path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/bidipresentation/sample.tex
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1 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/bidipresentation/sample.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/bidipresentation/sample.tex
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+\settextfont{XB Niloofar}
+\setlatintextfont{Times New Roman}
+این متنی کمی
+این متن طولانی است که بیشتر از یک سطر باشد تا ببینم مشکلی با رنگ وجود دارد یا خیر و ادامه متن که ادامه پیدا می‌کند در سطر بعدی
+\item سه
+این متنی کمی
+این متن طولانی است که بیشتر از یک سطر باشد تا ببینم مشکلی با رنگ وجود دارد یا خیر و ادامه متن که ادامه پیدا می‌کند در سطر بعدی
+\item سه
+ \newcommand{\tabend}{\\\hline}%
+ \liststepwise{%
+ \begin{center}
+ \step{%
+ \begin{tabular}{|r|r|r|}
+ \hline
+ 1 & 2 & 3%
+ \step{\\\hline 4\renewcommand{\tabend}{\\\cline{1-1}}}%
+ \step{& 5\renewcommand{\tabend}{\\\cline{1-2}}}%
+ \step{& 6\renewcommand{\tabend}{\\\hline}}%
+ \step
+ {%
+ \\\hline
+ %
+ % Again, \step's are nested inside each other...
+ %
+ \step{7}&\step{8}&\step{9}%
+ }%
+ \step{\\\hline اما\renewcommand{\tabend}{\\\cline{1-1}}}%
+ \step{&مواظب\renewcommand{\tabend}{\\\cline{1-2}}}%
+ \step{& متن بلند باشید!\renewcommand{\tabend}{\\\hline}}%
+ \tabend
+ \end{tabular}%
+ }%
+ \end{center}%
+ }%
+\section{فرمول چندخطی}
+ %
+ % This is just for compressing the equations so they can be squeezed on one slide.
+ %
+ \fontsize{7.8pt}{9pt}\selectfont
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0}%
+ \setlength{\arraycolsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{0pt}%
+ %
+ % \highlightboxed will be used for underlaying some formulas with color. To minimize overlap, the width of the outer
+ % frame is reduced.
+ \setlength{\highlightboxsep}{1pt}%
+ %
+ \begin{align*}
+ \lefteqn
+ {%
+ \min
+ \left(
+ % The nested braces are filled `from outer to inner'. This means nesting a lot of steps inside each other...
+ % The outermost brace is displayed from the outset.
+ % The first step (which follows right here) displays the next inner brace (the first argument of \min), filled
+ % with an almost `empty' array (apart from one comma and some dots).
+ % \bstep is used to get appropriate white space when the step is not yet active.
+ \bstep
+ {\max
+ \left(
+ \begin{array}{l}
+ % The next two steps fill in the lines of the array.
+ \bstep{\min\left(F'(x),\min\left(F_1(x),G_1(y)\right)\right)},\\[-2ex]
+ \vdots\\
+ \bstep{\min\left(F'(x),\min\left(F_n(x),G_n(y)\right)\right)}
+ \end{array}
+ \right)
+ },
+ % After the first brace is filled, the next step provides the second argument of \min.
+ \bstep{\min\left(G_i(y),H_i(z)\right)}
+ \right)
+ }
+ &
+ % The next couple of steps will create the remaining lines of the aligned equations. These need to be
+ % insubstantial (as is the default for \liststepwise), because & can't go in a box.
+ % As a consequence, the horizontal alignment cannot kick in until the last step is performed. This would make the
+ % alignment `flicker' sidewise.
+ % So we have to bite the bullet and duplicate the widest entry here (invisibly), so that the horizontal alignment
+ % is constant during all steps. *sigh*
+ \phantom
+ {%
+ {}=
+ \min
+ \left(
+ F'(x),
+ \min
+ \left(
+ \max
+ \left(
+ \begin{array}{l}
+ \min\left(F_1(x),\min\left(G_1(y),G_i(y)\right)\right),\\[-1.5ex]
+ \vdots\\[-.5ex]
+ \min\left(F_n(x),\min\left(G_n(y),G_i(y)\right)\right)
+ \end{array}
+ \right),
+ H_i(z)
+ \right)
+ \right)
+ }
+ % The next step displays two lines at a time, but incompletely, i.e. some parts are missing (which are inside
+ % nested calls of \bstep).
