path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/visualtikz/Source/tkzanim.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/visualtikz/Source/tkzanim.tex')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/visualtikz/Source/tkzanim.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/visualtikz/Source/tkzanim.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd8cf94ac74
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/visualtikz/Source/tkzanim.tex
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+Insérer dans le préambule : \maboite{\BS{usepackage}\AC{animate}}
+\SbSSCT{Animation à partir de fichiers d'image }{Animation from picture files}
+%\begin{verbatim}\animategraphics[<options>]{<frame rate>}{<file basename>}{<first>}{<last>} \end{verbatim}
+\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline
+\TFRGB{première image}{first frame} & \TFRGB{seconde et dernière image}{second and last frame}
+\\ \hline
+\hline \BS{includegraphics}\AC{XXX1} & \BS{includegraphics}\AC{XXX2}\\
+\hline \BSS{animategraphics} & \\
+\hline [ controls, & \TFRGB{boutons de contrôle}{Inserts control buttons} \\
+\hline loop & \TFRGB{en boucle}{animation restarts automatically}\\
+\hline autoplay ] & \TFRGB{auto démarrage}{Start animation automatically } \\
+\hline \AC{4} & \TFRGB{4 fois par seconde}{4 frame per second}\\
+\hline \AC{XXX} & \TFRGB{base du nom fichier}{file base name} \\
+\hline \AC{1} & \TFRGB{numero de début}{number of the first frame} \\
+\hline \AC{2} & \TFRGB{numero de fin}{number of the last frame} \\
+\begin{animateinline}[ controls,loop,autoplay]{5}%
+\fill[blue] (45:2) -- (135:.5)-- (225:2)--(315:.5) -- cycle;
+\fill[blue] (45:.5) -- (135:2)-- (225:.5)--(315:2) -- cycle;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\fill[blue] (0:2) -- (90:.5)-- (180:2)--(270:.5) -- cycle;
+\fill[blue] (0:.5) -- (90:2)-- (180:.5)--(270:2) -- cycle;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\ESS{begin\AC{animateinline}}[controls,loop,autoplay]\AC{5} \\
+\emph{\% \TFRGB{première image}{first frame }}\\
+\BS{begin\AC{tikzpicture} }
+\BS{fill}[blue] (45:2) - - (135:.5)- - (225:2)- -(315:.5) - - cycle;
+\BS{fill}[blue] (45:.5) - - (135:2)- - (225:.5)- -(315:2) - - cycle;
+ \BS{end\AC{tikzpicture}}
+\emph{\% \TFRGB{deuxième}{second frame }}\\
+\BSS{newframe} \\
+\BS{begin\AC{tikzpicture} } \\
+\BS{fill}[blue] (0:2) - - (90:.5)- - (180:2)- -(270:.5) - - cycle; \\
+\BS{fill}[blue] (0:.5) - - (90:2)- - (180:.5)- -(270:2) - - cycle; \\
+ \BS{end\AC{tikzpicture}} \\
+ \\
+\ESS{end\AC{animateinline}} \\
+\begin{animateinline}[poster=first, controls, palindrome,autoplay]{12}%
+\fill[blue] (\iAngle+45:\Rdim) -- (\iAngle+135:.5)-- (\iAngle+225:\Rdim)--(\iAngle+315:.5) -- cycle;
+\fill[blue] (\iAngle+45:.5) -- (\iAngle+135:\Rdim)-- (\iAngle+225:.5)--(\iAngle+315:\Rdim) -- cycle;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\BS{begin}\AC{animateinline}[poster=first,controls, palindrome]\AC{12} \\
+\BSS{multiframe}\AC{29}\AC{{\color{red} iAngle}=80+10, {\color{red} Rdim}=2.0+-0.2}\{ \\
+\BS{begin\AC{tikzpicture} } \\
+\BS{fill}[blue] (\BS{iAngle}+45:\BS{Rdim}) - - (\BS{iAngle}+135:.5)- - (\BS{iAngle}+225:\BS{Rdim})- -(\BS{iAngle}+315:.5) - - cycle; \\
+\BS{fill}[blue] (\BS{iAngle}+45:.5) - - (\BS{iAngle}+135:\BS{Rdim})- - (\BS{iAngle}+225:.5)- -(\BS{iAngle}+315:\BS{Rdim}) - - cycle; \\
+ \BS{end\AC{tikzpicture}}
+\} \\
+\TFRGB{L'initiale de la variable définit son type}{The first letter of the variable name determines his type }
+\hline entier & initiale : i ou I \\
+\hline réelles & initiale : n, N, r ou R \\
+\hline longueurs & initiale : d ou D \\
+\multiframe{24}{iAngle=0+15,icol=0+5}{\begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=90] %
+ \draw[line width=0pt] (-2,-2) rectangle(6,2); %
+ \draw (0,0) node[fill=white,circle,rotate=\iAngle] {\includegraphics[width=2cm]{LogoIUT}} (0,0) circle (1);
+ \draw (0,0) circle (1);
+ \coordinate (abc) at (${sqrt(9-sin(\iAngle)*sin(\iAngle))+cos(\iAngle)}*(1,0)$) ;
+ \coordinate (xyz) at (\iAngle:1);
+ \draw[ultra thick] (0,0) --(xyz);
+ \draw[ultra thick] (xyz) -- (abc) ;
+ \fill[color=blue!\icol] (abc)++(0.5,-1) rectangle (5,1) ;
+ \draw[ultra thick] (abc) ++(0,-1) rectangle ++(.5,2) ;
+ \draw[ultra thick] (1.5,1) -- (5,1) -- (5,-1) -- (1.5,-1);
+ \fill[red] (xyz) circle (4pt);
+ \fill[red] (abc) circle (4pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}}
+\BS{multiframe}\AC{24}\AC{iAngle=0+15,icol=0+5}\{\BS{begin\AC{tikzpicture}} \\
+ \BS{draw}[line width=0pt] (-2,-3) rectangle(6,3); \\
+ \BS{draw} (0,0) node[fill=white,circle,rotate=\BS{iAngle}] \\
+ \AC{\BS{includegraphics}[width=2cm]\AC{LogoIUT}} (0,0) circle (1);\\
+ \BS{draw} (0,0) circle (1); \\
+ \BS{coordinate} (abc) at (\$\AC{sqrt(9-sin(\BS{iAngle})*sin(\BS{iAngle}))+cos(\BS{iAngle})}*(1,0)\$) ; \\
+ \BS{coordinate} (xyz) at (\BS{iAngle}:1); \\
+ \BS{draw}[ultra thick] (0,0) - -(xyz); \\
+ \BS{draw}[ultra thick] (xyz) - - (abc) ; \\
+ \BS{fill}[color=blue{}!\BS{icol}] (abc)++(0.5,-1) rectangle (5,1) ; \\
+ \BS{draw}[ultra thick] (abc) ++(0,-1) rectangle ++(.5,2) ; \\
+ \BS{draw}[ultra thick] (1.5,1) - - (5,1) - - (5,-1) - - (1.5,-1); \\
+ \BS{fill}[red] (xyz) circle (4pt); \\
+ \BS{fill}[red] (abc) circle (4pt); \\
+ \BS{end\AC{tikzpicture}}\} \\