path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex/bibtex/bib/biblatex/biblatex-examples.bib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1434 +0,0 @@
-@string{anch-ie = {Angew.~Chem. Int.~Ed.} }
-@string{cup = {Cambridge University Press} }
-@string{dtv = {Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag} }
-@string{hup = {Harvard University Press} }
-@string{jams = {J.~Amer. Math. Soc.} }
-@string{jchph = {J.~Chem. Phys.} }
-@string{jomch = {J.~Organomet. Chem.} }
-@string{pup = {Princeton University Press} }
- crossref = {westfahl:frontier},
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Westfahl, Gary},
- indextitle = {True Frontier, The},
- title = {The True Frontier},
- subtitle = {Confronting and Avoiding the Realities of Space in American
- Science Fiction Films},
- pages = {55--65},
- annotation = {A cross-referenced article from a \texttt{collection}. This is
- an \texttt{incollection} entry with a \texttt{crossref} field. Note the
- \texttt{subtitle} and \texttt{indextitle} fields}
- entryset = {herrmann,aksin,yoon},
- annotation = {A \texttt{set} with three members}
- entryset = {glashow,weinberg,salam},
- annotation = {A \texttt{set} with three members discussing the standard
- model of particle physics}
- author = {Aks{\i}n, {\"O}zge and T{\"u}rkmen, Hayati and Artok, Levent
- and {\k{C}}etinkaya, Bekir and Ni, Chaoying
- and B{\"u}y{\"u}kg{\"u}ng{\"o}r, Orhan and {\"O}zkal, Erhan},
- indextitle = {Effect of immobilization on catalytic characteristics},
- title = {Effect of immobilization on catalytic characteristics of saturated
- Pd-N-heterocyclic carbenes in Mizoroki-Heck reactions},
- journaltitle = jomch,
- volume = {691},
- number = {13},
- date = {2006},
- pages = {3027--3036}
- hyphenation = {german},
- author = {Angenendt, Arnold},
- indextitle = {In Honore Salvatoris},
- title = {In Honore Salvatoris~-- Vom Sinn und Unsinn der Patrozinienkunde},
- shorttitle = {In Honore Salvatoris},
- journaltitle = {Revue d'Histoire Eccl{\'e}siastique},
- volume = {97},
- date = {2002},
- pages = {431--456, 791--823},
- annotation = {A German article in a French journal. Apart from that, a
- typical \texttt{article} entry. Note the \texttt{indextitle} field}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Baez, John C. and Lauda, Aaron D.},
- title = {Higher-Dimensional Algebra V: 2-Groups},
- journaltitle = {Theory and Applications of Categories},
- volume = {12},
- version = {3},
- date = {2004},
- pages = {423--491},
- eprinttype = {arxiv},
- eprint = {math/0307200v3},
- annotation = {An \texttt{article} with \texttt{eprint} and
- \texttt{eprinttype} fields. Note that the arXiv reference is transformed
- into a clickable link if \texttt{hyperref} support has been enabled.
- Compare \texttt{baez\slash online}, which is the same item given as an
- \texttt{online} entry}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Bertram, Aaron and Wentworth, Richard},
- title = {Gromov invariants for holomorphic maps on Riemann surfaces},
- shorttitle = {Gromov invariants},
- journaltitle = jams,
- volume = {9},
- number = {2},
- date = {1996},
- pages = {529--571},
- annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry with a \texttt{volume} and a
- \texttt{number} field}
- title = {Hemingway's Style and Jake's Narration},
- author = {Doody, Terrence},
- related = {matuz:doody},
- relatedstring = {\autocap{e}xcerpt in},
- journal = {The Journal of Narrative Technique},
- volume = {4},
- number = {3},
- pages = {212--225},
- year = {1974},
- annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry cited as an excerpt from a
- \texttt{collection} entry. Note the format of the \texttt{related}
- and \texttt{relatedstring} fields}
- title = {Contemporary Literary Criticism},
- editor = {Matuz, Roger},
- volume = {61},
- location = {Detroit},
- publisher = {Gale},
- pages = {204--208},
- year = {1990},
- annotation = {A \texttt{collection} entry providing the excerpt information
- for the \texttt{doody} entry. Note the format of the \texttt{pages} field}
- hyphenation = {british},
- author = {Gillies, Alexander},
- title = {Herder and the Preparation of Goethe's Idea of World Literature},
- journaltitle = {Publications of the English Goethe Society},
- volume = {9},
- series = {newseries},
- date = {1933},
- pages = {46--67},
- annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry with a \texttt{series} and a
- \texttt{volume} field. Note that format of the \texttt{series} field in
- the database file}
- author = {Glashow, Sheldon},
- title = {Partial Symmetries of Weak Interactions},
- journaltitle = {Nucl.~Phys.},
- volume = {22},
- date = {1961},
- pages = {579--588}
- author = {Herrmann, Wolfgang A. and {\"O}fele, Karl and Schneider, Sabine K.
- and Herdtweck, Eberhardt and Hoffmann, Stephan D.},
- indextitle = {Carbocyclic carbene as an efficient catalyst, A},
- title = {A carbocyclic carbene as an efficient catalyst ligand for C--C
- coupling reactions},
- journaltitle = anch-ie,
- volume = {45},
- number = {23},
- date = {2006},
- pages = {3859--3862}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Kastenholz, M. A. and H{\"u}nenberger, Philippe H.},
- indextitle = {Computation of ionic solvation free energies},
- title = {Computation of methodology\hyphen independent ionic solvation free
- energies from molecular simulations},
- subtitle = {I. The electrostatic potential in molecular liquids},
- journaltitle = jchph,
- volume = {124},
- eid = {124106},
- date = {2006},
- doi = {10.1063/1.2172593},
- annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry with an \texttt{eid} and a
- \texttt{doi} field. Note that the \textsc{doi} is transformed into a
- clickable link if \texttt{hyperref} support has been enabled},
- abstract = {The computation of ionic solvation free energies from atomistic
- simulations is a surprisingly difficult problem that has found no
- satisfactory solution for more than 15 years. The reason is that the
- charging free energies evaluated from such simulations are affected by
- very large errors. One of these is related to the choice of a specific
- convention for summing up the contributions of solvent charges to the
- electrostatic potential in the ionic cavity, namely, on the basis of point
- charges within entire solvent molecules (M scheme) or on the basis of
- individual point charges (P scheme). The use of an inappropriate
- convention may lead to a charge-independent offset in the calculated
- potential, which depends on the details of the summation scheme, on the
- quadrupole-moment trace of the solvent molecule, and on the approximate
- form used to represent electrostatic interactions in the system. However,
- whether the M or P scheme (if any) represents the appropriate convention
- is still a matter of on-going debate. The goal of the present article is
- to settle this long-standing controversy by carefully analyzing (both
- analytically and numerically) the properties of the electrostatic
- potential in molecular liquids (and inside cavities within them).}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Hostetler, Michael J. and Wingate, Julia E. and Zhong, Chuan-Jian
- and Harris, Jay E. and Vachet, Richard W. and Clark, Michael R.
