path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en
diff options
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-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/texlive-en.pdfbin0 -> 896947 bytes
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/Makefile b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..abdadf166d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# $Id$
+# Makefile for TeX Live documentation. Public domain.
+doc = texlive-en
+all: pdf html
+env = TEXINPUTS=../texlive-common:../texlive-en:; export TEXINPUTS;
+ rm -f *.aux *.toc *.lof *.lot *.xref* *.tmp *.out
+ $(env) pdflatex '\nonstopmode\def\Status{1}\input $(doc)'
+ $(env) pdflatex '\nonstopmode\def\Status{1}\input $(doc)'
+ $(env) pdflatex '\nonstopmode\def\Status{1}\input $(doc)'
+ $(env) pdflatex '\nonstopmode\def\Status{1}\input $(doc)'
+ rm -f *.aux *.toc *.lof *.lot *.xref* *.tmp *.out *.4tc
+# this sequence is equivalent to running "ht latex $(doc)". We do it
+# this way so we can \def\Status for the \ifcase in tex-live.sty.
+ $(env) latex '\nonstopmode\def\Status{2}\input $(doc)'
+ $(env) latex '\nonstopmode\def\Status{2}\input $(doc)'
+ $(env) latex '\nonstopmode\def\Status{2}\input $(doc)'
+ $(env) latex '\nonstopmode\def\Status{2}\input $(doc)'
+ $(env) tex4ht $(doc)
+ $(env) t4ht $(doc)
+ rm -f *.aux *.log *.blg *.toc *.out *.lot *.4*
+ rm -f *.xref* *.lg *.idv *.out *.otc *.tmp tmp.*
+ rm -f $(doc).dvi $(doc).ps
+realclean: clean
+ rm -f $(doc).pdf
+ rm -f *.html *.htm $(doc).css *.gif *.jpg
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dc5fb6b124d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+TeX Live documentation. This file is public domain.
+We only generate the documentation in PDF and HTML formats -- see the
+Makefile. This saves us having to have the images in EPS format too.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/bv-live.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/bv-live.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ad044e568cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/bv-live.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+% this is the baskerville version of the live documentation
+\advance\textwidth by 1in
+\advance\oddsidemargin by -1in
+\advance\evensidemargin by -1in
+%\author{Sebastian Rahtz\\
+%Michel Goossens\\
+%\title{The \protect\TeX\ Live Guide, 3rd edition}
+%\date{March 1998}
+\BASKed*{Robin Fairbairns}
+\BASKfonts{Y\&Y European Modern}
+\input editorial
+ \LARGE The \TeX\ Live Guide, 3rd edition
+\title{\TeX\ Live Guide, 3rd edition}
+\input tex-live
+\input live-app
+\input sec
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/bvoutln.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/bvoutln.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..92f19fd027b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/bvoutln.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+% extracts of baskerville.cls for use with the tex-live documentation
+% when we're producing a bv issue with it.
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+\oddsidemargin -2.5pc \evensidemargin -2.5pc
+\marginparwidth 4pc % don't use marginal notes...
+\marginparsep 0.5pc % the UK TUG newsletter
+\topmargin -3pc
+\headheight 12\p@
+\headsep 15\p@
+\topskip 10\p@
+\footskip 15\p@
+\textheight 250mm % height of text on a page (A4 paper)
+\textwidth 180mm % total width of a page
+\columnseprule 0.5\p@ % width of line in the inter-column gutter
+\columnsep 10mm % space between columns
+\tolerance 9999 % make those columns justify
+\footnotesep 6\p@
+\skip\footins 19.5\p@ plus 12\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+\floatsep 12\p@ plus 5.5\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+\textfloatsep 15\p@ plus 4.5\p@ \@minus 3\p@
+\intextsep 12\p@ plus 5.5\p@ \@minus 2\p@
+\dblfloatsep 12\p@ plus 5.5\p@ \@minus 2\p@
+\dbltextfloatsep 15\p@ plus 4.5\p@ \@minus 3\p@
+\@fptop 0\p@ plus 0fil
+\@fpsep 12\p@ plus 0fil
+\@fpbot 0\p@ plus 3fil
+\@dblfptop 0\p@ plus 0fil
+\@dblfpsep 12\p@ plus 0fil
+\@dblfpbot 0\p@ plus 3fil
+\marginparpush 5\p@
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+%% Volume Number (ie Year - 1990)
+%% Issue Number (ie Month/2, roughly)
+% Editor, Star form for Guest editor
+\def\BASKed{\@ifstar{\BASK@ed{Guest }}{\BASK@ed{}}}
+\def\BASK@ed#1#2{\gdef\BASK@editor{#1Editor: #2}}
+%% Year (4 digits)
+% Month (as a Word)
+ \begingroup
+ \vspace*{-\headheight}%
+ \@maketitle
+ \bigskip\hrule\bigskip
+ \thispagestyle{plain}
+ \endgroup
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \let\@maketitle\relax
+ \centerline{\BASK@titleline}%
+ \medskip
+ \hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries The Annals of the UK \TeX\ Users
+ Group\hfill \BASK@editor\hfill Vol.~\BASK@vol\ No.~\BASK@no}%
+ \smallskip\hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries ISSN 1354--5930
+ \hfill \thismonth\ \thisyear}%
+ \medskip
+ \noindent\ignorespaces
+ \BASK@headparone}
+% The Journal title command.
+% You probably only want to change this if you want to use a design-size
+% font rather than let \scaletowidth scale for some special issue.
+\let\scaletowidth=\resizebox% added by Sean K. Harbour for Textures
+ \fontfamily{mbvx}\bfseries
+ \scaletowidth{\textwidth}{!}{% modified by Sean K. Harbour
+ B\,a\,s\,k\,e\,r\,v\,i\,l\,l\,e}}
+% The first paragraph. Needs to be reset if a special issue used a
+% different font set.
+This issue of \BV\ is set in \@BASKfonts, and printed on a Xerox Docutech. Production and distribution is
+undertaken in Cambridge by Robin Fairbairns. }
+\BASKfonts{Monotype Baskerville, with Computer Modern Typewriter for
+ literal text}
+% for \Dings
+% available for inter-article dinglines
+% hack representation of appendices
+ \renewcommand\@seccntformat[1]{\@ifundefined{@seccnt@##1}%
+ {\csname the##1\endcsname\quad}%
+ {\csname @seccnt@##1\endcsname}}
+ \newcommand\@seccnt@section{Appendix~\thesection~}
+% page styles
+% \ps@empty defined in LATEX.TEX
+ \def\@oddhead{}
+ \def\@evenhead{}
+ \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@oddhead{\hfill\emph{\@title}\hfill}
+ \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+ \def\@evenhead{\it Baskerville \hfill
+ Volume \BASK@vol, Number \BASK@no}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil}
+% allow setting of pagehead title
+\def\title{\@ifnextchar [{\@titletwo}{\@titleone}}
+% more exciting page parameters
+\providecommand{\ukt}{UK \acro{TUG}}
+ \def\section{%\typeout{** section!}%
+ \@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}
+ {-12\p@ \@plus -6\p@ \@minus -.1\p@}
+ {6\p@}
+ {\raggedright\large\bfseries}}
+ \def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}
+ {-4\p@ \@plus -2\p@ \@minus -.1\p@}
+ {0.1\p@ \@plus 2\p@}
+ {\raggedright\normalsize\itshape}}
+ \def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}
+ {-6\p@ \@plus -3\p@ \@minus -1\p@}
+ {0.1\p@ \@plus 2\p@}
+ {\raggedright\normalsize\it}}
+ \def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}
+ {12\p@ \@plus 2.25\p@ \@minus -1\p@}
+ {-0.5em}
+ {\normalsize\bfseries}}
+ \def\subparagraph{\@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\z@}
+ {12\p@ \@plus 2.25\p@ \@minus 1\p@}
+ {-0.5em}
+ {\normalsize\it}}
+ \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/changemail b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/changemail
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd792a25f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/changemail
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+s/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d74f313a5cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+require "";
+require "";
+while (<>) {
+ chop;
+ s/,$//;
+ if (/^\@TeXIndex/)
+ {
+ ($nam) = /^\@TeXIndex.(.*)/;
+ print "\@TeXIndex\{$nam";
+ $Status=1;
+ $Texlive=1;
+ $Modified=0;
+ }
+ elsif (/^ *modified/) { s/, *$//; $mod=$_; }
+ elsif (/^ *status/) { $Status=0;
+ if ($L{$nam})
+ { print ",\n status\t= \{$L{$nam}\}";
+ $Modified=1;}
+ else { print ",\n$_"; }
+ }
+ elsif (/^ *texlive/) { $Texlive=0;
+ if ($texlive{$nam} ne "")
+ { print ",\n texlive\t= \{$texlive{$nam}\}";
+ $Modified=1;}
+ }
+ elsif (/^}/) {
+ if ($Status) {
+ print ",\n status\t= \{unknown\}";
+ }
+ if ($Texlive && $texlive{$nam} ne "")
+ { print ",\n texlive\t= \{$texlive{$nam}\},\n"; }
+ if ($Modified)
+ { print ",\n modified\t= {1999/03/26 10:00:00 <s.rahtz\>}\n"; }
+ elsif ($M{$nam} ne "")
+ { print ",\n modified\t= \{$M{$nam}\}\n"; }
+ else
+ {print ",\n$mod\n"; }
+ print "}\n";
+ }
+ elsif (/= {/) { print ",\n$_"; }
+ else { print "\n$_"; }
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2003.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2003.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55c1551a628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2003.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3937 @@
+% $Id$
+% change history (started May 13th 2002)
+% 2003/09/06: fixes from Staszek
+% 2003/09/05: touched by Karl
+% 2003/09/04: fixes from Staszek and Fabrice
+% 2003/09/01: fixes from Volker
+% 2003/08/24: win32 updates, by Fabrice
+% 2003/08/12: fixes from Christer Gustafsson <>.
+% 2003/07/07: substantial revisions by karl.
+% 2002/05/25: remove mention of sizes, and bsr-interpolated; add Gutenberg
+% 2002/05/18: win32 updates, by Fabrice
+% 2002/05/14: corrected example files, other small errors noted by Volker
+% 2002/05/13: added tex-langafrican to list of collections
+\title{{\huge\textsf{\TK{} 2003}}\\[3mm]
+ The \protect\TeXLive{} Guide}
+\date{September 2003}
+\author{Sebastian Rahtz, editor \\[3mm]
+ \email{}\\
+ \url{}\\[10mm]
+\ifnum \Status=2
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 824 741]{../pictures/front.jpg} \\[5mm]
+ \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{../pictures/front} \\[5mm]
+ \small \textit{Documentation contacts:}\\[3mm]
+ \small \begin{tabular}{lcr}
+ Czech/Slovak & Petr Sojka & \email{} \\
+ & Janka Chleb\'\i kov\'a & \email{chlebikj (at)} \\
+ English & Karl Berry & \email{} \\
+ French & Fabrice Popineau & \email{} \\
+ German & Volker RW Schaa & \email{} \\
+ Polish & Staszek Wawrykiewicz & \email{} \\
+ Russian & Boris Veytsman & \email{} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ }
+% comes out too close to the toc, and we know it's page one anyway.
+This document describes the main features of the \TeXLive{} software
+distribution\Dash a \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} distribution for Linux and other
+Unix flavors, \MacOSX, and (32-bit) Windows systems. (Warning: it is
+not especially useful for older Mac or \acro{MS-DOS} systems.) It
+includes precompiled binaries for \TeX{}, \LaTeXe{}, \MF, \MP,
+\BibTeX{} and many other programs; an extensive collection of
+macros, fonts and documentation; and support for typesetting in many
+different scripts from around the~world.
+For the 2003 release, the last update of packages and programs was made
+on September 3, 2003. For newer versions, please consult \acro{CTAN},
+For a brief summary of the major changes in this edition of \TeXLive{},
+see section~\ref{sec:history} on p.~\pageref{sec:history}.
+\subsection{Basic usage of \protect\TeXLive{}}
+You can use \TeXLive{} in three principal ways:
+\item You can run \TeXLive{} directly from the distribution media
+(except for the \pkgname{inst} distribution; see
+section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist} on p.~\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}).
+This takes almost no disk space, as you might expect, and gives you
+immediate access to everything in \TeXLive{}. Of course performance
+will be worse than running on local disk, but you may well find it
+\item You can install all or part of \TeXLive{} to a local disk. This
+is the most common use of \TeXLive. You will need a minimum of 120
+megabytes, 360 megabytes for a recommended system, and 800 megabytes for
+a full system.
+\item You can integrate a particular package or collection into your
+existing \TeX{} system, either a \TeXLive{} system you installed earlier
+or a different system.
+\noindent All of these are described in detail in the \acro{OS}-specific
+installation sections.
+\subsection{Getting help}
+The \TeX{} community is both active and friendly, and virtually all
+serious questions end up getting answered. However, the support is
+informal, done by volunteers and casual readers, so it's especially
+important that you do your homework before asking. (If you prefer
+commercial-style support, you can forego \TeXLive{} completely and
+purchase a vendor's system; see
+\url{} for a list.)
+Here is a list of resources, approximately in the order we recommend
+using them:
+\item [\TeX{} \acro{FAQ}] The \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} is a huge compendium of
+answers to all sorts of questions, from the most basic to the most
+arcane. It is included on \TeXLive{} in \OnCD{FAQ/english}, and is
+available on the Internet through \url{}. Please
+check here first.
+\item [\TeX{} Catalogue] If you are specifically looking for a package,
+font, program, etc., the \TeX{} Catalogue is the place to look. It is a
+huge list of all \TeX{}-related items. See
+\OnCD{texmf/doc/html/catalogue}, or
+\item [\TeX{} Web Resources] This web page has many \TeX{}-related
+links, in particular for numerous books, manuals, and articles on all
+aspects of the system: \url{}.
+\item [support archives] The two principal forums for support are the
+Usenet newsgroup \url{news:comp.text.tex} and the mailing list
+\email{}. So, their archives have thousands of past
+questions and answers for your searching pleasure. See
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively. A query on a
+general web search engine, such as \url{}, never hurts.
+\item [posting questions] If you cannot find an answer, you can post to
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} through Google or your newsreader, or through
+email to \email{}. But before you post, \emph{please}
+read this \acro{FAQ} entry for advice on asking questions in such a way
+that you're most likely to get an answer:
+\item [\TeXLive{} support] If you want to report a bug or have
+suggestions or comments on the \TeXLive{} distribution, installation, or
+documentation, the mailing list is \email{}. However,
+if your question is about how to use a particular program included in
+\TeXLive{}, you are better off writing to that program's maintainer or
+mailing list.
+The other side of the coin is helping others who have questions. Both
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} and \code{texhax} are open to anyone, so feel
+free to join, start reading, and help out where you can. Welcome to
+\section{Structure of \protect\TeXLive}
+The main two installation scripts for Unix and \MacOSX{} are
+\texttt{} and \texttt{}. We discuss them
+in section \ref{sec:unix-install} on p.~\pageref{sec:unix-install}.
+Here, we describe the structure and contents of \TeXLive{}.
+\subsection{Multiple distributions: \protect\pkgname{live},
+ \protect\pkgname{inst}, \protect\pkgname{demo}}
+As of 2003, space limitations of \acro{CD-ROM} format have forced us to
+divide \TeXLive{} into three distributions, as follows.
+\item [live] a complete, runnable system on \acro{DVD}; it is too large
+for \acro{CD-ROM}. (The \DVD{} also includes a snapshot of the \CTAN{}
+repository, completely independent of \TeXLive{}.)
+\item [inst(allable)] a complete system on \CD; in order to make it fit,
+we had to compress everything we could. Therefore, it is not possible
+to run \TeX\ directly from the installable \CD, you have to install it to
+disk (hence its name). Installation is described in subsequent sections.
+\item [demo] a live system runnable directly from \CD; in order to make
+this fit, we omitted the very large collection of \acro{CJK} (Chinese,
+Japanese, Korean) language support, support for typesetting music, some
+less-commonly used fonts, and included executables only for Linux,
+\MacOSX, and Windows systems.
+\noindent You can tell which type of distribution you're in by looking
+for a \texttt{00\var{type}.TL} file in this top-level directory.
+\subsection{Top level directories}
+Here is a brief listing and description of the top level directories in
+the \TeXLive{} distribution.
+bin & The \TeX{} system programs, arranged by platform. \\
+Books & Examples from some of the books about \TeX\ (see
+ \filename{Books/README}). \\
+FAQ & Current versions of major FAQ collections. \\
+info & A few manuals in \acro{GNU} Info format, where available. \\
+\MacOSX & Supporting software for \MacOSX (see
+ section~\ref{sec:mac-install} on p.~\pageref{sec:mac-install}). \\
+man & Unix man pages. \\
+source & The source of all programs, including the main \Webc{}
+ \TeX{} and \MF{} distributions. These are stored in a
+ \cmdname{bzip2}-compressed tar archive. \\
+support & assorted auxiliary packages and programs. These are
+ \emph{not} installed by default. This includes
+ \cmdname{Ghostscript}, \cmdname{netpbm}, and assorted editors and
+ \TeX\ shells. \\
+texmf & root of installed packages, fonts, config files, etc. \\
+usergrps & Material about a few of the \TeX\ user groups. (Visit
+ \url{} for a current list.) \\
+xemtex & The \cmdname{XEmacs} editor and other support programs for
+ Windows (see section~\ref{sec:win-xemtex} on p.~\pageref{sec:win-xemtex}).
+ These programs generally come pre-installed on Unix systems, or are
+ at least easy to compile. \\
+\subsection{Extensions to \TeX}
+\TeXLive{} contains three extended versions of \TeX:
+\item [\eTeX] adds a small but powerful set of new primitives
+(related to macro expansion, character scanning, classes of marks,
+additional debugging features, and more) and the \TeXXeT{} extensions
+for bidirectional typesetting. In default mode, \eTeX{} is 100\%
+compatible with ordinary \TeX. See
+\OnCD{texmf/doc/etex/base/etex_man.pdf}. \eTeX{} is now the default for
+\LaTeX{} and pdf\LaTeX{}.
+\item [pdf\TeX] writes Acrobat PDF format as well as \dvi{}. The
+\LaTeX{} \pkgname{hyperref} package has an option `\optname{pdftex}'
+which turns on all the program features. See
+\OnCD{texmf/doc/pdftex/pdftex-l.pdf} and
+\item [\OMEGA\ (Omega)] based on Unicode (16-bit characters), thus
+supports working with almost all the world's scripts simultaneously. It
+also supports so-called `\OMEGA{} Translation Processes' (\acro{OTP}s),
+for performing complex transformations on arbitrary input. See
+\OnCD{texmf/doc/omega/base/doc-1.8.tex} (not completely up-to-date).
+\subsection{Other notable programs in \protect\TeXLive}
+Here are a few other commonly-used programs included in \TeXLive{}:
+\item [bibtex] bibliography support.
+\item [makeindex] index support.
+\item [dvips] convert \dvi{} to \PS{}.
+\item [xdvi] \dvi{} previewer for the X Window System.
+\item [dvilj] HP LaserJet driver.
+\item [dv2dt, dt2dv] convert \dvi{} to/from plain text.
+\item [dviconcat, dviselect] cut and paste pages
+from \dvi{} files.
+\item [dvipdfm] convert \dvi{} to PDF, an alternative approach
+to pdf\TeX\ (mentioned above). See the \pkgname{ps4pdf} and
+\pkgname{pdftricks} packages for still more alternatives.
+\item [psselect, psnup, \ldots] \PS{}
+\item [lacheck] \LaTeX{} syntax checker.
+\item [texexec] Con\TeX{}t and PDF processor.
+\item [tex4ht] \TeX{} to HTML converter.
+\section{Unix installation}
+As introduced in section~\ref{sec:basic} on p.~\pageref{sec:basic},
+\TeXLive{} has three principal uses:
+\item Run directly from media.
+\item Install to disk.
+\item Integrate a particular package or collection into your existing
+\TeX{} installation.
+\noindent The following sections describes the Unix-specific procedures
+for each of these.
+\ifSingleColumn \begin{figure}[ht]\noindent \fi
+\textbf{Warning: } The \TK{} \CD{}s and \DVD{} are in ISO 9660 (High Sierra)
+format, \emph{with} Rock Ridge (and Joliet, for Windows)
+extensions. Therefore, in order to take full advantage of the \TK{}
+under Unix, your system needs to be able to use the Rock Ridge
+extensions. Please consult the documentation for your \cmdname{mount}
+command to see how to do this. If you have several different machines
+on a local network, you may be able to mount the \CD{}s on one which
+does support Rock Ridge, and use this with the others.
+\leavevmode\quad Linux, Free\acro{BSD}, Sun, \acro{SGI} and
+Alpha systems should be able to use the \CD{}s without problems. We
+would appreciate receiving detailed advice from users on other systems
+who succeed, for future versions of this documentation.
+The discussion below assumes you have been able to mount
+the \CD{}s with full Rock Ridge compatibility.
+\subsection{Running \protect\TeXLive{} directly from media (Unix)}
+\def\runlive{% text repeated in windows section
+It is possible to use the \TeX{} system directly from the \pkgname{demo}
+\CD{} or the \pkgname{live} \DVD{}, without installing the distribution
+to disk. (Thus the name `\TeXLive', in fact.) It is \emph{not}
+possible to run \TeX{} directly from the \pkgname{inst} \CD (see
+section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist} on p.~\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}).
+Only Linux, \MacOSX, and Windows binaries are included on the demo \CD;
+if you want to run live on other Unix systems, you'll need to use the
+\def\startinst{% repeated in other subsections
+To start, we must mount the \CD{} or \DVD{}, with Rock Ridge extensions
+enabled. The exact command to do this varies from system to system; the
+following works under Linux, except the name of the device
+(\filename{/dev/cdrom}, here) may vary. (All our examples will use
+\texttt{>} as the shell prompt; user input is \underline{underlined}.)
+> \Ucom{mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom}
+\noindent Change the current directory to the mount point:
+> \Ucom{cd /mnt/cdrom}
+\noindent Under \MacOSX, the directory is typically under
+\dirname{/Volumes}, and the media will be mounted automatically.
+Run the installation script \filename{}:
+> \Ucom{sh}
+Welcome to TeX Live...
+\noindent After various greeting messages and a list of the main menu
+options, the installation will ask you to enter a command. Do this by
+typing the desired character and hitting return; don't type the angle
+brackets. Either uppercase or lowercase is ok; we'll use lowercase in
+our examples.
+For running live, our first command will be \Ucom{d} and then the
+subcommand \Ucom{1} to set directories. Even in this case, we must
+choose a directory on the local disk to place files that the \TeX{}
+system itself generates, such as fonts and formats, and also to provide
+a place for updated configuration files, if need be. We'll use
+\dirname{/usr/local/texmf-local} in this example. (If the default value
+of \dirname{/usr/TeX} works for you, then you can skip this step.)
+Enter command: \Ucom{d}
+Current directories setup:
+<1> TEXDIR: /usr/TeX
+Enter command: \Ucom{1}
+New value for TEXDIR [/usr/TeX]: \Ucom{/usr/local/texmf-local}
+Enter command: \Ucom{r}
+\noindent Back at the main menu, our second and last command is
+\Ucom{r}, to set up for running live off the media without installing
+to disk:
+Enter command: \Ucom{r}
+Preparing destination directories...
+Welcome to the TeX Live system!
+\noindent And we are back at the system prompt, as shown.
+Next, it is necessary to alter two environment variables:
+\envname{PATH}, to an architecture-dependent value (so that we can run
+the programs), and \envname{VARTEXMF}, to the value specified above. See
+table~\ref{tab:archlist} for a list of the architecture names for the
+different systems, and whether they are available on the \pkgname{demo}
+\CD. All systems are available in the \pkgname{inst} and \pkgname{live}
+distributions. (In addition to the version-specific names listed here,
+there are generic names without the version numbers. For instance,
+\dirname{sparc-solaris} links to \dirname{sparc-solaris2.7}. The
+generic names can be used to protect against the version numbers
+changing in the future, if you wish.)
+After the main installation has completed, and environment variables
+have been set, the next step is to run \cmdname{texconfig} to customize
+your installation for your needs. This is explained in
+section~\ref{sec:texconfig}, p.~\pageref{sec:texconfig}.
+\caption{Supported system architectures.}
+alpha-linux & HP Alpha Linux & \\
+alphaev5-osf4.0d & HP Alphaev5 OSF & \\
+%hppa2.0-hpux10.20 & HP9000 HPUX 10.20 & \\
+i386-freebsd4.8 & Intel x86 FreeBSD & \\
+i386-linux & Intel x86 GNU/Linux & demo \CD\\
+i386-openbsd3.3 & Intel x86 OpenBSD & \\
+i386-solaris2.8 & Intel x86 Solaris & \\
+mips-irix6.5 & SGI IRIX & \\
+powerpc-aix4.3.3.0 & IBM RS/6000 AIX & \\
+powerpc-darwin6.3 & \MacOSX & demo \CD\\
+sparc-solaris2.7 & Sun Sparc Solaris & \\
+sparc64-linux & Sun Sparc Linux & \\
+win32 & Windows (32-bit) & demo \CD\\
+The syntax for setting the environment variables, and the initialization
+file to put them in, depends on the shell you use. If you use a
+Bourne-compatible shell (\cmdname{sh}, \cmdname{bash}, \cmdname{ksh}, et
+al.), put the following into your \filename{$HOME/.profile} file:
+PATH=/mnt/cdrom/bin/\Ucom{\emph{archname}}:$PATH; export PATH
+VARTEXMF=/usr/local/texmf-local/texmf-var; export VARTEXMF
+\noindent For C shell-compatible shells (csh, tcsh), put the following
+into your \filename{$HOME/.cshrc} file:
+setenv PATH /mnt/cdrom/bin/\Ucom{\emph{archname}}:$PATH
+setenv VARTEXMF /usr/local/texmf-local/texmf-var
+\noindent Then log out, log back in, and test your installation
+(see section~\ref{sec:test-install} on p.~\pageref{sec:test-install}).
+If in doubt, please ask any local system gurus to help you with
+problems; for example, the way to mount the \TeXLive{} media, which
+directory or directories to use, and precise details of the changes to
+your personal initialization files can and do vary from site to site.
+\subsection{Installing \protect\TeXLive{} to disk}
+It is possible, indeed typical, to install the \TeX{} system from the
+\TeXLive{} to disk. This can be done either from the \pkgname{live}
+\DVD, or the \pkgname{inst} \CD. It can also be done from the
+\pkgname{demo} \CD, if you don't need the omitted packages or systems.
+(See section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist} on p.~\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}
+for an explanation of the different distributions.)
+Run the installation script \filename{}:
+> \Ucom{sh}
+Welcome to TeX Live...
+Here is an introductory list of the options in the main menu. The order
+in which you select the options makes little difference, except that
+\Ucom{i} must be last. It's reasonable to go through them in the
+order presented~here.
+% apparently here.sty [H] doesn't support table*.
+\caption{Main menu options for the installation.}
+p & The system you are running on.\\
+b & The architectures to install binaries for.\\
+s & The base installation scheme to use (minimal, recommended,
+ full, etc.)\\
+c & Override the installation scheme for individual collections.\\
+l & Override for language collections.\\
+d & Directories in which to install.\\
+o & General options.\\
+i & Perform the installation.\\
+Here are further details on each option.
+\textbf{\optname{p} -- Current platform.} Since the installation script
+automatically guesses which platform you're running on, this is
+generally unnecessary to override. It's there in case the automatic
+detection fails.
+\textbf{\optname{b} -- Binary architectures.} By default, only the
+binaries for your current platform will be installed. From this menu,
+you can select installation of binaries for other architectures as well
+(or not install the current platforms). This is often useful if you
+are sharing a \TeX\ tree across a network of heterogenous machines. For
+a list of the supported architectures, see table~\ref{tab:archlist},
+\textbf{\optname{s} -- Base installation scheme.} From this menu, you
+can choose an overall common set of packages. The default is a
+recommended set for typical needs, but you can also choose a basic set
+to conserve disk space, or a full set to get absolutely everything. The
+\pkgname{Live} scheme is used for creating the \TeXLive{}
+\pkgname{demo} distribution itself, and isn't generally useful to select
+for a particular site. There are also specific sets for Omega and
+\acro{XML} users.
+\textbf{\optname{c} -- Individual collections.} From this menu, you can
+override the basic scheme's choice of which collections to install.
+Each collection\Dash TeX macro files, Metafont font families, and so
+on\Dash consists of several packages. In this menu, selection letters
+are case-sensitive.
+\textbf{\optname{l} -- Language collections}. This menu has the same
+basic functionality as \Ucom{c}, to override collection choices. In
+this case, the collections are specifically for different languages.
+Selection letters are case-sensitive here. Here is a list of the
+language collections in \TeXLive:
+% xx really should generate list from texmf/tpm/collection/tex-lang*
+% a la
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \kill
+ (some) African scripts \>
+ Armenian \>
+ Chinese,Japanese,Korean \>
+Croatian \\
+ Cyrillic \>
+ Czech/Slovak \>
+ Danish \>
+Dutch \\
+ Finnish \>
+ French \>
+ German \>
+Greek \\
+ Hungarian \>
+ Indic \>
+ Italian \>
+Latin \\
+ Manju \>
+ Mongolian \>
+ Norwegian \>
+Polish \\
+ Portuguese \>
+ Spanish \>
+ Swedish \>
+Tibetan \\
+ \acro{UK} English \>
+Vietnamese \\
+\noindent Language collections typically includes fonts, macros,
+hyphenation patterns, and other support files. (For instance,
+\pkgname{frenchle.sty} is installed if you select the \optname{French}
+collection.) In addition, installing a language collection will alter
+the \filename{language.dat} configuration file controlling which
+hyphenations are loaded.
+\textbf{\optname{d} -- Installation directories}. Three directories can
+be changed here:
+\item [TEXDIR] By default, the top-level directory under which
+everything else will be installed. The default value is
+\dirname{/usr/TeX}, and is often changed. For example, changing to a
+value such as \dirname{/usr/local/texlive2003} would make it possible to
+keep different releases of \TeXLive{} separate. You may then wish to
+make \dirname{/usr/local/texlive} a symbolic link, after testing the new
+Under \MacOSX, the usual frontends look for \TeX{} in
+\dirname{/usr/local/teTeX}, so you may wish to install \TeXLive{} there.
+\item [TEXMFLOCAL] This tree is where the \TeX{} system scripts install
+non-version-specific files, primarily fonts. The default value is
+\dirname{TEXDIR/texmf-local}. It's also the recommended location to put
+any local packages or configuration settings. Therefore, it's desirable
+to change it to a location independent of the current \TeXLive{}
+release; for example, \dirname{/usr/local/texmf-local}.
+\item [VARTEXMF] This tree is where the scripts install files that
+\emph{are} version-specific, primarily format files and the
+configuration files which are modified by \cmdname{texconfig} (see
+section~\ref{sec:texconfig}, p.~\pageref{sec:texconfig}). The default
+value is \dirname{TEXDIR/texmf-var}, and there's generally no reason to
+change it.
+\textbf{\optname{o} - General options.} From this menu, you can select
+three general options affecting the installation:
+\item [a] Specify an alternate directory for generated fonts.
+The default is to use the \envname{VARTEXMF} tree, as explained above.
+Setting this is useful if you plan to mount the main tree read-only, and
+therefore another location (perhaps machine-specific) must be used for
+dynamically created fonts.
+\item [l] Create symbolic links for the binaries, man pages,
+and/or \acro{GNU} Info files in other locations. For example, you may
+wish to make the man pages available under \dirname{/usr/local/man} and
+the Info files available under \dirname{/usr/local/info}. (Of course
+you need appropriate privileges to write in the specified directories.)
+\item [d] Skip installation of the font/macro documentation tree.
+This is useful to save space, or if you've previously installed the
+documentation elsewhere.
+\item [s] Skip installation of the main font/macro source
+tree. This is useful if you are arranging to share that tree between
+machines and/or architectures in some other way, such as \acro{NFS} or
+\textbf{i - Perform installation.} When you're satisfied with your
+configuration options, enter \Ucom{i} to actually do the installation
+from the media to your chosen locations.
+The last step is to include the architecture-specific subdirectory of
+\dirname{TEXDIR/bin} in your
+\envname{PATH}, so the newly-installed programs can be found. The
+architecture names are listed in table~\ref{tab:archlist},
+p.~\pageref{tab:archlist}, or you can simply list the directory
+The syntax for doing this, and the initialization file to put it in,
+depends on the shell you use. If you use a Bourne-compatible shell
+(\cmdname{sh}, \cmdname{bash}, \cmdname{ksh}, et al.), put the following
+into your \filename{$HOME/.profile} file:
+PATH=/\Ucom{\emph{TEXDIR}}/bin/\Ucom{\emph{archname}}:$PATH; export PATH
+\noindent For C shell-compatible shells (\cmdname{csh}, \cmdname{tcsh}),
+put the following into your \filename{$HOME/.cshrc} file:
+setenv PATH /\Ucom{\emph{TEXDIR}}/bin/\Ucom{\emph{archname}}:$PATH
+Here is a brief annotated example which selects a full installation,
+with binaries for the current system only, with directory changes as
+recommended above. The prompts and \acro{RETURN} keys are omitted for
+> \Ucom{sh}
+\Ucom{s} \Ucom{b} \Ucom{r} # scheme, full, return to main
+\Ucom{d} # change directories
+\Ucom{1} \Ucom{/usr/local/texlive2003} # top-level dir
+\Ucom{2} \Ucom{/usr/local/texmf-local} # TEXMFLOCAL outside TEXDIR
+\Ucom{r} # return to main
+\Ucom{i} # perform installation
+> \Ucom{texconfig} ...
+# New PATH, assuming Linux:
+> \Ucom{PATH=/usr/local/texlive2003/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH}
+\subsection{Installing individual packages to disk}
+You can add individual packages or collections from the current
+distribution to an existing non-\TeXLive{} setup, or an earlier
+\TeXLive{} installation. You can do this from the \pkgname{demo} \CD{}
+or the \pkgname{live} \DVD{}, but \emph{not} from the \pkgname{inst}
+\CD. (See section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist} on
+Run the installation script \filename{} (not
+\filename{}, which is intended for complete installations
+> \Ucom{sh \emph{options}}
+This first set of options controls what gets read:
+\item [-{}-package=\emph{pkgname}] The individual package to work on.
+\item [-{}-collection=\emph{colname}] The individual collection to work on.
+\item [-{}-nodoc] Exclude documentation files from the operation.
+\item [-{}-nosrc] Exclude source files from the operation.
+\item [-{}-cddir=\emph{dir}] Source directory to read from; defaults
+to the current directory. If you followed the instructions above, that
+will be the distribution directory, and won't need to be changed.
+\item [-{}-listdir=\emph{dir}] The so-called `lists' directory within
+\emph{cddir} from which to read the package information. The default is
+\texttt{\emph{cddir}/texmf/tpm/lists}; the only reason to change it is
+if you're making changes to \TeXLive{} yourself.
+What actually happens is controlled by the following options. If
+neither of these are specified, the default action is to install the
+selected files. The main destination tree is found by expanding
+\envname{\$TEXMFMAIN} with \cmdname{kpsewhich}. You can override it by
+setting either the environment variable \envname{TEXMFMAIN} or
+\item [-{}-listonly] List the files that would be installed, but don't
+actually install anything.
+\item [-{}-archive=\emph{tarfile}] Instead of installing the files into
+the \TeX{} system, make a \cmdname{tar} archive.
+Additional options:
+\item [-{}-config] After installation, run \code{texconfig init}.
+\item [-{}-nohash] After installation, don't run \cmdname{mktexlsr} to
+rebuild the filename database.
+\item [-{}-verbose] Give more information as the script runs.
+Here are some usage examples:
+\item To see the files in the package \pkgname{fancyhdr} without
+installing it:
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=fancyhdr --listonly}
+\else> \Ucom{sh --package=fancyhdr \bs}
+> \Ucom{--listonly}
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \pkgname{natbib}:
+> \Ucom{sh --package=natbib}
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \pkgname{alg} without source files or
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=alg --nosrc --nodoc}
+\else> \Ucom{sh -{}-package=alg \bs}
+> \Ucom{-{}-nosrc -{}-nodoc}
+\item Install all the packages in the collection of additional
+plain \TeX\ macros:
+> \Ucom{sh --collection=tex-plainextra}
+\item Write all files in the \pkgname{pstricks} package to a
+\cmdname{tar} file in \path|/tmp|:
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=pstricks --archive=/tmp/pstricks.tar}
+> \Ucom{sh -{}-package=pstricks \bs}
+> \Ucom{-{}-archive=/tmp/pstricks.tar}
+After the main installation is done, for any operating system, the
+remaining steps are to configure the system for your local needs, and
+perform some basic tests.
+Another sort of post-installation is to acquire packages, fonts, or
+programs that were not included in \TeXLive{}. The basic idea is to
+install such additions in the \envname{TEXMFLOCAL} tree (if you
+installed to disk), or \envname{VARTEXMF} (if you are running live).
+See ``Installation directories'' on p.~\pageref{text:instdir}.
+Unfortunately, the details can vary widely, and so we do not attempt to
+address them here. Please see
+for a good description, and
+\url{} for font creation
+and installation information in particular.
+\subsection{The \protect\cmdname{texconfig} program}
+At any time after installation, you can and should use the program
+\cmdname{texconfig} to configure the system to fit your local needs. It
+is installed in the architecture-specific subdirectory
+\texttt{TEXDIR/bin/\emph{arch}} along with everything else.
+If you run it without arguments, it will enter full-screen mode and
+allow you to view and change options interactively.
+You can also run it with various command-line options. Here are some of
+the most commonly used:
+\item [texconfig dvips paper letter] Set default paper size for
+\cmdname{dvips} to be letter-size.
+\item [texconfig xdvi us] Likewise, for \cmdname{xdvi}.
+\item [texconfig rehash] Update all the \TeX{} system filename databases.
+\item [texconfig faq] Show the \teTeX{} \acro{FAQ}.
+(See also the main \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} in the \dirname{FAQ} subdirectory
+of \TeXLive.)
+\item [texconfig help] Output help information.
+Of course, \cmdname{texconfig} only supports changing a few of the many
+options and configuration parameters in a \TeX{} system. The main
+configuration file for the base \Webc{} programs is named
+\filename{texmf.cnf}. You can find its location by running
+\samp{kpsewhich texmf.cnf}; it contains many comments explaining the
+default settings and useful alternatives.
+\subsection{Testing the installation}
+After installing \TeXLive{} as best you can, you naturally want to test
+it out, so you can start creating beautiful documents and/or fonts.
+This section gives some basic procedures for testing that the new system
+is functional. We described the Unix commands; under \MacOSX{} and
+Windows, you're more likely to run the tests through a graphical
+interface, but the principles are the same.
+\item Make sure that you can run the \cmdname{tex} program in the first
+> \Ucom{tex -{}-version}
+TeX (Web2c 7.5.2) 3.141592
+kpathsea version 3.5.2
+Copyright (C) 1997-2003 D.E. Knuth.
+If this comes back with `command not found' instead of version and
+copyright information, most likely you don't have the correct
+\dirname{bin} subdirectory in your \envname{PATH}. See
+the environment-setting information on p.~\pageref{text:path}.
+\item Process a basic \LaTeX{} file:
+> \Ucom{latex sample2e.tex}
+>TeX (Web2c 7.5.2) 3.141592
+Output written on sample2e.dvi (3 pages, 7256 bytes).
+Transcript written on sample2e.log.
+If this fails to find \filename{sample2e.tex} or other files, perhaps
+you have interference from old environment variables or configuration
+files. For a deep analysis, you can always ask \TeX{} to report on
+exactly what it is searching for, and finding; see ``Debugging actions''
+on page~\pageref{Debugging}.
+\item Preview the result online:
+> \Ucom{xdvi sample2e.dvi}
+Under Windows, the analogous command is \cmdname{windvi}. You should
+see a new window with a nice document explaining some of the basics of
+\LaTeX{}. (Well worth reading, if you're new to the system.) You do
+have to be running under X for \cmdname{xdvi} to work; if you're not, or
+your \envname{DISPLAY} environment variable is set incorrectly, you'll
+get an error \samp{Can't open display}.
+\item Create a \PS{} file for printing or display:
+> \Ucom{dvips sample2e.dvi -o}
+\item Create a \acro{PDF} file instead of \dvi{}; this processes the
+\filename{.tex} file and writes \acro{PDF} directly:
+> \Ucom{pdflatex sample2e.tex}
+\item Preview the \acro{PDF} file:
+> \Ucom{gv sample2e.pdf}
+> \Ucom{xpdf sample2e.pdf}
+Unfortunately neither \cmdname{gv} nor \cmdname{xpdf} are currently
+included in \TeXLive{}, so you must install them separately. See
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively.
+\item Other standard test files you may find useful:
+\item [docstrip.tex] Produce \TeX{} source or documentation from a
+\samp{.dtx} file.
+\item [small2e.tex] A simpler document than \filename{sample2e}, to
+reduce the input size if you're having troubles.
+\item [testpage.tex] Test if your printer introduces any offsets.
+\item [nfssfont.tex] For printing font tables and tests.
+\item [testfont.tex] Also for font tables, but using plain \TeX{}.
+\item [story.tex] The most canonical (plain) \TeX{} test file of all.
+You must type \samp{\bs bye} to the \code{*} prompt after \samp{tex
+You can process these in the same way as we did with
+If you are new to \TeX{}, or otherwise need help with actually
+constructing \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} documents, please visit
+\url{}. We especially recommend the
+\textsl{Formatting Information} manual by Peter Flynn, available at
+\section{\MacOSX{} installation}
+\TeXLive{} supports \MacOSX, but no prior Macintosh versions. (If you
+are running an older Mac version, you can view the files by installing
+the Joliet system extension available from
+\url{}; however, the \TeXLive{} binaries
+will not run.)
+Installation of \TeX{} under \MacOSX{} can be done in two ways:
+\item With the \filename{install*} scripts, as with Unix.
+\item With the \cmdname{i-Installer} included in
+\noindent Each of these is described in a following section.
+In addition, typical use of \TeX{} under \MacOSX\ goes through a
+\emph{frontend}. This is also described below.
+\subsection{\protect\cmdname{i-Installer}: Internet installation}
+The \cmdname{i-Installer} is included in the \TeXLive{} distribution as
+an alternative to normal installation. It does not use the contents of
+the \TeXLive{} distribution at all; instead, the system (approximately
+70 megabytes) is downloaded over the Internet.
+One advantage of \cmdname{i-Installer} is that it makes updates
+relatively painless. If you are interested, please see the
+\cmdname{i-Installer} \TeX{} home page at \url{}.
+To use it, mount \filename{./MacOSX/II2.dmg}. Read the documentation,
+launch it, and install at least \emph{TeX Foundation} and \emph{TeX
+Programs}. The first will finish without configuration, as soon as the
+second is installed you will be presented with a graphical interface to
+setting up your \TeX{} system.
+The \cmdname{i-Installer} distribution uses the \teTeX{} \dirname{texmf}
+tree with some additions. Due to differences between \TeXLive{} and
+\teTeX{} you cannot update a \TeXLive{} installation with an
+\cmdname{i-Installer} \emph{TeX Programs} i-Package.
+\subsection{\protect\cmdname{install*.sh}: \protect\TeXLive{} installation}
+In order to run the installation scripts under \MacOSX, you need to have
+the \cmdname{bash} shell installed. If you are running \MacOSX~10.2
+or later, you have \cmdname{bash}, and can proceed. If you're running
+an earlier \MacOSX{} version, however, the default shell is
+\cmdname{zsh}, which won't work; please see the
+subsection~\ref{sec:mac-bash} (p.~\pageref{sec:mac-bash}) below for
+instructions on installing bash \cmdname{bash}.
+Once you have \cmdname{bash}, the Unix installation documentation in the
+previous section can be followed. See section~\ref{sec:unix-install} on
+p.~\pageref{sec:unix-install}; \MacOSX-specific notes are included where
+\subsection{\MacOSX{} frontends}
+Using \TeX{} on a Macintosh typically goes through a front end program,
+comprising an execution shell, editor, previewer, and other facilities.
+Here are the principal frontends:
+\item [TeXShop] Included in \TeXLive{} as
+\filename{./MacOSX/texshop.dmg}. See
+\item [ITeXMac] Included in \TeXLive{} as
+\filename{./MacOSX/iTeXMac-*.dmg}. See
+\item [Mac-emacs] A port of Emacs to \MacOSX{}, integrating
+\pkgname{AucTeX}. See \url{}.
+The frontends use \dirname{/usr/local/teTeX} as the default location;
+therefore, you must either install \TeXLive{} there, or change the
+configuration of the frontend.
+\subsection{\cmdname{bash} installation for older \MacOSX{} versions}
+\MacOSX{} versions 10.1 and earlier do not include \cmdname{bash} by
+default, and the default shell does not run the \TeXLive{} installation
+scripts properly. This section explains how to install \cmdname{bash}.
+First, check if bash is already installed. `Launch Terminal'
+(\filename{/Applications/utilities/Terminal}) and type \code{rehash;
+which bash}. If the answer is a filename (for example,
+\code{/bin/bash}), then \cmdname{bash} is already installed, and you're done
+here; go back to the main installation instructions.
+If the answer is \code{bash: command not found}, proceed here.
+There are two ways to install \cmdname{bash} if you need it\Dash via the
+\acro{GUI} or via command line.
+To install via \acro{GUI}, double-click the \filename{MacOSX/bash.dmg}
+file in \TeXLive{}. The disk image (volume) will be mounted. Then
+start the \cmdname{i-Installer} application on that volume. You will be
+asked to authenticate; if you have never seen that before, you might not
+have enough privileges to install. Just enter your own user name and
+password. Hit install. Bash will be installed on your system.
+To install via command line:
+\item ensure you have admin privileges: log in as the
+\code{admin} user, the System Administrator, a user with Admin
+privileges, using \cmdname{sudo}, etc.
+\item copy \filename{MacOSX/bash.tar.gz} from the \TeXLive{}
+distribution to your home directory.
+\item Launch Terminal, and run:
+(cd /usr/local/; sudo tar xvzf ~/bash.tar.gz)
+You'll be asked for your password, and then \cmdname{bash} will be
+\item Quit Terminal.
+After using either installation method, be sure to recheck that
+\cmdname{bash} is installed with \code{rehash; which bash} in a new
+Terminal window.
+\section{Windows installation}
+\TeXLive{} can be installed on systems running Windows 9x, \acro{ME},
+\acro{NT}, \acro{2K} or \acro{XP}. Older versions of Windows (3.1x)
+and \acro{MS-DOS} are not supported.
+It is necessary to have your Windows set up so that it uses the
+Microsoft Joliet extensions for reading \CD{}s; simply look at the \CD{}
+in Explorer and see whether it shows long, mixed-case, file names. If it
+does not, you must install the Joliet extensions.
+The Windows \TeX{} system included in \TeXLive{} is no more and no less
+than the \fpTeX{} distribution. It includes a \texttt{dvi} previewer,
+\textsf{Windvi}, which is similar in usage to the established Unix
+\textsf{xdvi}. The documentation can be found in
+\subsection{The \texttt{TeXLive.exe} program}
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{../pictures/Welcome-to-TeXLive}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 551 534]{../pictures/Welcome-to-TeXLive.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{../pictures/Welcome-to-TeXLive}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{``Welcome to \TeXLive'' window}\label{graph:welcome}
+If your computer is configured to let the \CD{} autostart, then a dialog
+box with a menu bar will popup on the screen, and you will have several
+choices from there:
+\item Install \TeX{} on your hard disk
+\item Do maintenance on your \TeX{} system.
+\item Remove the \TeX{} system.
+\item Use \TeX{} off the \TeXLive{} \CD{} or \DVD{}.
+\item Browse documentation: \TeXLive{} documentation, TUG web
+ pages, \fpTeX web pages.
+\item Run the \cmdname{TeXdocTK} application to find specific documentation.
+If your \CD{} does not autostart, you can explicitly run the program
+by double clicking on \path|bin/win32/TeXLive.exe| on the \CD{} from
+the explorer window.
+\subsection{Running \protect\TeXLive{} directly from media (Windows)}
+To run live under Windows, from the menu, chose \verb|Explore CD-Rom|, then
+\verb|Run TeX off CD-Rom|. This will launch the \cmdname{XEmacs} editor.
+%% To run live under Windows, do the following:
+%% \begin{enumerate}
+%% \item from the menu, chose \verb|Explore CD-Rom|, then
+%% \verb|Run TeX off CD-Rom|, that will launch the \cmdname{XEmacs} editor.
+%% This program needs to be a \TeX{} oriented editor. It must be able
+%% to run the \TeX{} compiler, previewer and any other needed tool. If
+%% you don't have one already installed on your system, you can install
+%% one from the \CD{}, details section~{\ref{sec:texlive-install}}.
+%% \emph{There is no way we can guess if the program you will
+%% select is actually a text editor, so be careful}.
+%% Here is a list of frequently used \TeX{} editors:
+%% \begin{center}
+%% \begin{tabular}[H]{ll}
+%% GNU Emacs & \path|c:\Program Files\NTEmacs\bin\runemacs.exe| \\
+%% XEmacs & \path|c:\Program Files\XEmacs\XEmacs-21.2\i586-pc-win32\xemacs.exe| \\
+%% WinShell & \path|c:\Program Files\WinShell\WinShell.exe| \\
+%% WinEdt & \path|c:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\WinEdt.exe|\\
+%% TeXnicCenter & \path|c:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TEXCNTR.exe|
+%% \end{tabular}
+%% \end{center}
+%% The program
+%% selected will be memorized as the editor to use for future runs.
+%% \item from the menu, chose \verb|Explore CD-Rom|, then
+%% \verb|Run TeX off CD-Rom|. The environment will be modified, a small
+%% temporary directory created and some configuration files copied
+%% there. Then, the selected editor selected will be launched, and you
+%% will be able to type in some text, let \TeX{} typeset it and the
+%% view it or print it.
+%% If Ghostscript is not detected on your machine, you will be warned
+%% that rendering your DVI files might fail. You can install it from
+%% the \path|Install|, \path|Support| menu item. See
+%% section~\ref{sec:texlive-install} for details.
+%% \item you can select a different text editor any time you want.
+%% \item if you chose \verb|Cleanup CD-Rom setup|, everything \TeX{}
+%% needed will be removed, comprised the selection of your text
+%% editor, but not the extra packages you may have downloaded and
+%% installed. If you installed \cmdname{WinShell} or \cmdname{NTEmacs},
+%% they won't be removed.
+%% \end{enumerate}
+XEmacs startup file will set the environment variables needed. XEmacs will also
+setup a temporary \acro{TDS} compliant texmf tree in the temporary area of your
+computer. It is needed to store files that may be built on the fly, such as
+\path|pk| bitmap fonts, or format files. Configuration files are copied from
+the \CD{} to this texmf tree, so that you can edit them if needed. The
+\path|ls-R| database is computed for this texmf tree. The AUC-\TeX{} mode will
+be entered Whenever you will visit or create a \TeX{} file, providing all the
+bells and whistles for \TeX{} support XEmacs is capable of.
+If you run 'M-x shell' within XEmacs, then you will have access to all the TeXLive
+tools from the command line provided by XEmacs.
+\smallskip {\small\noindent \textbf{[For advanced users:]} You can also
+ use the small batch file \path|mkloctex.bat| to be called in a
+ directory \path|bin\win32| of the \CD. From the Start menu select
+ `Run', then browse the \acro{CD} drive and select
+ \path|mkloctex.bat|. Before starting it, you should add two parameters
+ separated by a space: the letter of your \acro{CD} drive and the
+ letter of the drive where you want to install the \TeX\ directory.
+ The whole line should read, e.g., \verb+d:\bin\win32\mkloctex.bat d c+.
+ When installation is complete, please read carefully the information
+ on screen. If you are running Windows 9x/\acro{ME}, then you will have to
+ restart Windows.}
+\subsection{Support packages for Windows}
+To be complete, a \TeXLive installation needs support packages that are not
+commonly found on a Windows machine.
+Many scripts are written using the Perl language. Some important tools require
+the Ghostscript \PS{} interpreter to render or to convert files. A graphic
+file toolbox is also needed in some cases. Last but not least, a \TeX-oriented
+editor makes it easy to type in your \TeX{} files.
+All these tools are quite easy to find for Windows, but in order to try to make
+your life even easier, we have put such a set of tools on \TeXLive:
+\item \cmdname{Ghostscript} 7.07
+\item a minimal \cmdname{Perl} 5.8, sufficient to run all the \TeXLive{}
+Perl scripts
+\item a subset of \cmdname{ImageMagick} 5.5.6
+\item the \cmdname{ISpell} checker
+\item \cmdname{XEmacs} 21.5.14 with a selection of packages to support
+\TeX{} typesetting.
+These packages should be installed only all at once. The bundle is
+known as the \XEmTeX{} bundle.
+If you didn't install \XEmTeX{}, \cmdname{Perl} and \cmdname{Ghostscript} are
+installed anyway if they are not detected on your machine. This is because they are
+required by many important tools. The \envname{PERL5LIB} and \verb|GS_LIB|
+environment variables will be set too.
+When you are under
+\cmdname{XEmacs}, the tools provided shadow any other version you might
+have installed previously. The point here is that \path|TeXSetup.exe|
+will not install anything outside of the \TeXLive location, neither will
+it run foreign installers, nor will it try to autodetect installed
+products using unreliable rules of thumb. The \XEmTeX{} bundle is
+standalone and is meant to evolve in the future. The reference site is
+If you don't want to install this bundle, then you are on your own to
+install the required tools to complete your \TeXLive{} system. Here is a
+list of places to get those tools:
+\item[Ghostscript] \url{}
+\item[Perl] \url{} (but you might need some
+ supplementary packages from CPAN: \url{})
+\item[ImageMagick] \url{}
+\item[NetPBM] alternatively, you could use NetPBM instead of ImageMagick to
+ process or convert your graphic files. NetPBM home page is
+ \url{}
+\item[\TeX-oriented editors] There is a wide choice, and it is a matter of the
+ user's taste. Here is a selection:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \cmdname{GNU Emacs} is available natively under Windows, the
+ reference url is
+ \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{XEmacs} is available natively under Windows, the
+ reference url is \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{WinShell} is available on \TeXLive in the \path|support|
+ directory, the reference url is \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{WinEdt} is shareware available from \url{}
+ \item TeXnicCenter is available from
+ \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{Vim} is available on \TeXLive{} in the
+ \path|support\vim| directory and the
+ reference site is \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{SciTE} is available from \url{}
+ \end{itemize}
+You might want to install other tools that are not free\footnote{Not
+free, that is, in the sense of freedom to modify and redistribute,
+following Debian's guidelines. This does not mean you can't acquire
+them for no money.} and therefore not included on \TeXLive{}, such as
+\cmdname{GSView}, the \cmdname{Ghostscript} companion to more
+conveniently view PS/PDF files. \cmdname{GSView} is available from
+\url{} or any \acro{CTAN} site.
+%% \subsection{Installing editors or support packages}
+%% \label{sec:texlive-install}
+%% You can use the \path|TeXSetup.exe| program to install a
+%% single (not \TeX{}-dependent) package. This might be an editor
+%% such as \cmdname{WinShell} or \cmdname{NTEmacs},
+%% or a support package like \cmdname{NetPBM}
+%% (graphics formats conversion) or \cmdname{Ghostscript}.
+%% Some of the packages are not free, or not with the same meaning as for
+%% the rest of the \CD{}. These packages have been made available through
+%% the Internet. You need to enable an Internet connection in order to
+%% install them. Chosing the \path|Enable Internet access| subitem will
+%% search your system for an active Internet connection, or start one if
+%% possible. \emph{If your computer is not connected to the Internet,
+%% then the timeout might be long, 30s or more}. So try to enable it
+%% only if you know you have a connection.
+%% Only a few packages are available from the \CD{}, but the most
+%% important of them: \cmdname{NTEmacs} and \cmdname{WinShell} for the
+%% editors, \cmdname{Ghostscript} and \cmdname{NetPBM} for the other
+%% support packages. \cmdname{NetPBM} is needed for running \TeX{}4ht.
+%% The downloadable packages are sometimes huge: \cmdname{Perl} is 10Mb,
+%% \cmdname{XEmacs} is 50Mb, so be warned that it can take a lot of time
+%% to install such things. \path|TeXSetup.exe| does not yet provide an
+%% estimation of the time needed to complete the download.
+%% When installing these packages, \path|TeXSetup| is working in
+%% unattended mode. However, the programs that have their own installer
+%% like WinEdt or Ghostscript for example will require human interaction.
+%% Those packages who have no specific installer will be unpacked and configured
+%% for your system. You will be required to select some directory where
+%% they will be installed. The directory to select should be the root
+%% directory of the whole installation. Assuming you want to install
+%% NTEmacs and NetPBM, the archive files already contain the
+%% \path|NTEmacs\| and \path|NetPBM\| part, so the directory you have to
+%% select is something like \path|c:\Local| or \path|c:\Program Files|.
+\subsection{Installing \TeXLive{} to disk}
+\textbf{Warning: Win9x users must ensure they have enough environment
+ space before undertaking installation. The \cmdname{TeXSetup.exe}
+ program won't change the environment size for them. A few environment
+ variables will be created and it is possible you run out of
+ environment space. Add "SHELL=<path>COMMAND.COM /E:4096 /P" in the
+ config.sys file in order to increase your environment size.}
+Installation is started by letting the media autostart. The program run
+is \path|TeXSetup.exe| if you are using the inst disk. If you are using
+the live or the demo disk, you will have to select the item
+\path|TeXLive Software| from the menu, then the subitem \path|Install on
+Hard Disk|. This will invoke \path|TeXSetup.exe|. You can also find it
+in the \path|bin/win32| directory and run it, if the autostart fails for
+any reason. \path|TeXSetup.exe| is a Windows wizard and it will display
+several pages while running.
+\item[Welcome Page]
+ You can choose a \emph{quick} installation from
+ here. In this case, the installation will run without any human
+ assistance from beginning to end, with all the default settings
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:setup-src},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). If you have enough privileges (administrator or power user
+ rights) under a Windows version where this is applicable, then you can
+ decide to install the \TeXLive{} for all users or for yourself only by
+ checking the appropriate box.
+ For installing the whole \XEmTeX{} bundle (XEmacs, Ghost\-script,
+ Perl, ImageMagick and Ispell) you can check \emph{Install XEmTeX
+ Support} box.
+ \begin{figure*}[!htb]
+ The \cmdname{TeXSetup} Wizard\hfill
+ Source directories for the \TeXLive{} files
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/setup-wizard.jpg}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/source-for-texlive.jpg}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/setup-wizard.jpg}
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/source-for-texlive.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/setup-wizard}%
+ \hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/source-for-texlive}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \caption{The \TeXLive{} setup wizard}\label{graph:setup-src}
+ \end{center}
+\item[Source Page]
+ This page is a bit complex. It will allow you to select two source
+ directories for your \TeXLive{} system
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:setup-src},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). You will need a \emph{local
+ source directory} and possibly a \emph{remote source directory}.
+Why do we need both these directories? The files consisting of the
+\TeXLive{} system are on the \CD{}, of course, but some other useful
+packages are not, either because of space lacking or because their
+license was not compatible with \TeXLive{}. You need to enable Internet
+downloading if you want to install these packages that are marked with a
+specific ``remote'' icon.
+ However, don't panic: the default parameters of the setup will allow
+ you to install a full system using the \CD{} only. Simply, you won't
+ have \file{WinEdt} (for example), but you will be able to install it
+ later.
+ So you can take your files from:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \CD{} or any similar flat tree of files, available through
+ some standard directory (this means the \CD{} can be mounted on
+ some remote machine and be made available through network
+ sharing),
+ \item a set of \file{.zip} files (this is the case when you are
+ installing from the demo \CD{} or the \fpTeX{} distribution),
+ \item the Internet; in this case, the program takes care of
+ downloading the \file{.zip} files it needs for you.
+ \end{itemize}
+ This option is available only if you enable Internet file
+ downloading in the right part of the page. You also need to
+ configure this Internet access by selecting to connect either using
+ Internet Explorer~5 \file{wininet.dll}, or using a direct connection (\texttt{ftp},
+ \texttt{http}).
+% or using a proxy server.
+% Last, you can be assisted in defining the \emph{local source
+% directory} and \emph{remote source directory} which will be used
+% to copy the files onto your hard disk. The \texttt{browse} buttons
+% allow to select a directory for the former, and an url among a list
+% of mirrors for the latter.
+\item[Root Page]
+ On this page, you will tell where you want the files to be
+ installed (Figure~\ref{graph:root-schm},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). Only the root directory really matters, the other ones
+ are set according to the root one. You may want to make
+ \path|$TEXMFEXTRA| point to some TDS compliant directory with other
+ \TeX{} files or assign a different value to
+ \path|$HOMETEXMF|, which is set by default to whatever Windows think
+ is your `HOME' location.
+ Root and directories\hfill%
+ Scheme selection
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{../pictures/root-of-installation.jpg}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{../pictures/scheme-selection.jpg}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/root-of-installation.jpg}
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/scheme-selection.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{../pictures/root-of-installation}%
+ \hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{../pictures/scheme-selection}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \caption{\TeXLive-Setup: Root and directories / Schemes}\label{graph:root-schm}
+ \end{center}
+\item[Get TPM Page]
+ This page does not require any manual intervention. The \file{.tpm}
+ files which describe collections and packages are retrieved
+ (possibly from the Internet), unzipped if needed and parsed.
+\item[Schemes Page]
+ On this page, you will select the global scheme of your
+ installation (Figure~\ref{graph:root-schm},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). A scheme is a large set of files targeted at some kind
+ of usage. There are 3 generic schemes for basic, recommended and
+ full installation. The other ones are devoted to LUGs (what GUST or
+ GUTenberg propose for their members) or applications (XML and
+ \TeX{}).
+ When a scheme is selected, it is still possible to refine the
+ selection by checking the appropriate box. If doing so, you will be
+ presented the packages page to change your selection, else you will
+ jump to the review page.
+\item[Packages Page]
+ Collections and packages are presented in a tree form
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:win32-support},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). The links
+ in the tree are dependency links. Collections \emph{depend on}
+ packages and maybe other collections, and it is the same for each
+ package. You can select any package or collection individually, but
+ your request will be granted only if the object is not requested by
+ another one which is selected. For example, you can't deselect
+ \texttt{tex-basic} without deselecting all the collections that
+ request it.
+ The \texttt{tex-xemtex} collection displayed on the picture is Win32 specific. It
+ holds a number of bonus packages (Figure~\ref{graph:win32-support},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ) which can be installed
+ automatically and individually: Ghostscript (the \PS{}
+ interpreter), XEmacs editor preconfigured for \TeX{}, tools like Perl,
+ ImageMagick, Ispell. \emph{None of these packages are selected by
+ default}.
+ On this page, you also have the information about disk space
+ needed, for each object, and for the set of those who are selected,
+ and also the disk space available on the partition selected for the
+ installation. Last, you can choose to install or not the
+ documentation files and source files associated with each package.
+\item[Review Page]
+ You will find there a summary of your choices
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:review},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). It is still possible to
+ go back to change them.
+ Packages Page\hfill%
+ Win32 Support
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/package-selection}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/win32-support}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/package-selection.jpg}\hfill%
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/win32-support.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/package-selection}%
+ \hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/win32-support}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{Packages Page / Win32 goodies}
+ \label{graph:win32-support}
+\item[Files Copy Page]
+ The selected files are copied on your hard disk (Figure~\ref{graph:file-copy},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). All the files not
+ yet available on your local disk are first downloaded from the
+ remote source directory on the Internet. Then every package is
+ unpacked (if \path|.zip| files), or copied from the \CD{}.
+\item[Configuration Page] Several packages need some configuration
+ step to make them usable (Figure~\ref{graph:configuration},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). Also the \TeXLive{} system needs some post-processing step
+ (format files generation, ls-R databases generation, environment
+ variables, etc.). All these operations are done there, some of them
+ can be lengthy.
+ \textbf{Review Page}\hfill%
+ \textbf{File Copy Page}
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/review-settings}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/file-copy}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/review-settings.jpg}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/file-copy.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/review-settings}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/file-copy}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{Review Page / File Copy Page}
+ \label{graph:review}\label{graph:file-copy}
+\item[Final Page] The installation being over, you may want to display
+ the Windows specific documentation (HTML format) and / or the log
+ file of the setup process (Figure~\ref{graph:final}
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). If it is needed (Win9x/WinME), you will
+ be asked to reboot your computer.
+ \textbf{Configuration Page}\hfill%
+ \textbf{Final Page}
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/configuration}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/congratulations}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/configuration.jpg}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/congratulations.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/configuration}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/congratulations}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{Configuration Page / Final page}
+Please be aware that the choice of cluster size on DOS disk
+partitions can radically affect the size of your \TeX\
+installation. The support tree has hundreds of small files, and it is
+not unusual for a complete installation to take up to four times the
+amount of space used on the \CD.
+\section{Windows maintenance and post-installation}
+\subsection{What's different in Windows?}
+The Windows version of \Webc{} has some specific features that should be
+pointed out.
+\item[\KPS{}] The hash-tables that \KPS{} builds are quite large for
+ the \TeXLive{}. In order to cut down the starting time of any
+ \KPS{}-enabled program, these hash-tables have been put in shared
+ memory. This way, when you chain the execution of several such
+ programs, like \path|tex| calling \path|mpost| calling \path|tex|,
+ the overhead when starting each of the subprograms is
+ reduced. This change is hidden to the user, except if you set the
+ debug flag of kpathsea to the \path|-1| value: you will then trace
+ access to the shared memory, which is not what you want (it is
+ accessed very often!). What is useful in a log trace of the shared
+ memory access is still to be defined, so the situation might evolve
+ in the future.
+\item[\cmdname{kpsecheck}] This command provides some options that did
+ not fit well into \cmdname{kpsewhich}. It will allow you to list all
+ the files that occur multiple times across your texmf trees. This
+ could be handy, but most of the time you will also get unwanted
+ output (like dozens of \path|README| files)\footnote{It is noticeable
+ that all these files result in clashes inside the \KPS{}-hashing
+ mechanism; fortunately, \KPS{} never looks for these files.}. For
+ this reason, you can combine the \path|-multiple-occurences| with 2
+ other options for including or excluding any filename that match
+ some pattern (you can request for several patterns).
+ The \cmdname{kpsecheck} command will also report the status of shared
+ memory: in use or not used. That might be useful to know because if
+ the status reported is \samp{in use}, that means one or several
+ processes are working, and the effect of any \cmdname{mktexlsr}
+ command will be delayed until the next time where no \KPS{} linked
+ process will be running.
+ Last, this same command will report about the location it thinks
+ Ghostscript can be found. Under Win32, for many programs, it is
+ easier to use the Ghostscript dll, and find it by using the
+ Ghostscript registry key than to change the \path|PATH|, which has a
+ limited length anyway.
+\item[\Webc{}] The engines have a few more options than in Unix
+ \Webc{}, and one option with a different behaviour:
+ \begin{itemize}
+%% \item the \path|-fmt| option behaves differently. Previously and
+%% with the regular \Webc{} distribution, this option has 2 different
+%% meanings when you are in ``ini'' or ``vir'' mode. Under Win32, it
+%% has the same meaning: preload the format file specified with the
+%% argument. The meaning of building a format of such name in ini
+%% mode is obtained by the new \path|-job-name| option.
+%% \item \path|-job-name| option: allows to set the name of the file
+%% resulting from the compilation process. In normal mode, it will
+%% change the base name of all files produced (\path|.dvi|,
+%% \path|.aux|, etc.), while in ini mode, it will set the name of
+%% the format file written.
+ \item \path|-halt-on-error| stop the compilation at the first error.
+ \item \path|-job-time| set the job time to the same timestamp as the
+ file given in argument.
+\item \path|-oem| use the DOS codepage for console output.
+ \item \path|-output-directory| allow to write all the output files in the
+ specified directory.
+ \item \path|-time-statistics| print statistics about the job run
+ time. It is to be noted that Win9x not being a true multitasking
+ operating system, it has no reliable timer for short periods, so
+ the value printed is an approximation. Under NT/2K/XP, the result
+ is quite accurate with user time and system time values allocated
+ for this run. For Unix
+ users: the \path|time| command is not usually available to Windows
+ users.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{Adding packages to your installation}
+You will find an option in the \guiseq{TeXLive} menu (or go to
+\guiseq{Start\arw Programs \arw TeXLive \arw Add TeX package} menu) to
+run \file{TeXSetup.exe} in maintenance mode. The steps are almost the
+same as in the initial installation.
+We'll discuss differences below, but first, whatever changes you make,
+\textbf{do not forget to rebuild the ls-R database files}. Otherwise,
+your new files will not be found. You can do this either via the
+\acro{GUI} (\guiseq{Start \arw Programs \arw TeXLive \arw Maintenance
+\arw Rebuild ls-R}), or manually running the \file{mktexlsr} command.
+The main difference is in the packages selection page. In maintenance
+mode, the list of installed packages is compared to the list of packages
+available from your source directories. Packages that are not installed
+will be displayed in green, out of date packages will be displayed in
+red and up-to-date, installed packages are displayed in black.
+This way, you can choose to add or upgrade components, either from
+\TeXLive{} or from the Internet, where you are likely to find some more
+recent version of your packages.
+It is up to you to select which packages you want to install. The rest
+of the process is similar to the first installation.
+If you want to add files that are not provided by the \TeXLive{} (or
+\fpTeX{}) distribution, it is recommended to put them in the
+\path|$TEXMFLOCAL| directory. This way, you will be safe against
+upgrades of the \TeXLive{} software.
+The directory pointed to by \path|$TEXMFLOCAL| is initially empty. If,
+for example, you want to add the support file for the Maple symbolic
+computation program, you will have to put the style files in:\\
+\path|c:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf-local\tex\latex\maple\|\\ and the
+documentation files in:\\ \path|c:\Program
+\subsection{Uninstalling \protect\TeXLive{}}
+The uninstall procedure is available either from the \file{TeXLive.exe}
+program, from the \path|TeXLive| menu or from the control panel
+(\guiseq{Start \arw Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs}). This procedure
+will cleanup your hard disk of most of the \TeXLive{} files. However,
+\TeX{} is a system that is creating files and there is no mechanism to
+keep track of all of them. Moreover, Win32 support packages have their
+own uninstall procedure, which you will have to run separately (provided
+you want to get rid of them). Last, the files you may have stored in
+\path|$TEXMFLOCAL| won't be removed. So, even if the vast majority of
+files are automatically removed by the uninstall procedure, you will
+have to do some manual cleanup to actually remove all of them.
+\subsection{Running \texttt{TeXSetup.exe} from the command line}
+The \path|TeXSetup.exe| program has a number of other useful
+options. You can get the list by running:
+c:\>TeXSetup --help
+Here is the description:
+\item[\path|--automatic-reboot|] reboot without waiting user
+ confirmation once installation is over;
+\item[\path|--dry-run|] do nothing, just log everything that will be
+ done without this option;
+\item[\path|--quick|] use the recommended installation and default
+ directories, ask nothing up to rebooting;
+\item[\path|--with-xemtex|] selects the \XEmTeX{} bundle;
+\item[\path|--net-method (=ie5/direct)|] enable to download components with
+ restricted licenses from the Internet (either using direct
+ connection of Internet Explorer 5 DLLs): you need to have an available
+ network connection and some of the packages are huge;
+\item[\path|--remote-source-directory <url>|] this is the base url for the remote packages;
+\item[\path|--local-source-directory <dir>|] by default, \path|TeXSetup.exe|
+ will guess the root directory of the set of files you want it to act on, if you ever
+ upgrade \path|TeXSetup.exe|, you won't be able to copy the new version
+ onto your \CD{}, so you will need to use this option to specify the
+ root of the \CD{};
+\item[\path|--installation-directory <dir>|] this is the root of your
+ installation, all files will be copied under this location. The
+ default value is \verb+c:\Program Files\TeXLive+;
+\item[\path|--texmfmain-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--texmflocal-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--texmfextra-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--texmfhome-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--vartexmf-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--vartexfonts-directory <dir>|] these are the directories
+ used to configure the location of your files. They map directly to
+ the \path|texmf.cnf| variables.
+\item[\path|--with-source-files(=yes/no)|] copy the source files
+ for \TeX{} packages, default value is no;
+\item[\path|--with-documentation-files(=yes/no)|] copy documentation files for \TeX{}
+ packages. Default value is yes. Beware: this is only documentation about specific
+ packages, general documentation will be installed anyway;
+\item[\path|--program-folder <folder>|] the name of the folder under
+ which you will find the menus;
+\item[\path|--add-package <pkg>|] this is used to add or update a specific
+ package after a first regular installation;
+\item[\path|--scheme <pkg>|] install the named scheme instead of the
+ default \path|texlive-recommended| scheme;
+\item[\path|--maintenance|] mostly the same as \path|--add-package|
+ without specifying a package to add;
+\item[\path|--uninstall|] this option will remove anything \TeX{} related coming from
+ the \CD{}, which means there can be files left if you added style
+ files or format files, and also that supplementary tools will not be
+ removed. This option is still a bit crude in this release;
+\item[\path|--help|] this option opens up a box with the list of options.
+\subsection{Network installation}
+\KPS{} knows about UNC names, so you can use them to get your TEXMF
+tree from the network. But there is better than this.
+All the support files and configuration files, everything except the files in the
+\path|bin/win32| are shareable with a \teTeX{} or Unix \TeXLive{} installation. That means
+you can use Samba either to mount from an NT server to a Unix
+workstation or the converse. Several strategies are possible:
+\item Put everything on the server. Just add each set of files for the os and
+architecture you want to use in the \path|bin| directory. That means
+for example \path|bin/win32| and \path|bin/i386-linux|. Next configure
+your main variables. You can use UNC names to
+point to the right directories under Win32.
+\item Install a local copy for the binaries and format files. In this
+ case, assign \path|$TEXMFMAIN| to the main \path|texmf| tree that
+ will be accessed remotely. Set \path|$VARTEXMF| to be a local
+ directory which will hold local configuration files and on-the-fly
+ generated files.
+\subsection{Personal configurations}
+The configuration file for dvips can be found in\\
+\verb+C:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf-var\dvips\config\\\
+You may open it with any editor
+ %(\cmdname{WinShell} will do fine)
+ and change some parameters:
+\item [fonts] you can change the default printer \MF{} mode or printer
+ resolution in case \cmdname{dvips} needs to generate PK fonts. By default it
+ is configured to use Type~1 versions of the CM fonts, so it should
+ not call \cmdname{mktexpk} too often;
+\item[printer] you can tell dvips where you want to print by default. If
+ the \optname{o} option is not followed by a printer name, then a
+ \file{.ps} \PS{} file is written. You can give dvips a printer
+ name such as:
+o lpt1:
+% o | lpr -S server -P myprinter
+% o \\server\myprinter
+\item[paper] Next, you might want
+ to change the paper size from European (A4) to US letter
+ by making the US letter the first paper size mentioned in the file.
+ Scroll to the group of lines beginning with \code{@}. Move
+ the appropriate lines so that this section begins with the lines:\\
+\hspace*{1em} @ letterSize 8.5in 11in\\
+\hspace*{1em} @ letter 8.5in 11in\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ \%\%BeginPaperSize: Letter\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ letter\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ \%\%EndPaperSize
+The current \TeXLive{} distribution implements the procedure of making
+always up-to-date fontmaps files for Dvips and Pdftex. This is done by
+the \cmdname{updmap} program during installation, as well as during any
+font package addition. If you add new packages by hand, edit the file
+\verb+updmap.cfg+ in \path|$VARTEXMF/web2c|.
+If you use the program pdf{}latex to write \acro{PDF} format directly,
+and you are using \acro{US} letter-size paper, edit the file
+\verb+C:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf-var\pdftex\config\pdftex.cfg+ and
+change \samp{page\_width} and \samp{page\_height}. These entries should read:
+page_width 8.5 true in
+page_height 11 true in
+Save the file and exit the editor.
+GSView is now distributed under the Aladdin License, and therefore is no longer included in
+If you may want to change the page size to US letter size. If so, open
+GSView from the \guiseq{Start} menu, and select \guiseq{Media\arw Letter}.
+Also, there are menu settings that are supposed to give you the most
+readable screen image. On \guiseq{Media \arw Display Settings}, set both
+\optname{Text Alpha} and \optname{Graphics Alpha} to 4~bits.
+Note that the installation process has set all \code{.ps} and
+\code{.eps} files to automatically open with \cmdname{GSView}.
+For printing instructions, see section~\ref{printing} below.
+The \file{TeXSetup.exe} program takes care of associating the files
+with the \file{.dvi} extension with \file{Windvi}.
+Open it with \guiseq{Start\arw Programs\arw TeXLive\arw DVI Viewer}.
+You can set it for US letter-size paper by going to \guiseq{View\arw
+Options\arw Papertype} and selecting US (8.5\verb+"+ x 11\verb+"+) (and
+then \optname{OK}. Exit \cmdname{windvi}.
+You can change other parameters from there as well, such as the ability
+to execute system commands specified by the document (disabled by
+default for security reasons). Also, the first time you view any .dvi
+file, you may find the magnification too large. Zoom out until you get
+an appropriate size.
+%There are two important parameters related to printing that can't yet
+%be set from the dialog boxes, namely the resolution and the \MF{} mode
+%for the printer. You can set them once for all by specifying them on
+%the command line:
+%c:\>windvi -p 360 -mfmode canonbjc foo.dvi
+%When you will exit Windvi, these parameters will be stored in the
+%configuration file. The available modes are found in this file:\\
+%\path|c:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf\metafont\misc\|
+All configuration settings for \cmdname{Windvi} are stored in a file
+named \path|windvi.cnf| file. You can find it by running this command at
+the prompt:
+c:\>kpsewhich --expand-var $HOME/windvi.cnf
+Should you have problems with \cmdname{Windvi}, please remove the configuration
+file and test your problem against a vanilla configuration.
+For generic verification procedures, see section~\ref{sec:test-install}
+on p.~\pageref{sec:test-install}. This section describes
+Windows-specific tests.
+Open the file \verb+sample2e.tex+ in your editor (Xemacs, WinShell),
+found in \path|C:\Local\TeX\texmf\tex\latex\base|. The \LaTeX\ source
+should appear on the screen. Process it by clicking on the
+\guiseq{Command\arw LaTeX} menu (XEmacs) or \LaTeX\ icon on the toolbar
+(WinShell), then view it by clicking on the \guiseq{Command\arw View DVI}
+menu (XEmacs) or Preview (Windvi) icon (WinShell).
+At first, when you preview files with Windvi, it will create fonts because
+screen fonts were not installed. After a while, you will have created most
+of the fonts you use, and you will rarely see the font-creation window.
+\textbf{Hint for the future:} If a \LaTeX\ run stops because \LaTeX\
+cannot find a file, you can press Ctrl-z to quit.
+It is possible to print from Windvi. In this case, printing will be done
+using the Windows unified printer driver. By definition, it is
+compatible with all printers. However, there is some drawback: it can
+generate some huge spool files, and some (older) versions of Windows
+just don't like them. The advantage is that you can use features like
+embedding BMP or WMF images. You also need to make sure that the printer
+parameters are correctly set (subsection~\ref{sub:windvi}), else you
+will get scaled printing (printing at 600\dpi{} on a 300\dpi{} printer
+will give you only one quadrant of your page).
+Printing is faster and more reliable if you run \cmdname{dvips} to make
+a \filename{.ps} file and then print from \cmdname{GSView}. In
+\cmdname{GSview}, select \guiseq{File\arw Print\ldots}. A \guiseq{Print}
+window will appear.
+If you are using a \PS{} printer, \textit{be sure to select
+\guiseq{\PS{} Printer}}. This is done in the \guiseq{Print Method} box
+at the bottom left of the \guiseq{Print} window. You can then select any
+of the printers that you have previously installed. If you fail to
+check the box for \optname{\PS{} Printer}, printing will not work.
+If you will be using your own non-\PS{} printer, select
+\guiseq{Ghostscript device} in the \guiseq{Print Method} box, then click
+on the button to the right labelled \guiseq{djet500} and select your
+printer type from the list that pops up. (In the older version of
+\cmdname{GSView}, make sure \optname{\PS{} Printer} is \textit{not}
+selected, then select your printer type from the \guiseq{Device} list.)
+%If you use \cmdname{WinShell} and a \PS{} printer, probably the
+%most convenient way to print is to add an icon to the \cmdname{WinShell}
+%toolbar that invokes dvips in a way that sends the output directly to a
+%default printer. For detailed instructions on how to do this, see
+%the next section.
+%% \subsection{\cmdname{WinShell}}
+%% \label{winshell:more}
+%% \subsubsection{Configuring \cmdname{WinShell}}
+%% \label{sec:winshell}
+%% Start this program from the Start menu or from the Desktop shortcut.
+%% Go to \guiseq{Options \arw Program Calls}.
+%% \begin{itemize}\itemsep 0pt
+%% \item In the DVIWin tab, if the filename is \filename{yap}, replace it
+%% with \filename{windvi.exe}.
+%% \item In the Ghostview tab, make sure it gives the correct path for
+%% gsview32.exe:\\
+%% \hspace*{1em} \verb+C:\ghostgum\gsview\gsview32.exe+ (for 3.6, the
+%% current version)\\
+%% or \\
+%% \hspace*{1em} \verb+C:\gstools\gsview\gsview32.exe+ (for the older
+%% version)
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% Click \guiseq{OK}.
+%% Note that the install process sets all files with the \texttt{.tex}
+%% extension to open with \cmdname{WinShell}. Unless you plan to use another editor
+%% (such as WinEdt or Emacs), this is appropriate.
+%% Unfortunately, \cmdname{WinShell} does not have a spell-checking
+%% feature. However, if you have installed the \path|tex-extrabin|
+%% collection, your installation includes \cmdname{Ispell} (a spell
+%% checking program found on most Unix systems). The executable is in your
+%% PATH so \verb+ispell.exe+ will be found if you invoke it from a DOS
+%% window. If you installed documentation, look at \path|C:\Program
+%% Files\TeXLive\texmf\doc\html\manpages\ispell.html|for information on
+%% Ispell. (Otherwise, you can find \verb+ispell.html+ on the CD.) If you
+%% rely on spell checking, you may want to add an Ispell icon to
+%% \cmdname{WinShell}. See subsection~\ref{winshell:ispell} of this
+%% document for how to do that.
+%% For an excellent commercial (but inexpensive) spelling checker,
+%% see \url{}.
+%% \cmdname{WinShell} also has on-line help, which you can access via the
+%% $\textbf{\underbar{?}}$ on the menu bar.
+%% Other information about using \cmdname{WinShell} can be found in
+%% section \ref{winshell:more} on p.~\pageref{winshell:more}.
+%% \subsubsection{Installing Bug Fixes}
+%% \cmdname{WinShell}'s author (\href{}{Ingo de Boer},
+%% thanks to him) sometimes releases beta versions of the next \cmdname{WinShell}
+%% version which are also bug fixes. You can grab them from
+%% \url{}. Usually they are \file{.zip} files that
+%% only require to be unpacked in \cmdname{WinShell} directory (\path|c:\Program
+%% Files\WinShell| by default), either using WinZip or a similar tool, or
+%% by using \file{unzip} on the command line. If you got some
+%% \file{} file and that you saved it in the \cmdname{WinShell}
+%% directory, then you need to run:
+%% \begin{verbatim}
+%% c:\>cd c:\"Program Files"\WinShell
+%% c:\>c:\local\bin\unzip
+%% \end{verbatim}
+%% Say \optname{yes} if you are asked if some files should be overwritten. The
+%% \path|unzip.exe| programme can be found in the
+%% \path|support/gnu-utils| package. If you
+%% do not have it on your machine, you can use any archiver tool like
+%% WinZip to achieve the same effect.
+%% \subsubsection{The \cmdname{Project} feature: organizing many files}
+%% If your document is split into several files (for example a thesis),
+%% look into \cmdname{WinShell}'s \cmdname{Project} feature. From the
+%% \guiseq{Project} menu, you give the project a name (e.g., \code{Thesis}),
+%% supply the name of the main (or root) file, and then \code{add} other
+%% files. These filenames display on the left of the screen where you can
+%% double click the names to view and switch between them. Clicking the
+%% \guiseq{\LaTeX} icon always processes the main file.
+%% Note the icons on the toolbar for toggling the project space (on the left)
+%% and the log space (at the bottom). If you are not using the Project
+%% feature, you may want to toggle off the space on the left, using the full
+%% screen width to display your file.
+%% \subsubsection{Printing from \cmdname{WinShell} to a \PS{} Printer}
+%% \label{winshell:print}
+%% The Dvips icon on the \cmdname{WinShell} toolbar puts the \PS{} output
+%% in a file, which you can then view with GSView and print from there if
+%% you choose. However, it's convenient to add a \cmdname{WinShell}
+%% ``program call'' to dvips which sends the output directly to a
+%% designated \PS{} printer. The steps below show how to do this for the
+%% printer \optname{vclw}; you should substitute the name of your most
+%% frequently-used printer.
+%% \begin{enumerate}
+%% \item Make the program aware of the printer:
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item Open \cmdname{WinShell}, go to \guiseq{Options\arw Program
+%% Calls\arw User defined}.
+%% \item Click on \guiseq{Tool 1} in the list on the right and fill in the
+%% fields to the left as follows:\vspace{-6pt}
+%% \begin{quote}
+%% Name: \verb+Print+\\
+%% exe file: \verb+dvips+\\
+%% cmd-line: \verb+ -D600 %m -o vclw+\\
+%% Uncheck the box for \guiseq{DVIPS first}
+%% \end{quote}%\vspace{-12pt}
+%% \item Click \guiseq{OK}
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% \item Add \guiseq{Print} to the toolbar:
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item Go to \guiseq{Options\arw View\arw Customize}.
+%% \item In the \guiseq{Category} box, select \guiseq{User-Programs}.
+%% \item Select \guiseq{Print} and drag it to the toolbar, placing it just to
+%% the right of the \cmdname{GSView} icon.
+%% \item You then have a choice of \guiseq{Image only}, \guiseq{Text only},
+%% or \guiseq{Image and Text}. The easiest is to select \guiseq{Text only}
+%% and click \guiseq{OK}. You should then see \guiseq{Print} on the
+%% toolbar. (If you prefer, you can select \guiseq{Image only\arw Edit},
+%% and edit the displayed picture to your satisfaction.)
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% \end{enumerate}
+%% Now, to print a \LaTeX\ document, just click on the \guiseq{Print} icon
+%% to send to your selected printer. To use a different printer, you will
+%% need to click on the \guiseq{Dvips} icon to print to a file. Then click
+%% on the \cmdname{GSView} icon and use \cmdname{GSView} to send to any
+%% printer you have installed on your \acro{PC}.
+%% \subsubsection{Adding Ispell to \cmdname{WinShell}}
+%% \label{winshell:ispell}
+%% \begin{enumerate}
+%% \item Add Ispell to User Tools:
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item Open \cmdname{WinShell}, go to \guiseq{Options\arw Program
+%% Calls\arw User defined}.
+%% \item In the list on the right, click on \guiseq{Tool~1} (or
+%% \guiseq{Tool~2} if you have already used \guiseq{Tool~1}) and fill in
+%% the fields to the left as follows:\vspace{-6pt}
+%% \begin{quote}
+%% Name: \verb+Ispell+\\
+%% exe file: \verb+ispell+\\
+%% cmd-line: \verb+ -t -d american %c.tex+\\
+%% Uncheck the boxes for \guiseq{LaTeX first} and \guiseq{DVIPS first}
+%% \end{quote}
+%% \item Click \guiseq{OK}.
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% \item Add Ispell to the toolbar:
+%% \begin{itemize}\itemsep 0pt
+%% \item Go to \guiseq{Options\arw View\arw Customize}.
+%% \item In the \guiseq{Category} box, select \guiseq{User-Programs}.
+%% \item Select \guiseq{Ispell} and drag it to the toolbar, placing it just to
+%% the right of the \cmdname{GSView} icon (or the last icon you added).
+%% \item You then have a choice of `\guiseq{mage only}, \guiseq{Text only},
+%% or \guiseq{Image and Text}. The easiest is to select \guiseq{Text only}
+%% and click \guiseq{OK}. You should then see \guiseq{Ispell} on the
+%% toolbar. (If you prefer, you can select \guiseq{Image only\arw Edit},
+%% and edit the displayed picture to your satisfaction.)
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% \end{enumerate}
+%% Now, when you have a \LaTeX\ document open, you can click on
+%% \guiseq{Ispell} to perform spell checking. Ispell will open another
+%% window and display the first misspelled word on the left with the
+%% filename on the right. Below that you will see the context in which the
+%% misspelling appears; often several suggestions for replacements are also
+%% displayed. To replace the word, enter the number corresponding to the
+%% desired replacement. Other possible responses are listed below; for
+%% example, you can press the space bar to ignore the misspelled word. For
+%% more information on Ispell, read the manual page:
+%% \verb+C:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf\doc\html\manpages\ispell.html+.
+%% Note that when you replace a word, you will not see the correction in
+%% your \cmdname{WinShell} window until you close the file (click the
+%% \guiseq{X} in the upper right corner) and then open it again (use the
+%% \guiseq{File} menu).
+\subsection{Tips and tricks for Win32}
+\subsubsection{Different flavors of Win32}
+What we call Win32 is not an operating system by itself. It is a large
+set of functions (around 12,000 in the header files of the Microsoft
+\acro{SDK}) that you can use to write programs for different operating
+systems of the Windows family.
+Windows comes in different flavors:
+\item Win95, Win98 and Win\acro{ME}, which \emph{are not true multitasking,
+ multithreading} environments. They are the latest\Dash and hopefully
+ last\Dash metamorphosis of \acro{DOS}. This can be more or less proven
+ by the fact that when booting, the PC will load the \path||
+ interpreter, and if you stop the boot process at this point, you can
+ ask for the current (\acro{DOS}) version and it will answer something
+ like \samp{MS-DOS 7.0} (at least for the old versions of Win9x).
+\item Windows \acro{NT}, which is a new operating system written from
+ scratch, capable of true multitasking behaviour, and including many
+ high level features.
+\item Windows 2000, based on \acro{NT}, with all the bells and
+ whistles of Win98.
+\item Windows \acro{XP}, which comes with Personal and Pro flavors. This is
+ the last step in merging both lines of products (Win9x based and
+ \acro{NT} based). \acro{XP} is based on \acro{NT}.
+Win9x are able to run 32~bits programs and 16~bits programs
+concurrently. But the operating system by itself is not entirely
+written in 32~bits mode, and does not support memory protection: 16bits
+applications can overwrite parts of the operating system memory! Some
+parts of the system like the \acro{GDI} (Graphical Device Interface)
+manage limited resources like bitmaps, fonts, pens and so on for the set
+of all programs that run concurrently. All the bitmaps headers available
+at the same time can't amount for more than 64kB. This explains the
+performance tool and the fact that you can put your system on his knees
+by making intensive use of graphic objects for example.
+NT, 2K and XP do not suffer from these limitations, and neither from
+other Win9x limitations. They are true multitasking environments, with
+protected memory. They are much more responsive than Win9x because
+of better memory management, better file system and so on.
+\subsubsection{Command line prompt}
+You may wonder, ``Why would I need to use a command line prompt when
+I have Windows?''
+Good question. The problem is of very general nature. Not all operations
+can be done easily using only a \acro{GUI}. Command line gives you
+programming power\Dash assuming a clever command interpreter.
+But the problem here is more fundamental: \TeX{} is \emph{a batch}
+tool. Not an interactive one. \TeX{} needs to compute the best
+layout for each page, resolve cross-references and so on. This can be
+done only by a global processing of the document. It is not (yet) a
+task that can be done interactively.
+This means that you should use \TeX{} from a command line. In fact the
+situation is not so bad. There is an advantage to write command line
+tools for complex processing: they are better debugged, because they are
+independent of any \acro{GUI} problems, and \acro{GUI} tools can be
+designed to interface to the command line tools. This is the case for
+\TeX{}, where you will mostly interact with it through a \acro{GUI} text
+However, you may need to use the command line prompt in a number of
+situations. One is when you are having difficulties and want to debug
+your setup.
+ \item[Win9x] You can open a command line prompt by looking either for
+ the \acro{MS-DOS} icon in the \guiseq{Start\arw Programs} menu,
+ or by choosing \guiseq{Start\arw Run} menu typing in
+ \path|| as the progrm name.
+ \item[NT, 2K, XP] You can open a command line prompt by looking for
+ \guiseq{Command Prompt} in the \guiseq{Start\arw Accessories} menu.
+ You can also choose \guiseq{Start\arw Run} and type in
+ \path|cmd.exe|, which is the name of the brand new command
+ interpreter for \acro{NT} (thus, it is untrue to call this a
+ \emph{DOS} box!).
+These locations may change across different Windows versions.
+\subsubsection{Path separators}
+The Win32 API understands both \path|/| and \path|\| characters as PATH
+separators. But the command interpreters do not! So whenever a path name
+is used programmatically, you can use both separators, and even mix them
+up in the same path name. But on the command line, you must type
+\path|\| as path separator. The reason is compatibility: the command
+processor used \samp{/} to introduce arguments to commands.
+All this to say: do not be surprised to read path names written using
+the Unix convention; \fpTeX{} is a port of \Webc, and aims to be compatible
+across platforms. For this reason, all the configuration files that
+need to specify path names use the Unix convention.
+\subsubsection{File systems}
+The worst feature of Win9x with regard to \TeX{} is probably the
+so-called FAT file system. \TeX{} uses many many small files, with size
+around 1--3kB. The \acro{FAT} file system is old, and predates by
+decades the multi-gigabytes hard disks we have today. As a result, it
+cannot manage efficiently the tens of thousands of \TeX{} files found in
+\TeXLive{}. The \acro{FAT} file system allocates a minimum of 32kB for
+\emph{any} file on a huge partition. It means that \TeX{} will use much
+more disk space than it actually needs.
+The other, more modern, file systems available, \acro{FAT32} and
+\acro{NTFS}, do not have this drawback. They manage clusters of 4kB
+only. (You can lower the limit to 512 bytes on \acro{NTFS}.)
+\subsubsection{How to add some directory to your PATH}
+There are pairs of variables and values which behave much like global
+variables inside your programs. The set of those variables is called the
+environment. Each program is initialized with a copy of the
+environment when it is run. It can request and change the
+value of any variable. The changes happen in the copy of the
+environment, and is not at all propagated to the other running
+Your PATH is a special environment variable used to search for
+programs you want to run.
+There is a different procedure to change it for Win9x, WinME and NT/2K/XP:
+\item[Windows 95/98] Edit your \path|autoexec.bat|. In this file should be a line
+ starting with \texttt{PATH=} and followed by a list of directories separated
+ by \path|;|. Please add the directory with the executables in this line.
+ After this, this line could look as follows:
+PATH=c:\windows;c:\windows\system;c:\"Program Files"\TeXLive\bin\win32
+\item[Windows ME] You need to run the special program
+ \path|c:\windows\system\msconfig.exe| to be able to change any
+ environment variable. From this program, select the `Environment'
+ tab, and then add or modify the variable you want. You will be asked to reboot the
+ machine upon any change.
+\item[Windows NT/2K/XP]
+ Click left on \guiseq{Start \arw Settings \arw Control Panel}. Now the
+ window with the control panel icons opens. Double click on System. The
+ System Properties window opens. Click on the tab \textsf{Environment}
+ or look for a button named \guiseq{Environment Variables} among the
+ dialog boxes. Now you can change the environment variables for your
+ user account. Note: There are also displayed the environment settings
+ for the system. Normally, you can't change the system variables
+ unless you have administrator rights on your machine. If you want to
+ change the \texttt{PATH} for all users, you will have to contact your
+ system administrator or be the system administrator yourself\Dash in
+ the latter case you should know what you are doing.
+ If there is already a \texttt{PATH} setting for your user account,
+ left click on \texttt{PATH}. In the field \textsf{Variable} appears
+ \texttt{PATH} while the field Value shows the current setting of
+ \texttt{PATH} as a list of directories separated by \path|;|. Add
+ the directory where the executables are located (e.g.
+ \path|c:\Program Files\TeXLive\bin\win32|). If there isn't a \texttt{PATH} variable
+ for your user account, simply click in the field Variable and type
+ in \texttt{PATH}, click in the field \textsf{Value}
+ and type in the directory with the executables. Important: Click on
+ the \textsf{Apply} button before clicking \textsf{Ok}, otherwise the
+ changes to \texttt{PATH} won't apply to your system. Be careful when
+ changing the environment settings.
+The best way to be sure that a variable has been properly set is to
+open a console and type:
+which should return the corresponding value.
+\subsubsection{\TeX{} engines}
+If you have a look at the \Webc{} documentation, you will read that all
+the various \TeX{} derived programs use the same base engine. For
+example, \path|tex.exe| and \path|latex.exe| are exact copies of the
+same program, but each one will use a different format file, based on
+its calling name.
+Under Unix, this feature is implemented through \emph{symbolic
+links}. It saves up a bit of disk space, because some engines are
+used with many different format files.
+The Win32 API does not know about file links. So to save up almost
+the same amount of memory, all the \TeX{} base engines have been put
+in DLLs (\emph{Dynamic Linked Library}). This means that you will have
+the following layout:
+13/05/2002 17:06 3 584 latex.exe
+13/05/2002 17:06 266 240 tex.dll
+13/05/2002 17:06 3 584 tex.exe
+and the \path|latex.exe| file is nothing but a rough copy of
+\path|tex.exe| using the same core \path|tex.dll|.
+The same trick has been used for the \path|mktex*.exe| family of programs which are
+linked to the \path|mktex.dll| library.
+In fact, a generic tool called \path|lnexe.exe| is provided to build the
+equivalent of Unix hard links for executable files only under Win32.
+\subsection{In case of problems}
+\subsubsection{What to do if \texttt{latex} does not find your files?}
+\item \cmdname{kpsewhich} is the tool of choice to debug any
+problem. Unfortunately, \cmdname{kpsewhich} outputs debug information
+to stderr, and the Windows console does not know how to redirect stderr
+to a file\footnote{Well, NT and Win2k consoles know how to do that. But
+the trick will work for any console.}. For diagnostic purposes you can
+temporarily set an environment variable (in a \acro{DOS} box):
+You can also set the debug level:
+If you want to redirect stderr to stdout, which is not possible
+Windows, then do:
+This way you can capture both stdout and stderr in the same file.
+\item Assuming the installation has been done in \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive|, check
+ the following values: \\
+ {\small
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $SELFAUTOPARENT| & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $TEXMF| & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $TEXMFCNF| &
+ \path|.;c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/web2c;| \\
+ & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/bin/win32;| \\
+ & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/bin;| \\
+ & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-var $TEXINPUTS| & \path|.;c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex//|
+ \end{tabular}
+\item If you have other \TeX{}-related values already set in your
+ environment, please, remove them. They are overriding the ones in
+ texmf.cnf.
+\item Check the values from:\\
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \texttt{kpsewhich cmr10.tfm} & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm|\\
+ \texttt{kpsewhich latex.fmt}& \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/web2c/latex.fmt|
+ \end{tabular}
+\item At this point, if everything is correct, \TeX{} and friends
+ should work. If it is not the case, you will need to play with
+ the \path|-debug=n| option from \path|kpsewhich|, and check back all
+ the values. Try to identify and report the problem.
+\subsubsection{What to do if your setup still does not work as expected?}
+Here are several questions to investigate:
+\item Is \file{tex.exe} in my \path|PATH|?
+\item Is the \path|TEXMFCNF| variable correctly set to
+\path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf-var/web2c| (default value)?
+\item Are there any errors in the log file generated by the
+\file{TeXSetup.exe} program? You can find this by searching for the
+string \samp{Error}.
+\item Are there any relevant bug fixes at \url{}?
+(Unlikely, but it doesn't hurt to check.)
+\item Check the web pages at
+\url{}, or consider subscribing to the \fpTeX{}
+mailing list, via \url{}.
+The \TeXLive{} software consists of hundreds and programs and tens of
+thousands of files, all from varying sources. So it is quite difficult to
+predict all possible causes for problems. Nevertheless, we will do our
+best to help you. (see section~\ref{sec:help} on p.~\pageref{sec:help}.)
+\subsection{Compiling the source files}
+You have the whole set of source files, in the
+\path|source/source.tar.bz2| archive available in the distribution together with
+a patch file for Win32. To
+be able to compile the whole distribution for Windows, you will need:
+\item Windows 2K/XP
+\item Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003
+\item a set of Unix tools (\texttt{sed},
+ \texttt{grep}, \texttt{gawk}, etc.) and also Perl, Flex and Bison,
+\item to adjust the paths in the
+ \path|win32/make/common.mak| file according to your installation
+\item to adjust the paths in the Perl script file
+ \path|win32/perl/|,
+\item run the compilation from the \path|mswin32/| directory using this
+ command:
+c:\texlive\source\mswin32>perl ./perl/ --install --log=install.log
+There is a lot of work to do to make this process easier and cleaner.
+\subsection{Where to get more information}
+The Windows \TeX{} system included on \TeXLive{} is also known as
+\fpTeX. The packaging differs, but \fpTeX{} is no more no less than the
+current \TeXLive\ release for Windows.
+The \fpTeX{} home page is \url{}.
+The current \fpTeX release is available from any \CTAN site in
+The main ftp site for \fpTeX\ is \url{}
+from where beta versions of \fpTeX\ and additionnal tools are available.
+This main site is (partially) mirrored daily by all \CTAN{} sites at
+The \TeX{} Users Group is kindly hosting a mailing list dedicated to
+\fpTeX. It is used for announcements, bug reports, enhancement requests,
+and general discussion about \fpTeX. To subscribe, visit
+\url{}. The mailing list
+address is \email{}.
+\section{A user's guide to \protect\Webc{}}
+\Webc{} is an integrated collection of \TeX-related programs: \TeX{}
+itself, \MF{}, \MP, \BibTeX{}, etc. It is the heart of \TeXLive{}.
+A bit of history: The original implementation was by Tomas Rokicki who,
+in 1987, developed a first \TeX{}-to-C system adapting change files
+under Unix, which were primarily the work of Howard Trickey and Pavel
+Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the system, and during this
+period the name changed to Web-to-C\@. In 1990, Karl Berry took over
+the work, assisted by dozens of additional contributors, and in 1997 he
+handed the baton to Olaf Weber.
+The \Webc{} system runs on Unix, 32-bit Windows systems, \MacOSX{}, and
+other operating systems. It uses Knuth's original sources for \TeX{} and
+other basic programs written in \web{} and translates them into C source
+code. The core \TeX{} programs are:
+\item[bibtex] Maintaining bibliographies.
+\item[dmp] \cmdname{troff} to MPX (\MP{} pictures).
+\item[dvicopy] Expands virtual font references in \dvi{} files.
+\item[dvitomp] \dvi{} to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+\item[dvitype] \dvi{} to human-readable text.
+\item[gftodvi] Generic font proofsheets.
+\item[gftopk] Generic to packed fonts.
+\item[gftype] GF to human-readable text.
+\item[makempx] \MP{} label typesetting.
+\item[mf] Creating typeface families.
+\item[mft] Prettyprinting \MF{} source.
+\item[mpost] Creating technical diagrams.
+\item[mpto] MetaPost label extraction.
+\item[newer] Compare modification times.
+\item[patgen] Creating hyphenation patterns.
+\item[pktogf] Packed to generic fonts.
+\item[pktype] PK to human-readable text.
+\item[pltotf] Plain text property list to TFM.
+\item[pooltype] Display \web{} pool files.
+\item[tangle] \web{} to Pascal.
+\item[tex] Typesetting.
+\item[tftopl] TFM to plain text property list.
+\item[vftovp] Virtual font to virtual property list.
+\item[vptovf] Virtual property list to virtual font.
+\item[weave] \web{} to \TeX.
+\noindent The precise functions and syntax of these programs are
+described in the documentation of the individual packages and of \Webc{}
+itself. However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of
+programs will help you take advantage of your \Webc{} installation.
+All programs honor these standard \acro{GNU} options:
+\item[-{}-help] print basic usage summary.
+\item[-{}-verbose] print detailed progress report.
+\item[-{}-version] print version information, then exit.
+For locating files the \Webc{} programs use the path searching library
+\KPS{}. This library uses a combination of environment variables and a
+configuration files to optimize searching the (huge) collection of
+\TeX{} files. \Webc{} can look at more than one directory tree
+simultaneously, which is useful in maintaining \TeX's standard
+distribution and local extensions in two distinct trees. To speed up
+file searches the root of each tree has a file \file{ls-R}, containing
+an entry showing the name and relative pathname for all files under that
+\subsection{\protect\KPS\ path searching}
+Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the \KPS{}
+We call a \emph{search path} a colon- or semicolon\hyph sepa\-rated list
+of \emph{path elements}, which are basically directory names. A
+search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up
+a file \samp{my-file} along a path \samp{.:/dir}, \KPS{} checks each
+element of the path in turn: first \file{./my-file}, then
+\file{/dir/my-file}, returning the first match (or possibly all
+In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems' conventions, on
+non-Unix systems \KPS{} can use filename separators different from
+colon (\samp{:}) and slash (\samp{/}).
+To check a particular path element \var{p}, \KPS{} first checks if a
+prebuilt database (see ``Filename data\-base'' on
+page~\pageref{Filename-database}) applies to \var{p}, i.e., if the database
+is in a directory that is a prefix of \var{p}. If so, the path
+specification is matched against the contents of the database.
+If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path
+element, or contains no matches, the filesystem is searched (if this
+was not forbidden by a specification starting with \samp{!!}\ and if
+the file being searched for must exist). \KPS{} constructs the list
+of directories that correspond to this path element, and then checks
+in each for the file being sought.
+The ``file must exist'' condition comes into play with \samp{.vf} files and
+input files read by \TeX's \cs{openin} command. Such files may not
+exist (e.g., \file{cmr10.vf}), and so it would be wrong to search the
+disk for them. Therefore, if you fail to update \file{ls-R} when you
+install a new \samp{.vf} file, it will never be found.
+Each path element is checked in turn: first the database, then the
+disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result is
+Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory
+name, \KPS{} supports additional features in search paths: layered
+default values, environment variable names, config file values, users'
+home directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say
+that \KPS{} \emph{expands} a path element, meaning it transforms all
+the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is
+described in the following sections in the same order as it takes
+Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly
+relative, i.e., starts with \samp{/} or \samp{./} or \samp{../},
+\KPS{} simply checks if that file exists.
+ \caption{An illustrative configuration file sample}
+ \label{fig:config-sample}
+\subsubsection{Path sources}
+A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which
+\KPS{} uses them:
+ A user-set environment variable, for instance, \envname{TEXINPUTS}\@.
+ Environment variables with a period and a program name appended
+ override; e.g., if \samp{latex} is the name of the program being run,
+ then \envname{TEXINPUTS.latex} will override \envname{TEXINPUTS}.
+ A program-specific configuration file, for exam\-ple, a line
+ \samp{S /a:/b} in \cmdname{dvips}'s \file{}.
+\item A \KPS{} configuration file \file{texmf.cnf}, containing a line like
+ \samp{TEXINPUTS=/c:/d} (see below).
+\item The compile-time default.
+\noindent You can see each of these values for a given
+search path by using the debugging options (see ``Debugging actions''
+on page~\pageref{Debugging}).
+\subsubsection{Config files}
+\KPS{} reads \emph{runtime configuration files} named \file{texmf.cnf}
+for search path and other definitions. The search path used to look
+for these files is named \envname{TEXMFCNF} (by default such a file lives
+in the \file{texmf/web2c} subdirectory). \emph{All}
+\file{texmf.cnf} files in the search path will be read and definitions
+in earlier files override those in later files. Thus, with a search
+path of \verb|.:$TEXMF|, values from \file{./texmf.cnf} override those
+from \verb|$TEXMF/texmf.cnf|.
+ Comments start with \code{\%} and continue to the end of the line.
+ Blank lines are ignored.
+ A \bs{} at the end of a line acts as a continuation character,
+ i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace at the beginning of
+ continuation lines is not ignored.
+ Each remaining line has the form:
+ \emph{variable}[.\emph{progname}] [=] \emph{value}
+ where the \samp{=} and surrounding whitespace are optional.
+ The \ttvar{variable} name may contain any character other
+ than whitespace, \samp{=}, or \samp{.}, but sticking to
+ \samp{A-Za-z\_} is safest.
+ If \samp{.\var{progname}} is present, the definition only
+ applies if the program that is running is named
+ \texttt{\var{progname}} or \texttt{\var{progname}.exe}. This allows
+ different flavors of \TeX{} to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+\item \var{value} may contain any characters except
+ \code{\%} and \samp{@}. The
+ \code{\$\var{var}.\var{prog}} feature is not available on the
+ right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable. A
+ \samp{;}\ in \var{value} is translated to \samp{:}\ if
+ running under Unix; this is useful to be able to have a single
+ \file{texmf.cnf} for Unix, \acro{MS-DOS} and Windows systems.
+ All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so
+ variables can be referenced before they are defined.
+A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these points is
+shown below:
+shown in Figure~\ref{fig:config-sample}.
+\subsubsection{Path expansion}
+\KPS{} recognizes certain special characters and constructions in
+search paths, similar to those available in Unix shells. As a
+general example, the complex path,
+\verb+~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz+, expands to all subdirectories under
+directories \file{foo} and \file{bar} in \texttt{\$USER}'s home
+directory that contain a directory or file \file{baz}. These
+expansions are explained in the sections below.
+\subsubsection{Default expansion}
+If the highest-priority search path (see ``Path sources'' on
+page~\pageref{Path-sources}) contains an \emph{extra colon} (i.e.,
+leading, trailing, or doubled), \KPS{} inserts at that point the
+next-highest-prio\-rity search path that is defined. If that inserted
+path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next highest. For
+example, given an environment variable setting
+> \Ucom{setenv TEXINPUTS /home/karl:}
+and a \code{TEXINPUTS} value from \file{texmf.cnf} of
+ .:\$TEXMF//tex
+then the final value used for searching will be:
+ /home/karl:.:\$TEXMF//tex
+Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one
+place, \KPS{} changes only one extra \samp{:}\ and leaves any others in
+place: it checks first for a leading \samp{:}, then a trailing
+\samp{:}, then a doubled \samp{:}.
+\subsubsection{Brace expansion}
+A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance,
+\verb+v{a,b}w+ expands to \verb+vaw:vbw+. Nesting is allowed.
+This can be used to implement multiple \TeX{} hierarchies, by
+assigning a brace list to \code{\$TEXMF}.
+For example, in \file{texmf.cnf}, you find
+the following definition:
+Using this you can then write something like
+ TEXINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex//
+which means that, after looking in the current directory, the
+\code{\$HOMETEXMF/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFLOCAL/tex}, \code{\$VARTEXMF/tex}
+and \code{\$TEXMFMAIN/tex} trees \emph{only}) will be searched (the
+last two use using \file{ls-R} data base files). It is a convenient
+way for running two parallel \TeX{} structures, one ``frozen'' (on a
+\CD, for instance) and the other being continuously updated with new
+versions as they become available. By using the \code{\$TEXMF}
+variable in all definitions, one is sure to always search the
+up-to-date tree first.
+\subsubsection{Subdirectory expansion}
+Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory
+\var{d} is replaced by all subdirectories of \var{d}: first those
+subdirectories directly under \var{d}, then the subsubdirectories under
+those, and so on. At each level, the order in which the directories are
+searched is \emph{unspecified}.
+If you specify any filename components after the \samp{//}, only
+subdirectories with matching components are included. For example,
+\samp{/a//b} expands into directories \file{/a/1/b}, \file{/a/2/b},
+\file{/a/1/1/b}, and so on, but not \file{/a/b/c} or \file{/a/1}.
+Multiple \samp{//} constructs in a path are possible, but
+\samp{//} at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+\subsubsection{List of special characters and their meaning: a summary}
+The following list summarises the meaning of special characters
+in \KPS{} configuration files.
+\item[\CODE{:}] Separator in path specification; at the beginning or
+ the end of a path it substitutes the default path expansion.
+\item[\CODE{;}] Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like \code{:}).
+\item[\CODE{\$}] Variable expansion.
+\item[\CODE{\string~}] Represents the user's home directory.
+\item[\CODE{\char`\{\dots\char`\}}] Brace expansion.
+\item[\CODE{//}] Subdirectory expansion (can occur anywhere in
+ a path, except at its beginning).
+\item[\CODE{\%}] Start of comment.
+\item[\CODE{\bs}] Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+\item[\CODE{!!}] Search \emph{only} database to locate file, \emph{do
+ not} search the disk.
+\subsection{Filename databases}
+\KPS{} goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches.
+Nevertheless, at installations with enough directories, searching each
+possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time
+(this is especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to
+be traversed.) Therefore, \KPS{} can use an externally-built plain text
+``database'' file named \file{ls-R} that maps files to directories,
+thus avoiding the need to exhaustively search the disk.
+A second database file \file{aliases} allows you to give additional
+names to the files listed in \file{ls-R}. This can be helpful to
+confirm to \acro{DOS} 8.3 filename conventions in source files.
+\subsubsection{The filename database}
+As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be
+\file{ls-R}. You can put one at the root of each \TeX{} hierarchy in
+your installation that you wish to be searched (\code{\$TEXMF} by
+default); most sites have only one hierarchy. \KPS{} looks for
+\file{ls-R} files along the \code{TEXMFDBS} path.
+The recommended way to create and maintain \samp{ls-R} is to run the
+\code{mktexlsr} script included with the distribution. It is invoked
+by the various \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts. In principle, this script
+just runs the command
+cd \var{/your/texmf/root} && ls -LAR ./ >ls-R
+presuming your system's \code{ls} produces the right output format
+(\acro{GNU}'s \code{ls} is all right). To ensure that the database is always
+up-to-date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via \code{cron}, so
+that for changes in the installed files\Dash perhaps after installing or
+updating a \LaTeX{} package\Dash the file \file{ls-R} is automatically
+If a file is not found in the database, by default \KPS{} goes ahead
+and searches the disk. If a particular path element begins with
+\samp{!!}, however, \emph{only} the database will be searched for that
+element, never the disk.
+\subsubsection{kpsewhich: Standalone path searching}
+The \texttt{kpsewhich} program exercises path searching independent of any
+particular application. This can be useful as a sort of \code{find}
+program to locate files in \TeX{} hierarchies (this is used heavily in
+the distributed \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts).
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich \var{option}\dots{} \var{filename}\dots{}}
+The options specified in \ttvar{option} start with either \samp{-}
+or \samp{-{}-}, and any unambiguous abbreviation is accepted.
+\KPS{} looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a
+filename, and returns the first file found. There is no option to
+return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix
+\samp{find} utility for that).
+The more important options are described next.
+ Set the resolution to \ttvar{num}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. \samp{-D} is a synonym, for compatibility
+ with \cmdname{dvips}. Default is 600.
+ Set the format for lookup to \ttvar{name}. By default, the
+ format is guessed from the filename. For formats which do not have
+ an associated unambiguous suffix, such as \MP{} support files and
+ \cmdname{dvips} configuration files, you have to specify the name as
+ found in the first column of Table~\ref{tab:kpathsea}, which lists
+ currently recognized names, a description, possible file extensions,
+ and associated environment variables.
+\def\KpathKey#1#2#3#4#5{% name, number, description, variables,
+ % suffixes
+\SetRowColor#1 & #3 & #4 & #5\\}
+% a footnoterule immediately under a bottom-of-page rule looks dead
+% silly, so we suppress it
+ >{\ttfamily}P{.16\textwidth}% Col.1
+ P{.3\textwidth}% Col 2
+ >{\ttfamily\footnotesize}P{.29\textwidth}% Col 3
+ >{\ttfamily}P{.14\textwidth}% Col 4
+\caption{Kpathsea file types.}\label{tab:kpathsea}\\
+\emph{Name} & \HEAD{Description} & \HEAD{Variables}
+& \HEAD{Suffixes}\\
+\multicolumn{3}{l}{Kpathsea file types \emph{continued}}\\
+\emph{Name} & \HEAD{Description} & \HEAD{Variables}
+& \HEAD{Suffixes}\\
+ {afm}
+ {4}
+ {Adobe font metrics}
+ {.afm}
+ {base}
+ {5}
+ {Metafont memory dump}
+ {.base}
+ {bib}
+ {6}
+ {\BibTeX{} bibliography source}
+ {.bib}
+ {}
+ {2}
+ {bitmap fonts}
+ {}
+ {bst}
+ {7}
+ {\BibTeX{} style files}
+ {.bst}
+ {cnf}
+ {8}
+ {Runtime configuration files}
+ {.cnf}
+ {dvips config}
+ {34}
+ {\textsf{dvips} configuration files, e.g., \file{}
+ and \file{}}
+ {.map}
+ {fmt}
+ {10}
+ {\TeX{} memory dump}
+ {.fmt, .efmt, .efm}
+ {gf}
+ {0}
+ {generic font bitmap}
+ {.gf}
+ {graphic/figure}
+ {25}
+ {Encapsulated \PS{} figures}
+ {.eps, .epsi}
+ {ist}
+ {35}
+ {\textsf{makeindex} style files}
+ {.ist}
+ {ls-R}
+ {9}
+ {Filename databases}
+ {}
+ {map}
+ {11}
+ {Fontmaps}
+ {.map}
+ {mem}
+ {12}
+ {MetaPost memory dump}
+ {.mem}
+ {mf}
+ {13}
+ {Metafont source}
+ {.mf}
+ {mfpool}
+ {14}
+ {Metafont program strings}
+ {.pool}
+ {mft}
+ {15}
+ {MFT style file}
+ {.mft}
+ {}
+ {41}
+ {miscellaneous fonts}
+ {}
+ {mp}
+ {16}
+ {MetaPost source}
+ {.mp}
+ {mppool}
+ {17}
+ {MetaPost program strings}
+ {.pool}
+ {MetaPost support}
+ {18}
+ {MetaPost support files, used by DMP}
+ {}
+ {ocp}
+ {19}
+ {\OMEGA{} compiled process files}
+ {.ocp}
+ {ofm}
+ {20}
+ {\OMEGA{} font metrics}
+ {.ofm, .tfm}
+ {opl}
+ {21}
+ {\OMEGA{} property lists}
+ {.opl}
+ {otp}
+ {22}
+ {\OMEGA{} translation process files}
+ {.otp}
+ {ovf}
+ {23}
+ {\OMEGA{} virtual fonts}
+ {.ovf}
+ {ovp}
+ {24}
+ {\OMEGA{} virtual property lists}
+ {.ovp}
+ {pk}
+ {1}
+ {packed bitmap fonts}
+ {\emph{program}FONTS \textrm{(\texttt{\emph{program}} being
+ \textsmaller{\cmdname{XDVI}},
+ {.pk}
+ {\PS{} header}
+ {30}
+ {downloadable \PS{}}
+ {.pro, .enc}
+ {tex}
+ {26}
+ {\TeX{} source}
+ {.tex, .cls, .sty, .clo, .def}
+ {TeX system documentation}
+ {27}
+ {Documentation files for the \TeX{} system}
+ {}
+ {TeX system sources}
+ {29}
+ {Source files for the \TeX{} system}
+ {}
+ {texpool}
+ {28}
+ {\TeX{} program strings}
+ {.pool}
+ {tfm}
+ {3}
+ {\TeX{} font metrics}
+ {.tfm}
+ {Troff fonts}
+ {31}
+ {Troff fonts, used by DMP}
+ {}
+ {truetype fonts}
+ {36}
+ {TrueType outline fonts}
+ {.ttf, .ttc}
+ {Type~1 fonts}
+ {32}
+ {Type 1 \PS{} outline fonts}
+ {.pfa, .pfb}
+ {type42 fonts}
+ {37}
+ {Type 42 \PS{} outline fonts}
+ {T42FONTS}
+ {}
+ {vf}
+ {33}
+ {virtual fonts}
+ {.vf}
+ {web2c files}
+ {38}
+ {\Webc{} support files}
+ {WEB2C}
+ {}
+ {other text files}
+ {39}
+ {text files used by `\textsf{foo}'}
+ {}
+ {other binary files}
+ {40}
+ {binary files used by `\textsf{foo}'}
+ {}
+ The last two entries in Table~\ref{tab:kpathsea} are special
+ cases, where the paths and environment variables depend on the name
+ of the program: the variable name is constructed by converting the
+ program name to upper case, and then appending \texttt{INPUTS}.
+ The environment variables are set by default in the configuration
+ file \file{texmf.cnf}. It is only when you want to override one or
+ more of the values specified in that file that you might want to set
+ them explicitly in your execution environment.
+ The \samp{-{}-format} and \samp{-{}-path} options are mutually
+ exclusive.
+ Set the mode name to \ttvar{string}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. No default: any mode will be found.
+ Do everything possible to find the files, notably including
+ searching the disk. By default, only the \file{ls-R} database is
+ checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ Search along the path \ttvar{string} (colon-separated as usual),
+ instead of guessing the search path from the filename. \samp{//} and
+ all the usual expansions are supported. The options \samp{-{}-path}
+ and \samp{-{}-format} are mutually exclusive.
+ Set the program name to \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ This can affect the search paths via the \texttt{.\var{progname}}
+ feature.
+ The default is \cmdname{kpsewhich}.
+ shows the path used for file lookups of file type \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ Either a filename extension (\code{.pk}, \code{.vf}, etc.) or a
+ name can be used, just as with \samp{-{}-format} option.
+ sets the debugging options to \texttt{\var{num}}.
+\subsubsection{Examples of use}
+Let us now have a look at \KPS{} in action. Here's a straightforward search:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich article.cls}
+We are looking for the file \file{article.cls}. Since the \samp{.cls}
+suffix is unambiguous we do not need to specify that we want to look for a
+file of type \optname{tex} (\TeX{} source file directories). We find it in
+the subdirectory \file{tex/latex/base} below the \samp{TEXMF} root
+directory. Similarly, all of the following are found without problems
+thanks to their unambiguous suffix.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich array.sty}
+ /usr/local/texmf/tex/latex/tools/array.sty
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich latin1.def}
+ /usr/local/texmf/tex/latex/base/latin1.def
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich size10.clo}
+ /usr/local/texmf/tex/latex/base/size10.clo
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich small2e.tex}
+ /usr/local/texmf/tex/latex/base/small2e.tex
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich tugboat.bib}
+ /usr/local/texmf/bibtex/bib/beebe/tugboat.bib
+The latter is a \BibTeX{} bibliography database for \textsl{TUGBoat} articles.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+Font bitmap glyph files of type \file{.pk} are used by display
+programs like \cmdname{dvips} and \cmdname{xdvi}. Nothing is returned in
+this case since there are no pre-generated Computer Modern \samp{.pk}
+files on our system (since we use the Type~1 versions included in \TeXLive{}).
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf/fonts/pk/ljfour/jknappen/ec/ecrm1000.600pk
+... ec/ecrm1000.600pk
+For the extended Computer Modern files we had to generate \samp{.pk}
+files, and since the default \MF{} mode on our installation is
+\texttt{ljfour} with a base resolution of 600\dpi{} (dots per inch),
+this instantiation is returned.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich -dpi=300}
+In this case, when specifying that we are interested in a resolution
+of 300\dpi{} (\texttt{-dpi=300}) we see that no such font is available on
+the system. In fact, a program like \cmdname{dvips} or \cmdname{xdvi} would
+go off and actually build the \texttt{.pk} files at the required
+resolution using the script \cmdname{mktexpk}.
+Next we turn our attention to \cmdname{dvips}'s header and configuration
+files. We first look at one of the commonly used files, the general
+prolog \file{} for \TeX{} support, before turning our attention
+to the generic configuration file (\file{}) and the
+\PS{} font map \file{}. As the \samp{.ps} suffix is
+ambiguous we have to specify explicitly which type we are considering
+(\optname{dvips config}) for the file \texttt{}.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+ /usr/local/texmf/config/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+We now take a closer look at the \acro{URW} Times \PS{} support
+files. The prefix for these in the standard font naming scheme is
+\samp{utm}. The first file we look at is the configuration file,
+which contains the name of the map file:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config" config.utm}
+The contents of that file is
+ p
+which points to the file \file{}, which we want to
+locate next.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+This map file defines the file names of the Type~1 \PS{} fonts in
+the URW collection. Its contents look like (we only show part of the
+utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal... <utmbi8a.pfb
+utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal... <utmri8a.pfb
+utmbo8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmro8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+Let us, for instance, take the Times Roman instance
+\file{utmr8a.pfb} and find its position in the \file{texmf} directory
+tree with a search for Type~1 font files:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich utmr8a.pfb}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/utm/utmr8a.pfb
+\else /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/
+It should be evident from these few examples how you can easily locate
+the whereabouts of a given file. This is especially important if you
+suspect that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since
+\cmdname{kpsewhich} will show you the first file encountered.
+\subsubsection{Debugging actions}
+Sometimes it is necessary to investigate how a program resolves file
+references. To make this practical, \KPS{} offers various levels of
+debugging output:
+\item[\texttt{\ 1}] \texttt{stat} calls (disk lookups). When running
+ with an up-to-date \file{ls-R} database this should almost give no
+ output.
+\item[\texttt{\ 2}] References to hash tables (such as the \file{ls-R}
+ database, map files, configuration files).
+\item[\texttt{\ 4}] File open and close operations.
+\item[\texttt{\ 8}] General path information for file types
+ searched by \KPS. This is useful to find out where a particular
+ path for the file was defined.
+\item[\texttt{16}] Directory list for each path element (only relevant
+ for searches on disk).
+\item[\texttt{32}] File searches.
+A value of \texttt{-1} will set all the above options; in practice,
+this is usually the most convenient value touse.
+Similarly, with the \cmdname{dvips} program, by setting a combination of
+debug switches, one can follow in detail where files are being picked up
+from. Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace shows in
+which directories the program looks for the given file, so that one can
+get an indication what the problem~is.
+Generally speaking, as most programs call the \KPS{} library
+internally, one can select a debug option by using the
+\envname{KPATHSEA\_DEBUG} environment variable, and setting it to (a
+combination of) values as described in the above list.
+(Note for Windows users: it is not easy to redirect
+all messages to a file in this system. For diagnostic purposes
+you can temporarily \texttt{SET KPATHSEA\_DEBUG\_OUTPUT=err.log}).
+Let us consider, as an example, a small \LaTeX{} source file,
+\file{hello-world.tex}, which contains the following input.
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \begin{document}
+ Hello World!
+ \end{document}
+This little file only uses the font \file{cmr10}, so let us look
+how \cmdname{dvips} prepares the \PS{} file (we want to use the Type~1
+version of the Computer Modern fonts, hence the option \texttt{-Pcms}).
+> \Ucom{dvips -d4100 hello-world -Pcms -o}
+In this case we have combined \cmdname{dvips}'s debug class 4 (font
+paths) with \KPS's path element expansion (see \cmdname{dvips} Reference
+Manual, \OnCD{texmf/doc/html/dvips/dvips_toc.html}).
+The output (slightly rearranged) appears in
+\caption{Finding configuration files}\label{fig:dvipsdbga}
+\caption{Finding the prolog file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgb}
+\caption{Finding the font file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgc}
+\cmdname{dvips} starts by locating its working files. First,
+\file{texmf.cnf} is found, which gives the definitions of the search
+paths for the other files, then the file database \file{ls-R} (to
+optimize file searching) and the file \file{aliases}, which makes it
+possible to declare several names (e.g., a short \acro{DOS}-like 8.3 and
+a more natural longer version) for the same file. Then \cmdname{dvips}
+goes on to find the generic configuration file \file{}
+before looking for the customization file \file{.dvipsrc} (which, in
+this case is \emph{not found}). Finally, \cmdname{dvips} locates the
+config file for the Computer Modern \PS{} fonts \file{config.cms}
+(this was initiated with the \texttt{-Pcms} option on the \cmdname{dvips}
+command). This file contains the list of the map files which
+define the relation between the \TeX{}, \PS{} and file system
+names of the fonts.
+> \Ucom{more /usr/local/texmf/dvips/cms/config.cms}
+ p
+ p
+ p
+ p
+\cmdname{dvips} thus goes on to find all these files, plus the generic
+map file \file{}, which is always loaded (it contains
+declarations for commonly used \PS{} fonts; see the last part of
+Section \ref{SExamplesofuse} for more details about \PS{} map
+file handling).
+At this point \cmdname{dvips} identifies itself to the user:
+This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{}:
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search( => /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{} (see
+After having found the file in question, \cmdname{dvips} outputs
+date and time, and informs us that it will generate the
+file \file{}, then that it needs the font file
+\file{cmr10}, and that the latter is declared as ``resident'' (no
+bitmaps needed):
+TeX output 1998.02.26:1204' ->
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.0pt
+Font cmr10 <CMR10> is resident.
+Now the search is on for the file \file{cmr10.tfm}, which is found,
+then a few more prolog files (not shown) are referenced, and finally
+the Type~1 instance \file{cmr10.pfb} of the font is located and
+included in the output file (see last line).
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.tfm, must\_exist=1, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/fonts/tfm//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ /var/tex/fonts/tfm//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.tfm) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.pfb, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.pfb) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/cmr10.pfb
+\subsection{Runtime options}
+Another useful feature of \Webc{} is its possibility to control a number
+of memory parameters (in particular, array sizes) via the runtime file
+\file{texmf.cnf} read by \KPS{}. The memory settings can be found in
+Part 3 of that file in the \TeXLive{} distribution. The more important
+ Total words of memory available, for
+ \TeX{}, \MF{} and \MP. You must make a new format file for each
+ different setting. For instance, you could generate a ``huge''
+ version of \TeX{}, and call the format file \texttt{hugetex.fmt}.
+ Using the standard way of specifying the program name used by \KPS{},
+ the particular value of the \texttt{main\_memory} variable will then
+ be read from \file{texmf.cnf} (compare the generic value
+ and the huge one instantiated by \texttt{hugetex},
+ etc.).
+ Extra space for ``large'' \TeX{} data structures:
+ boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if you use
+ \PiCTeX{}.
+ Number of words for font information available for \TeX. This
+ is more or less the total size of all TFM files read.
+ Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names.
+ Approximately 10,000 control sequences can be stored in the main
+ hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. You can see that both the
+ \cmdname{hugetex} and \cmdname{pdflatex} program invocations ask for
+ an extra 15,000 control sequences (the default value of
+ \texttt{hash\_extra} is zero).
+\noindent Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic
+arrays and memory allocation, but since this is extremely difficult to
+implement in the present \TeX{} source, these runtime parameters provide
+a practical compromise allowing some flexibility.
+\section{Building on a new Unix platform}
+If you have a platform for which we have not created executables, you
+will need to compile \TeX{} and friends from scratch. This is not as
+hard as it sounds. What you need is all in the directory \texttt{source}
+in the distribution.
+You will need at least 100 megabytes of disk space to compile all of
+\TeX{} and its support programs. You'll also need an \acro{ANSI} C
+compiler, a \cmdname{make} utility, a lexical scanner, and a parser
+generator. We recommend the \acro{GNU} version of these programs
+(\cmdname{gcc}, \acro{GNU} \cmdname{make}, \cmdname{m4}, \cmdname{flex},
+\cmdname{bison}). You may be able to work with other C compilers and
+\cmdname{make} programs, but you will need a good understanding of
+building Unix programs to sort out problems.
+Also, the command \texttt{uname} must return a sensible value.
+To begin, perform a normal installation of \TeXLive{} to your disk (see
+section~\ref{sec:unix-install-disk} on
+p.~\pageref{sec:unix-install-disk}). You may wish to skip installing
+any of the prebuilt binaries.
+Then, unpack the source from the compressed \texttt{tar} file in the
+directory \dirname{source} to your disk and change directory to where
+you placed it.
+Next, run \cmdname{configure} with a command line like this:
+> \Ucom{sh configure -prefix=/usr/local/TeX}
+The \optname{-prefix} directory is the one where you installed the
+support tree; the directory layout will be as follows (where \$TEXDIR
+stands for the directory you chose):
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/share/texmf} & main tree with fonts,\\
+ & \qquad macros, etc\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/man} & Unix manual pages\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/info} & \acro{GNU} style Info manuals\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin/$PLATFORM} & binaries\\
+If you want to leave out the \dirname{$PLATFORM} directory level,
+i.e., put the binaries directly into \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin}, specify
+the \verb|--disable-multiplatform| option to \cmdname{configure}.
+Have a look at the output of \verb|./configure --help| for more
+options you can use. For example, you can skip building of \OMEGA{} and
+\subsection{Running \cmdname{make}}
+Make sure the shell variable or option \texttt{noclobber} is not set.
+Then, run the main \cmdname{make} like this:
+> \Ucom{make world}
+and relax\ldots
+Alternatively, you want to log all the output, as in:
+> \Ucom{sh -c "make world >world.log 2>\&1" \&}
+Before you believe that everything went ok, please check the log file
+for errors: \acro{GNU} \cmdname{make} always uses the string \samp{***}
+whenever a command fails. Also, check if all the programs were built:
+> \Ucom{cd \emph{TEXDIR}/bin/\emph{archname}}
+> \Ucom{ls | wc}
+The result should be over 200 (you can check the exact number with the
+\dirname{bin} directory contents in the distribution).
+If you need special privileges for \texttt{make install}, you can
+separate the \samp{make world} into two different runs, like this:
+> \Ucom{make all}
+> \Ucom{su}
+> \Ucom{make install strip}
+After you've installed your new binaries, you should follow the normal
+post-installation procedures, given in section~\ref{sec:postinstall}
+on p.~\pageref{sec:postinstall}.
+\section{Last words}
+This edition of \TeXLive{} is edited by Sebastian Rahtz, with the major
+contributors being Fabrice Popineau, who has worked away unceasingly at
+the Windows part of the package (especially the setup!)\ and contributed
+in many different ways with ideas, advice and code, and Staszek
+Wawrykiewicz, who provided great testing feedback, and co-ordinated the
+Polish contributions.
+Kaja Christiansen performed a vital role in endless recompilations on
+assorted Unix platforms. Vladimir Volovich did great work on cleaning
+the source and making other improvements, while Gerben Wierda did all
+the work for \MacOSX.
+\TeXLive{} is a joint effort by virtually all \TeX{} Users Groups. In
+particular, we are very grateful for past and present help from:
+\item The German-speaking \TeX{} Users (\acro{DANTE} e.V.), who provide
+the hardware the \TeXLive{} source repository; and Rainer Sch\"opf and
+Reinhard Zierke who look after it. \acro{DANTE} president Volker Schaa
+coordinated production with the Lehmann's Bookstore
+\item The Perforce corporation (\url{}), for providing
+a free copy of their excellent change management system, which we use to
+\item Karl Berry, who provided the original \Webc{} distribution, and
+has continued to give invaluable advice, encouragement, and help.
+\item Mimi Burbank, who arranged access at the Florida State University
+School of Computational Science and Information Technology to a slew of
+different computers to compile \TeX{} on, and acted as an essential
+guinea-pig whenever asked.
+\item Thomas Esser, without whose marvellous \teTeX{} package \TeXLive{}
+would certainly not exist, and whose continual help makes it a better
+\item Michel Goossens, who co-authored the documentation.
+\item Eitan Gurari, whose \TeX4ht was used to create the \HTML{}
+version of this documentation, and who worked tirelessly to improve
+it at short notice.
+\item Petr Olsak, who coordinated and checked all the Czech and Slovak
+material very carefully.
+\item Olaf Weber, for his patient assembly and maintenance of Web2c.
+\item Graham Williams, on whose work the catalogue of packages depends.
+In addition, Gerhard Wilhelms, Volker Schaa, Fabrice Popineau, Janka
+Chleb\'\i{}kov\'a, Staszek Wawrykiewicz, Erik Frambach, and Ulrik Vieth
+kindly translated documentation at various times into their respective
+languages, checked other documentation, and provided very welcome
+\subsection{Release history}
+Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group was
+starting work on its 4All\TeX{} \CD{} for \acro{MS-DOS} users, and it
+was hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, \CD{} for all
+systems. This was too ambitious a target for the time, but it did spawn
+not only the very successful 4All\TeX{} \CD{}, but also the \acro{TUG}
+Technical Council working group on a \emph{\TeX{} Directory Structure}
+(\url{}), which specified how to create consistent and
+manageable collections of \TeX{} support files. A complete draft of the
+\TDS{} was published in the December 1995 issue of \textsl{TUGboat}, and
+it was clear from an early stage that one desirable product would be a
+model structure on \CD{}. The distribution you now have is a very direct
+result of the working group's deliberations. It was also clear that the
+success of the 4All\TeX{} \CD{} showed that Unix users would benefit
+from a similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of
+We first undertook to make a new Unix-based \TDS{} \CD{} in the autumn
+of 1995, and quickly identified Thomas Esser's \teTeX{} as the ideal
+setup, as it already had multi-platform support and was built with
+portability across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and work
+began seriously at the start of 1996. The first edition was released in
+May 1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a major new release
+of Web2c, which included nearly all the features which Thomas Esser had
+added in \teTeX, and we decided to base the 2nd edition of the \CD{} on
+the standard \Webc, with the addition of \teTeX's \texttt{texconfig}
+script. The 3rd edition of the \CD{} was based on a major revision of
+\Webc, 7.2, by Olaf Weber; at the same time, a new revision of \teTeX
+was being made, and \TeXLive{} included almost all of its features. The
+4th edition followed the same pattern, using a new version of \teTeX,
+and a new release of \Webc{} (7.3). The system now included a complete
+Windows setup.
+For the 5th edition (March 2000) many parts of the \CD{} were revised
+and checked, updating hundreds of packages. Package details were stored
+in XML files. But the major change for \TeX\ Live 5 was that all
+non-free software was removed. Everything in \TeXLive{} is now intended
+to be compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
+(\url{}); we have done our best to check
+the license conditions of all packages, but we would very much
+appreciate hearing of any mistakes.
+The 6th edition (July 2001) had much more material updated. The major
+change was a new install concept: the user could select a more exact set
+of needed collections. Language-related collections were completely
+reorganized, so selecting any of them installs not only macros, fonts,
+etc., but also prepares an appropriate \texttt{language.dat}.
+The 7th edition of 2002 had the notable addition of \MacOSX{} support,
+and the usual myriad of updates to all sorts of packages and
+programs. An important goal was integration of the source back with
+\teTeX, to correct the drift apart in versions~5 and~6.
+In 2003, with the continuing flood of updates and additions, we found
+that \TeXLive{} had grown so large it could no longer be contained on a
+single \CD, so we split it into three different distributions (see
+section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist} on p.~\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}). In
+\item At the request of the \LaTeX{} team, we changed the standard
+ \cmdname{latex} and \cmdname{pdflatex} commands to now use \eTeX{} (see
+ p.~\pageref{text:etex}).
+\item The new Latin Modern fonts were included (and are recommended).
+\item Support for Alpha \acro{OSF} was removed
+ (\acro{HPUX} support was removed previously), since no one had (or
+ volunteered) hardware available on which to compile new binaries.
+\item Windows setup was substantially changed; for the first time
+ an integrated environment based on XEmacs was introduced.
+\item Important supplementary programs for Windows
+ (Perl, Ghost\-script, Image\-Magick, Ispell) are now installed
+ in the \TeXLive{} installation directory.
+\item Font map files used by \cmdname{dvips}, \cmdname{dvipdfm}
+ and \cmdname{pdftex} are now generated by the new program
+ \cmdname{updmap} and installed into \dirname{texmf/fonts/map}.
+\item \TeX{}, \MF{}, and \MP{} now, by default, output 8-bit input
+ characters as themselves in output (e.g., \verb|\write|) files,
+ log files, and the terminal, i.e., \emph{not} translated using the
+ \verb|^^| notation. In \TeXLive{}~7, this translation was
+ dependent on the system locale settings; now, locale settings do
+ not influence the \TeX{} programs' behavior. If for some reason
+ you need the \verb|^^| output, rename the file
+ \verb|texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx|. (Future releases will have cleaner
+ ways to control this.)
+\item This documentation was substantially revised.
+\item Finally, since the edition numbers had grown unwieldy,
+ the version is now simply identified by the year: \TeXLive{} 2003.
+\subsection{Future releases}
+\emph{\TeXLive{} is not perfect!} (And never will be.) We intend to
+continue to release new versions yearly, and would like to provide more
+help material, more utilities, more installation programs, and (of
+course) an ever-improved and checked tree of macros and fonts. This work
+is all done by hard-pressed volunteers in their limited spare time, and
+a great deal remains to be done. If you can help, don't hesitate to put
+your name forward!
+Please send corrections, suggestions, and offers of help to:\hfill\null
+Sebastian Rahtz \ / \ 7 Stratfield Road \ / \ Oxford OX2 7BG \ / \ UK \\
+\email{} \\
+\noindent \textsl{Happy \TeX'ing!}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2004.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2004.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..10e50ee5832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2004.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3854 @@
+% $Id$
+% TeX Live documentation. Originally written by Sebastian Rahtz and
+% Michel Goossens, now maintained by Karl Berry and others.
+% Public domain.
+\let\tldocenglish=1 % for live4ht.cfg
+ {\huge \textit{The \protect\TL{} Guide}\\\strut}
+ {\LARGE \textsf{\TK{} 2004}}
+\author{Sebastian Rahtz \& Karl Berry, editors \\[3mm]
+ \url{}
+ }
+\date{November 2004}
+This document describes the main features of the \TL{} software
+distribution\Dash a \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} distribution for Linux and other
+Unix flavors, \MacOSX, and (32-bit) Windows systems. (Warning: it is
+not especially useful for older Mac or \acro{MS-DOS} systems.)
+\TL{} includes precompiled binaries for \TeX{}, \LaTeXe{}, \MF, \MP,
+\BibTeX{} and many other programs; an extensive collection of macros,
+fonts and documentation; and support for typesetting in many different
+scripts from around the world. It is part of the even larger \TK{}
+(briefly described below in section~\ref{sec:struct-tl},
+\p.\pageref{sec:struct-tl}), a cooperative effort by the \TeX\ user
+For newer versions of the packages included here, please check
+\acro{CTAN}: \url{}
+For a brief summary of the major changes in this edition of \TL{},
+see section~\ref{sec:history} (\p.\pageref{sec:history}).
+\subsection{Basic usage of \protect\TL{}}
+You can use \TL{} in three principal ways:
+\item You can run \TL{} directly from the \DVD
+(see section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist}, \p.\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}).
+This takes almost no disk space, as you might expect, and gives you
+immediate access to everything in \TL{}. Of course performance
+will be worse than running on local disk, but you may well find it
+\item You can install all or part of \TL{} to a local disk. This
+is the most common use of \TL. You will need (approximately) a
+minimum of 100 megabytes, 310 megabytes for a recommended system, and
+730 megabytes for a full system.
+\item You can integrate a particular package or collection into your
+existing \TeX{} system, either a \TL{} system you installed
+earlier, or a different system.
+\noindent All of these are described in detail in the \acro{OS}-specific
+installation sections following, but here is a quick start:
+\item The main installation script for Unix and \MacOSX{} is
+\item The single package installation script is \texttt{}.
+\item Unfortunately, this version of \TL{} has no Windows installer, due
+to technical difficulties. See section~\ref{sec:win-install} below
+for more information.
+\subsection{Getting help}
+The \TeX{} community is both active and friendly, and virtually all
+serious questions end up getting answered. However, the support is
+informal, done by volunteers and casual readers, so it's especially
+important that you do your homework before asking. (If you prefer
+guaranteed commercial support, you can forego \TL{} completely and
+purchase a vendor's system; \url{}
+has a list.)
+Here is a list of resources, approximately in the order we recommend
+using them:
+\item [Getting Started] If you are new to \TeX, the web page
+\url{} gives a brief introduction to the system.
+\item [\TeX{} \acro{FAQ}] The \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} is a huge compendium of
+answers to all sorts of questions, from the most basic to the most
+arcane. It is included on \TL{} in \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en}, and is
+available on the Internet through \url{}.
+Please check here first.
+\item [\TeX{} Catalogue] If you are looking for a specific package,
+font, program, etc., the \TeX{} Catalogue is the place to look. It is a
+huge list of all \TeX{}-related items. See
+\OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/english/catalogue}, or
+\item [\TeX{} Web Resources] The web page
+\url{} has many \TeX{}-related links, in
+particular for numerous books, manuals, and articles on all aspects of
+the system.
+\item [support archives] The two principal support forums are the
+Usenet newsgroup \url{news:comp.text.tex} and the mailing list
+\email{}. Their archives have years of past
+questions and answers for your searching pleasure, via
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively. And a general web
+search, for example on \url{}, never hurts.
+\item [asking questions] If you cannot find an answer, you can post to
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} through Google or your newsreader, or to
+\email{} through email. But before you post,
+\emph{please} read this \acro{FAQ} entry for advice on asking questions
+in such a way that you're most likely to get an answer:
+\item [\TL{} support] If you want to report a bug or have
+suggestions or comments on the \TL{} distribution, installation, or
+documentation, the mailing list is \email{}. However,
+if your question is about how to use a particular program included in
+\TL{}, you are better off writing to that program's maintainer or
+mailing list.
+The other side of the coin is helping others who have questions. Both
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} and \code{texhax} are open to anyone, so feel
+free to join, start reading, and help out where you can. Welcome to
+% don't use \TL so the \uppercase in the headline works. Also so
+% tex4ht ends up with the right TeX. Likewise the \protect's.
+\section{Structure of \protect\TeX\protect\ Live}
+This section describes the structure and contents of \TL{} and the
+\TK{} of which it is a part.
+\subsection{Multiple distributions: \protect\pkgname{live},
+ \protect\pkgname{inst},
+ \protect\pkgname{protext}}
+Space limitations of \acro{CD-ROM} format have forced us to divide
+\TK{} into several distributions, as follows.
+\item [live] A complete system on \acro{DVD}; it is too large
+for \acro{CD}. It can be run live or installed to disk. It also
+includes a snapshot of the \CTAN{} repository, entirely independent of
+\TL{}, as well as assorted other packages in a
+\texttt{texmf-extra} directory.
+Unfortunately, this release of \TL{} does not include a Windows
+installer, due to technical difficulties. (We hope there will be an
+installer again in a few months.) Therefore, when the \DVD{} is mounted
+on Windows, the setup program offers to start the \pkgname{protext}
+installation (see below), and also mentions \CTAN{} and \TL{}, which are
+in subdirectories of the top level of the \DVD{}.
+\CTAN{} and \texttt{texmf-extra} do not follow the same copying
+conditions as \TL{}, so be careful when redistributing or
+\item [inst(allable)] A complete system on \CD; in order to make this fit,
+the packages and programs are compressed. Therefore, it is not possible
+to run \TeX\ directly from the installable \CD, you have to install it
+to disk (hence its name). Furthermore, it can only be installed on Unix
+(including Linux, \MacOSX, etc.)\ systems, not Windows, although a set
+of experimental Windows binaries is included (for sharing across
+platforms). Installation is described in subsequent sections.
+\item [protext] An enhancement of the \MIKTEX\ system, for Windows.
+\ProTeXt\ adds a few extra tools to \MIKTEX, and simplifies
+installation. It is entirely independent of \TL{}, and has its own
+installation instructions. It can be run live, or installed to disk.
+The \ProTeXt\ home page is \url{}.
+\ProTeXt\ is provided as both the top level of the \pkgname{live} \DVD\
+and on its own \CD\ (for those who cannot use the \DVD).
+\noindent You can tell which type of distribution you're in by looking
+for a \texttt{00\var{type}.TL} file at the top of the \TL{} directory.
+This file also contains the \TL{} release date.
+Naturally, each user group chooses what to distribute, at its own
+discretion. (\acro{TUG} is sending all three discs above to all of its
+\subsection{Top level directories}
+Here is a brief listing and description of the top level directories in
+the \TL{} distribution. This has changed considerably in 2004: the
+single \texttt{texmf} tree has been split into several smaller trees.
+Also, on the \pkgname{live} \DVD, the entire \TL{} hierarchy is in a
+subdirectory \dirname{texlive2004}, not at the top level of the disc.
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} % open up interrow spacing
+bin & The \TeX{} system programs, arranged by platform. \\
+MacOSX & Supporting software for \MacOSX (see
+ section~\ref{sec:mac-install}, \p.\pageref{sec:mac-install}). \\
+source & The source of all programs, including the main \Webc{}
+ \TeX{} and \MF{} distributions. These are stored in a
+ \cmdname{bzip2}-compressed tar archive. \\
+support & Assorted auxiliary packages and programs. These are
+ \emph{not} installed automatically. This includes
+ assorted editors and \TeX\ shells. \\
+texmf & Tree for the programs, along with their support files and
+ documentation. Does not include \TeX\ formats and packages. \\
+texmf-dist & The main tree of formats and packages. \\
+texmf-doc & Tree for self-contained pure documentation, with no other
+ installed files.\hfil\break Arranged by language. \\
+texmf-var & Tree for files automatically generated and stored. \\
+xemtex & The \cmdname{XEmacs} editor and other support programs for
+ Windows.
+ These programs generally come pre-installed on Unix systems, or are
+ at least easy to compile. \\
+In addition to the directories above, the installation scripts and
+\filename{README} files (in various languages) are at the top level of
+the distribution.
+The (new) \dirname{texmf-doc} directory contains only documentation, but
+it does not contain all the documentation. The documentation for the
+programs (manuals, man pages, Info files) is in \dirname{texmf/doc},
+since the programs are in \dirname{texmf}. Similarly, the documentation
+for \TeX\ packages and formats is in \dirname{texmf-dist/doc}. You can
+use the \cmdname{texdoc} or \cmdname{texdoctk} programs to find any
+documentation wherever it's located. The comprehensive links in the
+top-level file \OnCD{doc.html} may also be helpful.
+\subsection{Extensions to \protect\TeX}
+\TL{} contains several extended versions of \TeX:
+\item [\eTeX] adds a small but powerful set of new primitives
+\label{text:etex} (related to macro expansion, character scanning,
+classes of marks, additional debugging features, and more) and the
+\TeXXeT{} extensions for bidirectional typesetting. In default mode,
+\eTeX{} is 100\% compatible with ordinary \TeX. See
+\item [pdf\TeX] writes Acrobat \acro{PDF} format as well as \dvi{}. The
+\LaTeX{} \pkgname{hyperref} package has an option `\optname{pdftex}'
+which turns on all the program features. See
+\OnCD{texmf/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf} (A4 paper) or
+\OnCD{texmf/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-l.pdf} (letter paper), and
+\item [pdfe\TeX] combines the pdf\TeX\ and \eTeX\ extensions. This is
+the default program for all formats except plain \TeX.
+See above for documentation.
+\item [\OMEGA\ (Omega)] is based on Unicode (16-bit characters), thus
+supports working with almost all the world's scripts simultaneously. It
+also supports so-called `\OMEGA{} Translation Processes' (\acro{OTP}s),
+for performing complex transformations on arbitrary input. See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/omega/base/doc-1.8.tex} (not completely up-to-date).
+\item [Aleph] combines the \OMEGA\ and \eTeX\ extensions.
+See \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base} for some minimal documentation.
+\subsection{Other notable programs in \protect\TL}
+Here are a few other commonly-used programs included in \TL{}:
+\item [bibtex] bibliography support.
+\item [makeindex] index support.
+\item [dvips] convert \dvi{} to \PS{}.
+\item [xdvi] \dvi{} previewer for the X Window System.
+\item [dvilj] \dvi{} drive for the HP LaserJet family.
+\item [dv2dt, dt2dv] convert \dvi{} to/from plain text.
+\item [dviconcat, dviselect] cut and paste pages
+from \dvi{} files.
+\item [dvipdfm] convert \dvi{} to \acro{PDF}, an alternative approach
+to pdf\TeX\ (mentioned above). See the \pkgname{ps4pdf} and
+\pkgname{pdftricks} packages for still more alternatives.
+\item [psselect, psnup, \ldots] \PS{}
+\item [lacheck] \LaTeX{} syntax checker.
+\item [texexec] Con\TeX{}t and \acro{PDF} processor.
+\item [tex4ht] \TeX{} to \acro{HTML} converter.
+\section{Unix installation}
+As introduced in section~\ref{sec:basic} (\p.\pageref{sec:basic}),
+\TL{} has three principal uses:
+\item Run directly from media.
+\item Install to disk.
+\item Integrate a particular package or collection into your existing
+\TeX{} installation.
+\noindent The following sections describes the Unix-specific procedures
+for each of these.
+\ifSingleColumn \begin{figure}[ht]\noindent \fi
+\textbf{Warning: } The \TK{} \CD{}s and \DVD{} are in ISO 9660 (High Sierra)
+format, \emph{with} Rock Ridge (and Joliet, for Windows)
+extensions. Therefore, in order to take full advantage of the \TK{}
+under Unix, your system needs to be able to use the Rock Ridge
+extensions. Please consult the documentation for your \cmdname{mount}
+command to see how to do this. If you have several different machines
+on a local network, you may be able to mount the \CD{}s on one which
+does support Rock Ridge, and use this with the others.
+\leavevmode\quad Linux, \acro{BSD}, Sun, and \acro{SGI}
+systems should be able to use the \CD{}s without problems. We
+would appreciate receiving detailed advice from users on other systems
+who succeed, for future versions of this documentation.
+The discussion below assumes you have been able to mount
+the \CD{}s with full Rock Ridge compatibility.
+\subsection{Running \protect\TL{} directly from media (Unix)}
+\def\runlive{% text repeated in windows section
+It is possible to use the \TeX{} system directly from the \pkgname{live}
+\DVD{}, without installing the distribution to disk. (Thus the name
+\TeX\ `Live', in fact.) It is \emph{not} possible to run \TeX{}
+directly from the other \CD s (see section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist},
+\def\startinst{% repeated in other subsections
+To start, you mount the \CD{} or \DVD{}, with Rock Ridge extensions
+enabled. The exact command to do this varies from system to system; the
+following works under Linux, except the name of the device
+(\filename{/dev/cdrom}, here) may vary. (All our examples will use
+\texttt{>} as the shell prompt; user input is
+> \Ucom{mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom}
+\noindent Change the current directory to the mount point:
+> \Ucom{cd /mnt/cdrom}
+\noindent Under \MacOSX, the directory is typically under
+\dirname{/Volumes}, and the media will be mounted automatically.
+Run the installation script \filename{}:
+> \Ucom{sh}\\
+Welcome to TeX Live...
+\noindent After various greeting messages and a list of the main menu
+options, the installation will ask you to enter a command. Do this by
+typing the desired character and hitting return; don't type the angle
+brackets. Either uppercase or lowercase is ok; we'll use lowercase in
+our examples.
+For running live, our first command will be \Ucom{d} and then the
+subcommand \Ucom{1} to set directories. Even in this case, we must
+choose a directory on the local disk to place files that the \TeX{}
+system itself generates, such as fonts and formats, and also to provide
+a place for updated configuration files, if need be. We'll use
+\dirname{/usr/local/texmf-local} in this example. (If the default value
+of \dirname{/usr/TeX} works for you, then you can skip this step.)
+Enter command: \Ucom{d}
+Current directories setup:
+<1> TEXDIR: /usr/TeX
+Enter command: \Ucom{1}
+New value for TEXDIR [/usr/TeX]: \Ucom{/usr/local/texmf-local}
+Enter command: \Ucom{r}
+\noindent Back at the main menu, our second and last command is
+\Ucom{r}, to set up for running live off the media without installing
+to disk:
+Enter command: \Ucom{r}
+Preparing destination directories...
+Welcome to TeX Live!
+\noindent And we are back at the system prompt, as shown.
+Next, it is necessary to alter two environment variables:
+\envname{PATH}, to an architecture-dependent value (so that we can run
+the programs), and \envname{VARTEXMF}, to the value specified above. See
+table~\ref{tab:archlist} for a list of the architecture names for the
+different systems.
+After the main installation has completed, and environment variables
+have been set, the last step is to run \cmdname{texconfig} to customize
+your installation for your needs. This is explained in
+section~\ref{sec:texconfig}, \p.\pageref{sec:texconfig}.
+\caption[Supported system architectures.]{Supported system
+architectures. In addition to the version-specific names listed here,
+there are generic names without the version numbers. For instance,
+\texttt{sparc-solaris} links to \texttt{sparc-solaris2.7}. The generic
+names can be used to protect against the version numbers changing in the
+future, if you wish.}
+alpha-linux & HP Alpha GNU/Linux \\
+%alphaev5-osf4.0d & HP Alphaev5 OSF \\
+%hppa2.0-hpux10.20 & HP9000 HPUX 10.20 \\
+i386-freebsd4.10 & Intel x86 FreeBSD \\
+i386-linux & Intel x86 GNU/Linux \\
+%i386-openbsd3.3 & Intel x86 OpenBSD \\
+%i386-solaris2.8 & Intel x86 Solaris \\
+mips-irix6.5 & SGI IRIX \\
+powerpc-aix4.3.3.0 & IBM RS/6000 AIX \\
+powerpc-darwin6.8 & \MacOSX \\
+sparc-solaris2.7 & Sun Sparc Solaris \\
+sparc64-linux & Sun Sparc GNU/Linux \\
+win32 & Windows (32-bit) \\
+x86\_64-linux & Intel/AMD 64-bit GNU/Linux \\
+The syntax for setting the environment variables, and the initialization
+file to put them in, depends on the shell you use. If you use a
+Bourne-compatible shell (\cmdname{sh}, \cmdname{bash}, \cmdname{ksh}, et
+al.), put the following into your \filename{$HOME/.profile} file:
+PATH=/mnt/cdrom/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH; export PATH
+VARTEXMF=/usr/local/texmf-local/texmf-var; export VARTEXMF
+\noindent For C shell-compatible shells (\cmdname{csh}, \cmdname{tcsh}),
+put the following into your \filename{$HOME/.cshrc} file:
+setenv PATH /mnt/cdrom/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH
+setenv VARTEXMF /usr/local/texmf-local/texmf-var
+\noindent Then log out, log back in, and test your installation
+(see section~\ref{sec:test-install}, \p.\pageref{sec:test-install}).
+If in doubt, please ask any local system gurus to help you with
+problems; for example, the way to mount the \TL{} media, which
+directory or directories to use, and precise details of the changes to
+your personal initialization files can and do vary from site to site.
+\subsection{Installing \protect\TeX\protect\ Live to disk}
+It is possible, indeed typical, to install the \TeX{} system from the
+\TL{} to disk. This can be done either from any of the \TK{} discs.
+(See section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist}, \p.\pageref{sec:multiple-dist},
+for an explanation of the different distributions.)
+Table~\ref{tab:main-menu-options} briefly lists the options in the main
+menu. The order in which you select the options makes little
+difference, except that \Ucom{i} must be last. It's reasonable to go
+through them in the order presented here.
+% apparently here.sty [H] doesn't support table*.
+\caption{Main menu options for the installation.}
+p & The platform you are running on.\\
+b & The architectures for which to install binaries.\\
+s & The base installation scheme to use (minimal, recommended,
+ full, etc.)\\
+c & Override the base scheme for individual collections.\\
+l & Override for language collections.\\
+d & Directories in which to install.\\
+o & Other options.\\
+i & Perform the installation.\\
+Here are further details on each option.
+\textbf{\optname{p} -- Current platform.} Since the installation script
+automatically guesses which platform you're running on, it is generally
+unnecessary to use this option. It's there in case you need to override
+the automatic detection.
+\textbf{\optname{b} -- Binary architectures.} By default, only the
+binaries for your current platform will be installed. From this menu,
+you can select installation of binaries for other architectures as well
+(or not install the current platforms). This can be useful if you are
+sharing a \TeX\ tree across a network of heterogenous machines. For a
+list of the supported architectures, see table~\ref{tab:archlist},
+\textbf{\optname{s} -- Base installation scheme.} From this menu, you
+can choose an overall common set of packages, called a ``scheme''. The
+default \optname{recommended} scheme suffices for typical needs, but you
+can also choose the \optname{basic} scheme if you are low on disk space,
+or \optname{full} to get absolutely everything. There are also specific
+sets for Omega and \acro{XML}.
+\textbf{\optname{c} -- Individual collections.} From this menu, you can
+override the base scheme's set of collections to install. Collections
+are one level lower than schemes\Dash collections consist of
+one or more packages, where packages (the lowest level grouping in \TL)
+contain the actual \TeX\ macro files, font families, and so on.
+In this menu, selection letters are case-sensitive.
+\textbf{\optname{l} -- Language collections}. This menu has the same
+basic purpose as \Ucom{c}, to override the base scheme. In this case,
+the collections are specifically for different languages. Selection
+letters are case-sensitive here. Here is a list of the language
+collections in \TL:
+% xx really should generate list from texmf/tpm/collection/tex-lang*
+% a la
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \kill
+(some) African scripts \>
+Arabic \>
+Armenian \>
+Chinese\,Japanese\,Korean \\
+Croatian \>
+Cyrillic \>
+Czech/Slovak \>
+Danish \\
+Dutch \>
+Finnish \>
+French \>
+German \\
+Greek \>
+Hungarian \>
+Indic \>
+Italian \\
+Latin \>
+Manju \>
+Mongolian \>
+Norwegian \\
+Polish \>
+Portuguese \>
+Spanish \>
+Swedish \\
+Tibetan \>
+\acro{UK} English \>
+Vietnamese \\
+\noindent Language collections typically include fonts, macros,
+hyphenation patterns, and other support files. (For instance,
+\pkgname{frenchle.sty} is installed if you select the \optname{French}
+collection.) In addition, installing a language collection will alter
+the \filename{language.dat} configuration file controlling which
+hyphenation patterns are loaded.
+\textbf{\optname{d} -- Installation directories}. Three directories can
+be changed here:
+\item [TEXDIR] The top-level directory under which
+everything else will be installed. The default value is
+\dirname{/usr/TeX}, and is often changed. For example, changing to a
+value such as \dirname{/usr/local/texlive2003} would make it possible to
+keep different releases of \TL{} separate. (You may then wish to make
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive} a symbolic link, after testing the new
+Under \MacOSX, the usual frontends look for \TeX{} in
+\dirname{/usr/local/teTeX}, so you may wish to install \TL{} there.
+\item [TEXMFLOCAL] This tree is where the \TeX{} system (not as part of
+installation, but rather over time) puts non-version-specific files,
+primarily fonts. The default value is \dirname{TEXDIR/texmf-local}.
+However, it's also the recommended location to put any local packages or
+configuration settings. Therefore, it's desirable to change it to a
+location independent of the current \TL{} release; for example,
+\item [VARTEXMF] This tree is where the system puts files that
+\emph{are} version-specific, primarily format files and the
+configuration files which are modified by \cmdname{texconfig} (see
+section~\ref{sec:texconfig}, \p.\pageref{sec:texconfig}). The default
+value is \dirname{TEXDIR/texmf-var}, and there's generally no reason to
+change it.
+\textbf{\optname{o} -- Other options.} From this menu, you can select
+the following general options:
+\item [a] Specify an alternate directory for generated fonts.
+The default is to use the \envname{VARTEXMF} tree, as explained above.
+Setting this is useful if you plan to mount the main tree read-only, and
+therefore you need another location (perhaps host-specific) for
+dynamically created fonts.
+\item [l] Create symbolic links for the binaries, man pages,
+and\slash or \acro{GNU} Info files in other locations. For example, you may
+wish to make the man pages available under \dirname{/usr/local/man} and
+the Info files available under \dirname{/usr/local/info}. (Of course
+you need appropriate privileges to write in the specified directories.)
+It is not advisable to overwrite a \TeX\ system that came with your
+system with this option. It's intended more for having the links in
+standard directories known to users, such as \dirname{/usr/local/bin},
+which don't already contain any \TeX\ files.
+\item [d] Skip installation of the font/macro documentation tree.
+This is useful if you need to save space, or if you've previously
+installed the documentation elsewhere.
+\item [s] Skip installation of the main font/macro source
+tree. This is useful if you are arranging to share that tree between
+machines and\slash or architectures in some other way, such as \acro{NFS}.
+\textbf{i -- Perform installation.} When you're satisfied with your
+configuration options, enter \Ucom{i} to actually do the installation
+from the media to your chosen locations.
+% text is similar to above, but no VARTEXMF, so we have to write out.
+After the installation completes, your next step is to include the
+architecture-specific subdirectory of \dirname{TEXDIR/bin} in your
+\envname{PATH}, so the newly-installed programs can be found. The
+architecture names are listed in table~\ref{tab:archlist},
+\p.\pageref{tab:archlist}, or you can simply list the directory
+The syntax for doing this, and the initialization file to use, depends
+on your shell. If you use a Bourne-compatible shell (\cmdname{sh},
+\cmdname{bash}, \cmdname{ksh}, et al.), put the following into your
+\filename{$HOME/.profile} file:
+PATH=/mnt/cdrom/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH; export PATH
+\noindent For C shell-compatible shells (\cmdname{csh}, \cmdname{tcsh}),
+put the following into your \filename{$HOME/.cshrc} file:
+setenv PATH /mnt/cdrom/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH
+Here is a brief annotated example which selects a full installation,
+with binaries for the current system only, with directory changes as
+recommended above. The prompts and \acro{RETURN}s are omitted for
+> \Ucom{sh}
+\Ucom{s} \Ucom{b} \Ucom{r} # scheme, full, return to main
+\Ucom{d} # change directories
+\Ucom{1} \Ucom{/usr/local/texlive2003} # top-level dir
+\Ucom{2} \Ucom{/usr/local/texmf-local} # TEXMFLOCAL outside TEXDIR
+\Ucom{r} # return to main
+\Ucom{i} # perform installation
+> \Ucom{texconfig} ...
+# New PATH, with Linux as the example:
+> \Ucom{PATH=/usr/local/texlive2003/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH}
+\subsection{Installing individual packages to disk}
+You can add individual packages or collections from the current
+distribution to an existing non-\TL{} setup, or an earlier
+\TL{} installation.
+Run the installation script \filename{} (not
+\filename{}, which is intended for complete installations
+> \Ucom{sh \var{options}}
+The first set of options controls what gets read:
+\item [-{}-package=\var{pkgname}] The individual package to work on.
+\item [-{}-collection=\var{colname}] The individual collection to work on.
+\item [-{}-nodoc] Exclude documentation files from the operation.
+\item [-{}-nosrc] Exclude source files from the operation.
+\item [-{}-cddir=\var{dir}] Source directory to read from; defaults
+to the current directory. If you followed the instructions above, that
+will be the distribution directory, and won't need to be changed.
+\item [-{}-listdir=\var{dir}] The so-called `lists' directory within
+\var{cddir} from which to read the package information. The only
+reason to change the default is if you're making changes to \TL{}
+What actually happens is controlled by the following options. If
+neither of these are specified, the default action is to install the
+selected files. The main destination tree is found by expanding
+\envname{\$TEXMFMAIN} with \cmdname{kpsewhich}. You can override it by
+setting either the environment variable \envname{TEXMFMAIN} or
+\item [-{}-listonly] List the files that would be installed, but don't
+actually install anything.
+\item [-{}-archive=\var{tarfile}] Instead of installing the files into
+the \TeX{} system, make a \cmdname{tar} archive.
+Additional options:
+\item [-{}-config] After installation, run \code{texconfig init}.
+\item [-{}-nohash] After installation, don't run \cmdname{mktexlsr} to
+rebuild the filename database.
+\item [-{}-verbose] Give more information as the script runs.
+Here are some usage examples:
+\item To see the files in the package \pkgname{fancyhdr} without
+installing it:
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=fancyhdr --listonly}
+\else> \Ucom{sh --package=fancyhdr \bs}
+> \Ucom{--listonly}
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \pkgname{natbib}:
+> \Ucom{sh --package=natbib}
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \pkgname{alg} without source files or
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=alg --nosrc --nodoc}
+\else> \Ucom{sh -{}-package=alg \bs}
+> \Ucom{-{}-nosrc -{}-nodoc}
+\item Install all the packages in the collection of additional
+plain \TeX\ macros:
+> \Ucom{sh --collection=tex-plainextra}
+\item Write all files in the \pkgname{pstricks} package to a
+\cmdname{tar} file in \path|/tmp|:
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=pstricks --archive=/tmp/pstricks.tar}
+> \Ucom{sh -{}-package=pstricks \bs}
+> \Ucom{-{}-archive=/tmp/pstricks.tar}
+After the main installation is done, for any operating system, the
+remaining steps are to configure the system for your local needs, and
+perform some basic tests.
+Another sort of post-installation is to acquire packages, fonts, or
+programs that were not included in \TL{}. The basic idea is to
+install such additions in the \envname{TEXMFLOCAL} tree (if you
+installed to disk), or \envname{VARTEXMF} (if you are running live).
+See the ``Installation directories'' option on \p.\pageref{text:instdir}.
+Unfortunately, the details can and do vary widely, and so we do not attempt to
+address them here. Here are some external links to descriptions:
+\url{} for font creation
+and installation information in particular.
+\subsection{The \protect\cmdname{texconfig} program}
+At any time after installation, you can and should use the program
+\cmdname{texconfig} to configure the system to fit your local needs. It
+is installed in the architecture-specific subdirectory
+\texttt{TEXDIR/bin/\var{arch}} along with everything else.
+If you run it without arguments, it will enter full-screen mode and
+allow you to view and change options interactively.
+You can also run it with various command-line options. Here are some of
+the most common (a \TL{} installation is configured for the A4 paper
+size by default):
+\item [texconfig paper letter] Set default paper size for
+various programs and drivers (\cmdname{pdftex}, \cmdname{dvips},
+\cmdname{dvipdfm}, \cmdname{xdvi}) to be \acro{US} letter. The other
+allowable size is \optname{a4}, which is the default.
+\item [texconfig localsetup] Verify that paths are set ok.
+\item [texconfig rehash] Update all the \TeX{} system filename databases.
+\item [texconfig faq] Show the \teTeX{} \acro{FAQ}.
+(See also the main \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} in \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en}.)
+\item [texconfig help] Output help information for \cmdname{texconfig}.
+Of course, \cmdname{texconfig} can only support changing a few of the
+many options and configuration parameters in a \TeX{} system. The main
+configuration file for the base \Webc{} programs is named
+\filename{texmf.cnf}. You can find its location by running
+\samp{kpsewhich texmf.cnf}; it contains many comments explaining the
+default settings and useful alternatives.
+\subsection{Testing the installation}
+After installing \TL{} as best you can, you naturally want to test
+it out, so you can start creating beautiful documents and\slash or fonts.
