path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc
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@@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
%!TEX program = xelatex
+% 完整编译方法 1 pdflatex -> bibtex -> pdflatex -> pdflatex
+% 完整编译方法 2: xelatex -> bibtex -> xelatex -> xelatex
\title{ElegantPaper: 一个优美的 \LaTeX{} 工作论文模板}
-\author{\href{}{邓 东 升}\thanks{感谢 Peiyi Yao 的帮助与建议。}}
+\author{\href{}{邓 东 升}}
\institute{\href{}{Elegant\LaTeX{} 项目组}}
+% 不需要版本信息,直接注释即可
+% 不需要时间信息的话,需要把 \today 删除。
+% 如果想修改参考文献样式,请把这行注释掉
+\usepackage[authoryear]{gbt7714} % 国标
@@ -18,55 +26,25 @@
-此模板是基于 \LaTeX{} 的标准文档类设计,也即意味着你可以在在文类选项使用文档(article)类型的选项,比如 \lstinline{a4paper, 12pt} 等等。本模板支持 \lstinline{PDFLaTeX} 和 \lstinline{XeLaTeX} 两种编译方式。
+此模板是基于 \LaTeX{} 的标准文类 article设计,也即意味着你可以把 article 文类的选项传递给本模板,比如 \lstinline{a4paper, 10pt} 等等(推荐使用 \lstinline{11pt})。本模板支持 \lstinline{PDFLaTeX} 和 \lstinline{XeLaTeX}\footnote{中文字体均使用 \lstinline{ctex} 包设置。} 两种编译方式。
+(a+3b)^{n} = \sum_{k=0}^{n} C_{n}^{k} a^{n-k} (3b)^k\label{eq:binom}
我在这个模板中定义了一个语言选项 \lstinline{lang},可以选择英文模式 \lstinline{lang=en}(默认)或者中文模式 \lstinline{lang=cn}。当选择中文模式时,图表的标题引导词以及参考文献,定理引导词等信息会变成中文。你可以通过下面两种方式来选择语言模式:
-\documentclass{cn}{elegantpaper} % 两者皆可
-\subsubsection[选择 PDFLaTeX 编译]{选择 \lstinline{PDFLaTeX} 编译}
-如果你使用 \lstinline{PDFLaTeX} 编译,默认的 Computer Modern 字体被换成了 \lstinline{newtx} 系列字体,默认的字体字号是 11 pt。关于字体设置的宏包主要用到了:
- \item \lstinline{newtxtext} 用于文档正文字体,类似于 Times New Roman 字体。
- \item \lstinline{newtxmath} 用于数学字体,搭配 \lstinline{newtx} 非常合适,类似于过时的 \lstinline{times} 宏包的效果。
- \item \lstinline{FiraMono} 用于打字机字体,并使用了 \lstinline{scale=0.7} 选项。
- \item \lstinline{ctex} 用于中文字体设置,并使用了 \lstinline{scheme=plain} 选项。
-\subsubsection[选择 XeLaTeX 编译]{选择 \lstinline{XeLaTeX} 编译}
-如果你选择 \lstinline{XeLaTeX} 编译的话,那么设置字体的宏包为 \lstinline{fontspec} 和 \lstinline{xeCJK}。由于模板中使用的字体是 Windows 中的字体,所以如果你使用其他操作系统,比如 Linux 或者 Mac OS,那么你需要把所用字体替换为你系统中的字体。设置字体的命令:
-\setmainfont{Times New Roman}[NFSSFamily=ntxtlf]
-%\setmonofont[Scale=0.7]{Courier New}
-\setCJKmonofont[BoldFont={SimHei},ItalicFont={KaiTi},Scale=0.7]{Microsoft YaHei}
-\XeTeXlinebreaklocale "zh"
-\XeTeXlinebreakskip = 0pt plus 1pt minus 0.1pt
+\documentclass[lang=cn]{elegantpaper} % or
-这几个包由于都是一个系列的,字体搭配起来非常合适,字体宽度非常契合!唯独数学字体中的大型运算符,比如求和符号和积分符号不是很好看,为此,我把它们又改回了原先的字体效果。公式~(\ref{eq:binom}) 展示了最终的数学字体的效果。
-(a+3b)^{n} = \sum_{k=0}^{n} C_{n}^{k} a^{n-k} (3b)^k \label{eq:binom}
-我把行距设定为 1.3,并且使用了 \lstinline{microtype} 宏包调整字体的间距,为了去除字体字号,字形警告信息,我使用了 \lstinline{type1cm} 宏包。
在此模板中,并没有修改任何默认的命令或者环境,所以,你可以在此模板使用原来的命令和环境。另外,我自定义了 3 个命令:
@@ -82,22 +60,20 @@
- \item 春花秋月何时了, 往事知多少?