- and Londono, J. David and Green, Stephen J. and Stokes, Jennifer J.
- and Wignall, George D. and Glish, Gary L. and Porter, Marc D.
- and Evans, Neal D. and Murray, Royce W.},
- indextitle = {Alkanethiolate gold cluster molecules},
- title = {Alkanethiolate gold cluster molecules with core diameters from 1.5
- to 5.2~nm},
- subtitle = {Core and monolayer properties as a function of core size},
- shorttitle = {Alkanethiolate gold cluster molecules},
- journaltitle = {Langmuir},
- volume = {14},
- number = {1},
- date = {1998},
- pages = {17--30},
- annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry with \arabic{author} authors. By
- default, long author and editor lists are automatically truncated. This is
- configurable}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Reese, Trevor R.},
- title = {Georgia in Anglo-Spanish Diplomacy, 1736-1739},
- journaltitle = {William and Mary Quarterly},
- volume = {15},
- series = {3},
- date = {1958},
- pages = {168--190},
- annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry with a \texttt{series} and a
- \texttt{volume} field. Note the format of the series. If the value of the
- \texttt{series} field is an integer, this number is printed as an ordinal
- and the string \enquote*{series} is appended automatically}
- author = {M. Sarfraz and M. F. A. Razzak},
- title = {Technical section: {An} algorithm for automatic capturing of the
- font outlines},
- journal = {Computers and Graphics},
- volume = {26},
- number = {5},
- pages = {795--804},
- year = {2002},
- issn = {0097-8493},
- annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry with an \texttt{issn} field}
- author = {Shore, Bradd},
- title = {Twice-Born, Once Conceived},
- subtitle = {Meaning Construction and Cultural Cognition},
- journaltitle = {American Anthropologist},
- volume = {93},
- series = {newseries},
- number = {1},
- date = {1991-03},
- pages = {9--27},
- annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry with \texttt{series},
- \texttt{volume}, and \texttt{number} fields. Note the format of the
- \texttt{series} which is a localization key}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Sigfridsson, Emma and Ryde, Ulf},
- indextitle = {Methods for deriving atomic charges},
- title = {Comparison of methods for deriving atomic charges from the
- electrostatic potential and moments},
- journaltitle = {Journal of Computational Chemistry},
- volume = {19},
- number = {4},
- date = {1998},
- doi = {10.1002/(SICI)1096-987X(199803)19:4<377::AID-JCC1>3.0.CO;2-P},
- pages = {377--395},
- annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry with \texttt{volume},
- \texttt{number}, and \texttt{doi} fields. Note that the \textsc{doi} is
- transformed into a clickable link if \texttt{hyperref} support has been
- enabled},
- abstract = {Four methods for deriving partial atomic charges from the
- quantum chemical electrostatic potential (CHELP, CHELPG, Merz-Kollman, and
- RESP) have been compared and critically evaluated. It is shown that
- charges strongly depend on how and where the potential points are
- selected. Two alternative methods are suggested to avoid the
- arbitrariness in the point-selection schemes and van der Waals exclusion
- radii: CHELP-BOW, which also estimates the charges from the electrostatic
- potential, but with potential points that are Boltzmann-weighted after
- their occurrence in actual simulations using the energy function of the
- program in which the charges will be used, and CHELMO, which estimates
- the charges directly from the electrostatic multipole moments. Different
- criteria for the quality of the charges are discussed.}
- hyphenation = {german},
- sorttitle = {Intention und Intentionalitat in der Scholastik, bei Brentano
- und Husserl},
- indexsorttitle = {Intention und Intentionalitat in der Scholastik, bei
- Brentano und Husserl},
- author = {Spiegelberg, Herbert},
- title = {\mkbibquote{Intention} und \mkbibquote{Intentionalit{\"a}t} in der
- Scholastik, bei Brentano und Husserl},
- shorttitle = {Intention und Intentionalit{\"a}t},
- journaltitle = {Studia Philosophica},
- volume = {29},
- date = {1969},
- pages = {189--216},
- annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry. Note the \texttt{sorttitle} and
- \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields and the markup of the quotes in the
- database file}
- hyphenation = {british},
- author = {Springer, Otto},
- title = {Mediaeval Pilgrim Routes from Scandinavia to Rome},
- shorttitle = {Mediaeval Pilgrim Routes},
- journaltitle = {Mediaeval Studies},
- volume = {12},
- date = {1950},
- pages = {92--122},
- annotation = {A plain \texttt{article} entry}
- author = {Weinberg, Steven},
- title = {A Model of Leptons},
- journaltitle = {Phys.~Rev.~Lett.},
- volume = {19},
- date = {1967},
- pages = {1264--1266}
- author = {Yoon, Myeong S. and Ryu, Dowook and Kim, Jeongryul
- and Ahn, Kyo Han},
- indextitle = {Palladium pincer complexes},
- title = {Palladium pincer complexes with reduced bond angle strain:
- efficient catalysts for the Heck reaction},
- journaltitle = {Organometallics},
- volume = {25},
- number = {10},
- date = {2006},
- pages = {2409--2411}
- keywords = {primary},
- hyphenation = {british},
- author = {Aristotle},
- editor = {Hicks, Robert Drew},
- title = {De Anima},
- publisher = cup,
- location = {Cambridge},
- date = {1907},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with an \texttt{author} and an
- \texttt{editor}}
- keywords = {primary},
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Aristotle},
- translator = {Wicksteed, P. H. and Cornford, F. M.},
- title = {Physics},
- shorttitle = {Physics},
- publisher = {G. P. Putnam},
- location = {New York},
- date = {1929},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with a \texttt{translator} field}
- keywords = {primary},
- hyphenation = {british},
- author = {Aristotle},
- editor = {Lucas, D. W.},
- title = {Poetics},
- shorttitle = {Poetics},
- series = {Clarendon Aristotle},
- publisher = {Clarendon Press},
- location = {Oxford},
- date = {1968},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with an \texttt{author} and an
- \texttt{editor} as well as a \texttt{series} field}
- keywords = {primary},
- hyphenation = {british},
- sorttitle = {Rhetoric of Aristotle},
- author = {Aristotle},
- editor = {Cope, Edward Meredith},
- commentator = {Cope, Edward Meredith},
- indextitle = {Rhetoric of Aristotle, The},
- title = {The Rhetoric of Aristotle with a commentary by the late Edward
- Meredith Cope},
- shorttitle = {Rhetoric},
- volumes = {3},
- publisher = cup,
- date = {1877},
- annotation = {A commented edition. Note the concatenation of the
