path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/srcredact/srcredact.tex
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1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/srcredact/srcredact.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/srcredact/srcredact.tex
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+\usepackage[osf]{Baskervaldx} % tosf in text, tlf in math
+\usepackage[baskervaldx,bigdelims,vvarbb]{newtxmath} % math italic
+ % letters from Baskervaldx
+\usepackage[cal=boondoxo]{mathalfa} % mathcal from STIX, unslanted a
+ % bit
+\title{A tool for redacting the sources:
+ \textsl{srcredact}\thanks{This work was commissioned by the US Consumer
+ Financial Protection Bureau, United States Treasury}}
+\author{Boris Veytsman}
+\date{$ $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2015/05/20 23:30:22 $ $}
+Many documents containing confidential information exist in several
+versions: one for the general public, one for the limited audience (or
+even several confidential versions for the different audiences). In
+some cases the desire to have several versions of a document might be
+caused not by confidentiality, but by the different needs of
+audiences: e.g. an ``executive'' and ``research'' version of the same
+white paper.
+One can maintain several versions of the document separately, but this
+quickly becomes cumbersome and error-prone. At some point the
+versions drift away too much, and making them close again becomes a
+difficult and expensive task. This is a typical ``anti-pattern'',
+well known to programmers.
+Therefore the task is to enable the user to have a single source from
+which various versions of a document can be produced.
+There are different ways to achieve this effect. The
+\emph{output-level} redaction means that we have a specially marked
+source file, from which several different PDF files can be produced.
+The \emph{source-level} redaction means that we have one source file,
+also specially marked, from which several different \emph{sources} can
+be produced. This means that different co-authors can get different
+versions of a source file and work in their own versions of text.
+This is the approach taken by the present tool.
+One may consider the idea of different co-authors to have different
+versions of text to be rather strange. Why would an author to be
+denied the access to a part of her own text? However, there are
+situations where this idea is warranted. Suppose we have a report
+that has classified and non-classified parts. Suppose also that some
+non-classified parts are co-authored by experts that do not have the
+privilige to read (all or some) classified parts of the report. We
+want to enable their work on their parts without compromising the
+confidentiality of the whole.
+\LaTeX\ actually provides some facilities for this approach with its
+\verb|\input| and \verb|\include| mechanism. Indeed, one can put in
+the document:
+classified text...
+classified tex
+However, this mechanism allows only limited control over the sources.
+The program \textsl{srcredact} is intended to provide a more
+fine-grained control over the included and excluded parts.
+\section{Concept of Operation}
+Let us first discuss a document, that has two versions: classified and
+unclassified one. There are two modes for creation of such document
+with the package \textsl{srcredact}. In the first mode the master
+file is a valid \TeX\ file, which provides the full version of the
+document, and the redacted version is the file with certain parts
+omitted (Figure~\ref{fig:master1st}). In the second mode some parts
+of the redacted version are \emph{not} present in the unredacted
+version (Figure~\ref{fig:master2nd}). These two modes determine two
+work flows. In the first case flow we run \textsl{latex} on the
+document to get the full version, \emph{or} \textsl{srcredact} and
+then \textsl{latex} to get the redacted (unclassified) version
+(Figure~\ref{fig:flow1st}). In the second case we run
+\textsl{srcredact} (with different options) to get either classified
+or unclassified versions of the package (Figure~\ref{fig:flow2nd}).
+ \centering
+ \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=+^_]
+Common text
++Red^_Classified text
+ \end{Verbatim}
+ \caption{Master document in the first mode}
+ \label{fig:master1st}
+ \centering
+ \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=+^_]
+Common text
++Red^_Classified version of the text
++Green^_Unclassified version of the text
+ \end{Verbatim}
+ \caption{Master document in the second mode}
+ \label{fig:master2nd}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[draw, rectangle, on grid, color=red] (filetex)
+ {\color{red}\bfseries file.tex};
+ \node[draw, ellipse, below=2cm of filetex, on grid,
+ color=red] (filepdf) {\color{red}file.pdf};
+ \draw[arrows=-latex] (filetex) -- node [right] {\textsl{latex}}
+ (filepdf);
+ \node[draw,rectangle, right=2 cm of filetex, on grid, color=green]
+ (redactedtex) {\color{green}file-unclassified.tex};
+ \draw[arrows=-latex] (filetex) -- node[above] {\textsl{srcredact}}
+ (redactedtex);
+ \node[draw, ellipse, below=2 cm of redactedtex, on grid,
+ color=green] (redactedpdf) {\color{green}file-unclassified.pdf};
+ \draw[arrows=-latex] (redactedtex) -- node [right] {\textsl{latex}}
+ (redactedpdf);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Work flow in the first mode. The red color corresponds to
+ the classified material, the green color to the unclassified one.}
+ \label{fig:flow1st}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[draw, rectangle, on grid, color=red] (filetex)
+ {\color{red}\bfseries file.tex};
+ \node[draw,rectangle, left=2 cm of filetex, on grid, color=red]
+ (secrettex) {\color{red}file-classified.tex};
+ \draw[arrows=-latex] (filetex) -- node[above] {\textsl{srcredact}}
+ (secrettex);
+ \node[draw, ellipse, below=2cm of secrettex, on grid,
+ color=red] (secretpdf) {\color{red}file-classified.pdf};
+ \draw[arrows=-latex] (secrettex) -- node [right] {\textsl{latex}}
+ (secretpdf);
+ \node[draw,rectangle, right=2 cm of filetex, on grid, color=green]
+ (redactedtex) {\color{green}file-unclassified.tex};
+ \draw[arrows=-latex] (filetex) -- node[above] {\textsl{srcredact}}
+ (redactedtex);
+ \node[draw, ellipse, below=2 cm of redactedtex, on grid,
+ color=green] (redactedpdf) {\color{green}file-unclassified.pdf};
+ \draw[arrows=-latex] (redactedtex) -- node [right] {\textsl{latex}}
+ (redactedpdf);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Work flow in the second mode. The red color corresponds to
+ the classified material, the green color to the unclassified one.}
+ \label{fig:flow2nd}
+In a more complex case we can have more than two versions of the
+document, for example, intended for different audiences. In all cases
+we can either plan to a ``full'' version, obtained by \textsl{latex}'ing
+the master document, or to assume that no version is the superset of
+all other versions, and thus we need \textsl{srcredact} to get any
+version of the document.
+\section{\textsl{srcredact} man page}
+The following is the manual page of \textsl{srcredact} tool.