path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/unicode-math/unicode-math-doc.tex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/unicode-math/unicode-math-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/unicode-math/unicode-math-doc.tex
index 87c1518fdcb..29835b9a5b1 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/unicode-math/unicode-math-doc.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/unicode-math/unicode-math-doc.tex
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ If you do not load an OpenType maths font before |\begin{document}|, Latin Moder
\subsection{New commands}
\textbf{New v0.8:}
-\pkg{unicode-math} provides the following commands (usage: |$\symbfsf{g}$|${}\to\symbfsf{g}$) to select specific `alphabets' within the unicode maths font:
+\pkg{unicode-math} provides the following commands to select specific `alphabets' within the unicode maths font: (usage, e.g.: |$\symbfsf{g}$|${}\to\symbfsf{g}$)
\clist_map_inline:nn {
@@ -323,8 +323,8 @@ maths glyphs and macro names (all 3298 — or however many — of them!). A
single command
\codeline{\cmd\setmathfont\marg{font name}\oarg{font features}}
implements this for every every symbol and alphabetic variant.
-That means |x| to $x$, |\xi| to $\xi$, |\leq| to $\leq$, etc., |\mathscr{H}|
-to $\mathscr{H}$ and so on, all for Unicode glyphs within a single font.
+That means |x| to $x$, |\xi| to $\xi$, |\leq| to $\leq$, etc., |\symscr{H}|
+to $\symscr{H}$ and so on, all for Unicode glyphs within a single font.
This package deals well with Unicode characters for maths
input. This includes using literal Greek letters in formulae,
@@ -372,10 +372,9 @@ As discussed earlier, Unicode mathematics consists of a number of `alphabet styl
\clist_use:Nn \g__um_named_ranges_clist {\,,\,~}
-Fonts can be selected for specified ranges only; use the following syntax:
+Fonts can be selected for specified ranges only using the following syntax, in which case all other maths font setup remains untouched:
-\item |[range=bb]| to use the font for `bb' letters only.
+\item |[range=bb]| to use the font for `|bb|' letters only.
\item |[range=bfsfit/{greek,Greek}]| for Greek lowercase and uppercase only (also with |latin|, |Latin|, |num| as possible options for Latin lower-/upper-case and numbers, resp.).
\item |[range=up->sfup]| to map to different output styles.
@@ -384,13 +383,40 @@ Note that `meta-styles' such as `|bf|' and `|sf|' are not included here since th
If a particular math style is not defined in the font, we fall back onto the lower-base plane (i.e., `upright') glyphs.
Therefore, to use an \ascii-encoded fractur font, for example, write
+ \setmathfont{SomeFracturFont}[range=frak]
and because the math plane fractur glyphs will be missing, \pkg{unicode-math} will know to use the \ascii\ ones instead.
If necessary this behaviour can be forced with |[range=frak->up]|, since the `|up|' range corresponds to \ascii\ letters.
If you wanted to swap the maths symbols with sans serif forms, it would be possible to write |[range={up->sfup,it->sfit}]|.
Note, however, that at present Unicode does not encode glyphs for sans serif Greek (\tabref{mathalphabets}).
