path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/ptex/ptex-base/Changelog_ptex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/ptex/ptex-base/Changelog_ptex')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/ptex/ptex-base/Changelog_ptex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/ptex/ptex-base/Changelog_ptex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d7e4bae543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/ptex/ptex-base/Changelog_ptex
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+2009/08/17: (p3.1.11)
+ ptex: 2$B%P%$%HJ8;z4V$N%0%k!<$,$*$+$7$/$J$k%P%0$r=$@5(B
+ \{y|t}baselineshift $B$,?t<0$K$bH?1G$5$l$k$h$&$K=$@5(B
+ ($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9(B $B3QF#$5$s!"EZB<$5$s(B)
+2006/07/18: (p3.1.10)
+ ptex, tftopl, pltotf, jbibtex: -kanji $B%*%W%7%g%s$,(B -version $B%*%W%7%g%s$N(B
+ $B4A;z%3!<%I>pJs$KH?1G$5$l$k$h$&=$@5!#(B
+ texmf.cnf $BCf$N%Q%95-=R$,(B teTeX-3.0 $B$N5-K!$K6a$/$J$k$h$&$K=$@5(B
+ ($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9(B $BEZB<$5$s(B)
+ ptex: $BJQ?t$N=i4|2=K:$l$N$?$a!"4D6-$K$h$C$FAHHG7k2L$,0[$J$k>I>u$r=$@5(B
+ ($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9(B $BEZB<$5$s!"3QF#$5$s(B)
+ pltotf, tftopl: 16$B6h$N4A;z$N07$$$K<:GT$9$kIT6q9g$r=$@5(B
+ ($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9(B TANAKA Takuji$B$5$s(B)
+2005/10/17: (p3.1.9)
+ mkconf: platex $B$N8!:w%Q%9$K(B tex/platex $B$rF~$l$J$$$h$&$K=$@5(B
+ ptex: $BC18l$N@hF,$G(B LIG/ $B$r9T$&$h$&$J(BTFM$B$r;HMQ$9$k$H%Y!<%9%i%$%s%7%U%H$,(B
+ 0$B$G$J$$>l9g$K0[>o=*N;$9$k%P%0$r=$@5(B
+2005/03/07: (p3.1.8)
+ make install $B$N:G8e$K(B mktexlsr $B$N<B9T$rDI2C(B
+, INSTALL.txt: teTeX-3.0$B$N(BTEXMF$B%G%#%l%/%H%j$NJQ99$KH<$$=$@5(B
+ ($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!"3QF#$5$s(B)$B!#(B
+2004/12/14: (p3.1.8)
+ ptex: $B%3%s%H%m!<%k%7!<%1%s%9L>$N=hM}8m$j$r=$@5!#(B
+ ($BNc!'(B\Te^^5e^58 $B"M(B \Te^^58 $B$H$J$j!"(B\TeX $B$H$7$FI>2A$5$l$J$$(B)
+ ptex: $B%3%s%H%m!<%k%7!<%1%s%9D>8e$N(B ^^$B7A<0$,4A;z$H$7$FG'<1$5$l$F(B
+ $B$7$^$&>l9g$,$"$k$N$r=$@5(B ($BNc!'(B\TeX^^83A $B"M(B \TeX$B%"(B)
+ ($B0J>e!"$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!"0f>e$5$s(B)$B!#(B
+ ptex: $BC<Kv$d%m%0%U%!%$%k$G$N2~9T0LCV$N%?%$%_%s%0$N=$@5(B
+ ($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!"3QF#$5$s(B)$B!#(B
+2004/12/09: (p3.1.7)
+ ptex: ^^$B7A<0$r4^$`%3%s%H%m!<%k%7!<%1%s%9L>$N=hM}8m$j$r=$@5!#(B
+ ptex: $BI=<(IT2DG=J8;z$NHO0O$r(B3.1.4$B$HF1$8$K$7$?!#(B
+ (Missing character $B$G$O(B ^^ $B7A<0$G=PNO(B)$B!#(B
+ mkconf: sjis,jis,euc$B$N3F%(%s%3!<%IL>$N(BTEXINPUTS$B$r:n@.$9$k$h$&$K$7$?!#(B
+ $B$^$?!"(BTEXINPUTS.xetex $B$N<!$K:n@.$9$k$h$&$K$7$?!#(B