- \texttt{editor} and \texttt{commentator} fields as well as the
- \texttt{volumes}, \texttt{sorttitle}, and \texttt{indextitle} fields}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Augustine, Robert L.},
- title = {Heterogeneous catalysis for the synthetic chemist},
- shorttitle = {Heterogeneous catalysis},
- publisher = {Marcel Dekker},
- location = {New York},
- date = {1995},
- annotation = {A plain \texttt{book} entry}
- keywords = {primary},
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Averroes},
- editor = {Bland, Kalman P.},
- translator = {Bland, Kalman P.},
- indextitle = {Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction, The},
- title = {The Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction with the Active
- Intellect by Ibn Rushd with the Commentary of Moses Narboni},
- shorttitle = {Possibility of Conjunction},
- series = {Moreshet: Studies in Jewish History, Literature and Thought},
- number = {7},
- publisher = {Jewish Theological Seminary of America},
- location = {New York},
- date = {1982},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with a \texttt{series} and a
- \texttt{number}. Note the concatenation of the \texttt{editor} and
- \texttt{translator} fields as well as the \texttt{indextitle} field}
- keywords = {primary},
- hyphenation = {german},
- sorttitle = {Uber die Moglichkeit der Conjunktion},
- indexsorttitle = {Uber die Moglichkeit der Conjunktion},
- author = {Averroes},
- editor = {Hannes, Ludwig},
- translator = {Hannes, Ludwig},
- annotator = {Hannes, Ludwig},
- indextitle = {{\"U}ber die M{\"o}glichkeit der Conjunktion},
- title = {Des Averro{\"e}s Abhandlung: \mkbibquote{{\"U}ber die
- M{\"o}glichkeit der Conjunktion} oder \mkbibquote{{\"U}ber den
- materiellen Intellekt}},
- shorttitle = {{\"U}ber die M{\"o}glichkeit der Conjunktion},
- publisher = {C.~A. Kaemmerer},
- location = {Halle an der Saale},
- date = {1892},
- annotation = {An annotated edition. Note the concatenation of the
- \texttt{editor}, \texttt{translator}, and \texttt{annotator} fields. Also
- note the \texttt{shorttitle}, \texttt{indextitle}, \texttt{sorttitle},
- and \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields}
- keywords = {primary},
- hyphenation = {german},
- indexsorttitle = {Drei Abhandlungen uber die Conjunction},
- author = {Averroes},
- editor = {Hercz, J.},
- translator = {Hercz, J.},
- indextitle = {Drei Abhandlungen {\"u}ber die Conjunction},
- title = {Drei Abhandlungen {\"u}ber die Conjunction des separaten Intellects
- mit dem Menschen},
- subtitle = {Von Averroes (Vater und Sohn), aus dem Arabischen {\"u}bersetzt
- von Samuel Ibn Tibbon},
- shorttitle = {Drei Abhandlungen},
- publisher = {S.~Hermann},
- location = {Berlin},
- date = {1869},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry. Note the concatenation of the
- \texttt{editor} and \texttt{translator} fields as well as the
- \texttt{indextitle} and \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields}
- hyphenation = {german},
- author = {Cicero, Marcus Tullius},
- editor = {Blank-Sangmeister, Ursula},
- translator = {Blank-Sangmeister, Ursula},
- afterword = {Thraede, Klaus},
- indextitle = {De natura deorum},
- title = {De natura deorum. {\"U}ber das Wesen der G{\"o}tter},
- shorttitle = {De natura deorum},
- language = {langlatin and langgerman},
- publisher = {Reclam},
- location = {Stuttgart},
- date = {1995},
- annotation = {A bilingual edition of Cicero's \emph{De natura deorum}, with
- a German translation. Note the format of the \texttt{language} field in
- the database file, the concatenation of the \texttt{editor} and
- \texttt{translator} fields, and the \texttt{afterword} field}
- hyphenation = {british},
- author = {Coleridge, Samuel Taylor},
- editor = {Coburn, Kathleen and Engell, James and Bate, W. Jackson},
- indextitle = {Biographia literaria},
- title = {Biographia literaria, or Biographical sketches of my literary life
- and opinions},
- shorttitle = {Biographia literaria},
- maintitle = {The collected works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge},
- part = {2},
- volume = {7},
- series = {Bollingen Series},
- number = {75},
- publisher = {Routledge and Kegan Paul},
- location = {London},
- date = {1983},
- annotation = {One (partial) volume of a multivolume book. This is a
- \texttt{book} entry with a \texttt{volume} and a \texttt{part} field
- which explicitly refers to the second (physical) part of the seventh
- (logical) volume. Also note the \texttt{series} and \texttt{number}
- fields}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sorttitle = {LaTeX Companion},
- author = {Goossens, Michel and Mittelbach, Frank and Samarin, Alexander},
- indextitle = {LaTeX Companion, The},
- title = {The LaTeX Companion},
- shorttitle = {LaTeX Companion},
- edition = {1},
- publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
- location = {Reading, Mass.},
- date = {1994},
- pagetotal = {528},
- annotation = {A book with three authors. Note the formatting of the author
- list. By default, only the first name is reversed in the bibliography}
- hyphenation = {british},
- author = {Cotton, Frank Albert and Wilkinson, Geoffrey
- and Murillio, Carlos A. and Bochmann, Manfred},
- title = {Advanced inorganic chemistry},
- edition = {6},
- publisher = {Wiley},
- location = {Chichester},
- date = {1999},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with \arabic{author} authors and an
- \texttt{edition} field. By default, long \texttt{author} and
- \texttt{editor} lists are automatically truncated. This is configurable}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sorttitle = {Federal Appointments Process},
- author = {Gerhardt, Michael J.},
- indextitle = {Federal Appointments Process, The},
- title = {The Federal Appointments Process},
- subtitle = {A Constitutional and Historical Analysis},
- shorttitle = {Federal Appointments Process},
- publisher = {Duke University Press},
- location = {Durham and London},
- date = {2000},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{book} entry. Note the format of the
- \texttt{location} field as well as the \texttt{sorttitle} and
- \texttt{indextitle} fields}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sorttitle = {Ghost of John Wayne and Other Stories},
- author = {Gonzalez, Ray},
- indextitle = {Ghost of John Wayne and Other Stories, The},
- title = {The Ghost of John Wayne and Other Stories},
- shorttitle = {Ghost of John Wayne},
- publisher = {The University of Arizona Press},
- location = {Tucson},
- date = {2001},
- isbn = {0-816-52066-6},
- annotation = {A collection of short stories. This is a \texttt{book} entry.
