path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/accfonts/mkt1font b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/accfonts/mkt1font
deleted file mode 100755
index 966ba5932d9..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/accfonts/mkt1font
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1012 +0,0 @@
-# Mkt1font: a program to generate accented Type 1 PostScript fonts
-# Copyright (C) 1997 John D. Smith
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-$version = 0.25;
-$description =
-"Syntax: mkt1font -n fontname -d definition-file -a afm-file -f font-file
- [-s shrink-factor] [-c candrabindu-adjustment] [-b]
-Mkt1font creates new Type 1 PostScript fonts based on existing fonts
-(\"input fonts\"). In order to do this it makes use of I. Lee
-Hetherington's programs t1asm and t1disasm, which must be present on
-the system. A successful run will generate an AFM file and a PFB
-file, as well as a DIS file containing a disassembled version of the
-PFB file (including useful comments). Four options must be specified
-on the command line, as follows:
- -n should name the font it is intended to generate. Avoid names
- such as \"myfont\", as both mkt1font and other programs attempt
- to draw conclusions from the name; better would be something
- like \"Utopia_French-BoldItalic\". The generated font files
- will also use this for their basename.
- -d should refer to a font definition file. This file (which could
- usefully be named, e.g., \"French.def\") should consist of
- lines of character definitions, in the form
- \"number\" \"character\"
- or
- \"number\" \"character\" \"accent\"
- Here \"number\" represents the character's position in the new
- encoding and may be expressed in decimal, octal or hex;
- \"character\" names the character (e.g. \"comma\", \"eight\",
- \"A\") or consists of the word \".notdef\" (indicating that
- the specified number's \"slot\" in the new encoding is to be
- empty); and \"accent\" optionally names an accent to be placed
- on the character. In addition to the standard accents available
- in PostScript fonts, \"underbar\" and \"underdot\" are also
- available, as are \"under\" versions of all the normal
- superscript accents (\"underdieresis\", \"underring\", etc.).
- The Indian accent \"candrabindu\" may also be specified: it
- is formed by overprinting a breve with a dotaccent. Finally,
- \"overdot\" may be used as a synonym for \"dotaccent\".
- If the character named in the \"accent\" position is not in fact
- a valid accent character, the program interprets the definition
- as a request for a digraph formed from the \"character\" and the
- \"accent\". A digraph consisting of, say, \"k\" and \"h\" will be
- indistinguishable from the letters \"k\" and \"h\" printed
- consecutively, but the digraph \"kh\" can itself receive accents
- like any other character: see next paragraph.
- A new character (such as \"amacron\" or \"kh\") may be freely
- used in the \"character\" position of a further definition (such
- as \"amacron breve\" or \"kh underbar\"). There is no constraint
- on the ordering of definitions within a definition file. The
- definition of \"a macron\" does not have to precede that of
- \"amacron breve\": requests for \"impossible\" characters are
- deferred until their constituents have had a chance to come into
- being.
- \"Slots\" for which no new definition is given retain the
- definition they have in the input font.
- The definition file may also contain blank lines and comments
- (introduced by \"\#\").
- -a should refer to the AFM (Adobe Font Metrics) file for the input
- font.
- -f should refer to the binary font file (PFB) for the input font.
- (In fact the equivalent ASCII file (PFA) is also acceptable for
- input, but the output font is always in PFB format.)
- -s may optionally give the factor, expressed as a per-thousand
- value, by which normally superscript accents (such as dieresis,
- ring) should be shrunk when they are used as subscript accents
- (such as underdieresis, underring). Values of around 800 may be
- found useful.
- -c may optionally give two comma-separated numerical values to
- adjust the x and y coordinates of the dotaccent placed within a
- breve to form the candrabindu accent.
- -b may optionally be specified to block the use of predefined
- accented characters, forcing mkt1font to define its own
- versions. This may be useful to secure a consistent appearance
- in cases where a font designer does not share mkt1font's views
- on where accents should be placed.
-The -h option prints this help.
-# Packages and constants
-use File::Basename;
-use Getopt::Std;
-$cmdline = basename($0) . " " . join " ", @ARGV;
-if ($opt_h or !($opt_n && $opt_d && $opt_a && $opt_f) or ($#ARGV >= 0)) {
- print STDERR $description;
- exit 1;
-($enc = basename($opt_d)) =~ s/\..*$//;
-if ($opt_n =~ /\s/) { die "Font name cannot contain whitespace\n" }
-($famname = $opt_n) =~ s/^(.*)-.*?$/$1/;
-if ($opt_s) { $shrink = $opt_s / 1000 } else { $shrink = 1 }
-@months = ( "January", "February", "March", "April",
- "May", "June", "July", "August",
- "September", "October", "November", "December"
- );
-@lt = localtime;
-$date = "$months[$lt[4]] $lt[3], ${ \($lt[5] + 1900) }";
-if ($opt_c) { ($cbx, $cby) = $opt_c =~ /^(.*),(.*)$/ } # candrabindu
-# Read DEF file
-open DEF, $opt_d or die "Cannot open $opt_d: $!\n";
-while (<DEF>) {
- next if (/^\s*$/ || /^\#/);
- s/\s*(\#.*)?$//;
- push @deflines, $_;
-close DEF;
-# Read AFM file
-# File header
-open AFM, $opt_a or die "Cannot open $opt_a: $!\n";
-while (<AFM>) {
- if (/^StartFontMetrics/) {
- $afmhead = $_;
- do {
- $_ = <AFM>;
- $afmhead .= $_;
- }
- until $_ =~ /^StartCharMetrics \d+\r?$/;
- $afmhead =~ s/\r//gm; # Might be DOS file
- $afmhead =~ /^FontName (.*)$/m;
- $ofname = $1;
- $afmbanner = "\nComment Based on $ofname; modified for $enc encoding";
- $afmbanner .= "\nComment by John Smiths's program mkt1font ";
- $afmbanner .= "(v. $version) " if $version;
- $afmbanner .= "on $date";
- $afmbanner .= "\nComment Command line: $cmdline";
- $afmhead =~ s/(\n^FontName )(.*)$/$1$opt_n/m;
- $afmhead =~ s/(\n^FullName )(.*)$/$1$opt_n/m;
- $afmhead =~ s/(\n^FamilyName )(.*)$/$1$famname/m;
- $afmhead =~ s/\n^Comment /$afmbanner$&/m;
- $afmhead =~ s/(\n^EncodingScheme ).*$/$1FontSpecific/m;
- if ($afmhead =~ /\n^ItalicAngle (.*)$/m) { $italangle = $1 }
- if ($afmhead =~ /\n^CapHeight (.*)$/m) { $capheight = $1 }
- if ($afmhead =~ /\n^XHeight (.*)$/m) { $xheight = $1 }
- if ($afmhead =~ /\n^FontBBox -?\d+ (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+)$/m) {
- ($maxdp, $maxrs, $maxht) = ($1, $2, $3);
- }
- }
- #
- # Encoded chars
- #
- if (/(^C (\d+) ; WX \d+ ; N ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*|\.notdef) ; B .* ;( L .* ;)?)\r?$/) {
- $metrics_enc[$2] = "$1\n";
- }
- #
- # Unencoded chars
- #
- elsif (/(^C -1 ; WX \d+ ; N ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*|\.notdef) ; B .* ;( L .* ;)?)\r?$/) {
- $metrics_unenc .= "$1\n";
- }
- #
- # Kerns etc.
- #
- if (/^EndCharMetrics\r?$/) {
- $afmtail = $_;
- do {
- $_ = <AFM>;
- $afmtail .= $_;
- }
- until eof(AFM);
- $afmtail =~ s/[\r\cZ]//gm; # Might be DOS file
- }
-if ($afmtail =~ /(\A(?:.|\n)*^StartKernPairs )\d+\n((?:.|\n)*)(^EndKernPairs(?:.|\n)*\Z)/m) {
- ($kstart, $kdefs, $kend) = ($1, $2, $3);
-close AFM;
-# Read and disassemble PFB file
-open PFB, $opt_f or die "Cannot open $opt_f: $!\n";
-$_ = <PFB>;
-unless (/%!/) { die "File $opt_f is not a PostScript font\n" }
-close PFB;
-$disfile1 = "mkt1font$$.dis";
-system "t1disasm $opt_f >$disfile1 2>/dev/null";
-open DIS, $disfile1 or die "Cannot open disassembled font file: $!\n";
-while (<DIS>) {
- #
- # Locate crucial definitions
- #
- if (/^\/(.*?) ?{ ?noaccess def ?} ?executeonly def$/) {
- $nd = $1;
- ($rend = $nd) =~ s/\|/\\|/g; # Regexp version
- next;
- }
- if (/^\/(.*?) ?{ ?noaccess put ?} ?executeonly def$/) {
- $np = $1;
- ($renp = $np) =~ s/\|/\\|/g; # Regexp version
- next;
- }
- if (/^\/Subrs (\d+) array/) {
- $subrsnum = $1;
- do {
- #
- # Store subroutine definitions in @subrs
- #
- $l = $_ = <DIS>;
- if (/^dup (\d+) {$/) {
- $subrnum = $1;
- $subrdef = $_;
- do {
- $_ = <DIS>;
- $subrdef .= $_;
- }
- until /^\t} ?$renp$/;
- }
- #
- # "correct" t1disasm output so t1asm will accept it as input
- #
- $subrdef =~ s/^(\t})($rend|$renp)$/$1 $2/m;
- $subrs[$subrnum] = $subrdef;
- }
- until ($l !~ /^dup \d+ {$/);
- next;
- }
- if (/^2 index \/CharStrings (\d+) dict dup begin/) {
- #
- # do *not* use "$" to anchor the end of this line, because
- # it may end with an invisible trailing space!
- #
- $chdefsnum = $1;
- do {
- #
- # Store character definitions in %chstrings
- #
- $l = $_ = <DIS>;
- if (/^\/([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*|\.notdef|\.null) {$/) {
- $chname = $1;
- $chdef = $_;
- do {
- $_ = <DIS>;
- $chdef .= $_;
- }
- until /^\t} ?$rend$/;
- }
- #
- #"correct" t1disasm output so t1asm will accept it as input
- #
- $chdef =~ s/^(\t})($rend|$renp)$/$1 $2/m;
- $chstrings{$chname} = $chdef;
- }
- until ($l !~ /^\/([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*|\.notdef|\.null) {$/);
- #
- # File tail
- #
- if (/^end/) {
- $distail = $_;
- do {
- $_ = <DIS>;
- $distail .= $_;
- }
- until eof(DIS);
- }
- }
-close DIS;
-unless ($nd) { die "Cannot find \"noaccess def\" definition\n" }
-unless ($np) { die "Cannot find \"noaccess put\" definition\n" }
-unless ($subrsnum) { die "Cannot find size of Subrs array\n" }
-unless ($chdefsnum) { die "Cannot find size of CharStrings dict\n" }
-# Set up constants
-$subacc = "(cedilla|ogonek|commaaccent)";
-$supacc = "(grave|acute|circumflex|tilde|macron|breve|dotaccent|overdot|dieresis|ring|hungarumlaut|caron|candrabindu)";
-$underacc = "(underdot|under$supacc)";
-$accents = "($subacc|$supacc|$underacc|underbar)";
-$underadp = -230; # depth of "under" accs
-$underddp = -213; # depth of underdot
-if ($opt_n =~ /Bold/) { $thk = 72 } else { $thk = 52 } # thickness and
-$underbdp = -(82 + $thk); # depth of underbar
-$accheight = $chht{macron}; # height of macron
-$accdepth = $chdp{macron}; # "depth" of macron
-$v1 = $accheight - $xheight; # vertical offset for double accents
-$v2 = $capheight - $xheight; # vertical offset for accented caps etc
-# Italic adjustment: tan(angle)
-$itadj = sin($italangle * 3.14159 / 180) / cos($italangle * 3.14159 / 180);
-# Create uni0237 (dotlessj)
-$chstrings{uni0237} = $chstrings{j} . "\n";
-$chstrings{uni0237} =~ /\A(.*?)(\t[-0-9 ]+?[rvh]moveto)(\n.+)(\n\t.*?(-?\d+) [rv]moveto)(.*?)(\n\tendchar.*?)\Z/ms;
-($one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six, $seven) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
-if ($five > 0) { $chstrings{uni0237} = $one . $two . $three . $seven }
-else {
- findend("j1", ($two . $three));
- $j1end = "\t$hend{j1} $vend{j1} rmoveto";
- $chstrings{uni0237} = $one . $j1end . $four . $six . $seven
-$chstrings{uni0237} =~s/\A\/j /\/uni0237 /m;
-$metrics_unenc .= "C -1 ; WX $chwd{j} ; N uni0237 ; B $chls{j} $chdp{j} $chrs{j} $chht{dotlessi} ;\n";
-# Build the characters
-# First build a list of definitions supplied by user
-for (@deflines) {
- if (/^\s*(\d+|0[0-7]+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*?|\.notdef)(?:\s+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*))?$/) {
- ($num, $char, $acc) = ($1, $2, $3);
- $num = oct $num if $num =~ /^0/;
- if ($num > 255) { die "Bad definition (number out of range): $_\n" }
- $def = {};
- $def->{qdef} = $_;
- $def->{num} = $num;
- $def->{char} = $char;
- $def->{acc} = $acc;
- $def->{nchar} = $char . $acc;
- push @nchars, $def->{nchar};
- push @defs, $def;
- }
- else { die "Bad definition: $_\n" }
-# Work through the list
-while (@defs) {
- $def = shift @defs;
- $qdef = $def->{qdef};
- $num = $def->{num};
- $char = $def->{char};
- $acc = $def->{acc};
- $nchar = $def->{nchar};
- #
- # If we can't handle $char/$acc yet, but believe we will be able
- # to later, send the definition to the back of the queue. In case
- # it later turns out we were wrong, allow only five loops before
- # giving up.
- #
- if (!grep / ; N $char ; /, @metrics_enc
- and $metrics_unenc !~ / ; N $char ; /m) {
- if (grep /^$char$/, @nchars) {
- unless (++$def->{requeue} > 5) {
- push @defs, $def;
- next;
- }
- }
- else { die "Bad definition (no such character): $qdef\n" }
- }
- if ($acc
- and !grep / ; N $acc ; /, @metrics_enc
- and $metrics_unenc !~ / ; N $acc ; /m
- and $acc !~ /^$accents$/) {
- if (grep /^$acc$/, @nchars) {
- unless (++$def->{requeue} > 5) {
- push @defs, $def;
- next;
- }
- }
- else { die "Bad definition (no such accent): $qdef\n" }
- }
- #
- # First deal with .notdef
- #
- if ($nchar eq ".notdef") {
- ($old = $metrics_enc[$num]) =~ s/^C $num/C -1/;
- $metrics_unenc .= $old unless $metrics_unenc =~ /$old/m;
- undef $metrics_enc[$num];
- }
- #
- # Now look for new char among existing encoded chars (unless blocked by -b)
- #
- else {
- if (!($acc and $opt_b)
- and @foundit = grep / ; N $nchar ; /, @metrics_enc) {
- ($foundit = shift @foundit) =~ s/^C (\d+)/C $num/;
- $prevnum = $1;
- unless ($prevnum == $num) {
- ($old = $metrics_enc[$num]) =~ s/^C $num/C -1/;
- $metrics_unenc .= $old unless $metrics_unenc =~ /$old/m;
- $metrics_enc[$num] = $foundit;
- }
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- #
- # Next look among existing unencoded chars (unless blocked by -b)
- #
- elsif (!($acc and $opt_b)
- and $metrics_unenc =~ s/^C -1 ; WX \d+ ; N $nchar ; B .* ;( L .* ;)?\n//m) {
- ($foundit = $&) =~ s/^C -1/C $num$1/m;
- $old = $metrics_enc[$num];
- if ($old) {
- $old =~ s/^C $num/C -1/;
- $metrics_unenc .= $old unless $metrics_unenc =~ /$old/m;
- }
- $metrics_enc[$num] = $foundit;
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- #
- # If it can't be built from sub-elements, issue a warning and move on
- #
- elsif (!$acc) { warn "No such character - ignoring definition: $qdef\n" }
- #
- # Now build the char
- #
- else {
- #
- # First get rid of predefined afm entries and synonyms
- #
- $metrics_unenc =~ s/^C -1 ; WX \d+ ; N $nchar ; B .* ;( L .* ;)?\n//m;
- $kdefs =~ s/\nKPX .*$nchar .*$//gm;
- if ($acc eq "overdot") {
- $nchar2 = $char . "dotaccent";
- $metrics_unenc =~ s/^C -1 ; WX \d+ ; N $nchar2 ; B .* ;( L .* ;)?\n//m;
- $kdefs =~ s/\nKPX .*$nchar2 .*$//gm;
- delete $chstrings{$nchar2};
- }
- #
- # Go!
