path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/windycity/cbx/windycity.cbx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/windycity/cbx/windycity.cbx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 490 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/windycity/cbx/windycity.cbx b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/windycity/cbx/windycity.cbx
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/windycity/cbx/windycity.cbx
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-% Last modified: Thu 21 Feb 2019 09:35:25 AM CST
-% Copyright (c) 2019 Brian Michael Chase.
-% Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
-% software under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL),
-% version 1.3.
-% The LPPL maintenance status of this software is 'author-maintained'.
-% This software is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind,
-% either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
-% implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
-% purpose.
-\ProvidesFile{windycity.cbx}[Windy City style for biblatex]
- {}
- {\PackageError{biblatex}
- {Outdated 'biblatex' package}
- {Windy City 2019-02-21 is for biblatex v3.8 and above.\MessageBreak
- You are using: '\csuse{ver@biblatex.sty}'.\MessageBreak
- This is a fatal error. I'm aborting now.}%
- \endinput}%
-% This file contains material only for formatting notes and
-% parenthetical citations. For content that is also used for
-% bibliographies and reference lists, see windycity.bbx.
-%% Preliminary %%
- \global\togglefalse{bibliography}%
- \global\togglefalse{multicite}%
- \global\togglefalse{cbx@first}%
- \global\togglefalse{cbx@loccit}%
- \AtEveryItem}%
-% To facilitate uniform output, citations in notes always end with
-% '\addperiod' (see cite:postnote). This makes '\footcite{something}'
-% and '\footnote{\cite{something}}' functionally equivalent. To
-% prevent an extra period from printing in very rare cases, as when
-% '\footcite{something}' ends with a capital letter, remove
-% '\addperiod' from the commands below:
- \bibsentence#1}%
- \bibsentence#1}%
-% Protect commas against abbreviation dots and terminal punctuation
-% marks. Note '\addspace'. Using '\space' there causes problems.
-% Prevents errant space after a colon.
-%% Citation Commands %%
- {\usebibmacro{prenote}}%
- {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
- \usebibmacro{cite}}%
- {\multicitedelim}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:postnote}}%
- {\usebibmacro{prenote}}%
- {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
- \toggletrue{noauth}%
- \usebibmacro{cite}}%
- {\multicitedelim}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:postnote}}%
- {\bibsentence\usebibmacro{prenote}}%
- {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
- \usebibmacro{cite}}%
- {\multicitedelim}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:postnote}}%
- {\bibsentence\usebibmacro{prenote}}%
- {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
- \toggletrue{noauth}%
- \usebibmacro{cite}}%
- {\multicitedelim}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:postnote}}%
- {\usebibmacro{prenote}}%
- {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
- \usebibmacro{parencite}}%
- {\multicitedelim}%
- {\usebibmacro{postnote}}%
- {\usebibmacro{prenote}}%
- {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
- \toggletrue{noauth}%
- \usebibmacro{parencite}}%
- {\multicitedelim}%
- {\usebibmacro{postnote}}%
-%% Parenthetical Citations %%
- \usebibmacro{test:collection}%
- \usebibmacro{test:crossref}%
- \ifboolexpr{ test \ifciteibid
- and not test \iffirstonpage}
- {\iffieldundef{postnote}
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{%
- \usebibmacro{parencite:date}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:volume}}}
- {}}
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{%
- \usebibmacro{parencite:long}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:volume}}}}
-% See note for 'crossref+long'.
