path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/penlightplus/penlightplus.tex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/penlightplus/penlightplus.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/penlightplus/penlightplus.tex
index bc719dcd9c7..c7f5c31129d 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/penlightplus/penlightplus.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/luatex/penlightplus/penlightplus.tex
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
% Kale Ewasiuk (
-% 2024-09-30
-% Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Kale Ewasiuk
+% 2025-01-06
+% Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Kale Ewasiuk
% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
\author{Kale Ewasiuk (\url{})}
+\date{\ \today}
@@ -66,8 +66,14 @@
\section*{Package Options and Set-Up}
-This package first loads the \cmd{[import]penlight} package---see the documentation here \url{}.\\
+This package first loads the LaTeX \cmd{penlight[import]} package:\\
+Documentation for the Lua penlight package can be found here:\\ \url{}.\\
The \texttt{pl} option may be passed to this package to create an alias for \cmd{penlight}.\\
+A portion of this package to facilitate the creation, modification, and usage of the Lua table data structure
+through a LaTeX interface has been moved to a separate package called \cmd{luatbls}:\\
The following global Lua variables are defined:
@@ -78,13 +84,14 @@ The following global Lua variables are defined:
\subsubsection*{globals option}
-If the package option \cmd{globals} is used, many additional globals are set for easier scripting.
-\cmd{pl.hasval}, \cmd{pl.COMP}, \cmd{pl.utils.kpairs}, \cmd{pl.utils.npairs} become globals.
-\cmd{pl.tablex} is aliased as \cmd{pl.tbx and tbx} (which also includes all native Lua table functions), and
-\cmd{pl.array2d} is aliased as \cmd{pl.a2d and a2d}. Since this package uses the penlight \cmd{import} option,
+Since this package uses the penlight \cmd{import} option,
all \cmd{stringx} functions are injected into the \cmd{string} meta-table and you can use them like so: \cmd{'first name':upfirst()}.
+But if the package option \cmd{globals} is used, many additional globals are set for easier scripting.
+\cmd{pl.hasval}, \cmd{pl.COMP}, \cmd{pl.utils.kpairs}, \cmd{pl.utils.npairs} become globals.
+\cmd{pl.tablex} is aliased as \cmd{tbx} (which also includes all native Lua table functions), and
+\cmd{pl.array2d} is aliased as \cmd{a2d}.
-If you want global \cmd{pl.tex} functions and variables, call \cmd{pl.make_tex_global()}.\\
+%If you want global \cmd{pl.tex} functions and variables, call \cmd{pl.make_tex_global()}.\\
\subsection*{texlua usage}
@@ -115,11 +122,14 @@ Some functionality is added to penlight and Lua.
\llcmd{pl.hasval(x)} Python-like boolean testing\\
\llcmd{COMP'xyz'()} Python-like comprehensions:\\\url{}\\
+\llcmd{_Gdot(s)} return a global (may contain dots) from string
\cmd{clone_function(f)} returns a cloned function\\
\cmd{operator.strgt(a,b)} compares strings a greater than b (useful for sorting)\\
\cmd{operator.strlt(a,b)} compares strings a less than b (useful for sorting)\\
-\llcmd{math.mod(n,d)}, \cmd{math.mod2(n)} math modulous\\
+\llcmd{math.mod(n,d)} math modulus\\
+\cmd{math.mod2(n)} mod with base 2\\
\llcmd{pl.utils.}\cmd{filterfiles}\cmd{(dir,filt,rec)} Get files from dir and apply glob-like filters. Set rec to \cmd{true} to include sub directories\\
@@ -131,44 +141,82 @@ Some functionality is added to penlight and Lua.
