path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tkz-base/TKZdoc-base-axes.tex
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+\section{Macros for the axes}
+ \tkzHandBomb\ Careful, these macros have been modified. It's now easier to use the styles of \TIKZ. \tkzcname{tkzDrawX} allows to draw an axis, \tkzcname{tkzLabelX} places graduations and finally in simple cases \tkzcname{tkzAxeX} traces and graduations. The options of \TIKZ\ are accessible.
+Fractions can be used for graduations.
+% tkzDrawX
+\subsection{\tkzcname{tkzDrawX}} \hypertarget{dx}{}
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzDrawX}{\oarg{local options}}%
+This macro allows you to draw the abscissa axis with default ticks.
+The options are those of \TIKZ\ plus the following ones:
+options & default & definition \\
+\TOline{color} {black} {Axis and ticks}
+\TOline{noticks} {false} {no ticks on axis}
+\TOline{right space}{0.5 cm} {axis extended right}
+\TOline{left space} {0 cm} {extension of the axis to the left}
+\TOline{label} {$x$} {label name}
+\TOline{trig} {0} {if <>0 graduations are multiples of $pi$/trig" "trig is an integer"}
+\TOline{tickwd} {0.8pt} {tick thickness}
+\TOline{tickup} {1pt} {tick over axis}
+\TOline{tickdn} {1pt} {tick depth over axis}
+ \draw[line width=2 pt](0,0)--(4,0);
+ \draw[fill] (2cm-6pt,-14pt) rectangle (2cm+6pt,+14pt);
+ \draw[<->](2cm-6.5pt,18pt) -- (2cm+6.5pt,+18pt);
+ \node[above] at (2cm,20pt) {tickwd};
+ \draw[<->](2cm+10pt,1pt) -- (2cm+10pt,+14pt);
+ \node[right] at (2cm+10pt,8pt) {tickup};
+ \draw[<->](2cm+10pt,-1pt) -- (2cm+10pt,-14pt);
+ \node[right] at (2cm+10pt,-8pt) {tickdn};
+This macro is used to draw the abscissa axis. The most important thing is to test all the options. Above, you have the values that define a tick. Otherwise the options of \TIKZ\ apply and in particular \tkzname{text}, \tkzname{color}, \tkzname{fill} and \tkzname{font}.
+\subsubsection{No tick, no label}
+ \tkzInit[xmax=5]
+ \tkzDrawX[label={},noticks]
+\subsubsection{Label placement}
+ \tkzInit[xmax=5]
+ \tkzDrawX[label = quantity,
+ above left = 8pt]
+\subsubsection{Label and Axis Colour}
+The color of the label is obtained with the option \tkzname{text}, that of the axis with the option \tkzname{color}.
+The option \tkzname{right=12pt} shifts the label $x$ by 12 pt.
+ \tkzInit[xmax=5]
+ \tkzDrawX[text=blue,color=red,right=12pt]
+\subsubsection{Option \tkzname{right space}}
+It adds a little space after the last tick.
+\tkzDrawX[text=blue,color=red,right=12pt,right space=1]
+ \subsubsection{Trigonometric axis with the option \tkzname{trig=$n$}}\hypertarget{newm}{}
+If $number=0$ then the axis is graduated from cm to cm, otherwise the axis is graduated using multiples of $\frac{\pi}{number}$.
+ \tkzInit[xmin=0,xmax=4,ymin=-1,ymax=1]
+ \tkzDrawX[trig=1]
+\subsubsection{Trigonometric axis with the option \tkzname{trig=2} }
+ \tkzInit[xmin=0,xmax=4,ymin=-1,ymax=1]
+ \tkzDrawX[trig=2]
+% tkzLabelX
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzLabelX}{\oarg{local options}}%
+This macro allows you to place graduations. The option \tkzname{orig} can be used again, but its behavior is reversed. By default, the original value is placed.
+The options are those of \TIKZ, plus the following ones:
+options & default & definition \\
+\TOline{frac} {0}{if <>0 graduations are multiples num/frac "frac is an integer"}
+\TOline{trig} {0}{if <>0 graduations are multiples $pi$/trig "trig is an integer"}
+\TOline{font} {\BS textstyle} {scale size.}
+\TOline{color} {black} {graduation color}
+\TOline{step} {1} {interval between graduations}
+\TOline{np off} {false} {numprint deactivation}
+\TOline{orig} {true} {displays the origin graduation }
+{\tkzname{frac} and \tkzname{trig} are integers that can be changed to fractional or trigonometric writing. }
+\subsubsection{Position of the graduations}
+\tkzLabelX[text=blue,below = 3pt]
+\subsubsection{Position of the graduations with \tkzname{xlabel style}}
+ \tkzInit[xmin=1000,xmax=4000,xstep=1000]
+ \tkzDrawX
+ \tikzset{xlabel style/.append style={rotate=-30}}
+ \tkzLabelX[below right=3 pt,inner sep = 1pt]
+\subsubsection{Dates with \tkzname{np off}}
+For dates, you have to deactivate numprint.
