path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uwthesis/uwthesis.tex
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+% Documentation for UW thesis document style for LaTeX
+% by Jim Fox
+% revised: July 14, 2003
+% I renamed the class and documentation for a couple of reasons:
+% 1) At the tex world archive (CTAN) there are other thesis
+% packages, but only this one for UW.
+% 2) It formats a UW thesis, not a generic one.
+% This document is contained in a single file ONLY because
+% I wanted to be able to distribute it easily. A real thesis ought
+% to be contained on many files (e.g., one for each chapter, at least).
+% To help you identify the files and sections in this large file
+% I use the string '==========' to identify new files.
+% To help you ignore the unusual things I do with this sample document
+% I try to use the notation
+% % --- sample stuff only -----
+% special stuff for my document, but you don't need it in your thesis
+% % --- end-of-sample-stuff ---
+% Printed in twoside style now that that's allowed
+\documentclass [11pt, twoside, endnotes] {uwthesis}
+% The following line would print the thesis in a postscript font
+% \usepackage{newcent}
+\setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % Print the chapter and sections to the toc
+% ========== Local defs and mods
+% --- sample stuff only -----
+% These format the sample code in this document
+\usepackage{alltt} %
+ {\begin{alltt}\leftskip3em
+ \def\\{\ttfamily\char`\\}%
+ \def\{{\ttfamily\char`\{}%
+ \def\}{\ttfamily\char`\}}}
+ {\end{alltt}}
+% metafont font. If logo not available, use the second form
+% \font\mffont=logosl10 scaled\magstep1
+% --- end-of-sample-stuff ---
+% ========== Preliminary pages
+% ----- title page
+\Title{The Suitability of the \LaTeX\ Text Formatter\\
+ for Thesis Preparation by Technical and\\
+ Non-technical Degree Candidates}
+\Author{Jim Fox}
+\Program{Computing \& Communications}
+% \titlepage
+% --- sample stuff only -----
+% unusual footnote not found in a real thesis
+{\Degreetext{A dissertation%
+ \footnote[2]{an egocentric imitation, actually}
+ submitted in partial fulfillment of\\
+ the requirements for the degree of}
+ \def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}}
+ \let\footnoterule\relax
+ \titlepage
+ }
+% --- end-of-sample-stuff ---
+% ----- signature page (put real names in these)
+\Chair{Name of Chairperson}{Professor}{Chair's department}
+\Signature{Name of Committee member}
+\Signature{Name of Committee member}
+% ----- quoteslip
+% --- sample stuff only -----
+Extensive copying of this demonstration thesis,
+including its input files and macro package,
+is allowable for scholarly purposes, consistent with ``fair use'' as
+prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law.
+Requests for copying or reproduction of this thesis
+may be avoided by a simple connection to the author's web site at
+where all the necessary files and documentation
+may be found.
+% --- end-of-sample-stuff ---
+% These are the real quote slips (choose one)
+% \thesisquoteslip
+% \doctoralquoteslip
+% \doctoralabstractquoteslip
+% ----- abstract
+This sample dissertation is an aid to students who are attempting
+to format their theses with \LaTeX, a sophisticated
+text formatter widely available at the University of Washington
+and other institutions of higher learning.
+\item It describes the use of a specialized
+macro package developed specifically for thesis production
+at the University.
+The macros customize \LaTeX\ for the correct thesis style,
+allowing the student to concentrate on the substance of
+his or her text.%
+\footnote{See Appendix A to obtain the source to this
+ thesis and the style file.}
+\item It demonstrates the solutions to a variety of
+formatting challenges found in thesis production.
+\item It serves as a template for a real dissertation.
+% ----- contents & etc.
+%\listoftables % I have no tables
+% ----- glossary
+\chapter*{Glossary} % starred form omits the `chapter x'
+\item[argument] replacement text which customizes a \LaTeX\ macro for
+each particular usage.
+\item[back-up] a copy of a file to be used when catastrophe strikes
+the original. People who make no back-ups deserve
+no sympathy.
+\item[control sequence] the normal form of a command to \LaTeX.
+\item[delimiter] something, often a character, that indicates
+the beginning and ending of an argument.
+More generally, a delimiter is a field separator.