- #
- if ($acc =~ /^$subacc$/) {
- subacc($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- elsif ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- supacc($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- elsif ($acc =~ /^$underacc$/) {
- underacc($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- elsif ($acc =~ /^underbar$/) {
- underb($num, $char, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- else {
- digraph($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- }
- }
-# Write AFM file
-open OUTAFM, ">$opt_n.afm";
-foreach (@metrics_enc) { # Avoid duplicate entries
- ($chname) = /( ; N [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]* ; )/;
- $metrics_unenc =~ s/^C -1 .*$chname.*\n//gm if $chname;
-$chmetricnum = split(/\n/, $metrics_unenc);
-$chmetricnum += grep /^C /, @metrics_enc;
-$afmhead =~ s/^(FontBBox -?\d+ )-?\d+ -?\d+ -?\d+$/$1$maxdp $maxrs $maxht/m;
-$afmhead =~ s/^(StartCharMetrics )\d+$/$1$chmetricnum/m;
-$encoding = "/Encoding 256 array\n0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for\n";
-print OUTAFM $afmhead;
-for $i (0 .. 255) {
- $line = $metrics_enc[$i];
- if ($line) {
- print OUTAFM $line;
- if ($line =~ /^C \d+ ; WX \d+ ; N ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*) ; /) {
- $encoding .= "dup $i /$1 put\n";
- }
- }
-$encoding .= "readonly def\n";
-print OUTAFM $metrics_unenc;
-# Tidy up kerns
-if ($kdefs) {
- $kdefs = join("\n", sort split /\n/, $kdefs); # sort
- $kdefs .= "\n";
- $kdefs =~ s/((^KPX .*?)-?\d+$)\n\2.*$/$1/gm; # remove duplicates
- $kdefs =~ s/^\s*\n//gm; # and blank lines
- $knum = split(/\n/, $kdefs);
- $afmtail = $kstart . $knum . "\n" . $kdefs . $kend;
-# Eliminate composite character definitions
-$afmtail =~ s/\n(Start|End)Composites.*$//gm;
-$afmtail =~ s/\nCC .*;$//gm;
-print OUTAFM $afmtail;
-close OUTAFM;
-# Write DIS and PFB files
-$disfile2 = "$opt_n.dis";
-open OUTDIS, ">$disfile2";
-$disbanner = "% Based on $ofname; modified for $enc encoding\n";
-$disbanner .= "% by John Smiths's program mkt1font ";
-$disbanner .= "(v. $version) " if $version;
-$disbanner .= "on $date\n";
-$disbanner .= "% Command line: $cmdline";
-open DIS, $disfile1;
-while (<DIS>) { # get header
- s/^(%!.*: ).*$/$1$opt_n\n$disbanner/;
- s/(\/FullName \().*(\).*)$/$1$opt_n$2/;
- s/(\/FamilyName \().*(\).*)$/$1$famname$2/;
- s/(\/FontName \/).*?( .*)$/$1$opt_n$2/;
- s/(\/FontBBox {-?\d+ )-?\d+ -?\d+ -?\d+/$1$maxdp $maxrs $maxht/m;
- if (/^\/Encoding /) {
- print OUTDIS $encoding;
- next;
- }
- next if (/\/UniqueID .*$/);
- s /(\/BlueValues \[.*)(\] def)$/$1 $accheight $accheight$2/;
- if (/(\/Subrs )\d+( array)$/) {
- print OUTDIS "$1$subrsnum$2\n";
- last;
- }
- else { print OUTDIS }
-close DIS;
-unlink $disfile1;
-foreach $subrdef (@subrs) { print OUTDIS $subrdef }
-$chdefsnum = scalar(keys(%chstrings));
-print OUTDIS "$nd\n2 index /CharStrings $chdefsnum dict dup begin\n";
-foreach (sort values %chstrings) { print OUTDIS }
-print OUTDIS $distail;
-close OUTDIS;
-system "t1asm -b $disfile2 >$opt_n.pfb 2>/dev/null";
-# End of main program
-sub subacc {
- #
- # Subscript accents
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $nchar) = @_;
- my ($old, $astr, $h, $H, $V, $chdef, $acdef, $pstr);
- ($old = $metrics_enc[$num]) =~ s/^C $num/C -1/;
- $metrics_unenc .= $old unless $metrics_unenc =~ /$old/m;
- getcharinfo($char) unless defined $chwd{$char};
- getcharinfo($acc) unless defined $chwd{$acc};
- $astr = "C $num ; WX $chwd{$char} ; N $nchar ; B $chls{$char} ";
- $astr .= "$chdp{$acc} $chrs{$char} $chht{$char} ;\n";
- $metrics_enc[$num] = $astr;
- $h = round(($chwd{$char} - $chwd{$acc}) / 2 + $chls{$acc});
- unless (defined $hend{$char}) { findend($char, $chstrings{$char}) }
- $H = $h - $hend{$char} - $chls{$char};
- $V = -$vend{$char};
- $chstrings{$char} =~ /^\/$char {\n(\t.+?hsbw\n(.|\n)*?)\tendchar\n\t} $rend\n/m;
- $chdef = $1;
- $chstrings{$acc} =~ /^\/$acc {\n\t.+? .+?hsbw\n((.|\n)+?\t} $rend\n)/m;
- $acdef = $1;
- $acdef = fixhints($nchar, $acc, $acdef, $h, 0);
- $pstr = "/$nchar {\n$chdef % $nchar: start of $acc\n";
- $pstr .= "\t$H $V rmoveto\n$acdef";
- $chstrings{$nchar} = $pstr;
-sub supacc {
- #
- # Superscript accents
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $nchar) = @_;
- my ($old, $cb, $astr, $h, $v, $H, $V, $it, $chdef, $acdef, $pstr, $newchar);
- ($old = $metrics_enc[$num]) =~ s/^C $num/C -1/;
- $metrics_unenc .= $old unless $metrics_unenc =~ /$old/m;
- if ($char eq "i") { $char = "dotlessi" }
- if ($char eq "j") { $char = "uni0237" }
- if ($acc eq "overdot") { $acc = "dotaccent" }
- if ($acc eq "candrabindu") {
- $acc = "breve";
- $chstrings{"dotaccent"} =~ /^\/dotaccent {\n\t.+? .+?hsbw\n((.|\n)+?\t} $rend\n)/m;
- $cb = $1;
- }
- getcharinfo($char) unless defined $chwd{$char};
- getcharinfo($acc) unless defined $chwd{$acc};
- $astr = "C $num ; WX $chwd{$char} ; N $nchar ; B ";
- $astr .= "$chls{$char} $chdp{$char} $chrs{$char} ";
- $v = $chht{$acc};
- if ($chht{$char} >= $accheight + $v2) { # double accs
- $v += ($v1 + $v2); # on caps etc.
- $it = ($v1 + $v2) * $itadj;
- }
- elsif ($chht{$char} > 1.15 * $xheight) {
- if ($char =~ /$supacc$/ and $char !~ /under$supacc$/) {
- $v += $v1; # double accents
- $it = $v1 * $itadj;
- }
- else {
- $v += $v2; # accented caps etc.
- $it = $v2 * $itadj;
- }
- }
- else { $it = 0 }
- if ($v > $maxht) { $maxht = $v }
- $astr .= "$v ;\n";
- $metrics_enc[$num] = $astr;
- $v -= $chht{$acc};
- $h = round(($chwd{$char} - $chwd{$acc}) / 2 + $chls{$acc} - $it);
- unless (defined $hend{$char}) { findend($char, $chstrings{$char}) }
- $H = $h - $hend{$char} - $chls{$char};
- $V = $v - $vend{$char};
- $chstrings{$char} =~ /^\/$char {\n(\t.+?hsbw\n(.|\n)*?)\tendchar\n\t} $rend\n/m;
- $chdef = $1;
- $chstrings{$acc} =~ /^\/$acc {\n\t.+? .+?hsbw\n((.|\n)+?\t} $rend\n)/m;
- $acdef = $1;
- $acdef = fixhints($nchar, $acc, $acdef, $h, $v);
- $pstr = "/$nchar {\n$chdef % $nchar: start of $acc\n";
- $pstr .= "\t$H $V rmoveto\n$acdef";
- if ($cb) { # candrabindu
- getcharinfo("dotaccent") unless defined $chwd{dotaccent};
- $h = round(($chwd{$char} - $chwd{dotaccent}) / 2 + $chls{dotaccent} - $it);
- $h += $cbx;
- $v += $cby;
- $cb = fixhints($nchar, "dotaccent", $cb, $h, $v);
- $newchar = $char . $acc;
- unless (defined $hend{$newchar}) { findend($newchar, $pstr) }
- $H = $h - $hend{$newchar} - $chls{$char};
- $V = $v - $vend{$newchar};
- $pstr =~ s/\tendchar\n\t} $rend\n\Z//m;
- $pstr .= " % $nchar: start of dotaccent\n\t$H $V rmoveto\n$cb";
- }
-$chstrings{$nchar} = $pstr;
-sub underacc {
- #
- # Dropped accents
- #
- # The Fontographer hack below is necessary because Fontographer (which
- # I have had to use to build TrueType and Macintosh versions of fonts)
- # seems not to respect the depths for characters specified in afm files
- # it has imported: it sets the depth to the lowest point in the path,
- # whether or not a mark was made there. So it is not possible to
- # implement (e.g.) underring by diving down low and then printing a
- # ring at its normal height.
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $nchar) = @_;
- my ($old, $acname, $astr, $h, $v, $H, $V, $chdef, $acdef, $begin, $line, $end, $pstr);
- ($old = $metrics_enc[$num]) =~ s/^C $num/C -1/;
- $metrics_unenc .= $old unless $metrics_unenc =~ /$old/m;
- $acc =~ s/^under//;
- $acname = $acc;
- if ($acc eq "dot") { $acc = "period" }
- if ($acc eq "candrabindu") { die "Bad definition (no such accent): $qdef\n" }
- getcharinfo($char) unless defined $chwd{$char};
- getcharinfo($acc) unless defined $chwd{$acc};
- if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- $v = round($underadp + ($chdp{$acc} - $accdepth) * $shrink);
- }
- else { $v = $underddp + $chdp{$acc} }
- if ($v < $maxdp) { $maxdp = $v }
- $astr = "C $num ; WX $chwd{$char} ; N $nchar ; B $chls{$char} ";
- $astr .= "$v $chrs{$char} $chht{$char} ;\n";
- $metrics_enc[$num] = $astr;
- if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- $h = round(($chwd{$char} - ($chwd{$acc} * $shrink)) / 2
- + $chls{$acc} * $shrink - ($v - $accdepth * $shrink) * $itadj);
- }
- else {
- $h = round(($chwd{$char} - $chwd{$acc}) / 2 + $chls{$acc} - $v * $itadj);
- }
- unless (defined $hend{$char}) { findend($char, $chstrings{$char}) }
- $H = $h - $hend{$char} - $chls{$char};
- if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) { $V = $underadp - $vend{$char} }
- else { $V = $v - $chdp{$acc} - $vend{$char} }
- #
- # Adjustment for smaller, therefore lower, shrunken accent defs
- #
- if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- $V += round($chdp{$acc} * (1 - $shrink) / $shrink);
- }
- $chstrings{$char} =~ /^\/$char {\n(\t.+?hsbw\n(.|\n)*?)\tendchar\n\t} $rend\n/m;
- $chdef = $1;
- $chstrings{$acc} =~ /^\/$acc {\n\t.+? .+?hsbw\n((.|\n)+?\t} $rend\n)/m;
- $acdef = $1;
- if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/ and $opt_s) { $acdef = fixshrink($acc, $acdef) }
- if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- $acdef = fixhints($nchar, $acc, $acdef, $h, $underadp);
- }
- else { $acdef = fixhints($nchar, $acc, $acdef, $h, $underddp) }
- #
- # Bloody Fontographer! We can't just say
- # if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) { $V -= $accdepth }
- # Instead we have to go through the following rigmarole:
- #
- if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- if ($acdef =~ /^(.*moveto)$/m) {
- ($begin, $line, $end) = ($`, $1, $');
- if ($line =~ /^\t(-?\d+) (-?\d+)( rmoveto)$/) {
- $acdef = "$begin\t$1 " . ($2 - $accdepth) . $3 . $end;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^\t(-?\d+)( vmoveto)$/) {
- $acdef = "$begin\t" . ($1 - $accdepth) . $2 . $end;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /\t(-?\d+) hmoveto$/) {
- $acdef = "$begin\t$1 " . (-$accdepth) . "rmoveto" . $end;
- }
- }
- else { $acdef =~ s/\A/\t-$accdepth vmoveto\n/m }
- }
- $pstr = "/$nchar {\n$chdef % $nchar: start of $acname\n";
- $pstr .= "\t$H $V rmoveto\n$acdef";
- $chstrings{$nchar} = $pstr;
-sub underb {
- #
- # Underbar
- #
- my ($num, $char, $nchar) = @_;
- my ($old, $astr, $l, $h, $v, $H, $V, $bdef, $chdef, $acdef, $pstr);
- ($old = $metrics_enc[$num]) =~ s/^C $num/C -1/;
- $metrics_unenc .= $old unless $metrics_unenc =~ /$old/m;
- $v = $underbdp + $thk;
- getcharinfo($char) unless defined $chwd{$char};
- $h = round(0.1 * $chwd{$char} - $underbdp * $itadj);
- $l = round(0.8 * $chwd{$char});
- $astr = "C $num ; WX $chwd{$char} ; N $nchar ; B $chls{$char} ";
- $astr .= "$underbdp $chrs{$char} $chht{$char} ;\n";
- $metrics_enc[$num] = $astr;
- unless (defined $hend{$char}) { findend($char, $chstrings{$char}) }
- $H = $h - $hend{$char} - $chls{$char};
- $V = -$vend{$char};
- $bdef = "\t$underbdp $thk hstem\n\t$v vmoveto\n\t-$thk vlineto\n\t";
- $bdef .= "$l hlineto\n\t$thk vlineto\n\tclosepath\n";
- $chstrings{$char} =~ /^\/$char {\n(\t.+?hsbw\n(.|\n)*?)\tendchar\n\t} $rend\n/m;
- $chdef = $1;
- $acdef = fixhints($nchar, "underbar", $bdef, $h, 0);
- $pstr = "/$nchar {\n$chdef % $nchar: start of $acc\n";
- $pstr .= "\t$H $V rmoveto\n$acdef\tendchar\n\t} $nd\n";
- $chstrings{$nchar} = $pstr;
-sub digraph {
- #
- # Make a new character consisting of two existing characters
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $nchar) = @_;
- my ($old, $kern, $w, $newrs, $astr, $H, $V, $chdef, $acdef, $pstr);
- ($old = $metrics_enc[$num]) =~ s/^C $num/C -1/;
- $metrics_unenc .= $old unless $metrics_unenc =~ /$old/m;
- getcharinfo($char) unless defined $chwd{$char};
- getcharinfo($acc) unless defined $chwd{$acc};
- if ($kdefs =~ /^KPX $char $acc (-?\d+)$/m) { $kern = $1 };
- $w = $chwd{$char} + $chwd{$acc} + $kern;
- $newrs = $chrs{$char} + $chwd{$acc} + $kern;
- if ($newrs > $maxrs) { $maxrs = $newrs }
- $astr = "C $num ; WX " . $w . " ; N $nchar ; B $chls{$char} ";
- $astr .= (min($chdp{$char}, $chdp{$acc})) . " $newrs ";
- $astr .= (max($chht{$char}, $chht{$acc})) . " ;\n";
- $metrics_enc[$num] = $astr;
- unless (defined $hend{$char}) { findend($char, $chstrings{$char}) }
- $H = $chwd{$char} + $chls{$acc} + $kern - $hend{$char};
- $V = -$vend{$char};
- $chstrings{$char} =~ /^\/$char {\n(\t.+?hsbw\n(.|\n)*?)\tendchar\n\t} $rend\n/m;
- ($chdef = $1) =~ s/-?\d+( hsbw\n)/$w$1/m;
- $chstrings{$acc} =~ /^\/$acc {\n\t.+? .+?hsbw\n((.|\n)+?\t} $rend\n)/m;
- $acdef = $1;
- $acdef = fixhints($nchar, $acc, $acdef, ($chwd{$char} + $kern), 0);
- $pstr = "/$nchar {\n$chdef % $nchar: start of $acc\n";
- $pstr .= "\t$H $V rmoveto\n$acdef";
- $chstrings{$nchar} = $pstr;
-sub max {
- #
- # Return greater of two values
- #
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- return $a > $b ? $a : $b;
-sub min {
- #
- # Return lesser of two values
- #
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- return $a > $b ? $b : $a;
-sub round {
- #
- # Return nearest integer value
- #
- my ($num) = shift;
- my $n1, $n2;
- if ($num < 0) { $n1 = (0 - $num) }
- else { $n1 = $num }
- $n2 = int($n1);
- if (($n1 - $n2) >= 0.5) { $n2++ }
- if ($num < 0) { return (0 - $n2) }
- else { return $n2 }
-sub getcharinfo {
- #
- # Store character metric information
- #
- my $char = shift;
- my $foundit;
- my $metrics_all = join("", @metrics_enc) . $metrics_unenc;
- if ($metrics_all =~ /^.* ; N $char ; .*$/m) { $foundit = $& }
- else { die "Bad definition (no such character/accent): $char\n" }
- $foundit =~ /^C (-?\d+) ; WX (\d+) ; N $char ; B (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) ;/;
- ($chnum{$char}, $chwd{$char}, $chls{$char},
- $chdp{$char}, $chrs{$char}, $chht{$char}) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
-sub fixkerns {
- #
- # Generalise the kerning info contained in the afm file by applying
- # it to new accented chars. Do not kern lower-case chars bearing
- # superscript accents with capitals, quotes or a preceding "f".