- \item 小楼昨夜又东风, 故国不堪回首月明中。
- \item 雕栏玉砌应犹在, 只是朱颜改。
- \item 问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流。
+ \item Routing and resource discovery;
+ \item Resilient and scalable networks;
+ \item Distributed storage and search.
- \item 春花秋月何时了, 往事知多少?
- \item 小楼昨夜又东风, 故国不堪回首月明中。
- \item 雕栏玉砌应犹在, 只是朱颜改。
- \item 问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流。
+ \item Routing and resource discovery;
+ \item Resilient and scalable networks;
+ \item Distributed storage and search.
@@ -107,23 +83,20 @@
插图的命令和以前一样,也是使用 \lstinline{figure} 环境。\figref{fig:scatter} 显示了插图的效果。你可以把你的图放到当前工作目录的如下子目录下 (\lstinline{./image/}, \lstinline{./img/}, \lstinline{./figure/}, \lstinline{./fig/})。
-% 如果要使抄录环境显示中文,必须用 XeLaTeX,而不能用 PDFLaTeX
-% 这是由于 lstlisting 和 ctex 的问题
- \caption{散点图示例\label{fig:scatter}}
+ \caption{Scatter Plot Example \label{fig:scatter}}
- \caption{散点图示例\label{fig:scatter}}
+ \caption{Scatter Plot Example \label{fig:scatter}}
我强烈建议你使用 \lstinline{booktabs} 宏包,这个宏包有三个命令 \lstinline{\toprule}、\lstinline{\midrule} 和 \lstinline{\bottomrule} 能方便你制作三线表。\tabref{tab:reg} 是一个示例:
@@ -131,70 +104,81 @@
- \caption{燃油效率与汽车价格}
+ \caption{Auto MPG and Price \label{tab:reg}}
& (1) & (2) \\
- 燃油效率 & -238.90*** & -49.51 \\
+ mpg & -238.90*** & -49.51 \\
& (53.08) & (86.16) \\
- 汽车重量 & & 1.75*** \\
- & & (0.641) \\
- 常数项 & 11,253*** & 1,946 \\
- & (1,171) & (3,597) \\
- 观测数 & 74 & 74 \\
- $R^2$ & 0.220 & 0.293 \\
+ weight & & 1.75*** \\
+ & & (0.641) \\
+ constant & 11,253*** & 1,946 \\
+ & (1,171) & (3,597) \\
+ obs & 74 & 74 \\
+ $R^2$ & 0.220 & 0.293 \\
- \multicolumn{3}{l}{\scriptsize 括号内为标准误} \\
+ \multicolumn{3}{l}{\scriptsize Standard errors in parentheses} \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\scriptsize *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1} \\
- \label{tab:reg}%
- \caption{燃油效率与汽车价格}
+ \caption{Auto MPG and Price \label{tab:reg}}
& (1) & (2) \\
- 燃油效率 & -238.90*** & -49.51 \\
+ mpg & -238.90*** & -49.51 \\
& (53.08) & (86.16) \\
- 汽车重量 & & 1.75*** \\
- & & (0.641) \\
- 常数项 & 11,253*** & 1,946 \\
- & (1,171) & (3,597) \\
- 观测数 & 74 & 74 \\
- $R^2$ & 0.220 & 0.293 \\
+ weight & & 1.75*** \\
+ & & (0.641) \\
+ constant & 11,253*** & 1,946 \\
+ & (1,171) & (3,597) \\
+ obs & 74 & 74 \\
+ $R^2$ & 0.220 & 0.293 \\
- \multicolumn{3}{l}{\scriptsize 括号内为标准误} \\
+ \multicolumn{3}{l}{\scriptsize Standard errors in parentheses} \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\scriptsize *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1} \\
- \label{tab:reg}%
-此模板使用了 Bib\TeX{} 来生成参考文献,默认使用的文献样式(bib style)是 \lstinline{aer}。参考文献示例:~\cite{Chen2018} 使用了中国一个大型的 P2P 平台(人人贷)的数据来检验男性投资者和女性投资者在投资表现上是否有显著差异。
+此模板使用了 Bib\TeX{} 来生成参考文献,默认使用的文献样式(bib style)是 \lstinline{GB/T 7714-2015}\footnote{通过调用 \href{}{\lstinline{gbt7714}} 宏包}。参考文献示例:~\cite{en3} 使用了中国一个大型的 P2P 平台(人人贷)的数据来检验男性投资者和女性投资者在投资表现上是否有显著差异。
-你可以在谷歌学术,Mendeley,Endnote 中获得文献条目(bib item),然后把它们添加到 \lstinline{wpref.bib} 中。在文中引用的时候,引用它们的键值(bib key)即可。注意需要在编译的过程中添加 Bib\TeX{} 编译。如果你想在参考文献中添加未引用的文献,可以使用