\subsection*{string additions}
+ pl.wrth(('a = 1, b =2 '):split2('=',',',false))
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{upfirst(s)} uppercase first letter\\
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{delspace(s)} delete all spaces\\
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{trimfl(s)}remove first and last chars\\
+\llcmd{string.}\cmd{splitstrip(s, sp, st)} split by sp (default comma) followed by strip (default whitespace)\\
+\llcmd{string.}\cmd{split2(s, sep1, sep2, st)} split a string twice (creates a 2d array), first by sep1 (default comma), then by sep2 (default =), with option to strip (default true)\\
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{appif(s, append, bool, alternate)}\\
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{gfirst(s, t)}return first matched patter from an array of patterns t\\
%\llcmd{string.}\cmd{gnum(s)} extract a number from a string\\
-\llcmd{string.}\cmd{gextract(s)} extract a pattern from a string (returns capture and new string with capture removed)\\
+\llcmd{string.}\cmd{gextract(s,pat)} extract a pattern from a string (returns capture and new string with capture removed)\\
+\llcmd{string.}\cmd{gextrct(s,pat,num,join)} extract a pattern from a string (returns capture and new string with capture removed),
+can specify a number of extractions. if join is specified, captures will be joined, otherwise a list is returned\\
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{totable(s)} string a table of characters\\
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{tolist(s)} string a table of characters\\
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{containsany(s,t)} checks if any of the array of strings \cmd{t} are in \cmd{s} using \cmd{string.find}\\
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{containsanycase(s,t)} case-insensitive version\\
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{delspace(s)} clear spaces from string\\
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{subpar(s, c)} replaces \cmd{\\par} with a character of your choice default is space\\
+\llcmd{string.}\cmd{istexdim(s)} checks if a string is a valid tex dimension (eg. mm, pt, sp)\\
\llcmd{string.}\cmd{fmt(s, t, fmt)} format a string like \cmd{format_operator}, but with
a few improvements. \cmd{t} can be an array (reference items like \cmd{\$1} in the string),
and \cmd{fmt} can be a table of formats (keys correspond to those in \cmd{t}), or a string that
is processed by luakeys.\\
-\llcmd{string.}\cmd{parsekv(s, opts)} parse a string using \cmd{penlight.luakeys}. A string or table can be used for opts.
+\llcmd{string.}\cmd{parsekv(s, opts)} parse a string using a \cmd{luakeys} instance (\cmd{penlight.luakeys}). A kv-string or table can be used for opts.\\
+\llcmd{string.}\cmd{hasnoalpha(s)} string has no letters\\
+\llcmd{string.}\cmd{hasnonum(s)} string has no numbers\\
+\llcmd{string.}\cmd{isvarlike(s)} string is 'variable-like', starts with a letter or underscore and then is alphanumeric or has underscores after \\
+% local s1, s2 = ('12,13'):gxtrct('%d',nil)
+% pl.wrth({s1,s2}, 'err rat')
+%--% pl.wrth(('_'):isvarlike(), 'llll')
+%--% pl.wrth(('1_1k'):isvarlike(), ',,')
+%--% pl.wrth(('kale_1'):isvarlike(), '')
+%--% pl.wrth(('kale_1'):isvarlike(), '')
\subsection*{tablex additions}
\llcmd{tablex.}\cmd{fmt(t, f)} format a table with table or key-value string f\\
+\llcmd{tablex.}\cmd{list2comma(t)} Use oxford comma type listing, e.g. A, B, and C\\
\llcmd{tablex.}\cmd{strinds(t)} convert integer indexes to string indices (1 -> '1')\\
\llcmd{tablex.}\cmd{filterstr(t,e,case)} keep only values in table t that contain expression e, case insensitive by default.\\
\llcmd{tablex.}\cmd{mapslice(f,t,i1,i2)} map a function to elements between i1 and i2\\
\llcmd{tablex.}\cmd{listcontains(t,v)} checks if a value is in a array-style list \\
+\llcmd{tablex.}\cmd{kkeys(t)} returns keys that are non-numeric (like kpairs) \\
+\llcmd{tablex.}\cmd{train(t,seq,reind)} return a sable based on \cmd{pl.seq.tbltrain}, \cmd{reind} will make numerical keys ordered from 1 \\
+% local t = {1,2,3,a='A',b='B'}
+% penlight.wrth(penlight.tablex.train(t,'2:3,*',true),'kew')
+\subsection*{List additions}
+\llcmd{List:}\cmd{inject(l2, pos)} injects a list (l2) into a list at position. Set pos=0 to inject at end.
