path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uafthesis/example
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+This document gives a quick, relatively minimal example of the use of
+\texttt{uafthesis.cls}, while trying to show its features.
+This section is contained in \texttt{abstract.tex}.
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+\texttt{uafthesis.cls} was originally written by Curt A. L. Szuberla, ``kludged from the [standard] latex2e \texttt{report.cls} and from \texttt{ucthesis.cls}''
+in Fall 1996. It has since been updated by Matt Heavner in 1999, Dana Moudry in
+2002, and Ryan Woodard in 2004. As the author of the more recent updates (2011),
+I would just like to point out that 99\% of the work was done by, well, a
+\emph{lot} of other people.
+Thanks, guys.
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+\chapter{Extraneous Images and Tables}
+\caption{Eating \(1\) battery}
+\caption{Eating \(5\) batteries}
+\caption{Captain Falcon}
+\begin{tabular}{r | l}
+Falcons & Not Falcons\\
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+pdflatex example
+pdflatex example
+pdflatex example
+bibtex example
+pdflatex example
+cp example.toc.bk example.toc
+cp example.loa.bk example.loa
+pdflatex example
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+\chapter{What's All This, Then?}
+This is the project for the \texttt{uafthesis} \LaTeX document class, the
+official unofficial volunteer-driven document class for theses written for the
+University of Alaska Fairbanks, in \LaTeX.
+Before you decide to write your thesis in \LaTeX, you should already know a
+little \LaTeX and feel comfortable writing and compiling a simple document,
+especially one with figures and tables.
+Additionally, you will have to use \texttt{bibtex} (or some alternative) to keep
+track of references. It's not particularly difficult, but chances are you will
+have to either learn it or give yourself a refresher.
+One thing you will see in this example that you may not have encountered before
+is the use of \textbackslash input and \textbackslash include to split the project into multiple, smaller
+files. The most important difference is that \textbackslash include will wrap the included
+file in page-breaks, while \textbackslash input may as well be a copy-paste job.
+Another issue that may come up is having to run \texttt{pdflatex} and
+\texttt{bibtex} multiple times. In order to do a full compile without anything
+wrong, you will have to run something like the following commands:
+pdflatex example
+pdflatex example
+pdflatex example
+bibtex example
+pdflatex example
+pdflatex example
+That's right, \texttt{pdflatex} gets ran five times. A similar situation arises
+from the use of vanilla \texttt{latex}. This is because of how \LaTeX generates
+files while compiling that it uses to fill in data during subsequent
+This can be mitigated somewhat by using some sort of build system. For example,
+Ryan Woodard advocated using a makefile to ease the pain. Another option may
+be Rubber, or even the full set of commands in a shell script. There are many
+techniques, some more appropriate than others. \cite{buildsystems}
+It is also worth your time to read other theses, to get an idea of how they
+should be written. This may seem obvious, but I will admit that I did not, and
+I ended up going through many a rewrite. Also obvious: This document is
+\emph{not} written like a thesis. Duh.
+Finally, \textbf{at least skim the UAF Thesis Handbook}. \cite{handbook} It's
+not hard, and it will give you an idea of what to expect in terms of formatting.
+In particular, as \texttt{uafthesis} is a volunteer effort, \emph{there is no
+guarantee that the graduate school's formatting guidelines are met by this
+document class.} Moreover, some things (such as proper initial capitals in title
+headings) are on you, and not something \texttt{uafthesis} does for you.
+Like any \LaTeX files, there are basically two ways:
+\item Copy \texttt{uafthesis.cls} into the same folder as your project. This is
+probably the easiest way.
+\item Set yourself up with a properly indexed \texttt{~/texmf/latex} folder,
+create a new folder called ``uafthesis,'' and put \texttt{uafthesis.cls} into
+that folder. This involves some initial effort, but if you use \LaTeX regularly
+it's worthwhile for holding all sorts of packages. In fact, if you are a
+regular \LaTeX user, you may have already done this.
+Which method you choose is up to you.
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+\chapter{Basic Use}
+In this section, I take the main file, show some snippets, and explain what
+they all mean, or why you would want to use these things.
+This is where the secret sauce is.
+\usepackage{fixltx2e} % Allows \(\) in captions, amongst other things.
