path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/impatient-cn/usingtex.tex
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+% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+% This is part of the book TeX for the Impatient.
+% Copyright (C) 2003 Paul W. Abrahams, Kathryn A. Hargreaves, Karl Berry.
+% See file fdl.tex for copying conditions.
+\input macros
+\chapter{使用 \TeX}
+% Avoid underfull box complaint about the empty paragraph
+% that precedes the first section heading.
+\def\par{{\parfillskip = 0pt plus 1fil\endgraf}\let\par=\endgraf}
+\vglue-\abovesectionskip % we've skipped enough already
+\vskip0pt % Make \combineskips work.
+%\section Turning input into ink
+\section 从键盘输入变到油墨
+%\subsection Programs and files you need
+\subsection 所需的程序和文件
+%In order to produce a \TeX\ document, you'll need to run the \TeX\
+%program and several related programs as well. You'll also need
+%supporting files for \TeX\ and possibly for these other programs. In
+%this book we can tell you about \TeX, but we can't tell you about the
+%other programs and the supporting files except in very general terms
+%because they depend on your local \TeX\ environment. The people who
+%provide you with \TeX\ should be able to supply you with what we call
+%\emph{local information}.
+%\pix^^{local information}
+%The local information tells you how to
+%start up \TeX, how to use the related programs, and how to gain access
+%to the supporting files.
+为了制作一个 \TeX\ 文档, 你必需运行 \TeX\ 及其相关软件.
+你同时也需要一些 \TeX\ 及其相关软件所用到的辅助文件.
+在这本书中, 我们仅仅谈论 \TeX\ 和一些通用的软件及辅助文件,
+不过我们不会介绍其它的, 因为它们仅仅和你自己的 \TeX\ 环境相关.
+为你提供 \TeX\ 的人可以为你提供我们所说的\emph{本地信息}.
+这些本地信息可以告诉你如何去启动 \TeX, 如何去使用相关的程序,
+%Input to \TeX\ consists of a file of ordinary text that you can prepare
+%with a ^{text editor}. A \TeX\ input file, unlike an input file for a
+%typical word processor, doesn't ordinarily contain any invisible
+%^{control characters}.
+%Everything that \TeX\ sees is visible to you too if you
+%look at a listing of the file.
+你可以使用一个 ^{文本编辑器} 来编写一个可以输入到 \TeX\ 的普通文本文件.
+一个 \TeX\ 输入文件和一个文字处理软件的输入文件不同, 它通常并不存在任何不可见的^{控制字符}.
+任何 \TeX\ 读到的字符对你来说, 都是你可以看到的.
+%Your input file may turn out to be little more than a skeleton that
+%calls for other input files. \TeX\ users often organize large documents
+%such as books this way. You can use the ^|\input| command (\xref\input)
+%to embed one input file within another. In particular, you can use
+%|\input| to incorporate files containing \emph{macro definitions}---%
+%^^{macros//in auxiliary files}
+%auxiliary definitions that enhance \TeX's capabilities.
+%If any macro files are available at your \TeX\ installation, the local
+%information about \TeX\ should tell you how to get at the macro files
+%and what they can do for you. The standard form of \TeX,
+%the one described in this book, incorporates a
+%collection of macros and other definitions known as ^{\plainTeX}
+你的输入文件, 可以仅仅是一个引用其它输入文件的框架.
+\TeX\ 用户往往把大的文档, 比如说这本书, 组织成这种形式.
+你可以使用 ^|\input| 命令 (\xref\input) 来把一个输入文件篏入到另一个中.
+特别地, 你可以使用 |\input|来调入包含\emph{宏定义}的文件,
+宏定义是一些辅助的定义, 它可以来增强 \TeX\ 的功能.
+如果你的 \TeX\ 系统中包含任何的宏文件,
+和 \TeX\ 相关的本地信息会告诉你如何得到这些宏文件,
+\TeX\ 的标准安装形式, 也就是在这本书中所描述的,
+包括了一个被称为 ^{\plainTeX} (\xref{\plainTeX}) 的宏集.
+%When \TeX\ processes your document, it produces a file called the
+%^{\dvifile}. The abbreviation ``|dvi|'' stands for ``device
+%independent''. The abbreviation was chosen because the information in
+%the \dvifile\ is independent of the device that you use to print or
+%display your document.
+当 \TeX\ 处理你的文档时, 它会产生一种叫做 ^{\dvifile} 的文件.
+其中, ``|dvi|'' 的全称为 ``device independent (设备无关)''.
+之所以选用这个缩写, 是因为 \dvifile\ 中所包含的信息和你的打印或显示设备无关.
+%To print your document or view it with a \emph{previewer},
+%you need to process the ^{\dvifile} with
+%a \emph{device driver\/} program.
+%^^{device drivers}
+%(A previewer is a program that
+%enables you to see on a screen some approximation of what the typeset
+%output will look like.)
+%Different output devices usually
+%require different device drivers.
+%After running the device driver,
+%you may also need to transfer the output of the device driver to the
+%printer or other output device.
+%^^{printers} ^^{output devices}
+%The local information about \TeX\ should tell
+%you how to get the correct device driver and use it.
+当你需要打印或使用\emph{阅览器}查看你的文档时, ^^{阅览器}
+你需要使用相应的\emph{设备驱动}来处理之. ^^{设备驱动}
+(阅览器是一个程序, 它能把和打印出来的结果差不多的排版内容显示在屏幕上.)
+不同的输出设备往往需要不同的设备驱动. 在运行设备驱动以后,
+^^{打印机} ^^{输出设备}
+和 \TeX\ 相关的本地信息会告诉你如何得到正确的设备驱动和如何使用它.
+%Since \TeX\ has no built-in knowledge of particular fonts, it uses
+%\emph{font files}
+%^^{font files}
+%to obtain information about the fonts used in your
+%document. The font files should also be part of your local \TeX\
+%environment. Each font normally requires two files: one containing the
+%dimensions of the characters in the font (the \emph{metrics file})
+%^^{metrics file}
+%and one containing the shapes of the characters (the \emph{shape file}).
