path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ucs/unsupported/u2ps
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ucs/unsupported/u2ps')
1 files changed, 576 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ucs/unsupported/u2ps b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ucs/unsupported/u2ps
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..83184b85ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ucs/unsupported/u2ps
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use vars qw/$infile $outfile $code $tmpfile $fontencs $commands $r2lmode
+ $combine $charset $tolerant $default_fontencs $default_charset
+ $default_r2lmode $tolerant $tolerant_unknownchar @options @packages
+ $title $cleanup $view $escape $print $perhapsnofile
+ $fribidi_cmd
+$tmpfile = "u2ps-tmp";
+$default_fontencs = 'local,X2,LGR,T1';
+$default_charset = 'utf-8';
+$default_r2lmode = 'mark';
+$fribidi_cmd = "fribidi";
+sub define($) {
+ my $str = shift;
+ return $str if defined $str;
+ return '';
+sub showhelp($) {
+ my $topic = shift;
+ $topic =~ s/^--//;
+ if ($topic eq '') {
+ print
+'Converts an UTF-8 plain text to postscript using LaTeX and the ucs package.
+Usage: u2ps [options] [input file] [output file]
+Available options:
+ --charset Select input character set
+ --combine Enables combining characters
+ --commands Specify additional LaTeX-code to execute
+ --escape Allow inline LaTeX code
+ --fontencs Specify fontencodings to use
+ --fontsize Specify font size
+ --fontstyle Specify font style
+ --options Unicode options
+ --package Load package
+ --print Print file
+ --r2l Enables right-to-left code
+ --tolerant Accept files with broken input encoding
+ --title Set document title
+ --view View file using gv
+ --help This page, --help=<option> gives detailed help.
+Defaults for input and output file are stdin resp. stdout.
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'escape') {
+ print 'Option --escape
+Allow execution of inline LaTeX code. The code must be of the form
+ ^[{<code>}
+where ^[ is U+001B (ESC) and <code> a piece of LaTeX code, properly
+nested with respect to braces.
+Example: a ^[{\bgroup\Huge}Huge^[{\egroup} word
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'print') {
+ print 'Option --print[=<printer>]
+Print output (using lpr). If no output file is explicitly given, do not
+create an output file.
+If a printer is given, print with lpr -P<printer>.
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'view') {
+ print 'Option --view
+View output (using gv). If no output file is explicitly given, do not
+create an output file.
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'options') {
+ print 'Option --options=<option>:
+These are the Unicode options to be activated. They are passed as
+options to the package ucs.
+You can specify a priority by saying e.g. cjkjis=123. Options without
+specified priority get one less than the preceding option, the first
+getting 99 (one less than the priority for the option \'document\').
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'package') {
+ print "Option --package <string>:
+Specifies a package to load. The following syntaxes for <string> are
+ packagename
+ {packagename}
+ [options]{packagename}
+This option can be given several times to load different packages.
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'title') {
+ print "Option --title <string> (default: name of input file):
+Specifies a title for the document. It is stored in the structured
+comments of the resulting postscript file.
+In future, the title may be also used in other contexts like headings
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'fontencs') {
+ print "Option --fontencs <string> (default: $default_fontencs):".'
+The keywords given to this option are directly passed to the package autofe.
+This package takes the same options as fontenc, i.e. you have to give a list
+of all needed fontencodings, whereby the last should be the fontencoding
+used mainly in the document.
+If some ASCII characters are rendered incorrectly, try using a font
+encoding beginning with T (e.g. T1, T2A, ...) as the last
+fontencodingand perhaps additionally the option \'local\'.
+You may give the fontencodings as a comma-separated list or by
+multiple calls of --fontencs.
+Some usefull fontencodings are:
+ T1 Most latin scripts
+ T2A Cyrillic scripts like russian
+ T2B Other cyrillic scripts
+ T2C Other cyrillic scripts
+ T3 IPA
+ T5 Vietnamese
+The following fontencodings should be combined with local and T1
+(e.g. local,X2,T1):
+ LGR Greek
+ LHE Hebrew
+ TS1 Some symbols
+ X2 All supported cyrillic scripts
+If you are unsure, try running without any additional fontencodings and
+read the hints in the error messages.
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'commands') {
+ print 'Option --commands <string>:
+The commands given to --commands will be executed as LaTeX-code before
+rendering the input file.
+You may call --commands several times.
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'fontstyle') {
+ print 'Option --fontstyle <string>
+This specifies the style of the fonts which are used to render the document.
