path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/ptex/ptex-base/Changelog_eptex_beforeTL
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/ptex/ptex-base/Changelog_eptex_beforeTL')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/ptex/ptex-base/Changelog_eptex_beforeTL b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/ptex/ptex-base/Changelog_eptex_beforeTL
deleted file mode 100644
index b936cc6553e..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/ptex/ptex-base/Changelog_eptex_beforeTL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-2008. 1. 1: $B0l1~Bh(B1$BHG$H$7$F$*$3$&!%(B
-2008. 1. 2: document $B$N99?7!%?tCM@QJ,$H$$$&(B sample $B$NDI2C!%(B
-2008. 1. 3: $B$$$D$N$^$K$+:n6HCf$K(B $B$r=q$-49$($F$$$?$N$G=$@5!%(B
- teTeX3 $B2<$G$N%3%s%Q%$%k$K$D$$$F$NJdB-$rDI2C!%(B
-2008. 1. 4: TeX--XeT $B5!G=$r;n83E*$K%5%]!<%H!%(B
- $B?t<0$N(B baseline $B$rB7$(J}$rJQ$($k(B
- \mathdisplacementstate $B$rDI2C(B (in pTeX)
-build 80105.11, 21
- o \lastnodetype, \currentiflevel $B$r(B e-TeX $B$NF0:n$K9g$o$;$?!%(B
- o $BF|;~I=5-$r(B 80000+100*$B7n(B+$BF|(B+$B;~4V(B/100 $B$N?tCM$KJQ99!%(B
- o ./trip $B$N;H$$J}$J$I$r5-F~!%(B
- o \currentiflevel $B$^$o$j$N(B typo $B$r(B fix$B!%(B
- o W32TeX $B$H9g$o$;$?$H$-$N(B compile $B<j=g!JL$%A%'%C%/!K$r5-F~(B
- o upTeX $B$H9g$o$;$?$H$-$N(B compile $B<j=g$r2~9F!J(Bcompile$B$@$1!K(B
- o README.txt $B$+$i(B HOWTOINST.txt $B$rJ,N%!%(B
-build 80106.14, 19
- o W32TeX $B$H9g$o$;$?$H$-$N(B compile $B<j=g$,@5$7$/$J$+$C$?$N$r=$@5!%(B
- o document $B$N$5$i$J$k@0Hw!$(Bresume.tex $B$N%3%s%Q%$%kMW7o$,$o$+$i$J$/(B
- $B$J$C$?(B
-build 80108.19
- o $B!V(BpeTeX $B$H$N0lK\2=!W!%3QF#$5$s$,(B Windows $BMQ(B build $B$rDs6!$7$F$/$l$k(B
- $B$3$H$K$J$C$?$N$G!$(BW32TeX $B$H9g$o$;$?(B build $B$N2r@b$r:o=|!%(B
- o $B",$KH<$&!$(Bptex-hack-1.diff $B$N:o=|!%M>7W$J(B ptex-orig.diff $B$NGQ;_!%(B
-build 80110.20
- o upTeX $B$H$N%^!<%8J}K!$K4X$9$kItJ,$r=$@5!%(B
- o $BIbF0>.?tE@1i;;3HD%$NItJ,(B fp.diff $B$r(B WEB change file $B$N7A<0$KJQ99!%(B
- $BF1;~$K!$8:;;$G(B $B!g(B - $B!g(B $B$N7k2L$,(B NaN $B$K$J$C$F$$$J$+$C$?$N$r=$@5!%(B
-build 80113.22
- o $BIbF0>.?tE@1i;;!J0J2<(B fp$B!K$G$N%o!<%/NN0h$r3NJ]$9$kNL$N4V0c$$$K$h$j!$(B
- Segfault $B$9$k2DG=@-$,$"$k%P%0$r=$@5!J<B:]$K$OJ?J}:,$N7W;;$J$I$,(B
- 54 $B7e$G9T$o$l$F$$$k>l9g$,$"$C$?$3$H$K$h$k$N$G!$$=$A$i$NJ}$r=$@5$7(B
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- o resume.pdf $B$OH/I=;~$H$7$F$O;H$o$J$$$3$H$K$7$?!J%9%i%$%I$rJL$K:n$C(B
- $B$F!$$=$A$i$r;H$&M=Dj!K!%$7$+$7$3$N%U%!%$%k$,$b$H!%(B
-build 80120.11, 19
- o fp $B"*(B integer $B$NJQ49%_%9$r=$@5!%(B
- o eptexdefs.lib $B$r:n@.!%$=$l$KH<$$(B eptex.src $B$r>/!92~Dj(B
- o upTeX-0.20 $B$K9g$&$h$&$K99?7!%(B
- o license $B$r$A$c$s$H7h$a$?!%!J!VDL$j$9$,$j(B2$B!W$5$s!$$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!K(B
- o doc/ $B$KIbF0>.?tE@1i;;$N%5%s%W%k(B tri.tex $B$rDI2C(B
-build 80125.09
- o fp.pdf $B$,2u$l$F$$$?$N$G=$@5!%(B
-build 80131.21
- o TeX--XeT $B$G$N(B displacement node $B$N<h07$$$r2~NI$7!$OB2$J8:.:_;~$N(B
- $BAHHG7k2L$,$A$g$C$HNI$/$J$C$?!%(B
- o resume.pdf $B$N99?7!%(B
-build 80316.xx
- o $B@8B8>ZL@!J>P!K(B
- o $BIbF0>.?tE@1i;;$K(B MPFR library $B$r;HMQ$7$F$_$?!%3JG<7A<0$,JQ99$5$l!$(B
- $B2>?tIt$,(B10$B?J(B21$B7e$+$i(B2$B?J(B 78 bit$B!J(Bimplicit 79 bit)$B$K!%(B
-$BCm0U!'>e$N(B 80316.xx $B$NO)@~$O$b$O$d7QB3$5$l$F$$$^$;$s!%(B
-build 90111.20
- o TeX Live 2008 $B2<$G$N%3%s%Q%$%k$KBP1~(B
- o pteTeX3-20080616 (+ upTeX-0.25) $B2<$G$N%3%s%Q%$%k$KBP1~(B
