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+Document: TeX in a nutshell
+Author: Petr Olsak, <>
+ Czech Technical University in Prague
+This software is in public domain.
+The pure TeX features are described here.
+The main goal of this document is its brevity.
+I hope that this document can be useful for somebody
+who is looking for information about basics of TeX.
+tex-nutshell.tex ... source file
+tex-nutshell.pdf ... the document
+See the end of the document.
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Binary files differ
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/tex-nutshell/tex-nutshell.tex
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+\useoptex % We are using OpTeX, no LaTeX
+\def<#1>{{\def\ { }\iindex{:#1}\iis {:#1} {$\langle\hbox{\it#1}\rangle$}}%
+ $\def\,{\hskip1.5pt plus.3pt minus1.2pt}\,\langle\hbox{\it#1}\rangle\,$}
+\everyintt={\catcode`<=13 \Blue}
+\def\Green{\setrgbcolor{0 .8 0}}
+\def\myunderline#1{\vtop{\hbox{#1}\kern-\prevdepth \kern2pt \hrule}}
+\toksapp\everyintt{\catcode`\/=13 \catcode`\|=13}
+\catcode`\/=12 \catcode`\|=12
+% to index macros:
+\def\i #1 {\ii .#1 \iis .#1 {{\code{\\#1}}}}
+\bgroup \lccode\string`\.=\string`\` \lowercase{\egroup \def\xx #1#2.{\i #2 \egroup `#1#2.}}
+\def\yy #1#2={\i #2 \egroup `#1#2=}
+% Hyperlinks
+\tit \TeX/ in a nutshell
+\author Petr Olšák
+The pure \TeX/ features are described here, no features provided by
+macro extensions. Only the last section gives a summary of plain \TeX/
+The main goal of this document is its brevity. So features are described
+only roughly and sometimes inaccurately here. If you need to know more then you can read
+free available books, for example
+\ulink[]{\TeX/ by topic}
+\ulink[]{\TeX/book naruby}.
+Try to type `texdoc texbytopic` in your system.
+\ii OpTeX \ulink[]{\OpTeX/} manual
+supposes that the user knows the basics principles of \TeX/ itself.
+If you are converting from \LaTeX/ to \OpTeX/ for example\fnote
+{Congratulations to your decision:-)}
+then you may welcome a summary
+document that presents these basic principles because \LaTeX/ manuals
+typically don't distinguish between \TeX/ features and features specially
+implemented by \LaTeX/ macros.
+\notoc\nonum\sec Table of contents
+\maketoc \outlines0
+\sec[termi] Terminology
+The main principle of \TeX/ is that its input files can be a mix
+of the material which could be printed and \ii control~sequence {\em control sequences}
+which gives a setting for build-in algorithms of \TeX/ or gives a special message
+to \TeX/ what to do with the inputted material.
+Each control sequence (typically a word prefixed by a backslash) has its
+\ii meaning~of~control~sequence {\em meaning}.
+There are four types of meanings of control sequences:
+* the control sequence can be a \ii register {\em register}, it means it represents a variable which
+ is able to keep a value. There are \ii primitive/register {\em primitive registers}. Their values influence
+ behavior of build-in algorithm (e.g. \i hsize `\hsize`, \i parindent `\parindent`,
+ \i hyphenpenalty `\hyphenpenalty`). On the other hand \ii decalared/register {\em declared registers}
+ are used by macros (e.g. \i medskipamount `\medskipamount` used in plain \TeX/
+ or \i ttindent `\ttindent`
+ used by \ii OpTeX \OpTeX/).
+* the control sequence can be a \ii primitive/command {\em primitive command}, it runs a build-in
+ algorithm (e.g. \i def `\def` declares a macro, \i halign `\halign` runs algorithm for
+ tables, \i hbox `\hbox` creates a box in typesetting output).
+* the control sequences can be a \ii character/constant {\em character constant}
+ (declared by \i chardef `\chardef`
+ or \i mathchardef `\mathchardef` primitive command) or a font selector (declared
+ by \i font `\font` primitive command).
+* the control sequence can be a \ii macro {\em macro}. When it is read then it is
+ replaced by its \ii replacement/text {\em replacement text} in the input queue. If there are more
+ macros in the replacement text, all macros are replaced too. It is so called
+ \ii expansion/process {\em expansion process} which ends on the level of text to be printed or
+ primitive commands or registers or character constants or font selectors.
+Example. When \TeX/ reads:
+in a macro file then the `\def` primitive command saves the information that
+\i TeX `\TeX` is a control sequence with meaning \"macro", the replacement text is
+declared here and it is a mix of a material to be typeset: `T`, `E` and `X`
+and primitive commands
+\i kern `\kern`, \i lower `\lower`, \i hbox `\hbox`
+with their parameters in given syntax. Each
+primitive command has declared syntax, for example, `\kern` must be followed
+by dimension specification in the format \"decimal number followed by a unit".
+More about this primitive syntax is in the sections~\ref[reg], \ref[expand] and~\ref[main].
+When a control sequence `\TeX` with meaning \"macro" occurs in the
+input stream then it is \ii expansion {\em expanded} to its replacement text, i.e the sequence of
+typesetting material and primitive commands in our case of `\TeX` macro.
+The logo \TeX/ is printed as a result of this processing.
+None of the control sequences have their definitive meaning. The control sequence
+could change its meaning by re-defining it as a new macro (using `\def`),
+redeclaring it as an arbitrary object in \TeX/ (using \i let `\let`) etc.
+When you re-define a primitive control sequence then the access to its value
+or build-in algorithm is lost. This is a reason why \ii OpTeX \OpTeX/ macros duplicate
+all primitive sequences (\i hbox `\hbox` and `\_hbox`) with the same meaning and use
+only \"private" control sequences (prefixed by `_`. So, user can re-define
+`\hbox` without the loss of the primitive command `\_hbox`.
+\sec Formats, engines
+\TeX/ is able to start without any macros preloaded in so-called \ii ini-TeX/state {\em ini-\TeX/
+state} (the `-ini` option on the command line must be used). It knows only Cca 300
+primitive registers and primitive commands at this state.\fnote
+{Roughly speaking, if you know all these 300 primitive objects and all syntax
+of primitive commands and all build-in algorithms then you know all about \TeX.
+But starting to produce common documents from this primitive level without
+macro support is nearly impossible.}
+When ini-\TeX/ reads macro files then new control sequences are
+declared as macros, declared registers, character constants or font
+selectors. The primitive command \i dump `\dump` saves the binary image of the \TeX/ memory
+(with newly declared control sequences) to the \ii format,format/file {\em format file} (`.fmt`
+The original intention of existence format files was to prepare a
+collection of macro declarations, register settings and to load default fonts and
+to dump this information to a file for later use. Such collection typically
+declares macros for the markup of documents and for typesetting design. This is
+the reason why we call these files {\em format files}: they give a format
+of documents on the output side and declares markup rules for document source files.
+When \TeX/ is started without `-ini` option then it tries to load a prepared
+format file into its memory and to continue with reading more macros or a real
+document (or both). The starting point is at the place where \i dump `\dump` was
+processed during ini-\TeX/ state. If the format file is not specified
+explicitly (by `-fmt` option on the command line) then \TeX/ tries to read the
+format file with the same name which is used for running \TeX. For example
+`tex document` runs \TeX, it loads the format `tex.fmt` and reads the
+`document.tex`. Or `latex document` runs \TeX, it loads the format `latex.fmt`
+and reads the `document.tex`.
+The `tex.fmt` is format file dumped when \ii plain~TeX/macros {\em plain \TeX/ macros}\fnote
+{Plain \TeX/ macros were made by \ii Knuth/Donald Donald Knuth, the author of \TeX. It is a
+set of basic macros and settings which is used (more or less) as a subset of
+all other macro packages.}
+were read and `latex.fmt` is format file dumped when \ii LaTeX/macros {\em \LaTeX/ macros} were read.
+This is typically done when a \TeX/ distribution is installed without any user
+intervention. So, the user can run `tex document` or `latex document` without
+worry that these typical format files exist.
+From this point of view, \LaTeX/ is nothing more than a format of \TeX/,
+i.e.~a collection of macro declarations and register settings.
+A typical \TeX/ distributions have four common \ii TeX/engines {\em \TeX/ engines}, i.e.~programs
+they implement classical \TeX/ algorithms with various extensions:
+* \TeX/ -- only classical \TeX/ algorithms by Donald Knuth,
+* \ii pdfTeX pdf\TeX -- an extension supporting PDF output directly and
+ micro-typographical features,
+* \ii XeTeX Xe\TeX/ -- an extension supporting Unicode and PDF output,
+* \ii luaTeX lua\TeX/ -- an extension supporting Lua programming, Unicode,
+ micro-typographical features and PDF output.
+Each of them are able to run in ini-\TeX/ state or with a format file. For
+example the command `luatex -ini macros.ini` starts lua\TeX/ at ini-\TeX/ state,
+read `macros.ini` file and final `\dump` command is supposed here to create
+a format `macros.fmt`. Then user can use the command `luatex -fmt macros document` to
+load `macros.fmt` and to process the `document.tex`.
+Or the command `luatex document` processes lua\TeX/ with `document.tex` and
+with `luatex.fmt` which is a little extension of plain \TeX/ macros. Another example:
+`lualatex document` runs lua\TeX/ with `lualatex.fmt`. It is a format with
+\LaTeX/ macros for lua\TeX/ engine. Final example:
+`optex document` runs Lua\TeX/ with `optex.fmt` which is
+a format with \ii OpTeX \ulink[]{\OpTeX/ macros}.
+\sec Searching data
+If \TeX/ needs to read something from the file system (for example the
+primitive command \i input `\input<file name>` or
+\i font `\font<font selector>=<file name>` is used)
+then the rule
+\"first wins" is applied. \TeX/ looks at the current directory first or
+somewhere to the \TeX/ installation second. The behavior in the second step
+depends on the used \TeX/ distribution. For example
+\ii TeXlive \ulink[]{\TeX/live} programs are
+linked with a \ii kpathsea {\em kpathsea} library and they do the following: Search the given
+file in the current directory, then in \ii texmf~tree \code{~/texmf} tree (data are saved by
+the user here), then in `texmf-local` tree (data are saved by the system administrator
+here, they are not removed when \TeX/ distribution is upgraded),
+then in `texmf-var` tree (data are saved automatically by programs from
+\TeX/ distribution here) and then in `texmf-dist` tree (data from \TeX live
+distribution). Each directory tree can be divided into sub-trees: first level
+`tex`, `fonts`, `doc` etc., second level is divided by \TeX/ engines or font types etc.,
+more levels are typically organized to keep a clarity.
+New files in the current directory on in \code{~/texmf} tree are found without
+doing something more, but new files in other places have to be registered by `texhash`
+program (\TeX/ distribution does automatically this during its installation).
+\sec Processing the input
+The lines from input files are transformed by the \ii tokenizer {\em tokenizer} first.
+It reads input lines and generates a sequence of tokens. The main goals of
+tokenizer is
+* It converts each control sequence to a single token characterized by its name.
+* Another input material is tokenized as \"one token per character".
+* The continuous sequence of more spaces is transformed into one space token.
+* The end of the line is transfromed into space token, so the paragraph text
+ can continue in a next input line and one space token is between the last word
+ on the previous line and the first word on the next line.
+* Comment character `%` is ignored and all the text after it to the end of line
+ is ignored too.
+* Spaces from the begining of each line are ignored. Thus, you can
+ use arbitrary indentation in your source file without change of the result.
+* Each empty line (or line with only spaces) is transformed to the token
+ \i par `\par`. This token has primitive meaning: \"finalize the current paragraph".
+ This implies the general rule in \TeX/ source files: paragraphs are terminated
+ by empty lines.
+The behavior of the tokenizer is not definitive. Tokenizer works with a table of
+category codes. Any change of category codes of characters
+(done by \i catcode {\let\,=\relax`\catcode`\code{`}`\<character>=<code>`}
+primitive command) influences tokenizer processing. For
+example, the verbatim environment is declared using setting all characters to
+normal meaning.
+By default, there are the following characters with special meaning. Tokenizer
+converts them or sets them as special tokens used in syntactical rules in
+\TeX/ later. The corresponding category codes are mentioned here as an index of the
+* `\`\c0\quad -- starts completion of a control sequence by the tokenizer.
+* `{`\c1 and `}`\c2\quad -- opens and close group or have special syntactical meaning.
+ The main syntactical rule is: each subsequence of tokens treated by macros
+ or primitive commands must have these pairs o tokens balanced. There is no
+ exception. Tokenizer treats them as special tokens with meaning
+ \"opening character" and \"closing character".
+* `%`\c{14}\quad -- comment character, removed by the tokenizer.
+* `$`\c3, `&`\c4, `#`\c6, `^`\c7, `_`\c8, `~`\c{13}\quad --
+ tokenizer treats them as a special tokens with meaning:
+ \ii math/mode/selector \"math-mode selector\c3",
+ \ii table/separator \"table separator\c4", \ii parameter/prefix \"parameter prefix for
+ macros\c6", \ii superscript/prefix \"superscript prefix in math\c7",
+ \ii subscript prefix \"subscript prefix in math\c8"
+ \ii active/character \"active character\c{13}"
+ (the active character `~` is defined as no-breakable space in all typical formats).
+* Letters and other characters are tokenized as \"letter character\c{11}" or
+ \"other character\c{12}".
+If you need to print these special characters you can use
+\ii -percent,-at,-dollar,-hash
+`\%`, `\&`, `\$`, `\#` or `\_`. These five control sequences are declared as
+\"print this character" in all typical \TeX/ formats.
