path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/unbtex/unbtex-example/anexo-a.tex
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% ----------------------------------------------------------
-\chapter{Figuras de exemplo}\label{anx:fig}
+\chapter{Tabelas longas e rotacionadas}\label{anx:tabs}
% ----------------------------------------------------------
-% Fonte: (Gonzalo Medina)
+% Cabeçalho no início da tabela
+\caption{Descriptive Statistics (\%): Commerce Faculty ($N = 6508$)}
+\label{tab:dscf} \\
+\multirow{3}{*}{\bfseries Variable} &
+\multirow{3}{*}{\parbox{2.5cm}{\centering\bfseries Proportions in Sample}} &
+\multicolumn{6}{c}{\bfseries Proportions by Subtype} \\
+& &
+\multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Graduated} & \multicolumn{2}{C{3cm}}{\bfseries Academically Excluded} &
+\multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Censored} \\
+% Cabeçalho da continuação da tabela no topo da página seguinte
+\caption[]{Descriptive Statistics (\%): Commerce Faculty ($N = 6508$) (continuação)} \\ \toprule
+\multirow{3}{*}{\bfseries Variable} &
+\multirow{3}{*}{\parbox{2.5cm}{\centering\bfseries Proportions in Sample}} &
+\multicolumn{6}{c}{\bfseries Proportions by Subtypes} \\
+& &
+\multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Graduated} & \multicolumn{2}{C{3cm}}{\bfseries Academically Excluded} &
+\multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Censored} \\
+\bfseries Total & 100.0 & 50.1 & (45.8) & 7.5 & (14.9) & 42.4 & (39.3) \\
+\bfseries Gender \\
+Male & 52.4 & 49.6 & (44.3) & 8.7 & (17.3) & 41.7 & (38.5) \\
+Female & 47.6 & 50.7 & (48.0) & 6.2 & (11.5) & 43.1 & (40.5) \\
+\bfseries Race \\
+White & 40.3 & 59.8 & (58.7) & 3.0 & (4.6) & 37.2 & (36.7) \\
+Black & 32.4 & 38.7 & (32.5) & 13.1 & (26.3) & 48.2 & (41.2) \\
+Coloured & 13.0 & 49.8 & (44.5) & 7.4 & (16.1) & 42.8 & (39.5) \\
+Indian/Asian & 14.3 & 48.9 & (44.6) & 7.9 & (13.3) & 43.3 & (42.1) \\
+\bfseries Financial Aid \\
+Ineligible for Financial Aid & 82.3 & 52.1 & (48.7) & 5.5 & (10.6) & 42.4 & (40.7) \\
+Eligible for Financial Aid & 17.7 & 40.7 & (35.2) & 17.2 & (30.3) & 42.1 & (34.5) \\
+\bfseries Programme \\
+Mainstream & 76.9 & 55.4 & (51.3) & 5.7 & (10.8) & 38.9 & (37.9) \\
+Academic Development & 23.1 & 32.5 & (27.1) & 13.7 & (28.7) & 53.8 & (44.2) \\
+\bfseries English Home Language \\
+Yes & 69.3 & 55.1 & (52.8) & 4.9 & (8.6) & 39.9 & (38.6) \\
+No & 30.7 & 38.8 & (32.8) & 13.4 & (26.6) & 47.8 & (40.6) \\
+\bfseries School Quintile \\
+1 & 0.8 & 34.6 & (26.1) & 30.8 & (42.6) & 34.6 & (31.3) \\
+2 & 1.6 & 30.2 & (28.1) & 16.0 & (35.1) & 53.8 & (36.8) \\
+3 & 5.0 & 32.0 & (27.7) & 17.5 & (35.3) & 50.5 & (37.0) \\
+4 & 4.1 & 37.7 & (29.5) & 17.7 & (32.0) & 44.5 & (38.5) \\
+5 & 45.4 & 52.0 & (49.2) & 6.9 & (12.0) & 41.1 & (38.9) \\
