path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aaf486f9fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/featpost/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+% L. Nobre G.
+% 2006
+input featpost3Dplus2D;
+defaultscale := 1.5;
+verbatimtex \documentclass{article}\begin{document} etex
+numeric cont, cmax;
+cmax = 4;
+color focus[];
+focus1 = (5, 3.5,1);
+focus2 = 0.4*(5, 3.5,3);
+focus3 = 0.4*(5, 1.5,1.5);
+focus4 = 0.4*(2.5,5, 1.5);
+for cont= 1 upto cmax:
+ f := focus[cont];
+ beginfig(cont);
+ numeric gridnum, axesmarg, xlen, ylen;
+ gridnum = 15;
+ axesmarg = 0.5;
+ xlen = 1.0;
+ ylen = 1.5;
+ cartaxes(xlen+axesmarg,ylen+axesmarg,1);
+ color va, vb, vc, vd;
+ va = ( 0, 0,0);
+ vb = ( 0,ylen,0);
+ vc = (xlen,ylen,0);
+ vd = (xlen, 0,0);
+ z3 = rp(va);
+ z4 = rp(vb);
+ z5 = rp(vc);
+ z6 = rp(vd);
+ draw z3--z4--z5--z6--cycle dashed evenly;
+ z1 = whatever[z3,z4];
+ z1 = whatever[z6,z5];
+ z2 = whatever[z6,z3];
+ z2 = whatever[z5,z4];
+ draw z1--z3 dashed evenly;
+ draw z1--z6 dashed evenly;
+ draw z2--z3 dashed evenly;
+ draw z2--z4 dashed evenly;
+ numeric aonei, atwoi, bonei, btwoi, conei, ctwoi, donei, dtwoi;
+ aonei = 1/abs(z3-z1);
+ atwoi = 1/abs(z3-z2);
+ bonei = 1/abs(z4-z1);
+ btwoi = 1/abs(z4-z2);
+ conei = 1/abs(z5-z1);
+ ctwoi = 1/abs(z5-z2);
+ donei = 1/abs(z6-z1);
+ dtwoi = 1/abs(z6-z2);
+ numeric aone, atwo, bone, btwo, cone, ctwo, done, dtwo;
+ aone = abs(z3-z1);
+ atwo = abs(z3-z2);
+ bone = abs(z4-z1);
+ btwo = abs(z4-z2);
+ cone = abs(z5-z1);
+ ctwo = abs(z5-z2);
+ done = abs(z6-z1);
+ dtwo = abs(z6-z2);
+ numeric i, wei, aux, good;
+ for i=0 upto gridnum-1:
+ wei := (0.5+i)/gridnum;
+ draw z1--rp(wei[vb,vc]) withcolor red;
+ draw z2--rp(wei[vd,vc]) withcolor red;
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The following lines
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% show how rounding error can destroy accuracy!
+% aux := dtwoi/((1-wei)*atwoi+wei*dtwoi);
+% good := dtwoi/(atwoi+wei*(dtwoi-atwoi));
+% show (aux,good);
+% draw z1--(good[z2,z6]);
+% draw z2--((bonei/((1-wei)*aonei+wei*bonei))[z1,z4]);
+ draw z1--((1/((1-wei)*abs(z6-z2)/abs(z3-z2)+wei))[z2,z6]) withcolor blue;
+ draw z2--((1/((1-wei)*abs(z4-z1)/abs(z3-z1)+wei))[z1,z4]) withcolor blue;
+ endfor;
+ show ((atwo/dtwo)*(ctwo/btwo),(aone/bone)*(cone/done));
+%show ylen/xlen-(bonei-aonei)/(dtwoi-atwoi);
+%show (abs(z2-z6)/abs(z1-z4))*(abs(z1-z4)-abs(z1-z3))/(abs(z2-z6)-abs(z2-z3));
+%show sqrt(abs(z3-z4))*sqrt(abs(z5-z6))/(sqrt(abs(z6-z3))*sqrt(abs(z5-z4)));
+ endfig;
+verbatimtex \end{document} etex