+你可以在谷歌学术,Mendeley,Endnote 中获得文献条目(bib item),然后把它们添加到 \lstinline{wpref.bib} 中。在文中引用的时候,引用它们的键值(bib key)即可。注意需要在编译的过程中添加 Bib\TeX{} 编译。如果你想在参考文献中添加未引用的文献(部分或者全部),可以使用
-\nocite{EINAV2010, Havrylchyk2018}
+\nocite{EINAV2010, Havrylchyk2018} % add the two reference.
+\nocite{*} % add all the reference in the bib file.
+如果你想修改参考文献的样式(比如改为 \lstinline{aer}),你可以在导言区将下面代码注释掉。
-% 标题信息
+% title information
+\title{A Working Paper Example}
-\institute{Elegant\LaTeX{} 项目组}
+\institute{Elegant\LaTeX{} Group}
@@ -203,24 +187,27 @@
+Your abstract goes here.
+\keywords{keyword1, keyword2}
+The content of introduction section.
+The content of conclusion section.
-% 在参考文献部分显示未引用的文献
+% include the noncited reference
\nocite{ref1, ref2}
-% 生成参考文献
+% 如果想修改参考文献样式(非国标),请把下行取消注释,并换成合适的样式(比如 unsrt,plain 样式)。
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.pdf
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.pdf
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.pdf
Binary files differ
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/elegantpaper-en.tex
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
%!TEX program = pdflatex
+% Full chain: pdflatex -> bibtex -> pdflatex -> pdflatex
\title{ElegantPaper: An Elegant \LaTeX{} Template for Working Papers}
-\author{\href{}{Dongsheng Deng}\thanks{Thanks Peiyi Yao for good suggestions.}}
+\author{\href{}{Dongsheng Deng}}
\institute{\href{}{Elegant\LaTeX{} Program}}
@@ -20,7 +21,12 @@
-This template is based on the standard \LaTeX{} article class, which means you can pass the arguments of article class to it (\lstinline{a4paper}, \lstinline{12pt} and etc.). It supports different engines, You can choose either \lstinline{PDFLaTeX} or \lstinline{XeLaTeX}.
+This template is based on the standard \LaTeX{} article class, which means you can pass the arguments of article class to it (\lstinline{a4paper}, \lstinline{10pt} and etc.)( \lstinline{11pt} is recommended). It supports different engines, You can choose either \lstinline{PDFLaTeX} or \lstinline{XeLaTeX}\footnote{with \lstinline{ctex} package for Chinese fonts settings.}.
+The effect of math fonts is as follow:
+(a+3b)^{n} = \sum_{k=0}^{n} C_{n}^{k} a^{n-k} (3b)^k \label{eq:binom}
\subsection{Global Options}
I defined one option named \lstinline{lang}, this option has two alternative values, \lstinline{lang=en} (default) or \lstinline{lang=cn}. \lstinline{lang=cn} will make the caption of figure/table, abstract name, refname etc. Chinese, while \lstinline{lang=en} will keep all these stuff English, as the default article class sets. You can use this option as
@@ -30,45 +36,6 @@ I defined one option named \lstinline{lang}, this option has two alternative val
\documentclass{en}{elegantpaper} % both ok
-\subsection{Font Settings}
-\subsubsection[Compile with PDFLaTeX]{Compile with \lstinline{PDFLaTeX}}
-If you choose \lstinline{PDFLaTeX} to process your paper, the default article font computer modern has changed to \lstinline{newtx} series, and the default font size is set to \lstinline{11pt}. The fonts are settings with:
- \item \lstinline{newtxtext} package for text fonts, similar to times new roman font.