+Independent & 43.1 & 52.5 & (50.4) & 5.3 & (8.6) & 42.2 & (41.0) \\
+{\bfseries Province} \\
+Western Cape & 40.0 & 55.1 & (51.3) &5.9 & (11.6) &39.0 & (37.0) \\
+Non-Western Cape & 59.9 & 46.8 & (41.9) & 8.6 & (17.2) & 44.6 & (41.0) \\
+{\bfseries Year of First Registration} \\
+{2006} & 11.6 & 87.8 & (79.9) & 11.3 & (18.9) & 0.9 & (1.2) \\
+{2007} & 11.9 & 88.2 & (79.4) & 10.1 & (19.2) & 1.7 & (1.4) \\
+{2008} & 12.6 & 87.1 & (76.7) & 10.3 & (20.3) & 2.6 & (3.0) \\
+{2009} & 11.9 & 80.9 & (64.9) & 9.7 & (24.9) & 9.4 & (10.2) \\
+{2010} & 11.1 & 62.6 & (57.5) & 6.4 & (12.7) & 31.1 & (29.8) \\
+{2011} & 11.7 & 15.8 & (15.3) & 7.2 & (12.8) & 77.0 & (71.9) \\
+{2012} & 14.1 & 0.0 & (0.0) & 5.4 & (7.5) & 94.6 & (92.5) \\
+{2013} & 15.1 & 0.0 & (0.0) & 1.7 & (3.0) & 98.3 & (97.0) \\
-\noindent\includegraphics[width=3cm]{example-image} \ No newline at end of file
+\caption{Tabela rotacionada}\label{tab:rot}
+\setlength\tabcolsep{3pt} % controla o espaço entre colunas
+Sv,ieq & 000436xa & 000594xa & 001715xa & 001932ya & 006040ya & 006263xa & 007162ya & 007257ya & IT0605ya & IT0790xa & emiliaeo-retro & emilians-retro \\ \midrule
+0.4 & 2.447 & 2.177 & 2.304 & 4.921 & 4.298 & 2.121 & 3.928 & 3.478 & 3.462 & 1.751 & 0.875 & 0.525 \\
+0.8 & 4.894 & 4.354 & 4.609 & 9.843 & 8.597 & 4.241 & 7.857 & 6.957 & 6.924 & 3.502 & 1.750 & 1.049 \\
+1.2 & 7.341 & 6.530 & 6.913 & 14.764 & 12.895 & 6.362 & 11.785 & 10.435 & 10.386 & 5.252 & 2.625 & 1.574 \\
+1.6 & 9.789 & 8.707 & 9.218 & 19.686 & 17.194 & 8.482 & 15.713 & 13.914 & 13.848 & 7.003 & 3.500 & 2.099 \\
+2 & 12.236 & 10.884 & 11.522 & 24.607 & 21.492 & 10.603 & 19.642 & 17.392 & 17.310 & 8.754 & 4.375 & 2.624 \\
+2.4 & 14.683 & 13.061 & 13.827 & 29.529 & 25.791 & 12.723 & 23.570 & 20.871 & 20.772 & 10.505 & 5.250 & 3.148 \\
+2.8 & 17.130 & 15.237 & 16.131 & 34.450 & 30.089 & 14.844 & 27.498 & 24.349 & 24.234 & 12.256 & 6.125 & 3.673 \\
+3.2 & 19.577 & 17.414 & 18.435 & 39.372 & 34.388 & 16.965 & 31.427 & 27.828 & 27.697 & 14.006 & 7.000 & 4.198 \\
+3.6 & 22.024 & 19.591 & 20.740 & 44.293 & 38.686 & 19.085 & 35.355 & 31.306 & 31.159 & 15.757 & 7.875 & 4.723 \\
+4 & 24.471 & 21.768 & 23.044 & 49.215 & 42.984 & 21.206 & 39.283 & 34.784 & 34.621 & 17.508 & 8.750 & 5.247 \\
+4.4 & 26.919 & 23.945 & 25.349 & 54.136 & 47.283 & 23.326 & 43.212 & 38.263 & 38.083 & 19.259 & 9.625 & 5.772 \\
+4.8 & 29.366 & 26.121 & 27.653 & 59.058 & 51.581 & 25.447 & 47.140 & 41.741 & 41.545 & 21.009 & 10.500 & 6.297 \\
+5.2 & 31.813 & 28.298 & 29.957 & 63.979 & 55.880 & 27.567 & 51.068 & 45.220 & 45.007 & 22.760 & 11.375 & 6.821 \\
+5.6 & 34.260 & 30.475 & 32.262 & 68.900 & 60.178 & 29.688 & 54.996 & 48.698 & 48.469 & 24.511 & 12.250 & 7.346 \\
+6 & 36.707 & 32.652 & 34.566 & 73.822 & 64.477 & 31.809 & 58.925 & 52.177 & 51.931 & 26.262 & 13.125 & 7.871 \\ \bottomrule
+\end{sidewaystable} \ No newline at end of file