+2004/12/02: (p3.1.6)
+ ptex: tetex- $B$KBP1~(B($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!"3QF#$5$s(B)$B!#(B
+ INSTALL.txt: $B%U%!%$%kL>$H(BTDS$B$K4X$9$k%3%a%s%H$rDI2C(B
+ ($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!"3QF#$5$s(B)$B!#(B
+2004/11/29: (p3.1.5)
+ ptex: $B%3%s%H%m!<%k%7!<%1%s%9L>$N!"(B^^$B7A<0$NJ8;z$H<!$NJ8;z$r4A;z$H(B
+ $B$7$F$_$J$9>l9g$,$"$k$N$r=$@5(B($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!"0f>e$5$s(B)$B!#(B
+ ptex: Missing character $B$J$I$N%a%C%;!<%8$G$NI=<(IT2DG=J8;z$r(B
+ ^^ $B7A<0$G=PNO$9$k$h$&$K=$@5!#(B
+2004/11/08: (p3.1.5)
+ ptex: JIS$B%(%s%3!<%G%#%s%0%U%!%$%k$rFI$_9~$s$@8e!"(B`$B4A;z%$%s(B' $B$N>uBV$,(B
+ $B%U%!%$%k$N=*$o$j$r1[$($FM-8z$K$J$C$F$7$^$&>l9g$,$"$k$N$r=$@5(B
+ ($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!"0f>e$5$s(B)$B!#(B
+ pltotf: SJIS$B%3!<%I$N(BPL$B%U%!%$%k$+$i!"(BTFM$B%U%!%$%k$r@5$7$/:n$l$J$$(B
+ $B$N$r=$@5(B($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!"3QF#$5$s!"@DLZ$5$s(B)$B!#(B
+2004/09/02: (p3.1.4)
+ ptex: $B9TKv5-9f$r4A;z$NBh(B1$B%P%$%H$KEv$?$kJ8;z$K$7$?>l9g!"9T$N<!$NJ8;z(B
+ $B$H6&$K4A;z$K$7$h$&$H$7$F$7$^$&$N$r=$@5!#(B
+ ptex: 1$B%P%$%HJ8;z$N$&$A!"4A;z$NBh(B1$B%P%$%H$KEv$?$kJ8;z$N%+%F%4%j!<(B
+ $B%3!<%I$,L58z$JJ8;z$H$J$C$F$7$^$&$N$r=$@5!#(B
+ ptex: ^^$B7A<0$GF~NO$5$l$?J8;z%3!<%I$,4A;z$NBh(B1$B%P%$%H$KEv$?$k>l9g!"(B
+ $B<!$NJ8;z$H6&$K4A;z$K$7$h$&$H$7$F$7$^$&$N$r=$@5!#(B
+ ptex: \string $B$G07$&J8;z$N4A;zH=Dj$r87L)2=!#(B
+ jbibtex: $B2~9T%3!<%I(BCR$B$KBP1~!#(B
+ ($B0J>e!"$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!"0f>e$5$s(B)
+ ptex: $B?t<0Fb$G(B \char $B$r;HMQ$7$?>l9g$K(B1$B%P%$%HJ8;z$,4A;z$H8mG'<1$5$l$k(B
+ $B%P%0$r=$@5!#(B
+ ($B$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!"3QF#$5$s(B)
+ $B7@Ls>rJ8OBLu$r=$@5!#(B
+2003/10/07: (p3.1.3)
+ ptex: -kanji=sjis $B$N$H$-!"(B\kansujichar $B$G!"4|BT$7$?J8;z$,@_Dj$5$l(B
+ $B$J$$$N$r=$@5(B($B$"$j$,$H$&!"3QF#$5$s(B)$B!#(B
+ ptex: $BC<Kv(B/$B%m%0$X$N%a%C%;!<%8$G!"0u;z$G$-$J$$J8;z$,=PNO$5$l$k$3$H$,(B
+ $B$"$k$N$KBP=h!#(B
+ pconvert: usage $B%a%C%;!<%8$NJQ99!#(Bpltotf, tftopl, pdvitype $B$N$H$-!"(B
+ fixwrites $B$K%*%W%7%g%s(B($target)$B$r;XDj$9$k$h$&$K$7$?!#(B
+2003/06/23: (p3.1.2)
+ configure: mktemp$B$r;H$o$J$$$h$&$K=$@5(B
+2003/06/17: (p3.1.2)
+ BSD$BHG(B make $B$G(B texmf.cnf $B$N:n@.$K<:GT$7$F$$$k$N$r=$@5(B
+2003/02/18: (p3.1.2)
+ ptex: \kansuji $B%W%j%_%F%#%V$rI|3h$5$;$?!#(B
+ ptex: \kansujichar $B%W%j%_%F%#%V$K$h$j!"(B\kansuji $B$G=PNO$5$l$kJ8;z$r@_Dj(B
+ $B2DG=$K$7$?!#(B
+2003/02/14: (p3.1.1)
+ ptex: $B4A;z$,(B ^^ $B7A<0$G%3%s%=!<%k$KI=<($5$l$k$N$r=$@5!#(B
+ ptex: \uppercase, \lowercase $B$G(B core $B$r=P$9>l9g$,$"$k$N$r=$@5!#(B