+%^^{shape file}
+%Magnified versions of a font share the metrics file but have
+%different shape files. ^^{magnification} Metrics files are sometimes
+%referred to as ^{\tfmfile}s, and the different varieties of shape files
+%are sometimes referred to as ^{\pkfile}s, ^{\pxlfile}s, and ^{\gffile}s.
+%These names correspond to the names of the files that \TeX\ and its
+%companion programs use. For example, |cmr10.tfm| is the metrics file
+%for the |cmr10| font (10-point Computer Modern Roman).
+因为 \TeX\ 内部并没有任何关于一个特定字体的任何信息,
+字体文件也是你本地 \TeX\ 环境的一个组成部分.
+一个文件 (\emph{字体度量文件}) ^^{度量文件} 包括了字体中每个字符的大小信息,
+另一个文件 (\emph{字体轮廓文件}) ^^{轮廓文件} 则描述了字体中字符的形状.
+一个字体的缩放版本使用同样的字体度量文件, 不过并不使用相同的字体轮廓文件.
+字体度量文件往往用来指称 ^{\tfmfile},
+而字体轮廓文件则往往用来指称 ^{\pkfile}, ^{\pxlfile} 和 ^{\gffile} 等不同的种类.
+这些名称和 \TeX\ 以及相关软件所使用的文件的文件名所对应.
+比如, |cmr10.tfm| 为 |cmr10| 字体的字体度量文件 (10-点的计算机现代字体).
+%\TeX\ itself uses only the metrics file, since it doesn't care what the
+%characters look like but only how much space they occupy. The device
+%driver ordinarily uses the shape file, since it's responsible for
+%creating the printed image of each typeset character. Some device
+%drivers need to use the metrics file as well. Some device drivers can
+%utilize fonts that are resident in a printer and don't need shape files
+%for those fonts.
+\TeX\ 本身仅使用字体度量文件, 因为它只关心这个字体的字符占用了多大的空间,
+%\subsection Running {\TeX}
+\subsection{运行 \TeX}
+%\bix^^{running \TeX}
+%You can run \TeX\ on an input file |screed.tex| by typing
+%^^{input files}
+%something like `|run tex|' or just `|tex|' (check your local information).
+%\TeX\ will respond with something like:
+%% 4/23/90 is Shakespeare's 426th birthday, and Karl's 26th.
+%This is TeX, Version 3.0 (preloaded format=plain 90.4.23)
+%The ``preloaded format'' here refers to a predigested form of the
+%^{\plainTeX} macros that come with \TeX.
+%You can now type `|screed|' to get \TeX\ to process your file.
+%When it's done, you'll see something like:
+%(screed.tex [1] [2] [3] )
+%Output written on screed.dvi (3 pages, 400 bytes).
+%Transcript written on screed.log.
+%displayed on your terminal, or printed in the record of your
+%run if you're not working at a terminal. Most of this output is
+%The numbers in brackets are page numbers that \TeX\ displays when it
+%ships out each page of your document to the \dvifile.
+%\TeX\ will usually assume an
+%extension `|.tex|' to an input file name
+%if the input file name you gave doesn't
+%have an extension. For some forms of \TeX\ you may be able to
+%invoke \TeX\ directly for an input file by typing:
+%tex screed
+%or something like this.
+\bix^^{运行 \TeX}
+你可以通过输入类似 `|run tex|' 或 `|tex|' (查看你的本地信息) 来运行 \TeX\ 来处理一个输入文件 |screed.tex|.
+\TeX\ 会作出如下显示
+% 4/23/90 is Shakespeare's 426th birthday, and Karl's 26th.
+This is TeX, Version 3.0 (preloaded format=plain 90.4.23)
+在这里, ``preloaded format'' (已预先载入的格式) 指的是 \TeX\ 提供的 ^{\plainTeX} 宏集的一个己预先产生的形式.
+现在你可以输入 `|screed|' 来让 \TeX\ 来处理你的文件.
+当处理结束时, 你可以在终端或者打印机印出的记录上 (如果你不使用终端) 得到类似下面的输出:
+(screed.tex [1] [2] [3] )
+Output written on screed.dvi (3 pages, 400 bytes).
+Transcript written on screed.log.
+在括号中的数字是 \TeX\ 在把每页内容输入 \dvifile\ 时所显示的当前页码.
+当你提供的名件名不含扩展名时, \TeX\ 往往会把你的文件扩展名当作 `|.tex|'.
+在某些 \TeX\ 环境中, 你可能可以直接执行类似下面的语句:
+tex screed
+%Instead of providing your \TeX\ input from a file, you can type it directly at
+%your terminal. To do so, type `^|\relax|' instead of `|screed|' at the
+%`|**|' prompt.
+%\TeX\ will now prompt you with a `|*|' for each line of input and interpret
+%each line of input as it sees it.
+%To terminate the input, type a command such as `|\bye|' that tells \TeX\
+%you're done.
+%Direct input is sometimes a handy way of experimenting with \TeX.
+\TeX\ 不仅可以读取文件输入,也可以直接读取你在终端中的输入:
+只需将 `|**|' 提示后的输入从 `|screed|' 改为 `^|\relax|'。
+\TeX\ 将在你输入的各行前面给出 `|*|' 提示,
+输入类似 `|\bye|' 这样的命令可以结束输入。
+在试验 \TeX\ 时直接输入有时更方便。
+%When your input file contains other embedded input files, the displayed
+%information indicates when \TeX\ begins and ends processing each
+%embedded file.
+%^^{input files//embedded}
+%\TeX\ displays a left parenthesis and the file name
+%when it starts working on a file and displays the corresponding right
+%parenthesis when it's done with the file.
