path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..269cc6ab682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% IYP (2005)
+numeric HalfSideLength;
+numeric ThicknesFactor, BorderThFactor;
+HalfSideLength = 6mm;
+ThicknesFactor = 0.5;
+BorderThFactor = 1.85; % Borders over TraceThickness
+def PickInteger( expr MaxNum ) = floor( uniformdeviate( MaxNum+1 ) ) enddef;
+def PickColor =
+ begingroup
+ numeric c[], i, min, max, ref;
+ ref = 0.76;
+ for i=1 upto 3:
+ c[i] = uniformdeviate(1);
+ endfor;
+ min = c1;
+ max = c1;
+ for i=2 upto 3:
+ if c[i] < min: min := c[i]; fi;
+ if c[i] > max: max := c[i]; fi;
+ endfor;
+ for i=1 upto 3:
+ c[i] := ref+(0.94-ref)*(c[i]-min)/(max-min);
+ endfor;
+ ( ( c1 , c2, c3 ) )
+ endgroup
+vardef LocateIndex[] =
+ dotlabel.urt( str @, z@ )
+ numeric tracethickness, i, j, hexconst, angaux, cou, nupersi;
+ numeric ThisInd, ThatInd, dist[], ang[];
+ color TheColor;
+ pen tracepen, bordepen;
+ path hexpath, ActualPath, FinalCut;
+ pair corn[], nco, aco, vec, Dir[], urCorner, ulCorner, llCorner, lrCorner;
+ boolean Filled[];
+ picture Tile[];
+ hexconst = sqrt(3)/2;
+ nupersi = PickInteger( 2 );
+ tracethickness = ThicknesFactor*
+ (0.5+uniformdeviate(0.5))*
+ HalfSideLength/(nupersi+1);
+ TheColor = PickColor;
+ tracepen = pencircle scaled tracethickness;
+ bordepen = tracepen scaled BorderThFactor;
+ for i=0 upto 6:
+ corn[i] = 2*HalfSideLength*dir(i*60);
+ endfor;
+ hexpath = corn0--corn1--corn2--corn3--corn4--corn5--cycle;
+ dist0 = 0;
+ ang0 = 40+uniformdeviate( 100 );
+ for i=1 upto nupersi:
+ dist[i] = dist[i-1]+(0.7+uniformdeviate(0.45))*HalfSideLength/(nupersi+1);
+ angaux := 40+20*i/nupersi;
+ ang[i] = angaux + uniformdeviate( 180-2*angaux );
+ endfor;
+ for i=0 upto 5:
+ aco := corn[i];
+ nco := corn[1+i];
+ vec := nco-aco;
+ z[i] = aco+0.5*vec;
+ Dir[i] = dir(angle(vec)+ang0);
+ Filled[i] = false;
+ endfor;
+ cou = 5;
+ for i=0 upto 5:
+ aco := corn[i];
+ nco := corn[i+1];
+ vec := unitvector(nco-aco);
+ for j=1 upto nupersi:
+ cou := incr( cou );
+ z[cou] = 0.5[aco,nco]+dist[j]*vec;
+ Dir[cou] = dir(angle(vec)+ang[j]);
+ Filled[cou] = false;
+ cou := incr( cou );
+ z[cou] = 0.5[aco,nco]-dist[j]*vec;
+ Dir[cou] = dir(angle(vec)+ang[j]);
+ Filled[cou] = false;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+% for i=0 upto cou:
+% LocateIndex[i];
+% endfor;
+ for i=1 step 2 until cou:
+ forever:
+ ThisInd := PickInteger( cou );
+ exitunless Filled[ThisInd];
+ endfor;
+ Filled[ThisInd] := true;
+ forever:
+ ThatInd := PickInteger( cou );
+ exitunless Filled[ThatInd];
+ endfor;
+ Filled[ThatInd] := true;
+ ActualPath := z[ThisInd]{Dir[ThisInd]}
+ ...z[ThatInd]{-Dir[ThatInd]};
+ draw ActualPath withcolor background withpen bordepen;
+ draw ActualPath withcolor TheColor withpen tracepen;
+ endfor;
+ clip currentpicture to hexpath;
+ urCorner = ( 8.13in, 11.533in );
+ llCorner = ( 0.118in, 35.5bp );
+ ulCorner = ( xpart llCorner, ypart urCorner );
+ lrCorner = ( xpart urCorner, ypart llCorner );
+ FinalCut = urCorner--ulCorner--llCorner--lrCorner--cycle;
+ for i=0 upto 5:
+ Tile[i] = currentpicture rotated (i*60);
+ endfor;
+ currentpicture := nullpicture;
+ numeric j, horizo, vertic, vertigo;
+ horizo = ( xpart urCorner ) + 2HalfSideLength;
+ vertic = ( ypart urCorner ) + 2HalfSideLength;
+ vertigo = 0.5*horizo;
+ pair paird, pairv;
+ pairv = up*4*HalfSideLength*hexconst;
+ paird = dir(30)*4*HalfSideLength*hexconst;
+ numeric numd, numv;
+ numv = (vertic+2*vertigo)/(4*HalfSideLength*hexconst);
+ numd = horizo/(3*HalfSideLength);
+ for i = 0 upto numd:
+ for j = 0 upto numv:
+ draw Tile[PickInteger( 5 )] shifted ( (0,-vertigo) + i*paird + j*pairv );
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ clip currentpicture to FinalCut;