+Another possibility is to use a verbatim environment (it depends on used format)
+Last alternative: you can use \i csstring {\let\,=\relax`\csstring\<character>`}
+in lua\TeX/, because lua\TeX/ disposes
+with the primitive command `\csstring` which converts `\<character>`
+to `<character>`\c{12}.
+The \ii active~character \"active character\c{13}"
+can be declared by \i catcode `\catcode`\code{`}`\<character>=13`.
+Such `<character>` behaves like `<control sequence>`. For example, you can
+define it by
+\i def `\def<character>{...}`.
+If a `<control sequence>` is
+listed in this document, the active character is meant too.
+Each control sequence is built by the tokenizer starting from `\`\c0. Its name is
+a continuous sequence of letters\c{11} finalized by first non-letter.
+Note that \OpTeX/ sets
+`_` as letter\c{11}, thus control sequence names can include this character.
+\LaTeX/ sets the `@` as letter\c{12} when reading styles and macro files.
+You can look to such files and you will see many such characters inside
+private control sequence names declared by \LaTeX/ macros.
+If the first character after `\`\c0 is not letter\c{\ne11} then control sequence is
+finalized with only this character in its name. So called
+\ii one~character/control~sequence {\em one-character control sequence} is created. Other control sequences
+are \ii multiletter/control~sequence {\em multiletter control sequences}.
+Spaces {\char9251}\c{10} after multi-letter control sequences are ignored, so the space can be used
+as a terminating character of the control sequence. Another characters used
+immediately after a control sequences are not ignored. So `\TeX !` and
+`\TeX!` gives the same result: the control sequence `\TeX` followed
+immediately by `!`\c{12}.
+Tokenizer's output (a sequence of tokens) goes to \ii expand/processor {\em expand processor}
+and its output goes to \ii main/processor {\em main processor} of \TeX. The expand processor
+performs expansions of macros or a primitive command which is working at expand
+processor level. See a summary of such commands in the section~\ref[expand].
+Main processor performs assignment of registers, declares macros by \i def `\def`
+primitive command and runs all primitive commands at the main processor level.
+Moreover, it creates the typesetting output as described in the next
+The very important difference between \TeX/ and other programs is that there are no
+strings, only sequences of tokens. We can return to the example
+`\def\TeX{...}` above in the section~\ref[termi].
+The token \i def `\def` is a control sequence with meaning \"declare a macro".
+It gets the following token \i TeX `\TeX` and
+declares it as a macro with replacement text, which is the sequence of tokens:
+\bgroup \def\b#1{\kern1pt\lower2ex\llap{\c{#1}\kern-1.5pt}}
+ \def`#1`#2,{\frame{\strut\tt\Blue\string#1}\b{#2}}\catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \indent
+`T`11, `\kern`, `-`12, `.`12, `1`12, `6`12, `6`12, `7`12, `e`11, `m`11,
+`\lower`, `.`12, `5`12, `e`11, `x`11, `\hbox`, `{`1, `E`11, `}`2,
+`\kern`, `-`12, `.`12, `1`12, `2`12, `5`12, `e`11, `m`11, `X`11,
+If you are thinking like \TeX/ then you must forget the term \"string"
+because all texts in \TeX/ are preprocessed by the tokenizer when input lines are
+read and only sequences of tokens are manipulated inside \TeX/.
+Tokenizer converts two `^`\c7`^`\c7 characters followed by ASCII uppercase
+letter to the Ctrl-letter ASCII code. For example `^^M` is Ctrl-M (carriage
+return). It converts two `^`\c7`^`\c7 followed by two hexadecimal digits
+(`0123456789abcdef`) to one-byte code, for example, `^^0d` is Ctrl-M too
+because it has code 13. Moreover, tokenizer of \XeTeX/ or lua\TeX/ converts
+`^`\c7`^`\c7`^`\c7`^`\c7 followed by four hexadecimal digits or
+`^`\c7`^`\c7`^`\c7`^`\c7`^`\c7`^`\c7 followed by six hexadecimal digits to one
+character with given Unicode.
+\sec Vertical and horizontal modes
+When the main processor creates the typesetting output then it alternates
+between vertical and horizontal mode. It starts in \ii vertical/mode,@ {\em vertical mode}: all
+materials are put vertically below in this mode. For example
+\i hbox `\hbox{a}\hbox{b}\hbox{c}` creates c below b and b below a in vertical mode.
+If there is something incompatible with vertical mode principle: a special
+command working only in horizontal mode or a character itself
+then main processor switches to \ii horizontal/mode,@ {\em horizontal mode}: it opens
+an unlimited horizontal data line for
+typesetting material and puts material next to each other. For example
+\i hbox `\hbox{a}\hbox{b}\hbox{c}` creates abc in horizontal mode.
+When an empty line is scanned then tokenizer creates \i par `\par` token here and
+if the main processor is in horizontal mode, the `\par` command finalizes the
+paragraph. More exactly it returns to the vertical mode,
+it breaks the horizontal data line filled in previous horizontal mode
+to parts with the \i hsize `\hsize` width. These parts are completed as
+\ii box {\em boxes} and they are put one below second in the vertical mode. So, a
+paragraph of \i hsize `\hsize` width is created.
+Repeatedly: if there is something incompatible with current vertical mode
+(typically a character), then the horizontal mode is opened and all characters
+(and spaces between them) are put to the horizontal data line. When empty line
+is scanned then `\par` command is started and the horizontal
+data line is broken to the lines of \i hsize `\hsize` width and next paragraph
+is completed.
+In the vertical mode, the material is cumulated in a vertical data column
+called \ii main/vertical/list {\em main vertical list}.
+If the height of this material is greater than \i vsize `\vsize` then its part with
+maximal `\vsize` height is completed as a \ii page/box {\em page box} and shipped to
+\ii output/routine {\em output routine}. A programmer or designer can declare a design of pages
+using macros in the output routine: header, footer, pagination,
+the position of the main page box etc. The output routine completes the main page
+box with another material declared in the output routine and the result is
+shipped out as one page of the document. The main processor continues in
+the vertical mode with the rest of the unused material in the main vertical list.
+Then it can switch to the horizontal mode if a character occurs etc...
+The plain \TeX/ macro \i bye `\bye` (or primitive command \i end `\end`\fnote
+{\LaTeX/ format re-defines this primitive control sequence `\end` to another
+meaning which follows the logic of \LaTeX/'s markup rules.})
+starts the last
+`\par` command, finalizes the last paragraph (if any), completes the last page
+box, puts it to the output routine, finalizes the last page in it and \TeX/
+is terminated.
+There are \ii internal/vertical/mode {\em internal vertical mode} and
+\ii internal/horizontal/mode {\em internal horizontal mode}.
+They are activated when the main processor is typesetting a material
+inside \i vbox `\vbox{...}` or \i hbox `\hbox{...}` primitive commands. More about boxes is in
+sections~\ref[boxes] and~\ref[main].
+Understanding of switching between modes is very important for \TeX/ users.
+There are primitive commands which are context dependent on the current mode.
+For example, \i par `\par` primitive command (generated by an empty line) does nothing
+in vertical mode but it finalizes paragraph in horizontal mode and it causes
+an error in math mode. Or \i kern `\kern` primitive command creates a vertical space in
+vertical mode or horizontal space in horizontal mode.
+The following primitive commands used in the vertical mode starts the
+horizontal mode: the first character of the paragraph (most common
+situation) or \i indent `\indent`, \i noindent `\noindent`, \i hskip `\hskip`
+(and its alternatives),
+\i vrule `\vrule`\fnote {The list is not fully completed, but most important commands
+are mentioned here.} and plain \TeX/ macro \i leavevmode `\leavevmode`.
+When the horizontal mode is opened, the indentation of the \i parindent `\parindent` width
+is included. The exception is only if the horizontal mode is started by the
+\i noindent `\noindent`, then the paragraph has no indentation.
+The following primitive commands used in the horizontal mode finalizes the
+paragraph and returns to the vertical mode: \i par `\par`, \i vskip `\vskip` (and its
+alternatives), \i hrule `\hrule`, \i end `\end` and plain \TeX/ macro \i bye `\bye`.
+\sec Groups in \TeX/
+Each assignment to registers, declaration macros or font selecting is local
+in groups. When the current group ends then the assignments done inside the
+group are forgotten and the values when this group was opened are restored.
+The groups can be delimited by `{` and `}` pair or by \i begingroup `\begingroup` and
+\i endgroup `\endgroup` primitive commands or by
+\i bgroup `\bgroup` and \i egroup `\egroup` control
+sequences declared by plain \TeX.
+For example, plain \TeX/ declares the macros \i rm `\rm` (selects roman font),
+\i bf `\bf` (selects bold font) and \i it `\it` (selects italics) and it initializes by
+\i rm `\rm` font. User can write:
+The roman font is here {\it here is italics} and the roman font continues.
+Not only fonts but all registers are set locally inside a group. The macro
+designer can declare a special environments with font selecting and with
+more special typographical parameters in groups.
+The following example is a test of understanding vertical and horizontal
+modes switching.
+{\hsize=5cm This is the first paragraph which should be formatted
+ to 5 cm width.}
+But it is not true...
+Why the example above does not create the paragraph with a 5 cm width?
+The empty line \i par (`\par`) command is placed {\em after} the group is finished, so the
+\i hsize `\hsize` parameter has its previous value at the time when the paragraph is
+completed, no value 5\,cm. The value of \i hsize `\hsize` register\fnote
+{and about twenty other registers which declare the paragraph design}
+is used when the paragraph is
+completed, no at the beginning of the paragraph. This is the reason why
+macro programmers put explicitly \i par `\par` command to macros before the local
+environment is finished by the end of the group. Our example should look like
+{\hsize=5cm This is the first ... to 5 cm width.\par}
+\sec[boxes] Box, kern, penalty, glue
+You can look at one character, say the `y`. It is represented by three
+dimensions: \ii height height (above baseline), \ii depth depth (below baseline)
+and \ii width width.
+Suppose that there are more characters printed in horizontal mode and
+completed to a line of a paragraph. This line has its height equal to
+the maximal height of characters inside it, it has the depth equal to maximal
+depth of all characters inside it and it has its width. Such a sequence of
+characters encapsulated to one typesetting element
+with its height, depth and width is
+called \ii box {\em box}. Boxes are placed next to each other (from left to
+right\fnote{There is an exception for special languages.})
+in horizontal mode or one above second in vertical mode.
+The boxes can include individual characters or spaces or boxes. The boxes can
+include more boxes. Paragraph lines are boxes. The page box includes paragraph
+lines (boxes). The finalized page with a header, page box, pagination,
+etc. is a box and it is shipped out to the PDF page. Understanding boxes is
+necessary for macro programmers and designers.
+You can create an individual box by the primitive command
+\i hbox `\hbox{<horizontal material>}`
+or \i vbox `\vbox{<vertical material>}`. The `<horizontal material>` is completed in
+internal horizontal mode and `<vertical material>` in internal vertical
+mode. Both cases open a group, create the material in a specified
+mode and closes the group, where all settings are local.
+The `<horizontal material>` can include individual characters, boxes,
+horizontal \ii glue {\em glues} or \ii kern {\em kerns}. The glue is a special term for
+stretchable or shrinkable and possible breakable spaces and the kern is a
+term used for fixed nonbreakable spaces.
+The `<vertical material>` can include boxes, vertical glues or kerns. No
+individual characters. If you put an individual character in the
+vertical mode (for example in the \i vbox `\vbox`)
+then the horizontal mode is opened. At the end of \i vbox `\vbox`\fnote
+{before the \i vbox `\vbox` group is closed}
+or when \i par `\par` command is invoked, the opened paragraph is finished (with
+current \i hsize `\hsize` width) and the resulting lines are vertically placed
+inside the \i vbox `\vbox`.
+The completed boxes are unbreakable and they are treaded as a single object in
+the surrounding printed material.
+The line boxes of the paragraph have the fixed width \i hsize `\hsize`, so there must
+be something stretchable or shrinkable in order to get desired fixed width
+of lines. Typically the spaces between words have this feature\fnote {When
+the microtypographical
+feature \i pdfadjustspacing `\pdfadjustspacing` is activated, then not
+only spaces are stretchable and shrinkable but individual characters are
+slightly deformed (by invisible amount) too.} These spaces have declared
+their \ii default/size/of~space {\em default size}, their
+\ii stretchability {\em stretchability} and their
+\ii shrinkability {\em shrinkability} in the font metric data of currently used font.
+You can place such glue explicitly by the primitive command:
+\begtt \catcode`<=13
+\hsize <default size> plus<stretchability> minus<shrinkability>
+for example:
+\hsize 10pt plus5pt minus2.5pt
+This example places the glue with 10\,pt default size, stretchable to
+{It can be stretchable ad absurdum (more than 15\,pt) but with very
+considerable \ii badness {\em badness} calculated by \TeX/ whenever glues are stretched
+or shrank.}
+and shrinkable to 7.5\,pt as its minimal size.
+All glues in one line are stretched or shrank equally but with weights given
+from their stretchability/shrinkability values.
+You can do experiments of this feature if you say \i hbox `\hbox to<size>{...}`.
+Then the \i hbox `\hbox` is created with a given width. Probably, the glues inside
+this \i hbox `\hbox` must be stretched or shrank. You can see in the log
+that the total \ii badness {\em badness} is calculated, it represents the amount of a
+\"force" used to all glue included in such \i hbox `\hbox`.
+An infinitely stretchable (to an arbitrary positive value) or shrinkable
+(to an arbitrary negative value) glue
+can exist. This glue is stretched/shrank and other glues with
+finite amounts of stretching or shrinking keep their default size in such
+You can put infinitely stretchable/\penalty0shrinkable
+\ii glue glue using the reserved unit \ii fil `fil`
+in \i hskip `\hskip` command, for example
+the command \i hskip `\hskip 0pt plus 1fil` means zero default size but infinitely stretchable.
