path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/ptex/ptex-manual/ptex-guide-en.tex
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+%#!make ptex-guide-en.pdf
+% additional packages
+% common
+ itemsep=0pt, listparindent=1zw, itemindent=10pt,
+ font=\normalfont\mdseries, leftmargin=2zw,
+ before=\advance\@listdepth\@ne,
+ after=\advance\@listdepth\m@ne
+\def\tsp{_{\mbox{\fontsize\sf@size\z@\ttfamily \char32}}}
+\def\tpar{_{\mbox{\fontsize\sf@size\z@\ttfamily \string\par}}}
+\def\tign{_{\mbox{\fontsize\sf@size\z@\selectfont --}}}
+% logos
+\def\TL{\TeX\ Live\ }
+\def\_{\leavevmode\vrule width .45em height -.2ex depth .3ex\relax}
+\title{\emph{Guide of \pTeX\ for developers not interested in Japanese}}
+\author{Japanese \TeX\ Development Community\null
+\thanks{\url{},\ e-mail: \texttt{issue(at)}}}
+\date{version p\the\ptexversion.\the\ptexminorversion\ptexrevision, \today}
+\pTeX\ and its variants, \upTeX, \epTeX\ and \eupTeX, are all \TeX\ engines
+with native Japanese support.
+Its output is always a DVI file, which can be processed by several
+DVI drivers with Japanese support including {\em dvips} and {\em dvipdfmx}.
+Formats based on \LaTeX\ is called \pLaTeX\ when running on \pTeX/\epTeX,
+and called \upLaTeX\ when running on \upTeX/\eupTeX.
+%%% Target readers of this document: 日本語機能でないパッケージ作者に絞る
+\section*{Purpose of this document}
+This document is written for developers of \TeX/\LaTeX, who aim to
+support \pTeX/\pLaTeX\ and its variants \upTeX/\upLaTeX.
+Knowledge of the followings are assumed:
+ \item Basic knowledge of Western \TeX\ (Knuthian \TeX, \eTeX\ and \pdfTeX),
+ \item ... and its programming conventions.
+%%% 日本語(の組版・文字コード)の知識は要らない。その話はできる限り避ける
+Any knowledge of Japanese (characters, encodings, typesetting conventions etc.)
+is not assumed; some explanations are provided in this document when needed.
+We hope that this document helps authors of packages or classes
+to proceed with supporting \pTeX\ family smoothly.
+Note: This English edition (\jobname.pdf) is {\em not} meant
+to be a complete translation of Japanese edition (ptex-manual.pdf).
+For example, this document does not cover the following aspects of \pTeX:
+ \item Typesetting conventions of Japanese characters
+ \item Details of vertical writing
+For beginners of writing Japanese texts,
+please refer to the Japanese edition.
+\part{Brief introduction}% 概論
+%%% pTeX とその仲間
+\section{\pTeX\ and its variants}
+% [TODO] \pTeX, \upTeX, \epTeX, \eupTeX を簡単に紹介
+%%% e-(u)pTeX の話がメイン
+There is no advantage to choose \pTeX/\upTeX\ over \epTeX/\eupTeX,
+so we focus mainly on \epTeX/\eupTeX.
+% [TODO] pLaTeX/upLaTeX も e- で走っていて,これで十分であると付け加える
+% [TODO] 既に pTeX/upTeX が暗に e-pTeX/e-upTeX を指す文献もあることに言及
+%%% 欧文 TeX との互換性
+\section{Compatibility with Western \TeX}
+%%% pTeX/upTeX は Knuthian TeX に対してほぼ上位互換
+\pTeX/\upTeX\ are almost uppercompatible with Knuthian \TeX,
+however, they do not pass TRIP test.
+%%% 入力の8bitの扱いが異なる。フォントの8bitはそのまま
+In \pTeX/\upTeX, input handling is different from Knuthian \TeX;
+if a pair of two or more 8-bit codes matches Japanese character code,
+it is regarded as one Japanese character.
+There is no difference in handling 8-bit TFM font.