+This section gives some basic procedures for testing that the new system
+is functional. We give Unix commands; under \MacOSX{} and Windows,
+you're more likely to run the tests through a graphical interface, but
+the principles are the same.
+\item Make sure that you can run the \cmdname{tex} program in the first
+> \Ucom{tex -{}-version}
+TeX 3.141592 (Web2C 7.5.3)
+kpathsea version 3.5.3
+Copyright (C) 1997-2004 D.E. Knuth.
+If this comes back with `command not found' instead of version and
+copyright information, most likely you don't have the correct
+\dirname{bin} subdirectory in your \envname{PATH}. See
+the environment-setting information on \p.\pageref{text:path}.
+\item Process a basic \LaTeX{} file:
+> \Ucom{latex sample2e.tex}
+This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592...
+Output written on sample2e.dvi (3 pages, 7496 bytes).
+Transcript written on sample2e.log.
+If this fails to find \filename{sample2e.tex} or other files, perhaps
+you have interference from old environment variables or configuration
+files. For a deep analysis, you can always ask \TeX{} to report on
+exactly what it is searching for, and finding; see ``Debugging actions''
+on page~\pageref{Debugging}.
+\item Preview the result online:
+> \Ucom{xdvi sample2e.dvi}
+(Under Windows, the analogous command is \cmdname{windvi}.) You should
+see a new window with a nice document explaining some of the basics of
+\LaTeX{}. (Well worth reading, by the way if you're new to the system.)
+You do have to be running under X for \cmdname{xdvi} to work; if you're
+not, or your \envname{DISPLAY} environment variable is set incorrectly,
+you'll get an error \samp{Can't open display}.
+\item Create a \PS{} file for printing or display:
+> \Ucom{dvips sample2e.dvi -o}
+\item Create a \acro{PDF} file instead of \dvi{}; this processes the
+\filename{.tex} file and writes \acro{PDF} directly:
+> \Ucom{pdflatex sample2e.tex}
+\item Preview the \acro{PDF} file:
+> \Ucom{gv sample2e.pdf}
+> \Ucom{xpdf sample2e.pdf}
+Unfortunately neither \cmdname{gv} nor \cmdname{xpdf} are currently
+included in \TL{}, so you must install them separately. See
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively.
+\item Other standard test files you may find useful:
+\item [small2e.tex] A simpler document than \filename{sample2e}, to
+reduce the input size if you're having troubles.
+\item [testpage.tex] Test if your printer introduces any offsets.
+\item [nfssfont.tex] For printing font tables and tests.
+\item [testfont.tex] Also for font tables, but using plain \TeX{}.
+\item [story.tex] The most canonical (plain) \TeX{} test file of all.
+You must type \samp{\bs bye} to the \code{*} prompt after \samp{tex
+You can process these in the same way as we did with
+If you are new to \TeX{}, or otherwise need help with actually
+constructing \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} documents, please visit
+\url{}. We especially recommend the
+\textsl{Formatting Information} manual by Peter Flynn, available at
+\section{\MacOSX{} installation}
+\TL{} supports \MacOSX, but no prior Macintosh versions. (If you
+are running an older Mac version, you can view the files by installing
+the Joliet system extension available from
+\url{}; however, the \TL{} binaries
+will not run.)
+Installation of \TeX{} under \MacOSX{} can be done in two ways:
+\item With the \filename{install*} scripts, as with Unix.
+\item With the \cmdname{i-Installer} included in
+\noindent Each of these is described in a following section.
+In addition, \TeX{} under \MacOSX\ typically uses a ``frontend''. This
+is also described below.
+\subsection{\protect\cmdname{i-Installer}: Internet installation}
+The \cmdname{i-Installer} is included in the \TL{} distribution as
+an alternative to normal installation. It does not use the contents of
+the \TL{} distribution at all; instead, the system (approximately
+70 megabytes) is downloaded over the Internet.
+One advantage of \cmdname{i-Installer} is that it makes updates
+relatively painless. If you are interested, please see the
+\cmdname{i-Installer} \TeX{} home page at \url{}.
+To use it, mount \filename{./MacOSX/II2.dmg}. Read the documentation,
+launch it, and install at least \texttt{TeX Foundation} and \texttt{TeX
+Programs}. The first will finish without configuration, as soon as the
+second is installed you will be presented with a graphical interface to
+setting up your \TeX{} system.
+The \cmdname{i-Installer} distribution uses the \teTeX{} \dirname{texmf}
+tree with some additions. Due to differences between \TL{} and
+\teTeX{} you cannot update a \TL{} installation with an
+\cmdname{i-Installer} \texttt{TeX Programs} i-Package.
+\subsection{\protect\cmdname{install*.sh}: \protect\TL{} installation}
+In order to run the installation scripts under \MacOSX, you need to have
+the \cmdname{bash} shell installed. If you are running \MacOSX~10.2
+or later, you have \cmdname{bash}, and can proceed. If you're running
+an earlier \MacOSX{} version, however, the default shell is
+\cmdname{zsh}, which won't work; you'll need to get \cmdname{bash} from
+the Internet, or more likely upgrade your system.
+Once you have \cmdname{bash}, the Unix installation documentation in the
+previous section can be followed. See section~\ref{sec:unix-install} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:unix-install}; \MacOSX-specific notes are included there
+where needed.
+\subsection{\MacOSX{} frontends}
+Using \TeX{} on a Macintosh typically goes through a front end program,
+comprising an execution shell, editor, previewer, and other facilities,
+with a graphical interface. Here are the principal frontends:
+\item [TeXShop] Included in \TL{} as \filename{./MacOSX/texshop.dmg}.
+ \\See \url{}.
+\item [ITeXMac] Included in \TL{} as \filename{./MacOSX/iTM-*.dmg}.
+ \\See \url{}.
+\item [Mac-emacs] A port of Emacs to \MacOSX{}, integrating \pkgname{AucTeX}.
+ \\See \url{}.
+The frontends use \dirname{/usr/local/teTeX} as the default location;
+therefore, you must either install \TL{} there, or change the
+configuration of the frontend.
+\section{Windows installation}
+Unfortunately, this release of \TL{} does not include a Windows
+installer, due to technical difficulties. We hope that an installer
+will be available again in a few months. (It is being completely
+rewritten to use standard Microsoft libraries, instead of the homegrown
+A set of experimental Windows binaries is included, nevertheless. You
+can install them with the Unix \filename{} script: select
+the \optname{win32} system from the \optname{S} option of the top-level
+menu. The \pkgname{XEmacs} package is not included, however, due to
+(Meanwhile, if you are an experienced Windows programmer and would like
+to help with the project, email us!)
+\TL{} can be installed on systems running Windows 9x, \acro{ME},
+\acro{NT}, \acro{2K} or \acro{XP}. Older versions of Windows (3.1x)
+and \acro{MS-DOS} are not supported.
+It is necessary to have your Windows set up so that it uses the
+Microsoft Joliet extensions for reading \CD{}s; simply look at the \CD{}
+in Explorer and see whether it shows long, mixed-case, file names. If it
+does not, you must install the Joliet extensions.
+The Windows \TeX{} system included in \TL{} is no more and no less
+than the \fpTeX{} distribution. It includes a \texttt{dvi} previewer,
+\textsf{Windvi}, which is similar in usage to the established Unix
+\textsf{xdvi}. The documentation can be found in
+\subsection{The \texttt{TeXLive.exe} program}
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{pictures/Welcome-to-TeXLive}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 551 534]{pictures/Welcome-to-TeXLive.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{pictures/Welcome-to-TeXLive}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{``Welcome to \TL'' window}\label{graph:welcome}
+If your computer is configured to let the \CD{} autostart, then a dialog
+box with a menu bar will popup on the screen, and you will have several
+choices from there:
+\item Install \TeX{} on your hard disk
+\item Do maintenance on your \TeX{} system.
+\item Remove the \TeX{} system.
+\item Use \TeX{} off the \TL{} \CD{} or \DVD{}.
+\item Browse documentation: \TL{} documentation, TUG web
+ pages, \fpTeX web pages.
+\item Run the \cmdname{TeXdocTK} application to find specific documentation.
+If your \CD{} does not autostart, you can explicitly run the program
+by double clicking on \path|bin/win32/TeXLive.exe| on the \CD{} from
+the explorer window.
+\subsection{Running \protect\TL{} directly from media (Windows)}
+To run live under Windows, from the menu, chose \verb|Explore CD-Rom|, then
+\verb|Run TeX off CD-Rom|. This will launch the \cmdname{XEmacs} editor.
+XEmacs startup file will set the environment variables needed. XEmacs will also
+setup a temporary \acro{TDS} compliant texmf tree in the temporary area of your
+computer. It is needed to store files that may be built on the fly, such as
+\path|pk| bitmap fonts, or format files. Configuration files are copied from
+the \CD{} to this texmf tree, so that you can edit them if needed. The
+\path|ls-R| database is computed for this texmf tree. The AUC-\TeX{} mode will
+be entered Whenever you will visit or create a \TeX{} file, providing all the
+bells and whistles for \TeX{} support XEmacs is capable of.
+If you run 'M-x shell' within XEmacs, then you will have access to all the TeXLive
+tools from the command line provided by XEmacs.
+\smallskip {\small\noindent \textbf{[For advanced users:]} You can also
+ use the small batch file \path|mkloctex.bat| to be called in a
+ directory \path|bin\win32| of the \CD. From the Start menu select
+ `Run', then browse the \acro{CD} drive and select
+ \path|mkloctex.bat|. Before starting it, you should add two parameters
+ separated by a space: the letter of your \acro{CD} drive and the
+ letter of the drive where you want to install the \TeX\ directory.
+ The whole line should read, e.g., \verb+d:\bin\win32\mkloctex.bat d c+.
+ When installation is complete, please read carefully the information
+ on screen. If you are running Windows 9x/\acro{ME}, then you will have to
+ restart Windows.}
+\subsection{Support packages for Windows}
+To be complete, a \TL installation needs support packages that are not
+commonly found on a Windows machine.
+Many scripts are written using the Perl language. Some important tools require
+the Ghostscript \PS{} interpreter to render or to convert files. A graphic
+file toolbox is also needed in some cases. Last but not least, a \TeX-oriented
+editor makes it easy to type in your \TeX{} files.
+All these tools are quite easy to find for Windows, but in order to try to make
+your life even easier, we have put such a set of tools on \TL:
+\item \cmdname{Ghostscript} 7.07
+\item a minimal \cmdname{Perl} 5.8, sufficient to run all the \TL{}
+Perl scripts
+\item a subset of \cmdname{ImageMagick} 5.5.6
+\item the \cmdname{ISpell} checker
+\item \cmdname{XEmacs} 21.5.14 with a selection of packages to support
+\TeX{} typesetting.
+These packages should be installed only all at once. The bundle is
+known as the \XEmTeX{} bundle.
+If you didn't install \XEmTeX{}, \cmdname{Perl} and \cmdname{Ghostscript} are
+installed anyway if they are not detected on your machine. This is because they are
+required by many important tools. The \envname{PERL5LIB} and \verb|GS_LIB|
+environment variables will be set too.
+When you are under
+\cmdname{XEmacs}, the tools provided shadow any other version you might
+have installed previously. The point here is that \path|TeXSetup.exe|
+will not install anything outside of the \TL location, neither will
+it run foreign installers, nor will it try to autodetect installed
+products using unreliable rules of thumb. The \XEmTeX{} bundle is
+standalone and is meant to evolve in the future. The reference site is
+If you don't want to install this bundle, then you are on your own to
+install the required tools to complete your \TL{} system. Here is a
+list of places to get those tools:
+\item[Ghostscript] \url{}
+\item[Perl] \url{} (but you might need some
+ supplementary packages from CPAN: \url{})
+\item[ImageMagick] \url{}
+\item[NetPBM] alternatively, you could use NetPBM instead of ImageMagick to
+ process or convert your graphic files. NetPBM home page is
+ \url{}
+\item[\TeX-oriented editors] There is a wide choice, and it is a matter of the
+ user's taste. Here is a selection:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cmdname{GNU Emacs} is available natively under Windows, the
+ reference url is
+ \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{XEmacs} is available natively under Windows, the
+ reference url is \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{WinShell} is available on \TL in the \path|support|
+ directory, the reference url is \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{WinEdt} is shareware available from \url{}
+ \item TeXnicCenter is available from\\
+ \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{Vim} is available on \TL{} in the
+ \path|support\vim| directory and the
+ reference site is \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{SciTE} is available from \url{}
+ \end{itemize*}
+You might want to install other tools that are not free\footnote{Not
+free, that is, in the sense of freedom to modify and redistribute,
+following free software guidelines. This does not mean you can't acquire
+them for no money.} and therefore not included on \TL{}, such as
+\cmdname{GSView}, the \cmdname{Ghostscript} companion to more
+conveniently view PS/PDF files. \cmdname{GSView} is available from
+\url{} or any \acro{CTAN} site.
+\subsection{Installing \protect\TeX\protect\ Live to disk}
+\textbf{Warning: Win9x users must ensure they have enough environment
+ space before undertaking installation. The \cmdname{TeXSetup.exe}
+ program won't change the environment size for them. A few environment
+ variables will be created and it is possible you run out of
+ environment space. Add \texttt{SHELL=<path>COMMAND.COM /E:4096 /P} in the
+ config.sys file in order to increase your environment size.}
+Installation is started by letting the media autostart. The program run
+is \path|TeXSetup.exe| if you are using the inst disk. If you are using
+the live or the demo disk, you will have to select the item
+\path|TeXLive Software| from the menu, then the subitem \path|Install on
+Hard Disk|. This will invoke \path|TeXSetup.exe|. You can also find it
+in the \path|bin/win32| directory and run it, if the autostart fails for
+any reason. \path|TeXSetup.exe| is a Windows wizard and it will display
+several pages while running.
+\item[Welcome Page]
+ You can choose a \emph{quick} installation from
+ here. In this case, the installation will run without any human
+ assistance from beginning to end, with all the default settings
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:setup-src},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). If you have enough privileges (administrator or power user
+ rights) under a Windows version where this is applicable, then you can
+ decide to install the \TL{} for all users or for yourself only by
+ checking the appropriate box.
+ For installing the whole \XEmTeX{} bundle (XEmacs, Ghost\-script,
+ Perl, ImageMagick and Ispell) you can check \emph{Install XEmTeX
+ Support} box.
+ \begin{figure*}[!htb]
+ The \cmdname{TeXSetup} Wizard\hfill
+ Source directories for the \TL{} files
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/setup-wizard.jpg}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/source-for-texlive.jpg}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{pictures/setup-wizard.jpg}
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{pictures/source-for-texlive.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/setup-wizard}%
+ \hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/source-for-texlive}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \caption{The \TL{} setup wizard}\label{graph:setup-src}
+ \end{center}
+\item[Source Page]
+ This page is a bit complex. It will allow you to select two source
+ directories for your \TL{} system
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:setup-src},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). You will need a \emph{local
+ source directory} and possibly a \emph{remote source directory}.
+Why do we need both these directories? The files consisting of the
+\TL{} system are on the \CD{}, of course, but some other useful
+packages are not, either because of space lacking or because their
+license was not compatible with \TL{}. You need to enable Internet
+downloading if you want to install these packages that are marked with a
+specific ``remote'' icon.
+ However, don't panic: the default parameters of the setup will allow
+ you to install a full system using the \CD{} only. Simply, you won't
+ have \file{WinEdt} (for example), but you will be able to install it
+ later.
+ So you can take your files from:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \CD{} or any similar flat tree of files, available through
+ some standard directory (this means the \CD{} can be mounted on
+ some remote machine and be made available through network
+ sharing),
+ \item a set of \file{.zip} files (this is the case when you are
+ installing from the demo \CD{} or the \fpTeX{} distribution),
+ \item the Internet; in this case, the program takes care of
+ downloading the \file{.zip} files it needs for you.
+ \end{itemize}
+ This option is available only if you enable Internet file
+ downloading in the right part of the page. You also need to
+ configure this Internet access by selecting to connect either using
+ Internet Explorer~5 \file{wininet.dll}, or using a direct connection (\texttt{ftp},
+ \texttt{http}).
+% or using a proxy server.
+% Last, you can be assisted in defining the \emph{local source
+% directory} and \emph{remote source directory} which will be used
+% to copy the files onto your hard disk. The \texttt{browse} buttons
+% allow to select a directory for the former, and an url among a list
+% of mirrors for the latter.
+\item[Root Page]
+ On this page, you will tell where you want the files to be
+ installed (Figure~\ref{graph:root-schm},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). Only the root directory really matters, the other ones
+ are set according to the root one. You may want to make
+ \path|$TEXMFEXTRA| point to some TDS compliant directory with other
+ \TeX{} files or assign a different value to
+ \path|$HOMETEXMF|, which is set by default to whatever Windows think
+ is your `HOME' location.
+ Root and directories\hfill%
+ Scheme selection
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{pictures/root-of-installation.jpg}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{pictures/scheme-selection.jpg}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{pictures/root-of-installation.jpg}
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{pictures/scheme-selection.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{pictures/root-of-installation}%
+ \hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{pictures/scheme-selection}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \caption{\TL-Setup: Root and directories / Schemes}\label{graph:root-schm}
+ \end{center}
+\item[Get TPM Page]
+ This page does not require any manual intervention. The \file{.tpm}
+ files which describe collections and packages are retrieved
+ (possibly from the Internet), unzipped if needed and parsed.
+\item[Schemes Page]
+ On this page, you will select the global scheme of your
+ installation (Figure~\ref{graph:root-schm},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). A scheme is a large set of files targeted at some kind
+ of usage. There are 3 generic schemes for basic, recommended and
+ full installation. The other ones are devoted to LUGs (what GUST or
+ GUTenberg propose for their members) or applications (XML and
+ \TeX{}).
+ When a scheme is selected, it is still possible to refine the
+ selection by checking the appropriate box. If doing so, you will be
+ presented the packages page to change your selection, else you will
+ jump to the review page.
+\item[Packages Page]
+ Collections and packages are presented in a tree form
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:win32-support},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). The links
+ in the tree are dependency links. Collections \emph{depend on}
+ packages and maybe other collections, and it is the same for each
+ package. You can select any package or collection individually, but
+ your request will be granted only if the object is not requested by
+ another one which is selected. For example, you can't deselect
+ \texttt{tex-basic} without deselecting all the collections that
+ request it.
+ The \texttt{tex-xemtex} collection displayed on the picture is Win32 specific. It
+ holds a number of bonus packages (Figure~\ref{graph:win32-support},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ) which can be installed
+ automatically and individually: Ghostscript (the \PS{}
+ interpreter), XEmacs editor preconfigured for \TeX{}, tools like Perl,
+ ImageMagick, Ispell. \emph{None of these packages are selected by
+ default}.
+ On this page, you also have the information about disk space
+ needed, for each object, and for the set of those who are selected,
+ and also the disk space available on the partition selected for the
+ installation. Last, you can choose to install or not the
+ documentation files and source files associated with each package.
+\item[Review Page]
+ You will find there a summary of your choices
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:review},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). It is still possible to
+ go back to change them.
+ Packages Page\hfill%
+ Win32 Support
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/package-selection}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/win32-support}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{pictures/package-selection.jpg}\hfill%
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{pictures/win32-support.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/package-selection}%
+ \hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/win32-support}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{Packages Page / Win32 goodies}
+ \label{graph:win32-support}
+\item[Files Copy Page]
+ The selected files are copied on your hard disk (Figure~\ref{graph:file-copy},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). All the files not
+ yet available on your local disk are first downloaded from the
+ remote source directory on the Internet. Then every package is
+ unpacked (if \path|.zip| files), or copied from the \CD{}.
+\item[Configuration Page] Several packages need some configuration
+ step to make them usable (Figure~\ref{graph:configuration},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). Also the \TL{} system needs some post-processing step
+ (format files generation, ls-R databases generation, environment
+ variables, etc.). All these operations are done there, some of them
+ can be lengthy.
+ \textbf{Review Page}\hfill%
+ \textbf{File Copy Page}
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/review-settings}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/file-copy}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{pictures/review-settings.jpg}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{pictures/file-copy.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/review-settings}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/file-copy}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{Review Page / File Copy Page}
+ \label{graph:review}\label{graph:file-copy}
+\item[Final Page] The installation being over, you may want to display
+ the Windows specific documentation (HTML format) and / or the log
+ file of the setup process (Figure~\ref{graph:final}
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). If it is needed (Win9x/WinME), you will
+ be asked to reboot your computer.
+ \textbf{Configuration Page}\hfill%
+ \textbf{Final Page}
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/configuration}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/congratulations}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{pictures/configuration.jpg}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{pictures/congratulations.jpg}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/configuration}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{pictures/congratulations}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{Configuration Page / Final page}
+Please be aware that the choice of cluster size on DOS disk
+partitions can radically affect the size of your \TeX\
+installation. The support tree has hundreds of small files, and it is
+not unusual for a complete installation to take up to four times the
+amount of space used on the \CD.
+\section{Windows maintenance and post-installation}
+Although this version of \TL{} cannot be installed on Windows, enough of
+this section is relevant to existing installations or cross-mounted
+installations that it seemed worth leaving in.
+It will be thoroughly updated when a complete \TL{} Windows distribution
+is released. For now, please ignore references to
+\filename{TeXSetup.exe}, etc.
+\subsection{What's different in Windows?}
+The Windows version of \Webc{} has some specific features that should be
+pointed out.
+\item[\KPS{}] The hash-tables that \KPS{} builds are quite large for
+ the \TL{}. In order to cut down the starting time of any
+ \KPS{}-enabled program, these hash-tables have been put in shared
+ memory. This way, when you chain the execution of several such
+ programs, like \path|tex| calling \path|mpost| calling \path|tex|,
+ the overhead when starting each of the subprograms is
+ reduced. This change is hidden to the user, except if you set the
+ debug flag of kpathsea to the \path|-1| value: you will then trace
+ access to the shared memory, which is not what you want (it is
+ accessed very often!). What is useful in a log trace of the shared
+ memory access is still to be defined, so the situation might evolve
+ in the future.
+\item[\cmdname{kpsecheck}] This command provides some options that did
+ not fit well into \cmdname{kpsewhich}. It will allow you to list all
+ the files that occur multiple times across your texmf trees. This
+ could be handy, but most of the time you will also get unwanted
+ output (like dozens of \path|README| files)\footnote{It is noticeable
+ that all these files result in clashes inside the \KPS{}-hashing
+ mechanism; fortunately, \KPS{} never looks for these files.}. For
+ this reason, you can combine the \path|-multiple-occurrences| with 2
+ other options for including or excluding any filename that match
+ some pattern (you can request for several patterns).
+ The \cmdname{kpsecheck} command will also report the status of shared
+ memory: in use or not used. That might be useful to know because if
+ the status reported is \samp{in use}, that means one or several
+ processes are working, and the effect of any \cmdname{mktexlsr}
+ command will be delayed until the next time where no \KPS{} linked
+ process will be running.
+ Last, this same command will report about the location it thinks
+ Ghostscript can be found. Under Win32, for many programs, it is
+ easier to use the Ghostscript dll, and find it by using the
+ Ghostscript registry key than to change the \path|PATH|, which has a
+ limited length anyway.
+\item[\Webc{}] The engines have a few more options than in Unix
+ \Webc{}, and one option with a different behavior:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \path|-halt-on-error| stop the compilation at the first error.
+ \item \path|-job-time| set the job time to the same timestamp as the
+ file given in argument.
+\item \path|-oem| use the DOS codepage for console output.
+ \item \path|-output-directory| allow to write all the output files in the
+ specified directory.
+ \item \path|-time-statistics| print statistics about the job run
+ time. It is to be noted that Win9x not being a true multitasking
+ operating system, it has no reliable timer for short periods, so
+ the value printed is an approximation. Under NT/2K/XP, the result
+ is quite accurate with user time and system time values allocated
+ for this run. For Unix
+ users: the \path|time| command is not usually available to Windows
+ users.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{Adding packages to your installation}
+You will find an option in the \guiseq{TeXLive} menu (or go to
+\guiseq{Start\arw Programs \arw TeXLive \arw Add TeX package} menu) to
+run \file{TeXSetup.exe} in maintenance mode. The steps are almost the
+same as in the initial installation.
+We'll discuss differences below, but first, whatever changes you make,
+\textbf{do not forget to rebuild the ls-R database files}. Otherwise,
+your new files will not be found. You can do this either via the
+\acro{GUI} (\guiseq{Start \arw Programs \arw TeXLive \arw Maintenance
+\arw Rebuild ls-R}), or manually running the \file{mktexlsr} command.
+The main difference is in the packages selection page. In maintenance
+mode, the list of installed packages is compared to the list of packages
+available from your source directories. Packages that are not installed
+will be displayed in green, out of date packages will be displayed in
+red and up-to-date, installed packages are displayed in black.
+This way, you can choose to add or upgrade components, either from
+\TL{} or from the Internet, where you are likely to find some more
+recent version of your packages.
+It is up to you to select which packages you want to install. The rest
+of the process is similar to the first installation.
+If you want to add files that are not provided by the \TL{} (or
+\fpTeX{}) distribution, it is recommended to put them in the
+\path|$TEXMFLOCAL| directory. This way, you will be safe against
+upgrades of the \TL{} software.
+The directory pointed to by \path|$TEXMFLOCAL| is initially empty. If,
+for example, you want to add the support file for the Maple symbolic
+computation program, you will have to put the style files in:\\
+\path|c:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf-local\tex\latex\maple\|\\ and the
+documentation files in:\\ \path|c:\Program
+\subsection{Uninstalling \protect\TL{}}
+The uninstall procedure is available either from the \file{TeXLive.exe}
+program, from the \path|TeXLive| menu or from the control panel
+(\guiseq{Start \arw Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs}). This procedure
+will cleanup your hard disk of most of the \TL{} files. However,
+\TeX{} is a system that is creating files and there is no mechanism to
+keep track of all of them. Moreover, Win32 support packages have their
+own uninstall procedure, which you will have to run separately (provided
+you want to get rid of them). Last, the files you may have stored in
+\path|$TEXMFLOCAL| won't be removed. So, even if the vast majority of
+files are automatically removed by the uninstall procedure, you will
+have to do some manual cleanup to actually remove all of them.
+\subsection{Running \texttt{TeXSetup.exe} from the command line}
+The \path|TeXSetup.exe| program has a number of other useful
+options. You can get the list by running:
+c:\>TeXSetup --help
+Here is the description:
+\item[\path|--automatic-reboot|] reboot without waiting user
+ confirmation once installation is over;
+\item[\path|--dry-run|] do nothing, just log everything that will be
+ done without this option;
+\item[\path|--quick|] use the recommended installation and default
+ directories, ask nothing up to rebooting;
+\item[\path|--with-xemtex|] selects the \XEmTeX{} bundle;
+\item[\path|--net-method (=ie5/direct)|] enable to download components with
+ restricted licenses from the Internet (either using direct
+ connection of Internet Explorer 5 DLLs): you need to have an available
+ network connection and some of the packages are huge;
+\item[\path|--remote-source-directory <url>|] this is the base url for the remote packages;
+\item[\path|--local-source-directory <dir>|] by default, \path|TeXSetup.exe|
+ will guess the root directory of the set of files you want it to act on, if you ever
+ upgrade \path|TeXSetup.exe|, you won't be able to copy the new version
+ onto your \CD{}, so you will need to use this option to specify the
+ root of the \CD{};
+\item[\path|--installation-directory <dir>|] this is the root of your
+ installation, all files will be copied under this location. The
+ default value is \verb+c:\Program Files\TL+;
+\item[\path|--texmfmain-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--texmflocal-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--texmfextra-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--texmfhome-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--vartexmf-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--vartexfonts-directory <dir>|] these are the directories
+ used to configure the location of your files. They map directly to
+ the \path|texmf.cnf| variables.
+\item[\path|--with-source-files(=yes/no)|] copy the source files
+ for \TeX{} packages, default value is no;
+\item[\path|--with-documentation-files(=yes/no)|] copy documentation files for \TeX{}
+ packages. Default value is yes. Beware: this is only documentation about specific
+ packages, general documentation will be installed anyway;
+\item[\path|--program-folder <folder>|] the name of the folder under
+ which you will find the menus;
+\item[\path|--add-package <pkg>|] this is used to add or update a specific
+ package after a first regular installation;
+\item[\path|--scheme <pkg>|] install the named scheme instead of the
+ default \path|texlive-recommended| scheme;
+\item[\path|--maintenance|] mostly the same as \path|--add-package|
+ without specifying a package to add;
+\item[\path|--uninstall|] this option will remove anything \TeX{} related coming from
+ the \CD{}, which means there can be files left if you added style
+ files or format files, and also that supplementary tools will not be
+ removed. This option is still a bit crude in this release;
+\item[\path|--help|] this option opens up a box with the list of options.
+\subsection{Network installation}
+\KPS{} knows about UNC names, so you can use them to get your TEXMF
+tree from the network. But there is better than this.
+All the support files and configuration files, everything except the files in the
+\path|bin/win32| are shareable with a \teTeX{} or Unix \TL{} installation. That means
+you can use Samba either to mount from an NT server to a Unix
+workstation or the converse. Several strategies are possible:
+\item Put everything on the server. Just add each set of files for the os and
+architecture you want to use in the \path|bin| directory. That means
+for example \path|bin/win32| and \path|bin/i386-linux|. Next configure
+your main variables. You can use UNC names to
+point to the right directories under Win32.
+\item Install a local copy for the binaries and format files. In this
+ case, assign \path|$TEXMFMAIN| to the main \path|texmf| tree that
+ will be accessed remotely. Set \path|$VARTEXMF| to be a local
+ directory which will hold local configuration files and on-the-fly
+ generated files.
+\subsection{Personal configurations}
+The configuration file for dvips can be found in\\
+\verb+C:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf-var\dvips\config\\\
+You may open it with any editor
+ %(\cmdname{WinShell} will do fine)
+ and change some parameters:
+\item [fonts] you can change the default printer \MF{} mode or printer
+ resolution in case \cmdname{dvips} needs to generate PK fonts. By default it
+ is configured to use Type~1 versions of the CM fonts, so it should
+ not call \cmdname{mktexpk} too often;
+\item[printer] you can tell dvips where you want to print by default. If
+ the \optname{o} option is not followed by a printer name, then a
+ \file{.ps} \PS{} file is written. You can give dvips a printer
+ name such as:
+o lpt1:
+% o | lpr -S server -P myprinter
+% o \\server\myprinter
+\item[paper] Next, you might want
+ to change the paper size from European (A4) to US letter
+ by making the US letter the first paper size mentioned in the file.
+ Scroll to the group of lines beginning with \code{@}. Move
+ the appropriate lines so that this section begins with the lines:\\
+\hspace*{1em} @ letterSize 8.5in 11in\\
+\hspace*{1em} @ letter 8.5in 11in\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ \%\%BeginPaperSize: Letter\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ letter\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ \%\%EndPaperSize
+The current \TL{} distribution implements the procedure of making
+always up-to-date fontmaps files for Dvips and Pdftex. This is done by
+the \cmdname{updmap} program during installation, as well as during any
+font package addition. If you add new packages by hand, edit the file
+\verb+updmap.cfg+ in \path|$VARTEXMF/web2c|.
+If you use the program pdf{}latex to write \acro{PDF} format directly,
+and you are using \acro{US} letter-size paper, edit the file
+\verb+C:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf-var\tex\generic\config\pdftexconfig.tex+ and
+change \samp{\bs pdfpagewidth} and \samp{\bs pdfpageheight}. These entries should read:
+\bs{}pdfpagewidth=8.5 true in
+\bs{}pdfpageheight=11 true in
+Save the file and exit the editor.
+GSView is now distributed under the Aladdin License, and therefore is no longer included in
+If you may want to change the page size to US letter size. If so, open
+GSView from the \guiseq{Start} menu, and select \guiseq{Media\arw Letter}.
+Also, there are menu settings that are supposed to give you the most
+readable screen image. On \guiseq{Media \arw Display Settings}, set both
+\optname{Text Alpha} and \optname{Graphics Alpha} to 4~bits.
+Note that the installation process has set all \code{.ps} and
+\code{.eps} files to automatically open with \cmdname{GSView}.
+For printing instructions, see section~\ref{printing} below.
+The \file{TeXSetup.exe} program takes care of associating the files
+with the \file{.dvi} extension with \file{Windvi}.
+Open it with \guiseq{Start\arw Programs\arw TeXLive\arw DVI Viewer}.
+You can set it for US letter-size paper by going to \guiseq{View\arw
+Options\arw Papertype} and selecting US (8.5\verb+"+ x 11\verb+"+) (and
+then \optname{OK}. Exit \cmdname{windvi}.
+You can change other parameters from there as well, such as the ability
+to execute system commands specified by the document (disabled by
+default for security reasons). Also, the first time you view any .dvi
+file, you may find the magnification too large. Zoom out until you get
+an appropriate size.
+%There are two important parameters related to printing that can't yet
+%be set from the dialog boxes, namely the resolution and the \MF{} mode
+%for the printer. You can set them once for all by specifying them on
+%the command line:
+%c:\>windvi -p 360 -mfmode canonbjc foo.dvi
+%When you will exit Windvi, these parameters will be stored in the
+%configuration file. The available modes are found in this file:\\
+%\path|c:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf\metafont\misc\|
+All configuration settings for \cmdname{Windvi} are stored in a file
+named \path|windvi.cnf| file. You can find it by running this command at
+the prompt:
+c:\>kpsewhich --expand-var $HOME/windvi.cnf
+Should you have problems with \cmdname{Windvi}, please remove the configuration
+file and test your problem against a vanilla configuration.
+For generic verification procedures, see section~\ref{sec:test-install}
+(\p.\pageref{sec:test-install}). This section describes
+Windows-specific tests.
+Open the file \verb+sample2e.tex+ in your editor (Xemacs, WinShell),
+found in \path|C:\Local\TeX\texmf\tex\latex\base|. The \LaTeX\ source
+should appear on the screen. Process it by clicking on the
+\guiseq{Command\arw LaTeX} menu (XEmacs) or \LaTeX\ icon on the toolbar
+(WinShell), then view it by clicking on the \guiseq{Command\arw View DVI}
+menu (XEmacs) or Preview (Windvi) icon (WinShell).
+At first, when you preview files with Windvi, it will create fonts because
+screen fonts were not installed. After a while, you will have created most
+of the fonts you use, and you will rarely see the font-creation window.
+\textbf{Hint for the future:} If a \LaTeX\ run stops because \LaTeX\
+cannot find a file, you can press Ctrl-z to quit.
+It is possible to print from Windvi. In this case, printing will be done
+using the Windows unified printer driver. By definition, it is
+compatible with all printers. However, there is some drawback: it can
+generate some huge spool files, and some (older) versions of Windows
+just don't like them. The advantage is that you can use features like
+embedding BMP or WMF images. You also need to make sure that the printer
+parameters are correctly set (subsection~\ref{sub:windvi}), else you
+will get scaled printing (printing at 600\dpi{} on a 300\dpi{} printer
+will give you only one quadrant of your page).
+Printing is faster and more reliable if you run \cmdname{dvips} to make
+a \filename{.ps} file and then print from \cmdname{GSView}. In
+\cmdname{GSview}, select \guiseq{File\arw Print\ldots}. A \guiseq{Print}
+window will appear.
+If you are using a \PS{} printer, \textit{be sure to select
+\guiseq{\PS{} Printer}}. This is done in the \guiseq{Print Method} box
+at the bottom left of the \guiseq{Print} window. You can then select any
+of the printers that you have previously installed. If you fail to
+check the box for \optname{\PS{} Printer}, printing will not work.
+If you will be using your own non-\PS{} printer, select
+\guiseq{Ghostscript device} in the \guiseq{Print Method} box, then click
+on the button to the right labelled \guiseq{djet500} and select your
+printer type from the list that pops up. (In the older version of
+\cmdname{GSView}, make sure \optname{\PS{} Printer} is \textit{not}
+selected, then select your printer type from the \guiseq{Device} list.)
+\subsection{Tips and tricks for Win32}
+\subsubsection{Different flavors of Win32}
+What we call Win32 is not an operating system by itself. It is a large
+set of functions (around 12,000 in the header files of the Microsoft
+\acro{SDK}) that you can use to write programs for different operating
+systems of the Windows family.
+Windows comes in different flavors:
+\item Win95, Win98 and Win\acro{ME}, which \emph{are not true multitasking,
+ multithreading} environments. They are the latest\Dash and hopefully
+ last\Dash metamorphosis of \acro{DOS}. This can be more or less proven
+ by the fact that when booting, the PC will load the \path||
+ interpreter, and if you stop the boot process at this point, you can
+ ask for the current (\acro{DOS}) version and it will answer something
+ like \samp{MS-DOS 7.0} (at least for the old versions of Win9x).
+\item Windows \acro{NT}, which is a new operating system written from
+ scratch, capable of true multitasking behavior, and including many
+ high level features.
+\item Windows 2000, based on \acro{NT}, with all the bells and
+ whistles of Win98.
+\item Windows \acro{XP}, which comes with Personal and Pro flavors. This is
+ the last step in merging both lines of products (Win9x based and
+ \acro{NT} based). \acro{XP} is based on \acro{NT}.
+Win9x are able to run 32~bits programs and 16~bits programs
+concurrently. But the operating system by itself is not entirely
+written in 32~bits mode, and does not support memory protection: 16bits
+applications can overwrite parts of the operating system memory! Some
+parts of the system like the \acro{GDI} (Graphical Device Interface)
+manage limited resources like bitmaps, fonts, pens and so on for the set
+of all programs that run concurrently. All the bitmaps headers available
+at the same time can't amount for more than 64kB. This explains the
+performance tool and the fact that you can put your system on his knees
+by making intensive use of graphic objects for example.
+NT, 2K and XP do not suffer from these limitations, and neither from
+other Win9x limitations. They are true multitasking environments, with
+protected memory. They are much more responsive than Win9x because
+of better memory management, better file system and so on.
+\subsubsection{Command line prompt}
+You may wonder, ``Why would I need to use a command line prompt when
+I have Windows?''
+Good question. The problem is of very general nature. Not all operations
+can be done easily using only a \acro{GUI}. Command line gives you
+programming power\Dash assuming a clever command interpreter.
+But the problem here is more fundamental: \TeX{} is \emph{a batch}
+tool. Not an interactive one. \TeX{} needs to compute the best
+layout for each page, resolve cross-references and so on. This can be
+done only by a global processing of the document. It is not (yet) a
+task that can be done interactively.
+This means that you should use \TeX{} from a command line. In fact the
+situation is not so bad. There is an advantage to write command line
+tools for complex processing: they are better debugged, because they are
+independent of any \acro{GUI} problems, and \acro{GUI} tools can be
+designed to interface to the command line tools. This is the case for
+\TeX{}, where you will mostly interact with it through a \acro{GUI} text
+However, you may need to use the command line prompt in a number of
+situations. One is when you are having difficulties and want to debug
+your setup.
+ \item[Win9x] You can open a command line prompt by looking either for
+ the \acro{MS-DOS} icon in the \guiseq{Start\arw Programs} menu,
+ or by choosing \guiseq{Start\arw Run} menu typing in
+ \path|| as the progrm name.
+ \item[NT, 2K, XP] You can open a command line prompt by looking for
+ \guiseq{Command Prompt} in the \guiseq{Start\arw Accessories} menu.
+ You can also choose \guiseq{Start\arw Run} and type in
+ \path|cmd.exe|, which is the name of the brand new command
+ interpreter for \acro{NT} (thus, it is untrue to call this a
+ \emph{DOS} box!).
+These locations may change across different Windows versions.
+\subsubsection{Path separators}
+The Win32 API understands both \path|/| and \path|\| characters as PATH
+separators. But the command interpreters do not! So whenever a path name
+is used programmatically, you can use both separators, and even mix them
+up in the same path name. But on the command line, you must type
+\path|\| as path separator. The reason is compatibility: the command
+processor used \samp{/} to introduce arguments to commands.
+All this to say: do not be surprised to read path names written using
+the Unix convention; \fpTeX{} is a port of \Webc, and aims to be compatible
+across platforms. For this reason, all the configuration files that
+need to specify path names use the Unix convention.
+\subsubsection{File systems}
+The worst feature of Win9x with regard to \TeX{} is probably the
+so-called FAT file system. \TeX{} uses very many small files, with size
+around 1--3kB. The \acro{FAT} file system is old, and predates by
+decades the multi-gigabytes hard disks we have today. As a result, it
+cannot manage efficiently the tens of thousands of \TeX{} files found in
+\TL{}. The \acro{FAT} file system allocates a minimum of 32kB for
+\emph{any} file on a huge partition. It means that \TeX{} will use much
+more disk space than it actually needs.
+The other, more modern, file systems available, \acro{FAT32} and
+\acro{NTFS}, do not have this drawback. They manage clusters of 4kB
+only. (You can lower the limit to 512 bytes on \acro{NTFS}.)
+\subsubsection{How to add some directory to your PATH}
+There are pairs of variables and values which behave much like global
+variables inside your programs. The set of those variables is called the
+environment. Each program is initialized with a copy of the
+environment when it is run. It can request and change the
+value of any variable. The changes happen in the copy of the
+environment, and is not at all propagated to the other running
+Your PATH is a special environment variable used to search for
+programs you want to run.
+There is a different procedure to change it for Win9x, WinME and NT/2K/XP:
+\item[Windows 95/98] Edit your \path|autoexec.bat|. In this file should be a line
+ starting with \texttt{PATH=} and followed by a list of directories separated
+ by \path|;|. Please add the directory with the executables in this line.
+ After this, this line could look as follows:
+PATH=c:\windows;c:\windows\system;c:\"Program Files"\TL\bin\win32
+\item[Windows ME] You need to run the special program
+ \path|c:\windows\system\msconfig.exe| to be able to change any
+ environment variable. From this program, select the `Environment'
+ tab, and then add or modify the variable you want. You will be asked to reboot the
+ machine upon any change.
+\item[Windows NT/2K/XP]
+ Click left on \guiseq{Start \arw Settings \arw Control Panel}. Now the
+ window with the control panel icons opens. Double click on System. The
+ System Properties window opens. Click on the tab \textsf{Environment}
+ or look for a button named \guiseq{Environment Variables} among the
+ dialog boxes. Now you can change the environment variables for your
+ user account. Note: There are also displayed the environment settings
+ for the system. Normally, you can't change the system variables
+ unless you have administrator rights on your machine. If you want to
+ change the \texttt{PATH} for all users, you will have to contact your
+ system administrator or be the system administrator yourself\Dash in
+ the latter case you should know what you are doing.
+ If there is already a \texttt{PATH} setting for your user account,
+ left click on \texttt{PATH}. In the field \textsf{Variable} appears
+ \texttt{PATH} while the field Value shows the current setting of
+ \texttt{PATH} as a list of directories separated by \path|;|. Add
+ the directory where the executables are located (e.g.
+ \path|c:\Program Files\TeXLive\bin\win32|). If there isn't a \texttt{PATH} variable
+ for your user account, simply click in the field Variable and type
+ in \texttt{PATH}, click in the field \textsf{Value}
+ and type in the directory with the executables. Important: Click on
+ the \textsf{Apply} button before clicking \textsf{Ok}, otherwise the
+ changes to \texttt{PATH} won't apply to your system. Be careful when
+ changing the environment settings.
+The best way to be sure that a variable has been properly set is to
+open a console and type:
+which should return the corresponding value.
+\subsubsection{\TeX{} engines}
+If you have a look at the \Webc{} documentation, you will read that all
+the various \TeX{} derived programs use the same base engine. For
+example, \path|tex.exe| and \path|latex.exe| are exact copies of the
+same program, but each one will use a different format file, based on
+its calling name.
+Under Unix, this feature is implemented through \emph{symbolic
+links}. It saves up a bit of disk space, because some engines are
+used with many different format files.
+The Win32 API does not know about file links. So to save up almost
+the same amount of memory, all the \TeX{} base engines have been put
+in DLLs (\emph{Dynamic Linked Library}). This means that you will have
+the following layout:
+13/05/2002 17:06 3 584 latex.exe
+13/05/2002 17:06 266 240 tex.dll
+13/05/2002 17:06 3 584 tex.exe
+and the \path|latex.exe| file is nothing but a rough copy of
+\path|tex.exe| using the same core \path|tex.dll|.
+The same trick has been used for the \path|mktex*.exe| family of programs which are
+linked to the \path|mktex.dll| library.
+In fact, a generic tool called \path|lnexe.exe| is provided to build the
+equivalent of Unix hard links for executable files only under Win32.
+\subsection{In case of problems}
+\subsubsection{What to do if \texttt{latex} does not find your files?}
+\item \cmdname{kpsewhich} is the tool of choice to debug any
+problem. Unfortunately, \cmdname{kpsewhich} outputs debug information
+to stderr, and the Windows console does not know how to redirect stderr
+to a file\footnote{Well, NT and Win2k consoles know how to do that. But
+the trick will work for any console.}. For diagnostic purposes you can
+temporarily set an environment variable (in a \acro{DOS} box):
+You can also set the debug level:
+If you want to redirect stderr to stdout, which is not possible
+Windows, then do:
+This way you can capture both stdout and stderr in the same file.
+\item Assuming the installation has been done in \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive|, check
+ the following values: \\
+ {\small
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $SELFAUTOPARENT| & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $TEXMF| & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $TEXMFCNF| &
+ \path|.;c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/web2c;| \\
+ & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/bin/win32;| \\
+ & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/bin;| \\
+ & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-var $TEXINPUTS| & \path|.;c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex//|
+ \end{tabular}
+\item If you have other \TeX{}-related values already set in your
+ environment, please, remove them. They are overriding the ones in
+ texmf.cnf.
+\item Check the values from:\\
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \texttt{kpsewhich cmr10.tfm} & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm|\\
+ \texttt{kpsewhich latex.fmt}& \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/web2c/latex.fmt|
+ \end{tabular}
+\item At this point, if everything is correct, \TeX{} and friends
+ should work. If it is not the case, you will need to play with
+ the \path|-debug=n| option from \path|kpsewhich|, and check back all
+ the values. Try to identify and report the problem.
+\subsubsection{What to do if your setup still does not work as expected?}
+Here are several questions to investigate:
+\item Is \file{tex.exe} in my \path|PATH|?
+\item Is the \path|TEXMFCNF| variable correctly set to
+\path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf-var/web2c| (default value)?
+\item Are there any errors in the log file generated by the
+\file{TeXSetup.exe} program? You can find this by searching for the
+string \samp{Error}.
+\item Are there any relevant bug fixes at \url{}?
+(Unlikely, but it doesn't hurt to check.)
+\item Check the web pages at
+\url{}, or consider subscribing to the \fpTeX{}
+mailing list, via \url{}.
+The \TL{} software consists of hundreds of programs and tens of
+thousands of files, all from varying sources. So it is quite difficult to
+predict all possible causes for problems. Nevertheless, we will do our
+best to help you. (See section~\ref{sec:help}, \p.\pageref{sec:help}.)
+\subsection{Compiling the source files}
+The whole set of source files is available in the distribution as the
+\path|source/source.tar.bz2| archive, together with a separate source
+archive for Windows. To be able to compile the whole distribution for
+Windows, you will need:
+\item Windows 2K/XP
+\item Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003
+\item a set of Unix tools (\texttt{sed},
+ \texttt{grep}, \texttt{gawk}, etc.) and also Perl, Flex and Bison,
+\item to adjust the paths in the
+ \path|win32/make/common.mak| file according to your installation
+\item to adjust the paths in the Perl script file
+ \path|win32/perl/|,
+\item run the compilation from the \path|mswin32/| directory using this
+ command:
+c:\texlive\source\mswin32>perl ./perl/ --install --log=install.log
+There is a lot of work to do to make this process easier and cleaner.
+\subsection{Where to get more information}
+The Windows \TeX{} system included on \TL{} is also known as
+\fpTeX. The packaging differs, but \fpTeX{} is no more no less than the
+current \TL\ release for Windows.
+The \fpTeX{} home page is \url{}.
+The current \fpTeX release is available from any \CTAN site in
+The main ftp site for \fpTeX\ is \url{}
+from where beta versions of \fpTeX\ and additionnal tools are available.
+This main site is (partially) mirrored daily by all \CTAN{} sites at
+The \TeX{} Users Group is kindly hosting a mailing list dedicated to
+\fpTeX. It is used for announcements, bug reports, enhancement requests,
+and general discussion about \fpTeX. To subscribe, visit
+\url{}. The mailing list
+address is \email{}.
+% don't use \Webc so the \uppercase in the headline works.
+\section{A user's guide to Web2C}
+\Webc{} is an integrated collection of \TeX-related programs: \TeX{}
+itself, \MF{}, \MP, \BibTeX{}, etc. It is the heart of \TL{}.
+A bit of history: The original implementation was by Tomas Rokicki who,
+in 1987, developed a first \TeX{}-to-C system based on change files
+under Unix, which were primarily the original work of Howard Trickey and
+Pavel Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the system, and
+during this period the name changed to Web-to-C\@. In 1990, Karl Berry
+took over the work, assisted by dozens of additional contributors, and
+in 1997 he handed the baton to Olaf Weber.
+The \Webc{} system runs on Unix, 32-bit Windows systems, \MacOSX{}, and
+other operating systems. It uses Knuth's original sources for \TeX{} and
+other basic programs written in \web{} and translates them into C source
+code. The core \TeX{} programs are:
+\item[bibtex] Maintaining bibliographies.
+\item[dmp] \cmdname{troff} to MPX (\MP{} pictures).
+\item[dvicopy] Expands virtual font references in \dvi{} files.
+\item[dvitomp] \dvi{} to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+\item[dvitype] \dvi{} to human-readable text.
+\item[gftodvi] Generic font proofsheets.
+\item[gftopk] Generic to packed fonts.
+\item[gftype] GF to human-readable text.
+\item[makempx] \MP{} label typesetting.
+\item[mf] Creating typeface families.
+\item[mft] Prettyprinting \MF{} source.
+\item[mpost] Creating technical diagrams.
+\item[mpto] MetaPost label extraction.
+\item[newer] Compare modification times.
+\item[patgen] Creating hyphenation patterns.
+\item[pktogf] Packed to generic fonts.
+\item[pktype] PK to human-readable text.
+\item[pltotf] Plain text property list to TFM.
+\item[pooltype] Display \web{} pool files.
+\item[tangle] \web{} to Pascal.
+\item[tex] Typesetting.
+\item[tftopl] TFM to plain text property list.
+\item[vftovp] Virtual font to virtual property list.
+\item[vptovf] Virtual property list to virtual font.
+\item[weave] \web{} to \TeX.
+\noindent The precise functions and syntax of these programs are
+described in the documentation of the individual packages and of \Webc{}
+itself. However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of
+programs will help you take advantage of your \Webc{} installation.
+All programs honor these standard \acro{GNU} options:
+\item[-{}-help] print basic usage summary.
+\item[-{}-verbose] print detailed progress report.
+\item[-{}-version] print version information, then exit.
+For locating files the \Webc{} programs use the path searching library
+\KPS{}. This library uses a combination of environment variables and a
+configuration files to optimize searching the (huge) collection of
+\TeX{} files. \Webc{} can look at more than one directory tree
+simultaneously, which is useful in maintaining \TeX's standard
+distribution and local extensions in two distinct trees. To speed up
+file searches the root of each tree has a file \file{ls-R}, containing
+an entry showing the name and relative pathname for all files under that
+\subsection{Kpathsea path searching}
+Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the \KPS{}
+We call a \emph{search path} a colon- or semicolon\hyph sepa\-rated list
+of \emph{path elements}, which are basically directory names. A
+search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up
+a file \samp{my-file} along a path \samp{.:/dir}, \KPS{} checks each
+element of the path in turn: first \file{./my-file}, then
+\file{/dir/my-file}, returning the first match (or possibly all
+In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems' conventions, on
+non-Unix systems \KPS{} can use filename separators different from
+colon (\samp{:}) and slash (\samp{/}).
+To check a particular path element \var{p}, \KPS{} first checks if a
+prebuilt database (see ``Filename data\-base'' on
+page~\pageref{Filename-database}) applies to \var{p}, i.e., if the database
+is in a directory that is a prefix of \var{p}. If so, the path
+specification is matched against the contents of the database.
+If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path
+element, or contains no matches, the filesystem is searched (if this
+was not forbidden by a specification starting with \samp{!!}\ and if
+the file being searched for must exist). \KPS{} constructs the list
+of directories that correspond to this path element, and then checks
+in each for the file being sought.
+The ``file must exist'' condition comes into play with \samp{.vf} files and
+input files read by \TeX's \cs{openin} command. Such files may not
+exist (e.g., \file{cmr10.vf}), and so it would be wrong to search the
+disk for them. Therefore, if you fail to update \file{ls-R} when you
+install a new \samp{.vf} file, it will never be found.
+Each path element is checked in turn: first the database, then the
+disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result is
+Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory
+name, \KPS{} supports additional features in search paths: layered
+default values, environment variable names, config file values, users'
+home directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say
+that \KPS{} \emph{expands} a path element, meaning it transforms all
+the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is
+described in the following sections in the same order as it takes
+Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly
+relative, i.e., starts with \samp{/} or \samp{./} or \samp{../},
+\KPS{} simply checks if that file exists.
+ \caption{An illustrative configuration file sample}
+ \label{fig:config-sample}
+\subsubsection{Path sources}
+A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which
+\KPS{} uses them:
+ A user-set environment variable, for instance, \envname{TEXINPUTS}\@.
+ Environment variables with a period and a program name appended
+ override; e.g., if \samp{latex} is the name of the program being run,
+ then \envname{TEXINPUTS.latex} will override \envname{TEXINPUTS}.
+ A program-specific configuration file, for exam\-ple, a line
+ \samp{S /a:/b} in \cmdname{dvips}'s \file{}.
+\item A \KPS{} configuration file \file{texmf.cnf}, containing a line like
+ \samp{TEXINPUTS=/c:/d} (see below).
+\item The compile-time default.
+\noindent You can see each of these values for a given
+search path by using the debugging options (see ``Debugging actions''
+on page~\pageref{Debugging}).
+\subsubsection{Config files}
+\KPS{} reads \emph{runtime configuration files} named \file{texmf.cnf}
+for search path and other definitions. The search path used to look
+for these files is named \envname{TEXMFCNF} (by default such a file lives
+in the \file{texmf/web2c} subdirectory). \emph{All}
+\file{texmf.cnf} files in the search path will be read and definitions
+in earlier files override those in later files. Thus, with a search
+path of \verb|.:$TEXMF|, values from \file{./texmf.cnf} override those
+from \verb|$TEXMF/texmf.cnf|.
+ Comments start with \code{\%} and continue to the end of the line.
+ Blank lines are ignored.
+ A \bs{} at the end of a line acts as a continuation character,
+ i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace at the beginning of
+ continuation lines is not ignored.
+ Each remaining line has the form:
+ \var{variable}[.\var{progname}] [=] \var{value}
+ where the \samp{=} and surrounding whitespace are optional.
+ The \ttvar{variable} name may contain any character other
+ than whitespace, \samp{=}, or \samp{.}, but sticking to
+ \samp{A-Za-z\_} is safest.
+ If \samp{.\var{progname}} is present, the definition only
+ applies if the program that is running is named
+ \texttt{\var{progname}} or \texttt{\var{progname}.exe}. This allows
+ different flavors of \TeX{} to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+\item \var{value} may contain any characters except
+ \code{\%} and \samp{@}. The
+ \code{\$\var{var}.\var{prog}} feature is not available on the
+ right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable. A
+ \samp{;}\ in \var{value} is translated to \samp{:}\ if
+ running under Unix; this is useful to be able to have a single
+ \file{texmf.cnf} for Unix, \acro{MS-DOS} and Windows systems.
+ All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so
+ variables can be referenced before they are defined.
+A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these points is
+shown below:
+shown in Figure~\ref{fig:config-sample}.
+\subsubsection{Path expansion}
+\KPS{} recognizes certain special characters and constructions in
+search paths, similar to those available in Unix shells. As a
+general example, the complex path,
+\verb+~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz+, expands to all subdirectories under
+directories \file{foo} and \file{bar} in \texttt{\$USER}'s home
+directory that contain a directory or file \file{baz}. These
+expansions are explained in the sections below.
+\subsubsection{Default expansion}
+If the highest-priority search path (see ``Path sources'' on
+page~\pageref{Path-sources}) contains an \emph{extra colon} (i.e.,
+leading, trailing, or doubled), \KPS{} inserts at that point the
+next-highest-prio\-rity search path that is defined. If that inserted
+path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next highest. For
+example, given an environment variable setting
+> \Ucom{setenv TEXINPUTS /home/karl:}
+and a \code{TEXINPUTS} value from \file{texmf.cnf} of
+ .:\$TEXMF//tex
+then the final value used for searching will be:
+ /home/karl:.:\$TEXMF//tex
+Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one
+place, \KPS{} changes only one extra \samp{:}\ and leaves any others in
+place. It checks first for a leading \samp{:}, then a trailing
+\samp{:}, then a doubled \samp{:}.
+\subsubsection{Brace expansion}
+A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance,
+\verb+v{a,b}w+ expands to \verb+vaw:vbw+. Nesting is allowed.
+This can be used to implement multiple \TeX{} hierarchies, by
+assigning a brace list to \code{\$TEXMF}.
+For example, in \file{texmf.cnf}, you find
+the following definition:
+Using this you can then write something like
+ TEXINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex//
+which means that, after looking in the current directory, the
+\code{\$HOMETEXMF/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFLOCAL/tex}, \code{\$VARTEXMF/tex}
+and \code{\$TEXMFMAIN/tex} trees \emph{only}) will be searched (the
+last two use using \file{ls-R} data base files). It is a convenient
+way for running two parallel \TeX{} structures, one ``frozen'' (on a
+\CD, for instance) and the other being continuously updated with new
+versions as they become available. By using the \code{\$TEXMF}
+variable in all definitions, one is sure to always search the
+up-to-date tree first.
+\subsubsection{Subdirectory expansion}
+Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory
+\var{d} is replaced by all subdirectories of \var{d}: first those
+subdirectories directly under \var{d}, then the subsubdirectories under
+those, and so on. At each level, the order in which the directories are
+searched is \emph{unspecified}.
+If you specify any filename components after the \samp{//}, only
+subdirectories with matching components are included. For example,
+\samp{/a//b} expands into directories \file{/a/1/b}, \file{/a/2/b},
+\file{/a/1/1/b}, and so on, but not \file{/a/b/c} or \file{/a/1}.
+Multiple \samp{//} constructs in a path are possible, but
+\samp{//} at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+\subsubsection{List of special characters and their meaning: a summary}
+The following list summarizes the special characters in \KPS{}
+configuration files.
+% need a wider space for the item labels here.
+\item[\CODE{:}] Separator in path specification; at the beginning or
+ the end of a path it substitutes the default path expansion.\par
+\item[\CODE{;}] Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like \code{:}).
+\item[\CODE{\$}] Variable expansion.
+\item[\CODE{\string~}] Represents the user's home directory.
+\item[\CODE{\char`\{...\char`\}}] Brace expansion.
+\item[\CODE{//}] Subdirectory expansion (can occur anywhere in
+ a path, except at its beginning).
+\item[\CODE{\%}] Start of comment.
+\item[\CODE{\bs}] Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+\item[\CODE{!!}] Search \emph{only} database to locate file, \emph{do
+ not} search the disk.
+\subsection{Filename databases}
+\KPS{} goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches.
+Nevertheless, at installations with enough directories, searching each
+possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time
+(this is especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to
+be traversed.) Therefore, \KPS{} can use an externally-built plain text
+``database'' file named \file{ls-R} that maps files to directories,
+thus avoiding the need to exhaustively search the disk.
+A second database file \file{aliases} allows you to give additional
+names to the files listed in \file{ls-R}. This can be helpful to
+confirm to \acro{DOS} 8.3 filename conventions in source files.
+\subsubsection{The filename database}
+As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be
+\file{ls-R}. You can put one at the root of each \TeX{} hierarchy in
+your installation that you wish to be searched (\code{\$TEXMF} by
+default); most sites have only one hierarchy. \KPS{} looks for
+\file{ls-R} files along the \code{TEXMFDBS} path.
+The recommended way to create and maintain \samp{ls-R} is to run the
+\code{mktexlsr} script included with the distribution. It is invoked
+by the various \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts. In principle, this script
+just runs the command
+cd \var{/your/texmf/root} && \path|\|ls -1LAR ./ >ls-R
+presuming your system's \code{ls} produces the right output format
+(\acro{GNU} \code{ls} is all right). To ensure that the database is
+always up-to-date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via
+\code{cron}, so that it is automatically updated when the installed
+files change, such as after installing or updating a \LaTeX{} package.
+If a file is not found in the database, by default \KPS{} goes ahead
+and searches the disk. If a particular path element begins with
+\samp{!!}, however, \emph{only} the database will be searched for that
+element, never the disk.
+\subsubsection{kpsewhich: Standalone path searching}
+The \texttt{kpsewhich} program exercises path searching independent of any
+particular application. This can be useful as a sort of \code{find}
+program to locate files in \TeX{} hierarchies (this is used heavily in
+the distributed \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts).
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich \var{option}\dots{} \var{filename}\dots{}}
+The options specified in \ttvar{option} start with either \samp{-}
+or \samp{-{}-}, and any unambiguous abbreviation is accepted.
+\KPS{} looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a
+filename, and returns the first file found. There is no option to
+return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix
+\samp{find} utility for that).
+The more important options are described next.
+ Set the resolution to \ttvar{num}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. \samp{-D} is a synonym, for compatibility
+ with \cmdname{dvips}. Default is 600.
+ Set the format for lookup to \ttvar{name}. By default, the
+ format is guessed from the filename. For formats which do not have
+ an associated unambiguous suffix, such as \MP{} support files and
+ \cmdname{dvips} configuration files, you have to specify the name as
+ found in the first column of table~\ref{tab:kpathsea}, which lists
+ currently recognized names, a description, possible file extensions,
+ and associated environment variables.
+\def\KpathKey#1#2#3#4#5{% name, number, description, variables,
+ % suffixes
+\SetRowColor#1 & #3 & #4 & #5\\}
+% a footnoterule immediately under a bottom-of-page rule looks dead
+% silly, so we suppress it
+ >{\ttfamily}P{.16\textwidth}% Col.1
+ P{.3\textwidth}% Col 2
+ >{\ttfamily\footnotesize}P{.29\textwidth}% Col 3
+ >{\ttfamily}P{.14\textwidth}% Col 4
+\caption{Kpathsea file types.}\label{tab:kpathsea}\\
+\emph{Name} & \HEAD{Description} & \HEAD{Variables}
+& \HEAD{Suffixes}\\
+\multicolumn{3}{l}{Kpathsea file types \emph{continued}}\\
+\emph{Name} & \HEAD{Description} & \HEAD{Variables}
+& \HEAD{Suffixes}\\
+ {afm}
+ {4}
+ {Adobe font metrics}
+ {.afm}
+ {base}
+ {5}
+ {Metafont memory dump}
+ {.base}
+ {bib}
+ {6}
+ {\BibTeX{} bibliography source}
+ {.bib}
+ {}
+ {2}
+ {bitmap fonts}
+ {}
+ {bst}
+ {7}
+ {\BibTeX{} style files}
+ {.bst}
+ {cnf}
+ {8}
+ {Runtime configuration files}
+ {.cnf}
+ {dvips config}
+ {34}
+ {\textsf{dvips} configuration files, e.g., \file{}}
+ {}
+ {enc}
+ {34}
+ {Font encoding files}
+ {.enc}
+ {fmt}
+ {10}
+ {\TeX{} memory dump}
+ {.fmt, .efmt, .efm}
+ {gf}
+ {0}
+ {generic font bitmap}
+ {.gf}
+ {graphic/figure}
+ {25}
+ {Encapsulated \PS{} figures}
+ {.eps, .epsi}
+ {ist}
+ {35}
+ {\textsf{makeindex} style files}
+ {.ist}
+ {ls-R}
+ {9}
+ {Filename databases}
+ {}
+ {map}
+ {11}
+ {Fontmaps}
+ {.map}
+ {mem}
+ {12}
+ {MetaPost memory dump}
+ {.mem}
+ {mf}
+ {13}
+ {Metafont source}
+ {.mf}
+ {mfpool}
+ {14}
+ {Metafont program strings}
+ {.pool}
+ {mft}
+ {15}
+ {MFT style file}
+ {.mft}
+ {}
+ {41}
+ {miscellaneous fonts}
+ {}
+ {mp}
+ {16}
+ {MetaPost source}
+ {.mp}
+ {mppool}
+ {17}
+ {MetaPost program strings}
+ {.pool}
+ {MetaPost support}
+ {18}
+ {MetaPost support files, used by DMP}
+ {}
+ {ocp}
+ {19}
+ {\OMEGA{} compiled process files}
+ {.ocp}
+ {ofm}
+ {20}
+ {\OMEGA{} font metrics}
+ {.ofm, .tfm}
+ {opl}
+ {21}
+ {\OMEGA{} property lists}
+ {.opl}
+ {otp}
+ {22}
+ {\OMEGA{} translation process files}
+ {.otp}
+ {ovf}
+ {23}
+ {\OMEGA{} virtual fonts}
+ {.ovf}
+ {ovp}
+ {24}
+ {\OMEGA{} virtual property lists}
+ {.ovp}
+ {pdftex config}
+ {18}
+ {\textsf{pdftex} configuration files}
+ {}
+ {pk}
+ {1}
+ {packed bitmap fonts}
+ {\var{program}FONTS \textrm{(\texttt{\var{program}} being
+ \textsmaller{\cmdname{XDVI}},
+ {.pk}
+ {\PS{} header}
+ {30}
+ {downloadable \PS{}}
+ {.pro, .enc}
+ {tex}
+ {26}
+ {\TeX{} source}
+ {.tex, .cls, .sty, .clo, .def}
+ {texmfscripts}
+ {20}
+ {Scripts distributed in the \file{texmf} tree}
+ {}
+ {TeX system documentation}
+ {27}
+ {Documentation files for the \TeX{} system}
+ {}
+ {TeX system sources}
+ {29}
+ {Source files for the \TeX{} system}
+ {}
+ {texpool}
+ {28}
+ {\TeX{} program strings}
+ {.pool}
+ {tfm}
+ {3}
+ {\TeX{} font metrics}
+ {.tfm}
+ {Troff fonts}
+ {31}
+ {Troff fonts, used by DMP}
+ {}
+ {truetype fonts}
+ {36}
+ {TrueType outline fonts}
+ {.ttf, .ttc}
+ {Type~1 fonts}
+ {32}
+ {Type 1 \PS{} outline fonts}
+ {.pfa, .pfb}
+ {type42 fonts}
+ {37}
+ {Type 42 \PS{} outline fonts}
+ {T42FONTS}
+ {}
+ {vf}
+ {33}
+ {virtual fonts}
+ {.vf}
+ {web2c files}
+ {38}
+ {\Webc{} support files}
+ {WEB2C}
+ {}
+ {other text files}
+ {39}
+ {text files used by `\textsf{foo}'}
+ {}
+ {other binary files}
+ {40}
+ {binary files used by `\textsf{foo}'}
+ {}
+ The last two entries in table~\ref{tab:kpathsea} are special
+ cases, where the paths and environment variables depend on the name
+ of the program: the variable name is constructed by converting the
+ program name to upper case, and then appending \texttt{INPUTS}.
+ The environment variables are set by default in the configuration
+ file \file{texmf.cnf}. It is only when you want to override one or
+ more of the values specified in that file that you might want to set
+ them explicitly in your execution environment.
+ The \samp{-{}-format} and \samp{-{}-path} options are mutually
+ exclusive.
+ Set the mode name to \ttvar{string}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. No default: any mode will be found.
+ Do everything possible to find the files, notably including
+ searching the disk. By default, only the \file{ls-R} database is
+ checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ Search along the path \ttvar{string} (colon-separated as usual),
+ instead of guessing the search path from the filename. \samp{//} and
+ all the usual expansions are supported. The options \samp{-{}-path}
+ and \samp{-{}-format} are mutually exclusive.
+ Set the program name to \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ This can affect the search paths via the \texttt{.\var{progname}}
+ feature.
+ The default is \cmdname{kpsewhich}.
+ shows the path used for file lookups of file type \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ Either a filename extension (\code{.pk}, \code{.vf}, etc.) or a
+ name can be used, just as with \samp{-{}-format} option.
+ sets the debugging options to \texttt{\var{num}}.
+\subsubsection{Examples of use}
+Let us now have a look at \KPS{} in action. Here's a straightforward search:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich article.cls}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
+We are looking for the file \file{article.cls}. Since the \samp{.cls}
+suffix is unambiguous we do not need to specify that we want to look for a
+file of type \optname{tex} (\TeX{} source file directories). We find it in
+the subdirectory \file{tex/latex/base} below the \samp{texmf-dist} \TL\
+directory. Similarly, all of the following are found without problems
+thanks to their unambiguous suffix.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich array.sty}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/array.sty
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich latin1.def}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latin1.def
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich size10.clo}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich small2e.tex}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/small2e.tex
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich tugboat.bib}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/bibtex/bib/beebe/tugboat.bib
+That last is a \BibTeX{} bibliography database for \textsl{TUGBoat} articles.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+Font bitmap glyph files of type \file{.pk} are used by display
+programs like \cmdname{dvips} and \cmdname{xdvi}. Nothing is returned in
+this case since there are no pre-generated Computer Modern \samp{.pk}
+files in \TL{}\Dash the Type~1 variants are used by default.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+\else /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/
+... wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+For these fonts (a phonetic alphabet from the University of Washington)
+we had to generate \samp{.pk} files, and since the default \MF{} mode on
+our installation is \texttt{ljfour} with a base resolution of 600\dpi{}
+(dots per inch), this instantiation is returned.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich -dpi=300}
+In this case, when specifying that we are interested in a resolution
+of 300\dpi{} (\texttt{-dpi=300}) we see that no such font is available on
+the system. A program like \cmdname{dvips} or \cmdname{xdvi} would
+go off and actually build the required \texttt{.pk} files
+using the script \cmdname{mktexpk}.
+Next we turn our attention to \cmdname{dvips}'s header and configuration
+files. We first look at one of the commonly used files, the general
+prolog \file{} for \TeX{} support, before turning our attention
+to the generic configuration file (\file{}) and the \PS{} font
+map \file{}\Dash as of 2004, map and encoding files have
+their own search paths and new location in \dirname{texmf} trees. As
+the \samp{.ps} suffix is ambiguous we have to specify explicitly which
+type we are considering (\optname{dvips config}) for the file
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/config/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/
+We now take a closer look at the \acro{URW} Times \PS{} support
+files. The prefix for these in the standard font naming scheme is
+\samp{utm}. The first file we look at is the configuration file,
+which contains the name of the map file:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config" config.utm}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/dvips/psnfss/config.utm
+The contents of that file is
+ p
+which points to the file \file{}, which we want to
+locate next.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/times/
+This map file defines the file names of the Type~1 \PS{} fonts in
+the URW collection. Its contents look like (we only show part of the
+utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal... <utmbi8a.pfb
+utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal... <utmri8a.pfb
+utmbo8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmro8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+Let us, for instance, take the Times Roman instance
+\file{utmr8a.pfb} and find its position in the \file{texmf} directory
+tree with a search for Type~1 font files:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich utmr8a.pfb}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb
+\else /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/
+... urw/utm/utmr8a.pfb
+It should be evident from these examples how you can easily locate the
+whereabouts of a given file. This is especially important if you suspect
+that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since
+\cmdname{kpsewhich} will show you the first file encountered.
+\subsubsection{Debugging actions}
+Sometimes it is necessary to investigate how a program resolves file
+references. To make this practical, \KPS{} offers various levels of
+debugging output:
+\item[\texttt{\ 1}] \texttt{stat} calls (disk lookups). When running
+ with an up-to-date \file{ls-R} database this should almost give no
+ output.
+\item[\texttt{\ 2}] References to hash tables (such as \file{ls-R}
+ databases, map files, configuration files).
+\item[\texttt{\ 4}] File open and close operations.
+\item[\texttt{\ 8}] General path information for file types
+ searched by \KPS. This is useful to find out where a particular
+ path for the file was defined.
+\item[\texttt{16}] Directory list for each path element (only relevant
+ for searches on disk).
+\item[\texttt{32}] File searches.
+A value of \texttt{-1} will set all the above options; in practice,
+this is usually the most convenient.
+Similarly, with the \cmdname{dvips} program, by setting a combination of
+debug switches, one can follow in detail where files are being picked up
+from. Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace shows in
+which directories the program looks for the given file, so that one can
+get an indication what the problem~is.
+Generally speaking, as most programs call the \KPS{} library
+internally, one can select a debug option by using the
+\envname{KPATHSEA\_DEBUG} environment variable, and setting it to (a
+combination of) values as described in the above list.
+(Note for Windows users: it is not easy to redirect
+all messages to a file in this system. For diagnostic purposes
+you can temporarily \texttt{SET KPATHSEA\_DEBUG\_OUTPUT=err.log}).
+Let us consider, as an example, a small \LaTeX{} source file,
+\file{hello-world.tex}, which contains the following input.
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \begin{document}
+ Hello World!
+ \end{document}
+This little file only uses the font \file{cmr10}, so let us look
+how \cmdname{dvips} prepares the \PS{} file (we want to use the Type~1
+version of the Computer Modern fonts, hence the option \texttt{-Pcms}).
+> \Ucom{dvips -d4100 hello-world -Pcms -o}
+In this case we have combined \cmdname{dvips}'s debug class 4 (font
+paths) with \KPS's path element expansion (see \cmdname{dvips} Reference
+Manual, \OnCD{texmf/doc/html/dvips/dvips_toc.html}).
+The output (slightly rearranged) appears in
+\caption{Finding configuration files}\label{fig:dvipsdbga}
+\caption{Finding the prolog file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgb}
+\caption{Finding the font file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgc}
+\cmdname{dvips} starts by locating its working files. First,
+\file{texmf.cnf} is found, which gives the definitions of the search
+paths for the other files, then the file database \file{ls-R} (to
+optimize file searching) and the file \file{aliases}, which makes it
+possible to declare several names (e.g., a short \acro{DOS}-like 8.3 and
+a more natural longer version) for the same file. Then \cmdname{dvips}
+goes on to find the generic configuration file \file{}
+before looking for the customization file \file{.dvipsrc} (which, in
+this case is \emph{not found}). Finally, \cmdname{dvips} locates the
+config file for the Computer Modern \PS{} fonts \file{config.cms}
+(this was initiated with the \texttt{-Pcms} option on the \cmdname{dvips}
+command). This file contains the list of the map files which
+define the relation between the \TeX{}, \PS{} and file system
+names of the fonts.
+> \Ucom{more /usr/local/texmf/dvips/cms/config.cms}
+ p
+ p
+ p
+ p
+\cmdname{dvips} thus goes on to find all these files, plus the generic
+map file \file{}, which is always loaded (it contains
+declarations for commonly used \PS{} fonts; see the last part of
+Section \ref{SExamplesofuse} for more details about \PS{} map
+file handling).
+At this point \cmdname{dvips} identifies itself to the user:
+This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{}:
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search( => /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{} (see
+After having found the file in question, \cmdname{dvips} outputs
+date and time, and informs us that it will generate the
+file \file{}, then that it needs the font file
+\file{cmr10}, and that the latter is declared as ``resident'' (no
+bitmaps needed):
+TeX output 1998.02.26:1204' ->
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.0pt
+Font cmr10 <CMR10> is resident.
+Now the search is on for the file \file{cmr10.tfm}, which is found,
+then a few more prolog files (not shown) are referenced, and finally
+the Type~1 instance \file{cmr10.pfb} of the font is located and
+included in the output file (see last line).
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.tfm, must\_exist=1, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/fonts/tfm//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ /var/tex/fonts/tfm//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.tfm) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.pfb, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.pfb) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/cmr10.pfb
+\subsection{Runtime options}
+Another useful feature of \Webc{} is its possibility to control a number
+of memory parameters (in particular, array sizes) via the runtime file
+\file{texmf.cnf} read by \KPS{}. The memory settings can be found in
+Part 3 of that file in the \TL{} distribution. The more important
+ Total words of memory available, for
+ \TeX{}, \MF{} and \MP. You must make a new format file for each
+ different setting. For instance, you could generate a ``huge''
+ version of \TeX{}, and call the format file \texttt{hugetex.fmt}.
+ Using the standard way of specifying the program name used by \KPS{},
+ the particular value of the \texttt{main\_memory} variable will then
+ be read from \file{texmf.cnf}.
+ etc.).
+ Extra space for ``large'' \TeX{} data structures:
+ boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if you use
+ \PiCTeX{}.
+ Number of words for font information available for \TeX. This
+ is more or less the total size of all TFM files read.
+ Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names.
+ Approximately 10,000 control sequences can be stored in the main
+ hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. The default value of
+ \texttt{hash\_extra} is \texttt{50000}.
+\noindent Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic
+arrays and memory allocation, but since these are extremely difficult to
+implement in the present \TeX{} source, these runtime parameters provide
+a practical compromise allowing some flexibility.
+\section{Building on a new Unix platform}
+If you have a platform for which executables are not included, you will
+need to compile \TeX{} and friends. This is not as hard as it
+sounds. What you need is all in the directory \texttt{source} in the
+You will need at least 100 megabytes of disk space to compile all of
+\TeX{} and its support programs. You'll also need an \acro{ANSI} C
+compiler, a \cmdname{make} utility, a lexical scanner, and a parser
+generator. We recommend the \acro{GNU} version of these programs
+(\cmdname{gcc}, \acro{GNU} \cmdname{make}, \cmdname{m4}, \cmdname{flex},
+\cmdname{bison}). You may be able to work with other C compilers and
+\cmdname{make} programs, but you will need a good understanding of
+building Unix programs to sort out problems.
+Also, the command \texttt{uname} must return a sensible value.
+To begin, perform a normal installation of \TL{} to your disk (see
+section~\ref{sec:unix-install-disk} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:unix-install-disk}). You may wish to skip installing
+all of the prebuilt binaries.
+Then, unpack the source from the compressed \texttt{tar} file in the
+directory \dirname{source} to your disk and change directory to where
+you placed it.
+Next, run \cmdname{configure} with a command line like this:
+> \Ucom{sh configure -prefix=/usr/local/TeX}
+The \optname{-prefix} directory is the one where you installed the
+support tree; the directory layout will be as follows (where \$TEXDIR
+stands for the directory you chose):
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/share/texmf} & main tree with fonts,\\
+ & \qquad macros, etc\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/man} & Unix manual pages\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/info} & \acro{GNU} style Info manuals\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin/$PLATFORM} & binaries\\
+If you want to leave out the \dirname{$PLATFORM} directory level,
+i.e., put the binaries directly into \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin}, specify
+the \verb|--disable-multiplatform| option to \cmdname{configure}.
+Have a look at the output of \verb|./configure --help| for more
+options you can use. For example, you can skip building of \OMEGA{} and
+\subsection{Running \cmdname{make}}
+Make sure the shell variable or option \texttt{noclobber} is not set.
+Then, run the main \cmdname{make} like this:
+> \Ucom{make world}
+and relax\ldots
+Alternatively, you want to log all the output, as in:
+> \Ucom{sh -c "make world >world.log 2>\&1" \&}
+Before you believe that everything went ok, please check the log file
+for errors: \acro{GNU} \cmdname{make} always uses the string \samp{***}
+whenever a command fails. Also, check if all the programs were built:
+> \Ucom{cd \var{TEXDIR}/bin/\var{archname}}
+> \Ucom{ls | wc}
+The result should be over 200 (you can check the exact number with the
+\dirname{bin} directory contents in the distribution).
+If you need special privileges for \texttt{make install}, you can
+separate the \samp{make world} into two different runs, like this:
+> \Ucom{make all}
+> \Ucom{su}
+> \Ucom{make install strip}
+After you've installed your new binaries, you should follow the normal
+post-installation procedures, given in section~\ref{sec:postinstall}
+Also, if you'd like to make your binaries available to others, please
+contact us. We'll be happy to put them on the \TL\ web pages.
+\TL{} is a joint effort by virtually all of the \TeX{} user groups.
+This edition of \TL{} was overseen by Sebastian Rahtz and Karl Berry.
+The other principal contributors are listed below.
+\item The German-speaking \TeX{} Users (\acro{DANTE} e.V.), who provide
+the hardware for the \TL{} source repository; and Rainer Sch\"opf and
+Reinhard Zierke who look after it. \acro{DANTE} officers Volker Schaa
+and Klaus Hoeppner coordinated production with the Lehmann's Bookstore
+\item The Perforce corporation (\url{}), for providing
+a free copy of their excellent change management system, which we used
+to manage the \TL{} sources.
+\item Peter Breitenlohner and the \eTeX\ team for the stable foundation
+of future \TeX's.
+\item Thomas Esser, without whose marvelous \teTeX{} package \TL{}
+would certainly not exist, and whose continual help makes it a better
+\item Michel Goossens, who co-authored the original documentation.
+\item Eitan Gurari, whose \TeX4ht was used to create the \HTML{}
+version of this documentation, and who worked tirelessly to improve
+it at short notice.
+\item Hans Hagen, for major testing and making the \ConTeXt\ format
+conform to \TL's needs.
+\item \Thanh, Martin Schr\"oder, and the pdf\TeX\ team for continuing
+enhancements of \TeX's abilities.
+\item Petr Olsak, who coordinated and checked all the Czech and Slovak
+material very carefully.
+\item Fabrice Popineau, for the Windows side of \TL{} and devising the
+new directory layout.
+\item Staszek Wawrykiewicz, the principal tester for all of \TL{}, and
+coordinator of the Polish contributions.
+\item Olaf Weber, for his patient assembly and maintenance of Web2C,
+upon which all else depends.
+\item Gerben Wierda, for creating and maintaining the \MacOSX\ support,
+and much integration and testing.
+\item Graham Williams, on whose work the catalogue of packages depends.
+Builders of the binaries:
+Tigran Aivazian (\pkgname{x86\_64-linux}),
+Manfred Lotz (\pkgname{i386-freebsd}),
+Maksym Polyakov (\pkgname{sparc-solaris}),
+Fabrice Popineau (\pkgname{win32}),
+Norbert Preining (\pkgname{alpha-linux}),
+Vladimir Volovich (\pkgname{powerpc-aix} and \pkgname{sparc64-linux}),
+Staszek Wawrykiewicz (\pkgname{i386-linux}),
+Olaf Weber (\pkgname{mips-irix}),
+Gerben Wierda (\pkgname{powerpc-darwin}).
+Documentation and translation updates:
+Karl Berry (English),
+Daniel Flipo \& Fabrice Popineau (French),
+G\"unter Partosch \& Hartmut Henkel (German),
+Petr Sojka \& Jan Busa (Czech\slash Slovak),
+Boris Veytsman (Russian),
+Staszek Wawrykiewicz (Polish).
+Of course the most important acknowledgement must go to Donald Knuth, first
+for inventing \TeX, and then for giving it to the world.
+\section{Release history}
+Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group was
+starting work on its 4All\TeX{} \CD{} for \acro{MS-DOS} users, and it
+was hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, \CD{} for all
+systems. This was too ambitious a target for the time, but it did spawn
+not only the very successful 4All\TeX{} \CD{}, but also the \acro{TUG}
+Technical Council working group on a \emph{\TeX{} Directory Structure}
+(\url{}), which specified how to create consistent and
+manageable collections of \TeX{} support files. A complete draft of the
+\TDS{} was published in the December 1995 issue of \textsl{TUGboat}, and
+it was clear from an early stage that one desirable product would be a
+model structure on \CD{}. The distribution you now have is a very direct
+result of the working group's deliberations. It was also clear that the
+success of the 4All\TeX{} \CD{} showed that Unix users would benefit
+from a similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of
+We first undertook to make a new Unix-based \TDS{} \CD{} in the autumn
+of 1995, and quickly identified Thomas Esser's \teTeX{} as the ideal
+setup, as it already had multi-platform support and was built with
+portability across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and work
+began seriously at the start of 1996. The first edition was released in
+May 1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a major new release
+of Web2c, which included nearly all the features which Thomas Esser had
+added in \teTeX, and we decided to base the 2nd edition of the \CD{} on
+the standard \Webc, with the addition of \teTeX's \texttt{texconfig}
+script. The 3rd edition of the \CD{} was based on a major revision of
+\Webc, 7.2, by Olaf Weber; at the same time, a new revision of \teTeX
+was being made, and \TL{} included almost all of its features. The
+4th edition followed the same pattern, using a new version of \teTeX,
+and a new release of \Webc{} (7.3). The system now included a complete
+Windows setup.
+For the 5th edition (March 2000) many parts of the \CD{} were revised
+and checked, updating hundreds of packages. Package details were stored
+in XML files. But the major change for \TeX\ Live 5 was that all
+non-free software was removed. Everything in \TL{} is now intended
+to be compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
+(\url{}); we have done our best to check
+the license conditions of all packages, but we would very much
+appreciate hearing of any mistakes.
+The 6th edition (July 2001) had much more material updated. The major
+change was a new install concept: the user could select a more exact set
+of needed collections. Language-related collections were completely
+reorganized, so selecting any of them installs not only macros, fonts,
+etc., but also prepares an appropriate \texttt{language.dat}.
+The 7th edition of 2002 had the notable addition of \MacOSX{} support,
+and the usual myriad of updates to all sorts of packages and
+programs. An important goal was integration of the source back with
+\teTeX, to correct the drift apart in versions~5 and~6.
+In 2003, with the continuing flood of updates and additions, we found
+that \TL{} had grown so large it could no longer be contained on a
+single \CD, so we split it into three different distributions (see
+section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist}, \p.\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}). In
+\item At the request of the \LaTeX{} team, we changed the standard
+ \cmdname{latex} and \cmdname{pdflatex} commands to now use \eTeX{} (see
+ \p.\pageref{text:etex}).
+\item The new Latin Modern fonts were included (and are recommended).
+\item Support for Alpha \acro{OSF} was removed
+ (\acro{HPUX} support was removed previously), since no one had (or
+ volunteered) hardware available on which to compile new binaries.
+\item Windows setup was substantially changed; for the first time
+ an integrated environment based on XEmacs was introduced.
+\item Important supplementary programs for Windows
+ (Perl, Ghost\-script, Image\-Magick, Ispell) are now installed
+ in the \TL{} installation directory.
+\item Font map files used by \cmdname{dvips}, \cmdname{dvipdfm}
+ and \cmdname{pdftex} are now generated by the new program
+ \cmdname{updmap} and installed into \dirname{texmf/fonts/map}.
+\item \TeX{}, \MF{}, and \MP{} now, by default, output most input
+ characters (32 and above) as themselves in output (e.g.,
+ \verb|\write|) files,
+ log files, and the terminal, i.e., \emph{not} translated using the
+ \verb|^^| notation. In \TL{}~7, this translation was
+ dependent on the system locale settings; now, locale settings do
+ not influence the \TeX{} programs' behavior. If for some reason
+ you need the \verb|^^| output, rename the file
+ \verb|texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx|. (Future releases will have cleaner
+ ways to control this.)
+\item This documentation was substantially revised.
+\item Finally, since the edition numbers had grown unwieldy,
+ the version is now simply identified by the year: \TL{} 2003.
+2004 saw the usual huge number of updates to packages and programs.
+Here are the most notable changes, including one important backward
+\item If you have locally-installed fonts which use their own
+\filename{.map} or (much less likely) \filename{.enc} support files, you
+may need to move those support files.
+\filename{.map} files are now searched for in subdirectories of
+\dirname{fonts/map} only (in each \filename{texmf} tree), along the
+\envname{TEXFONTMAPS} path. Similarly, \filename{.enc} files are now
+searched for in subdirectories of \dirname{fonts/enc} only, along the
+\envname{ENCFONTS} path. \cmdname{updmap} will attempt to warn about
+problematic files.
+For methods of handling this and other information, please see
+\item The \TK\ has been expanded with the addition of a \MIKTEX-based
+installable \CD, for those who prefer that implementation to Web2C.
+See section~\ref{sec:struct-tl} (\p.\pageref{sec:struct-tl}).
+\item Within \TL, the single large \dirname{texmf} tree of previous
+releases has been replaced by three: \dirname{texmf},
+\dirname{texmf-dist}, and \dirname{texmf-doc}. See
+section~\ref{sec:tld} (\p.\pageref{sec:tld}), and the \filename{README}
+files for each.
+\item All \TeX-related input files are now collected in
+the \dirname{tex} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, rather than
+having separate sibling directories \dirname{tex}, \dirname{etex},
+\dirname{pdftex}, \dirname{pdfetex}, etc. See
+\item Helper scripts (not meant to be invoked by users) are now located
+in a new \dirname{scripts} directory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, and
+searched for via \verb|kpsewhich -format=texmfscripts|. So if you have
+programs which call such scripts, they'll need to be adjusted. See
+\item Almost all formats leave most characters printable as
+themselves via the ``translation file'' \filename{cp227.tcx}, instead of
+translating them with the \verb|^^| notation. Specifically, characters
+at positions 32--256, plus tab, vertical tab, and form feed are
+considered printable and not translated. The exceptions are plain \TeX\
+(only 32--126 printable), \ConTeXt\ (0--255 printable), and the
+\OMEGA-related formats. This default behavior is almost the same as in
+\TL\,2003, but it's implemented more cleanly, with more possibilities
+for customization. See \CDref{texmf/doc/web2c/web2c.html\#TCX-files}
+(By the way, with Unicode input, \TeX\ may output partial character
+sequences when showing error contexts, since it is byte-oriented.)
+\item \textsf{pdfetex} is now the default engine for all formats
+except (plain) \textsf{tex} itself. (Of course it generates \acro{DVI}
+when run as \textsf{latex}, etc.) This means, among other things, that
+the microtypographic features of \textsf{pdftex} are available in
+\LaTeX, \ConTeXt, etc., as well as the \eTeX\ features
+It also means it's \emph{more important than ever} to use the
+\pkgname{ifpdf} package (works with both plain and \LaTeX) or equivalent
+code, because simply testing whether \cs{pdfoutput} or some other
+primitive is defined is not a reliable way to determine if \acro{PDF}
+output is being generated. We made this backward compatible as best we
+could this year, but next year, \cs{pdfoutput} may be defined even when
+\acro{DVI} is being written.
+\item pdf\TeX\ (\url{}) has many new features:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cs{pdfmapfile} and \cs{pdfmapline} provide font map support
+ from within a document.
+ \item Microtypographic font expansion can be used more easily.\\
+ \url{}
+ \item All parameters previously set through the special configuration
+ file \filename{pdftex.cfg} must now be set through primitives,
+ typically in \filename{pdftexconfig.tex}; \filename{pdftex.cfg} is no
+ longer supported. Any extant \filename{.fmt} files must be redumped
+ when \filename{pdftexconfig.tex} is changed.
+ \item See the pdf\TeX\ manual for more: \OnCD{texmf/doc/pdftex/manual}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+\item The \cs{input} primitive in \cmdname{tex} (and \cmdname{mf} and
+\cmdname{mpost}) now accepts double quotes containing spaces and other
+special characters. Typical examples:
+\input "filename with spaces" % plain
+\input{"filename with spaces"} % latex
+See the Web2C manual for more: \OnCD{texmf/doc/web2c}.
+\item enc\TeX\ support is now included within Web2C and consequently all
+\TeX\ programs, via the \optname{-enc} option\Dash \emph{only when
+formats are built}. enc\TeX\ supports general re-encoding of input and
+output, enabling full support of Unicode (in \acro{UTF}-8). See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/enctex/} and
+\item Aleph, a new engine combining \eTeX\ and \OMEGA, is available.
+A little information is available in \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base}
+and \url{}. The
+\LaTeX-based format for Aleph is named \textsf{lamed}.
+\item The latest \LaTeX\ release has a new version of the
+\acro{LPPL}\Dash now officially a Debian-approved license. Assorted
+other updates, see the \filename{ltnews} files in
+\item \cmdname{dvipng}, a new program for converting \acro{DVI} to
+\acro{PNG} image files, is included. See \OnCD{texmf/doc/man/man1/dvipng.1}.
+\item We reduced the \pkgname{cbgreek} package to a ``medium'' sized set
+of fonts, with the assent and advice of the author (Claudio Beccari).
+The excised fonts are the invisible, outline, and transparency ones,
+which are relatively rarely used, and we needed the space. The full set
+is of course available from \acro{CTAN}
+\item \cmdname{oxdvi} has been removed; just use \cmdname{xdvi}.
+\item The \cmdname{ini} and \cmdname{vir} commands (links) for
+\cmdname{tex}, \cmdname{mf}, and \cmdname{mpost} are no longer created,
+such as \cmdname{initex}. The \cmdname{ini} functionality has been
+available through the command-line option \optname{-ini} for years now.
+\item \textsf{i386-openbsd} platform support was removed. Since the
+\pkgname{tetex} package in the \acro{BSD} Ports system is available, and
+\acro{GNU/}Linux and Free\acro{BSD} binaries were available, it seemed
+volunteer time could be better spent elsewhere.
+\item On \textsf{sparc-solaris} (at least), you may have to set the
+\envname{LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH} environment variable to run the
+\pkgname{t1utils} programs. This is because they are compiled with C++,
+and there is no standard location for the runtime libraries. (This is
+not new in 2004, but wasn't previously documented.) Similarly, on
+\textsf{mips-irix}, the \acro{MIPS}pro 7.4 runtimes are required.
+\emph{\TL{} is not perfect!} (And never will be.) We intend to
+continue to release new versions yearly, and would like to provide more
+help material, more utilities, more installation programs, and (of
+course) an ever-improved and checked tree of macros and fonts. This work
+is all done by hard-pressed volunteers in their limited spare time, and
+a great deal remains to be done. If you can help, don't hesitate to put
+your name forward!
+Please send corrections, suggestions, and offers of help to:\hfill\null
+Sebastian Rahtz \ / \ 7 Stratfield Road \ / \ Oxford OX2 7BG \ / \ UK \\
+\email{} \\
+\noindent \textsl{Happy \TeX ing!}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2005.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2005.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b525535c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2005.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3174 @@
+% $Id: live.tex 1513 2006-02-13 00:22:35Z karl $
+% TeX Live documentation. Originally written by Sebastian Rahtz and
+% Michel Goossens, now maintained by Karl Berry and others.
+% Public domain.
+\let\tldocenglish=1 % for live4ht.cfg
+ {\huge \textit{The \protect\TL{} Guide}\\\strut}
+ {\LARGE \textsf{\TK{} 2005}}
+\author{Sebastian Rahtz \& Karl Berry, editors \\[3mm]
+ \url{}
+ }
+\date{October 2005}
+This document describes the main features of the \TL{} software
+distribution\Dash \TeX{} and friends for \acro{GNU}/Linux and other Unix
+flavors, \MacOSX, and (32-bit) Windows systems. (Warning: it is not
+especially useful for older Mac or \acro{MS-DOS} systems.)
+\TL{} includes executables for \TeX{}, \LaTeXe{}, \ConTeXt, \MF, \MP,
+\BibTeX{} and many other programs; an extensive collection of macros,
+fonts and documentation; and support for typesetting in many different
+scripts from around the world. It is part of the even larger \TK{}
+(briefly described below in section~\ref{sec:struct-tl},
+\p.\pageref{sec:struct-tl}). Both are cooperative efforts by the \TeX\
+user groups.
+For newer versions of the packages included here, please check
+\acro{CTAN}: \url{}.
+For a brief summary of the major changes in this edition of \TL{},
+see the end of the document, section~\ref{sec:history}
+\subsection{Basic usage of \protect\TL{}}
+You can use \TL{} in three principal ways:
+\item You can run \TL{} directly from the \pkgname{live} \DVD
+(see section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist}, \p.\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}).
+This takes almost no disk space, and gives you immediate access to
+everything in \TL{}. Of course performance will be worse than running
+on local disk, but you may well find it useful.
+\item You can install all or part of \TL{} to a local disk, from either
+the \DVD\ or the \pkgname{inst} \acro{CD}. This is the most common use
+of \TL. You will need (approximately) 100 megabytes for the most
+minimal system, and upwards of 1.3 gigabytes for a full system.
+\item You can integrate a particular package or collection into your
+existing \TeX{} system, either a \TL{} system you installed
+earlier, or a different system.
+\noindent All of these are described in detail in the \acro{OS}-specific
+installation sections following, but here is a quick start:
+\item The main installation script for Unix and \MacOSX{} is
+\item The single package installation script is \texttt{}.
+\item The installation program for Windows is \texttt{tlpmgui.exe}.
+It can be used also for adding or removing the packages.
+See section~\ref{sec:win-install} below for more information.
+\subsection{Getting help}
+The \TeX{} community is both active and friendly, and virtually all
+serious questions end up getting answered. However, the support is
+informal, done by volunteers and casual readers, so it's especially
+important that you do your homework before asking. (If you prefer
+guaranteed commercial support, you can forego \TL{} completely and
+purchase a vendor's system; \url{}
+has a list.)
+Here is a list of resources, approximately in the order we recommend
+using them:
+\item [Getting Started] If you are new to \TeX, the web page
+\url{} gives a brief introduction to the system.
+\item [\TeX{} \acro{FAQ}] The \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} is a huge compendium of
+answers to all sorts of questions, from the most basic to the most
+arcane. It is included on \TL{} in \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en}, and is
+available on the Internet through \url{}.
+Please check here first.
+\item [\TeX{} Catalogue] If you are looking for a specific package,
+font, program, etc., the \TeX{} Catalogue is the place to look. It is a
+huge collection of all \TeX{}-related items. See
+\OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/english/catalogue}, or
+\item [\TeX{} Web Resources] The web page
+\url{} has many \TeX{}-related links, in
+particular for numerous books, manuals, and articles on all aspects of
+the system.
+\item [support archives] The two principal support forums are the
+Usenet newsgroup \url{news:comp.text.tex} and the mailing list
+\email{}. Their archives have years of past
+questions and answers for your searching pleasure, via
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively. And a general web
+search, for example on \url{}, never hurts.
+\item [asking questions] If you cannot find an answer, you can post to
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} through Google or your newsreader, or to
+\email{} through email. But before you post,
+\emph{please} read this \acro{FAQ} entry on asking questions in such a
+way that you're most likely to get an answer:
+\item [\TL{} support] If you want to report a bug or have
+suggestions or comments on the \TL{} distribution, installation, or
+documentation, the mailing list is \email{}. However,
+if your question is about how to use a particular program included in
+\TL{}, you are better off writing to that program's maintainer or
+mailing list.
+The other side of the coin is helping others who have questions. Both
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} and \code{texhax} are open to anyone, so feel
+free to join, start reading, and help out where you can. Welcome to
+% don't use \TL so the \uppercase in the headline works. Also so
+% tex4ht ends up with the right TeX. Likewise the \protect's.
+\section{Structure of \protect\TeX\protect\ Live}
+This section describes the structure and contents of \TL{} and the
+\TK{} of which it is a part.
+\subsection{Multiple distributions: \protect\pkgname{live},
+ \protect\pkgname{inst},
+ \protect\pkgname{protext}}
+Space limitations of \acro{CD-ROM} format have forced us to divide
+\TK{} into several distributions, as follows.
+\item [live] A complete system on \acro{DVD}; it is too large
+for \acro{CD}. It can be run live or installed to disk. It also
+includes a snapshot of the \CTAN{} repository, the \pkgname{protext}
+distribution for Windows and the Mac\TeX\ distribution for \MacOSX, entirely
+independent of \TL{}, as well as assorted other packages in a
+\texttt{texmf-extra} directory.
+\CTAN{}, \pkgname{protext}, Mac\TeX, and \texttt{texmf-extra} do not follow
+the same copying conditions as \TL{}, so be careful when redistributing or
+\item [inst(allable)] A complete system on \CD; in order to make this fit,
+the packages and programs are compressed. Therefore, it is not possible
+to run \TeX\ directly from the installable \CD, you have to install it
+to disk (hence its name). Installation is described in subsequent sections.
+\item [protext] An enhancement of the \MIKTEX\ distribution for Windows,
+\ProTeXt\ adds a few extra tools to \MIKTEX, and simplifies
+installation. It is entirely independent of \TL{}, and has its own
+installation instructions. It can be run live, or installed to disk.
+The \ProTeXt\ home page is \url{}.
+\ProTeXt\ is provided as both the top level of the \pkgname{live} \DVD\
+and on its own \CD\ (for those who cannot use the \DVD).
+\noindent You can tell which type of distribution you're in by looking
+for a \texttt{00\var{type}.TL} file at the top of the \TL{} directory.
+This file also contains the \TL{} release date.
+Naturally, each user group chooses what to distribute, at its own
+discretion. (\acro{TUG} is sending all three discs above to all of its
+\subsection{Top level directories}
+Here is a brief listing and description of the top level directories in
+the \TL{} distribution. On the \pkgname{live} \DVD, the entire \TL{}
+hierarchy is in a subdirectory \dirname{texlive2005}, not at the top
+level of the disc.
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} % open up interrow spacing
+bin & The \TeX{} system programs, arranged by platform. \\
+source & The source of all programs, including the main \Webc{}
+ \TeX{} and \MF{} distributions. These are stored in a
+ \cmdname{bzip2}-compressed tar archive. \\
+support & Assorted auxiliary packages and programs. These are
+ \emph{not} installed automatically. This includes
+ assorted editors and \TeX\ shells. \\
+texmf & Tree for the programs, along with their support files and
+ documentation. Does not include \TeX\ formats and packages.
+ (\texttt{TEXMFMAIN} in the next section.) \\
+texmf-dist & The main tree of formats and packages.
+ (\texttt{TEXMFDIST} in the next section.) \\
+texmf-doc & Tree for self-contained pure documentation, arranged by
+ language. \\
+texmf-var & Tree for files automatically generated and stored.
+ (\texttt{TEXMFSYSVAR} in the next section.) \\
+xemtex & Tree for supporting programs used only in Windows.
+ These programs generally come pre-installed on Unix systems, or are
+ at least easy to compile. \\
+In addition to the directories above, the installation scripts and
+\filename{README} files (in various languages) are at the top level of
+the distribution.
+The \dirname{texmf-doc} directory contains only documentation, but
+it does not contain all the documentation. The documentation for the
+programs (manuals, man pages, Info files) is in \dirname{texmf/doc},
+since the programs are in \dirname{texmf}. Similarly, the documentation
+for \TeX\ packages and formats is in \dirname{texmf-dist/doc}. You can
+use the \cmdname{texdoc} or \cmdname{texdoctk} programs to find any
+documentation wherever it's located. The comprehensive links in the
+top-level file \OnCD{doc.html} may also be helpful.
+\subsection{Overview of the predefined texmf trees}
+This section lists all predefined variables specifying texmf trees used
+by the system, and their intended purpose. The command \texttt{texconfig
+conf} shows you the values of these variables, so that you can easily
+find out how they map to directory names in your installation.
+\item [TEXMFMAIN] The tree which holds vital parts of the system
+ such as helper scripts (e.g., \verb+web2c/mktexdir+), pool files and
+ other support files.
+\item [TEXMFDIST] The tree which holds the main set of macro packages,
+ fonts, etc., as originally distributed.
+\item [TEXMFLOCAL] The tree which administrators can use for system-wide
+ installation of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+\item [TEXMFHOME] The tree which users can use for their own individual
+ installations of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+ The expansion of this variable depends on \verb+$HOME+ by default, % $
+ which dynamically adjusts for each user to an individual
+ directory.
+\item [TEXMFCONFIG] The tree used by te\TeX's utilities
+ \verb+texconfig+, \verb+updmap+, and \verb+fmtutil+ to store modified
+ configuration data. Under \verb+$HOME+ by default. %$
+\item [TEXMFSYSCONFIG] The tree used by te\TeX's utilities
+ \verb+texconfig-sys+, \verb+updmap-sys+, and \verb+fmtutil-sys+ to
+ store modified configuration data.
+\item [TEXMFVAR] The tree used by \verb+texconfig+, \verb+updmap+ and
+ \verb+fmtutil+ to store (cached) runtime data such as format files and
+ generated map files. Under \verb+$HOME+ by default. %$
+\item [TEXMFSYSVAR] The tree used by \verb+texconfig-sys+,
+ \verb+updmap-sys+ and \verb+fmtutil-sys+ to store (cached) runtime
+ data such as format files and generated map files.
+For more discussion of \texttt{texconfig} and related utilities, please
+see section~\ref{sec:texconfig}, \p.\pageref{sec:texconfig}.
+\subsection{Extensions to \protect\TeX}
+\TL{} contains several extended versions of \TeX:
+\item [\eTeX] adds a small but powerful set of new primitives
+\label{text:etex} (related to macro expansion, character scanning,
+classes of marks, additional debugging features, and more) and the
+\TeXXeT{} extensions for bidirectional typesetting. In default mode,
+\eTeX{} is 100\% compatible with ordinary \TeX. See
+\item [pdf\TeX] writes Acrobat \acro{PDF} format as well as \dvi{}. The
+\LaTeX{} \pkgname{hyperref} package has an option `\optname{pdftex}'
+which turns on all the program features. See
+\OnCD{texmf/doc/pdftex/manual/} for the manual, and
+\item [pdfe\TeX] combines the pdf\TeX\ and \eTeX\ extensions. This is
+the default program for all formats except plain \TeX.
+See above for documentation.
+\item [\OMEGA\ (Omega)] is based on Unicode (16-bit characters), thus
+supports working with almost all the world's scripts simultaneously. It
+also supports so-called `\OMEGA{} Translation Processes' (\acro{OTP}s),
+for performing complex transformations on arbitrary input. See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/omega/base/doc-1.8.tex} (not completely up-to-date).
+\item [Aleph] combines the \OMEGA\ and \eTeX\ extensions.
+See \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base} for some minimal documentation.
+\subsection{Other notable programs in \protect\TL}
+Here are a few other commonly-used programs included in \TL{}:
+\item [bibtex] bibliography support.
+\item [makeindex] index support.
+\item [dvips] convert \dvi{} to \PS{}.
+\item [xdvi] \dvi{} previewer for the X Window System.
+\item [dvilj] \dvi{} drive for the HP LaserJet family.
+\item [dv2dt, dt2dv] convert \dvi{} to/from plain text.
+\item [dviconcat, dviselect] cut and paste pages
+from \dvi{} files.
+\item [dvipdfmx] convert \dvi{} to \acro{PDF}, an alternative approach
+to pdf\TeX\ (mentioned above). See the \pkgname{ps4pdf} and
+\pkgname{pdftricks} packages for still more alternatives.
+\item [psselect, psnup, \ldots] \PS{}
+\item [lacheck] \LaTeX{} syntax checker.
+\item [texexec] Con\TeX{}t and \acro{PDF} processor.
+\item [tex4ht] \TeX{} to \acro{HTML} converter.
+\section{Unix installation}
+As introduced in section~\ref{sec:basic} (\p.\pageref{sec:basic}),
+\TL{} has three principal uses:
+\item Run directly from media.
+\item Install to disk.
+\item Integrate a particular package or collection into your existing
+\TeX{} installation.
+\noindent The following sections describes the Unix-specific procedures
+for each of these.
+\ifSingleColumn \begin{figure}[ht]\noindent \fi
+\textbf{Warning: } The \TK{} \CD{}s and \DVD{} are in ISO 9660 (High Sierra)
+format, \emph{with} Rock Ridge (and Joliet, for Windows)
+extensions. Therefore, in order to take full advantage of the \TK{}
+under Unix, your system needs to be able to use the Rock Ridge
+extensions. Please consult the documentation for your \cmdname{mount}
+command to see how to do this. If you have several different machines
+on a local network, you may be able to mount the discs on one which
+does support Rock Ridge, and use this with the others.
+\leavevmode\quad Modern systems should be able to use the discs without
+problems. If troubles, let us know. The discussion below assumes you
+have been able to mount the \CD{}s with full Rock Ridge compatibility.
+\subsection{Running \protect\TL{} directly from media (Unix)}
+\def\runlive{% text repeated in windows section
+It is possible to use the \TeX{} system directly from the \pkgname{live}
+\DVD{}, without installing the distribution to disk. (Thus the name
+\TeX\ `Live', in fact.) It is \emph{not} possible to run \TeX{}
+directly from the other \CD{}s (see section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist},
+\def\startinst{% repeated in other subsections
+To start, you mount the \CD{} or \DVD{}, with Rock Ridge extensions
+enabled. The exact command to do this varies from system to system; the
+following works under Linux, except the name of the device
+(\filename{/dev/cdrom}, here) may vary. (All our examples will use
+\texttt{>} as the shell prompt; user input is
+> \Ucom{mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom}
+\noindent Change the current directory to the mount point:
+> \Ucom{cd /mnt/cdrom}
+\noindent Under \MacOSX, the directory is typically under
+\dirname{/Volumes}, and the media will be mounted automatically.
+Run the installation script \filename{}:
+> \Ucom{sh}\\
+Welcome to TeX Live...
+\noindent After various greeting messages and a list of the main menu
+options, the installation will ask you to enter a command. Do this by
+typing the desired character and hitting return; don't type the angle
+brackets shown. Either uppercase or lowercase is ok; we'll use
+lowercase in our examples.
+For running live, our first command will be \Ucom{d} and then the
+subcommand \Ucom{1} to set directories. Even in this case, we must
+choose a directory on the local disk to place files that the \TeX{}
+system itself generates, such as fonts and formats, and also to provide
+a place for updated configuration files, if need be.
+We'll use \dirname{/opt/texlive2005} in this example. It's good to
+include the year in the name, as these generated files are not
+compatible from release to release. (If the default value of
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive/2005} works for you, then you can skip this
+Enter command: \Ucom{d}
+Current directories setup:
+<1> TEXDIR: /usr/local/texlive/2005
+Enter command: \Ucom{1}
+New value for TEXDIR [/usr/local/texlive/TeX]: \Ucom{/opt/texlive2005}
+Enter command: \Ucom{r}
+\noindent Back at the main menu, our second and last command is
+\Ucom{r}, to set up for running live off the media without installing
+to disk:
+Enter command: \Ucom{r}
+Preparing destination directories...
+Welcome to TeX Live!
+\noindent And we are back at the system prompt, as shown.
+Next, it is necessary to alter two environment variables:
+\envname{PATH}, to an architecture-dependent value (so that we can run
+the programs), and \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}, to the value specified above.
+See table~\ref{tab:archlist} for a list of the architecture names for
+the different systems.
+After the main installation has completed, and environment variables
+have been set, the last step is to run \cmdname{texconfig} or
+\cmdname{texconfig-sys} to customize your installation to your needs.
+This is explained in section~\ref{sec:texconfig},
+\caption[Supported system architectures.]{Supported system
+alpha-linux & HP Alpha GNU/Linux \\
+%alphaev5-osf4.0d & HP Alphaev5 OSF \\
+%hppa2.0-hpux10.20 & HP9000 HPUX 10.20 \\
+i386-darwin & Intel x86 \MacOSX \\
+i386-freebsd & Intel x86 FreeBSD \\
+i386-linux & Intel x86 GNU/Linux \\
+%i386-openbsd3.3 & Intel x86 OpenBSD \\
+%i386-solaris2.8 & Intel x86 Solaris \\
+mips-irix & SGI IRIX \\
+powerpc-aix & IBM RS/6000 AIX \\
+powerpc-darwin & PowerPC \MacOSX \\
+sparc-linux & Sun Sparc GNU/Linux \\
+sparc-solaris & Sun Sparc Solaris \\
+win32 & Windows (32-bit) \\
+x86\_64-linux & Intel x86 64-bit GNU/Linux \\
+The syntax for setting the environment variables, and the initialization
+file to put them in, depends on the shell you use. If you use a
+Bourne-compatible shell (\cmdname{sh}, \cmdname{bash}, \cmdname{ksh}, et
+al.), put the following into your \filename{$HOME/.profile} file:
+PATH=/mnt/cdrom/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH; export PATH
+TEXMFSYSVAR=/opt/texlive2005/texmf-var; export TEXMFVAR
+\noindent For C shell-compatible shells (\cmdname{csh}, \cmdname{tcsh}),
+put the following into your \filename{$HOME/.cshrc} file:
+setenv PATH /mnt/cdrom/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH
+setenv TEXMFSYSVAR /opt/texlive2005/texmf-var
+\noindent Then log out, log back in, and test your installation
+(see section~\ref{sec:test-install}, \p.\pageref{sec:test-install}).
+If in doubt, please ask any local system gurus to help you with
+problems; for example, the way to mount the \TL{} media, which
+directory or directories to use, and precise details of the changes to
+your personal initialization files can and do vary from site to site.
+\subsection{Installing \protect\TeX\protect\ Live to disk}
+It is possible, indeed typical, to install the \TL{} distribution to
+hard disk. This can be done from either the \pkgname{live} or
+\pkgname{inst} distributions. (See section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist},
+\p.\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}, for an explanation of the different
+Table~\ref{tab:main-menu-options} briefly lists the options in the main
+menu. The order in which you select the options makes little
+difference, except that \Ucom{i} must be last. It's reasonable to go
+through them in the order presented here.
+% apparently here.sty [H] doesn't support table*.
+\caption{Main menu options for the installation.}
+p & The platform you are running on.\\
+b & The architectures for which to install binaries.\\
+s & The base installation scheme to use (minimal, recommended,
+ full, etc.)\\
+c & Override the base scheme for individual collections.\\
+l & Override for language collections.\\
+d & Directories in which to install.\\
+o & Other options.\\
+i & Perform the installation.\\
+Here are further details on each option.
+\textbf{\optname{p} -- Current platform.} Since the installation script
+automatically guesses which platform you're running on, it is usually
+unnecessary to use this option. It's there in case you need to override
+the automatic detection.
+\textbf{\optname{b} -- Binary architectures.} By default, only the
+binaries for your current platform will be installed. From this menu,
+you can select installation of binaries for other architectures as well
+(or omit installing the current platform). This can be useful if you are
+sharing a \TeX\ tree across a network of heterogenous machines. For a
+list of the supported architectures, see table~\ref{tab:archlist},
+\textbf{\optname{s} -- Base installation scheme.} From this menu, you
+can choose an overall set of package collections, called a ``scheme''.
+The default \optname{full} scheme installs everything available, but you
+can also choose the \optname{basic} scheme for a minimal system, or
+\optname{medium} to get something in between. There are also specific
+sets for Omega and \acro{XML}.
+\textbf{\optname{c} -- Individual collections.} From this menu, you can
+override the scheme's set of collections to install. Collections are
+one level more detailed than schemes\Dash collections consist of one or
+more packages, where packages (the lowest level grouping in \TL) contain
+the actual \TeX\ macro files, font families, and so on. In this menu,
+selection letters are case-sensitive.
+\textbf{\optname{l} -- Language collections}. This menu has the same
+basic purpose as \Ucom{c}, to override the collection set in the chosen
+scheme. In this case, the collections are specifically for different
+languages. Selection letters are case-sensitive here too. Here is a
+list of the language collections in \TL:
+% xx really should generate list from texmf/tpm/collection/tex-lang*
+% a la
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \kill
+(some) African scripts \>
+Arabic \>
+Armenian \>
+Chinese\,Japanese\,Korean \\
+Croatian \>
+Cyrillic \>
+Czech/Slovak \>
+Danish \\
+Dutch \>
+Finnish \>
+French \>
+German \\
+Greek \>
+Hebrew \>
+Hungarian \>
+Indic \\
+Italian \>
+Latin \>
+Manju \>
+Mongolian \\
+Norwegian \>
+Polish \>
+Portuguese \>
+Spanish \\
+Swedish \>
+Tibetan \>
+\acro{UK} English \>
+Vietnamese \\
+\noindent Language collections typically include fonts, macros,
+hyphenation patterns, and other support files. (For instance,
+\pkgname{frenchle.sty} is installed if you select the \optname{French}
+collection.) In addition, installing a language collection will alter
+the \filename{language.dat} configuration file controlling which
+hyphenation patterns are loaded.
+\textbf{\optname{d} -- Installation directories}. Three directories can
+be changed here:
+\item [TEXDIR] The top-level directory under which
+everything else will be installed. The default value is
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive/2005}, and is often changed. We recommend
+including the year in the name, to keep different releases of \TL{}
+separate. (You may wish to make a version-independent name such
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive} via a symbolic link, which you can then
+update after testing the new release.)
+Under \MacOSX, the usual frontends look for \TeX{} in
+\dirname{/usr/local/teTeX}, so you may wish to install \TL{} there.
+\item [TEXMFLOCAL] This tree is where the \TeX{} system (not as part of
+the initial installation, but rather as time goes by) puts
+non-version-specific files, primarily fonts. The default value is
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local}, independent of the current
+\TL{} release, because it's also the recommended location to put any
+local packages or configuration settings.
+\item [TEXMFSYSVAR] This tree is where \cmdname{texconfig-sys} puts
+files that \emph{are} version-specific. The default value is
+\dirname{TEXDIR/texmf-var}, and there's generally no reason to change
+it. There is also \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}, which is where
+\cmdname{texconfig} looks for modified configuration data. See
+section~\ref{sec:texconfig}, \p.\pageref{sec:texconfig} for more
+\textbf{\optname{o} -- Other options.} From this menu, you can select
+the following general options:
+\item [a] Specify an alternate directory for generated fonts.
+The default is to use the \envname{TEXMFVAR} tree, as explained above.
+Setting this is useful if you plan to mount the main tree read-only, and
+therefore you need another location (perhaps host-specific) for
+dynamically created fonts.
+\item [l] Create symbolic links for the binaries, man pages,
+and\slash or \acro{GNU} Info files in other locations. For example, you may
+wish to make the man pages available under \dirname{/usr/local/man} and
+the Info files available under \dirname{/usr/local/info}. (Of course
+you need appropriate privileges to write in the specified directories.)
+It is not advisable to overwrite a \TeX\ system that came with your
+system with this option. It's intended primarily for creating the links
+in standard directories that are known to users, such as
+\dirname{/usr/local/bin}, which don't already contain any \TeX\ files.
+\item [d] Skip installation of the font/macro documentation tree.
+This is useful if you need to save space, or if you've previously
+installed the documentation elsewhere.
+\item [s] Skip installation of the main font/macro source
+tree. This is useful if you are arranging to share that tree between
+machines and\slash or architectures in some other way, such as \acro{NFS}.
+\textbf{i -- Perform installation.} When you're satisfied with your
+configuration options, enter \Ucom{i} to actually do the installation
+from the media to your chosen locations.
+% text is similar to above, but no TEXMFSYSVAR, so we have to write out.
+After the installation completes, your next step is to include the
+architecture-specific subdirectory of \dirname{TEXDIR/bin} in your
+\envname{PATH}, so the newly-installed programs can be found. The
+architecture names are listed in table~\ref{tab:archlist},
+\p.\pageref{tab:archlist}, or you can simply list the directory
+The syntax for doing this, and the initialization file to use, depends
+on your shell. If you use a Bourne-compatible shell (\cmdname{sh},
+\cmdname{bash}, \cmdname{ksh}, et al.), put the following into your
+\filename{$HOME/.profile} file:
+PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2005/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH; export PATH
+\noindent For C shell-compatible shells (\cmdname{csh}, \cmdname{tcsh}),
+put the following into your \filename{$HOME/.cshrc} file:
+setenv PATH /usr/local/texlive/2005/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH
+Here is a minimal annotated example which accepts the default
+directories and installs binaries for the current system only. Thus,
+only one command is needed, \Ucom{i} for install. The \texttt{>} is the
+shell prompt as usual.
+> \Ucom{sh}
+\Ucom{i} # perform installation
+> \Ucom{texconfig} ... # see section \ref{sec:texconfig}
+# New PATH element, with Linux as the example:
+> \Ucom{PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2005/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH}
+\subsection{Installing individual packages to disk}
+You can add individual packages or collections from the current
+distribution to an existing non-\TL{} setup, or an earlier
+\TL{} installation.
+Run the installation script \filename{} (not
+\filename{}, which is intended for complete installations
+> \Ucom{sh \var{options}}
+The first set of options controls what gets read:
+\item [-{}-package=\var{pkgname}] The individual package to work on.
+\item [-{}-collection=\var{colname}] The individual collection to work on.
+\item [-{}-nodoc] Exclude documentation files from the operation.
+\item [-{}-nosrc] Exclude source files from the operation.
+\item [-{}-cddir=\var{dir}] Source directory to read from; defaults
+to the current directory. If you followed the instructions above, that
+will be the distribution directory, and won't need to be changed.
+\item [-{}-listdir=\var{dir}] The so-called `lists' directory within
+\var{cddir} from which to read the package information. The only
+reason to change the default is if you're making changes to \TL{}
+What actually happens is controlled by the following options. If
+neither of these are specified, the default action is to install the
+selected files. The main destination tree is found by expanding
+\envname{\$TEXMFMAIN} with \cmdname{kpsewhich}. You can override it by
+setting either the environment variable \envname{TEXMFMAIN} or
+\item [-{}-listonly] List the files that would be installed, but don't
+actually install anything.
+\item [-{}-archive=\var{tarfile}] Instead of installing the files into
+the \TeX{} system, make a \cmdname{tar} archive.
+Additional options:
+\item [-{}-config] After installation, run \code{texconfig init}.
+\item [-{}-nohash] After installation, don't run \cmdname{mktexlsr} to
+rebuild the filename database.
+\item [-{}-verbose] Give more information as the script runs.
+Here are some usage examples:
+\item To see the files in the package \pkgname{fancyhdr} without
+installing it:
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=fancyhdr --listonly}
+\else> \Ucom{sh --package=fancyhdr \bs}
+> \Ucom{--listonly}
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \pkgname{natbib}:
+> \Ucom{sh --package=natbib}
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \pkgname{alg} without source files or
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=alg --nosrc --nodoc}
+\else> \Ucom{sh -{}-package=alg \bs}
+> \Ucom{-{}-nosrc -{}-nodoc}
+\item Install all the packages in the collection of additional
+plain \TeX\ macros:
+> \Ucom{sh --collection=tex-plainextra}
+\item Write all files in the \pkgname{pstricks} package to a
+\cmdname{tar} file in \path|/tmp|:
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=pstricks --archive=/tmp/pstricks.tar}
+> \Ucom{sh -{}-package=pstricks \bs}
+> \Ucom{-{}-archive=/tmp/pstricks.tar}
+After the main installation is done, for any operating system, the
+remaining steps are to configure the system for your local needs, and
+perform some basic tests.
+Another sort of post-installation is to acquire packages, fonts, or
+programs that were not included in \TL{}. The basic idea is to
+install such additions in the \envname{TEXMFLOCAL} tree (if you
+installed to disk), or \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR} (if you are running live).
+See the ``Installation directories'' option on \p.\pageref{text:instdir}.
+Unfortunately, the details can and do vary widely, and so we do not attempt to
+address them here. Here are some external links to descriptions:
+\url{} for
+installation information for fonts in particular.
+\subsection{The \protect\cmdname{texconfig} program}
+At any time after installation, you can and should use the program
+\cmdname{texconfig} to configure the system to fit your local needs. It
+is installed in the architecture-specific subdirectory
+\texttt{TEXDIR/bin/\var{arch}} along with everything else.
+If you run it without arguments, it will enter full-screen mode and
+allow you to view and change options interactively.
+You can also run it with various command-line options. Here are some of
+the most common (\TL{} is configured for the A4 paper size by default):
+\item [texconfig paper letter] Set default paper size for
+various programs and drivers (\cmdname{pdftex}, \cmdname{dvips},
+\cmdname{dvipdfm}, \cmdname{xdvi}) to be \acro{US} letter. The other
+allowable size is \optname{a4}, which is the default.
+\item [texconfig rehash] Update all the \TeX{} ``filename databases'',
+after adding or removing files.
+\item [texconfig faq] Show the \teTeX{} \acro{FAQ}.
+(See also the main \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} in \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en}.)
+\item [texconfig help] Output help information for \cmdname{texconfig}.
+Of course, \cmdname{texconfig} can only support changing a few of the
+many options and configuration parameters in a \TeX{} system. The main
+configuration file for the base \Webc{} programs is named
+\filename{texmf.cnf}. You can find its location by running
+\samp{kpsewhich texmf.cnf}; it contains many comments explaining the
+default settings and useful alternatives.
+As of 2005, \cmdname{texconfig} alters files in a user-specific
+directory, namely \dirname{$HOME/.texlive2005}. If you install \TeX\
+just for yourself, that is unlikely to make a difference. But if you
+install \TeX\ on a multi-user system, you will want to change the
+configuration for the whole system. In this case, run
+\cmdname{texconfig-sys} instead of \cmdname{texconfig}.
+Likewise, the \cmdname{updmap} and \cmdname{fmtutil} scripts were
+changed, to work under \dirname{$HOME/.texlive2005}. To alter system
+directories, use \cmdname{updmap-sys} and \cmdname{fmtutil-sys}.
+In particular, for multi-user systems, you will probably want to
+pregenerate the standard formats with \texttt{fmtutil-sys --missing}.
+Otherwise, each user will end up with their own formats.
+Also, if you have a personally-modified copy of \filename{fmtutil.cnf}
+or \filename{updmap.cfg}, instead of using the ones generated by
+installation, they must be installed in the tree referenced by the
+variable \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}.
+The variables specifying the directories altered by these commands are
+listed in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}, \p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}.
+You can see the actual directories by running \texttt{texconfig conf},
+and you can change them by editing \filename{texmf.cnf}.
+\subsection{Testing the installation}
+After installing \TL{} as best you can, you naturally want to test
+it out, so you can start creating beautiful documents and\slash or fonts.
+This section gives some basic procedures for testing that the new system
+is functional. We give Unix commands; under \MacOSX{} and Windows,
+you're more likely to run the tests through a graphical interface, but
+the principles are the same.
+\item Make sure that you can run the \cmdname{tex} program in the first
+> \Ucom{tex -{}-version}
+TeX 3.141592 (Web2C 7.5.5)
+kpathsea version 3.5.5
+If this comes back with `command not found' instead of version and
+copyright information, most likely you don't have the correct
+\dirname{bin} subdirectory in your \envname{PATH}. See
+the environment-setting information on \p.\pageref{text:path}.
+\item Process a basic \LaTeX{} file:
+> \Ucom{latex sample2e.tex}
+This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592...
+Output written on sample2e.dvi (3 pages, 7496 bytes).
+Transcript written on sample2e.log.
+If this fails to find \filename{sample2e.tex} or other files, perhaps
+you have interference from old environment variables or configuration
+files. For a deep analysis, you can always ask \TeX{} to report on
+exactly what it is searching for, and finding; see ``Debugging actions''
+on page~\pageref{Debugging}.
+\item Preview the result online:
+> \Ucom{xdvi sample2e.dvi}
+(Under Windows, the analogous command is \cmdname{windvi}.) You should
+see a new window with a nice document explaining some of the basics of
+\LaTeX{}. (Well worth reading, by the way if you're new to the system.)
+You do have to be running under X for \cmdname{xdvi} to work; if you're
+not, or your \envname{DISPLAY} environment variable is set incorrectly,
+you'll get an error \samp{Can't open display}.
+\item Create a \PS{} file for printing or display:
+> \Ucom{dvips sample2e.dvi -o}
+\item Create a \acro{PDF} file instead of \dvi{}; this processes the
+\filename{.tex} file and writes \acro{PDF} directly:
+> \Ucom{pdflatex sample2e.tex}
+\item Preview the \acro{PDF} file:
+> \Ucom{gv sample2e.pdf}
+> \Ucom{xpdf sample2e.pdf}
+Unfortunately neither \cmdname{gv} nor \cmdname{xpdf} are currently
+included in \TL{}, so you must install them separately. See
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively.
+\item Other standard test files you may find useful:
+\item [small2e.tex] A simpler document than \filename{sample2e}, to
+reduce the input size if you're having troubles.
+\item [testpage.tex] Test if your printer introduces any offsets.
+\item [nfssfont.tex] For printing font tables and tests.
+\item [testfont.tex] Also for font tables, but using plain \TeX{}.
+\item [story.tex] The most canonical (plain) \TeX{} test file of all.
+You must type \samp{\bs bye} to the \code{*} prompt after \samp{tex
+You can process these in the same way as we did with
+If you are new to \TeX{}, or otherwise need help with actually
+constructing \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} documents, please visit
+\url{} for some introductory resources.
+\section{\MacOSX{} installation}
+The recommended way to install \TeX\ on \MacOSX\ is from the Mac\TeX\
+distribution, new in 2005. This is provided on the \pkgname{live}
+\DVD{} in the top-level \dirname{mactex/} directory. It contains its
+own (native) installer for a full \TeX\ distribution, based on a
+combination of te\TeX\ and \TL, along with many additional applications
+and documentation. The project web page is \url{}.
+If you prefer, installation of \TeX{} under \MacOSX{} can also be done
+directly from \TL, using the \filename{install*} scripts, as follows.
+In order to run the installation scripts under \MacOSX, you need to have
+the \cmdname{bash} shell installed. If you are running \MacOSX~10.2
+or later, you have \cmdname{bash}, and can proceed. If you're running
+an earlier \MacOSX{} version, however, the default shell is
+\cmdname{zsh}, which won't work; you'll need to get \cmdname{bash} from
+the Internet, or more likely upgrade your system.
+Once you have \cmdname{bash}, the Unix installation documentation in the
+previous section can be followed. See section~\ref{sec:unix-install} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:unix-install}; \MacOSX-specific notes are included there
+where needed.
+\section{Windows installation}
+In this release of \TL{}, happily, the distribution once
+again has a native Windows installer, named \cmdname{tlpmgui.exe}. (See
+section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist}, \p.\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}, for an
+explanation of the different distributions.)
+\cmdname{tlpmgui} has essentially the same options as the Unix
+installer, only done through a GUI interface: selecting schemes,
+individual collections, installation directories, and so on.
+Section~\ref{sec:unix-install-disk} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:unix-install-disk} describes the basic elements. It
+also allows some post-installation activities such as adding/removing
+packages, updating the filename database and building formats.
+Moreover, \cmdname{tlpmgui} can setup the system for running
+programs directly from the \DVD.
+For those who like to look underneath the hood, \cmdname{tlpmgui} uses
+as its ``engine'' a command-line Windows program named \cmdname{tlpm}.
+The Windows \TeX{} system included in \TL{} is based on new binaries
+borrowed from the \XEmTeX{} project, formerly known as \fpTeX{} (see
+It also includes some older (but still working) tools, notably
+a \texttt{dvi} previewer, \textsf{Windvi}, which is similar in usage to
+the established Unix \textsf{xdvi}. The documentation can be found in
+\TL{} can be installed on systems running Windows 98, \acro{ME},
+\acro{NT}, \acro{2K} or \acro{XP}. Older versions of Windows (3.1x)
+and \acro{MS-DOS} are not supported.
+\textbf{Warning:} Win9.x users must ensure they have enough environment
+ space before undertaking installation. The \cmdname{tlpmgui.exe}
+ program won't change the environment size for them. A few environment
+ variables will be created and it is possible you run out of
+ environment space. Add \texttt{SHELL=<path>COMMAND.COM /E:4096 /P} in the
+ config.sys file in order to increase your environment size.
+\subsection{Installing \protect\TeX\protect\ Live to disk}
+After inserting the \TL{} CD into the \acro{CD} drive, autostart should
+activate \cmdname{tlpmgui}. If it does not, click \guiseq{Start\arw Run},
+then type \verb|<drive letter>:\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe| (or
+\verb|<drive letter>:\texlive\setup-win32\tplmgui.exe| if you are
+installing from the TeX Collection DVD), where \verb|<drive letter>|
+is the drive letter with the TeX Live CD (or TeX Collection DVD), and
+then click OK.
+The installation window titled \guiseq{TeX Live installation and maintenance
+utility} should open. It contains the following sections: \guiseq{Main
+customization}, \guiseq{Install}, \guiseq{Select a scheme}, \guiseq{Select
+systems}, \guiseq{Directories} and \guiseq{Options}.
+In the \guiseq{Directories} section the installation drive (directory) next
+to the \guiseq{CD/DVD} button should be displayed (e.g., \texttt{F:/} or \texttt{F:/texlive/} for the DVD), but
+if it is not, then click the \guiseq{CD/DVD} button and select the \acro{CD/DVD}
+drive, with the \TL{} CD (or TeX Collection DVD).
+The directory in which you wish to install the software can be set by
+clicking the \guiseq{TLroot} button. This directory will be set as
+\path|TLroot| environment variable for later usage. The \path|TEXMFTEMP| and
+\path|TEXMFCNF| environment variables as displayed next to the
+\guiseq{TEXMFTEMP} and \guiseq{TEXMFCNF} buttons will be adjusted
+automatically and set during installation, but they can also be adjusted
+manually now to suit special needs.
+In the \guiseq{Select a scheme} section the desired \TL{} installation scheme
+should be chosen by clicking the radio button labelled with the installation
+scheme name (e.g., \guiseq{scheme-gust}). Each scheme is accompanied by an
+\guiseq{Info} button which, when clicked, displays a short description of the
+relevant scheme.
+A scheme is a large set of files targeted at some kind of usage. There are
+generic schemes for basic, medium and full installations. The remaining ones
+are either targeted at certain LUGs (i.e., what GUST or GUTenberg propose
+for their members) or application targeted (e.g., for XML and \TeX{}
+cooperation). A preselected scheme can be refined. This is done in the
+\guiseq{Main customization} section by choosing additional collections from
+\guiseq{Standard collections} or \guiseq{Language collections}. For example,
+by clicking the \guiseq{Select} button labelled \guiseq{Standard
+collections}, additional collections like Metapost, Omega or documentation
+in different languages can be selected.
+\textbf{Note:} The \guiseq{Ghostscript}, \guiseq{Perl} and \guiseq{Wintools}
+collections are selected by default and should be installed unless they are
+already installed and you really know what you are doing. This is because
+they are required by many important tools. The \verb|PERL5LIB| and
+\verb|GS_LIB| environment variables will be set too.
+Next, clicking the \guiseq{Select} button labelled \guiseq{Language
+Collections} in the \guiseq{Main customization} section opens the
+\guiseq{Language collections} window in which the installation language can
+be chosen by ticking the box next to the language.
+Next, click the \guiseq{Install} button in the \guiseq{Install} section to
+start the installation proper process.
+The \TL{} system needs some post-processing steps (format files
+generation, ls-R databases generation, environment variables, etc.). All
+these operations are done there, some of them can be lengthy. So please wait
+until you see a statement about the successfully finished installation.
+The shortcut for \cmdname{tlpmgui} will be added to the
+\guiseq{Start\arw Programs\arw TeXLive2005} menu.
+If it is needed (Win9x/WinME), you will be asked to reboot your computer.
+\subsection{Support packages for Windows}
+To be complete, a \TL installation needs support packages that are not
+commonly found on a Windows machine. Many scripts are written using the Perl
+language. Some important tools require the Ghostscript \PS{} interpreter to
+render or to convert files. A graphic file toolbox is also needed in some
+cases. Last but not least, a \TeX-oriented editor makes it easy to type in
+your \TeX{} files.
+All these tools are quite easy to find for Windows, but in order to try to
+make your life even easier, we have put such a set of tools on \TL:
+\item GNU \cmdname{Ghostscript} 7.07
+\item a minimal \cmdname{Perl} 5.8, sufficient to run all the \TL{}
+ Perl scripts.
+\item win-tools is a set of small programs (bzip2, gzip, jpeg2ps
+ and tiff2png)
+%\item a subset of \cmdname{ImageMagick} 5.5.6
+%\item the \cmdname{ISpell} checker
+%\item \cmdname{XEmacs} 21.5.14 with a selection of packages to support
+%\TeX{} typesetting.
+These packages are borrowed from the \XEmTeX{} distribution
+(the successor of fp\TeX).
+Perl and Ghostscript are installed by default; you may explicitly
+deselect them during installation if you already have them.
+If you don't want to install this bundle, then you are on your own to
+install the required tools to complete your \TL{} system. Here is a
+list of places to get those tools:
+\item[Ghostscript] \url{}
+\item[Perl] \url{} (but you might need some
+ supplementary packages from CPAN: \url{})
+\item[ImageMagick] \url{}
+\item[NetPBM] alternatively, you could use NetPBM instead of ImageMagick to
+ process or convert your graphic files. NetPBM home page is
+ \url{}
+\item[\TeX-oriented editors] There is a wide choice, and it is a matter of the
+ user's taste. Here is a selection:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cmdname{GNU Emacs} is available natively under Windows, see
+ \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{XEmacs} is available natively under Windows, see
+ \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{WinShell} is available on \TL in the \path|support|
+ directory, see \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{WinEdt} is shareware available from \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{Vim} is available on \TL{} in the
+ \path|support\vim| directory and the
+ reference site is \url{}
+ \item TeXnicCenter is free software, available from
+ \url{} and in the proTeXt distribution.
+ \item \cmdname{LEd} is available from \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{SciTE} is available from \url{}
+ \end{itemize*}
+You might want to install other tools that are not free\footnote{Not
+free, that is, in the sense of freedom to modify and redistribute,
+following free software guidelines. This does not mean you can't acquire
+them for no money.} and therefore not included on \TL{}, such as
+\cmdname{GSView}, the \cmdname{Ghostscript} companion to more
+conveniently view PS/PDF files. \cmdname{GSView} is available from
+\url{} or any \acro{CTAN} site.
+\section{Maintenance of the installation in Windows}
+If you have TeX Live installed, you can use \cmdname{tlpmgui} again
+for modyfying and maintaining your installation.
+\subsection{Adding/removing packages}
+As the \cmdname{tlpmgui} shortcut is available in the \guiseq{Start\arw
+Programs\arw TeXLive2005} menu, start it from here. The maintenance window
+titled \guiseq{TeX Live installation and maintenance utility} shows. It
+contains several tabs: \guiseq{Add Packages}, \guiseq{Remove packages},
+\guiseq{Manage installation}, \guiseq{Remove installation}.
+Click the tab labelled \guiseq{Add packages} or \guiseq{Remove packages}
+to enter the relevant functionality and then:
+\item In the first tab select the proper \CD{} drive (or \DVD with
+ \texttt{texlive} directory) by pressing the \guiseq{CD/DVD} button.
+\item Click the \guiseq{Search} button in the \guiseq{Buttons} section to
+display or refresh in the \guiseq{Select packages to\dots} section the
+list of packages to install or remove.
+When adding packages, the list of installed packages is compared to the list
+of packages available from your \CD/\DVD. Only packages not already installed are
+displayed. It is up to you to select which packages you want to
+When removing individual packages, only a list of installed packages
+will be displayed.
+Please note that for both \guiseq{Add packages} and \guiseq{Remove packages}
+the collections are listed first.
+\item Select a package by clicking on the name of the package. Clicking the
+\guiseq{Info} button in the \guiseq{Buttons} section displays a short
+description of the selected package in the window located in the \guiseq{Info
+about the selected item} section. To select several packages at once hold
+down one of the Ctrl or Shift keys at your keyboard while holding down the
+left mouse button or drag the mouse pointer while holding down the left mouse
+\item Click the \guiseq{Install} or \guiseq{Remove} button in the
+\guiseq{Buttons} section to perform the appropriate action.
+\subsection{Configuring and other management tasks}
+The functions available in the tab labelled \guiseq{Manage the installation}
+are helpful in performing actions needed when you want to add support for a
+language which was not selected during the installation, or add/regenerate a
+format which was not selected during the installation or was modified after
+the installation.
+The following actions can be performed:
+\item Refresh the \filename{ls-R} database
+\item Create formats (All or Missing)
+\item Edit \filename{language.dat}
+\item Edit \filename{fmtutil.cnf}
+\item Edit \filename{updmap.cfg}
+Note: you can close the Edit\dots{} window with the \guiseq{Cancel} or
+\guiseq{Done} button; the latter will start rebuilding the format files
+(or the fontmap files if you have edited \filename{updmap.cfg}), followed by a
+\filename{ls-R} database files refresh.
+For more information about the configuration see section~\ref{sec:persconf},
+\subsection{Uninstalling \protect\TL{}}
+The tab labelled \guiseq{Remove the TeX Live installation} opens a window
+which contains functionality not worth describing and we do not know who would
+need it and what it is for\dots :-)
+Anyway, if you have the \path|texmf-local| directory for your local additions,
+the removal procedure will not wipe it out or delete things in it. The \path|setup-win32|
+directory containing \cmdname{tlpmgui} and related files will not be deleted. You will have to do some manual cleanup to
+actually remove them.
+\subsection{Adding your own packages to the installation}
+First, whatever changes you make, \textbf{do not forget to rebuild the ls-R
+database files}. Otherwise, your new files will not be found. You can do this
+either via the \cmdname{tlpmgui} run and selection of the appropriate action
+from the \guiseq{Manage the installation} tab, or manually running the
+\file{mktexlsr} command.
+If you want to add files that are not provided by the \TL{} distribution,
+it is recommended to put them in the \path|$TEXMFLOCAL| directory. This
+way, you will be safe against upgrades of the \TL{} software.
+The directory pointed to by \path|$TEXMFLOCAL| is initially empty. If,
+for example, you want to add the support file for the Maple symbolic
+computation program, you will have to put the style files in:\\
+\path|c:\TeXLive2005\texmf-local\tex\latex\maple\|\\ and the
+documentation files in:\\ \path|c:\TeXLive2005\texmf-local\doc\latex\maple\|
+\subsection{Running \texttt{tlmp.exe} from the command line}
+The \cmdname{tlpm.exe} program which is used as engine by \cmdname{tlpmgui}
+has a number of other useful options. You can get the list by running:
+tlpm --help
+More information and examples of use can be found in \path|tlpm.readme|.
+\subsection{Network installation}
+\KPS{} knows about UNC names, so you can use them to get your TEXMF
+tree from the network. But there is better than this.
+All the support files and configuration files, everything except the files in the
+\path|bin/win32| are shareable with a \teTeX{} or Unix \TL{} installation. That means
+you can use Samba either to mount from an NT server to a Unix
+workstation or the converse. Several strategies are possible:
+\item Put everything on the server. Just add each set of files for the OS and
+architecture you want to use in the \path|bin| directory. That means
+for example \path|bin/win32| and \path|bin/i386-linux|. Next configure
+your main variables. You can use UNC names to
+point to the right directories under Win32.
+\item Install a local copy for the binaries and format files. In this
+ case, assign \path|$TEXMFMAIN| to the main \path|texmf| tree that
+ will be accessed remotely. Set \path|$TEXMFVAR| to be a local
+ directory which will hold local configuration files and on-the-fly
+ generated files.
+\subsection{What's different in Windows?}
+The Windows version of \Webc{} has some specific features that should be
+pointed out.
+\item[\KPS{}] The hash-tables that \KPS{} builds are quite large for
+ the \TL{}. In order to cut down the starting time of any
+ \KPS{}-enabled program, these hash-tables have been put in shared
+ memory. This way, when you chain the execution of several such
+ programs, like \path|tex| calling \path|mpost| calling \path|tex|,
+ the overhead when starting each of the subprograms is
+ reduced. This change is hidden to the user, except if you set the
+ debug flag of kpathsea to the \path|-1| value: you will then trace
+ access to the shared memory, which is not what you want (it is
+ accessed very often!). What is useful in a log trace of the shared
+ memory access is still to be defined, so the situation might evolve
+ in the future.
+\item[\cmdname{kpsecheck}] This command provides some options that did
+ not fit well into \cmdname{kpsewhich}. It will allow you to list all
+ the files that occur multiple times across your texmf trees. This
+ could be handy, but most of the time you will also get unwanted
+ output (like dozens of \path|README| files). It is noticeable
+ that all these files result in clashes inside the \KPS{}-hashing
+ mechanism; fortunately, \KPS{} never looks for these files. For
+ this reason, you can combine the \path|-multiple-occurrences| with 2
+ other options for including or excluding any filename that match
+ some pattern (you can request for several patterns).
+ The \cmdname{kpsecheck} command will also report the status of shared
+ memory: in use or not used. That might be useful to know because if
+ the status reported is \samp{in use}, that means one or several
+ processes are working, and the effect of any \cmdname{mktexlsr}
+ command will be delayed until the next time where no \KPS{} linked
+ process will be running.
+ Last, this same command will report about the location it thinks
+ Ghostscript can be found. Under Win32, for many programs, it is
+ easier to use the Ghostscript dll, and find it by using the
+ Ghostscript registry key than to change the \path|PATH|, which has a
+ limited length anyway.
+\item[\Webc{}] The engines have a few more options than in Unix
+ \Webc{}, and one option with a different behavior:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \path|-halt-on-error| stop the compilation at the first error.
+ \item \path|-job-time| set the job time to the same timestamp as the
+ file given in argument.
+\item \path|-oem| use the DOS codepage for console output.
+ \item \path|-output-directory| allow to write all the output files in the
+ specified directory.
+ \item \path|-time-statistics| print statistics about the job run
+ time. It is to be noted that Win9x not being a true multitasking
+ operating system, it has no reliable timer for short periods, so
+ the value printed is an approximation. Under NT/2K/XP, the result
+ is quite accurate with user time and system time values allocated
+ for this run. For Unix
+ users: the \path|time| command is not usually available to Windows
+ users.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{Personal configurations}
+The configuration file for dvips can be found in\\
+You may open it with any editor
+ %(\cmdname{WinShell} will do fine)
+ and change some parameters:
+\item [fonts] you can change the default printer \MF{} mode or printer
+ resolution in case \cmdname{dvips} needs to generate PK fonts. By default it
+ is configured to use Type~1 versions of the CM fonts, so it should
+ not call \cmdname{mktexpk} too often;
+\item[printer] you can tell dvips where you want to print by default. If
+ the \optname{o} option is not followed by a printer name, then a
+ \file{.ps} \PS{} file is written. You can give dvips a printer
+ name such as:
+o lpt1:
+% o | lpr -S server -P myprinter
+% o \\server\myprinter
+\item[paper] Next, you might want
+ to change the paper size from European (A4) to US letter
+ by making the US letter the first paper size mentioned in the file.
+ Scroll to the group of lines beginning with \code{@}. Move
+ the appropriate lines so that this section begins with the lines:\\
+\hspace*{1em} @ letterSize 8.5in 11in\\
+\hspace*{1em} @ letter 8.5in 11in\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ \%\%BeginPaperSize: Letter\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ letter\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ \%\%EndPaperSize
+The current \TL{} distribution implements the procedure of making
+always up-to-date fontmaps files for Dvips and Pdftex. This is done by
+the \cmdname{updmap} program during installation, as well as during any
+font package addition. If you add new packages by hand, edit the file
+\verb+updmap.cfg+ in \path|$TEXMFVAR/web2c|.
+If you use the program pdf{}latex to write \acro{PDF} format directly,
+and you are using \acro{US} letter-size paper, edit the file
+\verb+C:\TeXLive2005\texmf-var\tex\generic\config\pdftexconfig.tex+ and
+change \samp{\bs pdfpagewidth} and \samp{\bs pdfpageheight}. These entries
+should read:
+\bs{}pdfpagewidth=8.5 true in
+\bs{}pdfpageheight=11 true in
+Save the file and exit the editor.
+GSView is now distributed under the Aladdin License, and therefore is no
+longer included in \TL{}.
+If you may want to change the page size to US letter size. If so, open
+GSView from the \guiseq{Start} menu, and select \guiseq{Media\arw Letter}.
+Also, there are menu settings that are supposed to give you the most
+readable screen image. On \guiseq{Media \arw Display Settings}, set both
+\optname{Text Alpha} and \optname{Graphics Alpha} to 4~bits.
+Note that the installation process has set all \code{.ps} and
+\code{.eps} files to automatically open with \cmdname{GSView}.
+For printing instructions, see section~\ref{printing} below.
+The \file{tlpmgui.exe} program takes care of associating the files
+with the \file{.dvi} extension with \file{Windvi}, but it doesn't make an icon
+on the desktop, so please do it yourself.
+Open \cmdname{windvi} by clicking an icon or from the command line.
+You can set it for US letter-size paper by going to \guiseq{View\arw
+Options\arw Papertype} and selecting US (8.5\verb+"+ x 11\verb+"+) (and
+then \optname{OK}. Exit \cmdname{windvi}.
+You can change other parameters from there as well, such as the ability
+to execute system commands specified by the document (disabled by
+default for security reasons). Also, the first time you view any .dvi
+file, you may find the magnification too large. Zoom out until you get
+an appropriate size.
+All configuration settings for \cmdname{windvi} are stored in a file
+named \path|windvi.cnf| file. You can find it by running this command at
+the prompt:
+c:\>kpsewhich --expand-var $HOME/windvi.cnf
+Should you have problems with \cmdname{windvi}, please remove the
+configuration file and test your problem against a vanilla configuration.
+For generic verification procedures, see section~\ref{sec:test-install}
+(\p.\pageref{sec:test-install}). This section describes
+Windows-specific tests.
+Open the file \verb+sample2e.tex+ in your editor (Xemacs, WinShell),
+found in \path|C:\TeXLive2005\texmf-dist\tex\latex\base|. The \LaTeX\ source
+should appear on the screen. Process it by clicking on the
+\guiseq{Command\arw LaTeX} menu (XEmacs) or \LaTeX\ icon on the toolbar
+(WinShell), then view it by clicking on the \guiseq{Command\arw View DVI}
+menu (XEmacs) or Preview (Windvi) icon (WinShell).
+At first, when you preview files with Windvi, it will create fonts because
+screen fonts were not installed. After a while, you will have created most
+of the fonts you use, and you will rarely see the font-creation window.
+\textbf{Hint for the future:} If a \LaTeX\ run stops because \LaTeX\
+cannot find a file, you can press Ctrl-z to quit.
+It is possible to print from Windvi. In this case, printing will be done
+using the Windows unified printer driver. By definition, it is
+compatible with all printers. However, there is some drawback: it can
+generate some huge spool files, and some (older) versions of Windows
+just don't like them. The advantage is that you can use features like
+embedding BMP or WMF images. You also need to make sure that the printer
+parameters are correctly set (subsection~\ref{sub:windvi}), else you
+will get scaled printing (printing at 600\dpi{} on a 300\dpi{} printer
+will give you only one quadrant of your page).
+Printing is faster and more reliable if you run \cmdname{dvips} to make
+a \filename{.ps} file and then print from \cmdname{GSView}. In
+\cmdname{GSview}, select \guiseq{File\arw Print\ldots}. A \guiseq{Print}
+window will appear.
+If you are using a \PS{} printer, \textit{be sure to select
+\guiseq{\PS{} Printer}}. This is done in the \guiseq{Print Method} box
+at the bottom left of the \guiseq{Print} window. You can then select any
+of the printers that you have previously installed. If you fail to
+check the box for \optname{\PS{} Printer}, printing will not work.
+If you will be using your own non-\PS{} printer, select
+\guiseq{Ghostscript device} in the \guiseq{Print Method} box, then click
+on the button to the right labelled \guiseq{djet500} and select your
+printer type from the list that pops up. (In the older version of
+\cmdname{GSView}, make sure \optname{\PS{} Printer} is \textit{not}
+selected, then select your printer type from the \guiseq{Device} list.)
+\subsection{Tips and tricks for Win32}
+\subsubsection{Different flavors of Win32}
+What we call Win32 is not an operating system by itself. It is a large
+set of functions (around 12,000 in the header files of the Microsoft
+\acro{SDK}) that you can use to write programs for different operating
+systems of the Windows family.
+Windows comes in different flavors:
+\item Win95, Win98 and Win\acro{ME}, which \emph{are not true multitasking,
+ multithreading} environments. They are the latest\Dash and hopefully
+ last\Dash metamorphosis of \acro{DOS}. This can be more or less proven
+ by the fact that when booting, the PC will load the \path||
+ interpreter, and if you stop the boot process at this point, you can
+ ask for the current (\acro{DOS}) version and it will answer something
+ like \samp{MS-DOS 7.0} (at least for the old versions of Win9x).
+\item Windows \acro{NT}, which is a new operating system written from
+ scratch, capable of true multitasking behavior, and including many
+ high level features.
+\item Windows 2000, based on \acro{NT}, with all the bells and
+ whistles of Win98.
+\item Windows \acro{XP}, which comes with Personal and Pro flavors. This is
+ the last step in merging both lines of products (Win9x based and
+ \acro{NT} based). \acro{XP} is based on \acro{NT}.
+Win9x are able to run 32~bits programs and 16~bits programs
+concurrently. But the operating system by itself is not entirely
+written in 32~bits mode, and does not support memory protection: 16bits
+applications can overwrite parts of the operating system memory! Some
+parts of the system like the \acro{GDI} (Graphical Device Interface)
+manage limited resources like bitmaps, fonts, pens and so on for the set
+of all programs that run concurrently. All the bitmaps headers available
+at the same time can't amount for more than 64kB. This explains the
+performance tool and the fact that you can put your system on his knees
+by making intensive use of graphic objects for example.
+NT, 2K and XP do not suffer from these limitations, and neither from
+other Win9x limitations. They are true multitasking environments, with
+protected memory. They are much more responsive than Win9x because
+of better memory management, better file system and so on.
+\subsubsection{Command line prompt}
+You may wonder, ``Why would I need to use a command line prompt when
+I have Windows?''
+Good question. The problem is of very general nature. Not all operations
+can be done easily using only a \acro{GUI}. Command line gives you
+programming power\Dash assuming a clever command interpreter.
+But the problem here is more fundamental: \TeX{} is \emph{a batch}
+tool. Not an interactive one. \TeX{} needs to compute the best
+layout for each page, resolve cross-references and so on. This can be
+done only by a global processing of the document. It is not (yet) a
+task that can be done interactively.
+This means that you should use \TeX{} from a command line. In fact the
+situation is not so bad. There is an advantage to write command line
+tools for complex processing: they are better debugged, because they are
+independent of any \acro{GUI} problems, and \acro{GUI} tools can be
+designed to interface to the command line tools. This is the case for
+\TeX{}, where you will mostly interact with it through a \acro{GUI} text
+However, you may need to use the command line prompt in a number of
+situations. One is when you are having difficulties and want to debug
+your setup.
+ \item[Win9x] You can open a command line prompt by looking either for
+ the \acro{MS-DOS} icon in the \guiseq{Start\arw Programs} menu,
+ or by choosing \guiseq{Start\arw Run} menu typing in
+ \path|| as the progrm name.
+ \item[NT, 2K, XP] You can open a command line prompt by looking for
+ \guiseq{Command Prompt} in the \guiseq{Start\arw Accessories} menu.
+ You can also choose \guiseq{Start\arw Run} and type in
+ \path|cmd.exe|, which is the name of the brand new command
+ interpreter for \acro{NT} (thus, it is untrue to call this a
+ \emph{DOS} box!).
+These locations may change across different Windows versions.
+\subsubsection{Path separators}
+The Win32 API understands both \path|/| and \path|\| characters as PATH
+separators. But the command interpreters do not! So whenever a path name
+is used programmatically, you can use both separators, and even mix them
+up in the same path name. But on the command line, you must type
+\path|\| as path separator. The reason is compatibility: the command
+processor used \samp{/} to introduce arguments to commands.
+All this to say: do not be surprised to read path names written using
+the Unix convention; \fpTeX{} is a port of \Webc, and aims to be compatible
+across platforms. For this reason, all the configuration files that
+need to specify path names use the Unix convention.
+\subsubsection{File systems}
+The worst feature of Win9x with regard to \TeX{} is probably the
+so-called FAT file system. \TeX{} uses very many small files, with size
+around 1--3kB. The \acro{FAT} file system is old, and predates by
+decades the multi-gigabytes hard disks we have today. As a result, it
+cannot manage efficiently the tens of thousands of \TeX{} files found in
+\TL{}. The \acro{FAT} file system allocates a minimum of 32kB for
+\emph{any} file on a huge partition. It means that \TeX{} will use much
+more disk space than it actually needs.
+The other, more modern, file systems available, \acro{FAT32} and
+\acro{NTFS}, do not have this drawback. They manage clusters of 4kB
+only. (You can lower the limit to 512 bytes on \acro{NTFS}.)
+\subsubsection{How to add some directory to your PATH}
+There are pairs of variables and values which behave much like global
+variables inside your programs. The set of those variables is called the
+environment. Each program is initialized with a copy of the
+environment when it is run. It can request and change the
+value of any variable. The changes happen in the copy of the
+environment, and is not at all propagated to the other running
+Your PATH is a special environment variable used to search for
+programs you want to run.
+There is a different procedure to change it for Win9x, WinME and NT/2K/XP:
+\item[Windows 95/98] Edit your \path|autoexec.bat|. In this file should be a line
+ starting with \texttt{PATH=} and followed by a list of directories separated
+ by \path|;|. Please add the directory with the executables in this line.
+ After this, this line could look as follows:
+\item[Windows ME] You need to run the special program
+ \path|c:\windows\system\msconfig.exe| to be able to change any
+ environment variable. From this program, select the `Environment'
+ tab, and then add or modify the variable you want. You will be asked to reboot the
+ machine upon any change.
+\item[Windows NT/2K/XP]
+ Click left on \guiseq{Start \arw Settings \arw Control Panel}. Now the
+ window with the control panel icons opens. Double click on System. The
+ System Properties window opens. Click on the tab \textsf{Environment}
+ or look for a button named \guiseq{Environment Variables} among the
+ dialog boxes. Now you can change the environment variables for your
+ user account. Note: There are also displayed the environment settings
+ for the system. Normally, you can't change the system variables
+ unless you have administrator rights on your machine. If you want to
+ change the \texttt{PATH} for all users, you will have to contact your
+ system administrator or be the system administrator yourself\Dash in
+ the latter case you should know what you are doing.
+ If there is already a \texttt{PATH} setting for your user account,
+ left click on \texttt{PATH}. In the field \textsf{Variable} appears
+ \texttt{PATH} while the field Value shows the current setting of
+ \texttt{PATH} as a list of directories separated by \path|;|. Add
+ the directory where the executables are located (e.g.
+ \path|c:\TeXLive2005\bin\win32|). If there isn't a \texttt{PATH} variable
+ for your user account, simply click in the field Variable and type
+ in \texttt{PATH}, click in the field \textsf{Value}
+ and type in the directory with the executables. Important: Click on
+ the \textsf{Apply} button before clicking \textsf{Ok}, otherwise the
+ changes to \texttt{PATH} won't apply to your system. Be careful when
+ changing the environment settings.
+The best way to be sure that a variable has been properly set is to
+open a console and type:
+which should return the corresponding value.
+\subsubsection{\TeX{} engines}
+If you have a look at the \Webc{} documentation, you will read that all
+the various \TeX{} derived programs use the same base engine. For
+example, \path|tex.exe| and \path|latex.exe| are exact copies of the
+same program, but each one will use a different format file, based on
+its calling name.
+Under Unix, this feature is implemented through \emph{symbolic
+links}. It saves up a bit of disk space, because some engines are
+used with many different format files.
+The Win32 API does not know about file links. So to save up almost
+the same amount of memory, all the \TeX{} base engines have been put
+in DLLs (\emph{Dynamic Linked Library}). This means that you will have
+the following layout:
+18/09/2005 14:19 3 584 latex.exe
+18/09/2005 14:19 3 584 pdfetex.exe
+18/09/2005 14:19 524 288 tl90pdfetex.dll
+and the \path|latex.exe| file is nothing but a rough copy of
+\path|pdfetex.exe| using the same core \path|tl90pdfetex.dll|.
+The same trick has been used for the \path|mktex*.exe| family of programs
+which are linked to the \path|mktex.dll| library.
+In fact, a generic tool called \path|irun.exe| is provided to build the
+equivalent of Unix hard links for executable files only under Win32.
+\subsection{In case of problems}
+\subsubsection{What to do if \texttt{latex} does not find your files?}
+\item \cmdname{kpsewhich} is the tool of choice to debug any
+problem. Unfortunately, \cmdname{kpsewhich} outputs debug information
+to stderr, and the older Windows consoles do not know how to redirect stderr
+to a file. (NT and Windows 2000 consoles know how to do that. But
+the trick will work for any console.) For diagnostic purposes you can
+temporarily set an environment variable (in a \acro{DOS} box):
+You can also set the debug level:
+If you want to redirect stderr to stdout, which is not possible
+Windows, then do:
+This way you can capture both stdout and stderr in the same file.
+\item Assuming the installation has been done in \path|c:/TeX|, check
+ the following values: \\
+ {\small
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $SELFAUTOPARENT| & \path|c:/TeX| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $TEXMF| & \path|c:/TeX/texmf....| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $TEXMFCNF| &
+ \path|.;c:/TeX/texmf-var/web2c;| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-var $TEXINPUTS| & \path|.;c:/TeX/texmf/tex//|
+ \end{tabular}
+\item If you have other \TeX{}-related values already set in your
+ environment, please, remove them. They are overriding the ones in
+ texmf.cnf.
+\item Check the values from:\\
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \texttt{kpsewhich cmr10.tfm} & \path|c:/TeX/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm|\\
+ \texttt{kpsewhich latex.fmt}& \path|c:/TeX/texmf/web2c/latex.fmt|
+ \end{tabular}
+\item At this point, if everything is correct, \TeX{} and friends
+ should work. If it is not the case, you will need to play with
+ the \path|-debug=n| option from \path|kpsewhich|, and check back all
+ the values. Try to identify and report the problem.
+\subsubsection{What to do if your setup still does not work as expected?}
+Here are several questions to investigate:
+\item Is \file{tex.exe} in my \path|PATH|?
+\item Is the \path|TEXMFCNF| variable correctly set to
+\path|c:/TeXLive2005/texmf-var/web2c| (default value)?
+\item Are there any errors in the log file generated by the
+\file{tlmpgui.exe} program?
+\file{tlmpgui.log} can be found in your
+\file{TEMP} directory. You can find this by searching for the
+string \samp{Error}. Hint: the log file can show some errors after
+building all format files. Please do not panic: perhaps some formats
+weren't already installed.
+\item Are there any relevant bug fixes at \url{}?
+(Unlikely, but it doesn't hurt to check.)
+The \TL{} software consists of hundreds of programs and tens of
+thousands of files, all from varying sources. So it is quite difficult to
+predict all possible causes for problems. Nevertheless, we will do our
+best to help you. (See section~\ref{sec:help}, \p.\pageref{sec:help}.)
+% don't use \Webc so the \uppercase in the headline works.
+\section{A user's guide to Web2C}
+\Webc{} is an integrated collection of \TeX-related programs: \TeX{}
+itself, \MF{}, \MP, \BibTeX{}, etc. It is the heart of \TL{}.
+A bit of history: The original implementation was by Tomas Rokicki who,
+in 1987, developed a first \TeX{}-to-C system based on change files
+under Unix, which were primarily the original work of Howard Trickey and
+Pavel Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the system, and
+during this period the name changed to Web-to-C\@. In 1990, Karl Berry
+took over the work, assisted by dozens of additional contributors, and
+in 1997 he handed the baton to Olaf Weber.
+The \Webc{} system runs on Unix, 32-bit Windows systems, \MacOSX{}, and
+other operating systems. It uses Knuth's original sources for \TeX{} and
+other basic programs written in \web{} and translates them into C source
+code. The core \TeX{} programs are:
+\item[bibtex] Maintaining bibliographies.
+\item[dmp] \cmdname{troff} to MPX (\MP{} pictures).
+\item[dvicopy] Expands virtual font references in \dvi{} files.
+\item[dvitomp] \dvi{} to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+\item[dvitype] \dvi{} to human-readable text.
+\item[gftodvi] Generic font proofsheets.
+\item[gftopk] Generic to packed fonts.
+\item[gftype] GF to human-readable text.
+\item[makempx] \MP{} label typesetting.
+\item[mf] Creating typeface families.
+\item[mft] Prettyprinting \MF{} source.
+\item[mpost] Creating technical diagrams.
+\item[mpto] MetaPost label extraction.
+\item[newer] Compare modification times.
+\item[patgen] Creating hyphenation patterns.
+\item[pktogf] Packed to generic fonts.
+\item[pktype] PK to human-readable text.
+\item[pltotf] Plain text property list to TFM.
+\item[pooltype] Display \web{} pool files.
+\item[tangle] \web{} to Pascal.
+\item[tex] Typesetting.
+\item[tftopl] TFM to plain text property list.
+\item[vftovp] Virtual font to virtual property list.
+\item[vptovf] Virtual property list to virtual font.
+\item[weave] \web{} to \TeX.
+\noindent The precise functions and syntax of these programs are
+described in the documentation of the individual packages and of \Webc{}
+itself. However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of
+programs will help you take advantage of your \Webc{} installation.
+All programs honor these standard \acro{GNU} options:
+\item[-{}-help] print basic usage summary.
+\item[-{}-verbose] print detailed progress report.
+\item[-{}-version] print version information, then exit.
+For locating files the \Webc{} programs use the path searching library
+\KPS{}. This library uses a combination of environment variables and a
+configuration files to optimize searching the (huge) collection of
+\TeX{} files. \Webc{} can look at more than one directory tree
+simultaneously, which is useful in maintaining \TeX's standard
+distribution and local extensions in two distinct trees. To speed up
+file searches the root of each tree has a file \file{ls-R}, containing
+an entry showing the name and relative pathname for all files under that
+\subsection{Kpathsea path searching}
+Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the \KPS{}
+We call a \emph{search path} a colon- or semicolon\hyph sepa\-rated list
+of \emph{path elements}, which are basically directory names. A
+search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up
+a file \samp{my-file} along a path \samp{.:/dir}, \KPS{} checks each
+element of the path in turn: first \file{./my-file}, then
+\file{/dir/my-file}, returning the first match (or possibly all
+In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems' conventions, on
+non-Unix systems \KPS{} can use filename separators different from
+colon (\samp{:}) and slash (\samp{/}).
+To check a particular path element \var{p}, \KPS{} first checks if a
+prebuilt database (see ``Filename data\-base'' on
+page~\pageref{Filename-database}) applies to \var{p}, i.e., if the database
+is in a directory that is a prefix of \var{p}. If so, the path
+specification is matched against the contents of the database.
+If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path
+element, or contains no matches, the filesystem is searched (if this
+was not forbidden by a specification starting with \samp{!!}\ and if
+the file being searched for must exist). \KPS{} constructs the list
+of directories that correspond to this path element, and then checks
+in each for the file being sought.
+The ``file must exist'' condition comes into play with \samp{.vf} files and
+input files read by \TeX's \cs{openin} command. Such files may not
+exist (e.g., \file{cmr10.vf}), and so it would be wrong to search the
+disk for them. Therefore, if you fail to update \file{ls-R} when you
+install a new \samp{.vf} file, it will never be found.
+Each path element is checked in turn: first the database, then the
+disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result is
+Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory
+name, \KPS{} supports additional features in search paths: layered
+default values, environment variable names, config file values, users'
+home directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say
+that \KPS{} \emph{expands} a path element, meaning it transforms all
+the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is
+described in the following sections in the same order as it takes
+Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly
+relative, i.e., starts with \samp{/} or \samp{./} or \samp{../},
+\KPS{} simply checks if that file exists.
+ \caption{An illustrative configuration file sample}
+ \label{fig:config-sample}
+\subsubsection{Path sources}
+A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which
+\KPS{} uses them:
+ A user-set environment variable, for instance, \envname{TEXINPUTS}\@.
+ Environment variables with a period and a program name appended
+ override; e.g., if \samp{latex} is the name of the program being run,
+ then \envname{TEXINPUTS.latex} will override \envname{TEXINPUTS}.
+ A program-specific configuration file, for exam\-ple, a line
+ \samp{S /a:/b} in \cmdname{dvips}'s \file{}.
+\item A \KPS{} configuration file \file{texmf.cnf}, containing a line like
+ \samp{TEXINPUTS=/c:/d} (see below).
+\item The compile-time default.
+\noindent You can see each of these values for a given
+search path by using the debugging options (see ``Debugging actions''
+on page~\pageref{Debugging}).
+\subsubsection{Config files}
+\KPS{} reads \emph{runtime configuration files} named \file{texmf.cnf}
+for search path and other definitions. The search path used to look
+for these files is named \envname{TEXMFCNF} (by default such a file lives
+in the \file{texmf/web2c} subdirectory). \emph{All}
+\file{texmf.cnf} files in the search path will be read and definitions
+in earlier files override those in later files. Thus, with a search
+path of \verb|.:$TEXMF|, values from \file{./texmf.cnf} override those
+from \verb|$TEXMF/texmf.cnf|.
+ Comments start with \code{\%} and continue to the end of the line.
+ Blank lines are ignored.
+ A \bs{} at the end of a line acts as a continuation character,
+ i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace at the beginning of
+ continuation lines is not ignored.
+ Each remaining line has the form:
+ \var{variable}[.\var{progname}] [=] \var{value}
+ where the \samp{=} and surrounding whitespace are optional.
+ The \ttvar{variable} name may contain any character other
+ than whitespace, \samp{=}, or \samp{.}, but sticking to
+ \samp{A-Za-z\_} is safest.
+ If \samp{.\var{progname}} is present, the definition only
+ applies if the program that is running is named
+ \texttt{\var{progname}} or \texttt{\var{progname}.exe}. This allows
+ different flavors of \TeX{} to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+\item \var{value} may contain any characters except
+ \code{\%} and \samp{@}. The
+ \code{\$\var{var}.\var{prog}} feature is not available on the
+ right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable. A
+ \samp{;}\ in \var{value} is translated to \samp{:}\ if
+ running under Unix; this is useful to be able to have a single
+ \file{texmf.cnf} for Unix, \acro{MS-DOS} and Windows systems.
+ All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so
+ variables can be referenced before they are defined.
+A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these points is
+shown below:
+shown in Figure~\ref{fig:config-sample}.
+\subsubsection{Path expansion}
+\KPS{} recognizes certain special characters and constructions in
+search paths, similar to those available in Unix shells. As a
+general example, the complex path,
+\verb+~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz+, expands to all subdirectories under
+directories \file{foo} and \file{bar} in \texttt{\$USER}'s home
+directory that contain a directory or file \file{baz}. These
+expansions are explained in the sections below.
+\subsubsection{Default expansion}
+If the highest-priority search path (see ``Path sources'' on
+page~\pageref{Path-sources}) contains an \emph{extra colon} (i.e.,
+leading, trailing, or doubled), \KPS{} inserts at that point the
+next-highest-prio\-rity search path that is defined. If that inserted
+path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next highest. For
+example, given an environment variable setting
+> \Ucom{setenv TEXINPUTS /home/karl:}
+and a \code{TEXINPUTS} value from \file{texmf.cnf} of
+ .:\$TEXMF//tex
+then the final value used for searching will be:
+ /home/karl:.:\$TEXMF//tex
+Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one
+place, \KPS{} changes only one extra \samp{:}\ and leaves any others in
+place. It checks first for a leading \samp{:}, then a trailing
+\samp{:}, then a doubled \samp{:}.