+\usepackage{ppl} % The Paladino font
+\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts} % Thanks, AMS!
+\usepackage{graphicx, float} % Graphics stuff
+\usepackage{verbatim} % For very basic listings and multi-line comments.
+%\usepackage{chapterbib} % This is an option for those bundling papers.
+%\usepackage{tocbibind} % This fixes the "bibliography in ToC" problem.
+ % Use with chapterbib.
+\usepackage{url} % I quote some URLs in the bibliography"
+\texttt{fixltx2e} fixes an annoying bug where using inline mathematics
+delimiters in captions for graphics and tables would cause errors in the
+compiler. Alternately, one may simply use the dollar signs instead.
+\texttt{ppl} is the ``Paladino'' font, which has been extremely popular for
+UAF theses in the past. There is, however, no rule against using ``Computer
+Modern'' or some other font, and in fact ``Paladino'' was originally intended
+for headings only when it was designed (fun fact).
+Some writers of theses end up bundling multiple published papers into a thesis,
+especially in the case of PhD candidates. \texttt{chapterbib} allows for
+separate bibliographies for each chapter, which is the most appropriate format
+given this bundled-paper style of thesis. Many theses---mine included---only
+have a single bibliography.
+Finally, \texttt{natbib} allows one to change how citations appear.
+Many authors write their own \LaTeX macros in order to make writing their thesis
+easier. This document does not have any custom macros.
+\title{An Example Thesis Document}
+\author{Joshua Holbrook}
+\degree{Master of Arts}
+\department{Dept. of Fresh Beats}
+\numberofmembers{3} % Make sure this is right! The grad school hates empty
+ % signature lines.
+\college{College of Pwning Noobs}
+In this section, the important information about the thesis is filled in, and
+then the signature page and title page are generated.
+% Wondering when to use `input' and when to use `include?'
+% read .
+ \input abstract.tex
+%Table of Contents and such
+Here, the abstract is inserted, then the table of contents and other tables.
+Note that the appendices are in a separate table. \textbf{This is not typical}
+in \LaTeX and requires special handling, as detailed in the next chapter.
+Similarly with the List of Other Materials, if your thesis has one (think
+CDs and such).
+ \input acknowledgements.tex
+ \input quotepage.tex
+After inputting a few more pages, the chapters (separate documents) are all
+This generates the bibliography. Note that the bibliography style is set to
+\texttt{agufull08}. Generally, the graduate school isn't picky about
+bibliography style, as long as it's consistent. For geophysics papers (very
+common at UAF), the AGU style is a great choice. It is included here, but may
+also be found at AGU's web site.
+This is how appendices are included. In fact, they are written just like
+regular chapters, and the \textbackslash appendix flag signals that following
+chapters should be given letters (A, B, C...) instead of numbers (1, 2, 3...).
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uafthesis/example/ch3.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uafthesis/example/ch3.tex
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+\chapter{Gotchas and Caveats}
+\texttt{uafthesis} is not perfect. It still has issues that you need to keep
+in mind.
+\section{List of Appendices Chicanery}
+In an ideal world, \texttt{uafthesis} would write your appendices to the
+list of appendices instead of the table of contents. This is currently a bug,
+and will be fixed in the future.
+The workaround is this:
+\item After generating a pretty-much-done thesis, open up the .toc file. In
+this case, the file is called ``example.toc.'' Also open up a corresponding
+.loa file (``example.loa'').
+\item Cut the lines that refer to appendices out of the .toc file and paste
+them into the .loa file. Save both. Make sure the first line in the .loa
+that adds "Page" above the pages column stays put.
+\item \emph{Make backups of both files.} This is because \LaTeX will overwrite
+the .toc file in the next step.
+\item Compile (\texttt{pdflatex example}) \emph{exactly once.}
+\section{List of Other Materials}
+A similar process applies to the List of Other Materials as well:
+{ \it ``If you add a pocket or anything else to your thesis (like a CD-ROM)
+then you have to have one more List in the Table of Contents. Follow
+the exact same procedure as in step 14, but now you must add the
+\textbackslash listofothermaterials
+Notice that this goes before the \textbackslash listofappendices. The file that you
+must edit is the thesis12.lom file. You have to create this by hand.