+ % This way, it is demonstrated how the arguments of the nested \min's are reordered.
+ \step
+ {%
+ \\
+ &=
+ \max
+ \left(
+ % The macro \activatestep is used by \stepwise to `wrap' the argument of a \bstep command at the _first_ time
+ % it appears.
+ % Usually, it does nothing. Now, we redefine it to highlight its background, so it is easier to spot the
+ % places where the additional arguments were inserted.
+ \let\activatestep\highlightboxed
+ \begin{array}{l}
+ \min
+ \left(
+ % The inner \bstep's display the missing arguments, which are completely identical in both lines.
+ % It is intended that all the missing arguments appear at the same time, so \rebstep is used for the
+ % remaining arguments which have been left out.
+ \min\left(\bstep{F'(x)},\min\left(\rebstep{F_1(x),G_1(y)}\right)\right),\min\left(G_i(y),H_i(z)\right)
+ \right),\\[-2ex]
+ \vdots\\[-1ex]
+ \min
+ \left(
+ \min\left(\rebstep{F'(x)},\min\left(\rebstep{F_n(x),G_n(y)}\right)\right),\min\left(G_i(y),H_i(z)\right)
+ \right)
+ \end{array}
+ \right)
+ \\
+ &=
+ \max
+ \left(
+ \let\activatestep\highlightboxed
+ \begin{array}{l}
+ \min
+ \left(
+ \min\left(
+ % Here are the remaining arguments of \min which are all to be displayed in one step (together with
+ % those from the previous line).
+ \rebstep{F'(x)},\min\left(\rebstep{F_1(x)},\min\left(\rebstep{G_1(y)},G_i(y)\right)\right)
+ \right),
+ H_i(z)
+ \right),\\[-2.5ex]
+ \vdots\\[-1.5ex]
+ \min
+ \left(
+ \min\left(
+ \rebstep{F'(x)},\min\left(\rebstep{F_n(x)},\min\left(\rebstep{G_n(y)},G_i(y)\right)\right)
+ \right),
+ H_i(z)
+ \right)
+ \end{array}
+ \right)
+ }
+ \step
+ {%
+ \\
+ &=
+ \min
+ \left(
+ F'(x),
+ \min
+ \left(
+ \max
+ \left(
+ \begin{array}{l}
+ \min\left(F_1(x),\min\left(G_1(y),G_i(y)\right)\right),\\[-1.5ex]
+ \vdots\\[-.5ex]
+ \min\left(F_n(x),\min\left(G_n(y),G_i(y)\right)\right)
+ \end{array}
+ \right),
+ H_i(z)
+ \right)
+ \right)
+ }
+ \end{align*}
+ }%
+ \stepwise
+ {%
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{.95cm}%
+ \delimitershortfall-1sp% Just for the nested braces
+ \begin{picture}(14,2)
+ \put(0,1){\vector(1,0){1}}
+ \put(0.5,0.5){\makebox(0,0){\small $x(t)$}}
+ \put(13,1){\vector(1,0){1}}
+ \put(13.5,0.5){\makebox(0,0){\small $y(t)$}}
+ \step
+ {
+ \put(1,1){\line(3,2){1.5}}
+ \put(1,1){\line(3,-2){1.5}}
+ \put(2.5,0){\line(0,1){2}}
+ \put(2,1){\makebox(0,0){\large $\varphi$}}
+ }
+ \step
+ {
+ \put(2.5,1){\vector(1,0){3.5}}
+ \put(4.25,0.5){\makebox(0,0){\small $F_t = \varphi\left(x(t)\right)$}}
+ }
+ \step
+ {
+ \put(6,0){\framebox(2,2){\large $\Phi$}}
+ }
+ \step
+ {
+ \put(8,1){\vector(1,0){3.5}}
+ %
+ % Here, we find another nested use of \step inside \step.
+ % \bstep is a variant of \step which _always_ puts its argument into a box for leaving the correct amount of
+ % white space. We cannot use \parstepwise here because \put can't go into a box. Hence, just using \step for
+ % building the nested formula on the next line would give the wrong size for the nested braces.