+\subsubsection{Brace expansion}
+A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance,
+\verb+v{a,b}w+ expands to \verb+vaw:vbw+. Nesting is allowed.
+This is used to implement multiple \TeX{} hierarchies, by
+assigning a brace list to \code{\$TEXMF}.
+For example, in \file{texmf.cnf}, the following definition
+(appproximately; there are actually even more trees) is made:
+Using this you can then write something like
+ TEXINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex//
+which means that, after looking in the current directory, the
+\code{\$TEXMFHOME/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFLOCAL/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFVAR/tex}
+and \code{\$TEXMFMAIN/tex} trees \emph{only}) will be searched (the
+last two use using \file{ls-R} data base files). It is a convenient
+way for running two parallel \TeX{} structures, one ``frozen'' (on a
+\CD, for instance) and the other being continuously updated with new
+versions as they become available. By using the \code{\$TEXMF}
+variable in all definitions, one is sure to always search the
+up-to-date tree first.
+\subsubsection{Subdirectory expansion}
+Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory
+\var{d} is replaced by all subdirectories of \var{d}: first those
+subdirectories directly under \var{d}, then the subsubdirectories under
+those, and so on. At each level, the order in which the directories are
+searched is \emph{unspecified}.
+If you specify any filename components after the \samp{//}, only
+subdirectories with matching components are included. For example,
+\samp{/a//b} expands into directories \file{/a/1/b}, \file{/a/2/b},
+\file{/a/1/1/b}, and so on, but not \file{/a/b/c} or \file{/a/1}.
+Multiple \samp{//} constructs in a path are possible, but
+\samp{//} at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+\subsubsection{List of special characters and their meaning: a summary}
+The following list summarizes the special characters in \KPS{}
+configuration files.
+% need a wider space for the item labels here.
+\item[\CODE{:}] Separator in path specification; at the beginning or
+ the end of a path it substitutes the default path expansion.\par
+\item[\CODE{;}] Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like \code{:}).
+\item[\CODE{\$}] Variable expansion.
+\item[\CODE{\string~}] Represents the user's home directory.
+\item[\CODE{\char`\{...\char`\}}] Brace expansion.
+\item[\CODE{//}] Subdirectory expansion (can occur anywhere in
+ a path, except at its beginning).
+\item[\CODE{\%}] Start of comment.
+\item[\CODE{\bs}] Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+\item[\CODE{!!}] Search \emph{only} database to locate file, \emph{do
+ not} search the disk.
+\subsection{Filename databases}
+\KPS{} goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches.
+Nevertheless, at installations with enough directories, searching each
+possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time
+(this is especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to
+be traversed.) Therefore, \KPS{} can use an externally-built plain text
+``database'' file named \file{ls-R} that maps files to directories,
+thus avoiding the need to exhaustively search the disk.
+A second database file \file{aliases} allows you to give additional
+names to the files listed in \file{ls-R}. This can be helpful to
+confirm to \acro{DOS} 8.3 filename conventions in source files.
+\subsubsection{The filename database}
+As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be
+\file{ls-R}. You can put one at the root of each \TeX{} hierarchy in
+your installation that you wish to be searched (\code{\$TEXMF} by
+default); most sites have only one hierarchy. \KPS{} looks for
+\file{ls-R} files along the \code{TEXMFDBS} path.
+The recommended way to create and maintain \samp{ls-R} is to run the
+\code{mktexlsr} script included with the distribution. It is invoked
+by the various \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts. In principle, this script
+just runs the command
+cd \var{/your/texmf/root} && \path|\|ls -1LAR ./ >ls-R
+presuming your system's \code{ls} produces the right output format
+(\acro{GNU} \code{ls} is all right). To ensure that the database is
+always up-to-date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via
+\code{cron}, so that it is automatically updated when the installed
+files change, such as after installing or updating a \LaTeX{} package.
+If a file is not found in the database, by default \KPS{} goes ahead
+and searches the disk. If a particular path element begins with
+\samp{!!}, however, \emph{only} the database will be searched for that
+element, never the disk.
+\subsubsection{kpsewhich: Standalone path searching}
+The \texttt{kpsewhich} program exercises path searching independent of any
+particular application. This can be useful as a sort of \code{find}
+program to locate files in \TeX{} hierarchies (this is used heavily in
+the distributed \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts).
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich \var{option}\dots{} \var{filename}\dots{}}
+The options specified in \ttvar{option} start with either \samp{-}
+or \samp{-{}-}, and any unambiguous abbreviation is accepted.
+\KPS{} looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a
+filename, and returns the first file found. There is no option to
+return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix
+\samp{find} utility for that).
+The more important options are described next.
+ Set the resolution to \ttvar{num}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. \samp{-D} is a synonym, for compatibility
+ with \cmdname{dvips}. Default is 600.
+ Set the format for lookup to \ttvar{name}. By default, the
+ format is guessed from the filename. For formats which do not have
+ an associated unambiguous suffix, such as \MP{} support files and
+ \cmdname{dvips} configuration files, you have to specify the name as
+ known to \KPS{}, such as \texttt{tex} or \texttt{enc files}. Run
+ \texttt{kpsewhich -{}-help} for a list.
+ Set the mode name to \ttvar{string}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. No default: any mode will be found.
+ Do everything possible to find the files, notably including
+ searching the disk. By default, only the \file{ls-R} database is
+ checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ Search along the path \ttvar{string} (colon-separated as usual),
+ instead of guessing the search path from the filename. \samp{//} and
+ all the usual expansions are supported. The options \samp{-{}-path}
+ and \samp{-{}-format} are mutually exclusive.
+ Set the program name to \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ This can affect the search paths via the \texttt{.\var{progname}}
+ feature.
+ The default is \cmdname{kpsewhich}.
+ shows the path used for file lookups of file type \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ Either a filename extension (\code{.pk}, \code{.vf}, etc.) or a
+ name can be used, just as with \samp{-{}-format} option.
+ sets the debugging options to \texttt{\var{num}}.
+\subsubsection{Examples of use}
+Let us now have a look at \KPS{} in action. Here's a straightforward search:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich article.cls}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
+We are looking for the file \file{article.cls}. Since the \samp{.cls}
+suffix is unambiguous we do not need to specify that we want to look for a
+file of type \optname{tex} (\TeX{} source file directories). We find it in
+the subdirectory \file{tex/latex/base} below the \samp{texmf-dist} \TL\
+directory. Similarly, all of the following are found without problems
+thanks to their unambiguous suffix.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich array.sty}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/array.sty
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich latin1.def}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latin1.def
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich size10.clo}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich small2e.tex}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/small2e.tex
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich tugboat.bib}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/bibtex/bib/beebe/tugboat.bib
+That last is a \BibTeX{} bibliography database for \textsl{TUGBoat} articles.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+Font bitmap glyph files of type \file{.pk} are used by display
+programs like \cmdname{dvips} and \cmdname{xdvi}. Nothing is returned in
+this case since there are no pre-generated Computer Modern \samp{.pk}
+files in \TL{}\Dash the Type~1 variants are used by default.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+\else /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/
+... wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+For these fonts (a phonetic alphabet from the University of Washington)
+we had to generate \samp{.pk} files, and since the default \MF{} mode on
+our installation is \texttt{ljfour} with a base resolution of 600\dpi{}
+(dots per inch), this instantiation is returned.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich -dpi=300}
+In this case, when specifying that we are interested in a resolution
+of 300\dpi{} (\texttt{-dpi=300}) we see that no such font is available on
+the system. A program like \cmdname{dvips} or \cmdname{xdvi} would
+go off and actually build the required \texttt{.pk} files
+using the script \cmdname{mktexpk}.
+Next we turn our attention to \cmdname{dvips}'s header and configuration
+files. We first look at one of the commonly used files, the general
+prolog \file{} for \TeX{} support, before turning our attention
+to the generic configuration file (\file{}) and the \PS{} font
+map \file{}\Dash as of 2004, map and encoding files have
+their own search paths and new location in \dirname{texmf} trees. As
+the \samp{.ps} suffix is ambiguous we have to specify explicitly which
+type we are considering (\optname{dvips config}) for the file
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/config/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/
+We now take a closer look at the \acro{URW} Times \PS{} support
+files. The prefix for these in the standard font naming scheme is
+\samp{utm}. The first file we look at is the configuration file,
+which contains the name of the map file:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config" config.utm}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/dvips/psnfss/config.utm
+The contents of that file is
+ p
+which points to the file \file{}, which we want to
+locate next.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/times/
+This map file defines the file names of the Type~1 \PS{} fonts in
+the URW collection. Its contents look like (we only show part of the
+utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal... <utmbi8a.pfb
+utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal... <utmri8a.pfb
+utmbo8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmro8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+Let us, for instance, take the Times Roman instance
+\file{utmr8a.pfb} and find its position in the \file{texmf} directory
+tree with a search for Type~1 font files:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich utmr8a.pfb}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb
+\else /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/
+... urw/utm/utmr8a.pfb
+It should be evident from these examples how you can easily locate the
+whereabouts of a given file. This is especially important if you suspect
+that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since
+\cmdname{kpsewhich} will show you the first file encountered.
+\subsubsection{Debugging actions}
+Sometimes it is necessary to investigate how a program resolves file
+references. To make this practical, \KPS{} offers various levels of
+debugging output:
+\item[\texttt{\ 1}] \texttt{stat} calls (disk lookups). When running
+ with an up-to-date \file{ls-R} database this should almost give no
+ output.
+\item[\texttt{\ 2}] References to hash tables (such as \file{ls-R}
+ databases, map files, configuration files).
+\item[\texttt{\ 4}] File open and close operations.
+\item[\texttt{\ 8}] General path information for file types
+ searched by \KPS. This is useful to find out where a particular
+ path for the file was defined.
+\item[\texttt{16}] Directory list for each path element (only relevant
+ for searches on disk).
+\item[\texttt{32}] File searches.
+A value of \texttt{-1} will set all the above options; in practice,
+this is usually the most convenient.
+Similarly, with the \cmdname{dvips} program, by setting a combination of
+debug switches, one can follow in detail where files are being picked up
+from. Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace shows in
+which directories the program looks for the given file, so that one can
+get an indication what the problem~is.
+Generally speaking, as most programs call the \KPS{} library
+internally, one can select a debug option by using the
+\envname{KPATHSEA\_DEBUG} environment variable, and setting it to (a
+combination of) values as described in the above list.
+(Note for Windows users: it is not easy to redirect
+all messages to a file in this system. For diagnostic purposes
+you can temporarily \texttt{SET KPATHSEA\_DEBUG\_OUTPUT=err.log}).
+Let us consider, as an example, a small \LaTeX{} source file,
+\file{hello-world.tex}, which contains the following input.
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \begin{document}
+ Hello World!
+ \end{document}
+This little file only uses the font \file{cmr10}, so let us look at
+how \cmdname{dvips} prepares the \PS{} file (we want to use the Type~1
+version of the Computer Modern fonts, hence the option \texttt{-Pcms}).
+> \Ucom{dvips -d4100 hello-world -Pcms -o}
+In this case we have combined \cmdname{dvips}'s debug class 4 (font
+paths) with \KPS's path element expansion (see \cmdname{dvips} Reference
+Manual, \OnCD{texmf/doc/html/dvips/dvips_toc.html}).
+The output (slightly rearranged) appears in
+\caption{Finding configuration files}\label{fig:dvipsdbga}
+\caption{Finding the prolog file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgb}
+\caption{Finding the font file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgc}
+\cmdname{dvips} starts by locating its working files. First,
+\file{texmf.cnf} is found, which gives the definitions of the search
+paths for the other files, then the file database \file{ls-R} (to
+optimize file searching) and the file \file{aliases}, which makes it
+possible to declare several names (e.g., a short \acro{DOS}-like 8.3 and
+a more natural longer version) for the same file. Then \cmdname{dvips}
+goes on to find the generic configuration file \file{}
+before looking for the customization file \file{.dvipsrc} (which, in
+this case is \emph{not found}). Finally, \cmdname{dvips} locates the
+config file for the Computer Modern \PS{} fonts \file{config.cms}
+(this was initiated with the \texttt{-Pcms} option on the \cmdname{dvips}
+command). This file contains the list of the map files which
+define the relation between the \TeX{}, \PS{} and file system
+names of the fonts.
+> \Ucom{more /usr/local/texmf/dvips/cms/config.cms}
+ p
+ p
+ p
+ p
+\cmdname{dvips} thus goes on to find all these files, plus the generic
+map file \file{}, which is always loaded (it contains
+declarations for commonly used \PS{} fonts; see the last part of
+Section \ref{SExamplesofuse} for more details about \PS{} map
+file handling).
+At this point \cmdname{dvips} identifies itself to the user:
+This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{}:
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search( => /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{} (see
+After having found the file in question, \cmdname{dvips} outputs
+date and time, and informs us that it will generate the
+file \file{}, then that it needs the font file
+\file{cmr10}, and that the latter is declared as ``resident'' (no
+bitmaps needed):
+TeX output 1998.02.26:1204' ->
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.0pt
+Font cmr10 <CMR10> is resident.
+Now the search is on for the file \file{cmr10.tfm}, which is found,
+then a few more prolog files (not shown) are referenced, and finally
+the Type~1 instance \file{cmr10.pfb} of the font is located and
+included in the output file (see last line).
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.tfm, must\_exist=1, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/fonts/tfm//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ /var/tex/fonts/tfm//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.tfm) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.pfb, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.pfb) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/cmr10.pfb
+\subsection{Runtime options}
+Another useful feature of \Webc{} is its possibility to control a number
+of memory parameters (in particular, array sizes) via the runtime file
+\file{texmf.cnf} read by \KPS{}. The memory settings can be found in
+Part 3 of that file in the \TL{} distribution. The more important
+ Total words of memory available, for
+ \TeX{}, \MF{} and \MP. You must make a new format file for each
+ different setting. For instance, you could generate a ``huge''
+ version of \TeX{}, and call the format file \texttt{hugetex.fmt}.
+ Using the standard way of specifying the program name used by \KPS{},
+ the particular value of the \texttt{main\_memory} variable will then
+ be read from \file{texmf.cnf}.
+ etc.).
+ Extra space for ``large'' \TeX{} data structures:
+ boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if you use
+ \PiCTeX{}.
+ Number of words for font information available for \TeX. This
+ is more or less the total size of all TFM files read.
+ Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names.
+ Approximately 10,000 control sequences can be stored in the main
+ hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. The default value of
+ \texttt{hash\_extra} is \texttt{50000}.
+\noindent Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic
+arrays and memory allocation, but since these are extremely difficult to
+implement in the present \TeX{} source, these runtime parameters provide
+a practical compromise allowing some flexibility.
+\section{Building on a new Unix platform}
+If you have a platform for which executables are not included, you will
+need to compile \TeX{} and friends. This is not as hard as it
+sounds. What you need is all in the directory \texttt{source} in the
+You will need at least 100 megabytes of disk space to compile all of
+\TeX{} and its support programs. You'll also need an \acro{ANSI} C
+compiler, a \cmdname{make} utility, a lexical scanner, and a parser
+generator. We recommend the \acro{GNU} version of these programs
+(\cmdname{gcc}, \acro{GNU} \cmdname{make}, \cmdname{m4}, \cmdname{flex},
+\cmdname{bison}). You may be able to work with other C compilers and
+\cmdname{make} programs, but you will need a good understanding of
+building Unix programs to sort out problems.
+Also, the command \texttt{uname} must return a sensible value.
+To begin, perform a normal installation of \TL{} to your disk (see
+section~\ref{sec:unix-install-disk} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:unix-install-disk}). You may wish to skip installing
+all of the prebuilt binaries.
+Then, unpack the source from the compressed \texttt{tar} file in the
+directory \dirname{source} to your disk and change directory to where
+you placed it.
+Next, run \cmdname{configure} with a command line like this:
+> \Ucom{sh configure -prefix=/usr/local/TeX}
+The \optname{-prefix} directory is the one where you installed the
+support tree; the directory layout will be as follows (where \$TEXDIR
+stands for the directory you chose):
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/share/texmf} & main tree with fonts,\\
+ & \qquad macros, etc\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/man} & Unix manual pages\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/info} & \acro{GNU} style Info manuals\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin/$PLATFORM} & binaries\\
+If you want to leave out the \dirname{$PLATFORM} directory level,
+i.e., put the binaries directly into \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin}, specify
+the \verb|--disable-multiplatform| option to \cmdname{configure}.
+Have a look at the output of \verb|./configure --help| for more
+options you can use. For example, you can skip building of \OMEGA{} and
+\subsection{Running \cmdname{make}}
+Make sure the shell variable or option \texttt{noclobber} is not set.
+Then, run the main \cmdname{make} like this:
+> \Ucom{make world}
+and relax\ldots
+Alternatively, you want to log all the output, as in:
+> \Ucom{sh -c "make world >world.log 2>\&1" \&}
+Before you believe that everything went ok, please check the log file
+for errors: \acro{GNU} \cmdname{make} always uses the string \samp{***}
+whenever a command fails. Also, check if all the programs were built:
+> \Ucom{cd \var{TEXDIR}/bin/\var{archname}}
+> \Ucom{ls | wc}
+The result should be over 200 (you can check the exact number with the
+\dirname{bin} directory contents in the distribution).
+If you need special privileges for \texttt{make install}, you can
+separate the \samp{make world} into two different runs, like this:
+> \Ucom{make all}
+> \Ucom{su}
+> \Ucom{make install strip}
+After you've installed your new binaries, you should follow the normal
+post-installation procedures, given in section~\ref{sec:postinstall}
+Also, if you'd like to make your binaries available to others, please
+contact us. We'll be happy to put them on the \TL\ web pages.
+\TL{} is a joint effort by virtually all of the \TeX{} user groups.
+This edition of \TL{} was overseen by Sebastian Rahtz and Karl Berry.
+The other principal contributors are listed below.
+\item The German-speaking \TeX{} Users (\acro{DANTE} e.V.), who provide
+the hardware for the \TL{} source repository; and Rainer Sch\"opf and
+Reinhard Zierke who look after it. \acro{DANTE} officers Volker Schaa
+and Klaus H\"oppner coordinate production with the Lehmann's Bookstore
+\item The Perforce corporation (\url{}), for providing
+a free copy of their excellent change management system, which we use
+to manage the \TL{} sources.
+\item Peter Breitenlohner and the \eTeX\ team for the stable foundation
+of future \TeX's.
+\item Thomas Esser, without whose marvelous \teTeX{} package \TL{}
+would certainly not exist, and whose continual help makes it a better
+\item Michel Goossens, who co-authored the original documentation.
+\item Eitan Gurari, whose \TeX4ht was used to create the \HTML{}
+version of this documentation, and who worked tirelessly to improve
+it at short notice.
+\item Hans Hagen, for major testing and making the \ConTeXt\ format
+conform to \TL's needs.
+\item Pawe{\l} Jackowski, for the Windows installer \cmdname{tlpm},
+and Tomasz {\L}uczak, for \cmdname{tlpmgui}.
+\item \Thanh, Martin Schr\"oder, and the pdf\TeX\ team for continuing
+enhancements of \TeX's abilities.
+\item Petr Olsak, who coordinated and checked all the Czech and Slovak
+material very carefully.
+\item Fabrice Popineau, for the Windows binaries in \TL{}.
+\item Staszek Wawrykiewicz, the principal tester for all of \TL{},
+and coordinator of the many major Polish contributions: fonts, Windows
+installation, and more.
+\item Olaf Weber, for his patient assembly and maintenance of Web2C,
+upon which all else depends.
+\item Gerben Wierda, for creating and maintaining the \MacOSX\ support,
+and much integration and testing.
+\item Graham Williams, on whose work the catalogue of packages depends.
+Builders of the binaries:
+Tigran Aivazian (\pkgname{x86\_64-linux}),
+Manfred Lotz (\pkgname{i386-freebsd}),
+Fabrice Popineau (\pkgname{win32}),
+Norbert Preining (\pkgname{alpha-linux}),
+Vladimir Volovich (\pkgname{powerpc-aix}, \pkgname{sparc-linux},
+ \pkgname{sparc-solaris}),
+Staszek Wawrykiewicz (\pkgname{i386-linux}),
+Olaf Weber (\pkgname{mips-irix}),
+Gerben Wierda (\pkgname{i386-darwin}, \pkgname{powerpc-darwin}).
+Documentation and translation updates:
+Karl Berry (English),
+Daniel Flipo \& Fabrice Popineau (French),
+G\"unter Partosch \& Hartmut Henkel (German),
+Petr Sojka \& Jan Busa (Czech\slash Slovak),
+Boris Veytsman (Russian),
+Staszek Wawrykiewicz (Polish).
+Of course the most important acknowledgement must go to Donald Knuth, first
+for inventing \TeX, and then for giving it to the world.
+\section{Release history}
+Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group was
+starting work on its 4All\TeX{} \CD{} for \acro{MS-DOS} users, and it
+was hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, \CD{} for all
+systems. This was too ambitious a target for the time, but it did spawn
+not only the very successful 4All\TeX{} \CD{}, but also the \acro{TUG}
+Technical Council working group on a \emph{\TeX{} Directory Structure}
+(\url{}), which specified how to create consistent and
+manageable collections of \TeX{} support files. A complete draft of the
+\TDS{} was published in the December 1995 issue of \textsl{TUGboat}, and
+it was clear from an early stage that one desirable product would be a
+model structure on \CD{}. The distribution you now have is a very direct
+result of the working group's deliberations. It was also clear that the
+success of the 4All\TeX{} \CD{} showed that Unix users would benefit
+from a similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of
+We first undertook to make a new Unix-based \TDS{} \CD{} in the autumn
+of 1995, and quickly identified Thomas Esser's \teTeX{} as the ideal
+setup, as it already had multi-platform support and was built with
+portability across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and work
+began seriously at the start of 1996. The first edition was released in
+May 1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a major new release
+of Web2c, which included nearly all the features which Thomas Esser had
+added in \teTeX, and we decided to base the 2nd edition of the \CD{} on
+the standard \Webc, with the addition of \teTeX's \texttt{texconfig}
+script. The 3rd edition of the \CD{} was based on a major revision of
+\Webc, 7.2, by Olaf Weber; at the same time, a new revision of \teTeX
+was being made, and \TL{} included almost all of its features. The
+4th edition followed the same pattern, using a new version of \teTeX,
+and a new release of \Webc{} (7.3). The system now included a complete
+Windows setup.
+For the 5th edition (March 2000) many parts of the \CD{} were revised
+and checked, updating hundreds of packages. Package details were stored
+in XML files. But the major change for \TeX\ Live 5 was that all
+non-free software was removed. Everything in \TL{} is now intended
+to be compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
+(\url{}); we have done our best to check
+the license conditions of all packages, but we would very much
+appreciate hearing of any mistakes.
+The 6th edition (July 2001) had much more material updated. The major
+change was a new install concept: the user could select a more exact set
+of needed collections. Language-related collections were completely
+reorganized, so selecting any of them installs not only macros, fonts,
+etc., but also prepares an appropriate \texttt{language.dat}.
+The 7th edition of 2002 had the notable addition of \MacOSX{} support,
+and the usual myriad of updates to all sorts of packages and
+programs. An important goal was integration of the source back with
+\teTeX, to correct the drift apart in versions~5 and~6.
+In 2003, with the continuing flood of updates and additions, we found
+that \TL{} had grown so large it could no longer be contained on a
+single \CD, so we split it into three different distributions (see
+section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist}, \p.\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}). In
+\item At the request of the \LaTeX{} team, we changed the standard
+ \cmdname{latex} and \cmdname{pdflatex} commands to now use \eTeX{} (see
+ \p.\pageref{text:etex}).
+\item The new Latin Modern fonts were included (and are recommended).
+\item Support for Alpha \acro{OSF} was removed
+ (\acro{HPUX} support was removed previously), since no one had (or
+ volunteered) hardware available on which to compile new binaries.
+\item Windows setup was substantially changed; for the first time
+ an integrated environment based on XEmacs was introduced.
+\item Important supplementary programs for Windows
+ (Perl, Ghost\-script, Image\-Magick, Ispell) are now installed
+ in the \TL{} installation directory.
+\item Font map files used by \cmdname{dvips}, \cmdname{dvipdfm}
+ and \cmdname{pdftex} are now generated by the new program
+ \cmdname{updmap} and installed into \dirname{texmf/fonts/map}.
+\item \TeX{}, \MF{}, and \MP{} now, by default, output most input
+ characters (32 and above) as themselves in output (e.g.,
+ \verb|\write|) files,
+ log files, and the terminal, i.e., \emph{not} translated using the
+ \verb|^^| notation. In \TL{}~7, this translation was
+ dependent on the system locale settings; now, locale settings do
+ not influence the \TeX{} programs' behavior. If for some reason
+ you need the \verb|^^| output, rename the file
+ \verb|texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx|. (Future releases will have cleaner
+ ways to control this.)
+\item This documentation was substantially revised.
+\item Finally, since the edition numbers had grown unwieldy,
+ the version is now simply identified by the year: \TL{} 2003.
+2004 saw many changes:
+\item If you have locally-installed fonts which use their own
+\filename{.map} or (much less likely) \filename{.enc} support files, you
+may need to move those support files.
+\filename{.map} files are now searched for in subdirectories of
+\dirname{fonts/map} only (in each \filename{texmf} tree), along the
+\envname{TEXFONTMAPS} path. Similarly, \filename{.enc} files are now
+searched for in subdirectories of \dirname{fonts/enc} only, along the
+\envname{ENCFONTS} path. \cmdname{updmap} will attempt to warn about
+problematic files.
+For methods of handling this and other information, please see
+\item The \TK\ has been expanded with the addition of a \MIKTEX-based
+installable \CD, for those who prefer that implementation to Web2C.
+See section~\ref{sec:struct-tl} (\p.\pageref{sec:struct-tl}).
+\item Within \TL, the single large \dirname{texmf} tree of previous
+releases has been replaced by three: \dirname{texmf},
+\dirname{texmf-dist}, and \dirname{texmf-doc}. See
+section~\ref{sec:tld} (\p.\pageref{sec:tld}), and the \filename{README}
+files for each.
+\item All \TeX-related input files are now collected in
+the \dirname{tex} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, rather than
+having separate sibling directories \dirname{tex}, \dirname{etex},
+\dirname{pdftex}, \dirname{pdfetex}, etc. See
+\item Helper scripts (not meant to be invoked by users) are now located
+in a new \dirname{scripts} directory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, and
+searched for via \verb|kpsewhich -format=texmfscripts|. So if you have
+programs which call such scripts, they'll need to be adjusted. See
+\item Almost all formats leave most characters printable as
+themselves via the ``translation file'' \filename{cp227.tcx}, instead of
+translating them with the \verb|^^| notation. Specifically, characters
+at positions 32--256, plus tab, vertical tab, and form feed are
+considered printable and not translated. The exceptions are plain \TeX\
+(only 32--126 printable), \ConTeXt\ (0--255 printable), and the
+\OMEGA-related formats. This default behavior is almost the same as in
+\TL\,2003, but it's implemented more cleanly, with more possibilities
+for customization. See \CDref{texmf/doc/web2c/web2c.html\#TCX-files}
+(By the way, with Unicode input, \TeX\ may output partial character
+sequences when showing error contexts, since it is byte-oriented.)
+\item \textsf{pdfetex} is now the default engine for all formats
+except (plain) \textsf{tex} itself. (Of course it generates \acro{DVI}
+when run as \textsf{latex}, etc.) This means, among other things, that
+the microtypographic features of \textsf{pdftex} are available in
+\LaTeX, \ConTeXt, etc., as well as the \eTeX\ features
+It also means it's \emph{more important than ever} to use the
+\pkgname{ifpdf} package (works with both plain and \LaTeX) or equivalent
+code, because simply testing whether \cs{pdfoutput} or some other
+primitive is defined is not a reliable way to determine if \acro{PDF}
+output is being generated. We made this backward compatible as best we
+could this year, but next year, \cs{pdfoutput} may be defined even when
+\acro{DVI} is being written.
+\item pdf\TeX\ (\url{}) has many new features:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cs{pdfmapfile} and \cs{pdfmapline} provide font map support
+ from within a document.
+ \item Microtypographic font expansion can be used more easily.\\
+ \url{}
+ \item All parameters previously set through the special configuration
+ file \filename{pdftex.cfg} must now be set through primitives,
+ typically in \filename{pdftexconfig.tex}; \filename{pdftex.cfg} is no
+ longer supported. Any extant \filename{.fmt} files must be redumped
+ when \filename{pdftexconfig.tex} is changed.
+ \item See the pdf\TeX\ manual for more: \OnCD{texmf/doc/pdftex/manual}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+\item The \cs{input} primitive in \cmdname{tex} (and \cmdname{mf} and
+\cmdname{mpost}) now accepts double quotes containing spaces and other
+special characters. Typical examples:
+\input "filename with spaces" % plain
+\input{"filename with spaces"} % latex
+See the Web2C manual for more: \OnCD{texmf/doc/web2c}.
+\item enc\TeX\ support is now included within Web2C and consequently all
+\TeX\ programs, via the \optname{-enc} option\Dash \emph{only when
+formats are built}. enc\TeX\ supports general re-encoding of input and
+output, enabling full support of Unicode (in \acro{UTF}-8). See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/enctex/} and
+\item Aleph, a new engine combining \eTeX\ and \OMEGA, is available.
+A little information is available in \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base}
+and \url{}. The
+\LaTeX-based format for Aleph is named \textsf{lamed}.
+\item The latest \LaTeX\ release has a new version of the
+\acro{LPPL}\Dash now officially a Debian-approved license. Assorted
+other updates, see the \filename{ltnews} files in
+\item \cmdname{dvipng}, a new program for converting \acro{DVI} to
+\acro{PNG} image files, is included. See \OnCD{texmf/doc/man/man1/dvipng.1}.
+\item We reduced the \pkgname{cbgreek} package to a ``medium'' sized set
+of fonts, with the assent and advice of the author (Claudio Beccari).
+The excised fonts are the invisible, outline, and transparency ones,
+which are relatively rarely used, and we needed the space. The full set
+is of course available from \acro{CTAN}
+\item \cmdname{oxdvi} has been removed; just use \cmdname{xdvi}.
+\item The \cmdname{ini} and \cmdname{vir} commands (links) for
+\cmdname{tex}, \cmdname{mf}, and \cmdname{mpost} are no longer created,
+such as \cmdname{initex}. The \cmdname{ini} functionality has been
+available through the command-line option \optname{-ini} for years now.
+\item \textsf{i386-openbsd} platform support was removed. Since the
+\pkgname{tetex} package in the \acro{BSD} Ports system is available, and
+\acro{GNU/}Linux and Free\acro{BSD} binaries were available, it seemed
+volunteer time could be better spent elsewhere.
+\item On \textsf{sparc-solaris} (at least), you may have to set the
+\envname{LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH} environment variable to run the
+\pkgname{t1utils} programs. This is because they are compiled with C++,
+and there is no standard location for the runtime libraries. (This is
+not new in 2004, but wasn't previously documented.) Similarly, on
+\textsf{mips-irix}, the \acro{MIPS}pro 7.4 runtimes are required.
+2005 saw the usual huge number of updates to packages and programs.
+The infrastructure stayed relatively stable from 2004, but inevitably
+there were some changes there as well:
+\item New scripts \cmdname{texconfig-sys}, \cmdname{updmap-sys}, and
+ \cmdname{fmtutil-sys} were introduced, which modify the
+ configuration in the system trees. The \cmdname{texconfig},
+ \cmdname{updmap}, and \cmdname{fmtutil} scripts now modify
+ user-specific files, under \dirname{$HOME/.texlive2005}.
+ See section~\ref{sec:texconfig}, \p.\pageref{sec:texconfig}.
+\item Corresponding new variables \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} to specify the trees where configuration
+ files (user or system, respectively) are found. Thus, you may
+ need to move personal versions of \filename{fmtutil.cnf} and
+ \filename{updmap.cfg} to these places; another option is to
+ redefine \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} or \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} in
+ \filename{texmf.cnf}. In any case the real location of these files
+ and the values of \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ must agree.
+ See section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}, \p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}.
+\item Last year, we kept \verb|\pdfoutput| and other primitives undefined
+ for DVI output, even though the \cmdname{pdfetex} program was
+ being used. This year, as promised, we undid that compatibility
+ measure. So if your document uses \verb|\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined|
+ to test if PDF is being output, it will need to be changed. You
+ can use the package \pkgname{ifpdf.sty} (which works under both
+ plain \TeX\ and \LaTeX) to do this, or steal its logic.
+\item Last year, we changed most formats to output (8-bit) characters as
+ themselves (see previous section). The new TCX file
+ \filename{empty.tcx} now provides an easier way to get the
+ original \verb|^^| notation if you so desire, as in:
+latex --translate-file=empty.tcx yourfile.tex
+\item The new program \cmdname{dvipdfmx} is included for translation of
+ DVI to PDF; this is an actively maintained update of
+ \cmdname{dvipdfm} (which is also still available for now, though
+ no longer recommended).
+\item The new programs \cmdname{pdfopen} and \cmdname{pdfclose} are included
+ to allow reloading of pdf files in the Adobe Acrobat Reader without
+ restarting the program. (Other pdf readers, notably \cmdname{xpdf},
+ \cmdname{gv}, and \cmdname{gsview}, have never suffered from this
+ problem.)
+\item For consistency, the variables \envname{HOMETEXMF} and
+ \envname{VARTEXMF} have been renamed to \envname{TEXMFHOME} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}, respectively. There is also
+ \envname{TEXMFVAR}, which is by default user-specific. See the
+ first point above.
+\emph{\TL{} is not perfect!} (And never will be.) We intend to
+continue to release new versions yearly, and would like to provide more
+help material, more utilities, more installation programs, and (of
+course) an ever-improved and checked tree of macros and fonts. This work
+is all done by hard-pressed volunteers in their limited spare time, and
+a great deal remains to be done. If you can help, don't hesitate to put
+your name forward!
+Please send corrections, suggestions, and offers of help to:\hfill\null
+Sebastian Rahtz \ / \ 7 Stratfield Road \ / \ Oxford OX2 7BG \ / \ UK \\
+\email{} \\
+\noindent \textsl{Happy \TeX ing!}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2007.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2007.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8232db8becf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2007.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3264 @@
+% $Id: live.tex 3938 2007-02-06 01:49:45Z karl $
+% TeX Live documentation. Originally written by Sebastian Rahtz and
+% Michel Goossens, now maintained by Karl Berry and others.
+% Public domain.
+\let\tldocenglish=1 % for live4ht.cfg
+ {\huge \textit{The \protect\TL{} Guide}\\\strut}
+ {\LARGE \textsf{\TL{} 2007}}
+\author{Karl Berry, editor \\[3mm]
+ \url{}
+ }
+\date{January 2007}
+This document describes the main features of the \TL{} software
+distribution\Dash \TeX{} and friends for \acro{GNU}/Linux and other Unix
+flavors, \MacOSX, and (32-bit) Windows systems. (Warning: it is not
+especially useful for older Mac or \acro{MS-DOS} systems.)
+\TL{} includes executables for \TeX{}, \LaTeXe{}, \ConTeXt, \MF, \MP,
+\BibTeX{} and many other programs; an extensive collection of macros,
+fonts and documentation; and support for typesetting in many different
+scripts from around the world. It is part of the even larger \TK{}
+(briefly described below in section~\ref{sec:struct-tl},
+\p.\pageref{sec:struct-tl}). Both are cooperative efforts by the \TeX\
+user groups.
+For newer versions of the packages included here, please check
+\acro{CTAN}: \url{}.
+For a brief summary of the major changes in this edition of \TL{},
+see the end of the document, section~\ref{sec:history}
+\subsection{Basic usage of \protect\TL{}}
+You can use \TL{} in three principal ways:
+\item You can run \TL{} directly from the \pkgname{live} \DVD
+(see section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist}, \p.\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}).
+This takes almost no disk space, and gives you immediate access to
+everything in \TL{}. Of course performance will be worse than running
+on local disk, but you may well find it useful.
+\item You can install all or part of \TL{} to a local disk, from either
+the \DVD\ or the \pkgname{inst} \acro{CD}. This is the most common use
+of \TL. You will need (approximately) 100 megabytes for the most
+minimal system, and upwards of 1.3 gigabytes for a full system.
+\item You can integrate a particular package or collection into your
+existing \TeX{} system, either a \TL{} system you installed
+earlier, or a different system.
+\noindent All of these are described in detail in the \acro{OS}-specific
+installation sections following, but here is a quick start:
+\item The main installation script for Unix and \MacOSX{} is
+GNU/Linux users can also try a new GUI installation program:
+run \texttt{setuptl/tlpmgui}. More information
+can be found in section \ref{sec:win-install} on
+\item The single package installation script is \texttt{}.
+(After installation on Linux with \texttt{tlpmgui}, you can also try
+running \texttt{tlpmgui} again to add or remove individual packages or
+\item The installation program for Windows is \texttt{tlpmgui.exe}.
+It can be used also for adding or removing the packages.
+See section~\ref{sec:win-install} below for more information.
+\subsection{Getting help}
+The \TeX{} community is both active and friendly, and virtually all
+serious questions end up getting answered. However, the support is
+informal, done by volunteers and casual readers, so it's especially
+important that you do your homework before asking. (If you prefer
+guaranteed commercial support, you can forego \TL{} completely and
+purchase a vendor's system; \url{}
+has a list.)
+Here is a list of resources, approximately in the order we recommend
+using them:
+\item [Getting Started] If you are new to \TeX, the web page
+\url{} gives a brief introduction to the system.
+\item [\TeX{} \acro{FAQ}] The \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} is a huge compendium of
+answers to all sorts of questions, from the most basic to the most
+arcane. It is included on \TL{} in \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en}, and is
+available on the Internet through \url{}.
+Please check here first.
+\item [\TeX{} Catalogue] If you are looking for a specific package,
+font, program, etc., the \TeX{} Catalogue is the place to look. It is a
+huge collection of all \TeX{}-related items. See
+\OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/english/catalogue}, or
+\item [\TeX{} Web Resources] The web page
+\url{} has many \TeX{}-related links, in
+particular for numerous books, manuals, and articles on all aspects of
+the system.
+\item [support archives] The two principal support forums are the
+Usenet newsgroup \url{news:comp.text.tex} and the mailing list
+\email{}. Their archives have years of past
+questions and answers for your searching pleasure, via
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively. And a general web
+search, for example on \url{}, never hurts.
+\item [asking questions] If you cannot find an answer, you can post to
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} through Google or your newsreader, or to
+\email{} through email. But before you post,
+\emph{please} read this \acro{FAQ} entry on asking questions in such a
+way that you're most likely to get an answer:
+\item [\TL{} support] If you want to report a bug or have
+suggestions or comments on the \TL{} distribution, installation, or
+documentation, the mailing list is \email{}. However,
+if your question is about how to use a particular program included in
+\TL{}, you are better off writing to that program's maintainer or
+mailing list.
+The other side of the coin is helping others who have questions. Both
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} and \code{texhax} are open to anyone, so feel
+free to join, start reading, and help out where you can. Welcome to
+% don't use \TL so the \uppercase in the headline works. Also so
+% tex4ht ends up with the right TeX. Likewise the \protect's.
+\section{Structure of \protect\TeX\protect\ Live}
+This section describes the structure and contents of \TL{} and the
+\TK{} of which it is a part.
+\subsection{Multiple distributions: \protect\pkgname{live},
+ \protect\pkgname{inst},
+ \protect\pkgname{protext}}
+Space limitations of \acro{CD-ROM} format have forced us to divide
+\TK{} into several distributions, as follows.
+\item [live] A complete system on \acro{DVD}; it is too large
+for \acro{CD}. It can be run live or installed to disk. It also
+includes a snapshot of the \CTAN{} repository, the \pkgname{protext}
+distribution for Windows and the Mac\TeX\ distribution for \MacOSX, entirely
+independent of \TL{}, as well as assorted other packages in a
+\texttt{texmf-extra} directory.
+\CTAN{}, \pkgname{protext}, Mac\TeX, and \texttt{texmf-extra} do not follow
+the same copying conditions as \TL{}, so be careful when redistributing or
+\item [inst(allable)] A complete system on \CD; in order to make this fit,
+the packages and programs are compressed. Therefore, it is not possible
+to run \TeX\ directly from the installable \CD, you have to install it
+to disk (hence its name). Installation is described in subsequent sections.
+\item [protext] An enhancement of the \MIKTEX\ distribution for Windows,
+\ProTeXt\ adds a few extra tools to \MIKTEX, and simplifies
+installation. It is entirely independent of \TL{}, and has its own
+installation instructions. It can be run live, or installed to disk.
+The \ProTeXt\ home page is \url{}.
+\ProTeXt\ is provided as both the top level of the \pkgname{live} \DVD\
+and on its own \CD\ (for those who cannot use the \DVD).
+\noindent You can tell which type of distribution you're in by looking
+for a \texttt{00\var{type}.TL} file at the top of the \TL{} directory.
+This file also contains the \TL{} release date.
+Naturally, each user group chooses what to distribute to its own members.
+\subsection{Top level directories}
+Here is a brief listing and description of the top level directories in
+the \TL{} distribution. On the \pkgname{live} \DVD, the entire \TL{}
+hierarchy is in a subdirectory \dirname{texliveYYYY}, not at the top
+level of the disc.
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} % open up interrow spacing
+bin & The \TeX{} system programs, arranged by platform. \\
+source & The source of all programs, including the main \Webc{}
+ \TeX{} and \MF{} distributions. These are stored in a
+ \cmdname{bzip2}-compressed tar archive. \\
+setuptl & Installation programs for Linux and Windows. \\
+support & Assorted auxiliary packages and programs. These are
+ \emph{not} installed automatically. This includes
+ assorted editors and \TeX\ shells. \\
+texmf & Tree for the programs, along with their support files and
+ documentation. Does not include \TeX\ formats and packages.
+ (\texttt{TEXMFMAIN} in the next section.) \\
+texmf-dist & The main tree of formats and packages.
+ (\texttt{TEXMFDIST} in the next section.) \\
+texmf-doc & Tree for self-contained pure documentation, arranged by
+ language. \\
+texmf-var & Tree for files automatically generated and stored.
+ (\texttt{TEXMFSYSVAR} in the next section.) \\
+In addition to the directories above, the installation scripts and
+\filename{README} files (in various languages) are at the top level of
+the distribution.
+The \dirname{texmf-doc} directory contains only documentation, but
+it does not contain all the documentation. The documentation for the
+programs (manuals, man pages, Info files) is in \dirname{texmf/doc},
+since the programs are in \dirname{texmf}. Similarly, the documentation
+for \TeX\ packages and formats is in \dirname{texmf-dist/doc}. You can
+use the \cmdname{texdoc} or \cmdname{texdoctk} programs to find any
+documentation wherever it's located. The comprehensive links in the
+top-level file \OnCD{doc.html} may also be helpful.
+\subsection{Overview of the predefined texmf trees}
+This section lists all predefined variables specifying texmf trees used
+by the system, and their intended purpose. The command \texttt{texconfig
+conf} shows you the values of these variables, so that you can easily
+find out how they map to directory names in your installation.
+\item [TEXMFMAIN] The tree which holds vital parts of the system
+ such as helper scripts (e.g., \verb+web2c/mktexdir+), pool files and
+ other support files.
+\item [TEXMFDIST] The tree which holds the main set of macro packages,
+ fonts, etc., as originally distributed.
+\item [TEXMFLOCAL] The tree which administrators can use for system-wide
+ installation of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+\item [TEXMFHOME] The tree which users can use for their own individual
+ installations of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+ The expansion of this variable depends on \verb+$HOME+ by default, % $
+ which dynamically adjusts for each user to an individual
+ directory.
+\item [TEXMFCONFIG] The tree used by te\TeX's utilities
+ \verb+texconfig+, \verb+updmap+, and \verb+fmtutil+ to store modified
+ configuration data. Under \verb+$HOME+ by default. %$
+\item [TEXMFSYSCONFIG] The tree used by te\TeX's utilities
+ \verb+texconfig-sys+, \verb+updmap-sys+, and \verb+fmtutil-sys+ to
+ store modified configuration data.
+\item [TEXMFVAR] The tree used by \verb+texconfig+, \verb+updmap+ and
+ \verb+fmtutil+ to store (cached) runtime data such as format files and
+ generated map files. Under \verb+$HOME+ by default. %$
+\item [TEXMFSYSVAR] The tree used by \verb+texconfig-sys+,
+ \verb+updmap-sys+ and \verb+fmtutil-sys+ to store (cached) runtime
+ data such as format files and generated map files.
+For more discussion of \texttt{texconfig} and related utilities, please
+see section~\ref{sec:texconfig}, \p.\pageref{sec:texconfig}.
+\subsection{Extensions to \protect\TeX}
+\TL{} contains several extended versions of \TeX:
+\item [\eTeX] adds a small but powerful set of new primitives
+\label{text:etex} (related to macro expansion, character scanning,
+classes of marks, additional debugging features, and more) and the
+\TeXXeT{} extensions for bidirectional typesetting. In default mode,
+\eTeX{} is 100\% compatible with ordinary \TeX. See
+\item [pdf\TeX] builds on the \eTeX\ extensions, adding support for
+writing \acro{PDF} output as well as \dvi{}. See
+\OnCD{texmf/doc/pdftex/manual/} for the manual, and
+\OnCD{texmf/doc/pdftex/manual/samplepdf/samplepdf.tex}. This is the
+default program for all formats except plain \TeX.
+\item [Xe\TeX] adds support for Unicode input and OpenType fonts, using
+third-party libraries. See \url{}.
+\item [\OMEGA\ (Omega)] is based on Unicode (16-bit characters), thus
+supports working with almost all the world's scripts simultaneously. It
+also supports so-called `\OMEGA{} Translation Processes' (\acro{OTP}s),
+for performing complex transformations on arbitrary input. See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/omega/base/doc-1.8.tex} (not completely up-to-date).
+\item [Aleph] combines the \OMEGA\ and \eTeX\ extensions.
+See \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base} for some minimal documentation.
+\subsection{Other notable programs in \protect\TL}
+Here are a few other commonly-used programs included in \TL{}:
+\item [bibtex] bibliography support.
+\item [makeindex] index support.
+\item [dvips] convert \dvi{} to \PS{}.
+\item [xdvi] \dvi{} previewer for the X Window System.
+\item [dvilj] \dvi{} drive for the HP LaserJet family.
+\item [dv2dt, dt2dv] convert \dvi{} to/from plain text.
+\item [dviconcat, dviselect] cut and paste pages
+from \dvi{} files.
+\item [dvipdfmx] convert \dvi{} to \acro{PDF}, an alternative approach
+to pdf\TeX\ (mentioned above). See the \pkgname{ps4pdf} and
+\pkgname{pdftricks} packages for still more alternatives.
+\item [psselect, psnup, \ldots] \PS{}
+\item [lacheck] \LaTeX{} syntax checker.
+\item [texexec] Con\TeX{}t and \acro{PDF} processor.
+\item [tex4ht] \TeX{} to \acro{HTML} converter.
+\section{Unix installation}
+As introduced in section~\ref{sec:basic} (\p.\pageref{sec:basic}),
+\TL{} has three principal uses:
+\item Run directly from media.
+\item Install to disk.
+\item Integrate a particular package or collection into your existing
+\TeX{} installation.
+\noindent The following sections describes the Unix-specific procedures
+for each of these.
+\ifSingleColumn \begin{figure}[ht]\noindent \fi
+\textbf{Warning: } The \TK{} \CD{}s and \DVD{} are in ISO 9660 (High Sierra)
+format, \emph{with} Rock Ridge (and Joliet, for Windows)
+extensions. Therefore, in order to take full advantage of the \TK{}
+under Unix, your system needs to be able to use the Rock Ridge
+extensions. Please consult the documentation for your \cmdname{mount}
+command to see how to do this. If you have several different machines
+on a local network, you may be able to mount the discs on one which
+does support Rock Ridge, and use this with the others.
+\leavevmode\quad Modern systems should be able to use the discs without
+problems. If troubles, let us know. The discussion below assumes you
+have been able to mount the \CD{}s with full Rock Ridge compatibility.
+\subsection{Running \protect\TL{} directly from media (Unix)}
+\def\runlive{% text repeated in windows section
+It is possible to use the \TeX{} system directly from the \pkgname{live}
+\DVD{}, without installing the distribution to disk. (Thus the name
+\TeX\ `Live', in fact.) It is \emph{not} possible to run \TeX{}
+directly from the other \CD{}s (see section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist},
+\def\startinst{% repeated in other subsections
+To start, you mount the \CD{} or \DVD{}, with Rock Ridge extensions
+enabled. The exact command to do this varies from system to system; the
+following works under Linux, except the name of the device
+(\filename{/dev/cdrom}, here) may vary. (All our examples will use
+\texttt{>} as the shell prompt; user input is
+> \Ucom{mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom}
+\noindent Change the current directory to the mount point:
+> \Ucom{cd /mnt/cdrom}
+\noindent Under \MacOSX, the directory is typically under
+\dirname{/Volumes}, and the media will be mounted automatically.
+Run the installation script \filename{}:
+> \Ucom{sh}\\
+Welcome to TeX Live...
+\noindent After various greeting messages and a list of the main menu
+options, the installation will ask you to enter a command. Do this by
+typing the desired character and hitting return; don't type the angle
+brackets shown. Either uppercase or lowercase is ok; we'll use
+lowercase in our examples.
+For running live, our first command will be \Ucom{d} and then the
+subcommand \Ucom{1} to set directories. Even in this case, we must
+choose a directory on the local disk to place files that the \TeX{}
+system itself generates, such as fonts and formats, and also to provide
+a place for updated configuration files, if need be.
+We'll use \dirname{/opt/texlive2007} in this example. It's good to
+include the year in the name, as these generated files are not
+in general compatible from release to release. (If the default value of
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive/2007} works for you, then you can skip this
+Enter command: \Ucom{d}
+Current directories setup:
+<1> TEXDIR: /usr/local/texlive/2007
+Enter command: \Ucom{1}
+New value for TEXDIR [/usr/local/texlive/TeX]: \Ucom{/opt/texlive2007}
+Enter command: \Ucom{r}
+\noindent Back at the main menu, our second and last command is
+\Ucom{r}, to set up for running live off the media without installing
+to disk:
+Enter command: \Ucom{r}
+Preparing destination directories...
+Welcome to TeX Live!
+\noindent And we are back at the system prompt, as shown.
+Next, it is necessary to alter two environment variables:
+\envname{PATH}, to an architecture-dependent value (so that we can run
+the programs), and \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}, to the value specified above.
+See table~\ref{tab:archlist} for a list of the architecture names for
+the different systems.
+After the main installation has completed, and environment variables
+have been set, the last step is to run \cmdname{texconfig} or
+\cmdname{texconfig-sys} to customize your installation to your needs.
+This is explained in section~\ref{sec:texconfig},
+\caption[Supported system architectures.]{Supported system
+alpha-linux & HP Alpha GNU/Linux \\
+hppa-hpux & HPPA HP-UX \\
+i386-darwin & x86 \MacOSX \\
+i386-freebsd & x86 FreeBSD \\
+i386-linux & x86 GNU/Linux \\
+i386-openbsd & x86 OpenBSD \\
+i386-solaris & x86 Solaris \\
+mips-irix & SGI IRIX \\
+powerpc-aix & IBM RS/6000 AIX \\
+powerpc-darwin & PowerPC \MacOSX \\
+powerpc-linux & PowerPC GNU/Linux \\
+sparc-linux & Sun Sparc GNU/Linux \\
+sparc-solaris & Sun Sparc Solaris \\
+win32 & Windows (32-bit) \\
+x86\_64-linux & x86 64-bit GNU/Linux \\
+The syntax for setting the environment variables, and the initialization
+file to put them in, depends on the shell you use. If you use a
+Bourne-compatible shell (\cmdname{sh}, \cmdname{bash}, \cmdname{ksh}, et
+al.), put the following into your \filename{$HOME/.profile} file:
+PATH=/mnt/cdrom/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH; export PATH
+TEXMFSYSVAR=/opt/texlive2007/texmf-var; export TEXMFSYSVAR
+\noindent For C shell-compatible shells (\cmdname{csh}, \cmdname{tcsh}),
+put the following into your \filename{$HOME/.cshrc} file:
+setenv PATH /mnt/cdrom/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH
+setenv TEXMFSYSVAR /opt/texlive2007/texmf-var
+\noindent Then log out, log back in, and test your installation
+(see section~\ref{sec:test-install}, \p.\pageref{sec:test-install}).
+If in doubt, please ask any local system gurus to help you with
+problems; for example, the way to mount the \TL{} media, which
+directory or directories to use, and precise details of the changes to
+your personal initialization files can and do vary from site to site.
+\subsection{Installing \protect\TeX\protect\ Live to disk}
+It is possible, indeed typical, to install the \TL{} distribution to
+hard disk. This can be done from either the \pkgname{live} or
+\pkgname{inst} distributions. (See section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist},
+\p.\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}, for an explanation of the different
+Table~\ref{tab:main-menu-options} briefly lists the options in the main
+menu. The order in which you select the options makes little
+difference, except that \Ucom{i} must be last. It's reasonable to go
+through them in the order presented here.
+% apparently here.sty [H] doesn't support table*.
+\caption{Main menu options for the installation.}
+p & The platform you are running on.\\
+b & The architectures for which to install binaries.\\
+s & The base installation scheme to use (minimal, recommended,
+ full, etc.)\\
+c & Override the base scheme for individual collections.\\
+l & Override for language collections.\\
+d & Directories in which to install.\\
+o & Other options.\\
+i & Perform the installation.\\
+Here are further details on each option.
+\textbf{\optname{p} -- Current platform.} Since the installation script
+automatically guesses which platform you're running on, it is usually
+unnecessary to use this option. It's there in case you need to override
+the automatic detection.
+\textbf{\optname{b} -- Binary architectures.} By default, only the
+binaries for your current platform will be installed. From this menu,
+you can select installation of binaries for other architectures as well
+(or omit installing the current platform). This can be useful if you are
+sharing a \TeX\ tree across a network of heterogenous machines. For a
+list of the supported architectures, see table~\ref{tab:archlist},
+\textbf{\optname{s} -- Base installation scheme.} From this menu, you
+can choose an overall set of package collections, called a ``scheme''.
+The default \optname{full} scheme installs everything available, but you
+can also choose the \optname{basic} scheme for a minimal system, or
+\optname{medium} to get something in between. There are also specific
+sets for Omega and \acro{XML}.
+\textbf{\optname{c} -- Individual collections.} From this menu, you can
+override the scheme's set of collections to install. Collections are
+one level more detailed than schemes\Dash collections consist of one or
+more packages, where packages (the lowest level grouping in \TL) contain
+the actual \TeX\ macro files, font families, and so on. In this menu,
+selection letters are case-sensitive.
+\textbf{\optname{l} -- Language collections}. This menu has the same
+basic purpose as \Ucom{c}, to override the collection set in the chosen
+scheme. In this case, the collections are specifically for different
+languages. Selection letters are case-sensitive here too. Here is a
+list of the language collections in \TL:
+% xx really should generate list from texmf/tpm/collection/tex-lang*
+% a la
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \=
+\hspace{.25\linewidth} \kill
+(some) African scripts \>
+Arabic \>
+Armenian \>
+Chinese\,Japanese\,Korean \\
+Croatian \>
+Cyrillic \>
+Czech/Slovak \>
+Danish \\
+Dutch \>
+Finnish \>
+French \>
+German \\
+Greek \>
+Hebrew \>
+Hungarian \>
+Indic \\
+Italian \>
+Latin \>
+Manju \>
+Mongolian \\
+Norwegian \>
+Polish \>
+Portuguese \>
+Spanish \\
+Swedish \>
+Tibetan \>
+\acro{UK} English \>
+Vietnamese \\
+\noindent Language collections typically include fonts, macros,
+hyphenation patterns, and other support files. (For instance,
+\pkgname{frenchle.sty} is installed if you select the \optname{French}
+collection.) In addition, installing a language collection will alter
+the \filename{language.dat} configuration file controlling which
+hyphenation patterns are loaded.
+\textbf{\optname{d} -- Installation directories}. Three directories can
+be changed here:
+\item [TEXDIR] The top-level directory under which
+everything else will be installed. The default value is
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive/2007}, and is often changed. We recommend
+including the year in the name, to keep different releases of \TL{}
+separate. (You may wish to make a version-independent name such
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive} via a symbolic link, which you can then
+update after testing the new release.)
+Under \MacOSX, the usual frontends look for \TeX{} in
+\dirname{/usr/local/teTeX}, so you may wish to install \TL{} there.
+\item [TEXMFLOCAL] This tree is where the \TeX{} system (not as part of
+the initial installation, but rather as time goes by) puts
+non-version-specific files, primarily fonts. The default value is
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local}, independent of the current
+\TL{} release, because it's also the recommended location to put any
+local packages or configuration settings.
+\item [TEXMFSYSVAR] This tree is where \cmdname{texconfig-sys} puts
+files that \emph{are} version-specific. The default value is
+\dirname{TEXDIR/texmf-var}, and there's generally no reason to change
+it. There is also \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}, which is where
+\cmdname{texconfig} looks for modified configuration data. See
+section~\ref{sec:texconfig}, \p.\pageref{sec:texconfig} for more
+\textbf{\optname{o} -- Other options.} From this menu, you can select
+the following general options:
+\item [a] Specify an alternate directory for generated fonts.
+The default is to use the \envname{TEXMFVAR} tree, as explained above.
+Setting this is useful if you plan to mount the main tree read-only, and
+therefore you need another location (perhaps host-specific) for
+dynamically created fonts.
+\item [l] Create symbolic links for the binaries, man pages,
+and\slash or \acro{GNU} Info files in other locations. For example, you may
+wish to make the man pages available under \dirname{/usr/local/man} and
+the Info files available under \dirname{/usr/local/info}. (Of course
+you need appropriate privileges to write in the specified directories.)
+It is not advisable to overwrite a \TeX\ system that came with your
+system with this option. It's intended primarily for creating the links
+in standard directories that are known to users, such as
+\dirname{/usr/local/bin}, which don't already contain any \TeX\ files.
+\item [d] Skip installation of the font/macro documentation tree.
+This is useful if you need to save space, or if you've previously
+installed the documentation elsewhere.
+\item [s] Skip installation of the main font/macro source
+tree. This is useful if you are arranging to share that tree between
+machines and\slash or architectures in some other way, such as \acro{NFS}.
+\textbf{i -- Perform installation.} When you're satisfied with your
+configuration options, enter \Ucom{i} to actually do the installation
+from the media to your chosen locations.
+% text is similar to above, but no TEXMFSYSVAR, so we have to write out.
+After the installation completes, your next step is to include the
+architecture-specific subdirectory of \dirname{TEXDIR/bin} in your
+\envname{PATH}, so the newly-installed programs can be found. The
+architecture names are listed in table~\ref{tab:archlist},
+\p.\pageref{tab:archlist}, or you can simply list the directory
+The syntax for doing this, and the initialization file to use, depends
+on your shell. If you use a Bourne-compatible shell (\cmdname{sh},
+\cmdname{bash}, \cmdname{ksh}, et al.), put the following into your
+\filename{$HOME/.profile} file:
+PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH; export PATH
+\noindent For C shell-compatible shells (\cmdname{csh}, \cmdname{tcsh}),
+put the following into your \filename{$HOME/.cshrc} file:
+setenv PATH /usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/\var{archname}:$PATH
+Here is a minimal annotated example which accepts the default
+directories and installs binaries for the current system only. Thus,
+only one command is needed, \Ucom{i} for install. The \texttt{>} is the
+shell prompt as usual.
+> \Ucom{sh}
+\Ucom{i} # perform installation
+> \Ucom{texconfig} ... # see section \ref{sec:texconfig}
+# New PATH element, with Linux as the example:
+> \Ucom{PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH}
+If your Unix system supports the \cmdname{manpath} command (type \code{man
+manpath} to learn more), you can make the \TL\ manual pages available
+system-wide via the normal \cmdname{man} command by editing the file
+\filename{/etc/manpath.config}; you might need root permissions for this.
+With the following entry in \filename{/etc/manpath.config} the \TL\
+manual pages will be found at their original places within the \TL\ tree
+(adapt the binary path for your system architecture):
+MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/i386-linux \
+ /usr/local/texlive/2007/texmf/doc/man
+\subsubsection{Non-interactive installation}
+It is possible to override the default directories with environment
+variables, and then install non-interactively. Example:
+> \Ucom{TEXLIVE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/texlive}
+> \Ucom{echo i | sh}
+The \envname{TEXLIVE\_INSTALL\_PREFIX} variable overrides the default
+location of \dirname{/usr/local/texlive}, leaving all else
+unchanged---so with the above invocation, the main installation will go
+to \dirname{/opt/texlive/2007}.
+In the usual Unix way, the final \Ucom{echo i} can be replaced by any
+sequence of input commands via a here document, so any sequence of
+commands can be scripted.
+Here are all the possible overrides:
+ Override \dirname{/usr/local/texlive}.
+ Override \dirname{\$TEXLIVE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/2007.
+ Override \dirname{\$TEXLIVE_INSTALL_PREFIX/texmf-var}.
+ Override \dirname{\$TEXLIVE_INSTALL_TEXDIR/texmf-var}.
+ Override \dirname{\$HOME/texmf}.
+It would be better to support a standard \acro{GNU}-style
+\filename{configure} with options, instead of these environment
+variables. Volunteers are welcome!
+\subsection{Installing individual packages to disk}
+You can add individual packages or collections from the current
+distribution to an existing non-\TL{} setup, or an earlier
+\TL{} installation.
+Run the installation script \filename{} (not
+\filename{}, which is intended for complete installations
+> \Ucom{sh \var{options}}
+The first set of options controls what gets read:
+\item [-{}-package=\var{pkgname}] The individual package to work on.
+\item [-{}-collection=\var{colname}] The individual collection to work on.
+\item [-{}-nodoc] Exclude documentation files from the operation.
+\item [-{}-nosrc] Exclude source files from the operation.
+\item [-{}-cddir=\var{dir}] Source directory to read from; defaults
+to the current directory. If you followed the instructions above, that
+will be the distribution directory, and won't need to be changed.
+\item [-{}-listdir=\var{dir}] The so-called `lists' directory within
+\var{cddir} from which to read the package information. The only
+reason to change the default is if you're making changes to \TL{}
+What actually happens is controlled by the following options. If
+neither of these are specified, the default action is to install the
+selected files. The main destination tree is found by expanding
+\envname{\$TEXMFMAIN} with \cmdname{kpsewhich}. You can override it by
+setting either the environment variable \envname{TEXMFMAIN} or
+\item [-{}-listonly] List the files that would be installed, but don't
+actually install anything.
+\item [-{}-archive=\var{tarfile}] Instead of installing the files into
+the \TeX{} system, make a \cmdname{tar} archive.
+Additional options:
+\item [-{}-config] After installation, run \code{texconfig init}.
+\item [-{}-nohash] After installation, don't run \cmdname{mktexlsr} to
+rebuild the filename database.
+\item [-{}-verbose] Give more information as the script runs.
+Here are some usage examples:
+\item To see the files in the package \pkgname{fancyhdr} without
+installing it:
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=fancyhdr --listonly}
+\else> \Ucom{sh --package=fancyhdr \bs}
+> \Ucom{--listonly}
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \pkgname{natbib}:
+> \Ucom{sh --package=natbib}
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \pkgname{alg} without source files or
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=alg --nosrc --nodoc}
+\else> \Ucom{sh -{}-package=alg \bs}
+> \Ucom{-{}-nosrc -{}-nodoc}
+\item Install all the packages in the collection of additional
+plain \TeX\ macros:
+> \Ucom{sh --collection=tex-plainextra}
+\item Write all files in the \pkgname{pstricks} package to a
+\cmdname{tar} file in \path|/tmp|:
+\ifSingleColumn> \Ucom{sh --package=pstricks --archive=/tmp/pstricks.tar}
+> \Ucom{sh -{}-package=pstricks \bs}
+> \Ucom{-{}-archive=/tmp/pstricks.tar}
+After the main installation is done, for any operating system, the
+remaining steps are to configure the system for your local needs, and
+perform some basic tests.
+Another sort of post-installation is to acquire packages, fonts, or
+programs that were not included in \TL{}. The basic idea is to
+install such additions in the \envname{TEXMFLOCAL} tree (if you
+installed to disk), or \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR} (if you are running live).
+See the ``Installation directories'' option on \p.\pageref{text:instdir}.
+Unfortunately, the details can and do vary widely, and so we do not attempt to
+address them here. Here are some external links to descriptions:
+\url{} for
+installation information for fonts in particular.
+\subsection{The \protect\cmdname{texconfig} program}
+At any time after installation, you can and should use the program
+\cmdname{texconfig} to configure the system to fit your local needs. It
+is installed in the architecture-specific subdirectory
+\texttt{TEXDIR/bin/\var{arch}} along with everything else.
+If you run it without arguments, it will enter full-screen mode and
+allow you to view and change options interactively.
+You can also run it with various command-line options. Here are some of
+the most common (\TL{} is configured for the A4 paper size by default):
+\item [texconfig paper letter] Set default paper size for
+various programs and drivers (\cmdname{pdftex}, \cmdname{dvips},
+\cmdname{dvipdfm}, \cmdname{xdvi}) to be \acro{US} letter. The other
+allowable size is \optname{a4}, which is the default.
+\item [texconfig rehash] Update all the \TeX{} ``filename databases'',
+after adding or removing files.
+\item [texconfig faq] Show the \teTeX{} \acro{FAQ}.
+(See also the main \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} in \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en}.)
+\item [texconfig help] Output help information for \cmdname{texconfig}.
+Of course, \cmdname{texconfig} can only support changing a few of the
+many options and configuration parameters in a \TeX{} system. The main
+configuration file for the base \Webc{} programs is named
+\filename{texmf.cnf}. You can find its location by running
+\samp{kpsewhich texmf.cnf}; it contains many comments explaining the
+default settings and useful alternatives.
+\cmdname{texconfig} alters files in a user-specific directory, as in
+\dirname{$HOME/.texlive2007}. If you install \TeX\ just for yourself,
+that is unlikely to make a difference. But if you install \TeX\ on a
+multi-user system, you will want to change the configuration for the
+whole system. In this case, run \cmdname{texconfig-sys} instead of
+Likewise, the \cmdname{updmap} and \cmdname{fmtutil} scripts were
+changed, to work under \dirname{$HOME/.texliveYYYY}. To alter system
+directories, use \cmdname{updmap-sys} and \cmdname{fmtutil-sys}.
+In particular, for multi-user systems, you will probably want to
+pregenerate the standard formats with \texttt{fmtutil-sys --missing}.
+Otherwise, each user will end up with their own formats.
+Also, if you have a personally-modified copy of \filename{fmtutil.cnf}
+or \filename{updmap.cfg}, instead of using the ones generated by
+installation, they must be installed in the tree referenced by the
+variable \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}.
+The variables specifying the directories altered by these commands are
+listed in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}, \p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}.
+You can see the actual directories by running \texttt{texconfig conf},
+and you can change them by editing \filename{texmf.cnf}.
+\subsection{Testing the installation}
+After installing \TL{} as best you can, you naturally want to test
+it out, so you can start creating beautiful documents and\slash or fonts.
+This section gives some basic procedures for testing that the new system
+is functional. We give Unix commands; under \MacOSX{} and Windows,
+you're more likely to run the tests through a graphical interface, but
+the principles are the same.
+\item Make sure that you can run the \cmdname{tex} program in the first
+> \Ucom{tex -{}-version}
+TeX 3.141592 (Web2C 7.5.5)
+kpathsea version 3.5.5
+If this comes back with `command not found' instead of version and
+copyright information, most likely you don't have the correct
+\dirname{bin} subdirectory in your \envname{PATH}. See
+the environment-setting information on \p.\pageref{text:path}.
+\item Process a basic \LaTeX{} file:
+> \Ucom{latex sample2e.tex}
+This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592...
+Output written on sample2e.dvi (3 pages, 7496 bytes).
+Transcript written on sample2e.log.
+If this fails to find \filename{sample2e.tex} or other files, perhaps
+you have interference from old environment variables or configuration
+files. For a deep analysis, you can always ask \TeX{} to report on
+exactly what it is searching for, and finding; see ``Debugging actions''
+on page~\pageref{Debugging}.
+\item Preview the result online:
+> \Ucom{xdvi sample2e.dvi}
+(Under Windows, the analogous command is \cmdname{dviout}.) You should
+see a new window with a nice document explaining some of the basics of
+\LaTeX{}. (Well worth reading, by the way if you're new to the system.)
+You do have to be running under X for \cmdname{xdvi} to work; if you're
+not, or your \envname{DISPLAY} environment variable is set incorrectly,
+you'll get an error \samp{Can't open display}.
+\item Create a \PS{} file for printing or display:
+> \Ucom{dvips sample2e.dvi -o}
+\item Create a \acro{PDF} file instead of \dvi{}; this processes the
+\filename{.tex} file and writes \acro{PDF} directly:
+> \Ucom{pdflatex sample2e.tex}
+\item Preview the \acro{PDF} file:
+> \Ucom{gv sample2e.pdf}
+> \Ucom{xpdf sample2e.pdf}
+Unfortunately neither \cmdname{gv} nor \cmdname{xpdf} are currently
+included in \TL{}, so you must install them separately. See
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively.
+\item Other standard test files you may find useful:
+\item [small2e.tex] A simpler document than \filename{sample2e}, to
+reduce the input size if you're having troubles.
+\item [testpage.tex] Test if your printer introduces any offsets.
+\item [nfssfont.tex] For printing font tables and tests.
+\item [testfont.tex] Also for font tables, but using plain \TeX{}.
+\item [story.tex] The most canonical (plain) \TeX{} test file of all.
+You must type \samp{\bs bye} to the \code{*} prompt after \samp{tex
+You can process these in the same way as we did with
+If you are new to \TeX{}, or otherwise need help with actually
+constructing \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} documents, please visit
+\url{} for some introductory resources.
+\section{\MacOSX{} installation}
+The recommended way to install \TeX\ on \MacOSX\ is from the Mac\TeX\
+distribution, new in 2005. This is provided on the \pkgname{live}
+\DVD{} in the top-level \dirname{mactex/} directory. It contains its
+own (native) installer for a full \TeX\ distribution, based on a
+combination of te\TeX\ and \TL, along with many additional applications
+and documentation. The project web page is \url{}.
+If you prefer, installation of \TeX{} under \MacOSX{} can also be done
+directly from \TL, using the \filename{install*} scripts, as follows.
+In order to run the installation scripts under \MacOSX, you need to have
+the \cmdname{bash} shell installed. If you are running \MacOSX~10.2
+or later, you have \cmdname{bash}, and can proceed. If you're running
+an earlier \MacOSX{} version, however, the default shell is
+\cmdname{zsh}, which won't work; you'll need to get \cmdname{bash} from
+the Internet, or more likely upgrade your system.
+Once you have \cmdname{bash}, the Unix installation documentation in the
+previous section can be followed. See section~\ref{sec:unix-install} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:unix-install}; \MacOSX-specific notes are included there
+where needed.
+\section{Windows installation}
+In this release of \TL{}, happily, the distribution once
+again has a native Windows installer, named \cmdname{tlpmgui.exe}. (See
+section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist}, \p.\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}, for an
+explanation of the different distributions.)
+\cmdname{tlpmgui} has essentially the same options as the Unix
+installer, only done through a GUI interface: selecting schemes,
+individual collections, installation directories, and so on.
+Section~\ref{sec:unix-install-disk} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:unix-install-disk} describes the basic elements. It
+also allows some post-installation activities such as adding/removing
+packages, updating the filename database and building formats.
+Moreover, \cmdname{tlpmgui} can setup the system for running
+programs directly from the \DVD.
+For those who like to look underneath the hood, \cmdname{tlpmgui} uses
+as its ``engine'' a command-line Windows program named \cmdname{tlpm}.
+The Windows \TeX{} system included in \TL{} is based on new binaries
+borrowed from the \acro{W32TEX} distribution, kindly provided by Akira Kakuto.
+It also includes some older (but still working) tools made by Fabrice
+Popineau, and also a new \texttt{dvi} previewer, \textsf{dviout} by
+Toshio Oshima.
+\TL{} can be installed on systems running Windows 98, \acro{ME},
+\acro{NT}, \acro{2K} or \acro{XP}. Older versions of Windows (3.1x)
+and \acro{MS-DOS} are not supported.
+\textbf{Warning:} Win9.x users must ensure they have enough environment
+ space before undertaking installation. The \cmdname{tlpmgui.exe}
+ program won't change the environment size for them. A few environment
+ variables will be created and it is possible you run out of
+ environment space. Add \texttt{SHELL=<path>COMMAND.COM /E:4096 /P} in the
+ config.sys file in order to increase your environment size.
+\subsection{Installing \protect\TeX\protect\ Live to disk}
+After inserting the \TL{} \acro{CD} into the \acro{CD} drive, autostart should
+activate \cmdname{tlpmgui}. If it does not, click \guiseq{Start\arw Run},
+then type \verb|<drive letter>:\setuptl\tplmgui.exe| (or
+\verb|<drive letter>:\texlive\setuptl\tplmgui.exe| if you are
+installing from the \TeX\ Collection \acro{DVD}), where \verb|<drive letter>|
+is the drive letter with the \TeX\ Live \acro{CD} (or TeX Collection
+\acro{DVD}), and then click \acro{OK}.
+The installation window titled \guiseq{TeX Live installation and maintenance
+utility} should open. It contains the following sections: \guiseq{Main
+customization}, \guiseq{Install}, \guiseq{Select a scheme}, \guiseq{Select
+systems}, \guiseq{Directories} and \guiseq{Options}.
+By default, \cmdname{tlpmgui} tries to detect if \TeX{} is already
+installed and depending on the result starts either in fresh
+installation or maintenance mode. If you have \TeX{} already installed
+but want to install the new version nevertheless, you can use
+\texttt{tlpmgui~--install-mode} to force installation mode; but you
+should know what you are doing, as the new \TL{} installation will
+override the environment variables and other settings of the existing
+installation; reverting to your old installation is not automatically
+Diagnostic information is collected by \cmdname{tlpmgui} in a log file
+which is deleted at the end of the run, along with any other temporary
+files. Invoking with \texttt{--debug} displays the names and contents
+of all \cmdname{tlpmgui} temporary files in a separate window.
+In the \guiseq{Directories} section the installation drive (directory)
+next to the \guiseq{CD/DVD} button should be displayed (e.g.,
+\texttt{F:/} or \texttt{F:/texlive/} for the \acro{DVD}), but if it is not,
+then click the \guiseq{CD/DVD} button and select the \acro{CD/DVD}
+drive, with the \TL{} \acro{CD} (or \TeX\ Collection \acro{DVD}).
+The directory in which you wish to install the software can be set by
+clicking the \guiseq{TLroot} button. This directory will be set as
+\path|TLroot| environment variable for later usage.
+In the \guiseq{Select a scheme} section the desired \TL{} installation scheme
+should be chosen by clicking the radio button labelled with the installation
+scheme name (e.g., \guiseq{scheme-gust}). Each scheme is accompanied by an
+\guiseq{Info} button which, when clicked, displays a short description of the
+relevant scheme.
+A scheme is a large set of files targeted at some kind of usage. There are
+generic schemes for basic, medium and full installations. The remaining ones
+are either targeted at certain LUGs (i.e., what GUST or GUTenberg propose
+for their members) or application targeted (e.g., for XML and \TeX{}
+cooperation). A preselected scheme can be refined. This is done in the
+\guiseq{Main customization} section by choosing additional collections from
+\guiseq{Standard collections} or \guiseq{Language collections}. For example,
+by clicking the \guiseq{Select} button labelled \guiseq{Standard
+collections}, additional collections like Metapost, Omega or documentation
+in different languages can be selected.
+\guiseq{Wintools} collection is selected by default as it contains many small
+programs, usually absent in Windows, which can be handy, like graphics
+converters: \cmdname{sam2p}, \cmdname{jpeg2ps}, \cmdname{tiff2png};
+(de)compression programs: \cmdname{bzip2}, \cmdname{gzip}, \cmdname{unzip},
+and \cmdname{wget} which is needed for \cmdname{getnonfreefonts} (new)
+Next, clicking the \guiseq{Select} button labelled \guiseq{Language
+Collections} in the \guiseq{Main customization} section opens the
+\guiseq{Language collections} window in which the installation language can
+be chosen by ticking the box next to the language.
+Next, click the \guiseq{Install} button in the \guiseq{Install} section to
+start the installation proper process.
+\textbf{Note:} The \guiseq{Perl} and \guiseq{Ghostscript} are installed only
+on demand. They should be installed unless they are already installed and you
+really know what you are doing. Both programs are required by many important
+tools. The \verb|PERL5LIB| and \verb|GS_LIB| environment variables will be
+set too, as well the path to Ghostscript binaries will be added to the
+\verb|PATH| variable.
+The \TL{} system needs some post-processing steps (format files
+generation, ls-R databases generation, environment variables, etc.). All
+these operations are done there, some of them can be lengthy. So please wait
+until you see a statement about the successfully finished installation.
+The shortcut for \cmdname{tlpmgui} (and also \cmdname{dviout}, if installed)
+will be added to the menu \guiseq{Start\arw Programs\arw TeXLive2007}.
+If it is needed (Win9x/WinME), you will be asked to reboot your computer.
+\subsection{Support packages for Windows}
+To be complete, a \TL installation needs support packages that are not
+commonly found on a Windows machine. Many scripts are written using the Perl
+language. Some important tools require the Ghostscript \PS{} interpreter to
+render or to convert files. A graphic file toolbox is also needed in some
+cases. Last but not least, a \TeX-oriented editor makes it easy to type in
+your \TeX{} files.
+All these tools are quite easy to find for Windows, but in order to try to
+make your life even easier, we have put such a set of tools on \TL:
+\item GNU \cmdname{Ghostscript} 8.54
+\item a minimal \cmdname{Perl} 5.8, sufficient to run all the \TL{}
+ Perl scripts.
+\item win-tools is a set of small programs (bzip2, gzip, jpeg2ps
+ and tiff2png)
+%\item a subset of \cmdname{ImageMagick} 5.5.6
+%\item the \cmdname{ISpell} checker
+%\item \cmdname{XEmacs} 21.5.14 with a selection of packages to support
+%\TeX{} typesetting.
+Perl and Ghostscript are installed upon request; you may explicitly
+deselect them during installation if you already have them.
+If you don't want to install this bundle, then you are on your own to
+install the required tools to complete your \TL{} system. Here is a
+list of places to get those tools:
+\item[Ghostscript] \url{}
+\item[Perl] \url{} (but you might need some
+ supplementary packages from CPAN: \url{})
+\item[ImageMagick] \url{}
+\item[NetPBM] alternatively, you could use NetPBM instead of ImageMagick to
+ process or convert your graphic files. NetPBM home page is
+ \url{}
+\item[\TeX-oriented editors] There is a wide choice, and it is a matter of the
+ user's taste. Here is a selection:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cmdname{GNU Emacs} is available natively under Windows, see
+ \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{Emacs} with AucTeX is available natively under Windows, see
+ \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{WinShell} is available on \TL in the \path|support|
+ directory, see \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{WinEdt} is shareware available from \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{Vim} is available from \url{}
+ \item TeXnicCenter is free software, available from
+ \url{} and in the proTeXt distribution.
+ \item \cmdname{LEd} is available from \url{}
+ \item \cmdname{SciTE} is available from \url{}
+ \end{itemize*}
+You might want to install other tools that are not free\footnote{Not
+free, that is, in the sense of freedom to modify and redistribute,
+following free software guidelines. This does not mean you can't acquire
+them for no money.} and therefore not included on \TL{}, such as
+\cmdname{GSView}, the \cmdname{Ghostscript} companion to more
+conveniently view PS/PDF files. \cmdname{GSView} is available from
+\url{} or any \acro{CTAN} site.
+\section{Maintenance of the installation in Windows}
+If you have \TeX\ Live installed, you can use \cmdname{tlpmgui} again
+for modifying and maintaining your installation.
+\subsection{Adding/removing packages}
+As the \cmdname{tlpmgui} shortcut is available in the \guiseq{Start\arw
+Programs\arw TeXLive2007} menu, start it from here. The maintenance window
+titled \guiseq{TeX Live installation and maintenance utility} shows. It
+contains several tabs: \guiseq{Add Packages}, \guiseq{Remove packages},
+\guiseq{Manage installation}, \guiseq{Remove installation}.
+Click the tab labelled \guiseq{Add packages} or \guiseq{Remove packages}
+to enter the relevant functionality and then:
+\item In the first tab select the proper \CD{} drive (or \DVD with
+ \texttt{texlive} directory) by pressing the \guiseq{CD/DVD} button.
+\item Click the \guiseq{Search} button in the \guiseq{Buttons} section to
+display or refresh in the \guiseq{Select packages to\dots} section the
+list of packages to install or remove.
+When adding packages, the list of installed packages is compared to the list
+of packages available from your \CD/\DVD. Only packages not already installed are
+displayed. It is up to you to select which packages you want to
+When removing individual packages, only a list of installed packages
+will be displayed.
+Please note that for both \guiseq{Add packages} and \guiseq{Remove packages}
+the collections are listed first.
+\item Select a package by clicking on the name of the package. Clicking the
+\guiseq{Info} button in the \guiseq{Buttons} section displays a short
+description of the selected package in the window located in the \guiseq{Info
+about the selected item} section. To select several packages at once hold
+down one of the Ctrl or Shift keys at your keyboard while holding down the
+left mouse button or drag the mouse pointer while holding down the left mouse
+\item Click the \guiseq{Install} or \guiseq{Remove} button in the
+\guiseq{Buttons} section to perform the appropriate action.
+\subsection{Configuring and other management tasks}
+The functions available in the tab labelled \guiseq{Manage the installation}
+are helpful in performing actions needed when you want to add support for a
+language which was not selected during the installation, or add/regenerate a
+format which was not selected during the installation or was modified after
+the installation.
+The following actions can be performed:
+\item Refresh the \filename{ls-R} database
+\item Create formats (All or Missing)
+\item Edit \filename{language.dat}
+\item Edit \filename{fmtutil.cnf}
+\item Edit \filename{updmap.cfg}
+Note: you can close the Edit\dots{} window with the \guiseq{Cancel} or
+\guiseq{Done} button; the latter will start rebuilding the format files
+(or the fontmap files if you have edited \filename{updmap.cfg}), followed by a
+\filename{ls-R} database files refresh.
+For more information about the configuration see section~\ref{sec:persconf},
+\subsection{Uninstalling \protect\TL{}}
+The tab labelled \guiseq{Remove the TeX Live installation} opens a window
+which contains functionality not worth describing and we do not know who would
+need it and what it is for\dots :-)
+Anyway, if you have the \path|texmf-local| directory for your local additions,
+the removal procedure will not wipe it out or delete things in it. However,
+it will be done only if you select it explicitly. The \path|setuptl|
+directory containing \cmdname{tlpmgui} and related files will not be deleted.
+You will have to do some manual cleanup to actually remove them.
+\subsection{Adding your own packages to the installation}
+First, whatever changes you make, \textbf{do not forget to rebuild the ls-R
+database files}. Otherwise, your new files will not be found. You can do this
+either via the \cmdname{tlpmgui} run and selection of the appropriate action
+from the \guiseq{Manage the installation} tab, or manually running the
+\file{mktexlsr} command.
+If you want to add files that are not provided by the \TL{} distribution,
+it is recommended to put them in the \path|$TEXMFLOCAL| directory. This
+way, you will be safe against upgrades of the \TL{} software.
+The directory pointed to by \path|$TEXMFLOCAL| is initially empty. If,
+for example, you want to add the support file for the Maple symbolic
+computation program, you will have to put the style files in:\\
+\path|c:\TeXLive2007\texmf-local\tex\latex\maple\|\\ and the
+documentation files in:\\ \path|c:\TeXLive2007\texmf-local\doc\latex\maple\|
+\subsection{Running \texttt{tlmp.exe} from the command line}
+The \cmdname{tlpm.exe} program which is used as engine by \cmdname{tlpmgui}
+has a number of other useful options. You can get the list by running:
+tlpm --help
+More information and examples of use can be found in \path|tlpm.readme|.
+\subsection{Network installation}
+\KPS{} knows about UNC names, so you can use them to get your TEXMF
+tree from the network. But there is better than this.
+All the support files and configuration files, everything except the files in the
+\path|bin/win32| are shareable with a \teTeX{} or Unix \TL{} installation. That means
+you can use Samba either to mount from an NT server to a Unix
+workstation or the converse. Several strategies are possible:
+\item Put everything on the server. Just add each set of files for the OS and
+architecture you want to use in the \path|bin| directory. That means
+for example \path|bin/win32| and \path|bin/i386-linux|. Next configure
+your main variables. You can use UNC names to
+point to the right directories under Win32.
+\item Install a local copy for the binaries and format files. In this
+ case, assign \path|$TEXMFMAIN| to the main \path|texmf| tree that
+ will be accessed remotely. Set \path|$TEXMFVAR| to be a local
+ directory which will hold local configuration files and on-the-fly
+ generated files.
+\subsection{What's different in Windows?}
+The Windows version of \Webc{} has some specific features that should be
+pointed out.
+\item[\cmdname{kpsecheck}] This command provides some options that did
+ not fit well into \cmdname{kpsewhich}. It will allow you to list all
+ the files that occur multiple times across your texmf trees. This
+ could be handy, but most of the time you will also get unwanted
+ output (like dozens of \path|README| files). It is noticeable
+ that all these files result in clashes inside the \KPS{}-hashing
+ mechanism; fortunately, \KPS{} never looks for these files. For
+ this reason, you can combine the \path|-multiple-occurrences| with 2
+ other options for including or excluding any filename that match
+ some pattern (you can request for several patterns).
+ The \cmdname{kpsecheck} command will also report the status of shared
+ memory: in use or not used. That might be useful to know because if
+ the status reported is \samp{in use}, that means one or several
+ processes are working, and the effect of any \cmdname{mktexlsr}
+ command will be delayed until the next time where no \KPS{} linked
+ process will be running.
+ Last, this same command will report about the location it thinks
+ Ghostscript can be found. Under Win32, for many programs, it is
+ easier to use the Ghostscript dll, and find it by using the
+ Ghostscript registry key than to change the \path|PATH|, which has a
+ limited length anyway.
+\item[\Webc{}] The engines have one more option than in Unix \Webc:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \path|-proctimes| print statistics about the job run
+ time. It is to be noted that Win9x not being a true multitasking
+ operating system, it has no reliable timer for short periods, so
+ the value printed is an approximation. Under NT/2K/XP, the result
+ is quite accurate with user time and system time values allocated
+ for this run. For Unix
+ users: the \path|time| command is not usually available to Windows
+ users.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{Personal configurations}
+The configuration file for dvips can be found in\\
+You may open it with any editor
+ %(\cmdname{WinShell} will do fine)
+ and change some parameters:
+\item [fonts] you can change the default printer \MF{} mode or printer
+ resolution in case \cmdname{dvips} needs to generate PK fonts. By default it
+ is configured to use Type~1 versions of the CM fonts, so it should
+ not call \cmdname{mktexpk} too often;
+\item[printer] you can tell dvips where you want to print by default. If
+ the \optname{o} option is not followed by a printer name, then a
+ \file{.ps} \PS{} file is written. You can give dvips a printer
+ name such as:
+o lpt1:
+% o | lpr -S server -P myprinter
+% o \\server\myprinter
+\item[paper] Next, you might want
+ to change the paper size from European (A4) to US letter
+ by making the US letter the first paper size mentioned in the file.
+ Scroll to the group of lines beginning with \code{@}. Move
+ the appropriate lines so that this section begins with the lines:\\
+\hspace*{1em} @ letterSize 8.5in 11in\\
+\hspace*{1em} @ letter 8.5in 11in\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ \%\%BeginPaperSize: Letter\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ letter\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ \%\%EndPaperSize
+The current \TL{} distribution implements the procedure of making always
+up-to-date fontmaps files for Dvips and Pdftex. This is done by the
+\cmdname{updmap} program during installation.
+If you add new font packages using the installation program or by hand,
+edit the file \verb+updmap.cfg+ in \path|$TEXMFVAR/web2c|.
+If you use the program pdf{}latex to write \acro{PDF} format directly,
+and you are using \acro{US} letter-size paper, edit the file
+\verb+C:\TeXLive2007\texmf-var\tex\generic\config\pdftexconfig.tex+ and
+change \samp{\bs pdfpagewidth} and \samp{\bs pdfpageheight}. These entries
+should read:
+\bs{}pdfpagewidth=8.5 true in
+\bs{}pdfpageheight=11 true in
+Save the file and exit the editor.
+Xe\TeX{} for Windows is linked statically with fontconfig 2.4.2.
+A configuration file for fontconfig is \verb+fonts.conf+. For details,
+see the file \verb+fonts.conf+ itself which is in a directory shown by
+the command \texttt{kpsewhich --var-value=FONTCONFIG\_PATH}.
+GSView is now distributed under the Aladdin License, and therefore is no
+longer included in \TL{}.
+You may want to change the page size to US letter size. If so, open
+GSView from the \guiseq{Start} menu, and select \guiseq{Media\arw Letter}.
+Also, there are menu settings that are supposed to give you the most
+readable screen image. On \guiseq{Media \arw Display Settings}, set both
+\optname{Text Alpha} and \optname{Graphics Alpha} to 4~bits.
+Note that the installation process has set all \code{.ps} and
+\code{.eps} files to automatically open with \cmdname{GSView}.
+For printing instructions, see section~\ref{printing} below.
+For generic verification procedures, see section~\ref{sec:test-install}
+(\p.\pageref{sec:test-install}). This section describes
+Windows-specific tests.
+Open the file \verb+sample2e.tex+ in your editor (Xemacs, WinShell),
+found in \path|C:\TeXLive2007\texmf-dist\tex\latex\base|. The \LaTeX\ source
+should appear on the screen. Process it by clicking on the
+\guiseq{Command\arw LaTeX} menu (XEmacs) or \LaTeX\ icon on the toolbar
+(WinShell), then view it by clicking on the \guiseq{Command\arw View DVI}
+menu (XEmacs) or Preview (dviout) icon (WinShell).
+At first, when you preview files with \cmdname{dviout}, it will create fonts
+because screen fonts were not installed. After a while, you will have created
+most of the fonts you use, and you will rarely see the font-creation window.
+\textbf{Hint for the future:} If a \LaTeX\ run stops because \LaTeX\
+cannot find a file, you can press Ctrl-z to quit.
+It is possible to print from \cmdname{dviout}. In this case, printing
+will be done using the Windows unified printer driver. By definition, it is
+compatible with all printers. However, there is some drawback: it can
+generate some huge spool files, and some (older) versions of Windows
+just don't like them. The advantage is that you can use features like
+embedding BMP or WMF images. You also need to make sure that the printer
+parameters are correctly set, else you
+will get scaled printing (printing at 600\dpi{} on a 300\dpi{} printer
+will give you only one quadrant of your page).
+Printing is faster and more reliable if you run \cmdname{dvips} to make
+a \filename{.ps} file and then print from \cmdname{GSView}. In
+\cmdname{GSview}, select \guiseq{File\arw Print\ldots}. A \guiseq{Print}
+window will appear.
+If you are using a \PS{} printer, \textit{be sure to select
+\guiseq{\PS{} Printer}}. This is done in the \guiseq{Print Method} box
+at the bottom left of the \guiseq{Print} window. You can then select any
+of the printers that you have previously installed. If you fail to
+check the box for \optname{\PS{} Printer}, printing will not work.
+If you will be using your own non-\PS{} printer, select
+\guiseq{Ghostscript device} in the \guiseq{Print Method} box, then click
+on the button to the right labelled \guiseq{djet500} and select your
+printer type from the list that pops up. (In the older version of
+\cmdname{GSView}, make sure \optname{\PS{} Printer} is \textit{not}
+selected, then select your printer type from the \guiseq{Device} list.)
+\subsection{Tips and tricks for Win32}
+\subsubsection{Different flavors of Win32}
+What we call Win32 is not an operating system by itself. It is a large
+set of functions (around 12,000 in the header files of the Microsoft
+\acro{SDK}) that you can use to write programs for different operating
+systems of the Windows family.
+Windows comes in different flavors:
+\item Win95, Win98 and Win\acro{ME}, which \emph{are not true multitasking,
+ multithreading} environments, but rather updated incarnations of
+ \acro{DOS}. This can be more or less proven by the fact that when
+ booting, the PC will load the \path|| interpreter, and if
+ you stop the boot process at this point, you can ask for the current
+ (\acro{DOS}) version and it will answer something like \samp{MS-DOS
+ 7.0} (at least for the old versions of Win9x).
+\item Windows \acro{NT}, which is a new operating system written from
+ scratch, capable of true multitasking behavior, and including many
+ high level features.
+\item Windows 2000, based on \acro{NT}, with all the bells and
+ whistles of Win98.
+\item Windows \acro{XP}, which comes with Personal and Pro flavors. This is
+ the last step in merging both lines of products (Win9x based and
+ \acro{NT} based). \acro{XP} is based on \acro{NT}.
+Win9x are able to run 32~bits programs and 16~bits programs
+concurrently. But the operating system by itself is not entirely
+written in 32~bits mode, and does not support memory protection: 16bits
+applications can overwrite parts of the operating system memory! Some
+parts of the system like the \acro{GDI} (Graphical Device Interface)
+manage limited resources like bitmaps, fonts, pens and so on for the set
+of all programs that run concurrently. All the bitmaps headers available
+at the same time can't amount for more than 64kB. This explains the
+performance tool and the fact that you can put your system on his knees
+by making intensive use of graphic objects for example.
+NT, 2K and XP do not suffer from these limitations, and neither from
+other Win9x limitations. They are true multitasking environments, with
+protected memory. They are much more responsive than Win9x because
+of better memory management, better file system and so on.
+\subsubsection{Command line prompt}
+You may wonder, ``Why would I need to use a command line prompt when
+I have Windows?''
+Good question! The problem is of very general nature. Not all operations
+can be done easily using only a \acro{GUI}. Command line gives you
+programming power\Dash assuming a clever command interpreter.
+But the problem here is more fundamental: \TeX{} is \emph{a batch}
+tool. Not an interactive one. \TeX{} needs to compute the best
+layout for each page, resolve cross-references and so on. This can be
+done only by a global processing of the document. It is not (yet) a
+task that can be done interactively.
+This means that you should use \TeX{} from a command line. In fact the
+situation is not so bad. There is an advantage to write command line
+tools for complex processing: they are better debugged, because they are
+independent of any \acro{GUI} problems, and \acro{GUI} tools can be
+designed to interface to the command line tools. This is the case for
+\TeX{}, where you will mostly interact with it through a \acro{GUI} text
+However, you may need to use the command line prompt in a number of
+situations. One is when you are having difficulties and want to debug
+your setup.
+ \item[Win9x] You can open a command line prompt by looking either for
+ the \acro{MS-DOS} icon in the \guiseq{Start\arw Programs} menu,
+ or by choosing \guiseq{Start\arw Run} menu typing in
+ \path|| as the program name.
+ \item[NT, 2K, XP] You can open a command line prompt by looking for
+ \guiseq{Command Prompt} in the \guiseq{Start\arw Accessories} menu.
+ You can also choose \guiseq{Start\arw Run} and type in
+ \path|cmd.exe|, which is the name of the brand new command
+ interpreter for \acro{NT} (thus, it is untrue to call this a
+ \emph{DOS} box!).
+These locations may change across different Windows versions.
+\subsubsection{Path separators}
+The Win32 API understands both \path|/| and \path|\| characters as PATH
+separators. But the command interpreters do not! So whenever a path name
+is used programmatically, you can use both separators, and even mix them
+up in the same path name. But on the command line, you must type
+\path|\| as path separator. The reason is compatibility: the command
+processor used \samp{/} to introduce arguments to commands.
+All this to say: do not be surprised to read path names written using
+the Unix convention; Windows-\TL{} is a port of \Webc, and aims to be
+compatible across platforms. For this reason, all the configuration files
+that need to specify path names use the Unix convention.
+\subsubsection{File systems}
+The worst feature of Win9x with regard to \TeX{} is probably the
+so-called FAT file system. \TeX{} uses very many small files, with size
+around 1--3kB. The \acro{FAT} file system is old, and predates by
+decades the multi-gigabytes hard disks we have today. As a result, it
+cannot manage efficiently the tens of thousands of \TeX{} files found in
+\TL{}. The \acro{FAT} file system allocates a minimum of 32kB for
+\emph{any} file on a huge partition. It means that \TeX{} will use much
+more disk space than it actually needs.
+The other, more modern, file systems available, \acro{FAT32} and
+\acro{NTFS}, do not have this drawback. They manage clusters of 4kB
+only. (You can lower the limit to 512 bytes on \acro{NTFS}.)
+\subsubsection{How to add some directory to your PATH}
+There are pairs of variables and values which behave much like global
+variables inside your programs. The set of those variables is called the
+environment. Each program is initialized with a copy of the
+environment when it is run. It can request and change the
+value of any variable. The changes happen in the copy of the
+environment, and is not at all propagated to the other running
+Your PATH is a special environment variable used to search for
+programs you want to run.
+There is a different procedure to change it for Win9x, WinME and NT/2K/XP:
+\item[Windows 95/98] Edit your \path|autoexec.bat|. In this file should be a line
+ starting with \texttt{PATH=} and followed by a list of directories separated
+ by \path|;|. Please add the directory with the executables in this line.
+ After this, this line could look as follows:
+\item[Windows ME] You need to run the special program
+ \path|c:\windows\system\msconfig.exe| to be able to change any
+ environment variable. From this program, select the `Environment'
+ tab, and then add or modify the variable you want. You will be asked to reboot the
+ machine upon any change.
+\item[Windows NT/2K/XP]
+ Click left on \guiseq{Start \arw Settings \arw Control Panel}. Now the
+ window with the control panel icons opens. Double click on System. The
+ System Properties window opens. Click on the tab \textsf{Environment}
+ or look for a button named \guiseq{Environment Variables} among the
+ dialog boxes. Now you can change the environment variables for your
+ user account. Note: There are also displayed the environment settings
+ for the system. Normally, you can't change the system variables
+ unless you have administrator rights on your machine. If you want to
+ change the \texttt{PATH} for all users, you will have to contact your
+ system administrator or be the system administrator yourself\Dash in
+ the latter case you should know what you are doing.
+ If there is already a \texttt{PATH} setting for your user account,
+ left click on \texttt{PATH}. In the field \textsf{Variable} appears
+ \texttt{PATH} while the field Value shows the current setting of
+ \texttt{PATH} as a list of directories separated by \path|;|. Add
+ the directory where the executables are located (e.g.
+ \path|c:\TeXLive2007\bin\win32|). If there isn't a \texttt{PATH} variable
+ for your user account, simply click in the field Variable and type
+ in \texttt{PATH}, click in the field \textsf{Value}
+ and type in the directory with the executables. Important: Click on
+ the \textsf{Apply} button before clicking \textsf{Ok}, otherwise the
+ changes to \texttt{PATH} won't apply to your system. Be careful when
+ changing the environment settings.
+The best way to be sure that a variable has been properly set is to
+open a console and type:
+which should return the corresponding value.
+\subsubsection{\TeX{} engines}
+If you have a look at the \Webc{} documentation, you will read that all
+the various \TeX{} derived programs use the same base engine. For
+example, \path|tex.exe| and \path|latex.exe| are exact copies of the
+same program, but each one will use a different format file, based on
+its calling name.
+Under Unix, this feature is implemented through \emph{symbolic
+links}. It saves up a bit of disk space, because some engines are
+used with many different format files.
+The Win32 API does not know about file links. So to save up almost
+the same amount of memory, all the \TeX{} base engines have been put
+in DLLs (\emph{Dynamic Linked Library}). This means that you will have
+the following layout:
+2006-11-23 07:06 2 560 latex.exe
+2007-01-06 23:54 1 073 664 pdftex.dll
+2006-01-28 08:05 2 560 pdftex.exe
+and the \path|latex.exe| file is nothing but a rough copy of
+\path|pdftex.exe| using the same core \path|pdftex.dll|.
+The same trick has been used for the \path|mktex*.exe| family of programs
+which are linked to the \path|mktex.dll| library.
+In fact, a generic tool called \path|irun.exe| is provided to build the
+equivalent of Unix hard links for executable files only under Win32.
+\subsection{In case of problems}
+\subsubsection{What to do if \texttt{latex} does not find your files?}
+\item \cmdname{kpsewhich} is the tool of choice to debug any
+problem. However, \cmdname{kpsewhich} outputs debug information to
+stderr, and the older Windows consoles do not know how to redirect
+stderr to a file. (Windows NT and later do support redirections, but
+the trick below will work for any console.) For diagnostic purposes you
+can temporarily set an environment variable (in a \acro{DOS}/\acro{cmd} box):
+You can also set the debug level:
+Similarly, to redirect stderr to stdout:
+This way you can capture both stdout and stderr in the same file.
+\item Assuming the installation has been done in \path|c:/TeX|, check
+ the following values: \\
+ {\small
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $SELFAUTOPARENT| & \path|c:/TeX| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $TEXMF| & \path|c:/TeX/texmf....| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $TEXMFCNF| &
+ \path|.;c:/TeX/texmf-var/web2c;| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-var $TEXINPUTS| & \path|.;c:/TeX/texmf/tex//|
+ \end{tabular}
+\item If you have other \TeX{}-related values already set in your
+ environment, please, remove them. They are overriding the ones in
+ texmf.cnf.
+\item Check the values from:\\
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \texttt{kpsewhich cmr10.tfm} & \path|c:/TeX/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm|\\
+ \texttt{kpsewhich latex.fmt}& \path|c:/TeX/texmf-var/web2c/latex.fmt|
+ \end{tabular}
+\item At this point, if everything is correct, \TeX{} and friends
+ should work. If it is not the case, you will need to play with
+ the \path|-debug=n| option from \path|kpsewhich|, and check back all
+ the values. Try to identify and report the problem.
+\subsubsection{What to do if your setup still does not work as expected?}
+Here are several questions to investigate:
+\item Is \file{tex.exe} in my \path|PATH|?
+\item Is the \path|TEXMFCNF| variable correctly set to
+\path|c:/TeXLive2007/texmf-var/web2c| (default value)?
+\item Are there any errors in the log file generated by the
+\file{tlmpgui.exe} program?
+\file{tlmpgui.log} can be found in your
+\file{TEMP} directory. You can find this by searching for the
+string \samp{Error}. Hint: the log file can show some errors after
+building all format files. Please do not panic: perhaps some formats
+weren't already installed.
+\item Are there any relevant bug fixes at \url{}?
+(Unlikely, but it doesn't hurt to check.)
+The \TL{} software consists of hundreds of programs and tens of
+thousands of files, all from varying sources. So it is quite difficult to
+predict all possible causes for problems. Nevertheless, we will do our
+best to help you. (See section~\ref{sec:help}, \p.\pageref{sec:help}.)
+% don't use \Webc so the \uppercase in the headline works.
+\section{A user's guide to Web2C}
+\Webc{} is an integrated collection of \TeX-related programs: \TeX{}
+itself, \MF{}, \MP, \BibTeX{}, etc. It is the heart of \TL{}.
+A bit of history: The original implementation was by Tomas Rokicki who,
+in 1987, developed a first \TeX{}-to-C system based on change files
+under Unix, which were primarily the original work of Howard Trickey and
+Pavel Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the system, and
+during this period the name changed to Web-to-C\@. In 1990, Karl Berry
+took over the work, assisted by dozens of additional contributors, and
+in 1997 he handed the baton to Olaf Weber.
+The \Webc{} system runs on Unix, 32-bit Windows systems, \MacOSX{}, and
+other operating systems. It uses Knuth's original sources for \TeX{} and
+other basic programs written in \web{} and translates them into C source
+code. The core \TeX{} programs are:
+\item[bibtex] Maintaining bibliographies.
+\item[dmp] \cmdname{troff} to MPX (\MP{} pictures).
+\item[dvicopy] Expands virtual font references in \dvi{} files.
+\item[dvitomp] \dvi{} to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+\item[dvitype] \dvi{} to human-readable text.
+\item[gftodvi] Generic font proofsheets.
+\item[gftopk] Generic to packed fonts.
+\item[gftype] GF to human-readable text.
+\item[makempx] \MP{} label typesetting.
+\item[mf] Creating typeface families.
+\item[mft] Prettyprinting \MF{} source.
+\item[mpost] Creating technical diagrams.
+\item[mpto] MetaPost label extraction.
+\item[newer] Compare modification times.
+\item[patgen] Creating hyphenation patterns.
+\item[pktogf] Packed to generic fonts.
+\item[pktype] PK to human-readable text.
+\item[pltotf] Plain text property list to TFM.
+\item[pooltype] Display \web{} pool files.
+\item[tangle] \web{} to Pascal.
+\item[tex] Typesetting.
+\item[tftopl] TFM to plain text property list.
+\item[vftovp] Virtual font to virtual property list.
+\item[vptovf] Virtual property list to virtual font.
+\item[weave] \web{} to \TeX.
+\noindent The precise functions and syntax of these programs are
+described in the documentation of the individual packages and of \Webc{}
+itself. However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of
+programs will help you take advantage of your \Webc{} installation.
+All programs honor these standard \acro{GNU} options:
+\item[-{}-help] print basic usage summary.
+\item[-{}-verbose] print detailed progress report.
+\item[-{}-version] print version information, then exit.
+For locating files the \Webc{} programs use the path searching library
+\KPS{}. This library uses a combination of environment variables and a
+configuration files to optimize searching the (huge) collection of
+\TeX{} files. \Webc{} can look at more than one directory tree
+simultaneously, which is useful in maintaining \TeX's standard
+distribution and local extensions in two distinct trees. To speed up
+file searches the root of each tree has a file \file{ls-R}, containing
+an entry showing the name and relative pathname for all files under that
+\subsection{Kpathsea path searching}
+Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the \KPS{}
+We call a \emph{search path} a colon- or semicolon\hyph sepa\-rated list
+of \emph{path elements}, which are basically directory names. A
+search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up
+a file \samp{my-file} along a path \samp{.:/dir}, \KPS{} checks each
+element of the path in turn: first \file{./my-file}, then
+\file{/dir/my-file}, returning the first match (or possibly all
+In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems' conventions, on
+non-Unix systems \KPS{} can use filename separators different from
+colon (\samp{:}) and slash (\samp{/}).
+To check a particular path element \var{p}, \KPS{} first checks if a
+prebuilt database (see ``Filename data\-base'' on
+page~\pageref{Filename-database}) applies to \var{p}, i.e., if the database
+is in a directory that is a prefix of \var{p}. If so, the path
+specification is matched against the contents of the database.
+If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path
+element, or contains no matches, the filesystem is searched (if this
+was not forbidden by a specification starting with \samp{!!}\ and if
+the file being searched for must exist). \KPS{} constructs the list
+of directories that correspond to this path element, and then checks
+in each for the file being sought.
+The ``file must exist'' condition comes into play with \samp{.vf} files and
+input files read by \TeX's \cs{openin} command. Such files may not
+exist (e.g., \file{cmr10.vf}), and so it would be wrong to search the
+disk for them. Therefore, if you fail to update \file{ls-R} when you
+install a new \samp{.vf} file, it will never be found.
+Each path element is checked in turn: first the database, then the
+disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result is
+Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory
+name, \KPS{} supports additional features in search paths: layered
+default values, environment variable names, config file values, users'
+home directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say
+that \KPS{} \emph{expands} a path element, meaning it transforms all
+the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is
+described in the following sections in the same order as it takes
+Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly
+relative, i.e., starts with \samp{/} or \samp{./} or \samp{../},
+\KPS{} simply checks if that file exists.
+ \caption{An illustrative configuration file sample}
+ \label{fig:config-sample}
+\subsubsection{Path sources}
+A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which
+\KPS{} uses them:
+ A user-set environment variable, for instance, \envname{TEXINPUTS}\@.
+ Environment variables with a period and a program name appended
+ override; e.g., if \samp{latex} is the name of the program being run,
+ then \envname{TEXINPUTS.latex} will override \envname{TEXINPUTS}.
+ A program-specific configuration file, for exam\-ple, a line
+ \samp{S /a:/b} in \cmdname{dvips}'s \file{}.
+\item A \KPS{} configuration file \file{texmf.cnf}, containing a line like
+ \samp{TEXINPUTS=/c:/d} (see below).
+\item The compile-time default.
+\noindent You can see each of these values for a given
+search path by using the debugging options (see ``Debugging actions''
+on page~\pageref{Debugging}).
+\subsubsection{Config files}
+\KPS{} reads \emph{runtime configuration files} named \file{texmf.cnf}
+for search path and other definitions. The search path used to look
+for these files is named \envname{TEXMFCNF} (by default such a file lives
+in the \file{texmf/web2c} subdirectory). \emph{All}
+\file{texmf.cnf} files in the search path will be read and definitions
+in earlier files override those in later files. Thus, with a search
+path of \verb|.:$TEXMF|, values from \file{./texmf.cnf} override those
+from \verb|$TEXMF/texmf.cnf|.
+ Comments start with \code{\%} and continue to the end of the line.
+ Blank lines are ignored.
+ A \bs{} at the end of a line acts as a continuation character,
+ i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace at the beginning of
+ continuation lines is not ignored.
+ Each remaining line has the form:
+ \var{variable}[.\var{progname}] [=] \var{value}
+ where the \samp{=} and surrounding whitespace are optional.
+ The \ttvar{variable} name may contain any character other
+ than whitespace, \samp{=}, or \samp{.}, but sticking to
+ \samp{A-Za-z\_} is safest.
+ If \samp{.\var{progname}} is present, the definition only
+ applies if the program that is running is named
+ \texttt{\var{progname}} or \texttt{\var{progname}.exe}. This allows
+ different flavors of \TeX{} to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+\item \var{value} may contain any characters except
+ \code{\%} and \samp{@}. The
+ \code{\$\var{var}.\var{prog}} feature is not available on the
+ right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable. A
+ \samp{;}\ in \var{value} is translated to \samp{:}\ if
+ running under Unix; this is useful to be able to have a single
+ \file{texmf.cnf} for Unix, \acro{MS-DOS} and Windows systems.
+ All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so
+ variables can be referenced before they are defined.
+A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these points is
+shown below:
+shown in Figure~\ref{fig:config-sample}.
+\subsubsection{Path expansion}
+\KPS{} recognizes certain special characters and constructions in
+search paths, similar to those available in Unix shells. As a
+general example, the complex path,
+\verb+~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz+, expands to all subdirectories under
+directories \file{foo} and \file{bar} in \texttt{\$USER}'s home
+directory that contain a directory or file \file{baz}. These
+expansions are explained in the sections below.
+\subsubsection{Default expansion}
+If the highest-priority search path (see ``Path sources'' on
+page~\pageref{Path-sources}) contains an \emph{extra colon} (i.e.,
+leading, trailing, or doubled), \KPS{} inserts at that point the
+next-highest-prio\-rity search path that is defined. If that inserted
+path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next highest. For
+example, given an environment variable setting
+> \Ucom{setenv TEXINPUTS /home/karl:}
+and a \code{TEXINPUTS} value from \file{texmf.cnf} of
+ .:\$TEXMF//tex
+then the final value used for searching will be:
+ /home/karl:.:\$TEXMF//tex
+Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one
+place, \KPS{} changes only one extra \samp{:}\ and leaves any others in
+place. It checks first for a leading \samp{:}, then a trailing
+\samp{:}, then a doubled \samp{:}.
+\subsubsection{Brace expansion}
+A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance,
+\verb+v{a,b}w+ expands to \verb+vaw:vbw+. Nesting is allowed.
+This is used to implement multiple \TeX{} hierarchies, by
+assigning a brace list to \code{\$TEXMF}.
+For example, in \file{texmf.cnf}, the following definition
+(appproximately; there are actually even more trees) is made:
+Using this you can then write something like
+ TEXINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex//
+which means that, after looking in the current directory, the
+\code{\$TEXMFHOME/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFLOCAL/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFVAR/tex}
+and \code{\$TEXMFMAIN/tex} trees \emph{only}) will be searched (the
+last two use using \file{ls-R} data base files). It is a convenient
+way for running two parallel \TeX{} structures, one ``frozen'' (on a
+\CD, for instance) and the other being continuously updated with new
+versions as they become available. By using the \code{\$TEXMF}
+variable in all definitions, one is sure to always search the
+up-to-date tree first.
+\subsubsection{Subdirectory expansion}
+Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory
+\var{d} is replaced by all subdirectories of \var{d}: first those
+subdirectories directly under \var{d}, then the subsubdirectories under
+those, and so on. At each level, the order in which the directories are
+searched is \emph{unspecified}.
+If you specify any filename components after the \samp{//}, only
+subdirectories with matching components are included. For example,
+\samp{/a//b} expands into directories \file{/a/1/b}, \file{/a/2/b},
+\file{/a/1/1/b}, and so on, but not \file{/a/b/c} or \file{/a/1}.
+Multiple \samp{//} constructs in a path are possible, but
+\samp{//} at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+\subsubsection{List of special characters and their meaning: a summary}
+The following list summarizes the special characters in \KPS{}
+configuration files.
+% need a wider space for the item labels here.
+\item[\CODE{:}] Separator in path specification; at the beginning or
+ the end of a path it substitutes the default path expansion.\par
+\item[\CODE{;}] Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like \code{:}).
+\item[\CODE{\$}] Variable expansion.
+\item[\CODE{\string~}] Represents the user's home directory.
+\item[\CODE{\char`\{...\char`\}}] Brace expansion.
+\item[\CODE{//}] Subdirectory expansion (can occur anywhere in
+ a path, except at its beginning).
+\item[\CODE{\%}] Start of comment.
+\item[\CODE{\bs}] Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+\item[\CODE{!!}] Search \emph{only} database to locate file, \emph{do
+ not} search the disk.
+\subsection{Filename databases}
+\KPS{} goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches.
+Nevertheless, at installations with enough directories, searching each
+possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time
+(this is especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to
+be traversed.) Therefore, \KPS{} can use an externally-built plain text
+``database'' file named \file{ls-R} that maps files to directories,
+thus avoiding the need to exhaustively search the disk.
+A second database file \file{aliases} allows you to give additional
+names to the files listed in \file{ls-R}. This can be helpful to
+confirm to \acro{DOS} 8.3 filename conventions in source files.
+\subsubsection{The filename database}
+As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be
+\file{ls-R}. You can put one at the root of each \TeX{} hierarchy in
+your installation that you wish to be searched (\code{\$TEXMF} by
+default); most sites have only one hierarchy. \KPS{} looks for
+\file{ls-R} files along the \code{TEXMFDBS} path.
+The recommended way to create and maintain \samp{ls-R} is to run the
+\code{mktexlsr} script included with the distribution. It is invoked
+by the various \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts. In principle, this script
+just runs the command
+cd \var{/your/texmf/root} && \path|\|ls -1LAR ./ >ls-R
+presuming your system's \code{ls} produces the right output format
+(\acro{GNU} \code{ls} is all right). To ensure that the database is
+always up-to-date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via
+\code{cron}, so that it is automatically updated when the installed
+files change, such as after installing or updating a \LaTeX{} package.
+If a file is not found in the database, by default \KPS{} goes ahead
+and searches the disk. If a particular path element begins with
+\samp{!!}, however, \emph{only} the database will be searched for that
+element, never the disk.
+\subsubsection{kpsewhich: Standalone path searching}
+The \texttt{kpsewhich} program exercises path searching independent of any
+particular application. This can be useful as a sort of \code{find}
+program to locate files in \TeX{} hierarchies (this is used heavily in
+the distributed \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts).
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich \var{option}\dots{} \var{filename}\dots{}}
+The options specified in \ttvar{option} start with either \samp{-}
+or \samp{-{}-}, and any unambiguous abbreviation is accepted.
+\KPS{} looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a
+filename, and returns the first file found. There is no option to
+return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix
+\samp{find} utility for that).
+The more important options are described next.
+ Set the resolution to \ttvar{num}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. \samp{-D} is a synonym, for compatibility
+ with \cmdname{dvips}. Default is 600.
+ Set the format for lookup to \ttvar{name}. By default, the
+ format is guessed from the filename. For formats which do not have
+ an associated unambiguous suffix, such as \MP{} support files and
+ \cmdname{dvips} configuration files, you have to specify the name as
+ known to \KPS{}, such as \texttt{tex} or \texttt{enc files}. Run
+ \texttt{kpsewhich -{}-help} for a list.
+ Set the mode name to \ttvar{string}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. No default: any mode will be found.
+ Do everything possible to find the files, notably including
+ searching the disk. By default, only the \file{ls-R} database is
+ checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ Search along the path \ttvar{string} (colon-separated as usual),
+ instead of guessing the search path from the filename. \samp{//} and
+ all the usual expansions are supported. The options \samp{-{}-path}
+ and \samp{-{}-format} are mutually exclusive.
+ Set the program name to \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ This can affect the search paths via the \texttt{.\var{progname}}
+ feature.
+ The default is \cmdname{kpsewhich}.
+ shows the path used for file lookups of file type \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ Either a filename extension (\code{.pk}, \code{.vf}, etc.) or a
+ name can be used, just as with \samp{-{}-format} option.
+ sets the debugging options to \texttt{\var{num}}.
+\subsubsection{Examples of use}
+Let us now have a look at \KPS{} in action. Here's a straightforward search:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich article.cls}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
+We are looking for the file \file{article.cls}. Since the \samp{.cls}
+suffix is unambiguous we do not need to specify that we want to look for a
+file of type \optname{tex} (\TeX{} source file directories). We find it in
+the subdirectory \file{tex/latex/base} below the \samp{texmf-dist} \TL\
+directory. Similarly, all of the following are found without problems
+thanks to their unambiguous suffix.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich array.sty}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/array.sty
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich latin1.def}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latin1.def
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich size10.clo}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich small2e.tex}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/small2e.tex
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich tugboat.bib}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/bibtex/bib/beebe/tugboat.bib
+That last is a \BibTeX{} bibliography database for \textsl{TUGBoat} articles.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+Font bitmap glyph files of type \file{.pk} are used by display
+programs like \cmdname{dvips} and \cmdname{xdvi}. Nothing is returned in
+this case since there are no pre-generated Computer Modern \samp{.pk}
+files in \TL{}\Dash the Type~1 variants are used by default.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+\else /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/
+... wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+For these fonts (a phonetic alphabet from the University of Washington)
+we had to generate \samp{.pk} files, and since the default \MF{} mode on
+our installation is \texttt{ljfour} with a base resolution of 600\dpi{}
+(dots per inch), this instantiation is returned.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich -dpi=300}
+In this case, when specifying that we are interested in a resolution
+of 300\dpi{} (\texttt{-dpi=300}) we see that no such font is available on
+the system. A program like \cmdname{dvips} or \cmdname{xdvi} would
+go off and actually build the required \texttt{.pk} files
+using the script \cmdname{mktexpk}.
+Next we turn our attention to \cmdname{dvips}'s header and configuration
+files. We first look at one of the commonly used files, the general
+prolog \file{} for \TeX{} support, before turning our attention
+to the generic configuration file (\file{}) and the \PS{} font
+map \file{}\Dash as of 2004, map and encoding files have
+their own search paths and new location in \dirname{texmf} trees. As
+the \samp{.ps} suffix is ambiguous we have to specify explicitly which
+type we are considering (\optname{dvips config}) for the file
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/config/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/
+We now take a closer look at the \acro{URW} Times \PS{} support
+files. The prefix for these in the standard font naming scheme is
+\samp{utm}. The first file we look at is the configuration file,
+which contains the name of the map file:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config" config.utm}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/dvips/psnfss/config.utm
+The contents of that file is
+ p
+which points to the file \file{}, which we want to
+locate next.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/times/
+This map file defines the file names of the Type~1 \PS{} fonts in
+the URW collection. Its contents look like (we only show part of the
+utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal... <utmbi8a.pfb
+utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal... <utmri8a.pfb
+utmbo8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmro8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+Let us, for instance, take the Times Roman instance
+\file{utmr8a.pfb} and find its position in the \file{texmf} directory
+tree with a search for Type~1 font files:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich utmr8a.pfb}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb
+\else /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/
+... urw/utm/utmr8a.pfb
+It should be evident from these examples how you can easily locate the
+whereabouts of a given file. This is especially important if you suspect
+that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since
+\cmdname{kpsewhich} will show you the first file encountered.
+\subsubsection{Debugging actions}
+Sometimes it is necessary to investigate how a program resolves file
+references. To make this practical, \KPS{} offers various levels of
+debugging output:
+\item[\texttt{\ 1}] \texttt{stat} calls (disk lookups). When running
+ with an up-to-date \file{ls-R} database this should almost give no
+ output.
+\item[\texttt{\ 2}] References to hash tables (such as \file{ls-R}
+ databases, map files, configuration files).
+\item[\texttt{\ 4}] File open and close operations.
+\item[\texttt{\ 8}] General path information for file types
+ searched by \KPS. This is useful to find out where a particular
+ path for the file was defined.
+\item[\texttt{16}] Directory list for each path element (only relevant
+ for searches on disk).
+\item[\texttt{32}] File searches.
+A value of \texttt{-1} will set all the above options; in practice,
+this is usually the most convenient.
+Similarly, with the \cmdname{dvips} program, by setting a combination of
+debug switches, one can follow in detail where files are being picked up
+from. Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace shows in
+which directories the program looks for the given file, so that one can
+get an indication what the problem~is.
+Generally speaking, as most programs call the \KPS{} library
+internally, one can select a debug option by using the
+\envname{KPATHSEA\_DEBUG} environment variable, and setting it to (a
+combination of) values as described in the above list.
+(Note for Windows users: it is not easy to redirect
+all messages to a file in this system. For diagnostic purposes
+you can temporarily \texttt{SET KPATHSEA\_DEBUG\_OUTPUT=err.log}).
+Let us consider, as an example, a small \LaTeX{} source file,
+\file{hello-world.tex}, which contains the following input.
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \begin{document}
+ Hello World!
+ \end{document}
+This little file only uses the font \file{cmr10}, so let us look at
+how \cmdname{dvips} prepares the \PS{} file (we want to use the Type~1
+version of the Computer Modern fonts, hence the option \texttt{-Pcms}).
+> \Ucom{dvips -d4100 hello-world -Pcms -o}
+In this case we have combined \cmdname{dvips}'s debug class 4 (font
+paths) with \KPS's path element expansion (see \cmdname{dvips} Reference
+Manual, \OnCD{texmf/doc/html/dvips/dvips_toc.html}).
+The output (slightly rearranged) appears in
+\caption{Finding configuration files}\label{fig:dvipsdbga}
+\caption{Finding the prolog file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgb}
+\caption{Finding the font file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgc}
+\cmdname{dvips} starts by locating its working files. First,
+\file{texmf.cnf} is found, which gives the definitions of the search
+paths for the other files, then the file database \file{ls-R} (to
+optimize file searching) and the file \file{aliases}, which makes it
+possible to declare several names (e.g., a short \acro{DOS}-like 8.3 and
+a more natural longer version) for the same file. Then \cmdname{dvips}
+goes on to find the generic configuration file \file{}
+before looking for the customization file \file{.dvipsrc} (which, in
+this case is \emph{not found}). Finally, \cmdname{dvips} locates the
+config file for the Computer Modern \PS{} fonts \file{config.cms}
+(this was initiated with the \texttt{-Pcms} option on the \cmdname{dvips}
+command). This file contains the list of the map files which
+define the relation between the \TeX{}, \PS{} and file system
+names of the fonts.
+> \Ucom{more /usr/local/texmf/dvips/cms/config.cms}
+ p
+ p
+ p
+ p
+\cmdname{dvips} thus goes on to find all these files, plus the generic
+map file \file{}, which is always loaded (it contains
+declarations for commonly used \PS{} fonts; see the last part of
+Section \ref{SExamplesofuse} for more details about \PS{} map
+file handling).
+At this point \cmdname{dvips} identifies itself to the user:
+This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{}:
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search( => /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{} (see
+After having found the file in question, \cmdname{dvips} outputs
+date and time, and informs us that it will generate the
+file \file{}, then that it needs the font file
+\file{cmr10}, and that the latter is declared as ``resident'' (no
+bitmaps needed):
+TeX output 1998.02.26:1204' ->
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.0pt
+Font cmr10 <CMR10> is resident.
+Now the search is on for the file \file{cmr10.tfm}, which is found,
+then a few more prolog files (not shown) are referenced, and finally
+the Type~1 instance \file{cmr10.pfb} of the font is located and
+included in the output file (see last line).
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.tfm, must\_exist=1, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/fonts/tfm//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ /var/tex/fonts/tfm//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.tfm) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.pfb, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.pfb) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/cmr10.pfb
+\subsection{Runtime options}
+Another useful feature of \Webc{} is its possibility to control a number
+of memory parameters (in particular, array sizes) via the runtime file
+\file{texmf.cnf} read by \KPS{}. The memory settings can be found in
+Part 3 of that file in the \TL{} distribution. The more important
+ Total words of memory available, for
+ \TeX{}, \MF{} and \MP. You must make a new format file for each
+ different setting. For instance, you could generate a ``huge''
+ version of \TeX{}, and call the format file \texttt{hugetex.fmt}.
+ Using the standard way of specifying the program name used by \KPS{},
+ the particular value of the \texttt{main\_memory} variable will then
+ be read from \file{texmf.cnf}.
+ Extra space for ``large'' \TeX{} data structures:
+ boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if you use
+ \PiCTeX{}.
+ Number of words for font information available for \TeX. This
+ is more or less the total size of all TFM files read.
+ Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names.
+ Approximately 10,000 control sequences can be stored in the main
+ hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. The default value of
+ \texttt{hash\_extra} is \texttt{50000}.
+\noindent Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic
+arrays and memory allocation, but since these are extremely difficult to
+implement in the present \TeX{} source, these runtime parameters provide
+a practical compromise allowing some flexibility.
+\section{Building on a new Unix platform}
+If you have a platform for which executables are not included, you will
+need to compile \TeX{} and friends. This is not as hard as it
+sounds. What you need is all in the directory \texttt{source} in the
+You will need at least 100 megabytes of disk space to compile all of
+\TeX{} and its support programs. You'll also need an \acro{ANSI} C
+compiler, a \cmdname{make} utility, a lexical scanner, and a parser
+generator. We recommend the \acro{GNU} version of these programs
+(\cmdname{gcc}, \acro{GNU} \cmdname{make}, \cmdname{m4}, \cmdname{flex},
+\cmdname{bison}). You may be able to work with other C compilers and
+\cmdname{make} programs, but you will need a good understanding of
+building Unix programs to sort out problems.
+Also, the command \texttt{uname} must return a sensible value.
+To begin, perform a normal installation of \TL{} to your disk (see
+section~\ref{sec:unix-install-disk} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:unix-install-disk}). You may wish to skip installing
+all of the prebuilt binaries.
+Then, unpack the source from the compressed \texttt{tar} file in the
+directory \dirname{source} to your disk and change directory to where
+you placed it.
+Next, run \cmdname{configure} with a command line like this:
+> \Ucom{sh configure -prefix=/usr/local/TeX}
+The \optname{-prefix} directory is the one where you installed the
+support tree; the directory layout will be as follows (where \$TEXDIR
+stands for the directory you chose):
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/share/texmf} & main tree with fonts,\\
+ & \qquad macros, etc\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/man} & Unix manual pages\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/info} & \acro{GNU} style Info manuals\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin/$PLATFORM} & binaries\\
+If you want to leave out the \dirname{$PLATFORM} directory level,
+i.e., put the binaries directly into \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin}, specify
+the \verb|--disable-multiplatform| option to \cmdname{configure}.
+Have a look at the output of \verb|./configure --help| for more
+options you can use. For example, you can skip building of \OMEGA{} and
+\subsection{Running \cmdname{make}}
+Make sure the shell variable or option \texttt{noclobber} is not set.
+Then, run the main \cmdname{make} like this:
+> \Ucom{make world}
+and relax\ldots
+Alternatively, you want to log all the output, as in:
+> \Ucom{sh -c "make world >world.log 2>\&1" \&}
+Before you believe that everything went ok, please check the log file
+for errors: \acro{GNU} \cmdname{make} always uses the string \samp{***}
+whenever a command fails. Also, check if all the programs were built:
+> \Ucom{cd \var{TEXDIR}/bin/\var{archname}}
+> \Ucom{ls | wc}
+The result should be over 200 (you can check the exact number with the
+\dirname{bin} directory contents in the distribution).
+If you need special privileges for \texttt{make install}, you can
+separate the \samp{make world} into two different runs, like this:
+> \Ucom{make all}
+> \Ucom{su}
+> \Ucom{make install strip}
+After you've installed your new binaries, you should follow the normal
+post-installation procedures, given in section~\ref{sec:postinstall}
+Also, if you'd like to make your binaries available to others, please
+contact us. We'll be happy to put them on the \TL\ web pages.
+\TL{} is a joint effort by virtually all of the \TeX{} user groups.
+This edition of \TL{} was overseen by Sebastian Rahtz and Karl Berry.
+The other principal contributors are listed below.
+\item The English, German, Dutch, and Polish \TeX{} user groups
+(\acro{TUG}, \acro{DANTE} e.V., \acro{NTG}, and \acro{GUST},
+respectively), which together provide the necessary technical
+and administrative infrastructure. Please join your local user group!
+\item The \acro{CTAN} team, which distributes the \TL{} images and
+provides the common infrastructure for package updates, upon which \TL{}
+\item Peter Breitenlohner and the \eTeX\ team for the stable foundation
+of future \TeX's.
+\item Thomas Esser, without whose marvelous \teTeX{} package \TL{}
+would certainly not exist, and whose continual help makes it a better
+\item Michel Goossens, who co-authored the original documentation.
+\item Eitan Gurari, whose \TeX4ht was used to create the \HTML{}
+version of this documentation, and who worked tirelessly to improve
+it at short notice.
+\item Hans Hagen, for major testing and making the \ConTeXt\ format
+conform to \TL's needs.
+\item \Thanh, Martin Schr\"oder, and the pdf\TeX\ team for continuing
+enhancements of \TeX's abilities.
+\item Taco Hoekwater, for renewed development efforts on MetaPost and
+\TeX\ itself.
+\item Pawe{\l} Jackowski, for the Windows installer \cmdname{tlpm},
+and Tomasz {\L}uczak, for \cmdname{tlpmgui}.
+\item Akira Kakuto, for great assistance in incorporating the Windows
+binaries from his \acro{W32TEX} distribution
+\item Jonathan Kew and his employer \acro{SIL}, for the major new
+development of Xe\TeX{} and taking the time and trouble to integrate it
+in \TL{}.
+\item Reinhard Kotucha, for helping with the massive task of updating
+packages in \TL{}, as well as Windows research efforts, the
+\texttt{getnonfreefonts} script, and more.
+\item Petr Ol\v{s}ak, who coordinated and checked all the Czech and Slovak
+material very carefully.
+\item Toshio Oshima, for his \cmdname{dviout} previewer for Windows.
+\item Fabrice Popineau, for the original Windows support in \TL{}.
+\item Norbert Preining, for helping with the \TL{} infrastructure and
+package updates, and coordinating the Debian version of \TL{} (together
+with Frank K\"uster), making many suggestions for improvement along the
+\item Staszek Wawrykiewicz, the principal tester for all of \TL{},
+and coordinator of the many major Polish contributions: fonts, Windows
+installation, and more.
+\item Olaf Weber, for his patient assembly and maintenance of Web2C,
+upon which all else depends.
+\item Gerben Wierda, for creating and maintaining the \MacOSX\ support,
+and much integration and testing.
+\item Graham Williams, on whose work the catalogue of packages depends.
+Builders of the binaries:
+Tigran Aivazian and Hartmut Henkel (\pkgname{x86\_64-linux}),
+Akira Kakuto and Fabrice Popineau (\pkgname{win32}),
+Manfred Lotz (\pkgname{i386-freebsd}),
+Norbert Preining (\pkgname{alpha-linux}),
+Vladimir Volovich (\pkgname{powerpc-aix}, \pkgname{sparc-linux},
+ \pkgname{sparc-solaris}),
+Karl Berry (\pkgname{i386-linux}),
+Olaf Weber (\pkgname{mips-irix}),
+Gerben Wierda (\pkgname{i386-darwin}, \pkgname{powerpc-darwin}).
+Documentation and translation updates:
+Karl Berry (English),
+Daniel Flipo \& Fabrice Popineau (French),
+G\"unter Partosch \& Hartmut Henkel (German),
+Petr Sojka \& Jan Busa (Czech\slash Slovak),
+Boris Veytsman (Russian),
+Staszek Wawrykiewicz (Polish).
+Of course the most important acknowledgement must go to Donald Knuth, first
+for inventing \TeX, and then for giving it to the world.
+\section{Release history}
+Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group was
+starting work on its 4All\TeX{} \CD{} for \acro{MS-DOS} users, and it
+was hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, \CD{} for all
+systems. This was too ambitious a target for the time, but it did spawn
+not only the very successful 4All\TeX{} \CD{}, but also the \acro{TUG}
+Technical Council working group on a \emph{\TeX{} Directory Structure}
+(\url{}), which specified how to create consistent and
+manageable collections of \TeX{} support files. A complete draft of the
+\TDS{} was published in the December 1995 issue of \textsl{TUGboat}, and
+it was clear from an early stage that one desirable product would be a
+model structure on \CD{}. The distribution you now have is a very direct
+result of the working group's deliberations. It was also clear that the
+success of the 4All\TeX{} \CD{} showed that Unix users would benefit
+from a similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of
+We first undertook to make a new Unix-based \TDS{} \CD{} in the autumn
+of 1995, and quickly identified Thomas Esser's \teTeX{} as the ideal
+setup, as it already had multi-platform support and was built with
+portability across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and work
+began seriously at the start of 1996. The first edition was released in
+May 1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a major new release
+of Web2c, which included nearly all the features which Thomas Esser had
+added in \teTeX, and we decided to base the 2nd edition of the \CD{} on
+the standard \Webc, with the addition of \teTeX's \texttt{texconfig}
+script. The 3rd edition of the \CD{} was based on a major revision of
+\Webc, 7.2, by Olaf Weber; at the same time, a new revision of \teTeX
+was being made, and \TL{} included almost all of its features. The
+4th edition followed the same pattern, using a new version of \teTeX,
+and a new release of \Webc{} (7.3). The system now included a complete
+Windows setup.
+For the 5th edition (March 2000) many parts of the \CD{} were revised
+and checked, updating hundreds of packages. Package details were stored
+in XML files. But the major change for \TeX\ Live 5 was that all
+non-free software was removed. Everything in \TL{} is now intended
+to be compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
+(\url{}); we have done our best to check
+the license conditions of all packages, but we would very much
+appreciate hearing of any mistakes.
+The 6th edition (July 2001) had much more material updated. The major
+change was a new install concept: the user could select a more exact set
+of needed collections. Language-related collections were completely
+reorganized, so selecting any of them installs not only macros, fonts,
+etc., but also prepares an appropriate \texttt{language.dat}.
+The 7th edition of 2002 had the notable addition of \MacOSX{} support,
+and the usual myriad of updates to all sorts of packages and
+programs. An important goal was integration of the source back with
+\teTeX, to correct the drift apart in versions~5 and~6.
+In 2003, with the continuing flood of updates and additions, we found
+that \TL{} had grown so large it could no longer be contained on a
+single \CD, so we split it into three different distributions (see
+section~\ref{sec:multiple-dist}, \p.\pageref{sec:multiple-dist}). In
+\item At the request of the \LaTeX{} team, we changed the standard
+ \cmdname{latex} and \cmdname{pdflatex} commands to now use \eTeX{} (see
+ \p.\pageref{text:etex}).
+\item The new Latin Modern fonts were included (and are recommended).
+\item Support for Alpha \acro{OSF} was removed
+ (\acro{HPUX} support was removed previously), since no one had (or
+ volunteered) hardware available on which to compile new binaries.
+\item Windows setup was substantially changed; for the first time
+ an integrated environment based on XEmacs was introduced.
+\item Important supplementary programs for Windows
+ (Perl, Ghost\-script, Image\-Magick, Ispell) are now installed
+ in the \TL{} installation directory.
+\item Font map files used by \cmdname{dvips}, \cmdname{dvipdfm}
+ and \cmdname{pdftex} are now generated by the new program
+ \cmdname{updmap} and installed into \dirname{texmf/fonts/map}.
+\item \TeX{}, \MF{}, and \MP{} now, by default, output most input
+ characters (32 and above) as themselves in output (e.g.,
+ \verb|\write|) files,
+ log files, and the terminal, i.e., \emph{not} translated using the
+ \verb|^^| notation. In \TL{}~7, this translation was
+ dependent on the system locale settings; now, locale settings do
+ not influence the \TeX{} programs' behavior. If for some reason
+ you need the \verb|^^| output, rename the file
+ \verb|texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx|. (Future releases will have cleaner
+ ways to control this.)
+\item This documentation was substantially revised.
+\item Finally, since the edition numbers had grown unwieldy,
+ the version is now simply identified by the year: \TL{} 2003.
+2004 saw many changes:
+\item If you have locally-installed fonts which use their own
+\filename{.map} or (much less likely) \filename{.enc} support files, you
+may need to move those support files.
+\filename{.map} files are now searched for in subdirectories of
+\dirname{fonts/map} only (in each \filename{texmf} tree), along the
+\envname{TEXFONTMAPS} path. Similarly, \filename{.enc} files are now
+searched for in subdirectories of \dirname{fonts/enc} only, along the
+\envname{ENCFONTS} path. \cmdname{updmap} will attempt to warn about
+problematic files.
+For methods of handling this and other information, please see
+\item The \TK\ has been expanded with the addition of a \MIKTEX-based
+installable \CD, for those who prefer that implementation to Web2C.
+See section~\ref{sec:struct-tl} (\p.\pageref{sec:struct-tl}).
+\item Within \TL, the single large \dirname{texmf} tree of previous
+releases has been replaced by three: \dirname{texmf},
+\dirname{texmf-dist}, and \dirname{texmf-doc}. See
+section~\ref{sec:tld} (\p.\pageref{sec:tld}), and the \filename{README}
+files for each.
+\item All \TeX-related input files are now collected in
+the \dirname{tex} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, rather than
+having separate sibling directories \dirname{tex}, \dirname{etex},
+\dirname{pdftex}, \dirname{pdfetex}, etc. See
+\item Helper scripts (not meant to be invoked by users) are now located
+in a new \dirname{scripts} directory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, and
+searched for via \verb|kpsewhich -format=texmfscripts|. So if you have
+programs which call such scripts, they'll need to be adjusted. See
+\item Almost all formats leave most characters printable as
+themselves via the ``translation file'' \filename{cp227.tcx}, instead of
+translating them with the \verb|^^| notation. Specifically, characters
+at positions 32--256, plus tab, vertical tab, and form feed are
+considered printable and not translated. The exceptions are plain \TeX\
+(only 32--126 printable), \ConTeXt\ (0--255 printable), and the
+\OMEGA-related formats. This default behavior is almost the same as in
+\TL\,2003, but it's implemented more cleanly, with more possibilities
+for customization. See \CDref{texmf/doc/web2c/web2c.html\#TCX-files}
+(By the way, with Unicode input, \TeX\ may output partial character
+sequences when showing error contexts, since it is byte-oriented.)
+\item \textsf{pdfetex} is now the default engine for all formats
+except (plain) \textsf{tex} itself. (Of course it generates \acro{DVI}
+when run as \textsf{latex}, etc.) This means, among other things, that
+the microtypographic features of \textsf{pdftex} are available in
+\LaTeX, \ConTeXt, etc., as well as the \eTeX\ features
+It also means it's \emph{more important than ever} to use the
+\pkgname{ifpdf} package (works with both plain and \LaTeX) or equivalent
+code, because simply testing whether \cs{pdfoutput} or some other
+primitive is defined is not a reliable way to determine if \acro{PDF}
+output is being generated. We made this backward compatible as best we
+could this year, but next year, \cs{pdfoutput} may be defined even when
+\acro{DVI} is being written.
+\item pdf\TeX\ (\url{}) has many new features:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cs{pdfmapfile} and \cs{pdfmapline} provide font map support
+ from within a document.
+ \item Microtypographic font expansion can be used more easily.\\
+ \url{}
+ \item All parameters previously set through the special configuration
+ file \filename{pdftex.cfg} must now be set through primitives,
+ typically in \filename{pdftexconfig.tex}; \filename{pdftex.cfg} is no
+ longer supported. Any extant \filename{.fmt} files must be redumped
+ when \filename{pdftexconfig.tex} is changed.
+ \item See the pdf\TeX\ manual for more: \OnCD{texmf/doc/pdftex/manual}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+\item The \cs{input} primitive in \cmdname{tex} (and \cmdname{mf} and
+\cmdname{mpost}) now accepts double quotes containing spaces and other
+special characters. Typical examples:
+\input "filename with spaces" % plain
+\input{"filename with spaces"} % latex
+See the Web2C manual for more: \OnCD{texmf/doc/web2c}.
+\item enc\TeX\ support is now included within Web2C and consequently all
+\TeX\ programs, via the \optname{-enc} option\Dash \emph{only when
+formats are built}. enc\TeX\ supports general re-encoding of input and
+output, enabling full support of Unicode (in \acro{UTF}-8). See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/enctex/} and
+\item Aleph, a new engine combining \eTeX\ and \OMEGA, is available.
+A little information is available in \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base}
+and \url{}. The
+\LaTeX-based format for Aleph is named \textsf{lamed}.
+\item The latest \LaTeX\ release has a new version of the
+\acro{LPPL}\Dash now officially a Debian-approved license. Assorted
+other updates, see the \filename{ltnews} files in
+\item \cmdname{dvipng}, a new program for converting \acro{DVI} to
+\acro{PNG} image files, is included. See \OnCD{texmf/doc/man/man1/dvipng.1}.
+\item We reduced the \pkgname{cbgreek} package to a ``medium'' sized set
+of fonts, with the assent and advice of the author (Claudio Beccari).
+The excised fonts are the invisible, outline, and transparency ones,
+which are relatively rarely used, and we needed the space. The full set
+is of course available from \acro{CTAN}
+\item \cmdname{oxdvi} has been removed; just use \cmdname{xdvi}.
+\item The \cmdname{ini} and \cmdname{vir} commands (links) for
+\cmdname{tex}, \cmdname{mf}, and \cmdname{mpost} are no longer created,
+such as \cmdname{initex}. The \cmdname{ini} functionality has been
+available through the command-line option \optname{-ini} for years now.
+\item \textsf{i386-openbsd} platform support was removed. Since the
+\pkgname{tetex} package in the \acro{BSD} Ports system is available, and
+\acro{GNU/}Linux and Free\acro{BSD} binaries were available, it seemed
+volunteer time could be better spent elsewhere.
+\item On \textsf{sparc-solaris} (at least), you may have to set the
+\envname{LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH} environment variable to run the
+\pkgname{t1utils} programs. This is because they are compiled with C++,
+and there is no standard location for the runtime libraries. (This is
+not new in 2004, but wasn't previously documented.) Similarly, on
+\textsf{mips-irix}, the \acro{MIPS}pro 7.4 runtimes are required.
+2005 saw the usual huge number of updates to packages and programs.
+The infrastructure stayed relatively stable from 2004, but inevitably
+there were some changes there as well:
+\item New scripts \cmdname{texconfig-sys}, \cmdname{updmap-sys}, and
+ \cmdname{fmtutil-sys} were introduced, which modify the
+ configuration in the system trees. The \cmdname{texconfig},
+ \cmdname{updmap}, and \cmdname{fmtutil} scripts now modify
+ user-specific files, under \dirname{$HOME/.texlive2005}.
+ See section~\ref{sec:texconfig}, \p.\pageref{sec:texconfig}.
+\item Corresponding new variables \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} to specify the trees where configuration
+ files (user or system, respectively) are found. Thus, you may
+ need to move personal versions of \filename{fmtutil.cnf} and
+ \filename{updmap.cfg} to these places; another option is to
+ redefine \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} or \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} in
+ \filename{texmf.cnf}. In any case the real location of these files
+ and the values of \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ must agree.
+ See section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}, \p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}.
+\item Last year, we kept \verb|\pdfoutput| and other primitives undefined
+ for DVI output, even though the \cmdname{pdfetex} program was
+ being used. This year, as promised, we undid that compatibility
+ measure. So if your document uses \verb|\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined|
+ to test if PDF is being output, it will need to be changed. You
+ can use the package \pkgname{ifpdf.sty} (which works under both
+ plain \TeX\ and \LaTeX) to do this, or steal its logic.
+\item Last year, we changed most formats to output (8-bit) characters as
+ themselves (see previous section). The new TCX file
+ \filename{empty.tcx} now provides an easier way to get the
+ original \verb|^^| notation if you so desire, as in:
+latex --translate-file=empty.tcx yourfile.tex
+\item The new program \cmdname{dvipdfmx} is included for translation of
+ DVI to PDF; this is an actively maintained update of
+ \cmdname{dvipdfm} (which is also still available for now, though
+ no longer recommended).
+\item The new programs \cmdname{pdfopen} and \cmdname{pdfclose} are included
+ to allow reloading of pdf files in the Adobe Acrobat Reader without
+ restarting the program. (Other pdf readers, notably \cmdname{xpdf},
+ \cmdname{gv}, and \cmdname{gsview}, have never suffered from this
+ problem.)
+\item For consistency, the variables \envname{HOMETEXMF} and
+ \envname{VARTEXMF} have been renamed to \envname{TEXMFHOME} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}, respectively. There is also
+ \envname{TEXMFVAR}, which is by default user-specific. See the
+ first point above.
+In 2006--2007, the major new addition to \TL{} was the Xe\TeX{} program,
+available as the \texttt{xetex} and \texttt{xelatex} programs; see
+MetaPost also received a notable update, with more planned for the
+future (\url{}), likewise pdf\TeX{}
+The \TeX\ \filename{.fmt} (high-speed format) and the similar files for
+MetaPost and \MF\ are now stored in subdirectories of \dirname{texmf/web2c},
+instead of in the directory itself (although the directory is still
+searched, for the sake of existing \filename{.fmt}'s). The
+subdirectories are named for the `engine' in use, such as \filename{tex}
+or \filename{pdftex} or \filename{xetex}. This change should be
+invisible in normal use.
+The (plain) \texttt{tex} program no longer reads \texttt{\%\&} first
+lines to determine what format to run; it is the pure Knuthian \TeX.
+(\LaTeX\ and everything else do still read \texttt{\%\&} lines).
+The installation scripts now accept various environment variables to
+allow for non-interactive installation; see
+Of course the year also saw (the usual) hundreds of other updates to
+packages and programs. As usual, please check \acro{CTAN}
+(\url{}) for updates.
+Internally, the source tree is now stored in Subversion, with a standard
+web interface for viewing the tree, as linked from our home page.
+Although not visible in the final distribution, we expect this will
+provide a stable development foundation for future years.
+Finally, in May 2006 Thomas Esser announced that he would no longer be
+updating te\TeX{} (\url{}). As a result, there was
+been a surge of interest in \TL{}, especially among \acro{GNU}/Linux
+distributors. (There is a new \texttt{tetex} installation scheme in
+\TL{}, which provides an approximate equivalent.) We hope this will
+eventually translate to improvements in the \TeX\ environment for
+\emph{\TL{} is not perfect!} (And never will be.) We intend to
+continue to release new versions, and would like to provide more
+help material, more utilities, more installation programs, and (of
+course) an ever-improved and checked tree of macros and fonts. This work
+is all done by hard-pressed volunteers in their limited spare time, and
+a great deal remains to be done. If you can help, don't hesitate to put
+your name forward!
+Please send corrections, suggestions, and offers of help to:\hfill\null
+\email{} \\
+\noindent \textsl{Happy \TeX ing!}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2008.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2008.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a172d5f409e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2008.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,2951 @@
+% $Id: live.tex 9531 2008-07-13 21:12:58Z siepo $
+% TeX Live documentation. Originally written by Sebastian Rahtz and
+% Michel Goossens, now maintained by Karl Berry and others.
+% Public domain.
+\let\tldocenglish=1 % for live4ht.cfg
+\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % translators: use your preferred encodings.
+ {\huge \textit{The \TeX\ Live Guide}\\\smallskip}%
+ {\LARGE \textsf{\TL{} 2008}}%
+\author{Karl Berry, editor \\[3mm]
+ \url{}
+ }
+\date{August 2008}
+\subsection{\TeX\ Live and the \TeX\ Collection}
+This document describes the main features of the \TL{} software
+distribution\Dash \TeX{} and related programs for \GNU/Linux
+and other Unix flavors, \MacOSX, and Windows systems.
+You may have acquired \TL{} by downloading, or on the \TK{} \DVD,
+which \TeX{} usergroups distribute among their members. Section
+\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists} briefly describes the contents of this \DVD.
+Both \TL{} and the \TK{} are cooperative efforts by the \TeX{} user
+groups. This document mainly describes \TL{} itself.
+\TL{} includes executables for \TeX{}, \LaTeXe{}, \ConTeXt,
+\MF, \MP, \BibTeX{} and many other programs; an extensive collection
+of macros, fonts and documentation; and support for typesetting in
+many different scripts from around the world.
+\TL{} packages are regularly updated from
+\acro{CTAN}: \url{}.
+For a brief summary of the major changes in this edition of \TL{},
+see the end of the document, section~\ref{sec:history}
+\subsection{Operating system support}
+\TL{} contains binaries for many Unix-based architectures,
+including \MacOSX. The included sources should enable installation
+on platforms for which we do not have binaries.
+As to Windows: only Windows 2000 and later are supported. Windows
+9\textit{x}, ME and NT have been dropped. Because of this
+change, Windows requires much less special treatment compared to
+the Unix systems. There are no 64-bit executables for Windows, but the
+32-bit executables should run on 64-bit systems.
+See section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists} for alternate solutions
+for Windows and \MacOSX.
+\subsection{Basic installation of \protect\TL{}}
+You can install \TL{} either from \DVD{} or over the Internet. The net
+installer itself is small, and downloads everything requested from the
+Internet. The net installer is an attractive option if you need only a
+fraction of the complete \TL.
+The \DVD{} installer lets you install to a local disk, but you can
+also run \TL{} directly from the \DVD{} (or from a \DVD{} image, if
+your system supports that).
+\noindent This is described in the
+installation sections following, but here is a quick start:
+\item The installation script is named \filename{install-tl}. It can
+ operate in both a \GUI{} mode (default for Windows) and
+ a text mode (default for everything else). You can force one mode or
+ the other with the options \code{-gui} and \code{-no-gui}, respectively.
+\item One of the installed items is a new program, the `\TL\ Manager',
+ named \prog{tlmgr}. Like the installer, it can be used in both \GUI{}
+ mode and in text mode. You can use it to install and uninstall
+ packages and do various configuration tasks.
+\subsection{Getting help}
+The \TeX{} community is both active and friendly, and most serious
+questions end up getting answered. However, the support is informal,
+done by volunteers and casual readers, so it's especially important that
+you do your homework before asking. (If you prefer guaranteed
+commercial support, you can forego \TL{} completely and purchase a
+vendor's system; \url{} has a list.)
+Here is a list of resources, approximately in the order we recommend
+using them:
+\item [Getting Started] If you are new to \TeX, the web page
+\url{} gives a brief introduction to the system.
+\item [\TeX{} \acro{FAQ}] The \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} is a huge compendium
+ of answers to all sorts of questions, from the most basic to the
+ most arcane. It is included on \TL{} in
+ \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en/html/index.html}, and is available
+ on the Internet through \url{}. Please
+ check here first.
+\item [\TeX{} Catalogue] If you are looking for a specific package,
+font, program, etc., the \TeX{} Catalogue is the place to look. It is a
+huge collection of all \TeX{}-related items. See
+\item [\TeX{} Web Resources] The web page
+\url{} has many \TeX{}-related links, in
+particular for numerous books, manuals, and articles on all aspects of
+the system.
+\item [support archives] The two principal support forums are the
+Usenet newsgroup \url{news:comp.text.tex} and the mailing list
+\email{}. Their archives have years of past
+questions and answers for your searching pleasure, via
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively. And a general web
+search, for example on \url{}, never hurts.
+\item [asking questions] If you cannot find an answer, you can post to
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} through Google or your newsreader, or to
+\email{} through email. But before you post,
+\emph{please} read this \acro{FAQ} entry, to maximize
+your chances of getting a useful answer:
+\item [\TL{} support] If you want to report a bug or have
+suggestions or comments on the \TL{} distribution, installation, or
+documentation, the mailing list is \email{}. However,
+if your question is about how to use a particular program included in
+\TL{}, please write to that program's maintainer or
+mailing list. Often running a program with the \code{-{}-help} option
+will provide a bug reporting address.
+The other side of the coin is helping others who have questions. Both
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} and \code{texhax} are open to anyone, so feel
+free to join, start reading, and help out where you can.
+% don't use \TL so the \uppercase in the headline works. Also so
+% tex4ht ends up with the right TeX. Likewise the \protect's.
+\section{Overview of \protect\TeX\protect\ Live}
+This section describes the contents of \TL{} and the \TK{} of which it
+is a part.
+\subsection{The \protect\TeX\protect\ Collection: \TL, pro\TeX{}t, Mac\TeX}
+The \TK{} \DVD{} comprises the following:
+\item [\TL] A complete \TeX{} system which can be run live or
+ installed to disk.
+\item [Mac\TeX] for \MacOSX, this adds a native \MacOSX\ installer and other
+Mac applications to \TL{}. Its home page is
+\item [pro\TeX{}t] An enhancement of the \MIKTEX\ distribution for Windows,
+\ProTeXt\ adds a few extra tools to \MIKTEX, and simplifies
+installation. It is entirely independent of \TL{}, and has its own
+installation instructions. The \ProTeXt\ home page is
+\item [CTAN] A snapshot of the \CTAN{} repository.
+\item [\texttt{texmf-extra}] A directory with assorted additional packages.
+\CTAN{}, \pkgname{protext}, and \dirname{texmf-extra} do not
+necessarily follow the same copying conditions as \TL{}, so be careful
+when redistributing or modifying.
+\subsection{Top level \TL{} directories}
+Here is a brief listing and description of the top level directories in
+the \TL{} distribution. On the \pkgname{live} \DVD, the entire \TL{}
+hierarchy is in a subdirectory \dirname{texlive}, not at the top
+level of the disc.
+\item[bin] The \TeX{} system programs, arranged by platform.
+\item[readme.html] Web pages with a quick introduction and useful links,
+in various languages.
+\item[source] The source to all included programs, including the main \Webc{}
+ \TeX{} and \MF{} distributions.
+\item[support] Various auxiliary packages and programs. These are
+ \emph{not} installed automatically. This includes
+ assorted editors and \TeX\ shells.
+\item[texmf] See \dirname{TEXMFMAIN} below.
+\item[texmf-dist] See \dirname{TEXMFDIST} below.
+\item[texmf-doc] Tree for self-contained pure documentation, arranged by
+ language.
+\item[tlpkg] Scripts, programs and data for managing the
+ installation. It also contains private copies of
+ Perl and Ghostscript for Windows, which are invisible outside \TL,
+ and a new Windows PostScript viewer PSView.
+In addition to the directories above, the installation scripts and
+\filename{README} files (in various languages) are at the top level of
+the distribution.
+The \dirname{texmf-doc} directory contains documentation which does
+not belong to any particular package or program. The documentation
+for the programs (manuals, man pages, Info files) is in
+\dirname{texmf/doc}. The documentation for \TeX\ packages and
+formats is in \dirname{texmf-dist/doc}. You can use the
+\cmdname{texdoc} or \cmdname{texdoctk} programs to find any
+documentation wherever it is located. The comprehensive links in
+the top-level file \OnCD{doc.html} may also be helpful.
+This \TL\ documentation itself is in \dirname{texmf-doc} and is
+available in several languages:
+\item{Simplified Chinese:} \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/chinese/texlive-zh-cn}
+\item{Czech/Slovak:} \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/czechslovak/texlive-cz}
+\item{English:} \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/english/texlive-en}
+\item{French:} \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/french/texlive-fr}
+\item{German:} \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/german/texlive-de}
+\item{Polish:} \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/polish/texlive-pl}
+\item{Russian:} \OnCD{texmf-doc/doc/russian/texlive-ru}
+\subsection{Overview of the predefined texmf trees}
+This section lists all predefined variables specifying the texmf trees
+used by the system, and their intended purpose, and the default
+layout of a \TL{} system. The command \texttt{texconfig conf} shows
+you the values of these variables, so that you can easily find out
+how they map to directory names in your installation.
+\item [TEXMFMAIN] The tree which holds vital parts of the system
+ such as helper scripts (e.g., \verb+web2c/mktexdir+) and other
+ support files and their documentation. Does not include
+ \TeX\ formats and packages.
+\item [TEXMFDIST] The tree which holds the main set of macro packages,
+ fonts, etc., as originally distributed.
+\item [TEXMFLOCAL] The tree which administrators can use for system-wide
+ installation of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+\item [TEXMFHOME] The tree which users can use for their own individual
+ installations of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+ The expansion of this variable dynamically adjusts for each user to
+ their own individual directory.
+\item [TEXMFCONFIG] The tree used by the utilities
+ \verb+texconfig+, \verb+updmap+, and \verb+fmtutil+ to store modified
+ configuration data. Under \envname{TEXMFHOME} by default.
+\item [TEXMFSYSCONFIG] The tree used by the utilities
+ \verb+texconfig-sys+, \verb+updmap-sys+, and \verb+fmtutil-sys+ to
+ store modified configuration data.
+\item [TEXMFVAR] The tree used by \verb+texconfig+, \verb+updmap+ and
+ \verb+fmtutil+ to store (cached) runtime data such as format files and
+ generated map files. Under \envname{TEXMFHOME} by default.
+\item [TEXMFSYSVAR] The tree used by \verb+texconfig-sys+,
+ \verb+updmap-sys+ and \verb+fmtutil-sys+, and also by \verb+tlmgr+, to
+ store (cached) runtime data such as format files and generated map files.
+The default layout is:
+ \item[system-wide root] can span multiple \TL{} releases:
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item[2007] A previous release.
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [...]
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item[2008] The current release.
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [bin] ~
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [i386-linux] \GNU/Linux binaries
+ \item [...]
+ \item [universal-darwin] \MacOSX binaries
+ \item [win32] Windows binaries
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf] This is \envname{TEXMFMAIN}.
+ \item [texmf-dist] \envname{TEXMFDIST}
+ \item [texmf-doc] \envname{TEXMFDOC}
+ \item [texmf-var] \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}
+ \item [texmf-config] \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf-local] \envname{TEXMFLOCAL}, intended to be
+ retained from release to release.
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item[user's home] (\texttt{\$HOME} or
+ \texttt{\%USERPROFILE\%})
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item[.texlive2007] Privately generated and configuration data
+ for a previous release.
+ \item[.texlive2008] Privately generated and configuration data
+ for the current release.
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf-var] \envname{TEXMFVAR}
+ \item [texmf-config] \envname{TEXMFCONFIG}
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item[texmf] \envname{TEXMFHOME} Personal macros.
+ \textit{etc.}
+ \end{ttdescription}
+\subsection{Extensions to \protect\TeX}
+\TeX{} itself is frozen, apart from rare bug fixes. It is still present
+in \TL\ as the program \prog{tex}, and will remain so in the
+foreseeable future. \TL{} contains several extended versions of \TeX:
+\item [\eTeX] adds a set of new primitives
+\label{text:etex} (related to macro expansion, character scanning,
+classes of marks, additional debugging features, and more) and the
+\TeXXeT{} extensions for bidirectional typesetting. In default mode,
+\eTeX{} is 100\% compatible with ordinary \TeX. See
+\item [pdf\TeX] builds on the \eTeX\ extensions, adding support for
+writing \acro{PDF} output as well as \dvi{}. This is the program
+invoked for most formats, e.g., \prog{etex}, \prog{latex},
+\prog{pdflatex}. See \url{}.
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf} for the manual, and
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/samplepdf/samplepdf.tex} for example usage
+of some of its features.
+\item [Lua\TeX] is the designated successor of pdf\TeX, with which it
+is intended to be backward-compatible. It should also supersede Aleph,
+see below. The incorporated Lua interpreter (see
+\url{}) enables elegant solutions for many thorny
+\TeX{} problems. When called as \filename{texlua}, it functions as a
+standalone Lua interpreter, and is already used as such within \TL. See
+\url{} and
+\item [\XeTeX] adds support for Unicode input and OpenType- and system
+fonts, implemented using standard third-party libraries. See
+\item [\OMEGA\ (Omega)] is based on Unicode (16-bit characters), thus
+supports working with almost all the world's scripts simultaneously. It
+also supports so-called `\OMEGA{} Translation Processes' (\acro{OTP}s),
+for performing complex transformations on arbitrary input. See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/omega/base/doc-1.8.tex} (not completely up-to-date).
+\item [Aleph] combines the \OMEGA\ and \eTeX\ extensions.
+See \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base} for some minimal documentation.
+\subsection{Other notable programs in \protect\TL}
+Here are a few other commonly-used programs included in \TL{}:
+\item [bibtex] bibliography support.
+\item [makeindex] index support.
+\item [dvips] convert \dvi{} to \PS{}.
+\item [xdvi] \dvi{} previewer for the X Window System.
+\item [dvilj] \dvi{} drive for the HP LaserJet family.
+\item [dv2dt, dt2dv] convert \dvi{} to/from plain text.
+\item [dviconcat, dviselect] cut and paste pages
+from \dvi{} files.
+\item [dvipdfmx] convert \dvi{} to \acro{PDF}, an alternative approach
+to pdf\TeX\ (mentioned above). See the \pkgname{ps4pdf} and
+\pkgname{pdftricks} packages for still more alternatives.
+\item [psselect, psnup, \ldots] \PS{}
+\item [lacheck] \LaTeX{} syntax checker.
+\item [texexec, texmfstart] Con\TeX{}t and \acro{PDF} processor.
+\item [tex4ht] \TeX{} to \acro{HTML} (and \acro{XML} and more) converter.
+\subsection{Fonts in \protect\TL}
+\TL{} comes with many high-quality scalable fonts. See
+\url{} and
+\subsection{Starting the installer}
+To start with, get the \TK{} \DVD{} or download the \TL{} net installer,
+and locate the installer script: \filename{install-tl} for Unix,
+\filename{install-tl.bat} for Windows.
+\item [Net installer:] Download from \CTAN, under
+\dirname{systems/texlive/tlnet}; the url
+\url{} will automatically
+redirect to a nearby, up-to-date, mirror. You can retrieve either
+\filename{} which can be used under Unix and Windows and
+\filename{install-unx.tar.gz} which is considerably smaller, for Unix
+only. After unpacking, \filename{install-tl} and
+\filename{install-tl.bat} will be in the \dirname{install-tl}
+\item [\TeX{} Collection \DVD:] go to its \dirname{texlive}
+subdirectory. Under Windows, the installer should start automatically
+when you insert the \DVD. You can get the \DVD\ by becoming a member of
+a \TeX\ user group (highly recommended,
+\url{}), or purchasing it separately
+(\url{}), or burning your own from the \ISO\
+image (\url{}).
+The following sections explain in more detail.
+======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================
+=======> Note: Letters/digits in <angle brackets> indicate menu items <=======
+=======> for commands or configurable options <=======
+ Detected platform: Intel x86 with GNU/Linux
+ <B> binary systems: 1 out of 16
+ <S> Installation scheme (scheme-full)
+ Customizing installation scheme:
+ <C> standard collections
+ <L> language collections
+ 83 collections out of 84, disk space required: 1666 MB
+ <D> directories:
+ TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
+ !! default location: /usr/local/texlive/2008
+ !! is not writable, please select a different one!
+ TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
+ /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local
+ TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-var
+ TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-config
+ TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):
+ ~/texmf
+ <O> options:
+ [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
+ [X] create all format files
+ [X] install macro/font doc tree
+ [X] install macro/font source tree
+ [ ] create symlinks in standard directories
+ <V> Install for running from DVD
+Other actions:
+ <I> start installation to HD
+ <H> help
+ <Q> quit
+Enter command:
+\caption{Main text installer screen (\GNU/Linux)}\label{fig:text-main}
+\caption{Main \GUI{} installer screen (Windows)}\label{fig:gui-main}
+Below, \texttt{>} denotes the shell prompt; user input is
+Starting in a terminal window on a Unix-compatible system, the simplest
+> \Ucom{cd /path/to/installer}
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl}
+(Or you can invoke \Ucom{perl /path/to/installer/install-tl}, or
+\Ucom{./install-tl} if it stayed executable, etc.; we won't repeat all
+these variations.)
+To install in \GUI\ mode (you'll need the \dirname{Perl/TK} module), use:
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl -gui}
+For a complete listing of the various options:
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl -help}
+\textbf{Warning about Unix permissions:} Your \code{umask} at the time
+of installation will be respected by the \TL{} installer. Therefore, if
+you want your installation to be usable by users other than you, make
+sure your setting is sufficiently permissive, for instance, \code{umask
+002}. For more information about \code{umask}, consult your system
+As mentioned in section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists}, a separate distribution
+is prepared for \MacOSX, named Mac\TeX\ (\url{}).
+We recommend using the native Mac\TeX\ installer instead of the \TL\
+installer on \MacOSX, because the native installer can make a few
+Mac-specific adjustments, in particular to allow easily switching
+between the various \TeX\ distributions for \MacOSX\ (Mac\TeX, gw\TeX,
+Fink, MacPorts, \ldots).
+Mac\TeX\ is firmly based on \TL, and the main \TeX\ trees are precisely
+the same. It does add a few extra folders with Mac-specific
+documentation and applications.
+If you are using the net installer, or the \DVD\ installer failed to
+start automatically, double-click \filename{install-tl.bat}.
+You can also start the installer from the command-prompt. Below,
+\texttt{>} denotes the prompt; user input is \Ucom{\texttt{bold}}. If
+you are in the installer directory, run just:
+> \Ucom{install-tl}
+Or you can invoke it with an absolute location, such as:
+> \Ucom{D:\bs{}texlive\bs{}install-tl}
+for the \TK\ \DVD, supposing that \dirname{D:} is the optical drive.
+To install in text mode, use:
+> \Ucom{install-tl -no-gui}
+For a complete listing of the various options:
+> \Ucom{install-tl -help}
+\subsubsection{The text installer}
+Figure~\ref{fig:text-main} displays the main text mode screen under
+This is only a command-line installer; there is no cursor support at
+all. For instance, you cannot tab around checkboxes or input fields.
+You just type something (case-sensitive) at the prompt and press the
+Enter key, and then the entire terminal screen will be rewritten, with
+adjusted content.
+The text installer interface is this primitive for a reason: it
+is designed to run on as many platforms as possible, even with a
+very barebones Perl (for Windows, a Perl subset is included).
+\subsubsection{The graphical installer}
+Figure~\ref{fig:gui-main} displays the graphical installer under
+Windows. Most differences in available options are due to this
+screenshot being from Windows, and the previous text screen being
+from \GNU/Linux.
+\subsection{Running the installer}
+The installer is intended to be mostly self-explanatory. Still, a few
+quick notes about the various options and submenus:
+\subsubsection{Binary systems menu (Unix only)}
+Available sets of binaries:
+ a [ ] alpha-linux DEC Alpha with GNU/Linux
+ b [ ] amd64-freebsd x86_64 with FreeBSD
+ c [ ] hppa-hpux HP-UX
+ d [ ] i386-freebsd Intel x86 with FreeBSD
+ e [X] i386-linux Intel x86 with GNU/Linux
+ f [ ] i386-openbsd Intel x86 with OpenBSD
+ g [ ] i386-solaris Intel x86 with Sun Solaris
+ h [ ] mips-irix SGI IRIX
+ i [ ] powerpc-aix PowerPC with AIX
+ j [ ] powerpc-linux PowerPC with GNU/Linux
+ k [ ] sparc-linux Sparc with GNU/Linux
+ l [ ] sparc-solaris Sparc with Solaris
+ m [ ] universal-darwin universal binaries for MacOSX/Darwin
+ o [ ] win32 Windows
+ p [ ] x86_64-linux x86_64 with GNU/Linux
+\caption{Binaries menu}\label{fig:bin-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:bin-text} displays the text mode binaries menu. By
+default, only the binaries for your current platform will be installed.
+From this menu, you can select installation of binaries for other
+architectures as well. This can be useful if you are sharing a \TeX\
+tree across a network of heterogenous machines, or for a dual-boot
+\subsubsection{Selecting what is going to be installed}
+Select a scheme:
+ a [ ] TeX Live basic scheme
+ b [ ] TeX Live scheme for ConTeXt
+ c [X] TeX Live full scheme
+ d [ ] GUST TeX Live scheme
+ e [ ] GUTenberg TeX Live scheme
+ f [ ] TeX Live medium scheme
+ g [ ] TeX Live minimal scheme
+ h [ ] TeX Live for Omega users
+ i [ ] teTeX scheme
+ j [ ] XML typesetting scheme
+\caption{Scheme menu}\label{fig:scheme-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:scheme-text} displays the \TL\ scheme menu; from here,
+you choose a ``scheme'', which is an overall set of package collections.
+The default \optname{full} scheme installs everything available, but you
+can also choose the \optname{basic} scheme for a small system,
+\optname{minimal} for testing purposes, and \optname{medium} or
+\optname{teTeX} to get something in between. There are also various
+specialized and country-specific schemes.
+\caption{Collections menu (Linux)}\label{fig:collections-gui}
+You can refine your scheme selection with the `standard collections' and
+`language collections' menus (figure~\ref{fig:collections-gui}, shown in
+\GUI\ mode for a change).
+Collections are one level more detailed than schemes\Dash in essence, a
+scheme consists of several collections, a collection consists of one or
+more packages, and a package (the lowest level grouping in \TL) contains
+the actual \TeX\ macro files, font files, and so on.
+If you want more control than the collection menus provide, you can use
+the \prog{tlmgr} program after installation (see
+section~\ref{sec:tlmgr}); using that, you can control the installation
+at the package level.