- #
- my ($char, $acc) = @_;
- my ($lchar, $rchar);
- if ($acc =~ /^$accents$/) { $lchar = $rchar = $char }
- else {
- $lchar = $char;
- $rchar = $acc;
- }
- if ($char =~ /^[a-z]/ and $acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- if ($kdefs =~ /^(KPX $char)(( (?:[a-pr-z][a-zA-Z]*|q(?!uote).*?) )-?\d+)$/m) {
- ($one, $three) = ($1, $3);
- $kdefs =~ s[^(KPX $char)(( (?:[a-pr-z][a-zA-Z]*|q(?!uote).*?) )-?\d+)$]
- [$&\n$1$acc$2]gm
- unless $kdefs =~ /^$one$acc$three/m;
- }
- if ($kdefs =~ /^(KPX (?:[a-eg-pr-z][a-zA-Z]*|q(?!uote).*?) $char)( -?\d+)$/m) {
- $one = $1;
- $kdefs =~ s[^(KPX (?:[a-eg-pr-z][a-zA-Z]*|q(?!uote).*?) $char)( -?\d+)$]
- [$&\n$1$acc$2]gm
- unless $kdefs =~ /^$one$acc /m;
- }
- }
- else {
- if ($kdefs =~ /^(KPX )$rchar(( [a-zA-Z]+ )-?\d+)$/m) {
- ($one, $three) = ($1, $3);
- $kdefs =~ s[^(KPX )$rchar(( [a-zA-Z]+ )-?\d+)$]
- [$&\n$1$char$acc$2]gm
- unless $kdefs =~ /^$one$char$acc$three/m;
- }
- if ($kdefs =~ /^(KPX [a-zA-Z]+ )$char( -?\d+)$/m) {
- $one = $1;
- $kdefs =~ s[^(KPX [a-zA-Z]+ )$char( -?\d+)$]
- [$&\n$1$char$acc$2]gm
- unless $kdefs =~ /^$one$char$acc /m;
- }
- }
-sub fixshrink {
- #
- # Multiply all coordinates in a character definition by $shrink,
- # creating new subroutines as necessary.
- #
- my ($ch, $chdef) = @_;
- my (@chdef, $line, $snum, $subrdef);
- @chdef = split(/\n/, $chdef);
- $chdef = "";
- foreach $line (@chdef) {
- if ($line =~ /^\t(\d+) .*call(other)?subr$/) {
- $snum = $1;
- $subrdef = $subrs[$snum];
- $subrdef = fixshrink($ch, $subrdef);
- $subrdef =~ s/^(dup )$snum \{$/$1$subrsnum {\n % $nchar: shrink $ch/m;
- $subrs[$subrsnum] = $subrdef;
- $line =~ s/^\t$snum/\t$subrsnum/;
- $subrsnum++;
- }
- else { $line =~ s/-?\d+/int($& * $shrink)/ge unless $line =~ /^dup / }
- $chdef .= "$line\n";
- }
- return $chdef;
-sub fixhints {
- #
- # First adjust any Flex "0 callsubr" lines for horizontal and
- # vertical offset. Then collect the hints from the accent definition,
- # remove them, adjust for horizontal and vertical offset, and
- # place them in a numbered subroutine. Have the definition call
- # the subroutine.
- #
- my ($nchar, $acc, $acdef, $h, $v) = @_;
- my $subrdef;
- $acdef =~ s[^(\t-?\d+ )(-?\d+) (-?\d+)( 0 callsubr)$]
- [$1 . ($2 + $h) . " " . ($3 + $v) . $4]gme;
- if ($subrdef = join("\n", grep /^\t.*[hv]stem$/, split(/\n/, $acdef))) {
- $acdef = join("\n", grep !/^\t.*[hv]stem$/, split(/\n/, $acdef)) . "\n";
- }
- elsif ($acdef =~ s/\A(?:\t(\d+) callsubr\n)((?:.|\n)*)\Z/$2/m) {
- $subrdef = $subrs[$1];
- $subrdef = join("\n", grep /^\t.*[hv]stem$/, split(/\n/, $subrdef))
- }
- $subrdef =~ s/^(\t)(-?\d+)( .*hstem)$/$1 . ($2 + $v) . $3/gme;
- $subrdef =~ s/^(\t)(-?\d+)( .*vstem)$/$1 . ($2 + $h) . $3/gme;
- if ($subrdef) {
- $subrs[$subrsnum] = "dup $subrsnum {\n % $nchar: hints for $acc\n";
- $subrs[$subrsnum] .= "$subrdef\n\treturn\n\t} $np\n";
- $acdef = "\t$subrsnum 1 3 callothersubr\n\tpop\n\tcallsubr\n" . $acdef;
- $subrsnum++;
- }
- return $acdef;
-sub findend {
- #
- # Calculate the current point reached at the end of the character
- # definition. Place the horizontal offset in $hend{$char}, the
- # vertical offset in $vend{$char}.
- #
- my ($char, $def) = @_;
- my $line;
- foreach $line (split /\n/, $def) {
- $line =~ /^\t(-?\d+) h(line|move)to$/
- && do {
- $hend{$char} += $1;
- last SWITCH;
- };
- $line =~ /^\t(-?\d+) v(line|move)to$/
- && do {
- $vend{$char} += $1;
- last SWITCH;
- };
- $line =~ /^\t(-?\d+) (-?\d+) r(line|move)to$/
- && do {
- $hend{$char} += $1;
- $vend{$char} += $2;
- last SWITCH;
- };
- $line =~ /^\t(-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) hvcurveto$/
- && do {
- $hend{$char} += ($1 + $2);
- $vend{$char} += ($3 + $4);
- last SWITCH;
- };
- $line =~ /^\t(-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) vhcurveto$/
- && do {
- $hend{$char} += ($2 + $4);
- $vend{$char} += ($1 + $3);
- last SWITCH;
- };
- $line =~ /^\t(-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) rrcurveto$/
- && do {
- $hend{$char} += ($1 + $3 + $5);
- $vend{$char} += ($2 + $4 + $6);
- last SWITCH;
- };
- $line =~ /^\t(\d+) callsubr$/
- && do {
- findend($char, $subrs[$1]);
- last SWITCH;
- };
- $line =~ /^\t-?\d+ (-?\d+) (-?\d+) 0 callsubr$/ # Flex
- && do {
- $hend{$char} = $1;
- $vend{$char} = $2;
- last SWITCH;
- };
- }
- }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/accfonts/vpl2ovp b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/accfonts/vpl2ovp
deleted file mode 100755
index eb88bfd3dda..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/accfonts/vpl2ovp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1085 +0,0 @@
-# Vpl2ovp: a program to generate accented virtual fonts for Omega
-# Copyright (C) 2008 John D. Smith
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-$version = 0.25;
-$description =
-"Syntax: vpl2ovp -d definition-file [-s shrink-factor]
- [-c candrabindu-adjustment] [-b] vpl-file
-Vpl2ovp creates new Omega virtual fonts based on existing TeX
-fonts or virtual fonts (\"input fonts\"). A successful run will
-read a pl (Property List) or vpl (Virtual Property List) file
-and a definition file, and will generate a new ovp (Omega
-Virtual Property List) file on standard output. The input font
-is assumed to adhere to the standard TeX encoding for text
-fonts unless it was created with either of the programs afm2pl
-or afm2tfm, in which case it is assumed to conform to
-(respectively) the Adobe Standard Encoding or the encoding
-specified in the file dvips.enc. In either case, the name of
-the input font is assumed to be the name of the input file
-without its .vpl or .pl extension: it must conform to normal
-TeX conventions for naming fonts, as vpl2ovp attempts to draw
-conclusions from it about the kind of font it is dealing with.
-A typical complete sequence of commands to create a new virtual
-font might therefore be
- tftopl cmr10.tfm
- vpl2ovp -d Unicode1.def >cmr10-uni1.ovp
- ovp2ovf cmr10-uni1.ovp cmr10-uni1.ovf cmr10-uni1.ofm
-for a Computer Modern font, or
- afm2pl Times-Roman.afm
- pltotf rptmr.tfm
- vpl2ovp -d Unicode1.def >ptmr-uni1.ovp
- ovp2ovf ptmr-uni1.ovp ptmr-uni1.ovf ptmr-uni1.ofm
-for a PostScript font.
-Another approach for a PostScript font is to use afm2tfm:
- afm2tfm Times-Roman.afm -t dvips.enc -v ptmr rptmr
- vpl2ovp -d Unicode1.def ptmr.vpl >ptmr-uni1.ovp
- ovp2ovf ptmr-uni1.ovp ptmr-uni1.ovf ptmr-uni1.ofm
--- but this is now deprecated, as afm2tfm generates incorrect
-values for the heights of some characters, and this can lead to
-bad accent placing.
-In order to keep the whole of the character range \"F0-\"FF free for
-the requirements of the encoding specified in the definition file,
-certain modifications are made to input fonts following the dvips.enc
-encoding to bring them into greater conformity with the TeX norm. In
-particular, the characters dotaccent and hungarumlaut are placed in
-the positions assigned by TeX (\"5F, \"7D), not those enforced by
-dvips.enc (\"C7, \"CD). The f-ligatures, double quotes and dashes are
-also moved from the upper half of the original 8-bit character set to
-their normal TeX positions. As a result, the following characters are
-not found in the lower half of the character set: quotesingle,
-quotedbl, backslash, underscore, braceleft, bar, braceright. These
-characters can, however, be assigned positions in the output font if
-they are needed. (Indeed, they could all be explicitly restored to
-their dvips.enc positions if this were desired.)
- -d should refer to a font definition file. This file (which could
- usefully be named, e.g., \"Unicode1.def\") should consist of
- lines of character definitions, in the form
- \"number\" \"character\"
- or
- \"number\" \"character\" \"accent\"
- Here \"number\" represents the character's position in the new
- encoding and may be expressed in decimal, octal or hex;
- \"character\" names the character (e.g. \"comma\", \"eight\",
- \"A\") or consists of the word \".notdef\" (indicating that
- the specified number's \"slot\" in the new encoding is to be
- empty); and \"accent\" optionally names an accent to be placed
- on the character. In addition to the standard accents available
- in PostScript fonts, \"underbar\" and \"underdot\" are also
- available, as are \"under\" versions of all the normal
- superscript accents (\"underdieresis\", \"underring\", etc.).
- The Indian accent \"candrabindu\" may also be specified: it
- is formed by overprinting a breve with a dotaccent. Finally,
- \"overdot\" may be used as a synonym for \"dotaccent\".
- Note that all accents used in defining accented characters must
- themselves be defined in the .def file. Those which exist in the
- source font should simply be referenced by name in their
- appropriate Unicode position (e.g. \"0x0304 macron\"); those
- which do not should be defined as the character \"space\"
- followed by the name of the accent (e.g. \"0x0310 space
- candrabindu\").
- If the character named in the \"accent\" position is not in fact
- a valid accent character, the program interprets the definition
- as a request for a digraph formed from the \"character\" and the
- \"accent\". A digraph consisting of, say, \"k\" and \"h\" will be
- indistinguishable from the letters \"k\" and \"h\" printed
- consecutively, but the digraph \"kh\" can itself receive accents
- like any other character: see next paragraph.