+There is a shortcut for such glue: \i hfil `\hfil`. When you type
+`\hbox to\hsize{\hfil <text>\hfil}` then the `<text>` is centered.
+But if the `<text>` is wider than \i hsize `\hsize` then \TeX/ reports an
+\ii overfull/box `overfull \hbox`. If you want to center a wide `<text>` too, you can use
+\i hss `\hss` instead \i hfil `\hfil`. The \i hss `\hss` primitive command is equal to
+`\hskip 0pt plus1fil minus1fil`. The `<text>` printed by
+`\hbox to\hsize{\hss<text>\hss}` is now centered in its arbitrary size.
+A glue created with \ii fill `fill` stretchability or shrinkability (double ell)
+is infinitely more stretchable or shrinkable than glues with only \ii fil `fil` unit.
+So, glue with \ii fill `fill` are stretched or shrank and glues with only `fil` in
+the same box keep their default size. For example, a macro declares centering
+a `<text>` by
+\i hbox `\hbox to\hsize{\hss <text>\hss}` and user can create the `<text>` in the form
+\i hfill `\hfill <real text>`. Then `<real text>` is printed flushed right because
+\i hfill `\hfill` is a shortcut to \i hskip `\hskip0pt plus1fill` and has greater priority than
+glues with only \ii fil `fil` unit.
+Common usage is \i hbox `\hbox to0pt{<text>\hss}` or `\hbox to0pt{\hss<text>}`.
+The box with zero width is created and the text overlaps this dimension to
+right (first example) or to left (second example). \ii plain~TeX Plain \TeX/ declares
+macros for these cases: \i rlap `\rlap{<text>}` or \i llap `\llap{<text>}`.
+The last line of each paragraph is finalized by a glue of type \i hfil `\hfil` by
+default. When you write \i hfill `\hfill <object>` in vertical mode (`<object>` is
+something like a table, image or whatever else in the box) then `<object>` is
+flushed right, because the paragraph is started by the `\hfill` space but
+finalized only by \i hfil `\hfil` space. If you type
+\i noindent `\noindent\hfil <object>` then
+the <object> is centered. And putting only `<object>` places it to the left
+side because the common left side is default placement rule in the vertical
+The same principles concerned with horizontal glues are applicable for vertical
+modes where glues are created by \i vskip `\vskip` commands instead `\hskip`. You can
+write \i vbox `\vbox to<size>{...}` and do experiments.
+If a glue is put to the horizontal data line in horizontal mode and
+paragraph breaking algorithm decides about the suitable breakpoints for creating
+lines with desired width \i hsize `\hsize`, then each glue is potentially breakable
+point. Each glue can be preceded by a \ii penalty {\em penalty} value (created by
+\i penalty `\penalty` primitive) in the typical range
+-10000 to 10000. The paragraph breaking algorithm gets a penalty if it decides
+to break line in the glue with given penalty value preceded. If no penalty
+is declared for a given glue, then it is the same as a penalty equal to zero.
+The penalty value 10000 or more
+means \"impossible to break". The negative penalty means a bonus for paragraph
+breaking algorithm. The penalty -10000 or less means \"you must break here".
+The paragraph breaking algorithm tries to find an optimum of breakpoints
+positions concerning all penalties, to all badnesses of all created lines and to
+many more values not mentioned here in this brief document.
+The analogical optimal breakpoint is found in the vertical material when \TeX/
+breaks it into pages.
+The concept \"box, penalty, glue" with the optimum-fit breaking
+algorithms makes \TeX/ unique between many other typesetting software.
+\sec Syntactical rules
+The primitive commands can get their parameters written after it. These
+parameters must suit syntactical rules given for
+each primitive command. Some parameters are optional. For example
+\i hskip `\hskip<dimen> /plus<stretchability>. /minus<shrinkability>.` means that
+the parameter `<dimen>` must follow (it must suit syntactical rules for
+dimensions, see section \ref[reg]) then the optional parameter prefixed by keyword
+\ii plus `plus` can follow
+and then the optional parameter prefixed by \ii minus `minus` can follow.
+We denote the optional parameters by underline in this document.
+The \ii keyword {\em keywords} (typically prefixes some parameters) may have optional spaces
+around them.
+If the syntactical rule mentions the pair `{`, `}` then these characters are
+not definitive: other characters may be tokenized with this special meaning but it
+is not common. The text between this pair must be \ii balabced/text {\em balanced} with respect to this
+pair. For example the syntactic rule \i message `\message{<text>}` supposes that
+`<text>` must not be `ab{cd` but `ab{c{}}d` is allowed for instance.
+By default, all parameters read by primitive commands are got from input
+stream tokenized and fully expanded by the expand processor. But
+sometimes, when \TeX/ reads parameters for a primitive command, the expand
+processor is deactivated. We denote these parameters by red color. For
+example \i let `\let|<control sequence>=<token>;` means that these parameters
+processed by `\let` command are not expanded.
+Whenever a syntactical rule mentions the \ii equal/sign `=` character (see the previous example
+with \i let `\let` command, then this is the equal sign tokenized as a normal character
+and it is optional. The syntactical rule allows to omit it. Optional spaces
+are allowed around this equal sign.
+The concept of the optional parameters of primitive commands
+(terminated if something different from
+the keyword follows) may bring troubles if a macro programmer
+forget to terminate an uncomplete parameter text by \x`\relax` command
+(`\relax` does nothing but it can terminate a list of optional parameters of
+the previous command).
+Suppose, for example, that `\mycoolspace` is defined
+by `\def\mycoolspace{\penalty42\hskip2mm}`. If an user write
+`first\mycoolspace plus second` then \TeX/ reports the error
+`missing` `number,` `treated` `as` `zero` in the position of `s` character
+and appends: \code{<to be read again> s}. An user who is unfamiliar with
+\TeX/ primitive commands and their parameters is totally lost. The correct
+definition looks like: `\def\mycoolspace{\penalty42\hskip2mm\relax}`.
+\sec[def] Principles of macros
+Macros can be declared by \i def `\def` primitive command (or `\edef`, `\gdef`,
+`\xdef` commands, see below). The syntax is
+`\def|<control sequence>/<parameters>.{<replacement text>};`.
+The `<parameters>` are a sequence of formal parameters of the declared macro
+written in the form `#1`, `#2`, etc.
+They must be numbered from one and incremented by one.
+The maximal number of declared parameters is nine.
+These parameters can be used in the `<replacement text>`. This specifies the
+place where the real parameter is positioned when the macro is expanded. For
+\def\test #1{here is "#1".}
+\test A % expands to: here is "A".
+\def\swap #1#2{#2#1}
+\swap AB % expands to: BA
+\test {param} % expands to: here is "param".
+\swap A{param} % expands to: paramA
+Note that there are two possibilities of how to write real macro
+parameters when a macro is in use. The parameter is one token by default but
+if there is `{<something>}` then the parameter is `<something>`. The braces
+here are delimiters for the real parameter.
+The example above shows a declaration of \ii unseparated/parameter,@ {\em unseparated parameters}. The
+parameters were declared by `#1` or `#1#2` with no text appended to such
+declaration. But there is another possibility.
+Each formal parameter can have a text appended in its declaration, so
+the general syntax of declaration of formal parameters is
+`#1/<text1>.#2/<text2>.;` etc. If such `<text>` is appended then we say that
+the parameter is \ii separated/parameter,@ {\em separated} or
+\ii delimited/parameter,@ {\em delimited} by text.
+The same delimiter must be used when the macro is in use. For example
+\def\Test #1#2..#3 {first "#1", second "#2", third "#3".}
+\Test ABC..DEF G % expands to: first "A", second "BC", third "DEF".
+ % the letter G follows after expansion.
+In the example above the `#1` parameter is unseparated (one token is read as
+a real parameter if not used the syntax `{<parameter>}`). The `#2` parameter
+is delimited by two dots and the `#3` parameter is delimited by space.
+There should be a `<text0>` immediately before `#1` in the parameter
+declaration. This means that the declared macro must be used with the same <text0>
+immediately appended. If not, \TeX/ reports the error.
+General rule for declaration a macro with three parameters should be:
+\i def
+`\def|<control sequence>/<text0>.#1/<text1>.#2/<text2>.#3/<text3>.{<replacement text>};`.
+The rule \"everything must be balanced" is applied to separated parameters
+too. It means that `\Test AB{C..DEF G}.. H` from the example above reads
+`B{C..DEF G}` to the `#2` parameter and the `#3` parameter is empty
+because the space (the delimiter of `#3` parameter) immediately follows two dots.
+The separated parameter could bring a potential problem when the user forgot the
+delimiter or the delimiter is specified incorrectly. Then \TeX/ reports the
+error. This error is reported when the first \i par `\par` is scanned to the
+parameter (probably generated from an empty line). If you really want to scan
+to the parameter more paragraphs including `\par` between them then you can
+use \i long `\long` prefix before `\def`. For example `\long\def\scan#1\stop{...}`
+reads the parameter of the `\scan` macro to the `\stop` control sequence
+and this parameter could include more paragraphs.
+If the delimiter is missing when \i long `\long` defined macro is processed then
+\TeX/ reports the error at the end of the file.
+When a real parameter of a macro is scanned then the expand processor is deactivated.
+When the `<replacement text>` is processed then the expand processor works
+normally. It means that if parameters are used in `<replacement text>` then
+they are expanded here.
+If a macro declaration is used inside `<replacement text>` of another macro
+then the number of `#` must be doubled for inner declaration. Example:
+ \def#1##1 ##2 {##1 says: #1 ##2.}%
+\defmacro \hello {hello} % expands to \def\hello#1 #2 {#1 says: hello #2.}
+\defmacro \goobye {good bye}
+\hello Jane Eric % expands to: Jane says: hello Eric.
+\goodbye Eric John % expands to: Eric says: good bye John.
+Note the `%` characters used in the `\defmacro` definition. They mask
+the end of lines. If you don't use them then the space tokens are here (generated
+by tokenizer at the end of each line). The `<replacement text>` of `\defmacro` will be
+`<space>\def#1...{...}<space>` in such case. Each usage of `\defmacro`
+generates two unwanted spaces. It is not a problem if `\defmacro` is used in
+the vertical mode because spaces are ignored in this mode. But
+if `\defmacro` is used in horizontal mode then
+these spaces are printed\fnote
+{More precisely, they are transformed into horizontal glues used between words.}.
+The macro declaration behaves as another assignment, so the information about
+such declaration is lost if it is used in a group and the group is left.
+But you can use \i global `\global` prefix before \i def `\def` or the primitive
+\i gdef `\gdef`. Then the assignment is global regardless of groups.
+When `\def` or `\gdef` is processed then `<replacement text>` is read with
+deactivated expand processor. We have alternatives \i edef `\edef` (expanded def)
+and \i xdef `\xdef` (global expanded def) which read their `<replacement text>`
+expanded by expand processor. The summary of `\def` syntax is:
+\begtt \catcode`\|=13 \catcode`\/=13 \catcode`\<=13 \Blue
+\def|<control sequence>/<parameters>.{<replacement text>}; % local assignment
+\gdef|<control sequence>/<parameters>.{<replacement text>}; % global assignment
+\edef|<control sequence>/<parameters>.{;<replacement text>} % local assignment
+\xdef|<control sequence>/<parameters>.{;<replacement text>} % global assignment
+You can set \i tracingmacros `\tracingmacros=2` and you can see to log file how the macros are expanded.
+\sec Math modes
+The `$`\c3`<math text>$`\c3 specifies a math formula inside the line of the
+paragraph. It processes the `<math text>` in a group and in
+\ii internal/math/mode,math/mode/internal {\em internal math mode}.
+The `$`\c3`$`\c3`<math text>$`\c3`$`\c3 generates a separate line with math
+formula(s). It processes the `<math text>` in a group and in
+\ii display/math/mode,math/mode/display {\em dislay math mode}.
+The fonts in math mode are selected by very specific manner which is independent
+on current text font. Six different math object are automatically detected
+in math mode: \x`\mathord` (normal material), \x`\mathop` (big operators),
+\x`\mathbin` (binary operators), \x`\mathrel` (relations), \x`\mathopen` (open
+brackets), \x`\mathclose` (close brackets), \x`\mathpunct` (punctuations). They
+can be processed in four styles \x`\displaystyle` (default in the display mode),
+\x`\textstyle` (default in the internal math mode), \x`\scriptstyle` (used for
+indexes or exponents, more small text) and \x`\scriptscriptstyle`
+(used in indexes of indexes, smaller text).
+The math algorithms were implemented to \TeX/ by its author with very care.
+All typographical traditions of math typesetting were taken into account.
+There are three chapters about math typesetting in his \TeX/book. Moreover,
+there is the detailed appendix G with exact specification of generating math
+formulas here. This topic is unfortunately out of the frame of this short
+There is a good a piece of news: all formats (including \LaTeX/) take default \TeX/
+syntax for `<math text>`. So, \LaTeX/ manuals or \LaTeX/ documents
+serves a good source if you want to get to know the rules of math typesetting
+by \TeX. There is only one significant difference. Fractions are constructed at
+the primitive level by the \x`\over` primitive:
+`{<nominator>\over<denominator>}` but \LaTeX/ uses a macro \x`\frac` in the
+syntax `\frac{<nominator>}{<denominator>}`. Plain \TeX/ users (including the
+author of \TeX/) prefer the syntax which follows the
+principle \"how a human reads the formula". On the other hand, the
+\x`\frac` syntax is derived from machine languages. You can define the
+\x`\frac` macro by `\def\frac#1#2{{#1\over#2}}` if you want.