+The default layout is described in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees},
+\p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}. The default location of
+\dirname{TEXDIR} is different between Windows
+(|%PROGRAMFILES%\texlive\2008|) and Unix
+The main reason to change this default is if you lack write permission
+for the default location. You don't have to be root or adminstrator to
+install \TL, but you do need write access to the target directory.
+A logical alternate choice is a directory under your home directory,
+especially if you will be the sole user. Use
+`|~|' to indicate this, as in `|~/texlive/2008|'.
+We recommend including the year in the name, to enable keeping different
+releases of \TL{} side by side. (You may wish to make a
+version-independent name such as \dirname{/usr/local/texlive-cur} via a
+symbolic link, which you can then update after testing the new release.)
+Changing \dirname{TEXDIR} in the installer will also change
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL}, \dirname{TEXMFSYSVAR} and
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME} is the recommended location for personal
+macro files or packages. The default value is |~/texmf|. In
+contrast to \dirname{TEXDIR}, here a |~| is preserved in the
+newly-written configuration files, since it usefully refers to the home
+directory of each individual running \TeX. It expands to
+\dirname{$HOME} on Unix and \verb|%USERPROFILE%| on Windows.
+<P> use letter size instead of A4 by default: [ ]
+<F> create all format files: [X]
+<D> install font/macro doc tree: [X]
+<S> install font/macro source tree: [X]
+<L> create symlinks in standard directories: [ ]
+ binaries to:
+ manpages to:
+ info to:
+\caption{Options menu (Unix)}\label{fig:options-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:options-text} displays the text mode options menu.
+Three of the options here need mentioning:
+\item[use letter size instead of A4 by default:] The usual default paper
+ size selection. Of course, individual documents can specify a specific
+ paper size, if desired.
+\item[create all format files:] Although unnecessary format files
+ take time to generate and disk space to store, it is still recommended
+ to leave this option checked: if you don't, then format files will be
+ generated in people's private \dirname{TEXMFVAR} tree as they are
+ needed. In that location, they will not be updated automatically if
+ (say) binaries or hyphenation patterns are updated in the
+ installation, and thus could end up with incompatible format files.
+\item[create symlinks in standard directories] (Unix only):
+ This option bypasses the need to change environment
+ variables. Without this option, \TL{} directories have to be added
+ to \envname{PATH}, \envname{MANPATH} and \envname{INFOPATH}. You will
+ need write permissions to the target directories. It is not
+ advisable to overwrite a \TeX\ system that came with your system
+ with this option. It is intended primarily for creating the links
+ in standard directories that are known to users, such as
+ \dirname{/usr/local/bin}, which don't already contain any
+ \TeX\ files.
+Now when all these settings are to your liking, you can type `I' to
+start the installation process. When it is done, skip to
+section~\ref{sec:postinstall} to read what else needs to be done, if
+\subsubsection{Set up for running from DVD{} (text mode only)}
+Type `|V|' to select this option. This changes the main menu into something
+like figure~\ref{fig:main-fromdvd}.
+======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================
+=======> Note: Letters/digits in <angle brackets> indicate menu items <=======
+=======> for commands or configurable options <=======
+ <D> directories:
+ TEXDIRW (Writable root):
+ !! default location: /usr/local/texlive/2008
+ !! is not writable, please select a different one!
+ TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
+ /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local
+ TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-var
+ TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-config
+ TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):
+ ~/texmf
+ <O> options:
+ [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
+ [X] create all format files
+ <V> set up for installing to hard disk
+Other actions:
+ <I> start installation for running from DVD
+ <H> help
+ <Q> quit
+\caption{The main menu with \optname{from DVD}
+ set}\label{fig:main-fromdvd}
+Note the changes: all options about what to install have
+disappeared, and the directories section now talks about
+\dirname{TEXDIRW} or writable root. The symlinks option has also
+The installer will still create various directories and
+configuration files, but won't copy \dirname{texmf},
+\dirname{texmf-dist} or \dirname{texmf-doc} to hard disk.
+Post-install configuration for Unix will be slightly more complicated,
+because now the directory layout deviates from the default; see
+Due to time constraints, this option didn't make it into the \GUI{}
+installer, but it is available both for Unix and for
+Windows. Windows users have to start the installer from a command
+prompt, see section~\ref{sec:cmdline}.
+Section \ref{sec:portable-unix} describes a more strictly portable
+way to run \TL, which doesn't make or require changes in the
+system's configuration, but doesn't allow any configuration either.
+\subsection{Command-line install options}
+> \Ucom{install-tl -help}
+for a listing of command-line options. Either |-| or |--| can be used
+to introduce option names. These are the more
+interesting ones:
+\item[-gui] If possible, use the \GUI{} installer. This requires the
+ Perl/Tk module (\url{});
+ if Perl/Tk is not available, installation continues in text mode.
+\item[-no-gui] Force using the text mode installer, even under
+ Windows; you'll need this if you want a `from \DVD' installation,
+ since that is not available in \GUI{} mode.
+\item[-lang {\sl LL}] Specify the installer interface
+ language as its standard two-letter code \textsl{LL}. Currently
+ supported languages: English (\texttt{en}, default), German
+ (\texttt{de}), French (\texttt{fr}), Dutch (\texttt{nl}), Polish
+ (\texttt{pl}), Slovenian (\texttt{sl}) and Vietnamese
+ (\texttt{vi}). The installer tries to determine the right language
+ itself but if it fails, or if the right language is not available,
+ then it uses English as a fallback.
+\item[-profile {\sl profile}] The installer always writes a file
+ \filename{texlive.profile} to the \dirname{2008/tlpkg}- or
+ \dirname{tlpkg} subdirectory of your installation. This option tells
+ the installer to re-use such a profile file. Here's an excerpt:
+ \begin{fverbatim}
+# texlive.profile written on Wed Jul 9 16:13:44 2008 UTC
+# It will NOT be updated and reflects only the
+# installation profile at installation time.
+selected_scheme scheme-basic
+TEXDIR /usr/local/texlive/2008
+TEXDIRW /usr/local/texlive/2008
+TEXMFSYSVAR /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-var
+collection-basic 1
+option_symlinks 0
+ \end{fverbatim}
+ Thus, using this option you can install in batch mode on
+ subsequent systems, reproducing the choices you made for the
+ original installation.
+\item [-location {\sl url/path}] Specify a non-default source for
+ packages; see below.
+\subsubsection{The \optname{location} parameter}
+The location value can be a url starting with \texttt{ftp:},
+\texttt{http:}, or \texttt{file:/} url, or a plain path. If the given
+argument is on a local drive (either a path or a \texttt{file:/} url),
+the installation type (compressed or live) is automatically determined:
+if an \dirname{archive} subdirectory with \filename{.tar.lzma} files is
+found then it will be used, even if uncompressed files are available as
+When giving an \texttt{http:} or \texttt{ftp:} location, trailing
+`\texttt{/}' characters and/or a trailing `\texttt{/tlpkg}' component
+are ignored. For example, you could choose a particular \CTAN\ mirror
+with something like:
+substituting of course a proper hostname and its particular top-level
+\CTAN\ path (the list of \CTAN\ mirrors is maintained at
+\url{}) for ||. The
+default is to pick a mirror automatically, using
+\url{}; in any case, the chosen host is used for
+the entire download.
+\subsection{Post-install actions}
+Some post-install may be required.
+But on Windows, the installer takes care of everything.
+\subsubsection{If symlinks were created}
+If you elected to create symlinks in standard directories (mentioned in
+section~\ref{sec:options}), then there is no need to edit environment
+\subsubsection{Environment variables for Unix}
+The directory of the binaries for your platform must be added to
+the search path. Each supported platform has its own subdirectory
+under \dirname{TEXDIR/bin}. See figure~\ref{fig:bin-text} for the
+list of subdirectories and corresponding platforms.
+You can also add the documentation man and Info directories to their
+respective search paths, if you want the system tools to find them.
+For Bourne-compatible shells such as \prog{bash}, and using Intel x86
+GNU/Linux and a default directory setup as an example, the file to edit
+might be \filename{$HOME/.profile} (or another file sourced by
+\filename{.profile}, and the lines to add would look like this:
+PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2008/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH
+MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH; export MANPATH
+INFOPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH; export INFOPATH
+For csh or tcsh, the file to edit is typically \filename{$HOME/.cshrc}, and
+the lines to add might look like:
+setenv PATH /usr/local/texlive/2008/bin/i386-linux:$PATH
+setenv MANPATH /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH
+setenv INFOPATH /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH
+Of course, you may well already have settings somewhere in your ``dot''
+files, and so then the \TL\ directories should simply be merged in as
+\subsubsection{Environment variables: global configuration}
+If you want to make these changes globally, or for a user newly added to
+the system, then you are on your own; there is just too much variation
+between systems in how and where these things are configured.
+Our two hints are: 1)~you may want to check for a file
+\filename{/etc/manpath.config} and, if present, add lines such as
+MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/texlive/2008/bin/i386-linux \
+ /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf/doc/man
+And 2)~check for a file \filename{/etc/environment} which may define the
+search path and other default environment variables.
+\subsubsection{When running from DVD}
+Normally, a \TL{} program consults a file \filename{texmf.cnf} for the
+location of the various trees. It looks for this file in a series of
+locations relative to its own location. However, this scheme breaks down
+when a program is run from \DVD{}: the \DVD{} is read-only. Some of the
+paths to be recorded in \filename{texmf.cnf} are only known at
+installation time, so this file cannot be on the \DVD{} and must be
+placed somewhere else. This makes it necessary to define an environment
+\envname{TEXMFCNF} variable which tells \TL{} programs in what directory
+to find this \filename{texmf.cnf}. It is also still necessary to modify
+the \envname{PATH} environment variable, as described before.
+At the end of the installation, the installer should have printed a
+message giving the value to which \envname{TEXMFCNF} should be set. In
+case you missed it: this value is \dirname{$TEXMFSYSVAR/web2c}. For the
+default, \dirname{/usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-var/web2c}, you need the
+TEXMFCNF=/usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-var/web2c; export TEXMFCNF
+or, for [t]csh:
+setenv TEXMFCNF /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-var/web2c
+\subsubsection{\ConTeXt{} Mark IV}
+The `old' \ConTeXt{} should run out of the box. The new `Mark IV'
+\ConTeXt{} will require manual setup; see
+\subsubsection{Integrating local and personal macros}
+This is already mentioned implicitly in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}:
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} (by default,
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local} or
+\verb|C:\Program Files\texlive\texmf-local|)
+is intended for system-wide local fonts and macros; and
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME} (by default, \dirname{$HOME/texmf} or
+\verb|%USERPROFILE%\texmf|), is for personal fonts and macros. These
+directories are intended to stick around from release to release, and
+have their content seen automatically by a new \TL{} release.
+Therefore, it is best to refrain from changing the definition of
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} to be too far away from the main \TL{} directory,
+or you will need to manually change future releases.
+For both trees, files should be placed in their proper subdirectories;
+see \url{} or consult
+\filename{texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf}. For instance, a \LaTeX{} class file or
+package should be placed in \dirname{TEXMFLOCAL/tex/latex} or
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME/tex/latex}, or a subdirectory thereof.
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} requires an up-to-date filename database, or files
+will not be found. You can update it with the command
+\cmdname{mktexlsr} or use the `Reinit file database' button on the
+configuration tab of \prog{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode.
+\subsubsection{Integrating third-party fonts}
+This is unfortunately a very complicated and messy topic. Forget
+about it unless you really know your way around blindfolded in a
+\TeX{} installation. Don't forget to check first what you get for
+free: see section~\ref{sec:tl-fonts}.
+A possible alternative is to use \XeTeX (see
+section~\ref{sec:tex-extensions}), which lets you use operating system
+fonts without any installation in \TeX.
+\subsection{Testing the installation}
+After installing \TL{} as best you can, you naturally want to test
+it out, so you can start creating beautiful documents and\slash or fonts.
+This section gives some basic procedures for testing that the new system
+is functional. We give Unix commands here; under \MacOSX{} and Windows,
+you're more likely to run the tests through a graphical interface, but
+the principles are the same.
+\item Make sure that you can run the \cmdname{tex} program in the first
+> \Ucom{tex -{}-version}
+TeX 3.1415926 (Web2C 7.5.7)
+kpathsea version 3.5.7
+If this comes back with `command not found' instead of version and
+copyright information, or with an older version, most likely you don't
+have the correct \dirname{bin} subdirectory in your \envname{PATH}. See
+the environment-setting information on \p.\pageref{sec:env}.
+\item Process a basic \LaTeX{} file:
+> \Ucom{latex sample2e.tex}
+This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.1415926...
+Output written on sample2e.dvi (3 pages, 7484 bytes).
+Transcript written on sample2e.log.
+If this fails to find \filename{sample2e.tex} or other files, most
+likely you have interference from old environment variables or
+configuration files; we recommend unsetting all \TeX-related environment
+variables for a start. (For a deep analysis, you can ask \TeX{} to
+report on exactly what it is searching for, and finding; see ``Debugging
+actions'' on page~\pageref{sec:debugging}.)
+\item Preview the result online:
+> \Ucom{xdvi sample2e.dvi}
+(Under Windows, the analogous command is \cmdname{dviout}.) You should
+see a new window with a nice document explaining some of the basics of
+\LaTeX{}. (Well worth reading, by the way if you're new to the system.)
+You do have to be running under X for \cmdname{xdvi} to work; if you're
+not, or your \envname{DISPLAY} environment variable is set incorrectly,
+you'll get an error \samp{Can't open display}.
+\item Create a \PS{} file for printing or display:
+> \Ucom{dvips sample2e.dvi -o}
+\item Create a \acro{PDF} file instead of \dvi{}; this processes the
+\filename{.tex} file and writes \acro{PDF} directly:
+> \Ucom{pdflatex sample2e.tex}
+\item Preview the \acro{PDF} file:
+> \Ucom{gv sample2e.pdf}
+> \Ucom{xpdf sample2e.pdf}
+Unfortunately neither \cmdname{gv} nor \cmdname{xpdf} are currently
+included in \TL{}, so you must install them separately. See
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively. (There are plenty of
+other \acro{PDF} viewers, too.)
+\item Standard test files you may find useful in addition to
+\item [small2e.tex] A simpler document than \filename{sample2e}, to
+reduce the input size if you're having troubles.
+\item [testpage.tex] Test if your printer introduces any offsets.
+\item [nfssfont.tex] For printing font tables and tests.
+\item [testfont.tex] Also for font tables, but using plain \TeX{}.
+\item [story.tex] The most canonical (plain) \TeX{} test file of all.
+You must type \samp{\bs bye} to the \code{*} prompt after \samp{tex
+If you are new to \TeX{}, or otherwise need help with actually writing
+\TeX{} or \LaTeX{} documents, please visit
+\url{} for some introductory resources.
+\section{Network installations}
+\TL{} has been designed to be shared between different users, and even
+different systems on a network. With a standard directory layout, no
+hard paths are configured: the locations for files needed by \TL{}
+programs are defined relative to the places of those programs. You can
+see this at work in the configuration file
+\filename{$TEXMFMAIN/web2c/texmf.cnf}, which contains lines such as
+This means that other systems or other users merely need to add the
+directory for \TL{} binaries for their platform to their search path.
+By the same token, you can also install \TL{} locally and then move
+the entire hierarchy afterwards to a network location.
+Of course, Windows users have different expectations. The directory
+\dirname{texmf-doc/source/texlive/texlive-common/w32client} contains a
+sample script \filename{install-w32client} which creates settings and
+menu shortcuts for using an existing \TL{} installation on a
+\acro{LAN}. It is to be invoked through a batch file
+\filename{install-w32client.bat} in the same directory.
+You can read more about \TL{} configuration and path searching in
+\section{Maximally portable \protect\TL{} on DVD and USB}
+The `running from \DVD{}' option described in
+section~\ref{sec:fromdvd} is fine for your own system, but if you
+are a guest on somebody else's system then you would probably like
+something with minimal side effects.
+In the root of the \TL{} \DVD, or the \dirname{texlive} subdirectory of
+the \TK{} \DVD, are a \filename{tl-portable} script (Unix) and a
+\filename{tl-portable.bat} batchfile (Windows) which start up a
+secondary shell\slash command prompt with environment settings suitable
+for directly accessing the \TL{} on the \DVD.
+When it runs for the first time, some files will be generated in a
+directory \dirname{~/.tlportable2008}, which will take a little time.
+On subsequent runs, though, it will start almost instantaneously.
+The rest of the system will be unaware of \TL. If you want your editor
+to be aware of this \TL, then you can start it from a second, parallel,
+such \filename{tl-portable} session.
+You can also use \filename{tl-portable} to run \TL{} on a
+\acro{USB} stick. In this case, copy all the top-level files and
+the contents of the \dirname{bin}, \dirname{texmf},
+\dirname{texmf-dist}, and \dirname{tlpkg} directories (at least) to
+the stick. This may take quite a while! If you are copying to a
+\acro{FAT}32-formatted \acro{USB} stick, make sure to dereference
+symbolic links (\code{cp -L}). A \dirname{texmf-local} directory on
+the stick will also be found and used.
+Then run \filename{tl-portable} from the root of the stick, as above.
+In this case, the script will notice that the stick is writable and use
+it for generated files. You could burn the resulting contents of the
+stick back to \DVD{} if that is more convenient to (for example) give to
+\section{\cmdname{tlmgr}: Managing your installation}
+\caption{\prog{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode. The list of
+ packages/collections/schemes only shows up after clicking the
+ `Load' button.}\label{fig:tlmgr-gui}
+\caption{\texttt{tlmgr} in GUI mode: Configuration tab}\label{fig:tlmgr-config}
+The installer installs a program named \prog{tlmgr} for managing \TL{}
+after the initial installation. The programs \prog{updmap},
+\prog{fmtutil} and \prog{texconfig} are still included and will be
+retained in the future, but \prog{tlmgr} is now the preferred interface.
+Its capabilities include:
+\item listing schemes, collections and packages;
+\item installing, updating, backing up, restoring and uninstalling
+ individual packages, optionally taking dependencies into account;
+\item searching for packages;
+\item listing and adding architectures;
+\item changing installation options such as paper size and source
+ location (see section~\ref{sec:location}).
+\textit{Warning:} \prog{tlmgr} has not been designed for or tested
+with installations which run from \DVD.
+\subsection{\cmdname{tlmgr} GUI mode}
+\prog{tlmgr} can be started in \GUI{} mode with
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -gui}
+or in Windows via the Start menu: \texttt{Start}, \texttt{Programs},
+\texttt{TeX Live 2008}, \texttt{TeX Live Manager}. After clicking `Load'
+it displays a list of available and installed packages\Dash the latter
+prepended with `(i)'. This assumes of course that the installation
+source is valid and reachable.
+Figure~\ref{fig:tlmgr-config} shows the configuration tab.
+\subsection{Sample \cmdname{tlmgr} command-line invocations}
+This example adds several packages, including a new `engine', from a
+non-default location:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -location install collection-xetex xkeyval}
+It generates the following output:
+install: collection-xetex
+install: arabxetex
+install: euenc
+install: bidi
+install: fontspec
+install: fontwrap
+install: ifxetex
+install: philokalia
+install: polyglossia
+install: xecyr
+install: xecyr.i386-linux
+install: xepersian
+install: xetex
+install: xetexconfig
+install: xetex.i386-linux
+running post install action for xetex
+install: xetex-def
+install: xetex-pstricks
+install: xetexfontinfo
+install: xltxtra
+install: xunicode
+install: xkeyval
+running mktexlsr
+mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf/ls-R...
+mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-config/ls-R...
+mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-dist/ls-R...
+mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-doc/ls-R...
+mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2008/../texmf-local/ls-R...
+mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-var/ls-R...
+mktexlsr: Done.
+regenerating fmtutil.cnf
+running fmtutil-sys --missing
+Transcript written on xelatex.log.
+fmtutil: /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-var/web2c/xetex/xelatex.fmt installed.
+As you see, \prog{tlmgr} installs dependencies, and takes care of any
+necessary post-install actions, including updating the filename database
+and (re)generating formats. (Here we generated new formats for \XeTeX.)
+This example installs a new language. This also triggers format
+> \Ucom{tlmgr install collection-langdutch}
+To describe a package:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr show collection-wintools}
+which produces
+Package: collection-wintools
+Category: Collection
+ShortDesc: Windows support programs
+LongDesc: Utilities for Windows, since they are not readily available there:
+ gzip, chktex, jpeg2ps, unzip, wget, xpdf.
+Installed: Yes
+Updating your entire installation to the latest versions available:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -all}
+If this makes you nervous, first try
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -all -dry-run}
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -list}
+For full documentation:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -help}
+\section{Notes on Windows}
+\TL\ has a single installer which runs on both Windows and Unix. This
+was only possible by dropping support for older Windows versions, so
+\TL\ can now be installed only on Windows 2000 and later.
+\subsection{Windows-specific features}
+Under Windows, the installer does some extra things:
+\item[Menus and shortcuts.] A new `\TL{}' submenu of the
+ Start menu is installed, which contains entries for some \GUI{} programs
+ (\prog{tlmgr}, \prog{texdoctk}, the PS\_View PostScript previewer)
+ and some documentation. PS\_View also gets a shortcut on the
+ desktop as a drag-and-drop target for PostScript files.
+\item[Automatic setting of environment variables.] No manual
+ configuration steps are required.
+\item[Uninstaller.] The installer creates an entry under `Add/Remove
+ Programs' for \TL. The uninstall tab of\prog{tlmgr} refers to
+ this.
+\subsection{Additional included software}
+\caption{PS\_View: very high magnifications available!}\label{fig:psview}
+To be complete, a \TL installation needs support packages that are not
+commonly found on a Windows machine. \TL{} provides the missing
+\item[Perl and Ghostscript.] Because of the importance of Perl and
+ Ghostscript, \TL{} includes `hidden' copies of these
+ programs. \TL{} programs that need them know where to find them,
+ but they don't betray their presence through environment variables
+ or registry settings. They aren't full-scale distributions, and
+ shouldn't interfere with any system installations of Perl or
+ Ghostscript.
+\item[Command-line tools.] A number of Windows ports of common Unix
+ command-line programs are installed along with the usual \TL{}
+ binaries. These include \cmdname{gzip}, \cmdname{chktex},
+ \cmdname{jpeg2ps}, \cmdname{unzip}, \cmdname{wget} and the
+ command-line utilities from the \cmdname{xpdf} suite. (The
+ \cmdname{xpdf} viewer itself is not available for Windows, but the
+ Sumatra \acro{PDF} viewer is based on it:
+ \url{}.)
+\item[\texttt{fc-cache}] helps \XeTeX{} to handle fonts more
+ efficiently.
+\item[PS\_View.] Also installed is PS\_View, a new PostScript viewer
+ with a free license; see figure~\ref{fig:psview}.
+\item[The \texttt{support} directory,] already mentioned in
+ section~\ref{sec:tld}. This directory contains various programs
+ which can be useful in connection with \TeX, in particular a
+ number of \TeX-aware editors and \TeX{} frontends. The software in
+ this directory isn't covered by the installer. This directory also
+ contains the \cmdname{dviout} \dvi{} previewer; see the next section.
+\subsection{The Dviout previewer}
+This \TL{} release unfortunately doesn't offer a preinstalled \dvi{}
+previewer for Windows. However, you can install \prog{dviout} by
+Toshio Oshima from the \path{support/dviout/} directory, which
+contains also a short \filename{README} describing how to install
+and configure \prog{dviout} for \TL. Please read this carefully
+before installation.
+At first, when you preview files with \cmdname{dviout}, it will create fonts,
+because screen fonts were not installed. After a while, you will have created
+most of the fonts you use, and you will rarely see the font-creation window.
+More information can be found in the (very good) on-line help.
+\subsection{Links for additional downloadable software}
+Urls for some other tools you may consider installing:
+\item[Ghostscript] \url{}
+\item[Perl] \url{} with
+ supplementary packages from \acro{CPAN}, \url{}
+\item[ImageMagick] \url{}, for graphics
+ processing and conversion
+\item[NetPBM] \url{}, also for graphics.
+\item[\TeX-oriented editors] There is a wide choice, and it is a matter of the
+ user's taste. Here is a selection, in no particular order:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cmdname{GNU Emacs} is available natively under Windows, see
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{Emacs} with Auc\TeX\ for Windows is available in \TL's
+ \path{support} directory; its home page is
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{WinShell} is available in \TL's \path|support|
+ directory; its home page is \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{WinEdt} is shareware available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{Vim} is free software, available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item TeXnicCenter is free software, available from
+ \url{} and in the pro\TeX{}t distribution.
+ \item \cmdname{LEd} is available from \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{SciTE} is available from
+ \url{}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+\subsection{User Profile is Home}
+The Windows counterpart of a Unix home directory is the
+\verb|%USERPROFILE%| directory. Under Windows XP and Windows 2000, this
+is usually \verb|C:\Documents and Settings\<username>|, and under
+Windows Vista \verb|C:\Users\<username>|. In the
+\filename{texmf.cnf} file, and \KPS{} in general, \verb|~| will expand
+appropriately on both Windows and Unix.
+\subsection{The Windows registry}
+Windows stores nearly all configuration data in its registry. The
+registry contains a set of hierarchically organized keys, with several
+root keys. The most important ones for installation programs are
+\path{HKEY_CURRENT_USER} and \path{HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}, \path{HKCU} and
+\path{HKLM} in short. The \path{HKCU} part of the registry is in the
+user's home directory (see section~\ref{sec:winhome}). \path{HKLM} is
+normally in a subdirectory of the Windows directory.
+In some cases, system information could be obtained from environment
+variables but for other information, for example the location of
+shortcuts, it is necessary to consult the registry. Setting environment
+variables permanently also requires registry access.
+\subsection{Windows permissions}
+In later versions of Windows, a distinction is made between regular
+users and administrators, where only the latter have free access to the
+entire operating system. In practice, though, you could better describe
+these classes of users as unprivileged users and normal users: being an
+administrator is the rule, not the exception. Nevertheless, we have made
+an effort to make \TL{} installable without administrative privileges.
+If the user is an administrator, shortcuts are created for all users,
+and the system environment is modified. Otherwise, shortcuts and menu
+entries are created for the current user, and the user environment is
+modified. Use the \optname{non-admin} option to \prog{install-tl} if
+you prefer per-user settings even as an administrator.
+Regardless of administrator status, the default root of \TL{} proposed
+by the installer is always under \verb|%PROGRAMFILES%|. The installer
+always tests whether the root is writable for the current user.
+A problem may arise if the user is not an administrator and \TeX{}
+already exists in the search path. Since the effective path consists of
+the system path followed by the user path, the new \TL{} will never get
+precedence. As a workaround, in this case the installer creates
+shortcuts to the command-prompt in which the new \TL{} binary directory
+is prepended to the local searchpath. The new \TL{} will be usable when
+run in a command-line session started from such a shortcut.
+\section{A user's guide to Web2C}
+\Webc{} is an integrated collection of \TeX-related programs: \TeX{}
+itself, \MF{}, \MP, \BibTeX{}, etc. It is the heart of \TL{}. The home
+page for \Webc{}, with the current manual and more, is
+A bit of history: The original implementation was by Tomas Rokicki who,
+in 1987, developed a first \TeX{}-to-C system based on change files
+under Unix, which were primarily the original work of Howard Trickey and
+Pavel Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the system, and
+during this period the name changed to Web-to-C\@. In 1990, Karl Berry
+took over the work, assisted by dozens of additional contributors, and
+in 1997 he handed the baton to Olaf Weber, who returned it to Karl in
+The \Webc{} system runs on Unix, 32-bit Windows systems, \MacOSX{}, and
+other operating systems. It uses Knuth's original sources for \TeX{} and
+other basic programs written in the \web{} literate programming system
+and translates them into C source code. The core \TeX{} programs
+handled in this way are:
+\item[bibtex] Maintaining bibliographies.
+\item[dmp] \cmdname{troff} to MPX (\MP{} pictures).
+\item[dvicopy] Expands virtual font references in \dvi{} files.
+\item[dvitomp] \dvi{} to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+\item[dvitype] \dvi{} to human-readable text.
+\item[gftodvi] Generic font proofsheets.
+\item[gftopk] Generic to packed fonts.
+\item[gftype] GF to human-readable text.
+\item[makempx] \MP{} label typesetting.
+\item[mf] Creating typeface families.
+\item[mft] Prettyprinting \MF{} source.
+\item[mpost] Creating technical diagrams.
+\item[mpto] MetaPost label extraction.
+\item[newer] Compare modification times.
+\item[patgen] Creating hyphenation patterns.
+\item[pktogf] Packed to generic fonts.
+\item[pktype] PK to human-readable text.
+\item[pltotf] Plain text property list to TFM.
+\item[pooltype] Display \web{} pool files.
+\item[tangle] \web{} to Pascal.
+\item[tex] Typesetting.
+\item[tftopl] TFM to plain text property list.
+\item[vftovp] Virtual font to virtual property list.
+\item[vptovf] Virtual property list to virtual font.
+\item[weave] \web{} to \TeX.
+\noindent The precise functions and syntax of these programs are
+described in the documentation of the individual packages and of \Webc{}
+itself. However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of
+programs will help you take advantage of your \Webc{} installation.
+All programs honor these standard \GNU options:
+\item[-{}-help] print basic usage summary.
+\item[-{}-verbose] print detailed progress report.
+\item[-{}-version] print version information, then exit.
+For locating files the \Webc{} programs use the path searching library
+\KPS{} (\url{}). This library uses a combination
+of environment variables and a configuration files to optimize searching
+the (huge) collection of \TeX{} files. \Webc{} can look at many
+directory trees simultaneously, which is useful in maintaining \TeX's
+standard distribution and local and personal extensions in distinct
+trees. To speed up file searches, the root of each tree has a file
+\file{ls-R}, containing an entry showing the name and relative pathname
+for all files under that root.
+\subsection{Kpathsea path searching}
+Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the \KPS{}
+We call a \emph{search path} a colon- or semicolon\hyph sepa\-rated list
+of \emph{path elements}, which are basically directory names. A
+search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up
+a file \samp{my-file} along a path \samp{.:/dir}, \KPS{} checks each
+element of the path in turn: first \file{./my-file}, then
+\file{/dir/my-file}, returning the first match (or possibly all
+In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems' conventions, on
+non-Unix systems \KPS{} can use filename separators different from
+colon (\samp{:}) and slash (\samp{/}).
+To check a particular path element \var{p}, \KPS{} first checks if a
+prebuilt database (see ``Filename data\-base'' on
+page~\pageref{sec:filename-database}) applies to \var{p}, i.e., if the
+database is in a directory that is a prefix of \var{p}. If so, the path
+specification is matched against the contents of the database.
+If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path
+element, or contains no matches, the filesystem is searched (if this
+was not forbidden by a specification starting with \samp{!!}\ and if
+the file being searched for must exist). \KPS{} constructs the list
+of directories that correspond to this path element, and then checks
+in each for the file being sought.
+The ``file must exist'' condition comes into play with \samp{.vf} files and
+input files read by \TeX's \cs{openin} command. Such files may not
+exist (e.g., \file{cmr10.vf}), and so it would be wrong to search the
+disk for them. Therefore, if you fail to update \file{ls-R} when you
+install a new \samp{.vf} file, it will never be found.
+Each path element is checked in turn: first the database, then the
+disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result is
+Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory
+name, \KPS{} supports additional features in search paths: layered
+default values, environment variable names, config file values, users'
+home directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say
+that \KPS{} \emph{expands} a path element, meaning it transforms all
+the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is
+described in the following sections in the same order as it takes
+Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly
+relative, i.e., starts with \samp{/} or \samp{./} or \samp{../},
+\KPS{} simply checks if that file exists.
+ \caption{An illustrative configuration file sample}
+ \label{fig:config-sample}
+\subsubsection{Path sources}
+A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which
+\KPS{} uses them:
+ A user-set environment variable, for instance, \envname{TEXINPUTS}\@.
+ Environment variables with a period and a program name appended
+ override; e.g., if \samp{latex} is the name of the program being run,
+ then \envname{TEXINPUTS.latex} will override \envname{TEXINPUTS}.
+ A program-specific configuration file, for exam\-ple, a line
+ \samp{S /a:/b} in \cmdname{dvips}'s \file{}.
+\item A \KPS{} configuration file \file{texmf.cnf}, containing a line like
+ \samp{TEXINPUTS=/c:/d} (see below).
+\item The compile-time default.
+\noindent You can see each of these values for a given search path by
+using the debugging options (see ``Debugging actions'' on
+\subsubsection{Config files}
+\KPS{} reads \emph{runtime configuration files} named \file{texmf.cnf}
+for search path and other definitions. The search path used to look
+for these files is named \envname{TEXMFCNF} (by default such a file lives
+in the \file{texmf/web2c} subdirectory). \emph{All}
+\file{texmf.cnf} files in the search path will be read and definitions
+in earlier files override those in later files. Thus, with a search
+path of \verb|.:$TEXMF|, values from \file{./texmf.cnf} override those
+from \verb|$TEXMF/texmf.cnf|.
+ Comments start with \code{\%} and continue to the end of the line.
+ Blank lines are ignored.
+ A \bs{} at the end of a line acts as a continuation character,
+ i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace at the beginning of
+ continuation lines is not ignored.
+ Each remaining line has the form:
+ \var{variable}[.\var{progname}] [=] \var{value}
+ where the \samp{=} and surrounding whitespace are optional.
+ The \ttvar{variable} name may contain any character other
+ than whitespace, \samp{=}, or \samp{.}, but sticking to
+ \samp{A-Za-z\_} is safest.
+ If \samp{.\var{progname}} is present, the definition only
+ applies if the program that is running is named
+ \texttt{\var{progname}} or \texttt{\var{progname}.exe}. This allows
+ different flavors of \TeX{} to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+\item \var{value} may contain any characters except
+ \code{\%} and \samp{@}. The
+ \code{\$\var{var}.\var{prog}} feature is not available on the
+ right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable. A
+ \samp{;}\ in \var{value} is translated to \samp{:}\ if
+ running under Unix; this is useful to be able to have a single
+ \file{texmf.cnf} for Unix, \acro{MS-DOS} and Windows systems.
+ All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so
+ variables can be referenced before they are defined.
+A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these points is
+shown below:
+shown in Figure~\ref{fig:config-sample}.
+\subsubsection{Path expansion}
+\KPS{} recognizes certain special characters and constructions in
+search paths, similar to those available in Unix shells. As a
+general example, the complex path,
+\verb+~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz+, expands to all subdirectories under
+directories \file{foo} and \file{bar} in \texttt{\$USER}'s home
+directory that contain a directory or file \file{baz}. These
+expansions are explained in the sections below.
+\subsubsection{Default expansion}
+If the highest-priority search path (see ``Path sources'' on
+page~\pageref{sec:path-sources}) contains an \emph{extra colon} (i.e.,
+leading, trailing, or doubled), \KPS{} inserts at that point the
+next-highest-prio\-rity search path that is defined. If that inserted
+path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next highest. For
+example, given an environment variable setting
+> \Ucom{setenv TEXINPUTS /home/karl:}
+and a \code{TEXINPUTS} value from \file{texmf.cnf} of
+ .:\$TEXMF//tex
+then the final value used for searching will be:
+ /home/karl:.:\$TEXMF//tex
+Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one
+place, \KPS{} changes only one extra \samp{:}\ and leaves any others in
+place. It checks first for a leading \samp{:}, then a trailing
+\samp{:}, then a doubled \samp{:}.
+\subsubsection{Brace expansion}
+A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance,
+\verb+v{a,b}w+ expands to \verb+vaw:vbw+. Nesting is allowed.
+This is used to implement multiple \TeX{} hierarchies, by
+assigning a brace list to \code{\$TEXMF}.
+For example, in \file{texmf.cnf}, the following definition
+(appproximately; there are actually even more trees) is made:
+Using this you can then write something like
+ TEXINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex//
+which means that, after looking in the current directory, the
+\code{\$TEXMFHOME/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFLOCAL/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFVAR/tex}
+and \code{\$TEXMFMAIN/tex} trees \emph{only}) will be searched (the
+last two use using \file{ls-R} data base files). It is a convenient
+way for running two parallel \TeX{} structures, one ``frozen'' (on a
+\CD, for instance) and the other being continuously updated with new
+versions as they become available. By using the \code{\$TEXMF}
+variable in all definitions, one is sure to always search the
+up-to-date tree first.
+\subsubsection{Subdirectory expansion}
+Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory
+\var{d} is replaced by all subdirectories of \var{d}: first those
+subdirectories directly under \var{d}, then the subsubdirectories under
+those, and so on. At each level, the order in which the directories are
+searched is \emph{unspecified}.
+If you specify any filename components after the \samp{//}, only
+subdirectories with matching components are included. For example,
+\samp{/a//b} expands into directories \file{/a/1/b}, \file{/a/2/b},
+\file{/a/1/1/b}, and so on, but not \file{/a/b/c} or \file{/a/1}.
+Multiple \samp{//} constructs in a path are possible, but
+\samp{//} at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+\subsubsection{List of special characters and their meaning: a summary}
+The following list summarizes the special characters in \KPS{}
+configuration files.
+% need a wider space for the item labels here.
+\item[\CODE{:}] Separator in path specification; at the beginning or
+ the end of a path it substitutes the default path expansion.\par
+\item[\CODE{;}] Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like \code{:}).
+\item[\CODE{\$}] Variable expansion.
+\item[\CODE{\string~}] Represents the user's home directory.
+\item[\CODE{\char`\{...\char`\}}] Brace expansion.
+\item[\CODE{//}] Subdirectory expansion (can occur anywhere in
+ a path, except at its beginning).
+\item[\CODE{\%}] Start of comment.
+\item[\CODE{\bs}] Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+\item[\CODE{!!}] Search \emph{only} database to locate file, \emph{do
+ not} search the disk.
+\subsection{Filename databases}
+\KPS{} goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches.
+Nevertheless, at installations with enough directories, searching each
+possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time
+(this is especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to
+be traversed.) Therefore, \KPS{} can use an externally-built plain text
+``database'' file named \file{ls-R} that maps files to directories,
+thus avoiding the need to exhaustively search the disk.
+A second database file \file{aliases} allows you to give additional
+names to the files listed in \file{ls-R}. This can be helpful to
+confirm to \acro{DOS} 8.3 filename conventions in source files.
+\subsubsection{The filename database}
+As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be
+\file{ls-R}. You can put one at the root of each \TeX{} hierarchy in
+your installation that you wish to be searched (\code{\$TEXMF} by
+default); most sites have only one hierarchy. \KPS{} looks for
+\file{ls-R} files along the \code{TEXMFDBS} path.
+The recommended way to create and maintain \samp{ls-R} is to run the
+\code{mktexlsr} script included with the distribution. It is invoked
+by the various \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts. In principle, this script
+just runs the command
+cd \var{/your/texmf/root} && \path|\|ls -1LAR ./ >ls-R
+presuming your system's \code{ls} produces the right output format
+(\GNU \code{ls} is all right). To ensure that the database is
+always up-to-date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via
+\code{cron}, so that it is automatically updated when the installed
+files change, such as after installing or updating a \LaTeX{} package.
+If a file is not found in the database, by default \KPS{} goes ahead
+and searches the disk. If a particular path element begins with
+\samp{!!}, however, \emph{only} the database will be searched for that
+element, never the disk.
+\subsubsection{kpsewhich: Standalone path searching}
+The \texttt{kpsewhich} program exercises path searching independent of any
+particular application. This can be useful as a sort of \code{find}
+program to locate files in \TeX{} hierarchies (this is used heavily in
+the distributed \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts).
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich \var{option}\dots{} \var{filename}\dots{}}
+The options specified in \ttvar{option} start with either \samp{-}
+or \samp{-{}-}, and any unambiguous abbreviation is accepted.
+\KPS{} looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a
+filename, and returns the first file found. There is no option to
+return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix
+\samp{find} utility for that).
+The most common options are described next.
+ Set the resolution to \ttvar{num}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. \samp{-D} is a synonym, for compatibility
+ with \cmdname{dvips}. Default is 600.
+ Set the format for lookup to \ttvar{name}. By default, the
+ format is guessed from the filename. For formats which do not have
+ an associated unambiguous suffix, such as \MP{} support files and
+ \cmdname{dvips} configuration files, you have to specify the name as
+ known to \KPS{}, such as \texttt{tex} or \texttt{enc files}. Run
+ \texttt{kpsewhich -{}-help} for a list.
+ Set the mode name to \ttvar{string}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. No default: any mode will be found.
+ Do everything possible to find the files, notably including
+ searching the disk. By default, only the \file{ls-R} database is
+ checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ Search along the path \ttvar{string} (colon-separated as usual),
+ instead of guessing the search path from the filename. \samp{//} and
+ all the usual expansions are supported. The options \samp{-{}-path}
+ and \samp{-{}-format} are mutually exclusive.
+ Set the program name to \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ This can affect the search paths via the \texttt{.\var{progname}}
+ feature.
+ The default is \cmdname{kpsewhich}.
+ shows the path used for file lookups of file type \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ Either a filename extension (\code{.pk}, \code{.vf}, etc.) or a
+ name can be used, just as with \samp{-{}-format} option.
+ sets the debugging options to \texttt{\var{num}}.
+\subsubsection{Examples of use}
+Let us now have a look at \KPS{} in action. Here's a straightforward search:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich article.cls}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
+We are looking for the file \file{article.cls}. Since the \samp{.cls}
+suffix is unambiguous we do not need to specify that we want to look for a
+file of type \optname{tex} (\TeX{} source file directories). We find it in
+the subdirectory \file{tex/latex/base} below the \samp{texmf-dist} \TL\
+directory. Similarly, all of the following are found without problems
+thanks to their unambiguous suffix.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich array.sty}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/array.sty
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich latin1.def}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latin1.def
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich size10.clo}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich small2e.tex}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/small2e.tex
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich tugboat.bib}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/bibtex/bib/beebe/tugboat.bib
+By the way, that last is a \BibTeX{} bibliography database for \textsl{TUGBoat} articles.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+Font bitmap glyph files of type \file{.pk} are used by display
+programs like \cmdname{dvips} and \cmdname{xdvi}. Nothing is returned in
+this case since there are no pre-generated Computer Modern \samp{.pk}
+files in \TL{}\Dash the Type~1 variants are used by default.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+\else /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/
+... wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+For these fonts (a phonetic alphabet from the University of Washington)
+we had to generate \samp{.pk} files, and since the default \MF{} mode on
+our installation is \texttt{ljfour} with a base resolution of 600\dpi{}
+(dots per inch), this instantiation is returned.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich -dpi=300}
+In this case, when specifying that we are interested in a resolution
+of 300\dpi{} (\texttt{-dpi=300}) we see that no such font is available on
+the system. A program like \cmdname{dvips} or \cmdname{xdvi} would
+go off and actually build the required \texttt{.pk} files
+using the script \cmdname{mktexpk}.
+Next we turn our attention to \cmdname{dvips}'s header and configuration
+files. We first look at one of the commonly used files, the general
+prologue \file{} for \TeX{} support, before turning our attention
+to the generic configuration file (\file{}) and the \PS{} font
+map \file{}\Dash as of 2004, map and encoding files have
+their own search paths and new location in \dirname{texmf} trees. As
+the \samp{.ps} suffix is ambiguous we have to specify explicitly which
+type we are considering (\optname{dvips config}) for the file
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/config/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/
+We now take a closer look at the \acro{URW} Times \PS{} support
+files. The prefix for these in the standard font naming scheme is
+\samp{utm}. The first file we look at is the configuration file,
+which contains the name of the map file:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config" config.utm}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/dvips/psnfss/config.utm
+The contents of that file is
+ p
+which points to the file \file{}, which we want to
+locate next.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/times/
+This map file defines the file names of the Type~1 \PS{} fonts in
+the URW collection. Its contents look like (we only show part of the
+utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal... <utmbi8a.pfb
+utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal... <utmri8a.pfb
+utmbo8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmro8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+Let us, for instance, take the Times Roman instance
+\file{utmr8a.pfb} and find its position in the \file{texmf} directory
+tree with a search for Type~1 font files:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich utmr8a.pfb}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb
+\else /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/
+... urw/utm/utmr8a.pfb
+It should be evident from these examples how you can easily locate the
+whereabouts of a given file. This is especially important if you suspect
+that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since
+\cmdname{kpsewhich} will show you the first file encountered.
+\subsubsection{Debugging actions}
+Sometimes it is necessary to investigate how a program resolves file
+references. To make this practical, \KPS{} offers various levels of
+debugging output:
+\item[\texttt{\ 1}] \texttt{stat} calls (disk lookups). When running
+ with an up-to-date \file{ls-R} database this should almost give no
+ output.
+\item[\texttt{\ 2}] References to hash tables (such as \file{ls-R}
+ databases, map files, configuration files).
+\item[\texttt{\ 4}] File open and close operations.
+\item[\texttt{\ 8}] General path information for file types
+ searched by \KPS. This is useful to find out where a particular
+ path for the file was defined.
+\item[\texttt{16}] Directory list for each path element (only relevant
+ for searches on disk).
+\item[\texttt{32}] File searches.
+\item[\texttt{64}] Variable values.
+A value of \texttt{-1} will set all the above options; in practice,
+this is usually the most convenient.
+Similarly, with the \cmdname{dvips} program, by setting a combination of
+debug switches, one can follow in detail where files are being picked up
+from. Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace shows in
+which directories the program looks for the given file, so that one can
+get an indication what the problem~is.
+Generally speaking, as most programs call the \KPS{} library
+internally, one can select a debug option by using the
+\envname{KPATHSEA\_DEBUG} environment variable, and setting it to (a
+combination of) values as described in the above list.
+(Note for Windows users: it is not easy to redirect
+all messages to a file in this system. For diagnostic purposes
+you can temporarily \texttt{SET KPATHSEA\_DEBUG\_OUTPUT=err.log}).
+Let us consider, as an example, a small \LaTeX{} source file,
+\file{hello-world.tex}, which contains the following input.
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \begin{document}
+ Hello World!
+ \end{document}
+This little file only uses the font \file{cmr10}, so let us look at
+how \cmdname{dvips} prepares the \PS{} file (we want to use the Type~1
+version of the Computer Modern fonts, hence the option \texttt{-Pcms}).
+> \Ucom{dvips -d4100 hello-world -Pcms -o}
+In this case we have combined \cmdname{dvips}'s debug class 4 (font
+paths) with \KPS's path element expansion (see \cmdname{dvips} Reference
+Manual, \OnCD{texmf/doc/dvips/dvips.pdf}).
+The output (slightly rearranged) appears in
+\caption{Finding configuration files}\label{fig:dvipsdbga}
+\caption{Finding the prolog file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgb}
+\caption{Finding the font file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgc}
+\cmdname{dvips} starts by locating its working files. First,
+\file{texmf.cnf} is found, which gives the definitions of the search
+paths for the other files, then the file database \file{ls-R} (to
+optimize file searching) and the file \file{aliases}, which makes it
+possible to declare several names (e.g., a short \acro{DOS}-like 8.3 and
+a more natural longer version) for the same file. Then \cmdname{dvips}
+goes on to find the generic configuration file \file{}
+before looking for the customization file \file{.dvipsrc} (which, in
+this case is \emph{not found}). Finally, \cmdname{dvips} locates the
+config file for the Computer Modern \PS{} fonts \file{config.cms}
+(this was initiated with the \texttt{-Pcms} option on the \cmdname{dvips}
+command). This file contains the list of the map files which
+define the relation between the \TeX{}, \PS{} and file system
+names of the fonts.
+> \Ucom{more /usr/local/texmf/dvips/cms/config.cms}
+ p
+ p
+ p
+ p
+\cmdname{dvips} thus goes on to find all these files, plus the generic
+map file \file{}, which is always loaded (it contains
+declarations for commonly used \PS{} fonts; see the last part of
+Section \ref{sec:examples-of-use} for more details about \PS{} map
+file handling).
+At this point \cmdname{dvips} identifies itself to the user:
+This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{}:
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search( => /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{} (see
+After having found the file in question, \cmdname{dvips} outputs
+the date and time, and informs us that it will generate the
+file \file{}, then that it needs the font file
+\file{cmr10}, and that the latter is declared as ``resident'' (no
+bitmaps needed):
+TeX output 1998.02.26:1204' ->
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.0pt
+Font cmr10 <CMR10> is resident.
+Now the search is on for the file \file{cmr10.tfm}, which is found,
+then a few more prolog files (not shown) are referenced, and finally
+the Type~1 instance \file{cmr10.pfb} of the font is located and
+included in the output file (see last line).
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.tfm, must\_exist=1, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/fonts/tfm//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ /var/tex/fonts/tfm//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.tfm) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.pfb, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.pfb) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/cmr10.pfb
+\subsection{Runtime options}
+Another useful feature of \Webc{} is its possibility to control a number
+of memory parameters (in particular, array sizes) via the runtime file
+\file{texmf.cnf} read by \KPS{}. The memory settings can be found in
+Part 3 of that file in the \TL{} distribution. The more important
+ Total words of memory available, for
+ \TeX{}, \MF{} and \MP. You must make a new format file for each
+ different setting. For instance, you could generate a ``huge''
+ version of \TeX{}, and call the format file \texttt{hugetex.fmt}.
+ Using the standard way of specifying the program name used by \KPS{},
+ the particular value of the \texttt{main\_memory} variable will then
+ be read from \file{texmf.cnf}.
+ Extra space for ``large'' \TeX{} data structures:
+ boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if you use
+ \PiCTeX{}.
+ Number of words for font information available for \TeX. This
+ is more or less the total size of all \acro{TFM} files read.
+ Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names.
+ Only $\approx$10,000 control sequences can be stored in the main
+ hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. The default value of
+ \texttt{hash\_extra} is \texttt{50000}.
+\noindent Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic
+arrays and memory allocation, but since these are extremely difficult to
+implement in the present \TeX{} source, these runtime parameters provide
+a practical compromise allowing some flexibility.
+\section{Building on a new Unix platform}
+If you have a platform for which executables are not included, you will
+need to compile \TeX{} and friends. This is not as hard as it
+sounds. What you need is all in the directory \texttt{source} in the
+You will need at least 100 megabytes of disk space to compile all of
+\TeX{} and its support programs. You'll also need an \acro{ANSI} C
+compiler, a \cmdname{make} utility, a lexical scanner, and a parser
+generator. We recommend the \GNU version of these programs
+(\cmdname{gcc}, \GNU \cmdname{make}, \cmdname{m4}, \cmdname{flex},
+\cmdname{bison}). You may be able to work with other C compilers and
+\cmdname{make} programs, but you will need a good understanding of
+building Unix programs to sort out problems.
+Also, the command \texttt{uname} must return a sensible value.
+To begin, perform a normal installation of \TL{} to your disk (see
+section~\ref{sec:install-disk} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:install-disk}). You may wish to skip installing
+all of the prebuilt binaries.
+Then, unpack the source from the compressed \texttt{tar} file in the
+directory \dirname{source} to your disk and change directory to where
+you placed it.
+Next, run \cmdname{configure} with a command line like this:
+> \Ucom{sh configure -prefix=/usr/local/TeX}
+The \optname{-prefix} directory is the one where you installed the
+support tree; the directory layout will be as follows (where \$TEXDIR
+stands for the directory you chose):
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/share/texmf} & main tree with fonts,\\
+ & \qquad macros, etc\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/man} & Unix manual pages\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/info} & \GNU style Info manuals\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin/$PLATFORM} & binaries\\
+If you want to leave out the \dirname{$PLATFORM} directory level,
+i.e., put the binaries directly into \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin}, specify
+the \verb|--disable-multiplatform| option to \cmdname{configure}.
+Have a look at the output of \verb|./configure --help| for more
+options you can use. For example, you can skip building of \OMEGA{} and
+\subsection{Running \cmdname{make}}
+Make sure the shell variable or option \texttt{noclobber} is not set.
+Then, run the main \cmdname{make} like this:
+> \Ucom{make world}
+and relax\ldots
+Alternatively, you want to log all the output, as in:
+> \Ucom{sh -c "make world >world.log 2>\&1" \&}
+Before you believe that everything went ok, please check the log file
+for errors: \GNU \cmdname{make} always uses the string \samp{***}
+whenever a command fails. Also, check if all the programs were built:
+> \Ucom{cd \var{TEXDIR}/bin/\var{archname}}
+> \Ucom{ls | wc}
+The result should be over 200 (you can check the exact number with the
+\dirname{bin} directory contents in the distribution).
+If you need special privileges for \texttt{make install}, you can
+separate the \samp{make world} into two different runs, like this:
+> \Ucom{make all}
+> \Ucom{su}
+> \Ucom{make install strip}
+After you've installed your new binaries, you should follow the normal
+post-installation procedures, given in section~\ref{sec:postinstall}
+Also, if you'd like to make your binaries available to others, please
+contact us. We'll be happy to put them on the \TL\ web pages.
+\ifx\HCode\undefined\else\HCode{<a id="ack"></a>}
+\TL{} is a joint effort by virtually all of the \TeX{} user groups.
+This edition of \TL{} was overseen by Karl Berry. The other principal
+contributors, past and present, are listed below.
+\item The English, German, Dutch, and Polish \TeX{} user groups
+(\acro{TUG}, \acro{DANTE} e.V., \acro{NTG}, and \acro{GUST},
+respectively), which provide the necessary technical and administrative
+infrastructure. Please join the \TeX\ user group near you! (See
+\item The \acro{CTAN} team, most notably Robin Fairbairns, Jim Hef{}feron,
+and Rainer Sch\"opf, which distributes the \TL{} images and provides the
+common infrastructure for package updates, upon which \TL{} depends.
+\item Peter Breitenlohner (and the \eTeX\ team) for the stable foundation
+of future \TeX's, and Peter specifically for stellar help with the GNU
+autotools usage throughout \TL.
+\item Thomas Esser, without whose marvelous \teTeX{} package \TL{}
+would have never existed.
+\item Michel Goossens, who co-authored the original documentation.
+\item Eitan Gurari, whose \TeX4ht was used to create the \HTML{}
+version of this documentation, and who worked tirelessly to improve
+it at short notice.
+\item \Thanh, Martin Schr\"oder, and the pdf\TeX\ team
+(\url{}) for continuing enhancements of \TeX's
+\item Hans Hagen, for much testing and making his \ConTeXt\ format
+(\url{}) work within \TL's framework.
+\item Hartmut Henkel, for significant development contributions to
+pdf\TeX\, Lua\TeX, and more.
+\item Taco Hoekwater, for renewed development efforts on MetaPost and
+(Lua)\TeX\ (\url{}) itself, and for incorporating
+\ConTeXt\ into \TL.
+\item Pawe{\l} Jackowski, for the Windows installer \cmdname{tlpm},
+and Tomasz {\L}uczak, for \cmdname{tlpmgui}, used in past releases.
+\item Akira Kakuto, for providing the Windows
+binaries from his \acro{W32TEX} distribution for Japanese \TeX\
+(\url{}), and many
+other contributions.
+\item Jonathan Kew and \acro{SIL}, for the major new development of
+\XeTeX{} and taking the time and trouble to integrate it in \TL{}, as
+well as the initial version of the Mac\TeX\ installer.
+\item Dick Koch, for maintaining Mac\TeX\ (\url{})
+in very close tandem with \TL{}, and for his great good cheer in doing
+\item Reinhard Kotucha, for major contributions to the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, as well as Windows research efforts, the
+\texttt{getnonfreefonts} script, and more.
+\item Siep Kroonenberg, also for major contributions to the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, especially on Windows, and for the bulk of
+work updating this manual describing the new features.
+\item Petr Ol\v{s}ak, who coordinated and checked all the Czech and Slovak
+material very carefully.
+\item Toshio Oshima, for his \cmdname{dviout} previewer for Windows.
+\item Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard, for helping with package updates,
+documentation improvements, and \cmdname{tldoc} development.
+\item Fabrice Popineau, for the original Windows support in \TL{} and
+work on the French documentation.
+\item Norbert Preining, the principal architect of the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, and also for coordinating the Debian
+version of \TL{} (together with Frank K\"uster), making many suggestions
+along the way.
+\item Sebastian Rahtz, for originally creating \TL{} and maintaining it
+for many years.
+\item Vladimir Volovich, for substantial help with porting and other
+maintenance issues, and especially for making it feasible to include
+\item Staszek Wawrykiewicz, the principal tester for all of \TL{},
+and coordinator of the many major Polish contributions: fonts, Windows
+installation, and more.
+\item Olaf Weber, for his patient maintenance of \Webc.
+\item Gerben Wierda, for creating and maintaining the \MacOSX\ support,
+and much integration and testing.
+\item Graham Williams, on whose work the \TeX\ Catalogue of packages depends.
+Builders of the binaries:
+Reinhard Kotucha (\pkgname{x86\_64-linux}),
+Tim Arnold (\pkgname{hppa-hpux}),
+Randy Au (\pkgname{amd64-freebsd}),
+Edd Barrett (\pkgname{i386-openbsd}),
+Karl Berry (\pkgname{i386-linux}),
+Akira Kakuto (\pkgname{win32}),
+Dick Koch (\pkgname{universal-darwin}),
+Manfred Lotz (\pkgname{i386-freebsd}),
+Norbert Preining (\pkgname{alpha-linux}),
+Arthur Reutenauer (\pkgname{sparc-linux}),
+Thomas Schmitz (\pkgname{powerpc-linux}),
+Apostolos Syropoulos (\pkgname{i386-solaris}),
+Vladimir Volovich (\pkgname{powerpc-aix}, \pkgname{sparc-solaris}),
+Olaf Weber (\pkgname{mips-irix}).
+For information on the \TL{} build process, see
+Documentation and translation updates:
+Karl Berry (English),
+Daniel Flipo (French),
+Klaus H\"oppner (German),
+Petr Sojka \& Jan Busa (Czech\slash Slovak),
+Boris Veytsman (Russian),
+Staszek Wawrykiewicz (Polish). The \TL{} documentation web page
+is \url{}.
+Of course the most important acknowledgement must go to Donald Knuth,
+first for inventing \TeX, and then for giving it to the world.
+\section{Release history}
+Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group was
+starting work on its 4All\TeX{} \CD{} for \acro{MS-DOS} users, and it
+was hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, \CD{} for all
+systems. This was too ambitious a target for the time, but it did spawn
+not only the very successful 4All\TeX{} \CD{}, but also the \acro{TUG}
+Technical Council working group on a \emph{\TeX{} Directory Structure}
+(\url{}), which specified how to create consistent and
+manageable collections of \TeX{} support files. A complete draft of the
+\TDS{} was published in the December 1995 issue of \textsl{TUGboat}, and
+it was clear from an early stage that one desirable product would be a
+model structure on \CD{}. The distribution you now have is a very direct
+result of the working group's deliberations. It was also clear that the
+success of the 4All\TeX{} \CD{} showed that Unix users would benefit
+from a similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of
+We first undertook to make a new Unix-based \TDS{} \CD{} in the autumn
+of 1995, and quickly identified Thomas Esser's \teTeX{} as the ideal
+setup, as it already had multi-platform support and was built with
+portability across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and work
+began seriously at the start of 1996. The first edition was released in
+May 1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a major new release
+of Web2c, which included nearly all the features which Thomas Esser had
+added in \teTeX, and we decided to base the 2nd edition of the \CD{} on
+the standard \Webc, with the addition of \teTeX's \texttt{texconfig}
+script. The 3rd edition of the \CD{} was based on a major revision of
+\Webc, 7.2, by Olaf Weber; at the same time, a new revision of \teTeX
+was being made, and \TL{} included almost all of its features. The
+4th edition followed the same pattern, using a new version of \teTeX,
+and a new release of \Webc{} (7.3). The system now included a complete
+Windows setup.
+For the 5th edition (March 2000) many parts of the \CD{} were revised
+and checked, updating hundreds of packages. Package details were stored
+in XML files. But the major change for \TeX\ Live 5 was that all
+non-free software was removed. Everything in \TL{} is now intended
+to be compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
+(\url{}); we have done our best to check
+the license conditions of all packages, but we would very much
+appreciate hearing of any mistakes.
+The 6th edition (July 2001) had much more material updated. The major
+change was a new install concept: the user could select a more exact set
+of needed collections. Language-related collections were completely
+reorganized, so selecting any of them installs not only macros, fonts,
+etc., but also prepares an appropriate \texttt{language.dat}.
+The 7th edition of 2002 had the notable addition of \MacOSX{} support,
+and the usual myriad of updates to all sorts of packages and
+programs. An important goal was integration of the source back with
+\teTeX, to correct the drift apart in versions~5 and~6.
+In 2003, with the continuing flood of updates and additions, we found
+that \TL{} had grown so large it could no longer be contained on a
+single \CD, so we split it into three different distributions (see
+section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists}, \p.\pageref{sec:tl-coll-dists}). In
+\item At the request of the \LaTeX{} team, we changed the standard
+ \cmdname{latex} and \cmdname{pdflatex} commands to now use \eTeX{} (see
+ \p.\pageref{text:etex}).
+\item The new Latin Modern fonts were included (and are recommended).
+\item Support for Alpha \acro{OSF} was removed
+ (\acro{HPUX} support was removed previously), since no one had (or
+ volunteered) hardware available on which to compile new binaries.
+\item Windows setup was substantially changed; for the first time
+ an integrated environment based on XEmacs was introduced.
+\item Important supplementary programs for Windows
+ (Perl, Ghost\-script, Image\-Magick, Ispell) are now installed
+ in the \TL{} installation directory.
+\item Font map files used by \cmdname{dvips}, \cmdname{dvipdfm}
+ and \cmdname{pdftex} are now generated by the new program
+ \cmdname{updmap} and installed into \dirname{texmf/fonts/map}.
+\item \TeX{}, \MF{}, and \MP{} now, by default, output most input
+ characters (32 and above) as themselves in output (e.g.,
+ \verb|\write|) files,
+ log files, and the terminal, i.e., \emph{not} translated using the
+ \verb|^^| notation. In \TL{}~7, this translation was
+ dependent on the system locale settings; now, locale settings do
+ not influence the \TeX{} programs' behavior. If for some reason
+ you need the \verb|^^| output, rename the file
+ \verb|texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx|. (Future releases will have cleaner
+ ways to control this.)
+\item This documentation was substantially revised.
+\item Finally, since the edition numbers had grown unwieldy,
+ the version is now simply identified by the year: \TL{} 2003.
+2004 saw many changes:
+\item If you have locally-installed fonts which use their own
+\filename{.map} or (much less likely) \filename{.enc} support files, you
+may need to move those support files.
+\filename{.map} files are now searched for in subdirectories of
+\dirname{fonts/map} only (in each \filename{texmf} tree), along the
+\envname{TEXFONTMAPS} path. Similarly, \filename{.enc} files are now
+searched for in subdirectories of \dirname{fonts/enc} only, along the
+\envname{ENCFONTS} path. \cmdname{updmap} will attempt to warn about
+problematic files.
+For methods of handling this and other information, please see
+\item The \TK\ has been expanded with the addition of a \MIKTEX-based
+installable \CD, for those who prefer that implementation to Web2C.
+See section~\ref{sec:overview-tl} (\p.\pageref{sec:overview-tl}).
+\item Within \TL, the single large \dirname{texmf} tree of previous
+releases has been replaced by three: \dirname{texmf},
+\dirname{texmf-dist}, and \dirname{texmf-doc}. See
+section~\ref{sec:tld} (\p.\pageref{sec:tld}), and the \filename{README}
+files for each.
+\item All \TeX-related input files are now collected in
+the \dirname{tex} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, rather than
+having separate sibling directories \dirname{tex}, \dirname{etex},
+\dirname{pdftex}, \dirname{pdfetex}, etc. See
+\item Helper scripts (not meant to be invoked by users) are now located
+in a new \dirname{scripts} directory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, and
+searched for via \verb|kpsewhich -format=texmfscripts|. So if you have
+programs which call such scripts, they'll need to be adjusted. See
+\item Almost all formats leave most characters printable as
+themselves via the ``translation file'' \filename{cp227.tcx}, instead of
+translating them with the \verb|^^| notation. Specifically, characters
+at positions 32--256, plus tab, vertical tab, and form feed are
+considered printable and not translated. The exceptions are plain \TeX\
+(only 32--126 printable), \ConTeXt\ (0--255 printable), and the
+\OMEGA-related formats. This default behavior is almost the same as in
+\TL\,2003, but it's implemented more cleanly, with more possibilities
+for customization. See \CDref{texmf/doc/web2c/web2c.html\#TCX-files}
+(By the way, with Unicode input, \TeX\ may output partial character
+sequences when showing error contexts, since it is byte-oriented.)
+\item \textsf{pdfetex} is now the default engine for all formats
+except (plain) \textsf{tex} itself. (Of course it generates \acro{DVI}
+when run as \textsf{latex}, etc.) This means, among other things, that
+the microtypographic features of \textsf{pdftex} are available in
+\LaTeX, \ConTeXt, etc., as well as the \eTeX\ features
+It also means it's \emph{more important than ever} to use the
+\pkgname{ifpdf} package (works with both plain and \LaTeX) or equivalent
+code, because simply testing whether \cs{pdfoutput} or some other
+primitive is defined is not a reliable way to determine if \acro{PDF}
+output is being generated. We made this backward compatible as best we
+could this year, but next year, \cs{pdfoutput} may be defined even when
+\acro{DVI} is being written.
+\item pdf\TeX\ (\url{}) has many new features:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cs{pdfmapfile} and \cs{pdfmapline} provide font map support
+ from within a document.
+ \item Microtypographic font expansion can be used more easily.\\
+ \url{}
+ \item All parameters previously set through the special configuration
+ file \filename{pdftex.cfg} must now be set through primitives,
+ typically in \filename{pdftexconfig.tex}; \filename{pdftex.cfg} is no
+ longer supported. Any extant \filename{.fmt} files must be redumped
+ when \filename{pdftexconfig.tex} is changed.
+ \item See the pdf\TeX\ manual for more: \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+\item The \cs{input} primitive in \cmdname{tex} (and \cmdname{mf} and
+\cmdname{mpost}) now accepts double quotes containing spaces and other
+special characters. Typical examples:
+\input "filename with spaces" % plain
+\input{"filename with spaces"} % latex
+See the Web2C manual for more: \OnCD{texmf/doc/web2c}.
+\item enc\TeX\ support is now included within Web2C and consequently all
+\TeX\ programs, via the \optname{-enc} option\Dash \emph{only when
+formats are built}. enc\TeX\ supports general re-encoding of input and
+output, enabling full support of Unicode (in \acro{UTF}-8). See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/enctex/} and
+\item Aleph, a new engine combining \eTeX\ and \OMEGA, is available.
+A little information is available in \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base}
+and \url{}. The
+\LaTeX-based format for Aleph is named \textsf{lamed}.
+\item The latest \LaTeX\ release has a new version of the
+\acro{LPPL}\Dash now officially a Debian-approved license. Assorted
+other updates, see the \filename{ltnews} files in
+\item \cmdname{dvipng}, a new program for converting \acro{DVI} to
+\acro{PNG} image files, is included. See \OnCD{texmf/doc/man/man1/dvipng.1}.
+\item We reduced the \pkgname{cbgreek} package to a ``medium'' sized set
+of fonts, with the assent and advice of the author (Claudio Beccari).
+The excised fonts are the invisible, outline, and transparency ones,
+which are relatively rarely used, and we needed the space. The full set
+is of course available from \acro{CTAN}
+\item \cmdname{oxdvi} has been removed; just use \cmdname{xdvi}.
+\item The \cmdname{ini} and \cmdname{vir} commands (links) for
+\cmdname{tex}, \cmdname{mf}, and \cmdname{mpost} are no longer created,
+such as \cmdname{initex}. The \cmdname{ini} functionality has been
+available through the command-line option \optname{-ini} for years now.
+\item \textsf{i386-openbsd} platform support was removed. Since the
+\pkgname{tetex} package in the \acro{BSD} Ports system is available, and
+\acro{GNU/}Linux and Free\acro{BSD} binaries were available, it seemed
+volunteer time could be better spent elsewhere.
+\item On \textsf{sparc-solaris} (at least), you may have to set the
+\envname{LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH} environment variable to run the
+\pkgname{t1utils} programs. This is because they are compiled with C++,
+and there is no standard location for the runtime libraries. (This is
+not new in 2004, but wasn't previously documented.) Similarly, on
+\textsf{mips-irix}, the \acro{MIPS}pro 7.4 runtimes are required.
+2005 saw the usual huge number of updates to packages and programs.
+The infrastructure stayed relatively stable from 2004, but inevitably
+there were some changes there as well:
+\item New scripts \cmdname{texconfig-sys}, \cmdname{updmap-sys}, and
+ \cmdname{fmtutil-sys} were introduced, which modify the
+ configuration in the system trees. The \cmdname{texconfig},
+ \cmdname{updmap}, and \cmdname{fmtutil} scripts now modify
+ user-specific files, under \dirname{$HOME/.texlive2005}.
+\item Corresponding new variables \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} to specify the trees where configuration
+ files (user or system, respectively) are found. Thus, you may
+ need to move personal versions of \filename{fmtutil.cnf} and
+ \filename{updmap.cfg} to these places; another option is to
+ redefine \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} or \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} in
+ \filename{texmf.cnf}. In any case the real location of these files
+ and the values of \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ must agree.
+ See section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}, \p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}.
+\item Last year, we kept \verb|\pdfoutput| and other primitives undefined
+ for \dvi\ output, even though the \cmdname{pdfetex} program was
+ being used. This year, as promised, we undid that compatibility
+ measure. So if your document uses \verb|\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined|
+ to test if PDF is being output, it will need to be changed. You
+ can use the package \pkgname{ifpdf.sty} (which works under both
+ plain \TeX\ and \LaTeX) to do this, or steal its logic.
+\item Last year, we changed most formats to output (8-bit) characters as
+ themselves (see previous section). The new TCX file
+ \filename{empty.tcx} now provides an easier way to get the
+ original \verb|^^| notation if you so desire, as in:
+latex --translate-file=empty.tcx yourfile.tex
+\item The new program \cmdname{dvipdfmx} is included for translation of
+ DVI to PDF; this is an actively maintained update of
+ \cmdname{dvipdfm} (which is also still available for now, though
+ no longer recommended).
+\item The new programs \cmdname{pdfopen} and \cmdname{pdfclose} are included
+ to allow reloading of pdf files in the Adobe Acrobat Reader without
+ restarting the program. (Other pdf readers, notably \cmdname{xpdf},
+ \cmdname{gv}, and \cmdname{gsview}, have never suffered from this
+ problem.)
+\item For consistency, the variables \envname{HOMETEXMF} and
+ \envname{VARTEXMF} have been renamed to \envname{TEXMFHOME} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}, respectively. There is also
+ \envname{TEXMFVAR}, which is by default user-specific. See the
+ first point above.
+In 2006--2007, the major new addition to \TL{} was the \XeTeX{} program,
+available as the \texttt{xetex} and \texttt{xelatex} programs; see
+MetaPost also received a notable update, with more planned for the
+future (\url{}), likewise pdf\TeX{}
+The \TeX\ \filename{.fmt} (high-speed format) and the similar files for
+MetaPost and \MF\ are now stored in subdirectories of \dirname{texmf/web2c},
+instead of in the directory itself (although the directory is still
+searched, for the sake of existing \filename{.fmt}'s). The
+subdirectories are named for the `engine' in use, such as \filename{tex}
+or \filename{pdftex} or \filename{xetex}. This change should be
+invisible in normal use.
+The (plain) \texttt{tex} program no longer reads \texttt{\%\&} first
+lines to determine what format to run; it is the pure Knuthian \TeX.
+(\LaTeX\ and everything else do still read \texttt{\%\&} lines).
+Of course the year also saw (the usual) hundreds of other updates to
+packages and programs. As usual, please check \acro{CTAN}
+(\url{}) for updates.
+Internally, the source tree is now stored in Subversion, with a standard
+web interface for viewing the tree, as linked from our home page.
+Although not visible in the final distribution, we expect this will
+provide a stable development foundation for future years.
+Finally, in May 2006 Thomas Esser announced that he would no longer be
+updating te\TeX{} (\url{}). As a result, there was
+been a surge of interest in \TL{}, especially among \GNU/Linux
+distributors. (There is a new \texttt{tetex} installation scheme in
+\TL{}, which provides an approximate equivalent.) We hope this will
+eventually translate to improvements in the \TeX\ environment for
+\medskip \noindent
+Final note on the past: all releases of \TL{}, along with ancillary
+material such as \CD\ labels, are available at
+\ifx\HCode\undefined\else\HCode{<a id="news"></a>}
+In 2008, the entire \TL{} infrastructure was redesigned and
+reimplemented. Complete information about an installation is now stored
+in a plain text file \filename{tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb}.
+Among other things, this finally makes possible upgrading a \TL{}
+installation over the Internet after the initial installation, a feature
+MiK\TeX\ has provided for many years. We expect to regularly update new
+packages as they are released to \CTAN.
+The major new engine Lua\TeX\ (\url{}) is included;
+besides a new level of flexibility in typesetting, this provides an
+excellent scripting language for use both inside and outside of \TeX\
+Support among Windows and the Unix-based platforms is now much more
+uniform. In particular, most Perl and Lua scripts are now available on
+Windows, using the Perl internally distributed with \TL.
+The new \cmdname{tlmgr} script (section~\ref{sec:tlmgr}) is the
+general interface for managing \TL{} after the initial installation.
+It handles package updates and consequent regeneration of formats, map
+files, and language files, optionally including local additions.
+With the advent of \cmdname{tlmgr}, the \cmdname{texconfig} actions to
+edit the format and hyphenation configuration files are now disabled.
+The \cmdname{xindy} indexing program
+(\url{}) is now included on most platforms.
+The \cmdname{kpsewhich} tool can now report all matches for a given file
+(option \optname{--all}) and limit matches to a given subdirectory
+(option \optname{--subdir}).
+The \cmdname{dvipdfmx} program now includes functionality to extract
+bounding box information, via the command name \cmdname{extractbb}; this
+was one of the last features provided by \cmdname{dvipdfm} not in
+The font aliases \filename{Times-Roman}, \filename{Helvetica}, and so on
+have been removed. Different packages expected them to behave
+differently (in particular, to have different encodings), and there was
+no good way to resolve this.
+The \pkgname{platex} format has been removed, to resolve a name conflict
+with a completely different Japanese \pkgname{platex}; the
+\pkgname{polski} package is now the main Polish support.
+Internally, the \web\ string pool files are now compiled into the
+binaries, to ease upgrades.
+Finally, the changes made by Donald Knuth in his `\TeX\ tuneup of 2008'
+are included in this release. See
+\emph{\TL{} is not perfect!} (And never will be.) We intend to
+continue to release new versions, and would like to provide more help
+material, more utilities, more installation programs, and (of course) an
+ever-improved and better-checked tree of macros and fonts. This work is
+all done by hard-pressed volunteers in their limited spare time, and a
+great deal remains to be done. Please see
+Please send corrections, suggestions, and offers of help to:
+\email{} \\
+\noindent \textsl{Happy \TeX ing!}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2009.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2009.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..022bae432e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2009.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+% $Id: texlive-en.tex 15931 2009-11-03 00:48:56Z karl $
+% TeX Live documentation. Originally written by Sebastian Rahtz and
+% Michel Goossens, now maintained by Karl Berry and others.
+% Public domain.
+\let\tldocenglish=1 % for live4ht.cfg
+\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % translators: use your preferred encodings.
+ {\huge \textit{The \TeX\ Live Guide}\\\smallskip}%
+ {\LARGE \textsf{\TL{} 2009}}%
+\author{Karl Berry, editor \\[3mm]
+ \url{}
+ }
+\date{November 2009}
+\subsection{\TeX\ Live and the \TeX\ Collection}
+This document describes the main features of the \TL{} software
+distribution\Dash \TeX{} and related programs for \GNU/Linux
+and other Unix flavors, \MacOSX, and Windows systems.
+You may have acquired \TL{} by downloading, or on the \TK{} \DVD, which
+\TeX{} user groups distribute among their members, or in other ways.
+Section \ref{sec:tl-coll-dists} briefly describes the contents of the
+\DVD. Both \TL{} and the \TK{} are cooperative efforts by the \TeX{}
+user groups. This document mainly describes \TL{} itself.
+\TL{} includes executables for \TeX{}, \LaTeXe{}, \ConTeXt,
+\MF, \MP, \BibTeX{} and many other programs; an extensive collection
+of macros, fonts and documentation; and support for typesetting in
+many different scripts from around the world.
+For a brief summary of the major changes in this edition of \TL{},
+see the end of the document, section~\ref{sec:history}
+\subsection{Operating system support}
+\TL{} contains binaries for many Unix-based architectures, including
+\GNU/Linux and \MacOSX. There are also Cygwin binaries. The
+included sources can be compiled on platforms for which we do not
+have binaries.
+As to Windows: only Windows 2000 and later are
+supported. Windows~9\textit{x}, \acro{ME} and \acro{NT} have been
+dropped. Because of this change, Windows requires much less special
+treatment compared to the Unix systems. There are no special 64-bit
+executables for Windows, but the 32-bit executables should run on 64-bit
+See section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists} for alternate solutions
+for Windows and \MacOSX.
+\subsection{Basic installation of \protect\TL{}}
+You can install \TL{} either from \DVD{} or over the Internet. The net
+installer itself is small, and downloads everything requested from the
+The \DVD{} installer lets you install to a local disk, but you can also
+run \TL{} directly from the \DVD{} (or from a \DVD{} image, if your
+system supports that). Installation is described in later sections, but
+here is a quick start:
+\item The installation script is named \filename{install-tl}. It can
+ operate in a ``wizard mode'' given the option \code{-gui=wizard}
+ (default for Windows), a text mode given \code{-gui=text} (default for
+ everything else), and an expert \GUI{} mode given \code{-gui=perltk}.
+\item One of the installed items is the `\TL\ Manager' program,
+ named \prog{tlmgr}. Like the installer, it can be used in both \GUI{}
+ mode and in text mode. You can use it to install and uninstall
+ packages and do various configuration tasks.
+\subsection{Security considerations}
+To the best of our knowledge, the core \TeX\ programs themselves are
+(and always have been) extremely robust. However, the contributed
+programs in \TeX\ Live may not reach the same level, despite everyone's
+best efforts. As always, you should be careful when running programs on
+untrusted input; for maximum safety, use a new subdirectory.
+This need for care is especially urgent on Windows, since in general
+Windows finds programs in the current directory before anything else,
+regardless of the search path. This opens up a wide variety of possible
+attacks. We have closed many holes, but undoubtedly some remain,
+especially with third-party programs. Thus, we recommend checking for
+suspicious files in the current directory, especially executables
+(binaries or scripts). Ordinarily they should not be present, and
+definitely should not normally be created by merely processing a document.
+Finally, \TeX\ (and its companion programs) are able to write files when
+processing documents, a feature that can also be abused in a wide
+variety of ways. Again, processing unknown documents in a new
+subdirectory is the safest bet.
+\subsection{Getting help}
+The \TeX{} community is active and friendly, and most serious questions
+end up getting answered. However, the support is informal, done by
+volunteers and casual readers, so it's especially important that you do
+your homework before asking. (If you prefer guaranteed commercial
+support, you can forgo \TL{} completely and purchase a vendor's system;
+\url{} has a list.)
+Here is a list of resources, approximately in the order we recommend
+using them:
+\item [Getting Started] If you are new to \TeX, the web page
+\url{} gives a brief introduction to the system.
+\item [\TeX{} \acro{FAQ}] The \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} is a huge compendium
+ of answers to all sorts of questions, from the most basic to the
+ most arcane. It is included on \TL{} in
+ \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/FAQ-en/html/index.html}, and is available
+ on the Internet through \url{}. Please
+ check here first.
+\item [\TeX{} Catalogue] If you are looking for a specific package,
+font, program, etc., the \TeX{} Catalogue is the place to look. It is a
+huge collection of all \TeX{}-related items. See
+\item [\TeX{} Web Resources] The web page
+\url{} has many \TeX{}-related links, in
+particular for numerous books, manuals, and articles on all aspects of
+the system.
+\item [support archives] The two principal support forums are the
+Usenet newsgroup \url{news:comp.text.tex} and the mailing list
+\email{}. Their archives have years of past
+questions and answers for your searching pleasure, via
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively. And a general web
+search, for example on \url{}, never hurts.
+\item [asking questions] If you cannot find an answer, you can post to
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} through Google or your newsreader, or to
+\email{} through email. But before you post,
+\emph{please} read this \acro{FAQ} entry, to maximize
+your chances of getting a useful answer:
+\item [\TL{} support] If you want to report a bug or have
+suggestions or comments on the \TL{} distribution, installation, or
+documentation, the mailing list is \email{}. However,
+if your question is about how to use a particular program included in
+\TL{}, please write to that program's maintainer or
+mailing list. Often running a program with the \code{-{}-help} option
+will provide a bug reporting address.
+The other side of the coin is helping others who have questions. Both
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} and \code{texhax} are open to anyone, so feel
+free to join, start reading, and help out where you can.
+% don't use \TL so the \uppercase in the headline works. Also so
+% tex4ht ends up with the right TeX. Likewise the \protect's.
+\section{Overview of \protect\TeX\protect\ Live}
+This section describes the contents of \TL{} and the \TK{} of which it
+is a part.
+\subsection{The \protect\TeX\protect\ Collection: \TL, pro\TeX{}t, Mac\TeX}
+The \TK{} \DVD{} comprises the following:
+\item [\TL] A complete \TeX{} system which can be run live or
+ installed to disk. Its home page is \url{}.
+\item [Mac\TeX] for \MacOSX, this adds a native \MacOSX\ installer and other
+Mac applications to \TL{}. Its home page is
+\item [pro\TeX{}t] An enhancement of the \MIKTEX\ distribution for Windows,
+\ProTeXt\ adds a few extra tools to \MIKTEX, and simplifies
+installation. It is entirely independent of \TL{}, and has its own
+installation instructions. The \ProTeXt\ home page is
+\item [CTAN] A snapshot of the \CTAN{} repository (\url{}).
+\item [\texttt{texmf-extra}] A directory with assorted additional packages.
+\CTAN{}, \pkgname{protext}, and \dirname{texmf-extra} do not
+necessarily follow the same copying conditions as \TL{}, so be careful
+when redistributing or modifying.
+\subsection{Top level \TL{} directories}
+Here is a brief listing and description of the top level directories in the
+\TL{} distribution. On the \TK{} \DVD, the entire \TL{} hierarchy is in
+a subdirectory \dirname{texlive}, not at the top level of the disc.
+\item[bin] The \TeX{} system programs, arranged by platform.
+\item[readme-*.dir] Quick overview and useful links for \TL{},
+in various languages, in both \HTML{} and plain text.
+\item[source] The source to all included programs, including the main \Webc{}
+ \TeX{} and \MF{} distributions.
+\item[texmf] See \dirname{TEXMFMAIN} below.
+\item[texmf-dist] See \dirname{TEXMFDIST} below.
+\item[tlpkg] Scripts, programs and data for managing the
+ installation, and some special support for Windows.
+In addition to the directories above, the installation scripts and
+\filename{README} files (in various languages) are at the top level of
+the distribution.
+For documentation, the comprehensive links in the top-level file
+\OnCD{doc.html} may be helpful. The documentation for the programs
+(manuals, man pages, Info files) is in \dirname{texmf/doc}. The
+documentation for \TeX\ packages and formats is in
+\dirname{texmf-dist/doc}. You can use the \cmdname{texdoc} program to
+find any documentation wherever it is located.
+This \TL\ documentation itself is in \dirname{texmf/doc/texlive},
+available in several languages:
+\item{Simplified Chinese:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-zh-cn}
+\item{Czech/Slovak:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-cz}
+\item{English:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-en}
+\item{French:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-fr}
+\item{German:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-de}
+\item{Polish:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-pl}
+\item{Russian:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-ru}
+\subsection{Overview of the predefined texmf trees}
+This section lists the predefined variables specifying the texmf trees
+used by the system, and their intended purpose, and the default layout
+of \TL{}. The command \texttt{tlmgr~conf} shows the values of these
+variables, so that you can easily find out how they map to particular
+directories in your installation.
+\item [TEXMFMAIN] The tree which holds vital parts of the
+ system such as configuration files, helper scripts, and program
+ documentation.
+\item [TEXMFDIST] The tree which holds the main set of macro packages,
+ fonts, etc.
+\item [TEXMFLOCAL] The tree which administrators can use for system-wide
+ installation of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+\item [TEXMFHOME] The tree which users can use for their own individual
+ installations of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+ The expansion of this variable dynamically adjusts for each user to
+ their own individual directory.
+\item [TEXMFCONFIG] The tree used by the utilities
+ \verb+texconfig+, \verb+updmap+, and \verb+fmtutil+ to store modified
+ configuration data. Under \envname{TEXMFHOME} by default.
+\item [TEXMFSYSCONFIG] The tree used by the utilities
+ \verb+texconfig-sys+, \verb+updmap-sys+, and \verb+fmtutil-sys+ to
+ store modified configuration data.
+\item [TEXMFVAR] The tree used by \verb+texconfig+, \verb+updmap+ and
+ \verb+fmtutil+ to store (cached) runtime data such as format files and
+ generated map files. Under \envname{TEXMFHOME} by default.
+\item [TEXMFSYSVAR] The tree used by \verb+texconfig-sys+,
+ \verb+updmap-sys+ and \verb+fmtutil-sys+, and also by \verb+tlmgr+, to
+ store (cached) runtime data such as format files and generated map files.
+The default layout is:
+ \item[system-wide root] can span multiple \TL{} releases:
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item[2008] A previous release.
+ \item[2009] The current release.
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [bin] ~
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [i386-linux] \GNU/Linux binaries
+ \item [...]
+ \item [universal-darwin] \MacOSX binaries
+ \item [win32] Windows binaries
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ] This is \envname{TEXMFMAIN}.
+ \item [texmf-dist\ \ ] \envname{TEXMFDIST}
+ \item [texmf-var \ \ ] \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}
+ \item [texmf-config] \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf-local] \envname{TEXMFLOCAL}, intended to be
+ retained from release to release.
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item[user's home] (\texttt{\$HOME} or
+ \texttt{\%USERPROFILE\%})
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item[.texlive2008] Privately generated and configuration data
+ for a previous release.
+ \item[.texlive2009] Privately generated and configuration data
+ for the current release.
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf-var\ \ \ ] \envname{TEXMFVAR}
+ \item [texmf-config] \envname{TEXMFCONFIG}
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item[texmf] \envname{TEXMFHOME} Personal macros, etc.
+ \end{ttdescription}
+\subsection{Extensions to \protect\TeX}
+Knuth's original \TeX{} itself is frozen, apart from rare bug fixes. It
+is still present in \TL\ as the program \prog{tex}, and will remain so
+for the foreseeable future. \TL{} contains several extended versions of
+\item [\eTeX] adds a set of new primitives
+\label{text:etex} (related to macro expansion, character scanning,
+classes of marks, additional debugging features, and more) and the
+\TeXXeT{} extensions for bidirectional typesetting. In default mode,
+\eTeX{} is 100\% compatible with ordinary \TeX. See
+\item [pdf\TeX] builds on the \eTeX\ extensions, adding support for
+writing \acro{PDF} output as well as \dvi{}, and many non-output-related
+extensions. This is the program invoked for most formats, e.g.,
+\prog{etex}, \prog{latex}, \prog{pdflatex}. Its web site is
+\url{}. See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf} for the manual, and
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/samplepdf/samplepdf.tex} for example
+usage of some of its features.
+\item [Lua\TeX] is the designated successor of pdf\TeX,
+and is mostly (but not entirely) backward-compatible. It is also
+intended to be a functional superset of Aleph (see below), though
+technical compatibility is not intended. The incorporated Lua
+interpreter (\url{}) enables elegant solutions for
+many thorny \TeX{} problems. When called as \filename{texlua}, it
+functions as a standalone Lua interpreter, and is already used as such
+within \TL. Its web site is \url{}, and the
+reference manual is \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/luatex/luatexref-t.pdf}.
+\item [\XeTeX] adds support for Unicode input and OpenType- and system
+fonts, implemented using standard third-party libraries. See
+\item [\OMEGA\ (Omega)] is based on Unicode (16-bit characters), thus
+supports working with almost all the world's scripts simultaneously. It
+also supports so-called `\OMEGA{} Translation Processes' (\acro{OTP}s),
+for performing complex transformations on arbitrary input. Omega is no
+longer included in \TL{} as a separate program; only Aleph is provided:
+\item [Aleph] combines the \OMEGA\ and \eTeX\ extensions.
+See \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base} for some minimal documentation.
+\subsection{Other notable programs in \protect\TL}
+Here are a few other commonly-used programs included in \TL{}:
+\item [bibtex] bibliography support.
+\item [makeindex, xindy] index support.
+\item [dvips] convert \dvi{} to \PS{}.
+\item [xdvi] \dvi{} previewer for the X Window System.
+\item [dvilj] \dvi{} drive for the HP LaserJet family.
+\item [dviconcat, dviselect] cut and paste pages
+from \dvi{} files.
+\item [dvipdfmx] convert \dvi{} to \acro{PDF}, an alternative approach
+to pdf\TeX\ (mentioned above). See the \pkgname{ps4pdf} and
+\pkgname{pdftricks} packages for still more alternatives.
+\item [psselect, psnup, \ldots] \PS{} utilities.
+\item [texexec, texmfstart] Con\TeX{}t and \acro{PDF} processor.
+\item [tex4ht] \TeX{} to \acro{HTML} (and \acro{XML} and more) converter.
+\subsection{Fonts in \protect\TL}
+\TL{} comes with many high-quality scalable fonts. See
+\url{} and
+\subsection{Starting the installer}
+To begin, get the \TK{} \DVD{} or download the \TL{} net installer,
+and locate the installer script: \filename{install-tl} for Unix,
+\filename{install-tl.bat} for Windows.
+\item [Net installer:] Download from \CTAN, under
+\dirname{systems/texlive/tlnet}; the url
+\url{} will automatically
+redirect to a nearby, up-to-date, mirror. You can retrieve either
+\filename{} which can be used under Unix and Windows, or
+the considerably smaller \filename{install-unx.tar.gz} for Unix
+only. After unpacking, \filename{install-tl} and
+\filename{install-tl.bat} will be in the \dirname{install-tl}
+\item [\TeX{} Collection \DVD:] go to its \dirname{texlive}
+subdirectory. Under Windows, the installer normally starts automatically
+when you insert the \DVD. You can get the \DVD\ by becoming a member of
+a \TeX\ user group (highly recommended,
+\url{}), or purchasing it separately
+(\url{}), or burning your own from the \ISO\
+See \url{} for more information and
+other methods of getting the software.
+The following sections explain installer start-up in more detail.
+Below, \texttt{>} denotes the shell prompt; user input is
+The script \filename{install-tl} is a Perl script. The simplest way
+to start it on a Unix-compatible system is as follows:
+> \Ucom{cd /path/to/installer}
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl}
+(Or you can invoke \Ucom{perl /path/to/installer/install-tl}, or
+\Ucom{./install-tl} if it stayed executable, etc.; we won't repeat all
+these variations.) You may have to enlarge your terminal window so
+that it shows the full text installer screen (Figure~\ref{fig:text-main}).
+To install in expert \GUI\ mode (figure~\ref{fig:gui-main}; you'll
+need the \dirname{Perl/TK} module), use:
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl -gui}
+For a complete listing of the various options:
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl -help}
+\textbf{Warning about Unix permissions:} Your \code{umask} at the time
+of installation will be respected by the \TL{} installer. Therefore, if
+you want your installation to be usable by users other than you, make
+sure your setting is sufficiently permissive, for instance, \code{umask
+002}. For more information about \code{umask}, consult your system
+\textbf{Special considerations for Cygwin:} Unlike other
+Unix-compatible systems, Cygwin does not by default include all of the
+prerequisite programs needed by the \TL{} installer. See
+Section~\ref{sec:cygwin} for details.
+As mentioned in section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists}, a separate distribution
+is prepared for \MacOSX, named Mac\TeX\ (\url{}).
+We recommend using the native Mac\TeX\ installer instead of the \TL\
+installer on \MacOSX, because the native installer makes a few
+Mac-specific adjustments, in particular to allow easily switching
+between the various \TeX\ distributions for \MacOSX\ (Mac\TeX, gw\TeX,
+Fink, MacPorts, \ldots).
+Mac\TeX\ is firmly based on \TL, and the main \TeX\ trees are precisely
+the same. It does add a few extra folders with Mac-specific
+documentation and applications.
+If you are using the net installer, or the \DVD\ installer failed to
+start automatically, double-click \filename{install-tl.bat}.
+For more customization options, e.g. selection of specific package
+collections, run \filename{install-tl-advanced.bat} instead.
+You can also start the installer from the command-prompt. Below,
+\texttt{>} denotes the prompt; user input is \Ucom{\texttt{bold}}. If
+you are in the installer directory, run just:
+> \Ucom{install-tl}
+Or you can invoke it with an absolute location, such as:
+> \Ucom{D:\bs{}texlive\bs{}install-tl}
+for the \TK\ \DVD, supposing that \dirname{D:} is the optical
+drive. Figure~\ref{fig:wizard} displays the wizard installer, which
+is the default for Windows.
+To install in text mode, use:
+> \Ucom{install-tl -no-gui}
+For a complete listing of the various options:
+> \Ucom{install-tl -help}
+Installing TeX Live 2009 from: ...
+Platform: i386-linux => 'Intel x86 with GNU/Linux'
+Distribution: live (uncompressed)
+ Detected platform: Intel x86 with GNU/Linux
+ <B> binary systems: 1 out of 14
+ <S> Installation scheme (scheme-full)
+ 83 collections out of 84, disk space required: 1882 MB
+ Customizing installation scheme:
+ <C> standard collections
+ <L> language collections
+ <D> directories:
+ TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2009
+ TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
+ /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local
+ TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-var
+ TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-config
+ TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):
+ ~/texmf
+ <O> options:
+ [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
+ [X] create all format files
+ [X] install macro/font doc tree
+ [X] install macro/font source tree
+ [ ] create symlinks to standard directories
+ <V> set up for running from DVD
+Other actions:
+ <I> start installation to hard disk
+ <H> help
+ <Q> quit
+\caption{Main text installer screen (\GNU/Linux)}\label{fig:text-main}
+\caption{Expert \GUI{} installer screen (\GNU/Linux)}\label{fig:gui-main}
+\caption{Wizard installer screen (Windows)}\label{fig:wizard}
+The \TL{} installer supports only Cygwin 1.7.
+% Add a note about Angelo's workaround for 1.5 if he gets it ready for
+% public use.
+Before beginning the installation, use Cygwin's \filename{setup.exe} program to
+install the \filename{perl} and \filename{wget} packages if you have
+not already done so. The following additional packages are
+\item \filename{fontconfig} [needed by \XeTeX]
+\item \filename{ghostscript} [needed by various utilities]
+\item \filename{libXaw7} [needed by xdvi]
+\item \filename{ncurses} [provides the 'clear' command used by the installer]
+\subsubsection{The text installer}
+Figure~\ref{fig:text-main} displays the main text mode screen under
+Unix. The text installer is the default on Unix.
+This is only a command-line installer; there is no cursor support at
+all. For instance, you cannot tab around checkboxes or input fields.
+You just type something (case-sensitive) at the prompt and press the
+Enter key, and then the entire terminal screen will be rewritten, with
+adjusted content.
+The text installer interface is this primitive for a reason: it
+is designed to run on as many platforms as possible, even with a
+very barebones Perl.
+\subsubsection{The expert graphical installer}
+Figure~\ref{fig:gui-main} displays the expert graphical installer under
+\GNU/Linux. Other than using buttons and menus, this installer does
+not differ much from the text one (Figure~\ref{fig:text-main}).
+This mode can be invoked explicitly with
+> \Ucom{install-tl -gui=perltk}
+\subsubsection{The simple wizard installer}
+Under Windows, the default is to run the simplest installation method we
+could devise, which we named the ``wizard'' installer. It installs
+everything and asks almost no questions. If you want to customize your
+setup, you should run one of the other installers.
+This mode can be invoked explicitly with
+> \Ucom{install-tl -gui=wizard}
+\subsection{Running the installer}
+The installer is intended to be mostly self-explanatory, but following are a
+few notes about the various options and submenus.
+\subsubsection{Binary systems menu (Unix only)}
+Available sets of binaries:
+ a [ ] alpha-linux DEC Alpha with GNU/Linux
+ b [ ] i386-cygwin Intel x86 with Cygwin
+ c [X] i386-linux Intel x86 with GNU/Linux
+ d [ ] i386-netbsd Intel x86 with NetBSD
+ e [ ] i386-solaris Intel x86 with Sun Solaris
+ f [ ] mips-irix SGI IRIX
+ g [ ] powerpc-aix PowerPC with AIX
+ h [ ] powerpc-linux PowerPC with GNU/Linux
+ i [ ] sparc-linux Sparc with GNU/Linux
+ j [ ] sparc-solaris Sparc with Solaris
+ k [ ] universal-darwin universal binaries for MacOSX/Darwin
+ l [ ] win32 Windows
+ m [ ] x86_64-linux x86_64 with GNU/Linux
+\caption{Binaries menu}\label{fig:bin-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:bin-text} displays the text mode binaries menu. By
+default, only the binaries for your current platform will be installed.
+From this menu, you can select installation of binaries for other
+architectures as well. This can be useful if you are sharing a \TeX\
+tree across a network of heterogenous machines, or for a dual-boot
+\subsubsection{Selecting what is going to be installed}
+Select a scheme:
+ a [ ] basic scheme (plain and LaTeX)
+ b [ ] ConTeXt scheme
+ c [X] full scheme (everything)
+ d [ ] GUST TeX Live scheme
+ e [ ] GUTenberg TeX Live scheme
+ f [ ] medium scheme (plain, latex, recommended packages, some languages)
+ g [ ] minimal scheme (plain only)
+ h [ ] Omega scheme
+ i [ ] teTeX scheme (more than medium, but nowhere near full)
+ j [ ] XML scheme
+ k [ ] custom selection of collections
+\caption{Scheme menu}\label{fig:scheme-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:scheme-text} displays the \TL\ scheme menu; from here,
+you choose a ``scheme'', which is an overall set of package collections.
+The default \optname{full} scheme installs everything available, but you
+can also choose the \optname{basic} scheme for a small system,
+\optname{minimal} for testing purposes, and \optname{medium} or
+\optname{teTeX} to get something in between. There are also various
+specialized and country-specific schemes.
+\caption{Collections menu}\label{fig:collections-gui}
+You can refine your scheme selection with the `standard collections' and
+`language collections' menus (figure~\ref{fig:collections-gui}, shown in
+\GUI\ mode for a change).
+Collections are one level more detailed than schemes\Dash in essence, a
+scheme consists of several collections, a collection consists of one or
+more packages, and a package (the lowest level grouping in \TL) contains
+the actual \TeX\ macro files, font files, and so on.
+If you want more control than the collection menus provide, you can use
+the \prog{tlmgr} program after installation (see
+section~\ref{sec:tlmgr}); using that, you can control the installation
+at the package level.
+The default layout is described in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees},
+\p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}. The default location of
+\dirname{TEXDIR} is different between Windows
+(|%SystemDrive%\texlive\2009|) and Unix
+The main reason to change this default is if you lack write permission
+for the default location. You don't have to be root or administrator to
+install \TL, but you do need write access to the target directory.
+A reasonable alternative choice is a directory under your home directory,
+especially if you will be the sole user. Use
+`|~|' to indicate this, as in `|~/texlive/2009|'.
+We recommend including the year in the name, to enable keeping different
+releases of \TL{} side by side. (You may wish to make a
+version-independent name such as \dirname{/usr/local/texlive-cur} via a
+symbolic link, which you can then update after testing the new release.)
+Changing \dirname{TEXDIR} in the installer will also change
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL}, \dirname{TEXMFSYSVAR} and
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME} is the recommended location for personal
+macro files or packages. The default value is |~/texmf|. In
+contrast to \dirname{TEXDIR}, here a |~| is preserved in the
+newly-written configuration files, since it usefully refers to the home
+directory of any individual running \TeX. It expands to
+\dirname{$HOME} on Unix and \verb|%USERPROFILE%| on Windows.
+ <P> use letter size instead of A4 by default: [ ]
+ <F> create format files: [X]
+ <D> install font/macro doc tree: [X]
+ <S> install font/macro source tree: [X]
+ <L> create symlinks in standard directories: [ ]
+ binaries to:
+ manpages to:
+ info to:
+\caption{Options menu (Unix)}\label{fig:options-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:options-text} shows the text mode options menu.
+More info:
+\item[use letter size instead of A4 by default:] The default paper
+ size selection. Of course, individual documents can and should
+ specify a specific paper size, if desired.
+\item[create format files:] Although unnecessary format files
+ take time to generate and disk space to store, it is still recommended
+ to leave this option checked: if you don't, then format files will be
+ generated in people's private \dirname{TEXMFVAR} tree as they are
+ needed. In that location, they will not be updated automatically if
+ (say) binaries or hyphenation patterns are updated in the
+ installation, and thus could end up with incompatible format files.
+\item[execution of restricted list of programs:] As of \TL\ 2009,
+ execution of a few external programs is allowed by default. The list
+ of allowed programs is given in the \filename{texmf.cnf}; it is very
+ small, but still very useful. See the 2009 news
+ (section~\ref{sec:2009news}) for more details.
+\item[install font/macro \ldots\ tree:] These options allow you to omit
+ downloading/installing the documentation and source files present in
+ most packages. Not recommended.
+\item[create symlinks in standard directories] (Unix only):
+ This option bypasses the need to change environment variables. Without
+ this option, \TL{} directories usually have to be added to
+ \envname{PATH}, \envname{MANPATH} and \envname{INFOPATH}. You will
+ need write permissions to the target directories. It is strongly
+ advised \emph{not} to overwrite a \TeX\ system that came with your
+ system with this option. It is intended primarily for accessing the
+ \TeX\ system through directories that are already known to users, such
+ as \dirname{/usr/local/bin}, which don't already contain any \TeX\
+ files.
+When all the settings are to your liking, you can type `I' to start the
+installation process. When it is done, skip to
+section~\ref{sec:postinstall} to read what else needs to be done, if
+\subsubsection{Set up for running from DVD{} (text mode only)}
+Type `|V|' to select this option. This changes the main menu into something
+as in figure~\ref{fig:main-fromdvd}.
+======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================
+ <D> directories:
+ TEXDIRW (Writable root):
+ !! default location: /usr/local/texlive/2009
+ !! is not writable, please select a different one!
+ TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
+ /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local
+ TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-var
+ TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-config
+ TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):
+ ~/texmf
+ <O> options:
+ [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
+ [X] create all format files
+ <V> set up for installing to hard disk
+Other actions:
+ <I> start installation for running from DVD
+ <H> help
+ <Q> quit
+\caption{The main menu with `\optname{from DVD}' set}\label{fig:main-fromdvd}
+Note the changes: all options about what to install have
+disappeared, and the directories section now talks about
+\dirname{TEXDIRW} or writable root. The symlinks option has also
+The installer will still create various directories and configuration
+files, but won't copy \dirname{texmf} or \dirname{texmf-dist} to hard
+Post-install configuration for Unix will be slightly more complicated,
+because now the directory layout deviates from the default; see
+This option is not in the \GUI{} installer, but it is available both
+for Unix and for Windows. Windows users have to start the installer
+from a command prompt, see section~\ref{sec:cmdline}.
+Section \ref{sec:portable-tl} describes a more strictly portable
+way to run \TL, which doesn't make or require any changes in the
+system's configuration, but doesn't allow any configuration either.
+\subsection{Command-line install-tl options}
+> \Ucom{install-tl -help}
+for a listing of command-line options. Either |-| or |--| can be used
+to introduce option names. These are the most common ones:
+\item[-gui] If possible, use the \GUI{} installer. This requires the
+ Perl/Tk module (\url{});
+ if Perl/Tk is not available, installation continues in text mode.
+\item[-no-gui] Force using the text mode installer, even under
+ Windows; you'll need this if you want a `from \DVD' installation,
+ since that is not available in \GUI{} mode.
+\item[-lang {\sl LL}] Specify the installer interface
+ language as its standard two-letter code \textsl{LL}. Currently
+ supported languages: English (\texttt{en}, default), German
+ (\texttt{de}), French (\texttt{fr}), Dutch (\texttt{nl}), Polish
+ (\texttt{pl}), Slovenian (\texttt{sl}) and Vietnamese
+ (\texttt{vi}). The installer tries to determine the right language
+ itself but if it fails, or if the right language is not available,
+ then it uses English as a fallback.
+\item[-profile {\sl file}] The installer always writes a file
+ \filename{texlive.profile} to the \dirname{tlpkg} subdirectory of your
+ installation. This option tells the installer to re-use such a
+ profile file, so you can install in batch mode on subsequent systems,
+ reproducing the choices you made in a prior installation.
+\item [-repository {\sl url-or-directory}] Specify package
+ repository from which to install; see following.
+\subsubsection{The \optname{-repository} option}
+The default package repository is a \CTAN{} mirror chosen automatically
+via \url{}.
+If you want to override that, the location value can be a url starting
+with \texttt{ftp:}, \texttt{http:}, or \texttt{file:/}, or a plain
+directory path. (When giving an \texttt{http:}\ or \texttt{ftp:}\
+location, trailing `\texttt{/}' characters and/or a trailing
+`\texttt{/tlpkg}' component are ignored.)
+For example, you could choose a particular \CTAN\ mirror with something
+like: \url{},
+substituting a real hostname and its particular top-level
+\CTAN\ path for ||. The list of \CTAN\ mirrors is
+maintained at \url{}.
+If the given argument is local (either a path or a \texttt{file:/} url),
+compressed files in an \dirname{archive} subdirectory of the repository
+path are used (even if uncompressed files are available as well).
+\subsection{Post-install actions}
+Some post-install may be required.
+But on Windows, the installer takes care of everything.
+\subsubsection{If symlinks were created}
+If you elected to create symlinks in standard directories (mentioned in
+section~\ref{sec:options}), then there is no need to edit environment
+\subsubsection{Environment variables for Unix}
+The directory of the binaries for your platform must be added to
+the search path. Each supported platform has its own subdirectory
+under \dirname{TEXDIR/bin}. See figure~\ref{fig:bin-text} for the
+list of subdirectories and corresponding platforms.
+You can also add the documentation man and Info directories to their
+respective search paths, if you want the system tools to find them.
+The man pages might be found automatically after the addition to
+For Bourne-compatible shells such as \prog{bash}, and using Intel x86
+GNU/Linux and a default directory setup as an example, the file to edit
+might be \filename{$HOME/.profile} (or another file sourced by
+\filename{.profile}, and the lines to add would look like this:
+PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH
+MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH; export MANPATH
+INFOPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH; export INFOPATH
+For csh or tcsh, the file to edit is typically \filename{$HOME/.cshrc}, and
+the lines to add might look like:
+setenv PATH /usr/local/texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux:$PATH
+setenv MANPATH /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH
+setenv INFOPATH /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH
+If you already have settings somewhere in your ``dot'' files, naturally
+the \TL\ directories should simply be merged in as appropriate.
+\subsubsection{Environment variables: global configuration}
+If you want to make these changes globally, or for a user newly added to
+the system, then you are on your own; there is just too much variation
+between systems in how and where these things are configured.
+Our two hints are: 1)~you may want to check for a file
+\filename{/etc/manpath.config} and, if present, add lines such as
+MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux \
+ /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf/doc/man
+And 2)~check for a file \filename{/etc/environment} which may define the
+search path and other default environment variables.
+We also create a symbolic link named \code{man} in each (Unix) binary
+directory. Some \code{man} programs, such as the standard \MacOSX\
+\code{man}, will automatically find that, obviating the need for any man
+page setup.
+\subsubsection{Font configuration for \XeTeX}
+If you have installed the \filename{xetex} package on a Unix-compatible
+system, you need to configure your system if you want \XeTeX\ to be able
+to find the fonts shipped with \TL. To facilitate this, when the
+\pkgname{xetex} package is installed (either at initial installation or
+later), the necessary configuration file is created in
+To set up the \TL{} fonts for system-wide use (assuming you have
+suitable privileges), proceed as follows:
+\item Copy the \filename{texlive-fontconfig.conf} file to
+\item Run \Ucom{fc-cache -fsv}.
+If you do not have sufficient privileges to carry out the steps above,
+you can instead do the following to make the \TL{} fonts available
+to you as an individual \XeTeX{} user:
+\item Copy the \filename{texlive-fontconfig.conf} file to
+ \filename{~/.fonts.conf}, where \filename{~} is your home directory.
+\item Run \Ucom{fc-cache -fv}.
+\subsubsection{When running from DVD}
+Normally, a \TL{} program consults a file \filename{texmf.cnf} for the
+location of the various trees. It looks for this file in a series of
+locations relative to its own location. However, this scheme breaks down
+when a program is run from \DVD{}: the \DVD{} is read-only. Some of the
+paths to be recorded in \filename{texmf.cnf} are only known at
+installation time, so this file cannot be on the \DVD{} and must be
+placed somewhere else. This makes it necessary to define an environment
+\envname{TEXMFCNF} variable which tells \TL{} programs in what directory
+to find this \filename{texmf.cnf}. It is also still necessary to modify
+the \envname{PATH} environment variable, as described before.
+At the end of the installation, the installer should have printed a
+message giving the value to which \envname{TEXMFCNF} should be set. In
+case you missed it: this value is \dirname{$TEXMFSYSVAR/web2c}. For the
+default, \dirname{/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-var/web2c}, you need the
+TEXMFCNF=/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-var/web2c; export TEXMFCNF
+or, for [t]csh:
+setenv TEXMFCNF /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-var/web2c
+This option is most useful when you want to run \TL{} on your own
+system, but don't have enough disk space to install it. If you want a
+truly `portable' \TL{} that is self-contained, e.g., for a USB stick,
+see section~\ref{sec:portable-tl}.
+\subsubsection{\ConTeXt{} Mark IV}
+The `old' \ConTeXt{} should run out of the box. The new `Mark IV'
+\ConTeXt{} will require manual setup; see
+\subsubsection{Integrating local and personal macros}
+This is already mentioned implicitly in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}:
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} (by default,
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local} or
+is intended for system-wide local fonts and macros; and
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME} (by default, \dirname{$HOME/texmf} or
+\verb|%USERPROFILE%\texmf|), is for personal fonts and macros. These
+directories are intended to stick around from release to release, and
+have their content seen automatically by a new \TL{} release.
+Therefore, it is best to refrain from changing the definition of
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} to be too far away from the main \TL{} directory,
+or you will need to manually change future releases.
+For both trees, files should be placed in their proper subdirectories;
+see \url{} or consult
+\filename{texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf}. For instance, a \LaTeX{} class file or
+package should be placed in \dirname{TEXMFLOCAL/tex/latex} or
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME/tex/latex}, or a subdirectory thereof.
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} requires an up-to-date filename database, or files
+will not be found. You can update it with the command
+\cmdname{mktexlsr} or use the `Reinit file database' button on the
+configuration tab of \prog{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode.
+\subsubsection{Integrating third-party fonts}
+This is unfortunately a messy topic. Forget about it unless you want to
+delve into many details of the \TeX{} installation. Don't forget to
+check first what you get for free: see section~\ref{sec:tl-fonts}.
+A possible alternative is to use \XeTeX (see
+section~\ref{sec:tex-extensions}), which lets you use operating system
+fonts without any installation in \TeX.
+If you do need to do this, see
+\url{} for our best effort at
+describing the procedure.
+\subsection{Testing the installation}
+After installing \TL{} as best you can, you naturally want to test
+it out, so you can start creating beautiful documents and\slash or fonts.
+This section gives some basic procedures for testing that the new system
+is functional. We give Unix commands here; under \MacOSX{} and Windows,
+you're more likely to run the tests through a graphical interface, but
+the principles are the same.
+\item Make sure that you can run the \cmdname{tex} program in the first
+> \Ucom{tex -{}-version}
+TeX 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2009)
+kpathsea version 5.0.0
+Copyright 2009 D.E. Knuth.
+If this comes back with `command not found' instead of version and
+copyright information, or with an older version, most likely you don't
+have the correct \dirname{bin} subdirectory in your \envname{PATH}. See
+the environment-setting information on \p.\pageref{sec:env}.
+\item Process a basic \LaTeX{} file:
+> \Ucom{latex sample2e.tex}
+This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009)
+Output written on sample2e.dvi (3 pages, 7484 bytes).
+Transcript written on sample2e.log.
+If this fails to find \filename{sample2e.tex} or other files, most
+likely you have interference from old environment variables or
+configuration files; we recommend unsetting all \TeX-related environment
+variables for a start. (For a deep analysis, you can ask \TeX{} to
+report on exactly what it is searching for, and finding; see ``Debugging
+actions'' on page~\pageref{sec:debugging}.)
+\item Preview the result online:
+> \Ucom{xdvi sample2e.dvi} # Unix
+> \Ucom{dviout sample2e.dvi} # Windows
+You should see a new window with a nice document explaining some of the
+basics of \LaTeX{}. (Well worth reading, by the way, if you're new to
+\TeX.) You do have to be running under X for \cmdname{xdvi} to work; if
+you're not, or your \envname{DISPLAY} environment variable is set
+incorrectly, you'll get an error \samp{Can't open display}.
+\item Create a \PS{} file for printing or display:
+> \Ucom{dvips sample2e.dvi -o}
+\item Create a \acro{PDF} file instead of \dvi{}; this processes the
+\filename{.tex} file and writes \acro{PDF} directly:
+> \Ucom{pdflatex sample2e.tex}
+\item Preview the \acro{PDF} file:
+> \Ucom{gv sample2e.pdf}
+> \Ucom{xpdf sample2e.pdf}
+Neither \cmdname{gv} nor \cmdname{xpdf} are included in \TL{}, so you
+must install them separately. See \url{}
+and \url{}, respectively. There are plenty
+of other \acro{PDF} viewers, too. For Windows, we recommend trying
+Sumatra PDF (\url{}).
+\item Standard test files you may find useful in addition to
+\item [small2e.tex] A simpler document than \filename{sample2e}, to
+reduce the input size if you're having troubles.
+\item [testpage.tex] Test if your printer introduces any offsets.
+\item [nfssfont.tex] For printing font tables and tests.
+\item [testfont.tex] Also for font tables, but using plain \TeX{}.
+\item [story.tex] The most canonical (plain) \TeX{} test file of all.
+You must type \samp{\bs bye} to the \code{*} prompt after \samp{tex
+\item If you have installed the \filename{xetex} package, you can test
+its access to system fonts as follows:
+> \Ucom{xetex opentype-info.tex}
+This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926\dots
+Output written on opentype-info.pdf (1 page).
+Transcript written on opentype-info.log.
+If you get an error message saying ``Invalid fontname `Latin Modern
+Roman/ICU'\dots'', then you need to configure your system so that
+\XeTeX{} can find the fonts shipped with \TL. See
+\subsection{Links for additional downloadable software}
+If you are new to \TeX{}, or otherwise need help with actually writing
+\TeX{} or \LaTeX{} documents, please visit
+\url{} for some introductory resources.
+Links for some other tools you may consider installing:
+\item[Ghostscript] \url{}
+\item[Perl] \url{} with
+ supplementary packages from \acro{CPAN}, \url{}
+\item[ImageMagick] \url{}, for graphics
+ processing and conversion
+\item[NetPBM] \url{}, also for graphics.
+\item[\TeX-oriented editors] There is a wide choice, and it is a matter of the
+ user's taste. Here is a selection (a few here are for Windows only).
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cmdname{GNU Emacs} is available natively under Windows, see
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{Emacs} with Auc\TeX\ for Windows is available in
+ the directory \path{tlpkg/support} on the \TL \DVD; its home
+ page is \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{LEd} is available from \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{SciTE} is available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{Texmaker} is free software, available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{TeXnicCenter} is free software, available from
+ \url{} and in the pro\TeX{}t distribution.
+ \item \cmdname{TeXworks} is free software, available from
+ \url{} and installed for Windows and
+ \MacOSX\ as part of \TL.
+ \item \cmdname{Vim} is free software, available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{WinShell} is available from \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{WinEdt} is shareware available though
+ \url{} or \url{}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+For a much longer list of packages and programs, see
+\section{Network installations}
+\TL{} has been designed to be shared between different users, and even
+different systems on a network. With a standard directory layout, no
+hard paths are configured: the locations for files needed by \TL{}
+programs are found relative to the programs. You can see this in the
+principal configuration file \filename{$TEXMFMAIN/web2c/texmf.cnf},
+which contains lines such as
+This means that adding the directory for \TL{} executables for their
+platform to their search path is sufficient to get a working setup.
+By the same token, you can also install \TL{} locally and then move
+the entire hierarchy afterwards to a network location.
+For Windows, a sample network installation script named
+\filename{w32client} can be downloaded through
+\url{}. It creates settings and
+menu shortcuts for using an existing \TL{} installation on a \acro{LAN}.
+It also registers an uninstaller \filename{w32unclient}, available
+in the same zip file. See the web page for more information.
+\section{Maximally portable \protect\TL{} on DVD and USB}
+The `running from \DVD{}' option described in
+section~\ref{sec:fromdvd} is fine for your own system, but if you
+are a guest on somebody else's system then you would probably like
+something with minimal side effects.
+In the root of the \TL{} \DVD, or the \dirname{texlive} subdirectory of
+the \TK{} \DVD, are a \filename{tl-portable} script (Unix) and a
+\filename{tl-portable.bat} batch file (Windows) which start up a
+secondary shell\slash command prompt with environment settings
+for directly accessing the \TL{} on the \DVD.
+When it runs for the first time, some files will be generated in a
+directory \dirname{~/.tlportable2009}, which will take a little time.
+On subsequent runs, though, it will start almost instantaneously.
+The rest of the system will be unaware of \TL. If you want your editor
+to be aware of this \TL, then you can start it from a second, parallel,
+such \filename{tl-portable} session.
+You can also use \filename{tl-portable} to run \TL{} on a
+\acro{USB} stick. In this case, copy all the top-level files and
+the contents of the \dirname{bin}, \dirname{texmf},
+\dirname{texmf-dist}, and \dirname{tlpkg} directories (at least) to
+the stick. This may take quite a while! If you are copying to a
+\acro{FAT}32-formatted \acro{USB} stick, make sure to dereference
+symbolic links (\code{cp -L}). A \dirname{texmf-local} directory on
+the stick will also be found and used.
+Then run \filename{tl-portable} from the root of the stick, as above.
+In this case, the script will notice that the stick is writable and use
+it for generated files. You could burn the resulting contents of the
+stick back to \DVD{} if that is more convenient to (for example) give to
+\section{\cmdname{tlmgr}: Managing your installation}
+\caption{\prog{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode. The list of
+ packages/collections/schemes only shows up after clicking the
+ `Load' button.}\label{fig:tlmgr-gui}
+\caption{\texttt{tlmgr} in GUI mode: Configuration tab}\label{fig:tlmgr-config}
+\TL{} includes a program named \prog{tlmgr} for managing \TL{} after the
+initial installation. The programs \prog{updmap}, \prog{fmtutil} and
+\prog{texconfig} are still included and will be retained in the future,
+but \prog{tlmgr} is now the preferred interface. Its capabilities
+\item installing, updating, backing up, restoring, and uninstalling
+ individual packages, optionally taking dependencies into account;
+\item searching for and listing packages, etc.;
+\item listing, adding, and removing architectures;
+\item changing installation options such as paper size and source
+ location (see section~\ref{sec:location}).
+\textit{Warning:} \prog{tlmgr} has not been designed for or tested
+with installations which run from \DVD.
+\subsection{\cmdname{tlmgr} GUI mode}
+\prog{tlmgr} can be started in \GUI{} mode with
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -gui}
+or in Windows via the Start menu: \texttt{Start}, \texttt{Programs},
+\texttt{TeX Live 2009}, \texttt{TeX Live Manager}. After clicking `Load'
+it displays a list of available and installed packages\Dash the latter
+prepended with `(i)'. This assumes of course that the installation
+source is valid and reachable.
+Figure~\ref{fig:tlmgr-config} shows the configuration tab.
+\subsection{Sample \cmdname{tlmgr} command-line invocations}
+After the initial installation, you can update your system to the latest
+versions available with:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -all}
+If this makes you nervous, first try
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -all -dry-run}
+or (less verbose):
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -list}
+This more complex example adds a collection, for the engine Xe\TeX, from
+a local directory:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -repository /local/mirror/tlnet install collection-xetex}
+It generates the following output (abridged):
+install: collection-xetex
+install: arabxetex
+install: xetex
+install: xetexconfig
+install: xetex.i386-linux
+running post install action for xetex
+install: xetex-def
+running mktexlsr
+mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf/ls-R...
+running fmtutil-sys --missing
+Transcript written on xelatex.log.
+fmtutil: /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-var/web2c/xetex/xelatex.fmt installed.
+As you can see, \prog{tlmgr} installs dependencies, and takes care of any
+necessary post-install actions, including updating the filename database
+and (re)generating formats. In the above, we generated new formats for
+To describe a package (or collection or scheme):
+> \Ucom{tlmgr show collection-latexextra}
+which produces
+package: collection-latexextra
+category: Collection
+shortdesc: LaTeX supplementary packages
+longdesc: A large collection of add-on packages for LaTeX.
+installed: Yes
+revision: 14675
+Last and most important, for full documentation see
+\url{}, or:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -help}
+\section{Notes on Windows}
+\TL\ has a single installer which runs on both Windows and Unix. This
+was only possible by dropping support for older Windows versions, so
+\TL\ can now be installed only on Windows 2000 and later.
+\subsection{Windows-specific features}
+Under Windows, the installer does some extra things:
+\item[Menus and shortcuts.] A new `\TL{}' submenu of the
+ Start menu is installed, which contains entries for some \GUI{}
+ programs (\prog{tlmgr}, \prog{texdoctk}, the PS\_View (\prog{psv})
+ PostScript previewer) and some documentation. PS\_View also gets a
+ shortcut on the desktop as a drag-and-drop target for PostScript
+ files.
+\item[Automatic setting of environment variables.] No manual
+ configuration steps are required.
+\item[Uninstaller.] The installer creates an entry under `Add/Remove
+ Programs' for \TL. The uninstall tab of \prog{tlmgr} refers to
+ this.
+\subsection{Additional software included on Windows}
+To be complete, a \TL installation needs support packages that are not
+commonly found on a Windows machine. \TL{} provides the missing
+\item[Perl and Ghostscript.] Because of the importance of Perl and
+ Ghostscript, \TL{} includes `hidden' copies of these
+ programs. \TL{} programs that need them know where to find them,
+ but they don't betray their presence through environment variables
+ or registry settings. They aren't full-scale installations, and
+ shouldn't interfere with any system installations of Perl or
+ Ghostscript.
+\item[PS\_View.] Also installed is PS\_View, a \PS{} and \acro{PDF}
+ viewer; see figure~\ref{fig:psview}.
+\caption{PS\_View: very high magnifications available!}\label{fig:psview}
+\item[dviout.] Also installed is \prog{dviout}, a \acro{DVI} viewer.
+ At first, when you preview files with \cmdname{dviout}, it will create
+ fonts, because screen fonts were not installed. After a while, you
+ will have created most of the fonts you use, and you will rarely see
+ the font-creation window. More information can be found in the
+ (highly recommended) on-line help.
+\item[TeXworks.] \TeX{}works is a \TeX-oriented editor with
+ an integrated \acro{PDF} viewer. It comes already preconfigured for \TL.
+\item[Command-line tools.] A number of Windows ports of common Unix
+ command-line programs are installed along with the usual \TL{}
+ binaries. These include \cmdname{gzip}, \cmdname{unzip} and the
+ command-line utilities from the \cmdname{xpdf} suite. The
+ \cmdname{xpdf} viewer itself is not available for
+ Windows. Instead, you can download the Sumatra \acro{PDF} viewer,
+ which is based on xpdf, from
+ \url{}.
+\item[fc-list, fc-cache et al.] The tools from the fontconfig library allow
+ \XeTeX{} to handle system fonts on Windows. You can use
+ \prog{fc-list} to determine the font names to pass to Xe\TeX's
+ extended \cs{font} command. If necessary, run \prog{fc-cache}
+ first to update font information.
+\subsection{User Profile is Home}
+The Windows counterpart of a Unix home directory is the
+\verb|%USERPROFILE%| directory. Under Windows \acro{XP} and Windows 2000, this
+is usually \verb|C:\Documents and Settings\<username>|, and under
+Windows Vista \verb|C:\Users\<username>|. In the
+\filename{texmf.cnf} file, and \KPS{} in general, \verb|~| will expand
+appropriately on both Windows and Unix.
+\subsection{The Windows registry}
+Windows stores nearly all configuration data in its registry. The
+registry contains a set of hierarchically organized keys, with several
+root keys. The most important ones for installation programs are
+\path{HKEY_CURRENT_USER} and \path{HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}, \path{HKCU} and
+\path{HKLM} in short. The \path{HKCU} part of the registry is in the
+user's home directory (see section~\ref{sec:winhome}). \path{HKLM} is
+normally in a subdirectory of the Windows directory.
+In some cases, system information could be obtained from environment
+variables but for other information, for example the location of
+shortcuts, it is necessary to consult the registry. Setting environment
+variables permanently also requires registry access.
+\subsection{Windows permissions}
+In later versions of Windows, a distinction is made between regular
+users and administrators, where only the latter have free access to the
+entire operating system. In practice, though, you could better describe
+these classes of users as unprivileged users and normal users: being an
+administrator is the rule, not the exception. Nevertheless, we have made
+an effort to make \TL{} installable without administrative privileges.
+If the user is an administrator, there is an option to install for all
+users. If this option is chosen, shortcuts are created for all users,
+and the system environment is modified. Otherwise, shortcuts and menu
+entries are created for the current user, and the user environment is
+Regardless of administrator status, the default root of \TL{} proposed
+by the installer is always under \verb|%SystemDrive%|. The installer
+always tests whether the root is writable for the current user.
+A problem may arise if the user is not an administrator and \TeX{}
+already exists in the search path. Since the effective path
+consists of the system path followed by the user path, the new \TL{}
+would never get precedence. As a safeguard, the installer creates a
+shortcut to the command-prompt in which the new \TL{} binary
+directory is prepended to the local search path. The new \TL{} will
+be always usable from within such a command-prompt. The shortcut for
+\TeX{}works, if installed, also prepends \TL{} to the search path, so it
+should also be immune to this path problem.
+For Vista there is another twist: even if you are logged in as
+administrator, you need to explicitly ask for administrator
+privileges. In fact, there is not much point in logging in as
+administrator. Instead, right-clicking on the program or shortcut
+that you want to run usually gives you a choice `Run as
+\section{A user's guide to Web2C}
+\Webc{} is an integrated collection of \TeX-related programs: \TeX{}
+itself, \MF{}, \MP, \BibTeX{}, etc. It is the heart of \TL{}. The home
+page for \Webc{}, with the current manual and more, is
+A bit of history: The original implementation was by Tomas Rokicki who,
+in 1987, developed a first \TeX{}-to-C system based on change files
+under Unix, which were primarily the original work of Howard Trickey and
+Pavel Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the system, and
+during this period the name changed to Web-to-C\@. In 1990, Karl Berry
+took over the work, assisted by dozens of additional contributors, and
+in 1997 he handed the baton to Olaf Weber, who returned it to Karl in
+The \Webc{} system runs on Unix, 32-bit Windows systems, \MacOSX{}, and
+other operating systems. It uses Knuth's original sources for \TeX{} and
+other basic programs written in the \web{} literate programming system
+and translates them into C source code. The core \TeX{} programs
+handled in this way are:
+\item[bibtex] Maintaining bibliographies.
+\item[dvicopy] Expands virtual font references in \dvi{} files.
+\item[dvitomp] \dvi{} to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+\item[dvitype] \dvi{} to human-readable text.
+\item[gftodvi] Generic font proofsheets.
+\item[gftopk] Generic to packed fonts.
+\item[gftype] GF to human-readable text.
+\item[mf] Creating typeface families.
+\item[mft] Prettyprinting \MF{} source.
+\item[mpost] Creating technical diagrams.
+\item[patgen] Creating hyphenation patterns.
+\item[pktogf] Packed to generic fonts.
+\item[pktype] PK to human-readable text.
+\item[pltotf] Plain text property list to TFM.
+\item[pooltype] Display \web{} pool files.
+\item[tangle] \web{} to Pascal.
+\item[tex] Typesetting.
+\item[tftopl] TFM to plain text property list.
+\item[vftovp] Virtual font to virtual property list.
+\item[vptovf] Virtual property list to virtual font.
+\item[weave] \web{} to \TeX.
+\noindent The precise functions and syntax of these programs are
+described in the documentation of the individual packages and of \Webc{}
+itself. However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of
+programs will help you take advantage of your \Webc{} installation.
+All programs honor these standard \GNU options:
+\item[-{}-help] print basic usage summary.
+\item[-{}-verbose] print detailed progress report.
+\item[-{}-version] print version information, then exit.
+For locating files the \Webc{} programs use the path searching library
+\KPS{} (\url{}). This library uses a combination
+of environment variables and a configuration files to optimize searching
+the (huge) collection of \TeX{} files. \Webc{} can look at many
+directory trees simultaneously, which is useful in maintaining \TeX's
+standard distribution and local and personal extensions in distinct
+trees. To speed up file searches, the root of each tree has a file
+\file{ls-R}, containing an entry showing the name and relative pathname
+for all files under that root.
+\subsection{Kpathsea path searching}
+Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the \KPS{}
+We call a \emph{search path} a colon- or semicolon\hyph sepa\-rated list
+of \emph{path elements}, which are basically directory names. A
+search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up
+a file \samp{my-file} along a path \samp{.:/dir}, \KPS{} checks each
+element of the path in turn: first \file{./my-file}, then
+\file{/dir/my-file}, returning the first match (or possibly all
+In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems' conventions, on
+non-Unix systems \KPS{} can use filename separators different from
+colon (\samp{:}) and slash (\samp{/}).
+To check a particular path element \var{p}, \KPS{} first checks if a
+prebuilt database (see ``Filename data\-base'' on
+page~\pageref{sec:filename-database}) applies to \var{p}, i.e., if the
+database is in a directory that is a prefix of \var{p}. If so, the path
+specification is matched against the contents of the database.
+If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path
+element, or contains no matches, the filesystem is searched (if this
+was not forbidden by a specification starting with \samp{!!}\ and if
+the file being searched for must exist). \KPS{} constructs the list
+of directories that correspond to this path element, and then checks
+in each for the file being sought.
+The ``file must exist'' condition comes into play with \samp{.vf} files and
+input files read by \TeX's \cs{openin} command. Such files may not
+exist (e.g., \file{cmr10.vf}), and so it would be wrong to search the
+disk for them. Therefore, if you fail to update \file{ls-R} when you
+install a new \samp{.vf} file, it will never be found.
+Each path element is checked in turn: first the database, then the
+disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result is
+Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory
+name, \KPS{} supports additional features in search paths: layered
+default values, environment variable names, config file values, users'
+home directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say
+that \KPS{} \emph{expands} a path element, meaning it transforms all
+the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is
+described in the following sections in the same order as it takes
+Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly
+relative, i.e., starts with \samp{/} or \samp{./} or \samp{../},
+\KPS{} simply checks if that file exists.
+ \caption{An illustrative configuration file sample}
+ \label{fig:config-sample}
+\subsubsection{Path sources}
+A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which
+\KPS{} uses them:
+ A user-set environment variable, for instance, \envname{TEXINPUTS}\@.
+ Environment variables with a period and a program name appended
+ override; e.g., if \samp{latex} is the name of the program being run,
+ then \envname{TEXINPUTS.latex} will override \envname{TEXINPUTS}.
+ A program-specific configuration file, for exam\-ple, a line
+ \samp{S /a:/b} in \cmdname{dvips}'s \file{}.
+\item A \KPS{} configuration file \file{texmf.cnf}, containing a line like
+ \samp{TEXINPUTS=/c:/d} (see below).
+\item The compile-time default.
+\noindent You can see each of these values for a given search path by
+using the debugging options (see ``Debugging actions'' on
+\subsubsection{Config files}
+\KPS{} reads \emph{runtime configuration files} named \file{texmf.cnf}
+for search path and other definitions. The search path used to look
+for these files is named \envname{TEXMFCNF} (by default such a file lives
+in the \file{texmf/web2c} subdirectory). \emph{All}
+\file{texmf.cnf} files in the search path will be read and definitions
+in earlier files override those in later files. Thus, with a search
+path of \verb|.:$TEXMF|, values from \file{./texmf.cnf} override those
+from \verb|$TEXMF/texmf.cnf|.
+ Comments start with \code{\%} and continue to the end of the line.
+ Blank lines are ignored.
+ A \bs{} at the end of a line acts as a continuation character,
+ i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace at the beginning of
+ continuation lines is not ignored.
+ Each remaining line has the form:
+ \var{variable}[.\var{progname}] [=] \var{value}
+ where the \samp{=} and surrounding whitespace are optional.
+ The \ttvar{variable} name may contain any character other
+ than whitespace, \samp{=}, or \samp{.}, but sticking to
+ \samp{A-Za-z\_} is safest.
+ If \samp{.\var{progname}} is present, the definition only
+ applies if the program that is running is named
+ \texttt{\var{progname}} or \texttt{\var{progname}.exe}. This allows
+ different flavors of \TeX{} to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+\item \var{value} may contain any characters except
+ \code{\%} and \samp{@}. The
+ \code{\$\var{var}.\var{prog}} feature is not available on the
+ right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable. A
+ \samp{;}\ in \var{value} is translated to \samp{:}\ if
+ running under Unix; this is useful to be able to have a single
+ \file{texmf.cnf} for Unix, \acro{MS-DOS} and Windows systems.
+ All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so
+ variables can be referenced before they are defined.
+A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these points is
+shown below:
+shown in Figure~\ref{fig:config-sample}.
+\subsubsection{Path expansion}
+\KPS{} recognizes certain special characters and constructions in
+search paths, similar to those available in Unix shells. As a
+general example, the complex path,
+\verb+~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz+, expands to all subdirectories under
+directories \file{foo} and \file{bar} in \texttt{\$USER}'s home
+directory that contain a directory or file \file{baz}. These
+expansions are explained in the sections below.
+\subsubsection{Default expansion}
+If the highest-priority search path (see ``Path sources'' on
+page~\pageref{sec:path-sources}) contains an \emph{extra colon} (i.e.,
+leading, trailing, or doubled), \KPS{} inserts at that point the
+next-highest-prio\-rity search path that is defined. If that inserted
+path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next highest. For
+example, given an environment variable setting
+> \Ucom{setenv TEXINPUTS /home/karl:}
+and a \code{TEXINPUTS} value from \file{texmf.cnf} of
+ .:\$TEXMF//tex
+then the final value used for searching will be:
+ /home/karl:.:\$TEXMF//tex
+Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one
+place, \KPS{} changes only one extra \samp{:}\ and leaves any others in
+place. It checks first for a leading \samp{:}, then a trailing
+\samp{:}, then a doubled \samp{:}.
+\subsubsection{Brace expansion}
+A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance,
+\verb+v{a,b}w+ expands to \verb+vaw:vbw+. Nesting is allowed.
+This is used to implement multiple \TeX{} hierarchies, by
+assigning a brace list to \code{\$TEXMF}.
+For example, in \file{texmf.cnf}, the following definition
+(approximately; there are actually even more trees) is made:
+Using this you can then write something like
+ TEXINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex//
+which means that, after looking in the current directory, the
+\code{\$TEXMFHOME/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFLOCAL/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFVAR/tex}
+and \code{\$TEXMFMAIN/tex} trees \emph{only}) will be searched (the
+last two use using \file{ls-R} data base files). It is a convenient
+way for running two parallel \TeX{} structures, one ``frozen'' (on a
+\CD, for instance) and the other being continuously updated with new
+versions as they become available. By using the \code{\$TEXMF}
+variable in all definitions, one is sure to always search the
+up-to-date tree first.
+\subsubsection{Subdirectory expansion}
+Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory
+\var{d} is replaced by all subdirectories of \var{d}: first those
+subdirectories directly under \var{d}, then the subsubdirectories under
+those, and so on. At each level, the order in which the directories are
+searched is \emph{unspecified}.
+If you specify any filename components after the \samp{//}, only
+subdirectories with matching components are included. For example,
+\samp{/a//b} expands into directories \file{/a/1/b}, \file{/a/2/b},
+\file{/a/1/1/b}, and so on, but not \file{/a/b/c} or \file{/a/1}.
+Multiple \samp{//} constructs in a path are possible, but
+\samp{//} at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+\subsubsection{List of special characters and their meaning: a summary}
+The following list summarizes the special characters in \KPS{}
+configuration files.
+% need a wider space for the item labels here.
+\item[\CODE{:}] Separator in path specification; at the beginning or
+ the end of a path it substitutes the default path expansion.\par
+\item[\CODE{;}] Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like \code{:}).
+\item[\CODE{\$}] Variable expansion.
+\item[\CODE{\string~}] Represents the user's home directory.
+\item[\CODE{\char`\{...\char`\}}] Brace expansion.
+\item[\CODE{//}] Subdirectory expansion (can occur anywhere in
+ a path, except at its beginning).
+\item[\CODE{\%}] Start of comment.
+\item[\CODE{\bs}] Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+\item[\CODE{!!}] Search \emph{only} database to locate file, \emph{do
+ not} search the disk.
+\subsection{Filename databases}
+\KPS{} goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches.
+Nevertheless, at installations with enough directories, searching each
+possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time
+(this is especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to
+be traversed.) Therefore, \KPS{} can use an externally-built plain text
+``database'' file named \file{ls-R} that maps files to directories,
+thus avoiding the need to exhaustively search the disk.
+A second database file \file{aliases} allows you to give additional
+names to the files listed in \file{ls-R}. This can be helpful to
+confirm to \acro{DOS} 8.3 filename conventions in source files.
+\subsubsection{The filename database}
+As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be
+\file{ls-R}. You can put one at the root of each \TeX{} hierarchy in
+your installation that you wish to be searched (\code{\$TEXMF} by
+default). \KPS{} looks for
+\file{ls-R} files along the \code{TEXMFDBS} path.
+The recommended way to create and maintain \samp{ls-R} is to run the
+\code{mktexlsr} script included with the distribution. It is invoked
+by the various \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts. In principle, this script
+just runs the command
+cd \var{/your/texmf/root} && \path|\|ls -1LAR ./ >ls-R
+presuming your system's \code{ls} produces the right output format
+(\GNU \code{ls} is all right). To ensure that the database is
+always up-to-date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via
+\code{cron}, so that it is automatically updated when the installed
+files change, such as after installing or updating a \LaTeX{} package.
+If a file is not found in the database, by default \KPS{} goes ahead
+and searches the disk. If a particular path element begins with
+\samp{!!}, however, \emph{only} the database will be searched for that
+element, never the disk.
+\subsubsection{kpsewhich: Standalone path searching}
+The \texttt{kpsewhich} program exercises path searching independent of any
+particular application. This can be useful as a sort of \code{find}
+program to locate files in \TeX{} hierarchies (this is used heavily in
+the distributed \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts).
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich \var{option}\dots{} \var{filename}\dots{}}
+The options specified in \ttvar{option} start with either \samp{-}
+or \samp{-{}-}, and any unambiguous abbreviation is accepted.
+\KPS{} looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a
+filename, and returns the first file found. There is no option to
+return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix
+\samp{find} utility for that).
+The most common options are described next.
+ Set the resolution to \ttvar{num}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. \samp{-D} is a synonym, for compatibility
+ with \cmdname{dvips}. Default is 600.
+ Set the format for lookup to \ttvar{name}. By default, the
+ format is guessed from the filename. For formats which do not have
+ an associated unambiguous suffix, such as \MP{} support files and
+ \cmdname{dvips} configuration files, you have to specify the name as
+ known to \KPS{}, such as \texttt{tex} or \texttt{enc files}. Run
+ \texttt{kpsewhich -{}-help} for a list.
+ Set the mode name to \ttvar{string}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. No default: any mode will be found.
+ Do everything possible to find the files, notably including
+ searching the disk. By default, only the \file{ls-R} database is
+ checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ Search along the path \ttvar{string} (colon-separated as usual),
+ instead of guessing the search path from the filename. \samp{//} and
+ all the usual expansions are supported. The options \samp{-{}-path}
+ and \samp{-{}-format} are mutually exclusive.
+ Set the program name to \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ This can affect the search paths via the \texttt{.\var{progname}}
+ feature.
+ The default is \cmdname{kpsewhich}.
+ shows the path used for file lookups of file type \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ Either a filename extension (\code{.pk}, \code{.vf}, etc.) or a
+ name can be used, just as with \samp{-{}-format} option.
+ sets the debugging options to \texttt{\var{num}}.
+\subsubsection{Examples of use}
+Let us now have a look at \KPS{} in action. Here's a straightforward search:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich article.cls}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
+We are looking for the file \file{article.cls}. Since the \samp{.cls}
+suffix is unambiguous we do not need to specify that we want to look for a
+file of type \optname{tex} (\TeX{} source file directories). We find it in
+the subdirectory \file{tex/latex/base} below the \samp{texmf-dist} \TL\
+directory. Similarly, all of the following are found without problems
+thanks to their unambiguous suffix.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich array.sty}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/array.sty
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich latin1.def}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latin1.def
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich size10.clo}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich small2e.tex}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/small2e.tex
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich tugboat.bib}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/bibtex/bib/beebe/tugboat.bib
+By the way, that last is a \BibTeX{} bibliography database for
+\textsl{TUGboat} articles.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+Font bitmap glyph files of type \file{.pk} are used by display
+programs like \cmdname{dvips} and \cmdname{xdvi}. Nothing is returned in
+this case since there are no pre-generated Computer Modern \samp{.pk}
+files in \TL{}\Dash the Type~1 variants are used by default.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+\else /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/
+... wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+For these fonts (a phonetic alphabet from the University of Washington)
+we had to generate \samp{.pk} files, and since the default \MF{} mode on
+our installation is \texttt{ljfour} with a base resolution of 600\dpi{}
+(dots per inch), this instantiation is returned.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich -dpi=300}
+In this case, when specifying that we are interested in a resolution
+of 300\dpi{} (\texttt{-dpi=300}) we see that no such font is available on
+the system. A program like \cmdname{dvips} or \cmdname{xdvi} would
+go off and actually build the required \texttt{.pk} files
+using the script \cmdname{mktexpk}.
+Next we turn our attention to \cmdname{dvips}'s header and configuration
+files. We first look at one of the commonly used files, the general
+prologue \file{} for \TeX{} support, before turning our attention
+to the generic configuration file (\file{}) and the \PS{} font
+map \file{}\Dash as of 2004, map and encoding files have
+their own search paths and new location in \dirname{texmf} trees. As
+the \samp{.ps} suffix is ambiguous we have to specify explicitly which
+type we are considering (\optname{dvips config}) for the file
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/config/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/
+We now take a closer look at the \acro{URW} Times \PS{} support
+files. The prefix for these in the standard font naming scheme is
+\samp{utm}. The first file we look at is the configuration file,
+which contains the name of the map file:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config" config.utm}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/dvips/psnfss/config.utm
+The contents of that file is
+ p
+which points to the file \file{}, which we want to
+locate next.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/times/
+This map file defines the file names of the Type~1 \PS{} fonts in
+the URW collection. Its contents look like (we only show part of the
+utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal... <utmbi8a.pfb
+utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal... <utmri8a.pfb
+utmbo8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmro8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+Let us, for instance, take the Times Roman instance
+\file{utmr8a.pfb} and find its position in the \file{texmf} directory
+tree with a search for Type~1 font files:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich utmr8a.pfb}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb
+\else /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/
+... urw/utm/utmr8a.pfb
+It should be evident from these examples how you can easily locate the
+whereabouts of a given file. This is especially important if you suspect
+that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since
+\cmdname{kpsewhich} will show you the first file encountered.
+\subsubsection{Debugging actions}
+Sometimes it is necessary to investigate how a program resolves file
+references. To make this practical, \KPS{} offers various levels of
+debugging output:
+\item[\texttt{\ 1}] \texttt{stat} calls (disk lookups). When running
+ with an up-to-date \file{ls-R} database this should almost give no
+ output.
+\item[\texttt{\ 2}] References to hash tables (such as \file{ls-R}
+ databases, map files, configuration files).
+\item[\texttt{\ 4}] File open and close operations.
+\item[\texttt{\ 8}] General path information for file types
+ searched by \KPS. This is useful to find out where a particular
+ path for the file was defined.
+\item[\texttt{16}] Directory list for each path element (only relevant
+ for searches on disk).
+\item[\texttt{32}] File searches.
+\item[\texttt{64}] Variable values.
+A value of \texttt{-1} will set all the above options; in practice,
+this is usually the most convenient.
+Similarly, with the \cmdname{dvips} program, by setting a combination of
+debug switches, one can follow in detail where files are being picked up
+from. Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace shows in
+which directories the program looks for the given file, so that one can
+get an indication what the problem~is.
+Generally speaking, as most programs call the \KPS{} library
+internally, one can select a debug option by using the
+\envname{KPATHSEA\_DEBUG} environment variable, and setting it to (a
+combination of) values as described in the above list.
+(Note for Windows users: it is not easy to redirect
+all messages to a file in this system. For diagnostic purposes
+you can temporarily \texttt{SET KPATHSEA\_DEBUG\_OUTPUT=err.log}).
+Let us consider, as an example, a small \LaTeX{} source file,
+\file{hello-world.tex}, which contains the following input.
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \begin{document}
+ Hello World!
+ \end{document}
+This little file only uses the font \file{cmr10}, so let us look at
+how \cmdname{dvips} prepares the \PS{} file (we want to use the Type~1
+version of the Computer Modern fonts, hence the option \texttt{-Pcms}).
+> \Ucom{dvips -d4100 hello-world -Pcms -o}
+In this case we have combined \cmdname{dvips}'s debug class 4 (font
+paths) with \KPS's path element expansion (see \cmdname{dvips} Reference
+Manual, \OnCD{texmf/doc/dvips/dvips.pdf}).
+The output (slightly rearranged) appears in
+\caption{Finding configuration files}\label{fig:dvipsdbga}
+\caption{Finding the prolog file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgb}
+\caption{Finding the font file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgc}
+\cmdname{dvips} starts by locating its working files. First,
+\file{texmf.cnf} is found, which gives the definitions of the search
+paths for the other files, then the file database \file{ls-R} (to
+optimize file searching) and the file \file{aliases}, which makes it
+possible to declare several names (e.g., a short \acro{DOS}-like 8.3 and
+a more natural longer version) for the same file. Then \cmdname{dvips}
+goes on to find the generic configuration file \file{}
+before looking for the customization file \file{.dvipsrc} (which, in
+this case is \emph{not found}). Finally, \cmdname{dvips} locates the
+config file for the Computer Modern \PS{} fonts \file{config.cms}
+(this was initiated with the \texttt{-Pcms} option on the \cmdname{dvips}
+command). This file contains the list of the map files which
+define the relation between the \TeX{}, \PS{} and file system
+names of the fonts.
+> \Ucom{more /usr/local/texmf/dvips/cms/config.cms}
+ p
+ p
+ p
+ p
+\cmdname{dvips} thus goes on to find all these files, plus the generic
+map file \file{}, which is always loaded (it contains
+declarations for commonly used \PS{} fonts; see the last part of
+Section \ref{sec:examples-of-use} for more details about \PS{} map
+file handling).
+At this point \cmdname{dvips} identifies itself to the user:
+This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{}:
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search( => /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{} (see
+After having found the file in question, \cmdname{dvips} outputs
+the date and time, and informs us that it will generate the
+file \file{}, then that it needs the font file
+\file{cmr10}, and that the latter is declared as ``resident'' (no
+bitmaps needed):
+TeX output 1998.02.26:1204' ->
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.0pt
+Font cmr10 <CMR10> is resident.
+Now the search is on for the file \file{cmr10.tfm}, which is found,
+then a few more prolog files (not shown) are referenced, and finally
+the Type~1 instance \file{cmr10.pfb} of the font is located and
+included in the output file (see last line).
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.tfm, must\_exist=1, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/fonts/tfm//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ /var/tex/fonts/tfm//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.tfm) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.pfb, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.pfb) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/cmr10.pfb
+\subsection{Runtime options}
+Another useful feature of \Webc{} is its possibility to control a number
+of memory parameters (in particular, array sizes) via the runtime file
+\file{texmf.cnf} read by \KPS{}. The memory settings can be found in
+Part 3 of that file in the \TL{} distribution. The more important
+ Total words of memory available, for
+ \TeX{}, \MF{} and \MP. You must make a new format file for each
+ different setting. For instance, you could generate a ``huge''
+ version of \TeX{}, and call the format file \texttt{hugetex.fmt}.
+ Using the standard way of specifying the program name used by \KPS{},
+ the particular value of the \texttt{main\_memory} variable will then
+ be read from \file{texmf.cnf}.
+ Extra space for ``large'' \TeX{} data structures:
+ boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if you use
+ \PiCTeX{}.
+ Number of words for font information available for \TeX. This
+ is more or less the total size of all \acro{TFM} files read.
+ Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names.
+ Only $\approx$10,000 control sequences can be stored in the main
+ hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. The default value of
+ \texttt{hash\_extra} is \texttt{50000}.
+\noindent Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic
+arrays and memory allocation, but since these are extremely difficult to
+implement in the present \TeX{} source, these runtime parameters provide
+a practical compromise allowing some flexibility.
+\section{Building on a new Unix platform}
+If you have a platform for which executables are not included, you will
+need to compile \TeX{} and friends. This is not as hard as it
+sounds. What you need is all in the directory \texttt{source} in the
+You will need at least 100 megabytes of disk space to compile all of
+\TeX{} and its support programs. You'll also need an \acro{ANSI} C
+compiler, a \cmdname{make} utility, a lexical scanner, and a parser
+generator. We recommend the \GNU version of these programs
+(\cmdname{gcc}, \GNU \cmdname{make}, \cmdname{m4}, \cmdname{flex},
+\cmdname{bison}). You may be able to work with other C compilers and
+\cmdname{make} programs, but you will need a good understanding of
+building Unix programs to sort out problems.
+Also, the command \texttt{uname} must return a sensible value.
+To begin, perform a normal installation of \TL{} to your disk (see
+section~\ref{sec:install-disk} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:install-disk}). You may wish to skip installing
+all of the prebuilt binaries.
+Then, unpack the source from the compressed \texttt{tar} file in the
+directory \dirname{source} to your disk and change directory to where
+you placed it.
+Next, run \cmdname{configure} with a command line like this:
+> \Ucom{sh configure -prefix=/usr/local/TeX}
+The \optname{-prefix} directory is the one where you installed the
+support tree; the directory layout will be as follows (where \$TEXDIR
+stands for the directory you chose):
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/share/texmf} & main tree with fonts,\\
+ & \qquad macros, etc\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/man} & Unix manual pages\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/info} & \GNU style Info manuals\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin/$PLATFORM} & binaries\\
+If you want to leave out the \dirname{$PLATFORM} directory level,
+i.e., put the binaries directly into \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin}, specify
+the \verb|--disable-multiplatform| option to \cmdname{configure}.
+Have a look at the output of \verb|./configure --help| for more
+options you can use. For example, you can skip building of \OMEGA{} and
+\subsection{Running \cmdname{make}}
+Make sure the shell variable or option \texttt{noclobber} is not set.
+Then, run the main \cmdname{make} like this:
+> \Ucom{make world}
+and relax\ldots
+Alternatively, you want to log all the output, as in:
+> \Ucom{sh -c "make world >world.log 2>\&1" \&}
+Before you believe that everything went ok, please check the log file
+for errors: \GNU \cmdname{make} always uses the string \samp{***}
+whenever a command fails. Also, check if all the programs were built:
+> \Ucom{cd \var{TEXDIR}/bin/\var{archname}}
+> \Ucom{ls | wc}
+The result should be over 200 (you can check the exact number with the
+\dirname{bin} directory contents in the distribution).
+If you need special privileges for \texttt{make install}, you can
+separate the \samp{make world} into two different runs, like this:
+> \Ucom{make all}
+> \Ucom{su}
+> \Ucom{make install strip}
+After you've installed your new binaries, you should follow the normal
+post-installation procedures, given in section~\ref{sec:postinstall}
+Also, if you'd like to make your binaries available to others, please
+contact us. We'll be happy to put them on the \TL\ web pages.
+\TL{} is a joint effort by virtually all of the \TeX{} user groups.
+This edition of \TL{} was overseen by Karl Berry. The other principal
+contributors, past and present, are listed below.
+\item The English, German, Dutch, and Polish \TeX{} user groups
+(\acro{TUG}, \acro{DANTE} e.V., \acro{NTG}, and \acro{GUST},
+respectively), which provide the necessary technical and administrative
+infrastructure. Please join the \TeX\ user group near you! (See
+\item The \acro{CTAN} team, notably Robin Fairbairns, Jim Hef{}feron,
+and Rainer Sch\"opf, which distributes the \TL{} images and provides the
+common infrastructure for package updates, upon which \TL{} depends.
+\item Nelson Beebe, for making many platforms available to \TL\
+developers, and his own comprehensive testing.
+\item John Bowman, for making many changes to his advanced graphics
+program Asymptote to make it work in \TL.
+\item Peter Breitenlohner and the \eTeX\ team for the stable foundation
+of future \TeX's, and Peter specifically for stellar help with \GNU\
+autotools usage throughout \TL.
+\item Jin-Hwan Cho and all of the DVIPDFM$x$ team, for their
+excellent driver and responsiveness to configuration issues.
+\item Thomas Esser, without whose marvelous \teTeX{} package \TL{}
+would have never existed.
+\item Michel Goossens, who co-authored the original documentation.
+\item Eitan Gurari, whose \TeX4ht was used to create the \HTML{}
+version of this documentation, and who worked tirelessly to improve
+it at short notice. Eitan prematurely passed away in June 2009, and we
+dedicate this documentation to his memory.
+\item Hans Hagen, for much testing and making his \ConTeXt\ format
+(\url{}) work within \TL's framework.
+\item \Thanh, Martin Schr\"oder, and the pdf\TeX\ team
+(\url{}) for continuing enhancements of \TeX's
+\item Hartmut Henkel, for significant development contributions to
+pdf\TeX\, Lua\TeX, and more.
+\item Taco Hoekwater, for major renewed development efforts on MetaPost and
+(Lua)\TeX\ (\url{}) itself, incorporating
+\ConTeXt\ into \TL, giving Kpathsea multi-threaded functionality, and
+much more.
+\item Pawe{\l} Jackowski, for the Windows installer \cmdname{tlpm},
+and Tomasz {\L}uczak, for \cmdname{tlpmgui}, used in past releases.
+\item Akira Kakuto, for providing the Windows
+binaries from his \acro{W32TEX} distribution for Japanese \TeX\
+(\url{}), and many other development contributions.
+\item Jonathan Kew, for developing the remarkable \XeTeX{} engine and
+taking the time and trouble to integrate it in \TL{}, as well as the
+initial version of the Mac\TeX\ installer, and also for our recommended
+front-end \TeX{}works.
+\item Dick Koch, for maintaining Mac\TeX\ (\url{})
+in very close tandem with \TL{}, and for his great good cheer in doing
+\item Reinhard Kotucha, for major contributions to the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, as well as Windows research efforts, the
+\texttt{getnonfreefonts} script, and more.
+\item Siep Kroonenberg, also for major contributions to the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, especially on Windows, and for the bulk of
+work updating this manual describing those features.
+\item Heiko Oberdiek, for the \pkgname{epstopdf} package and many
+others, compressing the huge \pkgname{pst-geo} data files so we could
+include them, and most of all, for his remarkable work on
+\item Petr Ol\v{s}ak, who coordinated and checked all the Czech and Slovak
+material very carefully.
+\item Toshio Oshima, for his \cmdname{dviout} previewer for Windows.
+\item Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard, for helping with package updates,
+documentation improvements, and \cmdname{texdoc} development.
+\item Fabrice Popineau, for the original Windows support in \TL{} and
+work on the French documentation.
+\item Norbert Preining, the principal architect of the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, and also for coordinating the Debian
+version of \TL{} (together with Frank K\"uster), making many suggestions
+along the way.
+\item Sebastian Rahtz, for originally creating \TL{} and maintaining it
+for many years.
+\item Phil Taylor, for setting up the BitTorrent downloads.
+\item Tomasz Trzeciak, for wide-ranging help with Windows.
+\item Vladimir Volovich, for substantial help with porting and other
+maintenance issues, and especially for making it feasible to include
+\item Staszek Wawrykiewicz, the principal tester for all of \TL{},
+and coordinator of the many major Polish contributions: fonts, Windows
+installation, and more.
+\item Olaf Weber, for his patient maintenance of \Webc.
+\item Gerben Wierda, for creating and maintaining the original \MacOSX\
+support, and much integration and testing.
+\item Graham Williams, on whose work the \TeX\ Catalogue of packages depends.
+Builders of the binaries:
+Peter Breitenlohner (\pkgname{x86\_64-linux}),
+%Tim Arnold (\pkgname{hppa-hpux}),
+%Randy Au (\pkgname{amd64-freebsd}),
+%Edd Barrett (\pkgname{i386-openbsd}),
+Karl Berry (\pkgname{i386-linux}, \pkgname{sparc-linux}),
+Ken Brown (\pkgname{i386-cygwin}),
+Akira Kakuto (\pkgname{win32}),
+Dick Koch (\pkgname{universal-darwin}),
+%Manfred Lotz (\pkgname{i386-freebsd}),
+Norbert Preining (\pkgname{alpha-linux}),
+%Arthur Reutenauer (\pkgname{sparc-linux}),
+Jukka Salmi (\pkgname{i386-netbsd}),
+Thomas Schmitz (\pkgname{powerpc-linux}),
+Apostolos Syropoulos (\pkgname{i386-solaris}),
+Vladimir Volovich (\pkgname{powerpc-aix}, \pkgname{sparc-solaris}),
+Olaf Weber (\pkgname{mips-irix}).
+For information on the \TL{} build process, see
+Current documentation translators:
+Jjgod Jiang, Jinsong Zhao, Yue Wang, \& Helin Gai (Chinese),
+Klaus H\"oppner (German),
+Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard (French),
+Petr Sojka \& Jan Busa (Czech\slash Slovak),
+Boris Veytsman (Russian),
+Staszek Wawrykiewicz (Polish). The \TL{} documentation web page
+is \url{}.
+Of course the most important acknowledgement must go to Donald Knuth,
+first for inventing \TeX, and then for giving it to the world.
+\section{Release history}
+Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group was
+starting work on its 4All\TeX{} \CD{} for \acro{MS-DOS} users, and it
+was hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, \CD{} for all
+systems. This was too ambitious a target for the time, but it did spawn
+not only the very successful 4All\TeX{} \CD{}, but also the \acro{TUG}
+Technical Council working group on a \emph{\TeX{} Directory Structure}
+(\url{}), which specified how to create consistent and
+manageable collections of \TeX{} support files. A complete draft of the
+\TDS{} was published in the December 1995 issue of \textsl{TUGboat}, and
+it was clear from an early stage that one desirable product would be a
+model structure on \CD{}. The distribution you now have is a very direct
+result of the working group's deliberations. It was also clear that the
+success of the 4All\TeX{} \CD{} showed that Unix users would benefit
+from a similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of
+We first undertook to make a new Unix-based \TDS{} \CD{} in the autumn
+of 1995, and quickly identified Thomas Esser's \teTeX{} as the ideal
+setup, as it already had multi-platform support and was built with
+portability across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and work
+began seriously at the start of 1996. The first edition was released in
+May 1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a major new release
+of Web2c, which included nearly all the features which Thomas Esser had
+added in \teTeX, and we decided to base the 2nd edition of the \CD{} on
+the standard \Webc, with the addition of \teTeX's \texttt{texconfig}
+script. The 3rd edition of the \CD{} was based on a major revision of
+\Webc, 7.2, by Olaf Weber; at the same time, a new revision of \teTeX
+was being made, and \TL{} included almost all of its features. The
+4th edition followed the same pattern, using a new version of \teTeX,
+and a new release of \Webc{} (7.3). The system now included a complete
+Windows setup.
+For the 5th edition (March 2000) many parts of the \CD{} were revised
+and checked, updating hundreds of packages. Package details were stored
+in XML files. But the major change for \TeX\ Live 5 was that all
+non-free software was removed. Everything in \TL{} is now intended
+to be compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
+(\url{}); we have done our best to check
+the license conditions of all packages, but we would very much
+appreciate hearing of any mistakes.
+The 6th edition (July 2001) had much more material updated. The major
+change was a new install concept: the user could select a more exact set
+of needed collections. Language-related collections were completely
+reorganized, so selecting any of them installs not only macros, fonts,
+etc., but also prepares an appropriate \texttt{language.dat}.
+The 7th edition of 2002 had the notable addition of \MacOSX{} support,
+and the usual myriad of updates to all sorts of packages and
+programs. An important goal was integration of the source back with
+\teTeX, to correct the drift apart in versions~5 and~6.
+In 2003, with the continuing flood of updates and additions, we found
+that \TL{} had grown so large it could no longer be contained on a
+single \CD, so we split it into three different distributions (see
+section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists}, \p.\pageref{sec:tl-coll-dists}). In
+\item At the request of the \LaTeX{} team, we changed the standard
+ \cmdname{latex} and \cmdname{pdflatex} commands to now use \eTeX{} (see
+ \p.\pageref{text:etex}).
+\item The new Latin Modern fonts were included (and are recommended).
+\item Support for Alpha \acro{OSF} was removed
+ (\acro{HPUX} support was removed previously), since no one had (or
+ volunteered) hardware available on which to compile new binaries.
+\item Windows setup was substantially changed; for the first time
+ an integrated environment based on XEmacs was introduced.
+\item Important supplementary programs for Windows
+ (Perl, Ghost\-script, Image\-Magick, Ispell) are now installed
+ in the \TL{} installation directory.
+\item Font map files used by \cmdname{dvips}, \cmdname{dvipdfm}
+ and \cmdname{pdftex} are now generated by the new program
+ \cmdname{updmap} and installed into \dirname{texmf/fonts/map}.
+\item \TeX{}, \MF{}, and \MP{} now, by default, output most input
+ characters (32 and above) as themselves in output (e.g.,
+ \verb|\write|) files,
+ log files, and the terminal, i.e., \emph{not} translated using the
+ \verb|^^| notation. In \TL{}~7, this translation was
+ dependent on the system locale settings; now, locale settings do
+ not influence the \TeX{} programs' behavior. If for some reason
+ you need the \verb|^^| output, rename the file
+ \verb|texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx|. (Future releases will have cleaner
+ ways to control this.)
+\item This documentation was substantially revised.
+\item Finally, since the edition numbers had grown unwieldy,
+ the version is now simply identified by the year: \TL{} 2003.
+2004 saw many changes:
+\item If you have locally-installed fonts which use their own
+\filename{.map} or (much less likely) \filename{.enc} support files, you
+may need to move those support files.
+\filename{.map} files are now searched for in subdirectories of
+\dirname{fonts/map} only (in each \filename{texmf} tree), along the
+\envname{TEXFONTMAPS} path. Similarly, \filename{.enc} files are now
+searched for in subdirectories of \dirname{fonts/enc} only, along the
+\envname{ENCFONTS} path. \cmdname{updmap} will attempt to warn about
+problematic files.
+For methods of handling this and other information, please see
+\item The \TK\ has been expanded with the addition of a \MIKTEX-based
+installable \CD, for those who prefer that implementation to Web2C.
+See section~\ref{sec:overview-tl} (\p.\pageref{sec:overview-tl}).
+\item Within \TL, the single large \dirname{texmf} tree of previous
+releases has been replaced by three: \dirname{texmf},
+\dirname{texmf-dist}, and \dirname{texmf-doc}. See
+section~\ref{sec:tld} (\p.\pageref{sec:tld}), and the \filename{README}
+files for each.
+\item All \TeX-related input files are now collected in
+the \dirname{tex} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, rather than
+having separate sibling directories \dirname{tex}, \dirname{etex},
+\dirname{pdftex}, \dirname{pdfetex}, etc. See
+\item Helper scripts (not meant to be invoked by users) are now located
+in a new \dirname{scripts} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, and
+can be searched for via \verb|kpsewhich -format=texmfscripts|. So if you have
+programs which call such scripts, they'll need to be adjusted. See
+\item Almost all formats leave most characters printable as
+themselves via the ``translation file'' \filename{cp227.tcx}, instead of
+translating them with the \verb|^^| notation. Specifically, characters
+at positions 32--256, plus tab, vertical tab, and form feed are
+considered printable and not translated. The exceptions are plain \TeX\
+(only 32--126 printable), \ConTeXt\ (0--255 printable), and the
+\OMEGA-related formats. This default behavior is almost the same as in
+\TL\,2003, but it's implemented more cleanly, with more possibilities
+for customization. See \CDref{texmf/doc/web2c/web2c.html\#TCX-files}
+(By the way, with Unicode input, \TeX\ may output partial character
+sequences when showing error contexts, since it is byte-oriented.)
+\item \textsf{pdfetex} is now the default engine for all formats
+except (plain) \textsf{tex} itself. (Of course it generates \acro{DVI}
+when run as \textsf{latex}, etc.) This means, among other things, that
+the microtypographic features of \textsf{pdftex} are available in
+\LaTeX, \ConTeXt, etc., as well as the \eTeX\ features
+It also means it's \emph{more important than ever} to use the
+\pkgname{ifpdf} package (works with both plain and \LaTeX) or equivalent
+code, because simply testing whether \cs{pdfoutput} or some other
+primitive is defined is not a reliable way to determine if \acro{PDF}
+output is being generated. We made this backward compatible as best we
+could this year, but next year, \cs{pdfoutput} may be defined even when
+\acro{DVI} is being written.
+\item pdf\TeX\ (\url{}) has many new features:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cs{pdfmapfile} and \cs{pdfmapline} provide font map support
+ from within a document.
+ \item Microtypographic font expansion can be used more easily.\\
+ \url{}
+ \item All parameters previously set through the special configuration
+ file \filename{pdftex.cfg} must now be set through primitives,
+ typically in \filename{pdftexconfig.tex}; \filename{pdftex.cfg} is no
+ longer supported. Any extant \filename{.fmt} files must be redumped
+ when \filename{pdftexconfig.tex} is changed.
+ \item See the pdf\TeX\ manual for more: \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+\item The \cs{input} primitive in \cmdname{tex} (and \cmdname{mf} and
+\cmdname{mpost}) now accepts double quotes containing spaces and other
+special characters. Typical examples:
+\input "filename with spaces" % plain
+\input{"filename with spaces"} % latex
+See the Web2C manual for more: \OnCD{texmf/doc/web2c}.
+\item enc\TeX\ support is now included within Web2C and consequently all
+\TeX\ programs, via the \optname{-enc} option\Dash \emph{only when
+formats are built}. enc\TeX\ supports general re-encoding of input and
+output, enabling full support of Unicode (in \acro{UTF}-8). See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/enctex/} and
+\item Aleph, a new engine combining \eTeX\ and \OMEGA, is available.
+A little information is available in \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base}
+and \url{}. The
+\LaTeX-based format for Aleph is named \textsf{lamed}.
+\item The latest \LaTeX\ release has a new version of the
+\acro{LPPL}\Dash now officially a Debian-approved license. Assorted
+other updates, see the \filename{ltnews} files in
+\item \cmdname{dvipng}, a new program for converting \acro{DVI} to
+\acro{PNG} image files, is included. See \OnCD{texmf/doc/man/man1/dvipng.1}.
+\item We reduced the \pkgname{cbgreek} package to a ``medium'' sized set
+of fonts, with the assent and advice of the author (Claudio Beccari).
+The excised fonts are the invisible, outline, and transparency ones,
+which are relatively rarely used, and we needed the space. The full set
+is of course available from \acro{CTAN}
+\item \cmdname{oxdvi} has been removed; just use \cmdname{xdvi}.
+\item The \cmdname{ini} and \cmdname{vir} commands (links) for
+\cmdname{tex}, \cmdname{mf}, and \cmdname{mpost} are no longer created,
+such as \cmdname{initex}. The \cmdname{ini} functionality has been
+available through the command-line option \optname{-ini} for years now.
+\item \textsf{i386-openbsd} platform support was removed. Since the
+\pkgname{tetex} package in the \acro{BSD} Ports system is available, and
+\acro{GNU/}Linux and Free\acro{BSD} binaries were available, it seemed
+volunteer time could be better spent elsewhere.
+\item On \textsf{sparc-solaris} (at least), you may have to set the
+\envname{LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH} environment variable to run the
+\pkgname{t1utils} programs. This is because they are compiled with C++,
+and there is no standard location for the runtime libraries. (This is
+not new in 2004, but wasn't previously documented.) Similarly, on
+\textsf{mips-irix}, the \acro{MIPS}pro 7.4 runtimes are required.
+2005 saw the usual huge number of updates to packages and programs.
+The infrastructure stayed relatively stable from 2004, but inevitably
+there were some changes there as well:
+\item New scripts \cmdname{texconfig-sys}, \cmdname{updmap-sys}, and
+ \cmdname{fmtutil-sys} were introduced, which modify the
+ configuration in the system trees. The \cmdname{texconfig},
+ \cmdname{updmap}, and \cmdname{fmtutil} scripts now modify
+ user-specific files, under \dirname{$HOME/.texlive2005}.
+\item Corresponding new variables \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} to specify the trees where configuration
+ files (user or system, respectively) are found. Thus, you may
+ need to move personal versions of \filename{fmtutil.cnf} and
+ \filename{updmap.cfg} to these places; another option is to
+ redefine \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} or \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} in
+ \filename{texmf.cnf}. In any case the real location of these files
+ and the values of \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ must agree.
+ See section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}, \p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}.
+\item Last year, we kept \verb|\pdfoutput| and other primitives undefined
+ for \dvi\ output, even though the \cmdname{pdfetex} program was
+ being used. This year, as promised, we undid that compatibility
+ measure. So if your document uses \verb|\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined|
+ to test if PDF is being output, it will need to be changed. You
+ can use the package \pkgname{ifpdf.sty} (which works under both
+ plain \TeX\ and \LaTeX) to do this, or steal its logic.
