path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7e233047c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+% 2006
+% L. Nobre G.
+%input featpost3Dplus2D;
+% bash: export TEX=latex
+% tcsh: setenv TEX latex
+prologues := 1;
+ numeric u, nstripes, aspecratio, minskip, maxskip, shiftlim, shiftmin;
+ numeric nbreaks, i, j, ymax, shiftx, lefh, righ, actualx, newx;
+ numeric prevlefh, prevrigh, xmax, auxan, auxr, cdiam;
+ path lefp[], rigp[], strp[];
+ pair shif, reflef, refrig, auxa, auxb;
+ boolean exitcondition;
+ u = 1cm;
+ nstripes = 7;
+ aspecratio = 1.7;
+ minskip = 0.5u; % must not be too small
+ maxskip = 4u;
+ shiftlim = 0.7u;
+ shiftmin = 0.25u;
+ cdiam = 0.65u;
+ xmax = (2*nstripes-1)*u;
+ ymax = aspecratio*xmax;
+ prevlefh = ymax;
+ prevrigh = ymax;
+ actualx = u;
+ for i=1 upto nstripes:
+ lefp[i] = ((2*i-1)*u,ymax);
+ rigp[i] = ((2*i-1)*u,ymax)--(2*i*u,ymax);
+ endfor;
+ exitcondition = false;
+ forever:
+ auxr := uniformdeviate(2)-1;
+ if auxr > 0:
+ newx := actualx + shiftmin + (shiftlim-shiftmin)*auxr;
+ else:
+ newx := actualx - shiftmin + (shiftlim-shiftmin)*auxr;
+ fi;
+ lefh := prevlefh - minskip - uniformdeviate(maxskip-minskip);
+ righ := prevrigh - minskip - uniformdeviate(maxskip-minskip);
+ if lefh < minskip:
+ lefh := minskip;
+ exitcondition := true;
+ fi;
+ if righ < minskip:
+ righ := minskip;
+ exitcondition := true;
+ fi;
+ reflef := (newx,lefh);
+ refrig := (newx+xmax,righ);
+ auxan := angle(refrig-reflef);
+ shif := (newx-actualx)*(1,sind(auxan)/cosd(auxan));
+ for i=1 upto nstripes:
+ auxa := point (length lefp[i]) of lefp[i];
+ auxb := point (length rigp[i]) of rigp[i];
+ pair poil, poir;
+ poil = auxa+whatever*down;
+ poil = whatever[reflef,refrig];
+ poir = auxb+whatever*down;
+ poir = whatever[reflef,refrig];
+ lefp[i] := lefp[i]--poil--(poil+shif);
+ rigp[i] := rigp[i]--poir--(poir+shif);
+ endfor;
+ actualx := newx;
+ prevlefh := lefh;
+ prevrigh := righ;
+ exitif exitcondition;
+ endfor;
+ for i=1 upto nstripes:
+ auxa := point (length lefp[i]) of lefp[i];
+ auxb := point (length rigp[i]) of rigp[i];
+ pair poil, poir;
+ poil = auxa+whatever*down;
+ poil = whatever[origin,right];
+ poir = auxb+whatever*down;
+ poir = whatever[origin,right];
+ lefp[i] := lefp[i]--poil--poir;
+ rigp[i] := rigp[i]--poir;
+ strp[i] = buildcycle( lefp[i], reverse rigp[i] );
+ fill strp[i] withcolor red;
+ endfor;
+% for i=nstripes+1 upto nstripes+50:
+% strp[i] = fullcircle scaled cdiam shifted
+% (uniformdeviate(xmax),uniformdeviate(ymax));
+% fill strp[i];
+% endfor;
+end. \ No newline at end of file