+Available arguments are:
+ bold (short: bf)
+ italic (short: it)
+ sansserif (short: sf)
+ slanted (short: sl)
+ smallcaps (short: sc)
+ typewriter (short: tt)
+You may call --fontstyle several times to combine styles. No warning
+will be uttered, if you choose a disallowed combination like
+italic and slanted.
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'fontstyle') {
+ print 'Option --fontsize <string>
+This specifies the size of the fonts which are used to render the document.
+Available arguments are:
+ tiny scriptsize footnotesize smallcaps normal large Large LARGE huge Huge
+The semantics are as with LaTeX
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'r2l') {
+ print "Option --r2l[=<mode>] (default <mode>: $default_r2lmode):".'
+This enables preprocessing the input via the Unicode bidi algorithm to
+support right-to-left text. <mode> can be one of:
+ reorder Reorders the characters of each line into visual order
+ mark Inserts LROs/RLOs/PDFs into the text to indicate the directions
+To use \'reorder\', the program fribidi must be installed and in the
+path. Combining accents work incorrectly with this mode. Line breaks
+done by LaTeX may show improper right-to-left behaviour.
+If you use \'mark\', you need to have rlmark in your path. Further
+e-LaTeX is used instead of LaTeX.
+Each line of the input is processed separately.
+If this option is not given, right-to-left text will be displayed in
+the wrong direction without warning.
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'combine') {
+ print 'Option --combine:
+This enables combining characters. You have to use this option, if
+your text contains non-precomposed characters, i.e. characters with
+accents, which are given as a sequence of code positions.
+Warning: Enabling this option will disable kerning and ligatures.
+If you are unsure, wether you need this option, try without. You will
+get the message
+! Package ucs Error: Please activate option \'combine\'.
+if this option is needed.
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'help') {
+ print 'Option --help[=<option>]:
+Gives a summary of options or, with some option name
+(e.g. --help=r2l), an explanation of that option.
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'tolerant') {
+ print 'Option --tolerant[=<replacement>]
+Be tolerant with respect to broken input encodings. This passes the
+switch -c to iconv(1). Additionally the option warnunknown is passed
+to LaTeX, i.e. the document is rendered even if unknown characters
+If <replacement> is given, this LaTeX-code is executed in place of
+unknown characters. #1 gets replaced by the code position of the
+character (as a TeX-number, prefix by \number if you want to render it).
+ } elsif ($topic eq 'charset') {
+ print 'Option --charset=<string> (default: $default_charset):
+Selects the character set of the input. Everything accepted by
+iconv(1) can be specified. Run iconv -l for a list.
+ } else {
+ print "No help provided for given topic\n";
+ }
+ exit 0;
+sub parseopts() {
+ my %opt;
+ Getopt::Long::Configure(qw/bundling no_ignore_case/);
+ unless (GetOptions(\%opt,qw/
+ fontencs=s@
+ title=s
+ commands=s@
+ fontstyle=s@
+ fontsize=s
+ r2l:s
+ combine
+ help|h:s
+ tolerant:s
+ charset=s
+ options=s@
+ package=s@
+ cleanup!
+ view!
+ print:s
+ escape!
+ /)) {
+ die "Bad command line options";
+ }
+ $view = $opt{view};
+ $print = $opt{print};
+ $perhapsnofile = $view || defined $print;
+ showhelp($opt{help}) if defined $opt{help};
+ if ($#ARGV >= 2) {
+ die "Give input and output file, not more";
+ }
+ $infile = $ARGV[0];
+ $outfile = $ARGV[1];
+ $outfile = "$" if ($perhapsnofile && !define $outfile);
+ if (defined $infile && !defined $outfile) {
+ $outfile = $infile;
+ $outfile =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
+ $outfile .= ".ps";
+ } elsif (!defined $infile) {
+ $infile = "/dev/stdin";
+ $outfile = "/dev/stdout" if !defined $outfile;
+ }
+ if (!-r $infile) {
+ die "Input file $infile is not readable";
+ }
+ $fontencs = join ',', @{$opt{fontencs}} if defined $opt{fontencs};
+ $fontencs = $default_fontencs unless defined $fontencs;
+ $commands = $opt{commands};
+ $commands = [] unless defined $commands;
+ my %fontsizes =
+ ('large' => '\large',
+ 'Large' => '\Large',
+ 'tiny' => '\tiny',
+ 'scriptsize' => '\scriptsize',
+ 'footnotesize' => '\footnotesize',
+ 'normal' => '',
+ 'normalfont' => '',
+ 'small' => '\small',
+ 'huge' => '\huge',
+ 'Huge' => '\Huge');
+ my %fontstyles =
+ ('typewriter' => '\ttfamily',
+ 'tt' => '\ttfamily',
+ 'bold' => '\bfseries',
+ 'bf' => '\bfseries',
+ 'italic' => '\itshape',
+ 'it' => '\itshape',
+ 'slanted' => '\slshape',
+ 'sl' => '\slshape',
+ 'sansserif' => '\sffamily',
+ 'sf' => '\sffamily',
+ 'smallcaps' => '\scshape',
+ 'sc' => '\scshape',
+ );
+ if (defined $opt{fontsize}) {
+ die "Unknown fontsize '$opt{fontsize}'"
+ unless defined $fontsizes{$opt{fontsize}};
+ push @$commands, $fontsizes{$opt{fontsize}};
+ }
+ for my $fs (@{$opt{fontstyle}}) {
+ die "Unknown fontstyle '$fs'"
+ unless defined $fontstyles{$fs};
+ push @$commands, $fontstyles{$fs};
+ }
+ $tolerant = 1 if defined $opt{tolerant};
+ $tolerant_unknownchar = $opt{tolerant} if define($opt{tolerant}) ne '';
+ if ($tolerant_unknownchar) {
+ push @$commands, '\def\unicode@invalidglyph#1{'.