+Users of the impressive Minion Math fonts (commercial) may use remapping to access the bold glyphs using:
+ \setmathfont{MinionMath-Regular.otf}
+ \setmathfont{MinionMath-Bold.otf}[range={bfup->up,bfit->it}]
+To set up the complete range of optical sizes for these fonts, a font declaration such as the following may be used: (adjust may be desired according to the font size of the document)
+\setmathfont{Minion Math}[
+ SizeFeatures = {
+ {Size = -6.01, Font = MinionMath-Tiny},
+ {Size = 6.01-8.41, Font = MinionMath-Capt},
+ {Size = 8.41-13.01, Font = MinionMath-Regular},
+ {Size = 13.01-19.91, Font = MinionMath-Subh},
+ {Size = 19.91-, Font = MinionMath-Disp}
+ }]
+\setmathfont{Minion Math}[range = {bfup->up,bfit->it},
+ SizeFeatures = {
+ {Size = -6.01, Font = MinionMath-BoldTiny},
+ {Size = 6.01-8.41, Font = MinionMath-BoldCapt},
+ {Size = 8.41-13.01, Font = MinionMath-Bold},
+ {Size = 13.01-19.91, Font = MinionMath-BoldSubh},
+ {Size = 19.91-, Font = MinionMath-BoldDisp}
+ }]
\textbf{v0.8:} Note that in previous versions of \pkg{unicode-math}, these features were labelled |[range=\mathbb]| and so on. This old syntax is still supported for backwards compatibility, but is now discouraged.
@@ -399,7 +425,8 @@ Note, however, that at present Unicode does not encode glyphs for sans serif Gre
Cambria Math uses OpenType font features to activate smaller optical sizes
for scriptsize and scriptscriptsize symbols (the $B$ and $C$, respectively,
-in $A_{B_C}$). Other fonts will possibly use entirely separate fonts.
+in $A_{B_C}$).
+Other typefaces (such as Minion Math) may use entirely separate font files.
The features |script-font| and |sscript-font| allow alternate fonts to be
selected for the script and scriptscript sizes, and |script-features| and
@@ -475,7 +502,7 @@ A series of package options (\tabref{legacyfontswitch}) are provided to facilita
Defaults (from `text' font) & From `maths symbols' \\
|mathrm=text| & |mathrm=sym | \\
- |mathup=text|\llap{$^\ast$} & |mathup=sym |\llap{$^\ast$} \\
+ |mathup=text|\rlap{$^\ast$} & |mathup=sym|{}\rlap{$^\ast$} \\
|mathit=text| & |mathit=sym | \\
|mathsf=text| & |mathsf=sym | \\
|mathbf=text| & |mathbf=sym | \\
@@ -498,9 +525,9 @@ You may now change these using the command:
Or, to select a \pkg{unicode-math} range:
For example, after the latter above, |$\sin x$| will produce `$\sin x$'.
@@ -521,15 +548,14 @@ readable input files.
Classically, \TeX\ uses italic lowercase Greek letters and \emph{upright}
uppercase Greek letters for variables in mathematics. This is contrary to
the \textsc{iso} standards of using italic forms for both upper- and lowercase.
-Furthermore, the French have been
-known to use upright uppercase \emph{Latin} letters as well as upright
-upper- and lowercase Greek. Finally, it is not unknown to use upright letters
+Furthermore, in various historical contexts, often associated with French typesetting, it was common to use upright uppercase \emph{Latin} letters as well as upright
+upper- and lowercase Greek, but italic lowercase latin. Finally, it is not unknown to use upright letters
for all characters, as seen in the Euler fonts.
-The \pkg{unicode-math} package accommodates these possibilities with an
-interface heavily inspired by Walter Schmidt's \pkg{lucimatx} package: a
-package option \opt{math-style} that takes one of four arguments:
-\opt{TeX}, \opt{ISO}, \opt{french}, or \opt{upright} (case sensitive).
+The \pkg{unicode-math} package accommodates these possibilities with the
+option \opt{math-style} that takes one of four (case sensitive) arguments:
+\opt{TeX}, \opt{ISO}, \opt{french}, or \opt{upright}.\footnote{Interface inspired by Walter Schmidt's \pkg{lucimatx} package.}
+The \opt{math-style} options' effects are shown in brief in \tabref{math-style}.
The philosophy behind the interface to the mathematical symbols
lies in \LaTeX's attempt of separating content and formatting. Because input
@@ -544,19 +570,17 @@ letters. The upright or italic forms are then chosen based on the
If glyphs are desired that do not map as per the package option (for
example, an upright `g' is desired but typing |$g$| yields `$g$'),
\emph{markup} is required to specify this; to follow from the example:
-|\mathup{g}|. Maths style commands such as \cmd\mathup\ are detailed
+Maths style commands such as \cmd\symup\ are detailed later.