+\sec[reg] Registers
+\ii register There are four types of registers used in \TeX:
+\begitems \def\!{\kern-1pt}
+* \ii counter/type/register {\em Counters}, their values are integer numbers. Counters are declared by
+ \i newcount `\newcount|<register>;`\fnote
+ {The declarators \x`\newcount`, \x`\newdimen`, \x`\newskip` and \x`\newtoks`
+ are plain \TeX/ macros used in all known \TeX/ formats. They provides
+ `<address>` allocation and uses the
+ `\count<address>`\!, `\dimen<address>`\!, `\skip<address>` and `\toks<address>`
+ \TeX/ registers. The \x`\countdef`, \x`\dimendef`, \x`\skipdef` and \x`\toksdef`
+ primitive commands are used internally.}
+ or they are primitive registers (\x`\linepenalty` for example).
+ \TeX/ interprets primitive commands which represent an integer from
+ an internal table as counter type register too
+ (examples: \x`\catcode`\code{`A}, \x`\lccode`\code{`A}).
+* \ii dimen/type/register {\em Dimen type}, their values are dimensions. They are declared by
+ \i newdimen `\newdimen|<register>;` or they are primitive registers (\x`\hsize`, for example).
+ \TeX/ interprets primitive commands which represent a dimension
+ value as dimen type register too (example: \i wd `\wd0`).
+* \ii glue/type/register {\em Glue type}, their values are triples like in general
+ \x`\hskip` parameters.
+ They can be declared by \i newskip `\newskip|<register>;` or they are primitive
+ registers (\x`\abovedisplayskip` for example).\fnote
+ {Very similar {muglue type} for math glues exists too
+ but it is not described in this text.}
+* \ii token/type/register {\em Tokens lists}, their values are sequences of tokens. They are
+ declared by \i newtoks `\newtoks|<register>;` or they are primitive registers
+ (\x`\everypar` for example).
+The following example shows, how registers are declared, how the value is
+saved to the register and how to print the value of the register.
+\tmpnum=42 \tmpdim=-13cm \skip0=10mm plus 12mm minus1fil \toks0={abCd ef}
+\newcount \mynumber
+\newdimen \mydimension
+\newskip \myskip
+\newtoks \mytoks
+\mynumber = 42
+\mydimension = -13cm
+\myskip = 10mm plus 12mm minus1fil
+\mytoks = {abCd ef}
+To print these vaules use the primitive command "the":
+\the\mynumber, \the\mydimension, \the\myskip, \the\mytoks.
+This example prints: To print these values use the primitive command "the":
+\the\tmpnum, \the\tmpdim, \the\skip0, \the\toks0. Note that the human
+readable dimensions are converted to typographical points~(pt).
+The general syntactic rule for storing values to registers is
+`<register>=<value>` where the equal sign is optional and it can be surrounded by
+optional spaces. Syntactic rules for each type of `<value>` depending on
+type of the register (i.\,e.\ `<number>`, `<dimen>`, `<skip>` and `<toks>`) follows.
+\begitems \let\_aboveliskip=\relax
+* The `<number>` could be
+\begitems \style -
+* a register of counter type;
+* a character constant declared by \x`\chardef` or \x`\mathchardef` primitive command.
+* an integer decimal number (with optional `+` or `-` prefixed)
+* {\let\,=\relax `"<hexa number>`} where `<hexa number>` can include digits
+ `0123456789ABCDEF`\,;
+* {\let\,=\relax`'<octal number>`} where `<octal number>` can include digits
+ `01234567`\,;
+* {\let\,=\relax \code{`}`<character>`} (the prefix is the reverse single quote \code{`}).
+ It returns the code of the `<character>`. Examples:
+ \code{`}`A` or one-character control sequence \code{`\\A}).
+ Both examples represent the number 65. Unicode of the character
+ are taken here if lua\TeX/ or Xe\TeX/ are used;
+* \i numexpr `\numexpr<num. expression>`.\fnote
+ {This is a feature of e\TeX/ extension. It is implemented in pdf\TeX, Xe\TeX/ and lua\TeX.}
+ The `<num. expression>` uses operators `+`, `-`, `*` and \code{/} and
+ brackets `(`, `)` in normal sense. The operands are `<number>`s. It
+ is terminated by something incompatible with
+ the syntactic rule of `<num. expression>` or by `\relax`.
+ If the result is non-integer, then it is rounded (no truncated).
+* The `<dimen>` could be
+\begitems \style -
+* a register of dimen type or counter type;
+* a decimal number with an optional decimal point (and optional `+` or `-`
+ prefixed) followed by `<dimen unit>`. The `<dimen unit>` is \ii pt `pt` (point)\fnote
+ {1\,pt = 1/72.27\,in $\doteq$ 0.35\,mm\,;\ 1\,pc = 12\,pt\,;\
+ 1\,bp = 1/72\,in\,;\ 1\,dd $\doteq$ 1.07\,pt\,;\ 1\,cc = 12\,dd\,;\
+ 1\,sp = $2^{-16}$\,pt = \TeX/ accuracy.}
+ or \ii mm `mm` or \ii cm `cm` or \ii in `in` or
+ \ii bp `bp` (big point) or \ii dd `dd` (Didot point) or \ii pc `pc` (pica) or
+ \ii cc `cc` (cicero) or \ii sp `sp` or \ii em `em` (quad of current font) or
+ \ii ex `ex` (ex~height of current font) or a register of dimen type;
+* \i dimexpr `\dimexpr<dimen expression>`.
+ The `<dimen expression>` uses operators `+`, `-`, `*` and \code{/} and
+ brackets `(`, `)` in normal sense. The operands of `+` and `-` are
+ `<dimen>`s, the operators of `*` or \code{/} are the pair `<dimen>` and
+ `<number>` (in this order). The `<dimen expression>`
+ is terminated by something what is incompatible with
+ syntactic rule of `<dimen expression>` or by `\relax`.
+* The `<skip>` could be:
+\begitems \style -
+* a register of glue type or dimen type or counter type;
+* `<dimen>/plus<generalized dimen>. /minus<generalized dimen>.`. The
+ `<generalized dimen>` is the same as `<dimen>`, but normal `<dimen unit>`
+ or pseudo-unit `fil` or `fill` or `filll` can be used.
+* The `<toks>` could be
+\begitems \style -
+* `/<expandafters>.{|<text>};`. The `<expandafters>` is typically a sequence of
+ `\expandafter` primitive commands (zero or more). The `<text>` is
+ scanned without expansion but the exception can be given by
+ `<expandafters>`.
+The main processor reads input tokens (from the output of activated or
+deactivated expand processor) in two contexts:
+\ii do/something/context,context/do/something {\em do something} or {\em
+read parameters}. By default it is in the context {\em do something}. When a
+primitive which allows a parameters is read, main processor reads the
+parameters in the context \ii read/parameters/context,context/read/parameters {\em read parameters}.
+Whenever the main processor reads a register in the context
+{\em do something} it assumes that an assignment of a value to the register
+is declared here. The following text (equal sign and `<value>`) is read in the context
+{\em read parameters}. If the following text isn't
+compliant to the appropriate syntactic rule, \TeX/ reports an error.
+Examples of register manipulations:
+\newcount\mynumber \newdimen\mydimension \newdimen\myskip
+\hsize = .7\hsize % see the rule for <dimen>, unit could be a register
+\hoffset = \dimexpr 10mm - (\parindent + 1in) \relax % usage of \dimexpr
+\myskip = 10pt plus15pt minus 3pt
+\mydimen = \myskip % the information "plus15pt minus 3pt" is lost
+\mynumber = \mydimen % \mynumber = 10*2^16 because \mydimen = 10*2^16 sp
+Each dimension is saved internally as an integer multiple of `sp` unit in
+\TeX. When we need a conversion `<dimen>` $\to$ `<number>`, then simply the
+internal unit `sp` is omitted.
+The summary of most commonly used primitive registers including their default
+value given by plain \TeX/ follows.
+\begitems \rightskip=0pt plus1fil
+* \y`\hsize=6.5in`,
+ \y`\vsize=8.9in`
+ are paragraph width and page height.
+* \y`\hoffset=0pt`,
+ \y`\voffset=0pt` give left margin and top margin of the page. They are
+ calculated from \ii page/origin {\em page origin} which is defined by coordinates
+ \y`\pdfvorigin=1in` and \y`\pdfhorigin=1in` measured from left upper corner of
+ the page.
+* \y`\parindent=20pt` is the indentation of the first line of each paragraph.
+* \y`\parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil` is horizontal glue added to the last line of the
+ paragraph.
+* \y`\leftskip=0pt`, \y`\rightskip=0pt`. Glues added to each line in the
+ paragraph from the left and the right side. If the stretchability is decared here,
+ then the paragraph is ragged left/right.
+* \y`\parskip=0pt plus 1pt` is vertical space between paragraphs.
+* \y`\baselineskip=12pt`,
+ \y`\lineskiplimit=0pt`,
+ \y`\lineskip=1pt`.
+ \ii baselineskiprule The {\em `\baselineskip` rule} says:
+ Two consecutive lines in vertical list have baseline distance given
+ by \x`\baselineskip` by default. The appropriate real glue is inserted
+ between the lines.
+ But if this real glue (between boxes) is less than \x`\lineskiplimit`
+ then only \x`\lineskip` between boxes is inserted.
+* \y`\topskip=10pt` is the distance between top of page box and the baseline of
+ the first line.
+* \y`\linepenalty=10`,
+ \y`\hyphenpenalty=50`,
+ \y`\exhyphenpenalty=50`,
+ \y`\binoppenalty=700`,
+ \y`\relpenalty=500`,
+ \y`\clubpenalty=150`,
+ \y`\widowpenalty=150`,
+ \y`\displaywidowpenalty=50`,
+ \y`\brokenpenalty=100`,
+ \y`\predisplaypenalty=10000`,
+ \y`\postdisplaypenalty=0`,
+ \y`\interlinepenalty=0`,
+ \y`\floatingpenalty=0`,
+ \y`\outputpenalty=0`.
+ These penalties are put to various places in the vertical or horizontal
+ list. Most important are \x`\clubpenalty` (below the first line of a paragraph)
+ and \x`\widowpenalty` (before last line of paragraph). Typographical rules
+ give us to set these register to 10000 (no page break is allowed here).
+* \y`\looseness=0` allows to create a \"suboptimal" paragraph. The page-building
+ algorithm tries to builds the paragraph with \x`\loosenes` lines more than
+ the optimal solution. If the \x`\tolerance` has not sufficiently large value
+ then this setting is simply ignored. It is reset to zero after each
+ paragraph is completed.
+* \y`\spaceskip=0pt`,
+ \y`\xspaceskip=0pt`. If non-negative they are used as glues between words.
+ Default values are read from the font metric data of the current font.
+* \y`\pretolerance=100`,
+ \y`\tolerance=200`, \y`\emergencystretch=0pt`
+ \y`\doublehyphendemerits=10000`,
+ \y`\finalhyphendemerits=5000`,
+ \y`\adjdemerits=10000`,
+ \y`\hfuzz=0.1pt`,
+ \y`\vfuzz=0.1pt`
+are parameters for paragraph building algorithm not described here in
+* \y`\hbadness=1000`,
+ \y`\vbadness=1000`. \TeX/ reports a warning about \iid badness on the terminal
+ and to the log file if it is greater than these values. The warning has the form
+ \ii underfull/box `underfull` `\hbox` or `underfull \vbox`. The value `100`
+ means that the `plus` limit for glues is reached.
+* \y`\tracingonline=0`,
+ \y`\tracingmacros=0`,
+ \y`\tracingstats=0`,
+ \y`\tracingparagraphs=0`,
+ \y`\tracingpages=0`,
+ \y`\tracingoutput=0`,
+ \y`\tracinglostchars=1`,
+ \y`\tracingcommands=0`,
+ \y`\tracingrestores=0`,
+ \y`\tracingscantokens=0`,
+ \y`\tracingifs=0`,
+ \y`\tracinggroups=0`,
+ \y`\tracingassigns=0`.
+ If these registers have positive values then \TeX/ reports details about
+ the processing of build-in
+ algorithms to the log file. If \i tracingonline `\tracingonline>0` then the same
+ output is on the terminal.
+* \y`\showboxbreadth=5`,
+ \y`\showboxdepth=3`,
+ \y`\errorcontextlines=5`.
+ The amount of information when boxes are traced to the log file or an error is
+ reported.
+* \y`\language=0`.
+ \TeX/ is able to load more hyphenation patters for more
+ languages. This register points to the index of currently used
+ hyphenation patterns. Zero means English.
+* \y`\lefthyphenmin=2`, \y`\righthyphenmin=3`. Maximal letters left or right of
+ hyphenated words.
+* \y`\defaulthyphenchar=`\code{`}`\-`. This character is used when words are
+ hyphenated.
+* \y`\globaldefs=0`. If it is positive then all settings are global.
+* \y`\hangafter=1`,
+ \y`\hangindent=0pt`.
+ If \x`\hangindent` is positive, then after \x`\hangafter` lines all following
+ lines are indented. Negative/positive values of \x`\hangindent` or \x`\hangafter` does
+ indentation from left or right and from the top or bottom of the paragraph.
+ The \x`\hangindet` is set to 0 after each paragraph.
+* \y`\mag=1000`. Magnification factor of all used dimensions.
+ The value 1000 means 1:1.
+* \y`\escapechar=`\code{`}`\\`
+ use this character in the `\string` primitive.
+* \y`\newlinechar=-1`. If positive, this character is interpreted as the end of
+ the line when printing to the log or by \x`\write` primitive command.
+* \y`\endlinechar=`\code{`}`^^M`.
+ This character is appended to the end of each input
+ line. Tokenizer converts it (Ctrl-M character) to the space token.