- Note the \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{indextitle} fields in the
- database file. There's also an \texttt{isbn} field}
- hyphenation = {british},
- sorttitle = {Basics of crystallography and diffraction},
- author = {Hammond, Christopher},
- indextitle = {Basics of crystallography and diffraction, The},
- title = {The basics of crystallography and diffraction},
- shorttitle = {Crystallography and diffraction},
- publisher = {International Union of Crystallography and Oxford University
- Press},
- location = {Oxford},
- date = {1997},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry. Note the \texttt{sorttitle} and
- \texttt{indextitle} fields as well as the format of the
- \texttt{publisher} field}
- hyphenation = {german},
- sorttitle = {Ilias},
- author = {Homer},
- translator = {Schadewaldt, Wolfgang},
- introduction = {Latacz, Joachim},
- indextitle = {Ilias, Die},
- title = {Die Ilias},
- shorttitle = {Ilias},
- edition = {3},
- publisher = {Artemis \& Winkler},
- location = {D{\"u}sseldorf and Z{\"u}rich},
- date = {2004},
- annotation = {A German translation of the \emph{Iliad}. Note the
- \texttt{translator} and \texttt{introduction} fields and the format of
- the \texttt{location} field in the database file. Also note the
- \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{indextitle} fields}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sortyear = {1984-0},
- sorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting},
- indexsorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting},
- author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
- title = {Computers \& Typesetting},
- volumes = {5},
- publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
- location = {Reading, Mass.},
- date = {1984/1986},
- annotation = {A five-volume book cited as a whole. This is a \texttt{book}
- entry, note the \texttt{volumes} field}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sortyear = {1984-1},
- sorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting A},
- indexsorttitle = {The TeXbook},
- author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
- indextitle = {\TeX book, The},
- title = {The \TeX book},
- shorttitle = {\TeX book},
- maintitle = {Computers \& Typesetting},
- volume = {A},
- publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
- location = {Reading, Mass.},
- date = {1984},
- annotation = {The first volume of a five-volume book. Note the
- \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{sortyear} fields. We want this volume to
- be listed after the entry referring to the entire five-volume set. Also
- note the \texttt{indextitle} and \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sortyear = {1986-1},
- sorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting B},
- indexsorttitle = {TeX: The Program},
- author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
- title = {\TeX: The Program},
- shorttitle = {\TeX},
- maintitle = {Computers \& Typesetting},
- volume = {B},
- publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
- location = {Reading, Mass.},
- date = {1986},
- annotation = {The second volume of a five-volume book. Note the
- \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{sortyear} fields. Also note the
- \texttt{indexsorttitle} field}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sortyear = {1986-2},
- sorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting C},
- author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
- indextitle = {METAFONTbook, The},
- title = {The METAFONTbook},
- shorttitle = {METAFONTbook},
- maintitle = {Computers \& Typesetting},
- volume = {C},
- publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
- location = {Reading, Mass.},
- date = {1986},
- annotation = {The third volume of a five-volume book. Note the
- \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{sortyear} fields as well as the
- \texttt{indextitle} field}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sortyear = {1986-3},
- sorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting D},
- author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
- title = {METAFONT: The Program},
- shorttitle = {METAFONT},
- maintitle = {Computers \& Typesetting},
- volume = {D},
- publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
- location = {Reading, Mass.},
- date = {1986},
- annotation = {The fourth volume of a five-volume book. Note the
- \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{sortyear} fields}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sortyear = {1986-4},
- sorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting E},
- author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
- title = {Computer Modern Typefaces},
- maintitle = {Computers \& Typesetting},
- volume = {E},
- publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
- location = {Reading, Mass.},
- date = {1986},
- annotation = {The fifth volume of a five-volume book. Note the
- \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{sortyear} fields}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sortyear = {1984-0},
- sorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting},
- indexsorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting},
- author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
- title = {Computers \& Typesetting},
- volumes = {5},
- related = {knuth:ct:a,knuth:ct:b,knuth:ct:c,knuth:ct:d,knuth:ct:e},
- relatedtype = {multivolume},
- publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
- location = {Reading, Mass.},
- date = {1984/1986},
- annotation = {A five-volume book cited as a whole and related to its
- individual volumes. Note the \texttt{related} and \texttt{relatedtype}
- fields}
- title = {Information Theory and Statistics},
- author = {Kullback, Solomon},
- year = {1959},
- publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
- location = {New York}
- title = {Information Theory and Statistics},
- author = {Kullback, Solomon},
- year = {1997},
- origyear = {1959},
- publisher = {Dover Publications},
- origpublisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
- location = {New York},
- annotation = {A reprint of the \texttt{kullback} entry. Note the format of
- \texttt{origyear} and \texttt{origpublisher}. These fields are not used by
- the standard bibliography styles}
- title = {Information Theory and Statistics},
- author = {Kullback, Solomon},
- year = {1997},
- publisher = {Dover Publications},
- location = {New York},
- related = {kullback},
- relatedtype = {origpubin},
- annotation = {A reprint of the \texttt{kullback} entry. Note the format of
- the \texttt{related} and \texttt{relatedtype} fields}
- hyphenation = {british},
- author = {Malinowski, Bronis{\l}aw},
- title = {Argonauts of the Western Pacific},
- subtitle = {An account of native enterprise and adventure in the
- Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea},
- shorttitle = {Argonauts},
- edition = {8},
- publisher = {Routledge and Kegan Paul},
- location = {London},
- date = {1972},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{book} entry. Note the format of the
- \texttt{publisher} and \texttt{edition} fields as well as the
- \texttt{subtitle} field}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Maron, Monika},
- translator = {Brigitte Goldstein},
- title = {Animal Triste},
- shorttitle = {Animal Triste},
- publisher = {University of Nebraska Press},
- location = {Lincoln},
- date = {2000},
- origlanguage = {german},
- annotation = {An English translation of a German novel with a French title.
- In other words: a \texttt{book} entry with a \texttt{translator} field.
