path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/polyglossia/polyglossia.tex
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+ pdftitle={Polyglossia: A Babel replacement for XeLaTeX},
+ pdfauthor={F Charette <firmicus ατ gmx δοτ net>},
+ pdfkeywords={xetex, xelatex, multilingual, babel, hyphenation}
+ ]{hyperref}
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+\newfontfamily\hebrewfont[Script=Hebrew]{SBL Hebrew}
+\color{myblue}Polyglossia: A Babel Replacement for \XeLaTeX}
+\author{\scshape\color{myblue}François Charette}
+\date{\filedate \qquad \fileversion\\
+\footnotesize (\textsc{pdf} file generated on \today)}
+Polyglossia is a package for facilitating multilingual typesetting with \XeLaTeX.
+Basically, it can be used as a replacement of \Babel{} for performing the
+following tasks automatically:
+\item Loading the appropriate hyphenation patterns.
+\item Setting the script and language tags of the current font (if possible and
+ available), via the package \pkg{fontspec}.
+\item Switching to a font assigned by the user to a particular script or language.
+\item Adjusting some typographical conventions in function of the current language
+ (such as afterindent, frenchindent, spaces before or after punctuation marks,
+ etc.).
+\item Redefining all document strings (like “chapter”, “figure”, “bibliography”).
+\item Adapting the formatting of dates (for non-gregorian calendars via external
+ packages bundled with polyglossia: currently the hebrew, islamic and farsi
+ calendars are supported).
+\item For languages that have their own numeration system, modifying the formatting
+ of numbers appropriately (this also includes redefining the alphabetic sequence
+ for non-Latin alphabets).
+\item Ensuring the proper directionality if the document contains languages
+ that are written from right to left (via the package \pkg{bidi},
+ available separately).
+Several features of \Babel{} that do not make sense in the \XeTeX\ world (like font
+encodings, shorthands, etc.) are (obviously) not supported.
+Generally speaking, \pkg{polyglossia} aims to remain as compatible as possible
+with the fundamental features of \Babel{} while being cleaner, light-weight,
+and modern. The package \pkg{antomega} has been much beneficial in our attempt to
+reach this objective.
+\paragraph{Requirements:} The current version of \pkg{polyglossia} makes use of some convenient
+macros defined in the \pkg{etoolbox} package by Philipp Lehmann. Being designed
+specifically for \XeLaTeX, it obviously also relies on \pkg{fontspec} by Will
+Robertson. For languages written from right to left, it needs the package \pkg{bidi}
+(by the present author). Polyglossia also bundles three packages for calendaric
+computations (\pkg{hebrewcal}, \pkg{hijrical}, and \pkg{farsical}).
+\section{Loading language definition files}
+\subsection{The recommended way}
+You can determine the default language by means of the command:
+ \displaycmd{\setdefaultlanguage[⟨options⟩]\{lang\}}{\setdefaultlanguage}
+(or equivalently \Cmd\setmainlanguage).
+Secondary languages can be loaded with
+ \displaycmd{\setotherlanguage[⟨options⟩]\{lang\}}{\setotherlanguage}.
+These commands have the advantage of being explicit and of allowing to set
+language-specific options.\footnote{ %
+ More on language-specific options below.}
+It is also possible to load a series of secondary languages at once using
+ \displaycmd{\setotherlanguages\{lang1,lang2,lang3,…\}}{\setotherlanguages}.
+Language-specific options can be set or changed at any time by means of
+ \displaycmd{\setkeys\{⟨lang⟩\}\{opt1=value1,opt2=value2,…\}}{\setkeys}.
+\subsection{The “Babel way”}
+As with \Babel{}, \pkg{polyglossia} also allows to load language definition files
+as package options. In most cases, option \texttt{⟨lang⟩} will load the file
+\file{gloss-⟨lang⟩.ldf}. Note however that the \textit{first} language listed in \\
+will be the default language for the document, which
+is the opposite convention of \Babel.
+Note also that this method may not work in some cases, and should be
+considered deprecated.
+\subsection{Supported languages}
+Table~\ref{tab:lang} lists all languages currently supported.
+Those in red have specific options and/or command
+that are explained in section \ref{specific} below.