+ l = pl.List{1,2,3,4,5}
+ pl.wrth(l:inject({'a','b','c'},0), 'INJECTED')
\subsubsection*{seq additions}
-A syntax to produce sequences or a 'train' of numbers is provided. This may be useful for including pages from a pdf, or selecting rows of a table with a concise syntax.
-\cmd{seq.train(trn, len)} produces a pl.List according to the arguments (like choo-choo train)\\
-\cmd{seq.itrain(trn, len)} produces an iterator according to the arguments.
+A syntax to produce sequences or a 'train' of numbers is provided. This may be useful for including pages from a pdf, or selecting rows of a table with a concise syntax.\\
+\llcmd{seq.}\cmd{train(trn, len)} produces a pl.List according to the arguments\\
+\llcmd{seq.}\cmd{itrain(trn, len)} produces an iterator according to the arguments.\\
+\llcmd{seq.}\cmd{tbltrain(tbl, trn)} produces an iterator over a table
An example syntax for \cmd{trn} is \cmd{'i1, i2, r1:r2', etc.} where \cmd{i1} and \cmd{i2} are individual indexes/elements, separated by \cmd{,} and
\cmd{r1:r2} is a range (inclusive of end-point) denoted with a \cmd{:}. The range format follows python's numpy indexing, and
a 'stride' can be given by including a second colon like \cmd{::2 -> is 1,3,5,...}, or \cmd{2::3 -> 2,5,8,...}.
Negative numbers can be used to index relative to the length of the table, eg, \cmd{-1 -> len}, but
if length is not given, negative indexing cannot be used and a number after the first colon must be provided.
-A missing left-number on the colon assumes \cmd{1}, and missing right number assumes \cmd{len}. A missing 'stride' (number after the optional second colon) assumes a value of 1.
+A missing left-number on the colon assumes \cmd{1}, and missing right number assumes \cmd{len}. A missing 'stride' (number after the optional second colon) assumes a value of 1.\\
+Variable-like strings can be given in place of numbers, which are assumed to be keys for a table instead.\\
+For \cmd{tbltrain} a \cmd{*} can be passed to iterate over all keys.
The default colon and comma separators for ranges and elements can be set with \cmd{seq.train_range_sep} and \cmd{seq.train_element_sep}, respectively.
