path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tkz-euclide/TKZdoc-euclide-marking.tex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tkz-euclide/TKZdoc-euclide-marking.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tkz-euclide/TKZdoc-euclide-marking.tex
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+\subsection{Mark a segment \tkzcname{tkzMarkSegment}}
+ \begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzMarkSegment}{\oarg{local options}\parg{pt1,pt2}}%
+The macro allows you to place a mark on a segment.
+options & default & definition \\
+\TOline{pos}{.5}{position of the mark}
+\TOline{color}{black}{color of the mark}
+\TOline{mark}{none}{choice of the mark}
+\TOline{size}{4pt}{size of the mark}
+Possible marks are those provided by \TIKZ, but other marks have been created based on an idea by Yves Combe.
+\subsubsection{Several marks }
+ \tkzDefPoint(2,1){A}
+ \tkzDefPoint(6,4){B}
+ \tkzDrawSegment(A,B)
+ \tkzMarkSegment[color=brown,size=2pt,pos=0.4, mark=z](A,B)
+ \tkzMarkSegment[color=blue,pos=0.2, mark=oo](A,B)
+ \tkzMarkSegment[pos=0.8,mark=s,color=red](A,B)
+\subsubsection{Use of \tkzname{mark}}
+ \tkzDefPoint(2,1){A}
+ \tkzDefPoint(6,4){B}
+ \tkzDrawSegment(A,B)
+ \tkzMarkSegment[color=gray,pos=0.2,mark=s|](A,B)
+ \tkzMarkSegment[color=gray,pos=0.4,mark=s||](A,B)
+ \tkzMarkSegment[color=brown,pos=0.6,mark=||](A,B)
+ \tkzMarkSegment[color=red,pos=0.8,mark=|||](A,B)
+\subsection{Marking segments \tkzcname{tkzMarkSegments}}
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzMarkSegments}{\oarg{local options}\parg{pt1,pt2 pt3,pt4 ...}}%
+Arguments are a list of pairs of points separated by spaces. The styles of \TIKZ\ are available for plots.
+\subsubsection{Marks for an isosceles triangle}
+ \tkzDefPoints{0/0/O,2/2/A,4/0/B,6/2/C}
+ \tkzDrawSegments(O,A A,B)
+ \tkzDrawPoints(O,A,B)
+ \tkzDrawLine(O,B)
+ \tkzMarkSegments[mark=||,size=6pt](O,A A,B)
+\subsection{Another marking}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]
+ \tkzDefPoint(0,0){A}\tkzDefPoint(3,2){B}
+ \tkzDefPoint(4,0){C}\tkzDefPoint(2.5,1){P}
+ \tkzDrawPolygon(A,B,C)
+ \tkzDefEquilateral(A,P) \tkzGetPoint{P'}
+ \tkzDefPointsBy[rotation=center A angle 60](P,B){P',C'}
+ \tkzDrawPolygon(A,P,P')
+ \tkzDrawPolySeg(P',C',A,P,B)
+ \tkzDrawSegment(C,P)
+ \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,C,C',P,P')
+ \tkzMarkSegments[mark=s|,size=6pt,
+ color=blue](A,P P,P' P',A)
+ \tkzMarkSegments[mark=||,color=orange](B,P P',C')
+ \tkzLabelPoints(A,C) \tkzLabelPoints[below](P)
+ \tkzLabelPoints[above right](P',C',B)
+\subsection{Mark an arc \tkzcname{tkzMarkArc}}
+ \begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzMarkArc}{\oarg{local options}\parg{pt1,pt2,pt3}}%
+The macro allows you to place a mark on an arc. pt1 is the center, pt2 and pt3 are the endpoints of the arc.
+options & default & definition \\
+\TOline{pos}{.5}{position of the mark}
+\TOline{color}{black}{color of the mark}
+\TOline{mark}{none}{choice of the mark}
+\TOline{size}{4pt}{size of the mark}
+Possible marks are those provided by \TIKZ, but other marks have been created based on an idea by Yves Combe.