- A new character (such as \"amacron\" or \"kh\") may be freely
- used in the \"character\" position of a further definition (such
- as \"amacron breve\" or \"kh underbar\"). There is no constraint
- on the ordering of definitions within a definition file. The
- definition of \"a macron\" does not have to precede that of
- \"amacron breve\": requests for \"impossible\" characters are
- deferred until their constituents have had a chance to come into
- being.
- \"Slots\" for which no new definition is given retain the
- definition they have in the input font.
- The definition file may also contain blank lines and comments
- (introduced by \"\#\").
- -s may optionally give the factor, expressed as a per-thousand
- value, by which normally superscript accents (such as dieresis,
- ring) should be shrunk when they are used as subscript accents
- (such as underdieresis, underring). Values of around 800 may be
- found useful.
- -c may optionally give two comma-separated numerical values to
- adjust the x and y coordinates of the dotaccent placed within a
- breve to form the candrabindu accent. A coordinate scheme using
- \"DESIGNUNITS R 1000\" is assumed.
- -b may optionally be specified to block the use of predefined
- accented characters, forcing vpl2ovp to define its own
- versions. This may be useful to secure a consistent appearance
- in cases where a font designer does not share vpl2ovp's views
- on where accents should be placed.
- -h prints this help.
-# Packages and constants
-use File::Basename;
-use Getopt::Std;
-$cmdline = basename($0) . " " . join " ", @ARGV;
-if ($opt_h or !$opt_d or $#ARGV != 0) {
- print STDERR $description;
- exit 1;
-$filename = $ARGV[0];
-$dummycodepoint = 0xF8FF;
-($fontname = $filename) =~ s/\..*$//;
-($encname = basename($opt_d)) =~ s/\..*$//;
-$vtitle = "(VTITLE Font $fontname modified for $encname encoding by vpl2ovp";
-$vtitle .= " v. $version" if $version;
-$vtitle .= ")\n(COMMENT Command line: $cmdline)";
-$vtitle .= "\n(OFMLEVEL H 0)";
-# Flags for bold and small caps. These are probably a bit iffy, but
-# there's not much that can be done about it.
-if ($fontname =~ /(^p.*b[oi]?[c]?$|^[^p].*bx[a-z]*[0-9]+$)/) { $bold = 1 }
-if ($fontname =~ /(^p.*c$|^[^p].*csc[a-z]*[0-9]+$)/) { $scaps = 1 }
-if ($opt_s) { $shrink = $opt_s / 1000 } else { $shrink = 1 }
-# Array to convert from number to vpl representation
-foreach $i (0 .. 0xFFFF) {
- $nv[$i] = (chr($i) =~ /[0-9A-Za-z]/ ? "C " . chr $i : sprintf("H %04lX", $i));
-# Now the encoding vectors.
-@TeXenc = (
- "Gamma", "Delta", "Theta", "Lambda",
- "Xi", "Pi", "Sigma", "Upsilon",
- "Phi", "Psi", "Omega", "ff",
- "fi", "fl", "ffi", "ffl",
- "dotlessi", "dotlessj", "grave", "acute",
- "caron", "breve", "macron", "ring",
- "cedilla", "germandbls", "ae", "oe",
- "oslash", "AE", "OE", "Oslash",
- "space", "exclam", "quotedblright", "numbersign",
- "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quoteright",
- "parenleft", "parenright", "asterisk", "plus",
- "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash",
- "zero", "one", "two", "three",
- "four", "five", "six", "seven",
- "eight", "nine", "colon", "semicolon",
- "exclamdown", "equal", "questiondown", "question",
- "at", "A", "B", "C",
- "D", "E", "F", "G",
- "H", "I", "J", "K",
- "L", "M", "N", "O",
- "P", "Q", "R", "S",
- "T", "U", "V", "W",
- "X", "Y", "Z", "bracketleft",
- "quotedblleft", "bracketright", "circumflex", "dotaccent",
- "quoteleft", "a", "b", "c",
- "d", "e", "f", "g",
- "h", "i", "j", "k",
- "l", "m", "n", "o",
- "p", "q", "r", "s",
- "t", "u", "v", "w",
- "x", "y", "z", "endash",
- "emdash", "hungarumlaut", "tilde", "dieresis"
-@dvipsenc = (
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "quotesingle", "exclamdown", "questiondown",
- "dotlessi", "dotlessj", "grave", "acute",
- "caron", "breve", "macron", "ring",
- "cedilla", "germandbls", "ae", "oe",
- "oslash", "AE", "OE", "Oslash",
- "space", "exclam", "quotedbl", "numbersign",
- "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quoteright",
- "parenleft", "parenright", "asterisk", "plus",
- "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash",
- "zero", "one", "two", "three",
- "four", "five", "six", "seven",
- "eight", "nine", "colon", "semicolon",
- "less", "equal", "greater", "question",
- "at", "A", "B", "C",
- "D", "E", "F", "G",
- "H", "I", "J", "K",
- "L", "M", "N", "O",
- "P", "Q", "R", "S",
- "T", "U", "V", "W",
- "X", "Y", "Z", "bracketleft",
- "backslash", "bracketright", "circumflex", "underscore",
- "quoteleft", "a", "b", "c",
- "d", "e", "f", "g",
- "h", "i", "j", "k",
- "l", "m", "n", "o",
- "p", "q", "r", "s",
- "t", "u", "v", "w",
- "x", "y", "z", "braceleft",
- "bar", "braceright", "tilde", "dieresis",
- "asciicircum", "asciitilde", "Ccedilla", "Iacute",
- "Icircumflex", "atilde", "edieresis", "egrave",
- "scaron", "zcaron", "Eth", "ff",
- "ffi", "ffl", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", "Scaron", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- "Ydieresis", ".notdef", "Zcaron", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", "cent", "sterling",
- "fraction", "yen", "florin", "section",
- "currency", "copyright", "quotedblleft", "guillemotleft",
- "guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "fi", "fl",
- "degree", "endash", "dagger", "daggerdbl",
- "periodcentered", ".notdef", "paragraph", "bullet",
- "quotesinglbase", "quotedblbase", "quotedblright", "guillemotright",
- "ellipsis", "perthousand", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- "Agrave", "Aacute", "Acircumflex", "Atilde",
- "Adieresis", "Aring", ".notdef", "dotaccent",
- "Egrave", "Eacute", "Ecircumflex", "Edieresis",
- "Igrave", "hungarumlaut", "ogonek", "Idieresis",
- "emdash", "Ntilde", "Ograve", "Oacute",
- "Ocircumflex", "Otilde", "Odieresis", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "Ugrave", "Uacute", "Ucircumflex",
- "Udieresis", "Yacute", "Thorn", ".notdef",
- "agrave", "aacute", "acircumflex", "ordfeminine",
- "adieresis", "aring", ".notdef", "ccedilla",
- "Lslash", "eacute", "ecircumflex", "ordmasculine",
- "igrave", "iacute", "icircumflex", "idieresis",
- ".notdef", "ntilde", "ograve", "oacute",
- "ocircumflex", "otilde", "odieresis", ".notdef",
- "lslash", "ugrave", "uacute", "ucircumflex",
- "udieresis", "yacute", "thorn", "ydieresis"
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- "space", "exclam", "quotedbl", "numbersign",
- "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quoteright",
- "parenleft", "parenright", "asterisk", "plus",
- "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash",
- "zero", "one", "two", "three",
- "four", "five", "six", "seven",
- "eight", "nine", "colon", "semicolon",
- "less", "equal", "greater", "question",
- "at", "A", "B", "C",
- "D", "E", "F", "G",
- "H", "I", "J", "K",
- "L", "M", "N", "O",
- "P", "Q", "R", "S",
- "T", "U", "V", "W",
- "X", "Y", "Z", "bracketleft",
- "backslash", "bracketright", "asciicircum", "underscore",
- "quoteleft", "a", "b", "c",
- "d", "e", "f", "g",
- "h", "i", "j", "k",
- "l", "m", "n", "o",
- "p", "q", "r", "s",
- "t", "u", "v", "w",
- "x", "y", "z", "braceleft",
- "bar", "braceright", "asciitilde", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "exclamdown", "cent", "sterling",
- "fraction", "yen", "florin", "section",
- "currency", "quotesingle", "quotedblleft", "guillemotleft",
- "guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "fi", "fl",
- ".notdef", "endash", "dagger", "daggerdbl",
- "periodcentered", ".notdef", "paragraph", "bullet",
- "quotesinglbase", "quotedblbase", "quotedblright", "guillemotright",
- "ellipsis", "perthousand", ".notdef", "questiondown",
- ".notdef", "grave", "acute", "circumflex",
- "tilde", "macron", "breve", "dotaccent",
- "dieresis", ".notdef", "ring", "cedilla",
- ".notdef", "hungarumlaut", "ogonek", "caron",
- "emdash", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "AE", ".notdef", "ordfeminine",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- "Lslash", "Oslash", "OE", "ordmasculine",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "ae", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "dotlessi", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- "lslash", "oslash", "oe", "germandbls",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef"
-# Read DEF file
-open DEF, $opt_d or die "Cannot open $opt_d: $!\n";
-while (<DEF>) {
- next if (/^\s*$/ || /^\#/);
- s/\s*(\#.*)?$//;
- push @deflines, $_;
-close DEF;
-# Read VPL file
-# File header
-$vplhead = <> or exit 1;
-unless ($vplhead =~ /^\((VTITLE|FAMILY) /) {
- die "$filename is not a vpl file: giving up\n"
-do {
- $_ = <>;
- $vplhead .= $_;
-} until ($_ =~ /^\(LIGTABLE$/ or eof);
-if (eof) {
- die "$filename does not seem to be a text font (no LIGTABLE): giving up\n";
-if ($vplhead =~ s/\A\(VTITLE(.*)$/$vtitle\n(COMMENT Old vtitle:$1/m) {
- $vplhead =~ s/\n\(COMMENT Please edit that VTITLE .*\)$//m;
- @enc = @dvipsenc;
- $dvips = 1;
-elsif ($vplhead =~ /\A\(FAMILY.*\)\n\(CODINGSCHEME ADOBESTANDARDENCODING\)$/m) {
- $vplhead =~ s/\A/$vtitle\n/m;
- @enc = @adobeenc;
- $dvips = 0;
-else {
- $vplhead =~ s/\A/$vtitle\n/m;
- @enc = @TeXenc;
- $dvips = 0;
-if ($vplhead =~ /^\(CODINGSCHEME TEX MATH SYMBOLS/m) {
- die "$filename is a TeX math font: giving up\n";
-unless ($vplhead =~ s/^(\(CODINGSCHEME .*\+\s?)(\S+)\)$/$1$encname)/m) {
- $vplhead =~ s/^(\(CODINGSCHEME .*)\)$/$1 + $encname)/m;
-if ($vplhead =~ s/^\(DESIGNUNITS R (.+)\)\n//m) { $scale = $1 }
-else { $scale = 1 }
-$vplhead =~ s/^\(COMMENT.*DESIGNSIZE.*\)\n//gm;
-$vplhead =~ s/^\(BOUNDARYCHAR.*\)\n//gm;
-if ($vplhead =~ /^ \(SLANT R (.+)\)/m) { $slant = $1 }
-if ($vplhead =~ /^ \(XHEIGHT [DR] (.+)\)/m) { $xheight = $1 }
-unless ($vplhead =~ /^\(MAPFONT /m) {
- if ($vplhead =~ /^\(DESIGNSIZE R (.*)\)$/m) { $dsize = $1 *$scale }
- $mapfont = "\n(MAPFONT D 0\n (FONTNAME $fontname)\n (FONTDSIZE R $dsize)\n )";
- $vplhead =~ s/\n\(LIGTABLE\Z/$mapfont$&/m;
-$vplhead =~ s/^(\(FONTDIMEN)/(SEVENBITSAFEFLAG FALSE)\n$1/m;
-if ($opt_s) {
- $vplhead =~ s[^(\(MAPFONT D )0(.*?)( \))]
- [$&\n${1}1$2 (FONTAT R ${ \($shrink * $scale) })\n$3]ms;
-@vplhead = split /^/, $vplhead;
-foreach (@vplhead) {
- s[(?<!(IGNSIZE|MAPFONT)) [RD] (-?)([0-9.]+)\)]
- [" R " . $2 . $3/$scale . ")"]ge
-# Ligatures and kerns
-do {
- $_ = <>;
- s/ \(comment .*$//i;
- s/^( \((?:LABEL|KRN) )O ([0-7]+)(.*)$/$1 . sprintf("H %04lX", oct $2) . $3/e;
-if (/ \(LIG /) {
- s/O ([0-7]+)/sprintf("H %04lX", oct $1)/ge;
- }
- $ligs .= $_;
-} until $_ =~ /^ \)/;
-# Now build a hash to convert from vpl representation to char name
-# and use it to make ligtable readable
-foreach $i (0 .. 255) { $vc{$nv[$i]} = $enc[$i] }
-$ligs =~ s/^( \((?:LABEL|KRN) )(\S+ \S+)(.*\))$/$1$vc{$2}$3/gm;
-$ligs =~ s/^( \(LIG )(\S+ \S+) (\S+ \S+)\)$/$1$vc{$2} $vc{$3})/gm;
-# Character definitions: store "encoded" defs in @chars, store *all*
-# defs in %allchars
-$_ = <>;
-do {
- if (/^\(CHARACTER/) {
- $character = $_;
- do {
- $_ = <>;
- $character .= $_;
- } until $_ =~ /^ \)/;
- storeinfo($character);
- $_ = <>;
- }
-} until eof;
-foreach $i (0 .. $#chars) {
- if ($chars[$i] and $enc[$i] ne ".notdef") {
- $allchars{$enc[$i]} = $chars[$i];
- }
-# Set up constants
-$subacc = "(cedilla|ogonek|commaaccent)";
-$supacc = "(grave|acute|circumflex|tilde|macron|breve|dotaccent|overdot|dieresis|ring|hungarumlaut|caron|candrabindu)";
-$underacc = "(underdot|under$supacc)";
-$accents = "($subacc|$supacc|$underacc|underbar)";
-$underadp = 0.230; # depth of "under" accs
-$underddp = 0.213; # depth of underdot
-if ($bold) { $thk = 0.072 } else { $thk = 0.052 } # thickness and
-$underbdp = 0.082 + $thk; # depth of underbar
-$capheight = $allchars{"X"}{ht};
-$accheight = $allchars{"macron"}{ht};
-$accdepth = $accheight - $thk * $scale; # probable approx. "depth" of macron
-$v1 = $accheight - $xheight; # vertical offset for double accents
-$v2 = $capheight - $xheight; # vertical offset for accented caps etc
-if ($scaps) { # accented small caps
- $scoffset = $allchars{"x"}{ht} - $xheight;
- $v1 += $scoffset;
-if ($opt_c) { # candrabindu
- ($cbx, $cby) = $opt_c =~ /^(.*),(.*)$/;
- $cbx += ($allchars{"breve"}{wd} - $allchars{"dotaccent"}{wd}) / 2;
- $cbx /= 1000;
- $cby /= 1000;
-# Build the characters
-# First normalise dvips.enc encoding quirks
-if ($dvips) {
- chmove("fi", 014);
- chmove("fl", 015);
- chmove("quotedblright", 042);
- chmove("quotedblleft", 0134);
- chmove("dotaccent", 0137);
- chmove("endash", 0173);
- chmove("emdash", 0174);
- chmove("hungarumlaut", 0175);
-# Now build a list of definitions supplied by user
-for (@deflines) {
- if (/^\s*(\d+|0[0-7]+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+([a-zA-Z]+?|\.notdef)(?:\s+([a-zA-Z]+))?$/) {
- ($num, $char, $acc) = ($1, $2, $3);
- $num = oct $num if $num =~ /^0/;
- if ($num > 0xFFFF) { die "Bad definition (number out of range): $_\n" }
- $def = {};
- $def->{qdef} = $_;
- $def->{num} = $num;
- $def->{char} = $char;
- $def->{acc} = $acc;
- if ($char eq "space") { $def->{nchar} = $acc }
- else { $def->{nchar} = $char . $acc }
- push @nchars, $def->{nchar};
- push @defs, $def;
- }
- else { die "Bad definition: $_\n" }
-# Work through the list
-while (@defs) {
- $def = shift @defs;
- $qdef = $def->{qdef};
- $num = $def->{num};
- $char = $def->{char};
- $acc = $def->{acc};
- $nchar = $def->{nchar};
- #
- # If we can't handle $char/$acc yet, but believe we will be able
- # to later, send the definition to the back of the queue. In case
- # it later turns out we were wrong, allow only five loops before
- # giving up.
