path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+The quran-es package
+This package is designed for typesetting select Spanish translations of the Holy Quran.
+It supports translations by `Raúl González Bórnez`, `Julio Cortes`, and `Muhammad Isa García`.
+For further details, please refer to the documentation.
+Release date of the current version: 2024/09/05
+Seiied-Mohammad-Javad Razvian
+Copyright © 2024
+This package may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License,
+version 1.3c or later (at your option). The latest version of
+the license is at:
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'author-maintained'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/quran-es/quran-es-doc.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/quran-es/quran-es-doc.pdf
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+ plainpages=false,%
+ bookmarksnumbered,%
+ pdftitle={The quran-es Package},%
+ pdfkeywords={quran-es, surah, ayah, juz, hizb, ruku, manzil},%
+ pdfauthor={Seiied-Mohammad-Javad Razavian},%
+ baseurl={},%
+% because of definition of \XeTeX and \XeLaTeX symbols in bidi,
+% I should undef these macro that are also defined in holtxdoc package.
+ language=bash,
+ basicstyle=\footnotesize\sffamily,
+ frame=tb,
+ columns=fullflexible,
+ backgroundcolor=\color{gray!10},
+% Define box and box title style
+\tikzstyle{mybox} = [draw=black, fill=gray!20, very thick,
+ rectangle, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt, inner ysep=20pt]
+\tikzstyle{fancytitle} =[fill=gray, text=white]
+\node [mybox] (box){%
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{#3}
+ #2
+ \end{minipage}
+\node[fancytitle, anchor=west, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {\small \cs{#1}};
+\node (hole) [anchor=north east, left=5pt ] at (box.north east) { \tikz\fill[very thick,white] (0,0) circle (12pt); };
+\node[ ] at ( {\includegraphics[width=.05\textwidth]{quran.png}};
+The \xpackage{quran-es} Package\footnote{To one who has devoted his life to the Holy Quran}\\
+\author{Seiied-Mohammad-Javad Razavian\\\xemail{}}
+\date{\quranesdate, Version \quranesversion\footnote{Initial release: September 5, 2024}}
+The \xpackage{quran} package offers various macros for typesetting the entire Holy Quran or specific sections,
+based on its commonly used divisions. Additionally, it provides commands for several translations
+of the Holy Quran, including German, English, French, and Persian.
+Requests for additional translations prompted the creation of separate packages due to technical constraints.
+One such package is \xpackage{quran-es}, which includes all Spanish translations of the Holy Quran provided by
+namely those by \emph{``Raúl González Bórnez''}, \emph{``Julio Cortes''}, and \emph{``Muhammad Isa García''}.
+\section{Loading The Package}
+The package can be loaded in the usual manner with the command:\\
+Upon loading, the package outputs some information to both the terminal and the log file.
+This information typically includes:
+\begin{lstlisting}[style=BashInputStyle, language=tex, escapechar={|}]
+Package: quran-es |\quranesdate| v|\quranesversion|
+Spanish translations extension to the quran package.
+\section{Options of The Package}\label{sec:qurantypesetting}
+The package offers three options: \xoption{bornez}, \xoption{cortes}, and \xoption{garcia}.
+By specifying any combination of these options, you can typeset the corresponding translations
+in the same manner as the \xpackage{quran} package. Additionally, the \xoption{all} option loads all
+Spanish translations provided by the \xpackage{quran-es} package.
+By default, the package loads the \xoption{garcia} option.
+This package is built on top of the \xpackage{quran} package,
+so you can also pass any options defined in the \xpackage{quran} package to \xpackage{quran-es}.
+\section{Differences Between \xpackage{quran} and \xpackage{quran-es}}
+At first glance, \xpackage{quran-es} provides all the functionalities of \xpackage{quran}.
+The primary distinction is that \xpackage{quran-es} extends \xpackage{quran} by including three additional Spanish translations:
+`bornez`, `cortes`, and `garcia`. All Spanish translations offered by the package are listed in Table~\ref{tab:estrans}.
+ \toprule
+ Order & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Translator} & Option's name \\\midrule
+ 1 & Raúl González Bórnez & bornez \\
+ 2 & Julio Cortes & cortes \\
+ 3 & Muhammad Isa García & garcia \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \caption{Spanish translations included in the package}
+ \label{tab:estrans}
+\subsection{How to Change the Current Spanish Translation}
+ The \xpackage{quran-es} package uses Muhammad Isa García's translation by default.
+ To change the default Spanish translation, you can use the following macro:
+ \begin{declcs}{esSetTrans}\marg{index}
+ \end{declcs}
+ The \meta{index} can be either an integer or a name. Both ``order'' and ``option’s name''
+ as shown in Table~\ref{tab:estrans} are valid.
+ For example, both \cs{esSetTrans\{2\}} and \cs{esSetTrans\{cortes\}} will produce the same effect.
+\subsection{How to Retrieve the Name of the Current Spanish Translation}
+ \begin{declcs}{esGetTrans}
+ \end{declcs}
+ The macro above returns the name of the current Spanish translation, which will be one of ``bornez'', ``cortes'', or ``garcia''.
+\subsection{How to Typeset the Spanish Translation}
+ The process is identical to that of the \xpackage{quran} package.
+ All of the following macros are available for use.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \cs{quransurahes}
+ \item \cs{quranayahes}
+ \item \cs{quranpagees}
+ \item \cs{quranjuzes}
+ \item \cs{quranhizbes}
+ \item \cs{quranquarteres}
+ \item \cs{quranrukues}
+ \item \cs{quranmanziles}
+ \item \cs{qurantextes}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \centerline{\mxf{quransurah*}
+ {\begin{arab}\small\quransurah*\end{arab}}}
+ \centerline{\mxf{esSetTrans\{bornez\}\textbackslash{}quransurahes*}
+ {\esSetTrans{bornez}\quransurahes*}}
+ \centerline{\mxf{esSetTrans\{cortes\}\textbackslash{}quransurahes*}
+ {\esSetTrans{cortes}\quransurahes*}}
+ \centerline{\mxf{esSetTrans\{garcia\}\textbackslash{}quransurahes*}
+ {\esSetTrans{garcia}\quransurahes*}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/quran-es/quran-es-test.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/quran-es/quran-es-test.pdf
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/quran-es/quran-es-test.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+\usepackage{arabxetex} % for typesetting Arabic text in Rigth−To−Left direction
+\usepackage[bornez, cortes, garcia, trans={en,lt}]{quran-es}
+\def\setTr#1{\par\esSetTrans{#1}\fbox{\ttfamily Translation by \esGetTrans:}\par\smallskip}
+ \noindent\smallskip\par
+ \hrulefill{\string #1}\hrulefill
+ \par\smallskip
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{.31\textwidth}
+ \setTr{bornez} {#1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{.31\textwidth}
+ \setTr{cortes} {#1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{.31\textwidth}
+ \setTr{garcia} {#1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \bigskip
+% \compare{\quranayahes[1][1]}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/quran-es/quran.png b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/quran-es/quran.png
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