabel[div:next] {next=}
+\ilabel[div:add] {apnumZ=\nb apnumD}
+\ilabel[div:rema] {apDIVv}
+\ilabel[div:remb] {apROLLa}
+\item * If the divisor "\tmpb" is equal to zero, print error and do nothing more
+ (line~\cite[div:0]).
+\item * The "\apSIGN" of the result is calculated
+ (line~\cite[div:sgn]).
+\item * If the dividend "\tmpa" is equal to zero, then "\OUT" and "\XOUT" are
+ zeros and do nothing more
+ (line~\cite[div:a0]).
+\item * Calculate the exponent of ten "\apE" when scientific notation is used
+ (Line~\cite[div:ape]).
+\item * The number of digits before point are counted by "\apDIG" macro
+ for both parameters. The difference is saved to "\apnumD" and this is the
+ number of digits before decimal point in the result (the exception is
+ mentioned later). The "\apDIG" macro removes the decimal point and
+ (possible) left zeros from its parameter and saves the result to the
+ "\apnumD" register
+ (lines~\cite[div:diga] to~\cite[div:digb]).
+\item * The macro "\apDIVcomp<paramA><paramB>" determines if the "<paramA>"
+ is ``comparably greater or equal'' to "<paramB>". The result is stored in
+ the boolean value "apX". We can ask to this by
+ the "\ifapX<true>\else<false>\fi" construction
+ (line~\cite[div:comp]).
+\item * If the dividend is ``comparably greater or equal'' to the divisor,
+ then the position of decimal point in the result "\apnumD" has to be shifted by one
+ to the right. The same is completed with "\apnumH" where the position of
+ decimal point of the remainder will be stored
+ (line~\cite[div:ifap]).
+\item * The number of desired digits in the result "\apnumC" is calculated
+ (lines~\cite[div:ca] to~\cite[div:cb]).
+\item * If the number of desired digits is zero or less than zero then do nothing more
+ (line~\cite[div:cb]).
+\item * Finish the calculation of the position of decimal point in the
+ remainder "\apnumH"
+ (line~\cite[div:h]).
+\item * Calculate the number of digits in the first Digit "\apnumF"
+ (line~\cite[div:F]).
+\item * Read first four digits of the divisor by the macro
+ "\apIVread<sequence>". Note that this macro puts trailing
+ zeros to the right if the data stream "<param>" is shorter than four
+ digits. If it is empty then the macro returns zero. The returned value is saved
+ in "\apnumX" and the "<sequence>" is redefined by new value of
+ the "<param>" where the read digits are removed
+ (line~\cite[div:rb]).
+\item * We need to read only "\apnumF" (or "\apnumF"${}-1$) digits from the
+ "\tmpa". This is done by the "\apIVreadX" macro at line~\cite[div:ra].
+ The second Digit of the ``partial dividend'' includes four digits and it
+ is read by "\apIVread" macro at line~\cite[div:rc].
+\item * The ``partial dividend'' is saved to the "\apDIVxA" macro and
+ the ``partial divisor'' is stored to the "\apDIVxB" macro. Note, that
+ the second Digit of the ``partial dividend'' isn't expanded by simply
+ "\the", because when "\apnumX=11" and "\apnumA=2222" (for example), then
+ we need to save "22220011". These trailing zeros from left are written by
+ the "\apIVwrite" macro
+ (lines~\cite[div:xa] to~\cite[div:xb]).
+\item * The "\XOUT" macro for the currently computed remainder is
+ initialized. The special
+ interleaved data format of the remainder "\XOUT" is described below
+ (line~\cite[div:xout]).
+\item * The "\OUT" macro is initialized.
+ The "\OUT" is generated as literal macro. First possible "<sign>", then digits.
+ If the number of effective digits before decimal point "\apnumD" is
+ negative, the result will be in the form ".000123" and we need to add the zeros
+ by the "\apADDzeros" macro
+ (lines~\cite[div:outa] to~\cite[div:outb]).
+\item * The registers for main loop are initialized. The "\apnumE"
+ signalizes that the remainder of the partial step is zero and we can stop
+ the calculation. The "\apnumZ" will include the Digit from the input
+ stream where the ``rest of dividend'' will be stored
+ (line~\cite[div:z]).
+\item * The main calculation loop is processed by the "\apDIVg" macro
+ (line~\cite[div:next]).
+\item * If the division process stops before the position of the decimal
+ point in the result (because there is zero remainder, for example) then we
+ need to add the rest of zeros by "\apADDzeros" macro. This is actual for the
+ results of the type "1230000"
+ (line~\cite[div:add]).
+\item * If the remainder isn't equal to zero, we need to extract the digits
+ of the remainder from the special data formal to the human readable
+ form. This is done by the "\apDIVv" macro. The decimal point is inserted
+ to the remainder by the "\apROLLa" macro
+ (lines~\cite[div:rema] to~\cite[div:remb]).