- \ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldundef{crossref}}
- or test {\iffieldundef{title}}}
- {}
- {\xifinlist{\thefield{crossref}}{\crossreflist}
- {\stepcounter{\thefield{crossref}}}
- {\listxadd{\crossreflist}{\thefield{crossref}}%
- \ifcsdef{c@\thefield{crossref}}
- {\setcounter{\thefield{crossref}}{0}}%
- {\newcounter{\thefield{crossref}}}}}}
- \iffieldundef{labelyear}
- {}
- {\usebibmacro{parencite:origyear}%
- \ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldundef{year}}
- or test {\iffieldequalstr{year}{forthcoming}}}
- {\addcomma}%
- {}% needs '%'
- \usebibmacro{labeldate+endyear}%
- \printfield{extradate}}}
- \iffieldundef{origyear}
- {}
- {\printfield[brackets]{origyear}%
- \space}}%
- \iffieldundef{shorthand}
- {\usebibmacro{parencite:auth+title}}%
- {\printfield{shorthand}}%
- \setunit{\addspace}% not '\setunit{\space}'
- \usebibmacro{parencite:date}}%
- \iftoggle{noauth}
- {}
- {\ifboolexpr{ test {\ifnameundef{labelname}}
- or test {\iffieldundef{labelyear}}}
- {\iffieldundef{label}
- {\usebibmacro{parencite:journal}}%
- {\printfield{label}}}
- {\global\toggletrue{cbx@short}%
- \renewcommand*{\cbx@deflabel}{labelname}%
- \clearfield{handle}%
- \clearfield{nameaddon}%
- \usebibmacro{author+bookauthor+etc}}}}
- {\ifentrytype{article}
- {\iffieldundef{shortjournal}
- {\renewcommand*{\xtitle}{journal}%
- \usebibmacro{longtitle}}%
- {\printfield[journal]{shortjournal}}}
- {\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}}}
-%% Citations in Notes %%
- \usebibmacro{test:multicite}%
- \ifciteseen
- {\usebibmacro{test:collection}%
- \renewcommand*{\cbx@deflabel}{labelname}%
- \printtext[bibhyperref]{\usebibmacro{cite:seen}}}
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\usebibmacro{cite:new}}}% needs '%'
- \usebibmacro{savefields}}%
- \ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldequals{namehash}{\bbx@lasthash}}
- and togl {multicite}
- and togl {short}}
- {\toggletrue{noauth}}%
- {}}
- \iffieldundef{shorthand}
- {\ifboolexpr{ test \ifciteibid
- and togl {short}
- and not test \iffirstonpage}
- {\usebibmacro{cite:ibid}}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:short}}}
- {\printfield{shorthand}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:volume}}}
- \iftoggle{ibid}
- {\bibcpstring{ibidem}%
- \ifloccit
- {\global\toggletrue{cbx@loccit}}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:volume}}}
- {\global\toggletrue{cbx@short}%
- \ifentrytype{review}
- {\usebibmacro{ibid:review}}%
- {\usebibmacro{author+bookauthor+etc}%
- \iftoggle{noauth}
- {\usebibmacro{title+labelyear}}%
- {}% needs '%'
- \usebibmacro{cite:volume}}}}
- \ifnameundef{author}
- {\bibcpstring{reviewnoauth}%
- \space
- \usebibmacro{title+labelyear}}%
- {\usebibmacro{author+bookauthor+etc}}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:volume}}%
- \global\toggletrue{cbx@short}%
- \ifentrytype{review}
- {\usebibmacro{short:review}}%
- {\usebibmacro{author+bookauthor+etc}%
- \usebibmacro{title+labelyear}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:volume}}}
- \ifnameundef{author}
- {\bibcpstring{reviewnoauth}}%
- {\usebibmacro{author+bookauthor+etc}%
- \bibstring{review}}%
- \space
- \renewcommand*{\xtitle}{book}%
- \usebibmacro{title+labelyear}%
- \usebibmacro{cite:volume}}%
- \newunit
- \iftoggle{swapvol}
- {\ifboolexpr{ togl {collection:bk}
- or togl {collection:ib}}
- {\usebibmacro{volume+page}}%
- {}}
- {}}
- \iffieldundef{volume}
- {}
- {\iffieldpages{postnote}
- {\printfield[noformat]{volume}%
- \addcolon}%
- {\printfield{volume}}}}
- \global\toggletrue{cbx@first}%
- \usebibmacro{deflabel}%
- \iftoggle{firstshort}
- {\usebibmacro{cite:short}}%
- {\usebibmacro{crossref+long}}}
-% By default, idemtracker is 'false'. As such, '\ifciteidem' returns
-% false. With idemtracker set to 'true' (or to some value that implies
-% 'true') the test below will print 'labelname' if it matches that of
-% the previous citation.
- \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifciteidem}
- or togl {firstshort}}
- {\renewcommand*{\cbx@deflabel}{labelname}}%
- {\renewcommand*{\cbx@deflabel}{default}}}
-% Checking for 'title' below helps if you cross-reference volumes to a
-% collection with entries containing just 'volume' and 'crossref'
-% fields. Perhaps justifiable in very rare cases.
- \ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldundef{crossref}}
- or test {\iffieldundef{title}}}
- {\usebibmacro{cite:long}}%
- {\xifinlist{\thefield{crossref}}{\crossreflist}
- {\stepcounter{\thefield{crossref}}%
- \usebibmacro{author+title+etc}%
- \usebibmacro{crossref}}%
- {\listxadd{\crossreflist}{\thefield{crossref}}%
- \ifcsdef{c@\thefield{crossref}}
- {\setcounter{\thefield{crossref}}{0}}%
- {\newcounter{\thefield{crossref}}}
- \usebibmacro{cite:long}}}}
- \printtext{%
- \usedriver
- {\DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{default}}%
- {cite:\thefield{entrytype}}}}
- \iffieldundef{crossref}
- {\let\cbx@keyhash\empty}%
- {\savefield{crossref}{\cbx@keyhash}}}
-% See CMS, 17th ed., 14.174, 14.177, 14.185, and 14.188.