- #
- if (!$allchars{$char} and $char ne ".notdef") {
- if (grep /^$char$/, @nchars) {
- unless (++$def->{requeue} > 5) {
- push @defs, $def;
- next;
- }
- }
- else { die "Bad definition (no such character): $qdef\n" }
- }
- if ($acc and !$allchars{$acc} and $acc !~ /^$accents$/) {
- if (grep /^$acc$/, @nchars) {
- unless (++$def->{requeue} > 5) {
- push @defs, $def;
- next;
- }
- }
- else { die "Bad definition (no such accent): $qdef\n" }
- }
- #
- # Remove any existing claims on $num
- #
- @{ $allchars{$chars[$num]{id}}{num} } = grep !/$num/,
- @{ $allchars{$chars[$num]{id}}{num} };
- #
- # First deal with .notdef
- #
- if ($nchar eq ".notdef") {
- undef $chars[$num];
- }
- #
- # Next look among existing chars (unless blocked by -b)
- #
- elsif (!($acc and $opt_b) and $allchars{$nchar}) {
- push( @{ $allchars{$nchar}{num} }, $num);
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$nchar};
- }
- #
- # If it can't be built from sub-elements, issue a warning and move on
- #
- elsif (!$acc) {
- warn "No such character - ignoring definition: $qdef\n";
- undef $chars[$num];
- }
- #
- # Now build the char
- #
- else {
- #
- # First get rid of predefined/duplicated ligtable statements
- # and character definitions; also synonyms
- #
- $ligs =~ s/\n \((LABEL|KRN|LIG) ($nchar .*|.*$nchar)\)$//gm;
- $allchars{$nchar} = ();
- if ($acc eq "overdot") {
- $nchar2 = $char . "dotaccent";
- $ligs =~ s/\n \((LABEL|KRN|LIG) ($nchar2 .*|.*$nchar2)\)$//gm;
- delete $allchars{$nchar2};
- }
- #
- # Store the info that will be needed to have the character
- # linked into the LIGTABLE
- #
- push @newligs, "$char: (LIG $acc $nchar)";
- #
- # Go!
- #
- if ($acc =~ /^$subacc$/) {
- subacc($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- elsif ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- supacc($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- elsif ($acc =~ /^$underacc$/) {
- underacc($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- elsif ($acc =~ /^underbar$/) {
- underb($num, $char, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- else {
- digraph($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- }
-# Sort out ligtable
-# Pull in the newly created ligatures
-foreach $newlig (@newligs) {
- $newlig =~ s/^(.+)://;
- $newelm1 = $1;
- unless ($ligs =~ s/(^ \(LABEL $newelm1\)\n)/$1$newlig\n/m) {
- $ligs =~ s[^( \)\n)]
- [ \(LABEL $newelm1\)\n$newlig\n \(STOP\)\n$1]m
- }
-# Convert to vpl representation, eliminating statements invoking
-# "unencoded" characters
-@liglist = split /\n/, $ligs;
-$ligs = "";
-foreach (@liglist) {
- if (/^( \(LIG \S+ )(\S+)\)$/) {
- if ($n = ${ $allchars{$2}{num} }[0]) {
- s/^( \(LIG \S+ )(\S+)\)$/$1$nv[$n])/;
- }
- else { next }
- }
- if (/^( \((?:LABEL|LIG|KRN) )([^ )]+)(.*)$/) {
- ($one, $two, $three) = ($1, $2, $3);
- foreach $n (@{ $allchars{$two}{num} }) {
- $ligs .= "$one$nv[$n]$three\n";
- }
- }
- else { $ligs .= "$_\n" }
-# Eliminate sequences orphaned by elimination of a LABEL
-@liglist = split / \(STOP\)\n/, $ligs;
-$ligs = "";
-foreach (@liglist) {
- if (/^ \(LABEL /m) { $ligs .= "$_ (STOP)\n" }
- elsif (/^ \)$/m) { $ligs .= $_ }
-# Eliminate empty statements
-$ligs =~ s/(^ \(LABEL .*\)\n)+ \(STOP\)\n//gm;
-@ligs = split /^/, $ligs;
-foreach (@ligs) {
- s/ [RD] (-?)([0-9.]+)\)/" R " . $1 . $2\/$scale . ")"/ge
-# Output the results
-print @vplhead, @ligs;
-foreach $i (0 .. 0xFFFF) { if (defined $chars[$i]{id}) { printchar($i) } }
-# End of main program
-sub storeinfo {
- #
- # Extract info from a character definition and store it in @chars
- #
- my $char = shift;
- my $num;
- if ($char =~ /\A\(CHARACTER O ([0-7]+)/m) { $num = oct $1 }
- elsif ($char =~ /\A\(CHARACTER C (.)/m) { $num = ord $1 }
- $chars[$num]{id} = $enc[$num];
- push( @{ $chars[$num]{num} }, $num);
- if ($char =~ /^ \(CHARWD R (.*?)\)$/m) { $chars[$num]{wd} = $1 }
- if ($char =~ /^ \(CHARHT R (.*?)\)$/m) { $chars[$num]{ht} = $1 }
- if ($char =~ /^ \(CHARDP R (.*?)\)$/m) { $chars[$num]{dp} = $1 }
- if ($char =~ /^ \(CHARIC R (.*?)\)$/m) { $chars[$num]{ic} = $1 }
- if ($char =~ /^ \(MAP\n((.|\n)*)^ \)/m) { $chars[$num]{map} = $1 }
- else { $chars[$num]{map} = " (SETCHAR $nv[$num])\n" }
- $chars[$num]{map} =~ s[(\(SETCHAR )O ([0-7]+)\)]
- [$1 . sprintf("H %04lX", oct $2) . ")"]gme
-sub printchar {
- #
- # Extract info from @chars and build it into a character definition
- #
- my $num = shift;
- my @ch;
- push @ch, "(CHARACTER ";
- if (chr($num) =~ /[0-9A-Za-z]/) { push @ch, "C " . chr($num) }
- else {
- push @ch, sprintf("H %04lX", $num);
- push @ch, " (COMMENT " . $chars[$num]{id} . ")";
- }
- push @ch, "\n";
- push @ch, " (CHARWD R " . $chars[$num]{wd} . ")\n"
- if defined $chars[$num]{wd};
- push @ch, " (CHARHT R " . $chars[$num]{ht} . ")\n"
- if defined $chars[$num]{ht};
- push @ch, " (CHARDP R " . $chars[$num]{dp} . ")\n" if $chars[$num]{dp};
- push @ch, " (CHARIC R " . $chars[$num]{ic} . ")\n" if $chars[$num]{ic};
- push @ch, " (MAP\n";
- push @ch, $chars[$num]{map};
- push @ch, " )\n";
- push @ch, " )\n";
- foreach (@ch) {
- s/(?<!SELECTFONT) [RD] (-?)([0-9.]+)\)/" R " . $1 . $2\/$scale . ")"/ge
- }
- print @ch
-sub chmove {
- #
- # Move a character
- #
- my ($char, $num) = @_;
- my $i;
- foreach $i (@{ $allchars{$char}{num} }) { undef $chars[$i] }
- @{ $allchars{$char}{num} } = ();
- @{ $allchars{$chars[$num]{id}}{num} } = grep !/$num/,
- @{ $allchars{$chars[$num]{id}}{num} };
- push( @{ $allchars{$char}{num} }, $num);
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$char};
-sub max {
- #
- # Return greater of two values
- #
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- return $a > $b ? $a : $b;
-sub subacc {
- #
- # Subscript accents
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $id) = @_;
- my ($h, $s1, $s2, $s3);
- $allchars{$id}{wd} = $allchars{$char}{wd};
- $allchars{$id}{ht} = $allchars{$char}{ht};
- $allchars{$id}{dp} = $allchars{$acc}{dp};
- $allchars{$id}{ic} = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- $allchars{$id}{id} = $id;
- push( @{ $allchars{$id}{num} }, $num);
- $s1 = $allchars{$char}{map};
- $s1 =~ s/\A (.*)\n\Z/(PUSH) $1 (POP)/s;
- $h = sprintf("%.3f", ($allchars{$char}{wd} - $allchars{$acc}{wd}) / 2);
- if ($h > 0) { $s2 = " (MOVERIGHT R $h) " }
- elsif ($h < 0) {
- $h = -$h;
- $s2 = " (MOVELEFT R $h) ";
- }
- else { $s2 = " " }
- $s3 = $allchars{$acc}{map};
- $s3 =~ s/\A.*(\(SETCHAR . .+?\)).*\Z/$1/s;
- $allchars{$id}{map} = " $s1\n$s2$s3\n";
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$id};
-sub supacc {
- #
- # Superscript accents
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $id) = @_;
- my ($cb, $h, $hadj, $tallchar, $ic, $s1, $s2, $s3);
- if ($char eq "i" and $allchars{"dotlessi"}) { $char = "dotlessi" }
- if ($char eq "j" and $allchars{"dotlessj"}) { $char = "dotlessj" }
- if ($acc eq "overdot") { $acc = "dotaccent" }
- if ($acc eq "candrabindu") {
- $acc = "breve";
- ($cb = $allchars{"dotaccent"}{map}) =~ s/\A.*(\(SETCHAR . .+?\)).*\Z/$1/s;
- }
- $allchars{$id}{wd} = $allchars{$char}{wd};
- $allchars{$id}{ht} = $allchars{$acc}{ht};
- $allchars{$id}{dp} = $allchars{$char}{dp};
- $allchars{$id}{id} = $id;
- push( @{ $allchars{$id}{num} }, $num);
- $s1 = $allchars{$char}{map};
- $s1 =~ s/\A (.*)\n\Z/(PUSH) $1 (POP)/s;
- if ($scaps and $char =~ /^[a-z]/) { # accented small caps
- $tallchar = 1;
- if ($char =~ /$supacc$/
- and $char !~ /under$supacc$/) { # double accs
- $s2 = " (MOVEUP R $v1)";
- $allchars{$id}{ht} += $v1;
- $hadj = sprintf("%.3f", $v1 * $slant);
- $ic = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- }
- else { # single accs
- $s2 = " (MOVEUP R $scoffset)";
- $allchars{$id}{ht} += $scoffset;
- $hadj = sprintf("%.3f", $scoffset * $slant);
- $ic = $allchars{$acc}{ic} + $hadj;
- }
- }
- elsif ($allchars{$char}{ht} >= ($accheight + $v2)) { # double accs
- $tallchar = 1; # on caps etc.
- $s2 = " (MOVEUP R ${ \($v1 + $v2) })";
- $allchars{$id}{ht} += ($v1 + $v2);
- $hadj = sprintf("%.3f", ($v1 + $v2) * $slant);
- $ic = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- }
- elsif ($allchars{$char}{ht} > 1.15 * $xheight) {
- $tallchar = 1;
- if ($char =~ /$supacc$/
- and $char !~ /under$supacc$/) { # double accs
- $s2 = " (MOVEUP R $v1)";
- $allchars{$id}{ht} += $v1;
- $hadj = sprintf("%.3f", $v1 * $slant);
- $ic = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- }
- else { # caps etc.
- $s2 = " (MOVEUP R $v2)";
- $allchars{$id}{ht} += $v2;
- $hadj = sprintf("%.3f", $v2 * $slant);
- $ic = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- }
- }
- else { # single accs
- $s2 = " ";
- $ic = $allchars{$acc}{ic};
- }
- $h = sprintf("%.3f", ($allchars{$char}{wd} - $allchars{$acc}{wd}) / 2);
- unless ($tallchar) { $ic -= $h }
- $allchars{$id}{ic} = $ic unless $ic < 0;
- $h += $hadj;
- if ($h > 0) { $s2 .= " (MOVERIGHT R $h) " }
- elsif ($h < 0) {
- $h = -$h;
- $s2 .= " (MOVELEFT R $h) ";
- }
- else { $s2 .= " " }
- $s3 = $allchars{$acc}{map};
- $s3 =~ s/\A.*(\(SETCHAR . .+?\)).*\Z/$1/s;
- if ($cb) { # candrabindu
- $cb = $s2 . $cb;
- if ($cbx) {
- unless (($cb =~ s/(MOVERIGHT R )([0-9.]+)/$1 . ($2 + $cbx * $scale)/e)
- or ($cb =~ s/(MOVELEFT R )([0-9.]+)/$1 . ($2 - $cbx * $scale)/e)) {
- $cb =~ s/^( +)/"$1(MOVERIGHT R " . ($cbx * $scale) . ") "/e;
- }
- }
- if ($cby) {
- unless ($cb =~ s/(MOVEUP R )([0-9.]+)/$1 . ($2 + $cby * $scale)/e) {
- $cb =~ s/^( +)/"$1(MOVEUP R " . ($cby * $scale) . ") "/e;
- }
- }
- $cb .= "\n";
- $s1 = "(PUSH) " . $s1;
- $s3 .= " (POP)";
- }
- $allchars{$id}{map} = " $s1\n$s2$s3\n$cb";
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$id};
-sub underacc {
- #
- # Dropped accents
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $id) = @_;
- my ($h, $v, $s1, $s2, $s3);
- $acc =~ s/^under//;
- if ($acc eq "dot") { $acc = "period" }
- if ($acc eq "candrabindu") { die "Bad definition (no such accent): $qdef\n" }
- $allchars{$id}{wd} = $allchars{$char}{wd};
- $allchars{$id}{ht} = $allchars{$char}{ht};
- $allchars{$id}{ic} = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- $allchars{$id}{id} = $id;
- push( @{ $allchars{$id}{num} }, $num);
- if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- $v = $allchars{$id}{dp} = $underadp * $scale * $shrink;
- $v += ($accdepth * $shrink);
- }
- else {
- $v = $allchars{$id}{dp} = $underddp * $scale + $allchars{$acc}{dp};
- }
- $s1 = $allchars{$char}{map};
- $s1 =~ s/\A (.*)\n\Z/(PUSH) $1 (POP)/s;
- if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- $h = ($allchars{$char}{wd} - ($allchars{$acc}{wd} * $shrink)) / 2 - $v * $slant;
- if ($opt_s) { $s2 = " (SELECTFONT D 1)\n" }
- }
- else {
- $h = ($allchars{$char}{wd} - $allchars{$acc}{wd}) / 2 - $v * $slant;
- }
- $h = sprintf("%.3f", $h);
- if ($h > 0) {
- $s2 .= " (MOVEDOWN R $v) (MOVERIGHT R $h) ";
- }
- elsif ($h < 0) {
- $h = -$h;
- $s2 .= " (MOVEDOWN R $v) (MOVELEFT R $h) ";
- }
- else { $s2 = " (MOVEDOWN R $v) " }
- $s3 = $allchars{$acc}{map};
- $s3 =~ s/\A.*(\(SETCHAR . .+?\)).*\Z/$1/s;
- if ($opt_s and $acc =~ /^$supacc$/) { $s3 .= "\n (SELECTFONT D 0)" }
- $allchars{$id}{map} = " $s1\n$s2$s3\n";
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$id};
-sub underb {
- #
- # Underbar
- #
- my ($num, $char, $id) = @_;
- my ($h, $w, $dp, $s1, $s2, $s3);
- $allchars{$id}{wd} = $allchars{$char}{wd};
- $allchars{$id}{ht} = $allchars{$char}{ht};
- $allchars{$id}{dp} = $dp = $underbdp * $scale;
- $allchars{$id}{ic} = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- $allchars{$id}{id} = $id;
- push( @{ $allchars{$id}{num} }, $num);
- $s1 = $allchars{$char}{map};
- $s1 =~ s/\A (.*)\n\Z/(PUSH) $1 (POP)/s;
- $h = sprintf("%.3f", ($allchars{$id}{wd} / 10 - $dp * $slant));
- $w = sprintf("%.3f", ($allchars{$id}{wd} * 8 / 10));
- if ($h > 0) {
- $s2 = " (MOVEDOWN R $dp) (MOVERIGHT R $h) ";
- }
- elsif ($h < 0) {
- $h = -$h;
- $s2 = " (MOVEDOWN R $dp) (MOVELEFT R $h) ";
- }
- else { $s2 .= " (MOVEDOWN R $dp) " }
- $s3 = "(SETRULE R ${ \($thk) } R $w)";
- $allchars{$id}{map} = " $s1\n$s2$s3\n";
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$id};
- #
- # If the character to be underscored is a digraph, fix up the LIGTABLE
- #
- if (grep /^$char$/, @digraphs) {
- pop @newligs;
- dummychar(0x035F, "uni035F") unless defined $allchars{uni035F};
- $char =~ /^(.)(.)$/;
- ($one, $two) = ($1, $2);
- $one_ = $one . "_uni035F";
- dummychar($dummycodepoint--, $one_) unless defined $allchars{$one_};
- push @newligs, "$one: (LIG uni035F $one_)"
- unless (grep /^$one: \(LIG uni035F $one_\)$/, @newligs);
- push @newligs, "$one_: (LIG $two $id)";
- }
-sub digraph {
- #
- # Make a new character consisting of two existing characters
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $id) = @_;
- my ($one, $two, $kern, $s1, $s2, $charZWJ);
- #
- # Remove the ligature info -- we don't want every occurrence of
- # e.g."kh" to be converted into a digraph.