+The macro \db apDIVcomp "<paramA><paramB>" provides the test if the
+"<paramA>" is ``comparably greater or equal'' to "<paramB>". Imagine
+the following examples:
+123456789 : 123456789 = 1
+123456788 : 123456789 = .99999999189999992628
+The example shows that the last digit in the operands can be important for
+the first digit in the result. This means that we need to compare whole
+operands but we can stop the comparison when the first difference in the
+digits is found. This is lexicographic ordering. Because we don't assume
+the existence of e\TeX{} (or another extensions), we need to do this
+comparison by macros. We set the "<paramA>" and "<paramB>" to the "\tmpc" and
+"\tmpd" respectively. The trailing "\apNL"s are appended.
+The macro \db apDIVcompA reads first 8 digits from
+first parameter and the macros \db apDIVcompB reads first 8 digits from
+second parameter and does the comparison. If the numbers are equal then the
+loop is processed again.
+\inext{apDIVcomp}{\count=3 ^^B\cbrace}{++}
+The format of interleaved data with divisor and remainder is described here.
+Suppose this partial step of the division process:
+ R0 R1 R2 R3 ... Rn : d1 d2 d3 ... dn = ...A...
+ @ -A*d1 -A*d2 -A*d3 ... -A*dn [ R0 R1 : d1 = A ]
+ 0 N0 N1 N2 ... N(n-1) Nn
+The $R_k$ are Digits of the remainder, $d_k$ are Digits of the divisor. The
+$A$ is calculated Digit in this step. The calculation of the Digits of the new
+remainder is hinted here. We need to do this from right to left because of
+the transmissions. This implies, that the interleaved format of "\XOUT" is
+in the reverse order and looks like
+ dn Rn ... d3 R3 d2 R2 d1 R1 @ R0
+for example for "<paramA>=1234567893", "<paramB>=454502" (in the human readable form)
+the "\XOUT" should be "{200}{9300}{4545}{5678}@{1234}" (in the special format).
+The Digits are separated by \TeX{} braces "{}".
+The resulted digit for this step is $A=12345678/1415=2716$.
+The calculation of the new remainder takes $d_k$, $R_k$, $d_{k-1}$ for each
+$k$ from $n$ to $0$ and creates the Digit of the new remainder $N_{k-1} = R_k -
+A\cdot d_k$ (roughly speaking, actually it calculates transmissions too) and
+adds the new couple $d_{k-1}$~$N_{k-1}$ to the new version of "\XOUT" macro.
+The zero for $N_{-1}$ should be reached. If it is not completed then a
+correction of the type $A\mathrel{:=}A-1$ have to be done and the
+calculation of this step is processed again.
+The result in the new "\XOUT" should be (after one step is done):
+ dn Nn ... d3 N3 d2 N2 d1 N1 @ N0
+where $N_n$ is taken from the ``rest of the dividend'' from the input stream.
+The initialization for the main loop is done by \db apDIVg macro. It reads
+the Digits from "\tmpa" (dividend) and "\tmpb" macros (using "\apIVread")
+and appends them to the "\XOUT" in described data format. This initialization
+is finished when the "\tmpb" is empty. If the "\tmpa" is not empty in such
+case, we put it to the input stream using "\expandafter\apDIVh\tmpa"
+followed by four "\apNL"s (which simply expands zero digit) followed by
+stop-mark. The "\apDIVh" reads one Digit from input stream.
+Else we put only the stop-mark to the input stream and run the
+"\apDIVi". The "\nexti" is set to the "\apDIVi", so the macro "\apDIVh" will
+be skipped forever and no new Digit is read from input stream.
+The macro \db apDIVh reads one Digit from data stream (from the rest of the
+dividend) and saves it to the "\apnumZ" register. If the stop-mark is
+reached (this is recognized that the last digit is the "\apNL"),
+then "\nexti" is set to "\apDIVi", so the "\apDIVh" is never
+processed again.
+The macro \db apDIVi contains the main loop for division calculation. The
+core of this loop is the macro call "\apDIVp<data>" which adds next digit
+to the "\OUT" and recalculates the remainder.
+The macro "\apDIVp" decreases the "\apnumC" register (the desired digits in the
+output) by four, because four digits will be calculated in the next step.
+The loop is processed while "\apnumC" is positive. The "\apnumZ" (new Digit
+from the input stream) is initialized as zero and the \db nexti runs the
+next step of this loop. This step starts from "\apDIVh" (reading one digit
+from input stream) or directly the "\apDIVi" is repeated. If the remainder
+from the previous step is calculated as zero ("\apnumE=0"), then we stop
+prematurely. The \db apDIVj macro is called at the end of the loop because
+we need to remove the ``rest of the dividend'' from the input stream.
+\inext{apDIVi}{def\nb apDIVj}{++}
+The macro \db apDIVp "<interleaved data>@" does the basic setting
+before the calculation through the
+expanded "\XOUT" is processed. The \db apDIVxA includes the ``partial
+dividend'' and the \db apDIVxB includes the ``partial divisor''.
