path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/vertex/vertex.doc
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-\input vertex
-\input ppt.sty
- \title{Ver\TeX\ User's Manual}
- \author{Hal R. Varian}
- \affil{University of Michigan}
- \abstract{This documentation describes Ver\TeX, a package of \TeX\
-macros that will produce beautiful working papers, and allow you to
-simulate final versions in a variety of journal styles.}
- \keywords{\TeX, typesetting, economics}
- \address{Prof. Hal R. Varian, Department of Economics, University of
-Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A.\ \ Internet address: {\tt
- \thanks{Thanks to Kari Gluski, the participants of {\tt tex:forum},
-the members of the Economics Department at the University of Michigan,
-and all the \TeX\ hackers who made this work possible.} \date{August,
- \version{\today}
- \prelim
- \endtopmatter
- \document
-There are several \TeX\ macro packages already available, so why is one
-more necessary? Basically I felt that there was a need for a simple,
-flexible package that added a minimum amount to {\tt PLAIN.TEX}, and yet
-still provided useful features for writing technical reports.
-Ver\TeX\ will help you to {\bf V}isualize {\bf E}conomics {\bf R}eports
-using \TeX. Ver\TeX\ will produce nice looking preprints and will aid in
-formatting your bibliography, but it will also produce simulated journal
-styles for a variety of economics journals. It is very easy to add new
-journal styles to Ver\TeX for someone who knows a little bit of \TeX.
-\section Ver\TeX\ Commands
-The easiest way to show you Ver\TeX's commands is to show you the
-start of this paper. It looks like something like this:
-\input vertex
-\input ppt.sty
- \title{Ver\TeX\ User's Manual}
- \author{Hal R. Varian}
- \affil{University of Michigan}
- \abstract{This documentation describes Ver\TeX, a package of \TeX\
-macros that will produce beautiful working papers, and allow you to
-simulate final versions in a variety of journal styles.}
- \keywords{\TeX, typesetting, economics}
- \address{Prof. Hal R. Varian, Department of Economics, University of
-Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A.\ \ Internet address: {\tt
- \thanks{Thanks to Kari Gluski, the participants of {\tt tex:forum},
-the members of the Economics Department at the University of Michigan,
-and all the \TeX\ hackers who made this work possible.} \date{August,
- \version{\today}
- \prelim
- \endtopmatter
- \document
-There are several \TeX\ macro packages already available, so why is
-one more necessary? Basically I felt that there was a need for a
-simple, flexible package that added a minimum amount to {\tt
-PLAIN.TEX}, and yet still provided useful features for writing
-technical reports./
-That's pretty simple, isn't it? The only extra feature that you need to
-know is that you can put \verbatim/\cr/ into the \verbatim/\title/ macro if
-you want to split the title into two or more lines, as in
- $$\verbatim/\title{A very, very, very, very \cr very long title}/$$
-If there are two authors of a paper, use the commands
- $$\verbatim/\authortwo{The Name}\affiltwo{The University}/$$
-The \verbatim/\thanks/ should come {\it before\/} the \verbatim/\author/
-and \verbatim/\title/ keywords, if the style you are using attaches the
-thanks as a footnote to the author or title.
-What if there are more than two authors? In that case you are on your
-own, except in the preprint style. There you can do something like:
-\verbatim/\author{A. Winken \cr {\it MIT} \cr B. Blinken \cr
- {\it University of California} \cr {\rm and} \cr C. Nod \cr
- {\it University of Michigan}}/
-This will set the authors and affiliations up the way you want them.
-Be sure to leave the \verbatim/\affil/ box out if you do this trick.
-I intend to provide better support for multi-authored papers in the
-next release of Ver\TeX.
-When you want to start a new section, you type
- $$\verbatim/\section title of the section \par/$$
-and when you want to start a subsection you type
- $$\verbatim/\subsection title of the subsection \par/$$
-Ver\TeX\ will handle the section numbers for you, automatically numbering
-each section as required.