+%If you get any ^{error messages} in the displayed output, you can match
+%them with a file by looking for the most recent unclosed left parenthesis.
+显示的信息中表明了 \TeX\ 何时开始和结束处理每个嵌入文件。
+当 \TeX\ 开始处理一个文件时它显示一个左圆括号和该文件名,
+%For a more complete explanation of how to run \TeX,
+%see \knuth{Chapter~6} and your ^{local information}.
+%\eix^^{running \TeX}
+要得到如何运行\TeX\ 的更完整解释,
+\eix^^{运行 \TeX}
+%\section Preparing an input file
+\section 准备输入文件
+%In this section we explain some of the conventions that you must follow in
+%preparing input for \TeX\null. Some of the information given here also
+%appears in the examples in \chapterref{examples} of this book.
+%^^{input, preparing}
+在这一节中,我们解释准备 \TeX\ 输入文件时必须遵循的一些约定。
+%\subsection Commands and control sequences
+\subsection 命令和控制序列
+%\bix^^{control sequences}
+%Input to \TeX\ consists of a sequence of commands that tell \TeX\ how to
+%typeset your document. Most characters act as commands of a particularly
+%simple kind: ``typeset me''. The letter `|a|', for instance, is a
+%command to typeset an `a'. But there's another kind of command---a
+%\emph{control sequence}---that gives \TeX\ a more elaborate
+%instruction. A control sequence ordinarily starts with a backslash
+%(|\|), though you can change that convention if you need to.
+%For instance, the input:
+\TeX\ 的输入由一系列指引 \TeX\ 如何排版文档的命令组成。
+比如,字母 `|a|' 是作为命令将排版出 `a'。
+但有另一种命令——\emph{控制序列}(control sequence)——将给 \TeX\ 提供更细致的指令。
+%She plunged a dagger (\dag) into the villain's heart.
+%contains the control sequence |\dag|; it produces the typeset output:
+%She plunged a dagger (\dag) into the villain's heart.
+%\noindent Everything in this example except for the |\dag| and the spaces
+%acts like a ``typeset me'' command. We'll explain more about spaces
+%on \xrefpg{spaces}.
+She plunged a dagger (\dag) into the villain's heart.
+She plunged a dagger (\dag) into the villain's heart.
+\noindent 在这个例子中,
+除 |\dag| 和空格之外的每个字符都如同一个``排版我''命令。
+%There are two kinds of control sequences: \emph{control words}
+%^^{control words}
+%and \emph{control symbols}:
+%^^{control symbols}
+%\li A control word consists of a
+%backslash followed by one or more letters, e.g., `|\dag|'.
+%The first character that isn't a letter marks the end
+%of the control word.
+%\li A control symbol consists of a backslash followed by a single character
+%that isn't a letter, e.g., `|\$|'.
+%The character can be a space or even the end of a line (which is a perfectly
+%legitimate character).
+控制序列可分为\emph{控制词}(control word)^^{控制词}%
+和\emph{控制符}(control symbol)^^{控制符}这两种类型:
+\li 控制词由反斜杠后跟一个或多个字母组成,例如`|\dag|'。
+\li 控制符由反斜杠后跟一个单个的非字母字符组成,例如`|\$|'。
+%A control word (but not a control symbol)
+%absorbs any spaces or ends of line that follow it.
+%^^{control sequences//absorbing spaces}
+%If you don't want to lose a space after a control word,
+%follow the control sequence with a ^{control space}
+%(|\!visiblespace|) or with `|{}|'. Thus either:
+%The wonders of \TeX\!visiblespace!.shall never cease!!
+%The wonders of \TeX{} shall never cease!!
+%The wonders of \TeX{} shall never cease!
+%\noindent rather than:
+%The wonders of \TeX shall never cease!
+%which is what you'd get if you left out the `|\|\visiblespace'
+%or the `|{}|'.
+The wonders of \TeX\!visiblespace!.shall never cease!!
+The wonders of \TeX{} shall never cease!!
+The wonders of \TeX{} shall never cease!
+\noindent 作为对比,下面的结果:
+The wonders of \TeX shall never cease!
+%Don't run a control word together with the text that follows it---\TeX\
+%won't know where the control word ends. For instance, the |\c| control
+%sequence places a cedilla accent on the character that follows it. The
+%French word {\it gar\c con\/} must be typed as
+%`|gar\c!visiblespace!.con|', not `|gar\ccon|'; if you write the latter,
+%\TeX\ will complain about an undefined control sequence |\ccon|.
+不要将控制词和其后的文本连在一起---这样\TeX\ 无法知道控制词在哪里结束。
+要得到法文单词{\it gar\c con\/},你必须输入`|gar\c!visiblespace!.con|',
+而不是`|gar\ccon|';若你输入后者,\TeX\ 将抱怨有未定义的控制序列|\ccon|。
+%A control symbol, on the other hand, doesn't absorb anything that
+%follows it. Thus you must type `\$13.56' as `|\$13.56|', not
+%`|\$!vs13.56|'; the latter form would produce `\hbox{\$ 13.56}'.
+%However, those accenting commands that are named by control symbols are
+%defined in such a way that they produce the effect of absorbing a
+%following space. Thus, for example, you can type the French word {\it
+%d\'eshabiller\/} either as `|d\'eshabiller|' or as
+而不是`|\$!vs13.56|';后者将生成`\hbox{\$ 13.56}'。
+例如,要得到法文单词{\it d\'eshabiller\/},键入`|d\'eshabiller|',
+%Every control sequence is also a command,
+%but not the other way around.
+%^^{commands//versus control sequences}
+%^^{control sequences//versus commands}
+%For instance, the letter `|N|'
+%is a command, but it isn't a control sequence.
+%In this book we ordinarily use ``command'' rather than
+%``control sequence'' when either term would do.
+%We use ``control sequence'' when we want to emphasize aspects of \TeX\
+%syntax that don't apply to commands in general.