@@ -178,6 +226,11 @@ The default colon and comma separators for ranges and elements can be set with \
5) do
+ local t = {'n1','n2',a='A',b='B',c='C'}
+ for k, v in
+ pl.seq.tbltrain(t, '*,c,1') do
+ tex.print(tostring(k)..'='..tostring(v)..'; ')
+ end
@@ -187,6 +240,7 @@ The default colon and comma separators for ranges and elements can be set with \
\llcmd{add_bkt}\cmd{_cnt(n), }\cmd{close_bkt_cnt(n), reset_bkt_cnt} functions to keep track of adding curly brackets as strings. \cmd{add} will return \cmd{n} (default 1) \{'s and increment a counter. \cmd{close} will return \cmd{n} \}'s (default will close all brackets) and decrement.\\
\llcmd{_NumBkts} internal integer for tracking the number of brackets\\
\llcmd{opencmd(cs)} prints \cmd{\cs}\{ and adds to the bracket counters.\\
+\cmd{openenv(env,opts)} prints a \cmd{\begin{env}[opts]}, and stores the enironment in a list so it can be later closed with \cmd{closeenv{num}}
\llcmd{xNoValue,}\cmd{xTrue,xFalse}: \cmd{xparse} equivalents for commands\\
@@ -207,6 +261,7 @@ The default colon and comma separators for ranges and elements can be set with \
\llcmd{deccmd}\cmd{(cs, dft, overwrite)} declare a command. If \cmd{dft} (default) is \cmd{nil}, \cmd{cs} is set
to a package warning saying \cmd{'cs' was declared and used in document, but never set}. If \cmd{overwrite}
is true, it will overwrite an existing command (using \cmd{defcmd}), otherwise, it will throw error like \cmd{newcmd}.\\
\llcmd{get_ref_info(l)}accesses the \cmd{\r@label} and returns a table\\
@@ -268,7 +323,8 @@ For example, we can control the expansion of args 2 and 3 with arg 1:
\subsection*{Lua boolean expressions}
-\cmd{\ifluax{<Lua expr>}{<do if true>}[<do if false>]} and\\ \cmd{\ifluax{<Lua expr>}{<do if true>}[<do if false>]} for truthy (uses \cmd{penlight.hasval})
+\cmd{\ifluax{<Lua expr>}{<do if true>}[<do if false>]} and\\
+\cmd{\ifluaxv{<Lua expr>}{<do if true>}[<do if false>]} for truthy (uses \cmd{penlight.hasval}). The argument is expanded.
\ifluax{3^3 == 27}{3*3*3 is 27}[WRONG]\\
@@ -276,12 +332,16 @@ For example, we can control the expansion of args 2 and 3 with arg 1:
\ifluax{not true}{tRuE}[fAlSe]\\
+\ifluax{\XXX == 8}{Yes}[No]
\subsection*{Case-switch for Conditionals}
\cmd{\caseswitch{case}{kev-val choices}} The starred version will throw an error if the case is not found.
-Use \_\_ as a placeholder for a case that isn't matched.
+Use \_\_ as a placeholder for a case that isn't matched. The case is fully expanded and interpreted as a lua string.
+%TODO consider a case switch wth placeholder expressions? that would be cool. \_1 == 8 for example.
\def\caseswitchexample{\caseswitch{\mycase}{dog=DOG, cat=CAT, __=INVALID}}
@@ -291,170 +351,10 @@ Use \_\_ as a placeholder for a case that isn't matched.
%\caseswitch*{\mycase}{dog=DOG, cat=CAT, __=INVALID}
-\subsection*{Creating and using Lua tables in LaTeX - tbl interace}
-\cmd{penlightplus} provides a Lua-table interface. Tables are stored in the
-\cmd{penlight.tbls} table.
-You can access a table item within lua by using:
-\cmd{\tblnew{t}} declares a new table with name \cmd{t}\\
-\cmd{\tblchg{t}} changes the 'recent' table\\
-\cmd{\tblfrkv{t}{key-val string}[luakeys opts]} new table from key-vals using \cmd{luakeys} \\
-\cmd{\tblfrkvN{t}{key-val string}[luakeys opts]} does not expand key-val string \cmd{luakeys} \\
-\cmd{\tblfrkvCD{t}{key-val string}[luakeys opts]} define tbl from key-val,
-check if any were not defined as defaults (see below), and then push all to definitions\\
-\cmd{\tblkvundefcheck} will throw an error if you use define a table from key-values