+\item[document class] a file of macros that tailors \LaTeX\ for
+a particular document. The macros described by this thesis
+constitute a document class.
+\item[document option] a macro or file of macros
+that further modifies \LaTeX\ for
+a particular document. The option {\tt[chapternotes]}
+constitutes a document option.
+\item[figure] illustrated material, including graphs,
+diagrams, drawings and photographs.
+\item[font] a character set (the alphabet plus digits
+and special symbols) of a particular size and style. A couple of fonts
+used in this thesis are twelve point roman and {\sl twelve point roman
+\item[footnote] a note placed at the bottom of a page, end of a chapter,
+or end of a thesis that comments on or cites a reference
+for a designated part of the text.
+\item[formatter] (as opposed to a word-processor) arranges printed
+material according to instructions embedded in the text.
+A word-processor, on the other hand, is normally controlled
+by keyboard strokes that move text about on a display.
+\item[\LaTeX] simply the ultimate in computerized typesetting.
+\item[macro] a user-defined control sequence.
+\item[macro package] a set of macros that combine for a single
+purpose. These thesis macros
+constitute a macro package.
+\item[pica] a unit of length. One pica is twelve points and
+six picas is about an inch.
+\item[point] a unit of length. 72.27 points equals one inch.
+\item[roman] a conventional printing typestyle. This thesis
+is set in roman type.
+\item[rule] a straight printed line; e.g., \hrulefill.
+\item[table] information placed in a columnar arrangement.
+\item[thesis] either a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation.
+This document also refers to itself as a thesis, although it
+really is not one.
+% ----- acknowledgments
+\acknowledgments{% \vskip2pc
+ % {\narrower\noindent
+ The author wishes to express sincere appreciation to
+ University Computing Services, where he has had the opportunity
+ to work with the \TeX\ formatting system,
+ and to the author of \TeX, Donald Knuth, {\it il miglior fabbro}.
+ % \par}
+% end of the preliminary pages
+% ========== Text pages
+% ========== Chapter 1
+The utility of a clean, professionally prepared thesis is well
+\footnote{See, for example, W. Shakespeare\cite{Hamlet} for an early treatment.}
+but, until recently, a degree candidate had no recourse but
+to submit his or her thesis to a typist for completion.
+Revisions were difficult and time consuming, and even at its best the
+resultant thesis still looked typed.
+The advent of computerized typesetting has revolutionized
+thesis preparation, and \TeX\ in particular brings to the
+university student the power and flexibility of an
+`industrial-strength' typesetter.
+\TeX\ is a flexible,
+complete, and professional typesetting system.
+It has been programmed to produce
+the same document on all machines, so
+a suitable printer can always be found for the final copy
+while drafts are made on more conventional and inexpensive printers.
+The `suitable' standard is a 300 dot-per-inch laser printer,
+which is excellent for thesis production. Many such laser printers
+are available about the campus.
+\section{The Purpose of This Sample Thesis}
+This sample is both a demonstration of the quality and
+propriety of a \LaTeX\footnote{We mean the \LaTeXe\ version
+of \LaTeX. Earlier versions, now called \LaTeX2.09 were much
+different.} formatted thesis, and is
+documentation for the preparation of a thesis.
+It has made extensive use of a custom class file
+developed specifically for this purpose
+at the University of Washington. Chapter~II discusses
+\TeX\ and \LaTeX.
+Chapter III describes the additional macros and functions
+provided by the custom thesis class file. Finally, Chapter IV discusses
+some special problems due to the inherent differences among the various
+computers and printers that support \LaTeX.
+It is
+impossible to predict all the formatting problems one will encounter
+and there will be problems that are best handled
+by a specialist.
+The Graduate School may be able to help you find help.
+Some departments may also be able to provide \LaTeX\ assistance.
+\section{Conventions and Notations}
+In this thesis the typist
+refers to the user of \LaTeX---the one who
+makes formatting decisions and chooses the appropriate
+formatting commands.
+He or she will most often be the degree candidate.
+This document deals with \LaTeX\ typesetting commands and their
+functions. Wherever possible the conventions used to display
+text entered by the typist and the resulting formatted output
+are the same as those used by the \TeX books.
+Therefore, {\tt typewriter type} is used to indicate text
+as typed by the computer
+or entered by the typist.