+在强调 \TeX\ 的语法层面时,我们用``控制序列'',
+%\eix^^{control sequences}
+%\subsection Arguments
+\subsection 参量
+%Some commands need to be followed by one or more
+%\emph{arguments} ^^{arguments}
+%that help to determine what the command does.
+%For instance, the |\vskip| command, which
+%tells \TeX\ to skip down (or up) the page,
+%expects an argument specifying how much space to skip. To skip
+%down two inches, you would type `|\vskip 2in|', where |2in|
+%is the argument of |\vskip|.
+例如,|\vskip|命令告诉 \TeX\ 在页面中往上(或往下)跳过一定间距,
+要往下跳过两英寸,你需要键入`|\vskip 2in|',
+%Different commands expect different kinds of arguments. Many commands
+%expect dimensions, such as the |2in| in the example above.
+%Some commands, particularly those defined by macros,
+%expect arguments that are either a single character or some
+%text enclosed in braces.
+%Yet others require that their arguments be enclosed in braces, i.e.,
+%they don't accept single-character arguments.
+%The description of each command in this book tells you what kinds of arguments,
+%if any, the command expects.
+%In some cases, required braces define a group (see \xref{bracegroup}).
+%\subsection Parameters
+\subsection 参数
+%Some commands are parameters (\xref{parameter}).
+%^^{parameters//as commands}
+%You can use a parameter in either of two ways:
+%\li You can use the value of a parameter
+%as an argument to another command. For example, the command
+%causes a vertical skip by the value of the |\parskip| (paragraph skip)
+%glue parameter.
+%\li You can change the value of the parameter by assigning
+%something to it. For example, the assignment \hbox{|\hbadness=200|}
+%causes the value of the |\hbadness| number parameter to be $200$.
+%We also use the term ``parameter'' to refer to entities such as |\pageno|
+%that are actually registers but behave just like parameters.
+%^^{registers//parameters as}
+\li 将该参数的值用作其他命令的参量。
+例如 \hbox{|\vskip\parskip|} 这个命令生成大小%
+\li 通过赋值修改该参数的值。
+例如 \hbox{|\hbadness=200|} 这个赋值使得|\hbadness|参数的值变为$200$.
+%Some commands are names of tables. These commands are used like
+%parameters, except that they require an additional argument that
+%specifies a particular entry in the table. For example, |\catcode| names
+%a table of category codes (\xref{category code}). Thus
+%the command
+%\hbox{|\catcode`~=13|} sets the category code of the `|~|'
+%character to $13$.
+例如,|\catcode| 是类别码表格的名称(\xref{类别码})。
+因此,\hbox{|\catcode`~=13|} 这个命令设置字符`|~|'的类别码为$13$。
+%\subsection Spaces
+\subsection 空格
+%You can freely use extra spaces in your input. Under nearly all circumstances
+%\TeX\ treats several spaces in a row as being equivalent to a
+%single space. For instance, it doesn't matter whether you put one space
+%or two spaces after a ^{period} in your input. Whichever you do, \TeX\
+%performs its end-of-sentence maneuvers and leaves the appropriate
+%(in most cases) amount of space after the period.
+%\TeX\ also treats the end of an input line as equivalent to a space.
+%Thus you can end your input lines wherever it's convenient---%
+%\TeX\ makes input
+%lines into
+%paragraphs in the same way no matter where the line breaks are in your
+在几乎所有情形中 \TeX\ 都将同一行的连续多个空格看成一个空格。
+不论按照哪种写法,\TeX\ 都会执行其句子结束操作,
+\TeX\ 同样将输入中的行结束符视为一个空格。
+\TeX\ 按照此方式将各输入行转换为段落,而不在乎输入中的换行位置。
+%A blank line in your input marks the end of a paragraph.
+%Several blank lines are equivalent to a single one.
+%\TeX\ ignores input spaces within math formulas (see below). Thus you can
+%include or omit spaces anywhere within a math formula---\TeX\ doesn't care.
+%Even within a math formula, however,
+%you must not run a control word together with a following letter.
+\TeX\ 忽略数学公式中的空格(见后面)。
+因此,你可以加上或者省去公式中的空格——\TeX\ 不在乎这个。
+%If you are defining your own macros, you need to be particularly careful about
+%where you put ends of line in their definitions.
+%It's all too easy to define a macro that produces an
+%^{unwanted space} in addition to whatever else it's supposed to produce.
+%We discuss this problem elsewhere since it's somewhat
+%technical; see \xrefpg{unwantedspace}.
+%A space or its equivalent between two words in your input doesn't simply turn
+%into a space character in your output.
+%A few of these input spaces turn into ends of lines
+%in the output,
+%since input lines generally don't correspond to output lines.
+%The others turn into spaces of variable width called ``glue'' (\xref{glue}),
+%which has a natural size (the size it ``wants to be'')
+%but can stretch or shrink.
+%When \TeX\ is typesetting a paragraph
+%that is supposed to have an even right margin (the usual
+%case), it adjusts the widths of the glue in each line
+%to get the lines to end at the margin.
+%(The last line of a paragraph is an exception, since it isn't ordinarily
+%required to end at the right margin.)
+另外有些空格则变成宽度可变的间隔即``粘连'' (\xref{粘连});
+\TeX\ 排版要求右页边对齐(通常如此)的段落时,
+%You can prevent an input space from turning into an end of line by using a
+%^{tie} (^|~|).
+%For example, you wouldn't want \TeX\ to put a line break between the
+%`Fig.' and `8' of `Fig.~8'.
+%By typing `|Fig.~8|' you can prevent such a line break.
+要阻止输入中的空格在输出中变成行结束符,你可以用^{带子} (^|~|)。
+比如,你不会希望 \TeX\ 在`Fig.~8'的 `Fig.' 和 `8' 之间断行。
+输入 `|Fig.~8|' 就可以禁止这样断行。
+%\subsection Comments
+\subsection 注释
+%You can include comments in your \TeX\ input.
