path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e384d8e7ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/README
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+\title METATeX
+\section What is METATeX?
+METATeX is a set of plain TeX and METAFONT macros that you can use to
+define both the text and the figures in a single source file. Because
+METATeX sets up two way communication, from TeX to METAFONT and back
+from METAFONT to TeX, drawing dimensions can be controlled by TeX and
+labels can be located by METAFONT. Only standard features of TeX and
+METAFONT are used, but two runs of TeX and one of METAFONT are needed.
+\section How to use METATeX?
+Please read the TUGboat paper on METATeX to get an explanation. The
+paper is provided here in pdf format (mtpaper.pdf). To recreate yourself
+the paper, you will need the plain TUGboat style files (tugboat.cmn and
+tugboat.sty), in addition to the sources located in the mtpaper subdir
+(mtpaper.tex,, diagram.tex, frame.tex and shadow.tex),.
+The original TUGboat paper on METATeX is:
+"METATeX" by Ram\'on Casares.
+ TUGboat (ISSN 0896-3207)
+ Volume 23, Number 3/4, pp. 313-318, 2002.
+It is also available on-line:
+\section Where to find METATeX?
+The home of METATeX is CTAN:
+\section Bugs and comments
+Please address your comments and bug reports to (change # by @):
+I do not promise anything.
+\section Files
+METATeX comprises the following files:
+ metatex.tex
+ mtmp2pdf.tex
+ mtpaper.pdf
+ mtpaper/mtpaper.tex
+ mtpaper/
+ mtpaper/diagram.tex
+ mtpaper/frame.tex
+ mtpaper/shadow.tex
+ gpl.txt
+\section License
+ METATeX.TeX communicates TeX and METAFONT
+ Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Ram\'on Casares
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+\section Versions
+ 1.1 Date 2004.08.12. File mptopdf.tex renamed to mtmp2pdf.tex.
+ 1.0 Date 2003.10.15. The first public version.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/gpl.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/gpl.txt
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index 00000000000..98acb4ffd90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/gpl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtmp2pdf.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtmp2pdf.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6cc2b4841b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtmp2pdf.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+% MTMP2PDF.TeX (RMCG19970919)
+% MTMP2PDF.TeX converts from PostScript code (by METAPost) to PDF
+% Adapted by Ram\'on Casares from ConTeXt by PRAGMA
+% ConTeXt copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen & Ton Otten}
+% Under the same terms as ConTeXt
+% \catcode`\@ should be 11
+% POSTSCRIPT operators that METAPOST uses
+\def \PScurveto {curveto}
+\def \PSlineto {lineto}
+\def \PSmoveto {moveto}
+\def \PSshowpage {showpage}
+\def \PSnewpath {newpath}
+\def \PSfshow {fshow}
+\def \PSclosepath {closepath}
+\def \PSfill {fill}
+\def \PSstroke {stroke}
+\def \PSclip {clip}
+\def \PSrlineto {rlineto}
+\def \PSsetlinejoin {setlinejoin}
+\def \PSsetlinecap {setlinecap}
+\def \PSsetmiterlimit {setmiterlimit}
+\def \PSsetgray {setgray}
+\def \PSsetrgbcolor {setrgbcolor}
+\def \PSsetdash {setdash}
+\def \PSgsave {gsave}
+\def \PSgrestore {grestore}
+\def \PStranslate {translate}
+\def \PSscale {scale}
+\def \PSconcat {concat}
+\def \PSdtransform {dtransform}
+\def \PSBoundingBox {BoundingBox:}
+\def \PSHiResBoundingBox {HiResBoundingBox:}
+\def \PSExactBoundingBox {ExactBoundingBox:}
+\def \PSPage {Page:}
+% A stack
+\def\setMPargument#1{\advance\nofMParguments by 1
+ \expandafter\def
+ \csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\the\nofMParguments\endcsname%
+ {\do#1}}
+ {\expandafter\def\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments0\endcsname{#1}%
+ \advance\nofMPsegments by 1 \nofMParguments=0\relax}
+\def\resetMPstack{\catcode`\%=13 % active
+ \let\handleMPgraphic=\handleMPendgraphic
+ \def\resetMPstack{\nofMParguments=0\relax}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+% Ignore, most of times, ( and ), but with care
+% Take care, also of TeX specials
+\catcode`\|=14 \catcode`\%=13 \catcode`\[=13 \catcode`\]=13
+\catcode`\{=13 \catcode`\}=13 \catcode`B=1 \catcode`E=2
+\gdef\obeyMPspecialsB\def%B\char 37\relax E|
+ \def[B\char 91\relax E\def]B\char 93\relax E|
+ \def{B\char123\relax E\def}B\char125\relax EE
+ \catcode`\[=13 \catcode`\]=13 \catcode`\{=13 \catcode`\}=13
+ \catcode`\$=11 \catcode`\_=11 \catcode`\#=11 \catcode`\^=11
+ \catcode`\&=11 \catcode`\|=11 \catcode`\~=11
+ \def\(B\char40\relax E\def\)B\char41\relax E\def\\B\char92\relax E|
+ \def\0B\octalMPcharacter0E\def\1B\octalMPcharacter1E|
+ \def\2B\octalMPcharacter2E\def\3B\octalMPcharacter3E|
+ \def\4B\octalMPcharacter4E\def\5B\octalMPcharacter5E|
+ \def\6B\octalMPcharacter6E\def\7B\octalMPcharacter7E|
+ \def\8B\octalMPcharacter8E\def\9B\octalMPcharacter9EE
+% We use the comment symbol as a sort of trigger:
+\bgroup \catcode`\%=13
+\def\startMPconversion{\catcode`\%=9 \ignoreMPspecials \handleMPsequence}
+% The main loop.
+% Most arguments are numbers that can be recognized by their \lccode.
+\def\dohandleMPsequence#1#2 {\ifnum\lccode`#1=0 \setMPargument{#1#2}%
+ \else \edef\somestring{#1#2}\ifx\somestring\PSmoveto
+ \edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPa1}\edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPa2}%
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 \gMPa2 m}\resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSnewpath \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPpath
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSgsave \pdfliteral{q}\resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSgrestore \pdfliteral{Q}\resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSdtransform % == setlinewidth
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPdtransform
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSconcat
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 \gMPa2 \gMPa3 \gMPa4 \gMPa5 \gMPa6 cm}\resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetrgbcolor
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 \gMPa2 \gMPa3 rg \gMPa1 \gMPa2 \gMPa3 RG}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetgray \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 g \gMPa1 G}\resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PStranslate
+ \pdfliteral{1 0 0 1 \gMPa1 \gMPa2 cm}\resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetdash \handleMPsetdash \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetlinejoin \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 j}\resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetmiterlimit \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 M}\resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSfshow \handleMPfshow \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetlinecap \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 J}\resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSrlineto
+ \pdfliteral{\lastMPmoveX\space \lastMPmoveY\space l S}\resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSscale
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 0 0 \gMPa2 0 0 cm}\resetMPstack
+ \else \handleMPgraphic{#1#2}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi
+ \handleMPsequence}
+% Graphics
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\finishMPgraphic \else
+ \setMPargument{#1}\fi}
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPboundingbox
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSHiResBoundingBox
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPboundingbox
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSExactBoundingBox
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPboundingbox
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSPage
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPpage
+ \else \setMPargument{#1}\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+% There are three kind of bounding boxes:
+% BoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+% HiResBoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+% ExactBoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+% The dimensions are saved for later use.