-and use a key that was not specified in the luakeys parse options via \cmd{opts.defaults} or \cmd{opts.defs}.\\
- \cmd{\tblfrcsv{t}{csv}} a shorthand \cmd{\tblfrkv{t}{csv}[naked_as_value=true,opts]}, a good way to convert a comma-separated list to an array\\
- \cmd{\tblfrcsvN{t}{csv}} same as above, but the csv is not expanded.\\
-\cmd{\tblset{i}{v}} sets a value of the table/index \cmd{i} to \cmd{v}\\
-\cmd{\tblsetN{i}{v}} same as above, but the value is not expanded.\\
-\cmd{\tblget{i}} gets the value and \cmd{tex.sprint()}s it\\
-\cmd{\tbladd{i}{v}} add a new value to a table using index method\\
-\cmd{\tbladdN{i}{v}} above, but don't expand the value argument\\
-\cmd{\tblcon{t}{csv}} concatenate an array-style csv\\
-\cmd{\tblapp{t}{v}} append a value (integer-wise) to a table\\
-\cmd{\tbldef{i}{d}} pushes the value to macro \cmd{d}\\
-\cmd{\tbldefall{t}{d}} define all item in table \cmd{t} (use recent if blank) with format \cmd{d<key>} where d is your prefix. If d is blank, keys will be defined as \cmd{\dtbl<t><k>}
-\cmd{\tblgdef{i}{d}} pushes the defined value to a global\\
-\cmd{\tbldefxy{i}{d}} splits the value of item by spaces creates two definitions \cmd{\dx} and \cmd{\dy}. Useful for pasing tikz coordinates like \cmd{xy=0 5}\\
-For definiting tables, if \cmd{d} is blank, commands are defined as \cmd{dtbl<t><k>}\\
-\cmd{\iftbl{i}{tr}[fa]} runs code \cmd{ta} if the item is true else \cmd{fr}\\
-\cmd{\iftblv{i}{tr}[fa]} runs code \cmd{ta} if the item is truthy (using \cmd{pl.hasval}) else \cmd{fr}\\
-\cmd{\tblprt{t}} print the table in console
-There are 3 ways to use the index (placeholder \cmd{{i}} above, note that this argument is fully expanded).
-\cmd{t.key} where \cmd{t} is the table name and \cmd{key} is a string key,
-\cmd{t/int} where \cmd{int} is an integer index (ie. uses \cmd{t[int]}, note that negative indexes are allowered where -1 is the last element),
-or simply use \cmd{ind} without the table name, where the assumed table is the last one that was created or changed to, (passing a number will used as an integer index).
- [defaults={x=0,1=one,n=false,y=yes}]
-%% \kvtblundefcheck % would throw error
-\tbldef{my.first}{mydef} \mydef\\
-{\tbldef{last}{mydef} \mydef} \mydef\\
-{\tblgdef{last}{mydef}} \mydef\\
-\tblset{my.a}{12 36}
-\tbldefxy{my.a}{coord} (\coordx,\coordy)
-\tbldefxy{my.a}{} (\dtblmyax,\dtblmyay)
-\tbldefxy{a}{} (\dtblmyax,\dtblmyay)
-%% \tblget{k} % would throw error
-\dtblMa \dtblMb \dtblMc \dtblMd
-\subsubsection*{A practical tbl example}
- function prt_pyth()
- t = pl.tbls.pyth
- if not t.a then
- pl.tex.pkgerror('must pass a= to \\pyth')
- elseif not t.b then
- t.b = (tonumber(t.c)^2 -
- tonumber(t.a)^2)^0.5
- elseif not t.c then
- t.c = (tonumber(t.a)^2 +
- tonumber(t.b)^2)^0.5
- end
- local t = pl.tbx.fmt(t,'.'..t.d..'f') -- format table according to d decimals
- s = 'Right-angle sides a=$a and b=$b form a hypotenuse of c=$c'
- pl.tex.prt(s:fmt(t))
- end
- \tblfrkv{pyth}{#1}[defaults={a=false,b=false,c=false,d=0,e=extras}]
- \luadirect{prt_pyth()}%
-C: \tblget{c}
-\subsection*{Splitting strings}
-Splitting text (or a cmd) into oxford comma format via:
-\cmd{\splittocomma[expansion level]{text}{text to split on}}:
--\splittocomma{ j doe }{\and}-\\
--\splittocomma{ j doe \and s else }{\and}-\\
--\splittocomma{ j doe \and s else \and a per }{\and}-\\
--\splittocomma{ j doe \and s else \and a per \and f guy}{\and}-
-\def\authors{j doe \and s else \and a per \and f guy}
-The expansion level is up to two characters, \cmd{n|o|t|f}, to control the expansion of each argument.