+We need to do
+"\apDIVxA" over "\apDIVxB" in order to obtain the next digit in the output.
+This digit is stored in "\apnumA".
+The "\apnumX" is the transmission value, the "\apnumB", "\apnumY" will be the
+memory of the last two calculated Digits in the remainder. The "\apnumE"
+will include the maximum of all digits of the new remainder. If it is equal to
+zero, we can finish the calculation.
+The new interleaved data will be stored to the "\apOUT:<num>" macros in
+similar way as in the "\MUL" macro. This increases the speed of the
+calculation. The data "\apnumO", "\apnumL" and "\apOUTl" for this purpose
+are initialized.
+The "\apDIVq" is started and the tokens "0\apnumZ" are appended to the input
+stream (i.e to the expanded "\XOUT". This zero will be ignored and the
+"\apnumZ" will be used as a new $N_n$, i.e. the Digit from the ``rest of the
+The macro \db apDIVq $\langle d_k\rangle\,\langle R_k\rangle\,\langle d_{k-1}\rangle$
+calculates the Digit of the new remainder $N_{k-1}$
+by the formula $N_{k-1} = - A\cdot d_k +R_k - X$ where $X$ is the
+transmission from the previous Digit. If the result is negative, we need to
+add minimal number of the form $X\cdot 10000$ in order the result is
+non-negative. Then the $X$ is new transmission value.
+The digit $N_k$ is stored in the "\apnumB"
+register and then it is added to "\apOUT:<num>" in the order $d_{k-1}\, N_{k-1}$.
+The "\apnumY" remembers the value of the previous "\apnumB".
+The $d_{k-1}$ is put to the input stream back in order it would be read by
+the next "\apDIVq" call.
+If $d_{k-1}={}$"@" then we are at the end of the remainder calculation and
+the "\apDIVr" is invoked.
+The \db apDIVr macro does the final work after the calculation of new
+remainder is done. It tests if the remainder is OK, i.e.\ the transmission
+from the $R_1$ calculation is equal to $R_0$. If it is true then new Digit
+"\apnumA" is added to the "\OUT" macro else the "\apnumA" is decreased (the
+correction) and the calculation of the remainder is run again.
+If the calculated Digit and the remainder are OK, then we do following:
+\item * The new "\XOUT" is created from "\apOUT:<num>" macros using
+ "\apOUTs" macro.
+\item * The "\apnumA" is saved to the "\OUT". This is done with care.
+ If the "\apnumD" (where the decimal point is measured from the actual
+ point in the "\OUT") is in the interval $[0, 4)$ then the decimal point
+ have to be inserted between digits into the next Digit. This is done by
+ "\apDIVt" macro. If the remainder is zero ("\apnumE=0"), then the right
+ trailing zeros are removed from the Digit by the "\apDIVu" and the shift
+ of the "\apnumD" register is calculated from the actual digits.
+ All this calculation is done in "\tmpa" macro. The last step is adding
+ the contents of "\tmpa" to the "\OUT".
+\item * The "\apnumD" is increased by the number of added digits.
+\item * The new ``partial dividend'' is created from "\apnumB" and
+ "\apnumY".
+The \db apDIVt macro inserts the dot into digits quartet (less than four
+digits are allowed too) by the "\apnumD" value. This value is assumed in the
+interval $[0, 4)$. The expandable macro "\apIVdot<shift><data>" is used for
+this purpose. The result from this macro has to be expanded twice.
+The \db apDIVu macro removes trailing zeros from the right and removes the
+dot, if it is the last token of the "\tmpa" after removing zeros. It uses
+expandable macros "\apREMzerosR<data>" and "\apREMdotR<data>".
+The rest of the code concerned with the division does an extraction of the
+last remainder from the data and this value is saved to the "\XOUT" macro in
+human readable form. The \db apDIVv macro is called repeatedly on the
+special format of the "\XOUT" macro and the new "\XOUT" is created.
+The trailing zeros from right are ignored by the \db apDIVw.
+\subsec Power to the Integer
+The power to the decimal number (non integer) is not implemented yet because the
+implementation of exp, ln, etc.\ is a future work.
+We can implement the power to the integer as repeated multiplications. This
+is simple but slow. The goal of this section is to present the power to the
+integer with some optimizations.
+Let $a$ is the base of the powering computation and $d_1, d_2, d_3, \dots,
+d_n$ are decimal digits of the exponent (in reverse order). Then
+ p = a^{1\,{d_1}+10\,{d_2}+100\,{d_3}+\cdots+10^{n-1}\,{d_n}} =
+ (a^1)^{d_1}\cdot(a^{10})^{d_2}\cdot(a^{100})^{d_3}\cdot (a^{10^{n-1}})^{d_n}.
+We can see from previous equation that the $p$ can be computed by the
+following algorithm:
+p := 1
+for (i=1; i<n+1; i++) {
+ if (i>1) a := a^10;
+ if (d[i]>0) p := p * a^d[i];
+We have a problem that we are playing with the number system of the base 10.