+albanian & czech & \TR{german} & \TR{magyar}& slovak \\
+\TR{arabic}& danish & \TR{greek} & norsk & slovenian\\
+bahasai & divehi & \TR{hebrew} & nynorsk & spanish \\
+bahasam & dutch & hindi & polish & swedish \\
+basque &\TR{english}& icelandic & portuges & \TR{syriac} \\
+brazil &\TR{esperanto}& interlingua & romanian & \TR{thai} \\
+breton & estonian & irish &\TR{russian}& turkish \\
+bulgarian&\TR{farsi} & italian & samin & ukrainian \\
+catalan & finnish & latin & sanskrit &\TR{usorbian} \\
+coptic & french & latvian & scottish & welsh \\
+croatian & galician & \TR{lsorbian} &\TR{serbian}& \\
+\caption{Languages currently supported in \pkg{polyglossia}}
+Some options are convenient shortcuts for loading languages with
+specific options:
+\item american = english with option ‘variant=american’
+\item USenglish = english with option ‘variant=american’
+\item UKenglish = english with option ‘variant=british’
+\item british = english with option ‘variant=british’
+\item australian = english with option ‘variant=australian’
+\item newzealand = english with option ‘variant=newzealand’
+\item ogerman = german with option ‘spelling=old’
+\item monogreek = greek with option ‘variant=monotonic’ (or ‘mono’)
+\item polygreek = greek with option ‘variant=polytonic’ (or ‘poly’)
+\item ancientgreek = greek with option ‘variant=ancient’
+Another option (turned off by default) is ‘nolocalmarks’, which
+prevents the redefinition of the internal \LaTeX\ macros
+\cmd\markboth\ and \cmd\markright.
+\section{Language-switching commands}
+Whenever a language definition file \file{gloss-⟨lang⟩.ldf} is loaded,
+the command \cmd{\text⟨lang⟩[⟨options⟩]\{…\}} \DescribeMacro{\text⟨lang⟩}
+becomes available for short insertions of text in that language.
+For example ¦\textrussian{\today}¦ yields \textrussian{\today}
+Longer passages are better put between the environment ¦⟨lang⟩¦
+(again with the possibility of setting language options locally.
+For instance the following allows us to quote the beginning
+of Homer’s \textit{Iliad}:
+τὸν δ' ἠμείβετ' ἔπειτα θεά, γλαυκῶπις Ἀθήνη: “ὦ πάτερ ἡμέτερε Κρονίδη, ὕπατε
+κρειόντων, καὶ λίην κεῖνός γε ἐοικότι κεῖται ὀλέθρῳ: ὡς ἀπόλοιτο καὶ ἄλλος,
+ὅτις τοιαῦτά γε ῥέζοι: ἀλλά μοι ἀμφ' Ὀδυσῆι δαί̈φρονι δαίεται ἦτορ, δυσμόρῳ, ὃς
+δὴ δηθὰ φίλων ἄπο πήματα πάσχει νήσῳ ἐν ἀμφιρύτῃ, ὅθι τ' ὀμφαλός ἐστι θαλάσσης …”
+τὸν δ' ἠμείβετ' ἔπειτα θεά, γλαυκῶπις Ἀθήνη: “ὦ πάτερ ἡμέτερε Κρονίδη, ὕπατε
+κρειόντων, καὶ λίην κεῖνός γε ἐοικότι κεῖται ὀλέθρῳ: ὡς ἀπόλοιτο καὶ ἄλλος,
+ὅτις τοιαῦτά γε ῥέζοι: ἀλλά μοι ἀμφ' Ὀδυσῆι δαί̈φρονι δαίεται ἦτορ, δυσμόρῳ, ὃς
+δὴ δηθὰ φίλων ἄπο πήματα πάσχει νήσῳ ἐν ἀμφιρύτῃ, ὅθι τ' ὀμφαλός ἐστι θαλάσσης …”
+\subsection{Other commands}
+The following commands are probably of lesser interest to the end user, but
+ought to be mentioned here.
+\item \Cmd\selectbackgroundlanguage: this selects the global font setup and
+ the numeration definitions for the default language.
+\item \Cmd\resetdefaultlanguage\ (experimental):
+ completely switches the default language
+ to another one in the middle of a document: \textit{this may have adverse effects}!
+\item \Cmd\normalfontlatin: in an environment where \cmd\normalfont\ has been redefined
+ to a non-latin script, this will call the font defined with \cmd\setromanfont\ etc.
+ Likewise it is possible to use \Cmd\rmfamilylatin, \Cmd\sffamilylatin,
+ and \Cmd\ttfamilylatin.