\paragraph{`Literal' interface}
-However, some users may not like this convention of normalising their input.
+Some may not like this convention of normalising their input.
For them, an upright |x| is an upright `x' and that's that.
(This will be the case when obtaining source text from copy/pasting PDF or
Microsoft Word documents, for example.)
For these users, the |literal| option to |math-style| will effect this behaviour.
The \cs{symliteral}\marg{syms} command can also be used, regardless of package setting, to force the style to match the literal input characters.
-This is a `mirror' to \cs{symnormal}\marg{syms} (also alias \cs{mathnormal}) which `resets' the character mapping in its argument to whatever originally set up through package options.
-The \opt{math-style} options' effects are shown in brief in \tabref{math-style}.
+This is a `mirror' to \cs{symnormal}\marg{syms} (also alias \cs{mathnormal}) which `resets' the character mapping in its argument to that originally set up through package options.
@@ -568,10 +592,10 @@ The \opt{math-style} options' effects are shown in brief in \tabref{math-style}.
\rmfamily Package option & Latin & Greek \\
- math-style=ISO & $(a,z,B,X)$ & $\mathit{(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma,\Xi)}$ \\
- math-style=TeX & $(a,z,B,X)$ & $(\mathit\alpha,\mathit\beta,\mathup\Gamma,\mathup\Xi)$ \\
- math-style=french & $(a,z,\mathup B,\mathup X)$ & $(\mathup\alpha,\mathup\beta,\mathup\Gamma,\mathup\Xi)$ \\
- math-style=upright & $(\mathup a,\mathup z,\mathup B,\mathup X)$ & $(\mathup\alpha,\mathup\beta,\mathup\Gamma,\mathup\Xi)$ \\
+ math-style=ISO & $(a,z,B,X)$ & $\symit{(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma,\Xi)}$ \\
+ math-style=TeX & $(a,z,B,X)$ & $(\symit\alpha,\symit\beta,\symup\Gamma,\symup\Xi)$ \\
+ math-style=french & $(a,z,\symup B,\symup X)$ & $(\symup\alpha,\symup\beta,\symup\Gamma,\symup\Xi)$ \\
+ math-style=upright & $(\symup a,\symup z,\symup B,\symup X)$ & $(\symup\alpha,\symup\beta,\symup\Gamma,\symup\Xi)$ \\
@@ -583,25 +607,25 @@ The \opt{math-style} options' effects are shown in brief in \tabref{math-style}.
Similar as in the previous section, ISO standards differ somewhat to \TeX's
conventions (and classical typesetting) for `boldness' in mathematics. In
the past, it has been customary to use bold \emph{upright} letters to denote
-things like vectors and matrices. For example, \( \mathbfup{M} =
+things like vectors and matrices. For example, \( \symbfup{M} =
(\mitM_x,\mitM_y,\mitM_z) \). Presumably, this was due to the relatively
-scarcity of bold italic fonts in the pre-digital typesetting era. It has
-been suggested that \emph{italic} bold symbols are used nowadays instead.
+scarcity of bold italic fonts in the pre-digital typesetting era.
+It has been suggested by some that \emph{italic} bold symbols should be used nowadays instead, but this practise is certainly not widespread.
Bold Greek letters have simply been bold variant glyphs of their regular
weight, as in \( \mbfitxi = (\mitxi_\mitr,\mitxi_\mitphi,\mitxi_\mittheta)
-\). Confusingly, the syntax in \LaTeX\ has been different for these two
-examples: \cmd\mathbf\ in the former (`$\mathbfup{M}$'), and \cmd\bm\ (or
+Confusingly, the syntax in \LaTeX\ traditionally has been different for obtaining `normal' bold symbols in Latin and Greek: \cmd\mathbf\ in the former (`$\symbfup{M}$'), and \cmd\bm\ (or
\cmd\boldsymbol, deprecated) in the latter (`$\mbfitxi$').