+%%% e-pTeX/e-upTeX は e-TeX に対してほぼ上位互換
+\epTeX/\eupTeX\ are almost uppercompatible with \eTeX,
+however, input handling is similar to \pTeX/\upTeX.
+It does not pass e-TRIP test.
+%%% だけど e-TeX はもうなく,pdfTeX の DVI モードがあるだけ
+That said, please note that ``raw \eTeX'' is unavailable anymore
+in \TeX\ Live and derived distributions;
+they provide a command |etex| only as ``DVI mode of \pdfTeX.''
+%%% e-pTeX/e-upTeX は pdfTeX の DVI モードに対して上位互換ではない
+We should note that
+\epTeX/\eupTeX\ are {\em not} uppercompatible with DVI mode of \pdfTeX,
+which will be discussed later in section \ref{dvi-pdftex}.
+%%% LaTeX ムニャムニャ
+\section{\LaTeX\ on \pTeX/\upTeX\ --- \pLaTeX/\upLaTeX}
+%%% pLaTeX と upLaTeX ムニャムニャ
+Formats based on \LaTeX\ is called \pLaTeX\ when running on \pTeX/\epTeX,
+and called \upLaTeX\ when running on \upTeX/\eupTeX.
+In recent versions (around 2011) of \TeX\ Live and its derivatives,
+the default engines of \pLaTeX\ and \upLaTeX\ are \epTeX\ and \eupTeX.
+That is, the command |platex| starts \epTeX\ (not \pTeX) with
+preloaded format |platex.fmt|.
+%%% カーネルが拡張されている
+In the kernel level (|platex.ltx| and |uplatex.ltx|),
+\pLaTeX\ and \upLaTeX\ adds some additional commands
+related to the followings:
+ \item Selection of Japanese fonts
+ \item Crop marks (called ``tombow'') for printings
+ \item Adjustment for mixing horizontal and vertical texts
+%%% author レベルでは LaTeX とほぼ互換,ただし例外あり
+For authors, \pLaTeX/\upLaTeX\ is almost uppercompatible with
+original \LaTeX, except for the followings:
+ \item Order of float objects; in \pLaTeX/\upLaTeX,
+ <bottom float> is placed above <footnote>.
+ That is, the complete order is
+ <top float> $\rightarrow$ <body text> $\rightarrow$
+ <bottom float> $\rightarrow$ <footnote>.
+ % [TODO] 他にもあるか?
+%%% developer レベルでは pdfTeX 拡張や pLaTeX カーネルでムニャムニャ
+For developers, additional cares may be needed,
+for changes in the kernel macros and/or absence of \pdfTeX\ features.
+%%% 際立った pTeX 系列の特徴
+\section{Eminent characteristics of \pTeX/\upTeX}
+The most important characteristics of \pTeX/\upTeX\ can be
+summarized as follows:
+%%% 欧文と和文が別個に存在する・縦組がある
+ \item Japanese characters are interpret and handled completely apart from
+ Western characters.
+ \item Texts can be aligned vertically, called ``tate-gumi'' (縦組).
+ The horizontal alignment of texts is called ``yoko-gumi'' (横組),
+ and both ``tate-gumi'' and ``yoko-gumi'' can be mixed
+ even within a single document.
+\part{Details}% 各論
+%%% 出力フォーマット
+\section{Output format --- DVI}
+%%% DVI だけ
+The output of \pTeX/\upTeX\ is always a DVI file.
+%%% pTeX の DVI は欧文の横組みだけなら普通。和文が入ると特殊,縦組ならIDも変化
+Its DVI format is completely compatible with Knuthian \TeX,
+as long as the following conditions are met:
+ \item No Japanese characters are typeset.
+ \item There is no portion of vertical text alignment.
+\subsection{Extensions of DVI format}
+In \pTeX/\upTeX,
+some additional DVI commands, which are defined in the
+standard \cite{dvistd0} but never used in \TeX82, are used.
+ \item |set2| (129), |put2| (134):
+ Appears in both \pTeX\ and \upTeX\ DVI.