+%When \TeX\ sees a comment it just passes over it, so
+%what's in a comment doesn't affect your typeset document in any way.
+%Comments are useful for
+%providing extra information about what's in your input file.
+%For example:
+%% ========= Start of Section `Hedgehog' =========
+在\TeX\ 输入中可以包含注释。\TeX\ 跳过它所碰到的注释,
+% ========= Start of Section `Hedgehog' =========
+%{\indexchar % }%
+%A comment starts with a percent sign (|%|) and extends to the end of the
+%input line.
+%\TeX\ ignores not just the comment but the end of the line as well, so
+%comments have another very
+%important use: connecting two lines so that the end of line
+%^^{line breaks//deleting}
+%between them is invisible to \TeX\ and doesn't generate
+%an output space or an end of line.
+%For instance, if you type:
+%A fool with a spread%
+%sheet is still a fool.
+%you'll get:
+%A fool with a spread%
+%sheet is still a fool.
+{\indexchar % }%
+\TeX\ 既忽略注释也忽略该行的结束符,
+使得 \TeX\ 看不到两行间的行结束符,
+A fool with a spread%
+sheet is still a fool.
+A fool with a spread%
+sheet is still a fool.
+%\subsection Punctuation
+\subsection 标点
+%\TeX\ normally adds some extra space after what it thinks is a
+%^{punctuation} mark at the end of a sentence,
+%namely, `^|.|', `^|?|', or `|!!|' \indexchar !
+%^^{period} ^^{question mark} ^^{exclamation point}
+%followed by an input space.
+%\TeX\ doesn't add
+%the extra space if the punctuation mark follows
+%a capital letter, though, because it assumes the capital
+%letter to be an initial in someone's name.
+%You can force the extra space where it wouldn't otherwise occur by
+%typing something like:
+%A computer from IBM\null?
+若 `^|.|',`^|?|' 或 `|!!|' 之后有个输入空格,\indexchar !
+^^{句号} ^^{问号} ^^{感叹号}
+\TeX\ 认为它是句末^{标点}符号,并在其后添加额外间隔。
+但若该标点符号之前为大写字母,\TeX\ 就不会添加额外间隔,
+A computer from IBM\null?
+%The |\null| doesn't produce any output, but it does prevent \TeX\
+%from associating the capital `M' with the question mark.
+%On the other hand, you can cancel the
+%extra space where it doesn't belong by typing a control space
+%after the punctuation mark, e.g.:
+%Proc.\!visiblespace!.Royal Acad.\!visiblespace!.of Twits
+%so that you'll get:
+%\display{Proc.\ Royal Acad.\ of Twits}
+%\noindent rather than:
+%\display{Proc. Royal Acad. of Twits}
+命令 |\null| 不生成任何输出,
+但它阻止 \TeX\ 将大写字母`M'和问号结合在一起。
+Proc.\!visiblespace!.Royal Acad.\!visiblespace!.of Twits
+\display{Proc.\ Royal Acad.\ of Twits}
+\noindent 而去掉控制空格后的结果是:
+\display{Proc. Royal Acad. of Twits}
+%Some people prefer not to leave more space after punctuation at the
+%end of a sentence. You can get this effect with the
+%^|\frenchspacing| command (\xref\frenchspacing).
+%|\frenchspacing| is often recommended for ^{bibliographies}.
+利用 ^|\frenchspacing| 命令(\xref\frenchspacing )你就可达成此效果。
+在^{参考文献}中通常建议使用这个 |\frenchspacing| 命令。
+%For single ^{quotation marks}, you should use the left and right
+%single quotes
+%(|`| and |'|) on your keyboard. For left and right
+%double quotation marks, use two left single
+%quotes or two right single quotes (|``| or |''|) rather
+%than the double quote (|"|) on your keyboard.
+%The keyboard double quote
+%will in fact give you a right double quotation mark in
+%many fonts, but the two right single quotes
+%are the preferred \TeX\ style.
+%For example:
+对于单^{引号}, 用键盘上的左右单引号(|`| 和 |'|)就可以得到。
+但两个右单引号是 \TeX\ 中首选的写法。例如:
+%There is no `q' in this sentence.
+%``Talk, child,'' said the Unicorn.
+%She said, ``\thinspace`Enough!!', he said.''
+%These three lines yield:
+%There is no `q' in this sentence.
+%\par ``Talk, child,'' said the Unicorn.
+%\par She said, ``\thinspace`Enough!', he said.''
+%The |\thinspace| in the third input line prevents
+%the single quotation mark from coming
+%too close to the double quotation marks.
+%Without it, you'd just see three
+%nearly equally spaced quotation marks in a row.
+There is no `q' in this sentence.
+``Talk, child,'' said the Unicorn.
+She said, ``\thinspace`Enough!!', he said.''
+There is no `q' in this sentence.
+\par ``Talk, child,'' said the Unicorn.
+\par She said, ``\thinspace`Enough!', he said.''
+第三个输入行中的 |\thinspace| 避免单引号和双引号太过靠近。
+%\TeX\ has three kinds of ^{dashes}:
+%\li Short ones (hyphens) like this ( - ). You get them by typing~`^|-|'.
+%\li Medium ones (en-dashes) like this ( -- ). You get them by typing~`^|--|'.
+%\li Long ones (em-dashes) like this ( --- ). You get them by typing~`^|---|'.
+%Typically you'd use hyphens to indicate compound words like
+%en-dashes to indicate
+%page ranges such as ``pages~81--87'', and em-dashes to indicate
+%a break in continuity---like this.