+\def\handleMPboundingbox #1 #2 #3 #4 {\nofMParguments=0
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence \handleMPsequence}
+% The page comment is a signal that stackbuilding can be started
+\def\handleMPpage #1 #2 {\nofMParguments=0
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence \handleMPsequence}
+% METAPOST: 0 0 rlineto
+% Text
+{\catcode`\.=12 \catcode`\p=12 \catcode`\t=12
+ \gdef\WITHOUTPT#1pt{#1}}
+ \MPdimen=.996264\MPdimen \edef#2{\withoutpt{\the\MPdimen}}}
+ \edef\size{\gMPa{\the\nofMParguments} }%
+ \advance\nofMParguments by -1
+ \font\temp=\gMPa{\the\nofMParguments} at \size bp
+ \advance\nofMParguments by -1 \temp
+ \ifnum\nofMParguments=1 \def\do(##1){##1}\gMPa1%
+ \else \MPcounter=1
+ \def\do(##1{##1}\gMPa{\the\MPcounter}\space\def\do{}%
+ \loop \advance\MPcounter by 1
+ \ifnum\MPcounter<\nofMParguments \gMPa{\the\MPcounter}\space\repeat
+ \def\do##1){##1}\gMPa{\the\MPcounter}%
+ \fi
+ \unskip}%
+ \dimen0=\lastMPmoveY bp \advance\dimen0 by \ht0
+ \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\dimen0}\lastMPmoveY
+ \pdfliteral{n q 1 0 0 1 \lastMPmoveX\space\lastMPmoveY\space cm}%
+ \dimen0=\ht0 \advance\dimen0 by \dp0 \box0 \vskip-\dimen0
+ \pdfliteral{Q}}
+% Take care of dashes
+\def\handleMPsetdash{\bgroup \def\somestring{[}\MPcounter=1
+ \loop \ifnum\MPcounter<\nofMParguments
+ \edef\somestring{\somestring\space\gMPa{\the\MPcounter}}%
+ \advance\MPcounter by 1 \repeat
+ \edef\somestring{\somestring]\gMPa{\the\MPcounter} d}%
+ \pdfliteral{\somestring}\egroup}
+% setlinewidth
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 w}%
+ \def\next##1 ##2 ##3 ##4 ##5 ##6 {\handleMPsequence}\else
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPa2 w}%
+ \def\next##1 ##2 ##3 ##4 {\handleMPsequence}\fi
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence \resetMPstack
+ \next}
+% Paths, concat
+ \let\closeMPpath=\relax \let\flushMPpath=\flushnormalMPpath
+ \resetMPstack \nofMPsegments=1
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPpath \dohandleMPpath}
+\def\flushnormalMPpath{\MPcounter=\nofMPsegments \nofMPsegments=1
+ \loop \expandafter\ifcase\getMPkeyword{\the\nofMPsegments}\relax
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPs1 \gMPs2 l}\or
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPs1 \gMPs2 \gMPs3 \gMPs4 \gMPs5 \gMPs6 c}\or
+ \pdfliteral{\lastMPmoveX\space \lastMPmoveY\space l S}\or
+ \edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPs1}\edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPs2}%
+ \pdfliteral{\lastMPmoveX\space \lastMPmoveY\space m}\fi
+ \advance\nofMPsegments by 1\relax
+ \ifnum\nofMPsegments<\MPcounter \repeat}
+\def\flushconcatMPpath{\MPcounter=\nofMPsegments \nofMPsegments=1
+ \loop \expandafter\ifcase\getMPkeyword{\the\nofMPsegments}\relax
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs1}\a{\gMPs2}\b \pdfliteral{\a\space \b\space l}%
+ \or
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs1}\a{\gMPs2}\b
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs3}\c{\gMPs4}\d
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs5}\e{\gMPs6}\f
+ \pdfliteral{\a\space \b\space \c\space \d\space \e\space \f\space c}%
+ \or
+ \bgroup \noMPtranslate \doMPconcat\lastMPmoveX\a\lastMPmoveY\b
+ \pdfliteral{\a\space \b\space l S}\egroup
+ \or
+ \edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPs1}\edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPs2}%
+ \doMPconcat\lastMPmoveX\a\lastMPmoveY\b
+ \pdfliteral{\a\space \b\space m}%
+ \fi
+ \advance\nofMPsegments by 1\relax
+ \ifnum\nofMPsegments<\MPcounter \repeat}
+% The transformation of the coordinates
+\def\doMPreducedimen#1 {\count0=\MPconcatfactor
+ \advance\dimen#1 \ifdim\dimen#1>0pt .5\else -.5\fi\count0
+ \divide\dimen#1 \count0\relax}
+\def\doMPexpanddimen#1 {\multiply\dimen#1 \MPconcatfactor\relax}
+ {\dimen 0=\gMPs1 pt \doMPreducedimen 0 % r_x
+ \dimen 2=\gMPs2 pt \doMPreducedimen 2 % s_x
+ \dimen 4=\gMPs3 pt \doMPreducedimen 4 % s_y
+ \dimen 6=\gMPs4 pt \doMPreducedimen 6 % r_y
+ \dimen 8=\gMPs5 pt \doMPreducedimen 8 % t_x
+ \dimen10=\gMPs6 pt \doMPreducedimen10 } % t_y
+ {\dimen 0=\gMPs1 pt \doMPreducedimen 0
+ \dimen 2=0pt
+ \dimen 4=0pt
+ \dimen 6=\gMPs2 pt \doMPreducedimen 6
+ \dimen 8=0pt
+ \dimen10=0pt }
+\def\noMPtranslate% use this one grouped
+ {\dimen 8=0pt % t_x
+ \dimen10=0pt } % t_y
+ {\dimen12=#1 pt \doMPreducedimen12 % p_x
+ \dimen14=#3 pt \doMPreducedimen14 % p_y
+ %
+ \dimen16 \dimen 0
+ \multiply \dimen16 \dimen 6
+ \dimen20 \dimen 2
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+ \advance \dimen16 -\dimen20
+ %
+ \dimen18 \dimen12
+ \multiply \dimen18 \dimen 6
+ \dimen20 \dimen14
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+ \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+ \dimen20 \dimen 4
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+ \advance \dimen18 \dimen20
+ \dimen20 \dimen 6
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+ \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+ %
+ \multiply \dimen12 -\dimen 2
+ \multiply \dimen14 \dimen 0
+ \advance \dimen12 \dimen14
+ \dimen20 \dimen 2
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+ \advance \dimen12 \dimen20
+ \dimen20 \dimen 0
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+ \advance \dimen12 -\dimen20
+ %
+ \doMPreducedimen16
+ \divide \dimen18 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen18
+ \divide \dimen12 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen12
+ %
+ \edef#2{\withoutpt{\the\dimen18}}% % p_x^\prime
+ \edef#4{\withoutpt{\the\dimen12}}} % p_y^\prime
+\def\processMPpath{\flushMPpath \closeMPpath
+ \pdfliteral{\ifcase\finiMPpath W n\or S\or f\or B\fi}%
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
+ \resetMPstack \nofMPsegments=0 \handleMPsequence}
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPs1 \gMPs2 \gMPs3 \gMPs4 \gMPs5 \gMPs6 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPs1 0 0 \gMPs2 0 0 cm}\resetMPstack}
+\def\dohandleMPpath#1#2 {\ifnum\lccode`#1=0 \setMPargument{#1#2}%
+ \else \def\somestring{#1#2}\ifx\somestring\PSlineto \setMPkeyword0
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PScurveto \setMPkeyword1
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSrlineto \setMPkeyword2
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSmoveto \setMPkeyword3
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSclip \let\handleMPsequence=\processMPpath
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSgsave \chardef\finiMPpath=3
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSgrestore
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSfill
+ \ifnum\finiMPpath=0
+ \chardef\finiMPpath=2 \let\handleMPsequence=\processMPpath \fi
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSstroke
+ \ifnum\finiMPpath=0 \chardef\finiMPpath=1 \fi
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\processMPpath