+\item Also some macros defined in \Babel’s \file{hyphen.cfg} (and thus usually
+ compiled into the xelatex format) are redefined, but keep a similar
+ behaviour, namely \Cmd\selectlanguage, \Cmd\foreignlanguage,
+ and the environment ¦otherlanguage¦\DescribeEnv{otherlanguage}.
+Since the \XeLaTeX\ format incorporates \Babel{}'s \file{hyphen.cfg},
+the low-level commands for hyphenation and language switching
+defined there are also accessible.\footnote{ %
+ The file \file{hyphen\_cfg} (available on the
+ \href{\_cfg}{\XeTeX\ subversion repository})
+ is meant to eventually replace \Babel’s \file{hyphen.cfg}. If you want
+ to experiment with it, rename it into \file{hyphen.cfg}, copy it to
+ \texttt{…/tex/xelatex/polyglossia/} and rebuild the xelatex format.}
+\section{Language-specific options and commands}\label{specific}
+This section gives a list of all languages for which options and end-user commands are defined.
+The default value of each option is given in italic.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \TB{calendar} = \textit{islamic} (= hijri) or gregorian
+ \item \TB{locale} = \textit{default},\footnote{ %
+ For Egypt, Sudan, Yemen and the Golf states.}
+ mashriq,\footnote{ %
+ For Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.}
+ libya, algeria, tunisia, morocco, or mauritania.
+ This setting influences the spelling of the month names for the Gregorian calendar,
+ as well as the form of the numerals (unless overriden by the following option).
+ \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{mashriq} or maghrib
+ (the latter is the default when locale = algeria, tunisia or morocco)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \Cmd\abjad and \Cmd\abjadmaghribi (see section \ref{abjad})
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \TB{variant} = \textit{american} (= us), british (= uk), australian or newzealand
+ \item \TB{ordinalmonthday} = true/\textit{false} (true by default only when variant = british)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \Cmd\hodiau\ and \Cmd\hodiaun are special forms of \cmd\today\ (see the \Babel\ documentation)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \TB{numerals} = western or \textit{eastern}
+ \item \TB{locale} (not yet implemented)
+ \item \TB{calendar} (not yet implemented)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \Cmd\abjad (see section \ref{abjad})
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \TB{spelling} = \textit{new} or old
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \TB{variant} = \textit{monotonic} (= mono), polytonic (= poly), or ancient
+ \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{greek} or arabic
+ \item \TB{attic} = \textit{false}/true
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \Cmd\Greeknumber and \Cmd\greeknumber \ (see section \ref{abjad}).
+ \item The command \Cmd\atticnumeral (= \Cmd\atticnum) (activated with
+ the option ¦attic=true¦), displays numbers using the acrophonic
+ numbering system (defined in the Unicode range
+ \textsf{U+10140–U+10174}).\footnote{ %
+ See the documentation of the \pkg{xgreek} package for more details.}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \TB{numerals} = hebrew or \textit{arabic}
+ \item \TB{calendar} = hebrew or \textit{gregorian}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \Cmd\hebrewnumeral\ (= \Cmd\hebrewalph) (see section \ref{abjad}).
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{lsorbian and usorbian}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \Cmd\oldtoday : see the \Babel documentation.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \Cmd\ontoday\ (= \Cmd\ondatemagyar): special forms of \cmd\today\
+ (see the \Babel\ documentation).
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \TB{spelling} = \textit{modern} or old (for captions and date only, not for hyphenation)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \TB{script} = \textit{cyrillic} or latin
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \TB{numerals} = \textit{western} (i.e., 1234567890) or eastern
+ (for which the Oriental Arabic numerals are used: \textarabic{١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠}).
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \Cmd\abjadsyriac (see section \ref{abjad})
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \TB{numerals} = thai or \textit{arabic}
+ \end{itemize}
+To insert the word breaks, you need to use an external processor.
+See the documentation to \pkg{thai-latex} and the file \file{testthai.tex}
+that comes with this package.
+\section{Alphabetic numeration in Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac and Farsi}\label{abjad}
+In certain languages, numbers can be represented
+by a special alphanumerical notation.\footnote{ %
+ See, e.g., \url{},
+ \url{},
+ and \url{}.}
+ %% \url{}
+Note that the Hebrew implementation in \pkg{polyglossia} is currently less
+sophisticated than the one in \Babel, where various special cases are taken into
+The Greek numerals are obtained with \Cmd\greeknumeral (or \Cmd\Greeknumeral\ in uppercase).
