path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tkz-base/latex/TKZdoc-base-tools.tex
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-\section{Miscellaneous tools}
-\subsection{Duplicate a segment}
-This involves constructing a segment on a given half-line of the same length as a given segment.
-This involves creating a segment on a given half-line of the same length as a given segment . It is in fact the definition of a point.
-arguments & example & explanation \\
-\TAline{(pt1,pt2)(pt3,pt4)\{pt5\}} {\tkzcname{tkzDuplicateLen}(A,B)(E,F)\{C\}}{AC=EF et $C \in [AB)$} \\
-The macro \tkzcname{tkzDuplicateLength} is identical to this one.
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \tkzDefPoint(0,0){A}
- \tkzDefPoint(2,-3){B}
- \tkzDefPoint(2,5){C}
- \tkzDrawSegments[red](A,B A,C)
- \tkzDuplicateSegment(A,B)(A,C) \tkzGetPoint{D}
- \tkzDrawSegment[green](A,D)
- \tkzDrawPoints[color=red](A,B,C,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints[above right=3pt](A,B,C,D)
- \end{tikzpicture}
-\subsubsection{Gold proportion with \tkzcname{tkzDuplicateSegment}}
- \begin{tkzexample}[latex=7cm,small]
- \tkzInit[xmax=10,ymax=10]
- \tkzClip[space=1]
- \tkzDefPoint(0,0){A}
- \tkzDefPoint(10,0){B}
- \tkzDefMidPoint(A,B) \tkzGetPoint{I}
- \tkzDefPointWith[orthogonal,K=-.75](B,A)
- \tkzGetPoint{C}
- \tkzInterLC(B,C)(B,I) \tkzGetSecondPoint{D}
- \tkzDuplicateSegment(B,D)(D,A) \tkzGetPoint{E}
- \tkzInterLC(A,B)(A,E) \tkzGetPoints{N}{M}
- \tkzDrawArc[delta=10](D,E)(B)
- \tkzDrawArc[delta=10](A,M)(E)
- \tkzDrawLines(A,B B,C A,D)
- \tkzDrawArc[delta=10](B,D)(I)
- \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,D,C,M,I,N)
- \tkzLabelPoints(A,B,D,C,M,I,N)
- \end{tkzexample}
-% <-------------------------------------------------------------------->
- % About Angles
-% <-------------------------------------------------------------------->
-\subsection{Determining a slope}
-It is a question of determining whether it exists, the slope of a straight line defined by two points. No verification of the existence is made.
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzFindSlope}{\parg{pt1,pt2}\marg{name of macro}}%
-The result is stored in a macro.
-arguments & example & explication \\
-\TAline{(pt1,pt2){pt3}} {\tkzcname{tkzFindSlope}(A,B)\{slope\}}{\tkzcname{slope} will give the result of $\frac{y_B-y_A}{x_B-x_A}$} \\
-\tkzHandBomb\ Careful not to have $x_B=x_A$
- \tkzInit[xmax=4,ymax=5]\tkzGrid[sub]
- \tkzDefPoint(1,2){A} \tkzDefPoint(3,4){B}
- \tkzDefPoint(3,2){C} \tkzDefPoint(3,1){D}
- \tkzDrawSegments(A,B A,C A,D)
- \tkzDrawPoints[color=red](A,B,C,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints(A,B,C,D)
- \tkzFindSlope(A,B){SAB} \tkzFindSlope(A,C){SAC}
- \tkzFindSlope(A,D){SAD}
- \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2}
- \tkzText[fill=Gold!50,draw=brown](1,4)%
- {La pente de (AB) est: $\pgfmathprintnumber{\SAB}$}
- \tkzText[fill=Gold!50,draw=brown](1,3.5)%
- {La pente de (AC) est: $\pgfmathprintnumber{\SAC}$}
- \tkzText[fill=Gold!50,draw=brown](1,3)%
- {La pente de (AD) est: $\pgfmathprintnumber{\SAD}$}
-\subsection{Angle formed by a straight line with the horizontal axis}
-Much more interesting than the last one. The result is between -180 degrees and +180 degrees.
-The result is stored in a macro \tkzcname{tkzAngleResult}.