+\item Last year, we changed most formats to output (8-bit) characters as
+ themselves (see previous section). The new TCX file
+ \filename{empty.tcx} now provides an easier way to get the
+ original \verb|^^| notation if you so desire, as in:
+latex --translate-file=empty.tcx yourfile.tex
+\item The new program \cmdname{dvipdfmx} is included for translation of
+ DVI to PDF; this is an actively maintained update of
+ \cmdname{dvipdfm} (which is also still available for now, though
+ no longer recommended).
+\item The new programs \cmdname{pdfopen} and \cmdname{pdfclose} are included
+ to allow reloading of pdf files in the Adobe Acrobat Reader without
+ restarting the program. (Other pdf readers, notably \cmdname{xpdf},
+ \cmdname{gv}, and \cmdname{gsview}, have never suffered from this
+ problem.)
+\item For consistency, the variables \envname{HOMETEXMF} and
+ \envname{VARTEXMF} have been renamed to \envname{TEXMFHOME} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}, respectively. There is also
+ \envname{TEXMFVAR}, which is by default user-specific. See the
+ first point above.
+In 2006--2007, the major new addition to \TL{} was the \XeTeX{} program,
+available as the \texttt{xetex} and \texttt{xelatex} programs; see
+MetaPost also received a notable update, with more planned for the
+future (\url{}), likewise pdf\TeX{}
+The \TeX\ \filename{.fmt} (high-speed format) and the similar files for
+MetaPost and \MF\ are now stored in subdirectories of \dirname{texmf/web2c},
+instead of in the directory itself (although the directory is still
+searched, for the sake of existing \filename{.fmt}'s). The
+subdirectories are named for the `engine' in use, such as \filename{tex}
+or \filename{pdftex} or \filename{xetex}. This change should be
+invisible in normal use.
+The (plain) \texttt{tex} program no longer reads \texttt{\%\&} first
+lines to determine what format to run; it is the pure Knuthian \TeX.
+(\LaTeX\ and everything else do still read \texttt{\%\&} lines).
+Of course the year also saw (the usual) hundreds of other updates to
+packages and programs. As usual, please check \acro{CTAN}
+(\url{}) for updates.
+Internally, the source tree is now stored in Subversion, with a standard
+web interface for viewing the tree, as linked from our home page.
+Although not visible in the final distribution, we expect this will
+provide a stable development foundation for future years.
+Finally, in May 2006 Thomas Esser announced that he would no longer be
+updating te\TeX{} (\url{}). As a result, there was
+been a surge of interest in \TL{}, especially among \GNU/Linux
+distributors. (There is a new \texttt{tetex} installation scheme in
+\TL{}, which provides an approximate equivalent.) We hope this will
+eventually translate to improvements in the \TeX\ environment for
+In 2008, the entire \TL{} infrastructure was redesigned and
+reimplemented. Complete information about an installation is now stored
+in a plain text file \filename{tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb}.
+Among other things, this finally makes possible upgrading a \TL{}
+installation over the Internet after the initial installation, a feature
+MiK\TeX\ has provided for many years. We expect to regularly update new
+packages as they are released to \CTAN.
+The major new engine Lua\TeX\ (\url{}) is included;
+besides a new level of flexibility in typesetting, this provides an
+excellent scripting language for use both inside and outside of \TeX\
+Support among Windows and the Unix-based platforms is now much more
+uniform. In particular, most Perl and Lua scripts are now available on
+Windows, using the Perl internally distributed with \TL.
+The new \cmdname{tlmgr} script (section~\ref{sec:tlmgr}) is the
+general interface for managing \TL{} after the initial installation.
+It handles package updates and consequent regeneration of formats, map
+files, and language files, optionally including local additions.
+With the advent of \cmdname{tlmgr}, the \cmdname{texconfig} actions to
+edit the format and hyphenation configuration files are now disabled.
+The \cmdname{xindy} indexing program
+(\url{}) is now included on most platforms.
+The \cmdname{kpsewhich} tool can now report all matches for a given file
+(option \optname{--all}) and limit matches to a given subdirectory
+(option \optname{--subdir}).
+The \cmdname{dvipdfmx} program now includes functionality to extract
+bounding box information, via the command name \cmdname{extractbb}; this
+was one of the last features provided by \cmdname{dvipdfm} not in
+The font aliases \filename{Times-Roman}, \filename{Helvetica}, and so on
+have been removed. Different packages expected them to behave
+differently (in particular, to have different encodings), and there was
+no good way to resolve this.
+The \pkgname{platex} format has been removed, to resolve a name conflict
+with a completely different Japanese \pkgname{platex}; the
+\pkgname{polski} package is now the main Polish support.
+Internally, the \web\ string pool files are now compiled into the
+binaries, to ease upgrades.
+Finally, the changes made by Donald Knuth in his `\TeX\ tuneup of 2008'
+are included in this release. See
+\label{sec:2009news} % keep with 2009
+\begin{comment} % last-minute disablement
+In 2009, the most visible change is that pdf\AllTeX\ now
+\emph{automatically} converts a requested Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
+file to PDF, via the \pkgname{epstopdf} package, when and if the \LaTeX\
+\code{graphics.cfg} configuration file is loaded, and PDF is being
+output. The default options are intended to eliminate any chance of
+hand-created PDF files being overwritten, but you can also prevent
+\code{epstopdf} from being loaded at all by putting
+|\newcommand{\DoNotLoadEpstopdf}{}| (or |\def...|) before the
+\cs{documentclass} declaration. For details, see the epstopdf package
+documentation (\url{}).
+A related important change is that execution of a few external commands,
+via the \cs{write18} feature, is now enabled by default\Dash for
+example, \code{epstopdf}, \code{makeindex}, and \code{bibtex}. The
+exact list of commands is defined in the \code{texmf.cnf} file.
+Environments which must disallow all such external commands can deselect
+this option in the installer (see section~\ref{sec:options}), or
+override the value in \code{texmf.cnf} after installation.
+In 2009, the default output format for Lua\AllTeX\ is now PDF, to take
+advantage of Lua\TeX's OpenType support, et al. New executables named
+\code{dviluatex} and \code{dvilualatex} run Lua\TeX\ with DVI output.
+The Lua\TeX\ home page is \url{}.
+The original Omega engine and Lambda format have been excised, after
+discussions with the Omega authors. The updated Aleph and Lamed remain,
+as do the Omega utilities.
+A new release of the AMS \TypeI\ fonts is included, including Computer
+Modern: a few shape changes made over the years by Knuth in the Metafont
+sources have been integrated, and the hinting has been updated. The
+Euler fonts have been thoroughly reshaped by Hermann Zapf (see
+\url{}). In
+all cases, the metrics remain unchanged. The AMS fonts home page is
+The new GUI front end \TeX{}works is included for Windows, and also in
+Mac\TeX. For other platforms, and more information, see the \TeX{}works
+home page, \url{}. It is a cross-platform front
+end inspired by the \MacOSX\ TeXShop editor, aiming at ease-of-use.
+The graphics program Asymptote is included for several platforms. This
+implements a text-based graphics description language vaguely akin to
+MetaPost, but with advanced 3D support and other features. Its home
+page is \url{}.
+The separate \code{dvipdfm} program has been replaced by
+\code{dvipdfmx}, which operates in a special compatibility mode under
+that name. \code{dvipdfmx} includes \acro{CJK} support and has
+accumulated many other fixes over the years since the last
+\code{dvipdfm} release. The DVIPDFMx home page is
+Executables for the \pkgname{cygwin} and \pkgname{i386-netbsd} platforms
+are now included, while the other BSD distributions have been dropped;
+we were advised that OpenBSD and FreeBSD users get \TeX\ through their
+package systems, plus there were difficulties in making binaries that
+have a chance of working on more than one version.
+A miscellany of smaller changes: we now use \pkgname{xz} compression,
+the stable replacement for \pkgname{lzma}
+(\url{}); a literal |$| is allowed in filenames
+when it does not introduce a known variable name; the Kpathsea library
+is now multi-threaded (made use of in MetaPost); the entire \TL{} build
+is now based on Automake.
+Final note on the past: all releases of \TL{}, along with ancillary
+material such as \CD\ labels, are available at
+\emph{\TL{} is not perfect!} (And never will be.) We intend to
+continue to release new versions, and would like to provide more help
+material, more utilities, more installation programs, and (of course) an
+ever-improved and better-checked tree of macros and fonts. This work is
+all done by hard-pressed volunteers in their limited spare time, and a
+great deal remains to be done. Please see
+Please send corrections, suggestions, and offers of help to:
+\email{} \\
+\noindent \textsl{Happy \TeX ing!}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2010.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2010.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1853db75ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2010.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3143 @@
+% $Id: texlive-en.tex 19386 2010-07-11 23:38:12Z karl $
+% TeX Live documentation. Originally written by Sebastian Rahtz and
+% Michel Goossens, now maintained by Karl Berry and others.
+% Public domain.
+\let\tldocenglish=1 % for live4ht.cfg
+\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % translators: use your preferred encodings.
+ {\huge \textit{The \TeX\ Live Guide}\\\smallskip}%
+ {\LARGE \textsf{\TL{} 2010}}%
+\author{Karl Berry, editor \\[3mm]
+ \url{}
+ }
+\date{July 2010}
+\subsection{\TeX\ Live and the \TeX\ Collection}
+This document describes the main features of the \TL{} software
+distribution\Dash \TeX{} and related programs for \GNU/Linux
+and other Unix flavors, \MacOSX, and Windows systems.
+You may have acquired \TL{} by downloading, or on the \TK{} \DVD, which
+\TeX{} user groups distribute among their members, or in other ways.
+Section \ref{sec:tl-coll-dists} briefly describes the contents of the
+\DVD. Both \TL{} and the \TK{} are cooperative efforts by the \TeX{}
+user groups. This document mainly describes \TL{} itself.
+\TL{} includes executables for \TeX{}, \LaTeXe{}, \ConTeXt,
+\MF, \MP, \BibTeX{} and many other programs; an extensive collection
+of macros, fonts and documentation; and support for typesetting in
+many different scripts from around the world.
+For a brief summary of the major changes in this edition of \TL{},
+see the end of the document, section~\ref{sec:history}
+\subsection{Operating system support}
+\TL{} contains binaries for many Unix-based platforms, including
+\GNU/Linux, \MacOSX, and Cygwin. The included sources can be compiled
+on platforms for which we do not provide binaries.
+As to Windows: only Windows 2000 and later are
+supported. Windows~9\textit{x}, \acro{ME} and \acro{NT} have been
+dropped. Because of this change, Windows requires much less special
+treatment compared to the Unix systems. There are no special 64-bit
+executables for Windows, but the 32-bit executables should run on 64-bit
+See section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists} for alternate solutions
+for Windows and \MacOSX.
+\subsection{Basic installation of \protect\TL{}}
+You can install \TL{} either from \DVD{} or over the Internet
+(\url{}). The net installer itself is
+small, and downloads everything requested from the Internet.
+The \DVD{} installer lets you install to a local disk. You cannot run
+\TL{} directly from the \TK{} \DVD{} (or a \DVD{} image), but you can
+prepare a runnable installation on, e.g., a \acro{USB} stick (see
+section~\ref{sec:portable-tl}). Installation is described in later
+sections (\p.\pageref{sec:install}), but here is a quick start:
+\item The installation script is named \filename{install-tl}. It can
+ operate in a ``wizard mode'' given the option \code{-gui=wizard}
+ (default for Windows), a text mode given \code{-gui=text} (default for
+ everything else), and an expert \GUI{} mode given \code{-gui=perltk}.
+\item One of the installed items is the `\TL\ Manager' program,
+ named \prog{tlmgr}. Like the installer, it can be used in both \GUI{}
+ mode and in text mode. You can use it to install and uninstall
+ packages and do various configuration tasks.
+\subsection{Security considerations}
+To the best of our knowledge, the core \TeX\ programs themselves are
+(and always have been) extremely robust. However, the contributed
+programs in \TeX\ Live may not reach the same level, despite everyone's
+best efforts. As always, you should be careful when running programs on
+untrusted input; for maximum safety, use a new subdirectory.
+This need for care is especially urgent on Windows, since in general
+Windows finds programs in the current directory before anything else,
+regardless of the search path. This opens up a wide variety of possible
+attacks. We have closed many holes, but undoubtedly some remain,
+especially with third-party programs. Thus, we recommend checking for
+suspicious files in the current directory, especially executables
+(binaries or scripts). Ordinarily they should not be present, and
+definitely should not normally be created by merely processing a document.
+Finally, \TeX\ (and its companion programs) are able to write files when
+processing documents, a feature that can also be abused in a wide
+variety of ways. Again, processing unknown documents in a new
+subdirectory is the safest bet.
+\subsection{Getting help}
+The \TeX{} community is active and friendly, and most serious questions
+end up getting answered. However, the support is informal, done by
+volunteers and casual readers, so it's especially important that you do
+your homework before asking. (If you prefer guaranteed commercial
+support, you can forgo \TL{} completely and purchase a vendor's system;
+\url{} has a list.)
+Here is a list of resources, approximately in the order we recommend
+using them:
+\item [Getting Started] If you are new to \TeX, the web page
+\url{} gives a brief introduction to the system.
+\item [\TeX{} \acro{FAQ}] The \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} is a huge compendium
+ of answers to all sorts of questions, from the most basic to the
+ most arcane. It is included on \TL{} in
+ \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/FAQ-en/html/index.html}, and is available
+ on the Internet through \url{}. Please
+ check here first.
+\item [\TeX{} Catalogue] If you are looking for a specific package,
+font, program, etc., the \TeX{} Catalogue is the place to look. It is a
+huge collection of all \TeX{}-related items. See
+\item [\TeX{} Web Resources] The web page
+\url{} has many \TeX{}-related links, in
+particular for numerous books, manuals, and articles on all aspects of
+the system.
+\item [support archives] The two principal support forums are the
+Usenet newsgroup \url{news:comp.text.tex} and the mailing list
+\email{}. Their archives have years of past
+questions and answers for your searching pleasure, via
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively. And a general web
+search, for example on \url{}, never hurts.
+\item [asking questions] If you cannot find an answer, you can post to
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} through Google or your newsreader, or to
+\email{} through email. But before you post,
+\emph{please} read this \acro{FAQ} entry, to maximize
+your chances of getting a useful answer:
+\item [\TL{} support] If you want to report a bug or have
+suggestions or comments on the \TL{} distribution, installation, or
+documentation, the mailing list is \email{}. However,
+if your question is about how to use a particular program included in
+\TL{}, please write to that program's maintainer or
+mailing list. Often running a program with the \code{-{}-help} option
+will provide a bug reporting address.
+The other side of the coin is helping others who have questions. Both
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} and \code{texhax} are open to anyone, so feel
+free to join, start reading, and help out where you can.
+% don't use \TL so the \uppercase in the headline works. Also so
+% tex4ht ends up with the right TeX. Likewise the \protect's.
+\section{Overview of \protect\TeX\protect\ Live}
+This section describes the contents of \TL{} and the \TK{} of which it
+is a part.
+\subsection{The \protect\TeX\protect\ Collection: \TL, pro\TeX{}t, Mac\TeX}
+The \TK{} \DVD{} comprises the following:
+\item [\TL] A complete \TeX{} system to be installed to disk. Its home
+page is \url{}.
+\item [Mac\TeX] for \MacOSX, this adds a native \MacOSX\ installer and other
+Mac applications to \TL{}. Its home page is
+\item [pro\TeX{}t] An enhancement of the \MIKTEX\ distribution for Windows,
+\ProTeXt\ adds a few extra tools to \MIKTEX, and simplifies
+installation. It is entirely independent of \TL{}, and has its own
+installation instructions. The \ProTeXt\ home page is
+\item [CTAN] A snapshot of the \CTAN{} repository (\url{}).
+\item [\texttt{texmf-extra}] A directory with assorted additional packages.
+\CTAN{}, \pkgname{protext}, and \dirname{texmf-extra} do not
+necessarily follow the same copying conditions as \TL{}, so be careful
+when redistributing or modifying.
+\subsection{Top level \TL{} directories}
+Here is a brief listing and description of the top level directories in a
+\TL{} installation.
+\item[bin] The \TeX{} system programs, arranged by platform.
+\item[readme-*.dir] Quick overview and useful links for \TL{},
+in various languages, in both \HTML{} and plain text.
+\item[source] The source to all included programs, including the main
+ \Webc{}-based \TeX{} distributions.
+\item[texmf] See \dirname{TEXMFMAIN} below.
+\item[texmf-dist] See \dirname{TEXMFDIST} below.
+\item[tlpkg] Scripts, programs and data for managing the
+ installation, and special support for Windows.
+In addition to the directories above, the installation scripts and
+\filename{README} files (in various languages) are at the top level of
+the distribution.
+For documentation, the comprehensive links in the top-level file
+\OnCD{doc.html} may be helpful. The documentation for the programs
+(manuals, man pages, Info files) is in \dirname{texmf/doc}. The
+documentation for \TeX\ packages and formats is in
+\dirname{texmf-dist/doc}. You can use the \cmdname{texdoc} program to
+find any documentation wherever it is located.
+This \TL\ documentation itself is in \dirname{texmf/doc/texlive},
+available in several languages:
+\item{Czech/Slovak:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-cz}
+\item{German:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-de}
+\item{English:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-en}
+\item{French:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-fr}
+\item{Italian:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-it}
+\item{Polish:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-pl}
+\item{Russian:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-ru}
+\item{Serbian:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-sr}
+\item{Simplified Chinese:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-zh-cn}
+\subsection{Overview of the predefined texmf trees}
+This section lists the predefined variables specifying the texmf trees
+used by the system, and their intended purpose, and the default layout
+of \TL{}. The command \texttt{tlmgr~conf} shows the values of these
+variables, so that you can easily find out how they map to particular
+directories in your installation.
+\item [TEXMFMAIN] The tree which holds vital parts of the
+ system such as configuration files, helper scripts, and program
+ documentation.
+\item [TEXMFDIST] The tree which holds the main set of macro packages,
+ fonts, etc.
+\item [TEXMFLOCAL] The tree which administrators can use for system-wide
+ installation of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+\item [TEXMFHOME] The tree which users can use for their own individual
+ installations of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+ The expansion of this variable dynamically adjusts for each user to
+ their own individual directory.
+\item [TEXMFCONFIG] The (personal) tree used by the utilities
+ \verb+texconfig+, \verb+updmap+, and \verb+fmtutil+ to store modified
+ configuration data.
+\item [TEXMFSYSCONFIG] The (site-wide) tree used by the utilities
+ \verb+texconfig-sys+, \verb+updmap-sys+, and \verb+fmtutil-sys+ to
+ store modified configuration data.
+\item [TEXMFVAR] The (personal) tree used by \verb+texconfig+,
+ \verb+updmap+ and \verb+fmtutil+ to store (cached) runtime data such
+ as format files and generated map files. Also used by \ConTeXt\ Mk\acro{IV}.
+\item [TEXMFSYSVAR] The (site-wide) tree used by \verb+texconfig-sys+,
+ \verb+updmap-sys+ and \verb+fmtutil-sys+, and also by \verb+tlmgr+, to
+ store (cached) runtime data such as format files and generated map files.
+The default layout is:
+ \item[system-wide root] can span multiple \TL{} releases:
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item[2009] A previous release.
+ \item[2010] The current release.
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [bin] ~
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [i386-linux] \GNU/Linux binaries
+ \item [...]
+ \item [universal-darwin] \MacOSX\ binaries
+ \item [win32] Windows binaries
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ] This is \envname{TEXMFMAIN}.
+ \item [texmf-dist\ \ ] \envname{TEXMFDIST}
+ \item [texmf-var \ \ ] \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}
+ \item [texmf-config] \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf-local] \envname{TEXMFLOCAL}, intended to be
+ retained from release to release.
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item[user's home] (\texttt{\$HOME} or
+ \texttt{\%USERPROFILE\%})
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item[.texlive2009] Privately generated and configuration data
+ for a previous release.
+ \item[.texlive2010] Privately generated and configuration data
+ for the current release.
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf-var\ \ \ ] \envname{TEXMFVAR}
+ \item [texmf-config] \envname{TEXMFCONFIG}
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item[texmf] \envname{TEXMFHOME} Personal macros, etc.
+ \end{ttdescription}
+\subsection{Extensions to \protect\TeX}
+Knuth's original \TeX{} itself is frozen, apart from rare bug fixes. It
+is still present in \TL\ as the program \prog{tex}, and will remain so
+for the foreseeable future. \TL{} contains several extended versions of
+\item [\eTeX] adds a set of new primitives
+\label{text:etex} (related to macro expansion, character scanning,
+classes of marks, additional debugging features, and more) and the
+\TeXXeT{} extensions for bidirectional typesetting. In default mode,
+\eTeX{} is 100\% compatible with ordinary \TeX. See
+\item [pdf\TeX] builds on the \eTeX\ extensions, adding support for
+writing \acro{PDF} output as well as \dvi{}, and many non-output-related
+extensions. This is the program invoked for most formats, e.g.,
+\prog{etex}, \prog{latex}, \prog{pdflatex}. Its web site is
+\url{}. See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf} for the manual, and
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/samplepdf/samplepdf.tex} for example
+usage of some of its features.
+\item [Lua\TeX] is the designated successor of pdf\TeX,
+and is mostly (but not entirely) backward-compatible. It is also
+intended to be a functional superset of Aleph (see below), though
+technical compatibility is not intended. The incorporated Lua
+interpreter (\url{}) enables elegant solutions for
+many thorny \TeX{} problems. When called as \filename{texlua}, it
+functions as a standalone Lua interpreter, and is already used as such
+within \TL. Its web site is \url{}, and the
+reference manual is \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/luatex/luatexref-t.pdf}.
+\item [\XeTeX] adds support for Unicode input and OpenType- and system
+fonts, implemented using standard third-party libraries. See
+\item [\OMEGA\ (Omega)] is based on Unicode (16-bit characters), thus
+supports working with almost all the world's scripts simultaneously. It
+also supports so-called `\OMEGA{} Translation Processes' (\acro{OTP}s),
+for performing complex transformations on arbitrary input. Omega is no
+longer included in \TL{} as a separate program; only Aleph is provided:
+\item [Aleph] combines the \OMEGA\ and \eTeX\ extensions.
+See \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base}.
+\subsection{Other notable programs in \protect\TL}
+Here are a few other commonly-used programs included in \TL{}:
+\item [bibtex, bibtex8] bibliography support.
+\item [makeindex, xindy] index support.
+\item [dvips] convert \dvi{} to \PS{}.
+\item [xdvi] \dvi{} previewer for the X Window System.
+\item [dvilj] \dvi{} drive for the HP LaserJet family.
+\item [dviconcat, dviselect] cut and paste pages
+from \dvi{} files.
+\item [dvipdfmx] convert \dvi{} to \acro{PDF}, an alternative approach
+to pdf\TeX\ (mentioned above).
+\item [psselect, psnup, \ldots] \PS{} utilities.
+\item [pdfjam, pdfjoin, \ldots] \acro{PDF} utilities.
+\item [texexec, texmfstart] Con\TeX{}t and \acro{PDF} processor.
+\item [tex4ht] \TeX{} to \acro{HTML} (and \acro{XML} and more) converter.
+\subsection{Fonts in \protect\TL}
+\TL{} comes with many high-quality scalable fonts. See
+\url{} and
+\subsection{Starting the installer}
+To begin, get the \TK{} \DVD{} or download the \TL{} net installer,
+and locate the installer script: \filename{install-tl} for Unix,
+\filename{install-tl.bat} for Windows.
+\item [Net installer:] Download from \CTAN, under
+\dirname{systems/texlive/tlnet}; the url
+\url{} will automatically
+redirect to a nearby, up-to-date, mirror. You can retrieve either
+\filename{} which can be used under Unix and Windows, or
+the considerably smaller \filename{install-unx.tar.gz} for Unix
+only. After unpacking, \filename{install-tl} and
+\filename{install-tl.bat} will be in the \dirname{install-tl}
+\item [\TeX{} Collection \DVD:] go to its \dirname{texlive}
+subdirectory. Under Windows, the installer normally starts automatically
+when you insert the \DVD. You can get the \DVD\ by becoming a member of
+a \TeX\ user group (highly recommended,
+\url{}), or purchasing it separately
+(\url{}), or burning your own from the \ISO\
+See \url{} for more information and
+other methods of getting the software.
+The following sections explain installer start-up in more detail.
+Below, \texttt{>} denotes the shell prompt; user input is
+The script \filename{install-tl} is a Perl script. The simplest way
+to start it on a Unix-compatible system is as follows:
+> \Ucom{cd /path/to/installer}
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl}
+(Or you can invoke \Ucom{perl /path/to/installer/install-tl}, or
+\Ucom{./install-tl} if it stayed executable, etc.; we won't repeat all
+these variations.) You may have to enlarge your terminal window so
+that it shows the full text installer screen (Figure~\ref{fig:text-main}).
+To install in expert \GUI\ mode (figure~\ref{fig:gui-main}), you'll
+need the \dirname{Perl/TK} module compiled with \acro{XFT} support,
+which is generally the case with \GNU/Linux, but not necessarily other
+systems. Given that, you can run:
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl -gui}
+For a complete listing of the various options:
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl -help}
+\textbf{Warning about Unix permissions:} Your \code{umask} at the time
+of installation will be respected by the \TL{} installer. Therefore, if
+you want your installation to be usable by users other than you, make
+sure your setting is sufficiently permissive, for instance, \code{umask
+002}. For more information about \code{umask}, consult your system
+\textbf{Special considerations for Cygwin:} Unlike other
+Unix-compatible systems, Cygwin does not by default include all of the
+prerequisite programs needed by the \TL{} installer. See
+Section~\ref{sec:cygwin} for details.
+As mentioned in section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists}, a separate distribution
+is prepared for \MacOSX, named Mac\TeX\ (\url{}).
+We recommend using the native Mac\TeX\ installer instead of the \TL\
+installer on \MacOSX, because the native installer makes a few
+Mac-specific adjustments, in particular to allow easily switching
+between the various \TeX\ distributions for \MacOSX\ (Mac\TeX, Fink,
+MacPorts, \ldots).
+Mac\TeX\ is firmly based on \TL, and the main \TeX\ trees are precisely
+the same. It does add a few extra folders with Mac-specific
+documentation and applications.
+If you are using the net installer, or the \DVD\ installer failed to
+start automatically, double-click \filename{install-tl.bat}.
+For more customization options, e.g., selection of specific package
+collections, run \filename{install-tl-advanced.bat} instead.
+You can also start the installer from the command-prompt. Below,
+\texttt{>} denotes the prompt; user input is \Ucom{\texttt{bold}}. If
+you are in the installer directory, run just:
+> \Ucom{install-tl}
+Or you can invoke it with an absolute location, such as:
+> \Ucom{D:\bs{}texlive\bs{}install-tl}
+for the \TK\ \DVD, supposing that \dirname{D:} is the optical
+drive. Figure~\ref{fig:wizard-w32} displays the wizard installer, which
+is the default for Windows.
+To install in text mode, use:
+> \Ucom{install-tl -no-gui}
+For a complete listing of the various options:
+> \Ucom{install-tl -help}
+Installing TeX Live 2010 from: ...
+Platform: i386-linux => 'Intel x86 with GNU/Linux'
+Distribution: inst (compressed)
+ Detected platform: Intel x86 with GNU/Linux
+ <B> binary systems: 1 out of 19
+ <S> Installation scheme (scheme-full)
+ 84 collections out of 85, disk space required: 2256 MB
+ Customizing installation scheme:
+ <C> standard collections
+ <L> language collections
+ <D> directories:
+ TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2010
+ ...
+ <O> options:
+ [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
+ [X] allow execution of restricted list of programs via \write18
+ ...
+ <I> start installation to hard disk
+ <H> help
+ <Q> quit
+\caption{Main text installer screen (\GNU/Linux)}\label{fig:text-main}
+\tlpng{install-lnx-main}{\linewidth,trim=10 4 0 20,clip}
+\caption{Expert \GUI{} installer screen (\GNU/Linux)}\label{fig:gui-main}
+\tlpng{wizard-w32}{\linewidth,trim=0 4 0 0,clip}
+\caption{Wizard installer screen (Windows)}\label{fig:wizard-w32}
+The \TL{} installer supports only Cygwin 1.7.
+Before beginning the installation, use Cygwin's \filename{setup.exe} program to
+install the \filename{perl} and \filename{wget} packages if you have
+not already done so. The following additional packages are
+\item \filename{fontconfig} [needed by \XeTeX]
+\item \filename{ghostscript} [needed by various utilities]
+\item \filename{libXaw7} [needed by \code{xdvi}]
+\item \filename{ncurses} [provides the \code{clear} command used by the installer]
+\subsubsection{The text installer}
+Figure~\ref{fig:text-main} displays the main text mode screen under
+Unix. The text installer is the default on Unix.
+This is only a command-line installer; there is no cursor support at
+all. For instance, you cannot tab around checkboxes or input fields.
+You just type something (case-sensitive) at the prompt and press the
+Enter key, and then the entire terminal screen will be rewritten, with
+adjusted content.
+The text installer interface is this primitive for a reason: it
+is designed to run on as many platforms as possible, even with a
+very barebones Perl.
+\subsubsection{The expert graphical installer}
+Figure~\ref{fig:gui-main} displays the expert graphical installer under
+\GNU/Linux. Other than using buttons and menus, this does
+not differ much from the text installer.
+This mode can be invoked explicitly with
+> \Ucom{install-tl -gui=perltk}
+\subsubsection{The simple wizard installer}
+Under Windows, the default is to run the simplest installation method we
+could devise, called the ``wizard'' installer
+(figure~\ref{fig:wizard-w32}). It installs everything and asks almost
+no questions. If you want to customize your setup, you should run one
+of the other installers.
+This mode can be invoked explicitly with
+> \Ucom{install-tl -gui=wizard}
+\subsection{Running the installer}
+The installer is intended to be mostly self-explanatory, but following are a
+few notes about the various options and submenus.
+\subsubsection{Binary systems menu (Unix only)}
+Available sets of binaries:
+ a [ ] alpha-linux DEC Alpha with GNU/Linux
+ b [ ] amd64-freebsd x86_64 with FreeBSD
+ c [ ] amd64-kfreebsd x86_64 with GNU/FreeBSD
+ d [ ] i386-cygwin Intel x86 with Cygwin
+ e [ ] i386-freebsd Intel x86 with FreeBSD
+ f [ ] i386-kfreebsd Intel x86 with GNU/FreeBSD
+ g [X] i386-linux Intel x86 with GNU/Linux
+ h [ ] i386-netbsd Intel x86 with NetBSD
+ i [ ] i386-solaris Intel x86 with Solaris
+ j [ ] mips-irix SGI IRIX
+ k [ ] powerpc-aix PowerPC with AIX
+ l [ ] powerpc-linux PowerPC with GNU/Linux
+ m [ ] sparc-linux Sparc with GNU/Linux
+ o [ ] sparc-solaris Sparc with Solaris
+ p [ ] universal-darwin universal binaries for MacOSX/Darwin
+ s [ ] win32 Windows
+ t [ ] x86_64-darwin x86_64 with MacOSX/Darwin
+ u [ ] x86_64-linux x86_64 with GNU/Linux
+ v [ ] x86_64-solaris x86_64 with Solaris
+\caption{Binaries menu}\label{fig:bin-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:bin-text} displays the text mode binaries menu. By
+default, only the binaries for your current platform will be installed.
+From this menu, you can select installation of binaries for other
+platforms as well. This can be useful if you are sharing a \TeX\
+tree across a network of heterogenous machines, or for a dual-boot
+\subsubsection{Selecting what is going to be installed}
+Select a scheme:
+ a [ ] basic scheme (plain and LaTeX)
+ b [ ] ConTeXt scheme
+ c [X] full scheme (everything)
+ d [ ] GUST TeX Live scheme
+ e [ ] medium scheme (plain, latex, recommended packages, some languages)
+ f [ ] minimal scheme (plain only)
+ g [ ] teTeX scheme (more than medium, but nowhere near full)
+ h [ ] XML scheme
+ i [ ] custom selection of collections
+\caption{Scheme menu}\label{fig:scheme-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:scheme-text} displays the \TL\ scheme menu; from here,
+you choose a ``scheme'', which is an overall set of package collections.
+The default \optname{full} scheme installs everything available. This
+is recommended, but you can also choose the \optname{basic} scheme for a
+small system, \optname{minimal} for testing purposes, and
+\optname{medium} or \optname{teTeX} to get something in between. There
+are also various specialized and country-specific schemes.
+\tlpng{stdcoll}{.7\linewidth,trim=0 4 0 0,clip}
+\caption{Collections menu}\label{fig:collections-gui}
+You can refine your scheme selection with the `standard collections' and
+`language collections' menus (figure~\ref{fig:collections-gui}, shown in
+\GUI\ mode for a change).
+Collections are one level more detailed than schemes\Dash in essence, a
+scheme consists of several collections, a collection consists of one or
+more packages, and a package (the lowest level grouping in \TL) contains
+the actual \TeX\ macro files, font files, and so on.
+If you want more control than the collection menus provide, you can use
+the \TeX\ Live Manager (\prog{tlmgr}) program after installation (see
+section~\ref{sec:tlmgr}); using that, you can control the installation
+at the package level.
+The default layout is described in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees},
+\p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}. The default location of
+\dirname{TEXDIR} is \dirname{/usr/local/texlive/2010} on Unix
+and |%SystemDrive%\texlive\2010| on Windows.
+The main reason to change this default is if you lack write permission
+for the default location. You don't have to be root or administrator to
+install \TL, but you do need write access to the target directory.
+A reasonable alternative choice is a directory under your home directory,
+especially if you will be the sole user. Use
+`|~|' to indicate this, as in `|~/texlive/2010|'.
+We recommend including the year in the name, to enable keeping different
+releases of \TL{} side by side. (You may wish to make a
+version-independent name such as \dirname{/usr/local/texlive-cur} via a
+symbolic link, which you can then update after testing the new release.)
+Changing \dirname{TEXDIR} in the installer will also change
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL}, \dirname{TEXMFSYSVAR} and
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME} is the recommended location for personal
+macro files or packages. The default value is |~/texmf|. In
+contrast to \dirname{TEXDIR}, here a |~| is preserved in the
+newly-written configuration files, since it usefully refers to the home
+directory of any individual running \TeX. It expands to
+\dirname{$HOME} on Unix and \verb|%USERPROFILE%| on Windows.
+\dirname{TEXMFVAR} is the location for storing cached runtime data
+specific to each user, including the \ConTeXt\ Mk\acro{IV} cache.
+Current options setup:
+ <P> use letter size instead of A4 by default: [ ]
+ <E> execution of restricted list of programs: [X]
+ <F> create format files: [X]
+ <D> install font/macro doc tree: [X]
+ <S> install font/macro source tree: [X]
+ <L> create symlinks in standard directories: [ ]
+ binaries to:
+ manpages to:
+ info to:
+\caption{Options menu (Unix)}\label{fig:options-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:options-text} shows the text mode options menu.
+More info on each:
+\item[use letter size instead of A4 by default:] The default paper
+ size selection. Of course, individual documents can and should
+ specify a specific paper size, if desired.
+\item[execution of restricted list of programs:] As of \TL\ 2010,
+ execution of a few external programs is allowed by default. The (very
+ short) list of allowed programs is given in the \filename{texmf.cnf}.
+ See the 2010 news (section~\ref{sec:2010news}) for more details.
+\item[create format files:] Although unnecessary format files
+ take time to generate and disk space to store, it is still recommended
+ to leave this option checked: if you don't, then format files will be
+ generated in people's private \dirname{TEXMFVAR} tree as they are
+ needed. In that location, they will not be updated automatically if
+ (say) binaries or hyphenation patterns are updated in the
+ installation, and thus could end up with incompatible format files.
+\item[install font/macro \ldots\ tree:] These options allow you to omit
+ downloading/installing the documentation and source files present in
+ most packages. Not recommended.
+\item[create symlinks in standard directories] (Unix only):
+ This option bypasses the need to change environment variables. Without
+ this option, \TL{} directories usually have to be added to
+ \envname{PATH}, \envname{MANPATH} and \envname{INFOPATH}. You will
+ need write permissions to the target directories. It is strongly
+ advised \emph{not} to overwrite a \TeX\ system that came with your
+ system with this option. It is intended primarily for accessing the
+ \TeX\ system through directories that are already known to users, such
+ as \dirname{/usr/local/bin}, which don't already contain any \TeX\
+ files.
+When all the settings are to your liking, you can type `I' to start the
+installation process. When it is done, skip to
+section~\ref{sec:postinstall} to read what else needs to be done, if
+\subsection{Command-line install-tl options}
+> \Ucom{install-tl -help}
+for a listing of command-line options. Either |-| or |--| can be used
+to introduce option names. These are the most common ones:
+\item[-gui] If possible, use the \GUI{} installer. This requires the
+ Perl/Tk module (\url{})
+ compiled with \acro{XFT} support; if Perl/Tk is not available,
+ installation continues in text mode.
+\item[-no-gui] Force using the text mode installer, even under
+ Windows; you'll need this if you want a `from \DVD' installation,
+ since that is not available in \GUI{} mode.
+\item[-lang {\sl LL}] Specify the installer interface
+ language as its standard two-letter code \textsl{\acro{LL}}. Currently
+ supported languages:
+ \texttt{cs} (Czech),
+ \texttt{de} (German),
+ \texttt{en} (English, default)
+ \texttt{fr} (French),
+ \texttt{it} (Italian),
+ \texttt{ja} (Japanese),
+ \texttt{nl} (Dutch),
+ \texttt{pl} (Polish),
+ \texttt{ru} (Russian),
+ \texttt{sk} (Slovak),
+ \texttt{sl} (Slovenian),
+ \texttt{sr} (Serbian),
+ \texttt{vi} (Vietnamese),
+ \texttt{zh-cn} (Simplified Chinese),
+ \texttt{zh-tw} (Traditional Chinese).
+ The installer tries to automatically determine the right
+ language but if it fails, or if the right language is not
+ available, then it uses English as a fallback.
+\item[-portable] Install for portable use on a \acro{USB} stick
+ or \DVD. This option minimizes impact on the host system, making \TL{}
+ self-contained in a single directory. See also
+ section~\ref{sec:portable-tl} for more details on portable usage.
+\item[-profile {\sl file}] The installer always writes a file
+ \filename{texlive.profile} to the \dirname{tlpkg} subdirectory of your
+ installation. This option tells the installer to re-use such a
+ profile file, so you can install in batch mode on subsequent systems,
+ reproducing the choices you made in a prior installation.
+\item [-repository {\sl url-or-directory}] Specify package
+ repository from which to install; see following.
+\subsubsection{The \optname{-repository} option}
+The default package repository is a \CTAN{} mirror chosen automatically
+via \url{}.
+If you want to override that, the location value can be a url starting
+with \texttt{ftp:}, \texttt{http:}, or \texttt{file:/}, or a plain
+directory path. (When giving an \texttt{http:}\ or \texttt{ftp:}\
+location, trailing `\texttt{/}' characters and/or a trailing
+`\texttt{/tlpkg}' component are ignored.)
+For example, you could choose a particular \CTAN\ mirror with something
+like: \url{},
+substituting a real hostname and its particular top-level \CTAN\ path
+for ||. The list of \CTAN\ mirrors is
+maintained at \url{}.
+If the given argument is local (either a path or a \texttt{file:/} url),
+compressed files in an \dirname{archive} subdirectory of the repository
+path are used (even if uncompressed files are available as well).
+\subsection{Post-install actions}
+Some post-install may be required.
+But on Windows, the installer takes care of everything.
+\subsubsection{If symlinks were created}
+If you elected to create symlinks in standard directories (mentioned in
+section~\ref{sec:options}), then there is no need to edit environment
+\subsubsection{Environment variables for Unix}
+The directory of the binaries for your platform must be added to
+the search path. Each supported platform has its own subdirectory
+under \dirname{TEXDIR/bin}. See figure~\ref{fig:bin-text} for the
+list of subdirectories and corresponding platforms.
+You can also add the documentation man and Info directories to their
+respective search paths, if you want the system tools to find them.
+The man pages might be found automatically after the addition to
+For Bourne-compatible shells such as \prog{bash}, and using Intel x86
+GNU/Linux and a default directory setup as an example, the file to edit
+might be \filename{$HOME/.profile} (or another file sourced by
+\filename{.profile}, and the lines to add would look like this:
+PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2010/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH
+MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH; export MANPATH
+INFOPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH; export INFOPATH
+For csh or tcsh, the file to edit is typically \filename{$HOME/.cshrc}, and
+the lines to add might look like:
+setenv PATH /usr/local/texlive/2010/bin/i386-linux:$PATH
+setenv MANPATH /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH
+setenv INFOPATH /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH
+If you already have settings somewhere in your ``dot'' files, naturally
+the \TL\ directories should simply be merged in as appropriate.
+\subsubsection{Environment variables: global configuration}
+If you want to make these changes globally, or for a user newly added to
+the system, then you are on your own; there is just too much variation
+between systems in how and where these things are configured.
+Our two hints are: 1)~you may want to check for a file
+\filename{/etc/manpath.config} and, if present, add lines such as
+MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/texlive/2010/bin/i386-linux \
+ /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/doc/man
+And 2)~check for a file \filename{/etc/environment} which may define the
+search path and other default environment variables.
+In each (Unix) binary directory, we also create a symbolic link named
+\code{man} to the directory \dirname{texmf/doc/man}. Some \code{man}
+programs, such as the standard \MacOSX\ \code{man}, will automatically
+find that, obviating the need for any man page setup.
+\subsubsection{Font configuration for \XeTeX}
+If you have installed the \filename{xetex} package on a Unix-compatible
+system, you need to configure your system if you want \XeTeX\ to be able
+to find the fonts shipped with \TL. To facilitate this, when the
+\pkgname{xetex} package is installed (either at initial installation or
+later), the necessary configuration file is created in
+To set up the \TL{} fonts for system-wide use (assuming you have
+suitable privileges), proceed as follows:
+\item Copy the \filename{texlive-fontconfig.conf} file to
+\item Run \Ucom{fc-cache -fsv}.
+If you do not have sufficient privileges to carry out the steps above,
+you can instead do the following to make the \TL{} fonts available
+to you as an individual \XeTeX{} user:
+\item Copy the \filename{texlive-fontconfig.conf} file to
+ \filename{~/.fonts.conf}, where \filename{~} is your home directory.
+\item Run \Ucom{fc-cache -fv}.
+\subsubsection{\ConTeXt{} Mark IV}
+The `old' \ConTeXt{} (Mark \acro{II}) should run out of the box after
+\TL{} installation. The `new' Lua\TeX-based \ConTeXt{} Mark \acro{IV}
+requires manual setup. After installation, each Mk\acro{IV} user must
+luatools --generate
+context --make
+The resulting files are stored under \code{TEXMFVAR}.
+For more information, see
+\url{} and
+\subsubsection{Integrating local and personal macros}
+This is already mentioned implicitly in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}:
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} (by default,
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local} or
+is intended for system-wide local fonts and macros; and
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME} (by default, \dirname{$HOME/texmf} or
+\verb|%USERPROFILE%\texmf|), is for personal fonts and macros. These
+directories are intended to stick around from release to release, and
+have their content seen automatically by a new \TL{} release.
+Therefore, it is best to refrain from changing the definition of
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} to be too far away from the main \TL{} directory,
+or you will need to manually change future releases.
+For both trees, files should be placed in their proper subdirectories;
+see \url{} or consult
+\filename{texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf}. For instance, a \LaTeX{} class file or
+package should be placed in \dirname{TEXMFLOCAL/tex/latex} or
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME/tex/latex}, or a subdirectory thereof.
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} requires an up-to-date filename database, or files
+will not be found. You can update it with the command
+\cmdname{mktexlsr} or use the `Reinit file database' button on the
+configuration tab of the \TeX\ Live Manager \GUI.
+\subsubsection{Integrating third-party fonts}
+This is unfortunately a messy topic. Forget about it unless you want to
+delve into many details of the \TeX{} installation. Don't forget to
+check first what you get for free: see section~\ref{sec:tl-fonts}.
+A possible alternative is to use \XeTeX\ or Lua\TeX\ (see
+section~\ref{sec:tex-extensions}), which let you use operating system
+fonts without any installation in \TeX.
+If you do need to do this, see
+\url{} for our best effort at
+describing the procedure.
+\subsubsection{Increasing maximum memory on Windows and Cygwin}
+Windows and Cygwin (see section~\ref{sec:cygwin} for Cygwin installation
+specifics) users may find that they run out of memory when running some
+of the programs shipped with \TL. For example, \prog{asy} might run out
+of memory if you try to allocate an array of 25,000,000 reals, and
+Lua\TeX\ might run out of memory if you try to process a document with a
+lot of big fonts.
+For Cygwin, you can increase the amount of available memory by following
+the instructions in the Cygwin User's Guide
+For Windows, you have to create a file, say \code{moremem.reg}, with
+these four lines:
+Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
+\noindent and then execute the command \code{regedit /s moremem.reg} as
+administrator. (If you want to change memory only for the current user
+instead of system-wide, use \code{HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER}.)
+\subsection{Testing the installation}
+After installing \TL{} as best you can, you naturally want to test
+it out, so you can start creating beautiful documents and\slash or fonts.
+This section gives some basic procedures for testing that the new system
+is functional. We give Unix commands here; under \MacOSX{} and Windows,
+you're more likely to run the tests through a graphical interface, but
+the principles are the same.
+\item Make sure that you can run the \cmdname{tex} program in the first
+> \Ucom{tex -{}-version}
+TeX 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2010)
+kpathsea version 6.0.0
+Copyright 2010 D.E. Knuth.
+If this comes back with `command not found' instead of version and
+copyright information, or with an older version, most likely you don't
+have the correct \dirname{bin} subdirectory in your \envname{PATH}. See
+the environment-setting information on \p.\pageref{sec:env}.
+\item Process a basic \LaTeX{} file:
+> \Ucom{latex sample2e.tex}
+pdfTeX 3.1415926-1.40.11-2.2 (TeX Live 2010)
+Output written on sample2e.dvi (3 pages, 7484 bytes).
+Transcript written on sample2e.log.
+If this fails to find \filename{sample2e.tex} or other files, most
+likely you have interference from old environment variables or
+configuration files; we recommend unsetting all \TeX-related environment
+variables for a start. (For a deep analysis, you can ask \TeX{} to
+report on exactly what it is searching for, and finding; see ``Debugging
+actions'' on page~\pageref{sec:debugging}.)
+\item Preview the result online:
+> \Ucom{xdvi sample2e.dvi} # Unix
+> \Ucom{dviout sample2e.dvi} # Windows
+You should see a new window with a nice document explaining some of the
+basics of \LaTeX{}. (Well worth reading, by the way, if you're new to
+\TeX.) You do have to be running under X for \cmdname{xdvi} to work; if
+you're not, or your \envname{DISPLAY} environment variable is set
+incorrectly, you'll get an error \samp{Can't open display}.
+\item Create a \PS{} file for printing or display:
+> \Ucom{dvips sample2e.dvi -o}
+\item Create a \acro{PDF} file instead of \dvi{}; this processes the
+\filename{.tex} file and writes \acro{PDF} directly:
+> \Ucom{pdflatex sample2e.tex}
+\item Preview the \acro{PDF} file:
+> \Ucom{gv sample2e.pdf}
+> \Ucom{xpdf sample2e.pdf}
+Neither \cmdname{gv} nor \cmdname{xpdf} are included in \TL{}, so you
+must install them separately. See \url{}
+and \url{}, respectively. There are plenty
+of other \acro{PDF} viewers, too. For Windows, we recommend trying
+Sumatra PDF (\url{}).
+\item Standard test files you may find useful in addition to
+\item [small2e.tex] A simpler document than \filename{sample2e}, to
+reduce the input size if you're having troubles.
+\item [testpage.tex] Test if your printer introduces any offsets.
+\item [nfssfont.tex] For printing font tables and tests.
+\item [testfont.tex] Also for font tables, but using plain \TeX{}.
+\item [story.tex] The most canonical (plain) \TeX{} test file of all.
+You must type \samp{\bs bye} to the \code{*} prompt after \samp{tex
+\item If you have installed the \filename{xetex} package, you can test
+its access to system fonts as follows:
+> \Ucom{xetex opentype-info.tex}
+This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926\dots
+Output written on opentype-info.pdf (1 page).
+Transcript written on opentype-info.log.
+If you get an error message saying ``Invalid fontname `Latin Modern
+Roman/ICU'\dots'', then you need to configure your system so that
+\XeTeX{} can find the fonts shipped with \TL. See
+\subsection{Links for additional downloadable software}
+If you are new to \TeX{}, or otherwise need help with actually writing
+\TeX{} or \LaTeX{} documents, please visit
+\url{} for some introductory resources.
+Links for some other tools you may consider installing:
+\item[Ghostscript] \url{}
+\item[Perl] \url{} with
+ supplementary packages from \acro{CPAN}, \url{}
+\item[ImageMagick] \url{}, for graphics
+ processing and conversion
+\item[NetPBM] \url{}, also for graphics.
+\item[\TeX-oriented editors] There is a wide choice, and it is a matter of the
+ user's taste. Here is a selection in alphabetical order (a few
+ here are for Windows only).
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cmdname{GNU Emacs} is available natively under Windows, see
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{Emacs} with Auc\TeX\ for Windows is available in
+ the directory \path{tlpkg/support} on the \TL \DVD; its home
+ page is \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{LEd} is available from \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{SciTE} is available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{Texmaker} is free software, available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{TeXnicCenter} is free software, available from
+ \url{} and in the pro\TeX{}t distribution.
+ \item \cmdname{TeXworks} is free software, available from
+ \url{} and installed for Windows and
+ \MacOSX\ as part of \TL.
+ \item \cmdname{Vim} is free software, available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{WinEdt} is shareware available though
+ \url{} or \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{WinShell} is available from \url{}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+For a much longer list of packages and programs, see
+\section{Network installations}
+\TL{} has been designed to be sharable between different users on one
+system, and/or between different systems on a network. With a standard
+directory layout, no hard paths are configured: the locations for files
+needed by \TL{} programs are found relative to the programs. You can
+see this in the principal configuration file
+\filename{$TEXMFMAIN/web2c/texmf.cnf}, which contains lines such as
+This means that adding the directory for \TL{} executables for their
+platform to their search path is sufficient to get a working setup.
+By the same token, you can also install \TL{} locally and then move
+the entire hierarchy afterwards to a network location.
+For Windows, a sample network installation script named
+\filename{w32client} can be downloaded through
+\url{}. It creates settings and
+menu shortcuts for using an existing \TL{} installation on a \acro{LAN}.
+It also registers an uninstaller \filename{w32unclient}, available
+in the same zip file. See the web page for more information.
+\section{Maximally portable \protect\TL{} on DVD and USB}
+To use \TL{} in a ``portable'' way, minimizing impact on the host
+system, you should first install \TL{} to a \acro{USB} stick using the
+\optname{-portable} option of the installer (see
+section~\ref{sec:cmdline}). Then you can run the \filename{tl-portable}
+script (Unix) or \filename{tl-portable.bat} batch file (Windows) from
+the resulting installation root to start up a shell.
+You could also burn the resulting contents of the stick back to \DVD{}
+if that is more convenient to (for example) give to others.
+When the \filename{tl-portable} script is run from a \DVD{} for the
+first time, some files will be generated on the host system in a
+directory \dirname{~/.tlportable2010}, which will take some time. On
+subsequent runs, though, it will start quickly.
+The rest of the system will be unaware of \TL. If you want your editor
+to be aware of this \TL, then you should start it from a second,
+parallel, such \filename{tl-portable} session.
+\section{\cmdname{tlmgr}: Managing your installation}
+\caption{\prog{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode: main window, after `Load'.}
+\hbox to \hsize{%
+ \vtop{\hsize=.59\linewidth
+ \null % make figures align at the top
+ \tlpng{tlmgr-general-options}{\hsize}
+ \caption{\texttt{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode: General options}
+ \label{fig:tlmgr-general-options}
+ }
+ \hfil
+ \vtop{\hsize=.39\linewidth
+ \null
+ \tlpng{tlmgr-paper-options}{\hsize}
+ \caption{\texttt{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode: Paper size options}
+ \label{fig:tlmgr-paper-options}
+ }
+\TL{} includes a program named \prog{tlmgr} for managing \TL{} after the
+initial installation. The programs \prog{updmap}, \prog{fmtutil} and
+\prog{texconfig} are still included and will be retained in the future,
+but \prog{tlmgr} is now the preferred interface. Its capabilities
+\item installing, updating, backing up, restoring, and uninstalling
+ individual packages, optionally taking dependencies into account;
+\item searching for and listing packages, etc.;
+\item listing, adding, and removing platforms;
+\item changing installation options such as paper size and source
+ location (see section~\ref{sec:location}).
+\textit{Warning:} \prog{tlmgr} has not been designed for or tested
+with portable installations (section~\ref{sec:portable-tl}).
+\subsection{\cmdname{tlmgr} GUI mode}
+\prog{tlmgr} can be started in \GUI{} mode (figure~\ref{fig:tlmgr-gui}) with
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -gui}
+or in Windows via the Start menu: \texttt{Start}, \texttt{Programs},
+\texttt{TeX Live 2010}, \texttt{TeX Live Manager}. After clicking `Load'
+it displays a list of available and installed packages. This assumes of
+course that the installation source is valid and reachable.
+Figures~\ref{fig:tlmgr-general-options} and~\ref{fig:tlmgr-paper-options}
+show the general and paper size option screens.
+\subsection{Sample \cmdname{tlmgr} command-line invocations}
+After the initial installation, you can update your system to the latest
+versions available with:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -all}
+If this makes you nervous, first try
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -all -dry-run}
+or (less verbose):
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -list}
+This more complex example adds a collection, for the engine \XeTeX, from
+a local directory:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -repository /local/mirror/tlnet install collection-xetex}
+It generates the following output (abridged):
+install: collection-xetex
+install: arabxetex
+install: xetex
+install: xetexconfig
+install: xetex.i386-linux
+running post install action for xetex
+install: xetex-def
+running mktexlsr
+mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/ls-R...
+running fmtutil-sys --missing
+Transcript written on xelatex.log.
+fmtutil: /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf-var/web2c/xetex/xelatex.fmt installed.
+As you can see, \prog{tlmgr} installs dependencies, and takes care of any
+necessary post-install actions, including updating the filename database
+and (re)generating formats. In the above, we generated new formats for
+To describe a package (or collection or scheme):
+> \Ucom{tlmgr show collection-latexextra}
+which produces
+package: collection-latexextra
+category: Collection
+shortdesc: LaTeX supplementary packages
+longdesc: A large collection of add-on packages for LaTeX.
+installed: Yes
+revision: 14675
+Last and most important, for full documentation see
+\url{}, or:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -help}
+\section{Notes on Windows}
+\TL\ has a single installer which runs on both Windows and Unix. This
+was only possible by dropping support for older Windows versions, so
+\TL\ can now be installed only on Windows 2000 and later.
+\subsection{Windows-specific features}
+Under Windows, the installer does some extra things:
+\item[Menus and shortcuts.] A new `\TL{}' submenu of the
+ Start menu is installed, which contains entries for some \GUI{}
+ programs (\prog{tlmgr}, \prog{texdoctk}, the PS\_View (\prog{psv})
+ PostScript previewer) and some documentation. PS\_View also gets a
+ shortcut on the desktop as a drag-and-drop target for PostScript
+ files.
+\item[Automatic setting of environment variables.] No manual
+ configuration steps are required.
+\item[Uninstaller.] The installer creates an entry under `Add/Remove
+ Programs' for \TL. The uninstall tab of the \TeX\ Live Manager \GUI\
+ refers to this.
+\subsection{Additional software included on Windows}
+To be complete, a \TL installation needs support packages that are not
+commonly found on a Windows machine. \TL{} provides the missing
+\item[Perl and Ghostscript.] Because of the importance of Perl and
+ Ghostscript, \TL{} includes `hidden' copies of these
+ programs. \TL{} programs that need them know where to find them,
+ but they don't betray their presence through environment variables
+ or registry settings. They aren't full-scale installations, and
+ shouldn't interfere with any system installations of Perl or
+ Ghostscript.
+\item[PS\_View.] Also installed is PS\_View, a \PS{} and \acro{PDF}
+ viewer; see figure~\ref{fig:psview}.
+\caption{PS\_View: very high magnifications available!}\label{fig:psview}
+\item[dviout.] Also installed is \prog{dviout}, a \acro{DVI} viewer.
+ At first, when you preview files with \cmdname{dviout}, it will create
+ fonts, because screen fonts were not installed. After a while, you
+ will have created most of the fonts you use, and you will rarely see
+ the font-creation window. More information can be found in the
+ (highly recommended) on-line help.
+\item[\TeX{}works.] \TeX{}works is a \TeX-oriented editor with
+ an integrated \acro{PDF} viewer.
+\item[Command-line tools.] A number of Windows ports of common Unix
+ command-line programs are installed along with the usual \TL{}
+ binaries. These include \cmdname{gzip}, \cmdname{unzip} and the
+ utilities from the \cmdname{xpdf} suite (\cmdname{pdfinfo},
+ \cmdname{pdffonts}, \ldots). The \cmdname{xpdf} viewer itself is not
+ available for Windows. Instead, you can download the Sumatra
+ \acro{PDF} viewer, which is based on \cmdname{xpdf}, from
+ \url{}, among other options.
+\item[fc-list, fc-cache, \ldots] The tools from the fontconfig library allow
+ \XeTeX{} to handle system fonts on Windows. You can use
+ \prog{fc-list} to determine the font names to pass to \XeTeX's
+ extended \cs{font} command. If necessary, run \prog{fc-cache}
+ first to update font information.
+\subsection{User Profile is Home}
+The Windows counterpart of a Unix home directory is the
+\verb|%USERPROFILE%| directory. Under Windows \acro{XP} and Windows 2000, this
+is usually \verb|C:\Documents and Settings\<username>|, and under
+Windows Vista \verb|C:\Users\<username>|. In the
+\filename{texmf.cnf} file, and \KPS{} in general, \verb|~| will expand
+appropriately on both Windows and Unix.
+\subsection{The Windows registry}
+Windows stores nearly all configuration data in its registry. The
+registry contains a set of hierarchically organized keys, with several
+root keys. The most important ones for installation programs are
+\path{HKEY_CURRENT_USER} and \path{HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}, \path{HKCU} and
+\path{HKLM} in short. The \path{HKCU} part of the registry is in the
+user's home directory (see section~\ref{sec:winhome}). \path{HKLM} is
+normally in a subdirectory of the Windows directory.
+In some cases, system information could be obtained from environment
+variables but for other information, for example the location of
+shortcuts, it is necessary to consult the registry. Setting environment
+variables permanently also requires registry access.
+\subsection{Windows permissions}
+In later versions of Windows, a distinction is made between regular
+users and administrators, where only the latter have free access to the
+entire operating system. In practice, though, you could better describe
+these classes of users as unprivileged users and normal users: being an
+administrator is the rule, not the exception. Nevertheless, we have made
+an effort to make \TL{} installable without administrative privileges.
+If the user is an administrator, there is an option to install for all
+users. If this option is chosen, shortcuts are created for all users,
+and the system environment is modified. Otherwise, shortcuts and menu
+entries are created for the current user, and the user environment is
+Regardless of administrator status, the default root of \TL{} proposed
+by the installer is always under \verb|%SystemDrive%|. The installer
+always tests whether the root is writable for the current user.
+A problem may arise if the user is not an administrator and \TeX{}
+already exists in the search path. Since the effective path
+consists of the system path followed by the user path, the new \TL{}
+would never get precedence. As a safeguard, the installer creates a
+shortcut to the command-prompt in which the new \TL{} binary
+directory is prepended to the local search path. The new \TL{} will
+be always usable from within such a command-prompt. The shortcut for
+\TeX{}works, if installed, also prepends \TL{} to the search path, so it
+should also be immune to this path problem.
+For Vista there is another twist: even if you are logged in as
+administrator, you need to explicitly ask for administrator
+privileges. In fact, there is not much point in logging in as
+administrator. Instead, right-clicking on the program or shortcut
+that you want to run usually gives you a choice `Run as
+\section{A user's guide to Web2C}
+\Webc{} is an integrated collection of \TeX-related programs: \TeX{}
+itself, \MF{}, \MP, \BibTeX{}, etc. It is the heart of \TL{}. The home
+page for \Webc{}, with the current manual and more, is
+A bit of history: The original implementation was by Tomas Rokicki who,
+in 1987, developed a first \TeX{}-to-C system based on change files
+under Unix, which were primarily the original work of Howard Trickey and
+Pavel Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the system, and
+during this period the name changed to Web-to-C\@. In 1990, Karl Berry
+took over the work, assisted by dozens of additional contributors, and
+in 1997 he handed the baton to Olaf Weber, who returned it to Karl in
+The \Webc{} system runs on Unix, 32-bit Windows systems, \MacOSX{}, and
+other operating systems. It uses Knuth's original sources for \TeX{} and
+other basic programs written in the \web{} literate programming system
+and translates them into C source code. The core \TeX{} programs
+handled in this way are:
+\item[bibtex] Maintaining bibliographies.
+\item[dvicopy] Expands virtual font references in \dvi{} files.
+\item[dvitomp] \dvi{} to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+\item[dvitype] \dvi{} to human-readable text.
+\item[gftodvi] Generic font proofsheets.
+\item[gftopk] Generic to packed fonts.
+\item[gftype] GF to human-readable text.
+\item[mf] Creating typeface families.
+\item[mft] Prettyprinting \MF{} source.
+\item[mpost] Creating technical diagrams.
+\item[patgen] Creating hyphenation patterns.
+\item[pktogf] Packed to generic fonts.
+\item[pktype] PK to human-readable text.
+\item[pltotf] Plain text property list to TFM.
+\item[pooltype] Display \web{} pool files.
+\item[tangle] \web{} to Pascal.
+\item[tex] Typesetting.
+\item[tftopl] TFM to plain text property list.
+\item[vftovp] Virtual font to virtual property list.
+\item[vptovf] Virtual property list to virtual font.
+\item[weave] \web{} to \TeX.
+\noindent The precise functions and syntax of these programs are
+described in the documentation of the individual packages and of \Webc{}
+itself. However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of
+programs will help you take advantage of your \Webc{} installation.
+All programs honor these standard \GNU options:
+\item[-{}-help] print basic usage summary.
+\item[-{}-verbose] print detailed progress report.
+\item[-{}-version] print version information, then exit.
+For locating files the \Webc{} programs use the path searching library
+\KPS{} (\url{}). This library uses a combination
+of environment variables and a configuration files to optimize searching
+the (huge) collection of \TeX{} files. \Webc{} can look at many
+directory trees simultaneously, which is useful in maintaining \TeX's
+standard distribution and local and personal extensions in distinct
+trees. To speed up file searches, the root of each tree has a file
+\file{ls-R}, containing an entry showing the name and relative pathname
+for all files under that root.
+\subsection{Kpathsea path searching}
+Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the \KPS{}
+We call a \emph{search path} a colon- or semicolon\hyph sepa\-rated list
+of \emph{path elements}, which are basically directory names. A
+search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up
+a file \samp{my-file} along a path \samp{.:/dir}, \KPS{} checks each
+element of the path in turn: first \file{./my-file}, then
+\file{/dir/my-file}, returning the first match (or possibly all
+In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems' conventions, on
+non-Unix systems \KPS{} can use filename separators different from
+colon (\samp{:}) and slash (\samp{/}).
+To check a particular path element \var{p}, \KPS{} first checks if a
+prebuilt database (see ``Filename data\-base'' on
+page~\pageref{sec:filename-database}) applies to \var{p}, i.e., if the
+database is in a directory that is a prefix of \var{p}. If so, the path
+specification is matched against the contents of the database.
+If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path
+element, or contains no matches, the filesystem is searched (if this
+was not forbidden by a specification starting with \samp{!!}\ and if
+the file being searched for must exist). \KPS{} constructs the list
+of directories that correspond to this path element, and then checks
+in each for the file being sought.
+The ``file must exist'' condition comes into play with \samp{.vf} files and
+input files read by \TeX's \cs{openin} command. Such files may not
+exist (e.g., \file{cmr10.vf}), and so it would be wrong to search the
+disk for them. Therefore, if you fail to update \file{ls-R} when you
+install a new \samp{.vf} file, it will never be found.
+Each path element is checked in turn: first the database, then the
+disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result is
+Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory
+name, \KPS{} supports additional features in search paths: layered
+default values, environment variable names, config file values, users'
+home directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say
+that \KPS{} \emph{expands} a path element, meaning it transforms all
+the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is
+described in the following sections in the same order as it takes
+Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly
+relative, i.e., starts with \samp{/} or \samp{./} or \samp{../},
+\KPS{} simply checks if that file exists.
+ \caption{An illustrative configuration file sample}
+ \label{fig:config-sample}
+\subsubsection{Path sources}
+A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which
+\KPS{} uses them:
+ A user-set environment variable, for instance, \envname{TEXINPUTS}\@.
+ Environment variables with a period and a program name appended
+ override; e.g., if \samp{latex} is the name of the program being run,
+ then \envname{TEXINPUTS.latex} will override \envname{TEXINPUTS}.
+ A program-specific configuration file, for exam\-ple, a line
+ \samp{S /a:/b} in \cmdname{dvips}'s \file{}.
+\item A \KPS{} configuration file \file{texmf.cnf}, containing a line like
+ \samp{TEXINPUTS=/c:/d} (see below).
+\item The compile-time default.
+\noindent You can see each of these values for a given search path by
+using the debugging options (see ``Debugging actions'' on
+\subsubsection{Config files}
+\KPS{} reads \emph{runtime configuration files} named \file{texmf.cnf}
+for search path and other definitions. The search path used to look
+for these files is named \envname{TEXMFCNF}, but we do not recommend
+setting this (or any) environment variable.
+Instead, normal installation results in a file
+\file{.../2010/texmf.cnf}. If you must make changes to the defaults
+(not normally necessary), this is the place to put them. The main
+configuration file is in \file{.../2010/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf}. You
+should not edit this latter file, as your changes will be lost when the
+distributed version is updated.
+\emph{All} \file{texmf.cnf} files in the search path will be read and
+definitions in earlier files override those in later files. For
+example, with a search path of \verb|.:$TEXMF|, values from
+\file{./texmf.cnf} override those from \verb|$TEXMF/texmf.cnf|.
+ Comments start with \code{\%} and continue to the end of the line.
+ Blank lines are ignored.
+ A \bs{} at the end of a line acts as a continuation character,
+ i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace at the beginning of
+ continuation lines is not ignored.
+ Each remaining line has the form:
+ \var{variable}[.\var{progname}] [=] \var{value}
+ where the \samp{=} and surrounding whitespace are optional.
+ The \ttvar{variable} name may contain any character other
+ than whitespace, \samp{=}, or \samp{.}, but sticking to
+ \samp{A-Za-z\_} is safest.
+ If \samp{.\var{progname}} is present, the definition only
+ applies if the program that is running is named
+ \texttt{\var{progname}} or \texttt{\var{progname}.exe}. This allows
+ different flavors of \TeX{} to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+\item \var{value} may contain any characters except
+ \code{\%} and \samp{@}. The
+ \code{\$\var{var}.\var{prog}} feature is not available on the
+ right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable. A
+ \samp{;}\ in \var{value} is translated to \samp{:}\ if
+ running under Unix; this is useful to be able to have a single
+ \file{texmf.cnf} for Unix, \acro{MS-DOS} and Windows systems.
+ All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so
+ variables can be referenced before they are defined.
+A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these points is
+shown below:
+shown in Figure~\ref{fig:config-sample}.
+\subsubsection{Path expansion}
+\KPS{} recognizes certain special characters and constructions in
+search paths, similar to those available in Unix shells. As a
+general example, the complex path,
+\verb+~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz+, expands to all subdirectories under
+directories \file{foo} and \file{bar} in \texttt{\$USER}'s home
+directory that contain a directory or file \file{baz}. These
+expansions are explained in the sections below.
+\subsubsection{Default expansion}
+If the highest-priority search path (see ``Path sources'' on
+page~\pageref{sec:path-sources}) contains an \emph{extra colon} (i.e.,
+leading, trailing, or doubled), \KPS{} inserts at that point the
+next-highest-prio\-rity search path that is defined. If that inserted
+path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next highest. For
+example, given an environment variable setting
+> \Ucom{setenv TEXINPUTS /home/karl:}
+and a \code{TEXINPUTS} value from \file{texmf.cnf} of
+ .:\$TEXMF//tex
+then the final value used for searching will be:
+ /home/karl:.:\$TEXMF//tex
+Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one
+place, \KPS{} changes only one extra \samp{:}\ and leaves any others in
+place. It checks first for a leading \samp{:}, then a trailing
+\samp{:}, then a doubled \samp{:}.
+\subsubsection{Brace expansion}
+A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance,
+\verb+v{a,b}w+ expands to \verb+vaw:vbw+. Nesting is allowed.
+This is used to implement multiple \TeX{} hierarchies, by
+assigning a brace list to \code{\$TEXMF}.
+For example, in \file{texmf.cnf}, the following definition
+(approximately; there are actually even more trees) is made:
+Using this you can then write something like
+ TEXINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex//
+which means that, after looking in the current directory, the
+\code{\$TEXMFHOME/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFLOCAL/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFVAR/tex}
+and \code{\$TEXMFMAIN/tex} trees \emph{only}) will be searched (the
+last two use using \file{ls-R} data base files). It is a convenient
+way for running two parallel \TeX{} structures, one ``frozen'' (on a
+\CD, for instance) and the other being continuously updated with new
+versions as they become available. By using the \code{\$TEXMF}
+variable in all definitions, one is sure to always search the
+up-to-date tree first.
+\subsubsection{Subdirectory expansion}
+Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory
+\var{d} is replaced by all subdirectories of \var{d}: first those
+subdirectories directly under \var{d}, then the subsubdirectories under
+those, and so on. At each level, the order in which the directories are
+searched is \emph{unspecified}.
+If you specify any filename components after the \samp{//}, only
+subdirectories with matching components are included. For example,
+\samp{/a//b} expands into directories \file{/a/1/b}, \file{/a/2/b},
+\file{/a/1/1/b}, and so on, but not \file{/a/b/c} or \file{/a/1}.
+Multiple \samp{//} constructs in a path are possible, but
+\samp{//} at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+\subsubsection{List of special characters and their meaning: a summary}
+The following list summarizes the special characters in \KPS{}
+configuration files.
+% need a wider space for the item labels here.
+\item[\CODE{:}] Separator in path specification; at the beginning or
+ the end of a path it substitutes the default path expansion.\par
+\item[\CODE{;}] Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like \code{:}).
+\item[\CODE{\$}] Variable expansion.
+\item[\CODE{\string~}] Represents the user's home directory.
+\item[\CODE{\char`\{...\char`\}}] Brace expansion.
+\item[\CODE{//}] Subdirectory expansion (can occur anywhere in
+ a path, except at its beginning).
+\item[\CODE{\%}] Start of comment.
+\item[\CODE{\bs}] Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+\item[\CODE{!!}] Search \emph{only} database to locate file, \emph{do
+ not} search the disk.
+\subsection{Filename databases}
+\KPS{} goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches.
+Nevertheless, at installations with enough directories, searching each
+possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time
+(this is especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to
+be traversed.) Therefore, \KPS{} can use an externally-built plain text
+``database'' file named \file{ls-R} that maps files to directories,
+thus avoiding the need to exhaustively search the disk.
+A second database file \file{aliases} allows you to give additional
+names to the files listed in \file{ls-R}. This can be helpful to
+confirm to \acro{DOS} 8.3 filename conventions in source files.
+\subsubsection{The filename database}
+As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be
+\file{ls-R}. You can put one at the root of each \TeX{} hierarchy in
+your installation that you wish to be searched (\code{\$TEXMF} by
+default). \KPS{} looks for
+\file{ls-R} files along the \code{TEXMFDBS} path.
+The recommended way to create and maintain \samp{ls-R} is to run the
+\code{mktexlsr} script included with the distribution. It is invoked
+by the various \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts. In principle, this script
+just runs the command
+cd \var{/your/texmf/root} && \path|\|ls -1LAR ./ >ls-R
+presuming your system's \code{ls} produces the right output format
+(\GNU \code{ls} is all right). To ensure that the database is
+always up-to-date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via
+\code{cron}, so that it is automatically updated when the installed
+files change, such as after installing or updating a \LaTeX{} package.
+If a file is not found in the database, by default \KPS{} goes ahead
+and searches the disk. If a particular path element begins with
+\samp{!!}, however, \emph{only} the database will be searched for that
+element, never the disk.
+\subsubsection{kpsewhich: Standalone path searching}
+The \texttt{kpsewhich} program exercises path searching independent of any
+particular application. This can be useful as a sort of \code{find}
+program to locate files in \TeX{} hierarchies (this is used heavily in
+the distributed \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts).
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich \var{option}\dots{} \var{filename}\dots{}}
+The options specified in \ttvar{option} start with either \samp{-}
+or \samp{-{}-}, and any unambiguous abbreviation is accepted.
+\KPS{} looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a
+filename, and returns the first file found. There is no option to
+return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix
+\samp{find} utility for that).
+The most common options are described next.
+ Set the resolution to \ttvar{num}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. \samp{-D} is a synonym, for compatibility
+ with \cmdname{dvips}. Default is 600.
+ Set the format for lookup to \ttvar{name}. By default, the
+ format is guessed from the filename. For formats which do not have
+ an associated unambiguous suffix, such as \MP{} support files and
+ \cmdname{dvips} configuration files, you have to specify the name as
+ known to \KPS{}, such as \texttt{tex} or \texttt{enc files}. Run
+ \texttt{kpsewhich -{}-help} for a list.
+ Set the mode name to \ttvar{string}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. No default: any mode will be found.
+ Do everything possible to find the files, notably including
+ searching the disk. By default, only the \file{ls-R} database is
+ checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ Search along the path \ttvar{string} (colon-separated as usual),
+ instead of guessing the search path from the filename. \samp{//} and
+ all the usual expansions are supported. The options \samp{-{}-path}
+ and \samp{-{}-format} are mutually exclusive.
+ Set the program name to \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ This can affect the search paths via the \texttt{.\var{progname}}
+ feature.
+ The default is \cmdname{kpsewhich}.
+ shows the path used for file lookups of file type \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ Either a filename extension (\code{.pk}, \code{.vf}, etc.) or a
+ name can be used, just as with \samp{-{}-format} option.
+ sets the debugging options to \texttt{\var{num}}.
+\subsubsection{Examples of use}
+Let us now have a look at \KPS{} in action. Here's a straightforward search:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich article.cls}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
+We are looking for the file \file{article.cls}. Since the \samp{.cls}
+suffix is unambiguous we do not need to specify that we want to look for a
+file of type \optname{tex} (\TeX{} source file directories). We find it in
+the subdirectory \file{tex/latex/base} below the \samp{texmf-dist} \TL\
+directory. Similarly, all of the following are found without problems
+thanks to their unambiguous suffix.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich array.sty}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/array.sty
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich latin1.def}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latin1.def
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich size10.clo}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich small2e.tex}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/small2e.tex
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich tugboat.bib}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/bibtex/bib/beebe/tugboat.bib
+By the way, that last is a \BibTeX{} bibliography database for
+\textsl{TUGboat} articles.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+Font bitmap glyph files of type \file{.pk} are used by display
+programs like \cmdname{dvips} and \cmdname{xdvi}. Nothing is returned in
+this case since there are no pre-generated Computer Modern \samp{.pk}
+files in \TL{}\Dash the Type~1 variants are used by default.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+\else /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/
+... wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+For these fonts (a phonetic alphabet from the University of Washington)
+we had to generate \samp{.pk} files, and since the default \MF{} mode on
+our installation is \texttt{ljfour} with a base resolution of 600\dpi{}
+(dots per inch), this instantiation is returned.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich -dpi=300}
+In this case, when specifying that we are interested in a resolution
+of 300\dpi{} (\texttt{-dpi=300}) we see that no such font is available on
+the system. A program like \cmdname{dvips} or \cmdname{xdvi} would
+go off and actually build the required \texttt{.pk} files
+using the script \cmdname{mktexpk}.
+Next we turn our attention to \cmdname{dvips}'s header and configuration
+files. We first look at one of the commonly used files, the general
+prologue \file{} for \TeX{} support, before turning our attention
+to the generic configuration file (\file{}) and the \PS{} font
+map \file{}\Dash as of 2004, map and encoding files have
+their own search paths and new location in \dirname{texmf} trees. As
+the \samp{.ps} suffix is ambiguous we have to specify explicitly which
+type we are considering (\optname{dvips config}) for the file
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/config/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/
+We now take a closer look at the \acro{URW} Times \PS{} support
+files. The prefix for these in the standard font naming scheme is
+\samp{utm}. The first file we look at is the configuration file,
+which contains the name of the map file:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config" config.utm}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/dvips/psnfss/config.utm
+The contents of that file is
+ p
+which points to the file \file{}, which we want to
+locate next.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/times/
+This map file defines the file names of the Type~1 \PS{} fonts in
+the URW collection. Its contents look like (we only show part of the
+utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal... <utmbi8a.pfb
+utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal... <utmri8a.pfb
+utmbo8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmro8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+Let us, for instance, take the Times Roman instance
+\file{utmr8a.pfb} and find its position in the \file{texmf} directory
+tree with a search for Type~1 font files:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich utmr8a.pfb}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb
+\else /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/
+... urw/utm/utmr8a.pfb
+It should be evident from these examples how you can easily locate the
+whereabouts of a given file. This is especially important if you suspect
+that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since
+\cmdname{kpsewhich} will show you the first file encountered.
+\subsubsection{Debugging actions}
+Sometimes it is necessary to investigate how a program resolves file
+references. To make this practical, \KPS{} offers various levels of
+debugging output:
+\item[\texttt{\ 1}] \texttt{stat} calls (disk lookups). When running
+ with an up-to-date \file{ls-R} database this should almost give no
+ output.
+\item[\texttt{\ 2}] References to hash tables (such as \file{ls-R}
+ databases, map files, configuration files).
+\item[\texttt{\ 4}] File open and close operations.
+\item[\texttt{\ 8}] General path information for file types
+ searched by \KPS. This is useful to find out where a particular
+ path for the file was defined.
+\item[\texttt{16}] Directory list for each path element (only relevant
+ for searches on disk).
+\item[\texttt{32}] File searches.
+\item[\texttt{64}] Variable values.
+A value of \texttt{-1} will set all the above options; in practice,
+this is usually the most convenient.
+Similarly, with the \cmdname{dvips} program, by setting a combination of
+debug switches, one can follow in detail where files are being picked up
+from. Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace shows in
+which directories the program looks for the given file, so that one can
+get an indication what the problem~is.
+Generally speaking, as most programs call the \KPS{} library
+internally, one can select a debug option by using the
+\envname{KPATHSEA\_DEBUG} environment variable, and setting it to (a
+combination of) values as described in the above list.
+(Note for Windows users: it is not easy to redirect
+all messages to a file in this system. For diagnostic purposes
+you can temporarily \texttt{SET KPATHSEA\_DEBUG\_OUTPUT=err.log}).
+Let us consider, as an example, a small \LaTeX{} source file,
+\file{hello-world.tex}, which contains the following input.
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \begin{document}
+ Hello World!
+ \end{document}
+This little file only uses the font \file{cmr10}, so let us look at
+how \cmdname{dvips} prepares the \PS{} file (we want to use the Type~1
+version of the Computer Modern fonts, hence the option \texttt{-Pcms}).
+> \Ucom{dvips -d4100 hello-world -Pcms -o}
+In this case we have combined \cmdname{dvips}'s debug class 4 (font
+paths) with \KPS's path element expansion (see \cmdname{dvips} Reference
+Manual, \OnCD{texmf/doc/dvips/dvips.pdf}).
+The output (slightly rearranged) appears in
+\caption{Finding configuration files}\label{fig:dvipsdbga}
+\caption{Finding the prolog file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgb}
+\caption{Finding the font file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgc}
+\cmdname{dvips} starts by locating its working files. First,
+\file{texmf.cnf} is found, which gives the definitions of the search
+paths for the other files, then the file database \file{ls-R} (to
+optimize file searching) and the file \file{aliases}, which makes it
+possible to declare several names (e.g., a short \acro{DOS}-like 8.3 and
+a more natural longer version) for the same file. Then \cmdname{dvips}
+goes on to find the generic configuration file \file{}
+before looking for the customization file \file{.dvipsrc} (which, in
+this case is \emph{not found}). Finally, \cmdname{dvips} locates the
+config file for the Computer Modern \PS{} fonts \file{config.cms}
+(this was initiated with the \texttt{-Pcms} option on the \cmdname{dvips}
+command). This file contains the list of the map files which
+define the relation between the \TeX{}, \PS{} and file system
+names of the fonts.
+> \Ucom{more /usr/local/texmf/dvips/cms/config.cms}
+ p
+ p
+ p
+ p
+\cmdname{dvips} thus goes on to find all these files, plus the generic
+map file \file{}, which is always loaded (it contains
+declarations for commonly used \PS{} fonts; see the last part of
+Section \ref{sec:examples-of-use} for more details about \PS{} map
+file handling).
+At this point \cmdname{dvips} identifies itself to the user:
+This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{}:
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search( => /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{} (see
+After having found the file in question, \cmdname{dvips} outputs
+the date and time, and informs us that it will generate the
+file \file{}, then that it needs the font file
+\file{cmr10}, and that the latter is declared as ``resident'' (no
+bitmaps needed):
+TeX output 1998.02.26:1204' ->
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.0pt
+Font cmr10 <CMR10> is resident.
+Now the search is on for the file \file{cmr10.tfm}, which is found,
+then a few more prolog files (not shown) are referenced, and finally
+the Type~1 instance \file{cmr10.pfb} of the font is located and
+included in the output file (see last line).
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.tfm, must\_exist=1, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/fonts/tfm//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ /var/tex/fonts/tfm//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.tfm) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.pfb, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.pfb) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/cmr10.pfb
+\subsection{Runtime options}
+Another useful feature of \Webc{} is its possibility to control a number
+of memory parameters (in particular, array sizes) via the runtime file
+\file{texmf.cnf} read by \KPS{}. The memory settings can be found in
+Part~3 of that file in the \TL{} distribution. The more important
+ Total words of memory available, for
+ \TeX{}, \MF{} and \MP. You must make a new format file for each
+ different setting. For instance, you could generate a ``huge''
+ version of \TeX{}, and call the format file \texttt{hugetex.fmt}.
+ Using the standard way of specifying the program name used by \KPS{},
+ the particular value of the \texttt{main\_memory} variable will then
+ be read from \file{texmf.cnf}.
+ Extra space for ``large'' \TeX{} data structures:
+ boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if you use
+ \PiCTeX{}.
+ Number of words for font information available for \TeX. This
+ is more or less the total size of all \acro{TFM} files read.
+ Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names.
+ Only $\approx$10,000 control sequences can be stored in the main
+ hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. The default value of
+ \texttt{hash\_extra} is \texttt{50000}.
+\noindent Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic
+arrays and memory allocation, but since these are extremely difficult to
+implement in the present \TeX{} source, these runtime parameters provide
+a practical compromise allowing some flexibility.
+\section{Building on a new Unix platform}
+If you have a platform for which executables are not included, you will
+need to compile \TeX{} and friends. This is not as hard as it
+sounds. What you need is all in the directory \texttt{source} in the
+You will need at least 100 megabytes of disk space to compile all of
+\TeX{} and its support programs. You'll also need an \acro{ANSI} C
+compiler, a \cmdname{make} utility, a lexical scanner, and a parser
+generator. We recommend the \GNU version of these programs
+(\cmdname{gcc}, \GNU \cmdname{make}, \cmdname{m4}, \cmdname{flex},
+\cmdname{bison}). You may be able to work with other C compilers and
+\cmdname{make} programs, but you will need a good understanding of
+building Unix programs to sort out problems.
+Also, the command \texttt{uname} must return a sensible value.
+To begin, perform a normal installation of \TL{} to your disk (see
+section~\ref{sec:install-disk} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:install-disk}). You may wish to skip installing
+all of the prebuilt binaries.
+Then, unpack the source from the compressed \texttt{tar} file in the
+directory \dirname{source} to your disk and change directory to where
+you placed it.
+Next, run \cmdname{configure} with a command line like this:
+> \Ucom{sh configure -prefix=/usr/local/TeX}
+The \optname{-prefix} directory is the one where you installed the
+support tree; the directory layout will be as follows (where \$TEXDIR
+stands for the directory you chose):
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/share/texmf} & main tree with fonts,\\
+ & \qquad macros, etc\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/man} & Unix manual pages\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/info} & \GNU style Info manuals\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin/$PLATFORM} & binaries\\
+If you want to leave out the \dirname{$PLATFORM} directory level,
+i.e., put the binaries directly into \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin}, specify
+the \verb|--disable-multiplatform| option to \cmdname{configure}.
+Have a look at the output of \verb|./configure --help| for more
+options you can use. For example, you can skip building of \OMEGA{} and
+\subsection{Running \cmdname{make}}
+Make sure the shell variable or option \texttt{noclobber} is not set.
+Then, run the main \cmdname{make} like this:
+> \Ucom{make world}
+and relax\ldots
+Alternatively, you want to log all the output, as in:
+> \Ucom{sh -c "make world >world.log 2>\&1" \&}
+Before you believe that everything went ok, please check the log file
+for errors: \GNU \cmdname{make} always uses the string \samp{***}
+whenever a command fails. Also, check if all the programs were built:
+> \Ucom{cd \var{TEXDIR}/bin/\var{archname}}
+> \Ucom{ls | wc}
+The result should be over 200 (you can check the exact number with the
+\dirname{bin} directory contents in the distribution).
+If you need special privileges for \texttt{make install}, you can
+separate the \samp{make world} into two different runs, like this:
+> \Ucom{make all}
+> \Ucom{su}
+> \Ucom{make install strip}
+After you've installed your new binaries, you should follow the normal
+post-installation procedures, given in section~\ref{sec:postinstall}
+Also, if you'd like to make your binaries available to others, please
+contact us. We'll be happy to put them on the \TL\ web pages.
+\TL{} is a joint effort by virtually all of the \TeX{} user groups.
+This edition of \TL{} was overseen by Karl Berry. The other principal
+contributors, past and present, are listed below.
+\item The English, German, Dutch, and Polish \TeX{} user groups
+(\acro{TUG}, \acro{DANTE} e.V., \acro{NTG}, and \acro{GUST},
+respectively), which provide the necessary technical and administrative
+infrastructure. Please join the \TeX\ user group near you! (See
+\item The \acro{CTAN} team, notably Robin Fairbairns, Jim Hef{}feron,
+and Rainer Sch\"opf, which distributes the \TL{} images and provides the
+common infrastructure for package updates, upon which \TL{} depends.
+\item Nelson Beebe, for making many platforms available to \TL\
+developers, and his own comprehensive testing.
+\item John Bowman, for making many changes to his advanced graphics
+program Asymptote to make it work in \TL.
+\item Peter Breitenlohner and the \eTeX\ team for the stable foundation
+of future \TeX's, and Peter specifically for stellar help with \GNU\
+autotools usage throughout \TL.
+\item Jin-Hwan Cho and all of the DVIPDFM$x$ team, for their
+excellent driver and responsiveness to configuration issues.
+\item Thomas Esser, without whose marvelous \teTeX{} package \TL{}
+would have never existed.
+\item Michel Goossens, who co-authored the original documentation.
+\item Eitan Gurari, whose \TeX4ht is used to create the \HTML{}
+version of this documentation, and who worked tirelessly to improve it
+at short notice, every year. Eitan prematurely passed away in June
+2009, and we dedicate this documentation to his memory.
+\item Hans Hagen, for much testing and making his \ConTeXt\ format
+(\url{}) work within \TL's framework.
+\item \Thanh, Martin Schr\"oder, and the pdf\TeX\ team
+(\url{}) for continuing enhancements of \TeX's
+\item Hartmut Henkel, for significant development contributions to
+pdf\TeX\, Lua\TeX, and more.
+\item Taco Hoekwater, for major renewed development efforts on MetaPost and
+(Lua)\TeX\ (\url{}) itself, incorporating
+\ConTeXt\ into \TL, giving Kpathsea multi-threaded functionality, and
+much more.
+\item Pawe{\l} Jackowski, for the Windows installer \cmdname{tlpm},
+and Tomasz {\L}uczak, for \cmdname{tlpmgui}, used in past releases.
+\item Akira Kakuto, for providing the Windows
+binaries from his \acro{W32TEX} distribution for Japanese \TeX\
+(\url{}), and many other development contributions.
+\item Jonathan Kew, for developing the remarkable \XeTeX{} engine and
+taking the time and trouble to integrate it in \TL{}, as well as the
+initial version of the Mac\TeX\ installer, and also for our recommended
+front-end \TeX{}works.
+\item Dick Koch, for maintaining Mac\TeX\ (\url{})
+in very close tandem with \TL{}, and for his great good cheer in doing
+\item Reinhard Kotucha, for major contributions to the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, as well as Windows research efforts, the
+\texttt{getnonfreefonts} script, and more.
+\item Siep Kroonenberg, also for major contributions to the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, especially on Windows, and for the bulk of
+work updating this manual describing those features.
+\item Heiko Oberdiek, for the \pkgname{epstopdf} package and many
+others, compressing the huge \pkgname{pst-geo} data files so we could
+include them, and most of all, for his remarkable work on
+\item Petr Ol\v{s}ak, who coordinated and checked all the Czech and Slovak
+material very carefully.
+\item Toshio Oshima, for his \cmdname{dviout} previewer for Windows.
+\item Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard, for helping with package updates,
+documentation improvements, and \cmdname{texdoc} development.
+\item Fabrice Popineau, for the original Windows support in \TL{} and
+work on the French documentation.
+\item Norbert Preining, the principal architect of the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, and also for coordinating the Debian
+version of \TL{} (together with Frank K\"uster), making many suggestions
+along the way.
+\item Sebastian Rahtz, for originally creating \TL{} and maintaining it
+for many years.
+\item Phil Taylor, for setting up the BitTorrent downloads.
+\item Tomasz Trzeciak, for wide-ranging help with Windows.
+\item Vladimir Volovich, for substantial help with porting and other
+maintenance issues, and especially for making it feasible to include
+\item Staszek Wawrykiewicz, the principal tester for all of \TL{},
+and coordinator of the many major Polish contributions: fonts, Windows
+installation, and more.
+\item Olaf Weber, for his patient maintenance of \Webc.
+\item Gerben Wierda, for creating and maintaining the original \MacOSX\
+support, and much integration and testing.
+\item Graham Williams, on whose work the \TeX\ Catalogue of packages depends.
+Builders of the binaries:
+Alan Braslau (\pkgname{amd64-kfreebsd}, \pkgname{i386-kfreebsd}),
+Peter Breitenlohner (\pkgname{x86\_64-linux}),
+Karl Berry (\pkgname{i386-linux}, \pkgname{sparc-linux}),
+Ken Brown (\pkgname{i386-cygwin}),
+Akira Kakuto (\pkgname{win32}),
+Dick Koch (\pkgname{universal-darwin}, \pkgname{x86\_64-darwin}),
+Nikola Le\v{c}i\'c (\pkgname{amd64-freebsd}, \pkgname{i386-freebsd}),
+Norbert Preining (\pkgname{alpha-linux}),
+Jukka Salmi (\pkgname{i386-netbsd}),
+Thomas Schmitz (\pkgname{powerpc-linux}),
+Apostolos Syropoulos (\pkgname{i386-solaris}, \pkgname{x86\_64-solaris}),
+Vladimir Volovich (\pkgname{powerpc-aix}, \pkgname{sparc-solaris}),
+Olaf Weber (\pkgname{mips-irix}).
+For information on the \TL{} build process, see
+Current documentation translators:
+Boris Veytsman (Russian),
+Jjgod Jiang, Jinsong Zhao, Yue Wang, \& Helin Gai (Chinese),
+Klaus H\"oppner (German),
+Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard (French),
+Marco Pallante (Italian),
+Nikola Le\v{c}i\'c (Serbian),
+Petr Sojka \& Jan Busa (Czech\slash Slovak),
+Staszek Wawrykiewicz (Polish). The \TL{} documentation web page
+is \url{}.
+Of course the most important acknowledgement must go to Donald Knuth,
+first for inventing \TeX, and then for giving it to the world.
+\section{Release history}
+Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group was
+starting work on its 4All\TeX{} \CD{} for \acro{MS-DOS} users, and it
+was hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, \CD{} for all
+systems. This was too ambitious a target for the time, but it did spawn
+not only the very successful 4All\TeX{} \CD{}, but also the \acro{TUG}
+Technical Council working group on a \emph{\TeX{} Directory Structure}
+(\url{}), which specified how to create consistent and
+manageable collections of \TeX{} support files. A complete draft of the
+\TDS{} was published in the December 1995 issue of \textsl{TUGboat}, and
+it was clear from an early stage that one desirable product would be a
+model structure on \CD{}. The distribution you now have is a very direct
+result of the working group's deliberations. It was also clear that the
+success of the 4All\TeX{} \CD{} showed that Unix users would benefit
+from a similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of
+We first undertook to make a new Unix-based \TDS{} \CD{} in the autumn
+of 1995, and quickly identified Thomas Esser's \teTeX{} as the ideal
+setup, as it already had multi-platform support and was built with
+portability across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and work
+began seriously at the start of 1996. The first edition was released in
+May 1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a major new release
+of Web2c, which included nearly all the features which Thomas Esser had
+added in \teTeX, and we decided to base the 2nd edition of the \CD{} on
+the standard \Webc, with the addition of \teTeX's \texttt{texconfig}
+script. The 3rd edition of the \CD{} was based on a major revision of
+\Webc, 7.2, by Olaf Weber; at the same time, a new revision of \teTeX
+was being made, and \TL{} included almost all of its features. The
+4th edition followed the same pattern, using a new version of \teTeX,
+and a new release of \Webc{} (7.3). The system now included a complete
+Windows setup.
+For the 5th edition (March 2000) many parts of the \CD{} were revised
+and checked, updating hundreds of packages. Package details were stored
+in XML files. But the major change for \TeX\ Live 5 was that all
+non-free software was removed. Everything in \TL{} is now intended
+to be compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
+(\url{}); we have done our best to check
+the license conditions of all packages, but we would very much
+appreciate hearing of any mistakes.
+The 6th edition (July 2001) had much more material updated. The major
+change was a new install concept: the user could select a more exact set
+of needed collections. Language-related collections were completely
+reorganized, so selecting any of them installs not only macros, fonts,
+etc., but also prepares an appropriate \texttt{language.dat}.
+The 7th edition of 2002 had the notable addition of \MacOSX{} support,
+and the usual myriad of updates to all sorts of packages and
+programs. An important goal was integration of the source back with
+\teTeX, to correct the drift apart in versions~5 and~6.
+In 2003, with the continuing flood of updates and additions, we found
+that \TL{} had grown so large it could no longer be contained on a
+single \CD, so we split it into three different distributions (see
+section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists}, \p.\pageref{sec:tl-coll-dists}). In
+\item At the request of the \LaTeX{} team, we changed the standard
+ \cmdname{latex} and \cmdname{pdflatex} commands to now use \eTeX{} (see
+ \p.\pageref{text:etex}).
+\item The new Latin Modern fonts were included (and are recommended).
+\item Support for Alpha \acro{OSF} was removed
+ (\acro{HPUX} support was removed previously), since no one had (or
+ volunteered) hardware available on which to compile new binaries.
+\item Windows setup was substantially changed; for the first time
+ an integrated environment based on XEmacs was introduced.
+\item Important supplementary programs for Windows
+ (Perl, Ghost\-script, Image\-Magick, Ispell) are now installed
+ in the \TL{} installation directory.
+\item Font map files used by \cmdname{dvips}, \cmdname{dvipdfm}
+ and \cmdname{pdftex} are now generated by the new program
+ \cmdname{updmap} and installed into \dirname{texmf/fonts/map}.
+\item \TeX{}, \MF{}, and \MP{} now, by default, output most input
+ characters (32 and above) as themselves in output (e.g.,
+ \verb|\write|) files,
+ log files, and the terminal, i.e., \emph{not} translated using the
+ \verb|^^| notation. In \TL{}~7, this translation was
+ dependent on the system locale settings; now, locale settings do
+ not influence the \TeX{} programs' behavior. If for some reason
+ you need the \verb|^^| output, rename the file
+ \verb|texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx|. (Future releases will have cleaner
+ ways to control this.)
+\item This documentation was substantially revised.
+\item Finally, since the edition numbers had grown unwieldy,
+ the version is now simply identified by the year: \TL{} 2003.
+2004 saw many changes:
+\item If you have locally-installed fonts which use their own
+\filename{.map} or (much less likely) \filename{.enc} support files, you
+may need to move those support files.
+\filename{.map} files are now searched for in subdirectories of
+\dirname{fonts/map} only (in each \filename{texmf} tree), along the
+\envname{TEXFONTMAPS} path. Similarly, \filename{.enc} files are now
+searched for in subdirectories of \dirname{fonts/enc} only, along the
+\envname{ENCFONTS} path. \cmdname{updmap} will attempt to warn about
+problematic files.
+For methods of handling this and other information, please see
+\item The \TK\ has been expanded with the addition of a \MIKTEX-based
+installable \CD, for those who prefer that implementation to Web2C.
+See section~\ref{sec:overview-tl} (\p.\pageref{sec:overview-tl}).
+\item Within \TL, the single large \dirname{texmf} tree of previous
+releases has been replaced by three: \dirname{texmf},
+\dirname{texmf-dist}, and \dirname{texmf-doc}. See
+section~\ref{sec:tld} (\p.\pageref{sec:tld}), and the \filename{README}
+files for each.
+\item All \TeX-related input files are now collected in
+the \dirname{tex} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, rather than
+having separate sibling directories \dirname{tex}, \dirname{etex},
+\dirname{pdftex}, \dirname{pdfetex}, etc. See
+\item Helper scripts (not meant to be invoked by users) are now located
+in a new \dirname{scripts} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, and
+can be searched for via \verb|kpsewhich -format=texmfscripts|. So if you have
+programs which call such scripts, they'll need to be adjusted. See
+\item Almost all formats leave most characters printable as
+themselves via the ``translation file'' \filename{cp227.tcx}, instead of
+translating them with the \verb|^^| notation. Specifically, characters
+at positions 32--256, plus tab, vertical tab, and form feed are
+considered printable and not translated. The exceptions are plain \TeX\
+(only 32--126 printable), \ConTeXt\ (0--255 printable), and the
+\OMEGA-related formats. This default behavior is almost the same as in
+\TL\,2003, but it's implemented more cleanly, with more possibilities
+for customization. See \CDref{texmf/doc/web2c/web2c.html\#TCX-files}
+(By the way, with Unicode input, \TeX\ may output partial character
+sequences when showing error contexts, since it is byte-oriented.)
+\item \textsf{pdfetex} is now the default engine for all formats
+except (plain) \textsf{tex} itself. (Of course it generates \acro{DVI}
+when run as \textsf{latex}, etc.) This means, among other things, that
+the microtypographic features of \textsf{pdftex} are available in
+\LaTeX, \ConTeXt, etc., as well as the \eTeX\ features
+It also means it's \emph{more important than ever} to use the
+\pkgname{ifpdf} package (works with both plain and \LaTeX) or equivalent
+code, because simply testing whether \cs{pdfoutput} or some other
+primitive is defined is not a reliable way to determine if \acro{PDF}
+output is being generated. We made this backward compatible as best we
+could this year, but next year, \cs{pdfoutput} may be defined even when
+\acro{DVI} is being written.
+\item pdf\TeX\ (\url{}) has many new features:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cs{pdfmapfile} and \cs{pdfmapline} provide font map support
+ from within a document.
+ \item Microtypographic font expansion can be used more easily.\\
+ \url{}
+ \item All parameters previously set through the special configuration
+ file \filename{pdftex.cfg} must now be set through primitives,
+ typically in \filename{pdftexconfig.tex}; \filename{pdftex.cfg} is no
+ longer supported. Any extant \filename{.fmt} files must be redumped
+ when \filename{pdftexconfig.tex} is changed.
+ \item See the pdf\TeX\ manual for more: \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+\item The \cs{input} primitive in \cmdname{tex} (and \cmdname{mf} and
+\cmdname{mpost}) now accepts double quotes containing spaces and other
+special characters. Typical examples:
+\input "filename with spaces" % plain
+\input{"filename with spaces"} % latex
+See the Web2C manual for more: \OnCD{texmf/doc/web2c}.
+\item enc\TeX\ support is now included within Web2C and consequently all
+\TeX\ programs, via the \optname{-enc} option\Dash \emph{only when
+formats are built}. enc\TeX\ supports general re-encoding of input and
+output, enabling full support of Unicode (in \acro{UTF}-8). See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/enctex/} and
+\item Aleph, a new engine combining \eTeX\ and \OMEGA, is available.
+A little information is available in \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base}
+and \url{}. The
+\LaTeX-based format for Aleph is named \textsf{lamed}.
+\item The latest \LaTeX\ release has a new version of the
+\acro{LPPL}\Dash now officially a Debian-approved license. Assorted
+other updates, see the \filename{ltnews} files in
+\item \cmdname{dvipng}, a new program for converting \acro{DVI} to
+\acro{PNG} image files, is included. See \OnCD{texmf/doc/man/man1/dvipng.1}.
+\item We reduced the \pkgname{cbgreek} package to a ``medium'' sized set
+of fonts, with the assent and advice of the author (Claudio Beccari).
+The excised fonts are the invisible, outline, and transparency ones,
+which are relatively rarely used, and we needed the space. The full set
+is of course available from \acro{CTAN}
+\item \cmdname{oxdvi} has been removed; just use \cmdname{xdvi}.
+\item The \cmdname{ini} and \cmdname{vir} commands (links) for
+\cmdname{tex}, \cmdname{mf}, and \cmdname{mpost} are no longer created,
+such as \cmdname{initex}. The \cmdname{ini} functionality has been
+available through the command-line option \optname{-ini} for years now.
+\item \textsf{i386-openbsd} platform support was removed. Since the
+\pkgname{tetex} package in the \acro{BSD} Ports system is available, and
+\acro{GNU/}Linux and Free\acro{BSD} binaries were available, it seemed
+volunteer time could be better spent elsewhere.
+\item On \textsf{sparc-solaris} (at least), you may have to set the
+\envname{LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH} environment variable to run the
+\pkgname{t1utils} programs. This is because they are compiled with C++,
+and there is no standard location for the runtime libraries. (This is
+not new in 2004, but wasn't previously documented.) Similarly, on
+\textsf{mips-irix}, the \acro{MIPS}pro 7.4 runtimes are required.
+2005 saw the usual huge number of updates to packages and programs.
+The infrastructure stayed relatively stable from 2004, but inevitably
+there were some changes there as well:
+\item New scripts \cmdname{texconfig-sys}, \cmdname{updmap-sys}, and
+ \cmdname{fmtutil-sys} were introduced, which modify the
+ configuration in the system trees. The \cmdname{texconfig},
+ \cmdname{updmap}, and \cmdname{fmtutil} scripts now modify
+ user-specific files, under \dirname{$HOME/.texlive2005}.
+\item Corresponding new variables \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} to specify the trees where configuration
+ files (user or system, respectively) are found. Thus, you may
+ need to move personal versions of \filename{fmtutil.cnf} and
+ \filename{updmap.cfg} to these places; another option is to
+ redefine \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} or \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} in
+ \filename{texmf.cnf}. In any case the real location of these files
+ and the values of \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ must agree.
+ See section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}, \p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}.
+\item Last year, we kept \verb|\pdfoutput| and other primitives undefined
+ for \dvi\ output, even though the \cmdname{pdfetex} program was
+ being used. This year, as promised, we undid that compatibility
+ measure. So if your document uses \verb|\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined|
+ to test if PDF is being output, it will need to be changed. You
+ can use the package \pkgname{ifpdf.sty} (which works under both
+ plain \TeX\ and \LaTeX) to do this, or steal its logic.
+\item Last year, we changed most formats to output (8-bit) characters as
+ themselves (see previous section). The new TCX file
+ \filename{empty.tcx} now provides an easier way to get the
+ original \verb|^^| notation if you so desire, as in:
+latex --translate-file=empty.tcx yourfile.tex
+\item The new program \cmdname{dvipdfmx} is included for translation of
+ DVI to PDF; this is an actively maintained update of
+ \cmdname{dvipdfm} (which is also still available for now, though
+ no longer recommended).
+\item The new programs \cmdname{pdfopen} and \cmdname{pdfclose} are included
+ to allow reloading of pdf files in the Adobe Acrobat Reader without
+ restarting the program. (Other pdf readers, notably \cmdname{xpdf},
+ \cmdname{gv}, and \cmdname{gsview}, have never suffered from this
+ problem.)
+\item For consistency, the variables \envname{HOMETEXMF} and
+ \envname{VARTEXMF} have been renamed to \envname{TEXMFHOME} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}, respectively. There is also
+ \envname{TEXMFVAR}, which is by default user-specific. See the
+ first point above.
+In 2006--2007, the major new addition to \TL{} was the \XeTeX{} program,
+available as the \texttt{xetex} and \texttt{xelatex} programs; see
+MetaPost also received a notable update, with more planned for the
+future (\url{}), likewise pdf\TeX{}
+The \TeX\ \filename{.fmt} (high-speed format) and the similar files for
+MetaPost and \MF\ are now stored in subdirectories of \dirname{texmf/web2c},
+instead of in the directory itself (although the directory is still
+searched, for the sake of existing \filename{.fmt}'s). The
+subdirectories are named for the `engine' in use, such as \filename{tex}
+or \filename{pdftex} or \filename{xetex}. This change should be
+invisible in normal use.
+The (plain) \texttt{tex} program no longer reads \texttt{\%\&} first
+lines to determine what format to run; it is the pure Knuthian \TeX.
+(\LaTeX\ and everything else do still read \texttt{\%\&} lines).
+Of course the year also saw (the usual) hundreds of other updates to
+packages and programs. As usual, please check \acro{CTAN}
+(\url{}) for updates.
+Internally, the source tree is now stored in Subversion, with a standard
+web interface for viewing the tree, as linked from our home page.
+Although not visible in the final distribution, we expect this will
+provide a stable development foundation for future years.
+Finally, in May 2006 Thomas Esser announced that he would no longer be
+updating te\TeX{} (\url{}). As a result, there was
+been a surge of interest in \TL{}, especially among \GNU/Linux
+distributors. (There is a new \texttt{tetex} installation scheme in
+\TL{}, which provides an approximate equivalent.) We hope this will
+eventually translate to improvements in the \TeX\ environment for
+In 2008, the entire \TL{} infrastructure was redesigned and
+reimplemented. Complete information about an installation is now stored
+in a plain text file \filename{tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb}.
+Among other things, this finally makes possible upgrading a \TL{}
+installation over the Internet after the initial installation, a feature
+MiK\TeX\ has provided for many years. We expect to regularly update new
+packages as they are released to \CTAN.
+The major new engine Lua\TeX\ (\url{}) is included;
+besides a new level of flexibility in typesetting, this provides an
+excellent scripting language for use both inside and outside of \TeX\
+Support among Windows and the Unix-based platforms is now much more
+uniform. In particular, most Perl and Lua scripts are now available on
+Windows, using the Perl internally distributed with \TL.
+The new \cmdname{tlmgr} script (section~\ref{sec:tlmgr}) is the
+general interface for managing \TL{} after the initial installation.
+It handles package updates and consequent regeneration of formats, map
+files, and language files, optionally including local additions.
+With the advent of \cmdname{tlmgr}, the \cmdname{texconfig} actions to
+edit the format and hyphenation configuration files are now disabled.
+The \cmdname{xindy} indexing program
+(\url{}) is now included on most platforms.
+The \cmdname{kpsewhich} tool can now report all matches for a given file
+(option \optname{--all}) and limit matches to a given subdirectory
+(option \optname{--subdir}).
+The \cmdname{dvipdfmx} program now includes functionality to extract
+bounding box information, via the command name \cmdname{extractbb}; this
+was one of the last features provided by \cmdname{dvipdfm} not in
+The font aliases \filename{Times-Roman}, \filename{Helvetica}, and so on
+have been removed. Different packages expected them to behave
+differently (in particular, to have different encodings), and there was
+no good way to resolve this.
+The \pkgname{platex} format has been removed, to resolve a name conflict
+with a completely different Japanese \pkgname{platex}; the
+\pkgname{polski} package is now the main Polish support.
+Internally, the \web\ string pool files are now compiled into the
+binaries, to ease upgrades.
+Finally, the changes made by Donald Knuth in his `\TeX\ tuneup of 2008'
+are included in this release. See
+In 2009, the default output format for Lua\AllTeX\ is now PDF, to take
+advantage of Lua\TeX's OpenType support, et al. New executables named
+\code{dviluatex} and \code{dvilualatex} run Lua\TeX\ with DVI output.
+The Lua\TeX\ home page is \url{}.
+The original Omega engine and Lambda format have been excised, after
+discussions with the Omega authors. The updated Aleph and Lamed remain,
+as do the Omega utilities.
+A new release of the AMS \TypeI\ fonts is included, including Computer
+Modern: a few shape changes made over the years by Knuth in the Metafont
+sources have been integrated, and the hinting has been updated. The
+Euler fonts have been thoroughly reshaped by Hermann Zapf (see
+\url{}). In
+all cases, the metrics remain unchanged. The AMS fonts home page is
+The new GUI front end \TeX{}works is included for Windows, and also in
+Mac\TeX. For other platforms, and more information, see the \TeX{}works
+home page, \url{}. It is a cross-platform front
+end inspired by the \MacOSX\ TeXShop editor, aiming at ease-of-use.
+The graphics program Asymptote is included for several platforms. This
+implements a text-based graphics description language vaguely akin to
+MetaPost, but with advanced 3D support and other features. Its home
+page is \url{}.
+The separate \code{dvipdfm} program has been replaced by
+\code{dvipdfmx}, which operates in a special compatibility mode under
+that name. \code{dvipdfmx} includes \acro{CJK} support and has
+accumulated many other fixes over the years since the last
+\code{dvipdfm} release. The DVIPDFMx home page is
+Executables for the \pkgname{cygwin} and \pkgname{i386-netbsd} platforms
+are now included, while we were advised that Open\acro{BSD} users get
+\TeX\ through their package systems, plus there were difficulties in
+making binaries that have a chance of working on more than one version.
+A miscellany of smaller changes: we now use \pkgname{xz} compression,
+the stable replacement for \pkgname{lzma}
+(\url{}); a literal |$| is allowed in filenames
+when it does not introduce a known variable name; the Kpathsea library
+is now multi-threaded (made use of in MetaPost); the entire \TL{} build
+is now based on Automake.
+Final note on the past: all releases of \TL{}, along with ancillary
+material such as \CD\ labels, are available at
+\label{sec:2010news} % keep with 2010
+In 2010, the default version for PDF output is now 1.5, enabling more
+compression. This applies to all the \TeX\ engines when used to produce
+PDF and to \code{dvipdfmx}. Loading the \pkgname{pdf14} \LaTeX\ package
+changes back to PDF~1.4, or set |\pdfminorversion=4|.
+pdf\AllTeX\ now \emph{automatically} converts a requested Encapsulated
+PostScript (EPS) file to PDF, via the \pkgname{epstopdf} package, when
+and if the \LaTeX\ \code{graphics.cfg} configuration file is loaded, and
+PDF is being output. The default options are intended to eliminate any
+chance of hand-created PDF files being overwritten, but you can also
+prevent \code{epstopdf} from being loaded at all by putting
+|\newcommand{\DoNotLoadEpstopdf}{}| (or |\def...|) before the
+\cs{documentclass} declaration. It is also not loaded if the
+\pkgname{pst-pdf} package is used. For more details, see the
+\pkgname{epstopdf} package documentation
+A related change is that execution of a very few external commands from
+\TeX, via the \cs{write18} feature, is now enabled by default. These
+are commands are \code{repstopdf}, \code{makeindex}, \code{kpsewhich},
+\code{bibtex}, and \code{bibtex8}; the list is defined in
+\code{texmf.cnf}. Environments which must disallow all such external
+commands can deselect this option in the installer (see
+section~\ref{sec:options}), or override the value after installation by
+running |tlmgr conf texmf shell_escape 0|.
+Yet another related change is that \BibTeX\ and Makeindex now refuse to
+write their output files to an arbitrary directory (like \TeX\ itself),
+by default. This is so they can now be enabled for use by the
+restricted \cs{write18}. To change this, the \envname{TEXMFOUTPUT}
+environment variable can be set, or the |openout_any| setting changed.
+\XeTeX\ now supports margin kerning along the same lines as pdf\TeX.
+(Font expansion is not presently supported.)
+By default, \prog{tlmgr} now saves one backup of each package updated
+(\code{tlmgr option autobackup 1}), so broken packages updates can be
+easily reverted with \code{tlmgr restore}. If you do post-install
+updates, and don't have the disk space for the backups, run \code{tlmgr
+option autobackup 0}.
+New programs included: the p\TeX\ engine and related utilities for
+typesetting Japanese; the \BibTeX{}U program for Unicode-enabled
+\BibTeX; the \prog{chktex} utility
+(\url{}) for checking \AllTeX\
+documents; the \prog{dvisvgm} (\url{})
+DVI-to-SVG translator.
+Executables for these new platforms are now included: \code{amd64-freebsd},
+\code{amd64-kfreebsd}, \code{i386-freebsd}, \code{i386-kfreebsd},
+\code{x86\_64-darwin}, \code{x86\_64-solaris}.
+A change in \TL{} 2009 that we failed to note: numerous \TeX4ht-related
+executables (\url{}) were removed from the binary
+directories. The generic \code{mk4ht} program can be used to run any of
+the various \code{tex4ht} combinations.
+Finally, the \TL{} release on the \TK\ \DVD\ can no longer be run
+live (oddly enough). A single \DVD\ no longer has enough room. One
+benefit is that installation from the physical \DVD\ should now be much
+\emph{\TL{} is not perfect!} (And never will be.) We intend to
+continue to release new versions, and would like to provide more help
+material, more utilities, more installation programs, and (of course) an
+ever-improved and better-checked tree of macros and fonts. This work is
+all done by volunteers in their spare time, and so there is always more
+to do. Please see \url{}.
+Please send corrections, suggestions, and offers of help to:
+\email{} \\
+\noindent \textsl{Happy \TeX ing!}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2011.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2011.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..540c2e7df6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-2011.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3303 @@
+% $Id: texlive-en.tex 22906 2011-06-10 23:20:20Z karl $
+% TeX Live documentation. Originally written by Sebastian Rahtz and
+% Michel Goossens, now maintained by Karl Berry and others.
+% Public domain.
+\let\tldocenglish=1 % for live4ht.cfg
+\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % translators: use your preferred encodings.
+ {\huge \textit{The \TeX\ Live Guide}\\\smallskip}%
+ {\LARGE \textsf{\TL{} 2011}}%
+\author{Karl Berry, editor \\[3mm]
+ \url{}
+ }
+\date{June 2011}
+\subsection{\TeX\ Live and the \TeX\ Collection}
+This document describes the main features of the \TL{} software
+distribution\Dash \TeX{} and related programs for \GNU/Linux
+and other Unix flavors, \MacOSX, and Windows systems.
+You may have acquired \TL{} by downloading, or on the \TK{} \DVD, which
+\TeX{} user groups distribute among their members, or in other ways.
+Section \ref{sec:tl-coll-dists} briefly describes the contents of the
+\DVD. Both \TL{} and the \TK{} are cooperative efforts by the \TeX{}
+user groups. This document mainly describes \TL{} itself.
+\TL{} includes executables for \TeX{}, \LaTeXe{}, \ConTeXt,
+\MF, \MP, \BibTeX{} and many other programs; an extensive collection
+of macros, fonts and documentation; and support for typesetting in
+many different scripts from around the world.
+For a brief summary of the major changes in this edition of \TL{},
+see the end of the document, section~\ref{sec:history}
+\subsection{Operating system support}
+\TL{} contains binaries for many Unix-based platforms, including
+\GNU/Linux, \MacOSX, and Cygwin. The included sources can be compiled
+on platforms for which we do not provide binaries.
+As to Windows: Windows \acro{XP} and later are supported. Windows~2000
+will probably still mostly work. There are no special 64-bit
+executables for Windows, but the 32-bit executables should run on 64-bit
+See section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists} for alternate solutions
+for Windows and \MacOSX.
+\subsection{Basic installation of \protect\TL{}}
+You can install \TL{} either from \DVD{} or over the Internet
+(\url{}). The net installer itself is
+small, and downloads everything requested from the Internet.
+The \DVD{} installer lets you install to a local disk. You cannot run
+\TL{} directly from the \TK{} \DVD{} (or its \code{.iso} image), but you
+can prepare a runnable installation on, e.g., a \USB{} stick (see
+section~\ref{sec:portable-tl}). Installation is described in later
+sections (\p.\pageref{sec:install}), but here is a quick start:
+\item The installation script is named \filename{install-tl}. It can
+ operate in a ``wizard mode'' given the option \code{-gui=wizard}
+ (default for Windows), a text mode given \code{-gui=text} (default for
+ everything else), and an expert \GUI{} mode given \code{-gui=perltk}.
+\item One of the installed items is the `\TL\ Manager' program,
+ named \prog{tlmgr}. Like the installer, it can be used in both \GUI{}
+ mode and in text mode. You can use it to install and uninstall
+ packages and do various configuration tasks.
+\subsection{Security considerations}
+To the best of our knowledge, the core \TeX\ programs themselves are
+(and always have been) extremely robust. However, the contributed
+programs in \TeX\ Live may not reach the same level, despite everyone's
+best efforts. As always, you should be careful when running programs on
+untrusted input; for maximum safety, use a new subdirectory.
+This need for care is especially urgent on Windows, since in general
+Windows finds programs in the current directory before anything else,
+regardless of the search path. This opens up a wide variety of possible
+attacks. We have closed many holes, but undoubtedly some remain,
+especially with third-party programs. Thus, we recommend checking for
+suspicious files in the current directory, especially executables
+(binaries or scripts). Ordinarily they should not be present, and
+definitely should not normally be created by merely processing a document.
+Finally, \TeX\ (and its companion programs) are able to write files when
+processing documents, a feature that can also be abused in a wide
+variety of ways. Again, processing unknown documents in a new
+subdirectory is the safest bet.
+\subsection{Getting help}
+The \TeX{} community is active and friendly, and most serious questions
+end up getting answered. However, the support is informal, done by
+volunteers and casual readers, so it's especially important that you do
+your homework before asking. (If you prefer guaranteed commercial
+support, you can forgo \TL{} completely and purchase a vendor's system;
+\url{} has a list.)
+Here is a list of resources, approximately in the order we recommend
+using them:
+\item [Getting Started] If you are new to \TeX, the web page
+\url{} gives a brief introduction to the system.
+\item [\TeX{} \acro{FAQ}] The \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} is a huge compendium
+ of answers to all sorts of questions, from the most basic to the
+ most arcane. It is included on \TL{} in
+ \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/FAQ-en/html/index.html}, and is available
+ on the Internet through \url{}. Please
+ check here first.
+\item [\TeX{} Catalogue] If you are looking for a specific package,
+font, program, etc., the \TeX{} Catalogue is the place to look. It is a
+huge collection of all \TeX{}-related items. See
+\item [\TeX{} Web Resources] The web page
+\url{} has many \TeX{}-related links, in
+particular for numerous books, manuals, and articles on all aspects of
+the system.
+\item [support archives] The two principal support forums are the
+Usenet newsgroup \url{news:comp.text.tex} and the mailing list
+\email{}. Their archives have years of past
+questions and answers for your searching pleasure, via
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively. And a general web
+search, for example on \url{}, never hurts.
+\item [asking questions] If you cannot find an answer, you can post to
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} through Google or your newsreader, or to
+\email{} through email. But before you post,
+\emph{please} read this \acro{FAQ} entry, to maximize
+your chances of getting a useful answer:
+Also worth mentioning are the \LaTeX{} Community site at
+\url{} and its forum
+\url{}, and
+\TeX\ StackExchange at \url{}.
+\item [\TL{} support] If you want to report a bug or have
+suggestions or comments on the \TL{} distribution, installation, or
+documentation, the mailing list is \email{}. However,
+if your question is about how to use a particular program included in
+\TL{}, please write to that program's maintainer or
+mailing list. Often running a program with the \code{-{}-help} option
+will provide a bug reporting address.
+The other side of the coin is helping others who have questions. Both
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} and \code{texhax} are open to anyone, so feel
+free to join, start reading, and help out where you can.
+% don't use \TL so the \uppercase in the headline works. Also so
+% tex4ht ends up with the right TeX. Likewise the \protect's.
+\section{Overview of \protect\TeX\protect\ Live}
+This section describes the contents of \TL{} and the \TK{} of which it
+is a part.
+\subsection{The \protect\TeX\protect\ Collection: \TL, pro\TeX{}t, Mac\TeX}
+The \TK{} \DVD{} comprises the following:
+\item [\TL] A complete \TeX{} system to be installed to disk. Its home
+page is \url{}.
+\item [Mac\TeX] for \MacOSX, this adds a native \MacOSX\ installer and other
+Mac applications to \TL{}. Its home page is
+\item [pro\TeX{}t] An enhancement of the \MIKTEX\ distribution for Windows,
+\ProTeXt\ adds a few extra tools to \MIKTEX, and simplifies
+installation. It is entirely independent of \TL{}, and has its own
+installation instructions. The \ProTeXt\ home page is
+\item [CTAN] A snapshot of the \CTAN{} repository (\url{}).
+\item [\texttt{texmf-extra}] A directory with assorted additional packages.
+\CTAN{}, \pkgname{protext}, and \dirname{texmf-extra} do not
+necessarily follow the same copying conditions as \TL{}, so be careful
+when redistributing or modifying.
+\subsection{Top level \TL{} directories}
+Here is a brief listing and description of the top level directories in a
+\TL{} installation.
+\item[bin] The \TeX{} system programs, arranged by platform.
+\item[readme-*.dir] Quick overview and useful links for \TL{},
+in various languages, in both \HTML{} and plain text.
+\item[source] The source to all included programs, including the main
+ \Webc{}-based \TeX{} distributions.
+\item[texmf] See \dirname{TEXMFMAIN} below.
+\item[texmf-dist] See \dirname{TEXMFDIST} below.
+\item[tlpkg] Scripts, programs and data for managing the
+ installation, and special support for Windows.
+In addition to the directories above, the installation scripts and
+\filename{README} files (in various languages) are at the top level of
+the distribution.
+For documentation, the comprehensive links in the top-level file
+\OnCD{doc.html} may be helpful. The documentation for the programs
+(manuals, man pages, Info files) is in \dirname{texmf/doc}. The
+documentation for \TeX\ packages and formats is in
+\dirname{texmf-dist/doc}. You can use the \cmdname{texdoc} program to
+find any documentation wherever it is located.
+This \TL\ documentation itself is in \dirname{texmf/doc/texlive},
+available in several languages:
+\item{Czech/Slovak:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-cz}
+\item{German:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-de}
+\item{English:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-en}
+\item{French:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-fr}
+\item{Italian:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-it}
+\item{Polish:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-pl}
+\item{Russian:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-ru}
+\item{Serbian:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-sr}
+\item{Simplified Chinese:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-zh-cn}
+\subsection{Overview of the predefined texmf trees}
+This section lists the predefined variables specifying the texmf trees
+used by the system, and their intended purpose, and the default layout
+of \TL{}. The command \texttt{tlmgr~conf} shows the values of these
+variables, so that you can easily find out how they map to particular
+directories in your installation.
+All of the trees, including the personal ones, should follow the \TeX\
+Directory Structure (\TDS, \url{}), with all its
+myriad subdirectories, or files may not be found. Section
+\ref{sec:local-personal-macros} (\p.\pageref{sec:local-personal-macros})
+describes this in more detail.
+\item [TEXMFMAIN] The tree which holds vital parts of the
+ system such as configuration files, helper scripts, and program
+ documentation.
+\item [TEXMFDIST] The tree which holds the main set of macro packages,
+ fonts, etc.
+\item [TEXMFLOCAL] The tree which administrators can use for system-wide
+ installation of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+\item [TEXMFHOME] The tree which users can use for their own individual
+ installations of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+ The expansion of this variable dynamically adjusts for each user to
+ their own individual directory.
+\item [TEXMFCONFIG] The (personal) tree used by the utilities
+ \verb+texconfig+, \verb+updmap+, and \verb+fmtutil+ to store modified
+ configuration data.
+\item [TEXMFSYSCONFIG] The (site-wide) tree used by the utilities
+ \verb+texconfig-sys+, \verb+updmap-sys+, and \verb+fmtutil-sys+ to
+ store modified configuration data.
+\item [TEXMFVAR] The (personal) tree used by \verb+texconfig+,
+ \verb+updmap+ and \verb+fmtutil+ to store (cached) runtime data such
+ as format files and generated map files.
+\item [TEXMFSYSVAR] The (site-wide) tree used by \verb+texconfig-sys+,
+ \verb+updmap-sys+ and \verb+fmtutil-sys+, and also by \verb+tlmgr+, to
+ store (cached) runtime data such as format files and generated map files.
+\item [TEXMFCACHE] The tree(s) used by \ConTeXt\ Mk\acro{IV}
+ to store (cached) runtime data.
+The default layout is:
+ \item[system-wide root] can span multiple \TL{} releases:
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item[2010] A previous release.
+ \item[2011] The current release.
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [bin] ~
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [i386-linux] \GNU/Linux binaries
+ \item [...]
+ \item [universal-darwin] \MacOSX\ binaries
+ \item [win32] Windows binaries
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ] This is \envname{TEXMFMAIN}.
+ \item [texmf-dist\ \ ] \envname{TEXMFDIST}
+ \item [texmf-var \ \ ] \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}
+ \item [texmf-config] \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf-local] \envname{TEXMFLOCAL}, intended to be
+ retained from release to release.
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item[user's home] (\texttt{\$HOME} or
+ \texttt{\%USERPROFILE\%})
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item[.texlive2010] Privately generated and configuration data
+ for a previous release.
+ \item[.texlive2011] Privately generated and configuration data
+ for the current release.
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf-var\ \ \ ] \envname{TEXMFVAR}, \envname{TEXMFCACHE}
+ \item [texmf-config] \envname{TEXMFCONFIG}
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item[texmf] \envname{TEXMFHOME} Personal macros, etc.
+ \end{ttdescription}
+\subsection{Extensions to \protect\TeX}
+Knuth's original \TeX{} itself is frozen, apart from rare bug fixes. It
+is still present in \TL\ as the program \prog{tex}, and will remain so
+for the foreseeable future. \TL{} contains several extended versions of
+\item [\eTeX] adds a set of new primitives
+\label{text:etex} (related to macro expansion, character scanning,
+classes of marks, additional debugging features, and more) and the
+\TeXXeT{} extensions for bidirectional typesetting. In default mode,
+\eTeX{} is 100\% compatible with ordinary \TeX. See
+\item [pdf\TeX] builds on the \eTeX\ extensions, adding support for
+writing \acro{PDF} output as well as \dvi{}, and many non-output-related
+extensions. This is the program invoked for most formats, e.g.,
+\prog{etex}, \prog{latex}, \prog{pdflatex}. Its web site is
+\url{}. See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf} for the manual, and
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/samplepdf/samplepdf.tex} for example
+usage of some of its features.
+\item [Lua\TeX] is the designated successor of pdf\TeX,
+and is mostly (but not entirely) backward-compatible. It is also
+intended to be a functional superset of Aleph (see below), though
+technical compatibility is not intended. The incorporated Lua
+interpreter (\url{}) enables elegant solutions for
+many thorny \TeX{} problems. When called as \filename{texlua}, it
+functions as a standalone Lua interpreter, and is already used as such
+within \TL. Its web site is \url{}, and the
+reference manual is \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/luatex/luatexref-t.pdf}.
+\item [\XeTeX] adds support for Unicode input and OpenType- and system
+fonts, implemented using standard third-party libraries. See
+\item [\OMEGA\ (Omega)] is based on Unicode (16-bit characters), thus
+supports working with almost all the world's scripts simultaneously. It
+also supports so-called `\OMEGA{} Translation Processes' (\acro{OTP}s),
+for performing complex transformations on arbitrary input. Omega is no
+longer included in \TL{} as a separate program; only Aleph is provided:
+\item [Aleph] combines the \OMEGA\ and \eTeX\ extensions.
+See \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base}.
+\subsection{Other notable programs in \protect\TL}
+Here are a few other commonly-used programs included in \TL{}:
+\item [bibtex, bibtex8] bibliography support.
+\item [makeindex, xindy] index support.
+\item [dvips] convert \dvi{} to \PS{}.
+\item [xdvi] \dvi{} previewer for the X Window System.
+\item [dvilj] \dvi{} drive for the HP LaserJet family.
+\item [dviconcat, dviselect] cut and paste pages
+from \dvi{} files.
+\item [dvipdfmx] convert \dvi{} to \acro{PDF}, an alternative approach
+to pdf\TeX\ (mentioned above).
+\item [psselect, psnup, \ldots] \PS{} utilities.
+\item [pdfjam, pdfjoin, \ldots] \acro{PDF} utilities.
+\item [texexec, texmfstart] Con\TeX{}t and \acro{PDF} processor.
+\item [tex4ht] \TeX{} to \acro{HTML} (and \acro{XML} and more) converter.
+\subsection{Fonts in \protect\TL}
+\TL{} comes with many high-quality scalable fonts. See
+\url{} and
+\subsection{Starting the installer}
+To begin, get the \TK{} \DVD{} or download the \TL{} net installer, and
+locate the installer script: \filename{install-tl} for Unix,
+\filename{install-tl.bat} for Windows. See
+\url{} for more information and other
+methods of getting the software.
+\item [Net installer:] Download from \CTAN, under
+\dirname{systems/texlive/tlnet}; the url
+\url{} will automatically
+redirect to a nearby, up-to-date, mirror. You can retrieve either
+\filename{} which can be used under Unix and Windows, or
+the considerably smaller \filename{install-unx.tar.gz} for Unix
+only. After unpacking, \filename{install-tl} and
+\filename{install-tl.bat} will be in the \dirname{install-tl}
+\item [\TeX{} Collection \DVD:] go to the \DVD's \dirname{texlive}
+subdirectory. Under Windows, the installer normally starts automatically
+when you insert the \DVD. You can get the \DVD\ by becoming a member of
+a \TeX\ user group (highly recommended,
+\url{}), or purchasing it separately
+(\url{}), or burning your own from the \ISO\ image.
+You can also mount the \ISO\ directly on most systems. After installing
+from \DVD\ or \ISO, if you want to get continuing updates from the
+Internet, please see \ref{sec:dvd-install-net-updates}.
+The same installer program is run, whatever the source. The most
+visible difference between the two is that with the net installer, what
+you end up with is the packages that are currently available. This is
+in contrast to the \DVD\ and \ISO\ images, which are not updated between
+the major public releases.
+The following sections explain installer start-up in more detail.
+Below, \texttt{>} denotes the shell prompt; user input is
+The script \filename{install-tl} is a Perl script. The simplest way
+to start it on a Unix-compatible system is as follows:
+> \Ucom{cd /path/to/installer}
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl}
+(Or you can invoke \Ucom{perl /path/to/installer/install-tl}, or
+\Ucom{./install-tl} if it stayed executable, etc.; we won't repeat all
+these variations.) You may have to enlarge your terminal window so
+that it shows the full text installer screen (Figure~\ref{fig:text-main}).
+To install in expert \GUI\ mode (figure~\ref{fig:gui-main}), you'll
+need the \dirname{Perl/TK} module compiled with \acro{XFT} support,
+which is generally the case with \GNU/Linux, but not necessarily with other
+systems. Given that, you can run:
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl -gui}
+For a complete listing of the various options:
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl -help}
+\textbf{Warning about Unix permissions:} Your \code{umask} at the time
+of installation will be respected by the \TL{} installer. Therefore, if
+you want your installation to be usable by users other than you, make
+sure your setting is sufficiently permissive, for instance, \code{umask
+002}. For more information about \code{umask}, consult your system
+\textbf{Special considerations for Cygwin:} Unlike other
+Unix-compatible systems, Cygwin does not by default include all of the
+prerequisite programs needed by the \TL{} installer. See
+Section~\ref{sec:cygwin} for details.
+As mentioned in section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists}, a separate distribution
+is prepared for \MacOSX, named Mac\TeX\ (\url{}).
+We recommend using the native Mac\TeX\ installer instead of the \TL\
+installer on \MacOSX, because the native installer makes a few
+Mac-specific adjustments, in particular to allow easily switching
+between the various \TeX\ distributions for \MacOSX\ (Mac\TeX, Fink,
+MacPorts, \ldots).
+Mac\TeX\ is firmly based on \TL, and the main \TeX\ trees are precisely
+the same. It does add a few extra folders with Mac-specific
+documentation and applications.
+If you are using the net installer, or the \DVD\ installer failed to
+start automatically, double-click \filename{install-tl.bat}.
+For more customization options, e.g., selection of specific package
+collections, run \filename{install-tl-advanced.bat} instead.
+You can also start the installer from the command-prompt. Below,
+\texttt{>} denotes the prompt; user input is \Ucom{\texttt{bold}}. If
+you are in the installer directory, run just:
+> \Ucom{install-tl}
+Or you can invoke it with an absolute location, such as:
+> \Ucom{D:\bs{}texlive\bs{}install-tl}
+for the \TK\ \DVD, supposing that \dirname{D:} is the optical
+drive. Figure~\ref{fig:wizard-w32} displays the wizard installer, which
+is the default for Windows.
+To install in text mode, use:
+> \Ucom{install-tl -no-gui}
+For a complete listing of the various options:
+> \Ucom{install-tl -help}
+Installing TeX Live 2011 from: ...
+Platform: i386-linux => 'Intel x86 with GNU/Linux'
+Distribution: inst (compressed)
+ Detected platform: Intel x86 with GNU/Linux
+ <B> platforms: 1 out of 19
+ <S> installation scheme (scheme-full)
+ 84 collections out of 85, disk space required: 2600 MB
+ Customizing installation scheme:
+ <C> standard collections
+ <L> language collections
+ <D> directories:
+ TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2011
+ ...
+ <O> options:
+ [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
+ ...
+ <V> set up for portable installation
+ <I> start installation to hard disk
+ <H> help
+ <Q> quit
+\caption{Main text installer screen (\GNU/Linux)}\label{fig:text-main}
+\tlpng{install-lnx-main}{\linewidth,trim=10 4 0 20,clip}
+\caption{Expert \GUI{} installer screen (\GNU/Linux)}\label{fig:gui-main}
+\tlpng{wizard-w32}{\linewidth,trim=0 4 0 0,clip}
+\caption{Wizard installer screen (Windows)}\label{fig:wizard-w32}
+The \TL{} installer supports only Cygwin 1.7.
+Before beginning the installation, use Cygwin's \filename{setup.exe} program to
+install the \filename{perl} and \filename{wget} packages if you have
+not already done so. The following additional packages are
+\item \filename{fontconfig} [needed by \XeTeX]
+\item \filename{ghostscript} [needed by various utilities]
+\item \filename{libXaw7} [needed by \code{xdvi}]
+\item \filename{ncurses} [provides the \code{clear} command used by the installer]
+\subsubsection{The text installer}
+Figure~\ref{fig:text-main} displays the main text mode screen under
+Unix. The text installer is the default on Unix.
+This is only a command-line installer; there is no cursor support at
+all. For instance, you cannot tab around checkboxes or input fields.
+You just type something (case-sensitive) at the prompt and press the
+Enter key, and then the entire terminal screen will be rewritten, with
+adjusted content.
+The text installer interface is this primitive for a reason: it
+is designed to run on as many platforms as possible, even with a
+very barebones Perl.
+\subsubsection{The expert graphical installer}
+Figure~\ref{fig:gui-main} displays the expert graphical installer under
+\GNU/Linux. Other than using buttons and menus, this does
+not differ much from the text installer.
+This mode can be invoked explicitly with
+> \Ucom{install-tl -gui=perltk}
+\subsubsection{The simple wizard installer}
+Under Windows, the default is to run the simplest installation method we
+could devise, called the ``wizard'' installer
+(figure~\ref{fig:wizard-w32}). It installs everything and asks almost
+no questions. If you want to customize your setup, you should run one
+of the other installers.
+This mode can be invoked explicitly with
+> \Ucom{install-tl -gui=wizard}
+\subsection{Running the installer}
+The installer is intended to be mostly self-explanatory, but following are a
+few notes about the various options and submenus.
+\subsubsection{Binary systems menu (Unix only)}
+Available platforms:
+ a [ ] alpha-linux DEC Alpha with GNU/Linux
+ b [ ] amd64-freebsd x86_64 with FreeBSD
+ c [ ] amd64-kfreebsd x86_64 with GNU/FreeBSD
+ d [ ] i386-cygwin Intel x86 with Cygwin
+ e [ ] i386-freebsd Intel x86 with FreeBSD
+ f [ ] i386-kfreebsd Intel x86 with GNU/FreeBSD
+ g [X] i386-linux Intel x86 with GNU/Linux
+ h [ ] i386-netbsd Intel x86 with NetBSD
+ i [ ] i386-solaris Intel x86 with Solaris
+ j [ ] mips-irix SGI IRIX
+ k [ ] powerpc-aix PowerPC with AIX
+ l [ ] powerpc-linux PowerPC with GNU/Linux
+ m [ ] sparc-linux Sparc with GNU/Linux
+ o [ ] sparc-solaris Sparc with Solaris
+ p [ ] universal-darwin universal binaries for MacOSX/Darwin
+ s [ ] win32 Windows
+ t [ ] x86_64-darwin x86_64 with MacOSX/Darwin
+ u [ ] x86_64-linux x86_64 with GNU/Linux
+ v [ ] x86_64-solaris x86_64 with Solaris
+\caption{Binaries menu}\label{fig:bin-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:bin-text} displays the text mode binaries menu. By
+default, only the binaries for your current platform will be installed.
+From this menu, you can select installation of binaries for other
+platforms as well. This can be useful if you are sharing a \TeX\
+tree across a network of heterogenous machines, or for a dual-boot
+\subsubsection{Selecting what is to be installed}
+Select scheme:
+ a [ ] basic scheme (plain and LaTeX)
+ b [ ] ConTeXt scheme
+ c [X] full scheme (everything)
+ d [ ] GUST TeX Live scheme
+ e [ ] medium scheme (plain, latex, recommended packages, some languages)
+ f [ ] minimal scheme (plain only)
+ g [ ] teTeX scheme (more than medium, but nowhere near full)
+ h [ ] XML scheme
+ i [ ] custom selection of collections
+\caption{Scheme menu}\label{fig:scheme-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:scheme-text} displays the \TL\ scheme menu; from here,
+you choose a ``scheme'', which is an overall set of package collections.
+The default \optname{full} scheme installs everything available. This
+is recommended, but you can also choose the \optname{basic} scheme for a
+small system, \optname{minimal} for testing purposes, and
+\optname{medium} or \optname{teTeX} to get something in between. There
+are also various specialized and country-specific schemes.
+\tlpng{stdcoll}{.7\linewidth,trim=0 4 0 0,clip}
+\caption{Collections menu}\label{fig:collections-gui}
+You can refine your scheme selection with the `standard collections' and
+`language collections' menus (figure~\ref{fig:collections-gui}, shown in
+\GUI\ mode for a change).
+Collections are one level more detailed than schemes\Dash in essence, a
+scheme consists of several collections, a collection consists of one or
+more packages, and a package (the lowest level grouping in \TL) contains
+the actual \TeX\ macro files, font files, and so on.
+If you want more control than the collection menus provide, you can use
+the \TeX\ Live Manager (\prog{tlmgr}) program after installation (see
+section~\ref{sec:tlmgr}); using that, you can control the installation
+at the package level.
+The default layout is described in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees},
+\p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}. The default location of
+\dirname{TEXDIR} is \dirname{/usr/local/texlive/2011} on Unix
+and |%SystemDrive%\texlive\2011| on Windows.
+The main reason to change this default is if you lack write permission
+for the default location. You don't have to be root or administrator to
+install \TL, but you do need write access to the target directory.
+A reasonable alternative choice is a directory under your home directory,
+especially if you will be the sole user. Use
+`|~|' to indicate this, as in `|~/texlive/2011|'.
+We recommend including the year in the name, to enable keeping different
+releases of \TL{} side by side. (You may wish to make a
+version-independent name such as \dirname{/usr/local/texlive-cur} via a
+symbolic link, which you can then update after testing the new release.)
+Changing \dirname{TEXDIR} in the installer will also change
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL}, \dirname{TEXMFSYSVAR} and
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME} is the recommended location for personal
+macro files or packages. The default value is |~/texmf|. In
+contrast to \dirname{TEXDIR}, here a |~| is preserved in the
+newly-written configuration files, since it usefully refers to the home
+directory of any individual running \TeX. It expands to
+\dirname{$HOME} on Unix and \verb|%USERPROFILE%| on Windows. Special
+redundant note: \envname{TEXMFHOME}, like all trees, must be organized
+according to the \TDS, or files may not be found.
+\dirname{TEXMFVAR} is the location for storing most cached runtime data
+specific to each user. \dirname{TEXMFCACHE} is used for that purpose by
+\ConTeXt\ Mk\acro{IV} (see section~\ref{sec:context-mkiv},
+Options setup:
+ <P> use letter size instead of A4 by default: [ ]
+ <E> execution of restricted list of programs: [X]
+ <F> create format files: [X]
+ <D> install font/macro doc tree: [X]
+ <S> install font/macro source tree: [X]
+ <L> create symlinks in standard directories: [ ]
+ binaries to:
+ manpages to:
+ info to:
+\caption{Options menu (Unix)}\label{fig:options-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:options-text} shows the text mode options menu.
+More info on each:
+\item[use letter size instead of A4 by default:] The default paper
+ size selection. Of course, individual documents can and should
+ specify a specific paper size, if desired.
+\item[execution of restricted list of programs:] As of \TL\ 2010,
+ execution of a few external programs is allowed by default. The (very
+ short) list of allowed programs is given in the \filename{texmf.cnf}.
+ See the 2010 news (section~\ref{sec:2010news}) for more details.
+\item[create format files:] Although unnecessary format files
+ take time to generate and disk space to store, it is still recommended
+ to leave this option checked: if you don't, then format files will be
+ generated in people's private \dirname{TEXMFVAR} tree as they are
+ needed. In that location, they will not be updated automatically if
+ (say) binaries or hyphenation patterns are updated in the
+ installation, and thus you could end up with incompatible format files.
+\item[install font/macro \ldots\ tree:] These options allow you to omit
+ downloading/installing the documentation and source files present in
+ most packages. Not recommended.
+\item[create symlinks in standard directories] (Unix only):
+ This option bypasses the need to change environment variables. Without
+ this option, \TL{} directories usually have to be added to
+ \envname{PATH}, \envname{MANPATH} and \envname{INFOPATH}. You will
+ need write permissions to the target directories. It is strongly
+ advised \emph{not} to overwrite a \TeX\ system that came with your
+ system with this option. It is intended primarily for accessing the
+ \TeX\ system through directories that are already known to users, such
+ as \dirname{/usr/local/bin}, which don't already contain any \TeX\
+ files.
+When all the settings are to your liking, you can type `I' to start the
+installation process. When it is done, skip to
+section~\ref{sec:postinstall} to read what else needs to be done, if
+\subsection{Command-line install-tl options}
+> \Ucom{install-tl -help}
+for a listing of command-line options. Either |-| or |--| can be used
+to introduce option names. These are the most common ones:
+\item[-gui] If possible, use the \GUI{} installer. This requires the
+ Perl/Tk module (\url{})
+ compiled with \acro{XFT} support; if Perl/Tk is not available,
+ installation continues in text mode.
+\item[-no-gui] Force using the text mode installer, even under
+ Windows.
+\item[-lang {\sl LL}] Specify the installer interface
+ language as its standard two-letter code \textsl{\acro{LL}}. Currently
+ supported languages:
+ \texttt{cs} (Czech),
+ \texttt{de} (German),
+ \texttt{en} (English, default)
+ \texttt{fr} (French),
+ \texttt{it} (Italian),
+ \texttt{ja} (Japanese),
+ \texttt{nl} (Dutch),
+ \texttt{pl} (Polish),
+ \texttt{ru} (Russian),
+ \texttt{sk} (Slovak),
+ \texttt{sl} (Slovenian),
+ \texttt{sr} (Serbian),
+ \texttt{vi} (Vietnamese),
+ \texttt{zh-cn} (Simplified Chinese),
+ \texttt{zh-tw} (Traditional Chinese).
+ The installer tries to automatically determine the right
+ language but if it fails, or if the right language is not
+ available, then it uses English as a fallback.
+\item[-in-place] If you already have an rsync, svn, or other copy of
+ \TL{} (see \url{}) then this
+ option will use what you've got, as-is, and do only the necessary
+ post-install. Be warned that the file \filename{tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb}
+ may be overwritten; saving it is your responsibility. Also, package
+ removal has to be done manually. Do not use this unless you know
+ what you are doing. This option cannot be toggled via the
+ installer interface.
+\item[-portable] Install for portable use on, e.g., a \USB{} stick.
+ Also selectable from within the text installer with the \code{V}
+ command, and from the \GUI{} installer. See
+ section~\ref{sec:portable-tl}.
+\item[-profile {\sl file}] The installer always writes a file
+ \filename{texlive.profile} to the \dirname{tlpkg} subdirectory of your
+ installation. This option tells the installer to re-use such a
+ profile file, so you can install in batch mode on subsequent systems,
+ reproducing the choices you made in a prior installation.
+\item [-repository {\sl url-or-directory}] Specify package
+ repository from which to install; see following.
+\subsubsection{The \optname{-repository} option}
+The default package repository is a \CTAN{} mirror chosen automatically
+via \url{}.
+If you want to override that, the location value can be a url starting
+with \texttt{ftp:}, \texttt{http:}, or \texttt{file:/}, or a plain
+directory path. (When giving an \texttt{http:}\ or \texttt{ftp:}\
+location, trailing `\texttt{/}' characters and/or a trailing
+`\texttt{/tlpkg}' component are ignored.)
+For example, you could choose a particular \CTAN\ mirror with something
+like: \url{},
+substituting a real hostname and its particular top-level \CTAN\ path
+for ||. The list of \CTAN\ mirrors is
+maintained at \url{}.
+If the given argument is local (either a path or a \texttt{file:/} url),
+compressed files in an \dirname{archive} subdirectory of the repository
+path are used (even if uncompressed files are available as well).
+\subsection{Post-install actions}
+Some post-install may be required.
+\subsubsection{Environment variables for Unix}
+If you elected to create symlinks in standard directories (described in
+section~\ref{sec:options}), then there is no need to edit environment
+variables. Otherwise, on Unix systems, the directory of the binaries
+for your platform must be added to the search path. (On Windows, the
+installer takes care of this.)
+Each supported platform has its own subdirectory under
+\dirname{TEXDIR/bin}. See figure~\ref{fig:bin-text} for the list of
+subdirectories and corresponding platforms.
+Optionally, you can also add the documentation man and Info directories
+to their respective search paths, if you want the system tools to find
+them. The man pages might be found automatically after the addition to
+For Bourne-compatible shells such as \prog{bash}, and using Intel x86
+GNU/Linux and a default directory setup as an example, the file to edit
+might be \filename{$HOME/.profile} (or another file sourced by
+\filename{.profile}, and the lines to add would look like this:
+PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH
+MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH; export MANPATH
+INFOPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH; export INFOPATH
+For csh or tcsh, the file to edit is typically \filename{$HOME/.cshrc}, and
+the lines to add might look like:
+setenv PATH /usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/i386-linux:$PATH
+setenv MANPATH /usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH
+setenv INFOPATH /usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH
+If you already have settings somewhere in your ``dot'' files, naturally
+the \TL\ directories should simply be merged in as appropriate.
+\subsubsection{Environment variables: Global configuration}
+If you want to make these changes globally, or for a user newly added to
+the system, then you are on your own; there is just too much variation
+between systems in how and where these things are configured.
+Our two hints are: 1)~you may want to check for a file
+\filename{/etc/manpath.config} and, if present, add lines such as
+MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/i386-linux \
+ /usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf/doc/man
+And 2)~check for a file \filename{/etc/environment} which may define the
+search path and other default environment variables.
+In each (Unix) binary directory, we also create a symbolic link named
+\code{man} to the directory \dirname{texmf/doc/man}. Some \code{man}
+programs, such as the standard \MacOSX\ \code{man}, will automatically
+find that, obviating the need for any man page setup.
+\subsubsection{Internet updates after \DVD\ installation}
+If you installed \TL\ from \DVD\ and then wish to get updates from the
+Internet, you need to run this command---\emph{after} you've updated
+your search path (as described in the previous section):
+> \Ucom{tlmgr option repository}
+This tells \cmdname{tlmgr} to use a nearby \CTAN\ mirror for future updates.
+If there are problems with the automatic mirror selection, you can
+specify a particular \CTAN\ mirror from the list at
+\url{}. Use the exact path to the
+\dirname{tlnet} subdir on that mirror, as shown above.
+\subsubsection{Font configuration for \XeTeX}
+If you have installed the \filename{xetex} package on a Unix-compatible
+system, you need to configure your system if you want \XeTeX\ to be able
+to find the fonts shipped with \TL. To facilitate this, when the
+\pkgname{xetex} package is installed (either at initial installation or
+later), the necessary configuration file is created in
+To set up the \TL{} fonts for system-wide use (assuming you have
+suitable privileges), proceed as follows:
+\item Copy the \filename{texlive-fontconfig.conf} file to
+\item Run \Ucom{fc-cache -fsv}.
+If you do not have sufficient privileges to carry out the steps above,
+you can instead do the following to make the \TL{} fonts available
+to you as an individual \XeTeX{} user:
+\item Copy the \filename{texlive-fontconfig.conf} file to
+ \filename{~/.fonts.conf}, where \filename{~} is your home directory.
+\item Run \Ucom{fc-cache -fv}.
+\subsubsection{\ConTeXt{} Mark IV}
+Both the `old' \ConTeXt{} (Mark \acro{II}) and the `new' \ConTeXt{}
+(Mark \acro{IV}) should run out of the box after \TL{} installation,
+and should need no special attention as long as you stick to
+using \verb+tlmgr+ for updates.
+However, because \ConTeXt{} Mk\acro{IV} does not use the kpathsea
+library, some setup will be required whenever you install new
+files manually (without using \verb+tlmgr+). After each such
+installation, each Mk\acro{IV} user must run:
+context --generate
+to refresh the \ConTeXt{} disk cache data.
+The resulting files are stored under \code{TEXMFCACHE}.
+whose default value in \TL\ is \verb+TEXMSYSVAR;TEXMFVAR+.
+\ConTeXt\ Mk\acro{IV} will read from
+all paths mentioned in \verb+TEXMFCACHE+, and write to the first
+path that is writable. While reading, the last found match will
+take precedence in the case of duplicated cache data.
+For more information, see
+\subsubsection{Integrating local and personal macros}
+This is already mentioned implicitly in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}:
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} (by default,
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local} or
+\verb|%SystemDrive%\texlive\texmf-local| on Windows)
+is intended for system-wide local fonts and macros; and
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME} (by default, \dirname{$HOME/texmf} or
+\verb|%USERPROFILE%\texmf|), is for personal fonts and macros. These
+directories are intended to stick around from release to release, and
+have their content seen automatically by a new \TL{} release.
+Therefore, it is best to refrain from changing the definition of
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} to be too far away from the main \TL{} directory,
+or you will need to manually change future releases.
+For both trees, files should be placed in their proper \TeX\ Directory
+Structure (\TDS) subdirectories; see \url{} or consult
+\filename{texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf}. For instance, a \LaTeX{} class file or
+package should be placed in \dirname{TEXMFLOCAL/tex/latex} or
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME/tex/latex}, or a subdirectory thereof.
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} requires an up-to-date filename database, or files
+will not be found. You can update it with the command
+\cmdname{mktexlsr} or use the `Reinit file database' button on the
+configuration tab of the \TeX\ Live Manager \GUI.
+By default, each of these variables is defined to be a single directory,
+as shown. This is not a hard-and-fast requirement. If you need to
+easily switch back and forth between different versions of large
+packages, for example, you can maintain multiple trees for your own
+purposes. This is done by setting \dirname{TEXMFHOME} to the
+list of directories, within braces, separated by commas:
+ TEXMFHOME = {/my/dir1,/mydir2,/a/third/dir}
+Section~\ref{sec:brace-expansion} describes brace expansion further.
+\subsubsection{Integrating third-party fonts}
+This is unfortunately a messy topic. Forget about it unless you want to
+delve into many details of the \TeX{} installation. Don't forget to
+check first what you get for free: see section~\ref{sec:tl-fonts}.
+A possible alternative is to use \XeTeX\ or Lua\TeX\ (see
+section~\ref{sec:tex-extensions}), which let you use operating system
+fonts without any installation in \TeX.
+If you do need to do this, see
+\url{} for our best effort at
+describing the procedure. If you rigorously maintain your local font
+maps, \texttt{tlmgr generate updmap} \textit{may} be useful, notably in
+moving from release to release; see the \cmdname{tlmgr} documentation.
+\subsection{Testing the installation}
+After installing \TL{} as best you can, you naturally want to test
+it out, so you can start creating beautiful documents and\slash or fonts.
+This section gives some basic procedures for testing that the new system
+is functional. We give Unix commands here; under \MacOSX{} and Windows,
+you're more likely to run the tests through a graphical interface, but
+the principles are the same.
+\item Make sure that you can run the \cmdname{tex} program in the first
+> \Ucom{tex -{}-version}
+TeX 3.1415926 (TeX Live ...)
+kpathsea version 6.0.1
+Copyright ... D.E. Knuth.
+If this comes back with `command not found' instead of version and
+copyright information, or with an older version, most likely you don't
+have the correct \dirname{bin} subdirectory in your \envname{PATH}. See
+the environment-setting information on \p.\pageref{sec:env}.
+\item Process a basic \LaTeX{} file:
+> \Ucom{latex sample2e.tex}
+pdfTeX 3.1415926-... (TeX Live ...)
+Output written on sample2e.dvi (3 pages, 7484 bytes).
+Transcript written on sample2e.log.
+If this fails to find \filename{sample2e.tex} or other files, most
+likely you have interference from old environment variables or
+configuration files; we recommend unsetting all \TeX-related environment
+variables for a start. (For a deep analysis, you can ask \TeX{} to
+report on exactly what it is searching for, and finding; see ``Debugging
+actions'' on page~\pageref{sec:debugging}.)
+\item Preview the result online:
+> \Ucom{xdvi sample2e.dvi} # Unix
+> \Ucom{dviout sample2e.dvi} # Windows
+You should see a new window with a nice document explaining some of the
+basics of \LaTeX{}. (Well worth reading, by the way, if you're new to
+\TeX.) You do have to be running under X for \cmdname{xdvi} to work; if
+you're not, or your \envname{DISPLAY} environment variable is set
+incorrectly, you'll get an error \samp{Can't open display}.
+\item Create a \PS{} file for printing or display:
+> \Ucom{dvips sample2e.dvi -o}
+\item Create a \acro{PDF} file instead of \dvi{}; this processes the
+\filename{.tex} file and writes \acro{PDF} directly:
+> \Ucom{pdflatex sample2e.tex}
+\item Preview the \acro{PDF} file:
+> \Ucom{gv sample2e.pdf}
+> \Ucom{xpdf sample2e.pdf}
+Neither \cmdname{gv} nor \cmdname{xpdf} are included in \TL{}, so you
+must install them separately. See \url{}
+and \url{}, respectively. There are plenty
+of other \acro{PDF} viewers, too. For Windows, we recommend trying
+Sumatra PDF (\url{}).
+\item Standard test files you may find useful in addition to
+\item [small2e.tex] A simpler document than \filename{sample2e}, to
+reduce the input size if you're having troubles.
+\item [testpage.tex] Test if your printer introduces any offsets.
+\item [nfssfont.tex] For printing font tables and tests.
+\item [testfont.tex] Also for font tables, but using plain \TeX{}.
+\item [story.tex] The most canonical (plain) \TeX{} test file of all.
+You must type \samp{\bs bye} to the \code{*} prompt after \samp{tex
+\item If you have installed the \filename{xetex} package, you can test
+its access to system fonts as follows:
+> \Ucom{xetex opentype-info.tex}
+This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926\dots
+Output written on opentype-info.pdf (1 page).
+Transcript written on opentype-info.log.
+If you get an error message saying ``Invalid fontname `Latin Modern
+Roman/ICU'\dots'', then you need to configure your system so that
+\XeTeX{} can find the fonts shipped with \TL. See
+\subsection{Links for additional downloadable software}
+If you are new to \TeX{}, or otherwise need help with actually writing
+\TeX{} or \LaTeX{} documents, please visit
+\url{} for some introductory resources.
+Links for some other tools you may consider installing:
+\item[Ghostscript] \url{}
+\item[Perl] \url{} with
+ supplementary packages from \acro{CPAN}, \url{}
+\item[ImageMagick] \url{}, for graphics
+ processing and conversion
+\item[NetPBM] \url{}, also for graphics.
+\item[\TeX-oriented editors] There is a wide choice, and it is a matter of the
+ user's taste. Here is a selection in alphabetical order (a few
+ here are for Windows only).
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cmdname{GNU Emacs} is available natively under Windows, see
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{Emacs with Auc\TeX} for Windows is available from \CTAN.
+ The AuC\TeX\ home page is \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{LEd} is available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{SciTE} is available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{Texmaker} is free software, available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{TexMakerX} is a fork of \cmdname{Texmaker} with
+ additional features; \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{TeXnicCenter} is free software, available from
+ \url{} and in the pro\TeX{}t distribution.
+ \item \cmdname{TeXworks} is free software, available from
+ \url{} and installed for Windows and
+ \MacOSX\ as part of \TL.
+ \item \cmdname{Vim} is free software, available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{WinEdt} is shareware available though
+ \url{} or \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{WinShell} is available from \url{}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+For a much longer list of packages and programs, see
+\section{Specialized installations}
+The previous sections described the basic installation process. Here we
+turn to some specialized cases.
+\subsection{Shared-user (or cross-machine) installations}
+\TL{} has been designed to be sharable between different users on one
+system, and/or between different systems on a network. With a standard
+directory layout, no hard paths are configured: the locations for files
+needed by \TL{} programs are found relative to the programs. You can
+see this in the principal configuration file
+\filename{$TEXMFMAIN/web2c/texmf.cnf}, which contains lines such as
+This means that adding the directory for \TL{} executables for their
+platform to their search path is sufficient to get a working setup.
+By the same token, you can also install \TL{} locally and then move
+the entire hierarchy afterwards to a network location.
+For Windows, a sample network installation script named
+\filename{w32client} can be downloaded through
+\url{}. It creates settings and
+menu shortcuts for using an existing \TL{} installation on a \acro{LAN}.
+It also registers an uninstaller \filename{w32unclient}, available
+in the same zip file. See the web page for more information.
+\subsection{Portable (\USB{}) installations}
+The \code{-portable} installer option (or \code{V} command in the text
+installer or corresponding \GUI{} option) creates a completely
+self-contained \TL{} installation under a common root and forgoes system
+integration. You can create such an installation directly on a \USB{}
+stick, or copy it to a \USB{} stick afterwards.
+To run \TeX\ using this portable installation, you need to add the
+appropriate binary directory to the search path during your terminal
+session, as usual. On Windows, you can double-click
+\filename{tl-tray-menu} at the root of the installation to choose
+between a few common tasks, as shown in this screenshot:
+\noindent The `More\ldots' entry explains how you can customize this menu.
+\subsection{\ISO\ (or \DVD) installations}
+If you don't need to update or otherwise modify your installation often,
+and\slash or have several systems on which to use \TL{}, it may be
+convenient to create an \ISO\ of your \TL{} installation, because:
+\item Copying an \ISO\ between different computers is much
+ faster than copying a normal installation.
+\item If you are dual-booting between different operating systems
+ and want them to share a \TL{} installation, an \ISO
+ installation is not tied to the idiosyncrasies and limitations of
+ other mutually supported filesystems (\acro{FAT32}, \acro{NTFS},
+ \acro{HFS+}).
+\item Virtual machines can simply mount such an \ISO.
+Of course you can also burn an \ISO\ to \DVD, if that is useful for you.
+Desktop \GNU/Linux/Unix systems, including \MacOSX, are able to mount an
+\ISO. Apart from that, nothing changes compared to a normal hard disk
+installation, see section \ref{sec:env}.
+When preparing such an \ISO\ installation, it is best to omit the
+subdirectory for the release year, and have
+\filename{texmf-local} at the same level as the other trees
+(\filename{texmf}, \filename{texmf-dist}, etc.). You can do this with
+the normal directory options in the installer.
+For a physical (rather than virtual) Windows system, you can burn the
+\ISO\ to \acro{DVD}. However, it may be worth your while to investigate
+free \ISO-mounting options. For Windows \acro{XP}, Microsoft offers
+For Windows system integration, you can include the \filename{w32client}
+scripts described in section~\ref{sec:sharedinstall} and at
+\url{}, which work just as well for
+an \ISO\ as for a network installation.
+On \MacOSX, TeXShop and \TeX{}works will be able to use the \acro{DVD}
+installation if a symlink \filename{/usr/texbin} points to the
+appropriate binary directory, e.g.,
+sudo ln -s /Volumes/MyTeXLive/bin/universal-darwin /usr/texbin
+Historical note: \TL{} 2010 was the first \TL{} edition which was no
+longer distributed `live'. However, it always required some acrobatics
+to run from \DVD\ or \ISO; in particular, there was no way around
+setting at least one extra environment variable. If you create your
+\ISO\ from an existing installation then there is no need for this.
+\section{\cmdname{tlmgr}: Managing your installation}
+\caption{\prog{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode: main window, after `Load'.}
+\hbox to \hsize{%
+ \vtop{\hsize=.59\linewidth
+ \null % make figures align at the top
+ \tlpng{tlmgr-general-options}{\hsize}
+ \caption{\texttt{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode: General options}
+ \label{fig:tlmgr-general-options}
+ }
+ \hfil
+ \vtop{\hsize=.39\linewidth
+ \null
+ \tlpng{tlmgr-paper-options}{\hsize}
+ \caption{\texttt{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode: Paper size options}
+ \label{fig:tlmgr-paper-options}
+ }
+\TL{} includes a program named \prog{tlmgr} for managing \TL{} after the
+initial installation. The programs \prog{updmap}, \prog{fmtutil} and
+\prog{texconfig} are still included and will be retained in the future,
+but \prog{tlmgr} is now the preferred interface. Its capabilities
+\item installing, updating, backing up, restoring, and uninstalling
+ individual packages, optionally taking dependencies into account;
+\item searching for and listing packages, etc.;
+\item listing, adding, and removing platforms;
+\item changing installation options such as paper size and source
+ location (see section~\ref{sec:location}).
+\subsection{\cmdname{tlmgr} GUI mode}
+\prog{tlmgr} can be started in \GUI{} mode (figure~\ref{fig:tlmgr-gui}) with
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -gui}
+or in Windows via the Start menu: \texttt{Start}, \texttt{Programs},
+\texttt{TeX Live 2011}, \texttt{TeX Live Manager}. After clicking `Load'
+it displays a list of available and installed packages. This assumes of
+course that the installation source is valid and reachable.
+Figures~\ref{fig:tlmgr-general-options} and~\ref{fig:tlmgr-paper-options}
+show the general and paper size option screens.
+\subsection{Sample \cmdname{tlmgr} command-line invocations}
+After the initial installation, you can update your system to the latest
+versions available with:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -all}
+If this makes you nervous, first try
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -all -dry-run}
+or (less verbose):
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -list}
+This more complex example adds a collection, for the engine \XeTeX, from
+a local directory:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -repository /local/mirror/tlnet install collection-xetex}
+It generates the following output (abridged):
+install: collection-xetex
+install: arabxetex
+install: xetex
+install: xetexconfig
+install: xetex.i386-linux
+running post install action for xetex
+install: xetex-def
+running mktexlsr
+mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf/ls-R...
+running fmtutil-sys --missing
+Transcript written on xelatex.log.
+fmtutil: /usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-var/web2c/xetex/xelatex.fmt installed.
+As you can see, \prog{tlmgr} installs dependencies, and takes care of any
+necessary post-install actions, including updating the filename database
+and (re)generating formats. In the above, we generated new formats for
+To describe a package (or collection or scheme):
+> \Ucom{tlmgr show collection-latexextra}
+which produces
+package: collection-latexextra
+category: Collection
+shortdesc: LaTeX supplementary packages
+longdesc: A large collection of add-on packages for LaTeX.
+installed: Yes
+revision: 14675
+Last and most important, for full documentation see
+\url{}, or:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -help}
+\section{Notes on Windows}
+\subsection{Windows-specific features}
+Under Windows, the installer does some extra things:
+\item[Menus and shortcuts.] A new `\TL{}' submenu of the
+ Start menu is installed, which contains entries for some \GUI{}
+ programs (\prog{tlmgr}, \prog{texdoctk}, the PS\_View (\prog{psv})
+ PostScript previewer) and some documentation.
+\item[File associations.] If enabled, \prog{TeXworks}, \prog{Dviout}
+ and \prog{PS\_view} become either the default program for
+ their respective filetypes, or get an entry in the `Open with'
+ right-click menus of those filetypes.
+\item[Bitmap to eps converter.] Various bitmapped formats get an
+ entry \cmdname{bitmap2eps} in their `Open with' right-click
+ menu. Bitmap2eps is a simple script which lets \cmdname{sam2p} or
+ \cmdname{bmeps} do the real work.
+\item[Automatic path adjustment.] No manual configuration steps are required.
+\item[Uninstaller.] The installer creates an entry under `Add/Remove
+ Programs' for \TL. The uninstall tab of the \TeX\ Live Manager \GUI\
+ refers to this.
+\subsection{Additional software included on Windows}
+To be complete, a \TL{} installation needs support packages that are not
+commonly found on a Windows machine. \TL{} provides the missing
+\item[Perl and Ghostscript.] Because of the importance of Perl and
+ Ghostscript, \TL{} includes `hidden' copies of these
+ programs. \TL{} programs that need them know where to find them,
+ but they don't betray their presence through environment variables
+ or registry settings. They aren't full-scale installations, and
+ shouldn't interfere with any system installations of Perl or
+ Ghostscript.
+\item[PS\_View.] Also installed is PS\_View, a \PS{} and \acro{PDF}
+ viewer; see figure~\ref{fig:psview}.
+\caption{PS\_View: very high magnifications available!}\label{fig:psview}
+\item[dviout.] Also installed is \prog{dviout}, a \acro{DVI} viewer.
+ At first, when you preview files with \cmdname{dviout}, it will create
+ fonts, because screen fonts were not installed. After a while, you
+ will have created most of the fonts you use, and you will rarely see
+ the font-creation window. More information can be found in the
+ (highly recommended) on-line help.
+\item[\TeX{}works.] \TeX{}works is a \TeX-oriented editor with
+ an integrated \acro{PDF} viewer.
+\item[Command-line tools.] A number of Windows ports of common Unix
+ command-line programs are installed along with the usual \TL{}
+ binaries. These include \cmdname{gzip}, \cmdname{unzip} and the
+ utilities from the \cmdname{xpdf} suite (\cmdname{pdfinfo},
+ \cmdname{pdffonts}, \ldots). The \cmdname{xpdf} viewer itself is not
+ available for Windows. Instead, you can download the Sumatra
+ \acro{PDF} viewer, which is based on \cmdname{xpdf}, from
+ \url{}, among other options.
+\item[fc-list, fc-cache, \ldots] The tools from the fontconfig library allow
+ \XeTeX{} to handle system fonts on Windows. You can use
+ \prog{fc-list} to determine the font names to pass to \XeTeX's
+ extended \cs{font} command. If necessary, run \prog{fc-cache}
+ first to update font information.
+\subsection{User Profile is Home}
+The Windows counterpart of a Unix home directory is the
+\verb|%USERPROFILE%| directory. Under Windows \acro{XP}, this
+is usually \verb|C:\Documents and Settings\<username>|, and under
+Windows Vista and Windows~7 it is \verb|C:\Users\<username>|. In the
+\filename{texmf.cnf} file, and \KPS{} in general, \verb|~| will expand
+appropriately on both Windows and Unix.
+\subsection{The Windows registry}
+Windows stores nearly all configuration data in its registry. The
+registry contains a set of hierarchically organized keys, with several
+root keys. The most important ones for installation programs are
+\path{HKEY_CURRENT_USER} and \path{HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}, \path{HKCU} and
+\path{HKLM} in short. The \path{HKCU} part of the registry is in the
+user's home directory (see section~\ref{sec:winhome}). \path{HKLM} is
+normally in a subdirectory of the Windows directory.
+In some cases, system information could be obtained from environment
+variables but for other information, for example the location of
+shortcuts, it is necessary to consult the registry. Setting environment
+variables permanently also requires registry access.
+\subsection{Windows permissions}
+In later versions of Windows, a distinction is made between regular
+users and administrators, where only the latter have free access to the
+entire operating system. In practice, though, you could better describe
+these classes of users as unprivileged users and normal users: being an
+administrator is the rule, not the exception. Nevertheless, we have made
+an effort to make \TL{} installable without administrative privileges.
+If the user is an administrator, there is an option to install for all
+users. If this option is chosen, shortcuts are created for all users,
+and the system environment is modified. Otherwise, shortcuts and menu
+entries are created for the current user, and the user environment is
+Regardless of administrator status, the default root of \TL{} proposed
+by the installer is always under \verb|%SystemDrive%|. The installer
+always tests whether the root is writable for the current user.
+A problem may arise if the user is not an administrator and \TeX{}
+already exists in the search path. Since the effective path
+consists of the system path followed by the user path, the new \TL{}
+would never get precedence. As a safeguard, the installer creates a
+shortcut to the command-prompt in which the new \TL{} binary
+directory is prepended to the local search path. The new \TL{} will
+be always usable from within such a command-prompt. The shortcut for
+\TeX{}works, if installed, also prepends \TL{} to the search path, so it
+should also be immune to this path problem.