- #
- pop @newligs;
- #
- # List all digraphs for future reference
- #
- push @digraphs, $id;
- if ($ligs =~ /^ \(LABEL $char\)\n(.*?)\n \(KRN $acc R (-?[0-9.]+)\)\n/ms) {
- ($one, $two) = ($1, $2);
- }
- $kern = $two if $one !~ /^ \(STOP\)$/m;
- $allchars{$id}{wd} = $allchars{$char}{wd} + $allchars{$acc}{wd};
- $allchars{$id}{wd} += $kern;
- $allchars{$id}{ht} = max($allchars{$char}{ht}, $allchars{$acc}{ht});
- $allchars{$id}{dp} = max($allchars{$char}{dp}, $allchars{$acc}{dp});
- $allchars{$id}{ic} = $allchars{$acc}{ic};
- $allchars{$id}{id} = $id;
- push( @{ $allchars{$id}{num} }, $num);
- $s1 = $allchars{$char}{map};
- chomp ($s2 = $allchars{$acc}{map});
- $s1 =~ s/(\(SETCHAR .*?\))/$1\n$s2/;
- if ($kern) {
- if ($kern < 0) {
- $kern = -$kern;
- $s1 =~ s/(\(SETCHAR .*?\))/$1 (MOVELEFT R $kern)/;
- }
- else { $s1 =~ s/(\(SETCHAR .*?\))/$1 (MOVERIGHT R $kern)/ }
- }
- $allchars{$id}{map} = $s1;
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$id};
-sub dummychar {
- #
- # Make a new dummy character
- #
- my ($num, $id) = @_;
- $allchars{$id}{wd} = 0;
- $allchars{$id}{ht} = 0;
- $allchars{$id}{dp} = 0;
- $allchars{$id}{ic} = 0;
- $allchars{$id}{id} = $id;
- push( @{ $allchars{$id}{num} }, $num);
- $allchars{$id}{map} = " (SETCHAR H 0020)\n";
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$id};
-sub fixkerns {
- #
- # Generalise the kerning info contained in the vpl file by applying
- # it to new accented chars. Do not kern lower-case chars bearing
- # superscript accents with capitals, quotes or a preceding "f".
- #
- my ($char, $acc) = @_;
- my ($olabel, $nlabel, @liglist, $lchar, $rchar);
- return if $char eq "space";
- if ($acc =~ /^$accents$/) { $lchar = $rchar = $char }
- else {
- $lchar = $char;
- $rchar = $acc;
- }
- unless ($char =~ /^[a-z]/ and $acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- $ligs =~ s[(\n \(LABEL )$rchar\)(?!\n \(LIG.*$)]
- [$&$1$char$acc)]gm
- unless $ligs =~ /\n \(LABEL $char$acc\)$/m;
- $ligs =~ s[(\n \(LABEL )$rchar\)(\n \(LIG.*$)+(?!\n \(STOP\))]
- [$&$1$char$acc)]gm
- unless $ligs =~ /\n \(LABEL $char$acc\)$/m;
- $ligs =~ s[(\n \(KRN )$lchar( .*)$]
- [$&$1$char$acc$2]gm;
- }
- else {
- if ($ligs =~ /\n \(LABEL $char\).*?\(STOP\)/s) {
- $nlabel = $olabel = $&;
- $nlabel =~ s/(\n \(LABEL $char)\)/$1$acc)/
- unless $ligs =~ /\n \(LABEL $char$acc\)/m;
- $nlabel =~ s/\n \(LIG .*\)$//gm;
- $nlabel =~ s/\n \(LABEL (?!$char$acc).*\)$//gm;
- $nlabel =~ s/\n \(KRN ([A-Z]|quote).*\)$//gm;
- $ligs =~ s/(\n \(LABEL )$char\).*?\(STOP\)/$olabel$nlabel/s;
- }
- @liglist = split /\n \(STOP\)/, $ligs;
- foreach (@liglist) {
- unless (/\n \(LABEL ([A-Zf]|quote).*\)$/m) {
- s/(\n \(KRN $char)( .*\))$/$&$1$acc$2/gm;
- }
- }
- $ligs = join("\n (STOP)", @liglist);
- }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/accfonts/vpl2vpl b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/accfonts/vpl2vpl
deleted file mode 100755
index 65ded28ce59..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/accfonts/vpl2vpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,994 +0,0 @@
-# Vpl2vpl: a program to generate accented virtual fonts for TeX
-# Copyright (C) 1997 John D. Smith
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-$version = 0.25;
-$description =
-"Syntax: vpl2vpl -d definition-file [-s shrink-factor]
- [-c candrabindu-adjustment] [-b] vpl-file
-Vpl2vpl creates new TeX virtual fonts based on existing fonts or
-virtual fonts (\"input fonts\"). A successful run will read a pl
-(Property List) or vpl (Virtual Property List) file and a definition
-file, and will generate a new vpl (Virtual Property List) file on
-standard output. The input font is assumed to adhere to the standard
-TeX encoding for text fonts unless it was created with either of the
-programs afm2pl or afm2tfm, in which case it is assumed to conform to
-(respectively) the Adobe Standard Encoding or the encoding specified
-in the file dvips.enc. In either case, the name of the input font is
-assumed to be the name of the input file without its .vpl or .pl
-extension: it must conform to normal TeX conventions for naming fonts,
-as vpl2vpl attempts to draw conclusions from it about the kind of font
-it is dealing with.
-A typical complete sequence of commands to create a new virtual
-font might therefore be
- tftopl cmr10.tfm
- vpl2vpl -d ISO-Latin1.def >cmr10_isol1.vpl
- vptovf cmr10_isol1.vpl cmr10_isol1.vf cmr10_isol1.tfm
-for a Computer Modern font, or
- afm2pl Times-Roman.afm
- pltotf rptmr.tfm
- vpl2vpl -d ISO-Latin1.def >ptmr-isol1.vpl
- vptovf ptmr-isol1.vpl ptmr-isol1.vf ptmr-isol1.tfm
-for a PostScript font.
-Another approach for a PostScript font is to use afm2tfm:
- afm2tfm Times-Roman.afm -t dvips.enc -v ptmr rptmr
- vpl2vpl -d ISO-Latin1.def ptmr.vpl >ptmr-isol1.vpl
- vptovf ptmr-isol1.vpl ptmr-isol1.vf ptmr-isol1.tfm
--- but this is now deprecated, as afm2tfm generates incorrect
-values for the heights of some characters, and this can lead to
-bad accent placing.
-In order to keep the whole upper half of the character set free for
-the requirements of the encoding specified in the definition file,
-certain modifications are made to input fonts following the
-dvips.enc encoding to bring them into greater conformity with the
-TeX norm. In particular, the characters dotaccent and hungarumlaut
-are placed in the positions assigned by TeX (\"5F, \"7D), not those
-enforced by dvips.enc (\"C7, \"CD). The f-ligatures, double quotes
-and dashes are also moved from the upper half of the character set
-to their normal TeX positions. As a result, the following characters
-are not found in the lower half of the character set: quotesingle,
-quotedbl, backslash, underscore, braceleft, bar, braceright. These
-characters can, however, be assigned positions in the output font if
-they are needed. (Indeed, they could all be explicitly restored to
-their dvips.enc positions if this were desired.)
- -d should refer to a font definition file. This file (which could
- usefully be named, e.g., \"French.def\") should consist of
- lines of character definitions, in the form
- \"number\" \"character\"
- or
- \"number\" \"character\" \"accent\"
- Here \"number\" represents the character's position in the new
- encoding and may be expressed in decimal, octal or hex;
- \"character\" names the character (e.g. \"comma\", \"eight\",
- \"A\") or consists of the word \".notdef\" (indicating that
- the specified number's \"slot\" in the new encoding is to be
- empty); and \"accent\" optionally names an accent to be placed
- on the character. In addition to the standard accents available
- in PostScript fonts, \"underbar\" and \"underdot\" are also
- available, as are \"under\" versions of all the normal
- superscript accents (\"underdieresis\", \"underring\", etc.).
- The Indian accent \"candrabindu\" may also be specified: it
- is formed by overprinting a breve with a dotaccent. Finally,
- \"overdot\" may be used as a synonym for \"dotaccent\".
- If the character named in the \"accent\" position is not in fact
- a valid accent character, the program interprets the definition
- as a request for a digraph formed from the \"character\" and the
- \"accent\". A digraph consisting of, say, \"k\" and \"h\" will be
- indistinguishable from the letters \"k\" and \"h\" printed
- consecutively, but the digraph \"kh\" can itself receive accents
- like any other character: see next paragraph.
- A new character (such as \"amacron\" or \"kh\") may be freely
- used in the \"character\" position of a further definition (such
- as \"amacron breve\" or \"kh underbar\"). There is no constraint
- on the ordering of definitions within a definition file. The
- definition of \"a macron\" does not have to precede that of
- \"amacron breve\": requests for \"impossible\" characters are
- deferred until their constituents have had a chance to come into
- being.
- \"Slots\" for which no new definition is given retain the
- definition they have in the input font.
- The definition file may also contain blank lines and comments
- (introduced by \"\#\").
- -s may optionally give the factor, expressed as a per-thousand
- value, by which normally superscript accents (such as dieresis,
- ring) should be shrunk when they are used as subscript accents
- (such as underdieresis, underring). Values of around 800 may be
- found useful.
- -c may optionally give two comma-separated numerical values to
- adjust the x and y coordinates of the dotaccent placed within a
- breve to form the candrabindu accent. A coordinate scheme using
- \"DESIGNUNITS R 1000\" is assumed.
- -b may optionally be specified to block the use of predefined
- accented characters, forcing vpl2vpl to define its own
- versions. This may be useful to secure a consistent appearance
- in cases where a font designer does not share vpl2vpl's views
- on where accents should be placed.
- -h prints this help.
-# Packages and constants
-use File::Basename;
-use Getopt::Std;
-$cmdline = basename($0) . " " . join " ", @ARGV;
-if ($opt_h or !$opt_d or $#ARGV != 0) {
- print STDERR $description;
- exit 1;
-$filename = $ARGV[0];
-($fontname = $filename) =~ s/\..*$//;
-($encname = basename($opt_d)) =~ s/\..*$//;
-$vtitle = "(VTITLE Font $fontname modified for $encname encoding by vpl2vpl";
-$vtitle .= " v. $version" if $version;
-$vtitle .= ")\n(COMMENT Command line: $cmdline)";
-# Flags for bold and small caps. These are probably a bit iffy, but
-# there's not much that can be done about it.
-if ($fontname =~ /(^p.*b[oi]?[c]?$|^[^p].*bx[a-z]*[0-9]+$)/) { $bold = 1 }
-if ($fontname =~ /(^p.*c$|^[^p].*csc[a-z]*[0-9]+$)/) { $scaps = 1 }
-if ($opt_s) { $shrink = $opt_s / 1000 } else { $shrink = 1 }
-# Array to convert from number to vpl representation
-foreach $i (0 .. 255) {
- $nv[$i] = (chr($i) =~ /[0-9A-Za-z]/ ? "C " . chr $i : sprintf("O %lo", $i));
-# Now the encoding vectors.