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSclosepath \def\closeMPpath{\pdfliteral{h}}%
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSconcat
+ \let\flushMPpath=\flushconcatMPpath \handleMPpathconcat
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSscale
+ \let\flushMPpath\flushconcatMPpath \handleMPpathscale
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \handleMPsequence}
+% The main conversion command
+ \setMPspecials\startMPscanning\def\do{}%
+ \setbox0=\vbox\bgroup
+ \parskip=0pt \leftskip=0pt \parindent=0pt \everypar{}\offinterlineskip
+ \pdfliteral{q}\let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
+ \input #1 \relax}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..80953ce70b1
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper.pdf
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..72bafc9f173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+% DELAY.MF (RMCG19950405)
+% DELAY.MF delays the actual drawing till the endchar;
+% Copyright (C) 2003 Ram\'on Casares
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the
+% Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+% 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+% Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+def clear_del =
+ save _dn, _del; _dn := 0; string _del[];
+def make_del =
+ for k := 1 upto _dn: scantokens _del[k]; endfor
+extra_beginchar := extra_beginchar & "clear_del;";
+extra_endchar := "make_del;" & extra_endchar;
+def MTlabel(suffix i)(expr v,h,add,wd,ht,dp) =
+ x.i.l = x.i if h="c": - wd/2 elseif h="r": - wd fi;
+ y.i.t = y.i if v="c": + ht/2 elseif v="b": + ht fi;
+ x.i.r = x.i.l + wd; y.i.b = y.i.t - ht - dp;
+ if not (add=""): _del[incr _dn] := "_delete(" & str i & ");"; fi
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_pos(" & str i & ");";
+def _delete(suffix i) = erase fill (x.i.l,y.i.t) --
+ (x.i.l,y.i.b) -- (x.i.r,y.i.b) -- (x.i.r,y.i.t) -- cycle;
+def _pos(suffix i) =
+ message"\MTloglabel"; show x\i/pt; show y\i/pt; message"";
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; thin_pen:=savepen;
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.8pt; med_pen:=savepen;
+pickup pencircle scaled 1.2pt; thick_pen:=savepen;
+def thinpen = pickup thin_pen;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "pickup thin_pen;";
+def medpen = pickup med_pen;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "pickup med_pen;";
+def thickpen = pickup thick_pen;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "pickup thick_pen;";
+def rectangle(suffix s)(expr width,height) =
+ x.s.l = x.s - width/2; x.s.r = x.s + width/2;
+ y.s.t = y.s + height/2; y.s.b = y.s - height/2;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_rectangle(" & str s & ");";
+def _rectangle(suffix s) =
+ draw (x.s.l,y.s.b) -- (x.s.r,y.s.b) --
+ (x.s.r,y.s.t) -- (x.s.l,y.s.t) -- cycle;
+def square(suffix s)(expr side) =
+ x.s.l = x.s - side/2; x.s.r = x.s + side/2;
+ y.s.t = y.s + side/2; y.s.b = y.s - side/2;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_square(" & str s & ");";
+def _square(suffix s) =
+ draw (x.s.l,y.s.b) -- (x.s.r,y.s.b) --
+ (x.s.r,y.s.t) -- (x.s.l,y.s.t) -- cycle;
+def ellipse(suffix s)(expr width,height) =
+ x.s.l = x.s - width/2; x.s.r = x.s + width/2;
+ y.s.t = y.s + height/2; y.s.b = y.s - height/2;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_ellipse(" & str s & ");";
+def _ellipse(suffix s) =
+ draw (fullcircle xscaled (x.s.r - x.s.l) yscaled (y.s.t - y.s.b)
+ shifted z.s);
+def circle(suffix s)(expr diameter) =
+ x.s.l = x.s - diameter/2; x.s.r = x.s + diameter/2;
+ y.s.t = y.s + diameter/2; y.s.b = y.s - diameter/2;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_circle(" & str s & ");";
+def _circle(suffix s) =
+ draw (fullcircle scaled (x.s.r - x.s.l) shifted z.s);
+def oval(suffix s)(expr width,height,superness) =
+ x.s.l = x.s - width/2; x.s.r = x.s + width/2;
+ y.s.t = y.s + height/2; y.s.b = y.s - height/2;
+ x.s.ness = superness;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_oval(" & str s & ");";
+def _oval(suffix s) =
+ draw superellipse((x.s.r,y.s),(x.s,y.s.t),(x.s.l,y.s),(x.s,y.s.b),
+ x.s.ness);
+def triangle(suffix s)(expr width,height) =
+ x.s.l = x.s - width/2; x.s.r = x.s + width/2;
+ y.s.t = y.s + height/2; y.s.b = y.s - height/2;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_triangle(" & str s & ");";
+def _triangle(suffix s) =
+ draw (x.s.l,y.s.b) -- (x.s.r,y.s.b) -- (x.s,y.s.t) -- cycle;
+def lozenge(suffix s)(expr width,height) =
+ x.s.l = x.s - width/2; x.s.r = x.s + width/2;
+ y.s.t = y.s + height/2; y.s.b = y.s - height/2;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_lozenge(" & str s & ");";
+def _lozenge(suffix s) =
+ draw (x.s.l,y.s) -- (x.s,y.s.b) --
+ (x.s.r,y.s) -- (x.s,y.s.t) -- cycle;
+dot_diameter := 2.4pt;
+def dot(suffix s) =
+ x.s.dd = dot_diameter;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_dot(" & str s & ");";
+def _dot(suffix s) =
+ fill fullcircle scaled x.s.dd shifted z.s;
+def line(suffix s) =
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_line(" & str s & ");";
+def _line(suffix s) =
+ draw z.s.o -- z.s.d;
+dash_length := 4pt;
+def dottedline(suffix s) =
+ x.s.dl = dash_length; x.s.dd = dot_diameter;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_dottedline(" & str s & ");";
+def _dottedline(suffix s) =
+ begingroup save p, n;
+ path p; p = z.s.o -- z.s.d;
+ n := floor(length(z.s.d-z.s.o)/abs(x.s.dl));
+ for i := 0 upto n:
+ fill fullcircle scaled x.s.dd shifted (point i/n of p);
+ endfor endgroup
+def dashedline(suffix s) =
+ x.s.dl = dash_length;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_dashedline(" & str s & ");";
+def _dashedline(suffix s) =
+ begingroup save p, n;
+ path p; p = z.s.o -- z.s.d;
+ n := floor(length(z.s.d-z.s.o)/abs(x.s.dl));
+ if not (odd n): n := n + 1; fi
+ for i := 0 upto (n-1): if not (odd i):
+ draw subpath(i/n,(i+1)/n) of p;
+ fi endfor endgroup
+arrow_head_length := 6pt;
+arrow_head_width := 2.4pt;
+def arrowhead(suffix s) =
+ x.s.ahl = arrow_head_length; x.s.ahw = arrow_head_width;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_arrowhead(" & str s & ");";
+def _arrowhead(suffix s) =
+ z.s.dh = (x.s.ahl/length(z.s.d-z.s.o))[z.s.d,z.s.o];
+ z.s.dr = z.s.dh + x.s.ahw / 2 * dir(angle(z.s.d-z.s.o)+90);
+ z.s.dl = z.s.dh + x.s.ahw / 2 * dir(angle(z.s.d-z.s.o)-90);
+ fill z.s.d -- z.s.dr -- z.s.dl -- cycle;
+def arrow(suffix s) =
+ arrowhead(s);
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_arrow(" & str s & ");";
+def _arrow(suffix s) =
+ draw z.s.o .. z.s.dh;
+def cillinder(suffix s)(expr width,height) =
+ x.s.l = x.s - 1/2width; x.s.r = x.s + 1/2width;
+ y.s.b = y.s - 1/2height; y.s.t = y.s + 1/2height;
+ = 1/6height;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_cillinder(" & str s & ");";
+def _cillinder(suffix s) =
+ draw (x.s.l, -- (x.s.l,;
+ draw (x.s.r, -- (x.s.r,;
+ draw (x.s.l,{down} .. (x.s,y.s.b){right}
+ .. (x.s.r,{up};
