path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc
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+% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
+% !TeX TS-program = lualatex
+pdftitle={luabidi: Bidirectional typesetting in LuaLaTeX},
+pdfauthor={V Khalighi, A Reutenauer, J Spitzmüller},
+pdfkeywords={luatex, lualatex, multilingual, bidi}
+\newcommand*{\cscmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}
+\newcommand*\TB[1]{\textcolor{myblue}{\bf #1}}
+%% Sidenotes << copied from fontspec.dtx
+ \edef\thisversion{#1}%
+ \ifhmode\unskip~\fi{\ifx\thisversion\fileversion\color{blue}\else\color[gray]{0.5}\fi
+ $\leftarrow$}%
+ \marginpar{\centering
+ \small\ifx\thisversion\fileversion\color{blue}\else\color[gray]{0.5}\fi
+ \textsf{#1}}}
+ \\\DescribeMacro{#2}\centerline{\cmd{#1}}}
+\renewenvironment{itemize}{\begin{compactitem}[\char"2023]}%[{\fontspec{DejaVu Sans}\char"25BB}]}%
+ {\end{compactitem}}
+ \vskip 0pt plus #1\pagebreak[3]\vskip 0pt plus -#1\relax}
+%% fontspec declarations:
+\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
+\setsansfont{Linux Biolinum O}
+\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{DejaVu Sans Mono}
+\hyphenation{Kha-li-ghi Reu-ten-auer}
+\title{\lbd\\\color{myblue}Bidirectional typesetting in \LuaLaTeX}
+\date{\color{myblue}\filedate \qquad \fileversion\\
+ \footnotesize (\textsc{pdf} file generated on \today)}
+\author{\TA{Vafa Khalighi} \and \TA{Arthur Reutenauer}\thanks{%
+ Current maintainer. Please submit bug reports and feature requests to \protect\url{}.}
+ \and \TA{Jürgen Spitzmüller}}
+\Lbd\ is an attempt to provide bidirectional writing support for the \LuaTeX\ engine in the same vein as the \pkg{bidi} package\footnote{%
+See \url{}.} enables bidirectional writing with \XeTeX. The most prominent user of this package is \pkg{polyglossia}\footnote{%
+See \url{}.} which uses \lbd\ with RTL languages and \LuaTeX\ output (as opposed to \pkg{bidi} with \XeTeX). Note, however, that \lbd\ is much more limited than \textsf{bidi}. Currently, only a very basic
+subset of the latter's features is supported.
+\section{Package Options}
+ \item[\TB{arabmaths}] By default, \lbd\ generates left-to-right maths. If you would like to have right-to-left maths, use this option.
+ \item[\TB{textwidthfootnoterule}] expands the footnote rule to the whole text width.
+ \item[\TB{autofootnoterule}] sets the footnote rule right or left aligned, depending on the direction of the first footnote
+ that follows the rule (\ie that comes on the current page).
+\section{User Commands}
+\subsection{Main Text Direction}
+By default, the main directionality of the document is left-to-right. To change it to right-to-left, use the switch
+ \Cmd\setRTLmain
+This is advisable if your document consists mainly of right-to-left text.
+\subsection{Paragraph Text Direction}
+To change directionality for paragraphs, you can use the following switches:
+ \item[\cmd{\setRTL}]\DescribeMacro{\setRTL} (alias: \Cmd{\setRL}, \Cmd{\unsetLTR}) changes paragraph direction to right-to-left.
+ \item[\cmd{\setLTR}]\DescribeMacro{\setLTR} (alias: \Cmd{\setLR}, \Cmd{\unsetRTL}) changes paragraph direction to left-to-right.
+Alternatively,\DescribeMacro{RTL}\DescribeMacro{LTR} you can also use the environments
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ \begin{RTL}
+ ...
+ \end{RTL}
+ \end{verbatim}
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ \begin{LTR}
+ ...
+ \end{LTR}
+ \end{verbatim}
+\subsection{Inline Text Direction}
+To change directionality for text chunks inside paragraphs, use
+ \item[\cmd\RLE\{...\}]\DescribeMacro{\RLE} (alias: \Cmd\RL) changes the directionality locally to right-to-left.
+ \item[\cmd\LRE\{...\}]\DescribeMacro{\LRE} (alias: \Cmd\LR) changes the directionality locally to left-to-right.