-@TeXenc = (
- "Gamma", "Delta", "Theta", "Lambda",
- "Xi", "Pi", "Sigma", "Upsilon",
- "Phi", "Psi", "Omega", "ff",
- "fi", "fl", "ffi", "ffl",
- "dotlessi", "dotlessj", "grave", "acute",
- "caron", "breve", "macron", "ring",
- "cedilla", "germandbls", "ae", "oe",
- "oslash", "AE", "OE", "Oslash",
- "space", "exclam", "quotedblright", "numbersign",
- "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quoteright",
- "parenleft", "parenright", "asterisk", "plus",
- "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash",
- "zero", "one", "two", "three",
- "four", "five", "six", "seven",
- "eight", "nine", "colon", "semicolon",
- "exclamdown", "equal", "questiondown", "question",
- "at", "A", "B", "C",
- "D", "E", "F", "G",
- "H", "I", "J", "K",
- "L", "M", "N", "O",
- "P", "Q", "R", "S",
- "T", "U", "V", "W",
- "X", "Y", "Z", "bracketleft",
- "quotedblleft", "bracketright", "circumflex", "dotaccent",
- "quoteleft", "a", "b", "c",
- "d", "e", "f", "g",
- "h", "i", "j", "k",
- "l", "m", "n", "o",
- "p", "q", "r", "s",
- "t", "u", "v", "w",
- "x", "y", "z", "endash",
- "emdash", "hungarumlaut", "tilde", "dieresis"
-@dvipsenc = (
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "quotesingle", "exclamdown", "questiondown",
- "dotlessi", "dotlessj", "grave", "acute",
- "caron", "breve", "macron", "ring",
- "cedilla", "germandbls", "ae", "oe",
- "oslash", "AE", "OE", "Oslash",
- "space", "exclam", "quotedbl", "numbersign",
- "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quoteright",
- "parenleft", "parenright", "asterisk", "plus",
- "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash",
- "zero", "one", "two", "three",
- "four", "five", "six", "seven",
- "eight", "nine", "colon", "semicolon",
- "less", "equal", "greater", "question",
- "at", "A", "B", "C",
- "D", "E", "F", "G",
- "H", "I", "J", "K",
- "L", "M", "N", "O",
- "P", "Q", "R", "S",
- "T", "U", "V", "W",
- "X", "Y", "Z", "bracketleft",
- "backslash", "bracketright", "circumflex", "underscore",
- "quoteleft", "a", "b", "c",
- "d", "e", "f", "g",
- "h", "i", "j", "k",
- "l", "m", "n", "o",
- "p", "q", "r", "s",
- "t", "u", "v", "w",
- "x", "y", "z", "braceleft",
- "bar", "braceright", "tilde", "dieresis",
- "asciicircum", "asciitilde", "Ccedilla", "Iacute",
- "Icircumflex", "atilde", "edieresis", "egrave",
- "scaron", "zcaron", "Eth", "ff",
- "ffi", "ffl", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", "Scaron", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- "Ydieresis", ".notdef", "Zcaron", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", "cent", "sterling",
- "fraction", "yen", "florin", "section",
- "currency", "copyright", "quotedblleft", "guillemotleft",
- "guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "fi", "fl",
- "degree", "endash", "dagger", "daggerdbl",
- "periodcentered", ".notdef", "paragraph", "bullet",
- "quotesinglbase", "quotedblbase", "quotedblright", "guillemotright",
- "ellipsis", "perthousand", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- "Agrave", "Aacute", "Acircumflex", "Atilde",
- "Adieresis", "Aring", ".notdef", "dotaccent",
- "Egrave", "Eacute", "Ecircumflex", "Edieresis",
- "Igrave", "hungarumlaut", "ogonek", "Idieresis",
- "emdash", "Ntilde", "Ograve", "Oacute",
- "Ocircumflex", "Otilde", "Odieresis", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "Ugrave", "Uacute", "Ucircumflex",
- "Udieresis", "Yacute", "Thorn", ".notdef",
- "agrave", "aacute", "acircumflex", "ordfeminine",
- "adieresis", "aring", ".notdef", "ccedilla",
- "Lslash", "eacute", "ecircumflex", "ordmasculine",
- "igrave", "iacute", "icircumflex", "idieresis",
- ".notdef", "ntilde", "ograve", "oacute",
- "ocircumflex", "otilde", "odieresis", ".notdef",
- "lslash", "ugrave", "uacute", "ucircumflex",
- "udieresis", "yacute", "thorn", "ydieresis"
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- "space", "exclam", "quotedbl", "numbersign",
- "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quoteright",
- "parenleft", "parenright", "asterisk", "plus",
- "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash",
- "zero", "one", "two", "three",
- "four", "five", "six", "seven",
- "eight", "nine", "colon", "semicolon",
- "less", "equal", "greater", "question",
- "at", "A", "B", "C",
- "D", "E", "F", "G",
- "H", "I", "J", "K",
- "L", "M", "N", "O",
- "P", "Q", "R", "S",
- "T", "U", "V", "W",
- "X", "Y", "Z", "bracketleft",
- "backslash", "bracketright", "asciicircum", "underscore",
- "quoteleft", "a", "b", "c",
- "d", "e", "f", "g",
- "h", "i", "j", "k",
- "l", "m", "n", "o",
- "p", "q", "r", "s",
- "t", "u", "v", "w",
- "x", "y", "z", "braceleft",
- "bar", "braceright", "asciitilde", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "exclamdown", "cent", "sterling",
- "fraction", "yen", "florin", "section",
- "currency", "quotesingle", "quotedblleft", "guillemotleft",
- "guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "fi", "fl",
- ".notdef", "endash", "dagger", "daggerdbl",
- "periodcentered", ".notdef", "paragraph", "bullet",
- "quotesinglbase", "quotedblbase", "quotedblright", "guillemotright",
- "ellipsis", "perthousand", ".notdef", "questiondown",
- ".notdef", "grave", "acute", "circumflex",
- "tilde", "macron", "breve", "dotaccent",
- "dieresis", ".notdef", "ring", "cedilla",
- ".notdef", "hungarumlaut", "ogonek", "caron",
- "emdash", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "AE", ".notdef", "ordfeminine",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- "Lslash", "Oslash", "OE", "ordmasculine",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "ae", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- ".notdef", "dotlessi", ".notdef", ".notdef",
- "lslash", "oslash", "oe", "germandbls",
- ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef", ".notdef"
-# Read DEF file
-open DEF, $opt_d or die "Cannot open $opt_d: $!\n";
-while (<DEF>) {
- next if (/^\s*$/ || /^\#/);
- s/\s*(\#.*)?$//;
- push @deflines, $_;
-close DEF;
-# Read VPL file
-# File header
-$vplhead = <> or exit 1;
-unless ($vplhead =~ /^\((VTITLE|FAMILY) /) {
- die "$filename is not a vpl file: giving up\n"
-do {
- $_ = <>;
- $vplhead .= $_;
-} until ($_ =~ /^\(LIGTABLE$/ or eof);
-if (eof) {
- die "$filename does not seem to be a text font (no LIGTABLE): giving up\n";
-if ($vplhead =~ s/\A\(VTITLE(.*)$/$vtitle\n(COMMENT Old vtitle:$1/m) {
- $vplhead =~ s/\n\(COMMENT Please edit that VTITLE .*\)$//m;
- @enc = @dvipsenc;
- $dvips = 1;
-elsif ($vplhead =~ /\A\(FAMILY.*\)\n\(CODINGSCHEME ADOBESTANDARDENCODING\)$/m) {
- $vplhead =~ s/\A/$vtitle\n/m;
- @enc = @adobeenc;
- $dvips = 0;
-else {
- $vplhead =~ s/\A/$vtitle\n/m;
- @enc = @TeXenc;
- $dvips = 0;
-if ($vplhead =~ /^\(CODINGSCHEME TEX MATH SYMBOLS/m) {
- die "$filename is a TeX math font: giving up\n";
-unless ($vplhead =~ s/^(\(CODINGSCHEME .*\+\s?)(\S+)\)$/$1$encname)/m) {
- $vplhead =~ s/^(\(CODINGSCHEME .*)\)$/$1 + $encname)/m;
-if ($vplhead =~ /^\(DESIGNUNITS R (.+)\)/m) { $scale = $1 }
-else {$scale = 1 }
-if ($vplhead =~ /^ \(SLANT R (.+)\)/m) { $slant = $1 }
-if ($vplhead =~ /^ \(XHEIGHT [DR] (.+)\)/m) { $xheight = $1 }
-unless ($vplhead =~ /^\(MAPFONT /m) {
- if ($vplhead =~ /^\(DESIGNSIZE R (.*)\)$/m) { $dsize = $1 }
- $mapfont = "\n(MAPFONT D 0\n (FONTNAME $fontname)\n (FONTDSIZE R $dsize)\n )";
- $vplhead =~ s/\n\(LIGTABLE\Z/$mapfont$&/m;
-if ($opt_s) {
- $vplhead =~ s[^(\(MAPFONT D )0(.*?)( \))]
- [$&\n${1}1$2 (FONTAT R ${ \($shrink * $scale) })\n$3]ms;
-# Ligatures and kerns
-do {
- $_ = <>;
- s/ \(comment .*$//i;
- $ligs .= $_;
-} until $_ =~ /^ \)/;
-# Now build a hash to convert from vpl representation to char name
-# and use it to make ligtable readable
-foreach $i (0 .. 255) { $vc{$nv[$i]} = $enc[$i] }
-$ligs =~ s/^( \((?:LABEL|KRN) )(\S+ \S+)(.*\))$/$1$vc{$2}$3/gm;
-$ligs =~ s/^( \(LIG )(\S+ \S+) (\S+ \S+)\)$/$1$vc{$2} $vc{$3})/gm;
-# Character definitions: store "encoded" defs in @chars, store *all*
-# defs in %allchars
-$_ = <>;
-do {
- if (/^\(CHARACTER/) {
- $character = $_;
- do {
- $_ = <>;
- $character .= $_;
- } until $_ =~ /^ \)/;
- storeinfo($character);
- $_ = <>;
- }
-} until eof;
-foreach $i (0 .. $#chars) {
- if ($chars[$i] and $enc[$i] ne ".notdef") {
- $allchars{$enc[$i]} = $chars[$i];
- }
-# Set up constants
-$subacc = "(cedilla|ogonek|commaaccent)";
-$supacc = "(grave|acute|circumflex|tilde|macron|breve|dotaccent|overdot|dieresis|ring|hungarumlaut|caron|candrabindu)";
-$underacc = "(underdot|under$supacc)";
-$accents = "($subacc|$supacc|$underacc|underbar)";
-$underadp = 0.230; # depth of "under" accs
-$underddp = 0.213; # depth of underdot
-if ($bold) { $thk = 0.072 } else { $thk = 0.052 } # thickness and
-$underbdp = 0.082 + $thk; # depth of underbar
-$capheight = $allchars{"X"}{ht};
-$accheight = $allchars{"macron"}{ht};
-$accdepth = $accheight - $thk * $scale; # probable approx. "depth" of macron
-$v1 = $accheight - $xheight; # vertical offset for double accents
-$v2 = $capheight - $xheight; # vertical offset for accented caps etc
-if ($scaps) { # accented small caps
- $scoffset = $allchars{"x"}{ht} - $xheight;
- $v1 += $scoffset;
-if ($opt_c) { # candrabindu
- ($cbx, $cby) = $opt_c =~ /^(.*),(.*)$/;
- $cbx += ($allchars{"breve"}{wd} - $allchars{"dotaccent"}{wd}) / 2;
- $cbx /= 1000;
- $cby /= 1000;
-# Build the characters
-# First normalise dvips.enc encoding quirks
-if ($dvips) {
- chmove("fi", 014);
- chmove("fl", 015);
- chmove("quotedblright", 042);
- chmove("quotedblleft", 0134);
- chmove("dotaccent", 0137);
- chmove("endash", 0173);
- chmove("emdash", 0174);
- chmove("hungarumlaut", 0175);
-# Now build a list of definitions supplied by user
-for (@deflines) {
- if (/^\s*(\d+|0[0-7]+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+([a-zA-Z]+?|\.notdef)(?:\s+([a-zA-Z]+))?$/) {
- ($num, $char, $acc) = ($1, $2, $3);
- $num = oct $num if $num =~ /^0/;
- if ($num > 255) { die "Bad definition (number out of range): $_\n" }
- $def = {};
- $def->{qdef} = $_;
- $def->{num} = $num;
- $def->{char} = $char;
- $def->{acc} = $acc;
- $def->{nchar} = $char . $acc;
- push @nchars, $def->{nchar};
- push @defs, $def;
- }
- else { die "Bad definition: $_\n" }
-# Work through the list
-while (@defs) {
- $def = shift @defs;
- $qdef = $def->{qdef};
- $num = $def->{num};
- $char = $def->{char};
- $acc = $def->{acc};
- $nchar = $def->{nchar};
- #
- # If we can't handle $char/$acc yet, but believe we will be able
- # to later, send the definition to the back of the queue. In case
- # it later turns out we were wrong, allow only five loops before
- # giving up.
- #
- if (!$allchars{$char} and $char ne ".notdef") {
- if (grep /^$char$/, @nchars) {
- unless (++$def->{requeue} > 5) {
- push @defs, $def;
- next;
- }
- }
- else { die "Bad definition (no such character): $qdef\n" }
- }
- if ($acc and !$allchars{$acc} and $acc !~ /^$accents$/) {
- if (grep /^$acc$/, @nchars) {
- unless (++$def->{requeue} > 5) {
- push @defs, $def;
- next;
- }
- }
- else { die "Bad definition (no such accent): $qdef\n" }
- }
- #
- # Remove any existing claims on $num
- #
- @{ $allchars{$chars[$num]{id}}{num} } = grep !/$num/,
- @{ $allchars{$chars[$num]{id}}{num} };
- #
- # First deal with .notdef
- #
- if ($nchar eq ".notdef") {
- undef $chars[$num];
- }
- #
- # Next look among existing chars (unless blocked by -b)
- #
- elsif (!($acc and $opt_b) and $allchars{$nchar}) {
- push( @{ $allchars{$nchar}{num} }, $num);
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$nchar};
- }
- #
- # If it can't be built from sub-elements, issue a warning and move on
- #
- elsif (!$acc) {
- warn "No such character - ignoring definition: $qdef\n";
- undef $chars[$num];
- }
- #
- # Now build the char
- #
- else {
- #
- # First get rid of predefined/duplicated ligtable statements
- # and character definitions; also synonyms
- #
- $ligs =~ s/\n \((LABEL|KRN|LIG) ($nchar .*|.*$nchar)\)$//gm;
- $allchars{$nchar} = ();
- if ($acc eq "overdot") {
- $nchar2 = $char . "dotaccent";
- $ligs =~ s/\n \((LABEL|KRN|LIG) ($nchar2 .*|.*$nchar2)\)$//gm;
- delete $allchars{$nchar2};
- }
- #
- # Go!