+2003/02/13: (p3.1)
+ ptex: main_memory$B!"(Bhash_extra $B$rBg$-$/$7!"KDBg$J%^%/%mDj5A$r$9$k$H!"(B
+ $B!V(B!Missing control sequence inserted.$B!W$N%(%i!<$K$J$k$N$r=$@5!#(B
+2003/02/03: (p3.0.6)
+ ptex: tetex-2.0 $B$X$NBP1~(B
+ ptex: sjis $BF0:n0J30$N$H$-!"(B\char\sjis $B$,@5$7$/F0$+$J$$$N$r=$@5(B
+ ptex: $B<B83E*$KF~$l$F$"$C$?%W%j%_%F%#%V!J(B\kansuji$B!"(B\tozen$B!K$r<h$j=|$$$?(B
+ ptexextra.h: BANNER $BJ8;zNs$N99?7(B
+ ptexextra.c: tetex-2.0 $B$X$NBP1~(B
+ euc(jis), sjis $BMQ%U%)!<%^%C%H$r:n@.$9$k$h$&=$@5(B
+ platex $BMQ$N%j%s%/$r:n@.$9$k$h$&$K$7$?(B
+ mkconf: iniptex $B$N5-=R$r:o=|(B
+2002/11/15: (p3.0.5)
+ ptexextra.c: web2c-7.3.11 (teTeX-beta-20021114) $B$X$NBP1~(B
+2002/10/29: (p3.0.4)
+ --version $B$N#19TL\$N%U%)!<%^%C%H$rJQ99(B
+ jbibtex: $BG'<1$G$-$J$$%*%W%7%g%s$G(B core $B$r=P$9$N$r=$@5(B
+2002/10/28: (p3.0.3)
+ ptex: $B%P%J!<$N%U%)!<%^%C%H$rJQ99(B
+ pTeX$BMQ$N(BHELP$B$r;H$C$F$$$J$$$N$r=$@5(B
+ pTeX$BMQ$N(BHELP$B$r;H$C$F$$$J$$$N$r=$@5(B
+2002/10/24: (p3.0.2)
+ web2c-7.3.9 $B$KBP1~!#(B
+2002/01/18: (p3.0.1)
+ $B0J2<$N%=!<%9$rMQ$$$?$?$H$-$G$b%3%s%Q%$%k$G$-$k$h$&$K$7$?!#(B
+ * tetex-supp.tar.gz
+ * web2c-7.3.3.tar.gz
+ * teTeX-src-beta-20011202.tar.gz
+2002/01/15: (p3.0)
+ fix hyphenation.
+ README.txt: rewrite
+ INSTALL.txt: rewrite
+ version 3.0
+ ptexextra-plain.c: removed local_maintainer and this_bug_address
+ ptexextra-src-special.c: removed local_maintainer and this_bug_address
+ jbibextra.c: removed local_maintainer and this_bug_address
+ maintain.h: removed local_maintainer and this_bug_address
+ version.c: modified message
+ Change Licence to modified BSD license
+ COPYRIGHT: new file
+ COPYRIGHT.jis: new file
+ INSTALL.txt: new file
+ README.txt: cut short and move to INSTALL.txt
+ version.c: change licence filename (l.87,91, COPYING -> COPYRIGHT)
+ version.c: typo (l.89, build -> build)
+ ptexhelp.h: typo (l.56, versobe -> verbose)
+ Changes.txt: typo (20001/02/09 -> 2001/02/09)
+ REAMDE.txt: rewrite for 2.1.10
+ version.c: rewrite the copyright message. enable usage() function.
+ ptexhelp.h: newfile
+ help.h: removed
+ include "ptexhelp.h"
+ ptexextra-plain.c: rename TEXHELP to PTEXHELP.
+ ptexextra-src-special.c rename TEXHELP to PTEXHELP.
+ depend on ptexhelp.h
+2000/11/13: (p2.1.10)
+ can't load JFM which the number of char_type less than
+ the glue types.
+ can't convert property list which has fullwidth space
+ '0x2121(JIS)' in charsintype.
+ mkconf: modify path separator to semicolon(;)
+ README.txt: fixed web2c-7.2 -> teTeX-1.0 (l.77)
+2000/03/01 (p2.1.9)
+ ptexextra-plain.c, ptexextra-src-special.c: version number 2.1.8 -> 2.1.9
+2000/02/29 (p2.1.9)
+ README.txt: rewrite.
