path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/metapost/exteps/exteps.tex
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+\newcommand{\exteps}{\texttt{\upshape exteps}\xspace}
+\newcommand{\delfin}{\texttt{\upshape delfin}\xspace}
+\hypersetup{ps2pdf,a4paper,pdfauthor=Palle Jørgensen, pdftitle={exteps
+ documentation}, pdfsubject={Inclusion of external EPS graphics in
+ MetaPost figures},pdfkeywords={MetaPost,EPS,external,exteps}}
+\author{Palle Jørgensen}
+\title{\so{Using external EPS graphics in} \MP\\\LARGE \so{The}
+ \exteps \so{module}\\\so{Version} \oldstylenums{0.41}}
+ \@ifstar{%
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+ }{%
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+ }%
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+ }%
+This document describes the use of the \exteps module for inclusion of
+external EPS figures in \MP\ figures. Unlike the previous attempt
+(epsincl) it make no use external programs\footnote{This is only
+ partly true, as \MP\ is unable to handle large files; a workaround
+ is described in appendix~\vref{sec:large-eps-files}}; it is
+entirely written in \MP.
+The EPS graphics is included using the \emph{special} command in \MP.
+\section{Using \exteps}
+To illustrate the use of the \exteps module an example is given below.
+Between the \texttt{begineps} and \texttt{endeps} commands both
+settings can be set, as well as special drawing commands can be added.
+The output of the example and the original picture can be seen in
+ \includegraphics[bb = 0 -50 150 200,clip,scale=.71]{pallej}\hfill
+ \includegraphics[bb= -25 -25 180 225,scale=.71,clip=true]{example.1}\hfill
+ \includegraphics[bb = 10 -25 175 225,scale=.71,clip=false]{example.5}
+ \caption{The original (left) and the with \exteps modified picture
+ (middle). To the right there is one without the grid and the dot at the
+ origin.}
+ \label{fig:orig-and-mod}
+The parameters of the settings and their defaults can be seen the
+table below\bigskip.
+\noindent\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{llp{2cm}<\trr X}
+ \toprule
+ Parameter & Type & Default & Description\\
+ \midrule
+ angle & numeric & 0 & The counterclockwise rotation of the EPS figure.\\
+ clipping\footnotemark & boolean & false & If true, the EPS figure is
+ clipped to its bounding box.\\
+ clippath & path & Bounding box of the EPS file & Path to which the
+ EPS picture is clipped, if the \emph{clipping} switch is \emph{true.}\\
+ base & pair & (0,0) & The offset of the lower left corner of the EPS
+ picture.\\
+ scale & pair & (1,1) & The scaling of the picture.\\
+ width & numeric & No default & Specify the width of the picture;
+ overrules the scale setting.\\
+ height & numeric & No default & Specify the height of the picture;
+ overrules the scale setting.\\
+ grid & boolean & false & If true a grid is draw on top of the
+ picture; mostly (only?) meant to help when drawing on top of the EPS
+ figure.\\
+ gridstep & numeric & 10 & The distance in percent between the lines
+ of the grid.\\
+ gridllx & numeric & 0 & The x-part of the lower left corner of the grid; in pct \\
+ gridlly & numeric & 0 & The y-part\\
+ gridurx & numeric & \emph{full width} & The x-part of the upper rightt corner of the grid\\
+ gridury & numeric & \emph{full height} & The y-part\\
+ \bottomrule
+\footnotetext{In version \oldstylenums{0.1} named \emph{clip}}
+\subsection{Special values}
+\texttt{begineps} saves the original bounding box of the EPS picture
+in the values \texttt{llx}, \texttt{lly}, \texttt{urx} and
+\texttt{urx}. These values can be used in the settings, and for
+drawing commands. Furthermore a numeric value \texttt{pct} is set.
+This is a length that is one percent of the width of the picture.
+If for instance one wants the picture to be placed at the same place on
+the page as the original picture it is simply typing
+ base:=(llx,lly);
+between \texttt{begineps} and \texttt{endeps}.
+\subsection{Drawing commands}
+When \texttt{begineps} is called a special picture,
+\texttt{epspicture}, is created. To draw on this picture, and whence
+drawing on the EPS picture the special commands \texttt{epsdraw},
+\texttt{epsfill}, \texttt{epsfilldraw}, \texttt{epsdrawdot} and
+\texttt{epslabel} are defined. They work as the normal drawing
+commands, but now adds to the \texttt{epspicture}.
+At \texttt{endeps} the \texttt{epspicture} is scaled, rotated and
+translated in the same way as the included EPS figure.
+\subsection{Clipping the EPS picture}
+From version \oldstylenums{0.2} it is possible to do advanced clipping of the EPS
+This is done by specifying the path \emph{clippath} along which the
+EPS picture is to be clipped, and setting \emph{clipping} to
+A minor example and the result in \fref{fig:clipped}:
+ \includegraphics[scale=.71]{example.3}\hfill
+ \includegraphics[bb = 30 -2 175 225,,scale=.71]{example.2}\hfill
+ \includegraphics[bb = 30 -2 175 225,,scale=.71]{example.4}
+ \caption{The clipped picture to the right, and the original with a
+ grid to the left. The clippath is marked with blue. The picture in
+ the midlle is created by keeping the blue line on top of the
+ clipped picture.}
+ \label{fig:clipped}
+Please note that this does not clip the \texttt{epspicture}.