+It is quite the opposite of {\it italics,} which indicates
+a category rather than exact text. For example,
+{\tt alpha} and {\tt beta} might each be an example of a {\it label}.
+\section{Nota bene}
+This sample thesis was produced by the \LaTeX\ document class it describes
+and is acceptable to the Graduate School%
+However, the use of this package does not guarantee acceptability
+of a particular thesis.
+% ========== Chapter 2
+\chapter{A Brief \\ Description of \protect\TeX}
+The \TeX\ formatting program is the creation of
+Donald Knuth of Stanford University.
+It has been implemented on nearly every general purpose computer and
+produces exactly\footnote{``Exactly'' specifically excludes the
+ inherent variety in print devices.}
+the same copy on all machines.
+\section{What is it; why is it spelled that way;
+and what do
+really long section titles look like in the text and in the
+Table of Contents?}
+\TeX\ is a formatter. A document's format is controlled
+by commands embedded in the text.
+The peculiar look to the names indicate that \TeX\ is also
+a typesetting program. Each character and rule on the page
+is precisely positioned.
+\LaTeX\ is a special version of \TeX---preloaded
+with a voluminous set of macros that simplify most
+formatting tasks.
+\TeX\ uses {\it control sequences} to control
+the formatting of a document. These control sequences are usually
+words or groups of letters prefaced with the backslash character
+For example,
+Figure \ref{start-2} shows the text that printed the beginning
+of this chapter. Note the control sequence \verb"\chapter" that
+instructed \TeX\ to start a new chapter, print the title, and
+make an entry in the table of contents. It is an example
+of a macro defined by the \LaTeX\ macro package.
+The control sequence \verb"\TeX", which prints the word \TeX,
+is a standard macro from the {\it\TeX book}.
+The short control sequence \verb"\\" in the title instructed \TeX\ to
+break the title line at that point.
+This capability is an example of an extension to \LaTeX\
+provided by the uwthesis document class.
+\\chapter\{A Brief\\\\Description of \\TeX\}
+The \\TeX\\ formatting program is the creation of
+Donald Knuth of Stanford University.
+\caption{The beginning of the Chapter II text}
+Most of the time \TeX\ is simply building paragraphs from
+text in your source files. No control sequences are involved.
+New paragraphs are indicated by a blank line in the
+input file.
+Hyphenation is performed automatically.
+\section{\TeX books}
+The primary reference for \LaTeX\ is Lamport's second edition
+of the \textit{\LaTeX\ User's Guide}\cite{Lbook}.
+It is easily read and should be sufficient for thesis formatting.
+See also the \textsl{\LaTeX\ Companion}\cite{companion} for descriptions
+of many add-on macro packages.
+Although unnecessary for thesis writers, the \textsl{\TeX book}
+is the primary reference for \TeX sperts worldwide.
+The thesis class does not expand on \TeX's
+or \LaTeX's
+comprehensive treatment of mathematical equation printing.%
+% a long footnote indeed.
+ Although many \TeX-formatted documents contain no
+ mathematics except the page numbers, it seems appropriate
+ that this paper, which is in some sense about \TeX,
+ ought to demonstrate an equation or two. Here then, is a statement
+ of the {\it Nonsense Theorem}.
+ \smallskip
+ \def\RR{{\cal R\kern-.15em R}}
+ {\narrower\hangindent\parindent Assume a universe $E$ and a symmetric function
+ $\$$ defined on $E$, such that for each $\$^{yy}$ there exists a
+ $\$^{\overline{yy}}$, where $\$^{yy} = \$^{\overline{yy}}$.
+ For each element $i$ of $E$ define
+ ${\cal S}(i)=\sum_i \$^{yy}+\$^{\overline{yy}}+0$.
+ Then if $\RR$ is that subset of $E$ where $1+1=3$,
+ for each $i$
+ $$\lim_{\$\to\infty}\int {\cal S}di =
+ \cases{0,&if $i\not\in\RR$;\cr
+ \infty,&if $i\in\RR$.\cr}$$
+ \par}} % end of the footnote
+The {\it\TeX book}\cite{book}, {\it \LaTeX\ User's Guide}\cite{Lbook},
+and {\it The \LaTeX\ Companion}\cite{companion}
+thoroughly cover this topic.