+For Vista and Windows~7 there is another twist: even if you are logged in as
+administrator, you need to explicitly ask for administrator
+privileges. In fact, there is not much point in logging in as
+administrator. Instead, right-clicking on the program or shortcut
+that you want to run usually gives you a choice `Run as
+\subsection{Increasing maximum memory on Windows and Cygwin}
+Windows and Cygwin (see section~\ref{sec:cygwin} for Cygwin installation
+specifics) users may find that they run out of memory when running some
+of the programs shipped with \TL. For example, \prog{asy} might run out
+of memory if you try to allocate an array of 25,000,000 reals, and
+Lua\TeX\ might run out of memory if you try to process a document with a
+lot of big fonts.
+For Cygwin, you can increase the amount of available memory by following
+the instructions in the Cygwin User's Guide
+For Windows, you have to create a file, say \code{moremem.reg}, with
+these four lines:
+Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
+\noindent and then execute the command \code{regedit /s moremem.reg} as
+administrator. (If you want to change memory only for the current user
+instead of system-wide, use \code{HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER}.)
+\section{A user's guide to Web2C}
+\Webc{} is an integrated collection of \TeX-related programs: \TeX{}
+itself, \MF{}, \MP, \BibTeX{}, etc. It is the heart of \TL{}. The home
+page for \Webc{}, with the current manual and more, is
+A bit of history: The original implementation was by Tomas Rokicki who,
+in 1987, developed a first \TeX{}-to-C system based on change files
+under Unix, which were primarily the original work of Howard Trickey and
+Pavel Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the system, and
+during this period the name changed to Web-to-C\@. In 1990, Karl Berry
+took over the work, assisted by dozens of additional contributors, and
+in 1997 he handed the baton to Olaf Weber, who returned it to Karl in
+The \Webc{} system runs on Unix, 32-bit Windows systems, \MacOSX{}, and
+other operating systems. It uses Knuth's original sources for \TeX{} and
+other basic programs written in the \web{} literate programming system
+and translates them into C source code. The core \TeX{} programs
+handled in this way are:
+\item[bibtex] Maintaining bibliographies.
+\item[dvicopy] Expands virtual font references in \dvi{} files.
+\item[dvitomp] \dvi{} to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+\item[dvitype] \dvi{} to human-readable text.
+\item[gftodvi] Generic font proofsheets.
+\item[gftopk] Generic to packed fonts.
+\item[gftype] GF to human-readable text.
+\item[mf] Creating typeface families.
+\item[mft] Prettyprinting \MF{} source.
+\item[mpost] Creating technical diagrams.
+\item[patgen] Creating hyphenation patterns.
+\item[pktogf] Packed to generic fonts.
+\item[pktype] PK to human-readable text.
+\item[pltotf] Plain text property list to TFM.
+\item[pooltype] Display \web{} pool files.
+\item[tangle] \web{} to Pascal.
+\item[tex] Typesetting.
+\item[tftopl] TFM to plain text property list.
+\item[vftovp] Virtual font to virtual property list.
+\item[vptovf] Virtual property list to virtual font.
+\item[weave] \web{} to \TeX.
+\noindent The precise functions and syntax of these programs are
+described in the documentation of the individual packages and of \Webc{}
+itself. However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of
+programs will help you take advantage of your \Webc{} installation.
+All programs honor these standard \GNU options:
+\item[-{}-help] print basic usage summary.
+\item[-{}-verbose] print detailed progress report.
+\item[-{}-version] print version information, then exit.
+For locating files the \Webc{} programs use the path searching library
+\KPS{} (\url{}). This library uses a combination
+of environment variables and a configuration files to optimize searching
+the (huge) collection of \TeX{} files. \Webc{} can look at many
+directory trees simultaneously, which is useful in maintaining \TeX's
+standard distribution and local and personal extensions in distinct
+trees. To speed up file searches, the root of each tree has a file
+\file{ls-R}, containing an entry showing the name and relative pathname
+for all files under that root.
+\subsection{Kpathsea path searching}
+Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the \KPS{}
+We call a \emph{search path} a colon- or semicolon\hyph sepa\-rated list
+of \emph{path elements}, which are basically directory names. A
+search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up
+a file \samp{my-file} along a path \samp{.:/dir}, \KPS{} checks each
+element of the path in turn: first \file{./my-file}, then
+\file{/dir/my-file}, returning the first match (or possibly all
+In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems' conventions, on
+non-Unix systems \KPS{} can use filename separators different from
+colon (\samp{:}) and slash (\samp{/}).
+To check a particular path element \var{p}, \KPS{} first checks if a
+prebuilt database (see ``Filename data\-base'' on
+page~\pageref{sec:filename-database}) applies to \var{p}, i.e., if the
+database is in a directory that is a prefix of \var{p}. If so, the path
+specification is matched against the contents of the database.
+If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path
+element, or contains no matches, the filesystem is searched (if this
+was not forbidden by a specification starting with \samp{!!}\ and if
+the file being searched for must exist). \KPS{} constructs the list
+of directories that correspond to this path element, and then checks
+in each for the file being sought.
+The ``file must exist'' condition comes into play with \samp{.vf} files and
+input files read by \TeX's \cs{openin} command. Such files may not
+exist (e.g., \file{cmr10.vf}), and so it would be wrong to search the
+disk for them. Therefore, if you fail to update \file{ls-R} when you
+install a new \samp{.vf} file, it will never be found.
+Each path element is checked in turn: first the database, then the
+disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result is
+Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory
+name, \KPS{} supports additional features in search paths: layered
+default values, environment variable names, config file values, users'
+home directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say
+that \KPS{} \emph{expands} a path element, meaning it transforms all
+the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is
+described in the following sections in the same order as it takes
+Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly
+relative, i.e., starts with \samp{/} or \samp{./} or \samp{../},
+\KPS{} simply checks if that file exists.
+ \caption{An illustrative configuration file sample}
+ \label{fig:config-sample}
+\subsubsection{Path sources}
+A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which
+\KPS{} uses them:
+ A user-set environment variable, for instance, \envname{TEXINPUTS}\@.
+ Environment variables with a period and a program name appended
+ override; e.g., if \samp{latex} is the name of the program being run,
+ then \envname{TEXINPUTS.latex} will override \envname{TEXINPUTS}.
+ A program-specific configuration file, for exam\-ple, a line
+ \samp{S /a:/b} in \cmdname{dvips}'s \file{}.
+\item A \KPS{} configuration file \file{texmf.cnf}, containing a line like
+ \samp{TEXINPUTS=/c:/d} (see below).
+\item The compile-time default.
+\noindent You can see each of these values for a given search path by
+using the debugging options (see ``Debugging actions'' on
+\subsubsection{Config files}
+\KPS{} reads \emph{runtime configuration files} named \file{texmf.cnf}
+for search path and other definitions. The search path used to look
+for these files is named \envname{TEXMFCNF}, but we do not recommend
+setting this (or any) environment variable.
+Instead, normal installation results in a file
+\file{.../2011/texmf.cnf}. If you must make changes to the defaults
+(not normally necessary), this is the place to put them. The main
+configuration file is in \file{.../2011/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf}. You
+should not edit this latter file, as your changes will be lost when the
+distributed version is updated.
+\emph{All} \file{texmf.cnf} files in the search path will be read and
+definitions in earlier files override those in later files. For
+example, with a search path of \verb|.:$TEXMF|, values from
+\file{./texmf.cnf} override those from \verb|$TEXMF/texmf.cnf|.
+ Comments start with \code{\%} and continue to the end of the line.
+ Blank lines are ignored.
+ A \bs{} at the end of a line acts as a continuation character,
+ i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace at the beginning of
+ continuation lines is not ignored.
+ Each remaining line has the form:
+ \var{variable}[.\var{progname}] [=] \var{value}
+ where the \samp{=} and surrounding whitespace are optional.
+ The \ttvar{variable} name may contain any character other
+ than whitespace, \samp{=}, or \samp{.}, but sticking to
+ \samp{A-Za-z\_} is safest.
+ If \samp{.\var{progname}} is present, the definition only
+ applies if the program that is running is named
+ \texttt{\var{progname}} or \texttt{\var{progname}.exe}. This allows
+ different flavors of \TeX{} to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+\item \var{value} may contain any characters except
+ \code{\%} and \samp{@}. The
+ \code{\$\var{var}.\var{prog}} feature is not available on the
+ right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable. A
+ \samp{;}\ in \var{value} is translated to \samp{:}\ if
+ running under Unix; this is useful to be able to have a single
+ \file{texmf.cnf} for Unix, \acro{MS-DOS} and Windows systems.
+ All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so
+ variables can be referenced before they are defined.
+A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these points is
+shown below:
+shown in Figure~\ref{fig:config-sample}.
+\subsubsection{Path expansion}
+\KPS{} recognizes certain special characters and constructions in
+search paths, similar to those available in Unix shells. As a
+general example, the complex path,
+\verb+~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz+, expands to all subdirectories under
+directories \file{foo} and \file{bar} in \texttt{\$USER}'s home
+directory that contain a directory or file \file{baz}. These
+expansions are explained in the sections below.
+\subsubsection{Default expansion}
+If the highest-priority search path (see ``Path sources'' on
+page~\pageref{sec:path-sources}) contains an \emph{extra colon} (i.e.,
+leading, trailing, or doubled), \KPS{} inserts at that point the
+next-highest-prio\-rity search path that is defined. If that inserted
+path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next highest. For
+example, given an environment variable setting
+> \Ucom{setenv TEXINPUTS /home/karl:}
+and a \code{TEXINPUTS} value from \file{texmf.cnf} of
+ .:\$TEXMF//tex
+then the final value used for searching will be:
+ /home/karl:.:\$TEXMF//tex
+Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one
+place, \KPS{} changes only one extra \samp{:}\ and leaves any others in
+place. It checks first for a leading \samp{:}, then a trailing
+\samp{:}, then a doubled \samp{:}.
+\subsubsection{Brace expansion}
+A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance,
+\verb+v{a,b}w+ expands to \verb+vaw:vbw+. Nesting is allowed.
+This is used to implement multiple \TeX{} hierarchies, by
+assigning a brace list to \code{\$TEXMF}.
+For example, in \file{texmf.cnf}, a definition like this
+(simplified for this example) is made:
+Using this you can then write something like
+ TEXINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex//
+which means that, after looking in the current directory, the
+\code{\$TEXMFHOME/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFLOCAL/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFVAR/tex}
+and \code{\$TEXMFMAIN/tex} trees \emph{only}) will be searched (the
+last two use using \file{ls-R} data base files). It is a convenient
+way for running two parallel \TeX{} structures, one ``frozen'' (on a
+\CD, for instance) and the other being continuously updated with new
+versions as they become available. By using the \code{\$TEXMF}
+variable in all definitions, one is sure to always search the
+up-to-date tree first.
+\subsubsection{Subdirectory expansion}
+Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory
+\var{d} is replaced by all subdirectories of \var{d}: first those
+subdirectories directly under \var{d}, then the subsubdirectories under
+those, and so on. At each level, the order in which the directories are
+searched is \emph{unspecified}.
+If you specify any filename components after the \samp{//}, only
+subdirectories with matching components are included. For example,
+\samp{/a//b} expands into directories \file{/a/1/b}, \file{/a/2/b},
+\file{/a/1/1/b}, and so on, but not \file{/a/b/c} or \file{/a/1}.
+Multiple \samp{//} constructs in a path are possible, but
+\samp{//} at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+\subsubsection{List of special characters and their meaning: a summary}
+The following list summarizes the special characters in \KPS{}
+configuration files.
+% need a wider space for the item labels here.
+\item[\CODE{:}] Separator in path specification; at the beginning or
+ the end of a path it substitutes the default path expansion.\par
+\item[\CODE{;}] Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like \code{:}).
+\item[\CODE{\$}] Variable expansion.
+\item[\CODE{\string~}] Represents the user's home directory.
+\item[\CODE{\char`\{...\char`\}}] Brace expansion.
+\item[\CODE{//}] Subdirectory expansion (can occur anywhere in
+ a path, except at its beginning).
+\item[\CODE{\%}] Start of comment.
+\item[\CODE{\bs}] Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+\item[\CODE{!!}] Search \emph{only} database to locate file, \emph{do
+ not} search the disk.
+\subsection{Filename databases}
+\KPS{} goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches.
+Nevertheless, at installations with enough directories, searching each
+possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time
+(this is especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to
+be traversed.) Therefore, \KPS{} can use an externally-built plain text
+``database'' file named \file{ls-R} that maps files to directories,
+thus avoiding the need to exhaustively search the disk.
+A second database file \file{aliases} allows you to give additional
+names to the files listed in \file{ls-R}. This can be helpful to
+confirm to \acro{DOS} 8.3 filename conventions in source files.
+\subsubsection{The filename database}
+As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be
+\file{ls-R}. You can put one at the root of each \TeX{} hierarchy in
+your installation that you wish to be searched (\code{\$TEXMF} by
+default). \KPS{} looks for
+\file{ls-R} files along the \code{TEXMFDBS} path.
+The recommended way to create and maintain \samp{ls-R} is to run the
+\code{mktexlsr} script included with the distribution. It is invoked
+by the various \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts. In principle, this script
+just runs the command
+cd \var{/your/texmf/root} && \path|\|ls -1LAR ./ >ls-R
+presuming your system's \code{ls} produces the right output format
+(\GNU \code{ls} is all right). To ensure that the database is
+always up-to-date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via
+\code{cron}, so that it is automatically updated when the installed
+files change, such as after installing or updating a \LaTeX{} package.
+If a file is not found in the database, by default \KPS{} goes ahead
+and searches the disk. If a particular path element begins with
+\samp{!!}, however, \emph{only} the database will be searched for that
+element, never the disk.
+\subsubsection{kpsewhich: Standalone path searching}
+The \texttt{kpsewhich} program exercises path searching independent of any
+particular application. This can be useful as a sort of \code{find}
+program to locate files in \TeX{} hierarchies (this is used heavily in
+the distributed \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts).
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich \var{option}\dots{} \var{filename}\dots{}}
+The options specified in \ttvar{option} start with either \samp{-}
+or \samp{-{}-}, and any unambiguous abbreviation is accepted.
+\KPS{} looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a
+filename, and returns the first file found. There is no option to
+return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix
+\samp{find} utility for that).
+The most common options are described next.
+ Set the resolution to \ttvar{num}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. \samp{-D} is a synonym, for compatibility
+ with \cmdname{dvips}. Default is 600.
+ Set the format for lookup to \ttvar{name}. By default, the
+ format is guessed from the filename. For formats which do not have
+ an associated unambiguous suffix, such as \MP{} support files and
+ \cmdname{dvips} configuration files, you have to specify the name as
+ known to \KPS{}, such as \texttt{tex} or \texttt{enc files}. Run
+ \texttt{kpsewhich -{}-help} for a list.
+ Set the mode name to \ttvar{string}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. No default: any mode will be found.
+ Do everything possible to find the files, notably including
+ searching the disk. By default, only the \file{ls-R} database is
+ checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ Search along the path \ttvar{string} (colon-separated as usual),
+ instead of guessing the search path from the filename. \samp{//} and
+ all the usual expansions are supported. The options \samp{-{}-path}
+ and \samp{-{}-format} are mutually exclusive.
+ Set the program name to \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ This can affect the search paths via the \texttt{.\var{progname}}
+ feature.
+ The default is \cmdname{kpsewhich}.
+ shows the path used for file lookups of file type \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ Either a filename extension (\code{.pk}, \code{.vf}, etc.) or a
+ name can be used, just as with \samp{-{}-format} option.
+ sets the debugging options to \texttt{\var{num}}.
+\subsubsection{Examples of use}
+Let us now have a look at \KPS{} in action. Here's a straightforward search:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich article.cls}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
+We are looking for the file \file{article.cls}. Since the \samp{.cls}
+suffix is unambiguous we do not need to specify that we want to look for a
+file of type \optname{tex} (\TeX{} source file directories). We find it in
+the subdirectory \file{tex/latex/base} below the \samp{texmf-dist} \TL\
+directory. Similarly, all of the following are found without problems
+thanks to their unambiguous suffix.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich array.sty}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/array.sty
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich latin1.def}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latin1.def
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich size10.clo}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich small2e.tex}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/small2e.tex
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich tugboat.bib}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/bibtex/bib/beebe/tugboat.bib
+By the way, that last is a \BibTeX{} bibliography database for
+\textsl{TUGboat} articles.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+Font bitmap glyph files of type \file{.pk} are used by display
+programs like \cmdname{dvips} and \cmdname{xdvi}. Nothing is returned in
+this case since there are no pre-generated Computer Modern \samp{.pk}
+files in \TL{}\Dash the Type~1 variants are used by default.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+\else /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/
+... wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+For these fonts (a phonetic alphabet from the University of Washington)
+we had to generate \samp{.pk} files, and since the default \MF{} mode on
+our installation is \texttt{ljfour} with a base resolution of 600\dpi{}
+(dots per inch), this instantiation is returned.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich -dpi=300}
+In this case, when specifying that we are interested in a resolution
+of 300\dpi{} (\texttt{-dpi=300}) we see that no such font is available on
+the system. A program like \cmdname{dvips} or \cmdname{xdvi} would
+go off and actually build the required \texttt{.pk} files
+using the script \cmdname{mktexpk}.
+Next we turn our attention to \cmdname{dvips}'s header and configuration
+files. We first look at one of the commonly used files, the general
+prologue \file{} for \TeX{} support, before turning our attention
+to the generic configuration file (\file{}) and the \PS{} font
+map \file{}\Dash as of 2004, map and encoding files have
+their own search paths and new location in \dirname{texmf} trees. As
+the \samp{.ps} suffix is ambiguous we have to specify explicitly which
+type we are considering (\optname{dvips config}) for the file
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/config/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/
+We now take a closer look at the \acro{URW} Times \PS{} support
+files. The prefix for these in the standard font naming scheme is
+\samp{utm}. The first file we look at is the configuration file,
+which contains the name of the map file:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config" config.utm}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/dvips/psnfss/config.utm
+The contents of that file is
+ p
+which points to the file \file{}, which we want to
+locate next.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/times/
+This map file defines the file names of the Type~1 \PS{} fonts in
+the URW collection. Its contents look like (we only show part of the
+utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal... <utmbi8a.pfb
+utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal... <utmri8a.pfb
+utmbo8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmro8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+Let us, for instance, take the Times Roman instance
+\file{utmr8a.pfb} and find its position in the \file{texmf} directory
+tree with a search for Type~1 font files:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich utmr8a.pfb}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb
+\else /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/
+... urw/utm/utmr8a.pfb
+It should be evident from these examples how you can easily locate the
+whereabouts of a given file. This is especially important if you suspect
+that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since
+\cmdname{kpsewhich} will show you the first file encountered.
+\subsubsection{Debugging actions}
+Sometimes it is necessary to investigate how a program resolves file
+references. To make this practical, \KPS{} offers various levels of
+debugging output:
+\item[\texttt{\ 1}] \texttt{stat} calls (disk lookups). When running
+ with an up-to-date \file{ls-R} database this should almost give no
+ output.
+\item[\texttt{\ 2}] References to hash tables (such as \file{ls-R}
+ databases, map files, configuration files).
+\item[\texttt{\ 4}] File open and close operations.
+\item[\texttt{\ 8}] General path information for file types
+ searched by \KPS. This is useful to find out where a particular
+ path for the file was defined.
+\item[\texttt{16}] Directory list for each path element (only relevant
+ for searches on disk).
+\item[\texttt{32}] File searches.
+\item[\texttt{64}] Variable values.
+A value of \texttt{-1} will set all the above options; in practice,
+this is usually the most convenient.
+Similarly, with the \cmdname{dvips} program, by setting a combination of
+debug switches, one can follow in detail where files are being picked up
+from. Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace shows in
+which directories the program looks for the given file, so that one can
+get an indication what the problem~is.
+Generally speaking, as most programs call the \KPS{} library
+internally, one can select a debug option by using the
+\envname{KPATHSEA\_DEBUG} environment variable, and setting it to (a
+combination of) values as described in the above list.
+(Note for Windows users: it is not easy to redirect
+all messages to a file in this system. For diagnostic purposes
+you can temporarily \texttt{SET KPATHSEA\_DEBUG\_OUTPUT=err.log}).
+Let us consider, as an example, a small \LaTeX{} source file,
+\file{hello-world.tex}, which contains the following input.
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \begin{document}
+ Hello World!
+ \end{document}
+This little file only uses the font \file{cmr10}, so let us look at
+how \cmdname{dvips} prepares the \PS{} file (we want to use the Type~1
+version of the Computer Modern fonts, hence the option \texttt{-Pcms}).
+> \Ucom{dvips -d4100 hello-world -Pcms -o}
+In this case we have combined \cmdname{dvips}'s debug class 4 (font
+paths) with \KPS's path element expansion (see \cmdname{dvips} Reference
+Manual, \OnCD{texmf/doc/dvips/dvips.pdf}).
+The output (slightly rearranged) appears in
+\caption{Finding configuration files}\label{fig:dvipsdbga}
+\caption{Finding the prolog file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgb}
+\caption{Finding the font file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgc}
+\cmdname{dvips} starts by locating its working files. First,
+\file{texmf.cnf} is found, which gives the definitions of the search
+paths for the other files, then the file database \file{ls-R} (to
+optimize file searching) and the file \file{aliases}, which makes it
+possible to declare several names (e.g., a short \acro{DOS}-like 8.3 and
+a more natural longer version) for the same file. Then \cmdname{dvips}
+goes on to find the generic configuration file \file{}
+before looking for the customization file \file{.dvipsrc} (which, in
+this case is \emph{not found}). Finally, \cmdname{dvips} locates the
+config file for the Computer Modern \PS{} fonts \file{config.cms}
+(this was initiated with the \texttt{-Pcms} option on the \cmdname{dvips}
+command). This file contains the list of the map files which
+define the relation between the \TeX{}, \PS{} and file system
+names of the fonts.
+> \Ucom{more /usr/local/texmf/dvips/cms/config.cms}
+ p
+ p
+ p
+ p
+\cmdname{dvips} thus goes on to find all these files, plus the generic
+map file \file{}, which is always loaded (it contains
+declarations for commonly used \PS{} fonts; see the last part of
+Section \ref{sec:examples-of-use} for more details about \PS{} map
+file handling).
+At this point \cmdname{dvips} identifies itself to the user:
+This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{}:
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search( => /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{} (see
+After having found the file in question, \cmdname{dvips} outputs
+the date and time, and informs us that it will generate the
+file \file{}, then that it needs the font file
+\file{cmr10}, and that the latter is declared as ``resident'' (no
+bitmaps needed):
+TeX output 1998.02.26:1204' ->
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.0pt
+Font cmr10 <CMR10> is resident.
+Now the search is on for the file \file{cmr10.tfm}, which is found,
+then a few more prolog files (not shown) are referenced, and finally
+the Type~1 instance \file{cmr10.pfb} of the font is located and
+included in the output file (see last line).
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.tfm, must\_exist=1, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/fonts/tfm//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ /var/tex/fonts/tfm//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.tfm) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.pfb, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.pfb) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/cmr10.pfb
+\subsection{Runtime options}
+Another useful feature of \Webc{} is its possibility to control a number
+of memory parameters (in particular, array sizes) via the runtime file
+\file{texmf.cnf} read by \KPS{}. The memory settings can be found in
+Part~3 of that file in the \TL{} distribution. The more important
+ Total words of memory available, for
+ \TeX{}, \MF{} and \MP. You must make a new format file for each
+ different setting. For instance, you could generate a ``huge''
+ version of \TeX{}, and call the format file \texttt{hugetex.fmt}.
+ Using the standard way of specifying the program name used by \KPS{},
+ the particular value of the \texttt{main\_memory} variable will then
+ be read from \file{texmf.cnf}.
+ Extra space for ``large'' \TeX{} data structures:
+ boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if you use
+ \PiCTeX{}.
+ Number of words for font information available for \TeX. This
+ is more or less the total size of all \acro{TFM} files read.
+ Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names.
+ Only $\approx$10,000 control sequences can be stored in the main
+ hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. The default value of
+ \texttt{hash\_extra} is \texttt{50000}.
+\noindent Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic
+arrays and memory allocation, but since these are extremely difficult to
+implement in the present \TeX{} source, these runtime parameters provide
+a practical compromise allowing some flexibility.
+\section{Building on a new Unix platform}
+If you have a platform for which executables are not included, you will
+need to compile \TeX{} and friends. This is not as hard as it
+sounds. What you need is all in the directory \texttt{source} in the
+You will need at least 100 megabytes of disk space to compile all of
+\TeX{} and its support programs. You'll also need an \acro{ANSI} C
+compiler, a \cmdname{make} utility, a lexical scanner, and a parser
+generator. We recommend the \GNU version of these programs
+(\cmdname{gcc}, \GNU \cmdname{make}, \cmdname{m4}, \cmdname{flex},
+\cmdname{bison}). You may be able to work with other C compilers and
+\cmdname{make} programs, but you will need a good understanding of
+building Unix programs to sort out problems.
+Also, the command \texttt{uname} must return a sensible value.
+To begin, perform a normal installation of \TL{} to your disk (see
+section~\ref{sec:install-disk} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:install-disk}). You may wish to skip installing
+all of the prebuilt binaries.
+Then, unpack the source from the compressed \texttt{tar} file in the
+directory \dirname{source} to your disk and change directory to where
+you placed it.
+Next, run \cmdname{configure} with a command line like this:
+> \Ucom{sh configure -prefix=/usr/local/TeX}
+The \optname{-prefix} directory is the one where you installed the
+support tree; the directory layout will be as follows (where \$TEXDIR
+stands for the directory you chose):
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/share/texmf} & main tree with fonts,\\
+ & \qquad macros, etc\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/man} & Unix manual pages\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/info} & \GNU style Info manuals\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin/$PLATFORM} & binaries\\
+If you want to leave out the \dirname{$PLATFORM} directory level,
+i.e., put the binaries directly into \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin}, specify
+the \verb|--disable-multiplatform| option to \cmdname{configure}.
+Have a look at the output of \verb|./configure --help| for more
+options you can use. For example, you can skip building of \OMEGA{} and
+\subsection{Running \cmdname{make}}
+Make sure the shell variable or option \texttt{noclobber} is not set.
+Then, run the main \cmdname{make} like this:
+> \Ucom{make world}
+and relax\ldots
+Alternatively, you want to log all the output, as in:
+> \Ucom{sh -c "make world >world.log 2>\&1" \&}
+Before you believe that everything went ok, please check the log file
+for errors: \GNU \cmdname{make} always uses the string \samp{***}
+whenever a command fails. Also, check if all the programs were built:
+> \Ucom{cd \var{TEXDIR}/bin/\var{archname}}
+> \Ucom{ls | wc}
+The result should be over 200 (you can check the exact number with the
+\dirname{bin} directory contents in the distribution).
+If you need special privileges for \texttt{make install}, you can
+separate the \samp{make world} into two different runs, like this:
+> \Ucom{make all}
+> \Ucom{su}
+> \Ucom{make install strip}
+After you've installed your new binaries, you should follow the normal
+post-installation procedures, given in section~\ref{sec:postinstall}
+Also, if you'd like to make your binaries available to others, please
+contact us. We'll be happy to put them on the \TL\ web pages.
+\TL{} is a joint effort by virtually all of the \TeX{} user groups.
+This edition of \TL{} was overseen by Karl Berry. The other principal
+contributors, past and present, are listed below.
+\item The English, German, Dutch, and Polish \TeX{} user groups
+(\acro{TUG}, \acro{DANTE} e.V., \acro{NTG}, and \acro{GUST},
+respectively), which provide the necessary technical and administrative
+infrastructure. Please join the \TeX\ user group near you! (See
+\item The \acro{CTAN} team, notably Robin Fairbairns, Jim Hef{}feron,
+and Rainer Sch\"opf, which distributes the \TL{} images and provides the
+common infrastructure for package updates, upon which \TL{} depends.
+\item Nelson Beebe, for making many platforms available to \TL\
+developers, and his own comprehensive testing.
+\item John Bowman, for making many changes to his advanced graphics
+program Asymptote to make it work in \TL.
+\item Peter Breitenlohner and the \eTeX\ team for the stable foundation
+of future \TeX's, and Peter specifically for stellar help with \GNU\
+autotools usage throughout \TL.
+\item Jin-Hwan Cho and all of the DVIPDFM$x$ team, for their
+excellent driver and responsiveness to configuration issues.
+\item Thomas Esser, without whose marvelous \teTeX{} package \TL{}
+would have never existed.
+\item Michel Goossens, who co-authored the original documentation.
+\item Eitan Gurari, whose \TeX4ht is used to create the \HTML{}
+version of this documentation, and who worked tirelessly to improve it
+at short notice, every year. Eitan prematurely passed away in June
+2009, and we dedicate this documentation to his memory.
+\item Hans Hagen, for much testing and making his \ConTeXt\ format
+(\url{}) work within \TL's framework.
+\item \Thanh, Martin Schr\"oder, and the pdf\TeX\ team
+(\url{}) for continuing enhancements of \TeX's
+\item Hartmut Henkel, for significant development contributions to
+pdf\TeX\, Lua\TeX, and more.
+\item Taco Hoekwater, for major renewed development efforts on MetaPost and
+(Lua)\TeX\ (\url{}) itself, incorporating
+\ConTeXt\ into \TL, giving Kpathsea multi-threaded functionality, and
+much more.
+\item Pawe{\l} Jackowski, for the Windows installer \cmdname{tlpm},
+and Tomasz {\L}uczak, for \cmdname{tlpmgui}, used in past releases.
+\item Akira Kakuto, for providing the Windows
+binaries from his \acro{W32TEX} distribution for Japanese \TeX\
+(\url{}), and many other development contributions.
+\item Jonathan Kew, for developing the remarkable \XeTeX{} engine and
+taking the time and trouble to integrate it in \TL{}, as well as the
+initial version of the Mac\TeX\ installer, and also for our recommended
+front-end \TeX{}works.
+\item Dick Koch, for maintaining Mac\TeX\ (\url{})
+in very close tandem with \TL{}, and for his great good cheer in doing
+\item Reinhard Kotucha, for major contributions to the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, as well as Windows research efforts, the
+\texttt{getnonfreefonts} script, and more.
+\item Siep Kroonenberg, also for major contributions to the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, especially on Windows, and for the bulk of
+work updating this manual describing those features.
+\item Heiko Oberdiek, for the \pkgname{epstopdf} package and many
+others, compressing the huge \pkgname{pst-geo} data files so we could
+include them, and most of all, for his remarkable work on
+\item Petr Ol\v{s}ak, who coordinated and checked all the Czech and Slovak
+material very carefully.
+\item Toshio Oshima, for his \cmdname{dviout} previewer for Windows.
+\item Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard, for helping with package updates,
+documentation improvements, and \cmdname{texdoc} development.
+\item Fabrice Popineau, for the original Windows support in \TL{} and
+work on the French documentation.
+\item Norbert Preining, the principal architect of the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, and also for coordinating the Debian
+version of \TL{} (together with Frank K\"uster), making many suggestions
+along the way.
+\item Sebastian Rahtz, for originally creating \TL{} and maintaining it
+for many years.
+\item Phil Taylor, for setting up the BitTorrent downloads.
+\item Tomasz Trzeciak, for wide-ranging help with Windows.
+\item Vladimir Volovich, for substantial help with porting and other
+maintenance issues, and especially for making it feasible to include
+\item Staszek Wawrykiewicz, the principal tester for all of \TL{},
+and coordinator of the many major Polish contributions: fonts, Windows
+installation, and more.
+\item Olaf Weber, for his patient maintenance of \Webc.
+\item Gerben Wierda, for creating and maintaining the original \MacOSX\
+support, and much integration and testing.
+\item Graham Williams, on whose work the \TeX\ Catalogue of packages depends.
+Builders of the binaries:
+Alan Braslau (\pkgname{amd64-kfreebsd}, \pkgname{i386-kfreebsd}),
+Peter Breitenlohner (\pkgname{x86\_64-linux}),
+Karl Berry (\pkgname{i386-linux}, \pkgname{sparc-linux}),
+Ken Brown (\pkgname{i386-cygwin}),
+Akira Kakuto (\pkgname{win32}),
+Dick Koch (\pkgname{universal-darwin}, \pkgname{x86\_64-darwin}),
+Nikola Le\v{c}i\'c (\pkgname{amd64-freebsd}, \pkgname{i386-freebsd}),
+Norbert Preining (\pkgname{alpha-linux}),
+Jukka Salmi (\pkgname{i386-netbsd}),
+Thomas Schmitz (\pkgname{powerpc-linux}),
+Apostolos Syropoulos (\pkgname{i386-solaris}, \pkgname{x86\_64-solaris}),
+Vladimir Volovich (\pkgname{powerpc-aix}, \pkgname{sparc-solaris}),
+Olaf Weber (\pkgname{mips-irix}).
+For information on the \TL{} build process, see
+Current documentation translators:
+Boris Veytsman (Russian),
+Jjgod Jiang, Jinsong Zhao, Yue Wang, \& Helin Gai (Chinese),
+Klaus H\"oppner (German),
+Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard (French),
+Marco Pallante (Italian),
+Nikola Le\v{c}i\'c (Serbian),
+Petr Sojka \& Jan Busa (Czech\slash Slovak),
+Staszek Wawrykiewicz (Polish). The \TL{} documentation web page
+is \url{}.
+Of course the most important acknowledgement must go to Donald Knuth,
+first for inventing \TeX, and then for giving it to the world.
+\section{Release history}
+Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group was
+starting work on its 4All\TeX{} \CD{} for \acro{MS-DOS} users, and it
+was hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, \CD{} for all
+systems. This was too ambitious a target for the time, but it did spawn
+not only the very successful 4All\TeX{} \CD{}, but also the \acro{TUG}
+Technical Council working group on a \emph{\TeX{} Directory Structure}
+(\url{}), which specified how to create consistent and
+manageable collections of \TeX{} support files. A complete draft of the
+\TDS{} was published in the December 1995 issue of \textsl{TUGboat}, and
+it was clear from an early stage that one desirable product would be a
+model structure on \CD{}. The distribution you now have is a very direct
+result of the working group's deliberations. It was also clear that the
+success of the 4All\TeX{} \CD{} showed that Unix users would benefit
+from a similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of
+We first undertook to make a new Unix-based \TDS{} \CD{} in the autumn
+of 1995, and quickly identified Thomas Esser's \teTeX{} as the ideal
+setup, as it already had multi-platform support and was built with
+portability across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and work
+began seriously at the start of 1996. The first edition was released in
+May 1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a major new release
+of Web2c, which included nearly all the features which Thomas Esser had
+added in \teTeX, and we decided to base the 2nd edition of the \CD{} on
+the standard \Webc, with the addition of \teTeX's \texttt{texconfig}
+script. The 3rd edition of the \CD{} was based on a major revision of
+\Webc, 7.2, by Olaf Weber; at the same time, a new revision of \teTeX
+was being made, and \TL{} included almost all of its features. The
+4th edition followed the same pattern, using a new version of \teTeX,
+and a new release of \Webc{} (7.3). The system now included a complete
+Windows setup.
+For the 5th edition (March 2000) many parts of the \CD{} were revised
+and checked, updating hundreds of packages. Package details were stored
+in XML files. But the major change for \TeX\ Live 5 was that all
+non-free software was removed. Everything in \TL{} is now intended
+to be compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
+(\url{}); we have done our best to check
+the license conditions of all packages, but we would very much
+appreciate hearing of any mistakes.
+The 6th edition (July 2001) had much more material updated. The major
+change was a new install concept: the user could select a more exact set
+of needed collections. Language-related collections were completely
+reorganized, so selecting any of them installs not only macros, fonts,
+etc., but also prepares an appropriate \texttt{language.dat}.
+The 7th edition of 2002 had the notable addition of \MacOSX{} support,
+and the usual myriad of updates to all sorts of packages and
+programs. An important goal was integration of the source back with
+\teTeX, to correct the drift apart in versions~5 and~6.
+In 2003, with the continuing flood of updates and additions, we found
+that \TL{} had grown so large it could no longer be contained on a
+single \CD, so we split it into three different distributions (see
+section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists}, \p.\pageref{sec:tl-coll-dists}). In
+\item At the request of the \LaTeX{} team, we changed the standard
+ \cmdname{latex} and \cmdname{pdflatex} commands to now use \eTeX{} (see
+ \p.\pageref{text:etex}).
+\item The new Latin Modern fonts were included (and are recommended).
+\item Support for Alpha \acro{OSF} was removed
+ (\acro{HPUX} support was removed previously), since no one had (or
+ volunteered) hardware available on which to compile new binaries.
+\item Windows setup was substantially changed; for the first time
+ an integrated environment based on XEmacs was introduced.
+\item Important supplementary programs for Windows
+ (Perl, Ghost\-script, Image\-Magick, Ispell) are now installed
+ in the \TL{} installation directory.
+\item Font map files used by \cmdname{dvips}, \cmdname{dvipdfm}
+ and \cmdname{pdftex} are now generated by the new program
+ \cmdname{updmap} and installed into \dirname{texmf/fonts/map}.
+\item \TeX{}, \MF{}, and \MP{} now, by default, output most input
+ characters (32 and above) as themselves in output (e.g.,
+ \verb|\write|) files,
+ log files, and the terminal, i.e., \emph{not} translated using the
+ \verb|^^| notation. In \TL{}~7, this translation was
+ dependent on the system locale settings; now, locale settings do
+ not influence the \TeX{} programs' behavior. If for some reason
+ you need the \verb|^^| output, rename the file
+ \verb|texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx|. (Future releases will have cleaner
+ ways to control this.)
+\item This documentation was substantially revised.
+\item Finally, since the edition numbers had grown unwieldy,
+ the version is now simply identified by the year: \TL{} 2003.
+2004 saw many changes:
+\item If you have locally-installed fonts which use their own
+\filename{.map} or (much less likely) \filename{.enc} support files, you
+may need to move those support files.
+\filename{.map} files are now searched for in subdirectories of
+\dirname{fonts/map} only (in each \filename{texmf} tree), along the
+\envname{TEXFONTMAPS} path. Similarly, \filename{.enc} files are now
+searched for in subdirectories of \dirname{fonts/enc} only, along the
+\envname{ENCFONTS} path. \cmdname{updmap} will attempt to warn about
+problematic files.
+For methods of handling this and other information, please see
+\item The \TK\ has been expanded with the addition of a \MIKTEX-based
+installable \CD, for those who prefer that implementation to Web2C.
+See section~\ref{sec:overview-tl} (\p.\pageref{sec:overview-tl}).
+\item Within \TL, the single large \dirname{texmf} tree of previous
+releases has been replaced by three: \dirname{texmf},
+\dirname{texmf-dist}, and \dirname{texmf-doc}. See
+section~\ref{sec:tld} (\p.\pageref{sec:tld}), and the \filename{README}
+files for each.
+\item All \TeX-related input files are now collected in
+the \dirname{tex} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, rather than
+having separate sibling directories \dirname{tex}, \dirname{etex},
+\dirname{pdftex}, \dirname{pdfetex}, etc. See
+\item Helper scripts (not meant to be invoked by users) are now located
+in a new \dirname{scripts} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, and
+can be searched for via \verb|kpsewhich -format=texmfscripts|. So if you have
+programs which call such scripts, they'll need to be adjusted. See
+\item Almost all formats leave most characters printable as
+themselves via the ``translation file'' \filename{cp227.tcx}, instead of
+translating them with the \verb|^^| notation. Specifically, characters
+at positions 32--256, plus tab, vertical tab, and form feed are
+considered printable and not translated. The exceptions are plain \TeX\
+(only 32--126 printable), \ConTeXt\ (0--255 printable), and the
+\OMEGA-related formats. This default behavior is almost the same as in
+\TL\,2003, but it's implemented more cleanly, with more possibilities
+for customization. See \CDref{texmf/doc/web2c/web2c.html\#TCX-files}
+(By the way, with Unicode input, \TeX\ may output partial character
+sequences when showing error contexts, since it is byte-oriented.)
+\item \textsf{pdfetex} is now the default engine for all formats
+except (plain) \textsf{tex} itself. (Of course it generates \acro{DVI}
+when run as \textsf{latex}, etc.) This means, among other things, that
+the microtypographic features of \textsf{pdftex} are available in
+\LaTeX, \ConTeXt, etc., as well as the \eTeX\ features
+It also means it's \emph{more important than ever} to use the
+\pkgname{ifpdf} package (works with both plain and \LaTeX) or equivalent
+code, because simply testing whether \cs{pdfoutput} or some other
+primitive is defined is not a reliable way to determine if \acro{PDF}
+output is being generated. We made this backward compatible as best we
+could this year, but next year, \cs{pdfoutput} may be defined even when
+\acro{DVI} is being written.
+\item pdf\TeX\ (\url{}) has many new features:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cs{pdfmapfile} and \cs{pdfmapline} provide font map support
+ from within a document.
+ \item Microtypographic font expansion can be used more easily.\\
+ \url{}
+ \item All parameters previously set through the special configuration
+ file \filename{pdftex.cfg} must now be set through primitives,
+ typically in \filename{pdftexconfig.tex}; \filename{pdftex.cfg} is no
+ longer supported. Any extant \filename{.fmt} files must be redumped
+ when \filename{pdftexconfig.tex} is changed.
+ \item See the pdf\TeX\ manual for more: \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+\item The \cs{input} primitive in \cmdname{tex} (and \cmdname{mf} and
+\cmdname{mpost}) now accepts double quotes containing spaces and other
+special characters. Typical examples:
+\input "filename with spaces" % plain
+\input{"filename with spaces"} % latex
+See the Web2C manual for more: \OnCD{texmf/doc/web2c}.
+\item enc\TeX\ support is now included within Web2C and consequently all
+\TeX\ programs, via the \optname{-enc} option\Dash \emph{only when
+formats are built}. enc\TeX\ supports general re-encoding of input and
+output, enabling full support of Unicode (in \acro{UTF}-8). See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/enctex/} and
+\item Aleph, a new engine combining \eTeX\ and \OMEGA, is available.
+A little information is available in \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base}
+and \url{}. The
+\LaTeX-based format for Aleph is named \textsf{lamed}.
+\item The latest \LaTeX\ release has a new version of the
+\acro{LPPL}\Dash now officially a Debian-approved license. Assorted
+other updates, see the \filename{ltnews} files in
+\item \cmdname{dvipng}, a new program for converting \acro{DVI} to
+\acro{PNG} image files, is included. See \OnCD{texmf/doc/man/man1/dvipng.1}.
+\item We reduced the \pkgname{cbgreek} package to a ``medium'' sized set
+of fonts, with the assent and advice of the author (Claudio Beccari).
+The excised fonts are the invisible, outline, and transparency ones,
+which are relatively rarely used, and we needed the space. The full set
+is of course available from \acro{CTAN}
+\item \cmdname{oxdvi} has been removed; just use \cmdname{xdvi}.
+\item The \cmdname{ini} and \cmdname{vir} commands (links) for
+\cmdname{tex}, \cmdname{mf}, and \cmdname{mpost} are no longer created,
+such as \cmdname{initex}. The \cmdname{ini} functionality has been
+available through the command-line option \optname{-ini} for years now.
+\item \textsf{i386-openbsd} platform support was removed. Since the
+\pkgname{tetex} package in the \acro{BSD} Ports system is available, and
+\acro{GNU/}Linux and Free\acro{BSD} binaries were available, it seemed
+volunteer time could be better spent elsewhere.
+\item On \textsf{sparc-solaris} (at least), you may have to set the
+\envname{LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH} environment variable to run the
+\pkgname{t1utils} programs. This is because they are compiled with C++,
+and there is no standard location for the runtime libraries. (This is
+not new in 2004, but wasn't previously documented.) Similarly, on
+\textsf{mips-irix}, the \acro{MIPS}pro 7.4 runtimes are required.
+2005 saw the usual huge number of updates to packages and programs.
+The infrastructure stayed relatively stable from 2004, but inevitably
+there were some changes there as well:
+\item New scripts \cmdname{texconfig-sys}, \cmdname{updmap-sys}, and
+ \cmdname{fmtutil-sys} were introduced, which modify the
+ configuration in the system trees. The \cmdname{texconfig},
+ \cmdname{updmap}, and \cmdname{fmtutil} scripts now modify
+ user-specific files, under \dirname{$HOME/.texlive2005}.
+\item Corresponding new variables \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} to specify the trees where configuration
+ files (user or system, respectively) are found. Thus, you may
+ need to move personal versions of \filename{fmtutil.cnf} and
+ \filename{updmap.cfg} to these places; another option is to
+ redefine \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} or \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} in
+ \filename{texmf.cnf}. In any case the real location of these files
+ and the values of \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ must agree.
+ See section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}, \p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}.
+\item Last year, we kept \verb|\pdfoutput| and other primitives undefined
+ for \dvi\ output, even though the \cmdname{pdfetex} program was
+ being used. This year, as promised, we undid that compatibility
+ measure. So if your document uses \verb|\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined|
+ to test if PDF is being output, it will need to be changed. You
+ can use the package \pkgname{ifpdf.sty} (which works under both
+ plain \TeX\ and \LaTeX) to do this, or steal its logic.
+\item Last year, we changed most formats to output (8-bit) characters as
+ themselves (see previous section). The new TCX file
+ \filename{empty.tcx} now provides an easier way to get the
+ original \verb|^^| notation if you so desire, as in:
+latex --translate-file=empty.tcx yourfile.tex
+\item The new program \cmdname{dvipdfmx} is included for translation of
+ DVI to PDF; this is an actively maintained update of
+ \cmdname{dvipdfm} (which is also still available for now, though
+ no longer recommended).
+\item The new programs \cmdname{pdfopen} and \cmdname{pdfclose} are included
+ to allow reloading of pdf files in the Adobe Acrobat Reader without
+ restarting the program. (Other pdf readers, notably \cmdname{xpdf},
+ \cmdname{gv}, and \cmdname{gsview}, have never suffered from this
+ problem.)
+\item For consistency, the variables \envname{HOMETEXMF} and
+ \envname{VARTEXMF} have been renamed to \envname{TEXMFHOME} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}, respectively. There is also
+ \envname{TEXMFVAR}, which is by default user-specific. See the
+ first point above.
+In 2006--2007, the major new addition to \TL{} was the \XeTeX{} program,
+available as the \texttt{xetex} and \texttt{xelatex} programs; see
+MetaPost also received a notable update, with more planned for the
+future (\url{}), likewise pdf\TeX{}
+The \TeX\ \filename{.fmt} (high-speed format) and the similar files for
+MetaPost and \MF\ are now stored in subdirectories of \dirname{texmf/web2c},
+instead of in the directory itself (although the directory is still
+searched, for the sake of existing \filename{.fmt}'s). The
+subdirectories are named for the `engine' in use, such as \filename{tex}
+or \filename{pdftex} or \filename{xetex}. This change should be
+invisible in normal use.
+The (plain) \texttt{tex} program no longer reads \texttt{\%\&} first
+lines to determine what format to run; it is the pure Knuthian \TeX.
+(\LaTeX\ and everything else do still read \texttt{\%\&} lines).
+Of course the year also saw (the usual) hundreds of other updates to
+packages and programs. As usual, please check \acro{CTAN}
+(\url{}) for updates.
+Internally, the source tree is now stored in Subversion, with a standard
+web interface for viewing the tree, as linked from our home page.
+Although not visible in the final distribution, we expect this will
+provide a stable development foundation for future years.
+Finally, in May 2006 Thomas Esser announced that he would no longer be
+updating te\TeX{} (\url{}). As a result, there was
+been a surge of interest in \TL{}, especially among \GNU/Linux
+distributors. (There is a new \texttt{tetex} installation scheme in
+\TL{}, which provides an approximate equivalent.) We hope this will
+eventually translate to improvements in the \TeX\ environment for
+In 2008, the entire \TL{} infrastructure was redesigned and
+reimplemented. Complete information about an installation is now stored
+in a plain text file \filename{tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb}.
+Among other things, this finally makes possible upgrading a \TL{}
+installation over the Internet after the initial installation, a feature
+MiK\TeX\ has provided for many years. We expect to regularly update new
+packages as they are released to \CTAN.
+The major new engine Lua\TeX\ (\url{}) is included;
+besides a new level of flexibility in typesetting, this provides an
+excellent scripting language for use both inside and outside of \TeX\
+Support among Windows and the Unix-based platforms is now much more
+uniform. In particular, most Perl and Lua scripts are now available on
+Windows, using the Perl internally distributed with \TL.
+The new \cmdname{tlmgr} script (section~\ref{sec:tlmgr}) is the
+general interface for managing \TL{} after the initial installation.
+It handles package updates and consequent regeneration of formats, map
+files, and language files, optionally including local additions.
+With the advent of \cmdname{tlmgr}, the \cmdname{texconfig} actions to
+edit the format and hyphenation configuration files are now disabled.
+The \cmdname{xindy} indexing program
+(\url{}) is now included on most platforms.
+The \cmdname{kpsewhich} tool can now report all matches for a given file
+(option \optname{--all}) and limit matches to a given subdirectory
+(option \optname{--subdir}).
+The \cmdname{dvipdfmx} program now includes functionality to extract
+bounding box information, via the command name \cmdname{extractbb}; this
+was one of the last features provided by \cmdname{dvipdfm} not in
+The font aliases \filename{Times-Roman}, \filename{Helvetica}, and so on
+have been removed. Different packages expected them to behave
+differently (in particular, to have different encodings), and there was
+no good way to resolve this.
+The \pkgname{platex} format has been removed, to resolve a name conflict
+with a completely different Japanese \pkgname{platex}; the
+\pkgname{polski} package is now the main Polish support.
+Internally, the \web\ string pool files are now compiled into the
+binaries, to ease upgrades.
+Finally, the changes made by Donald Knuth in his `\TeX\ tuneup of 2008'
+are included in this release. See
+In 2009, the default output format for Lua\AllTeX\ is now PDF, to take
+advantage of Lua\TeX's OpenType support, et al. New executables named
+\code{dviluatex} and \code{dvilualatex} run Lua\TeX\ with DVI output.
+The Lua\TeX\ home page is \url{}.
+The original Omega engine and Lambda format have been excised, after
+discussions with the Omega authors. The updated Aleph and Lamed remain,
+as do the Omega utilities.
+A new release of the AMS \TypeI\ fonts is included, including Computer
+Modern: a few shape changes made over the years by Knuth in the Metafont
+sources have been integrated, and the hinting has been updated. The
+Euler fonts have been thoroughly reshaped by Hermann Zapf (see
+\url{}). In
+all cases, the metrics remain unchanged. The AMS fonts home page is
+The new GUI front end \TeX{}works is included for Windows, and also in
+Mac\TeX. For other platforms, and more information, see the \TeX{}works
+home page, \url{}. It is a cross-platform front
+end inspired by the \MacOSX\ TeXShop editor, aiming at ease-of-use.
+The graphics program Asymptote is included for several platforms. This
+implements a text-based graphics description language vaguely akin to
+MetaPost, but with advanced 3D support and other features. Its home
+page is \url{}.
+The separate \code{dvipdfm} program has been replaced by
+\code{dvipdfmx}, which operates in a special compatibility mode under
+that name. \code{dvipdfmx} includes \acro{CJK} support and has
+accumulated many other fixes over the years since the last
+\code{dvipdfm} release. The DVIPDFMx home page is
+Executables for the \pkgname{cygwin} and \pkgname{i386-netbsd} platforms
+are now included, while we were advised that Open\acro{BSD} users get
+\TeX\ through their package systems, plus there were difficulties in
+making binaries that have a chance of working on more than one version.
+A miscellany of smaller changes: we now use \pkgname{xz} compression,
+the stable replacement for \pkgname{lzma}
+(\url{}); a literal |$| is allowed in filenames
+when it does not introduce a known variable name; the Kpathsea library
+is now multi-threaded (made use of in MetaPost); the entire \TL{} build
+is now based on Automake.
+Final note on the past: all releases of \TL{}, along with ancillary
+material such as \CD\ labels, are available at
+\label{sec:2010news} % keep with 2010
+In 2010, the default version for PDF output is now 1.5, enabling more
+compression. This applies to all the \TeX\ engines when used to produce
+PDF and to \code{dvipdfmx}. Loading the \pkgname{pdf14} \LaTeX\ package
+changes back to PDF~1.4, or set |\pdfminorversion=4|.
+pdf\AllTeX\ now \emph{automatically} converts a requested Encapsulated
+PostScript (EPS) file to PDF, via the \pkgname{epstopdf} package, when
+and if the \LaTeX\ \code{graphics.cfg} configuration file is loaded, and
+PDF is being output. The default options are intended to eliminate any
+chance of hand-created PDF files being overwritten, but you can also
+prevent \code{epstopdf} from being loaded at all by putting
+|\newcommand{\DoNotLoadEpstopdf}{}| (or |\def...|) before the
+\cs{documentclass} declaration. It is also not loaded if the
+\pkgname{pst-pdf} package is used. For more details, see the
+\pkgname{epstopdf} package documentation
+A related change is that execution of a very few external commands from
+\TeX, via the \cs{write18} feature, is now enabled by default. These
+are commands are \code{repstopdf}, \code{makeindex}, \code{kpsewhich},
+\code{bibtex}, and \code{bibtex8}; the list is defined in
+\code{texmf.cnf}. Environments which must disallow all such external
+commands can deselect this option in the installer (see
+section~\ref{sec:options}), or override the value after installation by
+running |tlmgr conf texmf shell_escape 0|.
+Yet another related change is that \BibTeX\ and Makeindex now refuse to
+write their output files to an arbitrary directory (like \TeX\ itself),
+by default. This is so they can now be enabled for use by the
+restricted \cs{write18}. To change this, the \envname{TEXMFOUTPUT}
+environment variable can be set, or the |openout_any| setting changed.
+\XeTeX\ now supports margin kerning along the same lines as pdf\TeX.
+(Font expansion is not presently supported.)
+By default, \prog{tlmgr} now saves one backup of each package updated
+(\code{tlmgr option autobackup 1}), so broken packages updates can be
+easily reverted with \code{tlmgr restore}. If you do post-install
+updates, and don't have the disk space for the backups, run \code{tlmgr
+option autobackup 0}.
+New programs included: the p\TeX\ engine and related utilities for
+typesetting Japanese; the \BibTeX{}U program for Unicode-enabled
+\BibTeX; the \prog{chktex} utility
+(\url{}) for checking \AllTeX\
+documents; the \prog{dvisvgm} (\url{})
+DVI-to-SVG translator.
+Executables for these new platforms are now included: \code{amd64-freebsd},
+\code{amd64-kfreebsd}, \code{i386-freebsd}, \code{i386-kfreebsd},
+\code{x86\_64-darwin}, \code{x86\_64-solaris}.
+A change in \TL{} 2009 that we failed to note: numerous \TeX4ht-related
+executables (\url{}) were removed from the binary
+directories. The generic \code{mk4ht} program can be used to run any of
+the various \code{tex4ht} combinations.
+Finally, the \TL{} release on the \TK\ \DVD\ can no longer be run live
+(oddly enough). A single \DVD\ no longer has enough room. One
+beneficial side effect is that installation from the physical \DVD\ is
+much faster.
+2011 saw relatively few changes.
+The \MacOSX\ binaries (\code{universal-darwin} and
+\code{x86\_64-darwin}) now work only on Leopard or later; Panther and
+Tiger are no longer supported.
+The \code{biber} program for bibliography processing is included on
+common platforms. Its development is closely coupled with the
+\code{biblatex} package, which completely reimplements the
+bibliographical facilities provided by LaTeX.
+The MetaPost (\code{mpost}) program no longer creates or uses
+\code{.mem} files. The needed files, such as \code{}, are
+simply read on every run. This is related to supporting MetaPost as a
+library, which is another significant though not user-visible change.
+The \code{updmap} implementation in Perl, previously used only on
+Windows, has been revamped and is now used on all platforms. There
+shouldn't be any user-visible changes as a result, except that it runs
+much faster.
+\emph{\TL{} is not perfect!} (And never will be.) We intend to
+continue to release new versions, and would like to provide more help
+material, more utilities, more installation programs, and (of course) an
+ever-improved and better-checked tree of macros and fonts. This work is
+all done by volunteers in their spare time, and so there is always more
+to do. Please see \url{}.
+Please send corrections, suggestions, and offers of help to:
+\email{} \\
+\noindent \textsl{Happy \TeX ing!}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-tl7.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-tl7.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e8ee77312b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live-tl7.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3554 @@
+% change history (started May 13th 2002)
+% 2002/05/13: added tex-langafrican to list of collections
+% 2002/05/14: corrected example files, other small errors noted by Volker
+% 2002/05/18: win32 updates, by Fabrice
+% 2002/05/25: remove mention of sizes, and bsr-interpolated; add Gutenberg
+\advance\textwidth by 1in
+\advance\oddsidemargin by -1in
+\advance\evensidemargin by -1in
+\author{Sebastian Rahtz\\
+%Michel Goossens\\
+\title{The \protect\TeX\ Live Guide, 7th edition}
+\date{May 2002}
+This documentation describes the
+ main features of the \TeXLive{} 7 \CD{}\Dash a \TeX{}/\LaTeX{}
+ distribution for Unix, Linux, MacOSX, and Windows32 systems that includes
+ \TeX{}, \LaTeXe{}, \MF, \MP, \cmdname{Makeindex}, and \BibTeX{}; and
+ a wide-ranging set of macros, fonts and documentation conforming to
+ the \emph{\TeX{} Directory Standard} (\TDS{})\Dash which can be used
+ with nearly every \TeX{} setup.
+ This \TeX{} package uses the \Webc{} version 7.3.7
+ implementation of the programs, which tries to make \TeX{}ing as
+ easy as possible, and takes full advantage of the efficient and
+ highly customizable \KPS{} library from Karl Berry and Olaf Weber.
+ It can be run either directly from the \CD{} or installed on a hard
+ disk.
+Most of the runnable systems on the \CD{} include a large set of
+drivers and support programs for \TeX, including \cmdname{dvips}
+(PostScript driver), \cmdname{dvipdfm} (dvi to PDF),
+\cmdname{xdvi} (X Windows previewer),
+\cmdname{dvilj} (HP LaserJet driver), \cmdname{lacheck} (\LaTeX{}
+syntax checker), \cmdname{tex4ht} (\TeX{} to HTML converter),
+\cmdname{dviconcat} and \cmdname{dviselect}, \cmdname{dv2dt} and
+ \cmdname{dt2dv} (\texttt{dvi} to ASCII and vice versa), and Angus
+ Duggan's PostScript utilities.
+\subsection{Extensions to \TeX}
+The \TeXLive{} runnable systems contain three extended versions of
+standard \TeX:
+\item \eTeX, which adds a small but powerful set of new primitives,
+ and the \TeXXeT{} extensions for left to right typesetting; in
+ default mode, \eTeX{} is 100\% compatible with ordinary \TeX. See
+ \OnCD{texmf/doc/etex/base/etex_man.pdf} on the \CD{} for details.
+\item pdf\TeX, which can optionally write Acrobat PDF format instead
+ of \dvi{}. You will find the user manual in
+ \OnCD{texmf/doc/pdftex/pdftex-l.pdf}. The
+ file \OnCD{texmf/doc/pdftex/samplepdf/samplepdf.tex} shows how it is
+ used. The \LaTeX{} \pkgname{hyperref} package has an option
+ `\optname{pdftex}', which turns on all the program features.
+\item \OMEGA{} (Omega), which works internally with 16-bit characters,
+ using Unicode; this allows it to directly work with almost all the
+ world's scripts simultaneously. It also supports dynamically loaded
+ `\OMEGA{} Translation Processes' (\acro{OTP}s), which allow the user
+ to define complex transformations to be performed on arbitrary
+ streams of input. See \OnCD{texmf/doc/omega/base/doc-1.8.tex} for some
+ (not necessarily up to date) documentation.
+\eTeX{} (version 2.1) is stable, although subsequent releases will add
+new functionality. pdf\TeX{} (version 1.00b) is also stable,
+but is still being improved.
+\OMEGA{} (version 1.23) is under development; the version
+on this \CD{} is that current as of May 2002.
+\section[Structure and contents of the CD-ROM]{Structure
+ and contents of the \protect\CD{}}
+The important \CD{} top-level directories are listed below.
+\item[bin] The \TeX{} family programs, arranged in separate platform
+ directories.
+\item[Books] Examples related to some books about \TeX.
+\item[FAQ] Frequently Asked Questions, in English, French, and German.
+\item[MacOSX] Support programs for MacOSX users
+\item[info] Documentation in \acro{GNU} `info' format for the \TeX{}
+ system.
+\item[man] Documentation in the form of Unix man pages for the \TeX{}
+ system.
+\item[setupw32] directory contains material for installation and use
+ under Windows (see section \ref{sec:wintex} on p.~\pageref{sec:wintex}).
+\item[source] The source of all programs, including the main \Webc{}
+ \TeX{} and \MF{} distributions. These are stored in a bzip2-compressed
+ tar archive.
+\item[support] Various bits of \TeX-related software which are
+ \emph{not} installed by default, support programs, and a complete
+ distribution of \cmdname{Ghostscript} version 7.05.
+ You can find here some other programs (editors, \TeX\ shells), which
+ are usually absent from Windows installations, dedicated for beginners.
+ They can be installed with the \texttt{TeXSetup.exe} Windows installation
+ program.
+\item[texmf] The main support tree of macros, fonts and documentation;
+\item[usergrps] Material about \TeX\ User Groups.
+There are also two installation scripts for Unix systems,
+\texttt{} and \texttt{}; we discuss
+them on in section \ref{sec:install} on p.~\pageref{sec:install}.
+\subsection[Packages and collections]{Packages and collections}
+The \TeXLive{} \texttt{texmf} tree consists of various `collections',
+each of which refers to a set of `packages', of which there are over 700
+on the \CD{}. Normal installation allows the
+user to copy all of a collection to a local hard disk from the \CD{}, but
+it is also possible to install just one package of a collection.
+The collections add functionality to a \TeX\ system. One of them, named
+`tex-basic', is necessary for almost all \TeX\ tasks,
+and two others, called `tex-latex' and `tex-pdftex' are highly
+recommended for most users. All others are optional.
+The collections (defined by XML files in \texttt{texmf/tpm/collections})
+and their short descriptions are listed below.
+ \item[tex-basic]
+ These files are regarded as basic for any \TeX\ system, covering
+plain \TeX\ macros, Computer Modern fonts, and configuration for common
+ \item[tex-bibtexextra]
+ Additional, extensive libraries of BibTeX styles and bibliographies.
+ \item[tex-chemistry]
+ Essential chemistry
+ \item[tex-context]
+ Hans Hagen's powerful macro package, ConText
+ \item[tex-documentation]
+ Assorted useful documentation and guides
+ \item[tex-etex]
+ Support files for an extended \TeX\
+ \item[tex-extrabin]
+ Various useful, but non-essential, support programs. Includes
+ programs and macros for texinfo system; programs for dvi file
+ manipulation, etc.
+ \item[tex-fontbin]
+ Programs for conversion between font formats, testing fonts
+ (virtual fonts stuff, .gf and .pk manipulation,
+ mft, fontinst, etc.)
+ \item[tex-fontsextra]
+ All sorts of extra fonts
+ \item[tex-formatsextra]
+ A collection of \TeX\ `formats', ie large-scale
+macro packages designed to be dumped into .fmt file
+ \item[tex-games]
+ Setups for typesetting various board games, including chess
+ \item[tex-genericextra]
+ This is a mixed bag of macro packages and fonts which do not seem
+to belong elsewhere
+ \item[tex-htmlxml]
+ Packages to convert \LaTeX\ to XML/HTML, and typeset XML/SGML
+ \item[tex-langafrican]
+ Support for some African scripts
+ \item[tex-langarmenian]
+ Essential armenian
+ \item[tex-langcjk]
+Essential CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) macros and fonts
+ \item[tex-langcroatian]
+ Essential croatian
+ \item[tex-langcyrillic]
+ Fonts and macro packages to typeset Cyrillic texts.
+ \item[tex-langczechslovak]
+ Pick this if you want Czech/Slovak fonts and other packages
+ \item[tex-langdanish]
+ Essential Danish
+ \item[tex-langdutch]
+ Essential Dutch
+ \item[tex-langfinnish]
+ Essential Finnish
+ \item[tex-langfrench]
+ Essential French
+ \item[tex-langgerman]
+ Essential German
+ \item[tex-langgreek]
+ Essential Greek
+ \item[tex-langhungarian]
+ Essential Hungarian
+ \item[tex-langindic]
+ Essential Indic
+ \item[tex-langitalian]
+ Essential Italian
+ \item[tex-langlatin]
+ Essential Latin
+ \item[tex-langmanju]
+ Essential Manju
+ \item[tex-langmongolian]
+ Essential mongolian
+ \item[tex-langnorwegian]
+ Essential Norwegian
+ \item[tex-langother]
+ Other languages
+ \item[tex-langpolish]
+ Pick this if you want Polish fonts and other packages
+ \item[tex-langportuguese]
+ Essential Portuguese
+ \item[tex-langspanish]
+ Essential Spanish
+ \item[tex-langswedish]
+ Essential Swedish
+ \item[tex-langtibetan]
+ Fonts and support for typesetting Tibetan
+ \item[tex-langukenglish]
+ Essential UK English
+ \item[tex-langvietnamese]
+ Essential Vietnamese
+ \item[tex-latex]
+ These packages are either mandated by the core \LaTeX\ team,
+or very commonly recommended
+ \item[tex-latexextra]
+ A large collection of add-on packages for \LaTeX\
+ \item[tex-mathextra]
+ Extra math
+ \item[tex-metapost]
+ MetaPost (and MetaFont) drawing packages
+ \item[tex-music]
+ Music typesetting packages
+ \item[tex-omega]
+ Omega, a 16-bit extended \TeX\ by John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous
+ \item[tex-pdftex]
+ Support files for Han The Thanh's variant of \TeX\ which can
+generate PDF output
+ \item[tex-pictures]
+ Essential graphics
+ \item[tex-plainextra]
+ Plain \TeX\ extra macros
+ \item[tex-psfonts]
+ Essential psfonts
+ \item[tex-psutils]
+ Utilities to manipulate PostScript files
+ \item[tex-publishers]
+ Essential publishers
+ \item[tex-t1utils]
+ Utilities to manipulate Type1 fonts
+ \item[tex-texbooks]
+ Examples and other material from various books about TeX/LaTeX.
+ \item[tex-theses]
+ Macro packages from various Universities for their thesis styles
+ \item[tex-ttfutils]
+ Utilities to manipulate TrueType fonts
+ \item[win32-support]
+ You can choose individual tools from this collection.
+ There are many \TeX\ oriented editors, graphics files
+ toolsets, etc.
+The directory \texttt{texmf/tpm/packages} contains lists
+of all files in each package (used by the installation programs).
+\section{Installation and use under Unix}
+You can use the \TeXLive{} \CD{} in three ways:
+\item You can mount the \CD{} on your file system, run
+the \texttt{} script, and select the option \verb|<R>|
+ (`do not install files, set up to run off CD-ROM'),
+ and run everything off the \CD; this takes very
+ little disk space, and gives you immediate access to everything on
+ the \CD; although the performance will not be optimal, it is
+ perfectly acceptable on, for instance, PCs running Linux. You could
+ also copy the entire CD contents to your hard disk and work in this way.
+\item You can install all or part of the system to your local hard
+ disk; this is the best method for many people, if they have enough
+ disk space to spare (a minimum of about 100 megabytes, or 300
+ megabytes for a recommended good-sized system).
+\item You can install selected packages to work either with your
+ existing \TeX{} system or a \TeXLive{} system you installed earlier.
+Each of these methods is described in more detail in the following
+ \begin{center}
+ \leavevmode
+\textbf{Warning: } This \CD{} is in ISO 9660 (High Sierra) format,
+with Rock Ridge and Joliet extensions. In order to take full advantage
+of the \CD{} on a Unix system, your system needs to be able to use
+the Rock Ridge extensions. Please consult the documentation for your
+\cmdname{mount} command to see if it is possible. If you have several
+different machines on a local network, see if you can mount the
+\CD{} on one which \emph{does} support Rock Ridge, and use this with
+the others.
+Linux, FreeBSD, Sun, SGI and DEC Alpha systems should be able to use
+the \CD{} with no problems. We would appreciate receiving detailed advice
+from other system users who also succeed, for future versions of this
+The discussion below about installation assumes you have been able to mount
+the \CD{} with full Rock Ridge compatibility.
+ \end{center}
+\subsection[Pre-installation procedure for MacOSX users]
+{Pre-installation procedure for MacOSX users}
+If you do not run MacOSX, you should skip this section.
+The \texttt{} script is a \emph{sh} script (begins with
+``\verb=#!/bin/sh=''), but
+on MacOSX \cmdname{sh} is unable to run it because
+\cmdname{sh} is
+emulated. However, \cmdname{bash} will run it. Unfortunately (again)
+\cmdname{bash} is not
+installed by default on MacOSX\footnote{there are some suggestions this will
+change in the future and even
+that \cmdname{bash} will be used to emulate \cmdname{sh},
+in which case it might be true
+that in future versions of MacOSX, the script will just work.}.
+\item\label{test-bash} (optional) See if \path|bash| is already installed.
+Launch \path|Terminal|
+(\path|/Applications/utilities/Terminal|) and type in a window
+>> \Ucom{rehash; which bash}
+the answer will be:
+\item the bash location (e.g. \path|/bin/bash| or \path|/usr/local/bin/bash|) if installed;
+\item \texttt{bash: command not found} if not installed.
+If bash is already installed, skip to \ref{std-install}
+\item bash installation:
+\item[Mac friendly procedure]
+Look in the \path|MacOSX| directory of the \CD{}
+for an image disk named \path|bash.dmg|. mount that
+file by double-clicking it. The disk image (volume) will be mounted.
+Then start the \path|i-Installer| application on that volume. You will be asked
+to authenticate, if you have never seen that before, you might not have
+enough privileges to install. Just enter your own user name and
+password. Hit install. \path|bash| will be installed on your system.
+\item[Terminal procedure]
+\item Log in as an admin user, at least a user with Admin privileges or
+sudo user or as the System Administrator.
+\item Open the \path|MacOSX| directory on the \CD{} and copy
+to your home directory (\texttt{\~{}/})
+\item Then launch \path|Terminal| and type or copy/paste the
+line below in a Terminal window):
+>> \Ucom{(cd /usr/local/; sudo tar xvzf ~/bash.tar.gz)}
+type a carriage-return: you will be asked for your password, and
+\path|bash| will be
+\item Quit \path|Terminal|.
+\item Now after using either install method, goto \ref{test-bash}:
+you must obtain \path|/usr/local/bin/bash|\ldots{} (if not, try to log out and in).
+\item\label{std-install} The installation procedure is the
+same on MacOSX than on other UNIX platforms (as MacOSX is UNIX,
+that's quite normal!). Nevertheless, you should read what follows:
+ \item Note that in all commands of the following sections,
+\cmdname{sh} must be replaced by \texttt{sudo bash}:
+>> \Ucom{sh}
+>> \Ucom{sudo bash}
+\item On MacOSX, cd are auto-mounted: you \emph{don't} need to use
+\texttt{mount}. The \CD{} will be mounted in the \path|/Volumes/|
+directory: in order to make it the current directory, you just have to
+type in \path|Terminal|:
+>> \Ucom{cd /Volumes/TeXLive-7...}
+(complete this line with the real name of the \CD{}: using
+``auto completion'' by pressing the \texttt{<tab>}
+key will do it).
+\subsection[Running \protect\TeXLive{} from the CD-ROM]{Running \protect\TeXLive{} from the \protect\CD}
+The organisation of \Webc{} means that you can run programs simply by
+adding the appropriate directory under \path|bin| on the \CD{} to
+your \texttt{PATH}, and the support files will all be found with no further
+ado. The following shows the list of available systems and the
+corresponding directories. \textbf{Only x86 Linux, Mac OSX, and
+ Windows are available on the default CD. You need to ask
+for the Unix CD if you need the other systems.}
+Compaq Alpha Linux & alpha-linux & CD2\\
+Compaq Alphaev5 OSF 4.0d & alphaev5-osf4.0d & CD2\\
+HP9000 HPUX 10.20 & hppa2.0-hpux10.20 & CD2\\
+IBM RS 6000 AIX 4.2.* & rs6000-aix4.2.1.0 & CD2\\
+Intel x86 Solaris 2.8 & i386-solaris2.8 & CD2\\
+Intel x86 with GNU/Linux & i386-linux & CD1\\
+Mac OSX & powerpc-darwin5.3 & CD1\\
+Sun Sparc Solaris 2.7 & sparc-solaris2.7 & CD2\\
+Windows 9X/ME/NT/2K/XP & win32 & CD1\\
+You may worry that when you subsequently make fonts or change
+configuration, things will go wrong because you cannot change files on
+the \CD{}. However, you can maintain a parallel, writeable, \TeX{}
+tree on your hard disk; this is searched before the main tree on the
+\CD{}. The default location is \path|texmf-var| on the CD
+(which does not exist!), so you \emph{must} override this by setting
+the \texttt{VARTEXMF} environment variable.
+Thus \emph{sh} or \emph{bash} users on an Intel PC
+running Linux can mount the \TeXLive{} \CD{} on
+\file{/mnt/cdrom} by issuing the command:
+>> \Ucom{mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom}
+Then they should change the current directory to \path|/mnt/cdrom|, run
+>> \Ucom{sh}
+and select the option \verb|<R>| (\emph{do not install files, set up to run
+off CD-ROM}). After that, they should include the directory containing
+the binaries for the given architecture into the search path
+by updating the \texttt{PATH} variable.
+export PATH
+export VARTEXMF
+ \item[MacOSX users] On MacOSX, the default shell is \texttt{tcsh}:
+setenv PATH /Volumes/<cd-name>/bin/powerpc-darwin5.3:${PATH}
+setenv VARTEXMF /usr/TeX/texmf-var
+For convenience, these statements can also be entered into the
+\texttt{.profile} script.
+(for \texttt{tcsh} on MacOSX,
+If in doubt, ask your local system support guru to help you work out
+how to mount your \CD{} or which directory to use for your system.
+Appropriate support files will be installed on your hard disk the
+first time you need them. You can edit and change local configuration
+files which are stored to the directory designated
+by \texttt{\$VARTEXMF}. Any format file that is needed
+will be generated and stored here.
+\subsection{Installing \protect\TeXLive{} to a hard disk}
+All of the necessary steps to install all or part of the distribution
+on your hard disk are achieved by mounting the \CD{}, changing to the
+top-level directory, and typing:
+>> \Ucom{sh}
+(On some Unix systems, you may need to use \cmdname{sh5} or
+\cmdname{bash}.) This script works by accessing lists of collections
+and packages from the \CD{}, and trying to guess what sort of computer
+system you are on. It should start by displaying the following:
+It will then show the main control screen
+(Figure~\ref{ins1}), which lets you change five
+\item the type of system you are on, or want to install for;
+\item the \emph{installation scheme} you want to use (eg full,
+ recommended, basic etc)
+\item the collections you want to change from
+the installation scheme (they are organised into two sets:
+\emph{standard collections} and \emph{language collections});
+\item the location on your hard disk to put the files;
+\item some runtime behaviour features.
+\caption{Main control screen}\label{ins1}
+You choose options by typing a letter or number and pressing `return'.
+In the example, a Linux GNU/Linux system has been detected, the
+default set of collections will be installed, and
+the default installation directory is \path|/usr/TeX|; note
+that the disk space required for the current installation
+configuration is also displayed. If you make a suggested setup, you
+need about 60 megabytes of disk free; however, the basic setup will
+only take about 30 megabytes, and you can enhance it with selected
+packages as you need them.
+ \item[MacOSX users] Most frontends (\emph{TeXShop},
+ \emph{ITeXMac}\ldots) use the \teTeX{} default location
+ which is \path|/usr/local/teTeX|, so, Mac users could find interest
+ in installing \TeXLive{} in \path|/usr/local/teTeX|
+rather than in \path|/usr/TeX|.
+Under the directory you choose for installation, the installation
+script will put the binaries in a subdirectory of \path|bin|, and the
+support tree in \path|texmf|. An additional tree \path|texmf-var|
+will contain copies of configuration files (except the main
+\path|texmf.cnf|), which are to be modified by \path|texconfig| program.
+This tree will also store generated format files for \TeX, \MF, etc.
+\caption{Selecting standard collections}\label{ins2}
+\caption{Selecting language collections}\label{ins3}
+When you choose |<C>| for \emph{standard collections}, you will see
+the display of available collections (Figure \ref{ins2}). Each
+collection --- TeX macro files, Metafont font families, and so on ---
+consists of several packages. You can toggle their inclusion on or
+off by pressing the key. Note that the selection letter keys are case
+When you choose |<L>| for \emph{language collections}, you will see
+the display of available language support collections (Figure
+\ref{ins3}). Each collection consists of several packages, which
+provide features like hyphenation files and fonts.
+The |<O>| for \emph{options} item lets you decide whether to make new fonts
+be created in another location (if you want the main package mounted
+read-only for most users), and whether to make symbolic links for the
+binaries, \cmdname{man} and \acro{GNU} \cmdname{info} pages in the `standard'
+locations; you'll need `root' permissions for tasks to do this, of course.
+When you are finished, return to the main screen, and ask the
+installation to start. It will take each of the collections and
+systems that you requested, consult the list of files on the \CD{},
+and build a master list of files to transfer. These will then be
+copied to your hard disk. If you installed a system,
+an initialization sequence is now run
+(creating format files, etc.). When this has finished, all you need do
+is add the correct subdirectory of \texttt{bin} in the \TeX{}
+installation to your path, and start using \TeX. If you want, you can
+move the binaries up one level, e.g.\ from
+to \path|/usr/local/bin|; if you do this, however, you must
+edit \path|texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf| (see Appendix~\ref{app:texmf.cnf})
+and change the line near the start which reads
+If you move the whole installation to another directory tree entirely, you
+need to edit \envname{TEXMFMAIN} to specify the support tree explicitly, and
+set \envname{TEXMFCNF} in your environment to \path|$TEXMFMAIN/texmf/web2c|.
+\subsection{Installing individual packages from \protect\TeXLive{} to a hard
+ disk} You may want to use the \TeXLive{} \CD{} to either update an
+existing setup, or add features to an earlier installation from the
+\CD{}. The main installation program is intended for the first time
+only, and subsequently you should use the \texttt{}
+script on the \CD{}. Run this by mounting the \CD{}, changing to
+the mounted directory, and typing
+>> \Ucom{sh \emph{options}}
+The script supports nine options; the first four let you set the
+individual package you want to install, the whole collection (i.e.,
+\texttt{tex-mathextra}), the name of the mounted \CD{} directory, and
+the name of the directory containing the list files (normally these
+latter two will be set automatically):
+\texttt{-{}-package=}\emph{name} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-collection=}\emph{name} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-cddir=}\emph{name} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-listdir=}\emph{name} & \\
+What actually happens is controlled by four more switches; the first
+two allow you to exclude documentation or source files from the
+installation, the third stops the default action of running
+\texttt{mktexlsr} on completion to rebuild the file database, and
+the last does nothing but list the files that would be installed:
+\texttt{-{}-nodoc} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-nosrc} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-nohash} & \\
+\texttt{-{}-listonly} & \\
+Finally, you can specify that, instead of installing the files, the script
+should make a \cmdname{tar} archive in a specified location:
+\texttt{-{}-archive=}\emph{name} & \\
+Thus, if we simply wanted to see the files that make up the package
+\pkgname{fancyhdr} before we installed it, our command and output would be
+as follows:
+\ifSingleColumn>> \Ucom{sh --package=fancyhdr --listonly}
+\else>> \Ucom{sh -{}-package=fancyhdr \bs}
+>> \Ucom{-{}-listonly}
+Other examples of usage are:
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \texttt{natbib}:
+>> \Ucom{sh --package=natbib}
+\item Install the \LaTeX{} package \texttt{alg} with no source files and no
+\ifSingleColumn>> \Ucom{sh --package=alg --nosrc --nodoc}
+\else>> \Ucom{sh -{}-package=alg \bs}
+>> \Ucom{-{}-nosrc -{}-nodoc}
+\item Install all the packages available in the collection containing additional
+Plain \TeX\ macros:
+>> \Ucom{sh --collection=tex-plainextra}
+\item Place all files which are needed for PSTricks
+in a \cmdname{tar} file in \path|/tmp|:
+\ifSingleColumn>> \Ucom{sh --package=pstricks --archive=/tmp/pstricks.tar}
+>> \Ucom{sh -{}-package=pstricks \bs}
+>> \Ucom{-{}-archive=/tmp/pstricks.tar}
+\subsection{The texconfig program}
+After the installation program has copied all files to their final
+locations, you can use a program called \cmdname{texconfig} that
+allows you to configure the system to fit your local needs. This can
+be called at any other time to change your setup, with a full-screen
+(which requires the \cmdname{dialog} program, included as part of the
+binary packages) or command-line interface.
+It should be used for all maintenance, such as changes of installed
+printers, or rebuilding the file database. Both modes have help text
+to guide you through the facilities.
+\section{Installation and use under Windows}
+This section only applies to systems running Windows 9x, \acro{ME},
+\acro{NT}, \acro{2K} or \acro{XP}.
+It is also necessary to have your Windows set up so that it uses the
+Microsoft Joliet extensions for reading \CD s; simply look at the
+\CD{} in Explorer and see whether it shows long, mixed-case, file
+names. If it does not, you cannot use the ready-to-run system on the
+This Win32 \TeX{} systems includes a \texttt{dvi} previewer,
+\textsf{Windvi}, which is similar in usage to the established Unix
+\textsf{xdvi}. The documentation can be found in
+\subsection[The TeXLive.exe program]{The \texttt{TeXLive.exe} program}
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{../pictures/Welcome-to-TeXLive}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+\includegraphics[bb=20 20 575 432]{../pictures/Welcome-to-TeXLive.gif}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{../pictures/Welcome-to-TeXLive}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{``Welcome to \TeXLive'' window}\label{graph:welcome}
+If your computer is configured to let the \CD{} autostart, then a
+dialog box with a menu bar will popup on the screen, and you will have several choices
+from there:
+\item Install \TeX{} on your hard disk,
+\item Install TeX-oriented editors on your hard disk,
+\item Install support packages on your hard disk (Ghostscript, NetPBM,
+ \ldots)
+\item Do some maintenance on you \TeX{} system,
+\item Remove the \TeX{} system,
+\item Use \TeX{} off the \CD{},
+\item Cleanup the temporary files created on your hard disk when using
+ \TeX{} off the \CD{},
+\item Update some of the DLLs on your system,
+\item Browse some documentation: \TeXLive{} documentation, TUG web
+ pages, \fpTeX web pages,
+\item Run the \cmdname{TeXdocTK} application to find specific documentation.
+If your \CD{} does not autostart, you can explicitly run the program
+by double clicking on \path|bin/win32/TeXLive.exe| on the \CD{} from
+the explorer window.
+\subsection[Running \protect\TeXLive{} from the CD-ROM]{Running from
+the \protect\CD{}}
+You can run all the \TeX{} programs directly off the \CD, and have
+access to all the macros and fonts immediately, at the price of a
+slower performance than if you install on the hard disk.
+To work effectively, one needs to modify
+environment variables and to create some small auxiliary directories on a
+hard disk. These directories will contain necessary configuration files
+allowing the user to modify programs settings and to generate a necessary
+format file. Moreover, automatically generated font files will be stored
+there too.
+Should you want to run \TeX{} this way, you will have to follow these
+\item from the menu, chose \verb|Explore CD-Rom|, then
+ \verb|Select a text editor|, a dialog box will open to select some \path|.exe|
+ program.
+ This program needs to be a \TeX{} oriented editor. It must be able
+ to run the \TeX{} compiler, previewer and any other needed tool. If
+ you don't have one already installed on your system, you can install
+ one from the \CD{}, details section~{\ref{sec:texlive-install}}.
+ \emph{There is no way we can guess if the program you will
+ select is actually a text editor, so be careful}.
+ Here is a list of frequently used \TeX{} editors:
+ \begin{tabular}[ht]{ll}
+ GNU Emacs & \path|c:\Program Files\NTEmacs\bin\runemacs.exe| \\
+ XEmacs & \path|c:\Program Files\XEmacs\XEmacs-21.2\i586-pc-win32\xemacs.exe| \\
+ WinShell & \path|c:\Program Files\WinShell\WinShell.exe| \\
+ WinEdt & \path|c:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\WinEdt.exe|\\
+ TeXnicCenter & \path|c:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TEXCNTR.exe|
+ \end{tabular}
+ The program
+ selected will be memorized as the editor to use for future runs.
+\item from the menu, chose \verb|Explore CD-Rom|, then
+ \verb|Run TeX off CD-Rom|. The environment will be modified, a small
+ temporary directory created and some configuration files copied
+ there. Then, the selected editor selected will be launched, and you
+ will be able to type in some text, let \TeX{} typeset it and the
+ view it or print it.
+ If Ghostscript is not detected on your machine, you will be warned
+ that rendering your DVI files might fail. You can install it from
+ the \path|Install|, \path|Support| menu item. See
+ section~\ref{sec:texlive-install} for details.
+\item you can select a different text editor any time you want.
+\item if you chose \verb|Cleanup CD-Rom setup|, everything \TeX{}
+ needed will be removed, comprised the selection of your text
+ editor, but not the extra packages you may have downloaded and
+ installed. If you installed \cmdname{WinShell} or \cmdname{NTEmacs},
+they won't be removed.
+The editor is run inside a modified environment. A temporary TDS
+compliant texmf tree is build in the temporary area of your computer.
+It is needed to store files that may be build on the fly like pk font
+files or format files. Configuration files are copied from the \CD{}
+to this texmf tree, so that you can edit them if needed. The \path|ls-R|
+database is computed for this texmf tree.
+Then the \texttt{PATH} and \texttt{TEXMFCNF} environment
+variables are set locally, and the editor is run in
+this local environment. From within your editor\footnote{Actually, you can
+ state any other program than a text editor, and select your command
+ processor for example. You will then get a console with the right
+ settings to use \TeX{} from the \CD{}.}, you have access to a full
+\TeXLive{} environment, all files referenced on the \CD{}.
+\smallskip {\small\noindent \textbf{[For advanced users:]} You can
+ also use the small batch file \path|mkloctex.bat| to be called in a
+ directory \path|setupw32| of the \CD. From the Start menu select
+ `Run', then browse CD drive and select \path|mkloctex.bat|. Before
+ starting it, you should add two parameters separated by a space: the
+ letter of your CD drive and the letter of the hard disk where you
+ want to install the \TeX\ directory. The whole line should read,
+ e.g., \verb+d:\setupw32\mkloctex.bat d c+. When installation is
+ complete, please read carefully the information on screen. If you
+ are running Windows 9x/ME, then you will have to restart Windows. }
+\subsection{Installing editors or support packages}
+You can already use the \path|TeXSetup.exe| program to install a
+single, not \TeX{} dependent package. This might be either an editor
+like \cmdname{WinShell} or \cmdname{NTEmacs},
+or also a support package like \cmdname{NetPBM}
+(graphics formats conversion) or \cmdname{Ghostscript}.
+Some of the packages are not free, or not with the same meaning as for
+the rest of the \CD{}. These packages have been made available through
+the Internet. You need to enable an Internet connection in order to
+install them. Chosing the \path|Enable Internet access| subitem will
+search your system for an active Internet connection, or start one if
+possible. \emph{If your computer is not connected to the Internet,
+ then the timeout might be long, 30s or more}. So try to enable it
+only if you know you have a connection.
+Only a few packages are available from the \CD{}, but the most
+important of them: \cmdname{NTEmacs} and \cmdname{WinShell} for the
+editors, \cmdname{Ghostscript} and \cmdname{NetPBM} for the other
+support packages. \cmdname{NetPBM} is needed for running \TeX{}4ht.
+The downloadable packages are sometimes huge: \cmdname{Perl} is 10Mb,
+\cmdname{XEmacs} is 50Mb, so be warned that it can take a lot of time
+to install such things. \path|TeXSetup.exe| does not yet provide an
+estimation of the time needed to complete the download.
+When installing these packages, \path|TeXSetup| is working in
+unattended mode. However, the programs that have their own installer
+like WinEdt or Ghostscript for example will require human interaction.
+Those packages who have no specific installer will be unpacked and configured
+for your system. You will be required to select some directory where
+they will be installed. The directory to select should be the root
+directory of the whole installation. Assuming you want to install
+NTEmacs and NetPBM, the archive files already contain the
+\path|NTEmacs\| and \path|NetPBM\| part, so the directory you have to
+select is something like \path|c:\Local| or \path|c:\Program Files|.
+\subsection{Installing to your hard disk}
+Installation is started by letting the CD autostart, and
+selecting the item \verb|Install| from the menu, then the subitem
+\verb|TeXLive|. This will invoke the \path|TeXSetup.exe|. You can also find
+it in the \path|bin/win32| directory and run it. \path|TeXSetup.exe|
+is a Windows wizard and it will display several pages while running.
+\item[Welcome Page]
+ You can choose a \emph{quick} installation from
+ there, in this case, the installation will run without any human
+ assistance from beginning to end, with all the default settings
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:setup-src},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). However, if you chose to install any support program that has its
+ own installer like WinEdt or Ghostscript, your intervention might be required.
+ If you have enough privileges (administrator or power user rights)
+ under a Windows version where it is applicable, then you can decide
+ to install the \TeXLive{} for all users or for yourself only by
+ checking the appropriate box.
+ \begin{figure*}[!htb]
+ The \cmdname{TeXSetup} Wizard\hfill
+ Source directories for the \TeXLive{} files
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/setup-wizard.jpg}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/source-for-texlive.jpg}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/setup-wizard.gif}
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/source-for-texlive.gif}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/setup-wizard}%
+ \hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/source-for-texlive}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \caption{The \TeXLive{} setup wizard}\label{graph:setup-src}
+ \end{center}
+\item[Source Page]
+ This page is a bit complex. It will allow you to select two source
+ directories for your \TeXLive{} system
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:setup-src},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). You will need a \emph{local
+ source directory} and possibly a \emph{remote source directory}.
+ Why do we need both these directories? The very files of the
+ \TeXLive{} system are on the \CD{}, but some other packages useful
+ under a Win32 system are not, either because of space lacking or
+ because their license was not compatible with the \TeXLive{}'s one.
+ You need to enable Internet downloading if you want to install these
+ support packages.
+ However, don't panic: the default parameters of the setup will allow
+ you to install a full system using the \CD{} only. Simply, you won't
+ have \file{WinEdt} for example, but you will be able to install it
+ later.
+ So you can take your files from:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \CD{} or any similar flat tree of files, available through
+ some standard directory (this means the \CD{} can be mounted on
+ some remote machine and be made available through network
+ sharing),
+ \item a set of \file{.zip} files (this is the case when you are
+ installing the
+ \fpTeX{} distribution),
+ \item the Internet, in this case, the program takes care of
+ downloading the \file{.zip} files it needs for you.
+ \end{itemize}
+ This option is available only if you enable Internet file
+ downloading in the right part of the page. You also need to
+ configure this Internet access by selecting to connect either using
+ Internet Explorer~5 \file{wininet.dll}, or using a direct connection (\texttt{ftp},
+ \texttt{http}).
+% or using a proxy server.
+% Last, you can be assisted in defining the \emph{local source
+% directory} and \emph{remote source directory} which will be used
+% to copy the files onto your hard disk. The \texttt{browse} buttons
+% allow to select a directory for the former, and an url among a list
+% of mirrors for the latter.
+\item[Root Page]
+ On this page, you will tell where you want the files to be
+ installed (Figure~\ref{graph:root-schm},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). Only the root directory really matters, the other ones
+ are set according to the root one. You may want to make
+ \path|$TEXMFEXTRA| point to some TDS compliant directory with other
+ \TeX{} files or assign a different value to
+ \path|$HOMETEXMF|, which is set by default to whatever Windows think
+ is your `HOME' location.
+ Root and directories\hfill%
+ Scheme selection
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{../pictures/root-of-installation.jpg}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{../pictures/scheme-selection.jpg}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/root-of-installation.gif}
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/scheme-selection.gif}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{../pictures/root-of-installation}%
+ \hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.46\textwidth]{../pictures/scheme-selection}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \caption{\TeXLive-Setup: Root and directories / Schemes}\label{graph:root-schm}
+ \end{center}
+\item[Get TPM Page]
+ This page does not require any manual intervention. The \file{.tpm}
+ files which describe collections and packages are retrieved
+ (possibly from the Internet), unzipped if needed and parsed.
+\item[Schemes Page]
+ On this page, you will select the global scheme of your
+ installation (Figure~\ref{graph:root-schm},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). A scheme is a large set of files targeted at some kind
+ of usage. There are 3 generic schemes for basic, recommended and
+ full installation. The other ones are devoted to LUGs (what GUST or
+ GUTenberg propose for their members) or applications (XML and
+ \TeX{}).
+ When a scheme is selected, it is still possible to refine the
+ selection by checking the appropriate box. If doing so, you will be
+ presented the packages page to change your selection, else you will
+ jump to the review page.
+\item[Packages Page]
+ Collections and packages are presented in a tree form
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:win32-support},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). The links
+ in the tree are dependency links. Collections \emph{depend on}
+ packages and maybe other collections, and it is the same for each
+ package. You can select any package or collection individually, but
+ your request will be granted only if the object is not requested by
+ another one which is selected. For example, you can't deselect
+ \texttt{tex-basic} without deselecting all the collections that
+ request it.
+ The \texttt{win32-support} collection displayed on the picture is Win32 specific. It
+ holds a number of bonus packages (Figure~\ref{graph:win32-support},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ) which can be installed
+ automatically and individually: Ghostscript, the PostScript
+ interpreter, \TeX{} oriented editors, tools like Perl,
+ \LaTeX{}2HTML, etc. \emph{None of these packages are selected by
+ default}. Some of them have an Internet Explorer icon on their
+ right, this means that they are not on the \CD{} and they will be
+ available only if you previously enabled Internet
+ downloading. \emph{This collection cannot be selected entirely at
+ once: you need to select the packages individually}. This is to
+ avoid unwanted downloads of huge files.
+ On this page, you also have the information about disk space
+ needed, for each object, and for the set of those who are selected,
+ and also the disk space available on the partition selected for the
+ installation. Last, you can choose to install or not the
+ documentation files and source files associated with each package.
+\item[Review Page]
+ You will find there a summary of your choices
+ (Figure~\ref{graph:review},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). It is still time to
+ go back to change them.
+ Packages Page\hfill%
+ Win32 Support
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/package-selection}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/win32-support}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/package-selection.gif}\hfill%
+\includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/win32-support.gif}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/package-selection}%
+ \hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/win32-support}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{Packages Page / Win32 goodies}
+ \label{graph:win32-support}
+\item[Files Copy Page]
+ The selected files are copied on your hard disk (Figure~\ref{graph:file-copy},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). All the files not
+ yet available on your local disk are first downloaded from the
+ remote source directory on the Internet. Then every package is
+ unpacked (if \path|.zip| files), or copied from the \CD{}.
+\item[Configuration Page] Several packages need some configuration
+ step to make them usable (Figure~\ref{graph:configuration},
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the left%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the top%
+ \else
+ on the left%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). Also the \TeXLive{} system needs some post-processing step
+ (format files generation, ls-R databases generation, environment
+ variables, etc.). All these operations are done there, some of them
+ can be lengthy.
+ \textbf{Review Page}\hfill%
+ \textbf{File Copy Page}
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/review-settings}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/file-copy}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/review-settings.gif}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/file-copy.gif}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/review-settings}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/file-copy}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{Review Page / File Copy Page}
+ \label{graph:review}\label{graph:file-copy}
+\item[Final Page] The installation being over, you may want to display
+ the Windows specific documentation (HTML format) and / or the log
+ file of the setup process (Figure~\ref{graph:final}
+ \ifnum \Status = 1
+ on the right%
+ \else\ifnum \Status=2
+ at the bottom%
+ \else
+ on the right%
+ \fi\fi
+ ). If it is needed (Win9x/WinME), you will
+ be asked to reboot your computer.
+ \textbf{Configuration Page}\hfill%
+ \textbf{Final Page}
+ \begin{center}
+ \ifnum \Status=1
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/configuration}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/congratulations}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \Status=2
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/configuration.gif}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 506 403]{../pictures/congratulations.gif}
+ \else
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/configuration}\hfill%
+ \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{../pictures/congratulations}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{Configuration Page / Final page}
+Please be aware that the choice of cluster size on DOS disk
+partitions can radically affect the size of your \TeX\
+installation. The support tree has hundreds of small files, and it is
+not unusual for a complete installation to take up to 4 times the
+amount of space used on the \CD.
+\section[Maintenance and other aspects of the \protect\TeXLive{}
+installation under Windows]{Maintenance and other aspects of the \protect\TeXLive{}
+installation under Windows}
+\subsection{What's different under Win32 from the standard \Webc ?}
+The Win32 version of \Webc{} has some specific features that need to
+be noticed.
+\item[\KPS{}] the hash-tables that \KPS{} builds are quite large for
+ the \TeXLive{}. In order to cut down the starting time of any
+ \KPS{}-enabled program, these hash-tables have been put in shared
+ memory. This way, when you chain the execution of several such
+ programs, like \path|tex| calling \path|mpost| calling \path|tex|,
+ the overhead when starting each of the programs but the first will
+ be reduced. This change is hidden to the user, except if you set the
+ debug flag of kpathsea to the \path|-1| value: you will then trace
+ access to the shared memory, which is not what you want (it is
+ accessed very often!). What is useful in a log trace of the shared
+ memory access is still to be defined, so the situation might evolve
+ in the future.
+\item[\cmdname{kpsecheck}] this command provides some option that did
+ not fit well into \cmdname{kpsewhich}. It will allow you to list all
+ the files that occur multiple times across your texmf trees. This
+ could be handy, but most of the time you will also get unwanted
+ output (like dozens of \path|README| files)\footnote{It is noticeable
+ that all these files result in clashes inside the \KPS{}-hashing
+ mechanism, fortunately, \KPS{} never look for these files.}. For
+ this reason, you can combine the \path|-multiple-occurences| with 2
+ other options for including or excluding any filename that match
+ some pattern (you can request for several patterns).
+ The \cmdname{kpsecheck} command will also report the status of
+ shared memory: in use or not used. That might be useful to know
+ because if the status reported is ``in use'', that means one or
+ several processes are working, and the effect of any
+ \cmdname{mktexlsr} command will be delayed until the next time where
+ no \KPS{} linked process will be running.
+ Last, this same command will report about the location it thinks
+ Ghostscript can be found. Under Win32, for many programs, it is
+ easier to use the Ghostscript dll, and find it by using the
+ Ghostscript registry key than to change the \path|PATH|, which has a
+ limited length anyway.
+\item[\Webc{}] the engines have a few more options than the ones from regular
+ \Webc{}, and one option with a different behaviour:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \path|-fmt| option behaves differently. Previously and
+ with the regular \Webc{} distribution, this option has 2 different
+ meanings when you are in ``ini'' or ``vir'' mode. Under Win32, it
+ has the same meaning: preload the format file specified with the
+ argument. The meaning of building a format of such name in ``ini''
+ mode is obtained by the new \path|-job-name| option.
+ \item \path|-job-name| option: allows to set the name of the file
+ resulting from the compilation process. In normal mode, it will
+ change the base name of all files produced (\path|.dvi|,
+ \path|.aux|, etc.), while in ``ini'' mode, it will set the name of
+ the format file written.
+ \item \path|-halt-on-error| stop the compilation at the first error.
+ \item \path|-job-time| set the job time to the same timestamp as the
+ file given in argument.
+ \item \path|-output-directory| allow to write all the output files in the
+ specified directory.
+ \item \path|-time-statistics| print statistics about the job run
+ time. It is to be noted that Win9x not being a true multitasking
+ operating system, it has no reliable timer for short periods, so
+ the value printed is an approximation. Under NT/2K/XP, the result
+ is quite accurate with user time and system time values allocated
+ for this run. For Unix
+ users: the \path|time| command is not usually available to Windows
+ users.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{Adding packages to your installation}
+You will find an option in the \texttt{TeXLive} menu (or go to
+\texttt{Start -> Programs -> TeXLive -> Add TeX package} menu) to run again
+\file{TeXSetup.exe}, but in maintenance mode this time. The steps you
+will go through are almost identical to the ones the first time you
+run it.
+The only different step is about the packages selection page. In
+maintenance mode, the list of installed packages is compared to the
+list of packages available from your source directories. Packages that
+are not installed will be displayed in green, out of date packages
+will be displayed in red and up to date, installed packages are
+displayed in black.
+This way, you can choose to add or upgrade components, either from
+your \CD{} or from the
+Internet, where you are likely to find some more recent version of
+your packages.
+It is up to you to select which ones of the packages you want to
+install. The rest of the process is similar to the first installation.
+If you want to add files that are not provided by the \TeXLive{} (or
+\fpTeX{}) distribution, it is recommended to put them in the
+\path|$TEXMFLOCAL| directory. This way, you will be safe against
+upgrades of the \TeXLive{} software.
+The directory pointed to by \path|$TEXMFLOCAL| is initially empty. If
+you want to add there the support file for Maple (symbolic computation
+program) for example, you will have to put the style files in:\\
+\path|c:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf-local\tex\latex\maple\|\\
+and the documentation files in:\\
+\path|c:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf-local\doc\latex\maple\|
+Next, \textbf{do not forget to rebuild the ls-R databases files},
+either by using the right menu (Start -> Programs -> TeXLive
+ -> Maintenance), either by manually running the \file{mktexlsr}
+ command.
+\subsection[Removing \protect\TeXLive{} from your hard disk]{Removing
+ \protect\TeXLive{} from your hard disk}
+The uninstall procedure is available either from the
+\file{TeXLive.exe} program, from the \path|TeXLive| menu or from the
+control panel (Start menu -> Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs
+option). This procedure will cleanup your hard disk of most of the
+\TeXLive{} files. However, \TeX{} is a system that is creating files
+and there is no mechanism to keep track of all of them. Moreover,
+Win32 support packages have their own uninstall procedure, which you
+will have to run separately (provided you want to get rid of them). Last,
+the files you may have stored in \path|$TEXMFLOCAL| won't be
+removed. So, even if the vast majority of files are automatically
+removed by the uninstall procedure, you will have to do some manual
+cleanup to actually remove all of them.
+\subsection{Running \texttt{TeXSetup.exe} from the command line}
+The \path|TeXSetup.exe| program has a number of other interesting
+options. You can get the list by running:
+c:\>TeXSetup --help
+Here is the description:
+\item[\path|--automatic-reboot|] reboot without waiting user
+ confirmation once installation is over;
+\item[\path|--dry-run|] do nothing, just log everything that will be
+ done without this option;
+\item[\path|--quick|] use the recommended installation and default
+ directories, ask nothing up to rebooting;
+\item[\path|--net-method (=ie5/direct)|] enable to download components with
+ restricted licenses from the Internet (either using direct
+ connection of Internet Explorer 5 DLLs): you need to have an available
+ network connection and some of the packages are huge;
+\item[\path|--remote-source-directory <url>|] this is the base url for the remote packages;
+\item[\path|--local-source-directory <dir>|] by default, \path|TeXSetup.exe|
+ will guess the root directory of the set of files you want it to act on, if you ever
+ upgrade \path|TeXSetup.exe|, you won't be able to copy the new version
+ onto your \CD{}, so you will need to use this option to specify the
+ root of the \CD{};
+\item[\path|--installation-directory <dir>|] this is the root of your
+ installation, all files will be copied under this location. The
+ default value is \verb+c:\Program Files\TeXLive+;
+\item[\path|--texmfmain-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--texmflocal-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--texmfextra-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--texmfhome-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--vartexmf-directory <dir>|]
+\item[\path|--vartexfonts-directory <dir>|] these are the directories
+ used to configure the location of your files. They map directly to
+ the \path|texmf.cnf| variables.
+\item[\path|--with-source-files(=yes/no)|] copy the source files
+ for \TeX{} packages, default value is no;
+\item[\path|--with-documentation-files(=yes/no)|] copy documentation files for \TeX{}
+ packages. Default value is yes. Beware: this is only documentation about specific
+ packages, general documentation will be installed anyway;
+\item[\path|--program-folder <folder>|] the name of the folder under
+ which you will find the menus;
+\item[\path|--add-package <pkg>|] this is used to add or update a specific
+ package after a first regular installation;
+\item[\path|--scheme <pkg>|] install the named scheme instead of the
+ default \path|texlive-recommended| scheme;
+\item[\path|--maintenance|] mostly the same as \path|--add-package|
+ without specifying a package to add;
+\item[\path|--uninstall|] this option will remove anything \TeX{} related coming from
+ the \CD{}, which means there can be files left if you added style
+ files or format files, and also that supplementary tools will not be
+ removed\footnote{This option is still a bit crude as of \today};
+\item[\path|--help|] this option opens up a box with the list of options.
+\subsection{Network installation}
+\KPS{} knows about UNC names, so you can use them to get your TEXMF
+tree from the network. But there is better than this.
+All the support files and configuration files, everything except the files in the
+\path|bin/win32| are shareable with a \teTeX{} or Unix \TeXLive{} installation. That means
+you can use Samba either to mount from an NT server to a Unix
+workstation or the converse. Several strategies are possible:
+\item Put everything on the server. Just add each set of files for the os and
+architecture you want to use in the \path|bin| directory. That means
+for example \path|bin/win32| and \path|bin/i386-linux|. Next configure
+your main variables. You can use UNC names to
+point to the right directories under Win32.
+\item Install a local copy for the binaries and format files. In this
+ case, assign \path|$TEXMFMAIN| to the main \path|texmf| tree that
+ will be accessed remotely. Set \path|$VARTEXMF| to be a local
+ directory which will hold local configuration files and on-the-fly
+ generated files.
+\subsection{Personal Configurations}
+Start this program from the Start menu or from the Desktop shortcut.
+Go to \textbf{Options} \verb+->+ \textbf{Program Calls}.
+\begin{itemize}\itemsep 0pt
+\item In the DVIWin tab, if the filename is \textbf{yap}, replace it
+with \textbf{windvi.exe}.
+\item In Ghostview tab, make sure it gives the correct path for
+\hspace*{1em} \verb+C:\ghostgum\gsview\gsview32.exe+ (for 3.6, the
+current version)\\
+or \\
+\hspace*{1em} \verb+C:\gstools\gsview\gsview32.exe+ (for the older
+Click \textbf{OK}.
+Note that the install process sets all files with the \texttt{.tex}
+extension to open with \cmdname{WinShell}. Unless you plan to use another editor
+(such as WinEdt or Emacs), this is appropriate.
+Unfortunately, \cmdname{WinShell} does not have a spell-checking feature.
+However, if you have installed the \path|tex-extrabin| collection,
+your installation includes \textbf{Ispell} (a spell checking program
+found on most Unix systems). The executable is in your PATH so
+\verb+ispell.exe+ will be found if you invoke it from a DOS window.
+If you installed documentation, look
+\verb+C:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf\doc\html\manpages\ispell.html+\\
+for information on Ispell. (Otherwise, you can find
+\verb+ispell.html+ on the CD.) If you rely on spell checking, you may
+want to add an Ispell icon to \cmdname{WinShell}. See
+subsection~\ref{winshell:ispell} of this document for how to do that.
+For an excellent commercial (but inexpensive) spelling checker,
+see \url{}.
+%Appendix B also contains other information about using \cmdname{WinShell}, such as:
+%\item How to apply a bug fix you probably need
+%\item How to print directly from \cmdname{WinShell}
+%\item How to use the Project feature for multiple-file documents
+\cmdname{WinShell} also has on-line help, which you can access via the
+$\textbf{\underbar{?}}$ on the menu bar.
+Other information about using \cmdname{WinShell} can be found in
+section \ref{winshell:more} on p.~\pageref{winshell:more}.
+The configuration file for dvips can be found in\\
+\verb+C:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf-var\dvips\config\\\
+You may open it with any editor (\cmdname{WinShell} will do fine) and change
+some parameters:
+\item [fonts] you can change the default printer \MF{} mode or printer
+ resolution in case dvips needs to generate PK fonts. By default it
+ is configured to use type1 versions of the CM fonts, so it should
+ not call \cmdname{mktexpk} too often;
+\item[printer] you can tell dvips where you want to print by
+ default. If the `o' option is not followed by a printer name, then a
+ \file{.ps} PostScript file is written. You can give dvips a printer
+ name such as:
+o lpt1:
+% o | lpr -S server -P myprinter
+% o \\server\myprinter
+\item[paper] Next, you might want
+ to change the paper size from European (A4) to US letter
+ by making the US letter the first paper size mentioned in the file.
+ Scroll to the group of lines beginning with ``@''. Move
+ the appropriate lines so that this section begins with the lines:\\
+\hspace*{1em} @ letterSize 8.5in 11in\\
+\hspace*{1em} @ letter 8.5in 11in\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ \%\%BeginPaperSize: Letter\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ letter\\
+\hspace*{1em} @+ \%\%EndPaperSize
+\textbf{Note:} The current \TeXLive{} distribution has implemented (for
+the first time!) the procedure of making always up-to-date fontmaps files
+for Dvips and Pdftex. This is done by \cmdname{updmap} program
+during installation, as well as during any font package addition.
+If you add new packages by hand, edit the file \verb+updmap.cfg+
+in \path|$VARTEXMF/web2c|.
+If you want to use the program pdf{}latex to convert directly to
+pdf format, and you are using US letter file, edit the file\\
+\verb+C:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf-var\pdftex\config\pdftex.cfg+\\
+and change ``page\_width'' and ``page\_height'' to specify letter-size paper.
+These entries should read:\\
+\hspace*{1em} page\_width 8.5 true in\\
+\hspace*{1em} page\_height 11 true in\\[6pt]
+Save the file and exit the editor.
+Starting from versions compatible with Ghostscript 6.50, GSView is not
+free anymore, but shareware. So it is not on the \CD{} anymore.
+You may want to change the papersize to US letter size. If so,
+open GSView from the Start menu. \\
+From the \textbf{Media} menu, select \textbf{Letter}.
+Also, there are menu settings that are supposed to give you the
+most readable screen image:\\[4pt]
+ From \textbf{Media} \verb+->+ \textbf{Display Settings},
+set \textbf{Text Alpha}
+and \textbf{Graphics Alpha} both to 4 bits.
+Note that the installation process has set all .ps and .eps files
+to automatically open with GSView.
+For printing instructions, see section~\ref{printing} below.
+The \file{TeXSetup.exe} program takes care of associating the files
+with the \file{.dvi} extension with \file{Windvi}.
+Open it from the Start menu (Programs \verb+->+ TeXLive \verb+->+ DVI Viewer).
+You can set it for US letter paper by going to \textbf{View} \verb+->+ \textbf{Options}
+and next to \textbf{Papertype},
+selecting US (8.5\verb+"+ x 11\verb+"+).
+Click \textbf{OK}.
+Exit Windvi.
+You can change other parameters from there, like the ability to
+execute commands included in path|\special{}|.
+Also, the first time you
+view any .dvi file, you may find the magnification too large. Zoom out
+until you get an appropriate size.
+%There are two important parameters related to printing that can't yet
+%be set from the dialog boxes, namely the resolution and the \MF{} mode
+%for the printer. You can set them once for all by specifying them on
+%the command line:
+%c:\>windvi -p 360 -mfmode canonbjc foo.dvi
+%When you will exit Windvi, these parameters will be stored in the
+%configuration file. The available modes are found in this file:\\
+%\path|c:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf\metafont\misc\|
+All the configuration for Windvi is stored in the
+\path|$HOME/windvi.cnf| file. You can find it by running this command
+at the prompt:
+c:\>kpsewhich --expand-var $HOME/windvi.cnf
+Should you have problems with Windvi, please remove the configuration
+file and test your problem against a vanilla configuration.
+You can test \cmdname{WinShell} by opening the file \verb+sample2e.tex+, found in
+\path|C:\Local\TeX\texmf\tex\latex\base|. The \LaTeX\ source should appear
+on the screen. Process it by clicking on the \LaTeX\ icon on the toolbar,
+then view it by clicking on the Preview (Windvi) icon.
+At first, when you preview files with Windvi, it will create fonts because
+screen fonts were not installed. After a while, you will have created most
+of the fonts you use, and you will rarely see the font-creation window.
+Return to \cmdname{WinShell} and try dvips, then GSView.
+\textbf{Hint for the future:} If a \LaTeX\ run stops because \LaTeX\
+cannot find a file, you can press \textbf{Ctrl-z} to quit.
+It is possible to print from Windvi. In this case, printing will
+be done using the Windows unified printer driver. By definition, it
+is compatible with all printers. However, there is some drawback: it
+can generate some huge spool files, and some (older) versions of Windows just
+don't like them. The advantage is that you can use features like
+embedding BMP or WMF images. You also need to make sure that the
+printer parameters are correctly set (subsection~\ref{sub:windvi}),
+else you will get scaled printing (printing at 600dpi on a 300dpi
+printer will give you only one quadrant of your page).
+Printing is faster and more reliable if you run dvips to make a file and then print from GSView. To print from GSView, first select
+\textbf{Print...} from the \textbf{File} menu. A Print window will appear.
+If you will be using a PostScript printer, \textit{be sure to select
+\textbf{PostScript Printer}}. In the newer version this is done in
+the ``Print Method'' box at the bottom left of the Print window. You
+can then select any of the printers that you have previously installed
+on your PC. If you fail to check the box for PostScript Printer,
+printing will not work.
+If you will be using your own non-PostScript printer, select
+\textbf{Ghostscript device} in the ``Print Method'' box, then click on
+the button to the right labelled \textbf{djet500} and select your
+printer type from the list that pops up. (In the older version of
+GSView, make sure PostScript Printer is \textit{not} selected, then
+select your printer type from the ``Device'' list.)
+If you use \cmdname{WinShell} and a PostScript printer, probably the most
+convenient way to print is to add an icon to the \cmdname{WinShell} toolbar that
+invokes dvips in a way that sends the output directly to a default
+printer. For detailed instructions on how to do this, see
+\ref{winshell:print} on p.~\pageref{winshell:print}
+(\textit{More About \cmdname{WinShell}}).
+\subsection{More About \cmdname{WinShell}}\label{winshell:more}
+\subsubsection{Installing Bug Fixes}
+\cmdname{WinShell}'s author (\href{}{Ingo de Boer},
+thanks to him) sometimes releases beta versions of the next \cmdname{WinShell}
+version which are also bug fixes. You can grab them from
+\url{}. Usually they are \file{.zip} files that
+only require to be unpacked in \cmdname{WinShell} directory (\path|c:\Program
+Files\WinShell| by default), either using WinZip or a similar tool, or
+by using \file{unzip} on the command line. If you got some
+\file{} file and that you saved it in the \cmdname{WinShell}
+directory, then you need to run:
+c:\>cd c:\"Program Files"\WinShell
+Say `yes' if you are asked if some files should be overwritten. The
+\path|unzip.exe| programme can be found in the
+\path|support/gnu-utils| package. If you
+do not have it on your machine, you can use any archiver tool like
+WinZip to achieve the same effect.
+\subsubsection{Using the Project Feature}
+If your document is split into several files
+(for example a thesis), look into \cmdname{WinShell}'s ``Project'' feature. From the
+\textbf{Project} menu, you give the project a name (e.g., Thesis),
+supply the name of the main (or root) file, and then ``add'' other
+files. These filenames display on the left of the screen where you can
+double click the names to view and switch between them. Clicking
+the \textbf{\LaTeX} icon always processes the main file.
+Note the icons on the toolbar for toggling the project space (on the left)
+and the log space (at the bottom). If you are not using the Project
+feature, you may want to toggle off the space on the left, using the full
+screen width to display your file.
+\subsubsection{Printing from \cmdname{WinShell} to a PostScript Printer}
+The Dvips icon on the \cmdname{WinShell} toolbar puts the PostScript output in a file,
+which you can then view with GSView and print from there if you choose.
+However, it's convenient to add a \cmdname{WinShell} ``program call'' to dvips which
+sends the output directly to a designated PostScript printer. The steps
+below show how to do this for the printer \textbf{vclw}; you should
+substitute the name of your most frequently-used printer for \textbf{vclw}.
+\item Make the program aware of the printer:
+\item Open \cmdname{WinShell}, go to \textbf{Options} \verb+->+
+\textbf{Program Calls} \verb+->+ \textbf{User defined}.
+\item Click on \textbf{Tool 1} in the list on the right and fill in the
+fields to the left as follows:\vspace{-6pt}
+Name: \verb+Print+\\
+exe file: \verb+dvips+\\
+cmd-line: \verb+ -D600 %m -o vclw+\\
+Uncheck the box for ``DVIPS first''
+\item Click \textbf{OK}
+\item Add Print to the toolbar:
+\item Go to \textbf{Options} \verb+->+ \textbf{View} \verb+->+ \textbf{Customize}.
+\item In the Category box, select \textbf{User-Programs}.
+\item Select \textbf{Print} and drag it to the toolbar, placing it just to
+ the right of the GSView icon.
+\item You then have a choice of ``Image only'', ``Text only'', or ``Image and
+Text''. The easiest is to select ``Text only'' and click \textbf{OK}.
+You should then see \textbf{Print} on the toolbar. (If you prefer, you can
+select ``Image only'', then ``Edit'', and edit the displayed picture to your
+Now, to print a \LaTeX\ document, just click on the \textbf{Print} icon to
+send to your selected printer. To use a different printer, you will need to
+click on the \textbf{Dvips} icon to print to a file. Then click on the
+GSView icon and use GSView to send to any printer you have installed on
+your PC.
+\subsubsection{Adding Ispell to \cmdname{WinShell}}
+\item Add Ispell to User Tools:
+\item Open \cmdname{WinShell}, go to \textbf{Options} \verb+->+
+\textbf{Program Calls} \verb+->+ \textbf{User defined}.
+\item In the list on the right, click on \textbf{Tool 1} (or \textbf{Tool
+ 2} if you have already used \textbf{Tool 1}) and fill in the
+fields to the left as follows:\vspace{-6pt}
+Name: \verb+Ispell+\\
+exe file: \verb+ispell+\\
+cmd-line: \verb+ -t -d american %c.tex+\\
+Uncheck the boxes for ``LaTeX first'' and ``DVIPS first''
+\item Click \textbf{OK}
+\item Add Ispell to the toolbar: %\vspace{-14pt}
+\begin{itemize}\itemsep 0pt
+\item Go to \textbf{Options} \verb+->+ \textbf{View} \verb+->+ \textbf{Customize}.
+\item In the Category box, select \textbf{User-Programs}.
+\item Select \textbf{Ispell} and drag it to the toolbar, placing it just to
+ the right of the GSView icon (or the last icon you added).
+\item You then have a choice of ``Image only'', ``Text only'', or ``Image and
+Text''. The easiest is to select ``Text only'' and click \textbf{OK}.
+You should then see \textbf{Ispell} on the toolbar. (If you prefer, you can
+select ``Image only'', then ``Edit'', and edit the displayed picture to your
+Now, when you have a \LaTeX\ document open, you can click on
+\textbf{Ispell} to perform spell checking. Ispell will open another window
+and display the first misspelled word on the left with the filename on the
+right. Below that you will see the context in which the misspelling appears;
+often several suggestions for replacements are also displayed. To replace
+the word, enter the number corresponding to the desired replacement. Other
+possible responses are listed below; for example, you can press the space
+bar to ignore the misspelled word. For more information on Ispell, read the
+manual page: \verb+C:\Program Files\TeXLive\texmf\doc\html\manpages\ispell.html+.
+Note that when you replace a word, you will not see the correction in your
+\cmdname{WinShell} window until you close the file (click the X in the upper right
+corner) and then open it again (use the File menu).
+\subsection{Tips and tricks about the Win32 platform}
+\subsubsection{Different flavors of Win32}
+What we call Win32 is not an operating system by itself. It is a set
+of functions -- and a large one\footnote{Around 12000 functions in the
+ header files of the Microsoft SDK} -- that you can use to write
+programs for different operating systems of the Windows family.
+Windows comes in different flavors:
+\item Win95, Win98 and WinME, which \emph{are not true multitasking,
+ multithreading} environments. They are the latest -- and hopefully
+ last -- metamorphosis of DOS. This can be more or less proven by the
+ fact that when booting, the PC will load the \path||
+ interpreter, and if you stop the boot process at this point, you can
+ ask for the current (DOS) version and it will answer something like
+ 'MS-DOS 7.0' (at least for the old versions of Win9x);
+\item Windows NT, which is a new operating system written from scratch,
+ capable of
+ true multitasking behaviour, and loaded with high level features;
+\item Windows 2K, written on an NT basis, with all the bells and
+ whistles of Win98.
+\item Windows XP, which comes with Personal and Pro flavors. This is
+ the last step in merging both lines of products (Win9x based and NT
+ based). XP is written on an NT basis.
+Win9x are able to run 32~bits programs and 16~bits programs
+concurrently. But the operating system by itself is not entirely
+written in 32~bits mode, and does not support memory protection: 16bits
+applications can overwrite parts of the operating system memory! Some
+parts of the system like the GDI (Graphical Device Interface) manage
+limited resources like bitmaps, fonts, pens and so on for the set of
+all programs that run concurrently. All the bitmaps headers available
+at the same time can't amount for more than 64kb. This explains the
+performance tool and the fact that you can put your system on his
+knees by making intensive use of graphic objects for example.
+NT, 2K and XP do not suffer from these limitations, and neither from
+other Win9x limitations. They are true multitasking environments, with
+protected memory. They are much more responsive than Win9x because
+of better memory management, better file system and so on.
+\subsubsection{Command line prompt}
+You will wonder: ``why would I need to use a command line prompt when
+I have Windows?''.
+Good question. The problem is of very general nature. Not all
+operations can be done easily using only a GUI. Command line gives you
+programming power -- assuming a clever command interpreter.
+But the problem here is more fundamental: \TeX{} is \emph{a batch}
+tool. Not an interactive one. \TeX{} needs to compute the best
+layout for each page, resolve cross-references and so on. This can be
+done only by a global processing of the document. It is not (yet) a
+task that can be done interactively.
+This means that you should use \TeX{} from a command line. In fact the
+situation is not so bad. There is an advantage to write command line
+tools for complex processing: they are better debugged, because not
+tied to GUI problems, and GUI tools can be designed to interface the
+command line tools. This is the case for \TeX{} where you will
+interact with it most of the time through a GUI text editor -- see
+section~\ref{sec:winshell} for example.
+However, you may need to use the command line prompt in a number of
+situations, by example in case of problems and you want to debug your
+setup -- see
+ section~\ref{sec:troubleshooting}.
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[Win9x] You will open a command line prompt by looking either
+ for the MS-DOS icon in the ``Start->Programs'' menu, either by
+ choosing ``Start->Run'' menu and typing in \path||
+ \item[NT, 2K, XP] You will open a command line prompt by looking
+ for the ``Command Prompt'' in the ``Start->Accessories''
+ menu\footnote{These locations may change across different OS
+ versions.}. You can also choose the ``Start->Run'' menu and type
+ in \path|cmd.exe|, which is the name of the brand new command
+ interpreter for NT\footnote{Which explains why it is untrue to
+ call this a \emph{DOS} box under NT!}.
+\subsubsection{Path separators}
+The Win32 API understands both \path|/| and \path|\| characters as
+PATH separators. But the command interpreters do not! So whenever a
+path name is used programmatically, you can use both separators, and
+even mix them up in the same path name. But on the command line, you
+must type \path|\| as path separator. The reason is compatibility:
+the command processor used the \path|/| to introduce arguments to
+All this to say: do not be surprised to read path names written using
+the Unix convention; \fpTeX{} is a port of \Webc, and aims to be compatible
+across platforms. For this reason, all the configuration files that
+need to specify path names use the Unix convention.
+\subsubsection{File systems}
+The worse feature of Win9x with regard to \TeX{} is probably the
+so-called FAT file system. \TeX{} uses many many small files, with
+size around 1kb -- 3kb. The FAT file system is old, and predates by
+far the multi-gigabytes hard disks we have today. It means it can't
+manage efficiently the 30000 \TeX{} files found on the \CD{}. The FAT
+file system will allocate a minimum of 32kb for \emph{any} file on a
+huge partition. It means that \TeX{} will use much more disk space
+than it actually needs.
+The other, more modern, file systems available -- namely FAT32 and
+NTFS -- do not have this drawback. They manage clusters of 4kb
+only\footnote{You can lower the limit to 512 bytes on NTFS}.
+\subsubsection{How to add some directory to your PATH}
+There are pairs of variables and values which behave much like global
+variables inside your programs. The set of those variables is called the
+environment. Each program is initialized with a copy of the
+environment when it is run. It can request and change the
+value of any variable. The changes happen in the copy of the
+environment, and is not at all propagated to the other running
+Your PATH is a special environment variable used to search for
+programs you want to run.
+There is a different procedure to change it for Win9x, WinME and NT/2K/XP:
+\item[Windows 95/98] Edit your \path|autoexec.bat|. In this file should be a line
+ starting with \texttt{PATH=} and followed by a list of directories separated
+ by \path|;|. Please add the directory with the executables in this line.
+ After this, this line could look as follows:
+PATH=c:\windows;c:\windows\system;c:\"Program Files"\TeXLive\bin\win32
+\item[Windows ME] You need to run the special program
+ \path|c:\windows\system\msconfig.exe| to be able to change any
+ environment variable. From this program, select the `Environment'
+ tab, and then add or modify the variable you want. You will be asked to reboot the
+ machine upon any change.
+\item[Windows NT/2K/XP]
+ Click left on \texttt{Start --> Settings --> Control Panel}. Now the window
+ with the control panel icons opens. Double click on System. The
+ System Properties window opens. Click on the tab
+ \textsf{Environment} or look for a button named `Environment
+ Variables' among the dialog boxes. Now
+ you can change the environment variables for your user account. Note:
+ There are also displayed the environment settings for the system.
+ Normally, you can't change the system variables unless you have
+ administrator rights on your machine. If you want to change the \texttt{PATH}
+ for all users, you will have to contact your system administrator or
+ be the system administrator yourself--in the later case you should
+ know what you are doing.
+ If there is already a \texttt{PATH} setting for your user account,
+ left click on \texttt{PATH}. In the field \textsf{Variable} appears
+ \texttt{PATH} while the field Value shows the current setting of
+ \texttt{PATH} as a list of directories separated by \path|;|. Add
+ the directory where the executables are located (e.g.
+ \path|c:\Program Files\TeXLive\bin\win32|). If there isn't a \texttt{PATH} variable
+ for your user account, simply click in the field Variable and type
+ in \texttt{PATH}, click in the field \textsf{Value}
+ and type in the directory with the executables. Important: Click on
+ the \textsf{Apply} button before clicking \textsf{Ok}, otherwise the
+ changes to \texttt{PATH} won't apply to your system. Be careful when
+ changing the environment settings.
+The best way to be sure that a variable has been properly set is to
+open a console and type:
+which should return the corresponding value.
+\subsubsection{\TeX{} engines}
+If you have a look at the \Webc{} documentation, you will read that all
+the various \TeX{} derived programs use the same base engine. For
+example, \path|tex.exe| and \path|latex.exe| are exact copies of the
+same program, but each one will use a different format file, based on
+its calling name.
+Under Unix, this feature is implemented through \emph{symbolic
+ links}. It saves up a bit of disk space, because some engines are
+used with many different format files.
+The Win32 API does not know about file links. So to save up almost
+the same amount of memory, all the \TeX{} base engines have been put
+in DLLs (\emph{Dynamic Linked Library}). This means that you will have
+the following layout:
+13/05/2002 17:06 3 584 latex.exe
+13/05/2002 17:06 266 240 tex.dll
+13/05/2002 17:06 3 584 tex.exe
+and the \path|latex.exe| file is nothing but a rough copy of
+\path|tex.exe| using the same core \path|tex.dll|.
+The same trick has been used for the \path|mktex*.exe| family of programs which are
+linked to the \path|mktex.dll| library.
+In fact, a generic tool called \path|lnexe.exe| is provided to build the
+equivalent of Unix hard links for executable files only under Win32.
+\subsection{In case of problems}
+\subsubsection{What to do if \texttt{latex} does not
+ find your files?}
+\item \cmdname{kpsewhich} is the tool of choice to debug any
+problem. Unfortunately, kpsewhich outputs debug information to
+stderr, and the Windows console does not know how to redirect stderr
+to a file\footnote{Well, NT and Win2k consoles know how to do
+ that. But the trick will work for any console.}.
+For diagnostic purposes you can temporarily set an
+environment variable (in DOS box):
+You can also set the debug level:
+If you want to redirect stderr to stdout, which is not possible under
+either W9x or NT/2K/XP, then just do:
+This way you can capture both stdout and stderr in the same file.
+\item Assuming the installation has been done in \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive|, check
+ the following values: \\
+ {\small
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $SELFAUTOPARENT| & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $TEXMF| & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-path $TEXMFCNF| &
+ \path|.;c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/web2c;| \\
+ & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/bin/win32;| \\
+ & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/bin;| \\
+ & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive| \\
+ \path|kpsewhich -expand-var $TEXINPUTS| & \path|.;c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex//|
+ \end{tabular}
+\item If you have other \TeX{}-related values already set in your
+ environment, please, remove them. They are overriding the ones in
+ texmf.cnf.
+\item Check the values from:\\
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \texttt{kpsewhich cmr10.tfm} & \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm|\\
+ \texttt{kpsewhich latex.fmt}& \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/web2c/latex.fmt|
+ \end{tabular}
+\item At this point, if everything is correct, \path|tex.exe| and
+ co. should work. If it is not the case, you will need to play with
+ the \path|-debug=n| option from \path|kpsewhich|, and check back all
+ the values. Try to identify and report the problem.
+\subsubsection{What to do if your setup still does not work as expected?}
+There are several questions to ask about:
+\item Is \file{tex.exe} on my \path|PATH|?
+\item Is the \path|TEXMFCNF| variable correctly set to
+ \path|c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf-var/web2c| (default value)?
+\item Are there any errors in the log file generated by the
+ \file{TeXSetup.exe} program? Errors are flagged with the sequence
+ \path|Error|.
+% \item If everything seems correct up there, then you need to read the
+% documentation in \path|texmf/doc/fptex/fptex.pdf| or
+% \path|texmf/doc/html/fptex/fptex.html| for a more detailed procedure
+% (available on your hard disk or on the \CD{}).
+\item One can also go to \url{} and
+ check for any bug fix.
+\item The Windows distribution on the \CD{} is no more no less than
+ the \fpTeX{} distribution, so you can also go to the Web pages at
+ \url{}, or consider subscribing to the \fpTeX{}
+ mailing-list by consulting
+ \url{} .
+The \TeXLive{} software is complex and made of more than 250 programs
+and around 40000 files from various sources. It is quite difficult to
+predict all possible causes for problems. Nevertheless, we will do our
+best to help you in every case.
+\subsection{Compiling the source files}
+You have the whole set of source files, comprised for
+Windows in the \path|source/source.tar.bz2| archive available on the
+\CD{}. To be able to compile the whole distribution for Windows, you
+will need:
+\item Windows 2K/XP
+\item Microsoft Visual Studio .Net
+\item a set of Unix tools (\texttt{sed},
+ \texttt{grep}, \texttt{gawk}, etc.) and also Perl, Flex and Bison,
+\item to adjust the paths in the
+ \path|win32/make/common.mak| file according to your installation
+\item adjust the paths in the Perl script file
+ \path|win32/perl/|,
+\item run the compilation from the \path|win32/| directory using this
+ command:
+c:\texlive\source\win32>perl ./perl/ --install --log=install.log
+There is a lot of work to do to make this process easier and cleaner.
+\subsection{Where to get more information?}
+The Win32 \TeX{} distribution on the \CD{} is also known as
+\fpTeX. Only the packaging differs, but \fpTeX{} is no more no less
+than the current \TeXLive\ release for Windows.
+The \fpTeX home on the Web is at:\\
+The current \fpTeX release is available from any
+\href{}{CTAN} %(see also the section
+site in the directory~:\\
+The main ftp site for \fpTeX\ is \url{} from
+where beta versions of \fpTeX\ and additionnal tools are available.
+This main site is (partially) mirrored daily by the CTAN backbones in their
+\path|systems/win32/fptex| directory.
+% You can reach me at my email address:
+% \url{}.
+The \TeX{} Users Group is kindly hosting a mailing-list dedicated to
+\fpTeX. This is a very low volume one. It is used for announcements,
+bugs reports or as well to discuss about improvements or various users
+problems. To subscribe, read the page at
+\url{}. The mailing list
+address is \EmailURL{}.
+\section{Building on a new Unix platform}
+If you have a platform for which we have not provided binary sources,
+you will need to compile \TeX{} and friends from scratch. This is not
+as hard as it sounds. What you need is all in the directory
+\texttt{source} on the \CD{}.
+You should first install the support tree from the \TeXLive{} \CD{} (do
+a basic install, with no system binaries chosen).
+You will need about 100 megabytes of disk space to compile all of
+\TeX{} and its support programs. You'll also need an \acro{ANSI} C
+compiler, a \cmdname{make} utility, a lexical scanner, and a parser
+generator. The \acro{GNU} utilities (\cmdname{gcc}, \acro{GNU}
+\cmdname{make}, \cmdname{m4}, \cmdname{flex}, \cmdname{bison}) are the
+most widely tested on different platforms. \cmdname{gcc}-2.7.*
+\cmdname{flex}-2.4.7 and \acro{GNU}\,\cmdname{make}-3.72.1 or newer
+should work well. You may be able to work with other C compilers and
+\cmdname{make} programs, but you will need a good understanding of
+building Unix programs to sort out problems. The command
+\texttt{uname} must return a sensible value.
+First, unpack the source from the compressed
+\texttt{tar} file in the directory \dirname{source} to your disk and change
+directory to where you placed it. Decide where the `root' of the
+installation will be, e.g.\ \path|/usr/local| or
+\path|/usr/local/TeX|. Obviously you should use the same location
+that you specified when you installed the support tree.
+Now, start the build process by running \textsf{configure} with
+a command-line like
+>> \Ucom{./configure -prefix=/usr/local/TeX}
+The `prefix' directory is the one where you installed the support
+tree; the directory layout that will be used is as follows (where
+\$TEXDIR stands for the directory you chose):
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/man} & Unix manual pages\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/share/texmf} & main tree with fonts,\\
+ & \qquad macros, etc\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/info} & \acro{GNU} style info manuals\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin/$PLATFORM} & binaries\\
+You can omit the use of `\dirname{share/}' part for the
+\dirname{texmf} directory if you want, as
+\dirname{$TEXDIR/share/texmf} and \dirname{$TEXDIR/texmf} are
+auto-detected by configure. If you choose something different, you
+have to specify that directory with the \verb|--datadir| option of
+If you want to leave out the \dirname{$PLATFORM} directory level
+(i.e.\ put the binaries directly into \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin}), specify
+the \verb|--disable-multiplatform| option for \textsf{configure}.
+Have a look at the output of \texttt{./configure --help} for more
+options you can use (such as omitting optional packages such as \OMEGA\
+or \eTeX).
+\subsection{Running \textsf{make}}
+Make sure the shell variable \texttt{noclobber} is not set, and
+then type
+>> \Ucom{make world}
+and relax\ldots.
+It could also be useful to log all the output, e.g.\ by
+>> \Ucom{sh -c "make world >world.log 2>\&1" \&}
+Before you think that everything is ok, please check the log file for
+errors (\acro{GNU} \cmdname{make} always uses the string
+``\texttt{Error:}'' whenever a command returns an error code) and
+check if all binaries are built:
+>> \Ucom{cd /usr/local/TeX/bin/i686-pc-linux-gnu}
+>> \Ucom{ls | wc}
+The result should be 209.
+If you need special privileges for \texttt{make install}, you can
+run two \cmdname{make} jobs in separate runs:
+>> \Ucom{make all}
+>> \Ucom{su}
+>> \Ucom{make install strip}
+\subsection{Final configuration steps}
+Set up your \envname{PATH} to include the directory containing the
+just-installed binaries (e.g.\
+\dirname{/usr/local/TeX/bin/mips-sgi-irix6.5}); similarly,
+\envname{MANPATH} and \envname{INFOPATH} to include the relevant newly
+installed subdirectories, i.e.\ \dirname{$TEXDIR/man} and
+The program \textsf{texconfig} allows you to set the defaults for
+hyphenation, paper size, print command, \MF{} mode, etc. You can
+run this command interactively and see what options it offers, or type
+>> \Ucom{texconfig help}
+For example, if you are not using A4 format paper, you can make
+`lettersize' the default using:
+>> \Ucom{texconfig dvips paper letter}
+>> \Ucom{texconfig xdvi paper us}
+\section{A user's guide to the \protect\Webc{} system}
+\Webc{} contains a set of \TeX-related programs, i.e., \TeX{} itself,
+\MF{}, \MP, \BibTeX{}, etc. The original implementation was by Tomas
+Rokicki who, in 1987, developed a first \TeX{}-to-C system adapting
+change files under Unix, which were primarily the work of Howard
+Trickey and Pavel Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the
+system, and during this period the name changed to Web-to-C\@. In
+1990, Karl Berry took over the work, assisted by dozens of additional
+contributors, and in 1997 he handed the baton to Olaf Weber. The
+latest result is \Webc{} Version 7.3, which was released in March
+1999. Our version has some updates for the forthcoming new release,
+and identifies itself as 7.3.7
+The \Webc{} 7.3 system runs on Unix, Windows 3.1, 9x/ME/\acro{NT}/\acro{2K}/\acro{XP},
+\acro{DOS}, and other operating systems. It uses Knuth's
+original sources for \TeX{} and other basic programs written in \web{}
+and translates them into C source code. Moreover, the system offers a
+large set of macros and functions developed to augment the original
+\TeX{} software. The core \TeX{} family components are:
+\item[bibtex] Maintaining bibliographies.
+\item[dmp] \cmdname{troff} to MPX (\MP{} pictures).
+\item[dvicopy] Produces modified copy of \dvi{} file.
+\item[dvitomp] \dvi{} to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+\item[dvitype] \dvi{} to human-readable text.
+\item[gftodvi] Generic font proofsheets.
+\item[gftopk] Generic to packed fonts.
+\item[gftype] GF to human-readable text.
+\item[makempx] \MP{} label typesetting.
+\item[mf] Creating typeface families.
+\item[mft] Prettyprinting \MF{} source.
+\item[mpost] Creating technical diagrams.
+\item[mpto] MetaPost label extraction.
+\item[newer] Compare modification times.
+\item[patgen] Creating hyphenation patterns.
+\item[pktogf] Packed to generic fonts.
+\item[pktype] PK to human-readable text.
+\item[pltotf] Property list to TFM.
+\item[pooltype] Display \web{} pool files.
+\item[tangle] \web{} to Pascal.
+\item[tex] Typesetting.
+\item[tftopl] TFM to property list.
+\item[vftovp] Virtual font to virtual property list
+\item[vptovf] Virtual property list to virtual font.
+\item[weave] \web{} to \TeX.
+\noindent The precise functions and syntax of these programs are described in
+the documentation of the individual packages or of \Webc{} itself.
+However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of
+programs will help you to benefit optimally from your \Webc{}
+All programs honor the standard \acro{GNU} options:
+\item[\texttt{-{}-help\ \ \ }] print basic usage summary.
+\item[\texttt{-{}-verbose}] print detailed progress report.
+\item[\texttt{-{}-version}] print version information, then exit.
+For locating files the \Webc{} programs use the path searching library
+\KPS{}. This library uses a combination of environment variables and a
+few configuration files to optimize searching the \TeX{} directory
+tree. \Webc{} can handle more than one directory tree
+simultaneously, which is useful if one wants to maintain \TeX's
+standard distribution and local extensions in two distinct trees. To
+speed up file searches the root of each tree has a file \file{ls-R},
+containing an entry showing the name and relative pathname for all
+files ``hanging'' under that root.
+\subsection{\protect\KPS\ path searching}
+Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the \KPS{}
+We call a \emph{search path} a colon- or semicolon\hyph sepa\-rated list
+of \emph{path elements}, which are basically directory names. A
+search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up
+a file \samp{my-file} along a path \samp{.:/dir}, \KPS{} checks each
+element of the path in turn: first \file{./my-file}, then
+\file{/dir/my-file}, returning the first match (or possibly all
+In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems' conventions, on
+non-Unix systems \KPS{} can use filename separators different from
+``colon'' (\samp{:}) and ``slash'' (\samp{/}).
+To check a particular path element \var{p}, \KPS{} first checks if a
+prebuilt database (see ``Filename data\-base'' on
+page~\pageref{Filename-database}) applies to \var{p}, i.e., if the database
+is in a directory that is a prefix of \var{p}. If so, the path
+specification is matched against the contents of the database.
+If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path
+element, or contains no matches, the filesystem is searched (if this
+was not forbidden by a specification starting with \samp{!!}\ and if
+the file being searched for must exist). \KPS{} constructs the list
+of directories that correspond to this path element, and then checks
+in each for the file being sought.
+The ``file must exist'' condition comes into play with \samp{.vf} files and
+input files read by \TeX's \cs{openin} command. Such files may not
+exist (e.g., \file{cmr10.vf}), and so it would be wrong to search the
+disk for them. Therefore, if you fail to update \file{ls-R} when you
+install a new \samp{.vf} file, it will never be found.
+Each path element is checked in turn: first the database, then the
+disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result is
+Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory
+name, \KPS{} supports additional features in search paths: layered
+default values, environment variable names, config file values, users'
+home directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say
+that \KPS{} \emph{expands} a path element, meaning it transforms all
+the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is
+described in the following sections in the same order as it takes
+Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly
+relative, i.e., starts with \samp{/} or \samp{./} or \samp{../},
+\KPS{} simply checks if that file exists.
+ \caption{An illustrative configuration file sample}
+ \label{fig:config-sample}
+\subsubsection{Path sources}
+A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which
+\KPS{} uses them:
+ A user-set environment variable, for instance, \envname{TEXINPUTS}\@.
+ Environment variables with a period and a program name appended
+ override; e.g., if \samp{latex} is the name of the program being run,
+ then \envname{TEXINPUTS.latex} will override \envname{TEXINPUTS}.
+ A program-specific configuration file, for exam\-ple, a line
+ ``\texttt{S /a:/b}'' in \cmdname{dvips}'s \file{}.
+\item A \KPS{} configuration file \file{texmf.cnf}, containing a line like
+ \samp{TEXINPUTS=/c:/d} (see below).
+\item The compile-time default.
+\noindent You can see each of these values for a given
+search path by using the debugging options (see ``Debugging actions''
+on page~\pageref{Debugging}).
+\subsubsection{Config files}
+\KPS{} reads \emph{runtime configuration files} named \file{texmf.cnf}
+for search path and other definitions. The search path used to look
+for these files is named \envname{TEXMFCNF} (by default such a file lives
+in the \file{texmf/web2c} subdirectory). \emph{All}
+\file{texmf.cnf} files in the search path will be read and definitions
+in earlier files override those in later files. Thus, with a search
+path of \verb|.:$TEXMF|, values from \file{./texmf.cnf} override those
+from \verb|$TEXMF/texmf.cnf|.
+While reading the description of the format of the file
+\file{texmf.cnf} below, please also refer to
+appendix~\ref{app:texmf.cnf}, starting on
+page~\pageref{app:texmf.cnf}, which lists the \file{texmf.cnf} file on
+the \CD.
+ Comments start with ``\texttt{\%}'' and continue to the end of the line.
+ Blank lines are ignored.
+ A \bs{} at the end of a line acts as a continuation character,
+ i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace at the beginning of
+ continuation lines is not ignored.
+ Each remaining line has the form:
+ \emph{variable}[.\emph{progname}] [=] \emph{value}
+ where the \samp{=} and surrounding whitespace are optional.
+ The ``\texttt{\var{variable}}'' name may contain any character other
+ than whitespace, \samp{=}, or \samp{.}, but sticking to
+ \samp{A-Za-z\_} is safest.
+ If ``\texttt{.\var{progname}}'' is present, the definition only
+ applies if the program that is running is named
+ \texttt{\var{progname}} or \texttt{\var{progname}.exe}. This allows
+ different flavors of \TeX{} to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+\item ``\texttt{\var{value}}'' may contain any characters except
+ ``\texttt{\%}'' and \samp{@}. The
+ ``\texttt{\$\var{var}.\var{prog}}'' feature is not available on the
+ right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable. A
+ \samp{;}\ in ``\texttt{\var{value}}'' is translated to \samp{:}\ if
+ running under Unix; this is useful to be able to have a single
+ \file{texmf.cnf} for Unix, MSDOS and Windows systems.
+ All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so
+ variables can be referenced before they are defined.
+A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these points is
+shown below:
+shown in Figure~\ref{fig:config-sample}.
+\subsubsection{Path expansion}
+\KPS{} recognizes certain special characters and constructions in
+search paths, similar to those available in Unix shells. As a
+general example, the complex path,
+\verb+~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz+, expands to all subdirectories under
+directories \file{foo} and \file{bar} in \texttt{\$USER}'s home
+directory that contain a directory or file \file{baz}. These
+expansions are explained in the sections below.
+\subsubsection{Default expansion}
+If the highest-priority search path (see ``Path sources'' on
+page~\pageref{Path-sources}) contains an \emph{extra colon} (i.e.,
+leading, trailing, or doubled), \KPS{} inserts at that point the
+next-highest-prio\-rity search path that is defined. If that inserted
+path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next highest. For
+example, given an environment variable setting
+>> \Ucom{setenv TEXINPUTS /home/karl:}
+and a \code{TEXINPUTS} value from \file{texmf.cnf} of
+ .:\$TEXMF//tex
+then the final value used for searching will be:
+ /home/karl:.:\$TEXMF//tex
+Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one
+place, \KPS{} changes only one extra \samp{:}\ and leaves any others in
+place: it checks first for a leading \samp{:}, then a trailing
+\samp{:}, then a doubled \samp{:}.
+\subsubsection{Brace expansion}
+A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance,
+\verb+v{a,b}w+ expands to \verb+vaw:vbw+. Nesting is allowed.
+This can be used to implement multiple \TeX{} hierarchies, by
+assigning a brace list to \code{\$TEXMF}.
+For example, in \file{texmf.cnf}, you find
+the following definition:
+Using this you can then write something like
+ TEXINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex//
+which means that, after looking in the current directory, the
+\code{\$HOMETEXMF/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFLOCAL/tex}, \code{\$VARTEXMF/tex}
+and \code{\$TEXMFMAIN/tex} trees \emph{only}) will be searched (the
+last two use using \file{ls-R} data base files). It is a convenient
+way for running two parallel \TeX{} structures, one ``frozen'' (on a
+\CD, for instance) and the other being continuously updated with new
+versions as they become available. By using the \code{\$TEXMF}
+variable in all definitions, one is sure to always search the
+up-to-date tree first.
+\subsubsection{Subdirectory expansion}
+Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory
+\var{d} is replaced by all subdirectories of \var{d}: first those
+subdirectories directly under \var{d}, then the subsubdirectories under
+those, and so on. At each level, the order in which the directories are
+searched is \emph{unspecified}.
+If you specify any filename components after the \samp{//}, only
+subdirectories with matching components are included. For example,
+\samp{/a//b} expands into directories \file{/a/1/b}, \file{/a/2/b},
+\file{/a/1/1/b}, and so on, but not \file{/a/b/c} or \file{/a/1}.
+Multiple \samp{//} constructs in a path are possible, but
+\samp{//} at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+\subsubsection{List of special characters and their meaning: a summary}
+The following list summarises the meaning of special characters
+in \KPS{} configuration files.
+\item[\CODE{:}] Separator in path specification; at the beginning or
+ the end of a path it substitutes the default path expansion.
+\item[\CODE{;}] Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like \code{:}).
+\item[\CODE{\$}] Variable expansion.
+\item[\CODE{\string~}] Represents the user's home directory.
+\item[\CODE{\char`\{\dots\char`\}}] Brace expansion, e.g.,
+ \verb+a{1,2}b+ will become \verb+a1b:a2b+.
+\item[\CODE{//}] Subdirectory expansion (can occur anywhere in
+ a path, except at its beginning).
+\item[\CODE{\%}] Start of comment.
+\item[\CODE{\bs}] Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+\item[\CODE{!!}] Search \emph{only} database to locate file, \emph{do
+ not} search the disk.
+\subsection{Filename databases}
+\KPS{} goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches.
+Nevertheless, at installations with enough directories, searching each
+possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time
+(this is especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to
+be traversed.) Therefore, \KPS{} can use an externally-built
+``database'' file named \file{ls-R} that maps files to directories,
+thus avoiding the need to exhaustively search the disk.
+A second database file \file{aliases} allows you to give additional
+names to the files listed in \file{ls-R}. This can be helpful to
+adapt to DOS-like ``8.3'' filename conventions in source files.
+\subsubsection{The filename database}
+As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be
+\file{ls-R}. You can put one at the root of each \TeX{} hierarchy in
+your installation that you wish to be searched (\code{\$TEXMF} by
+default); most sites have only one hierarchy. \KPS{} looks for
+\file{ls-R} files along the \code{TEXMFDBS} path.
+The recommended way to create and maintain \samp{ls-R} is to run the
+\code{mktexlsr} script included with the distribution. It is invoked
+by the various \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts. In principle, this script
+just runs the command
+cd \var{/your/texmf/root} && ls -LAR ./ >ls-R
+presuming your system's \code{ls} produces the right output format
+(\acro{GNU}'s \code{ls} is all right). To ensure that the database is always
+up to date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via \code{cron}, so
+that for changes in the installed files\Dash perhaps after installing or
+updating a \LaTeX{} package\Dash the file \file{ls-R} is automatically
+If a file is not found in the database, by default \KPS{} goes ahead
+and searches the disk. If a particular path element begins with
+\samp{!!}, however, \emph{only} the database will be searched for that
+element, never the disk.
+\subsubsection{kpsewhich: Standalone path searching}
+The \texttt{kpsewhich} program exercises path searching independent of any
+particular application. This can be useful as a sort of \code{find}
+program to locate files in \TeX{} hierarchies (this is used heavily in
+the distributed \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts).
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich \var{option}\dots{} \var{filename}\dots{}}
+The options specified in ``\texttt{\var{option}}'' can start with either \samp{-}
+or \samp{-{}-}, and any unambiguous abbreviation is accepted.
+\KPS{} looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a
+filename, and returns the first file found. There is no option to
+return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix
+\samp{find} utility for that).
+The more important options are described next.
+ Set the resolution to ``\texttt{\var{num}}''; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. \samp{-D} is a synonym, for compatibility
+ with \cmdname{dvips}. Default is 600.
+ Set the format for lookup to ``\texttt{\var{name}}''. By default, the
+ format is guessed from the filename. For formats which do not have
+ an associated unambiguous suffix, such as \MP{} support files and
+ \cmdname{dvips} configuration files, you have to specify the name as
+ found in the first column of Table~\ref{TABKpathsea}, which lists
+ currently recognized names, a description,
+ associated environment variables%,
+ \footnote{You can find definitions for these environment variables
+ in the file \file{texmf.cnf} (page~\pageref{app:texmf.cnf})}, and
+ possible file extensions.
+\def\KpathKey#1#2#3#4#5{% name, number, description, variables,
+ % suffixes
+\SetRowColor#1 & #3 & #4 & #5\\}
+% a footnoterule immediately under a bottom-of-page rule looks dead
+% silly, so we suppress it
+ >{\ttfamily}P{.16\textwidth}% Col.1
+ P{.3\textwidth}% Col 2
+ >{\ttfamily\footnotesize}P{.29\textwidth}% Col 3
+ >{\ttfamily}P{.14\textwidth}% Col 4
+\caption{Kpathsea file types}\label{TABKpathsea}\\
+\emph{Name} & \HEAD{Description} & \HEAD{Variables}
+& \HEAD{Suffixes}\\
+\multicolumn{3}{l}{Kpathsea file types \emph{continued}}\\
+\emph{Name} & \HEAD{Description} & \HEAD{Variables}
+& \HEAD{Suffixes}\\
+ {afm}
+ {4}
+ {Adobe font metrics}
+ {.afm}
+ {base}
+ {5}
+ {Metafont memory dump}
+ {.base}
+ {bib}
+ {6}
+ {\BibTeX{} bibliography source}
+ {.bib}
+ {}
+ {2}
+ {bitmap fonts}
+ {}
+ {bst}
+ {7}
+ {\BibTeX{} style files}
+ {.bst}
+ {cnf}
+ {8}
+ {Runtime configuration files}
+ {.cnf}
+ {dvips config}
+ {34}
+ {\textsf{dvips} configuration files, e.g., \file{}
+ and \file{}}
+ {.map}
+ {fmt}
+ {10}
+ {\TeX{} memory dump}
+ {.fmt, .efmt, .efm}
+ {gf}
+ {0}
+ {generic font bitmap}
+ {.gf}
+ {graphic/figure}
+ {25}
+ {Encapsulated PostScript figures}
+ {.eps, .epsi}
+ {ist}
+ {35}
+ {\textsf{makeindex} style files}
+ {.ist}
+ {ls-R}
+ {9}
+ {Filename databases}
+ {}
+ {map}
+ {11}
+ {Fontmaps}
+ {.map}
+ {mem}
+ {12}
+ {MetaPost memory dump}
+ {.mem}
+ {mf}
+ {13}
+ {Metafont source}
+ {.mf}
+ {mfpool}
+ {14}
+ {Metafont program strings}
+ {.pool}
+ {mft}
+ {15}
+ {MFT style file}
+ {.mft}
+ {}
+ {41}
+ {miscellaneous fonts}
+ {}
+ {mp}
+ {16}
+ {MetaPost source}
+ {.mp}
+ {mppool}
+ {17}
+ {MetaPost program strings}
+ {.pool}
+ {MetaPost support}
+ {18}
+ {MetaPost support files, used by DMP}
+ {}
+ {ocp}
+ {19}
+ {\OMEGA{} compiled process files}
+ {.ocp}
+ {ofm}
+ {20}
+ {\OMEGA{} font metrics}
+ {.ofm, .tfm}
+ {opl}
+ {21}
+ {\OMEGA{} property lists}
+ {.opl}
+ {otp}
+ {22}
+ {\OMEGA{} translation process files}
+ {.otp}
+ {ovf}
+ {23}
+ {\OMEGA{} virtual fonts}
+ {.ovf}
+ {ovp}
+ {24}
+ {\OMEGA{} virtual property lists}
+ {.ovp}
+ {pk}
+ {1}
+ {packed bitmap fonts}
+ {\emph{program}FONTS \textrm{(\texttt{\emph{program}} being
+ \textsmaller{\cmdname{XDVI}},
+ {.pk}
+ {PostScript header}
+ {30}
+ {downloadable PostScript}
+ {.pro, .enc}
+ {tex}
+ {26}
+ {\TeX{} source}
+ {.tex, .cls, .sty, .clo, .def}
+ {TeX system documentation}
+ {27}
+ {Documentation files for the \TeX{} system}
+ {}
+ {TeX system sources}
+ {29}
+ {Source files for the \TeX{} system}
+ {}
+ {texpool}
+ {28}
+ {\TeX{} program strings}
+ {.pool}
+ {tfm}
+ {3}
+ {\TeX{} font metrics}
+ {.tfm}
+ {Troff fonts}
+ {31}
+ {Troff fonts, used by DMP}
+ {}
+ {truetype fonts}
+ {36}
+ {TrueType outline fonts}
+ {.ttf, .ttc}
+ {type1 fonts}
+ {32}
+ {Type 1 PostScript outline fonts}
+ {.pfa, .pfb}
+ {type42 fonts}
+ {37}
+ {Type 42 PostScript outline fonts}
+ {T42FONTS}
+ {}
+ {vf}
+ {33}
+ {virtual fonts}
+ {.vf}
+ {web2c files}
+ {38}
+ {\Webc{} support files}
+ {WEB2C}
+ {}
+ {other text files}
+ {39}
+ {text files used by `\textsf{foo}'}
+ {}
+ {other binary files}
+ {40}
+ {binary files used by `\textsf{foo}'}
+ {}
+\item[] The last two entries in Table~\ref{TABKpathsea} are special
+ cases, where the paths and environment variables depend on the name
+ of the program: the variable name is constructed by converting the
+ program name to upper case, and then appending \texttt{INPUTS}.
+ The environment variables are set by default in the configuration
+ file \file{texmf.cnf}. It is only when you want to override one or
+ more of the values specified in that file that you might want to set
+ them explicitly in your execution environment.
+ Note that the \samp{-{}-format} and \samp{-{}-path} options are mutually
+ exclusive.
+ Set the mode name to ``\texttt{\var{string}}''; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. No default: any mode will be found.
+ Do everything possible to find the files, notably including
+ searching the disk. By default, only the \file{ls-R} database is
+ checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ Search along the path ``\texttt{\var{string}}'' (colon-%
+ separated as usual),
+ instead of guessing the search path from the filename. \samp{//}
+ and all the usual expansions are supported.
+ The options \samp{-{}-path} and \samp{-{}-format} are mutually
+ exclusive.
+ Set the program name to ``\texttt{\var{name}}''.
+ This can affect the search paths via the ``\texttt{.\var{prognam}}''
+ feature in configuration files.
+ The default is \samp{kpsewhich}.
+ shows the path used for file lookups of file type ``\texttt{\var{name}}''.
+ Either a filename extension (\samp{.pk}, \samp{.vf}, etc.) or a
+ name can be used, just as with \samp{-{}-format} option.
+ sets the debugging options to ``\texttt{\var{num}}''.
+\subsubsection{Examples of use}
+Let us now have a look at \KPS{} in action.
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich article.cls}
+We are looking for the file \file{article.cls}. Since the \samp{.cls}
+suffix is unambiguous we do not need to specify that we want to look for a
+file of type ``tex'' (\TeX{} source file directories). We find it in
+the subdirectory \file{tex/latex/base} below the \samp{TEXMF} root
+directory. Similarly, all of the following are found without problems
+thanks to their unambiguous suffix.
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich array.sty}
+ /usr/local/texmf/tex/latex/tools/array.sty
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich latin1.def}
+ /usr/local/texmf/tex/latex/base/latin1.def
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich size10.clo}
+ /usr/local/texmf/tex/latex/base/size10.clo
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich small2e.tex}
+ /usr/local/texmf/tex/latex/base/small2e.tex
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich tugboat.bib}
+ /usr/local/texmf/bibtex/bib/beebe/tugboat.bib
+The latter is a \BibTeX{} bibliography database for \textsl{TUGBoat} articles.
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+Font bitmap glyph files of type \file{.pk} are used by display
+programs like \cmdname{dvips} and \cmdname{xdvi}. Nothing is returned in
+this case since there are no pre-generated Computer Modern \samp{.pk}
+files on our system (since we use the Type1 versions on the \CD{}).
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf/fonts/pk/ljfour/jknappen/ec/ecrm1000.600pk
+... ec/ecrm1000.600pk
+For the extended Computer Modern files we had to generate \samp{.pk}
+files, and since the default \MF{} mode on our installation is
+\texttt{ljfour} with a base resolution of 600 dpi (dots per inch),
+this instantiation is returned.
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich -dpi=300}
+In this case, when specifying that we are interested in a resolution
+of 300dpi (\texttt{-dpi=300}) we see that no such font is available on
+the system. In fact, a program like \cmdname{dvips} or \cmdname{xdvi} would
+go off and actually build the \texttt{.pk} files at the required
+resolution using the script \cmdname{mktexpk}.
+Next we turn our attention to \cmdname{dvips}'s header and configuration
+files. We first look at one of the commonly used files, the general
+prolog \file{} for \TeX{} support, before turning our attention
+to the generic configuration file (\file{}) and the
+PostScript font map \file{}. As the \samp{.ps} suffix is
+ambiguous we have to specify explicitly which type we are considering
+(``\texttt{dvips config}'') for the file \texttt{}.
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+ /usr/local/texmf/config/
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+We now take a closer look at the URW Times PostScript support files.
+The name for these in Berry's font naming scheme is ``\texttt{utm}''.
+The first file we look at is the configuration file, which contains
+the name of the map file:
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config" config.utm}
+The contents of that file is
+ p
+which points to the file \file{}, which we want to
+locate next.
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/psnfss/
+This map file defines the file names of the Type1 PostScript fonts in
+the URW collection. Its contents look like (we only show part of the
+ utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+ utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal... <utmbi8a.pfb
+ utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+ utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal... <utmri8a.pfb
+ utmbo8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+ utmro8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+Let us, for instance, take the Times Regular instance
+\file{utmr8a.pfb} and find its position in the \file{texmf} directory
+tree by using a search for Type1 font files:
+>> \Ucom{kpsewhich utmr8a.pfb}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/utm/utmr8a.pfb
+\else /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/
+... urw/utm/utmr8a.pfb
+It should be evident from these few examples how you can easily locate
+the whereabouts of a given file. This is especially important if you
+suspect that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since
+\cmdname{kpsewhich} will show you the first file encountered.
+\subsubsection{Debugging actions}
+Sometimes it is necessary to investigate how a program resolves
+file references. To make this feasible in a convenient way \KPS{}
+offers various debug levels:
+\item[\texttt{\ 1}] \texttt{stat} calls (file tests). When running
+ with an up-to-date \file{ls-R} database this should almost give no
+ output.
+\item[\texttt{\ 2}] References to hash tables (like \file{ls-R}
+ database, map files, configuration files).
+\item[\texttt{\ 4}] File open and close operations.
+\item[\texttt{\ 8}] General path information for file types
+ searched by \KPS. This is useful to find out where a particular
+ path for the file was defined.
+\item[\texttt{16}] Directory list for each path element (only relevant
+ for searches on disk).
+\item[\texttt{32}] File searches.
+A value of \texttt{-1} will set all the above options; in practice you
+will probably always use these levels if you need any debugging.
+Similarly, with the \cmdname{dvips} program, by setting a
+combination of debug switches, one can follow in detail where files are being picked
+up from. Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace
+shows in which directories the program looks for the given file, so
+that one can get an indication what the problem~is.
+Generally speaking, as most programs call the \KPS{} library
+internally, one can select a debug option by using the
+\envname{KPATHSEA\_DEBUG} environment variable, and setting it to (a
+combination of) values as described in the above list.
+(Note for Windows users: it is not easy to redirect
+all messages to a file in this system. For diagnostic purposes
+you can temporarily \texttt{SET KPATHSEA\_DEBUG\_OUTPUT=err.log}).
+Let us consider, as an example, a small \LaTeX{} source file,
+\file{hello-world.tex}, which contains the following input.
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \begin{document}
+ Hello World!
+ \end{document}
+This little file only uses the font \file{cmr10}, so let us look
+how \cmdname{dvips} prepares the PostScript file (we want to use the Type1
+version of the Computer Modern fonts, hence the option \texttt{-Pcms}).
+>> \Ucom{dvips -d4100 hello-world -Pcms -o}
+In this case we have combined \cmdname{dvips}'s debug class 4 (font
+paths) with \KPS's path element expansion (see \cmdname{dvips} Reference
+Manual, \OnCD{texmf/doc/html/dvips/dvips_toc.html}).
+%We get something
+%like the following (we have rearranged the output for easier display):
+The output (slightly rearranged) appears in
+\caption{Finding configuration files}\label{fig:dvipsdbga}
+\caption{Finding the prolog file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgb}
+\caption{Finding the font file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgc}
+\cmdname{dvips} starts by locating its working files. First,
+\file{texmf.cnf} is found, which gives the definitions of the search
+paths for the other files, then the file database \file{ls-R} (to
+optimize file searching) and the file \file{aliases}, which makes it
+possible to declare several names (e.g., a short \acro{DOS}-like ``8.3'' and
+a more natural longer version) for the same file. Then \cmdname{dvips}
+goes on to find the generic configuration file \file{}
+before looking for the customization file \file{.dvipsrc} (which, in
+this case is \emph{not found}). Finally, \cmdname{dvips} locates the
+config file for the Computer Modern PostScript fonts \file{config.cms}
+(this was initiated with the \texttt{-Pcms} option on the \cmdname{dvips}
+command). This file contains the list of the ``map'' files which
+define the relation between the \TeX{}, PostScript and file system
+names of the fonts.
+>> \Ucom{more /usr/local/texmf/dvips/cms/config.cms}
+ p
+ p
+ p
+ p
+\cmdname{dvips} thus goes on to find all these files, plus the generic
+map file \file{}, which is always loaded (it contains
+declarations for commonly used PostScript fonts; see the last part of
+Section \ref{SExamplesofuse} for more details about PostScript map
+file handling).
+At this point \cmdname{dvips} identifies itself to the user\ldots
+This is dvips 5.78 Copyright 1998 Radical Eye Software (
+\else\small{}This is dvips 5.78 Copyright 1998 Radical Eye...
+\fi\end{alltt}% decided to accept slight overrun in tub case
+\ldots and then goes on to look for the prolog file \file{},
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search( => /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+then goes on to look for the prolog file \file{} (see
+After having found the file in question, \cmdname{dvips} outputs
+date and time, and informs us that it will generate the
+file \file{}, then that it needs the font file
+\file{cmr10}, and that the latter is declared as ``resident'':
+TeX output 1998.02.26:1204' ->
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.0pt
+Font cmr10 <CMR10> is resident.
+Now the search is on for the file \file{cmr10.tfm}, which is found,
+then a few more prolog files (not shown) are referenced, and finally
+the Type1 instance \file{cmr10.pfb} of the font is located and
+included in the output file (see last line).
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.tfm, must\_exist=1, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/fonts/tfm//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ /var/tex/fonts/tfm//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.tfm) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.pfb, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.pfb) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/cmr10.pfb
+\subsection{Runtime options}
+Another of the nice features of \Webc{} is its possibility to
+control a number of memory parameters (in particular, array sizes) via
+the runtime file \file{texmf.cnf} read by \KPS{}. The listing of
+\file{texmf.cnf} is shown in Appendix~\ref{app:texmf.cnf}, starting on
+page~\pageref{app:texmf.cnf}; the settings of all parameters can be
+found in Part 3 of that file. The more important control variables are:
+ Total words of memory available, for
+ \TeX{}, \MF{} and \MP. You must make a new format file for each
+ different setting. For instance, you could generate a ``huge''
+ version of \TeX{}, and call the format file \texttt{hugetex.fmt}.
+ Using the standard way of specifying the program name used by \KPS{},
+ the particular value of the \texttt{main\_memory} variable will then
+ be read from \file{texmf.cnf} (compare the generic value
+ and the ``huge'' one instantiated by \texttt{hugetex},
+ etc.).
+ Extra space for ``large'' \TeX{} data structures:
+ boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if you use
+ \PiCTeX{}.
+ Number of words for font information available for \TeX. This
+ is more or less the total size of all TFM files read.
+ Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names.
+ Approximately 10,000 control sequences can be stored in the main
+ hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. You can see that both the
+ \cmdname{hugetex} and \cmdname{pdflatex} program invocations ask for
+ an extra 15,000 control sequences (the default value of
+ \texttt{hash\_extra} is zero).
+Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic arrays and
+memory allocation, but since this is extremely difficult to implement
+in present \TeX, these runtime parameters provide a practical compromise
+allowing some flexibility.
+This edition of TeXLive is edited by Sebastian Rahtz, with the
+major contributors being Fabrice Popineau, who has worked away
+unceasingly at the Win32 part of the package (especially the setup!)
+and contributed in many different ways with ideas, advice and code;
+and Staszek Wawrykiewicz, who provided great checking feedback, and
+co-ordinated the Polish contributions. Kaja Christiansen performed a
+vital role in endless recompilations on assorted Unix platforms, and
+Robin Laakso coordinated production for TUG. Vladimir Volovich
+did great work on cleaning the source and making other improvements,
+while Gerben Wierda did all the work for MacOSX.
+We are very grateful for past and present help from
+\item The German-speaking \TeX{} Users (DANTE e.V.), who provided a machine
+ on which the master of the CD-ROM is developed and maintained; and Rainer
+Sch\"opf and Reinhard Zierke who look after it;
+\item The Perforce company, for providing a free copy of their
+excellent change management system, which we have used to
+ manage the CD-ROM
+\item Karl Berry, who provided the original \Webc{} distribution, and
+ has continued to give invaluable advice, encouragement, and help;
+\item Mimi Burbank, who arranged access
+ at the Florida State University School of Computational Science
+ and Information Technology
+ to a slew of different
+ computers to compile \TeX{} on, and acted as an essential guinea-pig
+ whenever asked;
+\item Kaja Christiansen, who provided essential feedback, compilation, and
+ documentation preparation;
+\item Thomas Esser, without whose marvellous \teTeX{} package this
+ \CD{} would certainly not exist, and whose continual help makes it a
+ better product;
+\item Michel Goossens, who co-authored the documentation;
+\item Eitan Gurari, whose \TeX4ht was used to create the \HTML{}
+ version of this documentation, and who worked tirelessly to improve
+ it at short notice;
+\item Art Ogawa and Pat Monohon, who coordinated releases for TUG;
+\item Petr Olsak, who coordinated and checked all the Czech/Slovak
+ material very carefully;
+\item Olaf Weber, for his patient assembly and maintenance of Web2c;
+\item Graham Williams, on whose work the catalogue of packages depends.
+Gerhard Wilhelms, Volker Schaa, Fabrice Popineau, Janka
+Chleb\'\i{}kov\'a, Staszek Wawrykiewicz, Erik Frambach, and Ulrik
+Vieth kindly translated documentation at various times into their
+respective languages, checked other documentation, and provided very
+welcome feedback.
+This \CD{} distribution is a joint effort by many \TeX{} Users
+Groups, including those from Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, France,
+the Czech Republic/Slovakia, India, Poland and Russia, as well as
+the international TUG.
+Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group was
+starting work on its 4All\TeX{} \CD{} for \acro{MS-DOS} users, and it was
+hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, \CD{} for all
+systems. This was far too ambitious a target, but it did spawn not
+only the very successful 4All\TeX{} \CD{}, but also the \acro{TUG}
+Technical Council working group on a \emph{\TeX{} Directory
+ Structure}, which specified how to create consistent and manageable
+collections of \TeX{} support files. The final draft of the \TDS{} was
+published in the December 1995 issue of \textsl{TUGboat}, and it was clear from
+an early stage that one desirable product would be a model structure
+on \CD{}. The \CD{} you now have is a very direct result of the
+working group's deliberations. It was also clear that the success of
+the 4All\TeX{} \CD{} showed that Unix users would benefit from a
+similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of \TeXLive.