+The calculation of "a:=a^10" is not such trivial as a similar task in
+binary system. We have to calculate all new decimal digits by
+multiplications. But we needn't to do 9 multiplications, because $a^{10} =
+(a\,(a^2)^2)^2$, i.e. only four multiplications are needed. Suppose two functions
+"pow2(x){x:=x*x}" and "mul(x){x:=a*x}". We can reuse the information from the
+previous step where "a^d[i-1]" is already computed. For example $d_{i-1}$
+from previous step was 4 and this was computed by "b:=a;" "pow2(b);" "pow2(b);".
+Then we can compute $a^{10}$ from the previous step by
+"mul(b);" "pow(b);" "a:=b". The algorithm above can be more specified by:
+p := 1; a := base; b := a
+for (i=1; i<n+1; i++) {
+ if (i>1) { use previous value of b and functions mul(b), pow2(b)
+ in order to b = a^10;
+ a := b; }
+ if (d[i]>0) { use functions mul(b), pow2(b) in order to b = a^d[i];
+ p := p * b; }
+The macro \db apPOWa does the following work.
+\ilabel[pow:sgna] {SIGNa=}
+\ilabel[pow:sgnb] {SIGNb=}
+\ilabel[pow:ea] {non-integer}
+\ilabel[pow:eb] {output?}
+\ilabel[pow:ape] {apE=\nb apEa}
+\ilabel[pow:odd] {ifodd}
+\ilabel[pow:dig] {apDIG\nb tmpa}
+\ilabel[pow:aa] {apIVmod}
+\ilabel[pow:ab] {ifcase}
+\ilabel[pow:ba] {apMULb}
+\ilabel[pow:bb] {*.\nb OUT}
+\ilabel[pow:c] {apMULc}
+\ilabel[pow:p] {1*}
+\ilabel[pow:rev] {apREV}
+\ilabel[pow:b] {apPOWb}
+\ilabel[pow:g] {apPOWg}
+\ilabel[pow:outa] {-\nb OUT}
+\ilabel[pow:outb] {apROLLa}
+\ilabel[pow:r] {apDIVa}
+\item * After using "\apPPab" the base parameter is saved in "\tmpa" and the
+ exponent is saved in "\tmpb".
+\item * In trivial cases, the result is set without any computing
+ (lines~\cite[pow:sgna] and~\cite[pow:sgnb]).
+\item * If the exponent is non-integer or it is too big then the error
+ message is printed and the rest of the macro is skipped by the "\apPOWe"
+ macro
+ (lines~\cite[pow:ea] to~\cite[pow:eb]).
+\item * The "\apE" is calculated from "\apEa" (line~\cite[pow:ape]).
+\item * The sign of the result is negative only if the "\tmpb" is odd and
+ base is negative
+ (line~\cite[pow:odd]).
+\item * The number of digits after decimal point for the result
+ is calculated and saved to "\apnumD". The total number of digits of the
+ base is saved to "\apnumC".
+ (line~\cite[pow:dig]).
+\item * The first Digit of the base needn't to include all four digits, but
+ other Digits do it. The similar trick as in "\apMULa" is used here
+ (lines~\cite[pow:aa] to~\cite[pow:ab]).
+\item * The base is saved in interleaved reversed format (like in
+ "\apMULa") into the "\OUT" macro by the "\apMULb" macro. Let it be the
+ $b$ value from our algorithm described above
+ (lines~\cite[pow:ba] and~\cite[pow:bb]).
+\item * The same base is saved to "\tmpa" in reversed (but non-interleaved)
+ format by "\apMULc". Let it be the $a$ value from our algorithm
+ (line~\cite[pow:c]).
+\item * The initial value of $p=1$ from our algorithm is set in interleaved
+ format into "\tmpc" macro
+ (line~\cite[pow:p]).
+\item * In brief: $a={}$"\tmpa", $b={}$"\OUT", $p={}$"\tmpc".
+\item * The decimal digits of the exponent in "\tmpb" are reversed
+ (line~\cite[pow:rev]).
+\item * The main loop described above is processed by putting decimal digits
+ of the exponent into input stream in reversed order and processing the "\apPOWb" macro.
+ (line~\cite[pow:b]).
+\item * The result in "\tmpc" is converted into human readable form by the
+ "\apPOWg" macro and it is stored into the "\OUT" macro
+ (line~\cite[pow:g]).
+\item * If the result is negative or decimal point is needed to print then
+ use simple conversion of the "\OUT" macro (adding minus sign) or using
+ "\apROLLa" macro
+ (lines~\cite[pow:outa] and~\cite[pow:outb]).
+\item * If the exponent is negative then do the $1/r$ calculation,
+ where $r$ is previous result
+ (line~\cite[pow:r]).