- $B!J(Bttk$B$5$s!$3QF#$5$s!$$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!K(B
- o INSTALL.txt $B$NBgI}$J=q$-D>$7!%(B
-build 90218
- o 80131.21 $BHG$0$i$$$N=$@5$G(B trip test $B$,0[>o$J7k2L$K$J$C$F$$$?$3$H(B
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- o e-pTeX, e-upTeX $BK\BN$N(B version $B$b5/F0;~$K=PNO$9$k$h$&$K$7$?!%(B
- $B$I$s$I$s(B banner $B$,D9$/$J$C$F$/$k!J>P!K(B
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- $B<h$j$=$&$@$C$?$N$G!$(Bbugfix $B$@$1$G$b@h$K=P$9$3$H$K$7$?$N$@$C$?!%(B
-build 090220
- o $B!V(BFAM256$B%Q%C%A!W$r:n@.!$DI2C!%(B
- $B!J$3$N%Q%C%A$r;HMQ$7$J$$>l9g$O(B 90218 $BHG$+$i$NJQ99$O%P!<%8%g%sHV9f(B
- $B$NJQ99$N$_!K(B
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- $B!J%G%S4]$5$s!$$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!K(B
-build 090223
- o $B%3%s%Q%$%k%9%/%j%W%H$NJQ99!%(B
- $B$G$-$k$@$1(B upTeX $BB&$N(Bversion$B$,JQ$o$C$F$bDL$k$h$&$K$7$?!%(B
-build 090309
- o FreeBSD (on qemu) $B$G$b0lIt3+H/$r9T$&$3$H$K!%(B
- o ptexenc $B$K$h$k(B pTeX $B$N=$@5$H!$K\(B e-pTeX $B$K$h$k(B pTeX $B$N=$@5$,A4$/(B
- $B$+$A9g$o$J$$$H4*0c$$$r$7$F$$$?!%$3$l$KH<$$!$(Bptexenc $B$,$"$k$3$H$r(B
- $BF0:nMW7o$H$9$k$3$H$K!%(B
- o e-TeX $B$N>r7oJ,4t3HD%!J(B\ifcsname ... \endcsname$B!K$NItJ,$G(B
- $B4A;z$r9MN8$7$F$$$J$+$C$?F0:n$@$C$?$N$r=$@5!%(B
- o texmfmem.h, ptexenc $B$^$o$j$N:F8!F$!%$3$l$K$h$j!$(B-funsigned-char $B$d(B
- $B!V(Bcase 12$B!W$,ITMW$K$J$j!$(Beplatex.fmt $B:n@.;~$K(B segfault $B$9$k%P%0$b(B
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-build 090927
- o FAM256 patch $B$rI8=`$GM-8z$K!%$3$N$?$a!$M-8z;~$K%P!<%8%g%s$NKvHx$K(B
- $B$D$$$F$$$?!V(BFAM256-PATCHED$B!W$O$b$O$d$D$+$J$$!%(B
- o $B9uLZ$5$s$J$I$+$i!V(Be-TeX $B%Y!<%9$K$7$?J}$,NI$$$N$G$O!W$H$$$&0U8+$r(B
- $B$$$?$@$$$?$N$G!$$=$N$h$&$K$7$F$_$?!%(B
- o $B%3%s%Q%$%k$N%Y!<%9$H$J$k4D6-$,$?$/$5$s$"$k$N$G!$$H$j$"$($:(B
- $B:#2s$O(B ptetex3-20090610 $B$H(B ptexlive-20090904 $B$N$_:n6H$7$F$_$?!%(B
- o I forgot to include copy of BSD license ^^;
- o Implementation of floating-point arithmetic is deleted due to
- its half-hearted implementation.
- (Someday I want to re-implement floating-point arithmetic in TeX,
- but not inside e-pTeX)
- o Several files rewrite in English.
-build 091003
- o Fixed several typos. (Thanks to Mr. Debimaru)
- o In eptexdoc.tex, graphicx and color packages don't use anymore.
- (now correctly displayed in xdvi)
-build 100131
- o languages.def was added in the archive.
- o Support upTeX-0.29.
- (In upTeX-0.29, pTeX is updated to 3.1.11.)
-build 100201
- o Bug fix: typo in script/install
- (euptex.fmt and euplatex.fmt ware generated in compatible mode)
-build 100420
- o Based on ptexlive for TeX Live 2009.
- o Change installation method.
- o fixed typo in error message.
-build 101231
- o Based on TeX Live 2010.
- o \pdfstrcmp primitive (of pdfTeX) is now supported.
- (Thanks to Akira Kakuto)
-build 110102
- o Fixed typo in scripts/
- o \pdfstrcmp compares Kanji characters by their UTF-8 encoded strings.
- o re-included and
-build 110227
- o Fixed a conflict between the status of a box (TeX--XeT extension) and
- the direction of a box (pTeX extension),
- using and
- o Implemented \pdfsavepos.
- o Modified the behavior of \lastnodetype. (Thanks to Peter Breitenlohner)
- o (about pTeX) Included the following patches:
- patches by Peter Breitenlohner.
- (<- not bugfix)
- o pxdvik and dvipdfmx now handle \dtou primitive correctly.