+在 \TeX\ 中有三种^{横线号}(dash):
+\li 短横线即连字号(hyphen)如这样( - )。键入~`^|-|'~可以得到。
+\li 中横线即连接号(en-dash)如这样( -- )。键入~`^|--|'~可以得到。
+\li 长横线即破折号(em-dash)如这样( --- )。键入~`^|---|'~可以得到。
+% 用 \null 和 {} 绕开 xecjk 的问题
+%\subsection Special characters
+\subsection 特殊字符
+%Certain characters have special meaning to \TeX, so you shouldn't use them
+%in ordinary text. They are:
+在 \TeX\ 中某些字符有特殊的含义,
+% $ # & % _ ^ ~ { } \
+%^^|$//in ordinary text|
+%^^|#//in ordinary text|
+%^^|&//in ordinary text|
+%^^|_//in ordinary text|
+%^^|^//in ordinary text|
+%^^|~//in ordinary text|
+%^^|%//in ordinary text|
+%^^|{//in ordinary text|
+%^^|}//in ordinary text|
+%{\recat!ttidxref[\//in ordinary text]]
+%In order to produce them in your typeset document,
+%you need to use circumlocutions. For the first five,
+%you should instead type:
+% \$ \# \& \% \_
+ $ # & % _ ^ ~ { } \
+ \$ \# \& \% \_
+%For the others, you need something more elaborate:
+ \^{!visiblespace} \~{!visiblespace} $\{$ $\}$ $\backslash$
+%\subsection Groups
+\subsection 编组
+%A \emph{group}
+%consists of material enclosed in matching left and right braces (|{| and
+%^^|{//starting a group|
+%^^|}//ending a group|
+%By placing a command within a group, you can limit its effects to
+%the material within the group.
+%For instance, the |\bf| command tells \TeX\ to set
+%something in {\bf boldface} type. If you were to put |\bf| into your input
+%and do nothing else to counteract it, everything in your document following the
+%|\bf| would be set in boldface.
+%By enclosing |\bf| in a group,
+%you limit its effect to the group. For example, if you type:
+%We have {\bf a few boldface words} in this sentence.
+%\noindent you'll get:
+%\display{We have {\bf a few boldface words} in this sentence.}
+包含在配对的左右花括号(|{| 和 |}|)中的内容组成一个\emph{编组}。
+例如,|\bf| 命令让 \TeX\ 将某些内容用粗体显示。
+如果你将 |\bf| 放在你的输入中,而没有用任何方式取消它,
+|\bf| 之后的所有内容都将以粗体显示。
+如果将 |\bf| 包含在一个编组中,
+We have {\bf a few boldface words} in this sentence.
+\noindent 你将会得到如下的结果:
+\display{We have {\bf a few boldface words} in this sentence.}
+%\noindent You can also use a group to limit the effect of
+%an assignment to one of \TeX's parameters.
+%These parameters contain values that affect how \TeX\ typesets your document.
+%For example, the value of the |\parindent|
+%parameter specifies the indentation at the beginning of a paragraph.
+%The assignment |\parindent = 15pt|
+%sets the indentation to $15$ printer's points.
+%By placing this assignment at the beginning
+%of a group containing a few paragraphs, you can change
+%the indentation of just those paragraphs. If you don't enclose
+%the assignment in a group,
+%the changed indentation will apply to the rest of the document (or up to the
+%next assignment to |\parindent|, if there's a later one).
+\noindent 利用编组,你可以限制 \TeX\ 某个参数的取值的作用范围。
+这些参数的取值影响 \TeX\ 对文档的排版。
+例如,|\parindent| 参数的值指定了段首缩进量,
+赋值 |\parindent = 15pt| 将设定该缩进量为 $15$ 点。
+%Not all pairs of braces indicate a group.
+%In particular, the braces associated with an argument for which the
+%braces are \emph{not} required don't indicate a group---they just
+%serve to delimit the argument.
+%Of those commands that do require braces for their arguments,
+%some treat the braces as defining a group
+%and the others interpret the argument in some special way that depends on
+%the command.\footnote
+%{More precisely, for primitive commands either
+%the braces define a group or they enclose tokens that aren't processed in
+%\TeX's stomach.
+%For |\halign| and |\valign| the group has a trivial
+%effect because everything within the braces either doesn't reach the stomach
+%(because it's in the template) or is enclosed in a further inner group.
+%^^|\halign//grouping for|
+%^^|\valign//grouping for|
+花括号要么定义了一个编组,要么不会在 \TeX\ 的胃中被处理。
+对于 |\halign| 和 |\valign| 命令,编组只有平凡的效果;
+%\subsection Math formulas
+\subsection 数学公式
+%A math formula can appear in text (\emph{text math})
+%^^{text math}
+%or set off on a line by itself
+%with extra vertical space around it (\emph{display math}).
+%^^{display math}
+%You enclose a text formula in single dollar signs (|$|)
+%and a displayed formula in double dollar signs (|$$|).
+%For example:
+%If $a<b$, then the relation $$e^a < e^b$$ holds.
+%\noindent This input produces:
+%If $a<b$, then the relation $$e^a < e^b$$ holds.}
+%\noindent \chapterref{math} describes the commands that are useful
+%in math formulas.
+If $a<b$, then the relation $$e^a < e^b$$ holds.
+\noindent 此输入得到的结果是:
+If $a<b$, then the relation $$e^a < e^b$$ holds.}
+\noindent \chapterref{math}描述了数学公式中常用的命令。
+%\section How \TeX\ works
+\section \TeX\ 如何工作
+%In order to use \TeX\ effectively, it helps to
+%have some idea of how \TeX\ goes about
+%its activity of transmuting input into output.
+%You can imagine \TeX\ as a kind of organism with ``eyes'',
+%``mouth'', ``gullet'',
+%``stomach'', and ``intestines''.
+%Each part of the organism transforms its input in some way and passes
+%the transformed input to the next stage.
+为了更有效地使用 \TeX ,
+对 \TeX\ 着手将输入转换为输出的活动有所了解是有益的。
+你可以将 \TeX\ 想象为一种有“眼睛”、“嘴巴”、“食道”、“胃”以及“肠道”的生物体。
+%The ^{eyes} transform an input file into a sequence of characters.