- Note the \texttt{origlanguage} field which is concatenated with the
- \texttt{translator}}
- hyphenation = {british},
- author = {Werner Massa},
- title = {Crystal structure determination},
- edition = {2},
- publisher = {Spinger},
- location = {Berlin},
- date = {2004},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with an \texttt{edition} field}
- hyphenation = {german},
- sortyear = {1988-00-000},
- sorttitle = {Werke-00-000},
- indexsorttitle = {Samtliche Werke},
- author = {Nietzsche, Friedrich},
- editor = {Colli, Giorgio and Montinari, Mazzino},
- title = {S{\"a}mtliche Werke},
- subtitle = {Kritische Studienausgabe},
- volumes = {15},
- edition = {2},
- publisher = dtv # { and Walter de Gruyter},
- location = {M{\"u}nchen and Berlin and New York},
- date = {1988},
- annotation = {The critical edition of Nietzsche's works. This is a
- \texttt{book} entry referring to a 15-volume work as a whole. Note the
- \texttt{volumes} field and the format of the \texttt{publisher} and
- \texttt{location} fields in the database file. Also note the
- \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{sortyear} fields which are used to
- fine-tune the sorting order of the bibliography. We want this item listed
- first in the bibliography}
- hyphenation = {german},
- sortyear = {1988-01-000},
- sorttitle = {Werke-01-000},
- indexsorttitle = {Samtliche Werke I},
- author = {Nietzsche, Friedrich},
- bookauthor = {Nietzsche, Friedrich},
- editor = {Colli, Giorgio and Montinari, Mazzino},
- indextitle = {S{\"a}mtliche Werke I},
- title = {Die Geburt der Trag{\"o}die. Unzeitgem{\"a}{\ss}e Betrachtungen
- I--IV. Nachgelassene Schriften 1870--1973},
- shorttitle = {S{\"a}mtliche Werke I},
- maintitle = {S{\"a}mtliche Werke},
- mainsubtitle = {Kritische Studienausgabe},
- volume = {1},
- edition = {2},
- publisher = dtv # { and Walter de Gruyter},
- location = {M{\"u}nchen and Berlin and New York},
- date = {1988},
- annotation = {A single volume from the critical edition of Nietzsche's
- works. This \texttt{book} entry explicitly refers to the first volume
- only. Note the \texttt{title} and \texttt{maintitle} fields. Also note the
- \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{sortyear} fields. We want this entry to be
- listed after the entry referring to the entire edition}
- keywords = {secondary},
- hyphenation = {american},
- sorttitle = {Aristotle's De Motu Animalium},
- indexsorttitle = {Aristotle's De Motu Animalium},
- author = {Nussbaum, Martha},
- title = {Aristotle's \mkbibquote{De Motu Animalium}},
- publisher = pup,
- location = {Princeton},
- date = {1978},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry. Note the \texttt{sorttitle} and
- \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields and the markup of the quotes in the
- database file}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Piccato, Pablo},
- title = {City of Suspects},
- subtitle = {Crime in Mexico City, 1900--1931},
- shorttitle = {City of Suspects},
- publisher = {Duke University Press},
- location = {Durham and London},
- date = {2001},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{book} entry. Note the format of the
- \texttt{location} field in the database file}
- options = {useprefix},
- hyphenation = {french},
- sorttitle = {Rites de passage},
- author = {van Gennep, Arnold},
- indextitle = {Rites de passage, Les},
- title = {Les rites de passage},
- shorttitle = {Rites de passage},
- publisher = {Nourry},
- location = {Paris},
- date = {1909},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry. Note the format of the printed name and
- compare the \texttt{useprefix} option in the \texttt{options} field as
- well as \texttt{brandt} and \texttt{geer}}
- options = {useprefix},
- author = {van Gennep, Arnold},
- translator = {Vizedom, Monika B. and Caffee, Gabrielle L.},
- title = {The Rites of Passage},
- indextitle = {Rites of Passage, The},
- sorttitle = {Rites of Passage},
- shorttitle = {Rites of Passage},
- language = {english},
- origlanguage = {french},
- year = {1960},
- publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
- annotation = {A translation of the \texttt{vangennep} entry. Note the
- \texttt{translator} and \texttt{origlanguage} fields. Compare with the
- \texttt{vangennep:related} entry.}
- options = {useprefix},
- hyphenation = {french},
- author = {van Gennep, Arnold},
- related = {vizedom:related},
- relatedtype = {bytranslator},
- sorttitle = {Rites de passage},
- indextitle = {Rites de passage, Les},
- title = {Les rites de passage},
- shorttitle = {Rites de passage},
- publisher = {Nourry},
- location = {Paris},
- date = {1909},
- annotation = {A variant of the \texttt{vangennep} entry related to its
- translation. Note the format of the \texttt{related} and
- \texttt{relatedtype} fields}
- options = {usetranslator},
- translator = {Vizedom, Monika B. and Caffee, Gabrielle L.},
- related = {vangennep},
- relatedtype = {translationof},
- title = {The Rites of Passage},
- indextitle = {Rites of Passage, The},
- sorttitle = {Rites of Passage},
- shorttitle = {Rites of Passage},
- language = {english},
- year = {1960},
- publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
- annotation = {A translated work from \texttt{vangennep}. Note the format of
- the \texttt{related} and \texttt{relatedtype} fields}
- hyphenation = {spanish},
- sorttitle = {Peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela},
- author = {V{\'a}zques{ de }Parga, Luis and Lacarra, Jos{\'e} Mar{\'i}a
- and Ur{\'i}a R{\'i}u, Juan},
- indextitle = {Peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela, Las},
- title = {Las Peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela},
- shorttitle = {Peregrinaciones},
- volumes = {3},
- publisher = {Iberdrola},
- location = {Pamplona},
- date = {1993},
- note = {Ed. facs. de la realizada en 1948--49},
- annotation = {A multivolume book cited as a whole. This is a \texttt{book}
- entry with \texttt{volumes}, \texttt{note}, \texttt{sorttitle}, and
- \texttt{indextitle} fields}
- title = {The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious
- People},
- author = {Wilde, Oscar},
- series = {English and American drama of the Nineteenth Century},
- year = {1899},
- eprint ={4HIWAAAAYAAJ},
- eprinttype = {googlebooks},
- publisher = {Leonard Smithers and Company},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} with \texttt{eprint} and \texttt{eprinttype}
- fields.}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sorttitle = {Cast of Character},
- author = {Worman, Nancy},
- indextitle = {Cast of Character, The},
- title = {The Cast of Character},
- subtitle = {Style in Greek Literature},
- shorttitle = {Cast of Character},
- publisher = {University of Texas Press},
- location = {Austin},
- date = {2002},
- annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry. Note the \texttt{sorttitle} and
- \texttt{indextitle} fields}
- options = {useeditor=false},
- label = {EB},
- hyphenation = {british},
- sorttitle = {Encyclop{\ae}dia Britannica},
- editor = {Preece, Warren E.},
- indextitle = {Encyclop{\ae}dia Britannica, The New},
- title = {The New Encyclop{\ae}dia Britannica},
- shorttitle = {Encyclop{\ae}dia Britannica},
- volumes = {32},
- edition = {15},
- publisher = {Encyclop{\ae}dia Britannica},
- location = {Chicago, Ill.},
- date = {2003},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{collection} entry for an encyclopedia. Note
- the \texttt{useeditor} option in the \texttt{options} field as well as the
- \texttt{sorttitle} field. We want this entry to be cited and alphabetized
- by title even though there is an editor. In addition to that, we want the
- title to be alphabetized under \enquote*{E} rather than \enquote*{T}. Also
- note the \texttt{label} field which is provided for author-year citation
- styles}
- hyphenation = {american},
- editor = {Gaonkar, Dilip Parameshwar},
- title = {Alternative Modernities},
- publisher = {Duke University Press},
- location = {Durham and London},
- date = {2001},
- isbn = {0-822-32714-7},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{collection} entry. Note the format of the
- \texttt{location} field in the database file as well as the \texttt{isbn}
- field}
- author = {Gaonkar, Dilip Parameshwar},
- title = {On Alternative Modernities},
- pages = {1--23},
- editor = {Gaonkar, Dilip Parameshwar},
- booktitle = {Alternative Modernities},
- publisher = {Duke University Press},
- location = {Durham and London},
- date = {2001},
- isbn = {0-822-32714-7}
- editor = {Jaff{\'e}, Philipp},
- editora = {Loewenfeld, Samuel and Kaltenbrunner, Ferdinand and Ewald, Paul},
- editoratype = {redactor},
- indextitle = {Regesta Pontificum Romanorum},
- title = {Regesta Pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post
- Christum natum \textsc{mcxcviii}},
- shorttitle = {Regesta Pontificum Romanorum},
- volumes = {2},
- edition = {2},
- location = {Leipzig},
- date = {1885/1888},
- annotation = {A \texttt{collection} entry with \texttt{edition} and
- \texttt{volumes} fields. Note the \texttt{editora} and
- \texttt{editoratype} fields}
- hyphenation = {american},
- editor = {Westfahl, Gary},
- title = {Space and Beyond},
- subtitle = {The Frontier Theme in Science Fiction},
- booktitle = {Space and Beyond},
- booksubtitle = {The Frontier Theme in Science Fiction},
- publisher = {Greenwood},
- location = {Westport, Conn. and London},
- date = {2000},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{collection} entry. Note the format of the
- \texttt{location} field as well as the \texttt{subtitle} and
- \texttt{booksubtitle} fields}
- shorthand = {KpV},
- hyphenation = {german},
- author = {Kant, Immanuel},
- bookauthor = {Kant, Immanuel},
- title = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft},
- shorttitle = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft},
- booktitle = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Kritik der Urtheilskraft},
- maintitle = {Kants Werke. Akademie Textausgabe},
- volume = {5},
- publisher = {Walter de Gruyter},
- location = {Berlin},
- date = {1968},
- pages = {1--163},
- annotation = {An edition of Kant's \emph{Collected Works}, volume five. This
- is an \texttt{inbook} entry which explicitly refers to the \emph{Critique
- of Practical Reason} only, not to the entire fifth volume. Note the
- \texttt{author} and \texttt{bookauthor} fields in the database file. By
- default, the \texttt{bookauthor} is omitted if the values of the
- \texttt{author} and \texttt{bookauthor} fields are identical}
- shorthand = {KU},
- hyphenation = {german},
- author = {Kant, Immanuel},
- bookauthor = {Kant, Immanuel},
- title = {Kritik der Urtheilskraft},
- booktitle = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Kritik der Urtheilskraft},
- maintitle = {Kants Werke. Akademie Textausgabe},
- volume = {5},
- publisher = {Walter de Gruyter},
- location = {Berlin},
- date = {1968},
- pages = {165--485},
- annotation = {An edition of Kant's \emph{Collected Works}, volume five. This
- is an \texttt{inbook} entry which explicitly refers to the \emph{Critique
- of Judgment} only, not to the entire fifth volume}
- hyphenation = {german},
- sortyear = {1988-01-243},
- sorttitle = {Werke-01-243},
- indexsorttitle = {Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie fur das Leben},
- author = {Nietzsche, Friedrich},
- bookauthor = {Nietzsche, Friedrich},
- editor = {Colli, Giorgio and Montinari, Mazzino},
- indextitle = {Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie f{\"u}r das Leben},
- title = {Unzeitgem{\"a}sse Betrachtungen. Zweites St{\"u}ck},
- subtitle = {Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie f{\"u}r das Leben},
- shorttitle = {Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie},
- booktitle = {Die Geburt der Trag{\"o}die. Unzeitgem{\"a}{\ss}e Betrachtungen
- I--IV. Nachgelassene Schriften 1870--1973},
- maintitle = {S{\"a}mtliche Werke},
- mainsubtitle = {Kritische Studienausgabe},
- volume = {1},
- publisher = dtv # { and Walter de Gruyter},
- location = {M{\"u}nchen and Berlin and New York},
- date = {1988},
- pages = {243--334},
- annotation = {A single essay from the critical edition of Nietzsche's works.