-In \pkg{unicode-math}, the \cmd\mathbf\ command works directly with both
+In \pkg{unicode-math}, the \cmd\symbf\ command works directly with both
Greek and Latin maths characters and depending on package option
either switches to upright for Latin letters (|bold-style=TeX|) as well or
keeps them italic (|bold-style=ISO|).
To match the package options for non-bold characters, with option
|bold-style=upright| all bold characters are upright, and
|bold-style=literal| does not change the upright/italic shape of the letter.
+The \opt{bold-style} options' effects are shown in brief in \tabref{bold-style}.
Upright and italic bold mathematical letters input as direct Unicode
characters are normalised with the same rules. For example, with
@@ -609,12 +633,9 @@ characters are normalised with the same rules. For example, with
Note that \opt{bold-style} is independent of \opt{math-style}, although if
-the former is not specified then sensible defaults are chosen based on the
+the former is not specified then matching defaults are chosen based on the
-The \opt{bold-style} options' effects are shown in brief in
\topcaption{Effects of the \opt{bold-style} package option.}
@@ -625,9 +646,9 @@ The \opt{bold-style} options' effects are shown in brief in
\rmfamily Package option & Latin & Greek \\
- bold-style=ISO & $(\mathbfit a, \mathbfit z, \mathbfit B, \mathbfit X)$ & $(\mathbfit\alpha, \mathbfit\beta, \mathbfit\Gamma, \mathbfit\Xi)$ \\
- bold-style=TeX & $(\mathbfup a,\mathbfup z,\mathbfup B,\mathbfup X)$ & $(\mathbfit\alpha, \mathbfit\beta,\mathbfup \Gamma,\mathbfup \Xi)$ \\
- bold-style=upright & $(\mathbfup a,\mathbfup z,\mathbfup B,\mathbfup X)$ & $(\mathbfup \alpha,\mathbfup \beta,\mathbfup \Gamma,\mathbfup \Xi)$ \\
+ bold-style=ISO & $(\symbfit a, \symbfit z, \symbfit B, \symbfit X)$ & $(\symbfit\alpha, \symbfit\beta, \symbfit\Gamma, \symbfit\Xi)$ \\
+ bold-style=TeX & $(\symbfup a,\symbfup z,\symbfup B,\symbfup X)$ & $(\symbfit\alpha, \symbfit\beta,\symbfup \Gamma,\symbfup \Xi)$ \\
+ bold-style=upright & $(\symbfup a,\symbfup z,\symbfup B,\symbfup X)$ & $(\symbfup \alpha,\symbfup \beta,\symbfup \Gamma,\symbfup \Xi)$ \\
@@ -659,9 +680,10 @@ While you might want your bold upright and your sans serif italic, I don't belie
your bold sans serif upright (or all vice versa, if that's even conceivable). Therefore, bold sans
serif follows from the setting for sans serif; it is completely independent of the setting for bold.
-In other words, \cs{mathbfsf} is either \cs{mathbfsfup} or \cs{mathbfsfit} based on |[sans-style=upright]| or |[sans-style=italic]|, respectively. And |[sans-style=literal]| causes \cs{mathbfsf} to retain the same italic or upright shape as the input, and turns it bold sans serif.
+In other words, \cs{mathbfsf} is either \cs{mathbfsfup} or \cs{mathbfsfit} based on |[sans-style=upright]| or |[sans-style=italic]|, respectively. And \texttt{[sans-style = literal]} causes \cs{mathbfsf} to retain the same italic or upright shape as the input, and turns it bold sans serif.
-Note well! There is no medium-weight sans serif Greek range in Unicode; therefore, |\mathsf{\alpha}| does not make sense (simply produces `$\mathsf{\alpha}$') while |\mathbfsf{\alpha}| gives `$\mathsf{\alpha}$'.