- \item \lstinline{newtxmath} package for math fonts, close to \lstinline{times} package.
- \item \lstinline{FiraMono} package for typewriter fonts, with option \lstinline{scale=0.7}.
- \item \lstinline{ctex} package for Chinese fonts, with option \lstinline{scheme=plain}.
-\subsubsection[Compile with XeLaTeX]{Compile with \lstinline{XeLaTeX}}
-If you choose \lstinline{XeLaTeX} to process your paper, I use \lstinline{fontspec} package and \lstinline{xeCJK} package. I used fonts available in Windows, if you are using Linux or Mac OS, please substitute these fonts with that of your system. The font setting part
-\setmainfont{Times New Roman}[NFSSFamily=ntxtlf]
-%\setmonofont[Scale=0.7]{Courier New}
-\setCJKmonofont[BoldFont={SimHei},ItalicFont={KaiTi},Scale=0.7]{Microsoft YaHei}
-\XeTeXlinebreaklocale "zh"
-\XeTeXlinebreakskip = 0pt plus 1pt minus 0.1pt
-\subsubsection{Other Settings}
-These packages operate perfectly but are inappropriate for big operators, for example \lstinline{\sum} and \lstinline{\prod}, thus, I change these operators back to computer modern font. Equation~\eqref{eq:binom} shows the effects of these fonts:
-(a+3b)^{n} = \sum_{k=0}^{n} C_{n}^{k} a^{n-k} (3b)^k \label{eq:binom}
-The \lstinline{\linespread} (controls line spacing) is set to 1.3, and I use \lstinline{microtype} to improve the font justification. \lstinline{type1cm} package is used to remove the font shape and font size warning messages.
\subsection{Custom Commands}
I don't change any default command or environment, which means you can use all the basic \LaTeX{} commands and environments as before. Besides, I define 3 commands
@@ -81,7 +48,7 @@ I don't change any default command or environment, which means you can use all t
\subsection{List Environments}
You can use \lstinline{itemize}, \lstinline{enumerate}, or \lstinline{description} environment as below\\
\item Routing and resource discovery;
@@ -92,9 +59,9 @@ You can use \lstinline{itemize}, \lstinline{enumerate}, or \lstinline{descriptio
- \item Routing and resource discovery;
- \item Resilient and scalable computer networks;
- \item Distributed storage and search.
+ \item Routing and resource discovery;
+ \item Resilient and scalable networks;
+ \item Distributed storage and search.
@@ -165,12 +132,19 @@ To include a graphic, you can use figure environment as usual. \figref{fig:scatt
-This template uses Bib\TeX{} to generate the bibliography, the default bibliography style is \lstinline{aer}. Let's take a glance at the citation effect, ~\cite{Chen2018} use data from a major peer-to-peer lending marketplace in China to study whether female and male investors evaluate loan performance differently.
+This template uses Bib\TeX{} to generate the bibliography, the default bibliography style is \lstinline{unsrt}. Let's take a glance at the citation effect, ~\cite{en3} use data from a major peer-to-peer lending marketplace in China to study whether female and male investors evaluate loan performance differently.
-If you want to use Bib\TeX{}, you must create a file named \lstinline{wpref.bib}, and add bib items (from Google Scholar, Mendeley, EndNote, and etc.) to \lstinline{wpref.bib} file, and cite the bibkey in the \lstinline{tex} file. The Bib\TeX{} will automatically generate the bibliography for you for the reference you cited. If you want to add some noncited reference to the bibliography, you can use
+If you want to use Bib\TeX{}, you must create a file named \lstinline{wpref.bib}, and add bib items (from Google Scholar, Mendeley, EndNote, and etc.) to \lstinline{wpref.bib} file, and cite the bibkey in the \lstinline{tex} file. The Bib\TeX{} will automatically generate the bibliography for you for the reference you cited. If you want to add some noncited references or all of them to the bibliography, you can use
-\nocite{EINAV2010, Havrylchyk2018}
+\nocite{EINAV2010, Havrylchyk2018} % add two noncited references
+\nocite{*} % list all the references of the bib file.