+2000/02/28 (p2.1.9)
+ correspond to TeX 3.14159 with Web2c 7.3.1 and tex-src-special.
+ distclean cleans and
+ ptexextra-plain.c, ptexextra-src-special.c: newfile
+ COPYING: newfile
+1998/04/09 (p2.1.8)
+1998/03/26 (p2.1.8.beta1)
+ correspond to TeX 3.14159 with Web2c 7.2.
+1998/03/19 (p2.1.7)
+ fix bug: \leaders
+1998/02/26 (p2.1.6)
+ fix bug: \inhibitxspcode
+1997/08/27 (p2.1.5)
+ official release.
+1997/08/27 (TFtoPL v1.3)
+ fix bug: occers core dump when loading a JFM.
+1997/08/14 (p2.1.5, beta12)
+ fix bug: kinsoku process doesn't work for ligatured character.
+1997/08/07 (p2.1.5, beta11)
+ changed specification: How to insert \xkanjiskip at surrounding a \hbox
+ (back to the p2.1.4 specification).
+1997/08/01 (p2.1.5, beta10)
+ fix bug: caused line breaking after a kinsoku penalty by
+ the \jcharwidowpenalty.
+1997/07/29 (p2.1.5, beta9)
+ fix bug: A penalty of kinsoku doesn't work well.
+ fix bug: italic correction is not inserted.
+1997/07/11 (p2.1.5, beta8)
+ fix bug: A penalty of kinsoku doesn't work well.
+ fix bug: Inserted \kanjiskip before widow KANJI character when the line
+ holds only it (embeded 2.1.5.beta6).
+ fix bug: Inserted \kanjiskip between kern of head of the line and
+ the next widow KANJI character (since from jTeX 1.7 p1.0.9G).
+ changed specification: How to insert \xkanjiskip at surrounding text-math.
+1997/06/29 (p2.1.5, beta7)
+ fix bug: pTeX occers coredump, when \{y,t}baselineskip is not equal zero,
+ and where explicit kern after ligature like `diff\/'.
+ changed specification: How to insert \xkanjiskip at surrounding text-math.
+1997/06/16 (p2.1.5, beta6)
+ fix bug: The \{y,t}baselineskip isn't work except the first place in
+ a paragraph.
+ fix bug: Doesn't hyphenation when the value of \{y,t}baselineskip is
+ not equals zero.
+ fix buf: Printed `(EUC)' in banner instead of making as JIS-version.
+ fix bug: `make install' increase the TEXINPUTS.{ptex,platex,platex209} at
+ texmf.cnf.
+1997/05/13 (p2.1.5, beta5)
+ fix bug: Fail to read euex10.tfm.
+1997/05/01 (p2.1.5, beta4)
+ fix bug: \char{\jis,\euc,\sjis,\kuten} after a 1byte character that have
+ a possibility of ligature like the "`" causes coredump or worng result.
+1997/03/17 (p2.1.5, beta3)
+ change banner strings.
+1997/03/14 (p2.1.5, beta3)
+ fix bug: can't run as iniptex/virptex.
+1997/03/12 (p2.1.5, beta2)
+ fix bug: \calcpos return wrong number.
+1997/02/27 (p2.1.5, beta1)
+ correspond to TeX 3.14159 with Web2c 7.0.
+1995/11/21 (p2.1.4)
+ new feature: accept kanji filename.
+1995/11/17 (p2.1.3)
+ fix bug : try_break routine doesn't corect action when the list
+ has disp_node or dir_node (Error `disc4').
+1995/11/07 (p2.1.2)
+ fix bug : \kanjiskip doesn't inserted after JFM glue/kern.
+ include jbibtex (Shouichi Matsui<>) and
+ pdvitype (Thanks, Kazunori Asayama)
+1995/09/20 (p2.1.1)
+ fix bug : \xkanjiskip doesn't inserted after italic correction.
+ fix bug : italic correction doesn't inserted when \{y,t}baselineshift
+ is used.
+1995/09/08 (p2.1)
+ fix bug : \xkanjiskip doesn't inserted after math mode which correct
+ italic kern spacing.
+ rename `find_first' to `find_first_char' for djgpp 1.12.
+ (Thanks, Kazunori Asayama)
+ fix bug : Three minuses sequence (---) doesn't become em-hyphen.
+ imprement \kanji primitive.
+ translate/modify pTeX 2.0 change file for TeX 3.1415.
+ translate/modify pTeX 2.0 change file for TeX 3.141.
+ translate/modify pTeX 1.0.9F change file which based on TeX 2.99 to
+ pTeX 2.0 which based on TeX 3.14.
+== EOF ===