+N.B.: there is no medium-weight sans serif Greek range in Unicode.
+Therefore, |\symsf{\alpha}| does not make sense (it produces `$\symsf{\alpha}$'), while |\symbfsf{\alpha}| gives `$\symbfsfup{\alpha}$' or `$\symbfsfit{\alpha}$' according to the |sans-style|.
\subsection{All (the rest) of the mathematical styles}
@@ -671,7 +693,7 @@ shape one may wish to use in mathematical notation. The complete list is shown
in \tabref{mathalphabets}. Some of these have been covered in the previous sections.
The math font switching commands do not nest; therefore if you want
-sans serif bold, you must write |\mathbfsf{...}| rather than |\mathbf{\mathsf{...}}|.
+sans serif bold, you must write |\symbfsf{...}| rather than |\symbf{\symsf{...}}|.
This may change in the future.
@@ -679,7 +701,7 @@ This may change in the future.
\begin{tabular}{@{} lll l ccc @{}}
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Font} & & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Alphabet} \\
@@ -709,16 +731,16 @@ Fraktur & Upright & Normal & \cs{mathfrak} & \Y & & \\
The double-struck style (also known as `blackboard bold') consists of
-upright Latin letters $\{\mathbb{a}$--$\mathbb{z}$,$\mathbb{A}$$\mathbb{Z}\}$,
-numerals $\mathbb{0}$--$\mathbb{9}$, summation symbol $\mathbb\sum$, and four
-Greek letters only: $\{\mathbb{\gamma\pi\Gamma\Pi}\}$.
+upright Latin letters $\{\symbb{a}$--$\symbb{z}$,$\symbb{A}$$\symbb{Z}\}$,
+numerals $\symbb{0}$--$\symbb{9}$, summation symbol $\symbb\sum$, and four
+Greek letters only: $\{\symbb{\gamma\pi\Gamma\Pi}\}$.
-While |\mathbb{\sum}| does produce a double-struck summation symbol,
+While |\symbb{\sum}| does produce a double-struck summation symbol,
its limits aren't properly aligned. Therefore,
either the literal character or the control sequence \cs{Bbbsum} are
recommended instead.
-There are also five Latin \emph{italic} double-struck letters: $\mathbbit{Ddeij}$.
+There are also five Latin \emph{italic} double-struck letters: $\symbbit{Ddeij}$.
These can be accessed (if not with their literal characters or control sequences)
with the \cs{mathbbit} style switch, but note that only those five letters
will give the expected output.
@@ -736,14 +758,14 @@ This feature is currently only supported by the XITS~Math font, where
the caligraphic letters are accessed with the same glyph slots as the
script letters but with the first stylistic set feature (|ss01|) applied.
- \setmathfont{xits-math.otf}[range={\mathcal,\mathbfcal},StylisticSet=1]
+ \setmathfont{xits-math.otf}[range={cal,bfcal},StylisticSet=1]
An example is shown below.
-The Script style (\cs{mathscr}) in XITS Math is: $\mathscr{ABCXYZ}$\par
-The Caligraphic style (\cs{mathcal}) in XITS Math is: $\mathcal{ABCXYZ}$
+The Script style (\cs{mathscr}) in XITS Math is: $\symscr{ABCXYZ}$\par
+The Caligraphic style (\cs{mathcal}) in XITS Math is: $\symcal{ABCXYZ}$
@@ -760,13 +782,14 @@ The Caligraphic style (\cs{mathcal}) in XITS Math is: $\mathcal{ABCXYZ}$
The package options |nabla=upright| and
|nabla=italic| switch between the two choices, and |nabla=literal| respects
the shape of the input character. This is then inherited
- through \cmd\mathbf; \cmd\mathit\ and \cmd\mathup\ can be used to force one
+ through \cmd\symbf; \cmd\symit\ and \cmd\symup\ can be used to force one
way or the other.
|nabla=italic| is the default. |nabla=literal| is
activated automatically after |math-style=literal|.