+* \y`\time=now`,
+ \y`\day=now`,
+ \y`\month=now`,
+ \y`\year=now`. The values about current time/date are set here when \TeX/
+ starts to process the document. The \x`\time`
+ counts minutes after midnight.
+* \y`\overfullrule=5pt`. A rectangle to this width is appended after each
+ \ii overfull/box overfull `\hbox`.
+* \y`\mathsurround=0pt` is space inserted around formula from internal math mode.
+* \y`\abovedisplayskip=12pt plus3pt minus9pt`,
+ \y`\abovedisplayshortskip=0pt plus3pt`,
+ \y`\belowdisplayskip=12pt plus3pt minus9pt`,
+ \y`\belowdisplayshortskip=7pt plus3pt minus 4pt`.
+ These spaces are inserted above and below the formula generated in math display
+ mode.
+* \y`\tabskip=0pt` is used by `\halign` primitive command for creating tables.
+* \y`\output={\plainoutput}`, \y`\everypar={}`, \y`\everymath={}`
+ \y`\everydisplay={}`,
+ \y`\everyhbox={}`
+ \y`\everyvbox={}`
+ \y`\everycr={}`,
+ \y`\everyjob={}`.
+ These tokens lists are processed when algorithms of \TeX/ reach a corresponding
+ situation: opens output routine, paragraph, internal math mode, display
+ math mode, \x`\vbox`, \x`\hbox`. Or it is at the end of the line in the table or it
+ starts the job.
+\sec[expand] Expandable primitive commands
+Notes about notation in this and the following sections.
+If the documented command is from e\TeX{} extension
+(i.\,e.\ implemented in pdf\TeX, Xe\TeX/
+and lua\TeX) then one * is prefixed. If it is from pdf\TeX/ extension
+(implemented in Xe\TeX/ and lua\TeX/ too) then two ** are prefixed.
+If it is~a~lua\TeX/ only command then three *** are prefixed.
+* \i string `\string|<control sequence>;` expand to an \x`\escapechar` (if positive)
+ followed by the name of the control sequence. All characters of the output
+ are \"other characters\c{12}", only spaces (if exist)
+ are kept as space tokens {\char9251}\c{10}.
+* \*\*\*\i csstring `\csstring|<control sequence>;` works like`\string` but without
+ `\escapechar`.
+* \*\i detokenize `\detokenize/<expandafters>.{|<text>};` re-tokenizes all tokens in the text.
+ Control sequences used in <text> are re-tokenized like `\string` primitive, spaces
+ are tokens {\char9251}\c{10} and all other tokens are set as \"other
+ characters\c{12}".
+* \i the `\the|<register>;` expands to the value of the register. Examples were in
+ previous section. The output is tokenized like the output of `\detokenize`.
+ The exception is `\the|<tokens register>;`: the output is the value
+ of the `<tokens register>` without re-tokenizing and expand processor
+ does not expand this output in `\edef`\, `\write`, `\message` etc. arguments.
+* \i scantoken `\scantokens/<expandafters>.{|<text>};` re-tokenizes <text> using actual
+ tokenizer setting. The behavior is the same as to write `<text>` to a
+ virtual file and reading this file immediately.
+* \*\*\*\i scantextokens `\scantextokens/<expandafters>.{|<text>};` is the same as
+ `\scantokens` but removes problems with end-of-virtual-file.
+* \i meaning `\meaning|<token>;` expands to the meaning of the `<token>`. The text is
+ tokenized like in the `\detokenze` output.
+* \i csname \i endcsname `\csname<text>\endcsname` creates a control sequence with name <text>.
+ If it is not defined, then it gets the `\relax` meaning.
+ For example `\csname TeX\endcsname` is the same as `\TeX`.
+ The `<text>` must be expandable to characters only. Non-expandable
+ control sequences (a primitive command at the main processor level, a register,
+ a character constant, a font selector) are disallowed here. \TeX/ reports the
+ error `missing \encsname` when this rule isn't compliant.
+ Example: `\csname foo:\the\mynumber\endcsname` expands to control sequence
+ `\foo:42` if the `\mynumber` is a register with the value 42.
+ Another example: macro programmer should implement key/value dictionary
+ using this primitive:
+\def\keyval #1 #2 {\expandafter\def\csname dict:#1\endcsnme{#2}}
+\def\value #1 {\csname dict:#1\endcsname}
+\kyval Peter 21 % key=Peter, value=21, saved to the dictionary
+ % it does \def\dict:Peter{21}
+\value Peter % expands to \dict:Peter and it expands to 21.
+* \i expandafter `\expandafer|<token 1><token 2>;` does transformation
+ `<token 1><expanded token2>`. The token processor will expand `<token 1>`
+ after such transformation. The `<expanded token2>` is only the first level of
+ expansion. For example, a macro is transformed to its `<replacement text>`
+ but without expansion of `<replacement text>` at this time.
+ Or `\csname...\endcsname` pair creates a control sequence but does not
+ expand it at this time.
+ If `<token 2>` is not expandable then \x`\expandafter` silently does
+ nothing.
+ The example above (the `\keyval` macro) shows usage of \x`\expandafter`.
+ We need not define `\csname` by `\def`, we want to define
+ a `\dict:key`. The \x`\expandafter` helps here.
+ The `<token 2>` should be another \x`\expandafter`. We can see
+ \x`\expandafter` chains in many macro files. For example
+ `\expandafter A\expandafter B\expandafter CD` is processed as
+ `ABC<expanded D>`.
+ The `/<expandafters>.{|<text>};` syntax rule enables to prepare `|<text>;` using
+ `\expandafter`(s). For example \i detokenize `\detokenize{\macro}` expands to
+ `\`\c{12}`m`\c{12}`a`\c{12}`c`\c{12}`r`\c{12}`o`\c{12}. But if you need to detokenize
+ the `<replacement text>` of the `\macro` then use
+ `\detokenize\expandafter{\macro}`. Not only `\expandafter`s should be
+ here. Expand processor does full expansion here until the opening brace
+ `{`\c{1} is found.
+* \i if \i else \i fi The general rule for all `\if*` commands is
+ `<if condition><true text>/\else<false text>.\fi`.
+ The `<if condition>` is evaluated and `<true text>` or `<false text>`
+ is skipped or processed depending on the result of `<if condition>`.
+ When the expand processor is skipping the text due to `\if*` command then it
+ expands nothing in the skipped text. But it is noticing all control
+ sequences with meaning `\if*`, `\else` and `\fi` during skipping in order
+ to skip correctly all nested `\if*.../\else....\fi` constructions.
+ The following `<if condition>`s are possible:
+ \_printitem={$\circ$\enspace}
+* \i if `\if<token 1><token 2>` is true if
+ \begitems \removelastskip \style a
+ * both tokens are characters with the same Unicode (or ASCII code in classical \TeX) or
+ * both tokens are control sequences
+ (with arbitrary meaning but not \"the character") or
+ * one token is a character, second is a control sequence equal to the character (by `\let`) or
+ * both tokens are control sequences, their meaning (set by `\let`) is the same character code.
+ \enditems
+ \removelastskip
+ \noindent Example: you can say `\let\test=a` then `\if\test a` returns true.
+* \i ifx `\ifx|<token 1><token 2>;` is true if the meanings of `<token 1>`
+ and `<token 2>` are the same.
+* \i ifnum `\ifnum<number 1><relation><number 2>`. The `<relation>` could be
+ \code{<} or \code{=} or \code{>}. It returns true if the comparison of two
+ numbers is true.
+* \i ifodd `\ifodd<number>` returns true if the `<number>` is odd.
+* \i ifdim `\ifdim<dimen><relation><dimen>` The `<relation>` could be
+ \code{<} or \code{=} or \code{>}. It returns true if the comparison of two
+ dimensions is true.
+* \x`\iftrue` returns constantly true, \x`\iffalse` returns constanty false.
+* \x`\ifhmode`, \x`\ifvmode`, \x`\ifmmode` --
+ true if the current mode is horizontal, vertical, math.
+* \x`\ifinner` returns true if the current mode is internal vertical, internal
+ horizontal or internal math mode.
+* \i ifhbox `\ifhbox<box number>`,
+ \i ifvbox `\ifvbox<box number>`, \i ifvoid `\ifvoid<box number>`
+ returns true if the specified `<box number>` represents \x`\hbox`, \x`\vbox`, void box
+ respectively.
+* \i ifcat `\ifcat<token 1><token 2>` is true if catogory codes of `<token 1>`
+ and `<token 2>` equals.
+* \i ifeof `\ifeof<file number>` is true, of the file attached to the `<file number>`
+ by \x`\openin` primitive does not exist or the end of file was reached by
+ the \x`\read` primitive.
+ \_printitem{$\bullet$\enspace}
+* \*\i unless `\unless<if condition>` negates the result of `<if condition>` before
+ skipping or processing the following text.
+* \i ifcase `\ifcase<number><case 0>\or<case 1>\or<case 2>...\or<case n>/\else<else text>.\fi`.
+ It processes the branch given by `<number>`. It processes `<else text>`
+ (or nothing if no `<else text>` is declared) when a branch with given
+ `<number>` does not exist.
+* \i noexpand `\noexpand|<token>;`.
+ The expand processor does not expand the `<token>` if it is expanding the
+ text in `\edef`, `\write`, `\message` or similar lists.
+* \*\i unexpanded `\unexpanded/<expandafters>.{|<text>};` returns `<text>` and applies
+ `\noexpand` to all tokens in the `<text>`.
+* \*\i numexpr `\numexpr<num. expression>`, \i dimexpr \*`\dimexpr<dimen expression>`.
+ Documented in the `<dimen>` and `<number>` syntax rules in the section~\ref[reg].
+* \i number `\number<number>`, \i romannumeral `\romannumeral<number>` prints <number> in decimal
+ digits or as a roman numeral (with lowercase letters).
+* \x`\topmark` (last from previous page),
+ \x`\firstmark` (first on current page),
+ \x`\botmark` (last on current page). They expand to the corresponding
+ \x`\mark` included in the current or previous page-box.
+ Usable for implementing running headers in the output routine.
+* \i fontname `\fontname<font selector>` expands to the file name \*\*\*(or font name) of
+ the font given by its `<font selector>`. The `\fontname\font` expands to
+ the file name of the current font.
+* \x`\jobname` expands to the name of the main file of this document (without
+ extension `.tex`).
+* \i input `\input<file name><space>` (classical \TeX) or \ `\input"<file name>"` \
+ or \ `\input{<file name>}` \ opens the given
+ `<file name>` and starts to read input from it. If the `<file name>`
+ doesn't exist then \TeX/ tries to open again \,{\def\,{\kern-1pt}`<file name>.tex`}.
+ If it doesn't exist even this, \TeX/ reports an error.
+ The alternative syntax with `"..."` or `{...}` allows having spaces in the file
+ names.
+* \i endinput `\endinput`. The current line is the last line of the inputted file. File
+ is closed and reading continues from the place where `\input` of this file
+ was started. `\endinput` done in the main file causes future reading from the
+ terminal and headache of users.
+* \*\*\*\i directlua `\directlua {<text>}` runs a Lua script given in `<text>`.
+\sec[main] Primitive commands at the main processor level
+{\bf Commands used for declaration control sequences}
+* \x`\def` \x`\edef` \x`\gdef` \x`\xdef` were documented in the section~\ref[def].
+* \x`\long` is prefix, it can be used before `\def` `\edef` `\gdef` `\xdef`.
+ The declared macro accepts the control sequence `\par` in its parameters.
+* \*\x`\private` is prefix, it can be used before `\def` `\edef` `\gdef`, `\xdef`.
+ The declared macro is not expanded by the expand processor in \x`\write`,
+ \x`\message`, \x`\edef` etc. parameters.
+* \x`\outer` is prefix, can be used before `\def` `\edef` `\gdef`, `\xdef`.
+ The declared macro must be used only when the main processor is in the context
+ {\em do something} or \TeX/ reports an error.
+* \x`\global` is a prefix, it can be used before each assignment (commands
+ from this subsection and `<register>=<value>` settings). The
+ assignment is global regardless of the current group.
+* \i chardef `\chardef|<control sequence>;=<number>`,
+ \i mathchardef `\mathchardef|<control sequence>;=<number>`
+ \ declares a constant <number>. When the main processor is in the context
+ \"do something" and it gets a \x`\chardef`-ed control sequence, it prints
+ the character with Unicode (ASCII code) <number> to the typesetting output.
+ If it gets a \x`\mathchardef`-ed control sequence, it prints a math object (it works
+ only in math mode, not documented here).
+* \i countdef `\countdef|<control sequence>;=<number>` declares `<control sequence>` as
+ an equivalent to the `\count<number>` which is a register of counter type.
+ The `<number>` here means an address in the
+ array of registers of counter type. The `\count0` is reserved for the page
+ number. The macro programmer uses rarely direct addresses (1 to 9), more
+ common is using the allocation macro `\newcount|<control sequence>;`.
+* \x`\dimendef`, \x`\skipdef`, \x`\muskipdef`, \x`\toksdef` followed by
+ `|<control sequence>;=<number>`
+ declare analogically
+ equivalents to \i dimen `\dimen<number>`, \i skip `\skip<number>`,
+ \i muskip `\muskip<number>` and \i toks `\toks<number>`.
+ Usage of allocation macros \x`\newdimen`, \x`\newskip`, \x`\newmuskip`,
+ \x`\newtoks` are preferred.
+* \i font `\font|<font selector>;=<file name><space>/<size specification>.` declares
+ `<font selector>` of a font implemented in the `<file name>.tfm`. The
+ `<size specifiaction>` can be `at<dimen>` or `scaled<factor>`.
+ The `<factor>` equal to {\tt 1000} means 1:1.