+\subsubsection{Horizontal Footnote Position}
+\Lbd\ provides two additional footnote commands in addition to standard \cmd{\footnote}:
+\Cmd{\RTLfootnote}\new{v0.5} and \Cmd{\LTRfootnote}\new{v0.5}.
+The standard \cmd{\footnote} command thereby places the footnote always on the side that is currently the origin of direction:
+on the left side of the page in LTR paragraphs and on the right in RTL paragraphs.
+\cmd{\LTRfootnote}, in contrast, always places the footnote on the left side, notwithstanding the current
+directionality. \cmd{\RTLfootnote} always places it on the right side. Like \cmd{\footnote}, \cmd{\RTLfootnote}
+and \cmd{\LTRfootnote} have an optional argument to customize the number.
+\subsubsection{Footnote Rule Length and Position}
+By default, the placement of the footnote rule depends on the main text directionality:
+ \item In default mode (\ie if \cmd{\setRTLmain} is not used), the footnote rule is always set left-aligned (as usual in LTR documents).
+ \item If the main direction is RTL (\ie if \cmd{\setRTLmain} is used), the footnote rule is always set right-aligned (as usual in RTL documents)
+However, with the switch \Cmd{\leftfootnoterule}\new{v0.5}, all subsequent footnote rules are always placed on the left.
+Likewise, \Cmd{\rightfootnoterule}\new{v0.5} causes all subsequent footnote rules to be always placed on the right.
+The switch \Cmd{\autofootnoterule}\new{v0.5} and the corresponding package option advise \lbd\ to automatically determine the rule position,
+depending on the directionality of the first footnote on the page. Note that this automatic can fail with footnotes at page boundaries
+that differ in directionality from the first footnote on the page. You can work around such cases by switching to \cmd{\rightfootnoterule}
+or \cmd{\leftfootnoterule} on these pages.
+If you want a footnote rule that spans the whole text width, you can use the switch \Cmd{\textwidth\-footnoterule}\new{v0.5}
+or the respective package option.
+The length of left and right footnote rules can be adjusted via
+ ¦\setlength\footenoterulewidth{⟨length⟩}¦\DescribeMacro{\footenoterulewidth}
+The predefined ¦⟨length⟩¦ is ¦0.4\columnwidth¦.
+\section{Commands for Package Authors}
+The following tests are provided to be used in packages:
+ \item[\cscmd{if@RTL}]\DescribeMacro{\if@RTL} determines whether the current paragraph direction is right-to-left.
+ \item[\cscmd{if@RTLmain}]\DescribeMacro{\if@RTLmain} determines whether the main direction is right-to-left.
+The following macros are provided:
+ \item[\cscmd{@ensure@RTL\{...\}}]\DescribeMacro{\@ensure@RTL} Ensure that the argument is typeset RTL.
+ \item[\cscmd{@ensure@LTR\{...\}}]\DescribeMacro{\@ensure@LTR} Ensure that the argument is typeset LTR.
+ \item[\cscmd{@ensure@dir\{...\}}]\DescribeMacro{\@ensure@dir} (alias: \cmd{\@ensure@maindir\{...\}}\DescribeMacro{\@ensure@maindir}) If used in RTL mode, the argument is put inside \cmd{\RLE}, if used in LTR mode, the argument is output as is.
+ \item[\cscmd{hboxR\{...\}}]\DescribeMacro{\hboxR}\new{v0.5} Puts its argument in a RTL \cmd{\hbox}.
+\section{Revision Log}
+ \item[v. 0.5 (2019/10/27)] Add \cmd{\RTLfootnote}, \cmd{\LTRfootnote}, and \cmd{\hboxR}; fix \texttt{autofootnoterule} option; add \cmd{\autofootnoterule},
+ \cmd{\leftfootnoterule}, \cmd{\rightfootnoterule} and \cmd{\textwidthfootnoterule}; add manual.
+ \item[v. 0.4 (2019/08/24)] Fix \cmd{\@ensure@RTL}.
+ \item[v. 0.3 (2019/07/10)] Fix compatibility with recent \LuaTeX\ (this version was never released to CTAN).
+ \item[v. 0.2 (2013/05/27)] Fix additional files.
+ \item[v. 0.1 (2009/04/01)] Initial release.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/luabidi/test.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/luabidi/test.tex
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-\section{ghesmate 1}
-in yek ghesmat ast ke an ra dar inja minevisam
-in ham dobare masalei ast ke man minevisam va shoma an ra mibinid.