-You can enter footnotes by using the construction
- $$\verbatim/\fnote{This is a footnote}/$$ and you get a
-footnote.\fnote{Like this!} If at the end of your document, you type
-\verbatim/\PrintEndNotes/, \TeX\ will print out an end page with all your
-footnotes on it, for those journals who just have to have it.
-If you want the paper to be double spaced, put \verbatim#\doublespace#
-between \verbatim#\endtopmatter# and \verbatim#\document#. This way the
-cover will come out single spaced and the document will come out double
-spaced, which is what people usually want.
-If you are in doublespace mode and want to put a paragraph in single
-spaced mode for some reason, type \verbatim#\singlespace#. The document
-will now revert to single spaced mode until you enter \verbatim#\doublespace#
-One common reason to want to use single spacing in a doublespaced document
-is for long quotes. Ver\TeX\ provides this via the command
-\verbatim/\quote/, as in \verbatim/\quote{Four score and seven $\ldots$}/.
-\section Extra Goodies for Math and Figures
-But there are more goodies in Ver\TeX. For example, you can attach {\it
-names\/} to equations, and have \TeX\ automatically number (and renumber!)
-them for you. To use this feature you type something like the following
-when you first introduce an equation:
- $$\verbatim/$$e=mc^2\eqno\Equation\Einstein$$/$$
-and then when you want to reference it, you say
- $$\ldots\verbatim/as in equation (\Einstein)./$$
-The same sort of thing works with figures. When you first reference a
-figure, called, say \verbatim/\MonaLisa/, you type
-\verbatim/\Fig\MonaLisa/. \TeX\ will assign the next figure number to it
-and enter ``Figure 2'' (or whatever) in the text. At the end of the
-paragraph, or roughly where you want the figure to appear, you
- $$\verbatim/\Figure\MonaLisa{2in}{The great painting Mona Lisa.}/$$
-The three arguments to the \verbatim/\Figure/ macro are: (1) the
-figure name, (2) the vertical size of the figure, and (3) the
-caption for the figure. \TeX\ will insert the figure using the
-\verbatim/\midinsert/ command, so it will appear on the page you
-ask for it if there is room, and otherwise float to the top of the
-next page.
-There are couple of things about equation and figure names that are worth
-pointing out. First, \TeX\ does not allow you to use {\it numbers\/} as
-part of a name. Thus names like \verbatim/\Eq1/ and \verbatim/\Eq2/ are
-not allowed. However, you can {\it reuse\/} names as often as you wish.
-You can refer to an equation as \verbatim/\A/ in one section of the paper
-and later on redefine \verbatim/\A/ to refer to another equation. I find
-it convenient to use rather long descriptive names like
-\verbatim/\FirstOrderCondition/ for equations that I refer to throughout the
-paper and use short names like \verbatim/\A/ for equations that I only
-refer to once or twice.
-There a couple of handy math commands. You can type \verbatim/\text{for all}/
-if you want ``for all'' to appear in math mode. You can type
-\verbatim/\D{f(x)}{x_i}/ to get
- $$\D{f(x)}{x_i}$$ and
-\verbatim/d{f(x)}{x_i}/ to get $\d{f(x)}{x_i}$.
-The command \verbatim/\proof/ sets a nice {\it Proof.} The command
-\verbatim/\qed/ gives you a box: \qed The command \verbatim/\proclaim/
-works the same as described in {\it The \TeX book}, but the style has been
-changed slightly.
-The command \verbatim/\today/ gives today's date nicely spelled out, like:
-To get verbatim \TeX\ listings, use the construction
- $$\verbatim/\verbatim#This will appear verbatim#/$$
-Any convenient symbols can be used as a delimiter in place of the
-\verbatim/#/ signs.