+\section{Languages other than English}
+Most \LaTeX\ implementations at the University are tailored
+for the English language. However, \LaTeX\ will format many
+other languages.
+Consult your department or contact the
+Humanities and Arts Computing Center for assistance with
+non-English formatting.
+Unusual characters can be defined via the
+font maker \hbox{\mffont METAFONT} (documented by Knuth\cite{Metafont}).
+The definitions are not trivial.
+Students who attempt to print a thesis with
+custom fonts may soon proclaim,
+% note. This is not the correct way to print Greek
+``$\mathaccent"7027\alpha\pi o\kern1pt\theta\alpha\nu\epsilon\hat\iota\nu$
+\ $\theta\acute\epsilon\lambda\omega$.''
+% ========== Chapter 3
+\chapter{The Thesis Unformatted}
+This chapter describes the uwthesis class (\texttt{uwthesis.cls},
+version dated 2003/07/14)
+in detail
+and shows how it was used to format the thesis.
+A working knowledge of Lamport's \LaTeX\ manual\cite{Lbook} is assumed.
+\section{The Control File}
+The source to this sample thesis is contained in a single file
+only because ease of distribution was a concern.
+You should not do this. Your task will be much easier if you
+break your thesis into several files: a file for the preliminary pages,
+a file for each chapter, one for the glossary, and one for each
+appendix. Then use a control file to tie them all together.
+This way you can edit and format parts of your thesis much more
+Figure~\ref{control-file} shows a control file that
+might have produced this thesis.
+It sets the document style, with options and parameters,
+and formats the various parts of the thesis---%
+but contains no text of its own.
+% control file caption and figure
+ \begin{leftfullpage}
+ \caption[A thesis control file]%
+ {\narrower A thesis control file ({\tt thesis.tex}).
+ This file is the input to \LaTeX\ that will produce a
+ thesis. It contains no text, only commands which
+ direct the formatting of the thesis.
+ This is also an example of a `facing page' caption. It is guaranteed
+ to appear on a lefthand page, facing the figure contents on the right.
+ See the text.}
+ \label{control-file}
+ \end{leftfullpage}
+ \begin{fullpage}
+ \footnotesize
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ % LaTeX thesis control file
+ \documentclass[11pt,twoside]{uwthesis}
+ \begin{document}
+ % preliminary pages
+ %
+ \prelimpages
+ \include{prelim}
+ % text pages
+ %
+ \textpages
+ \include{chap1}
+ \include{chap2}
+ \include{chap3}
+ \include{chap4}
+ % bibliography
+ %
+ \bibliographystyle{plain}
+ \bibliography{thesis}
+ % appendices
+ %
+ \appendix
+ \include{appxa}
+ \include{appxb}
+ \include{vita}
+ \end{document}
+ \end{verbatim}
+ \end{fullpage}
+The first section defines the document class and options.
+This thesis has specified two-sided formatting, which is now
+allowed by the Graduate School. Two sided printing is now
+actually \LaTeX's default. If you want one sided printing
+you must specify \verb"oneside".
+This sample also specified a font size
+of 11 points.
+Possible font size options are: \verb"10pt", \verb"11pt", and \verb"12pt".
+Default is 12 points, which is the preference
+of the Graduate School. If you choose a smaller size be sure to
+check with the Graduate School for acceptability. The smaller fonts
+can produce very small sub and superscripts.
+Use the \verb"\includeonly" command to format only a part of your
+thesis. See Lamport\cite[sec. 4.4]{Lbook} for usage and limitations.
+\section{The Text Pages}
+A chapter is a major division of the thesis. Each chapter begins
+on a new page and has a Table of Contents entry.
+\subsection{Chapters, Sections, Subsections, and Appendices}
+Within the chapter title use a \verb"\\" control sequence to separate lines
+in the printed title (recall Figure \ref{start-2}.).
+The \verb"\\" does not affect the Table of Contents entry.
+Format appendices just like chapters.
+The control sequence \verb"\appendix" instructs \LaTeX\ to
+begin using the term `Appendix' rather than `Chapter'.
+Sections and subsections of a chapter are specified
+by \verb"\section" and \verb"\subsection", respectively.
+In this thesis chapter and section
+titles are written to the table of contents.