+The macro \db apPOWb is the body of the loop in the algorithm described above. The part
+"\ifnum\apnumE"{\tt\char`<}"10" is processed only for second and next digits because the
+"\apnumE" is initialized as 10 in the "\apPOWa" macro and it includes the digit of
+the exponent from the previous step when next step is processed.
+This is equivalent to "if(i"{\tt\char`>}"1)" from
+algorithm described above. The sequence of functions "mul(b)" and "pow2(b)"
+are set for each value of the digit of the exponent in the "\ifcase"
+arguments. For example, the digit from the previous step was~4, i.e.\
+$b=a^4$. Then "\apPOWc"~"mp." is processed. This expands to "\apPOWm" "\apPOWp"
+which are macros where the functions "mul(b)" and "pow2(b)" are
+implemented. The following operations is processed: "b:=a*b" ($b=a^5$) and "b:=b*b" ($b=a^{10}$).
+Second example: the previous digit was zero. Then we need to
+calculate $b^{10}$ which is done by "\apPOWc"~"ppmp", i.e.\
+"\apPOWp\apPOWp\apPOWm\apPOWp", i.e. "b:=b*b;" "b:=b*b", "b:=a*b", "b:=b*b".
+The line~\cite[pow:b1] is equivalent to "a:=b". The non-interleaved format is
+extracted from "\OUT" by "\apPOWd" and saved to "\tmpb" and then the "\tmpa"
+is set to "\tmpb".
+The second part of "\apPOWb" (lines~\cite[pow:b2] to~\cite[pow:b3]) is equivalent to the
+second part of the loop in the algorithm described above. The
+multiplication "p:=p*b" is done at lines \cite[pow:b4]~to~\cite[pow:b3]: first the
+"\OUT" (i.e.\ the $b$ value) is converted to non-interleaved format by "\apPOWd" and saved to
+"\tmpb". This is needed because because "\apMULb" does the multiplication
+"\OUT:=\OUT*\tmpb" between interleaved and non-interleaved format (both reversed).
+Then the result is ``normalized'' to the initial value of the interleaved format
+by the "\apPOWn" macro. All these calculations are processed over "\OUT",
+but we set "\OUT:=\tmpc" (i.e.\ the $p$ value) temporary for this multiplication.
+The loop is repeated until the stop-mark "@" is reached.
+\ilabel[pow:b1] {tmpa=}
+\ilabel[pow:b2] {apnumE=0}
+\ilabel[pow:b3] {OUT=\nb tmpd}
+\ilabel[pow:b4] {tmpd=}
+The \db apPOWc "<letters><dot>" does "\apPOW<letter>" "\apPOW<letter>" etc.
+For example "\apPOWc ppm." processes "\apPOWp\apPOWp\apPOWm".
+The macro \db apPOWd "<initialized interleaved reversed format>" extracts the
+Digits from its argument and saves them to the "\tmpb" macro.
+The \db apPOWe macro skips the rest of the body of the "\apPOWa" macro to the
+"\relax". It is used when "\errmessage" is printed.
+The \db apPOWg macro provides the conversion from interleaved reversed format to
+the human readable form and save the result to the "\OUT" macro.
+It ignores the first two elements from the format and runs \db apPOWh.
+The macro \db apPOWm does "b:=a*b", i.e.\ "\OUT:=\tmpa*\OUT". The \db apPOWp
+does "b:=b*b", i.e.\ "\OUT:=\OUT*\OUT". The ``normalization'' of "\OUT" is
+done by the "\apPOWn" macro after the calculation is finished. It means that
+the interleaved format is reinitialized.
+The normalization to the initialized interleaved format of the "\OUT" is done
+by the \db apPOWn "<data>@" macro. The \db apPOWna reads the first part of
+the "<data>" (to the first "*", where the Digits are non-interleaved. The
+\db apPOWnn reads the second part of "<data>" where the Digits of the result
+are interleaved with the digits of the old coefficients. We need to set the
+result as a new coefficients and prepare zeros between them for the new
+calculation. The dot after the first "*" is not printed (the zero is printed
+instead it) but it does not matter because this token is simply ignored
+during the calculation.
+\inext{apPOWn}{def\nb apPOWnn}{++}
+The powering to two ("\OUT:=\OUT^2") is provided by the \db apPOWt "<data>"
+macro. The macro \db apPOWu is called repeatedly for each "\apnumA="Digit from the
+"<data>". One line of the multiplication scheme is processed by the \db apPOWv "<data>"
+macro. We can call the "\apMULe" macro here but we don't do it because a slight
+optimization is used here. You can try to multiply the number with digits "abcd" by itself
+in the mirrored multiplication scheme. You'll see that first line includes
+"a^2 2ab 2ac 2ad", second line is intended by two columns and includes "b^2 2bc 2bd",
+next line is indented by next two columns and includes "c^2 2cd" and the last line is
+intended by next two columns and includes only "d^2". Such calculation is slightly
+shorter than normal multiplication and it is implemented in the "\apPOWv" macro.