+ draw (x.s.l,{down} .. (x.s,{right}
+ .. (x.s.r,{up} .. (x.s,y.s.t){left} .. cycle;
+join_radius := 5pt;
+def box(suffix s)(expr width,height) =
+ x.s.l = x.s - width/2; x.s.r = x.s + width/2;
+ y.s.t = y.s + height/2; y.s.b = y.s - height/2;
+ x.s.jr = join_radius;
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_box(" & str s & ");";
+def _box(suffix s) =
+ if min((x.s.r-x.s.l),(y.s.t-y.s.b)) > 2x.s.jr:
+ draw (((x.s,y.s.b) .. (x.s.r,y.s.b)) softjoin
+ ((x.s.r,y.s.b) .. (x.s.r,y.s.t)) softjoin
+ ((x.s.r,y.s.t) .. (x.s.l,y.s.t)) softjoin
+ ((x.s.l,y.s.t) .. (x.s.l,y.s.b)) softjoin
+ ((x.s.l,y.s.b) .. (x.s,y.s.b)));
+ else:
+ draw (fullcircle xscaled (x.s.r-x.s.l) yscaled (y.s.t-y.s.b)
+ shifted z.s);
+ fi
+def soft(suffix s) =
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_soft(" & str s & ");";
+def _soft(suffix s) =
+ draw (z.s.o -- z.s.m) softjoin (z.s.m -- z.s.d);
+def softt(suffix s) =
+ _del[incr _dn] := "_softt(" & str s & ");";
+def _softt(suffix s) =
+ draw ((z.s.o .. z.s.m1) softjoin
+ (z.s.m1 .. z.s.m2) softjoin (z.s.m2 .. z.s.d));
+def fork(suffix s) =
+ z.s.head.o = z.s.m; z.s.head.d = z.s.d;
+ arrowhead(s.head);
+ dot(s.o);
+ z.s.body.o = z.s.o; z.s.body.m = z.s.m;
+ z.s.body.d = z.s.head.dh;
+ soft(s.body);
+def darrow(suffix s) =
+ = 1/2[z.s.o,z.s.d];
+ =; = z.s.d;
+ arrow(;
+ z.s.two.o =; z.s.two.d = z.s.o;
+ arrow(s.two);
+def arroww(suffix s) =
+ z.s.head.o = z.s.m; z.s.head.d = z.s.d;
+ arrowhead(s.head);
+ z.s.body.o = z.s.o; z.s.body.m = z.s.m;
+ z.s.body.d = z.s.head.dh;
+ soft(s.body);
+def arrowww(suffix s) =
+ z.s.head.o = z.s.m2; z.s.head.d = z.s.d;
+ arrowhead(s.head);
+ z.s.body.o = z.s.o; z.s.body.m1 = z.s.m1;
+ z.s.body.m2 = z.s.m2; z.s.body.d = z.s.head.dh;
+ softt(s.body);
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/diagram.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/diagram.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9dd392df99f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/diagram.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+\dimen0=\hsize \divide\dimen0 by 10
+\dimen2=\dimen0 \divide\dimen2 by 3 \multiply\dimen2 by 4
+\MT: thickpen;
+\MT: z1 = (0,0); z2 = (0,h); z3 = (w,h); z4 = (w,0);
+\MT: z5 = (1/3w,1/8h); z6 = (1/2w,0); z7 = (2/3w,-1/16h);
+\MT: draw z1 -- z2 -- z3 -- z4;
+\MT: draw z1 .. z5 ..z6 .. z7 .. z4;
+\MT: thinpen;
+\MT: for i = 11 upto 20: y[i] = 1/8h + 7/80h*(i-10); endfor
+\MT: for i = 12,13,15,16,17,19,20:
+\MT: draw (1/8w,y[i]) -- (7/8w,y[i]);
+\MT: endfor;
+\MT: for i = 11,14,18:
+\MT: draw (1/4w,y[i]) -- (7/8w,y[i]);
+\MT: endfor;
+ \let\figfont=\smallsf \def\driver{drv}
+ \dimen0=\hsize \multiply\dimen0 by 2 \divide\dimen0 by 3
+ \let\figfont=\sf \def\driver{Driver}
+ \dimen0=\hsize \multiply\dimen0 by 2 \divide\dimen0 by 4
+\MT: save u, v; u = w/10; v = h/10;
+\MT: thickpen;
+%\MT: draw (0,-d)--(0,h)--(w,h)--(w,-d)--cycle; draw(0,0)--(w,0);
+\MT: x1l = x2l = x4l = x7l = 2u;
+\MT: y1t = h - v; z1lbl = z1;
+\MT: rectangle(1)(u,v);
+\MT: y2 = y3 = y1 - 2v; z2lbl = z2; z3lbl = z3; x3 = x2 + 2u;
+\MT: ellipse(2)(u,v); rectangle(3)(u,v);
+\MTlabel(2lbl)"\figfont\TeX"; \MTlabel(3lbl)"\figfont TFM";
+\MT: y4 = y5 = y6 = y2 - 2v; x5 = x3 + 2u; x6 = x5 + 2u;
+\MT: z4lbl = z4; z5lbl = z5; z6lbl = z6;
+\MT: rectangle(4)(u,v); ellipse(5)(u,v); rectangle(6)(u,v);
+\MTlabel(4lbl)"\figfont DVI"; \MTlabel(5lbl)"\figfont MF";
+\MTlabel(6lbl)"\figfont MF";
+\MT: y7 = y8 = y4 - 2v; x8 = x3; z7lbl = z7; z8lbl = z8;
+\MT: ellipse(7)(u,v); rectangle(8)(u,v);
+\MTlabel(7lbl)"\figfont\driver"; \MTlabel(8lbl)"\figfont GF";
+\MT: x9 = x7; y9t = y7t - 2v;
+\MT: x31r = x2l - u; y31 = y2; z31lbl = z31; rectangle(31)(u,v);
+\MTlabel(31lbl)"\figfont FMT";
+\MT: x32 = x5; y32b = y5t + v; z32lbl = z32; rectangle(32)(u,v);
+\MTlabel(32lbl)"\figfont BAS";
+\MT: x33 = x31; y33 = y4; z33lbl = z33; rectangle(33)(u,v);
+\MTlabel(33lbl)"\figfont log";
+\MT: x34 = x32; y34 = y7; z34lbl = z34; rectangle(34)(u,v);
+\MTlabel(34lbl)"\figfont log";
+\MT: thinpen; join_radius:=15pt;
+\MT: z11o = (x1,h); z11d = (x1,y1t); arrow(11);
+\MT: z12o = (x1,y1b); z12d = (x2,y2t); arrow(12);
+\MT: z13o = (x3l,y3); z13d = (x2r,y2); arrow(13);
+\MT: z14o = (x2,y2b); z14d = (x4,y4t); arrow(14);
+\MT: z15o = (w,y6); z15d = (x6r,y6); arrow(15);
+\MT: z16o = (x6l,y6); z16d = (x5r,y5); arrow(16);
+\MT: z17o = (x5l,y5); z17d = (x3,y3b); z17m = (x3,y5);
+\MT: arroww(17);
+\MT: z18o = (x5l,y5); z18d = (x8,y8t); z18m = (x8,y5);
+\MT: arroww(18);
+\MT: z19o = (x4,y4b); z19d = (x7,y7t); arrow(19);
+\MT: z20o = (x8l,y8); z20d = (x7r,y7); arrow(20);
+\MT: z21o = (x7,y7b); z21d = (x9,y9t); arrow(21);
+\MT: z41o = (x31r,y31); z41d = (x2l,y2); arrow(41);
+\MT: z42o = (x32,y32b); z42d = (x5,y5t); arrow(42);
+\MT: z43o = (x2,y2b); z43d = (x33r,y33t); arrow(43);
+\MT: z44o = (x5,y5b); z44d = (x34,y34t); arrow(44);
+\MT: x0 = w/2; y0 = y9; % y0b = -d;
+\MTlabel(0)"\rm \TeX\ formats";
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/frame.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/frame.tex
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/frame.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+% FRAME.TEX (RMCG19950401)
+\let\oldhrule=\hrule \let\oldvrule=\vrule
+\def\rulethickness{\afterassignment\rul@thickness\dimen0 }
+\def\rul@thickness{\edef\hrule{\oldhrule height\dimen0 }%
+ \edef\vrule{\oldvrule width\dimen0 }}
+\def\fr@mebox{\ifvoid\count@\else \bgroup
+ \dimen0=\wd\count@ \dimen2=\ht\count@ \advance\dimen2\dp\count@
+ \global\setbox\@uxbox=\vtop{
+ \hbox to\dimen0{\vrule\hss\vbox to \dimen2{\hrule\vss
+ \hbox to\dimen0{}\vss\hrule}\hss\vrule}\kern0pt}\egroup
+ \wd\@uxbox=0pt \ht\@uxbox=0pt \dp\@uxbox=0pt
+ \ifhbox\count@
+ \setbox\count@=\hbox{\raise\ht\count@\box\@uxbox\box\count@}\else
+ \setbox\count@=\vbox{\box\@uxbox\nointerlineskip\box\count@}\fi\fi}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/mtpaper.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/mtpaper.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de044df2bf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/mtpaper.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+\input tugboat.sty
+%\input tugboat.dates
+%\input tb75pages
+\ifx\plaindefaults\undefined \let\next=\relax
+\else \let\next=\plaindefaults \fi \next
+\input metatex
+\def\MTeX{{\manual META}\-\TeX}
+\title * {\MTeX} *
+\author * Ram\'on Casares *
+\address * Telef\'onica de Espa\~na *
+\netaddress * *
+\article %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\head * Abstract *
+{\MTeX} is a set of {\plain} {\TeX} and {\MF} macros that you can use to
+define both the text and the figures in a single source file. Because
+{\MTeX} sets up two way communication, from {\TeX} to {\MF} and back
+from {\MF} to {\TeX}, drawing dimensions can be controlled by {\TeX} and
+labels can be located by {\MF}. Only standard features of {\TeX} and
+{\MF} are used, but two runs of {\TeX} and one of {\MF} are needed.