+Consult Lamport\cite[pg. 176]{Lbook} to see which
+subdivisions of the thesis can be written to the table of contents.
+The \verb"\\" control sequence is not permitted in section and
+subsection titles.
+ Footnotes format as described in the \LaTeX\ book. You can also
+ ask for end-of-chapter or end-of-thesis notes.
+ The thesis class will automatically set these up if
+ you ask for the document class option \texttt{chapternotes}
+ or \texttt{endnotes}.
+If selected, chapternotes will print automatically. If you choose
+endnotes however you must explicitly indicate when to print the notes
+with the command \verb"\printendnotes". See the style guide for
+suitable endnote placement.
+\subsection{Figures and Tables}
+Standard \LaTeX\ figures and tables, see Lamport\cite[sec.~C.9]{Lbook},
+normally provide the most convenient means to position the figure.
+Full page floats and facing captions are exceptions to this rule.
+If you want a figure or table to occupy a full page enclose the
+contents in a \texttt{fullpage} environment.
+See figures~\ref{facing-caption}.
+Facing page captions are described
+in the Style Manual\cite{SP}. They have different meanings
+depending on whether you are using
+the one-side or two-side thesis style.
+If you are using the two-side style,
+facing captions
+are full page captions for full page figures or tables
+and must face the illustration to which they refer.
+You must explicitly format both pages.
+The caption part must appear on an even page
+(left side) and the figure or table must
+come on the following odd page (right side).
+Enclose the float contents for the caption
+in a \texttt{leftfullpage} environment,
+and enclose the float contents for the figure or table
+in a \texttt{fullpage} environment.
+Figure~\ref{control-file}, for example,
+required a full page so its caption (on a facing caption page)
+would have been formatted as shown in figure~\ref{facing-caption}a.
+The first page (left side) contains the caption. The second page
+(right side) could be left blank. A picture or graph might be pasted onto
+this space.
+ \begin{figure}[p]% the left side caption
+ \begin{leftfullpage}
+ \caption{ . . . }
+ \end{leftfullpage}
+ \end{figure}
+ \begin{figure}[p]% the right side space
+ \begin{fullpage}
+ . . .
+ ( note.. no caption here )
+ \end{fullpage}
+ \end{figure}
+\caption(a){This text would create a
+ double page figure in the two-side style.}
+ \begin{figure}[p]
+ \begin{leftfullpage}
+ \caption{ . . . }
+ \end{leftfullpage}
+ \end{figure}
+ \begin{figure}[p]% the right side space
+ \begin{xtrafullpage}
+ . . .
+ ( note.. no caption here )
+ \end{xtrafullpage}
+ \end{figure}
+\caption(b)[Generating a facing caption page]{This text would create a
+ facing caption page with the accompaning figure in the one-side style.}
+If instead you are using the one-side style,
+facing caption pages are still
+captions for full page figures or tables
+that appear on the left-hand page (facing the illustration on the
+right-hand page).
+However, the page number and binding offset are reversed
+from their normal positions.
+Format these captions by enclosing the float contents
+in a \texttt{leftfullpage} environment.
+Because you are printing on only one side of each sheet, you must manually
+turn over this caption sheet.
+You then have the choice of inserting a preprinted illustration or
+formatting one to print with the thesis.
+In either case no page number should appear
+on the illustration page, nor should the page number increment.
+Enclose your figure's text
+in an \texttt{xtrafullpage} environment, which will cause the
+page numbers to come out right.
+You can, of course, leave out the illustration and insert a preprinted
+copy later.
+Figure~\ref{facing-caption}b shows how to format a facing caption page
+in the one-side style. Note that, in this case, the illustration
+was also printed.
+In the two-side style the \texttt{xtrafullpage} environment acts just like the
+\texttt{fullpage} environment. It does not produce a numberless page.
+\subsection{Horizontal Figures and Tables}
+Figures and tables may be formatted horizontally
+(a.k.a.\ landscape) as long as their captions appear
+horizontal also. \LaTeX\ will format landscape material for you
+if a couple of conditions are met. You have to have a printer
+and printer driver that allow rotations and
+you have to have a couple of add-on \LaTeX\ packages.