+|, ||,|||, z, s, x, o, oo
+\subsubsection{Several marks }
+\subsection{Mark an angle mark : {\tkzcname{tkzMarkAngle}}}
+More delicate operation because there are many options. The symbols used for marking in addition to those of \TIKZ\ are defined in the file |tkz-lib-marks.tex| and designated by the following characters:\begin{tkzltxexample}[]
+|, ||,|||, z, s, x, o, oo
+% Their definitions are as follows
+% \begin{tkzltxexample}[]
+% \pgfdeclareplotmark{||}
+% %double bar
+% {%
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{2\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{2\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-2\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{-2\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfusepathqstroke
+% }
+% \end{tkzltxexample}
+% \begin{tkzltxexample}[]
+% %triple bar
+% \pgfdeclareplotmark{|||}
+% {%
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0 pt}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{0 pt}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-3\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{-3\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{3\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{3\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfusepathqstroke
+% }
+% \end{tkzltxexample}
+% \begin{tkzltxexample}[]
+% % An bar slant
+% \pgfdeclareplotmark{s|}
+% {%
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-.70710678\pgfplotmarksize}%
+% {-.70710678\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{.70710678\pgfplotmarksize}%
+% {.70710678\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfusepathqstroke
+% }
+% \end{tkzltxexample}
+% \begin{tkzltxexample}[]
+% % An double bar slant
+% \pgfdeclareplotmark{s||}
+% {%
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-0.75\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{0.25\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{1\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfusepathqstroke
+% }
+% \end{tkzltxexample}
+% \begin{tkzltxexample}[]
+% % z
+% \pgfdeclareplotmark{z}
+% {%
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0.75\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{-0.75\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{0.75\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{-0.75\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfusepathqstroke
+% }
+% \end{tkzltxexample}
+% \begin{tkzltxexample}[]
+% % s
+% \pgfdeclareplotmark{s}
+% {%
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% \pgfpathcurveto
+% {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% {\pgfpoint{-\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% {\pgfpoint{\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% \pgfpathcurveto
+% {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% {\pgfpoint{\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% {\pgfpoint{-\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% \pgfusepathqstroke
+% }
+% \end{tkzltxexample}
+% \begin{tkzltxexample}[]
+% % infinity
+% \pgfdeclareplotmark{oo}
+% {%
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% \pgfpathcurveto
+% {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% {\pgfpoint{.5\pgfplotmarksize}{1\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% {\pgfpoint{\pgfplotmarksize}{0pt}}
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% \pgfpathcurveto
+% {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% {\pgfpoint{-.5\pgfplotmarksize}{1\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% {\pgfpoint{-\pgfplotmarksize}{0pt}}
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% \pgfpathcurveto
+% {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% {\pgfpoint{.5\pgfplotmarksize}{-1\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% {\pgfpoint{\pgfplotmarksize}{0pt}}
+% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% \pgfpathcurveto
+% {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+% {\pgfpoint{-.5\pgfplotmarksize}{-1\pgfplotmarksize}}
+% {\pgfpoint{-\pgfplotmarksize}{0pt}}
+% \pgfusepathqstroke
+% }
+% \end{tkzltxexample}
+% \tkzMarkAngle(B, A, C)
+% Marque d'angle
+% arc de cercle (simple/double/triple) et marque d'églité.
+% Par défaut:
+% arc = simple
+% mksize = 1 (rayon de l'arc)
+% style traits pleins
+% mkpos ? position: 0.5 (position de la marque)
+% mark rien du tout (ignoré si type est utilisé)
+% Paramètres (optionnels)
+% arc : l, ll, lll
+% mksize : 1
+% gap : 3pt
+% dist : 1?
+% style : type de traits
+% mkpos : 0.5
+% mark : none , |, ||,|||, z, s, x, o, oo mais tous les
+% % symboles de tikz sont permis
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzMarkAngle}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}}%
+$O$ is the vertex. Attention the arguments vary according to the options. Several markings are possible. You can simply draw an arc or add a mark on this arc. The style of the arc is chosen with the option \tkzname{arc}, the radius of the arc is given by \tkzname{mksize}, the arc can, of course, be colored.