+We undertook to make a new Unix-based \TDS{} \CD{} in the autumn of
+1995, and quickly identified Thomas Esser's \teTeX{} as the ideal
+setup, as it already had multi-platform support and was built with
+portability across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and
+work began seriously at the start of 1996. The first edition was
+released in May 1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a
+major new release of his \Webc{} package, which included nearly all
+the features which Thomas Esser had added in \teTeX, and we decided to
+base the 2nd edition of the \CD{} on the standard \Webc, with the
+addition of \teTeX's \texttt{texconfig} script. The 3rd edition of the
+\CD{} was based on a major revision of \Webc, 7.2, by Olaf Weber; at the
+same time, a new revision of \teTeX was being made,
+and \TeXLive{} shares almost all of its features. The 4th edition
+followed the same pattern, using a new version of te\TeX, and a new
+release of \Webc{} (7.3). The system now included a complete Windows setup.
+For the 5th edition (March 2000) many parts of the \CD{} were revised
+and checked, updating hundreds of packages. Package details were
+stored in XML files. But the major change for \TeX\ Live 5 was that
+all non-free software was removed. Everything on this \CD{} should be
+compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
+(\url{}); we have done our best to
+check the license conditions of all packages, but we would very much
+appreciate hearing of any mistakes.
+The 6th edition (July 2001) had a lot material updated. The major
+change was a new install concept: the user could select a more exact set
+of needed collections. Language-related collections were completely
+reorganized, so selecting any of them installs not only macros, fonts,
+etc., but also prepares an appropriate \texttt{language.dat}.
+The 7th edition of 2002 had as a major addition a setup
+for MacOSX, and the usual myriad of updates to all sorts
+of packages and programs. An important goal was integration
+of the source back with teTeX, to correct the drift apart
+in versions 5 and 6.
+\section{Future versions}
+\emph{This \CD{} is not a perfect product!} We plan to re-issue it
+once a year, and would like to provide more help material, more
+utilities, more installation programs, and (of course) an
+ever-improved and checked tree of macros and fonts. This work is all
+done by hard-pressed volunteers in their limited spare time, and a
+great deal remains to be done. If you can help, don't hesitate to put
+your name forward!
+Corrections, suggestions and additions for future revisions
+should be sent to:\hfill\null
+Sebastian Rahtz\\
+{}7 Stratfield Road\\
+Oxford OX2 7BG\\
+United Kingdom\\
+Updates, notes, and suggestions will be made available on \CTAN{}
+in \path|info/texlive|. A \acro{WWW} page for
+information and ordering details is at
+\Section{The texmf.cnf file}
+Notes on Nicolle Zellner's problems:
+- autoexec.bat gave error, ``too many parameters''.
+fix: in setvars.bat file, put "" around %PATH% to take care of spaces.
+- ``out of environment space'' when rebooting meant that autoexec.bat was
+not executing properly-- path and texmfhome variable were not being set.
+fix: put in config.sys file the line: shell=c:\ /e:1024 /p
+(and reboot probably)
+[Note: alternative advice written by Pat:
+ The environment space is an area of memory in which the OS stores
+ variables such as path. To increase the memory size do the following:
+ Open a MS-DOS window. Click on the Properties icon (looks like a hand
+ holding a sheet of paper). Click on the Memory tab in the Properties
+ window. Change the value under Initial Environment: to 4096. Apply the
+ properties. Click OK on the warning about needing to restart your computer.
+ The new environment memory will be in effect after the reboot.]
+- windvi did not retain settings.
+fix: in setvars.bat file, add command: set Home=c:\Home and also create
+the directory c:\Home.
+copy windvi.cnf to c:\Home\
+-ispell doesn't work (can't write to c:\tmp, can't create dictionary)
+In addition to the the c:\Home addition above, create the folder:
+d:\tmp\ (d: is where the files are that she is using.)
+Now ispell should work from the command line.
+Still can't get it to work from within \cmdname{WinShell}. (change cmd line to %c.tex,
+it was reading the project main file)
+Notes on installing WinEdt:
+If you choose to install WinEdt, you will be asked for a folder name: any
+folder name will do, as this is for temporary storage. An acceptable
+choice is \verb+C:\Winedt+. Click \textbf{unzip}, then \textbf{OK},
+and finally \textbf{Close}.
+later, to complete WinEdt installation:
+Run "winedt5.exe" and complete the setup procedure.
+Get from
+30/08/2000 20:17 70 844
+10/09/2000 10:43 839 086
+then unpack (use unzip or winzip with subdir creation enabled, NOT pkunzkip)
+ "" inside the "c:\program files\winedt" directory
+then at last unpack "".
+When this is done, go inside the 'Options->Configurations' menu,
+choose the "fpTeX Direct" option.
+If windvi previewer doesn't work, go to options->menu setup-> accessories
+and change the Menu Setup so the call for DVI Preview is analogous to
+the call for Dvips-- i.e., don't use "DVIVIEW" in the command line,
+but rather fptex-bin and dviwin.exe.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live4ht.cfg-2004 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live4ht.cfg-2004
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8700827d62a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/live4ht.cfg-2004
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+% $Id$
+% tex4ht configuration file for the TeX Live documentation.
+% The 2 means to separate output files for only the top sectioning levels.
+% xhtml specifies the main output format.
+% info for extra debugging info in the log files.
+% Without the \begin{document}, LaTeX complains that it is missing.
+\Preamble{2,xhtml,info} \begin{document} \EndPreamble
+% simplify output for HTML. We leave TeX and LaTeX alone, since tex4ht
+% actually does the lowered E (and raised A) in CSS.
+\ifx\tldocenglish\undefined \else \hackliteralstrue \fi
+\ifx\tldocrussian\undefined \else \hackliteralstrue \fi
+\ifx\tldocgerman\undefined \else \hackliteralstrue \fi
+ % these definitions cause "missing } inserted" at \end{tabularx} in
+ % French and Czech. don't know why.
+ %
+ % don't make these into links, as happens with \path. We only have a couple
+ % special characters that actually occur.
+ \def\dirname{\texttt\bgroup\catcode`\$=12 \catcode`\_=12 \finishliteral}
+ \def\finishliteral#1{#1\egroup}
+ \let\filename=\dirname
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f8df5df762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/
@@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
+$M{"a0poster"}="25 Feb 1998 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"a4"}="13 May 1997 10:24:58 Robin Fairbairns rf\";
+$M{"a4wide"}="18 May 1996 11:33:54 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"a5"}="19 Apr 1998 15:19:21 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"a5comb"}="19 Apr 1998 15:19:21 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"aaai"}="25 Feb 1998 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"abc2mtex"}="27 Nov 1996 13:50:01 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"abstbook"}="5 Mar 1997 16:28:20 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"abstyles"}="22 Feb 1999 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"accents"}="25 Feb 1999 09:06:12 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"accfonts"}="30 Jan 1999 06:16:19 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"achemso"}="8 Jul 1998 08:11:28 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"acronym"}="17 Nov 1997 09:21:35 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"acroread"}="20 May 1997 18:04:58 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"acrotex"}="2 Dec 1998 09:52:54 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"adfathesis"}="23 Feb 1999 16:11:03 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"adobe"}="16 May 1996 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"adobeother"}="22 Feb 1999 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"adobestd"}="22 Feb 1999 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"adrlist"}="16 May 1996 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"advdate"}="5 Mar 1997 11:25:37 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"ae"}="5 Dec 1998 08:56:53 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"afterpage"}="13 Aug 1998 05:36:56 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"afthesis"}="15 Dec 1996 19:08:54 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"aguplus"}="16 Sep 1998 06:02:47 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"aiaa"}="24 Feb 1999 09:15:44 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"akletter"}="1 Jun 1998 12:04:46 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"alatex"}="16 May 1996 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"alg"}="16 May 1996 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"algorithms"}="13 May 1997 10:24:58 Robin Fairbairns rf\";
+$M{"alltt"}="28 May 1996 16:23:49 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"alphanum"}="10 Mar 1998 06:11:22 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"altfont"}="1 Jul 1996 21:06:06 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"altfont"}="13 May 1997 10:24:58 Robin Fairbairns rf\";
+$M{"amiweb2c"}="25 Mar 1998 09:12:31 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amsbsy"}="18 Jun 1997 19:16:14 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amscd"}="1 Nov 1996 08:34:08 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amsfonts"}="16 May 1996 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"amsfonts"}="9 Nov 1996 15:43:40 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amslatex"}="9 Nov 1996 15:40:28 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amslatex"}="13 May 1997 10:24:58 Robin Fairbairns rf\";
+$M{"amsltx11"}="9 Nov 1996 15:46:01 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amsmath"}="9 Nov 1996 16:15:32 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amsppt"}="24 Sep 1996 08:42:35 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amsppt1"}="25 Sep 1996 09:41:18 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amssym"}="25 Sep 1996 09:44:00 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amssymb"}="11 Nov 1996 20:19:40 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amstex"}="16 May 1996 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"amstex"}="9 Nov 1996 15:47:35 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"amstext"}="11 Nov 1996 20:24:24 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"answers"}="16 May 1996 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"answers"}="29 May 1996 13:08:24 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"anttvf"}="5 Feb 1998 09:27:21 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"anttvf"}="08 Feb 1998 staw\";
+$M{"antyktor"}="18 Jun 1998 10:23:35 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"apa"}="12 Nov 1998 11:38:01 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"apacite"}="12 Jul 1996 10:10:07 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"apasoft"}="15 Sep 1998 06:39:47 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"apl"}="12 Apr 1997 s.rahtz\";
+$M{"appendix"}="11 Dec 1998 05:36:39 Graham.Williams\";
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+$M{"mathcomp"}="10 Sep 1998 18:44:41 Graham.Williams\";
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+$M{"moreverb"}="13 May 1997 10:24:58 Robin Fairbairns rf\";
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+$M{"morse"}="26 Feb 1998 09:08:33 Graham.Williams\";
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+$M{"netpbm-win"}="10 Sep 1998 18:37:04 Graham.Williams\";
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+$M{"newthm"}="14 Feb 1997 09:30:36 Graham.Williams\";
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+$M{"numline"}="28 May 1996 16:02:33 Graham.Williams\";
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+$M{"ocr-b"}="18 May 1996 14:10:28 Graham.Williams\";
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+$M{"ogonek"}="16 May 1996 s.rahtz\";
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+$M{"omega"}="11 Feb 1998 08:05:12 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"omegabase"}="22 Feb 1999 s.rahtz\";
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+$M{"oztex"}="27 Dec 1998 20:16:46 Graham.Williams\";
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+$M{"piq"}="17 Nov 1996 11:28:28 Graham.Williams\";
+$M{"pkfind"}=" utility to understand those specials, and to act";
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+$M{"tbe"}="16 May 1996 s.rahtz\";
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+$M{"uaclasses"}="13 May 1997 10:24:58 Robin Fairbairns rf\";
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+\font\manual=manfnt %logo10 doesn't have what we need
+\def\MF{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}
+% top of circle
+{\Size{1.2cm}{1cm}\bfseries \TeX\ Live 4}
+\rput(0,34){\begin{minipage}{8cm}\centering \textbf{March 1999}\\[3mm]
+\Size{9}{10.5}Ready-to-run \TeX\ system for Linux, Unix (DEC,\\ HP, IBM,
+SGI, Sun), and Win32 systems, \\
+based on Web2c 7.3\\
+% bottom of circle
+ISO 9660 with Joliet \\and Rock Ridge \\
+Macros, fonts, documentation to the\\
+\emph{{\TeX} Directory Structure} standard.\\[2mm]
+Editor: Sebastian Rahtz
+{\Size{14}{14}\ttfamily} }
+CSTUG $\bullet$
+Dante e.V. $\bullet$
+GUST $\bullet$
+GUTenberg $\bullet$
+NTG $\bullet$
+TUG $\bullet$
+TUG India $\bullet$
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+open TMP, ">/dev/null";
+while (<>) {
+ chop;
+ if (/\@TeXIndex/) {
+ print TMP "\n";
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+ s/\@TeXIndex{(.*),.*/$1/;
+ print "[$_]\n";
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+ print TMP "$keep\n";
+ }
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+#package: pIq
+#license: pd
+#(but erasing the headers is not allowed)
+#Note that I made the most recent change, but
+#Mark Shoulson (
+#wrote the initial version. He should be named
+#in the catalogue, too.
+#Subject: cmtt
+#Subject: ftn
+#To: inas@MIB.HARZ.DE
+#Subject: newthm
+#Subject: epslatex
+#Subject: miktex
+#Subject: lated
+#To: jdyoung@AFIT.AF.MIL
+#Subject: afthesis (c2cweb)
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+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {System binaries for SGI running Irix 6.2},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {systems1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {System binaries for Alpha running OSF 3.2.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {systems1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {System binaries for Alphaev5 running OSF 4.0d.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {systems1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {System binaries for Alphaev5 running OSF 4.0b.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {systems1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Basic \BibTeX{} support files.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {bibtex1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Basic \BibTeX{} documentation.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {bibtex2}
+ modified = {February 1999,},
+ abstract = {Graham Williams' Catalogue of \TeX{} packages.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {doc2}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Computer Modern fonts in PK format.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {fonts3}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Macros for the DANTE publication.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {latex3}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Basic support files for dvips.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {dvips1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Useful general documentation.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {doc1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Guides to using \LaTeX, in English, German, French,
+ Greek and Polish.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {doc2}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {System binaries for HP running hpux10.10.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {systems1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Collection of hyphenation patterns.},
+ email = {},
+ author = {LaTeX3 Project},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {lang1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {System binaries for Intel machines running Linux.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {systems1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {System binaries for Intel machines
+ running Linux, with libc5},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {systems1}
+ modified = {February 1999,},
+ abstract = {Startup files for building formats.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {texlive1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Examples from the \emph{\LaTeX{} Graphics Companion}.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {doc3}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {MetaPost support files.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {texlive1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Small support files for \MF.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {fonts1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Support files for MFT.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {texlive1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Miscellaneous small macro files for \LaTeX 2.09.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {latex2}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Basic MetaPost support files.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {metapost1}
+ modified = {February 1999,},
+ abstract = {dvips header for making n-up pages.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {dvips3}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {AFM files for PostScript fonts.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {fonts3}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {PK files for common PostScript fonts.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {fonts3}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {System binaries for RS6000 running AIX 4.1.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {systems1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {System binaries for RS6000 running AIX},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {systems1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {System binaries for Sun Sparc running Solaris 2.5.1.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {systems1}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Basic material for \TeXLive{}.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {texlive1}
+ modified = {February 1999,},
+ abstract = {\TeX\ Users Group information.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {doc3}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {Useful documentation; various \LaTeX{} guides, FAQ,
+ fontname docs, etc.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {doc2}
+ modified = {February 1999},
+ abstract = {System binaries for Windows 32.},
+ status = {free},
+ texlive = {systems1}
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+ {
+ name
+ status
+ abstract
+ texlive
+ author
+ ctan
+ keywords
+ version
+ also
+ modified
+ }
+ {} % no integer entry variables
+ { label extra.label sort.label } % label entry variables
+STRINGS { s t }
+{ { #0 }
+ { #1 }
+ if$
+{ 'skip$
+ { pop$ #0 }
+ if$
+{ { pop$ #1 }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames }
+FUNCTION {TexIndex} {
+ texlive empty$
+ { }
+ { "\bibitem{" cite$ * "}" * write$
+ cite$ "&" * write$
+ status "&" * write$
+ texlive "&" * write$
+ newline$
+ abstract write$
+ newline$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ITERATE {call.type$}
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+\ProvidesPackage{tex-live}[2003/09/01 v1.0 TeX Live documentation style]
+% for a proper \acro command (even in the context of the definition in
+% ltugboat -- \DRC overrides without checking)
+ {Verbatim}{fontsize=\scriptsize,frame=single}
+% Done with packages.
+% Page layout.
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+% linebreaking, etc.
+% fonts
+% various sorts of names
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+% underlined command input.
+ \uline{\rule[-.2\baselineskip]{0pt}{.9\baselineskip}\ttfamily #1}}
+% GUI menu/button/tab sequence:
+% Special names.
+% many abbreviations.
+ \hbox{$\mathcal{S}$}\kern-.075em $}
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+\def\TeXLive{\TeX{} Live\xspace}
+% description-like environment that uses tt instead of bf, and doesn't
+% go to the left margin. Without the \hfil, get an underfull box.
+% Don't why \descriptionlabel doesn't.
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+ \itemsep=0pt % these lists tend to have short descriptions
+ \let\makelabel=\ttdescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\ttfamily #1\hfil}
+% Likewise, for commands using sans serif.
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+% lrBox in tne source file, to get closer to logical marking
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\mylrbox}}
+ {\end{lrbox}}
+% output setup
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+% By default, we won't be creating hyperlinks.
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+ }
+ \SubSection[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+% calm things down a bit if we're in a multiple-column version
+ \def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini
+ \parsep \z@
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \let\@listi\@listI
+ \@listi
+ \def\@listii{\leftmargin\leftmarginii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 1\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \partopsep \z@
+ \itemsep \topsep
+ }
+ \def\@listiv{\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listv{\leftmargin\leftmarginv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listvi{\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+% array package stuff
+% shaded rows (using facilities of colortbl)
+ \rowcolor{\RowColor}%
+ \global\advance\colrow by1\relax
+ \ifodd\colrow
+ \gdef\RowColor{pale}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\RowColor{white}%
+ \fi
+% redefine to hack up a reference even though we don't need it...
+\renewcommand\@bibitem[1]{\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout
+ {\string\bibcite{#1}{?}}\fi\ignorespaces}
+% \unknownTeXlive is a dummy texlive entry for the biblio
+ \global\@all@unknown\expandafter{\the\@all@unknown{#2}}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{*** TeX live package location of }%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns\the\@all@unknown\@empty
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@tempb\@empty
+ \typeout{ unknown}%
+ \else
+ \message{\@tempa#1,}%
+ \def\@tempa{}%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns
+ \fi
+% a hack for the bibliography
+ \global\firstbibentryfalse
+ \else
+ \\\SetRowColor
+ \fi
+ \@@bibitem
+% for \Dings
+% available for inter-article dinglines
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2004 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2004
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..54ff32dbe53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2004
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+% $Id$
+% TeX Live documentation style. Written by many people over many years.
+% Public domain.
+\ProvidesPackage{tex-live}[2004/11/07 v1.0 TeX Live documentation style]
+\usepackage{textcomp}% including \textbullet
+% for a proper \acro command (even in the context of the definition in
+% ltugboat -- \DRC overrides without checking)
+ {Verbatim}{fontsize=\scriptsize,frame=single}
+% Done with packages.
+% Page layout.
+\advance\textwidth by 1.1in
+\advance\oddsidemargin by -.55in
+\advance\evensidemargin by -.55in
+\advance\textheight by 1in
+\advance\topmargin by -.5in
+\advance\footskip by -.5in
+% LaTeX parameters.
+% linebreaking, etc.
+\def\slash{/\penalty\z@\hskip\z@skip }
+% various sorts of names
+\newcommand*{\pkgname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% package name
+\newcommand*{\optname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% (package,class) option name
+\newcommand*{\cmdname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% command name
+\newcommand*{\colname}[1]{\emph{#1}}% collection name
+\newcommand*{\dirname}[1]{\path{#1}}% directory name
+\newcommand*{\filename}[1]{\path{#1}}% file name
+\newcommand*{\envname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% environment variable name
+\newcommand{\var}[1]{{\sl #1}}% not \textsl, for roman not typewriter slanted.
+% underlined command input.
+ \uline{\rule[-.2\baselineskip]{0pt}{.9\baselineskip}\ttfamily #1}}
+% \CDref is for url's with a #, where we need to write the target url and
+% displayed url separately in the input, due to catcode madness.
+% (We could simplify/remove this next time, I think.)
+% \OnCD is currently for any other reference to a file or directory in
+% the distribution. PDF readers only open .pdf files, though, so we
+% should change this to only use \href for those. Or more likely use
+% different macros in the source.
+% \href incorrectly appends .pdf to anything without an extension; these
+% definitions using \hyper@linkurl do not, but they fail for .pdf
+% references -- which are the only ones that work anyway. So this is
+% useless, in practice.
+% GUI menu/button/tab sequence:
+% Special names.
+% many abbreviations.
+ \hbox{$\mathcal{S}$}\kern-.075em $}
+\def\OzTeX{O\kern-.03em z\kern-.15em\TeX}
+\def\ProTeXt{Pro\TeX t}
+\def\TeXLive{\TeX{} Live\xspace}
+\def\Thanh{H\`an~Th\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}}~Th\`anh}
+% Include an image.
+% #1 - name of image (pictures/#1.jpg, always .jpg please)
+% #2 - bb for html
+% #3 - width for TeX
+ \ifnum \Status=2 % html, want relative path in output
+ \includegraphics[#2]{../../general/texlive-common/pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \else % not html, handled by TEXINPUTS in Makefile
+ \includegraphics[width=#3]{pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \fi
+ \\[5mm]
+% description-like environment that uses tt instead of bf, and doesn't
+% go to the left margin. Without the \hfil, get an underfull box.
+% Don't know why \descriptionlabel doesn't.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt % these lists tend to have short descriptions
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\ttdescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\ttfamily #1\hfil}
+% Likewise, for commands using sans serif.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\cmddescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\sffamily #1\hfil}
+% General squeezed itemize.
+ {\begin{itemize}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}%
+ {\end{itemize}}
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\wbox}
+ \begin{minipage}{.95\textwidth}}
+ {\end{minipage}\end{lrbox}\fbox{\usebox{\wbox}}}
+% lrbox is used as a representation marking. I changed it to
+% lrBox in tne source file, to get closer to logical marking
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\mylrbox}}
+ {\end{lrbox}}
+% emacs-page output setup
+%\typeout{Status is \Status}
+% By default, we won't be creating hyperlinks.
+\def\email#1{\href{mailto:#1}{\path{#1}}} % \path comes from url
+\definecolor{hypercolor}{rgb}{0.5,0.0,0.5} % purplish external links.
+ % \Status = 0
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in DVI format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 1
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in PDF format}
+ \RequirePackage[breaklinks,
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=hypercolor,citecolor=hypercolor,
+ pagecolor=hypercolor,urlcolor=hypercolor,
+ filecolor=hypercolor,
+ bookmarksopen,pdfstartview={FitBH -320000},hyperindex]
+ {hyperref}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 2
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in HTML format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ % read our config file, live4ht.cfg; q.v., for more definitions.
+ % hyperref load must come after the tex4ht load.
+ \RequirePackage[live4ht]{tex4ht}
+ \RequirePackage[tex4ht]{hyperref} \hyperlinkfileprefix{}
+ % definitions need simplifying for TeX4ht to make relative paths work.
+ \def\CDref#1#2{\href{../../../../#1}{#2}}
+ \def\OnCD#1{\href{../../../../#1}{#1}}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 3
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a Baskerville issue}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \RequirePackage{bvoutln}% outline of baskerville
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \RequirePackage{multicol}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 4
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a TUB article}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+\ifnum \Status=4
+ \RequirePackage{texnames}
+ \providecommand\TeXXeT{\TeX-{}-%
+ \kern-.1emX\kern-.125em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667emT\@}
+ \def\MP{MetaPost}
+ \let\mf\MF
+ \newcommand\ConTeXt{C\kern-.0333emon\-\kern-.0667em\TeX\kern-.0333emt}
+ \newcommand\MIKTEX{MiK\kern-.025em \TeX}% per
+ % from pictex.tex:
+ \ifx\PiC\undefined \def\PiC{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075emC} \fi
+ \ifx\PiCTeX\undefined \def\PiCTeX{\PiC\kern-.11em\TeX} \fi
+% hacking at sections etc., to pay attention to baskerville status
+ \ifSingleColumn
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{multicols}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@currenvir
+ \end{multicols}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@ifstar
+ {\Section*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@section
+ }%
+ \Section[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+ \@ifstar{\SubSection*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@subsection
+ }
+ \SubSection[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+% calm things down a bit if we're in a multiple-column version
+ \def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini
+ \parsep \z@
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \let\@listi\@listI
+ \@listi
+ \def\@listii{\leftmargin\leftmarginii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 1\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \partopsep \z@
+ \itemsep \topsep
+ }
+ \def\@listiv{\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listv{\leftmargin\leftmarginv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listvi{\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+% array package stuff
+% shaded rows (using facilities of colortbl)
+ \rowcolor{\RowColor}%
+ \global\advance\colrow by1\relax
+ \ifodd\colrow
+ \gdef\RowColor{pale}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\RowColor{white}%
+ \fi
+% redefine to hack up a reference even though we don't need it...
+\renewcommand\@bibitem[1]{\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout
+ {\string\bibcite{#1}{?}}\fi\ignorespaces}
+% \unknownTeXlive is a dummy texlive entry for the biblio
+ \global\@all@unknown\expandafter{\the\@all@unknown{#2}}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{*** TeX live package location of }%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns\the\@all@unknown\@empty
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@tempb\@empty
+ \typeout{ unknown}%
+ \else
+ \message{\@tempa#1,}%
+ \def\@tempa{}%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns
+ \fi
+% Silence font warnings about no bold typewriter in LM.
+% Silence hyperref warnings about \kern.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2005 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2005
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..487c8b8d7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2005
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+% $Id: tex-live.sty 1513 2006-02-13 00:22:35Z karl $
+% TeX Live documentation style. Written by many people over many years.
+% Public domain.
+\ProvidesPackage{tex-live}[2005/09/24 v1.5 TeX Live documentation style]
+\usepackage{textcomp}% including \textbullet
+% for a proper \acro command (even in the context of the definition in
+% ltugboat -- \DRC overrides without checking)
+ {Verbatim}{fontsize=\scriptsize,frame=single}
+% Done with packages.
+% Page layout.
+\advance\textwidth by 1.1in
+\advance\oddsidemargin by -.55in
+\advance\evensidemargin by -.55in
+\advance\textheight by 1in
+\advance\topmargin by -.5in
+\advance\footskip by -.5in
+% LaTeX parameters.
+% linebreaking, etc.
+\def\slash{/\penalty\z@\hskip\z@skip }
+% various sorts of names
+\newcommand*{\pkgname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% package name
+\newcommand*{\optname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% (package,class) option name
+\newcommand*{\cmdname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% command name
+\newcommand*{\colname}[1]{\emph{#1}}% collection name
+\newcommand*{\dirname}[1]{\path{#1}}% directory name
+\newcommand*{\filename}[1]{\path{#1}}% file name
+\newcommand*{\envname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% environment variable name
+\newcommand{\var}[1]{{\sl #1}}% not \textsl, for roman not typewriter slanted.
+% underlined command input.
+ \uline{\rule[-.2\baselineskip]{0pt}{.9\baselineskip}\ttfamily #1}}
+% \CDref is for url's with a #, where we need to write the target url and
+% displayed url separately in the input, due to catcode madness.
+% (We could simplify/remove this next time, I think.)
+% \OnCD is currently for any other reference to a file or directory in
+% the distribution. PDF readers only open .pdf files, though, so we
+% should change this to only use \href for those. Or more likely use
+% different macros in the source.
+% \href incorrectly appends .pdf to anything without an extension; these
+% definitions using \hyper@linkurl do not, but they fail for .pdf
+% references -- which are the only ones that work anyway. So this is
+% useless, in practice.
+% GUI menu/button/tab sequence:
+% Special names.
+% many abbreviations.
+ \hbox{$\mathcal{S}$}\kern-.075em $}
+\def\OzTeX{O\kern-.03em z\kern-.15em\TeX}
+\def\ProTeXt{Pro\TeX t}
+\def\TeXLive{\TeX{} Live\xspace}
+\def\TK{\textsf{\TeX\ Collection}}
+\def\Thanh{H\`an~Th\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}}~Th\`anh}
+% Include an image.
+% #1 - name of image (pictures/#1.jpg, always .jpg please)
+% #2 - bb for html
+% #3 - width for TeX
+ \ifnum \Status=2 % html, want relative path in output
+ \includegraphics[#2]{../../general/texlive-common/pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \else % not html, handled by TEXINPUTS in Makefile
+ \includegraphics[width=#3]{pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \fi
+ \\[5mm]
+% description-like environment that uses tt instead of bf, and doesn't
+% go to the left margin. Without the \hfil, get an underfull box.
+% Don't know why \descriptionlabel doesn't.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt % these lists tend to have short descriptions
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\ttdescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\ttfamily #1\hfil}
+% Likewise, for commands using sans serif.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\cmddescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\sffamily #1\hfil}
+% General squeezed itemize.
+ {\begin{itemize}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}%
+ {\end{itemize}}
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\wbox}
+ \begin{minipage}{.95\textwidth}}
+ {\end{minipage}\end{lrbox}\fbox{\usebox{\wbox}}}
+% lrbox is used as a representation marking. I changed it to
+% lrBox in tne source file, to get closer to logical marking
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\mylrbox}}
+ {\end{lrbox}}
+% emacs-page output setup
+\ifx \HCode\UnDef
+ \providecommand{\Status}{0}% running TeX
+ \providecommand{\Status}{2}% running TeX4ht
+%\typeout{Status is \Status}
+% By default, we won't be creating hyperlinks.
+\def\email#1{\href{mailto:#1}{\path{#1}}} % \path comes from url
+\definecolor{hypercolor}{rgb}{0.5,0.0,0.5} % purplish external links.
+ % \Status = 0
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in DVI format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 1
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in PDF format}
+ \RequirePackage[breaklinks,
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=hypercolor,citecolor=hypercolor,
+ pagecolor=hypercolor,urlcolor=hypercolor,
+ filecolor=hypercolor,
+ bookmarksopen,
+ %pdfstartview={FitBH -320000}, % fails with acrobat7
+ hyperindex]
+ {hyperref}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 2
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in HTML format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ % read our config file, live4ht.cfg; q.v., for more definitions.
+ % hyperref load must come after the tex4ht load.
+ \RequirePackage[live4ht]{tex4ht}
+ \RequirePackage[tex4ht]{hyperref} \hyperlinkfileprefix{}
+ % definitions need simplifying for TeX4ht to make relative paths work.
+ \def\CDref#1#2{\href{../../../../#1}{#2}}
+ \def\OnCD#1{\href{../../../../#1}{#1}}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 3
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a Baskerville issue}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \RequirePackage{bvoutln}% outline of baskerville
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \RequirePackage{multicol}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 4
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a TUB article}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+\ifnum \Status=4
+ \RequirePackage{texnames}
+ \providecommand\TeXXeT{\TeX-{}-%
+ \kern-.1emX\kern-.125em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667emT\@}
+ \def\MP{MetaPost}
+ \let\mf\MF
+ \newcommand\ConTeXt{C\kern-.0333emon\-\kern-.0667em\TeX\kern-.0333emt}
+ \newcommand\MIKTEX{MiK\kern-.025em \TeX}% per
+ % from pictex.tex:
+ \ifx\PiC\undefined \def\PiC{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075emC} \fi
+ \ifx\PiCTeX\undefined \def\PiCTeX{\PiC\kern-.11em\TeX} \fi
+% hacking at sections etc., to pay attention to baskerville status
+ \ifSingleColumn
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{multicols}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@currenvir
+ \end{multicols}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@ifstar
+ {\Section*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@section
+ }%
+ \Section[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+ \@ifstar{\SubSection*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@subsection
+ }
+ \SubSection[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+% calm things down a bit if we're in a multiple-column version
+ \def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini
+ \parsep \z@
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \let\@listi\@listI
+ \@listi
+ \def\@listii{\leftmargin\leftmarginii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 1\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \partopsep \z@
+ \itemsep \topsep
+ }
+ \def\@listiv{\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listv{\leftmargin\leftmarginv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listvi{\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+% array package stuff
+% shaded rows (using facilities of colortbl)
+ \rowcolor{\RowColor}%
+ \global\advance\colrow by1\relax
+ \ifodd\colrow
+ \gdef\RowColor{pale}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\RowColor{white}%
+ \fi
+% redefine to hack up a reference even though we don't need it...
+\renewcommand\@bibitem[1]{\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout
+ {\string\bibcite{#1}{?}}\fi\ignorespaces}
+% \unknownTeXlive is a dummy texlive entry for the biblio
+ \global\@all@unknown\expandafter{\the\@all@unknown{#2}}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{*** TeX live package location of }%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns\the\@all@unknown\@empty
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@tempb\@empty
+ \typeout{ unknown}%
+ \else
+ \message{\@tempa#1,}%
+ \def\@tempa{}%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns
+ \fi
+% Silence font warnings about no bold typewriter in LM.
+% Silence hyperref warnings about \kern.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2007 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2007
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..487c8b8d7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2007
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+% $Id: tex-live.sty 1513 2006-02-13 00:22:35Z karl $
+% TeX Live documentation style. Written by many people over many years.
+% Public domain.
+\ProvidesPackage{tex-live}[2005/09/24 v1.5 TeX Live documentation style]
+\usepackage{textcomp}% including \textbullet
+% for a proper \acro command (even in the context of the definition in
+% ltugboat -- \DRC overrides without checking)
+ {Verbatim}{fontsize=\scriptsize,frame=single}
+% Done with packages.
+% Page layout.
+\advance\textwidth by 1.1in
+\advance\oddsidemargin by -.55in
+\advance\evensidemargin by -.55in
+\advance\textheight by 1in
+\advance\topmargin by -.5in
+\advance\footskip by -.5in
+% LaTeX parameters.
+% linebreaking, etc.
+\def\slash{/\penalty\z@\hskip\z@skip }
+% various sorts of names
+\newcommand*{\pkgname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% package name
+\newcommand*{\optname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% (package,class) option name
+\newcommand*{\cmdname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% command name
+\newcommand*{\colname}[1]{\emph{#1}}% collection name
+\newcommand*{\dirname}[1]{\path{#1}}% directory name
+\newcommand*{\filename}[1]{\path{#1}}% file name
+\newcommand*{\envname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% environment variable name
+\newcommand{\var}[1]{{\sl #1}}% not \textsl, for roman not typewriter slanted.
+% underlined command input.
+ \uline{\rule[-.2\baselineskip]{0pt}{.9\baselineskip}\ttfamily #1}}
+% \CDref is for url's with a #, where we need to write the target url and
+% displayed url separately in the input, due to catcode madness.
+% (We could simplify/remove this next time, I think.)
+% \OnCD is currently for any other reference to a file or directory in
+% the distribution. PDF readers only open .pdf files, though, so we
+% should change this to only use \href for those. Or more likely use
+% different macros in the source.
+% \href incorrectly appends .pdf to anything without an extension; these
+% definitions using \hyper@linkurl do not, but they fail for .pdf
+% references -- which are the only ones that work anyway. So this is
+% useless, in practice.
+% GUI menu/button/tab sequence:
+% Special names.
+% many abbreviations.
+ \hbox{$\mathcal{S}$}\kern-.075em $}
+\def\OzTeX{O\kern-.03em z\kern-.15em\TeX}
+\def\ProTeXt{Pro\TeX t}
+\def\TeXLive{\TeX{} Live\xspace}
+\def\TK{\textsf{\TeX\ Collection}}
+\def\Thanh{H\`an~Th\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}}~Th\`anh}
+% Include an image.
+% #1 - name of image (pictures/#1.jpg, always .jpg please)
+% #2 - bb for html
+% #3 - width for TeX
+ \ifnum \Status=2 % html, want relative path in output
+ \includegraphics[#2]{../../general/texlive-common/pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \else % not html, handled by TEXINPUTS in Makefile
+ \includegraphics[width=#3]{pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \fi
+ \\[5mm]
+% description-like environment that uses tt instead of bf, and doesn't
+% go to the left margin. Without the \hfil, get an underfull box.
+% Don't know why \descriptionlabel doesn't.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt % these lists tend to have short descriptions
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\ttdescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\ttfamily #1\hfil}
+% Likewise, for commands using sans serif.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\cmddescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\sffamily #1\hfil}
+% General squeezed itemize.
+ {\begin{itemize}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}%
+ {\end{itemize}}
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\wbox}
+ \begin{minipage}{.95\textwidth}}
+ {\end{minipage}\end{lrbox}\fbox{\usebox{\wbox}}}
+% lrbox is used as a representation marking. I changed it to
+% lrBox in tne source file, to get closer to logical marking
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\mylrbox}}
+ {\end{lrbox}}
+% emacs-page output setup
+\ifx \HCode\UnDef
+ \providecommand{\Status}{0}% running TeX
+ \providecommand{\Status}{2}% running TeX4ht
+%\typeout{Status is \Status}
+% By default, we won't be creating hyperlinks.
+\def\email#1{\href{mailto:#1}{\path{#1}}} % \path comes from url
+\definecolor{hypercolor}{rgb}{0.5,0.0,0.5} % purplish external links.
+ % \Status = 0
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in DVI format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 1
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in PDF format}
+ \RequirePackage[breaklinks,
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=hypercolor,citecolor=hypercolor,
+ pagecolor=hypercolor,urlcolor=hypercolor,
+ filecolor=hypercolor,
+ bookmarksopen,
+ %pdfstartview={FitBH -320000}, % fails with acrobat7
+ hyperindex]
+ {hyperref}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 2
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in HTML format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ % read our config file, live4ht.cfg; q.v., for more definitions.
+ % hyperref load must come after the tex4ht load.
+ \RequirePackage[live4ht]{tex4ht}
+ \RequirePackage[tex4ht]{hyperref} \hyperlinkfileprefix{}
+ % definitions need simplifying for TeX4ht to make relative paths work.
+ \def\CDref#1#2{\href{../../../../#1}{#2}}
+ \def\OnCD#1{\href{../../../../#1}{#1}}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 3
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a Baskerville issue}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \RequirePackage{bvoutln}% outline of baskerville
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \RequirePackage{multicol}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 4
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a TUB article}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+\ifnum \Status=4
+ \RequirePackage{texnames}
+ \providecommand\TeXXeT{\TeX-{}-%
+ \kern-.1emX\kern-.125em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667emT\@}
+ \def\MP{MetaPost}
+ \let\mf\MF
+ \newcommand\ConTeXt{C\kern-.0333emon\-\kern-.0667em\TeX\kern-.0333emt}
+ \newcommand\MIKTEX{MiK\kern-.025em \TeX}% per
+ % from pictex.tex:
+ \ifx\PiC\undefined \def\PiC{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075emC} \fi
+ \ifx\PiCTeX\undefined \def\PiCTeX{\PiC\kern-.11em\TeX} \fi
+% hacking at sections etc., to pay attention to baskerville status
+ \ifSingleColumn
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{multicols}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@currenvir
+ \end{multicols}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@ifstar
+ {\Section*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@section
+ }%
+ \Section[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+ \@ifstar{\SubSection*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@subsection
+ }
+ \SubSection[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+% calm things down a bit if we're in a multiple-column version
+ \def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini
+ \parsep \z@
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \let\@listi\@listI
+ \@listi
+ \def\@listii{\leftmargin\leftmarginii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 1\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \partopsep \z@
+ \itemsep \topsep
+ }
+ \def\@listiv{\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listv{\leftmargin\leftmarginv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listvi{\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+% array package stuff
+% shaded rows (using facilities of colortbl)
+ \rowcolor{\RowColor}%
+ \global\advance\colrow by1\relax
+ \ifodd\colrow
+ \gdef\RowColor{pale}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\RowColor{white}%
+ \fi
+% redefine to hack up a reference even though we don't need it...
+\renewcommand\@bibitem[1]{\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout
+ {\string\bibcite{#1}{?}}\fi\ignorespaces}
+% \unknownTeXlive is a dummy texlive entry for the biblio
+ \global\@all@unknown\expandafter{\the\@all@unknown{#2}}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{*** TeX live package location of }%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns\the\@all@unknown\@empty
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@tempb\@empty
+ \typeout{ unknown}%
+ \else
+ \message{\@tempa#1,}%
+ \def\@tempa{}%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns
+ \fi
+% Silence font warnings about no bold typewriter in LM.
+% Silence hyperref warnings about \kern.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2008 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2008
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6bb5d7fb57b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2008
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+% $Id: tex-live.sty 10332 2008-08-14 01:04:30Z karl $
+% TeX Live documentation style. Written by many people over many years.
+% Public domain.
+\ProvidesPackage{tex-live}[2008/08/08 v1.6 TeX Live documentation style]
+\usepackage{textcomp}% including \textbullet
+% for a proper \acro command.
+ {Verbatim}{fontsize=\scriptsize,frame=single}
+% Done with packages.
+% Page layout.
+\advance\textwidth by 1.1in
+\advance\oddsidemargin by -.55in
+\advance\evensidemargin by -.55in
+\advance\textheight by 1in
+\advance\topmargin by -.5in
+\advance\footskip by -.5in
+% LaTeX parameters.
+% linebreaking, etc.
+\def\slash{/\penalty\z@\hskip\z@skip }
+% various sorts of names
+\newcommand*{\pkgname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% package name
+\newcommand*{\optname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% (package,class) option name
+\newcommand*{\cmdname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% command name
+\newcommand*{\colname}[1]{\emph{#1}}% collection name
+\newcommand*{\dirname}[1]{\path{#1}}% directory name
+\newcommand*{\filename}[1]{\path{#1}}% file name
+\newcommand*{\envname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% environment variable name
+\newcommand{\prog}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% same as \cmdname
+\newcommand{\var}[1]{{\sl #1}}% not \textsl, for roman not typewriter slanted.
+% underlined command input.
+% \uline{\rule[-.2\baselineskip]{0pt}{.9\baselineskip}\ttfamily #1}}
+% bold command input
+\def\Ucom#1{{\bfseries\ttfamily #1}}
+% \CDref is for url's with a #, where we need to write the target url and
+% displayed url separately in the input, due to catcode madness.
+% (We could simplify/remove this next time, I think.)
+% \OnCD is currently for any other reference to a file or directory in
+% the distribution. PDF readers only open .pdf files, though, so we
+% should change this to only use \href for those. Or more likely use
+% different macros in the source.
+% \href incorrectly appends .pdf to anything without an extension; these
+% definitions using \hyper@linkurl do not, but they fail for .pdf
+% references -- which are the only ones that work anyway. So this is
+% useless, in practice.
+% GUI menu/button/tab sequence:
+% Special names.
+% many abbreviations.
+ \hbox{$\mathcal{S}$}\kern-.075em $}
+\def\OzTeX{O\kern-.03em z\kern-.15em\TeX}
+\def\ProTeXt{Pro\TeX t}
+\def\TeXLive{\TeX{} Live\xspace}
+\def\TK{\TeX\ Collection}
+\def\Thanh{H\`an~Th\ifx % get Unicode char in tex4ht's HTML output
+ \HCode\UnDef\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}}\else
+ \HCode{\string&\#x1EBF;}\fi~Th\`anh}
+% Include an image.
+% #1 - name of image (pictures/#1.jpg, always .jpg please)
+% #2 - bb for html
+% #3 - width for TeX
+ \ifnum \Status=2 % html, want relative path in output
+ \includegraphics[#2]{../../general/texlive-common/pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \else % not html, handled by TEXINPUTS in Makefile
+ \includegraphics[width=#3]{pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \fi
+ \\[5mm]
+ \ifnum \Status=2 % html, want relative path in output
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 1 1]{#1.png}%
+ \else % not html, handled by TEXINPUTS in Makefile
+ \includegraphics[width=#2]{#1.png}%
+ \fi
+% description-like environment that uses tt instead of bf, and doesn't
+% go to the left margin. Without the \hfil, get an underfull box.
+% Don't know why \descriptionlabel doesn't.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt % these lists tend to have short descriptions
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\ttdescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\ttfamily #1\hfil}
+% Likewise, for commands using sans serif.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\cmddescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\sffamily #1\hfil}
+% General squeezed itemize.
+ {\begin{itemize}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}%
+ {\end{itemize}}
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\wbox}
+ \begin{minipage}{.95\textwidth}}
+ {\end{minipage}\end{lrbox}\fbox{\usebox{\wbox}}}
+% lrbox is used as a representation marking. I changed it to
+% lrBox in tne source file, to get closer to logical marking
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\mylrbox}}
+ {\end{lrbox}}
+% emacs-page output setup
+\ifx \HCode\UnDef
+ \providecommand{\Status}{0}% running TeX
+ \providecommand{\Status}{2}% running TeX4ht
+%\typeout{Status is \Status}
+% By default, we won't be creating hyperlinks.
+\def\email#1{\href{mailto:#1}{\path{#1}}} % \path comes from url
+\definecolor{hypercolor}{rgb}{0.5,0.0,0.5} % purplish external links.
+ % \Status = 0
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in DVI format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 1
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in PDF format}
+ \RequirePackage[breaklinks,
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=hypercolor,citecolor=hypercolor,
+ urlcolor=hypercolor,filecolor=hypercolor,
+ bookmarksopen,
+ %pdfstartview={FitBH -320000}, % fails with acrobat7
+ hyperindex]
+ {hyperref}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 2
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in HTML format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ % read our config file, live4ht.cfg; q.v., for more definitions.
+ % hyperref load must come after the tex4ht load.
+ \RequirePackage[live4ht]{tex4ht}
+ \RequirePackage[tex4ht]{hyperref} \hyperlinkfileprefix{}
+ % definitions need simplifying for TeX4ht to make relative paths work.
+ \def\CDref#1#2{\href{../../../../#1}{#2}}
+ \def\OnCD#1{\href{../../../../#1}{#1}}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 3
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a Baskerville issue}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \RequirePackage{bvoutln}% outline of baskerville
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \RequirePackage{multicol}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 4
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a TUB article}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+\ifnum \Status=4
+ \RequirePackage{texnames}
+ \providecommand\TeXXeT{\TeX-{}-%
+ \kern-.1emX\kern-.125em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667emT\@}
+ \def\MP{MetaPost}
+ \let\mf\MF
+ \newcommand\ConTeXt{C\kern-.0333emon\-\kern-.0667em\TeX\kern-.0333emt}
+ \newcommand\MIKTEX{MiK\kern-.025em \TeX}% per
+ % from pictex.tex:
+ \ifx\PiC\undefined \def\PiC{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075emC} \fi
+ \ifx\PiCTeX\undefined \def\PiCTeX{\PiC\kern-.11em\TeX} \fi
+% hacking at sections etc., to pay attention to baskerville status
+ \ifSingleColumn
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{multicols}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@currenvir
+ \end{multicols}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@ifstar
+ {\Section*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@section
+ }%
+ \Section[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+ \@ifstar{\SubSection*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@subsection
+ }
+ \SubSection[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+% calm things down a bit if we're in a multiple-column version
+ \def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini
+ \parsep \z@
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \let\@listi\@listI
+ \@listi
+ \def\@listii{\leftmargin\leftmarginii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 1\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \partopsep \z@
+ \itemsep \topsep
+ }
+ \def\@listiv{\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listv{\leftmargin\leftmarginv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listvi{\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+% array package stuff
+% shaded rows (using facilities of colortbl)
+ \rowcolor{\RowColor}%
+ \global\advance\colrow by1\relax
+ \ifodd\colrow
+ \gdef\RowColor{pale}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\RowColor{white}%
+ \fi
+% redefine to hack up a reference even though we don't need it...
+\renewcommand\@bibitem[1]{\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout
+ {\string\bibcite{#1}{?}}\fi\ignorespaces}
+% \unknownTeXlive is a dummy texlive entry for the biblio
+ \global\@all@unknown\expandafter{\the\@all@unknown{#2}}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{*** TeX live package location of }%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns\the\@all@unknown\@empty
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@tempb\@empty
+ \typeout{ unknown}%
+ \else
+ \message{\@tempa#1,}%
+ \def\@tempa{}%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns
+ \fi
+% Silence font warnings about no bold typewriter in LM.
+% Silence hyperref warnings about \kern.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2009 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2009
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..12817ff461b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2009
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+% $Id: tex-live.sty 15704 2009-10-08 22:57:44Z karl $
+% TeX Live documentation style. Written by many people over many years.
+% Public domain.
+\ProvidesPackage{tex-live}[2009/08/23 v1.7 TeX Live documentation style]
+% colortbl and other packages otherwise make the default be letter, it seems.
+\usepackage{textcomp}% including \textbullet
+% for a proper \acro command.
+ {Verbatim}{fontsize=\scriptsize,frame=single}
+% Done with packages.
+% emacs-page page layout.
+%ltr \advance\textwidth by 1.1in
+%ltr \advance\oddsidemargin by -.55in
+%ltr \advance\evensidemargin by -.55in
+%ltr %
+%ltr \advance\textheight by 1in
+%ltr \advance\topmargin by -.5in
+%ltr \advance\footskip by -.5in
+%ltr %
+\message{dimens: textwidth=\the\textwidth\space
+ oddsidemargin=\the\oddsidemargin\space
+ evensidemargin=\the\evensidemargin\space
+ textheight=\the\textheight\space
+ topmargin=\the\topmargin\space
+ footskip=\the\footskip}
+% with settings above, and without a4 (hence letter):
+% textwidth=424.49744pt oddsidemargin=22.25128pt evensidemargin=22.25128pt
+% textheight=622.26999pt topmargin=-20.135pt footskip=-6.135pt
+% with default a4paper geometry settings (not enough height):
+% textwidth=418.25368pt oddsidemargin=17.3571pt evensidemargin=17.3571pt
+% textheight=591.5302pt topmargin=-7.86334pt footskip=30.0pt
+% with geometry settings [a4paper,hscale=0.75,lines=60,vmarginratio=10:8]:
+% textwidth=448.1309pt oddsidemargin=2.41849pt evensidemargin=2.41849pt
+% textheight=718.0pt topmargin=-38.68848pt footskip=30.0pt
+% LaTeX parameters.
+% linebreaking, etc.
+\def\slash{/\penalty\z@\hskip\z@skip }
+% various sorts of names
+\newcommand*{\pkgname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% package name
+\newcommand*{\optname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% (package,class) option name
+\newcommand*{\cmdname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% command name
+\newcommand*{\colname}[1]{\emph{#1}}% collection name
+\newcommand*{\dirname}[1]{\path{#1}}% directory name
+\newcommand*{\filename}[1]{\path{#1}}% file name
+\newcommand*{\envname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% environment variable name
+\newcommand{\prog}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% same as \cmdname
+\newcommand{\var}[1]{{\sl #1}}% not \textsl, for roman not typewriter slanted.
+% underlined command input.
+% \uline{\rule[-.2\baselineskip]{0pt}{.9\baselineskip}\ttfamily #1}}
+% bold command input
+\def\Ucom#1{{\bfseries\ttfamily #1}}
+% \CDref is for url's with a #, where we need to write the target url and
+% displayed url separately in the input, due to catcode madness.
+% (We could simplify/remove this next time, I think.)
+% \OnCD is currently for any other reference to a file or directory in
+% the distribution. PDF readers only open .pdf files, though, so we
+% should change this to only use \href for those. Or more likely use
+% different macros in the source.
+% \href incorrectly appends .pdf to anything without an extension; these
+% definitions using \hyper@linkurl do not, but they fail for .pdf
+% references -- which are the only ones that work anyway. So this is
+% useless, in practice.
+% GUI menu/button/tab sequence:
+% Special names.
+% many abbreviations.
+ \hbox{$\mathcal{S}$}\kern-.075em $}
+% This code % is hacked from its definition of \cs{LaTeX}; it allows
+% slants (for example) to propagate into the raised (small) `A':
+ {L\kern-.36em
+ {\setbox0\hbox{T}%
+ \vbox to\ht0{\hbox{$\m@th$%
+ \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
+ \fontsize\sf@size\z@
+ \math@fontsfalse\selectfont
+ A}%
+ \vss}%
+ }}
+\def\OzTeX{O\kern-.03em z\kern-.15em\TeX}
+\def\ProTeXt{pro\TeX t}
+\def\TeXLive{\TeX{} Live\xspace}
+\def\TK{\TeX\ Collection}
+\def\Thanh{H\`an~Th\ifx % get Unicode char in tex4ht's HTML output
+ \HCode\UnDef\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}}\else
+ \HCode{\string&\#x1EBF;}\fi~Th\`anh}
+% Include an image.
+% #1 - name of image (pictures/#1.jpg, always .jpg please)
+% #2 - bb for html
+% #3 - width for TeX
+ \ifnum \Status=2 % html, want relative path in output
+ \includegraphics[#2]{../../general/texlive-common/pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \else % not html, handled by TEXINPUTS in Makefile
+ \includegraphics[width=#3]{pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \fi
+ \\[5mm]
+ \ifnum \Status=2 % html, want relative path in output
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 1 1]{#1.png}%
+ \else % not html, handled by TEXINPUTS in Makefile
+ \includegraphics[width=#2]{#1.png}%
+ \fi
+% description-like environment that uses tt instead of bf, and doesn't
+% go to the left margin. Without the \hfil, get an underfull box.
+% Don't know why \descriptionlabel doesn't.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt % these lists tend to have short descriptions
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\ttdescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\ttfamily #1\hfil}
+% Likewise, for commands using sans serif.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\cmddescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\sffamily #1\hfil}
+% General squeezed itemize/enumerate.
+ {\begin{itemize}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}%
+ {\end{itemize}}
+ {\begin{enumerate}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}%
+ {\end{enumerate}}
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\wbox}
+ \begin{minipage}{.95\textwidth}}
+ {\end{minipage}\end{lrbox}\fbox{\usebox{\wbox}}}
+% lrbox is used as a representation marking. I changed it to
+% lrBox in tne source file, to get closer to logical marking
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\mylrbox}}
+ {\end{lrbox}}
+% emacs-page output setup
+\ifx \HCode\UnDef
+ \providecommand{\Status}{0}% running TeX
+ \providecommand{\Status}{2}% running TeX4ht
+%\typeout{Status is \Status}
+% By default, we won't be creating hyperlinks.
+\def\email#1{\href{mailto:#1}{\path{#1}}} % \path comes from url
+\definecolor{hypercolor}{rgb}{0.5,0.0,0.5} % purplish external links.
+ % \Status = 0
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in DVI format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 1
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in PDF format}
+ \RequirePackage[breaklinks,
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=hypercolor,citecolor=hypercolor,
+ urlcolor=hypercolor,filecolor=hypercolor,
+ bookmarksopen,
+ %pdfstartview={FitBH -320000}, % fails with acrobat7
+ hyperindex]
+ {hyperref}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 2
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in HTML format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ % read our config file, live4ht.cfg; q.v., for more definitions.
+ % hyperref load must come after the tex4ht load.
+ \RequirePackage[live4ht]{tex4ht}
+ \RequirePackage[tex4ht]{hyperref} \hyperlinkfileprefix{}
+ % definitions need simplifying for TeX4ht to make relative paths work.
+ \def\CDref#1#2{\href{../../../../#1}{#2}}
+ \def\OnCD#1{\href{../../../../#1}{#1}}
+ \def\htmlanchor#1{\HCode{<a id="#1"></a>}}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 3
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a Baskerville issue}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \RequirePackage{bvoutln}% outline of baskerville
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \RequirePackage{multicol}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 4
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a TUB article}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+\ifnum \Status=4
+ \RequirePackage{texnames}
+ \providecommand\TeXXeT{\TeX-{}-%
+ \kern-.1emX\kern-.125em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667emT\@}
+ \def\MP{MetaPost}
+ \let\mf\MF
+ \newcommand\ConTeXt{C\kern-.0333emon\-\kern-.0667em\TeX\kern-.0333emt}
+ \newcommand\MIKTEX{MiK\kern-.025em \TeX}% per
+ % from pictex.tex:
+ \ifx\PiC\undefined \def\PiC{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075emC} \fi
+ \ifx\PiCTeX\undefined \def\PiCTeX{\PiC\kern-.11em\TeX} \fi
+% hacking at sections etc., to pay attention to baskerville status
+ \ifSingleColumn
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{multicols}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@currenvir
+ \end{multicols}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@ifstar
+ {\Section*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@section
+ }%
+ \Section[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+ \@ifstar{\SubSection*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@subsection
+ }
+ \SubSection[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+% calm things down a bit if we're in a multiple-column version
+ \def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini
+ \parsep \z@
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \let\@listi\@listI
+ \@listi
+ \def\@listii{\leftmargin\leftmarginii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 1\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \partopsep \z@
+ \itemsep \topsep
+ }
+ \def\@listiv{\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listv{\leftmargin\leftmarginv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listvi{\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+% array package stuff
+% shaded rows (using facilities of colortbl)
+ \rowcolor{\RowColor}%
+ \global\advance\colrow by1\relax
+ \ifodd\colrow
+ \gdef\RowColor{pale}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\RowColor{white}%
+ \fi
+% redefine to hack up a reference even though we don't need it...
+\renewcommand\@bibitem[1]{\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout
+ {\string\bibcite{#1}{?}}\fi\ignorespaces}
+% \unknownTeXlive is a dummy texlive entry for the biblio
+ \global\@all@unknown\expandafter{\the\@all@unknown{#2}}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{*** TeX Live package location of }%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns\the\@all@unknown\@empty
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@tempb\@empty
+ \typeout{ unknown}%
+ \else
+ \message{\@tempa#1,}%
+ \def\@tempa{}%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns
+ \fi
+% Silence font warnings about no bold typewriter in LM.
+% Silence hyperref warnings about \kern.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2010 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2010
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3af32be1ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/tex-live.sty-2010
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+% $Id: tex-live.sty 19329 2010-07-10 00:44:42Z karl $
+% TeX Live documentation style. Written by many people over many years.
+% Public domain.
+\ProvidesPackage{tex-live}[2009/08/23 v1.7 TeX Live documentation style]
+% colortbl and other packages otherwise make the default be letter, it seems.
+\usepackage{textcomp}% including \textbullet
+% for a proper \acro command.
+ {Verbatim}{fontsize=\footnotesize,frame=single}
+% Done with packages.
+% emacs-page page layout.
+%ltr \advance\textwidth by 1.1in
+%ltr \advance\oddsidemargin by -.55in
+%ltr \advance\evensidemargin by -.55in
+%ltr %
+%ltr \advance\textheight by 1in
+%ltr \advance\topmargin by -.5in
+%ltr \advance\footskip by -.5in
+%ltr %
+\message{dimens: textwidth=\the\textwidth\space
+ oddsidemargin=\the\oddsidemargin\space
+ evensidemargin=\the\evensidemargin\space
+ textheight=\the\textheight\space
+ topmargin=\the\topmargin\space
+ footskip=\the\footskip}
+% with settings above, and without a4 (hence letter):
+% textwidth=424.49744pt oddsidemargin=22.25128pt evensidemargin=22.25128pt
+% textheight=622.26999pt topmargin=-20.135pt footskip=-6.135pt
+% with default a4paper geometry settings (not enough height):
+% textwidth=418.25368pt oddsidemargin=17.3571pt evensidemargin=17.3571pt
+% textheight=591.5302pt topmargin=-7.86334pt footskip=30.0pt
+% with geometry settings [a4paper,hscale=0.75,lines=60,vmarginratio=10:8]:
+% textwidth=448.1309pt oddsidemargin=2.41849pt evensidemargin=2.41849pt
+% textheight=718.0pt topmargin=-38.68848pt footskip=30.0pt
+% LaTeX parameters.
+% linebreaking, etc.
+\def\slash{/\penalty\z@\hskip\z@skip }
+% various sorts of names
+\newcommand*{\pkgname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% package name
+\newcommand*{\optname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% (package,class) option name
+\newcommand*{\cmdname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% command name
+\newcommand*{\colname}[1]{\emph{#1}}% collection name
+\newcommand*{\dirname}[1]{\path{#1}}% directory name
+\def\filename#1{\path{#1}}% file name
+\newcommand*{\envname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% environment variable name
+\newcommand{\prog}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% same as \cmdname
+\newcommand{\var}[1]{{\sl #1}}% not \textsl, for roman not typewriter slanted.
+% underlined command input.
+% \uline{\rule[-.2\baselineskip]{0pt}{.9\baselineskip}\ttfamily #1}}
+% bold command input
+\def\Ucom#1{{\bfseries\ttfamily #1}}
+% \CDref is for url's with a #, where we need to write the target url and
+% displayed url separately in the input, due to catcode madness.
+% (We could simplify/remove this next time, I think.)
+% \OnCD no longer has any use at all, since we don't have unpacked files
+% on the DVD and it has never worked when reading the PDF online.
+% \OnCD is currently for any other reference to a file or directory in
+% the distribution. PDF readers only open .pdf files, though, so we
+% should change this to only use \href for those. Or more likely use
+% different macros in the source.
+% \href incorrectly appends .pdf to anything without an extension; these
+% definitions using \hyper@linkurl do not, but they fail for .pdf
+% references -- which are the only ones that work anyway. So this is
+% useless, in practice.
+% GUI menu/button/tab sequence:
+% Special names.
+% many abbreviations.
+ \hbox{$\mathcal{S}$}\kern-.075em $}
+% This code % is hacked from its definition of \cs{LaTeX}; it allows
+% slants (for example) to propagate into the raised (small) `A':
+ {L\kern-.36em
+ {\setbox0\hbox{T}%
+ \vbox to\ht0{\hbox{$\m@th$%
+ \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
+ \fontsize\sf@size\z@
+ \math@fontsfalse\selectfont
+ A}%
+ \vss}%
+ }}
+\def\OzTeX{O\kern-.03em z\kern-.15em\TeX}
+\def\ProTeXt{pro\TeX t}
+\def\TeXLive{\TeX{} Live\xspace}
+\def\TK{\TeX\ Collection}
+\def\Thanh{H\`an~Th\ifx % get Unicode char in tex4ht's HTML output
+ \HCode\UnDef\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}}\else
+ \HCode{\string&\#x1EBF;}\fi~Th\`anh}
+% Include an image.
+% #1 - name of image (pictures/#1.jpg, always .jpg please)
+% #2 - bb for html
+% #3 - width for TeX
+ \ifnum \Status=2 % html, want relative path in output
+ \includegraphics[#2]{../../general/texlive-common/pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \else % not html, handled by TEXINPUTS in Makefile
+ \includegraphics[width=#3]{pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \fi
+ \\[5mm]
+ \ifnum \Status=2 % html, want relative path in output
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 1 1]{#1.png}%
+ \else % not html, handled by TEXINPUTS in Makefile
+ \includegraphics[width=#2]{#1.png}%
+ \fi
+% description-like environment that uses tt instead of bf, and doesn't
+% go to the left margin. Without the \hfil, get an underfull box.
+% Don't know why \descriptionlabel doesn't.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt % these lists tend to have short descriptions
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\ttdescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\ttfamily #1\hfil}
+% Likewise, for commands using sans serif.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\cmddescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\sffamily #1\hfil}
+% General squeezed itemize/enumerate.
+ {\begin{itemize}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}%
+ {\end{itemize}}
+ {\begin{enumerate}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}%
+ {\end{enumerate}}
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\wbox}
+ \begin{minipage}{.95\textwidth}}
+ {\end{minipage}\end{lrbox}\fbox{\usebox{\wbox}}}
+% lrbox is used as a representation marking. I changed it to
+% lrBox in tne source file, to get closer to logical marking
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\mylrbox}}
+ {\end{lrbox}}
+% emacs-page output setup
+\ifx \HCode\UnDef
+ \providecommand{\Status}{0}% running TeX
+ \providecommand{\Status}{2}% running TeX4ht
+%\typeout{Status is \Status}
+% By default, we won't be creating hyperlinks.
+\def\email#1{\href{mailto:#1}{\path{#1}}} % \path comes from url
+\definecolor{hypercolor}{rgb}{0.5,0.0,0.5} % purplish external links.
+ % \Status = 0
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in DVI format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 1
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in PDF format}
+ \RequirePackage[breaklinks,
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=hypercolor,citecolor=hypercolor,
+ urlcolor=hypercolor,filecolor=hypercolor,
+ bookmarksopen,
+ %pdfstartview={FitBH -320000}, % fails with acrobat7
+ hyperindex]
+ {hyperref}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 2
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in HTML format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ % read our config file, live4ht.cfg; q.v., for more definitions.
+ % hyperref load must come after the tex4ht load.
+ \RequirePackage[live4ht]{tex4ht}
+ \RequirePackage[tex4ht]{hyperref} \hyperlinkfileprefix{}
+ % definitions need simplifying for TeX4ht to make relative paths work.
+ \def\CDref#1#2{\href{../../../../#1}{#2}}
+ \def\OnCD#1{\href{../../../../#1}{#1}}
+ \def\htmlanchor#1{\HCode{<a id="#1"></a>}}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 3
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a Baskerville issue}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \RequirePackage{bvoutln}% outline of baskerville
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \RequirePackage{multicol}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 4
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a TUB article}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+\ifnum \Status=4
+ \RequirePackage{texnames}
+ \providecommand\TeXXeT{\TeX-{}-%
+ \kern-.1emX\kern-.125em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667emT\@}
+ \def\MP{MetaPost}
+ \let\mf\MF
+ \newcommand\ConTeXt{C\kern-.0333emon\-\kern-.0667em\TeX\kern-.0333emt}
+ \newcommand\MIKTEX{MiK\kern-.025em \TeX}% per
+ % from pictex.tex:
+ \ifx\PiC\undefined \def\PiC{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075emC} \fi
+ \ifx\PiCTeX\undefined \def\PiCTeX{\PiC\kern-.11em\TeX} \fi
+% hacking at sections etc., to pay attention to baskerville status
+ \ifSingleColumn
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{multicols}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@currenvir
+ \end{multicols}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@ifstar
+ {\Section*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@section
+ }%
+ \Section[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+ \@ifstar{\SubSection*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@subsection
+ }
+ \SubSection[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+% calm things down a bit if we're in a multiple-column version
+ \def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini
+ \parsep \z@
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \let\@listi\@listI
+ \@listi
+ \def\@listii{\leftmargin\leftmarginii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 1\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \partopsep \z@
+ \itemsep \topsep
+ }
+ \def\@listiv{\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listv{\leftmargin\leftmarginv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listvi{\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+% array package stuff
+% shaded rows (using facilities of colortbl)
+ \rowcolor{\RowColor}%
+ \global\advance\colrow by1\relax
+ \ifodd\colrow
+ \gdef\RowColor{pale}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\RowColor{white}%
+ \fi
+% redefine to hack up a reference even though we don't need it...
+\renewcommand\@bibitem[1]{\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout
+ {\string\bibcite{#1}{?}}\fi\ignorespaces}
+% \unknownTeXlive is a dummy texlive entry for the biblio
+ \global\@all@unknown\expandafter{\the\@all@unknown{#2}}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{*** TeX Live package location of }%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns\the\@all@unknown\@empty
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@tempb\@empty
+ \typeout{ unknown}%
+ \else
+ \message{\@tempa#1,}%
+ \def\@tempa{}%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns
+ \fi
+% Silence font warnings about no bold typewriter in LM.
+% Silence hyperref warnings about \kern.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33a19a801d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/archive/
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/live4ht.cfg b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/live4ht.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0c5d820ae19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/live4ht.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+% tex4ht configuration file for the TeX Live documentation.
+% Accumulated over many years. Public domain.
+% html specifies the main output format.
+% info for extra debugging info in the log files.
+% have html in one piece (including footnotes).
+% add extra stylesheet
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="\jobname.css" >\Hnewline
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tex-live.css" >\Hnewline
+% use png graphics as-is
+ {png}
+ {\Needs{""}%
+ \Picture[pict]{../texlive-common/\csname Gin@base\endcsname.png}%
+ }
+% or LaTeX complains it is missing.
+% simplify output for HTML. We leave TeX and LaTeX alone, since tex4ht
+% actually does the lowered E (and raised A) in CSS.
+\ifx\tldocenglish\undefined \else \hackliteralstrue \fi
+\ifx\tldocrussian\undefined \else \hackliteralstrue \fi
+\ifx\tldocgerman\undefined \else \hackliteralstrue \fi
+ % these definitions cause "missing } inserted" at \end{tabularx} in
+ % French and Czech. don't know why.
+ %
+ % don't make these into links, as happens with \path. We only have a few
+ % special characters that actually occur.
+ \def\dirname{\texttt\bgroup\catcode`\$=12 \catcode`\_=12 \catcode`\~=12
+ \finishliteral}
+ \def\finishliteral#1{#1\egroup}
+ \let\filename=\dirname
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/tex-live.css b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/tex-live.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b8aa763a0df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/tex-live.css
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+/* $Id: tex-live.css 3436 2007-01-13 22:34:01Z karl $
+ Simple CSS for TeX Live that adds margins and a little color.
+ original by Bzyl Wlodzimierz, edited by Karl Berry, 2005.
+ Public domain. */
+html {
+ // top left bottom right
+ margin: 15pt 15pt 15pt 15pt;
+ background: rgb(255,255,224);
+body {
+ margin: 0 5pt 0 5pt;
+ padding: 0;
+ //matw: background: rgb(224,255,224);
+ // (It looks better to me to have a consistent background --karl)
+// fonts in browser are low resolution;
+// therefore generated serif are poor quality,
+// so they disturb reading (that is my opinion)
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-style: normal;
+/* (It looks better to me to not vary colors at every level --karl) */
+h3.sectionHead {
+ padding: 12pt 10pt 12pt 20pt;
+ //matw: background: rgb(192,224,255);
+ background: rgb(224,224,255);
+ color: rgb(0,0,32);
+h4.subsectionHead {
+ padding: 7pt 10pt 7pt 40pt;
+ background: rgb(224,224,255);
+ color: rgb(0,0,32);
+h5.subsubsectionHead {
+ padding: 3pt 10pt 3pt 40pt;
+ //matw: background: rgb(224,255,255);
+ background: rgb(224,224,255);
+ color: rgb(0,0,32);
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/tex-live.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/tex-live.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..867884ff5f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/tex-live.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+% $Id$
+% TeX Live documentation style. Written by many people over many years.
+% Public domain.
+\ProvidesPackage{tex-live}[2009/08/23 v1.7 TeX Live documentation style]
+% colortbl and other packages otherwise make the default be letter, it seems.
+\usepackage{textcomp}% including \textbullet
+% for a proper \acro command.
+ {Verbatim}{fontsize=\footnotesize,frame=single}
+% Done with packages.
+% emacs-page page layout.
+%ltr \advance\textwidth by 1.1in
+%ltr \advance\oddsidemargin by -.55in
+%ltr \advance\evensidemargin by -.55in
+%ltr %
+%ltr \advance\textheight by 1in
+%ltr \advance\topmargin by -.5in
+%ltr \advance\footskip by -.5in
+%ltr %
+\message{dimens: textwidth=\the\textwidth\space
+ oddsidemargin=\the\oddsidemargin\space
+ evensidemargin=\the\evensidemargin\space
+ textheight=\the\textheight\space
+ topmargin=\the\topmargin\space
+ footskip=\the\footskip}
+% with settings above, and without a4 (hence letter):
+% textwidth=424.49744pt oddsidemargin=22.25128pt evensidemargin=22.25128pt
+% textheight=622.26999pt topmargin=-20.135pt footskip=-6.135pt
+% with default a4paper geometry settings (not enough height):
+% textwidth=418.25368pt oddsidemargin=17.3571pt evensidemargin=17.3571pt
+% textheight=591.5302pt topmargin=-7.86334pt footskip=30.0pt
+% with geometry settings [a4paper,hscale=0.75,lines=60,vmarginratio=10:8]:
+% textwidth=448.1309pt oddsidemargin=2.41849pt evensidemargin=2.41849pt
+% textheight=718.0pt topmargin=-38.68848pt footskip=30.0pt
+% LaTeX parameters.
+% linebreaking, etc.
+\def\slash{/\penalty\z@\hskip\z@skip }
+% various sorts of names
+\newcommand*{\pkgname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% package name
+\newcommand*{\optname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% (package,class) option name
+\newcommand*{\cmdname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% command name
+\newcommand*{\colname}[1]{\emph{#1}}% collection name
+\newcommand*{\dirname}[1]{\path{#1}}% directory name
+\def\filename#1{\path{#1}}% file name
+\newcommand*{\envname}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% environment variable name
+\newcommand{\prog}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% same as \cmdname
+\newcommand{\var}[1]{{\sl #1}}% not \textsl, for roman not typewriter slanted.
+% underlined command input.
+% \uline{\rule[-.2\baselineskip]{0pt}{.9\baselineskip}\ttfamily #1}}
+% bold command input
+\def\Ucom#1{{\bfseries\ttfamily #1}}
+% \CDref is for url's with a #, where we need to write the target url and
+% displayed url separately in the input, due to catcode madness.
+% (We could simplify/remove this next time, I think.)
+% \OnCD no longer has any use at all, since we don't have unpacked files
+% on the DVD and it has never worked when reading the PDF online.
+% \OnCD is currently for any other reference to a file or directory in
+% the distribution. PDF readers only open .pdf files, though, so we
+% should change this to only use \href for those. Or more likely use
+% different macros in the source.
+% \href incorrectly appends .pdf to anything without an extension; these
+% definitions using \hyper@linkurl do not, but they fail for .pdf
+% references -- which are the only ones that work anyway. So this is
+% useless, in practice.
+% GUI menu/button/tab sequence:
+% Special names.
+% many abbreviations.
+ \hbox{$\mathcal{S}$}\kern-.075em $}
+% This code % is hacked from its definition of \cs{LaTeX}; it allows
+% slants (for example) to propagate into the raised (small) `A':
+ {L\kern-.36em
+ {\setbox0\hbox{T}%
+ \vbox to\ht0{\hbox{$\m@th$%
+ \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
+ \fontsize\sf@size\z@
+ \math@fontsfalse\selectfont
+ A}%
+ \vss}%
+ }}
+\def\OzTeX{O\kern-.03em z\kern-.15em\TeX}
+\def\ProTeXt{pro\TeX t}
+\def\TeXLive{\TeX{} Live\xspace}
+\def\TK{\TeX\ Collection}
+\def\Thanh{H\`an~Th\ifx % get Unicode char in tex4ht's HTML output
+ \HCode\UnDef\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}}\else
+ \HCode{\string&\#x1EBF;}\fi~Th\`anh}
+% Include an image.
+% #1 - name of image (pictures/#1.jpg, always .jpg please)
+% #2 - bb for html
+% #3 - width for TeX
+ \ifnum \Status=2 % html, want relative path in output
+ \includegraphics[#2]{../../general/texlive-common/pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \else % not html, handled by TEXINPUTS in Makefile
+ \includegraphics[width=#3]{pictures/#1.jpg}
+ \fi
+ \\[5mm]
+ \ifnum \Status=2 % html, want relative path in output
+ \includegraphics[bb=0 0 1 1]{#1.png}%
+ \else % not html, handled by TEXINPUTS in Makefile
+ \includegraphics[width=#2]{#1.png}%
+ \fi
+% description-like environment that uses tt instead of bf, and doesn't
+% go to the left margin. Without the \hfil, get an underfull box.
+% Don't know why \descriptionlabel doesn't.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt % these lists tend to have short descriptions
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\ttdescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\ttfamily #1\hfil}
+% Likewise, for commands using sans serif.
+ {\begin{list}{label must be supplied}{%
+ \itemsep=0pt
+ \let\makelabel=\cmddescriptionlabel}}%
+ {\end{list}}
+ \normalfont\sffamily #1\hfil}
+% General squeezed itemize/enumerate.
+ {\begin{itemize}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}%
+ {\end{itemize}}
+ {\begin{enumerate}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}%
+ {\end{enumerate}}
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\wbox}
+ \begin{minipage}{.95\textwidth}}
+ {\end{minipage}\end{lrbox}\fbox{\usebox{\wbox}}}
+% lrbox is used as a representation marking. I changed it to
+% lrBox in tne source file, to get closer to logical marking
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\mylrbox}}
+ {\end{lrbox}}
+% emacs-page output setup
+\ifx \HCode\UnDef
+ \providecommand{\Status}{0}% running TeX
+ \providecommand{\Status}{2}% running TeX4ht
+%\typeout{Status is \Status}
+% By default, we won't be creating hyperlinks.
+\def\email#1{\href{mailto:#1}{\path{#1}}} % \path comes from url
+\definecolor{hypercolor}{rgb}{0.5,0.0,0.5} % purplish external links.
+ % \Status = 0
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in DVI format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 1
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in PDF format}
+ \RequirePackage[breaklinks,
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=hypercolor,citecolor=hypercolor,
+ urlcolor=hypercolor,filecolor=hypercolor,
+ bookmarksopen,
+ %pdfstartview={FitBH -320000}, % fails with acrobat7
+ hyperindex]
+ {hyperref}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 2
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation in HTML format}
+ \SingleColumntrue
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+ % read our config file, live4ht.cfg; q.v., for more definitions.
+ % hyperref load must come after the tex4ht load.
+ \RequirePackage[live4ht]{tex4ht}
+ \RequirePackage[tex4ht]{hyperref} \hyperlinkfileprefix{}
+ % definitions need simplifying for TeX4ht to make relative paths work.
+ \def\CDref#1#2{\href{../../../../#1}{#2}}
+ \def\OnCD#1{\href{../../../../#1}{#1}}
+ \def\htmlanchor#1{\HCode{<a id="#1"></a>}}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 3
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a Baskerville issue}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \RequirePackage{bvoutln}% outline of baskerville
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \RequirePackage{multicol}
+ \or
+ % \Status = 4
+ \typeout{TeX Live documentation as a TUB article}
+ \@ifundefined{Fonts}%
+ {\RequirePackage{ae}}%
+ {\RequirePackage[T1]{\Fonts}}
+ \SingleColumnfalse
+ \newenvironment{multicols}[1]{}{}
+\ifnum \Status=4
+ \RequirePackage{texnames}
+ \providecommand\TeXXeT{\TeX-{}-%
+ \kern-.1emX\kern-.125em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667emT\@}
+ \def\MP{MetaPost}
+ \let\mf\MF
+ \newcommand\ConTeXt{C\kern-.0333emon\-\kern-.0667em\TeX\kern-.0333emt}
+ \newcommand\MIKTEX{MiK\kern-.025em \TeX}% per
+ % from pictex.tex:
+ \ifx\PiC\undefined \def\PiC{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075emC} \fi
+ \ifx\PiCTeX\undefined \def\PiCTeX{\PiC\kern-.11em\TeX} \fi
+% hacking at sections etc., to pay attention to baskerville status
+ \ifSingleColumn
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{multicols}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@currenvir
+ \end{multicols}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@ifstar
+ {\Section*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@section
+ }%
+ \Section[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+ \@ifstar{\SubSection*}%
+ {%
+ \@condend@multicols
+ \@dblarg\@full@subsection
+ }
+ \SubSection[#1]{#2}%
+ \ifSingleColumn\else\begin{multicols}{2}\fi
+% calm things down a bit if we're in a multiple-column version
+ \def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini
+ \parsep \z@
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \let\@listi\@listI
+ \@listi
+ \def\@listii{\leftmargin\leftmarginii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \itemsep \z@ \@plus .1\p@
+ }
+ \def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep 1\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@
+ \parsep \z@
+ \partopsep \z@
+ \itemsep \topsep
+ }
+ \def\@listiv{\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listv{\leftmargin\leftmarginv
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+ \def\@listvi{\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ }
+% array package stuff
+% shaded rows (using facilities of colortbl)
+ \rowcolor{\RowColor}%
+ \global\advance\colrow by1\relax
+ \ifodd\colrow
+ \gdef\RowColor{pale}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\RowColor{white}%
+ \fi
+% redefine to hack up a reference even though we don't need it...
+\renewcommand\@bibitem[1]{\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout
+ {\string\bibcite{#1}{?}}\fi\ignorespaces}
+% \unknownTeXlive is a dummy texlive entry for the biblio
+ \global\@all@unknown\expandafter{\the\@all@unknown{#2}}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty
+ \else
+ \def\@tempa{*** TeX Live package location of }%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns\the\@all@unknown\@empty
+ \fi
+ \ifx\@tempb\@empty
+ \typeout{ unknown}%
+ \else
+ \message{\@tempa#1,}%
+ \def\@tempa{}%
+ \expandafter\@output@unknowns
+ \fi
+% Silence font warnings about no bold typewriter in LM.
+% Silence hyperref warnings about \kern.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/texlive-en.css b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/texlive-en.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..67628691485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/texlive-en.css
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+/* start css.sty */{font-size:206%; font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{font-size:170%; font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{font-size:120%;}{font-size:120%; font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-family: sans-serif;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-weight: bold;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-style:italic;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{font-size:80%; font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{ font-style: oblique;}{font-size:90%; font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{font-size:70%;}{font-size:69%; font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}{ font-family: monospace;}
+p.noindent { text-indent: 0em }
+td p.noindent { text-indent: 0em; margin-top:0em; }
+p.nopar { text-indent: 0em; }
+p.indent{ text-indent: 1.5em }
+@media print {div.crosslinks {visibility:hidden;}}
+a img { border-top: 0; border-left: 0; border-right: 0; }
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+li p.indent { text-indent: 0em }
+li p:first-child{ margin-top:0em; }
+li p:last-child, li div:last-child { margin-bottom:0.5em; }
+li p~ul:last-child, li p~ol:last-child{ margin-bottom:0.5em; }
+.enumerate1 {list-style-type:decimal;}
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+.enumerate3 {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
+.enumerate4 {list-style-type:upper-alpha;}
+div.newtheorem { margin-bottom: 2em; margin-top: 2em;}
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+.overline img{ border-top: 1px solid black; }
+td.displaylines {text-align:center; white-space:nowrap;}
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+ <title>The TeX Live Guide
+TeX Live 2012</title>
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+ <div class="maketitle">
+<h2 class="titleHead">The <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live Guide<br />
+<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live 2012</h2>
+ <div class="author" ><span
+class="ec-lmr-12">Karl Berry, editor</span>
+<br /> <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-12"></span></a> </div><br />
+<div class="date" ><span
+class="ec-lmr-12">June 2012</span></div>
+ </div>
+ <h3 class="likesectionHead"><a
+ id="x1-1000"></a>Contents</h3>
+ <div class="tableofcontents">
+ <span class="sectionToc" >1 <a
+href="#x1-20001" id="QQ2-1-2">Introduction</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >1.1 <a
+href="#x1-30001.1" id="QQ2-1-3">TEX Live and the TEX Collection</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >1.2 <a
+href="#x1-40001.2" id="QQ2-1-4">Operating system support</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >1.3 <a
+href="#x1-50001.3" id="QQ2-1-5">Basic installation of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >1.4 <a
+href="#x1-60001.4" id="QQ2-1-6">Security considerations</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >1.5 <a
+href="#x1-70001.5" id="QQ2-1-7">Getting help</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="sectionToc" >2 <a
+href="#x1-80002" id="QQ2-1-8">Overview of <span class="TEX">T<span
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >2.1 <a
+href="#x1-90002.1" id="QQ2-1-9">The <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Collection: TEX Live, proTEXt, MacTEX</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >2.2 <a
+href="#x1-100002.2" id="QQ2-1-10">Top level TEX Live directories</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >2.3 <a
+href="#x1-110002.3" id="QQ2-1-11">Overview of the predefined texmf trees</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >2.4 <a
+href="#x1-120002.4" id="QQ2-1-12">Extensions to <span class="TEX">T<span
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >2.5 <a
+href="#x1-130002.5" id="QQ2-1-13">Other notable programs in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >2.6 <a
+href="#x1-140002.6" id="QQ2-1-14">Fonts in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="sectionToc" >3 <a
+href="#x1-150003" id="QQ2-1-15">Installation</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >3.1 <a
+href="#x1-160003.1" id="QQ2-1-16">Starting the installer</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.1.1 <a
+href="#x1-170003.1.1" id="QQ2-1-17">Unix</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.1.2 <a
+href="#x1-180003.1.2" id="QQ2-1-18">MacOSX</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.1.3 <a
+href="#x1-190003.1.3" id="QQ2-1-19">Windows</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.1.4 <a
+href="#x1-200003.1.4" id="QQ2-1-23">Cygwin</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.1.5 <a
+href="#x1-210003.1.5" id="QQ2-1-24">The text installer</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.1.6 <a
+href="#x1-220003.1.6" id="QQ2-1-25">The expert graphical installer</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.1.7 <a
+href="#x1-230003.1.7" id="QQ2-1-26">The simple wizard installer</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >3.2 <a
+href="#x1-240003.2" id="QQ2-1-27">Running the installer</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.2.1 <a
+href="#x1-250003.2.1" id="QQ2-1-28">Binary systems menu (Unix only)</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.2.2 <a
+href="#x1-260003.2.2" id="QQ2-1-30">Selecting what is to be installed</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.2.3 <a
+href="#x1-270003.2.3" id="QQ2-1-33">Directories</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.2.4 <a
+href="#x1-280003.2.4" id="QQ2-1-34">Options</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >3.3 <a
+href="#x1-290003.3" id="QQ2-1-36">Command-line install-tl options</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.3.1 <a
+href="#x1-300003.3.1" id="QQ2-1-37">The <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-repository </span>option</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >3.4 <a
+href="#x1-310003.4" id="QQ2-1-38">Post-install actions</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.4.1 <a
+href="#x1-320003.4.1" id="QQ2-1-39">Environment variables for Unix</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.4.2 <a
+href="#x1-330003.4.2" id="QQ2-1-40">Environment variables: Global configuration</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.4.3 <a
+href="#x1-340003.4.3" id="QQ2-1-41">Internet updates after DVD installation</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.4.4 <a
+href="#x1-350003.4.4" id="QQ2-1-42">System font configuration for XeTEX and LuaTEX</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.4.5 <a
+href="#x1-360003.4.5" id="QQ2-1-43">ConTEXt Mark IV</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.4.6 <a
+href="#x1-370003.4.6" id="QQ2-1-44">Integrating local and personal macros</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >3.4.7 <a
+href="#x1-380003.4.7" id="QQ2-1-45">Integrating third-party fonts</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >3.5 <a
+href="#x1-390003.5" id="QQ2-1-46">Testing the installation</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >3.6 <a
+href="#x1-400003.6" id="QQ2-1-47">Links for additional downloadable software</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="sectionToc" >4 <a
+href="#x1-410004" id="QQ2-1-48">Specialized installations</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >4.1 <a
+href="#x1-420004.1" id="QQ2-1-49">Shared-user (or cross-machine) installations</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >4.2 <a
+href="#x1-430004.2" id="QQ2-1-50">Portable (USB) installations</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >4.3 <a
+href="#x1-440004.3" id="QQ2-1-51">ISO (or DVD) installations</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="sectionToc" >5 <a
+href="#x1-450005" id="QQ2-1-52"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr</span>: Managing your installation</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >5.1 <a
+href="#x1-460005.1" id="QQ2-1-56"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>GUI mode</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >5.2 <a
+href="#x1-470005.2" id="QQ2-1-57">Sample <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>command-line invocations</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="sectionToc" >6 <a
+href="#x1-480006" id="QQ2-1-58">Notes on Windows</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >6.1 <a
+href="#x1-490006.1" id="QQ2-1-59">Windows-specific features</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >6.2 <a
+href="#x1-500006.2" id="QQ2-1-60">Additional software included on Windows</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >6.3 <a
+href="#x1-510006.3" id="QQ2-1-62">User Profile is Home</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >6.4 <a
+href="#x1-520006.4" id="QQ2-1-63">The Windows registry</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >6.5 <a
+href="#x1-530006.5" id="QQ2-1-64">Windows permissions</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >6.6 <a
+href="#x1-540006.6" id="QQ2-1-65">Increasing maximum memory on Windows and Cygwin</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="sectionToc" >7 <a
+href="#x1-550007" id="QQ2-1-66">A user&#8217;s guide to Web2C</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >7.1 <a
+href="#x1-560007.1" id="QQ2-1-67">Kpathsea path searching</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >7.1.1 <a
+href="#x1-570007.1.1" id="QQ2-1-68">Path sources</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >7.1.2 <a
+href="#x1-580007.1.2" id="QQ2-1-69">Config files</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >7.1.3 <a
+href="#x1-590007.1.3" id="QQ2-1-70">Path expansion</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >7.1.4 <a
+href="#x1-600007.1.4" id="QQ2-1-71">Default expansion</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >7.1.5 <a
+href="#x1-610007.1.5" id="QQ2-1-72">Brace expansion</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >7.1.6 <a
+href="#x1-620007.1.6" id="QQ2-1-73">Subdirectory expansion</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >7.1.7 <a
+href="#x1-630007.1.7" id="QQ2-1-74">List of special characters and their meaning: a summary</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >7.2 <a
+href="#x1-640007.2" id="QQ2-1-75">Filename databases</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >7.2.1 <a
+href="#x1-650007.2.1" id="QQ2-1-76">The filename database</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >7.2.2 <a
+href="#x1-660007.2.2" id="QQ2-1-77">kpsewhich: Standalone path searching</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >7.2.3 <a
+href="#x1-670007.2.3" id="QQ2-1-78">Examples of use</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >7.2.4 <a
+href="#x1-680007.2.4" id="QQ2-1-79">Debugging actions</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >7.3 <a
+href="#x1-690007.3" id="QQ2-1-83">Runtime options</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="sectionToc" >8 <a
+href="#x1-700008" id="QQ2-1-84">Acknowledgements</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="sectionToc" >9 <a
+href="#x1-710009" id="QQ2-1-85">Release history</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >9.1 <a
+href="#x1-720009.1" id="QQ2-1-86">Past</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >9.1.1 <a
+href="#x1-730009.1.1" id="QQ2-1-87">2003</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >9.1.2 <a
+href="#x1-740009.1.2" id="QQ2-1-88">2004</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >9.1.3 <a
+href="#x1-750009.1.3" id="QQ2-1-89">2005</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >9.1.4 <a
+href="#x1-760009.1.4" id="QQ2-1-90">2006&#8211;2007</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >9.1.5 <a
+href="#x1-770009.1.5" id="QQ2-1-91">2008</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >9.1.6 <a
+href="#x1-780009.1.6" id="QQ2-1-92">2009</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >9.1.7 <a
+href="#x1-790009.1.7" id="QQ2-1-93">2010</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsubsectionToc" >9.1.8 <a
+href="#x1-800009.1.8" id="QQ2-1-94">2011</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >9.2 <a
+href="#x1-810009.2" id="QQ2-1-95">Present</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >9.3 <a
+href="#x1-820009.3" id="QQ2-1-96">Future</a></span>
+ </div>
+<!--l. 32--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-20001"></a>Introduction</h3>
+<!--l. 35--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-30001.1"></a><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live and the <span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 37--><p class="noindent" >This document describes the main features of the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live software distribution &#8212; <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> and related programs
+for GNU/Linux and other Unix flavors, Mac OS X, and Windows systems.
+<!--l. 41--><p class="indent" > You may have acquired <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live by downloading, or on the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Collection DVD, which <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> user
+groups distribute among their members, or in other ways. Section <a
+href="#x1-90002.1">2.1<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:tl-coll-dists --></a> briefly describes the contents of the
+DVD. Both <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live and the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Collection are cooperative efforts by the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> user groups. This document
+mainly describes <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live itself.
+<!--l. 47--><p class="indent" > <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live includes executables for <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, LaTeX2e, Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t, Metafont, MetaPost, BibTeX and many
+other programs; an extensive collection of macros, fonts and documentation; and support for typesetting in
+many different scripts from around the world.
+<!--l. 52--><p class="indent" > For a brief summary of the major changes in this edition of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, see the end of the document,
+href="#x1-710009">9<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:history --></a> (p. <a
+href="#x1-710009">73<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:history --></a>).
+<!--l. 57--><p class="indent" > <a id="platforms"></a>
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-40001.2"></a>Operating system support</h4>
+<!--l. 61--><p class="noindent" ><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live contains binaries for many Unix-based platforms, including GNU/Linux, Mac OS X,
+and Cygwin. The included sources can be compiled on platforms for which we do not provide
+<!--l. 65--><p class="indent" > As to Windows: Windows XP and later are supported. Windows&#x00A0;2000 will probably still mostly work.
+There are no special 64-bit executables for Windows, but the 32-bit executables should run on 64-bit
+<!--l. 70--><p class="indent" > See section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-90002.1">2.1<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:tl-coll-dists --></a> for alternate solutions for Windows and Mac OS X.
+<!--l. 73--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-50001.3"></a>Basic installation of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live</h4>
+<!--l. 76--><p class="noindent" >You can install <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live either from DVD or over the Internet (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+The net installer itself is small, and downloads everything requested from the Internet.
+<!--l. 80--><p class="indent" > The DVD installer lets you install to a local disk. You cannot run <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live directly from the
+<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Collection DVD (or its <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.iso </span>image), but you can prepare a runnable installation on, e.g., a
+USB stick (see section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-430004.2">4.2<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:portable-tl --></a>). Installation is described in later sections (p. <a
+href="#x1-150003">12<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:install --></a>), but here is a quick
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">The installation script is named <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">install-tl</span>. It can operate in a &#8220;wizard mode&#8221; given the option
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-gui=wizard </span>(default for Windows), a text mode given <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-gui=text </span>(default for everything else),
+ and an expert GUI mode given <span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">One of the installed items is the &#8216;<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;Manager&#8217; program, named <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr</span>. Like the installer, it
+ can be used in both GUI mode and in text mode. You can use it to install and uninstall packages
+ and do various configuration tasks.
+ </li></ul>
+<!--l. 101--><p class="indent" > <a id="security"></a>
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.4 </span> <a
+ id="x1-60001.4"></a>Security considerations</h4>
+<!--l. 105--><p class="noindent" >To the best of our knowledge, the core <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;programs themselves are (and always have been) extremely
+robust. However, the contributed programs in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live may not reach the same level, despite everyone&#8217;s best
+efforts. As always, you should be careful when running programs on untrusted input; for maximum safety, use
+a new subdirectory.
+<!--l. 111--><p class="indent" > This need for care is especially urgent on Windows, since in general Windows finds programs in the current
+directory before anything else, regardless of the search path. This opens up a wide variety of possible attacks.
+We have closed many holes, but undoubtedly some remain, especially with third-party programs. Thus, we
+recommend checking for suspicious files in the current directory, especially executables (binaries or scripts).
+Ordinarily they should not be present, and definitely should not normally be created by merely processing a
+<!--l. 120--><p class="indent" > Finally, <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;(and its companion programs) are able to write files when processing documents, a feature
+that can also be abused in a wide variety of ways. Again, processing unknown documents in a new subdirectory
+is the safest bet.
+<!--l. 126--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.5 </span> <a
+ id="x1-70001.5"></a>Getting help</h4>
+<!--l. 129--><p class="noindent" >The <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> community is active and friendly, and most serious questions end up getting answered. However, the
+support is informal, done by volunteers and casual readers, so it&#8217;s especially important that you do your
+homework before asking. (If you prefer guaranteed commercial support, you can forgo <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live
+completely and purchase a vendor&#8217;s system; <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> has a
+<!--l. 136--><p class="indent" > Here is a list of resources, approximately in the order we recommend using them:
+<!--l. 139--><p class="indent" >
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Getting Started</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">If you are new to <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, the web page <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> gives a brief
+ introduction to the system.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+<span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">X</span></span> <span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">FAQ</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> FAQ is
+ a huge compendium of answers to all sorts of questions, from the most basic to the most arcane.
+ It is included on <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live in <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/generic/FAQ-en/html/index.html" >texmf-dist/doc/generic/FAQ-en/html/index.html</a>, and is available
+ on the Internet through <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>. Please check here first.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+<span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">X</span></span> <span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Catalogue</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">If you are looking for a specific package, font, program, etc., the <span class="TEX">T<span
+ Catalogue is the place to look. It is a huge collection of all <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>-related items. See
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+<span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">X</span></span> <span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Web Resources</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The web page <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> has many <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>-related links,
+ in particular for numerous books, manuals, and articles on all aspects of the system.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">support archives</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The two principal support forums are the Usenet newsgroup <a
+href="news:comp.text.tex" class="url" ><span
+ and the mailing list <a
+href="" ><span class="path"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></span></a>. Their archives have years of past questions and answers
+ for your searching pleasure, via <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> and
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>, respectively. And a general web search, for example
+ on <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>, never hurts.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">asking questions</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">If you cannot find an answer, you can post to <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">comp.text.tex </span>through
+ Google or your newsreader, or to <a
+href="" ><span class="path"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></span></a> through email. But before you post,
+ <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">please </span>read this FAQ entry, to maximize your chances of getting a useful answer:
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>. Also worth mentioning
+ are the <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> Community site at
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> and its forum <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ and <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;StackExchange at <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+<span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">X</span></span> <span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Live support</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">If you want to report a bug or have suggestions or comments on the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live
+ distribution, installation, or documentation, the mailing list is <a
+href="" ><span class="path"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></span></a>. However, if
+ your question is about how to use a particular program included in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, please write to
+ that program&#8217;s maintainer or mailing list. Often running a program with the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">--help </span>option will
+ provide a bug reporting address.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 189--><p class="indent" > The other side of the coin is helping others who have questions. Both <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">comp.text.tex </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texhax </span>are open
+to anyone, so feel free to join, start reading, and help out where you can.
+<!--l. 196--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-80002"></a>Overview of <span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 199--><p class="noindent" >This section describes the contents of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live and the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Collection of which it is a part.
+<!--l. 202--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-90002.1"></a>The <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Collection: <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, pro<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t, Mac<span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 205--><p class="noindent" >The <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Collection DVD comprises the following:
+<!--l. 207--><p class="indent" >
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+<span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">X</span></span> <span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Live</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">A complete <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> system to be installed to disk. Its home page is
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Mac</span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">X</span></span> </dt><dd
+class="description">for Mac OS X, this adds a native Mac OS X&#x00A0;installer and other Mac applications to <span class="TEX">T<span
+ Live. Its home page is <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">pro</span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">t</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">An enhancement of the MiK<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distribution for Windows, pro<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t&#x00A0;adds a few extra
+ tools to MiK<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, and simplifies installation. It is entirely independent of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, and has its
+ own installation instructions. The pro<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t&#x00A0;home page is <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">CTAN</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">A snapshot of the CTAN repository (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmtk-10">texmf-extra</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">A directory with assorted additional packages.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 228--><p class="indent" > CTAN, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">protext</span>, and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-extra </span>do not necessarily follow the same copying conditions as <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, so be
+careful when redistributing or modifying.
+<!--l. 233--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-100002.2"></a>Top level <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live directories</h4>
+<!--l. 236--><p class="noindent" >Here is a brief listing and description of the top level directories in a <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live installation.
+<!--l. 239--><p class="noindent" >
+ <dl class="list1"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">bin</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 240--><p class="noindent" >The <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> system programs, arranged by platform.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">readme-*.dir</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 242--><p class="noindent" >Quick overview and useful links for <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, in various languages, in both HTML and plain
+ text.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">source</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 245--><p class="noindent" >The source to all included programs, including the main Web2C-based <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> distributions.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 248--><p class="noindent" >See <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFMAIN </span>below.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-dist</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 250--><p class="noindent" >See <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFDIST </span>below.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlpkg</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 252--><p class="noindent" >Scripts, programs and data for managing the installation, and special support for Windows.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 256--><p class="indent" > In addition to the directories above, the installation scripts and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">README </span>files (in various languages) are at
+the top level of the distribution.
+<!--l. 260--><p class="indent" > For documentation, the comprehensive links in the top-level file <a
+href="../../../../doc.html" >doc.html</a> may be helpful. The
+documentation for the programs (manuals, man pages, Info files) is in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf/doc</span>. The documentation for
+<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;packages and formats is in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-dist/doc</span>. You can use the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">texdoc </span>program to find any documentation
+wherever it is located.
+<!--l. 267--><p class="indent" > This <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;documentation itself is in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf/doc/texlive</span>, available in several languages:
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">Czech/Slovak: <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-cz" >texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-cz</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">German: <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-de" >texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-de</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">English: <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-en" >texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-en</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">French: <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-fr" >texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-fr</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Italian: <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-it" >texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-it</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Polish: <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-pl" >texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-pl</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Russian: <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-ru" >texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-ru</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Serbian: <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-sr" >texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-sr</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Simplified Chinese: <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-zh-cn" >texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-zh-cn</a></li></ul>
+<!--l. 282--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-110002.3"></a>Overview of the predefined texmf trees</h4>
+<!--l. 285--><p class="noindent" >This section lists the predefined variables specifying the texmf trees used by the system, and their intended
+purpose, and the default layout of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live. The command <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x00A0;conf </span>shows the values of
+these variables, so that you can easily find out how they map to particular directories in your
+<!--l. 291--><p class="indent" > All of the trees, including the personal ones, should follow the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Directory Structure (TDS,
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>), with all its myriad subdirectories, or files may not be found. Section <a
+href="#x1-370003.4.6">3.4.6<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:local-personal-macros --></a> (p. <a
+href="#x1-370003.4.6">39<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:local-personal-macros --></a>)
+describes this in more detail.
+<!--l. 297--><p class="noindent" >
+ <dl class="list1"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFMAIN</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 298--><p class="noindent" >The tree which holds vital parts of the system such as configuration files, helper scripts, and
+ program documentation.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFDIST</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 301--><p class="noindent" >The tree which holds the main set of macro packages, fonts, etc.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFLOCAL</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 303--><p class="noindent" >The tree which administrators can use for system-wide installation of additional or updated
+ macros, fonts, etc.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFHOME</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 305--><p class="noindent" >The tree which users can use for their own individual installations of additional or updated macros,
+ fonts, etc. The expansion of this variable dynamically adjusts for each user to their own individual
+ directory.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFCONFIG</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 309--><p class="noindent" >The (personal) tree used by the utilities <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texconfig</span></span></span>, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">updmap</span></span></span>, and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">fmtutil</span></span></span> to store modified
+ configuration data.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFSYSCONFIG</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 312--><p class="noindent" >The (site-wide) tree used by the utilities <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texconfig-sys</span></span></span>, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">updmap-sys</span></span></span>, and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">fmtutil-sys</span></span></span> to store
+ modified configuration data.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFVAR</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 315--><p class="noindent" >The (personal) tree used by <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texconfig</span></span></span>, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">updmap</span></span></span> and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">fmtutil</span></span></span> to store (cached) runtime data such
+ as format files and generated map files.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFSYSVAR</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 318--><p class="noindent" >The (site-wide) tree used by <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texconfig-sys</span></span></span>, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">updmap-sys</span></span></span> and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">fmtutil-sys</span></span></span>, and also by <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ to store (cached) runtime data such as format files and generated map files.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFCACHE</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 321--><p class="noindent" >The tree(s) used by Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t&#x00A0;MkIV to store (cached) runtime data.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 325--><p class="noindent" >The default layout is:
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">system-wide root</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">can span multiple <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live releases:
+ <dl class="list2"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">2011</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 330--><p class="noindent" >A previous release.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">2012</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 331--><p class="noindent" >The current release.
+ <dl class="list3"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">bin</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 333--><p class="noindent" >&#x00A0;
+ <dl class="list4"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">i386-linux</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 335--><p class="noindent" >GNU/Linux binaries
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">...</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 336--><p class="noindent" >
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">universal-darwin</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 337--><p class="noindent" >Mac OS X&#x00A0;binaries
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">win32</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 338--><p class="noindent" >Windows binaries</dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x00A0;</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 340--><p class="noindent" >This is <span
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x00A0;</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 341--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-var </span><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x00A0;</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 342--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-config</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 343--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-local</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 345--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFLOCAL</span>, intended to be retained from release to release.</dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">user&#8217;s home</span> </dt><dd
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$HOME </span>or <span
+ <dl class="list2"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.texlive2011</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 351--><p class="noindent" >Privately generated and configuration data for a previous release.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.texlive2012</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 353--><p class="noindent" >Privately generated and configuration data for the current release.
+ <dl class="list3"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x00A0;</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 356--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFVAR</span>, <span
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-config</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 357--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 359--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFHOME </span>Personal macros, etc.</dd></dl>
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 364--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.4 </span> <a
+ id="x1-120002.4"></a>Extensions to <span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 367--><p class="noindent" >Knuth&#8217;s original <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> itself is frozen, apart from rare bug fixes. It is still present in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;as the program
+class="ec-lmss-10">tex</span>, and will remain so for the foreseeable future. <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live contains several extended versions of
+<span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 372--><p class="indent" >
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">e-</span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">X</span></span> </dt><dd
+class="description">adds a set of new primitives (related to macro expansion, character scanning, classes
+ of marks, additional debugging features, and more) and the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>--XE T extensions for
+ bidirectional typesetting. In default mode, e-<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> is 100% compatible with ordinary <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>. See
+ <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/etex/base/etex_man.pdf" >texmf-dist/doc/etex/base/etex_man.pdf</a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">pdf</span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">X</span></span> </dt><dd
+class="description">builds on the e-<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;extensions, adding support for writing PDF output as well as DVI,
+ and many non-output-related extensions. This is the program invoked for most formats, e.g., <span
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">latex</span>, <span
+ Its web site is <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>. See <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf" >texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf</a> for the
+ manual, and <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/samplepdf/samplepdf.tex" >texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/samplepdf/samplepdf.tex</a> for example usage of some
+ of its features.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Lua</span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">X</span></span> </dt><dd
+class="description">is the designated successor of pdf<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, and is mostly (but not entirely) backward-compatible.
+ It is also intended to be a functional superset of Aleph (see below), though technical compatibility
+ is not intended. The incorporated Lua interpreter (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) enables elegant
+ solutions for many thorny <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> problems. When called as <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texlua</span>, it functions as a standalone Lua
+ interpreter, and is already used as such within <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live. Its web site is <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ and the reference manual is <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/luatex/luatexref-t.pdf" >texmf-dist/doc/luatex/luatexref-t.pdf</a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Xe</span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">X</span></span> </dt><dd
+class="description">adds support for Unicode input and OpenType- and system fonts, implemented using standard
+ third-party libraries. See <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">&#x00A0;(Omega)</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">is based on Unicode (16-bit characters), thus supports working with almost all the
+ world&#8217;s scripts simultaneously. It also supports so-called &#8216;Omega Translation Processes&#8217; (OTPs),
+ for performing complex transformations on arbitrary input. Omega is no longer included in <span class="TEX">T<span
+ Live as a separate program; only Aleph is provided:
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Aleph</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">combines the Omega&#x00A0;and e-<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;extensions. See <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base" >texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base</a>.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 416--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.5 </span> <a
+ id="x1-130002.5"></a>Other notable programs in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live</h4>
+<!--l. 418--><p class="noindent" >Here are a few other commonly-used programs included in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live:
+<!--l. 420--><p class="indent" >
+ <dl class="list1"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">bibtex, bibtex8</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 422--><p class="noindent" >bibliography support.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">makeindex, xindy</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 424--><p class="noindent" >index support.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 426--><p class="noindent" >convert DVI to PostScript.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xdvi</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 428--><p class="noindent" >DVI previewer for the X Window System.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvilj</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 430--><p class="noindent" >DVI drive for the HP LaserJet family.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dviconcat, dviselect</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 432--><p class="noindent" >cut and paste pages from DVI files.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvipdfmx</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 435--><p class="noindent" >convert DVI to PDF, an alternative approach to pdf<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;(mentioned above).
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">psselect, psnup, </span><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">&#x2026;</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 438--><p class="noindent" >PostScript utilities.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pdfjam, pdfjoin, </span><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">&#x2026;</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 440--><p class="noindent" >PDF utilities.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">texexec, texmfstart</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 442--><p class="noindent" >Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t and PDF processor.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tex4ht</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 444--><p class="noindent" ><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> to HTML (and XML and more) converter.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 449--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.6 </span> <a
+ id="x1-140002.6"></a>Fonts in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live</h4>
+<!--l. 452--><p class="noindent" ><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live comes with many high-quality scalable fonts. See <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> and
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/fonts/free-math-font-survey" >texmf-dist/doc/fonts/free-math-font-survey</a>.
+<!--l. 457--><p class="indent" > <a id="installation"></a>
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-150003"></a>Installation</h3>
+<!--l. 461--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-160003.1"></a>Starting the installer</h4>
+<!--l. 464--><p class="noindent" >To begin, get the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Collection DVD or download the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live net installer, and locate the installer script:
+class="ec-lmtt-10">install-tl </span>for Unix, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">install-tl.bat </span>for Windows. See <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> for more
+information and other methods of getting the software.
+<!--l. 470--><p class="indent" >
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Net installer:</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">Download from CTAN,
+ under <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">systems/texlive/tlnet</span>; the url <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> will
+ automatically redirect to a nearby, up-to-date, mirror. You can retrieve either <span
+ which can be used under Unix and Windows, or the considerably smaller <span
+ for Unix only. After unpacking, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">install-tl </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">install-tl.bat </span>will be in the <span
+ subdirectory.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+<span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">X</span></span> <span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Collection DVD:</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">go to the DVD&#8217;s <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texlive </span>subdirectory. Under Windows, the installer
+ normally starts automatically when you insert the DVD. You can get the DVD&#x00A0;by becoming
+ a member of a <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;user group (highly recommended, <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>), or
+ purchasing it separately (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>), or burning your own from the ISO&#x00A0;image.
+ You can also mount the ISO&#x00A0;directly on most systems. After installing from DVD&#x00A0;or ISO, if you
+ want to get continuing updates from the Internet, please see <a
+href="#x1-340003.4.3">3.4.3<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:dvd-install-net-updates --></a>.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 493--><p class="indent" > The same installer program is run, whatever the source. The most visible difference between the two is that
+with the net installer, what you end up with is the packages that are currently available. This
+is in contrast to the DVD&#x00A0;and ISO&#x00A0;images, which are not updated between the major public
+<!--l. 499--><p class="noindent" >The following sections explain installer start-up in more detail.
+<!--l. 502--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.1.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-170003.1.1"></a>Unix</h5>
+<!--l. 504--><p class="noindent" >Below, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x003E; </span>denotes the shell prompt; user input is <span
+class="ec-lmtk-10">bold</span>. The script <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">install-tl </span>is a Perl script. The simplest
+way to start it on a Unix-compatible system is as follows: <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 508--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+</div> (Or you can invoke <span
+class="ec-lmtk-10">perl /path/to/installer/install-tl</span>, or <span
+class="ec-lmtk-10">./install-tl </span>if it stayed executable, etc.; we
+won&#8217;t repeat all these variations.) You may have to enlarge your terminal window so that it shows the full text
+installer screen (Figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-19061r1">1<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:text-main --></a>).
+<!--l. 517--><p class="indent" > To install in expert GUI&#x00A0;mode (figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-19062r2">2<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:gui-main --></a>), you&#8217;ll need the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">Perl/TK </span>module compiled with XFT support,
+which is generally the case with GNU/Linux, but not necessarily with other systems. Given that, you can run:
+<div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 521--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 525--><p class="indent" > For a complete listing of the various options: <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 526--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 530--><p class="indent" > <span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Warning about Unix permissions: </span>Your <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">umask </span>at the time of installation will be respected by the <span class="TEX">T<span
+Live installer. Therefore, if you want your installation to be usable by users other than you, make sure your
+setting is sufficiently permissive, for instance, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">umask 002</span>. For more information about <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">umask</span>, consult your
+system documentation.
+<!--l. 537--><p class="indent" > <span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Special considerations for Cygwin: </span>Unlike other Unix-compatible systems, Cygwin does not by default
+include all of the prerequisite programs needed by the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live installer. See Section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-200003.1.4">3.1.4<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:cygwin --></a> for
+<!--l. 543--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.1.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-180003.1.2"></a>MacOSX</h5>
+<!--l. 545--><p class="noindent" >As mentioned in section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-90002.1">2.1<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:tl-coll-dists --></a>, a separate distribution is prepared for Mac OS X, named
+Mac<span class="TEX">T<span
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>). We recommend using the native Mac<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;installer instead of the <span class="TEX">T<span
+Live&#x00A0;installer on Mac OS X, because the native installer makes a few Mac-specific adjustments, in particular to
+allow easily switching between the various <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distributions for Mac OS X&#x00A0;(Mac<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, Fink, MacPorts,
+<!--l. 553--><p class="indent" > Mac<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;is firmly based on <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, and the main <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;trees are precisely the same. It does add a few
+extra folders with Mac-specific documentation and applications.
+<!--l. 558--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.1.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-190003.1.3"></a>Windows</h5>
+<!--l. 560--><p class="noindent" >If you are using the net installer, or the DVD&#x00A0;installer failed to start automatically, double-click
+class="ec-lmtt-10">install-tl.bat</span>. For more customization options, e.g., selection of specific package collections, run
+class="ec-lmtt-10">install-tl-advanced.bat </span>instead.
+<!--l. 565--><p class="indent" > You can also start the installer from the command-prompt. Below, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x003E; </span>denotes the prompt; user input is
+class="ec-lmtk-10">bold</span>. If you are in the installer directory, run just: <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 568--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 572--><p class="indent" > Or you can invoke it with an absolute location, such as: <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 573--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> for the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Collection&#x00A0;DVD, supposing that <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">D: </span>is the optical drive. Figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-19063r3">3<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:wizard-w32 --></a> displays the wizard installer,
+which is the default for Windows.
+<!--l. 580--><p class="indent" > To install in text mode, use: <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 581--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 585--><p class="indent" > For a complete listing of the various options: <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 586--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 590--><p class="indent" > <hr class="figure"><div class="figure"
+ id="x1-19061r1"></a>
+<div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb1"><a
+ id="x1-19002r1"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;...</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19004r2"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;GNU/Linux&#8217;</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19006r3"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19008r4"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;...</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19010r5"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;GNU/Linux</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19012r6"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19014r7"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;19</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19016r8"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19018r9"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19020r10"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;MB</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19022r11"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19024r12"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19026r13"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;collections</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19028r14"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;collections</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19030r15"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19032r16"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;directories:</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19034r17"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19036r18"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;/usr/local/texlive/2012</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19038r19"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;...</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19040r20"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19042r21"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;options:</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19044r22"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;default</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19046r23"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;...</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19048r24"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19050r25"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;installation</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19052r26"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19054r27"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;Actions:</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19056r28"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;disk</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19058r29"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;help</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-19060r30"></a><span
+<br /> <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;1: </span><span
+class="content">Main text installer screen (GNU/Linux)</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-19061r1 -->
+<!--l. 624--><p class="indent" > </div><hr class="endfigure">
+<!--l. 626--><p class="indent" > <hr class="figure"><div class="figure"
+ id="x1-19062r2"></a>
+<!--l. 627--><p class="noindent" ><img
+src="../texlive-common/install-lnx-main.png" alt="pict"
+<br /> <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;2: </span><span
+class="content">Expert GUI installer screen (GNU/Linux)</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-19062r2 -->
+<!--l. 629--><p class="indent" > </div><hr class="endfigure">
+<!--l. 631--><p class="indent" > <hr class="figure"><div class="figure"
+ id="x1-19063r3"></a>
+<!--l. 632--><p class="noindent" ><img
+src="../texlive-common/wizard-w32.png" alt="pict"
+<br /> <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;3: </span><span
+class="content">Wizard installer screen (Windows)</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-19063r3 -->
+<!--l. 634--><p class="indent" > </div><hr class="endfigure">
+<!--l. 637--><p class="indent" > <a id="cygwin"></a>
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.1.4 </span> <a
+ id="x1-200003.1.4"></a>Cygwin</h5>
+<!--l. 641--><p class="noindent" >The <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live installer supports only Cygwin 1.7. Before beginning the installation, use Cygwin&#8217;s <span
+program to install the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">perl </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">wget </span>packages if you have not already done so. The following additional
+packages are recommended:
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">fontconfig </span>[needed by Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ghostscript </span>[needed by various utilities]
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">libXaw7 </span>[needed by <span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ncurses </span>[provides the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">clear </span>command used by the installer]</li></ul>
+<!--l. 654--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.1.5 </span> <a
+ id="x1-210003.1.5"></a>The text installer</h5>
+<!--l. 656--><p class="noindent" >Figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-19061r1">1<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:text-main --></a> displays the main text mode screen under Unix. The text installer is the default on
+<!--l. 659--><p class="indent" > This is only a command-line installer; there is no cursor support at all. For instance, you cannot
+tab around checkboxes or input fields. You just type something (case-sensitive) at the prompt
+and press the Enter key, and then the entire terminal screen will be rewritten, with adjusted
+<!--l. 665--><p class="indent" > The text installer interface is this primitive for a reason: it is designed to run on as many platforms as
+possible, even with a very barebones Perl.
+<!--l. 669--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.1.6 </span> <a
+ id="x1-220003.1.6"></a>The expert graphical installer</h5>
+<!--l. 671--><p class="noindent" >Figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-19062r2">2<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:gui-main --></a> displays the expert graphical installer under GNU/Linux. Other than using buttons and menus, this
+does not differ much from the text installer.
+<!--l. 675--><p class="indent" > This mode can be invoked explicitly with <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 676--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 681--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.1.7 </span> <a
+ id="x1-230003.1.7"></a>The simple wizard installer</h5>
+<!--l. 683--><p class="noindent" >Under Windows, the default is to run the simplest installation method we could devise, called the &#8220;wizard&#8221;
+installer (figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-19063r3">3<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:wizard-w32 --></a>). It installs everything and asks almost no questions. If you want to customize your setup,
+you should run one of the other installers.
+<!--l. 689--><p class="indent" > This mode can be invoked explicitly with <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 690--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 695--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-240003.2"></a>Running the installer</h4>
+<!--l. 698--><p class="noindent" >The installer is intended to be mostly self-explanatory, but following are a few notes about the various options
+and submenus.
+<!--l. 701--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.2.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-250003.2.1"></a>Binary systems menu (Unix only)</h5>
+<!--l. 704--><p class="noindent" ><hr class="figure"><div class="figure"
+ id="x1-25043r4"></a>
+<div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb2"><a
+ id="x1-25002r1"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;platforms:</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25004r2"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25006r3"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;GNU/Linux</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25008r4"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25010r5"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;GNU/kFreeBSD</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25012r6"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25014r7"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;Cygwin</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25016r8"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25018r9"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;GNU/kFreeBSD</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25020r10"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25022r11"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;Solaris</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25024r12"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;IRIX</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25026r13"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25028r14"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;AIX</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25030r15"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25032r16"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;Solaris</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25034r17"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25036r18"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;Windows</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25038r19"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25040r20"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;GNU/Linux</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-25042r21"></a><span
+<br /> <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;4: </span><span
+class="content">Binaries menu</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-25043r4 -->
+<!--l. 729--><p class="noindent" ></div><hr class="endfigure">
+<!--l. 731--><p class="indent" > Figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-25043r4">4<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:bin-text --></a> displays the text mode binaries menu. By default, only the binaries for your current platform will
+be installed. From this menu, you can select installation of binaries for other platforms as well. This can be
+useful if you are sharing a <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;tree across a network of heterogenous machines, or for a dual-boot
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.2.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-260003.2.2"></a>Selecting what is to be installed</h5>
+<!--l. 741--><p class="noindent" ><hr class="figure"><div class="figure"
+ id="x1-26025r5"></a>
+<div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb3"><a
+ id="x1-26002r1"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;scheme:</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-26004r2"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;===============================================================================</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-26006r3"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-26008r4"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;languages)</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-26010r5"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-26012r6"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;latex)</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-26014r7"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;only)</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-26016r8"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;scheme</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-26018r9"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-26020r10"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;full)</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-26022r11"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;scheme</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-26024r12"></a><span
+<br /> <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;5: </span><span
+class="content">Scheme menu</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-26025r5 -->
+<!--l. 757--><p class="noindent" ></div><hr class="endfigure">
+<!--l. 759--><p class="indent" > Figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-26025r5">5<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:scheme-text --></a> displays the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;scheme menu; from here, you choose a &#8220;scheme&#8221;, which is an overall set of
+package collections. The default <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">full </span>scheme installs everything available. This is recommended, but you
+can also choose the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">basic </span>scheme for a small system, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">minimal </span>for testing purposes, and <span
+or <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">teTeX </span>to get something in between. There are also various specialized and country-specific
+<!--l. 767--><p class="indent" > <hr class="figure"><div class="figure"
+ id="x1-26026r6"></a>
+<!--l. 768--><p class="noindent" ><img
+src="../texlive-common/stdcoll.png" alt="pict"
+<br /> <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;6: </span><span
+class="content">Collections menu</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-26026r6 -->
+<!--l. 770--><p class="indent" > </div><hr class="endfigure">
+<!--l. 772--><p class="indent" > You can refine your scheme selection with the &#8216;standard collections&#8217; and &#8216;language collections&#8217; menus
+href="#x1-26026r6">6<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:collections-gui --></a>, shown in GUI&#x00A0;mode for a change).
+<!--l. 776--><p class="indent" > Collections are one level more detailed than schemes &#8212; in essence, a scheme consists of several collections, a
+collection consists of one or more packages, and a package (the lowest level grouping in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live) contains the
+actual <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;macro files, font files, and so on.
+<!--l. 781--><p class="indent" > If you want more control than the collection menus provide, you can use the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live Manager (<span
+program after installation (see section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-450005">5<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:tlmgr --></a>); using that, you can control the installation at the package
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.2.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-270003.2.3"></a>Directories</h5>
+<!--l. 789--><p class="noindent" >The default layout is described in section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-110002.3">2.3<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:texmftrees --></a>, p. <a
+href="#x1-110002.3">8<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:texmftrees --></a>. The default location of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXDIR </span>is <span
+on Unix and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">%SystemDrive%\texlive\2012</span></span></span> on Windows.
+<!--l. 794--><p class="indent" > The main reason to change this default is if you lack write permission for the default location. You don&#8217;t
+have to be root or administrator to install <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, but you do need write access to the target
+<!--l. 798--><p class="indent" > A reasonable alternative choice is a directory under your home directory, especially if you will be the sole
+user. Use &#8216;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">~</span></span></span>&#8217; to indicate this, as in &#8216;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+<!--l. 802--><p class="indent" > We recommend including the year in the name, to enable keeping different releases of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live side by
+side. (You may wish to make a version-independent name such as <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/usr/local/texlive-cur </span>via a symbolic
+link, which you can then update after testing the new release.)
+<!--l. 807--><p class="indent" > Changing <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXDIR </span>in the installer will also change <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFLOCAL</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFSYSVAR </span>and <span
+<!--l. 811--><p class="indent" > <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFHOME </span>is the recommended location for personal macro files or packages. The default value is <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+In contrast to <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXDIR</span>, here a <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">~</span></span></span> is preserved in the newly-written configuration files, since it usefully refers to
+the home directory of any individual running <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>. It expands to <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$HOME </span>on Unix and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">%USERPROFILE%</span></span></span> on
+Windows. Special redundant note: <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFHOME</span>, like all trees, must be organized according to the TDS, or files
+may not be found.
+<!--l. 820--><p class="indent" > <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFVAR </span>is the location for storing most cached runtime data specific to each user. <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFCACHE </span>is used for
+that purpose by Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t&#x00A0;MkIV (see section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-360003.4.5">3.4.5<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:context-mkiv --></a>, p. <a
+href="#x1-360003.4.5">39<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:context-mkiv --></a>).
+<!--l. 826--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.2.4 </span> <a
+ id="x1-280003.2.4"></a>Options</h5>
+<!--l. 829--><p class="noindent" ><hr class="figure"><div class="figure"
+ id="x1-28025r7"></a>
+<div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb4"><a
+ id="x1-28002r1"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;setup:</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-28004r2"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-28006r3"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;]</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-28008r4"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-28010r5"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;[X]</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-28012r6"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-28014r7"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;[X]</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-28016r8"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;]</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-28018r9"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-28020r10"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;to:</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-28022r11"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;to:</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-28024r12"></a><span
+<br /> <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;7: </span><span
+class="content">Options menu (Unix)</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-28025r7 -->
+<!--l. 845--><p class="noindent" ></div><hr class="endfigure">
+<!--l. 847--><p class="indent" > Figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-28025r7">7<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:options-text --></a> shows the text mode options menu. More info on each:
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">use letter size instead of A4 by default:</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The default paper size selection. Of course, individual
+ documents can and should specify a specific paper size, if desired.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">execution of restricted list of programs:</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">As of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;2010, execution of a few external
+ programs is allowed by default. The (very short) list of allowed programs is given in the <span
+ See the 2010 news (section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-790009.1.7">9.1.7<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:2010news --></a>) for more details.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">create format files:</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">Although unnecessary format files take time to generate and disk space to store,
+ it is still recommended to leave this option checked: if you don&#8217;t, then format files will be generated
+ in people&#8217;s private <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFVAR </span>tree as they are needed. In that location, they will not be updated
+ automatically if (say) binaries or hyphenation patterns are updated in the installation, and thus
+ you could end up with incompatible format files.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">install font/macro </span><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">&#x00A0;tree:</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These options allow
+ you to omit downloading/installing the documentation and source files present in most packages.
+ Not recommended.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">create symlinks in standard directories:</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option (Unix only) bypasses the need to change
+ environment variables. Without this option, <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live directories usually have to be added to
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">PATH</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">MANPATH </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">INFOPATH</span>. You will need write permissions to the target directories. It is
+ strongly advised <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">not </span>to overwrite a <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;system that came with your system with this option. It
+ is intended primarily for accessing the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;system through directories that are already known
+ to users, such as <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/usr/local/bin</span>, which don&#8217;t already contain any <span class="TEX">T<span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">after installation </span><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">&#x00A0;CTAN:</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">When installing from DVD, this option is enabled by default, since
+ usually one wants to take any subsequent package updates from the CTAN&#x00A0;area that is updated
+ throughout the year. The only likely reason to disable it is if you install only a subset from the
+ DVD&#x00A0;and plan to augment the installation later. In any case, the package repository for the
+ installer, and for updates after installation, can be set independently as needed; see section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-300003.3.1">3.3.1<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:location --></a>
+ and section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-340003.4.3">3.4.3<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:dvd-install-net-updates --></a>.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 894--><p class="indent" > When all the settings are to your liking, you can type &#8216;I&#8217; to start the installation process. When it is done,
+skip to section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-310003.4">3.4<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:postinstall --></a> to read what else needs to be done, if anything.
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-290003.3"></a>Command-line install-tl options</h4>
+<!--l. 902--><p class="noindent" >Type <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 903--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> for a listing of command-line options. Either <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-</span></span></span> or <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">--</span></span></span> can be used to introduce option names. These are the
+most common ones:
+<!--l. 909--><p class="noindent" >
+ <dl class="list1"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-gui</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 910--><p class="noindent" >If possible, use the GUI installer. This requires the
+ Perl/Tk module (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) compiled with XFT support;
+ if Perl/Tk is not available, installation continues in text mode.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-no-gui</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 915--><p class="noindent" >Force using the text mode installer, even under Windows.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-lang </span><span
+class="ec-lmro-10">LL</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 918--><p class="noindent" >Specify the installer interface language as a standard (usually two-letter) code. The installer tries
+ to automatically determine the right language but if it fails, or if the right language is not available,
+ then it uses English as a fallback. Run <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">install-tl &#8211;help </span>to get the list of available languages.
+ <!--l. 925--><p class="noindent" ><a id="opt-in-place"></a>
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-in-place</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 926--><p class="noindent" >If you already have an rsync, svn, or
+ other copy of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live (see <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) then this option
+ will use what you&#8217;ve got, as-is, and do only the necessary post-install. Be warned that the file
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb </span>may be overwritten; saving it is your responsibility. Also, package removal
+ has to be done manually. Do not use this unless you know what you are doing. This option cannot
+ be toggled via the installer interface.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-portable</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 935--><p class="noindent" >Install for portable use on, e.g., a USB stick. Also selectable from within the text installer with
+ the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">V </span>command, and from the GUI installer. See section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-430004.2">4.2<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:portable-tl --></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-profile </span><span
+class="ec-lmro-10">file</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 940--><p class="noindent" >Load the installation profile <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">file </span>and do the installation with no user interaction. The installer
+ always writes a file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texlive.profile </span>to the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlpkg </span>subdirectory of your installation. That file can
+ be given as the argument to redo the exact same installation on a different system, for example.
+ Alternatively, you can use a custom profile, most easily created by starting from a generated one
+ and changing values, or an empty file, which will take all the defaults.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-repository </span><span
+class="ec-lmro-10">url-or-directory</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 949--><p class="noindent" >Specify package repository from which to install; see following.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 954--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.3.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-300003.3.1"></a>The <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-repository </span>option</h5>
+<!--l. 957--><p class="noindent" >The default network package repository is a CTAN mirror chosen automatically via <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 960--><p class="indent" > If you want to override that, the location value can be a url starting with <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ftp:</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">http:</span>, or <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">file:/</span>, or a
+plain directory path. (When giving an <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">http:</span>&#x00A0;or <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ftp:</span>&#x00A0;location, trailing &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/</span>&#8217; characters and/or a trailing
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/tlpkg</span>&#8217; component are ignored.)
+<!--l. 966--><p class="indent" > For example, you could choose a particular CTAN&#x00A0;mirror with something like:
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>, substituting a real hostname and its
+particular top-level CTAN&#x00A0;path for <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></span></span>. The list of CTAN&#x00A0;mirrors is
+maintained at <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 972--><p class="indent" > If the given argument is local (either a path or a <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">file:/ </span>url), compressed files in an <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">archive </span>subdirectory
+of the repository path are used (even if uncompressed files are available as well).
+<!--l. 977--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.4 </span> <a
+ id="x1-310003.4"></a>Post-install actions</h4>
+<!--l. 980--><p class="noindent" >Some post-install may be required.
+<!--l. 983--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.4.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-320003.4.1"></a>Environment variables for Unix</h5>
+<!--l. 986--><p class="noindent" >If you elected to create symlinks in standard directories (described in section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-280003.2.4">3.2.4<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:options --></a>), then there is no
+need to edit environment variables. Otherwise, on Unix systems, the directory of the binaries
+for your platform must be added to the search path. (On Windows, the installer takes care of
+<!--l. 992--><p class="indent" > Each supported platform has its own subdirectory under <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXDIR/bin</span>. See figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-25043r4">4<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:bin-text --></a> for the list of
+subdirectories and corresponding platforms.
+<!--l. 996--><p class="indent" > Optionally, you can also add the documentation man and Info directories to their respective search paths, if
+you want the system tools to find them. The man pages might be found automatically after the addition to
+<!--l. 1001--><p class="indent" > For Bourne-compatible shells such as <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">bash</span>, and using Intel x86 GNU/Linux and a default directory setup as
+an example, the file to edit might be <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$HOME/.profile </span>(or another file sourced by <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.profile</span>, and the lines to
+add would look like this:
+<!--l. 1006--><p class="indent" >
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb5"><a
+ id="x1-32002r1"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-32004r2"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-32006r3"></a><span
+<!--l. 1012--><p class="indent" > For csh or tcsh, the file to edit is typically <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$HOME/.cshrc</span>, and the lines to add might look
+<!--l. 1015--><p class="indent" >
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb6"><a
+ id="x1-32008r1"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;/usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/i386-linux:$PATH</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-32010r2"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-32012r3"></a><span
+<!--l. 1021--><p class="indent" > If you already have settings somewhere in your &#8220;dot&#8221; files, naturally the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;directories should
+simply be merged in as appropriate.
+<!--l. 1025--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.4.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-330003.4.2"></a>Environment variables: Global configuration</h5>
+<!--l. 1028--><p class="noindent" >If you want to make these changes globally, or for a user newly added to the system, then you are on
+your own; there is just too much variation between systems in how and where these things are
+<!--l. 1032--><p class="indent" > Our two hints are: 1)&#x00A0;you may want to check for a file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/etc/manpath.config </span>and, if present, add lines
+such as
+<!--l. 1035--><p class="indent" >
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb7"><a
+ id="x1-33002r1"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;\</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-33004r2"></a><span
+<!--l. 1040--><p class="indent" > And 2)&#x00A0;check for a file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/etc/environment </span>which may define the search path and other default environment
+<!--l. 1043--><p class="indent" > In each (Unix) binary directory, we also create a symbolic link named <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">man </span>to the directory <span
+Some <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">man </span>programs, such as the standard Mac OS X&#x00A0;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">man</span>, will automatically find that, obviating the need for
+any man page setup.
+<!--l. 1049--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.4.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-340003.4.3"></a>Internet updates after DVD&#x00A0;installation</h5>
+<!--l. 1052--><p class="noindent" >If you installed <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;from DVD&#x00A0;and then wish to get updates from the Internet, you need to run this
+class="ec-lmri-10">after </span>you&#8217;ve updated your search path (as described in the previous section):
+ <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 1056--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 1060--><p class="indent" > This tells <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>to use a nearby CTAN&#x00A0;mirror for future updates. This is done by default when installing
+from DVD, via the option described in section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-280003.2.4">3.2.4<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:options --></a>.
+<!--l. 1064--><p class="indent" > If there are problems with the automatic mirror selection, you can specify a particular CTAN&#x00A0;mirror from
+the list at <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>. Use the exact path to the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlnet </span>subdir on that mirror, as shown
+<!--l. 1070--><p class="indent" > <a id="xetexfontconfig"></a> <a id="sysfontconfig"></a>
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.4.4 </span> <a
+ id="x1-350003.4.4"></a>System font configuration for Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;and Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 1075--><p class="noindent" >Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;and Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;can use any font installed on the system, not just those in the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;trees. They do
+these via related but not identical methods.
+<!--l. 1079--><p class="indent" > On Windows, fonts shipped with <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;are made available to Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;automatically. But if you have
+installed the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">xetex </span>package on a Unix-compatible system, you need to configure your system to be
+able to find the fonts shipped with <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;via system name lookup, and not just filename
+<!--l. 1085--><p class="indent" > To facilitate this, when the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xetex </span>package is installed (either at initial installation or later), the necessary
+configuration file is created in <span
+<!--l. 1090--><p class="indent" > To set up the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live fonts for system-wide use (assuming you have suitable privileges), proceed as
+ <ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-35002x1">Copy the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texlive-fontconfig.conf </span>file to <span
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-35004x2">Run <span
+class="ec-lmtk-10">fc-cache -fsv</span>.</li></ol>
+<!--l. 1098--><p class="indent" > If you do not have sufficient privileges to carry out the steps above, or if you simply want to make the <span class="TEX">T<span
+Live fonts available to one user, you can do the following:
+ <ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-35006x1">Copy the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texlive-fontconfig.conf </span>file to <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">~/.fonts.conf</span>, where <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">~ </span>is your home directory.
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-35008x2">Run <span
+class="ec-lmtk-10">fc-cache -fv</span>.</li></ol>
+<!--l. 1107--><p class="indent" > You can run <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">fc-list </span>to see the names of the system fonts. The incantation <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">fc-list : family style</span>
+class="ec-lmtt-10">file spacing </span>(all arguments are literal strings) shows generally interesting information.
+<!--l. 1112--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.4.5 </span> <a
+ id="x1-360003.4.5"></a>Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t Mark IV</h5>
+<!--l. 1115--><p class="noindent" >Both the &#8216;old&#8217; Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t (Mark II) and the &#8216;new&#8217; Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t (Mark IV) should run out of the box after <span class="TEX">T<span
+Live installation, and should need no special attention as long as you stick to using <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlmgr</span></span></span> for
+<!--l. 1120--><p class="indent" > However, because Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t MkIV does not use the kpathsea library, some setup will be required whenever
+you install new files manually (without using <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlmgr</span></span></span>). After each such installation, each MkIV user must
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb8"><a
+ id="x1-36002r1"></a><span
+<!--l. 1127--><p class="noindent" >to refresh the Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t disk cache data. The resulting files are stored under <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFCACHE</span>. whose default value in
+<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;is <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+<!--l. 1131--><p class="indent" > Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t&#x00A0;MkIV will read from all paths mentioned in <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFCACHE</span></span></span>, and write to the first path that is
+writable. While reading, the last found match will take precedence in the case of duplicated cache
+<!--l. 1136--><p class="indent" > For more information, see <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 1140--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.4.6 </span> <a
+ id="x1-370003.4.6"></a>Integrating local and personal macros</h5>
+<!--l. 1143--><p class="noindent" >This is already mentioned implicitly in section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-110002.3">2.3<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:texmftrees --></a>: <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFLOCAL </span>(by default, <span
+or <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">%SystemDrive%\texlive\texmf-local</span></span></span> on Windows) is intended for system-wide local fonts and macros;
+and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFHOME </span>(by default, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$HOME/texmf </span>or <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">%USERPROFILE%\texmf</span></span></span>), is for personal fonts and macros. These
+directories are intended to stick around from release to release, and have their content seen automatically by a
+new <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live release. Therefore, it is best to refrain from changing the definition of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFLOCAL </span>to
+be too far away from the main <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live directory, or you will need to manually change future
+<!--l. 1156--><p class="indent" > For both trees, files should be placed in their proper <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Directory Structure (TDS) subdirectories; see
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> or consult <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf</span>. For instance, a <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> class file or
+package should be placed in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFLOCAL/tex/latex </span>or <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFHOME/tex/latex</span>, or a subdirectory
+<!--l. 1162--><p class="indent" > <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFLOCAL </span>requires an up-to-date filename database, or files will not be found. You can update it with the
+command <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">mktexlsr </span>or use the &#8216;Reinit file database&#8217; button on the configuration tab of the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live Manager
+<!--l. 1167--><p class="indent" > By default, each of these variables is defined to be a single directory, as shown. This is not a hard-and-fast
+requirement. If you need to easily switch back and forth between different versions of large packages, for
+example, you can maintain multiple trees for your own purposes. This is done by setting <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFHOME </span>to the list
+of directories, within braces, separated by commas:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-1">
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb9"><a
+ id="x1-37002r1"></a>&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;TEXMFHOME&#x00A0;=&#x00A0;{/my/dir1,/mydir2,/a/third/dir}</div>
+<!--l. 1176--><p class="nopar" >
+<!--l. 1178--><p class="indent" > Section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-610007.1.5">7.1.5<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:brace-expansion --></a> describes brace expansion further.
+<!--l. 1181--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.4.7 </span> <a
+ id="x1-380003.4.7"></a>Integrating third-party fonts</h5>
+<!--l. 1183--><p class="noindent" >This is unfortunately a messy topic. Forget about it unless you want to delve into many details of the <span class="TEX">T<span
+installation. Don&#8217;t forget to check first what you get for free: see section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-140002.6">2.6<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:tl-fonts --></a>.
+<!--l. 1187--><p class="indent" > A possible alternative is to use Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;or Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;(see section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-120002.4">2.4<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:tex-extensions --></a>), which let you use operating system
+fonts without any installation in <span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 1191--><p class="indent" > If you do need to do this, see <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> for our best effort at describing
+the procedure. If you rigorously maintain your local font maps, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlmgr generate updmap </span><span
+class="ec-lmri-10">may </span>be useful,
+notably in moving from release to release; see the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>documentation.
+<!--l. 1198--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.5 </span> <a
+ id="x1-390003.5"></a>Testing the installation</h4>
+<!--l. 1201--><p class="noindent" >After installing <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live as best you can, you naturally want to test it out, so you can start creating beautiful
+documents and/or fonts.
+<!--l. 1204--><p class="indent" > This section gives some basic procedures for testing that the new system is functional. We give Unix
+commands here; under Mac OS X and Windows, you&#8217;re more likely to run the tests through a graphical
+interface, but the principles are the same.
+<!--l. 1209--><p class="indent" >
+ <ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-39002x1">Make sure that you can run the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tex </span>program in the first place: <div class="alltt">
+ <!--l. 1213--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ </div> If this comes back with &#8216;command not found&#8217; instead of version and copyright information, or with an
+ older version, most likely you don&#8217;t have the correct <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">bin </span>subdirectory in your <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">PATH</span>. See the
+ environment-setting information on p. <a
+href="#x1-320003.4.1">38<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:env --></a>.
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-39004x2">Process a basic <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> file: <div class="alltt">
+ <!--l. 1226--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ </div> If this fails to find <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">sample2e.tex </span>or other files, most likely you have interference from old environment
+ variables or configuration files; we recommend unsetting all <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>-related environment variables for a
+ start. (For a deep analysis, you can ask <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> to report on exactly what it is searching for, and finding;
+ see &#8220;Debugging actions&#8221; on page&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-680007.2.4">66<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:debugging --></a>.)
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-39006x3">Preview the result online: <div class="alltt">
+ <!--l. 1241--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ <br /><span
+ </div> You should see a new window with a nice document explaining some of the basics of <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>. (Well
+ worth reading, by the way, if you&#8217;re new to <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>.) You do have to be running under X for <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xdvi </span>to work; if
+ you&#8217;re not, or your <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">DISPLAY </span>environment variable is set incorrectly, you&#8217;ll get an error &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">Can&#8217;t open</span>
+ <span
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-39008x4">Create a PostScript file for printing or display: <div class="alltt">
+ <!--l. 1252--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-39010x5">Create a PDF file instead of DVI; this processes the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.tex </span>file and writes PDF directly:
+ <div class="alltt">
+ <!--l. 1258--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-39012x6">Preview the PDF file: <div class="alltt">
+ <!--l. 1263--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ <br />or:
+ <br /><span
+ </div> Neither <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">gv </span>nor <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xpdf </span>are included in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, so you must install them separately. See
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> and <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>, respectively. There
+ are plenty of other PDF viewers, too. For Windows, we recommend trying Sumatra PDF
+ (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-39014x7">Standard test files you may find useful in addition to <span
+ <!--l. 1277--><p class="noindent" >
+ <dl class="list2"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">small2e.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1278--><p class="noindent" >A simpler document than <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">sample2e</span>, to reduce the input size if you&#8217;re having troubles.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">testpage.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1280--><p class="noindent" >Test if your printer introduces any offsets.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">nfssfont.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1281--><p class="noindent" >For printing font tables and tests.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">testfont.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1282--><p class="noindent" >Also for font tables, but using plain <span class="TEX">T<span
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">story.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1283--><p class="noindent" >The most canonical (plain) <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> test file of all. You must type &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\bye</span>&#8217; to the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">* </span>prompt after
+ &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tex story.tex</span>&#8217;.</dd></dl>
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-39016x8">If you have installed the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">xetex </span>package, you can test its access to system fonts as follows:
+ <div class="alltt">
+ <!--l. 1290--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ </div> (Or the same for <span
+ <!--l. 1299--><p class="noindent" >If you get an error message saying &#8220;Invalid fontname &#8216;Latin Modern Roman/ICU&#8217;&#x2026;&#8221;, then you need
+ to configure your system so that Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> can find the fonts shipped with <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live. See
+ Section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-350003.4.4">3.4.4<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:font-conf-sys --></a>.
+ </li></ol>
+<!--l. 1306--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.6 </span> <a
+ id="x1-400003.6"></a>Links for additional downloadable software</h4>
+<!--l. 1308--><p class="noindent" >If you are new to <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, or otherwise need help with actually writing <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> or <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> documents, please visit
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> for some introductory resources.
+<!--l. 1312--><p class="indent" > Links for some other tools you may consider installing:
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Ghostscript</span> </dt><dd
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Perl</span> </dt><dd
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> with supplementary packages from CPAN, <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">ImageMagick</span> </dt><dd
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>, for graphics processing and conversion
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">NetPBM</span> </dt><dd
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>, also for graphics.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+<span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">-oriented editors</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">There is a wide choice, and it is a matter of the user&#8217;s taste. Here is a selection in
+ alphabetical order (a few here are for Windows only).
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">GNU Emacs </span>is available natively under Windows, see
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">Emacs with Auc</span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">X</span></span> for Windows is available from CTAN. The AuC<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;home page is
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">LEd </span>is available from <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">SciTE </span>is available from <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">Texmaker </span>is free software, available from <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">TexMakerX </span>is a fork of <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">Texmaker </span>with additional features;
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">TeXnicCenter </span>is free software, available from <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> and in the
+ pro<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t distribution.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">TeXworks </span>is free software, available from <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> and installed for
+ Windows and Mac OS X&#x00A0;as part of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">Vim </span>is free software, available from <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">WinEdt </span>is shareware available though <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a> or <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">WinShell </span>is available from <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 1349--><p class="noindent" >For a much longer list of packages and programs, see <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 1353--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4 </span> <a
+ id="x1-410004"></a>Specialized installations</h3>
+<!--l. 1355--><p class="noindent" >The previous sections described the basic installation process. Here we turn to some specialized
+<!--l. 1358--><p class="indent" > <a id="tlsharedinstall"></a>
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-420004.1"></a>Shared-user (or cross-machine) installations</h4>
+<!--l. 1362--><p class="noindent" ><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live has been designed to be sharable between different users on one system, and/or between
+different systems on a network. With a standard directory layout, no hard paths are configured: the
+locations for files needed by <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live programs are found relative to the programs. You can see
+this in the principal configuration file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$TEXMFMAIN/web2c/texmf.cnf</span>, which contains lines such
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb10"><a
+ id="x1-42002r1"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;$SELFAUTOPARENT/texmf</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-42004r2"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;...</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-42006r3"></a><span
+<!--l. 1373--><p class="noindent" >This means that adding the directory for <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live executables for their platform to their search path is sufficient
+to get a working setup.
+<!--l. 1376--><p class="indent" > By the same token, you can also install <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live locally and then move the entire hierarchy afterwards to
+a network location.
+<!--l. 1379--><p class="indent" > For Windows, a sample network installation script named <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">w32client </span>can be downloaded through
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>. It creates settings and menu shortcuts for using an existing <span class="TEX">T<span
+Live installation on a LAN. It also registers an uninstaller <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">w32unclient</span>, available in the same zip file. See the
+web page for more information.
+<!--l. 1387--><p class="indent" > <a id="tlportable"></a>
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-430004.2"></a>Portable (USB) installations</h4>
+<!--l. 1391--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-portable </span>installer option (or <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">V </span>command in the text installer or corresponding GUI option)
+creates a completely self-contained <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live installation under a common root and forgoes system
+integration. You can create such an installation directly on a USB stick, or copy it to a USB stick
+<!--l. 1397--><p class="indent" > To run <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;using this portable installation, you need to add the appropriate binary directory
+to the search path during your terminal session, as usual. On Windows, you can double-click
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tl-tray-menu </span>at the root of the installation to choose between a few common tasks, as shown in this
+<!--l. 1404--><p class="indent" > <img
+src="../texlive-common/tray-menu.png" alt="pict"
+<!--l. 1407--><p class="noindent" >The &#8216;More&#x2026;&#8217; entry explains how you can customize this menu.
+<!--l. 1410--><p class="indent" > <a id="tlisoinstall"></a>
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-440004.3"></a>ISO&#x00A0;(or DVD) installations</h4>
+<!--l. 1414--><p class="noindent" >If you don&#8217;t need to update or otherwise modify your installation often, and/or have several systems on
+which to use <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, it may be convenient to create an ISO&#x00A0;of your <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live installation,
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">Copying an ISO&#x00A0;between different computers is much faster than copying a normal installation.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">If you are dual-booting between different operating systems and want them to share a <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live
+ installation, an ISO installation is not tied to the idiosyncrasies and limitations of other mutually
+ supported filesystems (FAT32, NTFS, HFS+).
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Virtual machines can simply mount such an ISO.</li></ul>
+<!--l. 1429--><p class="indent" > Of course you can also burn an ISO&#x00A0;to DVD, if that is useful for you.
+<!--l. 1431--><p class="indent" > Desktop GNU/Linux/Unix systems, including Mac OS X, are able to mount an ISO. Apart from that,
+nothing changes compared to a normal hard disk installation, see section <a
+href="#x1-320003.4.1">3.4.1<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:env --></a>.
+<!--l. 1435--><p class="indent" > When preparing such an ISO&#x00A0;installation, it is best to omit the subdirectory for the release year, and have
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-local </span>at the same level as the other trees (<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-dist</span>, etc.). You can do this with the normal
+directory options in the installer.
+<!--l. 1441--><p class="indent" > For a physical (rather than virtual) Windows system, you can burn the ISO&#x00A0;to DVD. However, it may be
+worth your while to investigate free ISO-mounting options. For Windows XP, Microsoft offers
+<!--l. 1446--><p class="indent" > For Windows system integration, you can include the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">w32client </span>scripts described in section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-420004.1">4.1<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:sharedinstall --></a> and at
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>, which work just as well for an ISO&#x00A0;as for a network
+<!--l. 1451--><p class="indent" > On Mac OS X, TeXShop and <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>works will be able to use the DVD installation if a symlink <span
+points to the appropriate binary directory, e.g.,
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-2">
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb11"><a
+ id="x1-44002r1"></a>&#x00A0;&#x00A0;sudo&#x00A0;ln&#x00A0;-s&#x00A0;/Volumes/MyTeXLive/bin/universal-darwin&#x00A0;/usr/texbin</div>
+<!--l. 1456--><p class="nopar" >
+<!--l. 1458--><p class="indent" > Historical note: <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live 2010 was the first <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live edition which was no longer distributed &#8216;live&#8217;.
+However, it always required some acrobatics to run from DVD&#x00A0;or ISO; in particular, there was no way around
+setting at least one extra environment variable. If you create your ISO&#x00A0;from an existing installation then there
+is no need for this.
+<!--l. 1465--><p class="indent" > <a id="tlmgr"></a>
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">5 </span> <a
+ id="x1-450005"></a><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr</span>: Managing your installation</h3>
+<!--l. 1469--><p class="noindent" ><hr class="figure"><div class="figure"
+ id="x1-45001r8"></a>
+<!--l. 1470--><p class="noindent" ><img
+src="../texlive-common/tlmgr-gui.png" alt="pict"
+<br /> <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;8: </span><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>in GUI&#x00A0;mode: main window, after &#8216;Load&#8217;.</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-45001r8 -->
+<!--l. 1473--><p class="noindent" ></div><hr class="endfigure">
+<!--l. 1475--><p class="indent" > <hr class="figure"><div class="figure"
+ id="x1-45002r9"></a><a
+ id="x1-45003r10"></a>
+<!--l. 1479--><p class="noindent" ><img
+src="../texlive-common/tlmgr-general-options.png" alt="pict"
+<br /> <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;9: </span><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlmgr </span>in GUI&#x00A0;mode: General options</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-45002r9 -->
+<!--l. 1486--><p class="noindent" ><img
+src="../texlive-common/tlmgr-paper-options.png" alt="pict"
+<br /> <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;10: </span><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlmgr </span>in GUI&#x00A0;mode: Paper
+size options</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-45003r10 -->
+<!--l. 1491--><p class="indent" > </div><hr class="endfigure">
+<!--l. 1493--><p class="indent" > <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live includes a program named <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>for managing <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live after the initial installation. The
+programs <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">updmap</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">fmtutil </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">texconfig </span>are still included and will be retained in the future, but <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>is now
+the preferred interface. Its capabilities include:
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">installing, updating, backing up, restoring, and uninstalling individual packages, optionally taking
+ dependencies into account;
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">searching for and listing packages, etc.;
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">listing, adding, and removing platforms;
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">changing installation options such as paper size and source location (see section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-300003.3.1">3.3.1<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:location --></a>).</li></ul>
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">5.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-460005.1"></a><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>GUI mode</h4>
+<!--l. 1509--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>can be started in GUI mode (figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-45001r8">8<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:tlmgr-gui --></a>) with <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 1510--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> or in Windows via the Start menu: <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">Start</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">Programs</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TeX Live 2012</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TeX Live Manager</span>. After clicking
+&#8216;Load&#8217; it displays a list of available and installed packages. This assumes of course that the installation source
+is valid and reachable.
+<!--l. 1518--><p class="indent" > Figures&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-45002r9">9<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:tlmgr-general-options --></a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-45003r10">10<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:tlmgr-paper-options --></a> show the general and paper size option screens.
+<!--l. 1521--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">5.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-470005.2"></a>Sample <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>command-line invocations</h4>
+<!--l. 1523--><p class="noindent" >After the initial installation, you can update your system to the latest versions available with:
+<div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 1525--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> If this makes you nervous, first try <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 1529--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> or (less verbose): <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 1533--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 1537--><p class="indent" > This more complex example adds a collection, for the engine Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, from a local directory:
+ <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 1540--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> It generates the following output (abridged):
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb12"><a
+ id="x1-47002r1"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;collection-xetex</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47004r2"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;arabxetex</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47006r3"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;...</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47008r4"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;xetex</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47010r5"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47012r6"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;xetex.i386-linux</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47014r7"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;xetex</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47016r8"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;xetex-def</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47018r9"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;...</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47020r10"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47022r11"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;/usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf/ls-R...</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47024r12"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;...</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47026r13"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;--missing</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47028r14"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47030r15"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;xelatex.log.</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47032r16"></a><span
+<!--l. 1563--><p class="indent" > As you can see, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>installs dependencies, and takes care of any necessary post-install actions, including
+updating the filename database and (re)generating formats. In the above, we generated new formats for
+Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 1568--><p class="indent" > To describe a package (or collection or scheme): <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 1569--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> which produces
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb13"><a
+ id="x1-47034r1"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;collection-latexextra</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47036r2"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;Collection</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47038r3"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47040r4"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;LaTeX.</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47042r5"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-8">&#x00A0;Yes</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-47044r6"></a><span
+<!--l. 1582--><p class="indent" > Last and most important, for full documentation see <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>, or:
+<div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 1584--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 1589--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6 </span> <a
+ id="x1-480006"></a>Notes on Windows</h3>
+<!--l. 1592--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-490006.1"></a>Windows-specific features</h4>
+<!--l. 1595--><p class="noindent" >Under Windows, the installer does some extra things:
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Menus and shortcuts.</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">A new &#8216;<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#8217; submenu of the Start menu is installed, which contains
+ entries for some GUI programs (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">texdoctk</span>, the PS_View (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">psv</span>) PostScript previewer) and
+ some documentation.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">File associations.</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">If enabled, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">TeXworks</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">Dviout </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">PS_view </span>become either the default program for
+ their respective filetypes, or get an entry in the &#8216;Open with&#8217; right-click menus of those filetypes.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Bitmap to eps converter.</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">Various bitmapped formats get an entry <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">bitmap2eps </span>in their &#8216;Open with&#8217;
+ right-click menu. Bitmap2eps is a simple script which lets <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">sam2p </span>or <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">bmeps </span>do the real work.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Automatic path adjustment.</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">No manual configuration steps are required.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Uninstaller.</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The installer creates an entry under &#8216;Add/Remove Programs&#8217; for <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live. The uninstall
+ tab of the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live Manager GUI&#x00A0;refers to this.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 1615--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-500006.2"></a>Additional software included on Windows</h4>
+<!--l. 1617--><p class="noindent" >To be complete, a <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live installation needs support packages that are not commonly found on a Windows
+machine. <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live provides the missing pieces:
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Perl and Ghostscript.</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">Because of the importance of Perl and Ghostscript, <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live includes
+ &#8216;hidden&#8217; copies of these programs. <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live programs that need them know where to find them,
+ but they don&#8217;t betray their presence through environment variables or registry settings. They
+ aren&#8217;t full-scale installations, and shouldn&#8217;t interfere with any system installations of Perl or
+ Ghostscript.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">PS_View.</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">Also installed is PS_View, a PostScript and PDF viewer; see figure&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-50001r11">11<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:psview --></a>.
+ <!--l. 1632--><p class="noindent" ><hr class="figure"><div class="figure"
+ id="x1-50001r11"></a> <img
+src="../texlive-common/psview.png" alt="pict"
+<br /> <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;11: </span><span
+class="content">PS_View: very high magnifications available!</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-50001r11 -->
+ <!--l. 1635--><p class="noindent" ></div><hr class="endfigure">
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">dviout.</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">Also installed is <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dviout</span>, a DVI viewer. At first, when you preview files with <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dviout</span>, it will create fonts,
+ because screen fonts were not installed. After a while, you will have created most of the fonts you use,
+ and you will rarely see the font-creation window. More information can be found in the (highly
+ recommended) on-line help.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+<span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">works.</span> </dt><dd
+class="description"><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>works is a <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>-oriented editor with an integrated PDF viewer.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">Command-line tools.</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">A number of Windows ports of common Unix command-line programs
+ are installed along with the usual <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live binaries. These include <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">gzip</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">unzip </span>and the
+ utilities from the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xpdf </span>suite (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pdfinfo</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pdffonts</span>, &#x2026;). The <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xpdf </span>viewer itself is not available for
+ Windows. Instead, you can download the Sumatra PDF viewer, which is based on <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xpdf</span>, from
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>, among other options.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="ec-lmbx-10">fc-list, fc-cache, </span><span
+class="ec-lmbx-10">&#x2026;</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The tools from the fontconfig library allow Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> to handle system fonts on Windows.
+ You can use <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">fc-list </span>to determine the font names to pass to Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s extended <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\font </span>command. If
+ necessary, run <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">fc-cache </span>first to update font information.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 1665--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-510006.3"></a>User Profile is Home</h4>
+<!--l. 1668--><p class="noindent" >The Windows counterpart of a Unix home directory is the <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">%USERPROFILE%</span></span></span> directory. Under Windows XP, this
+is usually <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x00A0;Settings\&#x003C;username&#x003E;</span></span></span>, and under Windows Vista and Windows&#x00A0;7 it is
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">C:\Users\&#x003C;username&#x003E;</span></span></span>. In the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf </span>file, and Kpathsea in general, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">~</span></span></span> will expand appropriately on both
+Windows and Unix.
+<!--l. 1676--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.4 </span> <a
+ id="x1-520006.4"></a>The Windows registry</h4>
+<!--l. 1679--><p class="noindent" >Windows stores nearly all configuration data in its registry. The registry contains a set of hierarchically
+organized keys, with several root keys. The most important ones for installation programs are
+<span class="path"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">HKEY_CURRENT_USER</span></span> and <span class="path"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE</span></span>, <span class="path"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">HKCU</span></span> and <span class="path"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">HKLM</span></span> in short. The <span class="path"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">HKCU</span></span> part of the registry is in
+the user&#8217;s home directory (see section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-510006.3">6.3<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:winhome --></a>). <span class="path"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">HKLM</span></span> is normally in a subdirectory of the Windows
+<!--l. 1687--><p class="indent" > In some cases, system information could be obtained from environment variables but for other information,
+for example the location of shortcuts, it is necessary to consult the registry. Setting environment variables
+permanently also requires registry access.
+<!--l. 1693--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.5 </span> <a
+ id="x1-530006.5"></a>Windows permissions</h4>
+<!--l. 1696--><p class="noindent" >In later versions of Windows, a distinction is made between regular users and administrators, where only the
+latter have free access to the entire operating system. In practice, though, you could better describe these
+classes of users as unprivileged users and normal users: being an administrator is the rule, not the
+exception. Nevertheless, we have made an effort to make <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live installable without administrative
+<!--l. 1703--><p class="indent" > If the user is an administrator, there is an option to install for all users. If this option is chosen, shortcuts
+are created for all users, and the system environment is modified. Otherwise, shortcuts and menu entries are
+created for the current user, and the user environment is modified.
+<!--l. 1709--><p class="indent" > Regardless of administrator status, the default root of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live proposed by the installer is always
+under <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">%SystemDrive%</span></span></span>. The installer always tests whether the root is writable for the current
+<!--l. 1713--><p class="indent" > A problem may arise if the user is not an administrator and <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> already exists in the search path. Since
+the effective path consists of the system path followed by the user path, the new <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live would
+never get precedence. As a safeguard, the installer creates a shortcut to the command-prompt in
+which the new <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live binary directory is prepended to the local search path. The new <span class="TEX">T<span
+Live will be always usable from within such a command-prompt. The shortcut for <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>works, if
+installed, also prepends <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live to the search path, so it should also be immune to this path
+<!--l. 1723--><p class="indent" > For Vista and Windows&#x00A0;7 there is another twist: even if you are logged in as administrator, you need to
+explicitly ask for administrator privileges. In fact, there is not much point in logging in as administrator.
+Instead, right-clicking on the program or shortcut that you want to run usually gives you a choice &#8216;Run as
+<!--l. 1730--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.6 </span> <a
+ id="x1-540006.6"></a>Increasing maximum memory on Windows and Cygwin</h4>
+<!--l. 1733--><p class="noindent" >Windows and Cygwin (see section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-200003.1.4">3.1.4<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:cygwin --></a> for Cygwin installation specifics) users may find that they run out of
+memory when running some of the programs shipped with <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live. For example, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">asy </span>might run out of
+memory if you try to allocate an array of 25,000,000 reals, and Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;might run out of memory if you try to
+process a document with a lot of big fonts.
+<!--l. 1740--><p class="indent" > For Cygwin, you can increase the amount of available memory by following the instructions in the Cygwin
+User&#8217;s Guide (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 1744--><p class="indent" > For Windows, you have to create a file, say <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">moremem.reg</span>, with these four lines:
+<!--l. 1747--><p class="indent" >
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb14"><a
+ id="x1-54002r1"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;5.00</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-54004r2"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-54006r3"></a><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cygwin]</span><br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-54008r4"></a><span
+<!--l. 1754--><p class="noindent" >and then execute the command <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">regedit /s moremem.reg </span>as administrator. (If you want to change memory
+only for the current user instead of system-wide, use <span
+<!--l. 1759--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7 </span> <a
+ id="x1-550007"></a>A user&#8217;s guide to Web2C</h3>
+<!--l. 1761--><p class="noindent" >Web2C is an integrated collection of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>-related programs: <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> itself, Metafont, MetaPost, BibTeX, etc.
+It is the heart of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live. The home page for Web2C, with the current manual and more, is
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 1766--><p class="indent" > A bit of history: The original implementation was by Tomas Rokicki who, in 1987, developed a first
+<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>-to-C system based on change files under Unix, which were primarily the original work of Howard
+Trickey and Pavel Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the system, and during this period
+the name changed to Web-to-C. In 1990, Karl Berry took over the work, assisted by dozens of
+additional contributors, and in 1997 he handed the baton to Olaf Weber, who returned it to Karl in
+<!--l. 1775--><p class="indent" > The Web2C system runs on Unix, 32-bit Windows systems, Mac OS X, and other operating systems. It uses
+Knuth&#8217;s original sources for <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> and other basic programs written in the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">WEB </span>literate programming
+system and translates them into C source code. The core <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> programs handled in this way
+<!--l. 1781--><p class="indent" >
+ <dl class="list1"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">bibtex</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1782--><p class="noindent" >Maintaining bibliographies.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvicopy</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1783--><p class="noindent" >Expands virtual font references in DVI files.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvitomp</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1784--><p class="noindent" >DVI to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvitype</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1785--><p class="noindent" >DVI to human-readable text.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">gftodvi</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1786--><p class="noindent" >Generic font proofsheets.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">gftopk</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1787--><p class="noindent" >Generic to packed fonts.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">gftype</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1788--><p class="noindent" >GF to human-readable text.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">mf</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1789--><p class="noindent" >Creating typeface families.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">mft</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1790--><p class="noindent" >Prettyprinting Metafont source.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">mpost</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1791--><p class="noindent" >Creating technical diagrams.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">patgen</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1792--><p class="noindent" >Creating hyphenation patterns.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pktogf</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1793--><p class="noindent" >Packed to generic fonts.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pktype</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1794--><p class="noindent" >PK to human-readable text.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pltotf</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1795--><p class="noindent" >Plain text property list to TFM.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pooltype</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1796--><p class="noindent" >Display <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">WEB </span>pool files.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tangle</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1797--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">WEB </span>to Pascal.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tex</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1798--><p class="noindent" >Typesetting.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tftopl</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1799--><p class="noindent" >TFM to plain text property list.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">vftovp</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1800--><p class="noindent" >Virtual font to virtual property list.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">vptovf</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1801--><p class="noindent" >Virtual property list to virtual font.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">weave</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1802--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">WEB </span>to <span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 1805--><p class="noindent" >The precise functions and syntax of these programs are described in the documentation of the individual
+packages and of Web2C itself. However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of programs will
+help you take advantage of your Web2C installation.
+<!--l. 1810--><p class="indent" > All programs honor these standard GNU options:
+ <dl class="list1"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">--help</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1812--><p class="noindent" >print basic usage summary.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">--verbose</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1813--><p class="noindent" >print detailed progress report.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">--version</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 1814--><p class="noindent" >print version information, then exit.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 1817--><p class="indent" > For locating files the Web2C programs use the path searching library Kpathsea (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+This library uses a combination of environment variables and a configuration files to optimize searching the
+(huge) collection of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> files. Web2C can look at many directory trees simultaneously, which is useful in
+maintaining <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s standard distribution and local and personal extensions in distinct trees. To speed up file
+searches, the root of each tree has a file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R</span>, containing an entry showing the name and relative pathname for
+all files under that root.
+<!--l. 1828--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-560007.1"></a>Kpathsea path searching</h4>
+<!--l. 1831--><p class="noindent" >Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the Kpathsea library.
+<!--l. 1834--><p class="indent" > We call a <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">search path </span>a colon- or semicolon-separated list of <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">path elements</span>, which are basically directory
+names. A search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up a file &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">my-file</span>&#8217; along a
+path &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.:/dir</span>&#8217;, Kpathsea checks each element of the path in turn: first <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">./my-file</span>, then <span
+returning the first match (or possibly all matches).
+<!--l. 1842--><p class="indent" > In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems&#8217; conventions, on non-Unix systems Kpathsea can use
+filename separators different from colon (&#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">:</span>&#8217;) and slash (&#8216;<span
+<!--l. 1846--><p class="indent" > To check a particular path element <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">p</span>, Kpathsea first checks if a prebuilt database (see &#8220;Filename database&#8221;
+on page&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-640007.2">63<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:filename-database --></a>) applies to <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">p</span>, i.e., if the database is in a directory that is a prefix of <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">p</span>. If so, the path specification
+is matched against the contents of the database.
+<!--l. 1852--><p class="indent" > If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path element, or contains no matches, the
+filesystem is searched (if this was not forbidden by a specification starting with &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">!!</span>&#8217;&#x00A0;and if the file being
+searched for must exist). Kpathsea constructs the list of directories that correspond to this path element, and
+then checks in each for the file being sought.
+<!--l. 1859--><p class="indent" > The &#8220;file must exist&#8221; condition comes into play with &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.vf</span>&#8217; files and input files read by <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s <span
+command. Such files may not exist (e.g., <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">cmr10.vf</span>), and so it would be wrong to search the disk for them.
+Therefore, if you fail to update <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R </span>when you install a new &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.vf</span>&#8217; file, it will never be found. Each path
+element is checked in turn: first the database, then the disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result
+is returned.
+<!--l. 1868--><p class="indent" > Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory name, Kpathsea supports additional
+features in search paths: layered default values, environment variable names, config file values, users&#8217; home
+directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say that Kpathsea <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">expands </span>a path element, meaning
+it transforms all the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is described in the following
+sections in the same order as it takes place.
+<!--l. 1877--><p class="indent" > Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly relative, i.e., starts with &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/</span>&#8217; or &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">./</span>&#8217; or
+class="ec-lmtt-10">../</span>&#8217;, Kpathsea simply checks if that file exists.
+<!--l. 1891--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.1.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-570007.1.1"></a>Path sources</h5>
+<!--l. 1894--><p class="noindent" >A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which Kpathsea uses them:
+<!--l. 1897--><p class="indent" >
+ <ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-57002x1">A user-set environment variable, for instance, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXINPUTS</span>. Environment variables with a period
+ and a program name appended override; e.g., if &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">latex</span>&#8217; is the name of the program being run,
+ then <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXINPUTS.latex </span>will override <span
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-57004x2">A program-specific configuration file, for example, a line &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">S /a:/b</span>&#8217; in <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips</span>&#8217;s <span
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-57006x3">A Kpathsea configuration file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf</span>, containing a line like &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXINPUTS=/c:/d</span>&#8217; (see below).
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-57008x4">The compile-time default.</li></ol>
+<!--l. 1910--><p class="noindent" >You can see each of these values for a given search path by using the debugging options (see &#8220;Debugging actions&#8221;
+on page&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-680007.2.4">66<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:debugging --></a>).
+<!--l. 1914--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.1.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-580007.1.2"></a>Config files</h5>
+<!--l. 1916--><p class="noindent" >Kpathsea reads <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">runtime configuration files </span>named <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf </span>for search path and other definitions. The search
+path used to look for these files is named <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFCNF</span>, but we do not recommend setting this (or any)
+environment variable.
+<!--l. 1921--><p class="indent" > Instead, normal installation results in a file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.../2012/texmf.cnf</span>. If you must make changes to the
+defaults (not normally necessary), this is the place to put them. The main configuration file is in
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.../2012/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf</span>. You should not edit this latter file, as your changes will be lost when the
+distributed version is updated.
+<!--l. 1928--><p class="indent" > <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">All </span><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf </span>files in the search path will be read and definitions in earlier files override those in later
+files. For example, with a search path of <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.:$TEXMF</span></span></span>, values from <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">./texmf.cnf </span>override those from
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">Comments start with <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">% </span>and continue to the end of the line.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Blank lines are ignored.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">A <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\ </span>at the end of a line acts as a continuation character, i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace
+ at the beginning of continuation lines is not ignored.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Each remaining line has the form: <div class="alltt">
+ <!--l. 1944--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ </div>where the &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">=</span>&#8217; and surrounding whitespace are optional.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">The <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">variable </span>name may contain any character other than whitespace, &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">=</span>&#8217;, or &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.</span>&#8217;, but sticking to &#8216;<span
+ is safest.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">If &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmro-10">progname</span>&#8217; is present, the definition only applies if the program that is running is named <span
+ or <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.exe</span>. This allows different flavors of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmro-10">value </span>may contain any characters except <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">% </span>and &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">@</span>&#8217;. The <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">prog </span>feature is not available on the
+ right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable. A &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">;</span>&#8217;&#x00A0;in <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">value </span>is translated to &#8216;<span
+ running under Unix; this is useful to be able to have a single <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf </span>for Unix, MS-DOS and Windows
+ systems.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so variables can be referenced before they are
+ defined.</li></ul>
+<!--l. 1969--><p class="noindent" >A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these points is shown below:
+<!--l. 1973--><p class="indent" >
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb15">
+ id="x1-58002r1"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-58004r2"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-58006r3"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-58008r4"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-58010r5"></a><span
+<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-58012r6"></a><span
+ </div>
+<!--l. 1978--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.1.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-590007.1.3"></a>Path expansion</h5>
+<!--l. 1982--><p class="noindent" >Kpathsea recognizes certain special characters and constructions in search paths, similar to those available in
+Unix shells. As a general example, the complex path, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz</span></span></span>, expands to all subdirectories
+under directories <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">foo </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">bar </span>in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$USER</span>&#8217;s home directory that contain a directory or file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">baz</span>. These expansions
+are explained in the sections below.