+ Used to typeset a Japanese character with 2-byte code.
+ \item |set3| (130), |put3| (135):
+ Appears in only \upTeX\ DVI.
+ Used to typeset a Japanese character with 3-byte code.
+When \pTeX\ is going to typeset a Japanese character into DVI,
+it is encoded in JIS, which is always a 2-byte code.
+For this purpose, |set2| or |put2| are used.
+When \upTeX\ is going to output a Japanese character into DVI,
+it is encoded in UTF-32.
+If the code is equal to or less than |U+FFFF|,
+the lower 16-bit is used with |set2| or |put2|.
+If the code is equal to or greater than |U+10000|,
+the lower 24-bit is used with |set3| or |put3|.
+In addition, \pTeX/\upTeX\ defines one additional DVI command.
+ \item |dir| (255):
+ Used to change directions of text alignment.
+The DVI format in the preamble is always set to 2, as with \TeX82.
+On the other hand, the DVI ID in the postamble can be special.
+Normally it is set to 2, as with \TeX82; however,
+when |dir| (255) appears at least once in a single \pTeX/\upTeX\ DVI,
+the |post_post| table of postamble contains $\mathrm{ID} = 3$.
+%%% 日本の DVI ドライバの状況
+\subsection{DVI drivers with Japanese support}
+There is some DVI drivers with Japanese support.
+The most eminent drivers are {\em dvips} and {\em dvipdfmx}.
+Nowadays most of casual Japanese users are using {\em dvipdfmx} as a DVI driver.
+On the other hand, users of {\em dvips} are unignorable, especially those
+working in publishing industry.
+\subsubsection{Using {\em dvipdfmx}}
+A DVI file which is output by \pTeX\ can be converted directly to a PDF file
+using dvipdfmx.
+% [TODO] Mention kanji-config-updmap for font setup
+{\em Note for casual \LaTeX\ users} ---
+when you choose to process the resulting DVI file with dvipdfmx
+after running \LaTeX\ (command |platex| or |uplatex|),
+you need to pass a proper driver option |[dvipdfmx]| for
+all driver-dependent packages, such as |graphicx| and |color|.
+This is because the default for such packages is set to |dvips| mode
+as with the original \LaTeX\ in DVI mode (command |latex|).
+For simplicity, we recommend a global driver option |[dvipdfmx]|
+as in the following example:
+ \documentclass[dvipdfmx,...]{article}
+ \usepackage{graphicx}
+ \usepackage{color}
+\subsubsection{Using {\em dvips}}
+A DVI file which is output by \pTeX\ can be converted to a PostScript file
+using dvips.
+% [TODO] Mention kanji-config-updmap again
+The resulting PostScript file can then be converted to
+a PDF file using Ghostscript (ps2pdf) or Adobe Distiller.
+When using Ghostscript, a proper setup of Japanese font must be done
+before converting PostScript into PDF.
+An easy solution for the setup is a script |cjk-gs-integrate|
+developed by Japanese \TeX\ Development Community.
+\section{Programming on \pTeX\ family}
+We focus on programming aspects of \pTeX\ and its variants.
+%%% レジスタの数
+\subsection{Number of registers}
+\pTeX\ and \upTeX\ have exactly the same number ($=256$) of registers
+as Knuthian \TeX.
+\epTeX\ and \eupTeX\ in extended mode have more registers;
+there are 65536, which is twice as many as 32768 of \eTeX.
+% [TODO] まとめて 65536 個と書いて良い? レジスタの種類毎に書くべき?
+%%% 拡張プリミティブ
+\subsection{Additional primitives}
+% tex -ini: 322 multiletter control sequences
+% ptex -ini: 366 multiletter control sequences
+% uptex -ini: 374 multiletter control sequences
+% eptex -ini: 379 multiletter control sequences
+% eptex -ini -etex: 469 multiletter control sequences
+% euptex -ini: 387 multiletter control sequences
+% euptex -ini -etex: 477 multiletter control sequences
+% etex (pdftex) -ini: 470 multiletter control sequences
+% etex (pdftex) -ini -etex: 539 multiletter control sequences
+Here we provide only complete lists of additional primitives
+of \pTeX\ family in alphabetical order.