+%The ^{mouth} transforms the sequence of characters into a sequence of
+%where each token is either a single character or a control sequence.
+%^^{control sequences//as tokens}
+%The gullet expands the tokens into a sequence of
+%\emph{primitive commands}, which are also tokens.
+%^^{expanding tokens}
+%The ^{stomach} carries out the operations specified by the primitive commands,
+%producing a sequence of pages.
+%Finally, the ^{intestines} transform each page into the form required
+%for the \dvifile\ and send it there.
+%^^{\dvifile//created by \TeX's intestines}
+%These actions are described in more detail
+%in \chapterref{concepts} under \conceptcit{\anatomy}.
+最后,^{肠道}将每个页面转换为 \dvifile 所需的形式并发送给它。
+^^{\dvifile//由 \TeX\ 的肠道生成}
+%The real typesetting goes on in the stomach.
+%The commands instruct \TeX\ to typeset such-and-such a character in
+%such-and-such a font, to insert an interword space, to end a paragraph, and
+%so on.
+%Starting with individual typeset characters and other simple typographic
+%elements, \TeX\ builds up a page ^^{pages} as a nest of
+%^{boxes} within boxes within boxes \seeconcept{box}.
+%Each typeset character occupies a box, and so does an entire page.
+%A box can contain not just smaller boxes but also \emph{glue} ^^{glue}
+%(\xref{glue}) and a few other things.
+%The glue produces
+%space between the smaller boxes.
+%An important property of glue is that it can stretch and shrink;
+%thus \TeX\ can make a box
+%larger or smaller by stretching or shrinking
+%the glue within~it.
+这些命令指导 \TeX\ 用这样或那样的字体排版这个或那个字符,
+\TeX\ 将^{盒子}一层层放入其他盒子中\seeconcept{盒子},
+因此通过伸缩盒子中的粘连,\TeX\ 可以让盒子变大或变小。
+%Roughly speaking, a line is a box containing a sequence of character boxes,
+%and a page is a box containing a sequence of line boxes.
+%There's glue between the words of a line and between the lines of a page.
+%\TeX\ stretches or shrinks
+%the glue on each line so as to make the right margin
+%of the page come out even and the glue on each page
+%so as to make the bottom margins of different pages be equal.
+%Other kinds of typographical elements can also appear in a line or in a page,
+%but we won't go into them here.
+\TeX\ 伸缩各行中的粘连以让右页边对齐,
+%As part of the process of assembling pages, \TeX\ needs to break paragraphs
+%into lines and lines into pages. The stomach first sees a paragraph as one
+%long line, in effect. It inserts \emph{line breaks}
+%^^{line breaking}
+%in order to transform
+%the paragraph into a sequence of lines of the right length, performing a
+%rather elaborate analysis in order to choose the set of breaks
+%that makes the paragraph look best
+%\seeconcept{line break}.
+%The stomach carries out a similar
+%but simpler process in order to transform a sequence of lines into a page.
+%Essentially the stomach accumulates lines until no more lines can fit on the
+%page. It then chooses a single place to break the page, putting the lines
+%before the break on the current page
+%and saving the lines after the break for the
+%next page \seeconcept{page break}. ^^{page breaks//inserted by \TeX's stomach}
+\TeX\ 需要将段落分为多行,将多行组成页面。
+事实上,\TeX\ 的胃刚开始将段落看成一个很长的行。
+\TeX\ 的胃也执行类似但简单些的分析以将一些行组成页面。
+^^{分页//由 \TeX\ 的胃插入}
+%When \TeX\ is assembling an entity from a list of items (boxes, glue, etc.),
+%it is in one of six
+%\emph{modes} ^^{modes} (\xref{mode}).
+%The kind of entity it is assembling defines the mode that it is in.
+%There are two ordinary modes: ordinary horizontal mode for assembling
+%paragraphs (before they are broken into lines)
+%and ordinary vertical mode for assembling pages.
+%There are two restricted modes:
+%restricted horizontal mode for appending items horizontally to form
+%a horizontal box
+%and internal vertical mode for appending items vertically to form
+%a vertical box (other than a page).
+%Finally, there are two math modes: text math mode for assembling math formulas
+%within a paragraph and display math mode for assembling math formulas that are
+%displayed on lines by themselves (see ``Math formulas'', \xref{mathform}).
+在 \TeX\ 组装一个列表项(盒子,粘连等)中的某个东西时,
+%\section New \TeX\ versus old {\TeX}
+\section{新 \TeX\ 和老 \TeX}
+%In 1989 Knuth made a major revision to \TeX\ in order to
+%adapt it to the
+%character sets needed to support typesetting for languages other than
+%English.\space ^^{foreign languages}
+%The revision included a few minor extra features that could be added
+%without disturbing anything else.
+%This book describes ``^{\newTeX}''.
+%If you're still using an older version
+%of \TeX\ (version $2.991$ or earlier),
+%you'll want to know what features of {\newTeX} you can't use.
+%The following features aren't available in the older versions:
+%\li ^|\badness| (\xref\badness)
+%\li ^|\emergencystretch| (\xref\emergencystretch)
+%\li ^|\errorcontextlines| (\xref\errorcontextlines)
+%\li ^|\holdinginserts| (\xref\holdinginserts)
+%\li ^|\language|, ^|\setlanguage|, and |\new!-lan!-guage|
+%(\pp\xrefn\language, \xrefn{\@newlanguage}) ^^|\newlanguage|
+%\li ^|\lefthyphenmin| and ^|\righthyphenmin| (\xref\lefthyphenmin)
+%\li ^|\noboundary| (\xref\noboundary)
+%\li ^|\topglue| (\xref\topglue)
+%\li The |^^|$xy$ notation for hexadecimal digits (\xref{hexchars})
+%We recommend that you obtain new \TeX\ if you can.