+If you want to change the bibliography style, you can replace \lstinline{aer} for the prefered style, for example, the \lstinline{unsrt} style.
\section{A Minimal Example}
@@ -203,11 +177,16 @@ The content of conclusion section.
% include the noncited reference
\nocite{ref1, ref2}
-\nocite{EINAV2010, Havrylchyk2018}
+% If you want change the bibliography style, replace aer with the prefered one.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/wpref.bib b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/wpref.bib
index c61d0df6e1b..fd2c1192609 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/wpref.bib
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/elegantpaper/wpref.bib
@@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
-abstract = {{\textcopyright} 2017 Zeng et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, as a novel economic lending model, has triggered new challenges on making effective investment decisions. In a P2P lending platform, one lender can invest N loans and a loan may be accepted by M investors, thus forming a bipartite graph. Basing on the bipartite graph model, we built an iteration computation model to evaluate the unknown loans. To validate the proposed model, we perform extensive experiments on real-world data from the largest American P2P lending marketplace - Prosper. By comparing our experimental results with those obtained by Bayes and Logistic Regression, we show that our computation model can help borrowers select good loans and help lenders make good investment decisions. Experimental results also show that the Logistic classification model is a good complement to our iterative computation model, which motivates us to integrate the two classification models. The experimental results of the hybrid classification model demonstrate that the logistic classification model and our iteration computation model are complementary to each other. We conclude that the hybrid model (i.e., the integration of iterative computation model and Logistic classification model) is more efficient and stable than the individual model alone.},
-author = {Zeng, Xiangxiang and Liu, Li and Leung, Stephen and Du, Jiangze and Wang, Xun and Li, Tao},
-doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0184242},
-file = {:D$\backslash$:/Nuts/Reference/A decision support model for investment on P2P lending platform - Zeng et al. - 2017.pdf:pdf;:D$\backslash$:/Nuts/Reference/A decision support model for investment on P2P lending platform - Zeng et al. - 2017(2).pdf:pdf},
-isbn = {1111111111},
-issn = {19326203},
-journal = {PLoS ONE},
-number = {9},
-pages = {1--18},
-title = {{A decision support model for investment on P2P lending platform}},
-volume = {12},
-year = {2017}
+ title={{The Mechanism and Effectiveness of Credit Scoring of P2P Lending Platform: Evidence from}},
+ author={Li, Qiang and Chen, Liwen and Zeng, Yong},
+ journal={China Finance Review International},
+ volume={8},
+ number={3},
+ pages={256--274},
+ year={2018},
+ publisher={Emerald Publishing Limited}
+ author = {Carlstrom, Charles T and Fuerst, Timothy S},
+ title = {{Agency Costs, Net Worth, and Business Fluctuations: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis}},
+ journal = {The American Economic Review},
+ pages = {893-910},
+ ISSN = {0002-8282},
+ year = {1997},
+ type = {Journal Article}
-author = {Einav, Liran And Cullen, Amy Finkelstein Mark R.},
-file = {:D$\backslash$:/Nuts/Reference/Estimating Welfare in Insurance Markets Using Variation in Prices - EINAV, CULLEN - 2010.pdf:pdf},
-isbn = {1932-6203 (Electronic) 1932-6203 (Linking)},
-issn = {19326203},
-journal = {Quarterly Journal of Economics},
-number = {August},
-pages = {877--921},
-pmid = {24710357},
-title = {{Estimating Welfare in Insurance Markets Using Variation in Prices}},
-volume = {CXXV},
-year = {2010}
+ author = {Quadrini, Vincenzo},
+ title = {{Financial Frictions in Macroeconomic Fluctuations}},
+ journal = {FRB Richmond Economic Quarterly},
+ volume = {97},
+ number = {3},
+ pages = {209-254},
+ year = {2011},
+ type = {Journal Article}
-abstract = {Would consumer surplus increase if annuity rates were age-neutral? This paper characterizes the socially optimal contractibility of a given signal in markets with adverse selection. A signal (e.g., age) partitions consumers into subsets (e.g., young and old). A regulator restricts price-discrimination on the basis of the signal if the consumer subsets where the level of cost is higher are also the subsets where there is greater deadweight loss due to adverse selection. Such signals are empirically common. To illustrate the welfare benefit of price discrimination policy, I use a structural model to estimate its impact on the UK annuities market. The model is estimated using proprietary data that include the annuity seller's estimate of each individual's longevity. I find that restricting price discrimination can increase consumer surplus by the equivalent of about {\pounds}6.5 million per year.},