- \ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldundef{pages}}
- and test {\iffieldundef{postnote}}}
- {}
- {\ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldundef{year}}
- and test {\iffieldundef{month}}
- and test {\iffieldundef{issue}}}
- {\setunit{\addcolon}}%
- {\ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldundef{number}}
- and test {\iffieldundef{volume}}}
- {\newunit}%
- {\setunit{\addcolon\space}}}}}
-%% Postnote %%
- \usebibmacro{postnote+etc}%
- \usebibmacro{postpunct+etc}}%
- \ifboolexpr{ togl {cbx@loccit}
- and togl {ibid}}
- {}
- {\iftoggle{cbx@first}
- {\usebibmacro{postnote:first}%
- \usebibmacro{shorthand+intro}}%
- {\usebibmacro{postnote}}}}
- \ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldundef{postnote}}
- and test {\iffieldundef{pages}}
- and test {\iffieldundef{url}}}
- {\usebibmacro{doi+url+etc}}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:pages}%
- \usebibmacro{postnote}%
- \usebibmacro{doi+url+etc}}}
-% If the postnote is empty, print the page ranges of journal articles.
-% See CMS, 17th ed., 14.153, 14.167, and 14.174. As for incollection
-% and inbook entries, 14.106 seems to suggest the same, but the
-% example in 14.30 suggests otherwise. The examples in 14.108 only
-% muddy the waters further. For magazines, CMS is clear that the range
-% can be left out. To do so, simply omit it from your bibliography
-% database.
- \iffieldundef{pages}
- {}
- {\ifboolexpr{ test {\ifentrytype{article}}
- or test {\ifentrytype{review}}}
- {\iffieldundef{postnote}
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield{pages}}}
- {}}
- {}}}
- \iffieldundef{postnote}
- {}
- {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield{postnote}}}}
- \iffieldundef{shorthand}
- {}
- {\iffieldundef{shorthandintro}
- {\setunit{\addspace}%
- \printtext[parens]{%
- \bibstring{citedas}\space
- \printfield{shorthand}}}
- {\setunit{\addspace}%
- \printfield{shorthandintro}}}}
- \iflastcitekey
- {\iffieldundef{postpunct}
- {\addperiod}%
- {}}
- {}}
- \ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldundef{howpublished}}
- and test {\iffieldundef{year}}}
- {}
- {\setunit{\addspace}%
- \iffieldundef{howpublished}
- {\printtext[parens]{\printfield{year}}}
- {\global\togglefalse{cbx@first}%
- \printtext[parens]{%
- \printfield{howpublished}%
- \newunit
- \printfield{version}%
- \newunit
- \printfield{year}}}}}
-%% Bibliography Drivers for Notes %%
- \usebibmacro{author+title+ed+note}%
- \usebibmacro{articles}%
- \usebibmacro{colon+comma+etc}}%
- \usebibmacro{author+collection+etc}%
- \newunit
- \usebibmacro{volume+page}}%
- \ifentrytype{letter}
- {\toggletrue{noauth}}%
- {}% needs '%'
- \usebibmacro{author+title+etc}%
- \usebibmacro{incollections}%
- \newunit
- \usebibmacro{volume+page}}%
- \usebibmacro{author+bookauthor+etc}%
- \usebibmacro{title+labelyear}%
- \newunit
- \printfield{usera}%
- \newunit}%
- \usebibmacro{author+title+ed+note}%
- \setunit*{\newunitpunct}% needs '*'
- \usebibmacro{websites}%
- \usebibmacro{issue+month+etc}%
- \newunit}%
- \usebibmacro{author+title+ed+note}%
- \newunit
- \printfield{number}%
- \newunit}%
- \printlist{organization}%
- \usebibmacro{edition}%
- \usebibmacro{refworks}%
- \newunit
- \bibstring{subverbo}\space
- \usebibmacro{longtitle+titleaddon}%
- \newunit
- \renewcommand*{\pluga}{\bibstring{by}\space}%
- \renewcommand*{\cbx@namelist}{author}%
- \usebibmacro{printnames+etc}}%
- \usebibmacro{reviews}%
- \usebibmacro{articles}%
- \usebibmacro{colon+comma+etc}}%
- \usebibmacro{author+title+ed+note}%
- \setunit{\addspace}% not '\setunit{\space}'
- \printtext[parens]{\usebibmacro{inst+loc+date}}%
- \newunit}%