+\head * Overview *
+Together, {\TeX} and {\MF} define the page layout to the pixel. This
+means that nothing more is needed, not even a means of including figures
+in a {\TeX} document. To prove this is the aim of this paper.
+To split the typesetting process in two parts, one to define and draw
+the characters and the other to arrange the characters in paragraphs and
+pages, is surely the best way to reduce the complexity of the
+typesetting task, provided it needs simplification (see Figure~1). But
+this method makes it difficult, for example, to integrate labels with
+graphics in figures, because while {\TeX} is best suited to typeset the
+labels, {\MF} is the appropriate tool to draw the graphics. And, of
+course, labels should be located in accordance with the graphics.
+Therefore, the true successor of {\TeX} has to include in a single
+program both the capabilities of {\TeX} and {\MF}. Then the typesetting
+engine would include a powerful graphic tool, a grid in which to typeset if
+required, and it could take into account the shapes of the characters to
+determine, for example, kernings or italic corrections. The other way
+around is also possible. It could be seen as a graphic engine with a
+powerful typesetting tool. From this point of view, the page would be a
+graphic object that could contain paragraphs of different shapes
+requested from the typesetting tool.
+\MTeX, although it does not fulfill the requirements of such a
+successor, can be seen as an early sign of its possibilities. For the
+moment, {\MTeX} takes advantage of {\MF}'s equation solving capabilities
+to locate objects, including the labels, which are typeset by {\TeX}. The
+cost of this nice feature is that two {\TeX} passes are required.
+During the first {\TeX} pass a {\MF} file is written. As it is {\TeX}
+itself who writes the {\MF} file, any dimension controlled by {\TeX} can
+be used and incorporated in {\MF}'s calculations. For example, the label
+sizes, as they will be typeset by {\TeX}, are made known to {\MF}.
+After the first {\TeX} pass, {\MF} draws the graphic figures and
+writes the label locations in its log file. So it is {\MF}'s
+responsibility to locate the labels. Note that, depending on the style
+of {\MF} programming, this can be completely determined from {\TeX}. In
+other words, you can relate the label location to the location and size
+of other {\MF} objects, or not.
+When {\TeX} executes its second pass, it takes the graphics
+from the new font, reads the location of labels from the
+{\MF} log file, and then everything is complete.
+Because labels are just |\hbox|es typeset by \TeX, every macro currently
+defined for text automatically applies also to figures. For example, if
+a macro |\person| is defined to write its argument in a small caps font
+and save it to an index file, the same happens whenever it is used
+inside a figure label.
+\head * Methods *
+{\MTeX} allows the source file to include, in addition to the customary
+{\TeX} macros to control the text, other commands to generate
+figures with {\MF}.
+\subhead * Steps *
+In order to use {\MTeX} the following three steps are to be executed:
+\item The {\MTeX} file, suppose it is |filename.ext|, is first
+processed by |TEX|, with the {\plain} format, during which a {\MF} file
+named || is created. This {\MF} file contains information
+provided by {\TeX} concerning the size of the labels, so the |MF|
+program can delete this area from the figure if requested. If the output
+file |filename.dvi| were typeset now, it would have blanks in place of
+the figures, but otherwise be the same as the final document.
+\item Then |MF|, with the {\plain} base, is run on ||.
+As a result, information specifying where to typeset the labels is
+written in the log file, |auxiliar.log|. In addition, the metric file,
+|auxiliar.tfm|, and the generic format bitmap font, |auxiliar.329gf|,
+are created. On my system I have to process this |gf| file to get a
+|pk| file that my drivers can read, so I execute the program |GFtoPK| on
+it, getting the packed bitmap font |auxiliar.329pk|. Please note three
+points. i)~The number |329|, referring to the resolution, varies
+according to the {\MF} mode. ii)~The |tfm| and |pk| files must be in or
+moved to directories where programs can find them. iii)~{\MTeX} sets the
+{\MF} mode to |localfont|, thus assuming that |localfont| is assigned
+the appropriate name.
+\item Lastly, |filename.ext| is again run through |TEX|. During this
+second run, both the font |auxiliar| containing the figures and the
+information explaining where to locate the labels are available, so the
+document is complete.
+The figures fill exactly the same area in both the first and second
+|TEX| program runs, so indices, tables of contents, and other references
+that also need two passes to be resolved can take advantage of the two
+runs needed by {\MTeX}.
+\subhead * Use *
+To use the {\MTeX} macros, they must be imported by writing in the
+source file: ||\input metatex||
+\noindent This has to be written after |\mag| has been given its final
+value. When |metatex.tex| is read, {\MTeX} checks whether the file
+|| exists. If it does not exist, then things are set up for
+the first pass; for example, || is opened for writing. If it
+does exist, then things are set for the second pass; for example,
+|auxiliar.log| is opened for reading. This means that if
+|| is not deleted, then step~3, the second |TEX| program
+pass, is executed directly. This saves time when only the text in file
+|filename.ext|, but not the figures, were modified.
+\subhead * User macros *
+The {\MTeX} user macros are:
+\item |\MTbeginchar(wd,ht,dp);| states that a figure sized as given
+(width |wd|, height |ht|, depth |dp|) will be created. These values
+should be known both by {\TeX} and by {\MF}, so for example |12pt|,
+|6cm|, |\the\hsize| or |\the\dimen0|, always without |#|, are allowed.
+During the {\it first pass}, {\TeX} writes in || the {\MF}
+macro |beginchar| assigning character codes sequentially, and box
+|\MTbox| is made empty but sized as specified by the arguments of this
+macro. During the {\it second pass}, {\TeX} puts the corresponding
+character of the font |auxiliar| in box |\MTbox|. The size of |\MTbox| is
+that specified and not affected by the character dimensions.
+\item |\MTendchar;| finishes the figure definition. During the
+{\it first pass}, {\TeX} writes the {\MF} macro |endchar;| in file
+||. During the {\it second pass}, box |\MTbox| contains the
+complete figure, including labels. Something like |\box\MTbox| is
+used to typeset the figure.
