path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d922453286e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2002
+% linecap := squared;
+ numeric salto, shif, rotang, cfac, posang;
+ numeric innerray, outerray, midleray, thebiray, otherray;
+ numeric midmidcir, midotharc, lblfac, wavecray, midwavarc;
+ path loricir, roricir, baserec, sampleh, wavecarc;
+ path innercirc, outercirc, midlecirc, otherarch;
+ path oridirh, oridirn, oridirp, oridirv, oridire;
+ path dirhoriz, dirnegat, dirposit, dirverti, direff;
+ path lowcut, higcut, glassre, wavecarch, field;
+ pair midmidcirpos, midotharcpos, midwavarcpos, mideffcirpos;
+ pen thickpen;
+ color samplecolor, magnetcolor, samplebordercolor;
+ picture lblpiplu, lblalpha, lblwavec, lblqu, lblno, lblfield;
+ numeric hei, wid, thi, pro, pol, mar;
+ path themagnet, effcirc, diry, oridiry;
+ numeric circleray, squareray, glasssize, effang, effraya, effrayb;
+ picture lblx, lbly, lbleff;
+ numeric mideffcir, yray;
+ pair lastoridire;
+ pickup pencircle scaled 0.15mm;
+ thickpen = pencircle scaled 1.7bp;
+ samplecolor = 0.88white;
+ magnetcolor = 0.37white;
+ samplebordercolor = 0.1white;
+% samplecolor = (0.85,0.9,0.8);
+% magnetcolor = (0.2,0.27,0.58);
+% samplebordercolor = blue;
+ salto = 1mm;
+ rotang = 7;
+ posang = -28;
+ effang = -20;
+ shif = 50salto;
+ thi = 5salto;
+ pol = 25salto;
+ pro = 8salto;
+ wid = 58salto;
+ cfac = 0.5;
+ lblfac = 1.5;
+ innerray = 27salto;
+ circleray = 0.93innerray;
+ squareray = 0.93circleray;
+ glasssize = 0.42squareray;
+ outerray = 60salto;
+ midleray = 55salto;
+ yray = 53salto;
+ thebiray = 145salto;
+ otherray = 115salto;
+ wavecray = 0.5*(thebiray+otherray);
+ effraya = 0.45*(midleray+otherray);
+ effrayb = 0.56*(midleray+otherray);
+ innercirc = fullcircle scaled innerray;
+ outercirc = fullcircle scaled outerray;
+ midlecirc = (halfcircle cutbefore (origin--dir(90+posang)))
+ scaled midleray;
+ midmidcir = 0.5*length midlecirc;
+ midmidcirpos = point midmidcir of midlecirc;
+ effcirc = ((halfcircle cutbefore (origin--dir(90+effang)))
+ cutafter (origin--up))
+ scaled effraya;
+ mideffcir = 0.5*length effcirc;
+ mideffcirpos = point mideffcir of effcirc;
+ otherarch = ((halfcircle cutbefore (origin--dir(90+posang)))
+ cutafter (origin--up))
+ scaled otherray;
+ midotharc = 0.5*length otherarch;
+ midotharcpos = point midotharc of otherarch;
+ wavecarch = ((halfcircle cutafter (origin--dir(90+rotang)))
+ cutbefore (origin--up))
+ scaled wavecray;
+ midwavarc = 0.5*length wavecarch;
+ midwavarcpos = point midwavarc of wavecarch;
+ oridirh = origin--0.5*outerray*left;
+ oridirv = origin--0.5*thebiray*up;
+ oridirn = origin--0.5*thebiray*dir(90+rotang);
+ oridirp = origin--0.5*wavecray*dir(90+posang);
+ oridiry = origin--0.5*yray*dir(180+posang);
+ lastoridire = 0.5*effrayb*dir(90+effang);