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.1.4 </span> <a
+ id="x1-600007.1.4"></a>Default expansion</h5>
+<!--l. 1993--><p class="noindent" >If the highest-priority search path (see &#8220;Path sources&#8221; on page&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-570007.1.1">58<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:path-sources --></a>) contains an <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">extra colon </span>(i.e., leading,
+trailing, or doubled), Kpathsea inserts at that point the next-highest-priority search path that is defined. If
+that inserted path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next highest. For example, given an
+environment variable setting
+ <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2000--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> and a <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXINPUTS </span>value from <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf </span>of
+ <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2005--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> then the final value used for searching will be:
+ <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2010--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 2014--><p class="indent" > Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one place, Kpathsea changes only one
+extra &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">:</span>&#8217;&#x00A0;and leaves any others in place. It checks first for a leading &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">:</span>&#8217;, then a trailing &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">:</span>&#8217;, then a doubled
+<!--l. 2019--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.1.5 </span> <a
+ id="x1-610007.1.5"></a>Brace expansion</h5>
+<!--l. 2022--><p class="noindent" >A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">v{a,b}w</span></span></span> expands to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+Nesting is allowed. This is used to implement multiple <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> hierarchies, by assigning a brace
+list to <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$TEXMF</span>. For example, in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf</span>, a definition like this (simplified for this example) is
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-3">
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb16"><a
+ id="x1-61002r1"></a>&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;TEXMF&#x00A0;=&#x00A0;{$TEXMFHOME,$TEXMFLOCAL,!!$TEXMFVAR,!!$TEXMFMAIN}</div>
+<!--l. 2030--><p class="nopar" >Using this you can then write something like
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-4">
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb17"><a
+ id="x1-61004r1"></a>&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;TEXINPUTS&#x00A0;=&#x00A0;.;$TEXMF/tex//</div>
+<!--l. 2034--><p class="nopar" >which means that, after looking in the current directory, the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$TEXMFHOME/tex</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$TEXMFVAR/tex </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$TEXMFMAIN/tex </span>trees <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">only</span>) will be searched (the last two use using <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R </span>data base
+files). It is a convenient way for running two parallel <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> structures, one &#8220;frozen&#8221; (on a CD, for
+instance) and the other being continuously updated with new versions as they become available.
+By using the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$TEXMF </span>variable in all definitions, one is sure to always search the up-to-date tree
+<!--l. 2046--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.1.6 </span> <a
+ id="x1-620007.1.6"></a>Subdirectory expansion</h5>
+<!--l. 2049--><p class="noindent" >Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">d </span>is replaced by all subdirectories of <span
+first those subdirectories directly under <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">d</span>, then the subsubdirectories under those, and so on. At each level, the
+order in which the directories are searched is <span
+<!--l. 2055--><p class="indent" > If you specify any filename components after the &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">//</span>&#8217;, only subdirectories with matching components are
+included. For example, &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/a//b</span>&#8217; expands into directories <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/a/1/b</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/a/2/b</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/a/1/1/b</span>, and so on, but not <span
+or <span
+<!--l. 2060--><p class="indent" > Multiple &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">//</span>&#8217; constructs in a path are possible, but &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">//</span>&#8217; at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+<!--l. 2063--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.1.7 </span> <a
+ id="x1-630007.1.7"></a>List of special characters and their meaning: a summary</h5>
+<!--l. 2065--><p class="noindent" >The following list summarizes the special characters in Kpathsea configuration files.
+<!--l. 2070--><p class="noindent" >
+ <dl class="list1"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">:</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2071--><p class="noindent" >Separator in path specification; at the beginning or the end of a path it substitutes the default
+ path expansion.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">;</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2073--><p class="noindent" >Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like <span
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2074--><p class="noindent" >Variable expansion.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">~</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2075--><p class="noindent" >Represents the user&#8217;s home directory.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">{...}</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2076--><p class="noindent" >Brace expansion.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">//</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2077--><p class="noindent" >Subdirectory expansion (can occur anywhere in a path, except at its beginning).
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">%</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2079--><p class="noindent" >Start of comment.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2080--><p class="noindent" >Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">!!</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2081--><p class="noindent" >Search <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">only </span>database to locate file, <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">do not </span>search the disk.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 2086--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-640007.2"></a>Filename databases</h4>
+<!--l. 2089--><p class="noindent" >Kpathsea goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches. Nevertheless, at installations with
+enough directories, searching each possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time (this is
+especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to be traversed.) Therefore, Kpathsea can use an
+externally-built plain text &#8220;database&#8221; file named <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R </span>that maps files to directories, thus avoiding the need to
+exhaustively search the disk.
+<!--l. 2097--><p class="indent" > A second database file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">aliases </span>allows you to give additional names to the files listed in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R</span>. This can be
+helpful to confirm to DOS 8.3 filename conventions in source files.
+<!--l. 2101--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.2.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-650007.2.1"></a>The filename database</h5>
+<!--l. 2104--><p class="noindent" >As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R</span>. You can put one at the root of
+each <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> hierarchy in your installation that you wish to be searched (<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$TEXMF </span>by default). Kpathsea looks for
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R </span>files along the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFDBS </span>path.
+<!--l. 2110--><p class="indent" > The recommended way to create and maintain &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R</span>&#8217; is to run the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">mktexlsr </span>script included with the
+distribution. It is invoked by the various &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">mktex</span>&#8217;&#x2026;&#x00A0;scripts. In principle, this script just runs the command
+<div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2114--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x00A0;</span><span class="path"><span
+</div> presuming your system&#8217;s <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls </span>produces the right output format (GNU <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls </span>is all right). To ensure
+that the database is always up-to-date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">cron</span>, so that it is
+automatically updated when the installed files change, such as after installing or updating a <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 2123--><p class="indent" > If a file is not found in the database, by default Kpathsea goes ahead and searches the disk. If a particular
+path element begins with &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">!!</span>&#8217;, however, <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">only </span>the database will be searched for that element, never the
+<!--l. 2129--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.2.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-660007.2.2"></a>kpsewhich: Standalone path searching</h5>
+<!--l. 2132--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">kpsewhich </span>program exercises path searching independent of any particular application. This can be useful
+as a sort of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">find </span>program to locate files in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> hierarchies (this is used heavily in the distributed
+ <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2137--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> The options specified in <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">option </span>start with either &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-</span>&#8217; or &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">--</span>&#8217;, and any unambiguous abbreviation is
+<!--l. 2143--><p class="indent" > Kpathsea looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a filename, and returns the first file
+found. There is no option to return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">find</span>&#8217; utility for
+<!--l. 2148--><p class="indent" > The most common options are described next.
+<!--l. 2150--><p class="noindent" >
+ <dl class="list1"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">num</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2151--><p class="noindent" > Set the resolution to <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">num</span>; this only affects &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">gf</span>&#8217; and &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">pk</span>&#8217; lookups. &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-D</span>&#8217; is a synonym, for
+ compatibility with <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips</span>. Default is 600.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">name</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2156--><p class="noindent" ><br
+class="newline" />Set the format for lookup to <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">name</span>. By default, the format is guessed from the filename. For
+ formats which do not have an associated unambiguous suffix, such as MetaPost support files and
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>configuration files, you have to specify the name as known to Kpathsea, such as <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tex </span>or <span
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">files</span>. Run <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">kpsewhich --help </span>for a list.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">string</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2164--><p class="noindent" ><br
+class="newline" />Set the mode name to <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">string</span>; this only affects &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">gf</span>&#8217; and &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">pk</span>&#8217; lookups. No default: any mode will
+ be found.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">--must-exist</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2167--><p class="noindent" ><br
+class="newline" />Do everything possible to find the files, notably including searching the disk. By default, only the
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R </span>database is checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">string</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2171--><p class="noindent" ><br
+class="newline" />Search along the path <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">string </span>(colon-separated as usual), instead of guessing the search path from
+ the filename. &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">//</span>&#8217; and all the usual expansions are supported. The options &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">--path</span>&#8217; and &#8216;<span
+ are mutually exclusive.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">name</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2176--><p class="noindent" ><br
+class="newline" />Set the program name to <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">name</span>. This can affect the search paths via the <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">progname </span>feature. The
+ default is <span
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">name</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2181--><p class="noindent" ><br
+class="newline" />shows the path used for file lookups of file type <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">name</span>. Either a filename extension (<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.pk</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.vf</span>, etc.)
+ or a name can be used, just as with &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">--format</span>&#8217; option.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">num</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2185--><p class="noindent" ><br
+class="newline" />sets the debugging options to <span
+<!--l. 2190--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.2.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-670007.2.3"></a>Examples of use</h5>
+<!--l. 2193--><p class="noindent" >Let us now have a look at Kpathsea in action. Here&#8217;s a straightforward search:
+ <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2195--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+</div> We are looking for the file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">article.cls</span>. Since the &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.cls</span>&#8217; suffix is unambiguous we do not need to specify that
+we want to look for a file of type <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tex </span>(<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> source file directories). We find it in the subdirectory
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tex/latex/base </span>below the &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-dist</span>&#8217; <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;directory. Similarly, all of the following are found without
+problems thanks to their unambiguous suffix. <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2205--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<!--l. 2218--><p class="indent" > By the way, that last is a BibTeX bibliography database for <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">TUGboat </span>articles.
+ <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2221--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> Font bitmap glyph files of type <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.pk </span>are used by display programs like <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xdvi</span>. Nothing is returned in
+this case since there are no pre-generated Computer Modern &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.pk</span>&#8217; files in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live &#8212; the Type&#x00A0;1 variants are
+used by default. <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2228--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+</div> For these fonts (a phonetic alphabet from the University of Washington) we had to generate &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.pk</span>&#8217; files, and
+since the default Metafont mode on our installation is <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ljfour </span>with a base resolution of 600dpi (dots per inch),
+this instantiation is returned. <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2238--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> In this case, when specifying that we are interested in a resolution of 300dpi (<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-dpi=300</span>) we see that no such
+font is available on the system. A program like <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>or <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xdvi </span>would go off and actually build the required <span
+files using the script <span
+<!--l. 2247--><p class="indent" > Next we turn our attention to <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips</span>&#8217;s header and configuration files. We first look at one of the commonly
+used files, the general prologue <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"> </span>for <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> support, before turning our attention to the generic
+configuration file (<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span>) and the PostScript font map <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"> </span>&#8212; as of 2004, map and encoding files
+have their own search paths and new location in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf </span>trees. As the &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.ps</span>&#8217; suffix is ambiguous we
+have to specify explicitly which type we are considering (<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">dvips config</span>) for the file <span
+<div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2256--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<!--l. 2265--><p class="indent" > We now take a closer look at the URW Times PostScript support files. The prefix for these in the standard
+font naming scheme is &#8216;<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">utm</span>&#8217;. The first file we look at is the configuration file, which contains the name of the
+map file: <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2269--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+</div> The contents of that file is <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2274--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> which points to the file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span>, which we want to locate next. <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2279--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+</div> This map file defines the file names of the Type&#x00A0;1 PostScript fonts in the URW collection. Its contents look
+like (we only show part of the lines): <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2286--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+</div> Let us, for instance, take the Times Roman instance <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">utmr8a.pfb </span>and find its position in the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf </span>directory
+tree with a search for Type&#x00A0;1 font files: <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2297--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+<!--l. 2304--><p class="indent" > It should be evident from these examples how you can easily locate the whereabouts of a given file. This is
+especially important if you suspect that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">kpsewhich </span>will
+show you the first file encountered.
+<!--l. 2309--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.2.4 </span> <a
+ id="x1-680007.2.4"></a>Debugging actions</h5>
+<!--l. 2312--><p class="noindent" >Sometimes it is necessary to investigate how a program resolves file references. To make this practical,
+Kpathsea offers various levels of debugging output:
+<!--l. 2316--><p class="noindent" >
+ <dl class="list1"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x00A0;1</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2317--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">stat </span>calls (disk lookups). When running with an up-to-date <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R </span>database this should almost
+ give no output.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x00A0;2</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2320--><p class="noindent" >References to hash tables (such as <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R </span>databases, map files, configuration files).
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x00A0;4</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2322--><p class="noindent" >File open and close operations.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#x00A0;8</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2323--><p class="noindent" >General path information for file types searched by Kpathsea. This is useful to find out where a
+ particular path for the file was defined.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">16</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2326--><p class="noindent" >Directory list for each path element (only relevant for searches on disk).
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">32</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2328--><p class="noindent" >File searches.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">64</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2329--><p class="noindent" >Variable values.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 2331--><p class="noindent" >A value of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-1 </span>will set all the above options; in practice, this is usually the most convenient.
+<!--l. 2334--><p class="indent" > Similarly, with the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>program, by setting a combination of debug switches, one can follow in detail
+where files are being picked up from. Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace shows in
+which directories the program looks for the given file, so that one can get an indication what the
+<!--l. 2340--><p class="indent" > Generally speaking, as most programs call the Kpathsea library internally, one can select a debug option by
+using the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">KPATHSEA_DEBUG </span>environment variable, and setting it to (a combination of) values as described in the
+above list.
+<!--l. 2345--><p class="indent" > (Note for Windows users: it is not easy to redirect all messages to a file in this system. For diagnostic
+purposes you can temporarily <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">SET KPATHSEA_DEBUG_OUTPUT=err.log</span>).
+<!--l. 2349--><p class="indent" > Let us consider, as an example, a small <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> source file, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">hello-world.tex</span>, which contains the following
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-5">
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb18"><a
+ id="x1-68002r1"></a>&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\documentclass{article}<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-68004r2"></a>&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\begin{document}<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-68006r3"></a>&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;Hello&#x00A0;World!<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-68008r4"></a>&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\end{document}</div>
+<!--l. 2356--><p class="nopar" >This little file only uses the font <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">cmr10</span>, so let us look at how <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>prepares the PostScript file
+(we want to use the Type&#x00A0;1 version of the Computer Modern fonts, hence the option <span
+<div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2360--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> In this case we have combined <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips</span>&#8217;s debug class 4 (font paths) with Kpathsea&#8217;s path element expansion (see
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>Reference Manual, <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/dvips/dvips.pdf" >texmf/doc/dvips/dvips.pdf</a>). The output (slightly rearranged) appears in
+href="#x1-68031r12">12<!--tex4ht:ref: fig:dvipsdbga --></a>.
+<!--l. 2368--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="x1-68031r12"></a><a
+ id="x1-68036r13"></a><a
+ id="x1-68049r14"></a><hr class="float"><div class="float"
+<div class="BVerbatimInput"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;find_all=1,</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;path=.:/usr/local/bin/texlive:/usr/local/bin:</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;/usr/local/bin/texmf/web2c:/usr/local:</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;/usr/local/texmf/web2c:/.:/./teTeX/TeX/texmf/web2c:).</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;find_all=1,</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;path=~/tex:/usr/local/texmf).</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;=&#x003E;/usr/local/texmf/ls-R</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;find_all=1,</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;path=~/tex:/usr/local/texmf).</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;/usr/local/texmf/aliases</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;find_all=0,</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;path=.:~/tex:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//).</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;/usr/local/texmf/dvips/config/</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;find_all=0,</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;path=.:~/tex:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//).</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;find_all=0,</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//).</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;=&#x003E;</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;find_all=0,</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//).</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">kdebug:search(config.cms)</span><br /><span
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;12: </span><span
+class="content">Finding configuration files</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-68031r12 -->
+<div class="BVerbatimInput"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;find\_all=0,</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).</span><br /><span
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;13: </span><span
+class="content">Finding the prolog file</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-68036r13 -->
+<div class="BVerbatimInput"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;find\_all=0,</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;path=.:~/tex/fonts/tfm//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;/var/tex/fonts/tfm//).</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;find\_all=0,</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;...</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x003C;;</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;find\_all=0,</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).</span><br /><span
+class="ec-lmtt-9">&#x00A0;/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/cmr10.pfb</span><br /><span
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Figure&#x00A0;14: </span><span
+class="content">Finding the font file</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-68049r14 -->
+ </div><hr class="endfloat" />
+<!--l. 2384--><p class="indent" > <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>starts by locating its working files. First, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf </span>is found, which gives the definitions of the
+search paths for the other files, then the file database <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ls-R </span>(to optimize file searching) and the file
+class="ec-lmtt-10">aliases</span>, which makes it possible to declare several names (e.g., a short DOS-like 8.3 and a more
+natural longer version) for the same file. Then <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>goes on to find the generic configuration file
+class="ec-lmtt-10"> </span>before looking for the customization file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.dvipsrc </span>(which, in this case is <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">not found</span>).
+Finally, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>locates the config file for the Computer Modern PostScript fonts <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">config.cms </span>(this was
+initiated with the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-Pcms </span>option on the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>command). This file contains the list of the map
+files which define the relation between the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, PostScript and file system names of the fonts.
+<div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2398--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+</div> <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>thus goes on to find all these files, plus the generic map file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span>, which is always loaded (it
+contains declarations for commonly used PostScript fonts; see the last part of Section <a
+href="#x1-670007.2.3">7.2.3<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:examples-of-use --></a> for more details
+about PostScript map file handling).
+<!--l. 2411--><p class="indent" > At this point <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>identifies itself to the user: <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2412--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> Then it goes on to look for the prolog file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span>: <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2417--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<!--l. 2428--><p class="indent" > After having found the file in question, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips </span>outputs the date and time, and informs us that it will generate
+the file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span>, then that it needs the font file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">cmr10</span>, and that the latter is declared as &#8220;resident&#8221; (no
+bitmaps needed): <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2433--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+</div> Now the search is on for the file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">cmr10.tfm</span>, which is found, then a few more prolog files (not shown) are
+referenced, and finally the Type&#x00A0;1 instance <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">cmr10.pfb </span>of the font is located and included in the output file
+(see last line). <div class="alltt">
+<!--l. 2442--><p class="noindent" ><div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">7.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-690007.3"></a>Runtime options</h4>
+<!--l. 2459--><p class="noindent" >Another useful feature of Web2C is its possibility to control a number of memory parameters (in particular,
+array sizes) via the runtime file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf </span>read by Kpathsea. The memory settings can be found in Part&#x00A0;3 of
+that file in the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live distribution. The more important are:
+<!--l. 2465--><p class="noindent" >
+ <dl class="list1"><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">main_memory</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2466--><p class="noindent" >Total words of memory available, for <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, Metafont and MetaPost. You must make a new format
+ file for each different setting. For instance, you could generate a &#8220;huge&#8221; version of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, and call
+ the format file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">hugetex.fmt</span>. Using the standard way of specifying the program name used by
+ Kpathsea, the particular value of the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">main_memory </span>variable will then be read from <span
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">extra_mem_bot</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2474--><p class="noindent" >Extra space for &#8220;large&#8221; <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> data structures: boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if
+ you use PI C<span class="TEX">T<span
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">font_mem_size</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2478--><p class="noindent" >Number of words for font information available for <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>. This is more or less the total size of all
+ TFM files read.
+ </dd><dt class="list">
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">hash_extra</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 2481--><p class="noindent" >Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names. Only <span
+class="lmsy-10">&#x2248;</span>10,000 control sequences
+ can be stored in the main hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. The default value of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">hash_extra </span>is <span
+<!--l. 2489--><p class="noindent" >Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic arrays and memory allocation, but since these are
+extremely difficult to implement in the present <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> source, these runtime parameters provide a practical
+compromise allowing some flexibility.
+<!--l. 2597--><p class="indent" > <a id="ack"></a>
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">8 </span> <a
+ id="x1-700008"></a>Acknowledgements</h3>
+<!--l. 2600--><p class="noindent" ><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live is a joint effort by virtually all of the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> user groups. This edition of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live was overseen by
+Karl Berry. The other principal contributors, past and present, are listed below.
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">The English, German, Dutch, and Polish <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> user groups (TUG, DANTE e.V., NTG, and GUST,
+ respectively), which provide the necessary technical and administrative infrastructure. Please join
+ the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;user group near you! (See <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">The CTAN team, notably Robin Fairbairns, Jim Hefferon, and Rainer Schöpf, which distributes
+ the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live images and provides the common infrastructure for package updates, upon which
+ <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live depends.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Nelson Beebe, for making many platforms available to <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;developers, and his own
+ comprehensive testing.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">John Bowman, for making many changes to his advanced graphics program Asymptote to make
+ it work in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Peter Breitenlohner and the e-<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;team for the stable foundation of future <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s, and Peter
+ specifically for stellar help with GNU&#x00A0;autotools usage throughout <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Jin-Hwan Cho and all of the DVIPDFM<span
+class="lmmi-10">x </span>team, for their excellent driver and responsiveness to
+ configuration issues.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Thomas Esser, without whose marvelous te<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> package <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live would have never existed.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Michel Goossens, who co-authored the original documentation.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Eitan Gurari, whose <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>4ht is used to create the HTML version of this documentation, and who
+ worked tirelessly to improve it at short notice, every year. Eitan prematurely passed away in June
+ 2009, and we dedicate this documentation to his memory.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Hans Hagen, for much testing and making his Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t&#x00A0;format (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) work
+ within <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#8217;s framework.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Hàn&#x00A0;Th&#x1EBF;&#x00A0;Thành, Martin Schröder, and the pdf<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;team (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) for continuing
+ enhancements of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s abilities.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Hartmut Henkel, for significant development contributions to pdf<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, and more.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Taco Hoekwater,
+ for major renewed development efforts on MetaPost and (Lua)<span class="TEX">T<span
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) itself,
+ incorporating Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t&#x00A0;into <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, giving Kpathsea multi-threaded functionality, and much
+ more.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Pawe&#322; Jackowski, for the Windows installer <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlpm</span>, and Tomasz &#321;uczak, for <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlpmgui</span>, used in past
+ releases.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Akira Kakuto, for providing the Windows binaries from his W32TEX distribution for Japanese
+ <span class="TEX">T<span
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>), and many other development contributions.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Jonathan Kew, for developing the remarkable Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> engine and taking the time and trouble to
+ integrate it in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, as well as the initial version of the Mac<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;installer, and also for our
+ recommended front-end <span class="TEX">T<span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Dick Koch, for maintaining Mac<span class="TEX">T<span
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) in very close tandem with <span class="TEX">T<span
+ Live, and for his great good cheer in doing so.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Reinhard Kotucha, for major contributions to the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live 2008 infrastructure and installer, as
+ well as Windows research efforts, the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">getnonfreefonts </span>script, and more.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Siep Kroonenberg, also for major contributions to the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live 2008 infrastructure and installer,
+ especially on Windows, and for the bulk of work updating this manual describing those features.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Heiko Oberdiek, for the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">epstopdf </span>package and many others, compressing the huge <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pst-geo </span>data
+ files so we could include them, and most of all, for his remarkable work on <span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Petr Ol&#353;ak, who coordinated and checked all the Czech and Slovak material very carefully.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Toshio Oshima, for his <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dviout </span>previewer for Windows.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard, for helping with package updates, documentation improvements, and
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">texdoc </span>development.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Fabrice Popineau, for the original Windows support in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live and work on the French
+ documentation.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Norbert Preining, the principal architect of the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live 2008 infrastructure and installer, and
+ also for coordinating the Debian version of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live (together with Frank Küster), making many
+ suggestions along the way.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Sebastian Rahtz, for originally creating <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live and maintaining it for many years.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Phil Taylor, for setting up the BitTorrent downloads.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Tomasz Trzeciak, for wide-ranging help with Windows.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Vladimir Volovich, for substantial help with porting and other maintenance issues, and especially
+ for making it feasible to include <span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Staszek Wawrykiewicz, the principal tester for all of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, and coordinator of the many
+ major Polish contributions: fonts, Windows installation, and more.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Olaf Weber, for his patient maintenance of Web2C.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Gerben Wierda, for creating and maintaining the original Mac OS X&#x00A0;support, and much
+ integration and testing.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Graham Williams, on whose work the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Catalogue of packages depends.
+ </li></ul>
+<!--l. 2723--><p class="indent" > Builders of the binaries: Ettore Aldrovandi (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">i386-solaris</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">x86_64-solaris</span>), Alan Braslau (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">i386-kfreebsd</span>), Peter Breitenlohner (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">x86_64-linux</span>), Karl Berry (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">i386-linux</span>), Ken Brown (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">i386-cygwin</span>), Akira
+Kakuto (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">win32</span>), Dick Koch (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">universal-darwin</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">x86_64-darwin</span>), Nikola Le&#x010D;i&#263; (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">amd64-freebsd</span>, <span
+Mojca Miklavec (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">mipsel-linux</span>), Norbert Preining (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">alpha-linux</span>), Thomas Schmitz (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">powerpc-linux</span>), Boris
+Veytsman (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">armel-linux</span>), Vladimir Volovich (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">powerpc-aix</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">sparc-solaris</span>), Olaf Weber (<span
+class="ec-lmss-10">mips-irix</span>). For information
+on the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live build process, see <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 2741--><p class="indent" > Translators of this manual: Boris Veytsman (Russian), Jjgod Jiang, Jinsong Zhao, Yue Wang, &amp; Helin Gai
+(Chinese), Uwe Ziegenhagen (German), Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard (French), Marco Pallante (Italian), Nikola
+Le&#x010D;i&#263; (Serbian), Petr Sojka &amp; Jan Busa (Czech/Slovak), Staszek Wawrykiewicz (Polish). The <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live
+documentation web page is <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 2752--><p class="indent" > Of course the most important acknowledgement must go to Donald Knuth, first for inventing <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, and
+then for giving it to the world.
+<!--l. 2757--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9 </span> <a
+ id="x1-710009"></a>Release history</h3>
+<!--l. 2760--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-720009.1"></a>Past</h4>
+<!--l. 2762--><p class="noindent" >Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Users Group was starting work on its 4All<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> CD for
+MS-DOS users, and it was hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, CD for all systems. This was too
+ambitious a target for the time, but it did spawn not only the very successful 4All<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> CD, but also the TUG
+Technical Council working group on a <span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmri-10">X</span></span> <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">Directory Structure </span>(<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>), which specified how
+to create consistent and manageable collections of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> support files. A complete draft of the TDS was
+published in the December 1995 issue of <span
+class="ec-lmro-10">TUGboat</span>, and it was clear from an early stage that one desirable
+product would be a model structure on CD. The distribution you now have is a very direct result of the
+working group&#8217;s deliberations. It was also clear that the success of the 4All<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> CD showed that
+Unix users would benefit from a similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of <span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 2778--><p class="indent" > We first undertook to make a new Unix-based TDS CD in the autumn of 1995, and quickly identified
+Thomas Esser&#8217;s te<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> as the ideal setup, as it already had multi-platform support and was built with
+portability across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and work began seriously at the start of 1996.
+The first edition was released in May 1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a major new
+release of Web2c, which included nearly all the features which Thomas Esser had added in te<span class="TEX">T<span
+and we decided to base the 2nd edition of the CD on the standard Web2C, with the addition of
+te<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texconfig </span>script. The 3rd edition of the CD was based on a major revision of Web2C,
+7.2, by Olaf Weber; at the same time, a new revision of te<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> was being made, and <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live
+included almost all of its features. The 4th edition followed the same pattern, using a new version
+of te<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, and a new release of Web2C (7.3). The system now included a complete Windows
+<!--l. 2794--><p class="indent" > For the 5th edition (March 2000) many parts of the CD were revised and checked, updating hundreds of
+packages. Package details were stored in XML files. But the major change for <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live 5 was that all
+non-free software was removed. Everything in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live is now intended to be compatible with the
+Debian Free Software Guidelines (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>); we have done our best to
+check the license conditions of all packages, but we would very much appreciate hearing of any
+<!--l. 2803--><p class="indent" > The 6th edition (July 2001) had much more material updated. The major change was a new install concept:
+the user could select a more exact set of needed collections. Language-related collections were completely
+reorganized, so selecting any of them installs not only macros, fonts, etc., but also prepares an appropriate
+<!--l. 2809--><p class="indent" > The 7th edition of 2002 had the notable addition of Mac OS X support, and the usual myriad of updates to
+all sorts of packages and programs. An important goal was integration of the source back with te<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, to
+correct the drift apart in versions&#x00A0;5 and&#x00A0;6.
+<!--l. 2814--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9.1.1 </span> <a
+ id="x1-730009.1.1"></a>2003</h5>
+<!--l. 2816--><p class="noindent" >In 2003, with the continuing flood of updates and additions, we found that <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live had grown so large it
+could no longer be contained on a single CD, so we split it into three different distributions (see section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-90002.1">2.1<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:tl-coll-dists --></a>,
+p. <a
+href="#x1-90002.1">7<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:tl-coll-dists --></a>). In addition:
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">At the request of the <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span> team, we changed the standard <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">latex </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pdflatex </span>commands to
+ now use e-<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> (see p. <a
+href="#x1-120002.4">10<!--tex4ht:ref: text:etex --></a>).
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">The new Latin Modern fonts were included (and are recommended).
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Support for Alpha OSF was removed (HPUX support was removed previously), since no one had
+ (or volunteered) hardware available on which to compile new binaries.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Windows setup was substantially changed; for the first time an integrated environment based on
+ XEmacs was introduced.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Important supplementary programs for Windows (Perl, Ghostscript, ImageMagick, Ispell) are now
+ installed in the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live installation directory.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Font map files used by <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvips</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvipdfm </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pdftex </span>are now generated by the new program <span
+ and installed into <span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, Metafont, and MetaPost now, by default, output most input characters (32 and above) as
+ themselves in output (e.g., <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\write</span></span></span>) files, log files, and the terminal, i.e., <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">not </span>translated using the
+ <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">^^</span></span></span> notation. In <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live&#x00A0;7, this translation was dependent on the system locale settings; now,
+ locale settings do not influence the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> programs&#8217; behavior. If for some reason you need the
+ <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">^^</span></span></span> output, rename the file <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx</span></span></span>. (Future releases will have cleaner ways to
+ control this.)
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">This documentation was substantially revised.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Finally, since the edition numbers had grown unwieldy, the version is now simply identified by the
+ year: <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live 2003.</li></ul>
+<!--l. 2854--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9.1.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-740009.1.2"></a>2004</h5>
+<!--l. 2856--><p class="noindent" >2004 saw many changes:
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">If you have locally-installed fonts which use their own <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.map </span>or (much less likely) <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.enc </span>support
+ files, you may need to move those support files.
+ <!--l. 2864--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.map </span>files are now searched for in subdirectories of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">fonts/map </span>only (in each <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf </span>tree), along
+ the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXFONTMAPS </span>path. Similarly, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.enc </span>files are now searched for in subdirectories of <span
+ only, along the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ENCFONTS </span>path. <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">updmap </span>will attempt to warn about problematic files.
+ <!--l. 2871--><p class="noindent" >For methods of handling this and other information, please see
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">The <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Collection&#x00A0;has been expanded with the addition of a MiK<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>-based installable CD,
+ for those who prefer that implementation to Web2C. See section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-80002">2<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:overview-tl --></a> (p. <a
+href="#x1-80002">7<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:overview-tl --></a>).
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Within <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, the single large <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf </span>tree of previous releases has been replaced by three:
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-dist</span>, and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf-doc</span>. See section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-100002.2">2.2<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:tld --></a> (p. <a
+href="#x1-100002.2">7<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:tld --></a>), and the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">README </span>files for each.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">All <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>-related input files are now collected in the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tex </span>subdirectory of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf* </span>trees,
+ rather than having separate sibling directories <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tex</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">etex</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">pdftex</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">pdfetex</span>, etc. See
+ <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/generic/tds/tds.html#Extensions" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Helper scripts (not meant to be invoked by users) are now located in a new <span
+ subdirectory of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf* </span>trees, and can be searched for via <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ So if you have programs which call such scripts, they&#8217;ll need to be adjusted. See
+ <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/generic/tds/tds.html#Scripts" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Almost all formats leave most characters printable as themselves via the &#8220;translation file&#8221;
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">cp227.tcx</span>, instead of translating them with the <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">^^</span></span></span> notation. Specifically, characters at
+ positions 32&#8211;256, plus tab, vertical tab, and form feed are considered printable and not
+ translated. The exceptions are plain <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;(only 32&#8211;126 printable), Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t&#x00A0;(0&#8211;255 printable),
+ and the Omega-related formats. This default behavior is almost the same as in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live
+ 2003, but it&#8217;s implemented more cleanly, with more possibilities for customization. See
+ <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/web2c/web2c.html#TCX-files" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf/doc/web2c/web2c.html#TCX-files</span></a>. (By the way, with Unicode input, <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;may output
+ partial character sequences when showing error contexts, since it is byte-oriented.)
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pdfetex </span>is now the default engine for all formats except (plain) <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tex </span>itself. (Of course it generates
+ DVI when run as <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">latex</span>, etc.) This means, among other things, that the microtypographic
+ features of <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pdftex </span>are available in <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>, Con<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>t, etc., as well as the e-<span class="TEX">T<span
+ (<a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/etex/base/" >texmf-dist/doc/etex/base/</a>).
+ <!--l. 2918--><p class="noindent" >It also means it&#8217;s <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">more important than ever </span>to use the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">ifpdf </span>package (works with both plain and
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>) or equivalent code, because simply testing whether <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\pdfoutput </span>or some other primitive
+ is defined is not a reliable way to determine if PDF output is being generated. We made this
+ backward compatible as best we could this year, but next year, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\pdfoutput </span>may be defined even
+ when DVI is being written.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">pdf<span class="TEX">T<span
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) has many new features:
+ <ul class="itemize2">
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\pdfmapfile </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\pdfmapline </span>provide font map support from within a document.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Microtypographic font expansion can be used more easily.<br
+class="newline" /><a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">All parameters previously set through the special configuration file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">pdftex.cfg </span>must now be
+ set through primitives, typically in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">pdftexconfig.tex</span>; <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">pdftex.cfg </span>is no longer supported.
+ Any extant <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.fmt </span>files must be redumped when <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">pdftexconfig.tex </span>is changed.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">See the pdf<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;manual for more: <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf" >texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf</a>.
+ </li></ul>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">The <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\input </span>primitive in <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tex </span>(and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">mf </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">mpost</span>) now accepts double quotes containing spaces and other
+ special characters. Typical examples:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-6">
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb19"><a
+ id="x1-74002r1"></a>&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\input&#x00A0;"filename&#x00A0;with&#x00A0;spaces"&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;plain<br class="fancyvrb" /><a
+ id="x1-74004r2"></a>&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\input{"filename&#x00A0;with&#x00A0;spaces"}&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;latex</div>
+ <!--l. 2952--><p class="nopar" >See the Web2C manual for more: <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/web2c" >texmf/doc/web2c</a>.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">enc<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;support is now included within Web2C and consequently all <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;programs, via the <span
+ option &#8212; <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">only when formats are built</span>. enc<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;supports general re-encoding of input and
+ output, enabling full support of Unicode (in UTF-8). See <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/generic/enctex/" >texmf-dist/doc/generic/enctex/</a> and
+ <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Aleph, a new engine combining e-<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;and Omega, is available. A little information is available in
+ <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base" >texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base</a> and <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>. The
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>-based format for Aleph is named <span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">The latest <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;release has a new version of the LPPL &#8212; now officially a Debian-approved license.
+ Assorted other updates, see the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">ltnews </span>files in <a
+href="../../../../texmf-dist/doc/latex/base" >texmf-dist/doc/latex/base</a>.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvipng</span>, a new program for converting DVI to PNG image files, is included. See <a
+href="../../../../texmf/doc/man/man1/dvipng.1" >texmf/doc/man/man1/dvipng.1</a>.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">We reduced the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">cbgreek </span>package to a &#8220;medium&#8221; sized set of fonts, with the assent and advice of the
+ author (Claudio Beccari). The excised fonts are the invisible, outline, and transparency ones, which are
+ relatively rarely used, and we needed the space. The full set is of course available from CTAN
+ (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">oxdvi </span>has been removed; just use <span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">The <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">ini </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">vir </span>commands (links) for <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tex</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">mf</span>, and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">mpost </span>are no longer created, such as <span
+ The <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">ini </span>functionality has been available through the command-line option <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">-ini </span>for years
+ now.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="ec-lmss-10">i386-openbsd </span>platform support was removed. Since the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tetex </span>package in the BSD Ports system is
+ available, and GNU/Linux and FreeBSD binaries were available, it seemed volunteer time could be better
+ spent elsewhere.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">On <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">sparc-solaris </span>(at least), you may have to set the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">LD_LIBRARY_PATH </span>environment variable to run the
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">t1utils </span>programs. This is because they are compiled with C++, and there is no standard location for the
+ runtime libraries. (This is not new in 2004, but wasn&#8217;t previously documented.) Similarly, on <span
+ the MIPSpro 7.4 runtimes are required.
+ </li></ul>
+<!--l. 3003--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9.1.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-750009.1.3"></a>2005</h5>
+<!--l. 3005--><p class="noindent" >2005 saw the usual huge number of updates to packages and programs. The infrastructure stayed relatively
+stable from 2004, but inevitably there were some changes there as well:
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">New scripts <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">texconfig-sys</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">updmap-sys</span>, and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">fmtutil-sys </span>were introduced, which modify the
+ configuration in the system trees. The <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">texconfig</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">updmap</span>, and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">fmtutil </span>scripts now modify
+ user-specific files, under <span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Corresponding new variables <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFCONFIG </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFSYSCONFIG </span>to specify the trees where
+ configuration files (user or system, respectively) are found. Thus, you may need to move
+ personal versions of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">fmtutil.cnf </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">updmap.cfg </span>to these places; another option is to redefine
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFCONFIG </span>or <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFSYSCONFIG </span>in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf</span>. In any case the real location of these files and
+ the values of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFCONFIG </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFSYSCONFIG </span>must agree. See section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-110002.3">2.3<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:texmftrees --></a>, p. <a
+href="#x1-110002.3">8<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:texmftrees --></a>.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Last year, we kept <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\pdfoutput</span></span></span> and other primitives undefined for DVI&#x00A0;output, even though the
+ <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pdfetex </span>program was being used. This year, as promised, we undid that compatibility measure. So
+ if your document uses <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined</span></span></span> to test if PDF is being output, it will need to
+ be changed. You can use the package <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">ifpdf.sty </span>(which works under both plain <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;and <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+ to do this, or steal its logic.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">Last year, we changed most formats to output (8-bit) characters as themselves (see previous section).
+ The new TCX file <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">empty.tcx </span>now provides an easier way to get the original <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">^^</span></span></span> notation if you so desire,
+ as in:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-7">
+ <div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb20"><a
+ id="x1-75002r1"></a>&#x00A0;&#x00A0;latex&#x00A0;--translate-file=empty.tcx&#x00A0;yourfile.tex</div>
+ <!--l. 3042--><p class="nopar" >
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">The new program <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvipdfmx </span>is included for translation of DVI to PDF; this is an actively maintained
+ update of <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvipdfm </span>(which is also still available for now, though no longer recommended).
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">The new programs <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pdfopen </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pdfclose </span>are included to allow reloading of pdf files in the Adobe Acrobat
+ Reader without restarting the program. (Other pdf readers, notably <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xpdf</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">gv</span>, and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">gsview</span>, have never
+ suffered from this problem.)
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">For consistency, the variables <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">HOMETEXMF </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">VARTEXMF </span>have been renamed to <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFHOME </span>and
+ <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFSYSVAR</span>, respectively. There is also <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFVAR</span>, which is by default user-specific. See the first point
+ above.
+ </li></ul>
+<!--l. 3064--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9.1.4 </span> <a
+ id="x1-760009.1.4"></a>2006&#8211;2007</h5>
+<!--l. 3066--><p class="noindent" >In 2006&#8211;2007, the major new addition to <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live was the Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> program, available as the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">xetex </span>and
+class="ec-lmtt-10">xelatex </span>programs; see <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3070--><p class="indent" > MetaPost also received a notable update, with more planned for the future (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+likewise pdf<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3074--><p class="indent" > The <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.fmt </span>(high-speed format) and the similar files for MetaPost and Metafont&#x00A0;are now stored in
+subdirectories of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf/web2c</span>, instead of in the directory itself (although the directory is still searched, for the
+sake of existing <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.fmt</span>&#8217;s). The subdirectories are named for the &#8216;engine&#8217; in use, such as <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tex </span>or <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">pdftex </span>or <span
+This change should be invisible in normal use.
+<!--l. 3082--><p class="indent" > The (plain) <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tex </span>program no longer reads <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">%&amp; </span>first lines to determine what format to run; it is the pure
+Knuthian <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>. (<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;and everything else do still read <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">%&amp; </span>lines).
+<!--l. 3086--><p class="indent" > Of course the year also saw (the usual) hundreds of other updates to packages and programs. As usual,
+please check CTAN (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) for updates.
+<!--l. 3090--><p class="indent" > Internally, the source tree is now stored in Subversion, with a standard web interface for viewing the tree,
+as linked from our home page. Although not visible in the final distribution, we expect this will provide a
+stable development foundation for future years.
+<!--l. 3095--><p class="indent" > Finally, in May 2006 Thomas Esser announced that he would no longer be updating te<span class="TEX">T<span
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>). As a result, there was been a surge of interest in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, especially among
+GNU/Linux distributors. (There is a new <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tetex </span>installation scheme in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, which provides an
+approximate equivalent.) We hope this will eventually translate to improvements in the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;environment for
+<!--l. 3103--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9.1.5 </span> <a
+ id="x1-770009.1.5"></a>2008</h5>
+<!--l. 3105--><p class="noindent" >In 2008, the entire <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live infrastructure was redesigned and reimplemented. Complete information about
+an installation is now stored in a plain text file <span
+<!--l. 3109--><p class="indent" > Among other things, this finally makes possible upgrading a <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live installation over the Internet after
+the initial installation, a feature MiK<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;has provided for many years. We expect to regularly update new
+packages as they are released to CTAN.
+<!--l. 3114--><p class="indent" > The major new engine Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) is included; besides a new level of flexibility
+in typesetting, this provides an excellent scripting language for use both inside and outside of
+<span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 3119--><p class="indent" > Support among Windows and the Unix-based platforms is now much more uniform. In particular, most
+Perl and Lua scripts are now available on Windows, using the Perl internally distributed with <span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 3123--><p class="indent" > The new <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>script (section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-450005">5<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:tlmgr --></a>) is the general interface for managing <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live after the initial
+installation. It handles package updates and consequent regeneration of formats, map files, and language files,
+optionally including local additions.
+<!--l. 3128--><p class="indent" > With the advent of <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr</span>, the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">texconfig </span>actions to edit the format and hyphenation configuration files are
+now disabled.
+<!--l. 3131--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xindy </span>indexing program (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) is now included on most
+<!--l. 3134--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">kpsewhich </span>tool can now report all matches for a given file (option <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">&#8211;all</span>) and limit matches to a given
+subdirectory (option <span
+<!--l. 3138--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvipdfmx </span>program now includes functionality to extract bounding box information, via the command
+name <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">extractbb</span>; this was one of the last features provided by <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvipdfm </span>not in <span
+<!--l. 3143--><p class="indent" > The font aliases <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">Times-Roman</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">Helvetica</span>, and so on have been removed. Different packages expected them
+to behave differently (in particular, to have different encodings), and there was no good way to resolve
+<!--l. 3148--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">platex </span>format has been removed, to resolve a name conflict with a completely different Japanese <span
+the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">polski </span>package is now the main Polish support.
+<!--l. 3152--><p class="indent" > Internally, the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">WEB</span>&#x00A0;string pool files are now compiled into the binaries, to ease upgrades.
+<!--l. 3155--><p class="indent" > Finally, the changes made by Donald Knuth in his &#8216;<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;tuneup of 2008&#8217; are included in this release. See
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3159--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9.1.6 </span> <a
+ id="x1-780009.1.6"></a>2009</h5>
+<!--l. 3161--><p class="noindent" >In 2009, the default output format for Lua(L<span
+class="ec-lmr-7">A</span> )<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;is now PDF, to take advantage of Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s OpenType
+support, et al. New executables named <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">dviluatex </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">dvilualatex </span>run Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;with DVI output. The
+Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;home page is <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3166--><p class="indent" > The original Omega engine and Lambda format have been excised, after discussions with the Omega
+authors. The updated Aleph and Lamed remain, as do the Omega utilities.
+<!--l. 3170--><p class="indent" > A new release of the AMS Type&#x00A0;1&#x00A0;fonts is included, including Computer Modern: a few shape
+changes made over the years by Knuth in the Metafont sources have been integrated, and the
+hinting has been updated. The Euler fonts have been thoroughly reshaped by Hermann Zapf (see
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>). In all cases, the metrics remain
+unchanged. The AMS fonts home page is <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3178--><p class="indent" > The new GUI front end <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>works is included for Windows, and also in Mac<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>. For other platforms, and
+more information, see the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>works home page, <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>. It is a cross-platform front end
+inspired by the Mac OS X&#x00A0;TeXShop editor, aiming at ease-of-use.
+<!--l. 3183--><p class="indent" > The graphics program Asymptote is included for several platforms. This implements a text-based graphics
+description language vaguely akin to MetaPost, but with advanced 3D support and other features. Its home
+page is <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3188--><p class="indent" > The separate <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">dvipdfm </span>program has been replaced by <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">dvipdfmx</span>, which operates in a special compatibility
+mode under that name. <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">dvipdfmx </span>includes CJK support and has accumulated many other fixes over the years
+since the last <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">dvipdfm </span>release. The DVIPDFMx home page is <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3195--><p class="indent" > Executables for the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">cygwin </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">i386-netbsd </span>platforms are now included, while we were advised that
+OpenBSD users get <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;through their package systems, plus there were difficulties in making binaries that
+have a chance of working on more than one version.
+<!--l. 3200--><p class="indent" > A miscellany of smaller changes: we now use <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">xz </span>compression, the stable replacement for <span
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>); a literal <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">$</span></span></span> is allowed in filenames when it does not introduce a known variable
+name; the Kpathsea library is now multi-threaded (made use of in MetaPost); the entire <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live build is
+now based on Automake.
+<!--l. 3207--><p class="indent" > Final note on the past: all releases of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live, along with ancillary material such as CD&#x00A0;labels, are
+available at <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3212--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9.1.7 </span> <a
+ id="x1-790009.1.7"></a>2010</h5>
+<!--l. 3215--><p class="noindent" >In 2010, the default version for PDF output is now 1.5, enabling more compression. This applies to all the
+<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;engines when used to produce PDF and to <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">dvipdfmx</span>. Loading the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pdf14 </span><span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;package changes back
+to PDF&#x00A0;1.4, or set <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+<!--l. 3220--><p class="indent" > pdf(L<span
+class="ec-lmr-7">A</span> )<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;now <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">automatically </span>converts a requested Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file to PDF, via the
+class="ec-lmss-10">epstopdf </span>package, when and if the <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">graphics.cfg </span>configuration file is loaded, and PDF is
+being output. The default options are intended to eliminate any chance of hand-created PDF
+files being overwritten, but you can also prevent <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">epstopdf </span>from being loaded at all by putting
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\newcommand{\DoNotLoadEpstopdf}{}</span></span></span> (or <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\def...</span></span></span>) before the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\documentclass </span>declaration. It is also not
+loaded if the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">pst-pdf </span>package is used. For more details, see the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">epstopdf </span>package documentation
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3232--><p class="indent" > A related change is that execution of a very few external commands from <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, via the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\write18 </span>feature, is
+now enabled by default. These are commands are <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">repstopdf</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">makeindex</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">kpsewhich</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">bibtex</span>, and <span
+the list is defined in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf</span>. Environments which must disallow all such external commands can deselect
+this option in the installer (see section&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-280003.2.4">3.2.4<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:options --></a>), or override the value after installation by running
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+<!--l. 3241--><p class="indent" > Yet another related change is that BibTeX&#x00A0;and Makeindex now refuse to write their output files to an
+arbitrary directory (like <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;itself), by default. This is so they can now be enabled for use by the restricted
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\write18</span>. To change this, the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">TEXMFOUTPUT </span>environment variable can be set, or the <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">openout_any</span></span></span> setting
+<!--l. 3247--><p class="indent" > Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;now supports margin kerning along the same lines as pdf<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>. (Font expansion is not presently
+<!--l. 3250--><p class="indent" > By default, <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">tlmgr </span>now saves one backup of each package updated (<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlmgr option autobackup 1</span>), so
+broken packages updates can be easily reverted with <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlmgr restore</span>. If you do post-install updates, and don&#8217;t
+have the disk space for the backups, run <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlmgr option autobackup 0</span>.
+<!--l. 3256--><p class="indent" > New programs included: the p<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;engine and related utilities for typesetting Japanese; the BibTeXU
+program for Unicode-enabled BibTeX; the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">chktex </span>utility (<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) for
+checking (L<span
+class="ec-lmr-7">A</span> )<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;documents; the <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">dvisvgm </span>(<a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) DVI-to-SVG
+<!--l. 3263--><p class="indent" > Executables for these new platforms are now included: <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">amd64-freebsd</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">amd64-kfreebsd</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">i386-kfreebsd</span>, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">x86_64-darwin</span>, <span
+<!--l. 3267--><p class="indent" > A change in <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live 2009 that we failed to note: numerous <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>4ht-related executables
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></a>) were removed from the binary directories. The generic <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">mk4ht </span>program can be used
+to run any of the various <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tex4ht </span>combinations.
+<!--l. 3272--><p class="indent" > Finally, the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span> Live release on the <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Collection&#x00A0;DVD&#x00A0;can no longer be run live (oddly enough). A
+single DVD&#x00A0;no longer has enough room. One beneficial side effect is that installation from the physical
+DVD&#x00A0;is much faster.
+<!--l. 3277--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9.1.8 </span> <a
+ id="x1-800009.1.8"></a>2011</h5>
+<!--l. 3279--><p class="noindent" >The Mac OS X&#x00A0;binaries (<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">universal-darwin </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">x86_64-darwin</span>) now work only on Leopard or later; Panther
+and Tiger are no longer supported.
+<!--l. 3283--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">biber </span>program for bibliography processing is included on common platforms. Its development is
+closely coupled with the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">biblatex </span>package, which completely reimplements the bibliographical facilities
+provided by LaTeX.
+<!--l. 3288--><p class="indent" > The MetaPost (<span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">mpost</span>) program no longer creates or uses <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">.mem </span>files. The needed files, such as <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span>, are
+simply read on every run. This is related to supporting MetaPost as a library, which is another significant
+though not user-visible change.
+<!--l. 3293--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">updmap </span>implementation in Perl, previously used only on Windows, has been revamped and is now used
+on all platforms. There shouldn&#8217;t be any user-visible changes as a result, except that it runs much
+<!--l. 3299--><p class="indent" > <a id="news"></a>
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9.2 </span> <a
+ id="x1-810009.2"></a>Present</h4>
+<!--l. 3303--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">tlmgr </span>supports updates from multiple network repositories. The section on multiple repositories in the <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">help </span>output has more.
+<!--l. 3307--><p class="indent" > The parameter <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\XeTeXdashbreakstate </span>is set to&#x00A0;1 by default, for both <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">xetex </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">xelatex</span>. This allows line
+breaks after em-dashes and en-dashes, which has always been the behavior of plain <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>, Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+etc. Existing Xe<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;documents which must retain perfect line-break compatibility will need to set
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\XeTeXdashbreakstate </span>to&#x00A0;0 explicitly.
+<!--l. 3314--><p class="indent" > The output files generated by <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">pdftex </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">dvips</span>, among others, can now exceed 2gb.
+<!--l. 3317--><p class="indent" > The 35 standard PostScript fonts are included in the output of <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">dvips </span>by default, since so many different
+versions of them are extant.
+<!--l. 3321--><p class="indent" > In the restricted <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">\write18 </span>execution mode, set by default, <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">mpost </span>is now an allowed program.
+<!--l. 3324--><p class="indent" > A <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">texmf.cnf </span>file is also found in <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">../texmf-local</span>, e.g., <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/web2c/texmf.cnf</span>, if
+it exists.
+<!--l. 3328--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">updmap </span>script reads a per-tree <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">updmap.cfg </span>instead of one global config. This change should be
+invisible, unless you edited your updmap.cfg&#8217;s directly. The <span
+class="ec-lmtt-10">updmap &#8211;help </span>output has more.
+<!--l. 3332--><p class="indent" > Platforms: <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">armel-linux </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">mipsel-linux </span>added; <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">sparc-linux </span>and <span
+class="ec-lmss-10">i386-netbsd </span>are no longer in the main
+distribution, but are available for installation as custom binaries, along with a variety of other platforms:
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3339--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">9.3 </span> <a
+ id="x1-820009.3"></a>Future</h4>
+<!--l. 3341--><p class="noindent" ><span class="TEX"><span
+class="ec-lmri-10">X</span></span> <span
+class="ec-lmri-10">Live is not perfect! </span>(And never will be.) We intend to continue to release new versions, and would like to
+provide more help material, more utilities, more installation programs, and (of course) an ever-improved and
+better-checked tree of macros and fonts. This work is all done by volunteers in their spare time, and so there is
+always more to do. Please see <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3348--><p class="indent" > Please send corrections, suggestions, and offers of help to:
+ <div class="quote">
+ <!--l. 3350--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="" ><span class="path"><span
+class="ec-lmtt-10"></span></span></a> <br
+class="newline" /><a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 3355--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="ec-lmro-10">Happy </span><span class="TEX"><span
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/texlive-en.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/texlive-en.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b869e6cecb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/texlive-en.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/texlive-en.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/texlive-en.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8ab7f7b6282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/texlive-en.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3360 @@
+% $Id$
+% TeX Live documentation. Originally written by Sebastian Rahtz and
+% Michel Goossens, now maintained by Karl Berry and others.
+% Public domain.
+\let\tldocenglish=1 % for live4ht.cfg
+\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % translators: use your preferred encodings.
+ {\huge \textit{The \TeX\ Live Guide}\\\smallskip}%
+ {\LARGE \textsf{\TL{} 2012}}%
+\author{Karl Berry, editor \\[3mm]
+ \url{}
+ }
+\date{June 2012}
+\subsection{\TeX\ Live and the \TeX\ Collection}
+This document describes the main features of the \TL{} software
+distribution\Dash \TeX{} and related programs for \GNU/Linux
+and other Unix flavors, \MacOSX, and Windows systems.
+You may have acquired \TL{} by downloading, or on the \TK{} \DVD, which
+\TeX{} user groups distribute among their members, or in other ways.
+Section \ref{sec:tl-coll-dists} briefly describes the contents of the
+\DVD. Both \TL{} and the \TK{} are cooperative efforts by the \TeX{}
+user groups. This document mainly describes \TL{} itself.
+\TL{} includes executables for \TeX{}, \LaTeXe{}, \ConTeXt,
+\MF, \MP, \BibTeX{} and many other programs; an extensive collection
+of macros, fonts and documentation; and support for typesetting in
+many different scripts from around the world.
+For a brief summary of the major changes in this edition of \TL{},
+see the end of the document, section~\ref{sec:history}
+\subsection{Operating system support}
+\TL{} contains binaries for many Unix-based platforms, including
+\GNU/Linux, \MacOSX, and Cygwin. The included sources can be compiled
+on platforms for which we do not provide binaries.
+As to Windows: Windows \acro{XP} and later are supported. Windows~2000
+will probably still mostly work. There are no special 64-bit
+executables for Windows, but the 32-bit executables should run on 64-bit
+See section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists} for alternate solutions
+for Windows and \MacOSX.
+\subsection{Basic installation of \protect\TL{}}
+You can install \TL{} either from \DVD{} or over the Internet
+(\url{}). The net installer itself is
+small, and downloads everything requested from the Internet.
+The \DVD{} installer lets you install to a local disk. You cannot run
+\TL{} directly from the \TK{} \DVD{} (or its \code{.iso} image), but you
+can prepare a runnable installation on, e.g., a \USB{} stick (see
+section~\ref{sec:portable-tl}). Installation is described in later
+sections (\p.\pageref{sec:install}), but here is a quick start:
+\item The installation script is named \filename{install-tl}. It can
+ operate in a ``wizard mode'' given the option \code{-gui=wizard}
+ (default for Windows), a text mode given \code{-gui=text} (default for
+ everything else), and an expert \GUI{} mode given \code{-gui=perltk}.
+\item One of the installed items is the `\TL\ Manager' program,
+ named \prog{tlmgr}. Like the installer, it can be used in both \GUI{}
+ mode and in text mode. You can use it to install and uninstall
+ packages and do various configuration tasks.
+\subsection{Security considerations}
+To the best of our knowledge, the core \TeX\ programs themselves are
+(and always have been) extremely robust. However, the contributed
+programs in \TeX\ Live may not reach the same level, despite everyone's
+best efforts. As always, you should be careful when running programs on
+untrusted input; for maximum safety, use a new subdirectory.
+This need for care is especially urgent on Windows, since in general
+Windows finds programs in the current directory before anything else,
+regardless of the search path. This opens up a wide variety of possible
+attacks. We have closed many holes, but undoubtedly some remain,
+especially with third-party programs. Thus, we recommend checking for
+suspicious files in the current directory, especially executables
+(binaries or scripts). Ordinarily they should not be present, and
+definitely should not normally be created by merely processing a document.
+Finally, \TeX\ (and its companion programs) are able to write files when
+processing documents, a feature that can also be abused in a wide
+variety of ways. Again, processing unknown documents in a new
+subdirectory is the safest bet.
+\subsection{Getting help}
+The \TeX{} community is active and friendly, and most serious questions
+end up getting answered. However, the support is informal, done by
+volunteers and casual readers, so it's especially important that you do
+your homework before asking. (If you prefer guaranteed commercial
+support, you can forgo \TL{} completely and purchase a vendor's system;
+\url{} has a list.)
+Here is a list of resources, approximately in the order we recommend
+using them:
+\item [Getting Started] If you are new to \TeX, the web page
+\url{} gives a brief introduction to the system.
+\item [\TeX{} \acro{FAQ}] The \TeX{} \acro{FAQ} is a huge compendium
+ of answers to all sorts of questions, from the most basic to the
+ most arcane. It is included on \TL{} in
+ \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/FAQ-en/html/index.html}, and is available
+ on the Internet through \url{}. Please
+ check here first.
+\item [\TeX{} Catalogue] If you are looking for a specific package,
+font, program, etc., the \TeX{} Catalogue is the place to look. It is a
+huge collection of all \TeX{}-related items. See
+\item [\TeX{} Web Resources] The web page
+\url{} has many \TeX{}-related links, in
+particular for numerous books, manuals, and articles on all aspects of
+the system.
+\item [support archives] The two principal support forums are the
+Usenet newsgroup \url{news:comp.text.tex} and the mailing list
+\email{}. Their archives have years of past
+questions and answers for your searching pleasure, via
+\url{} and
+\url{}, respectively. And a general web
+search, for example on \url{}, never hurts.
+\item [asking questions] If you cannot find an answer, you can post to
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} through Google or your newsreader, or to
+\email{} through email. But before you post,
+\emph{please} read this \acro{FAQ} entry, to maximize
+your chances of getting a useful answer:
+Also worth mentioning are the \LaTeX{} Community site at
+\url{} and its forum
+\url{}, and
+\TeX\ StackExchange at \url{}.
+\item [\TL{} support] If you want to report a bug or have
+suggestions or comments on the \TL{} distribution, installation, or
+documentation, the mailing list is \email{}. However,
+if your question is about how to use a particular program included in
+\TL{}, please write to that program's maintainer or
+mailing list. Often running a program with the \code{-{}-help} option
+will provide a bug reporting address.
+The other side of the coin is helping others who have questions. Both
+\dirname{comp.text.tex} and \code{texhax} are open to anyone, so feel
+free to join, start reading, and help out where you can.
+% don't use \TL so the \uppercase in the headline works. Also so
+% tex4ht ends up with the right TeX. Likewise the \protect's.
+\section{Overview of \protect\TeX\protect\ Live}
+This section describes the contents of \TL{} and the \TK{} of which it
+is a part.
+\subsection{The \protect\TeX\protect\ Collection: \TL, pro\TeX{}t, Mac\TeX}
+The \TK{} \DVD{} comprises the following:
+\item [\TL] A complete \TeX{} system to be installed to disk. Its home
+page is \url{}.
+\item [Mac\TeX] for \MacOSX, this adds a native \MacOSX\ installer and other
+Mac applications to \TL{}. Its home page is
+\item [pro\TeX{}t] An enhancement of the \MIKTEX\ distribution for Windows,
+\ProTeXt\ adds a few extra tools to \MIKTEX, and simplifies
+installation. It is entirely independent of \TL{}, and has its own
+installation instructions. The \ProTeXt\ home page is
+\item [CTAN] A snapshot of the \CTAN{} repository (\url{}).
+\item [\texttt{texmf-extra}] A directory with assorted additional packages.
+\CTAN{}, \pkgname{protext}, and \dirname{texmf-extra} do not
+necessarily follow the same copying conditions as \TL{}, so be careful
+when redistributing or modifying.
+\subsection{Top level \TL{} directories}
+Here is a brief listing and description of the top level directories in a
+\TL{} installation.
+\item[bin] The \TeX{} system programs, arranged by platform.
+\item[readme-*.dir] Quick overview and useful links for \TL{},
+in various languages, in both \HTML{} and plain text.
+\item[source] The source to all included programs, including the main
+ \Webc{}-based \TeX{} distributions.
+\item[texmf] See \dirname{TEXMFMAIN} below.
+\item[texmf-dist] See \dirname{TEXMFDIST} below.
+\item[tlpkg] Scripts, programs and data for managing the
+ installation, and special support for Windows.
+In addition to the directories above, the installation scripts and
+\filename{README} files (in various languages) are at the top level of
+the distribution.
+For documentation, the comprehensive links in the top-level file
+\OnCD{doc.html} may be helpful. The documentation for the programs
+(manuals, man pages, Info files) is in \dirname{texmf/doc}. The
+documentation for \TeX\ packages and formats is in
+\dirname{texmf-dist/doc}. You can use the \cmdname{texdoc} program to
+find any documentation wherever it is located.
+This \TL\ documentation itself is in \dirname{texmf/doc/texlive},
+available in several languages:
+\item{Czech/Slovak:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-cz}
+\item{German:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-de}
+\item{English:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-en}
+\item{French:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-fr}
+\item{Italian:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-it}
+\item{Polish:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-pl}
+\item{Russian:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-ru}
+\item{Serbian:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-sr}
+\item{Simplified Chinese:} \OnCD{texmf/doc/texlive/texlive-zh-cn}
+\subsection{Overview of the predefined texmf trees}
+This section lists the predefined variables specifying the texmf trees
+used by the system, and their intended purpose, and the default layout
+of \TL{}. The command \texttt{tlmgr~conf} shows the values of these
+variables, so that you can easily find out how they map to particular
+directories in your installation.
+All of the trees, including the personal ones, should follow the \TeX\
+Directory Structure (\TDS, \url{}), with all its
+myriad subdirectories, or files may not be found. Section
+\ref{sec:local-personal-macros} (\p.\pageref{sec:local-personal-macros})
+describes this in more detail.
+\item [TEXMFMAIN] The tree which holds vital parts of the
+ system such as configuration files, helper scripts, and program
+ documentation.
+\item [TEXMFDIST] The tree which holds the main set of macro packages,
+ fonts, etc.
+\item [TEXMFLOCAL] The tree which administrators can use for system-wide
+ installation of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+\item [TEXMFHOME] The tree which users can use for their own individual
+ installations of additional or updated macros, fonts, etc.
+ The expansion of this variable dynamically adjusts for each user to
+ their own individual directory.
+\item [TEXMFCONFIG] The (personal) tree used by the utilities
+ \verb+texconfig+, \verb+updmap+, and \verb+fmtutil+ to store modified
+ configuration data.
+\item [TEXMFSYSCONFIG] The (site-wide) tree used by the utilities
+ \verb+texconfig-sys+, \verb+updmap-sys+, and \verb+fmtutil-sys+ to
+ store modified configuration data.
+\item [TEXMFVAR] The (personal) tree used by \verb+texconfig+,
+ \verb+updmap+ and \verb+fmtutil+ to store (cached) runtime data such
+ as format files and generated map files.
+\item [TEXMFSYSVAR] The (site-wide) tree used by \verb+texconfig-sys+,
+ \verb+updmap-sys+ and \verb+fmtutil-sys+, and also by \verb+tlmgr+, to
+ store (cached) runtime data such as format files and generated map files.
+\item [TEXMFCACHE] The tree(s) used by \ConTeXt\ Mk\acro{IV}
+ to store (cached) runtime data.
+The default layout is:
+ \item[system-wide root] can span multiple \TL{} releases:
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item[2011] A previous release.
+ \item[2012] The current release.
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [bin] ~
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [i386-linux] \GNU/Linux binaries
+ \item [...]
+ \item [universal-darwin] \MacOSX\ binaries
+ \item [win32] Windows binaries
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ] This is \envname{TEXMFMAIN}.
+ \item [texmf-dist\ \ ] \envname{TEXMFDIST}
+ \item [texmf-var \ \ ] \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}
+ \item [texmf-config] \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf-local] \envname{TEXMFLOCAL}, intended to be
+ retained from release to release.
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item[user's home] (\texttt{\$HOME} or
+ \texttt{\%USERPROFILE\%})
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item[.texlive2011] Privately generated and configuration data
+ for a previous release.
+ \item[.texlive2012] Privately generated and configuration data
+ for the current release.
+ \begin{ttdescription}
+ \item [texmf-var\ \ \ ] \envname{TEXMFVAR}, \envname{TEXMFCACHE}
+ \item [texmf-config] \envname{TEXMFCONFIG}
+ \end{ttdescription}
+ \item[texmf] \envname{TEXMFHOME} Personal macros, etc.
+ \end{ttdescription}
+\subsection{Extensions to \protect\TeX}
+Knuth's original \TeX{} itself is frozen, apart from rare bug fixes. It
+is still present in \TL\ as the program \prog{tex}, and will remain so
+for the foreseeable future. \TL{} contains several extended versions of
+\item [\eTeX] adds a set of new primitives
+\label{text:etex} (related to macro expansion, character scanning,
+classes of marks, additional debugging features, and more) and the
+\TeXXeT{} extensions for bidirectional typesetting. In default mode,
+\eTeX{} is 100\% compatible with ordinary \TeX. See
+\item [pdf\TeX] builds on the \eTeX\ extensions, adding support for
+writing \acro{PDF} output as well as \dvi{}, and many non-output-related
+extensions. This is the program invoked for most formats, e.g.,
+\prog{etex}, \prog{latex}, \prog{pdflatex}. Its web site is
+\url{}. See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf} for the manual, and
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/samplepdf/samplepdf.tex} for example
+usage of some of its features.
+\item [Lua\TeX] is the designated successor of pdf\TeX,
+and is mostly (but not entirely) backward-compatible. It is also
+intended to be a functional superset of Aleph (see below), though
+technical compatibility is not intended. The incorporated Lua
+interpreter (\url{}) enables elegant solutions for
+many thorny \TeX{} problems. When called as \filename{texlua}, it
+functions as a standalone Lua interpreter, and is already used as such
+within \TL. Its web site is \url{}, and the
+reference manual is \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/luatex/luatexref-t.pdf}.
+\item [\XeTeX] adds support for Unicode input and OpenType- and system
+fonts, implemented using standard third-party libraries. See
+\item [\OMEGA\ (Omega)] is based on Unicode (16-bit characters), thus
+supports working with almost all the world's scripts simultaneously. It
+also supports so-called `\OMEGA{} Translation Processes' (\acro{OTP}s),
+for performing complex transformations on arbitrary input. Omega is no
+longer included in \TL{} as a separate program; only Aleph is provided:
+\item [Aleph] combines the \OMEGA\ and \eTeX\ extensions.
+See \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base}.
+\subsection{Other notable programs in \protect\TL}
+Here are a few other commonly-used programs included in \TL{}:
+\item [bibtex, bibtex8] bibliography support.
+\item [makeindex, xindy] index support.
+\item [dvips] convert \dvi{} to \PS{}.
+\item [xdvi] \dvi{} previewer for the X Window System.
+\item [dvilj] \dvi{} drive for the HP LaserJet family.
+\item [dviconcat, dviselect] cut and paste pages
+from \dvi{} files.
+\item [dvipdfmx] convert \dvi{} to \acro{PDF}, an alternative approach
+to pdf\TeX\ (mentioned above).
+\item [psselect, psnup, \ldots] \PS{} utilities.
+\item [pdfjam, pdfjoin, \ldots] \acro{PDF} utilities.
+\item [texexec, texmfstart] Con\TeX{}t and \acro{PDF} processor.
+\item [tex4ht] \TeX{} to \acro{HTML} (and \acro{XML} and more) converter.
+\subsection{Fonts in \protect\TL}
+\TL{} comes with many high-quality scalable fonts. See
+\url{} and
+\subsection{Starting the installer}
+To begin, get the \TK{} \DVD{} or download the \TL{} net installer, and
+locate the installer script: \filename{install-tl} for Unix,
+\filename{install-tl.bat} for Windows. See
+\url{} for more information and other
+methods of getting the software.
+\item [Net installer:] Download from \CTAN, under
+\dirname{systems/texlive/tlnet}; the url
+\url{} will automatically
+redirect to a nearby, up-to-date, mirror. You can retrieve either
+\filename{} which can be used under Unix and Windows, or
+the considerably smaller \filename{install-unx.tar.gz} for Unix
+only. After unpacking, \filename{install-tl} and
+\filename{install-tl.bat} will be in the \dirname{install-tl}
+\item [\TeX{} Collection \DVD:] go to the \DVD's \dirname{texlive}
+subdirectory. Under Windows, the installer normally starts automatically
+when you insert the \DVD. You can get the \DVD\ by becoming a member of
+a \TeX\ user group (highly recommended,
+\url{}), or purchasing it separately
+(\url{}), or burning your own from the \ISO\ image.
+You can also mount the \ISO\ directly on most systems. After installing
+from \DVD\ or \ISO, if you want to get continuing updates from the
+Internet, please see \ref{sec:dvd-install-net-updates}.
+The same installer program is run, whatever the source. The most
+visible difference between the two is that with the net installer, what
+you end up with is the packages that are currently available. This is
+in contrast to the \DVD\ and \ISO\ images, which are not updated between
+the major public releases.
+The following sections explain installer start-up in more detail.
+Below, \texttt{>} denotes the shell prompt; user input is
+The script \filename{install-tl} is a Perl script. The simplest way
+to start it on a Unix-compatible system is as follows:
+> \Ucom{cd /path/to/installer}
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl}
+(Or you can invoke \Ucom{perl /path/to/installer/install-tl}, or
+\Ucom{./install-tl} if it stayed executable, etc.; we won't repeat all
+these variations.) You may have to enlarge your terminal window so
+that it shows the full text installer screen (Figure~\ref{fig:text-main}).
+To install in expert \GUI\ mode (figure~\ref{fig:gui-main}), you'll
+need the \dirname{Perl/TK} module compiled with \acro{XFT} support,
+which is generally the case with \GNU/Linux, but not necessarily with other
+systems. Given that, you can run:
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl -gui}
+For a complete listing of the various options:
+> \Ucom{perl install-tl -help}
+\textbf{Warning about Unix permissions:} Your \code{umask} at the time
+of installation will be respected by the \TL{} installer. Therefore, if
+you want your installation to be usable by users other than you, make
+sure your setting is sufficiently permissive, for instance, \code{umask
+002}. For more information about \code{umask}, consult your system
+\textbf{Special considerations for Cygwin:} Unlike other
+Unix-compatible systems, Cygwin does not by default include all of the
+prerequisite programs needed by the \TL{} installer. See
+Section~\ref{sec:cygwin} for details.
+As mentioned in section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists}, a separate distribution
+is prepared for \MacOSX, named Mac\TeX\ (\url{}).
+We recommend using the native Mac\TeX\ installer instead of the \TL\
+installer on \MacOSX, because the native installer makes a few
+Mac-specific adjustments, in particular to allow easily switching
+between the various \TeX\ distributions for \MacOSX\ (Mac\TeX, Fink,
+MacPorts, \ldots).
+Mac\TeX\ is firmly based on \TL, and the main \TeX\ trees are precisely
+the same. It does add a few extra folders with Mac-specific
+documentation and applications.
+If you are using the net installer, or the \DVD\ installer failed to
+start automatically, double-click \filename{install-tl.bat}.
+For more customization options, e.g., selection of specific package
+collections, run \filename{install-tl-advanced.bat} instead.
+You can also start the installer from the command-prompt. Below,
+\texttt{>} denotes the prompt; user input is \Ucom{\texttt{bold}}. If
+you are in the installer directory, run just:
+> \Ucom{install-tl}
+Or you can invoke it with an absolute location, such as:
+> \Ucom{D:\bs{}texlive\bs{}install-tl}
+for the \TK\ \DVD, supposing that \dirname{D:} is the optical
+drive. Figure~\ref{fig:wizard-w32} displays the wizard installer, which
+is the default for Windows.
+To install in text mode, use:
+> \Ucom{install-tl -no-gui}
+For a complete listing of the various options:
+> \Ucom{install-tl -help}
+Installing TeX Live 2012 from: ...
+Platform: i386-linux => 'Intel x86 with GNU/Linux'
+Distribution: inst (compressed)
+ Detected platform: Intel x86 with GNU/Linux
+ <B> platforms: 1 out of 19
+ <S> installation scheme (scheme-full)
+ 84 collections out of 85, disk space required: 3091 MB
+ Customizing installation scheme:
+ <C> standard collections
+ <L> language collections
+ <D> directories:
+ TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
+ /usr/local/texlive/2012
+ ...
+ <O> options:
+ [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
+ ...
+ <V> set up for portable installation
+ <I> start installation to hard disk
+ <H> help
+ <Q> quit
+\caption{Main text installer screen (\GNU/Linux)}\label{fig:text-main}
+\tlpng{install-lnx-main}{\linewidth,trim=10 4 0 20,clip}
+\caption{Expert \GUI{} installer screen (\GNU/Linux)}\label{fig:gui-main}
+\tlpng{wizard-w32}{\linewidth,trim=0 4 0 0,clip}
+\caption{Wizard installer screen (Windows)}\label{fig:wizard-w32}
+The \TL{} installer supports only Cygwin 1.7.
+Before beginning the installation, use Cygwin's \filename{setup.exe} program to
+install the \filename{perl} and \filename{wget} packages if you have
+not already done so. The following additional packages are
+\item \filename{fontconfig} [needed by \XeTeX]
+\item \filename{ghostscript} [needed by various utilities]
+\item \filename{libXaw7} [needed by \code{xdvi}]
+\item \filename{ncurses} [provides the \code{clear} command used by the installer]
+\subsubsection{The text installer}
+Figure~\ref{fig:text-main} displays the main text mode screen under
+Unix. The text installer is the default on Unix.
+This is only a command-line installer; there is no cursor support at
+all. For instance, you cannot tab around checkboxes or input fields.
+You just type something (case-sensitive) at the prompt and press the
+Enter key, and then the entire terminal screen will be rewritten, with
+adjusted content.
+The text installer interface is this primitive for a reason: it
+is designed to run on as many platforms as possible, even with a
+very barebones Perl.
+\subsubsection{The expert graphical installer}
+Figure~\ref{fig:gui-main} displays the expert graphical installer under
+\GNU/Linux. Other than using buttons and menus, this does
+not differ much from the text installer.
+This mode can be invoked explicitly with
+> \Ucom{install-tl -gui=perltk}
+\subsubsection{The simple wizard installer}
+Under Windows, the default is to run the simplest installation method we
+could devise, called the ``wizard'' installer
+(figure~\ref{fig:wizard-w32}). It installs everything and asks almost
+no questions. If you want to customize your setup, you should run one
+of the other installers.
+This mode can be invoked explicitly with
+> \Ucom{install-tl -gui=wizard}
+\subsection{Running the installer}
+The installer is intended to be mostly self-explanatory, but following are a
+few notes about the various options and submenus.
+\subsubsection{Binary systems menu (Unix only)}
+Available platforms:
+ a [ ] alpha-linux DEC Alpha with GNU/Linux
+ b [ ] amd64-freebsd x86_64 with FreeBSD
+ c [ ] amd64-kfreebsd x86_64 with GNU/kFreeBSD
+ d [ ] armel-linux ARM with GNU/Linux
+ e [ ] i386-cygwin Intel x86 with Cygwin
+ f [ ] i386-freebsd Intel x86 with FreeBSD
+ g [ ] i386-kfreebsd Intel x86 with GNU/kFreeBSD
+ h [X] i386-linux Intel x86 with GNU/Linux
+ i [ ] i386-solaris Intel x86 with Solaris
+ j [ ] mips-irix SGI IRIX
+ k [ ] mipsel-linux mipsel with Linux
+ l [ ] powerpc-aix PowerPC with AIX
+ m [ ] powerpc-linux PowerPC with GNU/Linux
+ o [ ] sparc-solaris Sparc with Solaris
+ p [ ] universal-darwin universal binaries for MacOSX/Darwin
+ s [ ] win32 Windows
+ t [ ] x86_64-darwin x86_64 with MacOSX/Darwin
+ u [ ] x86_64-linux x86_64 with GNU/Linux
+ v [ ] x86_64-solaris x86_64 with Solaris
+\caption{Binaries menu}\label{fig:bin-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:bin-text} displays the text mode binaries menu. By
+default, only the binaries for your current platform will be installed.
+From this menu, you can select installation of binaries for other
+platforms as well. This can be useful if you are sharing a \TeX\
+tree across a network of heterogenous machines, or for a dual-boot
+\subsubsection{Selecting what is to be installed}
+Select scheme:
+ a [X] full scheme (everything)
+ b [ ] medium scheme (small + more packages and languages)
+ c [ ] small scheme (basic + xetex, metapost, a few languages)
+ d [ ] basic scheme (plain and latex)
+ e [ ] minimal scheme (plain only)
+ f [ ] ConTeXt scheme
+ g [ ] GUST TeX Live scheme
+ h [ ] teTeX scheme (more than medium, but nowhere near full)
+ i [ ] XML scheme
+ j [ ] custom selection of collections
+\caption{Scheme menu}\label{fig:scheme-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:scheme-text} displays the \TL\ scheme menu; from here,
+you choose a ``scheme'', which is an overall set of package collections.
+The default \optname{full} scheme installs everything available. This
+is recommended, but you can also choose the \optname{basic} scheme for a
+small system, \optname{minimal} for testing purposes, and
+\optname{medium} or \optname{teTeX} to get something in between. There
+are also various specialized and country-specific schemes.
+\tlpng{stdcoll}{.7\linewidth,trim=0 4 0 0,clip}
+\caption{Collections menu}\label{fig:collections-gui}
+You can refine your scheme selection with the `standard collections' and
+`language collections' menus (figure~\ref{fig:collections-gui}, shown in
+\GUI\ mode for a change).
+Collections are one level more detailed than schemes\Dash in essence, a
+scheme consists of several collections, a collection consists of one or
+more packages, and a package (the lowest level grouping in \TL) contains
+the actual \TeX\ macro files, font files, and so on.
+If you want more control than the collection menus provide, you can use
+the \TeX\ Live Manager (\prog{tlmgr}) program after installation (see
+section~\ref{sec:tlmgr}); using that, you can control the installation
+at the package level.
+The default layout is described in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees},
+\p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}. The default location of
+\dirname{TEXDIR} is \dirname{/usr/local/texlive/2012} on Unix
+and |%SystemDrive%\texlive\2012| on Windows.
+The main reason to change this default is if you lack write permission
+for the default location. You don't have to be root or administrator to
+install \TL, but you do need write access to the target directory.
+A reasonable alternative choice is a directory under your home directory,
+especially if you will be the sole user. Use
+`|~|' to indicate this, as in `|~/texlive/2012|'.
+We recommend including the year in the name, to enable keeping different
+releases of \TL{} side by side. (You may wish to make a
+version-independent name such as \dirname{/usr/local/texlive-cur} via a
+symbolic link, which you can then update after testing the new release.)
+Changing \dirname{TEXDIR} in the installer will also change
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL}, \dirname{TEXMFSYSVAR} and
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME} is the recommended location for personal
+macro files or packages. The default value is |~/texmf|. In
+contrast to \dirname{TEXDIR}, here a |~| is preserved in the
+newly-written configuration files, since it usefully refers to the home
+directory of any individual running \TeX. It expands to
+\dirname{$HOME} on Unix and \verb|%USERPROFILE%| on Windows. Special
+redundant note: \envname{TEXMFHOME}, like all trees, must be organized
+according to the \TDS, or files may not be found.
+\dirname{TEXMFVAR} is the location for storing most cached runtime data
+specific to each user. \dirname{TEXMFCACHE} is used for that purpose by
+\ConTeXt\ Mk\acro{IV} (see section~\ref{sec:context-mkiv},
+Options setup:
+ <P> use letter size instead of A4 by default: [ ]
+ <E> execution of restricted list of programs: [X]
+ <F> create format files: [X]
+ <D> install font/macro doc tree: [X]
+ <S> install font/macro source tree: [X]
+ <L> create symlinks in standard directories: [ ]
+ binaries to:
+ manpages to:
+ info to:
+ <Y> after installation, get package updates from CTAN: [X]
+\caption{Options menu (Unix)}\label{fig:options-text}
+Figure~\ref{fig:options-text} shows the text mode options menu.
+More info on each:
+\item[use letter size instead of A4 by default:] The default paper
+ size selection. Of course, individual documents can and should
+ specify a specific paper size, if desired.
+\item[execution of restricted list of programs:] As of \TL\ 2010,
+ execution of a few external programs is allowed by default. The (very
+ short) list of allowed programs is given in the \filename{texmf.cnf}.
+ See the 2010 news (section~\ref{sec:2010news}) for more details.
+\item[create format files:] Although unnecessary format files
+ take time to generate and disk space to store, it is still recommended
+ to leave this option checked: if you don't, then format files will be
+ generated in people's private \dirname{TEXMFVAR} tree as they are
+ needed. In that location, they will not be updated automatically if
+ (say) binaries or hyphenation patterns are updated in the
+ installation, and thus you could end up with incompatible format files.
+\item[install font/macro \ldots\ tree:] These options allow you to omit
+ downloading/installing the documentation and source files present in
+ most packages. Not recommended.
+\item[create symlinks in standard directories:]
+ This option (Unix only) bypasses the need to change environment
+ variables. Without this option, \TL{} directories usually have to be
+ added to \envname{PATH}, \envname{MANPATH} and \envname{INFOPATH}. You
+ will need write permissions to the target directories. It is strongly
+ advised \emph{not} to overwrite a \TeX\ system that came with your
+ system with this option. It is intended primarily for accessing the
+ \TeX\ system through directories that are already known to users, such
+ as \dirname{/usr/local/bin}, which don't already contain any \TeX\
+ files.
+\item[after installation \ldots\ \CTAN:] When installing from \DVD, this
+ option is enabled by default, since usually one wants to take any
+ subsequent package updates from the \CTAN\ area that is updated
+ throughout the year. The only likely reason to disable it is if you
+ install only a subset from the \DVD\ and plan to augment the
+ installation later. In any case, the package repository for the
+ installer, and for updates after installation, can be set
+ independently as needed; see section~\ref{sec:location} and
+ section~\ref{sec:dvd-install-net-updates}.
+When all the settings are to your liking, you can type `I' to start the
+installation process. When it is done, skip to
+section~\ref{sec:postinstall} to read what else needs to be done, if
+\subsection{Command-line install-tl options}
+> \Ucom{install-tl -help}
+for a listing of command-line options. Either |-| or |--| can be used
+to introduce option names. These are the most common ones:
+\item[-gui] If possible, use the \GUI{} installer. This requires the
+ Perl/Tk module (\url{})
+ compiled with \acro{XFT} support; if Perl/Tk is not available,
+ installation continues in text mode.
+\item[-no-gui] Force using the text mode installer, even under
+ Windows.
+\item[-lang {\sl LL}] Specify the installer interface
+ language as a standard (usually two-letter) code. The installer tries
+ to automatically determine the right language but if it fails, or if
+ the right language is not available, then it uses English as a
+ fallback. Run \code{install-tl --help} to get the list of available
+ languages.
+\item[-in-place] If you already have an rsync, svn, or other copy of
+ \TL{} (see \url{}) then this
+ option will use what you've got, as-is, and do only the necessary
+ post-install. Be warned that the file \filename{tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb}
+ may be overwritten; saving it is your responsibility. Also, package
+ removal has to be done manually. Do not use this unless you know
+ what you are doing. This option cannot be toggled via the
+ installer interface.
+\item[-portable] Install for portable use on, e.g., a \USB{} stick.
+ Also selectable from within the text installer with the \code{V}
+ command, and from the \GUI{} installer. See
+ section~\ref{sec:portable-tl}.
+\item[-profile {\sl file}] Load the installation profile \var{file} and
+ do the installation with no user interaction. The installer always
+ writes a file \filename{texlive.profile} to the \dirname{tlpkg}
+ subdirectory of your installation. That file can be given as the
+ argument to redo the exact same installation on a different system,
+ for example. Alternatively, you can use a custom profile, most easily
+ created by starting from a generated one and changing values, or an
+ empty file, which will take all the defaults.
+\item [-repository {\sl url-or-directory}] Specify package
+ repository from which to install; see following.
+\subsubsection{The \optname{-repository} option}
+The default network package repository is a \CTAN{} mirror chosen
+automatically via \url{}.
+If you want to override that, the location value can be a url starting
+with \texttt{ftp:}, \texttt{http:}, or \texttt{file:/}, or a plain
+directory path. (When giving an \texttt{http:}\ or \texttt{ftp:}\
+location, trailing `\texttt{/}' characters and/or a trailing
+`\texttt{/tlpkg}' component are ignored.)
+For example, you could choose a particular \CTAN\ mirror with something
+like: \url{},
+substituting a real hostname and its particular top-level \CTAN\ path
+for ||. The list of \CTAN\ mirrors is
+maintained at \url{}.
+If the given argument is local (either a path or a \texttt{file:/} url),
+compressed files in an \dirname{archive} subdirectory of the repository
+path are used (even if uncompressed files are available as well).
+\subsection{Post-install actions}
+Some post-install may be required.
+\subsubsection{Environment variables for Unix}
+If you elected to create symlinks in standard directories (described in
+section~\ref{sec:options}), then there is no need to edit environment
+variables. Otherwise, on Unix systems, the directory of the binaries
+for your platform must be added to the search path. (On Windows, the
+installer takes care of this.)
+Each supported platform has its own subdirectory under
+\dirname{TEXDIR/bin}. See figure~\ref{fig:bin-text} for the list of
+subdirectories and corresponding platforms.
+Optionally, you can also add the documentation man and Info directories
+to their respective search paths, if you want the system tools to find
+them. The man pages might be found automatically after the addition to
+For Bourne-compatible shells such as \prog{bash}, and using Intel x86
+GNU/Linux and a default directory setup as an example, the file to edit
+might be \filename{$HOME/.profile} (or another file sourced by
+\filename{.profile}, and the lines to add would look like this:
+PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH
+MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH; export MANPATH
+INFOPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH; export INFOPATH
+For csh or tcsh, the file to edit is typically \filename{$HOME/.cshrc}, and
+the lines to add might look like:
+setenv PATH /usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/i386-linux:$PATH
+setenv MANPATH /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH
+setenv INFOPATH /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH
+If you already have settings somewhere in your ``dot'' files, naturally
+the \TL\ directories should simply be merged in as appropriate.
+\subsubsection{Environment variables: Global configuration}
+If you want to make these changes globally, or for a user newly added to
+the system, then you are on your own; there is just too much variation
+between systems in how and where these things are configured.
+Our two hints are: 1)~you may want to check for a file
+\filename{/etc/manpath.config} and, if present, add lines such as
+MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/i386-linux \
+ /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf/doc/man
+And 2)~check for a file \filename{/etc/environment} which may define the
+search path and other default environment variables.
+In each (Unix) binary directory, we also create a symbolic link named
+\code{man} to the directory \dirname{texmf/doc/man}. Some \code{man}
+programs, such as the standard \MacOSX\ \code{man}, will automatically
+find that, obviating the need for any man page setup.
+\subsubsection{Internet updates after \DVD\ installation}
+If you installed \TL\ from \DVD\ and then wish to get updates from the
+Internet, you need to run this command---\emph{after} you've updated
+your search path (as described in the previous section):
+> \Ucom{tlmgr option repository}
+This tells \cmdname{tlmgr} to use a nearby \CTAN\ mirror for future updates.
+This is done by default when installing from \DVD, via the option
+described in section~\ref{sec:options}.
+If there are problems with the automatic mirror selection, you can
+specify a particular \CTAN\ mirror from the list at
+\url{}. Use the exact path to the
+\dirname{tlnet} subdir on that mirror, as shown above.
+\htmlanchor{xetexfontconfig} % keep historical anchor working
+\subsubsection{System font configuration for \XeTeX\ and Lua\TeX}
+\XeTeX\ and Lua\TeX\ can use any font installed on the system, not just
+those in the \TeX\ trees. They do these via related but not identical
+On Windows, fonts shipped with \TL\ are made available to \XeTeX\
+automatically. But if you have installed the \filename{xetex} package
+on a Unix-compatible system, you need to configure your system to be
+able to find the fonts shipped with \TL\ via system name lookup, and not
+just filename lookup.
+To facilitate this, when the \pkgname{xetex} package is installed
+(either at initial installation or later), the necessary configuration
+file is created in
+To set up the \TL{} fonts for system-wide use (assuming you have
+suitable privileges), proceed as follows:
+\item Copy the \filename{texlive-fontconfig.conf} file to
+\item Run \Ucom{fc-cache -fsv}.
+If you do not have sufficient privileges to carry out the steps above,
+or if you simply want to make the \TL{} fonts available to one user,
+you can do the following:
+\item Copy the \filename{texlive-fontconfig.conf} file to
+ \filename{~/.fonts.conf}, where \filename{~} is your home directory.
+\item Run \Ucom{fc-cache -fv}.
+You can run \code{fc-list} to see the names of the system fonts. The
+incantation \code{fc-list : family style file spacing} (all arguments
+are literal strings) shows generally interesting information.
+\subsubsection{\ConTeXt{} Mark IV}
+Both the `old' \ConTeXt{} (Mark \acro{II}) and the `new' \ConTeXt{}
+(Mark \acro{IV}) should run out of the box after \TL{} installation,
+and should need no special attention as long as you stick to
+using \verb+tlmgr+ for updates.
+However, because \ConTeXt{} Mk\acro{IV} does not use the kpathsea
+library, some setup will be required whenever you install new
+files manually (without using \verb+tlmgr+). After each such
+installation, each Mk\acro{IV} user must run:
+context --generate
+to refresh the \ConTeXt{} disk cache data.
+The resulting files are stored under \code{TEXMFCACHE}.
+whose default value in \TL\ is \verb+TEXMSYSVAR;TEXMFVAR+.
+\ConTeXt\ Mk\acro{IV} will read from
+all paths mentioned in \verb+TEXMFCACHE+, and write to the first
+path that is writable. While reading, the last found match will
+take precedence in the case of duplicated cache data.
+For more information, see
+\subsubsection{Integrating local and personal macros}
+This is already mentioned implicitly in section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}:
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} (by default,
+\dirname{/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local} or
+\verb|%SystemDrive%\texlive\texmf-local| on Windows)
+is intended for system-wide local fonts and macros; and
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME} (by default, \dirname{$HOME/texmf} or
+\verb|%USERPROFILE%\texmf|), is for personal fonts and macros. These
+directories are intended to stick around from release to release, and
+have their content seen automatically by a new \TL{} release.
+Therefore, it is best to refrain from changing the definition of
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} to be too far away from the main \TL{} directory,
+or you will need to manually change future releases.
+For both trees, files should be placed in their proper \TeX\ Directory
+Structure (\TDS) subdirectories; see \url{} or consult
+\filename{texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf}. For instance, a \LaTeX{} class file or
+package should be placed in \dirname{TEXMFLOCAL/tex/latex} or
+\dirname{TEXMFHOME/tex/latex}, or a subdirectory thereof.
+\dirname{TEXMFLOCAL} requires an up-to-date filename database, or files
+will not be found. You can update it with the command
+\cmdname{mktexlsr} or use the `Reinit file database' button on the
+configuration tab of the \TeX\ Live Manager \GUI.
+By default, each of these variables is defined to be a single directory,
+as shown. This is not a hard-and-fast requirement. If you need to
+easily switch back and forth between different versions of large
+packages, for example, you can maintain multiple trees for your own
+purposes. This is done by setting \dirname{TEXMFHOME} to the
+list of directories, within braces, separated by commas:
+ TEXMFHOME = {/my/dir1,/mydir2,/a/third/dir}
+Section~\ref{sec:brace-expansion} describes brace expansion further.
+\subsubsection{Integrating third-party fonts}
+This is unfortunately a messy topic. Forget about it unless you want to
+delve into many details of the \TeX{} installation. Don't forget to
+check first what you get for free: see section~\ref{sec:tl-fonts}.
+A possible alternative is to use \XeTeX\ or Lua\TeX\ (see
+section~\ref{sec:tex-extensions}), which let you use operating system
+fonts without any installation in \TeX.
+If you do need to do this, see
+\url{} for our best effort at
+describing the procedure. If you rigorously maintain your local font
+maps, \texttt{tlmgr generate updmap} \textit{may} be useful, notably in
+moving from release to release; see the \cmdname{tlmgr} documentation.
+\subsection{Testing the installation}
+After installing \TL{} as best you can, you naturally want to test
+it out, so you can start creating beautiful documents and\slash or fonts.
+This section gives some basic procedures for testing that the new system
+is functional. We give Unix commands here; under \MacOSX{} and Windows,
+you're more likely to run the tests through a graphical interface, but
+the principles are the same.
+\item Make sure that you can run the \cmdname{tex} program in the first
+> \Ucom{tex -{}-version}
+TeX 3.1415926 (TeX Live ...)
+kpathsea version 6.0.1
+Copyright ... D.E. Knuth.
+If this comes back with `command not found' instead of version and
+copyright information, or with an older version, most likely you don't
+have the correct \dirname{bin} subdirectory in your \envname{PATH}. See
+the environment-setting information on \p.\pageref{sec:env}.
+\item Process a basic \LaTeX{} file:
+> \Ucom{latex sample2e.tex}
+pdfTeX 3.1415926-... (TeX Live ...)
+Output written on sample2e.dvi (3 pages, 7484 bytes).
+Transcript written on sample2e.log.
+If this fails to find \filename{sample2e.tex} or other files, most
+likely you have interference from old environment variables or
+configuration files; we recommend unsetting all \TeX-related environment
+variables for a start. (For a deep analysis, you can ask \TeX{} to
+report on exactly what it is searching for, and finding; see ``Debugging
+actions'' on page~\pageref{sec:debugging}.)
+\item Preview the result online:
+> \Ucom{xdvi sample2e.dvi} # Unix
+> \Ucom{dviout sample2e.dvi} # Windows
+You should see a new window with a nice document explaining some of the
+basics of \LaTeX{}. (Well worth reading, by the way, if you're new to
+\TeX.) You do have to be running under X for \cmdname{xdvi} to work; if
+you're not, or your \envname{DISPLAY} environment variable is set
+incorrectly, you'll get an error \samp{Can't open display}.
+\item Create a \PS{} file for printing or display:
+> \Ucom{dvips sample2e.dvi -o}
+\item Create a \acro{PDF} file instead of \dvi{}; this processes the
+\filename{.tex} file and writes \acro{PDF} directly:
+> \Ucom{pdflatex sample2e.tex}
+\item Preview the \acro{PDF} file:
+> \Ucom{gv sample2e.pdf}
+> \Ucom{xpdf sample2e.pdf}
+Neither \cmdname{gv} nor \cmdname{xpdf} are included in \TL{}, so you
+must install them separately. See \url{}
+and \url{}, respectively. There are plenty
+of other \acro{PDF} viewers, too. For Windows, we recommend trying
+Sumatra PDF (\url{}).
+\item Standard test files you may find useful in addition to
+\item [small2e.tex] A simpler document than \filename{sample2e}, to
+reduce the input size if you're having troubles.
+\item [testpage.tex] Test if your printer introduces any offsets.
+\item [nfssfont.tex] For printing font tables and tests.
+\item [testfont.tex] Also for font tables, but using plain \TeX{}.
+\item [story.tex] The most canonical (plain) \TeX{} test file of all.
+You must type \samp{\bs bye} to the \code{*} prompt after \samp{tex
+\item If you have installed the \filename{xetex} package, you can test
+its access to system fonts as follows:
+> \Ucom{xetex opentype-info.tex}
+This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926\dots
+Output written on opentype-info.pdf (1 page).
+Transcript written on opentype-info.log.
+(Or the same for \filename{luatex}.)
+If you get an error message saying ``Invalid fontname `Latin Modern
+Roman/ICU'\dots'', then you need to configure your system so that
+\XeTeX{} can find the fonts shipped with \TL. See
+\subsection{Links for additional downloadable software}
+If you are new to \TeX{}, or otherwise need help with actually writing
+\TeX{} or \LaTeX{} documents, please visit
+\url{} for some introductory resources.
+Links for some other tools you may consider installing:
+\item[Ghostscript] \url{}
+\item[Perl] \url{} with
+ supplementary packages from \acro{CPAN}, \url{}
+\item[ImageMagick] \url{}, for graphics
+ processing and conversion
+\item[NetPBM] \url{}, also for graphics.
+\item[\TeX-oriented editors] There is a wide choice, and it is a matter of the
+ user's taste. Here is a selection in alphabetical order (a few
+ here are for Windows only).
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cmdname{GNU Emacs} is available natively under Windows, see
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{Emacs with Auc\TeX} for Windows is available from \CTAN.
+ The AuC\TeX\ home page is \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{LEd} is available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{SciTE} is available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{Texmaker} is free software, available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{TexMakerX} is a fork of \cmdname{Texmaker} with
+ additional features; \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{TeXnicCenter} is free software, available from
+ \url{} and in the pro\TeX{}t distribution.
+ \item \cmdname{TeXworks} is free software, available from
+ \url{} and installed for Windows and
+ \MacOSX\ as part of \TL.
+ \item \cmdname{Vim} is free software, available from
+ \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{WinEdt} is shareware available though
+ \url{} or \url{}.
+ \item \cmdname{WinShell} is available from \url{}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+For a much longer list of packages and programs, see
+\section{Specialized installations}
+The previous sections described the basic installation process. Here we
+turn to some specialized cases.
+\subsection{Shared-user (or cross-machine) installations}
+\TL{} has been designed to be sharable between different users on one
+system, and/or between different systems on a network. With a standard
+directory layout, no hard paths are configured: the locations for files
+needed by \TL{} programs are found relative to the programs. You can
+see this in the principal configuration file
+\filename{$TEXMFMAIN/web2c/texmf.cnf}, which contains lines such as
+This means that adding the directory for \TL{} executables for their
+platform to their search path is sufficient to get a working setup.
+By the same token, you can also install \TL{} locally and then move
+the entire hierarchy afterwards to a network location.
+For Windows, a sample network installation script named
+\filename{w32client} can be downloaded through
+\url{}. It creates settings and
+menu shortcuts for using an existing \TL{} installation on a \acro{LAN}.
+It also registers an uninstaller \filename{w32unclient}, available
+in the same zip file. See the web page for more information.
+\subsection{Portable (\USB{}) installations}
+The \code{-portable} installer option (or \code{V} command in the text
+installer or corresponding \GUI{} option) creates a completely
+self-contained \TL{} installation under a common root and forgoes system
+integration. You can create such an installation directly on a \USB{}
+stick, or copy it to a \USB{} stick afterwards.
+To run \TeX\ using this portable installation, you need to add the
+appropriate binary directory to the search path during your terminal
+session, as usual. On Windows, you can double-click
+\filename{tl-tray-menu} at the root of the installation to choose
+between a few common tasks, as shown in this screenshot:
+\noindent The `More\ldots' entry explains how you can customize this menu.
+\subsection{\ISO\ (or \DVD) installations}
+If you don't need to update or otherwise modify your installation often,
+and\slash or have several systems on which to use \TL{}, it may be
+convenient to create an \ISO\ of your \TL{} installation, because:
+\item Copying an \ISO\ between different computers is much
+ faster than copying a normal installation.
+\item If you are dual-booting between different operating systems
+ and want them to share a \TL{} installation, an \ISO
+ installation is not tied to the idiosyncrasies and limitations of
+ other mutually supported filesystems (\acro{FAT32}, \acro{NTFS},
+ \acro{HFS+}).
+\item Virtual machines can simply mount such an \ISO.
+Of course you can also burn an \ISO\ to \DVD, if that is useful for you.
+Desktop \GNU/Linux/Unix systems, including \MacOSX, are able to mount an
+\ISO. Apart from that, nothing changes compared to a normal hard disk
+installation, see section \ref{sec:env}.
+When preparing such an \ISO\ installation, it is best to omit the
+subdirectory for the release year, and have
+\filename{texmf-local} at the same level as the other trees
+(\filename{texmf}, \filename{texmf-dist}, etc.). You can do this with
+the normal directory options in the installer.
+For a physical (rather than virtual) Windows system, you can burn the
+\ISO\ to \acro{DVD}. However, it may be worth your while to investigate
+free \ISO-mounting options. For Windows \acro{XP}, Microsoft offers
+For Windows system integration, you can include the \filename{w32client}
+scripts described in section~\ref{sec:sharedinstall} and at
+\url{}, which work just as well for
+an \ISO\ as for a network installation.
+On \MacOSX, TeXShop and \TeX{}works will be able to use the \acro{DVD}
+installation if a symlink \filename{/usr/texbin} points to the
+appropriate binary directory, e.g.,
+sudo ln -s /Volumes/MyTeXLive/bin/universal-darwin /usr/texbin
+Historical note: \TL{} 2010 was the first \TL{} edition which was no
+longer distributed `live'. However, it always required some acrobatics
+to run from \DVD\ or \ISO; in particular, there was no way around
+setting at least one extra environment variable. If you create your
+\ISO\ from an existing installation then there is no need for this.
+\section{\cmdname{tlmgr}: Managing your installation}
+\caption{\prog{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode: main window, after `Load'.}
+\hbox to \hsize{%
+ \vtop{\hsize=.59\linewidth
+ \null % make figures align at the top
+ \tlpng{tlmgr-general-options}{\hsize}
+ \caption{\texttt{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode: General options}
+ \label{fig:tlmgr-general-options}
+ }
+ \hfil
+ \vtop{\hsize=.39\linewidth
+ \null
+ \tlpng{tlmgr-paper-options}{\hsize}
+ \caption{\texttt{tlmgr} in \GUI\ mode: Paper size options}
+ \label{fig:tlmgr-paper-options}
+ }
+\TL{} includes a program named \prog{tlmgr} for managing \TL{} after the
+initial installation. The programs \prog{updmap}, \prog{fmtutil} and
+\prog{texconfig} are still included and will be retained in the future,
+but \prog{tlmgr} is now the preferred interface. Its capabilities
+\item installing, updating, backing up, restoring, and uninstalling
+ individual packages, optionally taking dependencies into account;
+\item searching for and listing packages, etc.;
+\item listing, adding, and removing platforms;
+\item changing installation options such as paper size and source
+ location (see section~\ref{sec:location}).
+\subsection{\cmdname{tlmgr} GUI mode}
+\prog{tlmgr} can be started in \GUI{} mode (figure~\ref{fig:tlmgr-gui}) with
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -gui}
+or in Windows via the Start menu: \texttt{Start}, \texttt{Programs},
+\texttt{TeX Live 2012}, \texttt{TeX Live Manager}. After clicking `Load'
+it displays a list of available and installed packages. This assumes of
+course that the installation source is valid and reachable.
+Figures~\ref{fig:tlmgr-general-options} and~\ref{fig:tlmgr-paper-options}
+show the general and paper size option screens.
+\subsection{Sample \cmdname{tlmgr} command-line invocations}
+After the initial installation, you can update your system to the latest
+versions available with:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -all}
+If this makes you nervous, first try
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -all -dry-run}
+or (less verbose):
+> \Ucom{tlmgr update -list}
+This more complex example adds a collection, for the engine \XeTeX, from
+a local directory:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -repository /local/mirror/tlnet install collection-xetex}
+It generates the following output (abridged):
+install: collection-xetex
+install: arabxetex
+install: xetex
+install: xetexconfig
+install: xetex.i386-linux
+running post install action for xetex
+install: xetex-def
+running mktexlsr
+mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf/ls-R...
+running fmtutil-sys --missing
+Transcript written on xelatex.log.
+fmtutil: /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf-var/web2c/xetex/xelatex.fmt installed.
+As you can see, \prog{tlmgr} installs dependencies, and takes care of any
+necessary post-install actions, including updating the filename database
+and (re)generating formats. In the above, we generated new formats for
+To describe a package (or collection or scheme):
+> \Ucom{tlmgr show collection-latexextra}
+which produces
+package: collection-latexextra
+category: Collection
+shortdesc: LaTeX supplementary packages
+longdesc: A large collection of add-on packages for LaTeX.
+installed: Yes
+revision: 14675
+Last and most important, for full documentation see
+\url{}, or:
+> \Ucom{tlmgr -help}
+\section{Notes on Windows}
+\subsection{Windows-specific features}
+Under Windows, the installer does some extra things:
+\item[Menus and shortcuts.] A new `\TL{}' submenu of the
+ Start menu is installed, which contains entries for some \GUI{}
+ programs (\prog{tlmgr}, \prog{texdoctk}, the PS\_View (\prog{psv})
+ PostScript previewer) and some documentation.
+\item[File associations.] If enabled, \prog{TeXworks}, \prog{Dviout}
+ and \prog{PS\_view} become either the default program for
+ their respective filetypes, or get an entry in the `Open with'
+ right-click menus of those filetypes.
+\item[Bitmap to eps converter.] Various bitmapped formats get an
+ entry \cmdname{bitmap2eps} in their `Open with' right-click
+ menu. Bitmap2eps is a simple script which lets \cmdname{sam2p} or
+ \cmdname{bmeps} do the real work.
+\item[Automatic path adjustment.] No manual configuration steps are required.
+\item[Uninstaller.] The installer creates an entry under `Add/Remove
+ Programs' for \TL. The uninstall tab of the \TeX\ Live Manager \GUI\
+ refers to this.
+\subsection{Additional software included on Windows}
+To be complete, a \TL{} installation needs support packages that are not
+commonly found on a Windows machine. \TL{} provides the missing
+\item[Perl and Ghostscript.] Because of the importance of Perl and
+ Ghostscript, \TL{} includes `hidden' copies of these
+ programs. \TL{} programs that need them know where to find them,
+ but they don't betray their presence through environment variables
+ or registry settings. They aren't full-scale installations, and
+ shouldn't interfere with any system installations of Perl or
+ Ghostscript.
+\item[PS\_View.] Also installed is PS\_View, a \PS{} and \acro{PDF}
+ viewer; see figure~\ref{fig:psview}.
+\caption{PS\_View: very high magnifications available!}\label{fig:psview}
+\item[dviout.] Also installed is \prog{dviout}, a \acro{DVI} viewer.
+ At first, when you preview files with \cmdname{dviout}, it will create
+ fonts, because screen fonts were not installed. After a while, you
+ will have created most of the fonts you use, and you will rarely see
+ the font-creation window. More information can be found in the
+ (highly recommended) on-line help.
+\item[\TeX{}works.] \TeX{}works is a \TeX-oriented editor with
+ an integrated \acro{PDF} viewer.
+\item[Command-line tools.] A number of Windows ports of common Unix
+ command-line programs are installed along with the usual \TL{}
+ binaries. These include \cmdname{gzip}, \cmdname{unzip} and the
+ utilities from the \cmdname{xpdf} suite (\cmdname{pdfinfo},
+ \cmdname{pdffonts}, \ldots). The \cmdname{xpdf} viewer itself is not
+ available for Windows. Instead, you can download the Sumatra
+ \acro{PDF} viewer, which is based on \cmdname{xpdf}, from
+ \url{}, among other options.
+\item[fc-list, fc-cache, \ldots] The tools from the fontconfig library allow
+ \XeTeX{} to handle system fonts on Windows. You can use
+ \prog{fc-list} to determine the font names to pass to \XeTeX's
+ extended \cs{font} command. If necessary, run \prog{fc-cache}
+ first to update font information.
+\subsection{User Profile is Home}
+The Windows counterpart of a Unix home directory is the
+\verb|%USERPROFILE%| directory. Under Windows \acro{XP}, this
+is usually \verb|C:\Documents and Settings\<username>|, and under
+Windows Vista and Windows~7 it is \verb|C:\Users\<username>|. In the
+\filename{texmf.cnf} file, and \KPS{} in general, \verb|~| will expand
+appropriately on both Windows and Unix.
+\subsection{The Windows registry}
+Windows stores nearly all configuration data in its registry. The
+registry contains a set of hierarchically organized keys, with several
+root keys. The most important ones for installation programs are
+\path{HKEY_CURRENT_USER} and \path{HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}, \path{HKCU} and
+\path{HKLM} in short. The \path{HKCU} part of the registry is in the
+user's home directory (see section~\ref{sec:winhome}). \path{HKLM} is
+normally in a subdirectory of the Windows directory.
+In some cases, system information could be obtained from environment
+variables but for other information, for example the location of
+shortcuts, it is necessary to consult the registry. Setting environment
+variables permanently also requires registry access.
+\subsection{Windows permissions}
+In later versions of Windows, a distinction is made between regular
+users and administrators, where only the latter have free access to the
+entire operating system. In practice, though, you could better describe
+these classes of users as unprivileged users and normal users: being an
+administrator is the rule, not the exception. Nevertheless, we have made
+an effort to make \TL{} installable without administrative privileges.
+If the user is an administrator, there is an option to install for all
+users. If this option is chosen, shortcuts are created for all users,
+and the system environment is modified. Otherwise, shortcuts and menu
+entries are created for the current user, and the user environment is
+Regardless of administrator status, the default root of \TL{} proposed
+by the installer is always under \verb|%SystemDrive%|. The installer
+always tests whether the root is writable for the current user.
+A problem may arise if the user is not an administrator and \TeX{}
+already exists in the search path. Since the effective path
+consists of the system path followed by the user path, the new \TL{}
+would never get precedence. As a safeguard, the installer creates a
+shortcut to the command-prompt in which the new \TL{} binary
+directory is prepended to the local search path. The new \TL{} will
+be always usable from within such a command-prompt. The shortcut for
+\TeX{}works, if installed, also prepends \TL{} to the search path, so it
+should also be immune to this path problem.
+For Vista and Windows~7 there is another twist: even if you are logged in as
+administrator, you need to explicitly ask for administrator
+privileges. In fact, there is not much point in logging in as
+administrator. Instead, right-clicking on the program or shortcut
+that you want to run usually gives you a choice `Run as
+\subsection{Increasing maximum memory on Windows and Cygwin}
+Windows and Cygwin (see section~\ref{sec:cygwin} for Cygwin installation
+specifics) users may find that they run out of memory when running some
+of the programs shipped with \TL. For example, \prog{asy} might run out
+of memory if you try to allocate an array of 25,000,000 reals, and
+Lua\TeX\ might run out of memory if you try to process a document with a
+lot of big fonts.
+For Cygwin, you can increase the amount of available memory by following
+the instructions in the Cygwin User's Guide
+For Windows, you have to create a file, say \code{moremem.reg}, with
+these four lines:
+Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
+\noindent and then execute the command \code{regedit /s moremem.reg} as
+administrator. (If you want to change memory only for the current user
+instead of system-wide, use \code{HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER}.)
+\section{A user's guide to Web2C}
+\Webc{} is an integrated collection of \TeX-related programs: \TeX{}
+itself, \MF{}, \MP, \BibTeX{}, etc. It is the heart of \TL{}. The home
+page for \Webc{}, with the current manual and more, is
+A bit of history: The original implementation was by Tomas Rokicki who,
+in 1987, developed a first \TeX{}-to-C system based on change files
+under Unix, which were primarily the original work of Howard Trickey and
+Pavel Curtis. Tim Morgan became the maintainer of the system, and
+during this period the name changed to Web-to-C\@. In 1990, Karl Berry
+took over the work, assisted by dozens of additional contributors, and
+in 1997 he handed the baton to Olaf Weber, who returned it to Karl in
+The \Webc{} system runs on Unix, 32-bit Windows systems, \MacOSX{}, and
+other operating systems. It uses Knuth's original sources for \TeX{} and
+other basic programs written in the \web{} literate programming system
+and translates them into C source code. The core \TeX{} programs
+handled in this way are:
+\item[bibtex] Maintaining bibliographies.
+\item[dvicopy] Expands virtual font references in \dvi{} files.
+\item[dvitomp] \dvi{} to MPX (MetaPost pictures).
+\item[dvitype] \dvi{} to human-readable text.
+\item[gftodvi] Generic font proofsheets.
+\item[gftopk] Generic to packed fonts.
+\item[gftype] GF to human-readable text.
+\item[mf] Creating typeface families.
+\item[mft] Prettyprinting \MF{} source.
+\item[mpost] Creating technical diagrams.
+\item[patgen] Creating hyphenation patterns.
+\item[pktogf] Packed to generic fonts.
+\item[pktype] PK to human-readable text.
+\item[pltotf] Plain text property list to TFM.
+\item[pooltype] Display \web{} pool files.
+\item[tangle] \web{} to Pascal.
+\item[tex] Typesetting.
+\item[tftopl] TFM to plain text property list.
+\item[vftovp] Virtual font to virtual property list.
+\item[vptovf] Virtual property list to virtual font.
+\item[weave] \web{} to \TeX.
+\noindent The precise functions and syntax of these programs are
+described in the documentation of the individual packages and of \Webc{}
+itself. However, knowing a few principles governing the whole family of
+programs will help you take advantage of your \Webc{} installation.
+All programs honor these standard \GNU options:
+\item[-{}-help] print basic usage summary.
+\item[-{}-verbose] print detailed progress report.
+\item[-{}-version] print version information, then exit.
+For locating files the \Webc{} programs use the path searching library
+\KPS{} (\url{}). This library uses a combination
+of environment variables and a configuration files to optimize searching
+the (huge) collection of \TeX{} files. \Webc{} can look at many
+directory trees simultaneously, which is useful in maintaining \TeX's
+standard distribution and local and personal extensions in distinct
+trees. To speed up file searches, the root of each tree has a file
+\file{ls-R}, containing an entry showing the name and relative pathname
+for all files under that root.
+\subsection{Kpathsea path searching}
+Let us first describe the generic path searching mechanism of the \KPS{}
+We call a \emph{search path} a colon- or semicolon\hyph sepa\-rated list
+of \emph{path elements}, which are basically directory names. A
+search path can come from (a combination of) many sources. To look up
+a file \samp{my-file} along a path \samp{.:/dir}, \KPS{} checks each
+element of the path in turn: first \file{./my-file}, then
+\file{/dir/my-file}, returning the first match (or possibly all
+In order to adapt optimally to all operating systems' conventions, on
+non-Unix systems \KPS{} can use filename separators different from
+colon (\samp{:}) and slash (\samp{/}).
+To check a particular path element \var{p}, \KPS{} first checks if a
+prebuilt database (see ``Filename data\-base'' on
+page~\pageref{sec:filename-database}) applies to \var{p}, i.e., if the
+database is in a directory that is a prefix of \var{p}. If so, the path
+specification is matched against the contents of the database.
+If the database does not exist, or does not apply to this path
+element, or contains no matches, the filesystem is searched (if this
+was not forbidden by a specification starting with \samp{!!}\ and if
+the file being searched for must exist). \KPS{} constructs the list
+of directories that correspond to this path element, and then checks
+in each for the file being sought.
+The ``file must exist'' condition comes into play with \samp{.vf} files and
+input files read by \TeX's \cs{openin} command. Such files may not
+exist (e.g., \file{cmr10.vf}), and so it would be wrong to search the
+disk for them. Therefore, if you fail to update \file{ls-R} when you
+install a new \samp{.vf} file, it will never be found.
+Each path element is checked in turn: first the database, then the
+disk. If a match is found, the search stops and the result is
+Although the simplest and most common path element is a directory
+name, \KPS{} supports additional features in search paths: layered
+default values, environment variable names, config file values, users'
+home directories, and recursive subdirectory searching. Thus, we say
+that \KPS{} \emph{expands} a path element, meaning it transforms all
+the specifications into basic directory name or names. This is
+described in the following sections in the same order as it takes
+Note that if the filename being searched for is absolute or explicitly
+relative, i.e., starts with \samp{/} or \samp{./} or \samp{../},
+\KPS{} simply checks if that file exists.
+ \caption{An illustrative configuration file sample}
+ \label{fig:config-sample}
+\subsubsection{Path sources}
+A search path can come from many sources. In the order in which
+\KPS{} uses them:
+ A user-set environment variable, for instance, \envname{TEXINPUTS}\@.
+ Environment variables with a period and a program name appended
+ override; e.g., if \samp{latex} is the name of the program being run,
+ then \envname{TEXINPUTS.latex} will override \envname{TEXINPUTS}.
+ A program-specific configuration file, for exam\-ple, a line
+ \samp{S /a:/b} in \cmdname{dvips}'s \file{}.
+\item A \KPS{} configuration file \file{texmf.cnf}, containing a line like
+ \samp{TEXINPUTS=/c:/d} (see below).
+\item The compile-time default.
+\noindent You can see each of these values for a given search path by
+using the debugging options (see ``Debugging actions'' on
+\subsubsection{Config files}
+\KPS{} reads \emph{runtime configuration files} named \file{texmf.cnf}
+for search path and other definitions. The search path used to look
+for these files is named \envname{TEXMFCNF}, but we do not recommend
+setting this (or any) environment variable.
+Instead, normal installation results in a file
+\file{.../2012/texmf.cnf}. If you must make changes to the defaults
+(not normally necessary), this is the place to put them. The main
+configuration file is in \file{.../2012/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf}. You
+should not edit this latter file, as your changes will be lost when the
+distributed version is updated.
+\emph{All} \file{texmf.cnf} files in the search path will be read and
+definitions in earlier files override those in later files. For
+example, with a search path of \verb|.:$TEXMF|, values from
+\file{./texmf.cnf} override those from \verb|$TEXMF/texmf.cnf|.
+ Comments start with \code{\%} and continue to the end of the line.
+ Blank lines are ignored.
+ A \bs{} at the end of a line acts as a continuation character,
+ i.e., the next line is appended. Whitespace at the beginning of
+ continuation lines is not ignored.
+ Each remaining line has the form:
+ \var{variable}[.\var{progname}] [=] \var{value}
+ where the \samp{=} and surrounding whitespace are optional.
+ The \ttvar{variable} name may contain any character other
+ than whitespace, \samp{=}, or \samp{.}, but sticking to
+ \samp{A-Za-z\_} is safest.
+ If \samp{.\var{progname}} is present, the definition only
+ applies if the program that is running is named
+ \texttt{\var{progname}} or \texttt{\var{progname}.exe}. This allows
+ different flavors of \TeX{} to have different search paths, for
+ example.
+\item \var{value} may contain any characters except
+ \code{\%} and \samp{@}. The
+ \code{\$\var{var}.\var{prog}} feature is not available on the
+ right-hand side; instead, you must use an additional variable. A
+ \samp{;}\ in \var{value} is translated to \samp{:}\ if
+ running under Unix; this is useful to be able to have a single
+ \file{texmf.cnf} for Unix, \acro{MS-DOS} and Windows systems.
+ All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so
+ variables can be referenced before they are defined.
+A configuration file fragment illustrating most of these points is
+shown below:
+shown in Figure~\ref{fig:config-sample}.
+\subsubsection{Path expansion}
+\KPS{} recognizes certain special characters and constructions in
+search paths, similar to those available in Unix shells. As a
+general example, the complex path,
+\verb+~$USER/{foo,bar}//baz+, expands to all subdirectories under
+directories \file{foo} and \file{bar} in \texttt{\$USER}'s home
+directory that contain a directory or file \file{baz}. These
+expansions are explained in the sections below.
+\subsubsection{Default expansion}
+If the highest-priority search path (see ``Path sources'' on
+page~\pageref{sec:path-sources}) contains an \emph{extra colon} (i.e.,
+leading, trailing, or doubled), \KPS{} inserts at that point the
+next-highest-prio\-rity search path that is defined. If that inserted
+path has an extra colon, the same happens with the next highest. For
+example, given an environment variable setting
+> \Ucom{setenv TEXINPUTS /home/karl:}
+and a \code{TEXINPUTS} value from \file{texmf.cnf} of
+ .:\$TEXMF//tex
+then the final value used for searching will be:
+ /home/karl:.:\$TEXMF//tex
+Since it would be useless to insert the default value in more than one
+place, \KPS{} changes only one extra \samp{:}\ and leaves any others in
+place. It checks first for a leading \samp{:}, then a trailing
+\samp{:}, then a doubled \samp{:}.
+\subsubsection{Brace expansion}
+A useful feature is brace expansion, which means that, for instance,
+\verb+v{a,b}w+ expands to \verb+vaw:vbw+. Nesting is allowed.
+This is used to implement multiple \TeX{} hierarchies, by
+assigning a brace list to \code{\$TEXMF}.
+For example, in \file{texmf.cnf}, a definition like this
+(simplified for this example) is made:
+Using this you can then write something like
+ TEXINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex//
+which means that, after looking in the current directory, the
+\code{\$TEXMFHOME/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFLOCAL/tex}, \code{\$TEXMFVAR/tex}
+and \code{\$TEXMFMAIN/tex} trees \emph{only}) will be searched (the
+last two use using \file{ls-R} data base files). It is a convenient
+way for running two parallel \TeX{} structures, one ``frozen'' (on a
+\CD, for instance) and the other being continuously updated with new
+versions as they become available. By using the \code{\$TEXMF}
+variable in all definitions, one is sure to always search the
+up-to-date tree first.
+\subsubsection{Subdirectory expansion}
+Two or more consecutive slashes in a path element following a directory
+\var{d} is replaced by all subdirectories of \var{d}: first those
+subdirectories directly under \var{d}, then the subsubdirectories under
+those, and so on. At each level, the order in which the directories are
+searched is \emph{unspecified}.
+If you specify any filename components after the \samp{//}, only
+subdirectories with matching components are included. For example,
+\samp{/a//b} expands into directories \file{/a/1/b}, \file{/a/2/b},
+\file{/a/1/1/b}, and so on, but not \file{/a/b/c} or \file{/a/1}.
+Multiple \samp{//} constructs in a path are possible, but
+\samp{//} at the beginning of a path is ignored.
+\subsubsection{List of special characters and their meaning: a summary}
+The following list summarizes the special characters in \KPS{}
+configuration files.
+% need a wider space for the item labels here.
+\item[\CODE{:}] Separator in path specification; at the beginning or
+ the end of a path it substitutes the default path expansion.\par
+\item[\CODE{;}] Separator on non-Unix systems (acts like \code{:}).
+\item[\CODE{\$}] Variable expansion.
+\item[\CODE{\string~}] Represents the user's home directory.
+\item[\CODE{\char`\{...\char`\}}] Brace expansion.
+\item[\CODE{//}] Subdirectory expansion (can occur anywhere in
+ a path, except at its beginning).
+\item[\CODE{\%}] Start of comment.
+\item[\CODE{\bs}] Continuation character (allows multi-line entries).
+\item[\CODE{!!}] Search \emph{only} database to locate file, \emph{do
+ not} search the disk.
+\subsection{Filename databases}
+\KPS{} goes to some lengths to minimize disk accesses for searches.
+Nevertheless, at installations with enough directories, searching each
+possible directory for a given file can take an excessively long time
+(this is especially true if many hundreds of font directories have to
+be traversed.) Therefore, \KPS{} can use an externally-built plain text
+``database'' file named \file{ls-R} that maps files to directories,
+thus avoiding the need to exhaustively search the disk.
+A second database file \file{aliases} allows you to give additional
+names to the files listed in \file{ls-R}. This can be helpful to
+confirm to \acro{DOS} 8.3 filename conventions in source files.
+\subsubsection{The filename database}
+As explained above, the name of the main filename database must be
+\file{ls-R}. You can put one at the root of each \TeX{} hierarchy in
+your installation that you wish to be searched (\code{\$TEXMF} by
+default). \KPS{} looks for
+\file{ls-R} files along the \code{TEXMFDBS} path.
+The recommended way to create and maintain \samp{ls-R} is to run the
+\code{mktexlsr} script included with the distribution. It is invoked
+by the various \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts. In principle, this script
+just runs the command
+cd \var{/your/texmf/root} && \path|\|ls -1LAR ./ >ls-R
+presuming your system's \code{ls} produces the right output format
+(\GNU \code{ls} is all right). To ensure that the database is
+always up-to-date, it is easiest to rebuild it regularly via
+\code{cron}, so that it is automatically updated when the installed
+files change, such as after installing or updating a \LaTeX{} package.
+If a file is not found in the database, by default \KPS{} goes ahead
+and searches the disk. If a particular path element begins with
+\samp{!!}, however, \emph{only} the database will be searched for that
+element, never the disk.
+\subsubsection{kpsewhich: Standalone path searching}
+The \texttt{kpsewhich} program exercises path searching independent of any
+particular application. This can be useful as a sort of \code{find}
+program to locate files in \TeX{} hierarchies (this is used heavily in
+the distributed \samp{mktex}\dots\ scripts).
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich \var{option}\dots{} \var{filename}\dots{}}
+The options specified in \ttvar{option} start with either \samp{-}
+or \samp{-{}-}, and any unambiguous abbreviation is accepted.
+\KPS{} looks up each non-option argument on the command line as a
+filename, and returns the first file found. There is no option to
+return all the files with a particular name (you can run the Unix
+\samp{find} utility for that).
+The most common options are described next.
+ Set the resolution to \ttvar{num}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. \samp{-D} is a synonym, for compatibility
+ with \cmdname{dvips}. Default is 600.
+ Set the format for lookup to \ttvar{name}. By default, the
+ format is guessed from the filename. For formats which do not have
+ an associated unambiguous suffix, such as \MP{} support files and
+ \cmdname{dvips} configuration files, you have to specify the name as
+ known to \KPS{}, such as \texttt{tex} or \texttt{enc files}. Run
+ \texttt{kpsewhich -{}-help} for a list.
+ Set the mode name to \ttvar{string}; this only affects \samp{gf}
+ and \samp{pk} lookups. No default: any mode will be found.
+ Do everything possible to find the files, notably including
+ searching the disk. By default, only the \file{ls-R} database is
+ checked, in the interest of efficiency.
+ Search along the path \ttvar{string} (colon-separated as usual),
+ instead of guessing the search path from the filename. \samp{//} and
+ all the usual expansions are supported. The options \samp{-{}-path}
+ and \samp{-{}-format} are mutually exclusive.
+ Set the program name to \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ This can affect the search paths via the \texttt{.\var{progname}}
+ feature.
+ The default is \cmdname{kpsewhich}.
+ shows the path used for file lookups of file type \texttt{\var{name}}.
+ Either a filename extension (\code{.pk}, \code{.vf}, etc.) or a
+ name can be used, just as with \samp{-{}-format} option.
+ sets the debugging options to \texttt{\var{num}}.
+\subsubsection{Examples of use}
+Let us now have a look at \KPS{} in action. Here's a straightforward search:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich article.cls}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
+We are looking for the file \file{article.cls}. Since the \samp{.cls}
+suffix is unambiguous we do not need to specify that we want to look for a
+file of type \optname{tex} (\TeX{} source file directories). We find it in
+the subdirectory \file{tex/latex/base} below the \samp{texmf-dist} \TL\
+directory. Similarly, all of the following are found without problems
+thanks to their unambiguous suffix.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich array.sty}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/array.sty
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich latin1.def}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latin1.def
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich size10.clo}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich small2e.tex}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/small2e.tex
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich tugboat.bib}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/bibtex/bib/beebe/tugboat.bib
+By the way, that last is a \BibTeX{} bibliography database for
+\textsl{TUGboat} articles.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+Font bitmap glyph files of type \file{.pk} are used by display
+programs like \cmdname{dvips} and \cmdname{xdvi}. Nothing is returned in
+this case since there are no pre-generated Computer Modern \samp{.pk}
+files in \TL{}\Dash the Type~1 variants are used by default.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+\else /usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/
+... wsuipa/wsuipa10.600pk
+For these fonts (a phonetic alphabet from the University of Washington)
+we had to generate \samp{.pk} files, and since the default \MF{} mode on
+our installation is \texttt{ljfour} with a base resolution of 600\dpi{}
+(dots per inch), this instantiation is returned.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich -dpi=300}
+In this case, when specifying that we are interested in a resolution
+of 300\dpi{} (\texttt{-dpi=300}) we see that no such font is available on
+the system. A program like \cmdname{dvips} or \cmdname{xdvi} would
+go off and actually build the required \texttt{.pk} files
+using the script \cmdname{mktexpk}.
+Next we turn our attention to \cmdname{dvips}'s header and configuration
+files. We first look at one of the commonly used files, the general
+prologue \file{} for \TeX{} support, before turning our attention
+to the generic configuration file (\file{}) and the \PS{} font
+map \file{}\Dash as of 2004, map and encoding files have
+their own search paths and new location in \dirname{texmf} trees. As
+the \samp{.ps} suffix is ambiguous we have to specify explicitly which
+type we are considering (\optname{dvips config}) for the file
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config"}
+ /usr/local/texmf/dvips/config/
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/
+We now take a closer look at the \acro{URW} Times \PS{} support
+files. The prefix for these in the standard font naming scheme is
+\samp{utm}. The first file we look at is the configuration file,
+which contains the name of the map file:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich --format="dvips config" config.utm}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/dvips/psnfss/config.utm
+The contents of that file is
+ p
+which points to the file \file{}, which we want to
+locate next.
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich}
+ /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/times/
+This map file defines the file names of the Type~1 \PS{} fonts in
+the URW collection. Its contents look like (we only show part of the
+utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal... <utmbi8a.pfb
+utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal... <utmri8a.pfb
+utmbo8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi ... <utmb8a.pfb
+utmro8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu ... <utmr8a.pfb
+Let us, for instance, take the Times Roman instance
+\file{utmr8a.pfb} and find its position in the \file{texmf} directory
+tree with a search for Type~1 font files:
+> \Ucom{kpsewhich utmr8a.pfb}
+\ifSingleColumn /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb
+\else /usr/local/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/
+... urw/utm/utmr8a.pfb
+It should be evident from these examples how you can easily locate the
+whereabouts of a given file. This is especially important if you suspect
+that the wrong version of a file is picked up somehow, since
+\cmdname{kpsewhich} will show you the first file encountered.
+\subsubsection{Debugging actions}
+Sometimes it is necessary to investigate how a program resolves file
+references. To make this practical, \KPS{} offers various levels of
+debugging output:
+\item[\texttt{\ 1}] \texttt{stat} calls (disk lookups). When running
+ with an up-to-date \file{ls-R} database this should almost give no
+ output.
+\item[\texttt{\ 2}] References to hash tables (such as \file{ls-R}
+ databases, map files, configuration files).
+\item[\texttt{\ 4}] File open and close operations.
+\item[\texttt{\ 8}] General path information for file types
+ searched by \KPS. This is useful to find out where a particular
+ path for the file was defined.
+\item[\texttt{16}] Directory list for each path element (only relevant
+ for searches on disk).
+\item[\texttt{32}] File searches.
+\item[\texttt{64}] Variable values.
+A value of \texttt{-1} will set all the above options; in practice,
+this is usually the most convenient.
+Similarly, with the \cmdname{dvips} program, by setting a combination of
+debug switches, one can follow in detail where files are being picked up
+from. Alternatively, when a file is not found, the debug trace shows in
+which directories the program looks for the given file, so that one can
+get an indication what the problem~is.
+Generally speaking, as most programs call the \KPS{} library
+internally, one can select a debug option by using the
+\envname{KPATHSEA\_DEBUG} environment variable, and setting it to (a
+combination of) values as described in the above list.
+(Note for Windows users: it is not easy to redirect
+all messages to a file in this system. For diagnostic purposes
+you can temporarily \texttt{SET KPATHSEA\_DEBUG\_OUTPUT=err.log}).
+Let us consider, as an example, a small \LaTeX{} source file,
+\file{hello-world.tex}, which contains the following input.
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \begin{document}
+ Hello World!
+ \end{document}
+This little file only uses the font \file{cmr10}, so let us look at
+how \cmdname{dvips} prepares the \PS{} file (we want to use the Type~1
+version of the Computer Modern fonts, hence the option \texttt{-Pcms}).
+> \Ucom{dvips -d4100 hello-world -Pcms -o}
+In this case we have combined \cmdname{dvips}'s debug class 4 (font
+paths) with \KPS's path element expansion (see \cmdname{dvips} Reference
+Manual, \OnCD{texmf/doc/dvips/dvips.pdf}).
+The output (slightly rearranged) appears in
+\caption{Finding configuration files}\label{fig:dvipsdbga}
+\caption{Finding the prolog file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgb}
+\caption{Finding the font file}\label{fig:dvipsdbgc}
+\cmdname{dvips} starts by locating its working files. First,
+\file{texmf.cnf} is found, which gives the definitions of the search
+paths for the other files, then the file database \file{ls-R} (to
+optimize file searching) and the file \file{aliases}, which makes it
+possible to declare several names (e.g., a short \acro{DOS}-like 8.3 and
+a more natural longer version) for the same file. Then \cmdname{dvips}
+goes on to find the generic configuration file \file{}
+before looking for the customization file \file{.dvipsrc} (which, in
+this case is \emph{not found}). Finally, \cmdname{dvips} locates the
+config file for the Computer Modern \PS{} fonts \file{config.cms}
+(this was initiated with the \texttt{-Pcms} option on the \cmdname{dvips}
+command). This file contains the list of the map files which
+define the relation between the \TeX{}, \PS{} and file system
+names of the fonts.
+> \Ucom{more /usr/local/texmf/dvips/cms/config.cms}
+ p
+ p
+ p
+ p
+\cmdname{dvips} thus goes on to find all these files, plus the generic
+map file \file{}, which is always loaded (it contains
+declarations for commonly used \PS{} fonts; see the last part of
+Section \ref{sec:examples-of-use} for more details about \PS{} map
+file handling).
+At this point \cmdname{dvips} identifies itself to the user:
+This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{}:
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search( => /usr/local/texmf/dvips/base/
+Then it goes on to look for the prolog file \file{} (see
+After having found the file in question, \cmdname{dvips} outputs
+the date and time, and informs us that it will generate the
+file \file{}, then that it needs the font file
+\file{cmr10}, and that the latter is declared as ``resident'' (no
+bitmaps needed):
+TeX output 1998.02.26:1204' ->
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.0pt
+Font cmr10 <CMR10> is resident.
+Now the search is on for the file \file{cmr10.tfm}, which is found,
+then a few more prolog files (not shown) are referenced, and finally
+the Type~1 instance \file{cmr10.pfb} of the font is located and
+included in the output file (see last line).
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.tfm, must\_exist=1, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/fonts/tfm//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm//:
+ /var/tex/fonts/tfm//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.tfm) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm
+kdebug:start search(, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ ...
+kdebug:start search(file=cmr10.pfb, must\_exist=0, find\_all=0,
+ path=.:~/tex/dvips//:!!/usr/local/texmf/dvips//:
+ ~/tex/fonts/type1//:!!/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1//).
+kdebug:search(cmr10.pfb) => /usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/cmr10.pfb
+\subsection{Runtime options}
+Another useful feature of \Webc{} is its possibility to control a number
+of memory parameters (in particular, array sizes) via the runtime file
+\file{texmf.cnf} read by \KPS{}. The memory settings can be found in
+Part~3 of that file in the \TL{} distribution. The more important
+ Total words of memory available, for
+ \TeX{}, \MF{} and \MP. You must make a new format file for each
+ different setting. For instance, you could generate a ``huge''
+ version of \TeX{}, and call the format file \texttt{hugetex.fmt}.
+ Using the standard way of specifying the program name used by \KPS{},
+ the particular value of the \texttt{main\_memory} variable will then
+ be read from \file{texmf.cnf}.
+ Extra space for ``large'' \TeX{} data structures:
+ boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc. Especially useful if you use
+ \PiCTeX{}.
+ Number of words for font information available for \TeX. This
+ is more or less the total size of all \acro{TFM} files read.
+ Additional space for the hash table of control sequence names.
+ Only $\approx$10,000 control sequences can be stored in the main
+ hash table; if you have a large book with numerous cross-references,
+ this might not be enough. The default value of
+ \texttt{hash\_extra} is \texttt{50000}.
+\noindent Of course, this facility is no substitute for truly dynamic
+arrays and memory allocation, but since these are extremely difficult to
+implement in the present \TeX{} source, these runtime parameters provide
+a practical compromise allowing some flexibility.
+\section{Building on a new Unix platform}
+If you have a platform for which executables are not included, you will
+need to compile \TeX{} and friends. This is not as hard as it
+sounds. What you need is all in the directory \texttt{source} in the
+You will need at least 100 megabytes of disk space to compile all of
+\TeX{} and its support programs. You'll also need an \acro{ANSI} C
+compiler, a \cmdname{make} utility, a lexical scanner, and a parser
+generator. We recommend the \GNU version of these programs
+(\cmdname{gcc}, \GNU \cmdname{make}, \cmdname{m4}, \cmdname{flex},
+\cmdname{bison}). You may be able to work with other C compilers and
+\cmdname{make} programs, but you will need a good understanding of
+building Unix programs to sort out problems.
+Also, the command \texttt{uname} must return a sensible value.
+To begin, perform a normal installation of \TL{} to your disk (see
+section~\ref{sec:install-disk} on
+\p.\pageref{sec:install-disk}). You may wish to skip installing
+all of the prebuilt binaries.
+Then, unpack the source from the compressed \texttt{tar} file in the
+directory \dirname{source} to your disk and change directory to where
+you placed it.
+Next, run \cmdname{configure} with a command line like this:
+> \Ucom{sh configure -prefix=/usr/local/TeX}
+The \optname{-prefix} directory is the one where you installed the
+support tree; the directory layout will be as follows (where \$TEXDIR
+stands for the directory you chose):
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/share/texmf} & main tree with fonts,\\
+ & \qquad macros, etc\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/man} & Unix manual pages\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/info} & \GNU style Info manuals\\
+ \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin/$PLATFORM} & binaries\\
+If you want to leave out the \dirname{$PLATFORM} directory level,
+i.e., put the binaries directly into \dirname{$TEXDIR/bin}, specify
+the \verb|--disable-multiplatform| option to \cmdname{configure}.
+Have a look at the output of \verb|./configure --help| for more
+options you can use. For example, you can skip building of \OMEGA{} and
+\subsection{Running \cmdname{make}}
+Make sure the shell variable or option \texttt{noclobber} is not set.
+Then, run the main \cmdname{make} like this:
+> \Ucom{make world}
+and relax\ldots
+Alternatively, you want to log all the output, as in:
+> \Ucom{sh -c "make world >world.log 2>\&1" \&}
+Before you believe that everything went ok, please check the log file
+for errors: \GNU \cmdname{make} always uses the string \samp{***}
+whenever a command fails. Also, check if all the programs were built:
+> \Ucom{cd \var{TEXDIR}/bin/\var{archname}}
+> \Ucom{ls | wc}
+The result should be over 200 (you can check the exact number with the
+\dirname{bin} directory contents in the distribution).
+If you need special privileges for \texttt{make install}, you can
+separate the \samp{make world} into two different runs, like this:
+> \Ucom{make all}
+> \Ucom{su}
+> \Ucom{make install strip}
+After you've installed your new binaries, you should follow the normal
+post-installation procedures, given in section~\ref{sec:postinstall}
+Also, if you'd like to make your binaries available to others, please
+contact us. We'll be happy to put them on the \TL\ web pages.
+\TL{} is a joint effort by virtually all of the \TeX{} user groups.
+This edition of \TL{} was overseen by Karl Berry. The other principal
+contributors, past and present, are listed below.
+\item The English, German, Dutch, and Polish \TeX{} user groups
+(\acro{TUG}, \acro{DANTE} e.V., \acro{NTG}, and \acro{GUST},
+respectively), which provide the necessary technical and administrative
+infrastructure. Please join the \TeX\ user group near you! (See
+\item The \acro{CTAN} team, notably Robin Fairbairns, Jim Hef{}feron,
+and Rainer Sch\"opf, which distributes the \TL{} images and provides the
+common infrastructure for package updates, upon which \TL{} depends.
+\item Nelson Beebe, for making many platforms available to \TL\
+developers, and his own comprehensive testing.
+\item John Bowman, for making many changes to his advanced graphics
+program Asymptote to make it work in \TL.
+\item Peter Breitenlohner and the \eTeX\ team for the stable foundation
+of future \TeX's, and Peter specifically for stellar help with \GNU\
+autotools usage throughout \TL.
+\item Jin-Hwan Cho and all of the DVIPDFM$x$ team, for their
+excellent driver and responsiveness to configuration issues.
+\item Thomas Esser, without whose marvelous \teTeX{} package \TL{}
+would have never existed.
+\item Michel Goossens, who co-authored the original documentation.
+\item Eitan Gurari, whose \TeX4ht is used to create the \HTML{}
+version of this documentation, and who worked tirelessly to improve it
+at short notice, every year. Eitan prematurely passed away in June
+2009, and we dedicate this documentation to his memory.
+\item Hans Hagen, for much testing and making his \ConTeXt\ format
+(\url{}) work within \TL's framework.
+\item \Thanh, Martin Schr\"oder, and the pdf\TeX\ team
+(\url{}) for continuing enhancements of \TeX's
+\item Hartmut Henkel, for significant development contributions to
+pdf\TeX\, Lua\TeX, and more.
+\item Taco Hoekwater, for major renewed development efforts on MetaPost and
+(Lua)\TeX\ (\url{}) itself, incorporating
+\ConTeXt\ into \TL, giving Kpathsea multi-threaded functionality, and
+much more.
+\item Pawe{\l} Jackowski, for the Windows installer \cmdname{tlpm},
+and Tomasz {\L}uczak, for \cmdname{tlpmgui}, used in past releases.
+\item Akira Kakuto, for providing the Windows
+binaries from his \acro{W32TEX} distribution for Japanese \TeX\
+(\url{}), and many other development contributions.
+\item Jonathan Kew, for developing the remarkable \XeTeX{} engine and
+taking the time and trouble to integrate it in \TL{}, as well as the
+initial version of the Mac\TeX\ installer, and also for our recommended
+front-end \TeX{}works.
+\item Dick Koch, for maintaining Mac\TeX\ (\url{})
+in very close tandem with \TL{}, and for his great good cheer in doing
+\item Reinhard Kotucha, for major contributions to the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, as well as Windows research efforts, the
+\texttt{getnonfreefonts} script, and more.
+\item Siep Kroonenberg, also for major contributions to the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, especially on Windows, and for the bulk of
+work updating this manual describing those features.
+\item Heiko Oberdiek, for the \pkgname{epstopdf} package and many
+others, compressing the huge \pkgname{pst-geo} data files so we could
+include them, and most of all, for his remarkable work on
+\item Petr Ol\v{s}ak, who coordinated and checked all the Czech and Slovak
+material very carefully.
+\item Toshio Oshima, for his \cmdname{dviout} previewer for Windows.
+\item Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard, for helping with package updates,
+documentation improvements, and \cmdname{texdoc} development.
+\item Fabrice Popineau, for the original Windows support in \TL{} and
+work on the French documentation.
+\item Norbert Preining, the principal architect of the \TL{} 2008
+infrastructure and installer, and also for coordinating the Debian
+version of \TL{} (together with Frank K\"uster), making many suggestions
+along the way.
+\item Sebastian Rahtz, for originally creating \TL{} and maintaining it
+for many years.
+\item Phil Taylor, for setting up the BitTorrent downloads.
+\item Tomasz Trzeciak, for wide-ranging help with Windows.
+\item Vladimir Volovich, for substantial help with porting and other
+maintenance issues, and especially for making it feasible to include
+\item Staszek Wawrykiewicz, the principal tester for all of \TL{},
+and coordinator of the many major Polish contributions: fonts, Windows
+installation, and more.
+\item Olaf Weber, for his patient maintenance of \Webc.
+\item Gerben Wierda, for creating and maintaining the original \MacOSX\
+support, and much integration and testing.
+\item Graham Williams, on whose work the \TeX\ Catalogue of packages depends.
+Builders of the binaries:
+Ettore Aldrovandi (\pkgname{i386-solaris}, \pkgname{x86\_64-solaris}),
+Alan Braslau (\pkgname{amd64-kfreebsd}, \pkgname{i386-kfreebsd}),
+Peter Breitenlohner (\pkgname{x86\_64-linux}),
+Karl Berry (\pkgname{i386-linux}),
+Ken Brown (\pkgname{i386-cygwin}),
+Akira Kakuto (\pkgname{win32}),
+Dick Koch (\pkgname{universal-darwin}, \pkgname{x86\_64-darwin}),
+Nikola Le\v{c}i\'c (\pkgname{amd64-freebsd}, \pkgname{i386-freebsd}),
+Mojca Miklavec (\pkgname{mipsel-linux}),
+Norbert Preining (\pkgname{alpha-linux}),
+Thomas Schmitz (\pkgname{powerpc-linux}),
+Boris Veytsman (\pkgname{armel-linux}),
+Vladimir Volovich (\pkgname{powerpc-aix}, \pkgname{sparc-solaris}),
+Olaf Weber (\pkgname{mips-irix}).
+For information on the \TL{} build process, see
+Translators of this manual:
+Boris Veytsman (Russian),
+Jjgod Jiang, Jinsong Zhao, Yue Wang, \& Helin Gai (Chinese),
+Uwe Ziegenhagen (German),
+Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard (French),
+Marco Pallante (Italian),
+Nikola Le\v{c}i\'c (Serbian),
+Petr Sojka \& Jan Busa (Czech\slash Slovak),
+Staszek Wawrykiewicz (Polish). The \TL{} documentation web page
+is \url{}.
+Of course the most important acknowledgement must go to Donald Knuth,
+first for inventing \TeX, and then for giving it to the world.
+\section{Release history}
+Discussion began in late 1993 when the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group was
+starting work on its 4All\TeX{} \CD{} for \acro{MS-DOS} users, and it
+was hoped at that time to issue a single, rational, \CD{} for all
+systems. This was too ambitious a target for the time, but it did spawn
+not only the very successful 4All\TeX{} \CD{}, but also the \acro{TUG}
+Technical Council working group on a \emph{\TeX{} Directory Structure}
+(\url{}), which specified how to create consistent and
+manageable collections of \TeX{} support files. A complete draft of the
+\TDS{} was published in the December 1995 issue of \textsl{TUGboat}, and
+it was clear from an early stage that one desirable product would be a
+model structure on \CD{}. The distribution you now have is a very direct
+result of the working group's deliberations. It was also clear that the
+success of the 4All\TeX{} \CD{} showed that Unix users would benefit
+from a similarly easy system, and this is the other main strand of
+We first undertook to make a new Unix-based \TDS{} \CD{} in the autumn
+of 1995, and quickly identified Thomas Esser's \teTeX{} as the ideal
+setup, as it already had multi-platform support and was built with
+portability across file systems in mind. Thomas agreed to help, and work
+began seriously at the start of 1996. The first edition was released in
+May 1996. At the start of 1997, Karl Berry completed a major new release
+of Web2c, which included nearly all the features which Thomas Esser had
+added in \teTeX, and we decided to base the 2nd edition of the \CD{} on
+the standard \Webc, with the addition of \teTeX's \texttt{texconfig}
+script. The 3rd edition of the \CD{} was based on a major revision of
+\Webc, 7.2, by Olaf Weber; at the same time, a new revision of \teTeX
+was being made, and \TL{} included almost all of its features. The
+4th edition followed the same pattern, using a new version of \teTeX,
+and a new release of \Webc{} (7.3). The system now included a complete
+Windows setup.
+For the 5th edition (March 2000) many parts of the \CD{} were revised
+and checked, updating hundreds of packages. Package details were stored
+in XML files. But the major change for \TeX\ Live 5 was that all
+non-free software was removed. Everything in \TL{} is now intended
+to be compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
+(\url{}); we have done our best to check
+the license conditions of all packages, but we would very much
+appreciate hearing of any mistakes.
+The 6th edition (July 2001) had much more material updated. The major
+change was a new install concept: the user could select a more exact set
+of needed collections. Language-related collections were completely
+reorganized, so selecting any of them installs not only macros, fonts,
+etc., but also prepares an appropriate \texttt{language.dat}.
+The 7th edition of 2002 had the notable addition of \MacOSX{} support,
+and the usual myriad of updates to all sorts of packages and
+programs. An important goal was integration of the source back with
+\teTeX, to correct the drift apart in versions~5 and~6.
+In 2003, with the continuing flood of updates and additions, we found
+that \TL{} had grown so large it could no longer be contained on a
+single \CD, so we split it into three different distributions (see
+section~\ref{sec:tl-coll-dists}, \p.\pageref{sec:tl-coll-dists}). In
+\item At the request of the \LaTeX{} team, we changed the standard
+ \cmdname{latex} and \cmdname{pdflatex} commands to now use \eTeX{} (see
+ \p.\pageref{text:etex}).
+\item The new Latin Modern fonts were included (and are recommended).
+\item Support for Alpha \acro{OSF} was removed
+ (\acro{HPUX} support was removed previously), since no one had (or
+ volunteered) hardware available on which to compile new binaries.
+\item Windows setup was substantially changed; for the first time
+ an integrated environment based on XEmacs was introduced.
+\item Important supplementary programs for Windows
+ (Perl, Ghost\-script, Image\-Magick, Ispell) are now installed
+ in the \TL{} installation directory.
+\item Font map files used by \cmdname{dvips}, \cmdname{dvipdfm}
+ and \cmdname{pdftex} are now generated by the new program
+ \cmdname{updmap} and installed into \dirname{texmf/fonts/map}.
+\item \TeX{}, \MF{}, and \MP{} now, by default, output most input
+ characters (32 and above) as themselves in output (e.g.,
+ \verb|\write|) files,
+ log files, and the terminal, i.e., \emph{not} translated using the
+ \verb|^^| notation. In \TL{}~7, this translation was
+ dependent on the system locale settings; now, locale settings do
+ not influence the \TeX{} programs' behavior. If for some reason
+ you need the \verb|^^| output, rename the file
+ \verb|texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx|. (Future releases will have cleaner
+ ways to control this.)
+\item This documentation was substantially revised.
+\item Finally, since the edition numbers had grown unwieldy,
+ the version is now simply identified by the year: \TL{} 2003.
+2004 saw many changes:
+\item If you have locally-installed fonts which use their own
+\filename{.map} or (much less likely) \filename{.enc} support files, you
+may need to move those support files.
+\filename{.map} files are now searched for in subdirectories of
+\dirname{fonts/map} only (in each \filename{texmf} tree), along the
+\envname{TEXFONTMAPS} path. Similarly, \filename{.enc} files are now
+searched for in subdirectories of \dirname{fonts/enc} only, along the
+\envname{ENCFONTS} path. \cmdname{updmap} will attempt to warn about
+problematic files.
+For methods of handling this and other information, please see
+\item The \TK\ has been expanded with the addition of a \MIKTEX-based
+installable \CD, for those who prefer that implementation to Web2C.
+See section~\ref{sec:overview-tl} (\p.\pageref{sec:overview-tl}).
+\item Within \TL, the single large \dirname{texmf} tree of previous
+releases has been replaced by three: \dirname{texmf},
+\dirname{texmf-dist}, and \dirname{texmf-doc}. See
+section~\ref{sec:tld} (\p.\pageref{sec:tld}), and the \filename{README}
+files for each.
+\item All \TeX-related input files are now collected in
+the \dirname{tex} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, rather than
+having separate sibling directories \dirname{tex}, \dirname{etex},
+\dirname{pdftex}, \dirname{pdfetex}, etc. See
+\item Helper scripts (not meant to be invoked by users) are now located
+in a new \dirname{scripts} subdirectory of \dirname{texmf*} trees, and
+can be searched for via \verb|kpsewhich -format=texmfscripts|. So if you have
+programs which call such scripts, they'll need to be adjusted. See
+\item Almost all formats leave most characters printable as
+themselves via the ``translation file'' \filename{cp227.tcx}, instead of
+translating them with the \verb|^^| notation. Specifically, characters
+at positions 32--256, plus tab, vertical tab, and form feed are
+considered printable and not translated. The exceptions are plain \TeX\
+(only 32--126 printable), \ConTeXt\ (0--255 printable), and the
+\OMEGA-related formats. This default behavior is almost the same as in
+\TL\,2003, but it's implemented more cleanly, with more possibilities
+for customization. See \CDref{texmf/doc/web2c/web2c.html\#TCX-files}
+(By the way, with Unicode input, \TeX\ may output partial character
+sequences when showing error contexts, since it is byte-oriented.)
+\item \textsf{pdfetex} is now the default engine for all formats
+except (plain) \textsf{tex} itself. (Of course it generates \acro{DVI}
+when run as \textsf{latex}, etc.) This means, among other things, that
+the microtypographic features of \textsf{pdftex} are available in
+\LaTeX, \ConTeXt, etc., as well as the \eTeX\ features
+It also means it's \emph{more important than ever} to use the
+\pkgname{ifpdf} package (works with both plain and \LaTeX) or equivalent
+code, because simply testing whether \cs{pdfoutput} or some other
+primitive is defined is not a reliable way to determine if \acro{PDF}
+output is being generated. We made this backward compatible as best we
+could this year, but next year, \cs{pdfoutput} may be defined even when
+\acro{DVI} is being written.
+\item pdf\TeX\ (\url{}) has many new features:
+ \begin{itemize*}
+ \item \cs{pdfmapfile} and \cs{pdfmapline} provide font map support
+ from within a document.
+ \item Microtypographic font expansion can be used more easily.\\
+ \url{}
+ \item All parameters previously set through the special configuration
+ file \filename{pdftex.cfg} must now be set through primitives,
+ typically in \filename{pdftexconfig.tex}; \filename{pdftex.cfg} is no
+ longer supported. Any extant \filename{.fmt} files must be redumped
+ when \filename{pdftexconfig.tex} is changed.
+ \item See the pdf\TeX\ manual for more: \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/pdftex/manual/pdftex-a.pdf}.
+ \end{itemize*}
+\item The \cs{input} primitive in \cmdname{tex} (and \cmdname{mf} and
+\cmdname{mpost}) now accepts double quotes containing spaces and other
+special characters. Typical examples:
+\input "filename with spaces" % plain
+\input{"filename with spaces"} % latex
+See the Web2C manual for more: \OnCD{texmf/doc/web2c}.
+\item enc\TeX\ support is now included within Web2C and consequently all
+\TeX\ programs, via the \optname{-enc} option\Dash \emph{only when
+formats are built}. enc\TeX\ supports general re-encoding of input and
+output, enabling full support of Unicode (in \acro{UTF}-8). See
+\OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/generic/enctex/} and
+\item Aleph, a new engine combining \eTeX\ and \OMEGA, is available.
+A little information is available in \OnCD{texmf-dist/doc/aleph/base}
+and \url{}. The
+\LaTeX-based format for Aleph is named \textsf{lamed}.
+\item The latest \LaTeX\ release has a new version of the
+\acro{LPPL}\Dash now officially a Debian-approved license. Assorted
+other updates, see the \filename{ltnews} files in
+\item \cmdname{dvipng}, a new program for converting \acro{DVI} to
+\acro{PNG} image files, is included. See \OnCD{texmf/doc/man/man1/dvipng.1}.
+\item We reduced the \pkgname{cbgreek} package to a ``medium'' sized set
+of fonts, with the assent and advice of the author (Claudio Beccari).
+The excised fonts are the invisible, outline, and transparency ones,
+which are relatively rarely used, and we needed the space. The full set
+is of course available from \acro{CTAN}
+\item \cmdname{oxdvi} has been removed; just use \cmdname{xdvi}.
+\item The \cmdname{ini} and \cmdname{vir} commands (links) for
+\cmdname{tex}, \cmdname{mf}, and \cmdname{mpost} are no longer created,
+such as \cmdname{initex}. The \cmdname{ini} functionality has been
+available through the command-line option \optname{-ini} for years now.
+\item \textsf{i386-openbsd} platform support was removed. Since the
+\pkgname{tetex} package in the \acro{BSD} Ports system is available, and
+\acro{GNU/}Linux and Free\acro{BSD} binaries were available, it seemed
+volunteer time could be better spent elsewhere.
+\item On \textsf{sparc-solaris} (at least), you may have to set the
+\envname{LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH} environment variable to run the
+\pkgname{t1utils} programs. This is because they are compiled with C++,
+and there is no standard location for the runtime libraries. (This is
+not new in 2004, but wasn't previously documented.) Similarly, on
+\textsf{mips-irix}, the \acro{MIPS}pro 7.4 runtimes are required.
+2005 saw the usual huge number of updates to packages and programs.
+The infrastructure stayed relatively stable from 2004, but inevitably
+there were some changes there as well:
+\item New scripts \cmdname{texconfig-sys}, \cmdname{updmap-sys}, and
+ \cmdname{fmtutil-sys} were introduced, which modify the
+ configuration in the system trees. The \cmdname{texconfig},
+ \cmdname{updmap}, and \cmdname{fmtutil} scripts now modify
+ user-specific files, under \dirname{$HOME/.texlive2005}.
+\item Corresponding new variables \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} to specify the trees where configuration
+ files (user or system, respectively) are found. Thus, you may
+ need to move personal versions of \filename{fmtutil.cnf} and
+ \filename{updmap.cfg} to these places; another option is to
+ redefine \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} or \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG} in
+ \filename{texmf.cnf}. In any case the real location of these files
+ and the values of \envname{TEXMFCONFIG} and \envname{TEXMFSYSCONFIG}
+ must agree.
+ See section~\ref{sec:texmftrees}, \p.\pageref{sec:texmftrees}.
+\item Last year, we kept \verb|\pdfoutput| and other primitives undefined
+ for \dvi\ output, even though the \cmdname{pdfetex} program was
+ being used. This year, as promised, we undid that compatibility
+ measure. So if your document uses \verb|\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined|
+ to test if PDF is being output, it will need to be changed. You
+ can use the package \pkgname{ifpdf.sty} (which works under both
+ plain \TeX\ and \LaTeX) to do this, or steal its logic.
+\item Last year, we changed most formats to output (8-bit) characters as
+ themselves (see previous section). The new TCX file
+ \filename{empty.tcx} now provides an easier way to get the
+ original \verb|^^| notation if you so desire, as in:
+latex --translate-file=empty.tcx yourfile.tex
+\item The new program \cmdname{dvipdfmx} is included for translation of
+ DVI to PDF; this is an actively maintained update of
+ \cmdname{dvipdfm} (which is also still available for now, though
+ no longer recommended).
+\item The new programs \cmdname{pdfopen} and \cmdname{pdfclose} are included
+ to allow reloading of pdf files in the Adobe Acrobat Reader without
+ restarting the program. (Other pdf readers, notably \cmdname{xpdf},
+ \cmdname{gv}, and \cmdname{gsview}, have never suffered from this
+ problem.)
+\item For consistency, the variables \envname{HOMETEXMF} and
+ \envname{VARTEXMF} have been renamed to \envname{TEXMFHOME} and
+ \envname{TEXMFSYSVAR}, respectively. There is also
+ \envname{TEXMFVAR}, which is by default user-specific. See the
+ first point above.
+In 2006--2007, the major new addition to \TL{} was the \XeTeX{} program,
+available as the \texttt{xetex} and \texttt{xelatex} programs; see
+MetaPost also received a notable update, with more planned for the
+future (\url{}), likewise pdf\TeX{}
+The \TeX\ \filename{.fmt} (high-speed format) and the similar files for
+MetaPost and \MF\ are now stored in subdirectories of \dirname{texmf/web2c},
+instead of in the directory itself (although the directory is still
+searched, for the sake of existing \filename{.fmt}'s). The
+subdirectories are named for the `engine' in use, such as \filename{tex}
+or \filename{pdftex} or \filename{xetex}. This change should be
+invisible in normal use.
+The (plain) \texttt{tex} program no longer reads \texttt{\%\&} first
+lines to determine what format to run; it is the pure Knuthian \TeX.
+(\LaTeX\ and everything else do still read \texttt{\%\&} lines).
+Of course the year also saw (the usual) hundreds of other updates to
+packages and programs. As usual, please check \acro{CTAN}
+(\url{}) for updates.
+Internally, the source tree is now stored in Subversion, with a standard
+web interface for viewing the tree, as linked from our home page.
+Although not visible in the final distribution, we expect this will
+provide a stable development foundation for future years.
+Finally, in May 2006 Thomas Esser announced that he would no longer be
+updating te\TeX{} (\url{}). As a result, there was
+been a surge of interest in \TL{}, especially among \GNU/Linux
+distributors. (There is a new \texttt{tetex} installation scheme in
+\TL{}, which provides an approximate equivalent.) We hope this will
+eventually translate to improvements in the \TeX\ environment for
+In 2008, the entire \TL{} infrastructure was redesigned and
+reimplemented. Complete information about an installation is now stored
+in a plain text file \filename{tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb}.
+Among other things, this finally makes possible upgrading a \TL{}
+installation over the Internet after the initial installation, a feature
+MiK\TeX\ has provided for many years. We expect to regularly update new
+packages as they are released to \CTAN.
+The major new engine Lua\TeX\ (\url{}) is included;
+besides a new level of flexibility in typesetting, this provides an
+excellent scripting language for use both inside and outside of \TeX\
+Support among Windows and the Unix-based platforms is now much more
+uniform. In particular, most Perl and Lua scripts are now available on
+Windows, using the Perl internally distributed with \TL.
+The new \cmdname{tlmgr} script (section~\ref{sec:tlmgr}) is the
+general interface for managing \TL{} after the initial installation.
+It handles package updates and consequent regeneration of formats, map
+files, and language files, optionally including local additions.
+With the advent of \cmdname{tlmgr}, the \cmdname{texconfig} actions to
+edit the format and hyphenation configuration files are now disabled.
+The \cmdname{xindy} indexing program
+(\url{}) is now included on most platforms.
+The \cmdname{kpsewhich} tool can now report all matches for a given file
+(option \optname{--all}) and limit matches to a given subdirectory
+(option \optname{--subdir}).
+The \cmdname{dvipdfmx} program now includes functionality to extract
+bounding box information, via the command name \cmdname{extractbb}; this
+was one of the last features provided by \cmdname{dvipdfm} not in
+The font aliases \filename{Times-Roman}, \filename{Helvetica}, and so on
+have been removed. Different packages expected them to behave
+differently (in particular, to have different encodings), and there was
+no good way to resolve this.
+The \pkgname{platex} format has been removed, to resolve a name conflict
+with a completely different Japanese \pkgname{platex}; the
+\pkgname{polski} package is now the main Polish support.
+Internally, the \web\ string pool files are now compiled into the
+binaries, to ease upgrades.
+Finally, the changes made by Donald Knuth in his `\TeX\ tuneup of 2008'
+are included in this release. See
+In 2009, the default output format for Lua\AllTeX\ is now PDF, to take
+advantage of Lua\TeX's OpenType support, et al. New executables named
+\code{dviluatex} and \code{dvilualatex} run Lua\TeX\ with DVI output.
+The Lua\TeX\ home page is \url{}.
+The original Omega engine and Lambda format have been excised, after
+discussions with the Omega authors. The updated Aleph and Lamed remain,
+as do the Omega utilities.
+A new release of the AMS \TypeI\ fonts is included, including Computer
+Modern: a few shape changes made over the years by Knuth in the Metafont
+sources have been integrated, and the hinting has been updated. The
+Euler fonts have been thoroughly reshaped by Hermann Zapf (see
+\url{}). In
+all cases, the metrics remain unchanged. The AMS fonts home page is
+The new GUI front end \TeX{}works is included for Windows, and also in
+Mac\TeX. For other platforms, and more information, see the \TeX{}works
+home page, \url{}. It is a cross-platform front
+end inspired by the \MacOSX\ TeXShop editor, aiming at ease-of-use.
+The graphics program Asymptote is included for several platforms. This
+implements a text-based graphics description language vaguely akin to
+MetaPost, but with advanced 3D support and other features. Its home
+page is \url{}.
+The separate \code{dvipdfm} program has been replaced by
+\code{dvipdfmx}, which operates in a special compatibility mode under
+that name. \code{dvipdfmx} includes \acro{CJK} support and has
+accumulated many other fixes over the years since the last
+\code{dvipdfm} release. The DVIPDFMx home page is
+Executables for the \pkgname{cygwin} and \pkgname{i386-netbsd} platforms
+are now included, while we were advised that Open\acro{BSD} users get
+\TeX\ through their package systems, plus there were difficulties in
+making binaries that have a chance of working on more than one version.
+A miscellany of smaller changes: we now use \pkgname{xz} compression,
+the stable replacement for \pkgname{lzma}
+(\url{}); a literal |$| is allowed in filenames
+when it does not introduce a known variable name; the Kpathsea library
+is now multi-threaded (made use of in MetaPost); the entire \TL{} build
+is now based on Automake.
+Final note on the past: all releases of \TL{}, along with ancillary
+material such as \CD\ labels, are available at
+\label{sec:2010news} % keep with 2010
+In 2010, the default version for PDF output is now 1.5, enabling more
+compression. This applies to all the \TeX\ engines when used to produce
+PDF and to \code{dvipdfmx}. Loading the \pkgname{pdf14} \LaTeX\ package
+changes back to PDF~1.4, or set |\pdfminorversion=4|.
+pdf\AllTeX\ now \emph{automatically} converts a requested Encapsulated
+PostScript (EPS) file to PDF, via the \pkgname{epstopdf} package, when
+and if the \LaTeX\ \code{graphics.cfg} configuration file is loaded, and
+PDF is being output. The default options are intended to eliminate any
+chance of hand-created PDF files being overwritten, but you can also
+prevent \code{epstopdf} from being loaded at all by putting
+|\newcommand{\DoNotLoadEpstopdf}{}| (or |\def...|) before the
+\cs{documentclass} declaration. It is also not loaded if the
+\pkgname{pst-pdf} package is used. For more details, see the
+\pkgname{epstopdf} package documentation
+A related change is that execution of a very few external commands from
+\TeX, via the \cs{write18} feature, is now enabled by default. These
+are commands are \code{repstopdf}, \code{makeindex}, \code{kpsewhich},
+\code{bibtex}, and \code{bibtex8}; the list is defined in
+\code{texmf.cnf}. Environments which must disallow all such external
+commands can deselect this option in the installer (see
+section~\ref{sec:options}), or override the value after installation by
+running |tlmgr conf texmf shell_escape 0|.
+Yet another related change is that \BibTeX\ and Makeindex now refuse to
+write their output files to an arbitrary directory (like \TeX\ itself),
+by default. This is so they can now be enabled for use by the
+restricted \cs{write18}. To change this, the \envname{TEXMFOUTPUT}
+environment variable can be set, or the |openout_any| setting changed.
+\XeTeX\ now supports margin kerning along the same lines as pdf\TeX.
+(Font expansion is not presently supported.)
+By default, \prog{tlmgr} now saves one backup of each package updated
+(\code{tlmgr option autobackup 1}), so broken packages updates can be
+easily reverted with \code{tlmgr restore}. If you do post-install
+updates, and don't have the disk space for the backups, run \code{tlmgr
+option autobackup 0}.
+New programs included: the p\TeX\ engine and related utilities for
+typesetting Japanese; the \BibTeX{}U program for Unicode-enabled
+\BibTeX; the \prog{chktex} utility
+(\url{}) for checking \AllTeX\
+documents; the \prog{dvisvgm} (\url{})
+DVI-to-SVG translator.
+Executables for these new platforms are now included: \code{amd64-freebsd},
+\code{amd64-kfreebsd}, \code{i386-freebsd}, \code{i386-kfreebsd},
+\code{x86\_64-darwin}, \code{x86\_64-solaris}.
+A change in \TL{} 2009 that we failed to note: numerous \TeX4ht-related
+executables (\url{}) were removed from the binary
+directories. The generic \code{mk4ht} program can be used to run any of
+the various \code{tex4ht} combinations.
+Finally, the \TL{} release on the \TK\ \DVD\ can no longer be run live
+(oddly enough). A single \DVD\ no longer has enough room. One
+beneficial side effect is that installation from the physical \DVD\ is
+much faster.
+The \MacOSX\ binaries (\code{universal-darwin} and
+\code{x86\_64-darwin}) now work only on Leopard or later; Panther and
+Tiger are no longer supported.
+The \code{biber} program for bibliography processing is included on
+common platforms. Its development is closely coupled with the
+\code{biblatex} package, which completely reimplements the
+bibliographical facilities provided by LaTeX.
+The MetaPost (\code{mpost}) program no longer creates or uses
+\code{.mem} files. The needed files, such as \code{}, are
+simply read on every run. This is related to supporting MetaPost as a
+library, which is another significant though not user-visible change.
+The \code{updmap} implementation in Perl, previously used only on
+Windows, has been revamped and is now used on all platforms. There
+shouldn't be any user-visible changes as a result, except that it runs
+much faster.
+The \cmdname{initex} and \cmdname{inimf} programs were restored (but no
+other \cmd{ini*} variants).
+\code{tlmgr} supports updates from multiple network repositories. The
+section on multiple repositories in the \code{tlmgr help} output has
+The parameter \cs{XeTeXdashbreakstate} is set to~1 by default, for both
+\code{xetex} and \code{xelatex}. This allows line breaks after
+em-dashes and en-dashes, which has always been the behavior of plain
+\TeX, \LaTeX, Lua\TeX, etc. Existing \XeTeX\ documents which must
+retain perfect line-break compatibility will need to set
+\cs{XeTeXdashbreakstate} to~0 explicitly.
+The output files generated by \code{pdftex} and \code{dvips}, among
+others, can now exceed 2gb.
+The 35 standard PostScript fonts are included in the output of
+\code{dvips} by default, since so many different versions of them are
+In the restricted \cs{write18} execution mode, set by default,
+\code{mpost} is now an allowed program.
+A \code{texmf.cnf} file is also found in \filename{../texmf-local},
+e.g., \filename{/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/web2c/texmf.cnf}, if it
+The \code{updmap} script reads a per-tree \code{updmap.cfg} instead of
+one global config. This change should be invisible, unless you edited
+your updmap.cfg's directly. The \code{updmap --help} output has more.
+Platforms: \pkgname{armel-linux} and \pkgname{mipsel-linux} added;
+\pkgname{sparc-linux} and \pkgname{i386-netbsd} are no longer in the
+main distribution, but are available for installation as custom
+binaries, along with a variety of other platforms:
+\emph{\TL{} is not perfect!} (And never will be.) We intend to
+continue to release new versions, and would like to provide more help
+material, more utilities, more installation programs, and (of course) an
+ever-improved and better-checked tree of macros and fonts. This work is
+all done by volunteers in their spare time, and so there is always more
+to do. Please see \url{}.
+Please send corrections, suggestions, and offers of help to:
+\email{} \\
+\noindent \textsl{Happy \TeX ing!}