+在 1989 年,Knuth 对 \TeX\ 做了一次大幅修改,
+这本书介绍 ``^{\newTeX}''。
+如果你仍使用旧版本的 \TeX ($2.991$ 版或以前的版本),
+你可能会想知道哪些 {\newTeX} 的功能你是没法使用的。
+\li ^|\badness|(\xref\badness )
+\li ^|\emergencystretch|(\xref\emergencystretch )
+\li ^|\errorcontextlines|(\xref\errorcontextlines )
+\li ^|\holdinginserts|(\xref\holdinginserts )
+\li ^|\language|、^|\setlanguage| 和 |\new!-lan!-guage|%
+(第 \xrefn\language 和 \xrefn{\@newlanguage}页)^^|\newlanguage|
+\li ^|\lefthyphenmin| 和 ^|\righthyphenmin|(\xref\lefthyphenmin )
+\li ^|\noboundary|(\xref\noboundary )
+\li ^|\topglue|( \xref\topglue )
+\li 十六进制的数字表达方式 |^^|$xy$(\xref{hexchars})
+我们建议你尽可能地使用新版本的 \TeX 。
+%\section Resources
+\section 资源
+%A number of resources are available to help you in using \TeX.
+%\texbook\ is the definitive source of information on \TeX:
+有很多资源可以帮助你使用 \TeX ,其中 \texbook\ 是最可靠的 \TeX\ 信息来源。
+%^{Knuth, Donald E.}, \texbook. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1984.\par}
+%Be sure to get the seventeenth printing (January 1990) or later;
+%the earlier printings don't cover the features of new \TeX.
+^{Knuth, Donald E.}, \texbook. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1984.\par}
+请务必使用第十七次(1990 年 1 月)及以后的印刷版本。
+早先的印刷版本不包括新 \TeX\ 的许多功能。
+%^{\LaTeX} is a very popular collection of commands designed to simplify the use
+%of \TeX. It is described in:
+%{\narrower\noindent\frenchspacing\spaceskip = 3.33pt plus 2pt minus 1.2pt
+%^{Lamport, Leslie}, {\sl The \LaTeX\ Document Preparation System}.
+%Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1986.\par}
+%^{\AMSTeX} is the collection of commands adopted by the American Mathematical
+%Society as a standard for submitting mathematical man\-u\-scripts
+%It is described in:
+%^{Spivak, Michael~D.}, {\sl The Joy of \TeX}. Providence, R.I.:
+%American Mathematical Society, 1986.
+%You can join the ^{\TUG} (TUG), which publishes a newsletter
+%called {\it ^{TUGBoat}}.
+%TUG is an excellent source not only for information about \TeX\ but also
+%for collections of macros, including \AMSTeX.
+%Its address is:
+%c/o American Mathematical Society
+%P.O. Box 9506
+%Providence, RI 02940
+%Finally, you can obtain copies of the ^|eplain.tex| macros
+%described in \chapterref{eplain} as well as the macros used in typesetting
+%this book.
+%They are available through the Internet network by anonymous \ftp\ from the
+%following hosts:
+%{\obeylines\display{\tt [] [] []}}
+^{\LaTeX} 是一套为了简化 \TeX\ 的使用而设计的命令集,
+它在这本书里面有介绍\footnote{译注: 这本书中介绍的 \LaTeX\ 己经过时。}:
+{\narrower\noindent\frenchspacing\spaceskip = 3.33pt plus 2pt minus 1.2pt
+^{Lamport, Leslie}, {\sl The \LaTeX\ Document Preparation System}.
+Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1986.\par}
+^{\AMSTeX} 是一套美国数学学会定义的提交电子数学手稿的命令标准,
+^{Spivak, Michael D.}, {\sl The Joy of \TeX}. Providence, R.I.:
+American Mathematical Society, 1986.
+你可以加入 ^{\TUG}(TUG),这个组织出版一本名为 {\it ^{TUGBoad}} 的通讯。
+TUG 是一个很好的信息来源渠道,它同时也提供包括 \AMSTeX\ 在内的很多 \TeX\ 宏包资源。
+c/o American Mathematical Society
+P.O. Box 9506
+Providence, RI 02940
+最后,你可以获取在\chapterref{eplain}介绍的用来排版本书的宏包 ^|eplain.tex|。
+它可以通过使用 \ftp 匿名登录获取:
+{\obeylines\display{\tt [] [] []}}
+%The electronic version includes additional macros
+%that format input for the
+%^{\BibTeX}\ computer program, written by Oren Patashnik at Stanford
+%University, ^^{Patashnik, Oren}
+%and print the output from that program.
+%If you find bugs in the macros, or think of improvements, you can send
+%electronic mail to Karl at {\tt}.
+电子版本还包括了为 ^{\BibTeX} 程序处理输入并排印其输出的宏——
+\thinspace\BibTeX 程序是斯坦弗大学的 Oren Patashnik ^^{Patashnik, Oren} 编写的。
+你可以给 Karl 发电子邮件。Karl 的电子邮箱地址是 {\tt}。
+%The macros are also available for US \$10.00 on $5\frac1/4$\inches\
+%or $3\frac1/2$\inches\ PC-format diskettes from:
+%Paul Abrahams
+%214 River Road
+%Deerfield, MA 01342
+%Email: {\tt Abrahams\}
+%These addresses are correct as of June 1990; please be aware that they may
+%change after that, particularly the electronic addresses.
+这个宏包还提供了 $5\frac1/4$\inches\ 或 $3\frac1/2$\inches\ 软盘,
+你可以向以下地址邮寄 10.00 美元购买:
+Paul Abrahams
+214 River Road
+Deerfield, MA 01342
+Email: {\tt Abrahams\}
+这个地址在 1990 年 6 月是正确的;请注意在这之后它可能发生改变,尤其是电子邮件地址。