-arguments & example & explication \\
-\TAline{(pt1,pt2)} {\tkzcname{tkzFindSlopeAngle}(A,B)}{\tkzcname{tkzGetAngle} can retrieve the result}
-{If recovery is not necessary, it is possible to use \tkzcname{tkzAngleResult}}
-\subsubsection{Example of use of \tkzcname{tkzFindSlopeAngle}}
-Here is another version of the construction of a mediator
- \tkzInit
- \tkzDefPoint(0,0){A} \tkzDefPoint(3,2){B}
- \tkzDefLine[mediator](A,B) \tkzGetPoints{I}{J}
- \tkzCalcLength[cm](A,B) \tkzGetLength{dAB}
- \tkzFindSlopeAngle(A,B) \tkzGetAngle{tkzangle}
- \begin{scope}[rotate=\tkzangle]
- \tikzset{arc/.style={color=gray,delta=10}}
- \tkzDrawArc[R,arc](B,3/4*\dAB)(120,240)
- \tkzDrawArc[R,arc](A,3/4*\dAB)(-45,60)
- \tkzDrawLine(I,J) \tkzDrawSegment(A,B)
- \end{scope}
- \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,I,J) \tkzLabelPoints(A,B)
- \tkzLabelPoints[right](I,J)
-\subsection{from an angle}
-In the previous example, I used the macro \tkzcname{tkzGetAngle} to retrieve an angle.
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzGetAngle}{\marg{name of macro}}%
-This macro retrieves \tkzcname{tkzAngleResult} and stores the result in a new macro.
-arguments & example & explication \\
-\TAline{name of macro} {\tkzcname{tkzGetAngle}\{ang\}}{\tkzcname{ang} contains the value of the angle. }
-\subsection{Example of the use of \tkzcname{tkzGetAngle}}
- The point here is that $(AB)$ is the bisector of $\widehat{CAD}$, such that the $AD$ slope is zero. We recover the slope of $(AB)$ and then rotate twice.
- \tkzInit
- \tkzDefPoint(1,5){A} \tkzDefPoint(5,2){B}
- \tkzDrawSegment(A,B)
- \tkzFindSlopeAngle(A,B)\tkzGetAngle{tkzang}
- \tkzDefPointBy[rotation= center A angle \tkzang ](B)
- \tkzGetPoint{C}
- \tkzDefPointBy[rotation= center A angle -\tkzang ](B)
- \tkzGetPoint{D}
- \tkzCompass[length=1,dashed,color=red](A,C)
- \tkzCompass[delta=10,brown](B,C)
- \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,C,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints(B,C,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints[above left](A)
- \tkzDrawSegments[style=dashed,color=orange!30](A,C A,D)
-\subsection{Angle formed by three points}
-The result is stored in a macro \tkzcname{tkzAngleResult}.
-arguments & example & explication \\
-\TAline{(pt1,pt2,pt3)} {\tkzcname{tkzFindAngle}(A,B,C)}{\tkzcname{tkzAngleResult} gives the angle ($\overrightarrow{BA},\overrightarrow{BC}$)}
-The result is between -180 degrees and +180 degrees. pt2 is the vertex and \tkzcname{tkzGetAngle} can retrieve the angle.
-\subsection{Example of use of \tkzcname{tkzFindAngle} }
- \tkzInit[xmin=-1,ymin=-1,xmax=7,ymax=7]
- \tkzClip
- \tkzDefPoint (0,0){O} \tkzDefPoint (6,0){A}
- \tkzDefPoint (5,5){B} \tkzDefPoint (3,4){M}
- \tkzFindAngle (A,O,M) \tkzGetAngle{an}
- \tkzDefPointBy[rotation=center O angle \an](A)
- \tkzGetPoint{C}
- \tkzDrawSector[fill = blue!50,opacity=.5](O,A)(C)
- \tkzFindAngle(M,B,A) \tkzGetAngle{am}
- \tkzDefPointBy[rotation = center O angle \am](A)
- \tkzGetPoint{D}
- \tkzDrawSector[fill = red!50,opacity = .5](O,A)(D)
- \tkzDrawPoints(O,A,B,M,C,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints(O,A,B,M,C,D)
- \edef\an{\fpeval{round(\an,2)}}\edef\am{\fpeval{round(\am,2)}}
- \tkzDrawSegments(M,B B,A)
- \tkzText(4,2){$\widehat{AOC}=\widehat{AOM}=\an^{\circ}$}
- \tkzText(1,4){$\widehat{AOD}=\widehat{MBA}=\am^{\circ}$}
-There's an option in \TIKZ\ name in \tkzname{veclen}. This option
- is used to calculate AB if A and B are two points.
-The only problem for me is that the version of \TIKZ\ is not accurate enough in some cases. My version uses the \tkzNamePack{xfp} package and is slower, but more accurate.
- \hypertarget{tpsc}{}
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzCalcLength}{\oarg{local options}\parg{pt1,pt2}\marg{name of macro}}%
-arguments & example & explication \\
-\TAline{(pt1,pt2)\{name of macro\}} {\tkzcname{tkzCalcLength}(A,B)\{dAB\}}{\tkzcname{dAB} donne $AB$ en pt}
-Une seule option
- options & default & example \\
-\TOline{cm} {false}{\tkzcname{tkzCalcLength}[cm](A,B)\{dAB\} \tkzcname{dAB} gives AB en cm}
-The result is stored in a macro.