+ $tolerant_unknownchar.'}';
+ }
+ $r2lmode = 'reorder' if defined $opt{r2l} && $opt{r2l} eq '';
+ $r2lmode = $opt{r2l} unless defined $r2lmode;
+ $r2lmode = 'none' unless defined $r2lmode;
+ $combine = '';
+ $combine = '\SetUnicodeOption{combine}' if $opt{combine};
+ $charset = $default_charset;
+ $charset = $opt{charset} if defined $opt{charset};
+ my $options = $opt{options};
+ $options = [] unless defined $options;
+ push @$options, 'warnunknown' if defined $tolerant;
+ $options = join ',',@$options;
+ my $oprio = 99;
+ for my $o (split ',', $options) {
+ my ($on,$prio) = ($o =~ /^(.+?)(?:=([0-9]+))?$/);
+ $prio = $oprio unless defined $prio;
+ push @$commands, "\\SetUnicodeOption[$prio]{$on}";
+ $oprio = $prio-1;
+ }
+ @packages = @{$opt{package}} if $opt{package};
+ $title = $infile;
+ $title = $opt{title} if defined $opt{title};
+ $commands = join "\n", @$commands;
+ $cleanup = $opt{cleanup};
+ $cleanup = 1 unless defined $cleanup;
+ $escape = $opt{escape};
+$code = '
+ \catcode\count255=13\relax
+ \begingroup
+ \uccode`\~#1 %SPACE
+ \uppercase{%
+ \endgroup
+ \edef~}%
+ {#2}}
+ \bgroup
+ \count255=1
+ \loop\ifnum\count255<128\relax
+ \setchar{\count255}{\noexpand\unichar{\number\count255}}
+ \advance\count255by1\relax
+ \repeat
+ \setchar{13}{\noexpand\unicodecombine
+ \noexpand\noindent
+ \noexpand\null
+ \noexpand\\\\%
+ \noexpand\leavevmode}
+ \setchar{32}{\noexpand\unicodecombine\noexpand\unichar{32}}
+ \setchar{12}{\noexpand\unicodecombine\noexpand\newpage}
+ \setchar{27}{\noexpand\ifescape\noexpand\expandafter\noexpand\escape\noexpand\else\noexpand\unichar{27}\noexpand\fi}
+ @@@[COMBINE]%
+ \input{@@@[FILE]}%
+ \unicodecombine
+ \egroup
+ \let\temp@a\undefined
+ \ifnum\parfirst=0\else\let\temp@a1\fi
+ \ifnum\parsecond=0\else\let\temp@a1\fi
+ \ifx\temp@a1%
+ \parindent=\parfirst\advance\parindent by-\parsecond
+ \everypar{%
+ \@tempdima\linewidth\advance\@tempdima by-\parsecond
+ \parshape\@ne\parsecond\@tempdima}
+ \fi
+sub makecode() {
+ my $code = $code;
+ $code =~ s/\Q@@@[FILE]/$tmpfile.txt/;
+ $code =~ s/\Q@@@[FONTENCS]/$fontencs/;
+ $code =~ s/\Q@@@[CMDS]/$commands/;
+ $code =~ s/\Q@@@[COMBINE]/$combine/;
+ my $packages = join "\n", map {
+ my ($opts,$pkg) = /^(?:\[(.*?)\])?\{?(.*?)\}?$/;
+ if (defined $opts) { $opts = "[$opts]" } else { $opts = '' };
+ "\\usepackage${opts}"."{$pkg}";
+ } @packages;
+ $code =~ s/\Q@@@[PACKAGES]/$packages/;
+ my $switches = '';
+ $switches .= '\escapetrue' if $escape;
+ $code =~ s/\Q@@@[SWITCHES]/$switches/;
+# $code =~ s/\Q@@@[OPTIONS]/$options/;
+ open MASTER, ">$tmpfile.tex" or
+ die "Could not open $tmpfile.tex for writing: $!";
+ print MASTER $code or
+ die "Could not write to $tmpfile.tex";
+ close MASTER;
+sub _fribidi_call($) {
+ my $option = shift;
+ my $rc = system("$fribidi_cmd $option </dev/null &>/dev/null");