+\item |\MTlabel*(s)cc"Text";| adds a label to the current figure.
+The parameter between quotes, |Text| in the example, is the label
+content; it will be put inside an |\hbox| and therefore could be
+anything that {\TeX} allows inside an |\hbox|. The optional asterisk
+after |\MTlabel| instructs {\MTeX} to erase the area of the figure
+already drawn that it is under the label.
+The label will be located at {\MF} point |z.s|, where |s| is the parameter
+between parentheses. The reference point is further specified by the
+optional parameter after the right parenthesis, |cc| in the example.
+This parameter is composed of exactly two letters: the first can be |t|
+meaning top, |c| meaning center or |b| meaning bottom; and the second
+letter can be |l| meaning left, |c| meaning center or |r| meaning right.
+So, for example, |tl| means that the label reference point is its top
+left corner. The default value for the reference point is |cc|, that is,
+its center.
+|\MTlabel| should only be used between |\MTbeginchar| and |\MTendchar|.
+During the {\it first pass}, it writes the following three elements in
+||: i)~the {\MF} macros which in turn cause |MF| to write the
+label reference point location to its log file, |auxiliar.log|; ii)~the
+four label sides, which are by this means made available to the
+following {\MF} code for the figure, notated as |y.s.t| for the top side,
+|y.s.b| for the bottom side, |x.s.l| for the left side and |x.s.r| for the right
+side; and iii)~the code to delete, if requested, the figure area already
+drawn that is under the rectangle occupied by the label. During the {\it
+second pass}, it adds the label to the box |\MTbox| in the place that
+reads from file |auxiliar.log|, making no modification to the dimensions of
+|\MTbox|, even if the label is typeset outside the box.
+There are three more macros for passing information to \MF, that is, for
+writing general text in ||: |\MT:|, |\MTcode| and |\MTline|.
+This happens only during the first pass; during the second pass, these
+macros do nothing.
+\item |\MT:| writes in file || everything till the end of
+line. It writes verbatim except for the character |\|, which keeps its
+normal {\TeX} |\catcode| of |0|. Spaces are {\it not\/} ignored after
+macros. The sequence |\\| writes a single |\| in file ||.
+\item |\MTcode| writes in file || everything until it finds a
+line equal (including |\catcode|s) to the current value of |\MTendmark|.
+By default, this is a blank line, thus, |\def\MTendmark{}|. As with
+|\MT:|, it writes verbatim except for |\|, which still operates as an
+escape character. The control sequence |\\| writes a single |\| in file
+\item |\MTline{text}| writes its parameter to ||,
+|text| in the example. It does not change the |\catcode|s in the
+argument, so it does not perform verbatim writing. But all {\plain}
+special characters can be written prefixing them by the escape character
+|\|. The {\plain} special characters are (not including the first colon
+nor the final period): |\{}$&#^_~%|. For example, |\#| results in
+When defining {\TeX} macros that write to ||, |\MTline|
+should generally be used in preference to |\MT:| or |\MTcode|, because
+the latter two use
+the end of line in a special way that is not usually available when
+{\TeX} is reading a macro.
+{\TeX} dimensions can be included using any of these three writing
+macros. For example, |\the\hsize| will be expanded to {\tt \the\hsize}
+(for the present article),
+and written as such to the {\MF} file ||. Note that the character
+|\| keeps its escape |\catcode| in all three writing macros. In the
+case of |\MTline|, braces |{}| also keep their |\catcode|s and therefore
+macros with parameters can be used normally.
+\head * Examples *
+\subhead * Diagram *
+First a typical example of {\MTeX} usage, showing the file formats,
+programs, and their relationships. The figure width is exactly
+|\hsize|, but what is more important is that the same code will adapt
+itself to any value for the measure. Well, of course, not to {\it any\/}
+width but to any width between, let's say, $8\,$cm and $25\,$cm.
+\figure[\caption{Figure 1: One column diagram}]
+ \input diagram
+%\twocolfigure[\caption{Figure 2: Two columns diagram}]
+% \input diagram
+Figure~1 is the one column version, and Figure~2 (above the appendix) is
+the two column version, generated by the same source.
+\input shadow
+\def\beginshadowpar{\setbox0=\vbox\bgroup \kern3pt
+ \advance\parindent by -3pt \leftskip=3pt\rightskip=3pt }
+\def\endshadowpar{\par\kern3pt\egroup\framebox0\shadowbox0\box0 }
+% \subhead * Shadowing *
+\bigskip % \subhead skip
+{\bf Shadowing.} Both {\TeX} and {\MF} are ill suited to creating
+shadows. In {\TeX}, one straightforward technique is double use of
+|\leaders|, but in practice this results in huge |dvi| files. In {\MF},
+drawing lots of tiny points easily exceeds the capacity of the program.
+The solution is to coordinate the work of both programs.
+To create a large rectangular shadow we divide it into an array of $n
+\times m$ smaller rectangles. The smaller rectangles are all identical,
+so it is enough for {\MF} to draw one shadow character and then for
+{\TeX} to typeset a solid area repeating it.
+To simplify the tasks of both {\TeX} and {\MF}, the size of the shadow
+character should be similar to that of normal characters, because neither
+program was designed to work well with extraordinarily large (or small)
+characters. So a
+good approach is to make the shadow character as big as possible but
+never wider nor higher than 16$\,$pt.
+For {\MTeX}, each figure is a character. This causes problems with {\MF}
+when the figure is big and the resolution is high, because it cannot
+draw areas bigger than $4095\times4095$ pixels. This is not usually a
+problem working at 300$\,$dpi. (It is never a problem with {\MP}, see
+the following section on {\PS}. Another advantage of using {\PS} is that
+you get a shadow simply by drawing a grey rule, and none of the above
+machinations are necessary.)
+\subhead * Keys *
+After the following {\MTeX} macros:
+def keybox =
+ pickup pencircle scaled 0.8pt;
+ x1 = x3 = 1pt;
+ x2 = x4 = w - 1pt;
+ x5 = 0; x6 = w;
+ y1 = y2 = -d;
+ y3 = y4 = h;
+ y5 = y6 = (h - d)/2;
+ draw z1 -- z2 .. z6{up} ..
+ z4 -- z3 .. z5{down} .. cycle;
+ z0 = (x1,0);
+ \dimen0=\wd0\advance\dimen0 by 2pt
+ \dimen2=\ht0\advance\dimen2 by 1pt
+ \dimen4=\dp0\advance\dimen4 by 1pt
+ \MTbeginchar(\the\dimen0,%
+ \the\dimen2,%
+ \the\dimen4);%
+ \MTline{keybox;}%
+ \MTlabel(0)bl"\sf #2";%
+ \MTendchar;%
+ \expandafter\newbox
+ \csname\string#1box\endcsname
+ \expandafter\setbox
+ \csname\string#1box\endcsname
+ =\vtop{\unvbox\MTbox}%
+ \def#1{\expandafter\copy
+ \csname\string#1box\endcsname}}
+ \csname#1\endcsname{#1}}
+\input keys
+Then, we can declare |\makekey{Alt}|\makekey{Alt} to
+typeset {\Alt} simply via |\Alt|. It is also possible to
+declare |\defkey\escape{\tt\char92}|\defkey\escape{\tt\char92} and then
+|\escape| results in \escape.
+\subhead * Baroque tables *
+Baroque periods are the result of new technical achievements providing
+unexplored possibilities and hence the urgent need to experiment with them,
+frequently far away from what discretion might recommend. This explains
+the time of baroque software that we live in, and increases the value of
+\MTeX, because it provides the means to easily draw baroque tables. I am not
+a baroque man, so my baroque table example is not baroque but, and this
+is the point, it is at least not built with straight lines.
+def tablebox =
+ pickup pencircle scaled 1.6pt;
+ x0 = 5pt; y0 = 5pt;
+ draw (0,h) ... (w/2,h+y0) ... (w,h) ... (w+x0,(h-d)/2) ... (w,-d) ...