+ oridire = origin--lastoridire;
+ dirhoriz = oridirh cutbefore innercirc;
+ dirverti = oridirv cutbefore innercirc;
+ dirnegat = oridirn cutbefore innercirc;
+ dirposit = oridirp cutbefore innercirc;
+ direff = oridire cutbefore innercirc;
+ diry = oridiry cutbefore innercirc;
+ field = (0.5innerray,0)--(0.5wid-salto,0);
+ loricir = halfcircle scaled circleray rotated 90;
+ roricir = halfcircle scaled circleray rotated 270;
+ baserec = (unitsquare shifted (-0.5*(1,1)))
+ xscaled 2
+ scaled squareray;
+ glassre = (unitsquare shifted (-0.5*(1,1)))
+ yscaled (13.0/6.0)
+ scaled glasssize;
+ lowcut = subpath (0,1) of baserec;
+ higcut = subpath (2,3) of baserec;
+ sampleh = buildcycle( higcut, loricir, reverse lowcut, roricir );
+ draw glassre rotated 90 dashed evenly withcolor (cfac*white);
+% draw glassre rotated rotang dashed evenly withcolor (cfac*(white-blue));
+ fill glassre rotated posang withcolor samplecolor;
+ draw glassre rotated posang withcolor samplebordercolor;
+ draw sampleh rotated posang withpen thickpen withcolor blue;
+ drawarrow reverse midlecirc;
+ drawarrow reverse otherarch;
+ drawarrow wavecarch;
+ drawarrow reverse effcirc;
+ draw dirhoriz dashed evenly scaled 2;
+ draw dirverti dashed evenly scaled 2;
+ drawarrow dirnegat withpen thickpen;
+ drawarrow dirposit withpen thickpen;
+ drawarrow direff withpen thickpen;
+ drawarrow reverse field withpen thickpen;
+ drawarrow direff withpen thickpen;
+ drawarrow diry withpen thickpen;
+ lblpiplu = btex $\alpha = \frac{\pi}{2}+\beta$ etex scaled lblfac;
+ lblalpha = btex $\beta$ etex scaled lblfac;
+ lblwavec = btex $\Psi$ etex scaled lblfac;
+ lblqu = btex $\vec{q}\,$ etex scaled lblfac;
+ lblno = btex $\vec{n}_0$ etex scaled lblfac;
+ lblfield = btex $\vec{B}$ etex scaled lblfac;
+ lblx = btex $x$ etex scaled lblfac;
+ lbly = btex $y$ etex scaled lblfac;
+ lbleff = btex $\beta_{\mbox{\small eff}}$ etex scaled lblfac;
+ label.ulft( lblpiplu, midmidcirpos );
+ lblalpha, midotharcpos );
+ lblwavec, midwavarcpos );
+ label.llft( lblqu, point 0.7 of dirnegat );
+ label.lrt( lblx, point 0.7 of dirposit );
+ lblfield, point 0.5 of field );
+ label.llft( lbly, point 0.5 of diry );
+ lbleff, mideffcirpos );
+ lblno, lastoridire );
+ hei = pol+4thi;
+ mar = (hei-2*thi-pol)*0.5;
+ z100 = (pro,mar);
+ z0 = (wid,pol)*0.5;
+ z1 = z0 + z100;
+ z2 = z1 + (thi,0);
+ z3 = (xpart z2, pol*0.5+mar-hei);
+ z4 = (-xpart z2, ypart z3);
+ z5 = (-xpart z2, ypart z2);
+ z6 = (-xpart z1, ypart z1);
+ z7 = (-xpart z0, ypart z0);
+ z8 = (xpart z7, -pol*0.5);
+ z9 = z8 - z100;
+ z10 = z9 - (0,thi);
+ z11= (xpart z1, ypart z10);
+ z12= z11+ (0,thi);
+ z13= (xpart z0, -ypart z0);
+ themagnet = z0--z1--z2--z3--z4--z5--z6--z7--
+ z8--z9--z10--z11--z12--z13--cycle;
+ fill themagnet withcolor magnetcolor;
+ draw themagnet withpen thickpen;