- This \texttt{inbook} entry explicitly refers to an essay found in the
- first volume. Note the \texttt{title}, \texttt{booktitle}, and
- \texttt{maintitle} fields. Also note the \texttt{sorttitle} and
- \texttt{sortyear} fields. We want this entry to be listed after the entry
- referring to the entire first volume}
- options = {useprefix=false},
- hyphenation = {german},
- indexsorttitle = {Nordischen Lander von der Mitte des 11. Jahrhunderts bis
- 1448},
- author = {von Brandt, Ahasver and Erich Hoffmann},
- editor = {Ferdinand Seibt},
- indextitle = {Nordischen L{\"a}nder von der Mitte des 11.~Jahrhunderts bis
- 1448, Die},
- title = {Die nordischen L{\"a}nder von der Mitte des 11.~Jahrhunderts bis
- 1448},
- shorttitle = {Die nordischen L{\"a}nder},
- booktitle = {Europa im Hoch- und Sp{\"a}tmittelalter},
- series = {Handbuch der europ{\"a}ischen Geschichte},
- number = {2},
- publisher = {Klett-Cotta},
- location = {Stuttgart},
- date = {1987},
- pages = {884--917},
- annotation = {An \texttt{incollection} entry with a \texttt{series} and a
- \texttt{number}. Note the format of the printed name and compare the
- \texttt{useprefix} option in the \texttt{options} field as well as
- \texttt{vangennep}. Also note the \texttt{indextitle, and
- \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields}}
- keywords = {secondary},
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Arthur Hyman},
- editor = {O'Meara, Dominic J.},
- indextitle = {Aristotle's Theory of the Intellect},
- title = {Aristotle's Theory of the Intellect and its Interpretation by
- Averroes},
- shorttitle = {Aristotle's Theory of the Intellect},
- booktitle = {Studies in Aristotle},
- series = {Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy},
- number = {9},
- publisher = {The Catholic University of America Press},
- location = {Washington, D.C.},
- date = {1981},
- pages = {161--191},
- annotation = {An \texttt{incollection} entry with a \texttt{series} and
- \texttt{number} field}
- keywords = {secondary},
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Pines, Shlomo},
- editor = {Twersky, Isadore},
- indextitle = {Limitations of Human Knowledge According to Al-Farabi, ibn
- Bajja, and Maimonides, The},
- title = {The Limitations of Human Knowledge According to Al-Farabi, ibn
- Bajja, and Maimonides},
- shorttitle = {Limitations of Human Knowledge},
- booktitle = {Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature},
- publisher = hup,
- location = {Cambridge, Mass.},
- date = {1979},
- pages = {82--109},
- annotation = {A typical \texttt{incollection} entry. Note the
- \texttt{indextitle} field}
- keywords = {secondary},
- hyphenation = {french},
- indexsorttitle = {De Anima dans la tradition grecque},
- author = {Moraux, Paul},
- editor = {Lloyd, G. E. R. and Owen, G. E. L.},
- indextitle = {\emph{De Anima} dans la tradition gr{\`e}cque, Le},
- title = {Le \emph{De Anima} dans la tradition gr{\`e}cque},
- subtitle = {Quelques aspects de l'interpretation du trait{\'e}, de
- Theophraste {\`a} Themistius},
- shorttitle = {\emph{De Anima} dans la tradition gr{\`e}cque},
- booktitle = {Aristotle on Mind and the Senses},
- booktitleaddon = {Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium Aristotelicum},
- eventdate = {1975},
- publisher = cup,
- location = {Cambridge},
- date = {1979},
- pages = {281--324},
- annotation = {This is a typical \texttt{inproceedings} entry. Note the
- \texttt{booksubtitle}, \texttt{shorttitle}, \texttt{indextitle}, and
- \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields. Also note the \texttt{eventdate} field.}
- author = {Salam, Abdus},
- editor = {Svartholm, Nils},
- title = {Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions},
- booktitle = {Elementary particle theory},
- booksubtitle = {Relativistic groups and analyticity},
- booktitleaddon = {Proceedings of the Eighth Nobel Symposium},
- eventdate = {1968-05-19/1968-05-25},
- venue = {Aspen{\"a}sgarden, Lerum},
- publisher = {Almquist \& Wiksell},
- location = {Stockholm},
- date = {1968},
- pages = {367--377}
- label = {CMS},
- hyphenation = {american},
- sorttitle = {Chicago Manual of Style},
- indextitle = {Chicago Manual of Style, The},
- title = {The Chicago Manual of Style},
- subtitle = {The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers},
- shorttitle = {Chicago Manual of Style},
- edition = {15},
- publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
- location = {Chicago, Ill.},
- date = {2003},
- isbn = {0-226-10403-6},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{manual} entry without an \texttt{author} or
- \texttt{editor}. Note the \texttt{label} field in the database file which
- is provided for author-year citation styles. Also note the
- \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{indextitle} fields. By default, all entries
- without an \texttt{author} or \texttt{editor} are alphabetized by
- \texttt{title} but we want this entry to be alphabetized under
- \enquote*{C} rather than \enquote*{T}. There's also an \texttt{isbn}
- field}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Baez, John C. and Lauda, Aaron D.},
- title = {Higher-Dimensional Algebra V: 2-Groups},
- version = {3},
- date = {2004-10-27},
- eprinttype = {arxiv},
- eprint = {math/0307200v3},
- annotation = {An \texttt{online} reference from arXiv. Note the
- \texttt{eprint} and \texttt{eprinttype} fields. Compare \texttt{baez\slash
- article} which is the same item given as an \texttt{article} entry with
- eprint information}
- label = {CTAN},
- hyphenation = {american},
- title = {CTAN},
- subtitle = {The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network},
- date = {2006},
- url = {},
- urldate = {2006-10-01},
- annotation = {This is an \texttt{online} entry. The \textsc{url}, which is
- given in the \texttt{url} field, is transformed into a clickable link if
- \texttt{hyperref} support has been enabled. Note the format of the
- \texttt{urldate} field (\texttt{yyyy-mm-dd}) in the database file. Also
- note the \texttt{label} field which may be used as a fallback by citation
- styles which need an \texttt{author} and\slash or a \texttt{year}}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Itzhaki, Nissan},
- title = {Some remarks on 't Hooft's S-matrix for black holes},
- version = {1},
- date = {1996-03-11},
- eprinttype = {arxiv},
- eprint = {hep-th/9603067},
- annotation = {An \texttt{online} reference from arXiv. Note the
- \texttt{eprint} and \texttt{eprinttype} fields. Also note that the arXiv
- reference is transformed into a clickable link if \texttt{hyperref}
- support has been enabled},
- abstract = {We discuss the limitations of 't Hooft's proposal for the black
- hole S-matrix. We find that the validity of the S-matrix implies violation
- of the semi-classical approximation at scales large compared to the Planck
- scale. We also show that the effect of the centrifugal barrier on the
- S-matrix is crucial even for large transverse distances.}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sorttitle = {Tame the Beast},
- author = {Markey, Nicolas},
- title = {Tame the BeaST},
- subtitle = {The B to X of BibTeX},
- version = {1.3},
- date = {2005-10-16},
- url = {},
- urldate = {2006-10-01},
- annotation = {An \texttt{online} entry for a tutorial. Note the format of
- the \texttt{date} field (\texttt{yyyy-mm-dd}) in the database file.}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Wassenberg, Jan and Sanders, Peter},
- title = {Faster Radix Sort via Virtual Memory and Write-Combining},
- version = {1},
- date = {2010-08-17},
- eprinttype = {arxiv},
- eprintclass = {cs.DS},
- eprint = {1008.2849v1},
- annotation = {A recent \texttt{online} reference from arXiv using the new