+Feature of each primitive can be found in Japanese edition.
+% [TODO] 抜けがないか?
+% [TODO] アルファベット順に正しく並んでいるか?
+% [TODO] 追加されたバージョン情報は正しいか?
+\def\New#1{--- New primitive since #1}
+\subsubsection{Sync\TeX\ additions (available in \pTeX, \upTeX, \epTeX, \eupTeX)}
+In the standard build of \TL, Sync\TeX\ extension is unavailable in
+Knuthian \TeX; however, it is enabled in \pTeX\ family.
+ \csitem[\.{synctex}]
+%%% pTeX のやつ
+\subsubsection{\pTeX\ additions (available in \pTeX, \upTeX, \epTeX, \eupTeX)}
+ \csitem[\.{autospacing}]
+ \csitem[\.{autoxspacing}]
+ \csitem[\.{disinhibitglue} \New{p3.8.2 (\TL2019)}]
+ \csitem[\.{dtou}]
+ \csitem[\.{euc}]
+ \csitem[\.{ifdbox} \New{p3.2 (\TL2011)}]
+ \csitem[\.{ifddir} \New{p3.2 (\TL2011)}]
+ \csitem[\.{ifmbox} \New{p3.7.1 (\TL2017)}]
+ \csitem[\.{ifmdir}]
+ \csitem[\.{iftbox}]
+ \csitem[\.{iftdir}]
+ \csitem[\.{ifybox}]
+ \csitem[\.{ifydir}]
+ \csitem[\.{inhibitglue}]
+ \csitem[\.{inhibitxspcode}]
+ \csitem[\.{jcharwidowpenalty}]
+ \csitem[\.{jfam}]
+ \csitem[\.{jfont}]
+ \csitem[\.{jis}]
+ \csitem[\.{kanjiskip}]
+ \csitem[\.{kansuji}]
+ \csitem[\.{kansujichar}]
+ \csitem[\.{kcatcode}]
+ \csitem[\.{kuten}]
+ \csitem[\.{noautospacing}]
+ \csitem[\.{noautoxspacing}]
+ \csitem[\.{postbreakpenalty}]
+ \csitem[\.{prebreakpenalty}]
+ \csitem[\.{ptexminorversion} \New{p3.8.0 (\TL2018)}]
+ \csitem[\.{ptexrevision} \New{p3.8.0 (\TL2018)}]
+ \csitem[\.{ptexversion} \New{p3.8.0 (\TL2018)}]
+ \csitem[\.{scriptbaselineshiftfactor} \New{p3.7 (\TL2016)}]
+ \csitem[\.{scriptscriptbaselineshiftfactor} \New{p3.7 (\TL2016)}]
+ \csitem[\.{showmode}]
+ \csitem[\.{sjis}]
+ \csitem[\.{tate}]
+ \csitem[\.{tbaselineshift}]
+ \csitem[\.{textbaselineshiftfactor} \New{p3.7 (\TL2016)}]
+ \csitem[\.{tfont}]
+ \csitem[\.{xkanjiskip}]
+ \csitem[\.{xspcode}]
+ \csitem[\.{ybaselineshift}]
+ \csitem[\.{yoko}]
+ \csitem[\texttt{H}\index{H=\texttt{H}}]
+ \csitem[\texttt{Q}\index{Q=\texttt{Q}}]
+ \csitem[\texttt{zh}\index{zh=\texttt{zh}}]
+ \csitem[\texttt{zw}\index{zw=\texttt{zw}}]
+%%% upTeX のやつ
+\subsubsection{\upTeX\ additions (available in \upTeX, \eupTeX)}
+ \csitem[\.{disablecjktoken}]
+ \csitem[\.{enablecjktoken}]
+ \csitem[\.{forcecjktoken}]
+ \csitem[\.{kchar}]
+ \csitem[\.{kchardef}]
+ \csitem[\.{ucs}]
+ \csitem[\.{uptexrevision} \New{u1.23 (\TL2018)}]
+ \csitem[\.{uptexversion} \New{u1.23 (\TL2018)}]
+%%% e-pTeX/e-upTeX の pdfTeX 由来
+%%% e-pTeX/e-upTeX の Omega 由来
+%%% その他の独自拡張
+\subsubsection{\epTeX\ additions (available in \epTeX, \eupTeX)}
+ \csitem[\.{epTeXinputencoding} \New{160201 (\TL2016)}]
+ \csitem[\.{epTeXversion} \New{180121 (\TL2018)}]
+ \csitem[\.{expanded} \New{180518 (\TL2019)}]
+ \csitem[\.{hfi}]
+ \csitem[\.{ifincsname} \New{190709 (\TL2020)}]
+ \csitem[\.{ifpdfprimitive} \New{150805 (\TL2016)}]
+ \csitem[\.{lastnodechar} \New{141108 (\TL2015)}]
+ \csitem[\.{lastnodesubtype} \New{180226 (\TL2018)}]
+ \csitem[\.{odelcode}]
+ \csitem[\.{odelimiter}]
+ \csitem[\.{omathaccent}]
+ \csitem[\.{omathchar}]
+ \csitem[\.{omathchardef}]
+ \csitem[\.{omathcode}]
+ \csitem[\.{oradical}]