+ New syntax (supported by Unicode engines) is
+\begtt \catcode`\|=13 \catcode`\/=13 \catcode`\<=13 \Blue
+\font|<font selector>;="<font name>/:<font features>." /<size specification>. % or
+\font|<font selector>;="[<font file>]/:<font features>." /<size specification>.
+ The `<font file>` is file name without `.otf` nor `.ttf` extension.
+ The `<font features>` are font features prefixed by `+` or `-` and
+ separated by semicolon. The {\let\,=\relax `otfinfo -f <file name>.otf`} command
+ (on command line) can list them.
+ Lua\TeX/ supports alternative syntax: `{...}` instead of `"..."`.
+ Example: `\font\test={[texgyretermes-regular]:+onum;-liga} at12pt`.
+* \i let `\let|<control sequence>=<token>;` sets to the `<control sequence>`
+ the same meaning as `<token>` has. The `<token>` can be whatever, a
+ character or a control sequence.
+* \i futurelet `\futurelet|<control sequence><token 1><token 2>;` works in two steps.
+ In the first step it does `\let|<control sequence>=<token 2>;` and in the
+ second step `<token 1><token 2>` is processed with activated token
+ processor. Typically `<token 1>` is a macro that needs to know the next token.
+\noindent {\bf Commands for box manipulation}
+* \i hbox `\hbox{<cmds>}` or `\hbox to<dimen>{<cmds>}` or `\hbox spread<dimen>{<cmds>}`
+ creates a box. The material inside this box is a `<horizontal list>`
+ generated by `<cmds>` in the horizontal mode in a group. The width of the box is natural width
+ of the `<horizontal list>` or `<dimen>` given by \ii to `to<dimen>` parameter or
+ it is spread by `<dimen>` given by \ii spread `spread<dimen>`
+ parameter. The height of the box is the maximum of heights of all elements in
+ the `<horizontal list>`. The depth of the box is maximum of depths of all
+ such elements. These elements are put to the common baseline (exceptions
+ can be given by \x`\lower` or \x`\raise` commands).
+* \i vbox `\vbox{<cmds>}` or `\vbox to<dimen>{<cmds>}`
+ or `\vbox spread<dimen>{<cmds>}`
+ creates a box. The material inside this box is a `<vertical list>`
+ generated by `<cmds>` in the vertical mode in a group. The height of the
+ box is the natural height of the `<vertical list>` (eventually modified by values
+ from \ii to `to` or \ii spread `spread` parameters) without the depth of the last
+ element. The depth of the last element is set as the depth of the box.
+ The width of the box is the maximum of widths of elemens in the `<vertical list>`.
+ All elements are put to the
+ common left margin of the box (exceptions can be given by \x`\moveleft` or
+ \x`\moveright` commands).
+* \i vtop `\vtop{<cmds>}` (with optional `to` or `spread`
+ parameters) is equal as `\vbox`,
+ but the baseline of the resulting box goes through the baseline of the first element in
+ the `<vertical list>` (note that `\vbox` has its baseline equal to the
+ the baseline of the last element inside).
+* \i vcenter `\vcenter{<cmds>}` (with optional `to` or `spread`
+ parameters) is equal to
+ `\vbox`, but its \ii math/axis {\em math axis}\fnote
+ {Math axis is a horizontal line which goes through centers of + and $-$
+ symbols. Its distance from baseline is declared in the math font metrics.}
+ is exactly in the middle of the box. So its baseline is appropriately shifted.
+ The `\vcenter` can be used only in math modes but given `<cmds>` are
+ processed in vertical mode.
+* \i lower `\lower<dimen><box>`, \i raise `\raise<dimen><box>` move the `<box>` up or down by
+ the `<dimen>` in horizontal mode.
+ \i moveleft `\moveleft<dimen><box>`,
+ \i moveright `\moveright<dimen><box>` move the `<box>` by
+ the `<dimen>` in vertical mode.
+* \i setbox `\setbox<box number>=<box>`. \TeX/ has a set of
+ \ii box/register {\em box registers} addressed by `<box number>` and
+ accessed via \i box `\box<box number>` or alternatives described below.
+ The `\setbox` command saves given `<box>` to the register addressed by
+ `<box-number>`.
+ Macro programmers use only 0 to 9 `<box numbers>` directly. Other
+ addresses to box registers should be allocated by
+ the \i newbox `\newbox|<control sequence>;` macro. The `|<control sequence>;`
+ is equivalent to a `<box number>`, not to the box register itself.
+ The `\setbox` command does an assignment, so \x`\global` prefix is needed
+ if you want to use the saved box outside the current group.
+* \i box `\box<box number>` returns the box from `<box number>` box
+ register. Example: you can do `\setbox0=\hbox{abc}`. This `\hbox` is
+ not printed but saved to the register 0. At different place you can use
+ `\box0` which prints `\hbox{abc}` or you can do
+ `\setbox0=\hbox{cde\box0}` which saves the `\hbox{cde\hbox{abc}}`
+ to the register~0.
+* \i copy `\copy<box number>` returns the box from
+ `<box number>` box register and keeps the same box in this box register.
+ Note that the \i box `\box<box number>` returns the
+ box and empties the register `<box number>` immediately. If you don't want
+ to empty the register, use `\copy`.
+* \i wd `\wd<box number>`, `\ht<box number>`, `\dp<box number>`. You can
+ measure or use the width, height and depth of a box saved in a register addressed
+ by `<box nuber>`. Examples `\mydimen=\ht0`, `\hbox to\wd0{...}`.
+ You can re-set the dimensions of a box saved in a register addressed by
+ `<box number>`. For example \i setbox `\setbox0=\hbox{abc}` `\wd0=0pt` `\box0`
+ gives the same result as \i hbox `\hbox to0pt{abc}` but without the warning about
+ \ii overfull/box overfull `\hbox`.
+* \i unhbox `\unhbox<box number>`, \kern-.4pt\i unvbox `\unvbox<box number>`,
+ \kern-.4pt\i unhcopy `\unhcopy<box number>`, \kern-.4pt\i unvcopy `\unvcopy<box number>`
+ do the same work as `\box` or `\copy` but they don't return the whole
+ box but only it contents, i.\,e.~a horizontal or vertical material.
+ Example: try to do \i setbox `\setbox0=\hbox{abc}` and later
+ `\setbox0=\hbox{cde\unhbox0}` saves
+ the \i hbox `\hbox{cdeabc}` to the box register~0.
+ The \x`\unhbox` and \x`\unhcopy` commands return the \x`\hbox` contents and
+ \x`\unvbox`, \x`\unvcopy` commands return the \x`\vbox` contents. If incompatible
+ contents is saved then \TeX/ reports an error. You can test the type of
+ saved contents by \x`\ifhbox` or \x`\ifvbox`.
+* \i vsplit `\vsplit<box number> to<dimen>` does a column break.
+ The `<vertical material>` saved in the box `<box number>` is broken
+ to a first part of `<dimen>` height and the rest remains in the
+ box `<box number>`. The broken part is completed as `\vbox` which is the
+ result of this operation. For example, you can say `\newbox\column`
+ `\setbox\column=\vbox{...}` and later
+ `\setbox0=\vsplit\column to5cm`. The `\box0` is `\vbox` with first 5cm of
+ saved material.
+* \x`\lastbox` returns the last box in the current vertical or horizontal
+ material and removes it.
+\noindent {\bf Commands for rules (lines in the typesetting output) and patterns}
+* \x`\hrule` creates a horizontal line in current vertical
+ list. If it is used in a horizontal mode, it finishes the paragraph by
+ \x`\par` first.
+ `\hrule /width<dimen>. /height<dimen>. /depth<dimen>.` creates (in
+ general, with given parameters) a full
+ rectangle (something like a box, but it isn't treated as the box) with given
+ dimensions. Default values are: \"width"=width of outer `\vbox`,
+ \"height"=0.4\,pt, \"depth"=0\,pt.
+ {\emergencystretch=2em\par}
+* \x`\vrule` creates a vertical line in current horizontal
+ list. If it is used in a vertical mode, it opens the horizontal mode
+ first.
+ `\vrule /width<dimen>. /height<dimen>. /depth<dimen>.` creates (in
+ general, with given parameters) a full rectangle with given
+ dimensions. Default values are: \"width"=0.4\,pt,
+ \"height"=height of outer `\hbox`, \"depth"=depth of outer `\hbox`.
+ {\emergencystretch=2em\par}
+ The optional parameters of `\hrule` and `\vrule` could be specified in
+ arbitrary order and they can be specified more than once. In such a case,
+ the rule \"last wins" is applied.
+* \i leaders `\leaders<rule><glue>` crates a glue
+ (maybe shrinkable or stretchable) filled by a full rectangle.
+ The `<rule>` is \x`\vrule` or \x`\hrule` (maybe with its optional parameters).
+ If the `<glue>` is specified by \x`\hskip` command
+ (maybe with its optional parameters)
+ or by its alternatives \x`\hss`, \x`\hfil`, \x`\hfill`, then the resulting glue
+ is horizontal (can be used only in horizontal mode) and its dimensions
+ are: width derived from `<glue>`, height plus depth derived from `<rule>`.
+ If the `<glue>` is specified by \x`\vskip` command
+ (maybe with its optional parameters)
+ or by its alternatives \x`\vss`, \x`\vfil`, \x`\vfill`, then the resulting glue
+ is vertical (can be used only in vertical mode) and its dimensions
+ are: height derived from `<glue>`, width derived from `<rule>`, depth is zero.
+* \i leaders `\leaders<box><glue>` creates a vertical or horizontal glue
+ filled by a pattern of repeated `<box>`. The positions of boxes are
+ calculated from the boundaries of the outer box. It is used for dots patterns
+ in the table of contents.
+ \i cleaders `\cleaders<box><glue>` does the same, but the pattern of boxes is
+ centered in the space derived by the <glue>. Spaces between boxes are not~inserted.
+ \i xleaders `\xleadres<box><glue>` does the same, but the spaces between
+ boxes are inserted equally.
+\noindent {\bf More commands for creating something in typesetting output}
+* \x`\par` closes horizontal mode and finalizes a paragraph.
+* \x`\indent`, \x`\noindent`. They leave the vertical mode and open paragraph
+ with/without paragraph indentation. If horizontal mode is current then
+ `\indent` inserts an empty box of `\parindent` width, `\noindent` does
+ nothing.
+* \x`\hskip`, \x`\vskip`. They insert a horizontal/vertical glue. Documented in
+ the section~\ref[boxes].
+* \x`\hfil`, \x`\hfill`, \x`\hss`, \x`\vfil`, \x`\vfill`, \x`\vss` are alternatives
+ of \x`\hskip`, \x`\vskip`.
+* \i kern `\kern<dimen>` puts nonbreakable horizontal/vertical space
+ depending on the current mode.
+* \i penalty `\penalty<number>` puts the penalty `<number>` to the current
+ horizontal/vertical list.
+* \i char `\char<number>` prints the character with code
+ \kern-2pt`<number>`\kern-2pt. The
+ \"character itself" does the same.
+* \i accent `\accent<number><character>` places an accent with code
+ `<number>` above the `<character>`.
+* \ii -space `\`{\tt\char9251} is \ii control/space control space. In
+ horizontal mode, it inserts the space glue (like normal space but without
+ modification by the \x`\spacefactor`). In vertical mode, it opens horizontal
+ mode and puts the space. Note that normal space does nothing in vertical
+ mode.
+* \i discretionary `\discretionary{<pre break>}{<post break>}{<no break>}`
+ works in horizontal mode. It prints `<no break>`
+ in normal cases but if there is a line break then `<pre break>`
+ is used before and `<post break>` after the breaking point.
+ German Zucker/Zuk-ker (sugar) can be implemented by
+ `Zu\discretionary{k-}{k}{ck}er`.
+* \ii -hyphen `\-` is equal to \i hyphenchar
+ `\discretionary{\char\hyphenchar<font>}{}{}`.
+ The `\hyphenchar<font>` is used as a hyphenation character. It is set
+ to \x`\defaulthyphenchar` value when the font is loaded, but it can be changed.
+* \ii -italiccorr \code{\\/} does an
+ \ii italics/correction italics correction.
+ It puts a little space if the last character is slanted.
+* \x`\unpenalty`, \x`\unskip` removes last penalty / last glue
+ from the current horizontal/vertical list.
+* \i vadjust `\vadjust{<cmds>}`. It works in horizontal mode. The `<cmds>`
+ must create a `<vertcal list>` and `\vadjust` saves a pointer to this list
+ into the current horizontal list. When `\par` creates lines of the paragraph
+ and distributes them to a vertical list, each line with the pointer from
+ `\vadjust` has the corresponding `<vertical list>` immediately appended
+ after this line.
+* `\insert<number>{<cmds>}`. The `<cmds>` create a `<verical list>` and
+ `\insert` saves a pointer to such `<vertical list>` into the current list.
+ The output routine can work with such `<vertical list>`\kern-2pts. The footnotes or
+ \ii floating~object {\em floating objects} (tables, figures)
+ are implemented by the `\insert` primitive.
+* \i halign `\halign{<declaration>\cr<row 1>\cr<row 2>\cr...\cr<row n>\cr}`
+ creates a table of boxes in vertical mode. The `<declaration>` declares
+ one or more column patterns separated by `&`\c4. The rows use the same
+ character to separate the items of the table in each row. The `\halign`
+ works in two passes. First it saves all items to boxes and the second pass
+ performs `\hbox to`~$\Blue w$ for each saved items, where $\Blue w$
+ is the maximal width of items in each actual column.
+ Detailed documentation of `\halign` is out of scope of this manual.
+ Only one example follows: the macro `\putabove` puts `#1` above `#2`
+ centered. The width of resulting box is equal to max of widths of these
+ two parameters. The `<declaration>` `\hfil##\hfil` means that the items
+ will be centered:
+ `\def\putabove#1#2{\vbox{\halign{\hfil##\hfil\cr#1\cr#2\cr}}}`.