+It is simple. Here is the example:
+\textbackslash renewcommand\textbackslash @pnumwidth\{3.55em\}
+\textbackslash contentsline \{section\}{\textbackslash numberline \{A\}CD-ROM of Thesis, Defense and Sandpile Code\}\{Pocket\}
+\textbackslash renewcommand\textbackslash @pnumwidth\{1.55em\}
+Again, once you save this and run latex once, it will be erased. A
+good habit is to make thesis12.lom.bak and thesis12.loa.bak so they
+will always be there. Then copy them to thesis12.lom and thesis12.loa
+and run latex your final time.
+I did the \textbackslash @pnumwidth stuff above because the word `Pocket' is wider
+than is allowed for a page number. So I changed it just for this one
+line and then changed it back to what it was (as found in the
+uafthesis2004.cls file).''\\
+\hspace*{1in}---Ryan Woodard
+I suspect that there's a better way to do this, but I haven't gotten that far
+\section{Bibliography Listings}
+If you use \texttt{chapterbib}, also use \texttt{tocbibind} to make sure that
+your bibliographies show up in the Table of Contents.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uafthesis/example/custom-macros.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uafthesis/example/custom-macros.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ author = "The Wikimedia Foundation",
+ title = "LaTeX Wikibook",
+ howpublished = "web",
+ year = "2011",
+ month = "April",
+ note = "\url{}"
+ author = "Joshua Holbrook and others",
+ title = "Let's talk LaTeX Build Systems: Or, avoiding the whole ``pdflatex, bibtex, pdflatex, pdflatex, pdflatex'' thing",
+ howpublished = "web",
+ year = "2010",
+ month = "March",
+ note = "\url{}"
+ author = "UAF Graduate School",
+ title = "Thesis Format Handbook",
+ howpublished = "web",
+ year = "2011",
+ month = "February",
+ note = "\url{}"
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uafthesis/example/example.loa.bk b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uafthesis/example/example.loa.bk
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+\nobreakspace {}\hfill \textbf {Page}\par
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {A}Extraneous Images}{8}
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+\usepackage{fixltx2e} % Allows \(\) in captions, amongst other things.
+\usepackage{ppl} % The Paladino font
+\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts} % Thanks, AMS!
+\usepackage{graphicx, float} % Graphics stuff
+\usepackage{verbatim} % Mostly for the comment environment.
+%\usepackage{chapterbib} % This is an option for those bundling papers.
+%\usepackage{tocbibind} % This fixes the "bibliography in ToC" problem.
+ % Use with chapterbib.
+\usepackage{url} % I quote some URLs in the bibliography"
+\title{An Example Thesis Document}
+\author{Joshua Holbrook}
+\degree{Master of Arts}
+\department{Dept. of Fresh Beats}
+\numberofmembers{3} % Make sure this is right! The grad school hates empty
+ % signature lines.
+\college{College of Pwning Noobs}
+% Wondering when to use `input' and when to use `include?'
+% read .
+ \input abstract.tex
+%Table of Contents and such
+ \input acknowledgements.tex
+ \input quotepage.tex
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uafthesis/example/example.toc.bk b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uafthesis/example/example.toc.bk
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+\nobreakspace {}\hfill \textbf {Page}\par
+\contentsline {section}{Signature Page}{i}
+\contentsline {section}{Title Page}{ii}
+\contentsline {section}{Abstract}{iii}
+\contentsline {section}{Table of Contents}{iv}
+\contentsline {section}{List of Figures}{v}
+\contentsline {section}{List of Tables}{vi}
+\contentsline {section}{List of Appendices}{vii}
+\contentsline {section}{Acknowledgements}{viii}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}What's All This, Then?}{1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}Introduction}{1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.2}Prerequisites}{1}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.3}Installation}{2}
+\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Basic Use}{3}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}Introduction}{3}
+\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.2}example.tex}{3}
+\contentsline {chapter}{Bibliography}{7}
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+ {\it ``It looks...perfect. Wow.''} \\
+ \hspace*{1in}---Faith Rayfield, Past Thesis Checker
+ {\it ``The title on the Title Page needs to be the same font size as the rest of the page.''} \\
+ \hspace*{1in}---Laura Bender, Graduate School Director (2011)