- #
- if ($acc =~ /^$subacc$/) {
- subacc($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- elsif ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- supacc($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- elsif ($acc =~ /^$underacc$/) {
- underacc($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- elsif ($acc =~ /^underbar$/) {
- underb($num, $char, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- else {
- digraph($num, $char, $acc, $nchar);
- fixkerns($char, $acc);
- }
- }
-# Sort out ligtable
-# Convert to vpl representation, eliminating statements invoking
-# "unencoded" characters
-@liglist = split /\n/, $ligs;
-$ligs = "";
-foreach (@liglist) {
- if (/^( \(LIG \S+ )(\S+)\)$/) {
- if ($n = ${ $allchars{$2}{num} }[0]) {
- s/^( \(LIG \S+ )(\S+)\)$/$1$nv[$n])/;
- }
- else { next }
- }
- if (/^( \((?:LABEL|LIG|KRN) )([^ )]+)(.*)$/) {
- ($one, $two, $three) = ($1, $2, $3);
- foreach $n (@{ $allchars{$two}{num} }) {
- $ligs .= "$one$nv[$n]$three\n";
- }
- }
- else { $ligs .= "$_\n" }
-# Eliminate sequences orphaned by elimination of a LABEL
-@liglist = split / \(STOP\)\n/, $ligs;
-$ligs = "";
-foreach (@liglist) {
- if (/^ \(LABEL /m) { $ligs .= "$_ (STOP)\n" }
- elsif (/^ \)$/m) { $ligs .= $_ }
-# Eliminate empty statements
-$ligs =~ s/(^ \(LABEL .*\)\n)+ \(STOP\)\n//gm;
-# Output the results
-print $vplhead, $ligs;
-foreach $i (0 .. 255) { if (defined $chars[$i]{id}) { printchar($i) } }
-# End of main program
-sub storeinfo {
- #
- # Extract info from a character definition and store it in @chars
- #
- my $char = shift;
- my $num;
- if ($char =~ /\A\(CHARACTER O ([0-7]+)/m) { $num = oct $1 }
- elsif ($char =~ /\A\(CHARACTER C (.)/m) { $num = ord $1 }
- $chars[$num]{id} = $enc[$num];
- push( @{ $chars[$num]{num} }, $num);
- if ($char =~ /^ \(CHARWD R (.*?)\)$/m) { $chars[$num]{wd} = $1 }
- if ($char =~ /^ \(CHARHT R (.*?)\)$/m) { $chars[$num]{ht} = $1 }
- if ($char =~ /^ \(CHARDP R (.*?)\)$/m) { $chars[$num]{dp} = $1 }
- if ($char =~ /^ \(CHARIC R (.*?)\)$/m) { $chars[$num]{ic} = $1 }
- if ($char =~ /^ \(MAP\n((.|\n)*)^ \)/m) { $chars[$num]{map} = $1 }
- else { $chars[$num]{map} = " (SETCHAR $nv[$num])\n" }
-sub printchar {
- #
- # Extract info from @chars and build it into a character definition
- #
- my $num = shift;
- print "(CHARACTER ";
- if (chr($num) =~ /[0-9A-Za-z]/) { print "C " . chr($num) }
- else {
- printf "O %lo", $num;
- print " (COMMENT " . $chars[$num]{id} . ")";
- }
- print "\n";
- print " (CHARWD R " . $chars[$num]{wd} . ")\n" if $chars[$num]{wd};
- print " (CHARHT R " . $chars[$num]{ht} . ")\n" if $chars[$num]{ht};
- print " (CHARDP R " . $chars[$num]{dp} . ")\n" if $chars[$num]{dp};
- print " (CHARIC R " . $chars[$num]{ic} . ")\n" if $chars[$num]{ic};
- print " (MAP\n";
- print $chars[$num]{map};
- print " )\n";
- print " )\n";
-sub chmove {
- #
- # Move a character
- #
- my ($char, $num) = @_;
- my $i;
- foreach $i (@{ $allchars{$char}{num} }) { undef $chars[$i] }
- @{ $allchars{$char}{num} } = ();
- @{ $allchars{$chars[$num]{id}}{num} } = grep !/$num/,
- @{ $allchars{$chars[$num]{id}}{num} };
- push( @{ $allchars{$char}{num} }, $num);
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$char};
-sub max {
- #
- # Return greater of two values
- #
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- return $a > $b ? $a : $b;
-sub subacc {
- #
- # Subscript accents
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $id) = @_;
- my ($h, $s1, $s2, $s3);
- $allchars{$id}{wd} = $allchars{$char}{wd};
- $allchars{$id}{ht} = $allchars{$char}{ht};
- $allchars{$id}{dp} = $allchars{$acc}{dp};
- $allchars{$id}{ic} = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- $allchars{$id}{id} = $id;
- push( @{ $allchars{$id}{num} }, $num);
- $s1 = $allchars{$char}{map};
- $s1 =~ s/\A (.*)\n\Z/(PUSH) $1 (POP)/s;
- $h = sprintf("%.3f", ($allchars{$char}{wd} - $allchars{$acc}{wd}) / 2);
- if ($h > 0) { $s2 = " (MOVERIGHT R $h) " }
- elsif ($h < 0) {
- $h = -$h;
- $s2 = " (MOVELEFT R $h) ";
- }
- else { $s2 = " " }
- $s3 = $allchars{$acc}{map};
- $s3 =~ s/\A.*(\(SETCHAR . .+?\)).*\Z/$1/s;
- $allchars{$id}{map} = " $s1\n$s2$s3\n";
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$id};
-sub supacc {
- #
- # Superscript accents
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $id) = @_;
- my ($cb, $h, $hadj, $tallchar, $ic, $s1, $s2, $s3);
- if ($char eq "i" and $allchars{"dotlessi"}) { $char = "dotlessi" }
- if ($char eq "j" and $allchars{"dotlessj"}) { $char = "dotlessj" }
- if ($acc eq "overdot") { $acc = "dotaccent" }
- if ($acc eq "candrabindu") {
- $acc = "breve";
- ($cb = $allchars{"dotaccent"}{map}) =~ s/\A.*(\(SETCHAR . .+?\)).*\Z/$1/s;
- }
- $allchars{$id}{wd} = $allchars{$char}{wd};
- $allchars{$id}{ht} = $allchars{$acc}{ht};
- $allchars{$id}{dp} = $allchars{$char}{dp};
- $allchars{$id}{id} = $id;
- push( @{ $allchars{$id}{num} }, $num);
- $s1 = $allchars{$char}{map};
- $s1 =~ s/\A (.*)\n\Z/(PUSH) $1 (POP)/s;
- if ($scaps and $char =~ /^[a-z]/) { # accented small caps
- $tallchar = 1;
- if ($char =~ /$supacc$/
- and $char !~ /under$supacc$/) { # double accs
- $s2 = " (MOVEUP R $v1)";
- $allchars{$id}{ht} += $v1;
- $hadj = sprintf("%.3f", $v1 * $slant);
- $ic = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- }
- else { # single accs
- $s2 = " (MOVEUP R $scoffset)";
- $allchars{$id}{ht} += $scoffset;
- $hadj = sprintf("%.3f", $scoffset * $slant);
- $ic = $allchars{$acc}{ic} + $hadj;
- }
- }
- elsif ($allchars{$char}{ht} >= ($accheight + $v2)) { # double accs
- $tallchar = 1; # on caps etc.
- $s2 = " (MOVEUP R ${ \($v1 + $v2) })";
- $allchars{$id}{ht} += ($v1 + $v2);
- $hadj = sprintf("%.3f", ($v1 + $v2) * $slant);
- $ic = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- }
- elsif ($allchars{$char}{ht} > 1.15 * $xheight) {
- $tallchar = 1;
- if ($char =~ /$supacc$/
- and $char !~ /under$supacc$/) { # double accs
- $s2 = " (MOVEUP R $v1)";
- $allchars{$id}{ht} += $v1;
- $hadj = sprintf("%.3f", $v1 * $slant);
- $ic = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- }
- else { # caps etc.
- $s2 = " (MOVEUP R $v2)";
- $allchars{$id}{ht} += $v2;
- $hadj = sprintf("%.3f", $v2 * $slant);
- $ic = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- }
- }
- else { # single accs
- $s2 = " ";
- $ic = $allchars{$acc}{ic};
- }
- $h = sprintf("%.3f", ($allchars{$char}{wd} - $allchars{$acc}{wd}) / 2);
- unless ($tallchar) { $ic -= $h }
- $allchars{$id}{ic} = $ic unless $ic < 0;
- $h += $hadj;
- if ($h > 0) { $s2 .= " (MOVERIGHT R $h) " }
- elsif ($h < 0) {
- $h = -$h;
- $s2 .= " (MOVELEFT R $h) ";
- }
- else { $s2 .= " " }
- $s3 = $allchars{$acc}{map};
- $s3 =~ s/\A.*(\(SETCHAR . .+?\)).*\Z/$1/s;
- if ($cb) { # candrabindu
- $cb = $s2 . $cb;
- if ($cbx) {
- unless (($cb =~ s/(MOVERIGHT R )([0-9.]+)/$1 . ($2 + $cbx * $scale)/e)
- or ($cb =~ s/(MOVELEFT R )([0-9.]+)/$1 . ($2 - $cbx * $scale)/e)) {
- $cb =~ s/^( +)/"$1(MOVERIGHT R " . ($cbx * $scale) . ") "/e;
- }
- }
- if ($cby) {
- unless ($cb =~ s/(MOVEUP R )([0-9.]+)/$1 . ($2 + $cby * $scale)/e) {
- $cb =~ s/^( +)/"$1(MOVEUP R " . ($cby * $scale) . ") "/e;
- }
- }
- $cb .= "\n";
- $s1 = "(PUSH) " . $s1;
- $s3 .= " (POP)";
- }
- $allchars{$id}{map} = " $s1\n$s2$s3\n$cb";
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$id};
-sub underacc {
- #
- # Dropped accents
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $id) = @_;
- my ($h, $v, $s1, $s2, $s3);
- $acc =~ s/^under//;
- if ($acc eq "dot") { $acc = "period" }
- if ($acc eq "candrabindu") { die "Bad definition (no such accent): $qdef\n" }
- $allchars{$id}{wd} = $allchars{$char}{wd};
- $allchars{$id}{ht} = $allchars{$char}{ht};
- $allchars{$id}{ic} = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- $allchars{$id}{id} = $id;
- push( @{ $allchars{$id}{num} }, $num);
- if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- $v = $allchars{$id}{dp} = $underadp * $scale * $shrink;
- $v += ($accdepth * $shrink);
- }
- else {
- $v = $allchars{$id}{dp} = $underddp * $scale + $allchars{$acc}{dp};
- }
- $s1 = $allchars{$char}{map};
- $s1 =~ s/\A (.*)\n\Z/(PUSH) $1 (POP)/s;
- if ($acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- $h = ($allchars{$char}{wd} - ($allchars{$acc}{wd} * $shrink)) / 2 - $v * $slant;
- if ($opt_s) { $s2 = " (SELECTFONT D 1)\n" }
- }
- else {
- $h = ($allchars{$char}{wd} - $allchars{$acc}{wd}) / 2 - $v * $slant;
- }
- $h = sprintf("%.3f", $h);
- if ($h > 0) {
- $s2 .= " (MOVEDOWN R $v) (MOVERIGHT R $h) ";
- }
- elsif ($h < 0) {
- $h = -$h;
- $s2 .= " (MOVEDOWN R $v) (MOVELEFT R $h) ";
- }
- else { $s2 = " (MOVEDOWN R $v) " }
- $s3 = $allchars{$acc}{map};
- $s3 =~ s/\A.*(\(SETCHAR . .+?\)).*\Z/$1/s;
- if ($opt_s and $acc =~ /^$supacc$/) { $s3 .= "\n (SELECTFONT D 0)" }
- $allchars{$id}{map} = " $s1\n$s2$s3\n";
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$id};
-sub underb {
- #
- # Underbar
- #
- my ($num, $char, $id) = @_;
- my ($h, $w, $dp, $s1, $s2, $s3);
- $allchars{$id}{wd} = $allchars{$char}{wd};
- $allchars{$id}{ht} = $allchars{$char}{ht};
- $allchars{$id}{dp} = $dp = $underbdp * $scale;
- $allchars{$id}{ic} = $allchars{$char}{ic};
- $allchars{$id}{id} = $id;
- push( @{ $allchars{$id}{num} }, $num);
- $s1 = $allchars{$char}{map};
- $s1 =~ s/\A (.*)\n\Z/(PUSH) $1 (POP)/s;
- $h = sprintf("%.3f", ($allchars{$id}{wd} / 10 - $dp * $slant));
- $w = sprintf("%.3f", ($allchars{$id}{wd} * 8 / 10));
- if ($h > 0) {
- $s2 = " (MOVEDOWN R $dp) (MOVERIGHT R $h) ";
- }
- elsif ($h < 0) {
- $h = -$h;
- $s2 = " (MOVEDOWN R $dp) (MOVELEFT R $h) ";
- }
- else { $s2 .= " (MOVEDOWN R $dp) " }
- $s3 = "(SETRULE R ${ \($thk * $scale) } R $w)";
- $allchars{$id}{map} = " $s1\n$s2$s3\n";
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$id};
-sub digraph {
- #
- # Make a new character consisting of two existing characters
- #
- my ($num, $char, $acc, $id) = @_;
- my ($one, $two, $kern, $s1, $s2);
- if ($ligs =~ /^ \(LABEL $char\)\n(.*?)\n \(KRN $acc R (-?[0-9.]+)\)\n/ms) {
- ($one, $two) = ($1, $2);
- }
- $kern = $two if $one !~ /^ \(STOP\)$/m;
- $allchars{$id}{wd} = $allchars{$char}{wd} + $allchars{$acc}{wd};
- $allchars{$id}{wd} += $kern;
- $allchars{$id}{ht} = max($allchars{$char}{ht}, $allchars{$acc}{ht});
- $allchars{$id}{dp} = max($allchars{$char}{dp}, $allchars{$acc}{dp});
- $allchars{$id}{ic} = $allchars{$acc}{ic};
- $allchars{$id}{id} = $id;
- push( @{ $allchars{$id}{num} }, $num);
- $s1 = $allchars{$char}{map};
- chomp ($s2 = $allchars{$acc}{map});
- $s1 =~ s/(\(SETCHAR .*?\))/$1\n$s2/;
- if ($kern) {
- if ($kern < 0) {
- $kern = -$kern;
- $s1 =~ s/(\(SETCHAR .*?\))/$1 (MOVELEFT R $kern)/;
- }
- else { $s1 =~ s/(\(SETCHAR .*?\))/$1 (MOVERIGHT R $kern)/ }
- }
- $allchars{$id}{map} = $s1;
- $chars[$num] = $allchars{$id};
-sub fixkerns {
- #
- # Generalise the kerning info contained in the vpl file by applying
- # it to new accented chars. Do not kern lower-case chars bearing
- # superscript accents with capitals, quotes or a preceding "f".
- #
- my ($char, $acc) = @_;
- my ($olabel, $nlabel, @liglist, $lchar, $rchar);
- if ($acc =~ /^$accents$/) { $lchar = $rchar = $char }
- else {
- $lchar = $char;
- $rchar = $acc;
- }
- unless ($char =~ /^[a-z]/ and $acc =~ /^$supacc$/) {
- $ligs =~ s[(\n \(LABEL )$rchar\)(?!\n \(LIG.*$)]
- [$&$1$char$acc)]gm
- unless $ligs =~ /\n \(LABEL $char$acc\)$/m;
- $ligs =~ s[(\n \(LABEL )$rchar\)(\n \(LIG.*$)+(?!\n \(STOP\))]
- [$&$1$char$acc)]gm
- unless $ligs =~ /\n \(LABEL $char$acc\)$/m;
- $ligs =~ s[(\n \(KRN )$lchar( .*)$]
- [$&$1$char$acc$2]gm;
- }
- else {
- if ($ligs =~ /\n \(LABEL $char\).*?\(STOP\)/s) {
- $nlabel = $olabel = $&;
- $nlabel =~ s/(\n \(LABEL $char)\)/$1$acc)/
- unless $ligs =~ /\n \(LABEL $char$acc\)/m;
- $nlabel =~ s/\n \(LIG .*\)$//gm;
- $nlabel =~ s/\n \(LABEL (?!$char$acc).*\)$//gm;
- $nlabel =~ s/\n \(KRN ([A-Z]|quote).*\)$//gm;
- $ligs =~ s/(\n \(LABEL )$char\).*?\(STOP\)/$olabel$nlabel/s;
- }
- @liglist = split /\n \(STOP\)/, $ligs;
- foreach (@liglist) {
- unless (/\n \(LABEL ([A-Zf]|quote).*\)$/m) {
- s/(\n \(KRN $char)( .*\))$/$&$1$acc$2/gm;
- }
- }
- $ligs = join("\n (STOP)", @liglist);
- }