+\subsec ROLL, ROUND and NORM Macros
+The public macros "\ROLL", "\ROUND" and "\NORM" are implemented by "\apROLLa",
+"\apROUNDa" and "\apNORMa" macros with common format of the parameter text:
+"<expanded sequence>.@<sequence>" where "<expanded sequence>" is the
+expansion of the macro "<sequence>" (given as first parameter of "\ROLL", "\ROUND"
+and "\NORM", but without optionally minus sign. If there was the minus sign then
+"\apnumG=-1" else "\apnumG=1". This preparation of the parameter "<sequence>"
+is done by the "\apPPs" macro. The second parameter of the macros "\ROLL",
+"\ROUND" and "\NORM" is saved to the "\tmpc" macro.
+\db apROLLa "<param>.@<sequence>" shifts the decimal point of the
+"<param>" by "\tmpc" positions to the right (or to the left, if
+"\tmpc" is negative) and saves the result to the "<sequence>" macro.
+The "\tmpc" value is saved to the "\apnumA" register and the "\apROLLc" is
+executed if we need to shift the decimal point to left. Else "\apROLLg" is
+The \db apROLLc "<param>.@<sequence>" shifts the decimal point to left
+by the "-\apnumA" decimal digits.
+It reads the tokens from the input stream until the dot is found
+using \db apROLLd macro.
+The number of such tokens is set to the "\apnumB" register and tokens
+are saved to the "\tmpc" macro.
+If the dot is found then \db apROLLe does the following: if the number of
+read tokens is greater then the absolute value of the "<shift>", then
+the number of positions from the most left digit of the number to the
+desired place of the dot is set to the "\apnumA" register a the dot is
+saved to this place by "\apROLLi<parameter>.@<sequence>". Else the new number looks
+like ".000123" and the right number of zeros are saved to the "<sequence>" using
+the "\apADDzeros" macro and the rest of the input stream (including expanded
+"\tmpc" returned back) is appended to the macro "<sequence>" by the
+\db apROLLf "<param>.@" macro.
+\inext{apROLLc}{def\nb apROLLf}{++}
+The \db apROLLg "<param>.@<sequence>" shifts the decimal point to the right by
+"\apnumA" digits starting from actual position of the input stream.
+It reads tokens from the input stream by the \db apROLLh and saves them to the
+"\tmpd" macro where the result will be built.
+When dot is found the \db apROLLi is processed. It reads next
+tokens and decreases the "\apnumA" by one for each token. It ends (using
+"\apROLLj\apROLLk") when "\apnumA" is equal to zero.
+If the end of the input stream is reached (the "@" character) then the zero
+is inserted before this character (using "\apROLLj\apROLLi0@"). This
+solves the situations like "123",~"<shift>=2",~$\to$~"12300".
+\ilabel[rol:g1] {0-}
+The "\apROLLg" macro initializes "\apnumB=1" if the "<param>" doesn't begin
+by dot. This is a flag that all digits read by "\apROLLi" have to be saved.
+If the dot begins, then the number can look like ".000123" (before moving
+the dot to the right) and we need to
+ignore the trailing zeros. The "\apnumB" is equal to zero
+in such case and this is set to "1" if here is first non-zero digit.
+The \db apROLLj macro closes the conditionals and runs its parameter
+separated by "\fi". It skips the rest of the "\apROLLi" macro too.
+The macro \db apROLLk puts the decimal point to the "\tmpd" at current
+position (using "\apROLLn") if the input stream is not fully read. Else it
+ends the processing. The result is an integer without decimal digit in such
+The macro \db apROLLn reads the input stream until the dot is found.
+Because we read now the digits after a
+new position of the decimal point we need to check situations of the type
+"123.000" which is needed to be written as "123" without decimal point.
+This is a reason of a little complication. We save all digits to the "\tmpc"
+macro and calculate the sum of such digits in "\apnumB" register. If this
+sum is equal to zero then we don't append the ".\tmpc" to the "\tmpd".
+The macro "\apROLLn" is finished by the \db apROLLo "@<sequence>" macro, which removes
+the last token from the input stream and defines "<sequence>" as "\tmpd".
+\inext{apROLLn}{def\nb apROLLo}{++}
+The macro \db apROUNDa "<param>.@<sequence>" rounds the number given in the
+"<param>". The number of digits after decimal point "\tmpc" is saved to
+"\apnumD". If this number is negative then "\apROUNDe" is processed
+else the \db apROUNDb reads the "<param>" to the decimal point and saves
+this part to the "\tmpc" macro. The "\tmpd" macro (where the rest after
+decimal point of the number will be stored) is initialized to empty and the
+\db apROUNDc is started. This macro reads one token
+from input stream repeatedly until the number of read tokens is equal to
+"\apnumD" or the stop mark "@" is reached. All tokens are saved to "\tmpd".
+Then the \db apROUNDd macro reads the rest of the "<param>", saves it to the
+"\XOUT" macro and defines "<sequence>" (i.e.\ "#2") as the rounded number.