+ (w/2,-d-y0) ... (0,-d) ... (-x0,(h-d)/2) ... cycle;
+ \halign\bgroup##\hfil&&\quad##\hfil\cr}
+ \MTbeginchar(\the\wd0,\the\ht0,\the\dp0);%
+ \MTline{ tablebox;}%
+ \MTendchar;%
+ $$\rlap{\box\MTbox}\box0$$}
+ This is not a straight table\cr
+ but it's only an example\cr
+ and therefore not so ample\cr
+ of what's {\MTeX}-able!
+def leftbrace =
+ pickup penrazor scaled 2pt rotated 30;
+ x3 = 0; x0 = x6 = w; x1 = x5 = w/5; x2 = x4 = w-x1;
+ y0 = 0; y1 = h/8; y2 = h/3; y3 = h/2;
+ y4 + y2 = h; y1 + y5 = h; y6 = h;
+ draw z0 .. z1 .. z2 .. z3;
+ draw z6 .. z5 .. z4 .. z3;
+ \leftskip=20pt }
+ \MTbeginchar(20pt,\the\ht0,0pt);%
+ \MTline{ leftbrace;}%
+ \MTendchar;%
+ \hbox to\hsize{\rlap{\box\MTbox}\box0\hss}}
+%\subhead * Ornate paragraphs *
+\bigskip % \subhead skip
+{\bf Ornate paragraphs.} Only if you are truly baroque can you get the
+most from {\MTeX}. If, for example, you like ornate paragraphs, you are
+in your element. Just put the material in a |\vbox| to get the height
+and the depth, and pass these dimensions to {\MF} to draw a right sized
+embellishment. Ah!, but be aware that Computer Modern is a neoclassical
+font, so it won't mix well with your elaborations.
+% To fill unused space!
+ def tribar(expr alpha) =
+ pickup pencircle scaled 0.8pt;
+ % draw (0,0)--(w,0)--(w,h)--(0,h)--cycle;
+ save u, v; u = w/2; v = 12;
+ z1 = (w/2,h/2) + u*(right rotated alpha);
+ z2 = (w/2,h/2) + u*(right rotated (alpha+120));
+ z3 = (w/2,h/2) + u*(right rotated (alpha-120));
+ z1r = (w/2,h/2) + u*(right rotated (alpha+v));
+ z2r = (w/2,h/2) + u*(right rotated (alpha+120+v));
+ z3r = (w/2,h/2) + u*(right rotated (alpha-120+v));
+ draw z1 .. z1r; draw z2 .. z2r; draw z3 .. z3r;
+ draw z1 .. z3r; draw z2 .. z1r; draw z3 .. z2r;
+ z1m = whatever[z1,z2r]; z1m = whatever[z1r,z3];
+ z2m = whatever[z2,z3r]; z2m = whatever[z2r,z1];
+ z3m = whatever[z3,z1r]; z3m = whatever[z3r,z2];
+ draw z1 .. z2m; draw z2 .. z3m; draw z3 .. z1m;
+ z1ra = z1 reflectedabout (z1r,z1m);
+ z2ra = z2 reflectedabout (z2r,z2m);
+ z3ra = z3 reflectedabout (z3r,z3m);
+ draw z1m .. z1ra; draw z2m .. z2ra; draw z3m .. z3ra;
+ z3x - z1x = whatever*(z3-z1m);
+ z2x - z3x = whatever*(z2-z3m);
+ z1x - z2x = whatever*(z1-z2m);
+ z1ra - z1x = whatever*(z3-z1m);
+ z3ra - z3x = whatever*(z2-z3m);
+ z2ra - z2x = whatever*(z1-z2m);
+ z1y = whatever[z1m,z3]; z1y = whatever[z1x,z2x];
+ z2y = whatever[z2m,z1]; z2y = whatever[z2x,z3x];
+ z3y = whatever[z3m,z2]; z3y = whatever[z3x,z1x];
+ draw z1x .. z3y;
+ draw z2x .. z1y;
+ draw z3x .. z2y;
+ enddef;
+\def\tribar#1#2{% #1=ht, #2=angle
+ \MTbeginchar(#1,#1,0pt);\MTline{tribar(#2);}\MTendchar;\box\MTbox}
+\newcount\angle \angle=-36
+\newdimen\tribarht \tribarht=75pt
+%\subhead * Exercice *
+\bigskip % \subhead skip
+ \noindent
+ {\bf Exercise.}\footnote*{The real exercise is to fill the rest of the
+ page with tribars. A clue: let {\TeX} to calculate how many are needed,
+ so you can concentrate your efforts in drawing the figure.}
+ Take three equal bars and build as shown.
+ Ask Roger Penrose if you don't find the solution.
+ \vskip1pc
+ \loop
+ \vfil
+ \line{\tribar{\the\tribarht}{\the\angle}\hfil \global\advance\angle5
+ \tribar{\the\tribarht}{\the\angle}\hfil \global\advance\angle5
+ \tribar{\the\tribarht}{\the\angle}\global\advance\angle5 }
+ \dimen0=\pagegoal \advance\dimen0 by-\pagetotal
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\tribarht
+ \repeat
+\head * {\PS} *
+By taking advantage of {\MP}, we can make {\PS} versions of the
+{\MTeX} files. Simply execute |mpost &plain| instead of
+{\MF} and, after {\TeX}'s second pass, execute |dvips| ({\MTeX} uses
+|dvips| specials). This works because || is valid code
+for both {\MF} and {\MP}, and because, in the second {\TeX} pass,
+{\MTeX} checks which one was used and adapts itself to the situation.
+And thanks to {\PDF\TeX} and the Con{\TeX}t files |supp-mis.tex| and
+|supp-pdf.tex|, it is also possible to get \acro{PDF} output. Just
+execute {\PDF\TeX} twice, instead of {\TeX}, and once {\MP}, instead of
+{\MF}. (In practice, {\MTeX} uses its own macro file |mtmp2pdf.tex| for
+this, instead of the Con{\TeX}t files. I extracted all that {\MTeX}
+needs from the Con{\TeX}t files into |mtmp2pdf.tex|.)
+This works because, if {\MTeX} determines that {\MP} was employed to
+draw the figures, it then checks which program, {\TeX} or {\PDF\TeX}, is
+executing. If {\TeX}, then it includes the files produced by {\MP} using
+the |dvips| specials. If {\PDF\TeX}, it translates from |ps| to |pdf|.
+Therefore, the same {\MTeX} source file generates at will any of the
+three output formats---|dvi|, |ps|, or |pdf|---just by running the
+appropriate programs. In the appendix, as an example, there is a
+\acro{DOS} batch file that shows how to get the |pdf| version of a file
+\head * Other graphical tools *
+There are other tools to include pictures in a {\TeX} document.
+{\LaTeX}'s |picture| environment, {\PiCTeX}, and |mfpic|, are three of
+them. {\MTeX} is similar to |mfpic|, in that both use {\MF} to draw.
+The aim of |mfpic| is to overcome the difficulties of {\LaTeX}'s
+|picture| environment and of {\PiCTeX}. {\LaTeX}'s |picture| environment
+uses four pre-cooked special fonts, and its drawings are just
+compositions of these characters (as well as {\TeX}'s builtin |\hrule|s and
+|\vrule|s). {\PiCTeX} only uses a tiny point to compose the pictures, so
+it is more general. But letting {\TeX} to draw the figures setting point
+after point is painful, as noted above. The |mfpic| solution uses a
+better tool for drawing: {\MF}.
+With these origins, for |mfpic|, {\MF} is a hidden back-end processor,
+and |mfpic| imposes only two requirements on its users: to know {\TeX},
+and to know |mfpic|. On the other hand, {\MTeX}'s approach is
+minimalist, at the cost of being more demanding with its users. A
+{\MTeX} user has to know {\TeX}, {\MF}, and {\MTeX}\Dash although this
+last requirement is small, because {\MTeX} only builds the necessary
+bridges to use {\TeX} and {\MF} in a cooperative way.