+* \x`\valign` does the same as `\halign` but rows $\leftrightarrow$ columns.
+ It is not used commonly.
+* \x`\cr`, \x`\crcr`, \x`\span`, \x`\omit`, \i noalign `\noalign{<cmds>}`
+ are primitives used by `\halign` and `\valign`.
+\noindent {\bf Commands for registers calculation}
+* \i advance `\advance<register>/by.<value>` does (formally)
+ `<register>=<register>+<value>`. The `<register>` is counter type or dimen
+ type. The `<value>` is `<number>` or `<dimen>` (depending on type of the
+ `<register>`).
+* \i multiply `\multiply<register>/by.<number>` does
+ `<register>=<register>*<number>`.
+* \i divide `\divide<register>/by.<number>` does
+ `<register>=<register>`\code{/}`<number>`. If the `<register>` is
+ number type then the result is truncated.
+* See \*`\numexpr` and \*`\dimexpr`, expandable primitives documented in the
+ sections~\ref[reg] and~\ref[expand].
+\noindent {\bf Internal codes}
+* \i catcode `\catcode<number>` is category code of the character with
+ `<number>` code. Used by tokenizer.
+* \i lccode `\lccode<number>` is lower case alternative to the
+ `\char<number>`. If it is zero then lower case alternative doesn't exist
+ (for example for punctuation). Used by `\lowercase` primitive and when
+ breaking points are calculated from hyphenation patterns.
+* \i uccode `\uccode<number>` is upper case alternative to the
+ `\char<number>`. If it is zero, then the upper case alternative doesn't exist.
+ Used by `\uppercase` primitive.
+* \i lowercase \i uppercase `\lowercase/<expandafters>.{|<text>};`, \
+ `\uppercase/<expandafters>.{|<text>};` transform `|<text>;` to
+ lowercase / uppercase using current `\lccode` or `\uccode` values.
+ Returns transformed `|<text>;` where catcodes of tokens and
+ tokens of type `<control sequence>` are unchanged.
+* \i sfcode `\sfcode<number>` is spacefactor code of the `\char<number>`.
+ The `\spacefactor` register keeps (roughly speking)
+ the `\sfcode` of the last printed character. The glue between words
+ is modified (roughly speaking) by this `\spacefactor`. The value
+ 1000 means factor 1:1 (no modification is done). It is used for enlarging spaces
+ after periods and other punctuation in English texts.\fnote{
+ This feature is not compliant with another typographical traditions, so
+ `\frenchspacing` macro which sets all `\sfcodes` to 1000 is used very often.}
+ {\emergencystretch=2em\par}
+\noindent {\bf Commands for reading or writing text files}
+* Note, that main input stream is controlled by `\input` and `\endinput`
+ expandable primitive commands documented in the section~\ref[expand].
+* \i openin `\openin<file num>=<file name><space>`
+ (or `\openin<file num>={<file name>}`) opens the
+ file `<file name>` for reading and creates a file descriptor
+ connected to the `<file num>`\fnote
+ {Note that `<file num>` is an addresses to the file descriptor. Macro
+ programmers don't use these addresses directly but by
+ \i newread `\newread|<control sequence>;` and
+ \i newwrite `\newwrite|<control sequence>;` allocation macros.}.
+ If the file doesn't exist nothing happens but
+ macro programmer can test this case by `\ifeof<file num>`.
+* \i read `\read<file num>to|<control sequence>;` does
+ `\def|<control sequence>{<replacement text>};` where
+ the `<replacement text>` is tokenized next line from the file declared by
+ `\openin` as `<file num>`.
+* \i openout `\openout<file num>=<file name><space>`
+ (or `\openout<file num>="<file name>"`) \ opens the `<file name>` for
+ writing and creates a file descriptor connected to `<file num>`.
+ If the file does exist, then its contents are removed.
+ {\emergencystretch=2em\par}
+* \i write `\write<file num>|{<text>};` writes a line of `<text>`
+ to the file declared by `\openout` as `<file num>`. But this isn't done
+ immediately. \TeX/ does not know the value of the current page
+ when the `\write` command is processed because
+ the paragraph building and page building algorithms are processed
+ asynchronously. But a macro programmer typically needs to save current
+ page to the file in order to read it again and to create
+ a Table of contents or an Index.
+ `\write<file num>|{<text>};` saves `|<text>;` into memory and puts a
+ pointer to this memory into the typesetting output. When the page is shipped
+ out (by output routine), then all such pointers from this page are
+ processed: the `<text>` is expanded at this time and its expansion
+ is saved to the file. If (for example) the `<text>` includes
+ `\the\pageno` then it is expanded to the correct page number of this page.
+* \i closein `\closein<file num>`, \i closeout `\closeout<file num>`
+ closes the open file. It is done automatically when \TeX/ terminates its
+ job.
+* \x`\immediate` is the prefix. It can be used before `\openout`, `\write` and
+ `\closeout` in order to do the desired action immediately (without waiting to
+ the output routine).
+\noindent {\bf Others primitive commands}
+* \x`\relax` does nothing. Used for terminating uncomplete optional
+ parameters, for example.
+* \x`\begingroup` opens group, \x`\endgroup` closes group.
+ The `{`\c1 and `}`\c2 does the same but moreover, they are syntactic
+ constructors for primitive commands and math lists (in math mode).
+ These two types of groups (declared by mentioned commands or
+ by mentioned characters) cannot be mixed, i.\,e.\
+ `\begingroup...}` gives an error. Plain \TeX/ declares
+ \x`\bgroup` and \x`\egroup` control sequences as an equivalent to
+ `{`\c1 and `}`\c2. They can be used instead `{`\c1 and~`}`\c2 when we
+ need to open / close a group, to create a math list or when a box is constructed.
+ For example `\hbox\bgroup<text>\egroup` is syntactically correct.
+* \i aftergroup `\aftergroup|<token>;` saves the `|<token>;` and puts it
+ back in the input queue immediately after the current group is closed.
+ Then expand processor expands it (if it is expandable). More
+ `\aftergroup`s in one group creates a queue of `|<token>;`s used after
+ the group is closed.
+* \i afterassignment `\afterassignment|<token>;` saves the `|<token>;`
+ and puts it back immediately after a following assignment (`<register>=<vaue>`,
+ `\def` etc.) is done.
+* \x`\lastskip`, \x`\lastpenalty` returns the value of last element in the
+ current horizontal or vertical list if it is glue / penalty. It returns
+ zero value if the element is not found as the last.
+* \x`\ignorespaces` ignores spaces in horizontal mode until
+ next primitive command occurs.
+* \i mark `\mark{<text>}` saves `<text>` to memory and puts a pointer to it in the
+ typesetting output. The `<text>` is used as expansion output of
+ \x`\firstmark`, \x`\topmark` and \x`\botmark` expansion primitives in output
+ the routine.
+* \i parshape `\parshape<number>`%
+ {\def<#1>{\,$\langle\it#1\rangle$\,}%
+ `<I1><W1><I2><W2>...<In><Wn>`
+ enables to set arbitrary shape of the paragraph. The `<number>`
+ declares the amount of data: the `<number>` pairs of `<dimen>`s follow.
+ The $i$-th line of the paragraph is shifted by `<Ii>` to right and
+ its width is `<Wi>`.} The `\parshape` data are re-set after
+ each paragraph to zero values (normal paragraph).
+* \i special `\special{<text>}` puts the message `<text>` to the typesetting output. It
+ behaves as a zero-dimension pointer to `<text>` and it can be read by
+ printer drivers. It is recommended to not use this old technology
+ when PDF output is created directly.
+* \i shipout `\shipout<box>` outputs the `<box>` as one page. Used in the
+ \ii output/routine output routine.
+* \x`\end` completes the last page and terminates the job.
+* \x`\dump` dumps the memory image to the `\jobname.fmt` and terminates the job.
+* \i patterns `\patterns{<data>}` reads hyphenation patterns for current
+ \x`\language`.
+* \i hyphenation `\hyphenation{<data>}` reads hyphenation exceptions for
+ current \x`\language`.
+* \i message `\message{<text>}` prints `<text>` on the terminal and to the
+ log file.
+* \i errmessage `\errmessage{<text>}` behaves like `\message{<text>}` but
+ \TeX/ treats it as an error.
+* Job processing modes can be set by \x`\scrollmode` (don't pause at the
+ errors), \x`\nonstopmode` (don't pause at the errors and missing files),
+ \x`\batchmode` (\x`\nonstopmode` plus no output on the terminal). Default is
+ \x`\errorstopmode` (stop at errors).
+* \x`\inputlineno` includes the number of current line from current inputted
+ file.
+* \i show `\show|<control sequence>;`, \ \i showbox `\showbox<box number>`,
+ \ \x`\showlists` \ and \
+ \i showthe `\showthe|<register>;` \ are tracing commands. \TeX/ prints desired result
+ on the terminal and to the log file and pauses.
+\noindent {\bf Commands specific for PDF output}
+(available in pdf\TeX, \XeTeX/ and lua\TeX)
+* \i pdfliteral `\pdfliteral{<text>}` puts the `<text>` interpreted
+ in a low level PDF language to the typesetting output. All PDF constructs
+ defined in the PDF specification are allowed. The dimensions of
+ the `\pdfliteral` object in the output are considered zero. So, if
+ `<text>` moves the current typesetting point then the notion about its
+ position from \TeX/ point of view differs from the real position.
+ A good practice is to close `<text>` to `q...Q` PDF commands.
+ The command `\pdfliteral` is typically
+ used for generating graphics and for linear transformation.
+* \i pdfcolorstack `\pdfcolorstack<number><op>{<text>}` (where `<op>` is `push`
+ or `pop` or `set`) behaves like `\pdfliteral{<text>}` and it is used for
+ color switchers. For example when `<text>` is `1 0 0 rg` then red color is
+ selected. \TeX/ sets the colors stack at the top of each page to the
+ colors stack opened at the bottom of the previous page.
+* \i pdfximage
+ `\pdfximage` `/height<dimen>.` `/depth<dimen>.` `/width<dimen>.` `/page<number>.{<file name>}`
+ loads the image from `<file name>` to the PDF output and returns the
+ number of such data object in the \x`\pdflastximage` register. Allowed
+ formats are PDF, JPG, PNG. The image is not drawn at this moment. Macro
+ programmer can save `\mypic=\pdflastximage` and draw the image by
+ \i pdfrefximage `\pdfrefximage\mypic` (maybe repeatedly). Data of
+ the image are loaded to PDF output only once.
+ The `\pdfximage` allows more parameters,
+ see pdf\TeX/ documentation.
+* \i pdfsetmatrix {\def<#1>{$\,\langle{\it#1}\rangle\,$}`\pdfsetmatrix {<a><b><c><b>}`
+ multiplies the current transformation matrix (used for linear
+ transformations) by `\matrix{<a>&<c>\cr <b>&<d>}`.}
+* \i pdfdest `\pdfdest name{<label>}<type>\relax` declares a destination of
+ a hyperlink. The `<label>` must match with the `<label>` used in
+ `\pdfoutline` or `\pdfstartlink`. The `<type>` declares the behavior of
+ pdf viewer when the hyperlink is used. For example `xyz` means without changes
+ of the current zoom (if not specified). Other types should be `fit`, `fith`,
+ `fitv`, `fitb`.
+* \i pdfstartlink
+ `\pdfstartlink /height<dimen>. /depth<dimen>. /<attributes>. /goto name{<label>}.`
+ declares a begining of a hyperlink. A text (will be sensitive on mouse clik)
+ immediately follows and it is terminated by \x`\pdfendlink`. The height
+ and depth of sensitive area and the `<label>` used in `\pdfdest` are declared
+ here. More parameters are allowed, see the pdf\TeX/ documentation.
+* \i pdfoutline `\pdfoutline /goto name{<label>}. /count<number>. {<text>}`
+ creates one item with `<text>` in PDF outlines. `<label>` must be used
+ somewhere by `\pdfdest name{<label>}`. The `<number>` is the number of
+ direct descentants in the outlines tree.
+* \i pdfinfo `\pdfinfo {<key>(<text>)}` saves to PDF the information which
+ can be listed by the command `pdfinfo <file>.pdf` on the command line for
+ example. More `<key>(<text>)` should be here. The `<key>` can be
+ \code{/Author}, \code{/Title}, \code{/Subject},
+ \code{/Kyewords}, \code{/Creator}, \code{/Producer},
+ \code{/CreationDate}, \code{/ModDate}. The last two keywords need
+ a special format of the `<text>` value. All `<text>` values (including
+ `<text>` used in the `\pdfoutline`) must be ASCII encoded or they can use
+ a very special PDFunicode encoding.
+* \x`\pdfcatalog` enables to set a default behavior of PDF viewer when it starts.
+* \x`\pdfsavepos` saves an internal invisible point to the typesetting output. These
+ points are processed when the page is shipped out: the numeric registers
+ \x`\pdflastxps` and \x`\pdflastypos` get values about absolute position of
+ this invisible point (measured from the left upper corner of the page in `sp` units).
+ The macro programmer can follow `\pdfsavepos` by the `\write` command and save
+ these absolute positions to a text file which can be read in the next run
+ of \TeX/ in order to get these absolute positions by macros.
+\noindent {\bf Microtypographical extensions}
+(available in pdf\TeX/, lua\TeX/ and not all of them in \XeTeX)
+* \i pdffontexpand
+ `\pdffontexpand <font selector> <stretching> <shrinking> <step>`
+ declares a possibility to deform the characters from the font given by
+ `<font selector>`. This deformation is used when stretching or shrinking
+ paragraph lines or doing `\hbox to{...}` in general. I.\,e.\ not only glues are
+ stretchable and shrinkable. The numeric parameters are given in 1/1000
+ of the font size. `<stretching>` and `<shrinking>` are maximal allowed
+ values. The stretching nor shrinking are not applied continuously but by
+ given `<step>`.