-\section References
-Ver\TeX\ has nice way to deal with references. You type something
-like the following:
-\ref \by{Afriat, S.} \paper{The Construction of a Utility Function from
-Expenditure Data} \jour{International Economic Review} \vol{8}
-\yr{1967} \pages{67--77}\endref
-\ref \by{Afriat, S.} \paper{On the Constructability of Consistent Price
-Indices Between Several Periods Simultaneously} \inbook{Essays in
-the Theory and Measurement of Consumer Behavior in Honor of Sir
-Richard Stone}\editor{A. Deaton} \publ{Cambridge University Press}
-\publaddr{Cambridge, England}\yr{1984}\endref
-\ref \by{Browning, M.}\paper{A Non-Parametric Test of the Life-Cycle
-Rational Expectations Hypothesis} \paperinfo{Princeton University
-Discussion Paper 64} \yr{1984}\endref
-\ref \by{Varian, H.} \paper{Nonparametric Test of Models of Consumer
-Behavior}\jour{Review of Economic Studies} \vol{50} \yr{1982b} \no{3}
-\ref \by{Varian, H.} \book{Microeconomic Analysis} \publ{W.
-W. Norton \& Co.} \publaddr{New York} \yr{1984}\endref
-and you will get a nice typeset output like:
-\ref \by{Afriat, S.} \paper{The Construction of a Utility Function from
-Expenditure Data} \jour{International Economic Review} \vol{8}
-\yr{1967} \pages{67--77}\endref
-\ref \by{Afriat, S.} \paper{On the Constructability of Consistent Price Indices
-Between Several Periods Simultaneously} \inbook{Essays in the Theory and
-Measurement of Consumer Behavior in Honor of Sir Richard Stone}
-\editor{A. Deaton} \publ{Cambridge University Press} \publaddr{Cambridge,
-\ref \by{Browning, M.}\paper{A Non-Parametric Test of the Life-Cycle Rational
-Expectations Hypothesis} \paperinfo{Princeton University Discussion Paper 64}
-\ref \by{Varian, H.} \paper{Nonparametric Test of Models of Consumer
-Behavior} \jour{Review of Economic Studies} \vol{50} \yr{1982b} \no{3}
-\ref \by{Varian, H.} \book{Microeconomic Analysis} \publ{W.
-W. Norton \& Co.} \publaddr{New York} \yr{1984}\endref
-The reference macros are quite complicated and are still being fixed; use
-them at your own risk. Currently if you omit a field that is
-require---like leaving out the page numbers or something like
-that---Ver\TeX\ will sometimes print out excess commas and other
-punctuation. Eventually this will be fixed, but for now it is better to
-put in a dummy value, like \verbatim#\pages{???}# or something like that.
-If you have a fancy reference that doesn't fit one of the above models,
-just use the \verbatim#\ref# macro to start the reference. You'll get
-the right hanging indentation and inter-reference spacing that way.
-Refer to the file \verbatim#vertex.hst# for the history of revisions to
-Ver\TeX. If you add some peachy macros of your own, I strongly suggest
-that you put them in a separate file. Then as new revisions of Ver\TeX\
-come out, you won't have to modify them in any way.
-Ver\TeX\ is in the public domain; please feel free to distribute it however
-you want, as long as you indicate the original author.
-\section Journals
-Want to get published quick? Then use Ver\TeX's journal simulation
-feature. Instead of using the command \verbatim\input ppt.sty\ use
-the style files:
-\verbatim\jpe.sty\ --- for the {\it Journal of Polemical Economy}.
-\verbatim\jep.sty\ --- for the {\it Journal of Economic Perspectives}.
-\verbatim\jet.sty\ --- for the {\it Journal of Economic Theorems}.
-\verbatim\aer.sty\ --- for the {\it Armenian Economic Review}.
-\verbatim\ecnmet.sty\ --- for {\it Economagica}.
-\verbatim\restud.sty\ --- for {\it Review for Economic Students}.
-\verbatim\qje.sty\ --- for the {\it Quartered Journal of Economics}.
-When you use one of these styles, Ver\TeX\ will automatically adjust the
-style of the document and the style of the references to be more-or-less
-consistent with the journal style. Some fine tuning may be needed, but
-the output generally looks pretty good.
-If you want to see a small sample of each output, \TeX\ the file {\tt
- \ No newline at end of file