path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/standard/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/standard/')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/standard/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/standard/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c5f62220794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/standard/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% IYP (2005)
+%input featpost3Dplus2D;
+TDAtiplen := 0.1; % tdarrow
+TDAhalftipbase := 0.04; % Three-Dimensional
+TDAhalfthick := 0.02; % Arrow
+ForePen := pencircle scaled 10pt;
+BackPen := pencircle scaled 6pt;
+numeric ranga;
+ranga = 30+uniformdeviate(120);
+def ellip( expr TheVal ) =
+ ( (cosd(360*TheVal),sind(360*TheVal)/sind(ranga),0) )
+ f := ( 4, 1, 2 );
+ Spread := 90;
+ pen blackpen, whitepen;
+ numeric majoraxe, i, j, gridstepn, gridstep, gridstart, halen, rang;
+ numeric ellfocus, totdist, marginl;
+ path espira, partes, covere;
+ color avec, midvec;
+ halen = 1;
+ marginl = 0.14;
+ rang = 45+30*floor(uniformdeviate(3.9));
+ show rang;
+ avec = (0,cosd(rang),sind(rang))*halen;
+ blackpen = pencircle scaled 5pt;
+ whitepen = pencircle scaled 3pt;
+ majoraxe = 1.2 + uniformdeviate(0.8);
+ ellfocus = majoraxe +-+ 1;
+ gridstepn= 15;
+ gridstep = 2*majoraxe/(gridstepn-1);
+ gridstart= 0.5*gridstepn*gridstep;
+ espira = ellipticpath( black, -red, -green*majoraxe );
+ draw espira withpen blackpen;
+ undraw espira withpen whitepen;
+ for j=-1 step gridstep until 1:
+ for i=-gridstart step gridstep until gridstart:
+ midvec := (j,i,0);
+ totdist := conorm(midvec-(0,-ellfocus,0))+conorm(midvec-(0,ellfocus,0));
+ if 2*majoraxe-marginl > totdist:
+ tdarrow( midvec, midvec+avec );
+% draw rp(midvec) withpen whitepen;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ partes = subpath (10.3,25.6) of espira;
+ covere = subpath (10,26) of espira;
+ draw partes withpen blackpen;
+ undraw covere withpen whitepen;
+ f := ( 4, 1.9, 1.22 );
+ Spread := 90;
+ numeric nodc, lsc;
+ nodc = 10;
+ lsc = 2.4;
+ closedline( true, 200, 0.5, 1.75 )( ellip );
+ numeric i, j, circlesize, polar, phi;
+ color currpos, ini, fin, avec;
+ string comm;
+ avec = (0,cosd(ranga),sind(ranga));
+ circlesize = 1.86/nodc;
+ for i=0.93 step -circlesize until 0.4*circlesize:
+ polar := floor(6.28318*i/circlesize);
+ for j=1 upto polar:
+ phi := 360*j/polar;
+ currpos := i*(cosd(phi),sind(phi)/sind(ranga),0);
+ comm:="tdarrow("
+ & cstr( currpos )
+ & ","
+ & cstr( currpos + avec )
+ & ");";
+ getready( comm, currpos );
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ doitnow;
+ pickup pencircle scaled 2pt;
+ drawarrow rp((0,1.07/sind(ranga),0))--rp((0,2.47,0));
+ drawarrow rp((1.07,0,0))--rp((1.67,0,0));
+ angline((0,2.37,0),(0,0.93/sind(ranga),0)+avec,(0,0.93/sind(ranga),0),
+ 0.3, btex $\alpha$ etex scaled lsc, urt);
+ btex $x$ etex scaled lsc, rp((1.67,0,0)) );
+ btex $y$ etex scaled lsc, rp((0,2.47,0)) );