+ \csitem[\.{pagefistretch}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfcreationdate} \New{130605 (\TL2014)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfelapsedtime} \New{161114 (\TL2017)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdffiledump} \New{140506 (\TL2015)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdffilemoddate} \New{130605 (\TL2014)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdffilesize} \New{130605 (\TL2014)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdflastxpos}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdflastypos}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfmdfivesum} \New{150702 (\TL2016)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfnormaldeviate} \New{161114 (\TL2017)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfpageheight}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfpagewidth}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfprimitive} \New{150805 (\TL2016)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfrandomseed} \New{161114 (\TL2017)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfresettimer} \New{161114 (\TL2017)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfsavepos}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfsetrandomseed} \New{161114 (\TL2017)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfshellescape} \New{141108 (\TL2015)}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfstrcmp}]
+ \csitem[\.{pdfuniformdeviate} \New{161114 (\TL2017)}]
+ \csitem[\.{readpapersizespecial} \New{180901 (\TL2019)}]
+ \csitem[\.{vfi}]
+ \csitem[\texttt{fi}\index{fi=\texttt{fi}}]
+% [TODO] 引数は何で返り値は何か,expandable?
+%%% (e-)TeX にあるが (e-)upTeX にないもの
+\subsection{Omitted primitives and unsupported features}
+Compared to Knuthian \TeX\ and \eTeX,
+some primitives are omitted due to conflict with Japanese handling.
+%%% encTeX 拡張など
+One is enc\TeX\ extension, such as |\mubyte|.
+The ML\TeX\ extension, such as |\charsubdef|, is included but not well-tested.
+%%% コマンドラインオプションの話
+% [TODO] ptex.man1.pdf も参照
+\subsection{Behavior of Western \TeX\ primitives}
+Here we provide some notes on behavior of Knuthian \TeX\ and \eTeX\ primitives
+when used within \pTeX\ family.
+\subsubsection{Primitives with limitations in handling Japanese}
+Each of the following primitives allows only character codes 0--255;
+other codes will give an error ``! Bad character code.''
+ |\catcode|,
+ |\sfcode|,
+ |\mathcode|,
+ |\delcode|,
+ |\mathchardef|,
+ |\lccode|,
+ |\uccode|.
+Each of the following primivies has |\...char| in its name,
+however, the effective values are restricted to 0--255.
+ |\endlinechar|,
+ |\newlinechar|,
+ |\escapechar|,
+ |\defaulthyphenchar|,
+ |\defaultskewchar|.
+\subsubsection{Primitives capable of handling Japanese}
+The following primitives are extended to support Japanese characters:
+ \csitem[\.{char} <character code>,
+ \.{chardef} <control sequence>=<character code>]
+ In addition to 0--255, internal codes of Japanese characters are allowed.