-You can do a similar string split but to \cmd{\item} instead of commas with \cmd{\splittoitems}
- \splittoitems{kale\and john}{\and}
- \splittoitems{kale -john -someone else}{-}
- \splittoitems{1,2,3,4}{,}
@@ -517,57 +417,43 @@ This might be useful if you're updating \cmd{__PDFmetadata__} by some other mean
-%\pyth{} % erro
-% pl.tex.wrth(('a,b,c=3'):parsekv('!naked_as_value'), 'dumy')
+%\writePDFmetadatakv{datxe=2024-02-01} % would throw error, invalid key
+%\writePDFmetadatakv[E]{keywords=\thekeywords} %
-% \tblfrkv{tbl_def}{kale=cool,paul=gay,craig=fun}
-% \tblfrkv{tbl}{kale,paul=gay} %[naked_as_value=true]
-% \tblget{tbl}{kale}%
-% \tblget{tbl}{paul}%
-% \tblget{tbl}{craig}%
-% \tblupd{tbl_def}{tbl}%
-% \tblfrkvII{tbl}{kale=cool,paul=gay,craig=fun}{kale=weak,paul=sad}
-% \tblget{tbl}{craig}%
-% \tblget{tbl}{paul}%
-% \tblget{tbl}{kale}%
+%%%%% SAND BOX
-% \NewDocumentCommand{\THINg}{ O{} m}{%
-% \tblfrkvII{setti}{color=red,size=small}{#1} % make settings and update based on [arg=]
-% {\color{\tblget{setti}{color}}\tblget{setti}{size} #2}
-% }
+% {\addcytoks{##1}}
+% {\processtoks{##1}}
+% {\addcytoks[1]{##1}}
+% {\addcytoks{##1}}
+% {}
+% {\cytoks\expandafter{\expandafter\luastringO\expandafter{\the\cytoks}}}
-% \THINg[color=blue,size=tiny]{Kale}
+%\def\zzz{Hi Mom}
+% \luastringA{#1} % this works as requested :)
+%% \luadirect{texio.write_nl(\luastringA{#1}..' <<<')}
+% }
+%\luastringA{Hmmm. \zzz.}
+%\testcommand{Hmmm. \zzz.}
-%function prttol()
-% local dec = penlight.tbls.tol[4] or 1
-% penlight.wrth(dec,'??')
-% penlight.tbls.tol[3] = penlight.tbls.tol[3] or 3
-% penlight.tbls.tol[4] = penlight.tbls.tol[1]*(1.0-penlight.tbls.tol[3]/100.0) + 0.0
-% penlight.tbls.tol[5] = penlight.tbls.tol[1]*(1.0+penlight.tbls.tol[3]/100.0) + 0.0
-% --penlight.tbls.tol['k'] = 'fuckboi'
-% --ttt = pl.tbx.fmt(penlight.tbls.tol, '.3f')
-% penlight.wrth(('$1\\$2 (\\pmpct{$3} tolerance, $4\\ndash$5\\$2)'):fmt(penlight.tbls.tol, '4=.'..dec..'f, 5=.'..dec..'f'), 'XYZ')
-%\NewDocumentCommand{\prttol}{ m }{\tblfrcsv{tol}{#1}\luadirect{prttol()}}% {50.0,kV,3,P} % 50\us (\pmpct{20} tolerance, 40=--60\us), P is optional and precision of the range (number of decimals)
-% pl.wrth(pl.filterfiles('.',true,'.*%.tex'), 'FF')
+%\pyth{} % erro
\end{document} \ No newline at end of file