+You can do this manually by specifying
+ clip epspicture to clippath;
+ setbounds epspicture to clippath;
+The section about the grid~\vpageref{sec:grid} also provides an
+example of the clipping commands.
+\subsection{The grid}
+It is possible to finetune the settings og the grid, for instance when
+clipping the picture. The example below shows the impact of setting
+the values of \texttt{gridstep}, \texttt{gridllx}, \texttt{gridlly},
+\texttt{gridurx}, and \texttt{gridury}. The result can be seen in
+ \includegraphics[scale=.71]{example.6}
+ \caption{The picture with the finetuned grid, and some clipping.}
+ \label{fig:grid}
+\section{Limitations of \exteps}
+\item \exteps only looks at the first line in the document
+ that says \\\verb|%%BoundingBox:|~\dots
+ Thus it will cause trouble if this line does not provide the
+ bounding box; some PostScript drivers may write
+ \verb|%%BoundingBox: (atend)|. This is not supported.
+\item As all of the graphics inclusion is done with \MP, it is limited
+ by \MP's memory capacity. More specific on the string pool size.
+ Read more about this problem, and about the \emph{delfin} workaround
+ perl script in \appendixname~\vref{sec:large-eps-files}
+\item As the module makes it possible to include external EPS pictures
+ it may not be possible to use the output with \textsc{pdf}\TeX.
+ A way to get around this is to use the program epstopdf.
+ epstopdf is located on CTAN at\\
+ \url{}.
+ Another possible work-around for this is to use the program
+ purifyeps to ``clean up'' the PostScript picture.
+ purifyeps is located on CTAN at\\
+ \url{}.
+ Yet another work-around is to use the program pstoedit to generate
+ \MP\ code form EPS files and include this into your \MP\ file.
+ See \url{}.
+\subsection{From version \mbox{\oldstylenums{0.1}} to \mbox{\oldstylenums{0.2}}}
+\item Adding advanced clipping, see \fref{sec:clipping-eps-picture}.
+\item Renaming the \emph{clip} switch to \emph{clipping}.
+\item Eliminating the \verb|showpage| ``problem'' in version \oldstylenums{0.1}.
+\subsection{From version \mbox{\oldstylenums{0.2}} to \mbox{\oldstylenums{0.3}}}
+\item Improvement of the grid drawing commands. The grid is now drawn
+ \emph{after} the scaling of the picture.
+\item Introducing a workaround for large files. This includes a Perl
+ script.
+\section{Comments and Bug Reports}
+All comments, questions and bug reports, both on the module itself as
+well as this document may be sent to Palle Jørgensen,
+\section{This document}
+\textcopyright\ \the\year\ by Palle Jørgensen.\\ The license of this
+document is GNU General Public License. Source of this document and the
+used example can be found at \url{}.
+\section{Source code of \exteps}
+\section{Large EPS files}
+In case of a too large EPS file, the \exteps module causes an error
+message from \MP, due to the limited memory capacity of \MP.
+The error message looks somewhat like this:
+camel25:~/tmp% mpost
+This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.5.2)
+( (/users/pallej/texmf/metapost/
+Inserting sk.eps into et.1
+! MetaPost capacity exceeded, sorry [pool size=476396].
+<forever> __eps__currentline:=readfrom.file;
+ exitunless.__eps__currentline<>E...
+ .fi.special"%%EndDocument:...
+l.14 endeps
+A workaround for this problem is to set the value \texttt{largefile}
+to \texttt{true}:
+ largefile:=true;
+\exteps now writes
+ %% MetaPost exteps large file->file.eps
+into the \MP\ output file. Afterwards one must run the Perl script
+\delfin onto the \MP\ output file.
+First run \MP:
+This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.5.2)
+( (/users/pallej/texmf/metapost/
+exteps notification: File sk.eps not inserted into et.1
+ Run 'delfin et.1' to insert sk.eps
+ This is caused by setting 'largefile:=true'
+[1] )
+1 output file written: et.1
+Transcript written on et.log.
+and then \delfin
+camel25:~/tmp% delfin et.1
+This is delfin version 0.1
+Delfin, the Exteps Large File INserter
+Inserting sk.eps into et.1
+It is possible to turn off the \exteps notification; just set the
+(global) value \texttt{extepsverbose} to false
+ extepsverbose = false;
+If you are unable to use the \delfin program, it is still possible
+to do the finishing. Just open the \MP\ output file in your favourite
+editor, and replace the line mentioned above with the entire EPS file.
+\subsection{Using \delfin}
+Usage of the \delfin program:
+delfin [options] file.n [file.m [file.l ... ]]
+ -h Print this message end exit
+ -q Be quiet
+ -v Display version and license and exit
+ -V Display version number and exit
+\subsection{Source of \delfin}
+[license stuff etc.]%\vskip-\baselineskip
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+%%% mode: latex
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