+Users of PostScript printers and Uniform Access computers
+at the University of Washington will conform to both requirements,
+as will users of PC\TeX\ if they use postscript.
+Include the \texttt{rotating} package
+and read the documentation that comes with the package.
+Documentation can also be found on many of our systems in
+Figure~\ref{sideways} is an example of how a landscape
+table might be formatted.
+ \begin{sidewaystable}
+ ...
+ \caption{ . . . }
+ \end{sidewaystable}
+\caption[Generating a landscape table]{This text would create a
+ landscape table with caption.}
+\subsection{Figure and Table Captions}
+Most captions are formatted with the \verb"\caption" macro as described
+by Lamport\cite[sec. C.9]{Lbook}.
+The uwthesis class extends this macro to allow
+continued figures and tables, and to provide multiple figures and
+tables with the same number, e.g., 3.1a, 3.1b, etc.
+To format the caption for the first part of
+a figure or table that cannot fit
+onto a single page use the standard form:
+To format the caption for the subsequent parts of
+the figure or table
+use this caption:
+It will keep the same number and the text of the caption will be
+To format the caption for the first part of
+a multi-part figure or table
+use the format:
+The figure or table will be lettered (with `a') as well as numbered.
+To format the caption for the subsequent parts of
+the multi-part figure or table
+use the format:
+where {\em x} is {\tt b}, {\tt c}, \ldots.
+The parts will be lettered (with `b', `c', \ldots).
+\section{The Preliminary Pages}
+These are easy to format only because they are relatively invariant
+among theses. Therefore the difficulties have already been encountered
+and overcome by \LaTeX\ and the thesis document classes.
+\subsection{Title page}
+Define \verb"\Title", \verb"\Author", \verb"\Program", and \verb"\Year"
+and then print the
+title page with \verb"\titlepage".
+The title page of this thesis was printed with%
+\footnote{Actually, it wasn't. It included a footnote---unusual for
+ title pages.}
+\\Title\{The Suitability of the \\LaTeX\\ Text Formatter\\\\
+ for Thesis Preparation by Technical and\\\\
+ Non-technical Degree Candidates\}
+\\Author\{Jim Fox\}
+\\Program\{Computing \& Communications\}
+You may also change other text on the title page with these
+macros. You will have to redefine \verb"\Degreetext", for instance,
+if you're writing a Master's thesis instead of a dissertation.
+ \def\makelabel#1{\texttt{\char`\\#1}\hfill}}
+\item[Degree\char`\{{\it degree name}\char`\}]
+ defaults to ``Doctor of Philosophy''
+\item[School\char`\{{\it school name}\char`\}] defaults to
+``University of Washington''
+\item[Degreetext\char`\{{\it degree text}\char`\}] defaults to
+``A dissertation submitted \ldots''
+These definitions must appear \underline{before} the \verb"\titlepage" command.
+\subsection{Signature page}
+Define \verb"\Chair" and as many \verb"\Signature" lines as
+you need
+and then print the
+signature page with \verb"\signaturepage".
+The signature page of this thesis was printed with
+\\Chair\{Name of Chairperson\}\{title\}\{Chair's department\}
+\\Signature\{Name of Committee member\}
+\\Signature\{Name of Committee member\}
+You have to put in the real names. Notice the definition
+of \verb"\Chair" has three arguments.
+The second (Chair's title) and third (Chair's department)
+will be used on the Abstract page.
+If you have co-chairs just repeat the \verb"\Chair" definition.
+For a Master's Thesis omit the \verb"\Chair" definitions and
+use \verb"\thesissignaturepage".
+\subsection{Quote slip}
+Use one of the ``quoteslip'' macros to format your quote slip:
+\item \verb"\thesisquoteslip", for a master's thesis;
+\item \verb"\doctoralquoteslip", for a doctoral dissertation; or
+\item \verb"\doctoralabstractquoteslip", for a the `abstract only'
+form of the doctoral dissertation.
+None of these macros takes an argument. They use the
+text suggested by the Graduate School\cite{SP}.
+If you need nonstandard quote slip text
+use the \verb"\quoteslip" macro instead.
+It has one argument, which is the text of your quote slip.
+The quote slip of this thesis was printed with
+\\quoteslip\{Extensive copying . . . may be found.\}
+Print the
+abstract with \verb"\abstract".