-author = {Veiga, Andr{\'{e}}},
-file = {:D$\backslash$:/Nuts/Reference/The Impact of Price Discrimination in Markets with Adverse Selection - Veiga - 2018.pdf:pdf},
-keywords = {Adverse Selection,D41,L52,Price Discrimination,Structural Estimation JEL Classification Codes: D8},
-title = {{The Impact of Price Discrimination in Markets with Adverse Selection}},
-year = {2018}
+ author = {方军雄},
+ title = {{所有制、制度环境与信贷资金配置}},
+ journal = {经济研究},
+ number = {12},
+ pages = {82-92},
+ ISSN = {0577-9154},
+ year = {2007},
+ type = {Journal Article}
-abstract = {We use data from a major peer-to-peer lending marketplace in China to study whether female and male investors evaluate loan performance differently. Controlling for variables of investor demographics, investor experience, and loan characteristics, we find that loans invested by female investors are more likely to default and have lower loan return in the future than loans invested by male investors. We define abnormal default or abnormal loan return as the part of the loan default or the part of loan return that is not explained by loan characteristics and find that the loans invested by female investors have higher abnormal default and lower abnormal loan return than the loans invested by male investors. Furthermore, female investors perform similarly to male investors in abnormal default or abnormal loan return when investors have high levels of education or income or when investors work in finance or information technology industries.},
-author = {Chen, Jia and Jiang, Jiajun and jane Liu, Yu},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jempfin.2018.06.004},
-file = {:D$\backslash$:/Nuts/Reference/Financial literacy and gender difference in loan performance - Chen, Jiang, Liu - 2018.pdf:pdf},
-issn = {09275398},
-journal = {Journal of Empirical Finance},
-keywords = {Financial Literacy, Gender Difference, Loan Default, Loan Return,Peer-to-peer Lending},
-number = {71673007},
-pages = {307--320},
-title = {{Financial Literacy and Gender Difference in Loan Performance}},
-volume = {48},
-year = {2018}
+ author = {刘凤良 and 章潇萌 and 于泽},
+ title = {{高投资、结构失衡与价格指数二元分化}},
+ journal = {金融研究},
+ number = {02},
+ pages = {54-69},
+ ISSN = {1002-7246},
+ year = {2017},
+ type = {Journal Article}
-abstract = {The objective of our paper is to explore the role of P2P lending platforms through the prism of the theory of financial intermediation. P2P lending platforms perform the brokerage function of financial intermediaries by matching lenders' supply and borrowers' demand of funding, according to the risk and the maturity of their needs. Unlike banks, P2P lending platforms do not create money and do not perform risk and maturity transformation. However, they can organize secondary markets to trade loan contracts before maturity and some P2P lending platforms aim at providing a fixed income to lenders. To ensure efficient and sustainable financial intermediation, P2P lending platforms need to ensure that they are not subject to principal-agent problems and that their incentives coincide with those of lenders. The possibility of orderly resolution of P2P lending platforms failures might decrease moral hazard problems that are inherent in the modern financial intermediation.},
-author = {Havrylchyk, Olena and Verdier, Marianne},
-doi = {10.1057/s41294-017-0045-1},
-file = {:D$\backslash$:/Nuts/Reference/The Financial Intermediation Role of the P2P Lending Platforms - Havrylchyk, Verdier - 2018.pdf:pdf},
-issn = {14783320},
-journal = {Comparative Economic Studies},
-keywords = {Access to finance,Financial crisis,Information and communication technologies,Internet,Market structure,Online lenders,Peer-to-peer lending},
-number = {1},
-pages = {115--130},
-publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan UK},
-title = {{The Financial Intermediation Role of the P2P Lending Platforms}},
-url = {},
-volume = {60},
-year = {2018}
+ author = {吕捷 and 王高望},
+ title = {{CPI 与 PPI “背离”的结构性解释}},
+ journal = {经济研究},
+ volume = {50},
+ number = {04},
+ pages = {136-149},
+ ISSN = {0577-9154},
+ year = {2015},
+ type = {Journal Article}