+A feature that shows the different strategies employed in designing
+|mfpic| and {\MTeX} is label positioning. {\MTeX} labels are located by
+{\MF}, so {\TeX} has to read the {\MF} log file to learn where to
+typeset them. For |mfpic|, {\TeX} itself locates the labels,
+but by doing so |mfpic| has to give up some nice {\MF} characteristics,
+such as its equation solving capabilities.
+% |mfpic| is to {\LaTeX} as {\MTeX} is to |plain| {\TeX}.
+In summary, |mfpic|'s aim is to draw pictures in {\TeX} documents in a
+better way than using {\LaTeX}'s |picture| environment or {\PiCTeX};
+while {\MTeX}'s intention is to coordinate the work of {\TeX} and
+{\MF}. In this way, {\MTeX} provides the full raw power of {\TeX} and
+{\MF}, and it is up to you to harness them.
+\head * Final remarks *
+I have been using {\MTeX} for some years. The first version was dated
+1994, but it has been used only for personal purposes. For this reason,
+it is not truly a straightforward end-user tool, as for example {\LaTeX} packages
+should be. It has to be used knowledgeably and with care. And though
+most tasks can be automated, by chaining {\TeX} and {\MF} errors are
+even more difficult to pinpoint than in {\TeX} or {\MF} alone.
+Nevertheless, {\MTeX} serves to validate the feasibility of a closer
+collaboration between {\TeX} and {\MF} and to appraise the interest of
+such a collaboration. And, of course, if you dare, you can get lots of
+fun, and at least an equal amount of frustration, using {\MTeX}. Try it!
+The {\MTeX} package is available from {\CTAN} in
+Happy {\MTeX}ing!
+\onecol % Annex in one column, can't switch to \twocol on the same page
+ % with current plain tugboat macros.
+\figure[\caption{Figure 2: Two-column diagram}]
+\input diagram
+\head * Appendix: Pseudo-batch example *
+This is an example based on \acro{DOS} batch files that can be adapted for
+other operating systems. It processes the file |filename.ext|, generating
+|filename.pdf|. We will comment each line of pseudo-code.
+\item We go to the directory where our working files are.
+ ||cd c:\dir\subdir\mydir||
+\item We set environment variables (if necessary). In this case we are
+using a |web2c| system, so it is enough to set one. In |web2c|, by
+default, all programs look for files in the current dir, ``|.|'', and
+that is enough for us.
+ ||set TEXMFCNF=c:\tex\texmf.local\web2c;c:\tex\texmf\web2c;d:\texmf\web2c||
+\item We tell the operating system where to find the programs.
+ ||path=$path$;c:\tex\bin\dos||
+\item After the settings, we force the first {\TeX} pass.
+ ||if exist del||
+\item Then, we execute the first {\TeX} pass (in this case, it is {\PDF\TeX}).
+ ||pdftex &plain filename.ext||
+\item If {\MTeX} was not used, and no || was written, then we
+are done.
+ ||if not exist goto end||
+\item Otherwise we run {\MP} with its |&plain| memory (format),
+also known as |&mpost|.
+ ||mpost &plain||
+\item Finally, we execute the second {\TeX} pass.
+ ||pdftex &plain filename.ext||
+\item We now have the complete |filename.pdf| file.
+ ||:end||
+\MTline{end.} % METATeX changes \bye
+% To check labels (ink intensive example!)
+\MT: fill (0,0)--(w,0)--(w,h)--(0,h)--cycle;
+\MT: z0 = (w/2,h/2);
+\MT: z1 = (w/2,3h/4); z11 = z1;
+\MT: z2 = (w/2,h/4);
+\MT: z3 = (0,h/2);
+\MT: z4 = (0,h/4);
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/shadow.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/shadow.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ac184ef523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/metatex/mtpaper/shadow.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+% SHADOW.TEX (RMCG19950401)
+\ifx\MT\undefined \input metatex \fi
+\ifx\framebox\undefined \input frame \fi
+\newdimen\shadowdim \shadowdim=0.3pt % for 600dpi; try 0.85 for 300dpi
+\TMline{\% Defined by SHADOW.TEX}
+\TMline{ if unknown prologues: font_size 12pt\#; fi}
+\TMline{ def shadowall(expr dist) =}
+\TMline{ begingroup}
+\TMline{ save u,v,distx,disty,zbase,zcur;}
+\TMline{ pair zbase,zcur;}
+\TMline{ u := floor(w/dist); if odd u: u := u + 1; fi distx = w/u;}
+\TMline{ v := floor(h/dist); if odd v: v := v + 1; fi disty = h/v;}
+\TMline{ zbase := (1/2distx,1/2disty);}
+\TMline{ for i := 0 upto (u-1):}
+\TMline{ zcur := zbase if odd i: + (0,disty) fi;}
+\TMline{ for j := 0 upto (v-1): if (not odd(i+j)):}
+\TMline{ addto currentpicture contour unitsquare shifted zcur;}
+\TMline{ zcur := zcur + (0,2disty);}
+\TMline{ fi endfor}
+\TMline{ zbase := zbase + (distx,0);}
+\TMline{ endfor}
+\TMline{ endgroup;}
+\TMline{ enddef;}
+\def\sh@dowbox{\ifvoid\count@ \let\next=\relax \else
+ \shadowchar
+ \ifMTmf \let\next=\MTsh@dow \else
+ \ifx\pdfliteral\undefined \let\next=\PSsh@dow \else
+ \let\next=\ACsh@dow \fi \fi \fi
+ \next}
+ \dimen0=\wd\count@ \dimen2=\ht\count@ \advance\dimen2\dp\count@
+ \dimen4=16pt \count2=\dimen4
+ \count0=\dimen0 \divide\count0 by \count2 \advance\count0 by 1
+ \dimen4=\dimen0 \divide\dimen4 by \count0
+ \count0=\dimen2 \divide\count0 by \count2 \advance\count0 by 1
+ \dimen6=\dimen2 \divide\dimen6 by \count0
+ \setbox0=\box\MTbox
+ \MTbeginchar(\the\dimen4,\the\dimen6,0pt);%
+ \MTline{ shadowall(\the\shadowdim);}%
+ \MTendchar;%
+ \global\setbox\@uxbox=\vtop to \dimen2{\cleaders
+ \hbox to \dimen0{\cleaders\box\MTbox\hfil}\vfil}%
+ \global\setbox\MTbox=\box0 \egroup}
+\def\MTsh@dow{\wd\@uxbox=0pt \ht\@uxbox=0pt \dp\@uxbox=0pt
+ \ifhbox\count@
+ \setbox\count@=\hbox{\raise\ht\count@\box\@uxbox\box\count@}\else
+ \setbox\count@=\vbox{\box\@uxbox\nointerlineskip\box\count@}\fi}
+ \setbox\count@=\hbox{\special{ps:gsave 0.8 setgray}%
+ \rlap{\vrule width \wd\count@ height \ht\count@ depth \dp\count@}%
+ \special{ps:0 setgray grestore}%
+ \unhbox\count@}\else
+ \setbox\count@=\vbox{\special{ps:gsave 0.8 setgray}
+ \vtop to 0pt{\vbox to 0pt{
+ \hrule width \wd\count@ height \ht\count@ depth \dp\count@
+ \vss}\vss}
+ \special{ps:0 setgray grestore}
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \unvbox\count@}\fi}
+ \setbox\count@=\hbox{\pdfliteral{q 0.8 g}%
+ \rlap{\vrule width \wd\count@ height \ht\count@ depth \dp\count@}%
+ \pdfliteral{0 g Q}\unhbox\count@}\else
+ \setbox\count@=\vbox{\pdfliteral{q 0.8 g}
+ \vtop to 0pt{\vbox to 0pt{
+ \hrule width \wd\count@ height \ht\count@ depth \dp\count@
+ \vss}\vss}\pdfliteral{0 g Q}\nointerlineskip\unvbox\count@}\fi}