+Example: ¦\greeknumeral{1863}¦ yields \textgreek{\greeknumeral{1863}}.
+The Arabic \textit{abjad} numbers can be generated with the command \Cmd\abjad.
+Example: ¦\abjad{1863}¦ yields {\arabicfont\abjad{1863}}.
+In the Maghrib the conventions are somewhat different, and the maghribi forms
+of the \textit{abjad} numerals are obtained with the \Cmd\abjadmaghribi\ command.
+Example: ¦\abjadmaghribi{1863}¦ yields {\arabicfont\abjadmaghribi{1863}}.
+Hebrew numerals are generated with the command \Cmd\hebrewnumeral.
+¦\hebrewnumeral{1863}¦ yields {\hebrewfont\hebrewnumeral{1863}}.
+Support is also provided for Syriac abjad numerals, which can be generated
+with \Cmd\abjadsyriac.
+Example: ¦\abjadsyriac{463}¦ yields {\syriacfont\abjadsyriac{463}}.
+\subsection{Hebrew calendar (hebrewcal.sty)}
+The package \file{hebrewcal.sty} is almost a verbatim copy of \file{hebcal.sty}
+that comes with \Babel.
+The command \Cmd\Hebrewtoday\\ formats the current date in the Hebrew calendar
+(depending of the current writing direction this will automatically set either
+in Hebrew script or in roman transliteration).
+\subsection{Islamic calendar (hijrical.sty)}
+This new package computes dates in the Islamic (Hijra) calendar, which is lunar.\footnote{ %
+ It makes use of the arithmetical algorithm in chapter 6 of
+ Reingold \& Gershowitz, \textit{Calendrical calculation: the Millenium edition}
+ (Cambridge University Press, 2001).\label{reingold}}
+It provides two macros for the end-user.
+The command
+ \displaycmd{\HijriFromGregorian\{⟨year⟩\}\{⟨month⟩\}\{⟨day⟩\}}{\HijriFromGregorian}
+sets the counters ¦Hijriday¦, ¦Hijrimonth¦ and ¦Hijriyear¦.
+\Cmd\Hijritoday\ formats the Hijri date for the current day (depending of the
+current writing direction this is set either in Arabic or in roman transliteration).
+It also accepts an optional argument to add or subtract a correction
+(in days) to the date computed by the arithmetical algorithm.\footnote{ %
+ The Islamic calendar is indeed a purely lunar calendar based on the observation
+ of the first visibility of the lunar crescent at the beginning of the lunar month,
+ so their can be differences between different localities, as well as between
+ civil and religious authorities.}
+For instance if ¦\Hijritoday¦ yields the date “\Hijritoday” (which is the one
+for \today\ indicated on the front page of \href{}{}),
+¦\Hijritoday[1]¦ would rather print “\Hijritoday[1]” (the date given on the site
+\subsection{Farsi (jalālī) calendar (farsical.sty)}
+Again this is taken almost verbatim from ¦Arabiftoday.sty¦ (in the \pkg{Arabi} package),
+itself a slight modification of the file ¦ftoday.sty¦ in Farsi\TeX.\footnote{ %
+ I intend to rewrite \pkg{farsical} from scratch using the algorithm in
+ Reingold \& Gershowitz (ref.~n.~\ref{reingold}).}
+Here we have renamed the command \cmd\ftoday\ to
+\Cmd\Jalalitoday. Example: today is \Jalalitoday.
+\pkg{Polyglossia} is notable for being a recycle box of previous contributions
+by other people. I take this opportunity to thank the following individuals,
+whose splendid work has made my task almost trivial in comparision: Johannes
+Braams and the numerous contributors to the \Babel{} package (in particular
+Boris Lavva and others for its Hebrew support), Alexej Kryukov (antomega), Will
+Robertson (\pkg{fontspec}), Apostolos Syropoulos (\pkg{xgreek}), Youssef Jabri
+(\pkg{arabi}), and Vafa Khalighi (\pkg{xepersian}). I should also thank other
+individuals for their assistance in supporting specific languages: Yves Codet
+(Sanskrit), Zdenek Wagner (Hindi), and other members of the xetex user
+community. And of course my gratitude also goes to Jonathan Kew, the formidable
+author of \XeTeX!