path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uri/uri-example.tex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uri/uri-example.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uri/uri-example.tex
index a5ae4d0633f..1f90b5364f6 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uri/uri-example.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uri/uri-example.tex
@@ -8,10 +8,16 @@
%% This is a generated file.
-%% The package takes options.
+%% Project: uri
+%% Version: 2018/09/01 v2.0a
-%% The usual disclaimers apply:
+%% Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 by
+%% H.-Martin M"unch <Martin dot Muench at Uni-Bonn dot de>
+%% Portions of code copyrighted by other people as marked.
+%% IMPORTANT NOTICE: The package takes options.
+%% The usual disclaimer applies:
%% If it doesn't work right that's your problem.
%% (Nevertheless, send an e-mail to the maintainer
%% when you find an error in this package.)
@@ -28,16 +34,21 @@
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is H.-Martin Muench
-%% (Martin dot Muench at Uni-Bonn dot de).
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is H.-Martin Muench.
-%% This work consists of the main source file uri.dtx
-%% and the derived files
+%% This work consists of the main source file uri.dtx,
+%% the README, and the derived files
%% uri.sty, uri.pdf, uri.ins, uri.drv,
-%% uri-example.tex.
+%% uri-example.tex, uri-example.pdf.
+%% In memoriam
+%% Claudia Simone Barth + 1996/01/30
+%% Tommy Muench + 2014/01/02
+%% Hans-Klaus Muench + 2014/08/24
+\documentclass[british]{article}[2014/09/29]% v1.4h
+\PassOptionsToPackage{hyphens}{url}% url is loaded internally by hyperref
\usepackage{hyperref}[2011/02/07]% v6.82b
@@ -54,81 +65,157 @@
-\usepackage{uri}[2011/03/04]% v1.0a
+\usepackage{uri}[2018/09/01]% v2.0a
+ \hbox{\text{\fontfamily{lmss}\selectfont{\smaller{%
+ DO\hspace{-0.025em}I\raisebox{0.24ex}{:}}}\kern-0.01em}}\allowbreak%
+ }% used later for demonstration of \urisetup
\section*{Example for uri}
-\markboth{Example for uri}{Example for uri}
This example demonstrates the use of package\newline
-\textsf{uri}, v1.0a as of 2011/03/04 (HMM).\newline
+\textsf{uri}, v2.0a as of 2018/09/01 (HMM).\newline
No options were given, thereby the default options were used.\newline
-For more details please see the documentation!\newline
+For more details please see the documentation!
-The \textsf{uri} package allows to hyperlink (with the \textsf{hyperref} package
-of \textsc{Heiko Oberdiek}) uris of type
+\subsection{Supported types of uri\label{uritypes}}
+The \textsf{uri} package allows to hyperlink (with the
+\textsf{hyperref} package of \textsc{Heiko Ober\-diek}) uris of type
-\item[--] arXiv (\url{}), e.\,g. \arxiv{0905.0105v2}.
+\item[--] arXiv (\url{}), e.\,g. \arxiv{math/9201303}.
-\item[--] ASIN \newline
-), \newline
-(that one is a good example for using a TINY url: \tinyuri{687j3oh})\newline
- e.\,g. \asin{0471491039}.
+\item[--] ASIN %
+ (\url{}), %
+ (that one is a good example for using a TINY url: \tinyuri{y7ju25ln}) %
+ e.\,g. \asin{0201134489}.
-\item[--] DOI (\url{}), e.\,g. \doi{10.1000/182}.
+\item[--] DOI (\url{}), e.\,g. \doi{10.1000/182} or\linebreak%
+ \doi{10.1111/coin.12165}. For DOIs also \url{} %
+ should be mentioned, which provides \doi{10/b8xfbg} as synonym for that long doi %
+ given in \hyperref[relaxation]{\ref*{relaxation} Stress test} %
+ (and also synonyms for all other DOIs).
-\item[--] HDL (\url{}), e.\,g. \hdl{2128/2486}.
+\item[--] HDL (\url{}), e.\,g. \hdl{2128/2486}.
-\item[--] NBN (\url{}), \newline
- e.\,g. \nbn{urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus-16928}. (You could also use the option
- \texttt{nbnpre=URN:NBN:DE:} and then \texttt{\textbackslash nbn\{kobv:83-opus-16928\}}.)
+\item[--] NBN (\url{}),\newline%
+ e.\,g. \nbn{urn:nbn:de:bsz:mit1-opus-3145}.
-\item[--] PubMed (\url{}), \newline
- e.\,g. \pubmed{17822909}.
+\item[--] OCLC (the global library cooperative %
+ \href{}{OCLC} maintains %
+ \href{}{WorldCat}), %
+ e.\,g. \oclc{935889548}.
\item[--] OID (\url{}), e.\,g. \oid{2.16.840}.
-\item[--] TINY (\url{}), e.\,g. \tinyuri{MST19-105603} \newline
- (uses \texttt{tinyuri} instead of \texttt{tiny}, because that command already existed).
+\item[--] PubMed (\url{}),\newline%
+ e.\,g. \pubmed{24925405}.
+\item[--] TINY (\url{}), e.\,g. \tinyuri{MST19-105603}\newline%
+ (uses \verb|\tinyuri| instead of \verb|\tiny|, because that command already existed).
+\item[--] TINY with preview (\url{}), %
+ e.\,g. \tinypuri{MST19-105603}.
-\item[--] TINY with preview, e.\,g. \tinypuri{MST19-105603}.
+\item[--] WebCite (\url{}), e.\,g. \wc{71dxjl73I},
+ which is short for \wc{query?}{%
+ }.