+\inext{apROUNDa}{\count=3 ^^B\cbrace}{++}
+The macro \db apROUNDe solves the ``less standard'' problem when rounding to
+the negative digits after decimal point "\apnumD", i.e.\ we need to set
+"-\apnumD" digits before decimal point to zero. The solution is to remove
+the rest of the input stream, use "\apROLLa" to shift the decimal point left
+by "-\apnumD" positions, use "\apROUNDa" to remove all digits after decimal
+point and shift the decimal point back to its previous place.
+The macro \db apNORMa redefines the "<sequence>" in order to remove minus
+sign because the "\apDIG" macro uses its parameter without this sign. Then
+the \db apNORMb "<sequence><parameter>@" is executed where the dot in the
+front of the parameter is tested. If the dot is here then the "\apDIG" macro measures
+the digits after decimal point too and the \db apNORMc is executed (where
+the "\apROLLa" shifts the decimal point from the right edge of the number).
+Else the "\apDIG" macro doesn't measure the digits after decimal point and the
+\db apNORMd is executed (where the "\apROLLa" shifts the decimal point from
+the left edge of the number).
+\subsec Function-like Macros
+The internal implementation of function-like macros "\ABS", "\iDIV" etc.\
+are simple.
+\dgn\nb apABSa \dgn\nb apiDIVa \dgn\nb apiMODa \dgn\nb apiROUNDa
+\dgn\nb apiFRACa
+The "\apFACa" macro (factorial) doesn't use recursive call because the \TeX{} group is opened
+in such case and the number of levels of \TeX{} group is limited (to
+255 at my computer). But we want to calculate more factorial than only 255!.
+\dgn\nb apFACa
+\subsec Auxiliary Macros
+The macro \db apREV "{<tokens>}" reverses the order of the "<tokens>". For
+example "\apREV{revers}" expands to "srever". The macro uses \db apREVa and
+works at expansion level only.
+The macro \db apDIG "<sequence><register or relax>" reads the content of
+the macro "<sequence>" and counts the number of digits in this macro before
+decimal point and saves it to "\apnumD" register. If the macro "<sequence>"
+includes decimal point then it is redefined with the same content but without
+decimal point. The numbers in the form ".00123" are replaced by "123"
+without zeros, but "\apnumD=-2" in this example.
+If the second parameter of the "\apDIG" macro is
+"\relax" then the number of digits after decimal point isn't counted. Else
+the number of these digits is stored to the given "<register>".
+The macro "\apDIG" is developed in order to do minimal operations over a
+potentially long parameters. It assumes that "<sequence>" includes a number
+without "<sign>" and without left trailing zeros. This is true after
+parameter preparation by the "\apPPab" macro.
+The macro "\apDIG" prepares an incrementation in "\tmpc" if the second
+parameter "<register>" isn't "\relax". It initializes "\apnumD" and "<register>".
+It runs \db apDIGa "<data>..@<sequence>" which increments the "\apnumD" until
+the dot is found. Then the "\apDIGb" is executed (if there are no digits
+before dot) or the "\apDIGc" is called (if there is at least one digit
+before dot). The \db apDIGb ignores zeros immediately after dot. The \db
+apDIGc reads the rest of the "<data>" to the "#1" and saves it to the
+"\tmpd" macro. It runs the counter over this "<data>" \db apDIGd "<data>@"
+only if it is desired ("\tmpc" is non-empty). Else the "\apDIGe" is
+executed. The \db apDIGe "<dot or nothing>@<sequence>" redefines
+"<sequence>" if it is needed. Note, that "#1" is empty if and only if the
+"<data>" include no dot (first dot was reached as the first dot from
+"\apDIG", the second dot from "\apDIG" was a separator of "#1" in "\apDIGc"
+and there is nothing between the second dot and the "@" mark. The
+"<sequence>" isn't redefined if it doesn't include a dot. Else the sequence
+is set to the "\tmpd" (the rest after dot) if there are no digits before dot.
+Else the sequence is redefined using expandable macro \db apDIGf.
+\inext{apDIG}{def\nb apDIGf}{++}
+The macro \db apIVread "<sequence>" reads four digits from
+the macro "<sequence>", sets "\apnumX" as the Digit consisting from read digits and
+removes the read digits from "<sequence>".
+It internally expands "<sequence>", adds the "\apNL" marks and runs
+\db apIVreadA macro which sets the "\apnumX" and redefines "<sequence>".
+The usage of the \db apNL as a stop-marks has the advantage: they act as
+simply zero digits in the comparison but we can ask by "\ifx" if this
+stop mark is reached. The "#5" parameter of "\apIVreadA" is separated by
+first occurrence of "\apNL", i.e.\ the rest of the macro "<sequence>" is
+\inext{apNL}{def\nb apIVreadA}{++}
+The macro \db apIVreadX "<num><sequence>" acts similar as
+"\apIVread<sequence>", but only "<num>" digits are read. The "<num>" is
+expected in the range 0 to 4. The macro prepares the appropriate number of empty
+parameters in "\tmpc" and runs "\apIVreadA" with these empty parameters
+inserted before the real body of the "<sequence>".