-\subsubsection{Compass square construction}
- \tkzDefPoint(0,0){A} \tkzDefPoint(4,0){B}
- \tkzDrawLine[add= .6 and .2](A,B)
- \tkzCalcLength[cm](A,B)\tkzGetLength{dAB}
- \tkzDefLine[perpendicular=through A](A,B)
- \tkzDrawLine(A,tkzPointResult) \tkzGetPoint{D}
- \tkzShowLine[orthogonal=through A,gap=2](A,B)
- \tkzMarkRightAngle(B,A,D)
- \tkzVecKOrth[-1](B,A)\tkzGetPoint{C}
- \tkzCompasss(A,D D,C)
- \tkzDrawArc[R](B,\dAB)(80,110)
- \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,C,D)
- \tkzDrawSegments[color=gray,style=dashed](B,C C,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints(A,B,C,D)
-\subsection{Transformation from pt to cm or cm to pt}
-Not sure if this is necessary and it is only a division by 28.45274 and a multiplication by the same number. The macros are:
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzpttocm}{\parg{nombre}\marg{name of macro}}%
-The result is stored in a macro.
-arguments & example & explication \\
-\TAline{(nombre){name of macro}} {\tkzcname{tkzpttocm}(120)\{len\}}{\tkzcname{len} donne un nombre de tkzname{cm}}
-You'll have to use \tkzcname{len} along with \tkzname{cm}.
-\subsection{Change of unit}
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzcmtopt}{\parg{nombre}\marg{name of macro}}%
-The result is stored in a macro.
-arguments & example & explication \\
-\TAline{(nombre)\{name of macro\}}{\tkzcname{tkzcmtopt}(5)\{len\}}{\tkzcname{len} longueur en \tkzname{pts}}
-\noindent{The result can be used with \tkzcname{len}\tkzname{pt}}
-The macro \tkzcname{tkzDefCircle[radius](A,B)} defines the radius that we retrieve with \tkzcname{tkzGetLength}, but this result is in \tkzname{pt}.
- \tkzDefPoint(0,0){A}
- \tkzDefPoint(3,-4){B}
- \tkzDefCircle[through](A,B)
- \tkzGetLength{rABpt}
- \tkzpttocm(\rABpt){rABcm}
- \tkzDrawCircle(A,B)
- \tkzDrawPoints(A,B)
- \tkzLabelPoints(A,B)
- \tkzDrawSegment[dashed](A,B)
- \tkzLabelSegment(A,B){$\pgfmathprintnumber{\rABcm}$}
-% Coordonnées d'un point
-% result in #2x et #2y #1 est le point et on récupère ses coordonnées
-% usage soit A un point \tkzGetPointCoord(A){V} alors \Vx = xA et \Vy = yA
-% en cm
-% tkzGetPointCoord avec [#1] cm ou bien pt ?? todo
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzGetPointCoord}{\parg{$A$}\marg{name of macro}}%
-Stores in two macros the coordinates of a point
-arguments & example & explanation \\
-\TAline{(point)\{name of macro\}} {\tkzcname{tkzGetPointCoord}(A)\{A\}}{\tkzcname{Ax} and \tkzcname{Ay} give the coordinates of $A$}
-If the name of the macro is \tkzname{p}, then \tkzcname{px} and \tkzcname{py} give the coordinates of the chosen point with the cm as.
-\subsubsection{Coordinate transfer with \tkzcname{tkzGetPointCoord}}
- \tkzInit[xmax=5,ymax=3]
- \tkzGrid[sub,orange]
- \tkzAxeXY
- \tkzDefPoint(1,0){A}
- \tkzDefPoint(4,2){B}
- \tkzGetPointCoord(A){a}
- \tkzGetPointCoord(B){b}
- \tkzDefPoint(\ax,\ay){C}
- \tkzDefPoint(\bx,\by){D}
- \tkzDrawPoints[color=red](C,D)
-\subsubsection{Sum of vectors with \tkzcname{tkzGetPointCoord}}
- \tkzDefPoint(1,4){a}
- \tkzDefPoint(3,2){b}
- \tkzDefPoint(1,1){c}
- \tkzDrawSegment[->,red](a,b)
- \tkzGetPointCoord(c){c}
- \draw[color=blue,->](a) -- ([shift=(b)]\cx,\cy) ;
- \draw[color=purple,->](b) -- ([shift=(b)]\cx,\cy) ;
- \tkzDrawSegment[->,blue](a,c)
- \tkzDrawSegment[->,purple](b,c)
-\endinput \ No newline at end of file