path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/ekdosis/samples/Caesar_BG-6-13-1-tei.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/ekdosis/samples/Caesar_BG-6-13-1-tei.xml')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/ekdosis/samples/Caesar_BG-6-13-1-tei.xml b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/ekdosis/samples/Caesar_BG-6-13-1-tei.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b9e4f9a23ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/lualatex/ekdosis/samples/Caesar_BG-6-13-1-tei.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<TEI xmlns="">
+ <teiHeader>
+ <fileDesc>
+ <titleStmt>
+ <title>
+ <!-- Title -->
+ </title>
+ <respStmt>
+ <resp>
+ <!-- Edited by -->
+ </resp>
+ <name>
+ <!-- Name -->
+ </name>
+ </respStmt>
+ </titleStmt>
+ <publicationStmt>
+ <distributor>
+ <!-- Distributor name -->
+ </distributor>
+ </publicationStmt>
+ <sourceDesc>
+ <listWit>
+ <witness xml:id="A">
+ <abbr type="siglum">A</abbr>
+ <emph>Bongarsianus</emph>81
+ <msDesc>
+ <msIdentifier>
+ <settlement>Amsterdam</settlement>
+ <institution>University Library</institution>
+ <idno>81</idno>
+ <msName>
+ <emph>Bongarsianus</emph>
+ </msName>
+ </msIdentifier>
+ <physDesc>
+ <handDesc hands="1">
+ <handNote xml:id="A1">
+ <abbr type="siglum">A
+ <hi rend="sup">1</hi></abbr>
+ <p>
+ <emph>Emendationes scribae ipsius</emph>
+ </p>
+ </handNote>
+ </handDesc>
+ </physDesc>
+ <history>
+ <origin>
+ <origDate>s. IX--X</origDate>
+ </origin>
+ </history>
+ </msDesc></witness>
+ <witness xml:id="M">
+ <abbr type="siglum">M</abbr>
+ <emph>Parisinus Lat.</emph>5056
+ <msDesc>
+ <msIdentifier />
+ <history>
+ <origin>
+ <origDate>s. XII</origDate>
+ </origin>
+ </history>
+ </msDesc></witness>
+ <witness xml:id="B">
+ <abbr type="siglum">B</abbr>
+ <emph>Parisinus Lat.</emph>5763
+ <msDesc>
+ <msIdentifier />
+ <history>
+ <origin>
+ <origDate>s. IX--X</origDate>
+ </origin>
+ </history>
+ </msDesc></witness>
+ <witness xml:id="R">
+ <abbr type="siglum">R</abbr>
+ <emph>Vaticanus Lat.</emph>3864
+ <msDesc>
+ <msIdentifier />
+ <history>
+ <origin>
+ <origDate>s. X</origDate>
+ </origin>
+ </history>
+ </msDesc></witness>
+ <witness xml:id="S">
+ <abbr type="siglum">S</abbr>
+ <emph>Laurentianus</emph>R 33
+ <msDesc>
+ <msIdentifier />
+ <history>
+ <origin>
+ <origDate>s. X</origDate>
+ </origin>
+ </history>
+ </msDesc></witness>
+ <witness xml:id="L">
+ <abbr type="siglum">L</abbr>
+ <emph>Londinensis</emph>Br. Mus. 10084
+ <msDesc>
+ <msIdentifier />
+ <history>
+ <origin>
+ <origDate>s. XI</origDate>
+ </origin>
+ </history>
+ </msDesc></witness>
+ <witness xml:id="N">
+ <abbr type="siglum">N</abbr>
+ <emph>Neapolitanus</emph>IV, c. 11
+ <msDesc>
+ <msIdentifier />
+ <history>
+ <origin>
+ <origDate>s. XII</origDate>
+ </origin>
+ </history>
+ </msDesc></witness>
+ <witness xml:id="T">
+ <abbr type="siglum">T</abbr>
+ <emph>Parisinus Lat.</emph>5764
+ <msDesc>
+ <msIdentifier />
+ <history>
+ <origin>
+ <origDate>s. XI</origDate>
+ </origin>
+ </history>
+ </msDesc></witness>
+ <witness xml:id="f">
+ <abbr type="siglum">
+ <emph>f</emph>
+ </abbr>
+ <emph>Vindobonensis</emph>95
+ <msDesc>
+ <msIdentifier />
+ <history>
+ <origin>
+ <origDate>s. XII</origDate>
+ </origin>
+ </history>
+ </msDesc></witness>
+ <witness xml:id="U">
+ <abbr type="siglum">U</abbr>
+ <emph>Vaticanus Lat.</emph>3324
+ <msDesc>
+ <msIdentifier />
+ <history>
+ <origin>
+ <origDate>s. XI</origDate>
+ </origin>
+ </history>
+ </msDesc></witness>
+ <witness xml:id="l">
+ <abbr type="siglum">
+ <emph>l</emph>
+ </abbr>
+ <emph>Laurentianus</emph>Riccard. 541
+ <msDesc>
+ <msIdentifier />
+ <history>
+ <origin>
+ <origDate>s. XI--XII</origDate>
+ </origin>
+ </history>
+ </msDesc></witness>
+ </listWit>
+ </sourceDesc>
+ </fileDesc>
+ <encodingDesc>
+ <variantEncoding method="parallel-segmentation"
+ location="internal" />
+ </encodingDesc>
+ </teiHeader>
+ <text>
+ <body>
+ <div xml:id="div-latin_1" xml:lang="la">
+ <div type="section" n="6.13">
+ <head>XIII</head>
+ <p>In omni Gallia eorum hominum qui
+ <app>
+ <lem wit="#A #M #B #R #S #L #N">aliquo</lem>
+ <rdg wit="#T #f #U #l">in aliquo</rdg>
+ </app>sunt numero atque honore genera sunt duo. Nam
+ plebes paene seruorum habetur loco, quae
+ <app>
+ <lem wit="#A #M">nihil audet per se</lem>
+ <rdg wit="#A1">nihil aut et per se</rdg>
+ <rdg wit="#R #S #L #N">nihil habet per se</rdg>
+ <rdg wit="#T #f #U #l">per se nihil audet</rdg>
+ </app>,
+ <app>
+ <lem wit="#A #M #B #R #S #L #N">nullo</lem>
+ <rdg wit="#T #f #U #l">nulli</rdg>
+ </app>adhibetur
+ <app>
+ <lem>consilio</lem>
+ <rdg wit="#T #U">concilio</rdg>
+ </app>.</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div xml:id="div-english_1" xml:lang="en">
+ <div type="section" n="6.13">
+ <head>XIII</head>
+ <p>Throughout all Gaul there are two orders of those men
+ who are of any rank and dignity: for the commonality is
+ held almost in the condition of slaves, and dares to
+ undertake nothing of itself, and is admitted to no
+ deliberation.</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div xml:id="div-french_1" xml:lang="fr">
+ <div type="section" n="6.13">
+ <head>XIII</head>
+ <p>Partout en Gaule il y a deux classes d'hommes qui
+ comptent et qui sont considérés. Quant aux gens du
+ peuple, ils ne sont guère traités autrement que des
+ esclaves, ne pouvant se permettre aucune initiative,
+ n'étant consultés sur rien.</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </body>
+ </text>