+The macro \db apIVwrite "<num>" expands the digits from "<num>" register.
+The number of digits are four. If the "<num>" is less than "1000" then left
+zeros are added.
+The macro \db apIVtrans calculates the transmission for the next Digit.
+The value (greater or equal 10000) is assumed to be in "\apnumB". The new
+value less than 10000 is stored to "\apnumB" and the transmission value is
+stored in "\apnumX". The constant \db apIVbase is used instead of literal 10000
+because it is quicker.
+The macro \db apIVmod "<length><register>" sets "<register>" to the number
+of digits to be read to the first Digit, if the number has "<length>" digits
+in total. We need to read all Digits with four digits, only first Digit can
+be shorter.
+The macro \db apIVdot "<num><param>" adds the dot into "<param>". Let
+$K={}$"<num>" and $F$ is the number of digits in the "<param>".
+The macro expects that $K\in[0,4)$ and $F\in(0,4]$.
+The macro inserts the dot after $K$-th digit
+if $K<F$. Else no dot is inserted.
+It is expandable macro, but two full expansions are needed.
+After first expansion the result looks like
+"\apIVdotA<dots><param>....@" where
+"<dots>" are the appropriate number of dots. Then the \db apIVdotA reads
+the four tokens (maybe the generated dots), ignores the dots while printing
+and appends the dot after these four tokens, if the rest "#5" is non-empty.
+The expandable macro \db apNUMdigits "{<param>}" expands (using the \db
+apNUMdigitsA macro) to the number of
+digits in the "<param>". We assume that maximal number of digits will be
+The macro \db apADDzeros "<sequence>" adds "\apnumZ" zeros to the macro
+The expandable macro \db apREMzerosR "{<param>}" removes right trailing zeros from the
+"<param>". It expands to "\apREMzerosRa<param>@0@!". The
+macro \db apREMzerosRa reads all text terminated by "0@" to "#1". This
+termination zero can be the most right zero of the "<param>" (then "#2" is
+non-empty) or "<param>" hasn't such zero digit (then "#2" is empty). If "#2"
+is non-empty then the "\apREMzerosRa" is expanded again in the recursion.
+Else \db apREMzerosRb removes the stop-mark "@" and the expansion is
+\inext{apREMzerosR}{def\nb apREMzerosRb}{++}
+The expandable macro \db apREMdotR "{<param>}" removes right trailing dot from
+the "<param>" if exists. It expands to \db apREMdotRa and works similarly as
+the "\apREMzerosR" macro.
+\inext{apREMdotR}{def\nb apREMdotRa}{++}
+The writing to the "\OUT" in the "\MUL", "\DIV" and "\POW" macros is optimized, which
+decreases the computation time with very large numbers ten times and more.
+We can do simply "\edef\OUT{\OUT<something>}" instead of
+\expandafter\edef\csname apOUT:\apOUTn\endcsname
+ {\csname apOUT:\apOUTn\endcsname<something>}%
+but "\edef\OUT{\OUT<something>}" is typically processed very often
+over possibly very long macro (many thousands of tokens).
+It is better to do "\edef" over more short macros "\apOUT:0", "\apOUT:1", etc.
+Each such macro includes only 7 Digits pairs of the whole "\OUT".
+The macro \db apOUTx is invoked each 7 digit (the "\apnumO" register is
+It uses "\apnumL" value which is the "<num>" part of the next "\apOUT:<num>"
+control sequence. The "\apOUTx" defines this "<num>" as \db apOUTn and
+initializes "\apOUT:<num>" as
+empty and adds the "<num>" to the list \db apOUTl.
+When the creating of the next "\OUT" macro is definitely finished, the "\OUT" macro is
+assembled from the parts "\apOUT:0", "\apOUT:1" etc.\ by the macro
+\db apOUTs \unskip~"<list of numbers><dot><comma>".
+\inext{apOUTx}{def\nb apOUTs}{++}
+The macro \db apOUTtmpb is used in the context "{...\apOUTtmpb}\tmpb". It
+saves the results "\OUT", "\apE" and "\apSIGN" calculated in the \TeX{} group
+in the "\tmpb" macro, expands the "\tmpb", ends the \TeX{} group and
+executes the "\tmpb" in order to make possible to use these results outside
+this group.
+\subsec Conclusion
+Here is my little joke. Of course, this macro file works in La\TeX{} without
+problems because only \TeX{} primitives (from classic \TeX) and the "\newcount"
+macro are used here.
+But I wish to print my opinion about La\TeX. I hope that this doesn't matter
+and La\TeX{} users can use my macro because a typical La\TeX{} user doesn't
+read a terminal nor ".log" file.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/apnum/apnum.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/apnum/apnum.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f5d07b0f38
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Binary files differ