+ To activate this feature you must to set the \x`\pdfadjustspacing`
+ numeric register to a positive value.
+* \i rpcode \i lpcode
+ `\rpcode <font selector><char. code>=<number>`,
+ `\lpcode <font selector><char. code>=<number>` allows to declare
+ hanging punctuation. Such punctuation is slightly moved to the right
+ margin (if `\rpcode` is declared and the character is at the right margin)
+ or to left margin (for `\lpcode` analogically).
+ The `<number>` gives the amount of such moving in 1/1000 of the font size.
+ To activate this feature you must to set \x`\pdfprotrudechars` to
+ a positive value (2 or more means better algorithm).
+* \i letterspacefont
+ `\letterspacefont |<control sequence>; <font selector> <number>`
+ declares a new font selector `|<control sequence>;` as a font given by
+ the `<font selector>`. Additional space declared by `<number>` is added
+ between each two characters when the font is used. Tne `<number>` is 1/1000 of
+ font size. Unicoded fonts support analogical
+ `letterspace=<number>` font feature.
+* The same syntax like `\rpcode` have the following commands:
+ \x`\knbscode` (added space after the character)
+ \x`\stbscode` (added stretchability of the glue after the character)
+ \x`\shbscode` (added shrinkability after the character)
+ \x`\knbccode` (added kenr before the character)
+ \x`\knaccode` (added kern after the character).
+ To activate this feature you must to set
+ \x`\pdfadjustinterwordglue` to a positive value.
+ This feature is supported by pdf\TeX/ only.
+\noindent {\bf Commands used in math mode}
+* \x`\displaystyle`, \x`\textstyle`, \x`\scriptstyle`, \x`\scriptscriptstye`
+ switches to specified style.
+* \x`\mathord`, \x`\mathop`, \x`\mathbin`, \x`\mathrel`, \x`\mathopen`, \x`\mathclose`,
+ \x`\mathpunct` followed by `{<math list>}` create an math object of given type.
+* \i over `{<nominator>\over<denominator>}` creates a fraction.
+ The primitive commands \x`\atop` (without fraction rule),
+ \i above `\above<dimen>` (fraction rule with given thickness) should be used in the same
+ manner. The commands \x`\atopwithdelims`, \x`\overwithdelims`,
+ \x`\abovewithdelims` allow to specify brackets around the generalized
+ fraction.
+* \i left \i right `\left<delimiter><formula>\right<delimiter>` creates
+ a math `<formula>` and gives `<delimiter>`s around it with an appropriate size
+ (comparable with the size of the formula). The `<delimiter>`s are brackets
+ typically.
+* The exponents and scripts are typically at the right side of the previous
+ math object. But if this object is a \"big operator" (summation, integral)
+ then exponents and scripts are printed above and below this operator.
+ The commands \x`\limits`, \x`\nolimits`, \x`\displaylimits`
+ used before exponents and scripts constructors
+ (`^`\c7 and `_`\c8) declares an exception from this rule.
+* \i eqno `$$<formula>\eqno<mark>$$` puts the `<mark>` to the right
+ margin as `\llap{$<mark>$}`. Analogically
+ \i leqno `$$<formula>\leqno<mark>$$` puts it to the left margin.
+\sec[plain] Summary of plain \TeX/ macros
+\noindent{\bf Allocators}
+* \x`\newcount`, \x`\newdimen`, \x`\newskip`, \x`\newmuskip`, \x`\newtoks`
+ folowed by a `|<control sequence>;` allocate a new register of given type
+ and set it as the `|<control sequence>;`.
+ \x`\newbox`, \x`\newread`, \x`\newwrite`
+ folowed by a `|<control sequence>;` allocate a new address to given data
+ (to a box register or to a file descriptor) and set is as the
+ `|<control sequence>;`.
+ All these allocation macros are declared as `\outer` in plain \TeX/,
+ unfortunately. This brings problems when you need to use them in
+ skipped text or in macros (in `<replacement text>` for example).
+ Use `\csname newdimen\endcsname \yoursequence` in such cases.
+* \i newif `\newif|<control sequence>;` sets the `|<control sequence>;`
+ as a boolean variable. It must begin with `if`; for
+ example `\newif\ifsomething`. Then you can set values by
+ `\somethingtrue` or `\somethingfalse` and you can use this variable by
+ `\ifsoemthing` which behaves like others `\if`\code{*} primitive commands.
+\noindent{\bf Vertical skips}
+* \x`\bigskip` does \x`\vskip` by one line, \x`\medskip` does `\vskip` by
+ one half of line and \x`\smallskip` does the vertical skip by one quarter of line.
+ The registers \x`\bigskipamount`, \x`\medskipamount` and \x`\smallskipamount`
+ are allocated for this purpose.
+* \x`\nointerlineskip` ignores the \x`\baselineskip` rule
+ %(see the section~\ref[reg])
+ for the following box in
+ the current vertical list. This box is appended immediately after
+ the previous box.
+ \x`\offitnerlineskip` ignores the \x`\baselineskip` rule for all following
+ boxes until the current group is closed.
+* All vertical glues at the top of the page inserted by \x`\vskip` are
+ ignored. Macro \x`\vglue` behaves like `\vskip` primitive command but its glue
+ is not ignored at the top of the page.
+* Sometimes we must switch off the \x`\baselineskip` rule (by \x`\offinterlineskip`
+ macro for example). This is common in the tables. But we need to keep the
+ baseline distances equal. Then the \x`\strut` can be inserted to each
+ line. It is an invisible box with zero width and with
+ height+depth=`\baselineskip`.
+* \x`\normalbaselines` sets the registers for vertical placement
+ \x`\baselineskip`, \x`\lineskip` and \x`\lineskiplimit` to default values given
+ by the format. User can set other values for a while and then he/she can use
+ `\normalbaselines`.
+\noindent{\bf Penalties}
+* \x`\break` puts penalty -10000, so line/page break is forced here.
+ \x`\nobreak` puts penalty 10000, so line/page break is disabled here.
+ It should be preceded before a glue, which is \"protected" by this penalty.
+ \x`\allowbreak` puts penalty 0, it allows breaking similar as in normal space.
+* \x`\goodbreak` puts penalty -500 in vertical mode, this is \"recommended"
+ point for a page break.
+* \x`\filbreak` breaks the page only if it is \"almost full" or if a big object
+ (that doesn't fit the current page) follows. The bottom of such page is
+ filled by a vertical glue, i.\,e. the default typographical rule about equal
+ positions of all bottoms of common pages is broken here.
+* \x`\eject` puts penalty -10000 in vertical list, i.\,e.\ it breaks the page.
+\noindent{\bf Miscellaneous macros}\par\nobreak\medskip\nobreak
+* \i magstep `\magstep<number>` expands to a magnification factor $1.2^x$ where $x$ is
+ given `<number>`. This follows old typographical traditions that all sizes
+ (of fonts) are distinguished by factors 1, 1.2, 1.44, etc.
+ For example `\magstep2` expands to 1440, because $1.2^2=1.44$
+ and 1000 is factor 1:1 in \TeX/. The \x`\magstephalf` macro expands to
+ 1095 which corresponds to $1.2^{(1/2)}$.
+* \x`\nonfrenchspacing` sets special space factor codes (bigger spaces after
+ periods, commas, semicolons etc.). This follows English typographical
+ traditions. \x`\frenchspacing` sets all space factors as 1:1 (usable for non
+ English texts).
+* \x`\endgraf` is equavalent to \x`\par`, \x`\bgroup` and \x`\egroup` are
+ equivalents to `{`\c1 and `}`\c2.
+* \x`\space` expands to space, \x`\empty` is empty macro and \x`\null` is empty
+ \i hbox `\hbox{}`.
+* \x`\quad` is horizontal space 1\,em (size of the font), \x`\qquad` is
+ double `\quad`,
+ \x`\enspace` is kern 0.5\,em \x`\thinspace` is kern 1/6\,em and
+ \x`\negthinspace` makes kern $-$1/6\,em.
+* \i loop \i repeat `\loop <body 1><if condition><body 2>\repeat`
+ repeats `<body 1>` and `<body 2>` in a loop until `<if condition>` returns
+ false. Then `<body 2>` is not processed and the loop is finished.
+* \x`\leavevmode` opens a paragraph like `\indent` but it does nothing if
+ the horizontal mode is opened already.
+* \i line `\line{<text>}` creates a box of line width (which is \x`\hsize`).
+ \x`\leftline`, \x`\rightline`, \x`\centerline` do the same as
+ `\line` but `<text>` is shifted left / right / is centered.
+* \i rlap `\rlap{<text>}` makes a box of zero size, the `<text>` is stuck
+ outright. \i llap `\llap{<text>}` does the same and the `<text>` is pushed
+ left.
+* \x`\ialign` is equal to `\halign` but the values of registers used by
+ `\halign` are set to default.
+* \x`\hang` starts the paragraph where all lines (exception first) are
+ indented by `\parindent`.
+* \i textindent `\texindent{<mark>}` starts a paragraph with `\llap{<mark>}`.
+* \i item `\item{<mark>}` starts the paragraph with `\hang` and with
+ `\llap{<mark>}`. Usable for item lists.
+ \i itemitem `\itemitem{<mark>}` can be used for the second level of items.
+* \x`\narrower` sets wider margins for paragraphs (`\parindent` is appended
+ to both sides), i.\,e.\ the paragraphs are narrower.
+* \x`\raggedright` sets the paragraph shape with the ragged right margin.
+ \x`\raggedbottom` sets the page-setting shape with the ragged bottoms.
+\noindent{\bf Floating objects}
+* \i footnote `\footnote{<mark>}{<text>}` creates a footnote with given
+ `<mark>` and `<text>`.
+* \i midinsert \i topinsert \i endinsert
+ `\topinsert<object>\endinsert` create the <object> as a
+ \ii floating~object {\em floating object}. It is printed on the top
+ of the current page or on the next page.
+ `\midinsert<object>\endinsert` does the same as `\topinsert` but it tries
+ if the `<object>` fits on the current page. If it is true then it is printed to
+ its current position, no floating object is created.
+\noindent{\bf Controlling of input, output}
+* \x`\obeyspaces` sets the space as normal, i.\,e. it deactivates special
+ treatment of spaces by tokenizer: more spaces will be more spaces and
+ spaces from the left line are not ignored.
+* \x`\obeylines` sets end of lines as `\par`. Each line in the input is
+ one paragraph in the output.
+* \x`\bye` finalizes the last page (or last pages if more floating objects
+ must be printed) and terminates the \TeX/ job. The \x`\end` primitive command
+ does the same but without worrying about floating objects.
+\noindent{\bf Macros used in math modes}
+* Spaces in math mode are
+ \ii -comma `\,` (thin space), \ii -greater `\>` (medium space)
+ \ii -column `\;` (thick space, but still small), \ii -exclam `\!` (negative thin space).
+* \i choose `{<above>\choose<below>}` creates a combination number with
+ brackets around it.
+* \i sqrt `\sqrt{<math list>}` creates the square root symbol.
+ \i root `\root<n>\of{<math list>}` creates a general root symbol.
+* \i cases {\def<#1>{\,$\langle#1\rangle$\,}%
+ `\cases{<case 1>&<condition 1>\cr...\cr<case n>&<condition n>}`
+ creates a list of variants (preceded by the brace $\{$) in the math mode.
+* \i matrix `\matrix{<a>&<b>...&<e>\cr...\cr<u>&<v>...&<z>}`
+ creates a matrix of given values in math mode (without brackets around it).
+ `\pmatrix{<data>}` does the same but with ().
+* \i displaylines `$$\displaylines{<formula 1>\cr...\cr<formula n>}$$`
+ prints more (centered) formulae in the display mode.
+* \i eqalign
+ `$$\eqalign{<form.1 left>&<form.1 right>\cr...\cr<form.n left>&<form.n right>}$$`\hfil\break
+ prints more formulae aligned by `&` character in the display mode.
+* \x`\eqalignno` behaves like `\eqalign` but second `&` followed by a `<mark>`
+ can be in some lines. These lines have `<mark>` in the right margin.
+ \x`\leqalignno` does the same as `\eqalignno` but `<mark>` is put to the
+ left margin.
+\nonum\sec Index
+\iis LaTeX/macros {\LaTeX/ macros}
+\iis plain~TeX/macros {plain \TeX/ macros}
+\iis OpTeX {\OpTeX}
+\iis pdfTeX {pdf\TeX}
+\iis luaTeX {lua\TeX}
+\iis XeTeX {\XeTeX}
+\iis TeX/engines {\TeX/ engines}
+\iis -percent {{\code{\\\%}}}
+\iis -at {{\code{\\\&}}}
+\iis -dollar {{\code{\\\$}}}
+\iis -hash {{\code{\\\#}}}
+\iis -space {{\code{\\}{\tt\char9251}}}
+\iis -italiccorr {{\code{\\/}}}
+\iis -hyphen {{\code{\\-}}}
+\iis TeXlive {\TeX live}
+\iis baselineskiprule {\code{\\baselineskip} rule}
+\iis -comma {{\code{\\,}}}
+\iis -greater {{\code{\\>}}}
+\iis -column {{\code{\\;}}}
+\iis -exclam {{\code{\\!}}}
+{\let\Blue=\relax \typosize[9/11] \begmulti 3 \makeindex \endmulti}
+Petr Olšák {}\nl
+Czech Technical University in Prague\nl
+Version of the text: 0.2 (\the\year/\the\month/\the\day)