+ \begin{minipage}[b]{0.49\textwidth}
\topcaption{The various forms of nabla.}
@@ -775,17 +798,36 @@ activated automatically after |math-style=literal|.
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{Description} & Glyph
\\ \cmidrule(r){1-2}\cmidrule(l){3-3}
- Upright & Serif & $\mathup\nabla$ \\
- & Bold serif & $\mathbfup\nabla$ \\
- & Bold sans & $\mathbfsfup\nabla$ \\
+ Upright & Serif & $\symup\nabla$ \\
+ & Bold serif & $\symbfup\nabla$ \\
+ & Bold sans & $\symbfsfup\nabla$ \\
- Italic & Serif & $\mathit\nabla$ \\
- & Bold serif & $\mathbfit\nabla$ \\
- & Bold sans & $\mathbfsfit\nabla$ \\
+ Italic & Serif & $\symit\nabla$ \\
+ & Bold serif & $\symbfit\nabla$ \\
+ & Bold sans & $\symbfsfit\nabla$ \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{minipage}\hfill
+ \begin{minipage}[b]{0.49\textwidth}
+ \centering
+ \topcaption{The partial differential.}
+ \tablabel{partial}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}llc@{}}
+ \toprule
+ \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{Description} & Glyph
+ \\ \cmidrule(r){1-2}\cmidrule(l){3-3}
+ Regular & Upright & $\symup\partial$ \\
+ & Italic & $\symit\partial$ \\
+ Bold & Upright & $\symbfup\partial$ \\
+ & Italic & $\symbfit\partial$ \\
+ Sans bold & Upright & $\symbfsfup\partial$ \\
+ & Italic & $\symbfsfit\partial$ \\
+ \end{minipage}
@@ -808,26 +850,6 @@ is activated following |math-style=literal|.
See \tabref{partial} for the variations on the partial differential symbol.
- \centering
- \topcaption{The various forms of the partial differential. Note that in
-the fonts used to display these glyphs, the first upright partial is
-incorrectly shown in an italic style.}
- \tablabel{partial}
- \begin{tabular}{@{}llc@{}}
- \toprule
- \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{Description} & Glyph
- \\ \cmidrule(r){1-2}\cmidrule(l){3-3}
- Regular & Upright & $\mathup\partial$ \\
- & Italic & $\mathit\partial$ \\
- Bold & Upright & $\mathbfup\partial$ \\
- & Italic & $\mathbfit\partial$ \\
- Sans bold & Upright & $\mathbfsfup\partial$ \\
- & Italic & $\mathbfsfit\partial$ \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabular}
\subsubsection{Epsilon and phi: $\epsilon$ vs.\ $\varepsilon$ and $\phi$ vs.\ $\varphi$}
@@ -1035,7 +1057,7 @@ Of the above characters, the following are allowed to be used after
However, we assume that there is only \emph{one} stretchy slash
in the font; this is assumed by default to be \unichar{002F} {solidus}.
-Writing \cs{left/} or \cs{left}\cs{slash} or \cs{left}{fracslash}
+Writing \cs{left/} or \cs{left}\cs{slash} or \cs{left}\cs{fracslash}
will all result in the same stretchy delimiter being used.
The delimiter used can be changed with the |slash-delimiter| package option.
@@ -1206,7 +1228,7 @@ If you are writing some code that needs to know the current
maths style (\cs{mathbf}, \cs{mathit}, etc.), you can query the
variable \cs{l_@@_mathstyle_tl}. It will contain the maths style
without the leading `math' string; for example,
-|\mathbf { \show \l_@@_mathstyle_tl }|
+|\symbf { \show \l_@@_mathstyle_tl }|
will produce `bf'.