- (April 2007 onward) identifier format. Note the \texttt{eprint},
- \texttt{eprinttype}, and \texttt{eprintclass} fields. Also note that the
- arXiv reference is transformed into a clickable link if \texttt{hyperref}
- support has been enabled},
- abstract = {Sorting algorithms are the deciding factor for the performance
- of common operations such as removal of duplicates or database sort-merge
- joins. This work focuses on 32-bit integer keys, optionally paired with a
- 32-bit value. We present a fast radix sorting algorithm that builds upon a
- microarchitecture-aware variant of counting sort}
- hyphenation = {german},
- author = {Almendro, Jos{\'e} L. and Mart{\'i}n, Jacinto
- and S{\'a}nchez, Alberto and Nozal, Fernando},
- title = {Elektromagnetisches Signalhorn},
- number = {EU-29702195U},
- location = {countryfr and countryuk and countryde},
- date = {1998},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{patent} entry with a \texttt{location}
- field. The number is given in the \texttt{number} field. Note the format
- of the \texttt{location} field in the database file. Compare
- \texttt{laufenberg}, \texttt{sorace}, and \texttt{kowalik}}
- hyphenation = {french},
- author = {Kowalik, F. and Isard, M.},
- indextitle = {Estimateur d'un d{\'e}faut de fonctionnement},
- title = {Estimateur d'un d{\'e}faut de fonctionnement d'un modulateur en
- quadrature et {\'e}tage de modulation l'utilisant},
- type = {patreqfr},
- number = {9500261},
- date = {1995-01-11},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{patent} entry for a French patent request
- with a full date. The number is given in the \texttt{number} field. Note
- the format of the \texttt{type} and \texttt{date} fields in the database
- file. Compare \texttt{almendro}, \texttt{laufenberg}, and \texttt{sorace}}
- hyphenation = {german},
- author = {Laufenberg, Xaver and Eynius, Dominique and Suelzle, Helmut
- and Usbeck, Stephan and Spaeth, Matthias and Neuser-Hoffmann, Miriam
- and Myrzik, Christian and Schmid, Manfred and Nietfeld, Franz
- and Thiel, Alexander and Braun, Harald and Ebner, Norbert},
- holder = {{Robert Bosch GmbH} and {Daimler Chrysler AG}
- and {Bayerische Motoren Werke AG}},
- title = {Elektrische Einrichtung und Betriebsverfahren},
- type = {patenteu},
- number = {1700367},
- date = {2006-09-13},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{patent} entry with a \texttt{holder} field.
- Note the format of the \texttt{type} and \texttt{location} fields in the
- database file. Compare \texttt{almendro}, \texttt{sorace}, and
- \texttt{kowalik}},
- abstract = {The invention relates to an electric device comprising a
- generator, in particular for use in the vehicle electric system of a motor
- vehicle and a controller for controlling the generator voltage. The device
- is equipped with a control zone, in which the voltage is controlled and
- zones, in which the torque is controlled. The invention also relates to
- methods for operating a device of this type.},
- file = {}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Sorace, Ronald E. and Reinhardt, Victor S. and Vaughn, Steven A.},
- holder = {{Hughes Aircraft Company}},
- title = {High-Speed Digital-to-RF Converter},
- type = {patentus},
- number = {5668842},
- date = {1997-09-16},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{patent} entry with a \texttt{holder} field.
- Note the format of the \texttt{type} and \texttt{date} fields in the
- database file. Compare \texttt{almendro}, \texttt{laufenberg}, and
- \texttt{kowalik}}
- title = {Computers and Graphics},
- issuetitle = {Semantic {3D} Media and Content},
- volume = {35},
- number = {4},
- year = {2011},
- issn = {0097-8493},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{periodical} entry with an \texttt{issn}
- field.}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sorttitle = {Hybrid Hierarchical Model of a Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS)
- Operating System},
- author = {Chiu, Willy W. and Chow, We Min},
- indextitle = {Hybrid Hierarchical Model, A},
- title = {A Hybrid Hierarchical Model of a Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS)
- Operating System},
- institution = {IBM},
- type = {resreport},
- number = {RC-6947},
- date = {1978},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{report} entry for a research report. Note
- the format of the \texttt{type} field in the database file which uses a
- localization key. The number of the report is given in the \texttt{number}
- field. Also note the \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{indextitle} fields}
- hyphenation = {american},
- sorttitle = {A Stochastic Model of TCP Reno Congestion Avoidance and
- Control},
- author = {Padhye, Jitendra and Firoiu, Victor and Towsley, Don},
- indextitle = {Stochastic Model of TCP Reno Congestion Avoidance and Control,
- A},
- title = {A Stochastic Model of TCP Reno Congestion Avoidance and Control},
- institution = {University of Massachusetts},
- type = {techreport},
- number = {99-02},
- location = {Amherst, Mass.},
- date = {1999},
- annotation = {This is a \texttt{report} entry for a technical report. Note
- the format of the \texttt{type} field in the database file which uses a
- localization key. The number of the report is given in the \texttt{number}
- field. Also note the \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{indextitle} fields},
- abstract = {The steady state performance of a bulk transfer TCP flow (i.e. a
- flow with a large amount of data to send, such as FTP transfers) may be
- characterized by three quantities. The first is the send rate, which is
- the amount of data sent by the sender in unit time. The second is the
- throughput, which is the amount of data received by the receiver in unit
- time. Note that the throughput will always be less than or equal to the
- send rate due to losses. Finally, the number of non-duplicate packets
- received by the receiver in unit time gives us the goodput of the
- connection. The goodput is always less than or equal to the throughput,
- since the receiver may receive two copies of the same packet due to
- retransmissions by the sender. In a previous paper, we presented a simple
- model for predicting the steady state send rate of a bulk transfer TCP
- flow as a function of loss rate and round trip time. In this paper, we
- extend that work in two ways. First, we analyze the performance of bulk
- transfer TCP flows using more precise, stochastic analysis. Second, we
- build upon the previous analysis to provide both an approximate formula as
- well as a more accurate stochastic model for the steady state throughput
- of a bulk transfer TCP flow.},
- file = {}
- options = {useprefix=false},
- hyphenation = {british},
- author = {de Geer, Ingrid},
- title = {Earl, Saint, Bishop, Skald~-- and Music},
- subtitle = {The Orkney Earldom of the Twelfth Century. A Musicological
- Study},
- institution = {Uppsala Universitet},
- type = {phdthesis},
- location = {Uppsala},
- date = {1985},
- annotation = {This is a typical \texttt{thesis} entry for a PhD thesis. Note
- the \texttt{type} field in the database file which uses a localization
- key. Also note the format of the printed name and compare the
- \texttt{useprefix} option in the \texttt{options} field as well as
- \texttt{vangennep}}
- hyphenation = {american},
- author = {Loh, Nin C.},
- title = {High-Resolution Micromachined Interferometric Accelerometer},
- institution = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology},
- type = {mathesis},
- location = {Cambridge, Mass.},
- date = {1992},
- annotation = {This is a typical \texttt{thesis} entry for an MA thesis. Note
- the \texttt{type} field in the database file which uses a localization
- key}}