-\item[--] XMPP (\url{}), e.\,g. \xmpp{time}.
+\item[--] XMPP (\url{}) changed, for example
+ \verb|URN:XMPP:time| was moved from \url{}
+ to\linebreak \url{}. Therefore
+ \verb|\xmpp| is no longer provided by this package. For backward compatibility
+ \verb|\xmpp{...}| gives an error message and links to
+ \url{}.
+\subsection{Pre/post text, \texttt{\textbackslash urisetup}}
+\noindent Text before (e.\,g. \textsf{DOI:}) and after (well, no example)
+the uri to be displayed can be adapted by the package options.
+After loading the package it is possible (even somewhere within the document's body)
+to change these \hbox{\ldots \verb|pre|} (and \hbox{\ldots \verb|post|)} texts
+by \verb|\urisetup|, e.\,g.\newline
+\verb|\urisetup{arxivpre={\textsf{\scshape arXiv:}\hspace{.2em}}}|.\newline
+This command can also be used in the preamble to define pre/post texts
+which otherwise are not understood by \LaTeX. -- Compare
+\arxiv{0905.0105v2} to
+\urisetup{arxivpre={\textsf{\scshape arXiv:}\hspace{.2em}}}
+\arxiv{0905.0105v2} or
+\doi{10.1000/182} to
+\urisetup{doipre={\doialternative}}% \doialternative was defined in the example's preamble.
+\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash citeurl}, \texttt{\textbackslash mailto}, %
+ \texttt{\textbackslash ukoeln}, and \texttt{\textbackslash uref}}
Additionally some commands are provided by the uri package:
-\item[--] \texttt{siteurl} similar to the command of the \textsf{doipubmed} package, \newline
- \citeurl{}.
-\item[--] \texttt{mailto} for e-mail addresses, e.\,g. \mailto{}.
- Adding something like \texttt{?subject=Concerning uri package} after \texttt{mailto:\#\#1}
- in the style file would even add this subject to (every!) e-mail hyperlink.
-\item[--] \texttt{ukoeln} for short University of Cologne (Universit\"{a}t zu K\"{o}ln,
- U~Koeln; Germany; \url{}) addresses, \newline
- e.\,g. \ukoeln{XM492}.
-\item[--] \texttt{uref} takes two arguments, the first gives the target of the hyperlink,
-the second gives the text to be displayed for it, e.\,g. information about
-the \uref{}{pagesLTS} package, similar to \texttt{\textbackslash href}.
+\item[--] \verb|\citeurl| similar to the command of the \textsf{doipubmed} package,\newline%
+ \citeurl{}.
+\item[--] \verb|\mailto| for e-mail addresses (optionally with e-mail subject), e.\,g.\newline%
+\mailto{} or with subject %
+\mailto[Some subject of the e-mail]{}.
+\item[--] \verb|\ukoeln| for short University of Cologne (Universit\"{a}t zu K\"{o}ln, %
+ U~Koeln; Germany; \url{})
+ ad-\linebreak dresses, e.\,g. \ukoeln{PDGKL}.
+\item[--] \verb|\uref| takes two arguments, the first gives the target of the hyperlink, %
+ the second gives the text to be displayed for it, e.\,g. information about the %
+ \uref{}{uri package}, similar to \verb|\href|. %
+ When \textsf{hyperref} was not loaded, \newline%
+ \verb|\uref{first argument}{second argument}| %
+ defaults to\newline
+ \verb|\url{second argument}|.
-Text before (e.\,g. \textsf{DOI:}) and after (well, no example) the uri to be displayed can be
-adapted by the package options.\newline
-Even \begin{verbatim} \doi{1.2/3-4(5)6:7<8::A-B9>0.9.C8;7-\654%23!$} \end{verbatim}
-would work (if that DOI would exist):\newline
+\subsection{Stress test\label{relaxation}}
+Even \verb|\doi{1.2/3-.(5):<>;%A\8!$~&{}#X}|
+would work (if that DOI would exist; same for the other types of uri):
+} (In the error message at the \verb|#X| is not included,
+because it is interpreted as \textquotedblleft anchor X\textquotedblright{} at
+page \verb|1.2/3-.(5):<>;%A\8!$~&{}|, which already is not found.)\newline
+Adding \verb|opening bracket percent-sign line break closing bracket|\newline
+(please see the source code of the example)
+makes programs happy, which check for bracket pairs and take the
+first percent sign as the start of a comment and therefore miss
+the closing bracket (but therefore also the following opening one).
+And this real DOI works:\newline
+(short: \doi{10/b8xfbg}, see DOI in %
+\hyperref[uritypes]{\ref*{uritypes} Supported types of uri}).
+\subsection{Name-to-Thing resolver}
+It is also possible to resolve a lot of identifiers by
+the Name-to-Thing resolver by just appending the identifier to
+\url{}, e.\,g. \newline%
+\url{}, \newline%
+\url{}, \newline%
+\url{}, \newline%
+\url{}, \newline%
+\url{}, \newline%
+\url{}, \newline%
+\url{} (which at the time of writing did not work, %
+\url{} did), \newline%
+\url{}, and also \newline%
+\url{} and \newline%
+Disadvantages: It is longer and requires \url{} to work.\newline%
+Advantage: Anybody reading the printed document can just enter %
+the url as given into their browser without thinking about how to resolve %
+that type of uri.
+\subsection{Disclaimer for web links}
+The author is not responsible for any contents referred
+to in this work unless if having full knowledge of illegal contents. If any damage
+occurs by the use of information presented there, only the author of the respective
+pages might be liable, not the one who has referred to these pages.