+ %
+ \put(9.75,0.5){\makebox(0,0){\small $G_t = \Phi\left(\bstep{\varphi\left(\bstep{x(t)}\right)}\right)$}}
+ }
+ \step
+ {
+ \put(13,1){\line(-3,2){1.5}}
+ \put(13,1){\line(-3,-2){1.5}}
+ \put(11.5,0){\line(0,1){2}}
+ \put(12,1){\makebox(0,0){\large $\delta$}}
+ }
+ \end{picture}%
+ }%
+\section{پر کردن جای خالی}
+ %
+ % We use the custom command \parstepwise which not only wraps the whole argument of \stepwise into a minipage (because
+ % otherwise vertical spacing goes haywire, don't ask me why), but also gives substance to steps.
+ %
+ % All variants of \stepwise take an optional argument the contents of which are executed inside a group before the
+ % inner loop of starts. It can be used to set parameters locally.
+ % Here, we redefine \activatestep (which has been explained in the equation example) to highlight the first
+ % appearance of any word.
+ % \hidestepcontents is used as a `wrapper' for those arguments of \step which should not appear yet. It either
+ % displays nothing (this is the default for \stepwise and \liststepwise) or puts its argument into a \phantom
+ % (the default for \parstepwise); this behaviour is also toggled by \boxedsteps and \nonboxedsteps.
+ % Here, we redefine it to use our selfdefined \placeholder to mark `missing' words.
+ %
+ \parstepwise[\let\hidestepcontents=\placeholder\let\activatestep=\highlightboxed]%
+ {%
+ \begin{quote}
+ \Huge ما می‌تونیم \step{جای خالی} را \step{پر کنیم}
+ %
+ % \step takes an optional argument with which it can be specified _when_ its argument is to appear. This is
+ % expressed in \ifthenelse syntax (see the documentation of the ifthen package).
+ % Here, we refer to the counter step which is advanced by \stepwise and contains the number of the current step.
+ % This way, steps can be made to appear in any order.
+ \step[\value{step}=5]{متن} که در ایجا
+ \step[\value{step}=4]{پر شده} و \step[\value{step}=3]{\textbf{هر}} ترتیبی داره!
+ \end{quote}
+ }%
+\section{نوشتن متن در جهت برعکس}
+ \newcounter{reversestepno}%
+ \newcommand{\backstep}{\step(\setcounter{reversestepno}{\value{totalsteps}-\value{stepcommand}+1}\ifthenelse{\value{step}=\value{reversestepno}})}%
+ %
+ % We use the custom command \parstepwise which not only wraps the whole argument of \stepwise into a minipage (because
+ % otherwise vertical spacing goes haywire, don't ask me why), but also gives substance to steps.
+ %
+ % If the following \stepwise command would only contain the calls to \backstep, everything would be fine.
+ % But we _had_ to add something else....
+ % In the second part of this application of \stepwise, several steps are executed simultaneously with those executed
+ % backwards in the first part. This means the value of the counter totalsteps is 14, i.e. the calls to \backstep
+ % correspond to steps 8...14. To remedy this, we decree that the first step performed shall be number 7, by setting
+ % the counter firststep accordingly in the optional argument of \stepwise.
+ %
+ \parstepwise[\setcounter{firststep}{\value{totalsteps}/2+\value{firststep}}]
+ {%
+ \begin{quote}
+ \Huge
+ \backstep{آیا} \backstep{الان} \backstep{می‌توان}
+ \backstep{متن را} \backstep{در جهت} \backstep{برعکس}
+ \backstep{نوشت\,!}
+ \bigskip
+ % By determining explicitly the times at which the following steps are executed, we make them appear
+ % simultaneously with the preceding flock of \backsteps. As we have set the counter firststep to 7, we start
+ % counting with 8.
+ %
+ \step[\value{step}=8]{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{fig-1}}
+ \step[\value{step}=9]{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{fig-1}}
+ \step[\value{step}=10]{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{fig-1}}
+ \step[\value{step}=11]{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{fig-1}}
+ \step[\value{step}=12]{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{fig-1}}
+ \step[\value{step}=13]{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{fig-1}}
+ \step[\value{step}=14]{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{fig-1}}%
+ \end{quote}
+ }%
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file