+ die "$fribidi_cmd could not be started: $!" if $rc == -1;
+ $rc /= 256;
+# print "fribidi $option => $rc\n";
+ return !$rc;
+sub fribidi_call() {
+# _fribidi_call('') or
+# die "$fribidi_cmd cannot be executed";
+ my %opts = (charset => 'UTF-8',
+ nopad => {},
+ nobreak => {},
+ clean => {},
+ swapnsm => {},
+ );
+ my $opts = '';
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each %opts) {
+ $opts .= " --$k"; $opts .= " $v" unless ref $v; };
+ unless (_fribidi_call($opts)) {
+ my $o = '--';
+ _fribidi_call('-charset UTF-8') and $o = '-';
+ for my $a (keys %opts) {
+ unless (_fribidi_call($o.$a.((ref $opts{$a})?'':" $opts{$a}"))) {
+ warn "WARNING: $fribidi_cmd does not support option $o$a";
+ delete $opts{$a};
+ }
+ }
+ $opts = '';
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each %opts) {
+ $opts .= " --$k"; $opts .= " $v" unless ref $v; };
+ }
+ my $cmd = "$fribidi_cmd $opts";
+ #print "[[[$cmd]]]\n";
+ return $cmd;
+sub copyfile() {
+ my @ops;
+# <''\Q$infile\E >$tmpfile.txt
+ push @ops, "cat <''\Q$infile\E";
+ if ($charset ne 'utf-8' || $tolerant) {
+ my $c = '';
+ $c = '-c' if $tolerant;
+ push @ops, "iconv $c -f ''\Q$charset\E -t utf-8";
+ }
+ if ($r2lmode eq 'none') {
+ } elsif ($r2lmode eq 'reorder') {
+# push @ops, "fribidi --nopad --nobreak ".
+# "--charset UTF-8 --clean";
+ push @ops, fribidi_call();
+ } elsif ($r2lmode eq 'mark') {
+ push @ops, "rlmark";
+ } else {
+ die "Internal error: Unknown R2L mode '$r2lmode'";
+ }
+ my $cmd = (join ' | ', @ops)." >\Q$tmpfile.txt\E";
+ system($cmd) and
+ die "Could not copy/convert file using\n$cmd";
+sub latex() {
+ makecode;
+ copyfile;
+ my $latex = 'latex';
+ $latex = 'elatex' if ($r2lmode eq 'mark');
+ system("$latex -interaction nonstopmode ''\Q$tmpfile.tex\E >/dev/stderr")
+ and die "$latex returned an error";
+# system("cat $tmpfile.tex >/dev/stderr");
+ my $t = $title; $t =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $t =~ s/[^\x20-\x7e\xa0-\xff]/
+ sprintf "\\%03o", ord($&)/gei;
+ system("dvips -o /dev/stdout ''\Q$tmpfile.dvi\E | ".
+ "sed -e 's/^%%Title: .*\\.dvi\$/%%Title: \Q$t\E/' ".
+ " -e 's/^%%Creator: /%%Creator: u2ps and /' ".
+ ">''\Q$outfile\E") and
+ die "dvips returned an error";
+sub view() {
+ my $cmd = "gv -antialias -watch ''\Q$outfile\E";
+ system($cmd) and
+ die "Could not run '$cmd'";
+sub printfile() {
+ my $printer = '';
+ $printer = "-P $print" unless $print eq '';
+ my $cmd = "lpr $printer -J ''\Q$title\E ''\Q$outfile\E";
+ system($cmd) and
+ die "Could not run '$cmd'";
+sub cleanup() {
+ my $suffixes = 'dvi,log,tex,txt';
+ $suffixes .= ',ps' if $outfile eq "$";
+ system("rm $tmpfile.{$suffixes} >/dev/stderr") and
+ die "Could not clean up";
+sub main() {
+ parseopts;
+ latex;
+ view if $view;
+ printfile if defined $print;
+ cleanup if $cleanup;