+It has one argument, which is the text of the abstract.
+All the names have already been defined.
+The abstract of this thesis was printed with
+\\abstract\{This sample . . . `real' dissertation.\}
+\subsection{Tables of contents}
+Use the standard \LaTeX\ commands to format these items.
+Use the \verb"\acknowledgments" macro to format the acknowledgments page.
+It has one argument, which is the text of the acknowledgment.
+The acknowledgments of this thesis was printed with
+\\acknowledgments\{The author wishes . . . \{\\it il miglior fabbro\}.\\par\}\}
+Use the \verb"\dedication" macro to format the dedication page.
+It has one argument, which is the text of the dedication.
+Use the \verb"\vita" macro to format the curriculum vitae.
+It has one argument, which chronicles your life's accomplishments.
+Note that the Vita is not really a preliminary page.
+It appears at the end of your thesis, just after the appendices.
+%% \section{Customization of the Macros}
+%% Simple customization, including
+%% alteration of default parameters, changes to dimensions,
+%% paragraph indentation, and margins, are not too difficult.
+%% You have the choice of modifying the class file ({\tt uwthesis.cls})
+%% or loading
+%% one or more personal style files to customize your thesis.
+%% The latter is usually most convenient, since you do not need
+%% to edit the large and complicated class file.
+% ========== Chapter 4
+\chapter{Hardware Dependencies\\
+ ({\it And Other Complications})}
+\TeX\ has been designed to produce exactly the same document
+on all computers and on all printers. {\it Exactly the same}
+means that the various spacings, line and page breaks, and
+even hyphenations will occur at the same places
+when the document is formatted on a variety of computers.
+However, there are some discrepancies that cannot
+be overcome. They involve the mechanics of running \TeX\ and
+the necessary variations in computer and
+output device capability.
+\section{Running \protect\LaTeX}
+Each operating system has some means for editing and storing text,
+starting programs, and printing program output. These
+are uniformly inconsistant between machines. Therefore there
+are no useful, generic instructions for running \LaTeX.
+You will have to
+be able to do the following on your chosen computer.
+\item Create, edit, and back-up text files.
+\item Run the \TeX\ program with \LaTeX\ format.
+\item Convert the device independent output
+ to a format suitable to the selected printer.
+\item Print the converted file.
+There are generally user's manuals available for each \TeX\
+implementation, which explain the program's local procedures
+and nuances.
+Different printers, and different sites with identical
+printers, make certain sets of fonts available for their users.
+While these font sets are not identical, they do have a common
+subset---the basic roman fonts.
+Most sites will also provide fonts at standard magnifications
+(\verb"\small", \verb"\large", \verb"\Large", etc.).
+The Graduate School wants a larger type than is normally used
+for book printing. The uwthesis document class uses 11-point.
+The postscript font New Century Schoolbook also prints a nice thesis.
+Request it with:
+\section{Printer Perversity}
+ \footnotesize \it
+ Never let anything mechanical know you are depending on it.
+A printer will break the day before a dissertation is due. This is
+an immutable law of nature. Print your dissertation well in advance
+of any deadlines. Take some time to admire your work.
+% ========== Bibliography
+\nocite{*} % include everything in the uwthesis.bib file
+% ========== Appendices
+% ========== Appendix A
+\chapter{Where to find the files}
+The uwthesis class file, {\tt uwthesis.cls}, contains the parameter settings,
+macro definitions, and other \TeX nical commands which
+allow \LaTeX\ to format a thesis.
+The source to
+the document you are reading, {\tt uwthesis.tex},
+contains many formatting examples
+which you may find useful.
+The bibliography database, {\tt uwthesis.bib}, contains instructions
+to BibTeX to create and format the bibliography.
+You can find these files in the following locations:
+\item Web
+\item[] \verb%
+\item The \TeX\ input path on UCS UNIX computers
+\item[] \verb%/usr/local/share/teTeX/texmf/tex/latex/uw/%
+\vita{Jim Fox is a Senior Software Engineer at the University of Washington.
+In addition to a wide variety of other duties, he maintains
+the thesis class file and documentation for University of Washington
+theses and dissertations.
+For many years Mr. Fox was a columnist for RS/Magazine and SunExpert.