+ For putting Japanese characters, a Japanese font is chosen.
+ \csitem[\.{font}, \.{fontname}, \.{fontdimen}]
+ % [TODO]
+ \csitem[\.{accent} <character code>=<character>]
+ % [TODO]
+ \csitem[\.{if} <token$_1$> <token$_2$>, \.{ifcat} <token$_1$> <token$_2$>]
+ Japanese character token is also allowed.
+ In that case,
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item |\if| tests the internal character code of the Japanese character.
+ \item |\ifcat| tests the |\kcatcode| of the Japanese character.
+ \end{itemize}
+\TeX book describes the behavior of |\if| and |\ifcat| as follows;
+If either token is a control sequence,
+\TeX\ considers it to have character code 256 and category code 16,
+unless the current equivalent of that control sequence
+has been |\let| equal to a non-active character token.
+However, this includes a lie; in the real implementation of tex.web,
+a control sequence is considered to have a category code 0.
+\subsection{Case study}
+Based on the above knowledge, we provide some code examples
+which may be useful for package developers.
+%%% pTeX かどうかの判定
+\subsubsection{Detecting \pTeX}
+Since the primitive |\ptexversion| is rather new (added in 2018),
+the safer solution for detecting \pTeX\ is
+to test if a primitive |\kanjiskip| is defined.
+ \ifx\kanjiskip\undefined
+ % not pTeX, upTeX, e-pTeX and e-upTeX
+ \else
+ % pTeX, upTeX, e-pTeX and e-upTeX
+ \fi
+% [TODO] upTeX 系列は \enablecjktoken か \ucs か?
+% [TODO] \forcecjktoken は比較的新しい?
+% [TODO] 内部コードが uptex かどうかの判定
+%%% pTeX のバージョン判定
+%%% pdfTeX と違うところ
+\subsection{Difference from \pdfTeX\ in DVI mode}\label{dvi-pdftex}
+As stated above,
+\epTeX/\eupTeX\ are {\em not} uppercompatible with DVI mode of \pdfTeX.
+%%% pdfTeX の DVI モードにあって e-(u)pTeX にないプリミティブ
+%%% その他ムニャムニャ
+%%% ファイルの文字コードはどうするか
+\subsection{Recommendation for file encoding}
+%%% 全部アスキーにしてしまえ
+%%% UTF-8 にしたい場合はムニャムニャ
+%%% \epTeXinputencoding を使う話
+%%% e-upTeX の入力解析:euc/sjis を語りたくないので utf8.uptex 前提
+\subsection{Input handling}
+For simplicity, first we introduce of input handling of \eupTeX.
+%%% 文字の和文扱い・欧文扱い
+%%% 和文カテゴリーコード
+%%% \...cjktoken
+%%% ちなみに e-pTeX では:euc/sjis があることにだけ触れる
+%%% e-upTeX の和文トークンの話:和文トークンが混ざっているので注意
+\subsection{Japanese tokens}
+%%% 和文組版の厳選トピック
+\section{Basic introduction to Japanese typesetting}
+%%% 和文をやり過ごすために注意すべきこと
+This section does not aim to explain Japanese typesetting completely;
+here we provide a minimum requirement for ``getting away'' with Japanese.
+%%% 空白・ペナルティ挿入:勝手に入ってくる!
+\subsection{Automatic insertion of glues and penalties}
+Sometimes \pTeX\ family automatically inserts glues and penalties
+between characters.
+% [TODO] もう少しだけ詳しく
+%%% 和文フォント
+\subsection{Japanese fonts}
+For typesetting Japanese characters, a JFM (Japanese \TeX\ font metric)
+format is used. It is a modified version of \TeX\ TFM.
+%%% 欧文とは別個
+%%% \nullfont しても全部消えない
+%%% 縦組は諦めよう
+ \bibitem{dvistd0} TUG DVI Standards Working Group,
+ \textit{The DVI Driver Standard, Level 0}.\\
+ \url{}