+options & default & definition \\
+\TOline{arc}{l}{choice of l, ll and lll (single, double or triple).}
+\TOline{size}{1 (cm)}{arc radius.}
+\TOline{mark}{none}{choice of mark.}
+\TOline{mksize}{4pt}{symbol size (mark).}
+\TOline{mkcolor}{black}{symbol color (mark).}
+\TOline{mkpos}{0.5}{position of the symbol on the arc.}
+\subsubsection{Example with \tkzname{mark = x}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.75]
+ \tkzDefPoints{0/0/O,5/0/A,3/4/B}
+ \tkzMarkAngle[size = 4,mark = x,
+ arc=ll,mkcolor = red](A,O,B)
+ \tkzDrawLines(O,A O,B)
+ \tkzDrawPoints(O,A,B)
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\subsubsection{Example with \tkzname{mark =||}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.75]
+ \tkzDefPoints{0/0/O,5/0/A,3/4/B}
+ \tkzMarkAngle[size = 4,mark = ||,
+ arc=ll,mkcolor = red](A,O,B)
+ \tkzDrawLines(O,A O,B)
+ \tkzDrawPoints(O,A,B)
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzMarkAngles}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}\parg{A',O',B'}etc.}%
+With common options, there is a macro for multiple angles.
+ \end{NewMacroBox}
+\subsection{Marking a right angle: {\tkzcname{tkzMarkRightAngle}}}
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzMarkRightAngle}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}}%
+The \tkzname{german} option allows you to change the style of the drawing. The option \tkzname{size} allows to change the size of the drawing.
+options & default & definition \\
+\TOline{german}{normal}{ german arc with inner point.}
+\TOline{size}{0.2}{ side size.}
+\subsubsection{Example of marking a right angle}
+ \tkzDefPoints{0/0/A,3/1/B,0.9/-1.2/P}
+ \tkzDefPointBy[projection = onto B--A](P) \tkzGetPoint{H}
+ \tkzDrawLines[add=.5 and .5](P,H)
+ \tkzMarkRightAngle[fill=blue!20,size=.5,draw](A,H,P)
+ \tkzDrawLines[add=.5 and .5](A,B)
+ \tkzMarkRightAngle[fill=red!20,size=.8](B,H,P)
+ \tkzDrawPoints[](A,B,P,H)
+\subsubsection{Example of marking a right angle, german style}
+ \tkzDefPoints{0/0/A,3/1/B,0.9/-1.2/P}
+ \tkzDefPointBy[projection = onto B--A](P) \tkzGetPoint{H}
+ \tkzDrawLines[add=.5 and .5](P,H)
+ \tkzMarkRightAngle[german,size=.5,draw](A,H,P)
+ \tkzDrawPoints[](A,B,P,H)
+ \tkzDrawLines[add=.5 and .5](A,B)
+ \tkzMarkRightAngle[german,size=.8](P,H,B)
+\subsubsection{Mix of styles}
+ \tkzDefPoint(0,0){A}
+ \tkzDefPoint(4,1){B}
+ \tkzDefPoint(2,5){C}
+ \tkzDefPointBy[projection=onto B--A](C)
+ \tkzGetPoint{H}
+ \tkzDrawLine(A,B)
+ \tkzDrawLine[add = .5 and .2,color=red](C,H)
+ \tkzMarkRightAngle[,size=1,color=red](C,H,A)
+ \tkzMarkRightAngle[german,size=.8,color=blue](B,H,C)
+ \tkzFillAngle[opacity=.2,fill=blue!20,size=.8](B,H,C)
+ \tkzLabelPoints(A,B,C,H)
+ \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,C)
+\subsubsection{Full example}
+\tkzDefPointWith[orthogonal normed,K=7](C,A)
+ mark=||](P,C,B)
+ mark=||](B,A,C)
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzMarkRightAngles}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}\parg{A',O',B'}etc.}%
+With common options, there is a macro for multiple angles.
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file