+ \tkzInit[xmin=2000,xmax=2004]
+ \tkzDrawX
+ \tikzset{xlabel style/.append style={rotate=-30}}
+ \tkzLabelX[np off,below right=3 pt,inner sep =1pt]
+\tkzLabelX[frac=3,text=blue,below = 6pt]
+ \tkzInit[xmin=0,xmax=5,ymin=-1,ymax=1]
+ \tkzDrawX[trig=2]
+ \tkzLabelX[trig=2,text=blue,below = 8pt]
+\subsubsection{Graduations size}
+Two possibilities. It is possible to define the default style used for the math mode:
+ \tkzInit[xmin=0,xmax=5,ymin=-1,ymax=1]
+ \tkzDrawX[trig=2]
+ \tkzLabelX[trig=2,text=blue,below = 8pt]
+ \tkzInit[xmin=0,xmax=5,ymin=-1,ymax=1]
+ \let\tkzmathstyle\textstyle
+ \tkzDrawX[trig=2]
+ \tkzLabelX[trig=2,text=blue,
+ below = 8pt]
+ \tkzInit[xmin=0,xmax=5,ymin=-1,ymax=1]
+ \tkzDrawX[trig=2]
+ \tkzLabelX[trig=2,text=blue,
+ below = 8pt,node font=\small]
+ \tkzInit[xmin=0,xmax=5,ymin=-1,ymax=1]
+ \tkzDrawX[trig=2]
+ \tkzLabelX[trig=2,text=blue,
+ below = 8pt,node font=\scriptsize]
+\subsubsection{Colour of the graduations}
+The key here is to use the color, text, and text options correctly.
+ \tkzInit[xmin = -2,xmax = 3,
+ ymin = -2,ymax = 2]
+ \tkzDrawX[color = red,
+ label = $\displaystyle\frac{1}{t}$,
+ below = 6pt]
+ \tkzLabelX[text=blue]
+\subsubsection{Axis drawings before the graduation}
+In some cases, it is preferable to place \tkzcname{tkzDrawXY} after \tkzcname{tkzLabelX} and \tkzcname{tkzLabelY}.
+This prevents display problems.
+\tkzInit[xmin = -1,xmax = 4,
+ ymin = -1,ymax = 1]
+\tkzDrawXY \tkzLabelX \tkzLabelY
+\subsubsection{Graduations (except originally) prior to tracings }
+ \tkzInit[xmin = -1,xmax = 4,
+ ymin = -1,ymax = 1]
+ \tkzLabelX[orig=false]
+ \tkzLabelY[orig=false]
+ \tkzDrawXY
+\subsubsection{Only positive graduations before drawings }
+ \tkzInit[xmin=2,ymin=2,xmax=4,ymax=4]
+ \tkzLabelX \tkzLabelY
+ \tkzDrawXY
+\subsubsection{No graduations at the origin }
+ \tkzInit[xmin=2,ymin=2,xmax=4,ymax=4]
+ \tkzLabelX[orig] \tkzLabelY[orig]
+ \tkzDrawXY
+% tkzAxeX
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzAxeX}{\oarg{local options}}%
+This macro allows you to draw the abscissa axis with default ticks as well as the graduations. It combines the two macros \tkzcname{tkzDrawX} and \tkzcname{tkzLabelX}. It should only be used in simple cases.
+options & default & definition \\
+\TOline{label} {$x$}{label name}
+\TOline{trig} {0}{if <>0, graduations are multiples of $pi$/trig}
+\TOline{frac} {0}{if <>0, graduations are multiples of 1/frac}
+\TOline{swap} {false}{allows you to run \tkzcname{tkzLabelX} before \tkzcname{tkzDrawX}}
+The option \tkzname{text} defines the color of the graduations.
+\subsubsection{Example with \tkzcname{tkzAxeX}}
+ \tkzInit[xmax=0.5,xstep=0.1,ymax=1]
+ \tkzGrid
+ \tkzAxeX[text=blue]
+\subsubsection{Use of \tkzname{pi} and \tkzcname{tkzAxeX}}
+ \tkzInit[xmax=4,ymax=3.5]
+ \let\tkzmathstyle\displaystyle
+ \tkzLabelX[orig = false, frac = 4,below = 10pt]
+ \tkzDrawX[label = $t$]
+ \tkzAxeY[trig=2]
+\subsubsection{Option \tkzname{frac} and \tkzname{trig}}
+In this example, we position the $t$ label as well as the graduations. \tkzcname{below=10pt} is used to place the graduations underneath.
+ \tkzInit[xmax=9,xstep=3,ymax=3.5]
+ \tkzLabelX[below=10pt,orig=false,frac=3]
+ \tkzDrawX[label = $t$]
+ \tkzAxeY[trig=2]
+% tkzDrawY
+\subsection{\tkzcname{tkzDrawY}} \hypertarget{dy}{}
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzDrawY}{\oarg{local options}}%
+This macro allows you to draw the ordinate axis with default ticks.
+The options are those of \TIKZ\ plus the following ones:
+options & default & definition \\
+\TOline{color} {black} {color of axis and ticks}
+\TOline{noticks} {false} {no ticks on the axis}
+\TOline{up space} {0.5 cm} {top axis extension}
+\TOline{down space} {0 cm}{axis extension down}
+\TOline{label} {$x$}{label name}
+\TOline{trig} {0}{if <>0, graduations are multiples of $pi$/trig "trig is an integer" }
+\TOline{tickwd} {0.8pt}{tick's thickness}
+\TOline{ticklt} {1pt}{height of the tick above the axis}
+\TOline{tickrt} {1pt}{above-axis tick depth}
+\subsection{\tkzcname{tkzLabelY}} \hypertarget{ly}{}
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzLabelY}{\oarg{local options}}%
+This macro allows you to draw the abscissa axis with default ticks.
+The options are those of \TIKZ\ plus the following ones:
+options & default & definition \\
+\TOline{color} {black} {graduation color}
+\TOline{frac} {0}{if <>0, graduations are multiples of $1$/frac "frac is an integer"}
+\TOline{font} {\BS textstyle} {graduation size.}
+\TOline{step} {1} {interval between graduations}
+{\tkzname{frac} is a integer that can be changed to fractional or trigonometric writing.}
+% tkzAxeY
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzAxeY}{\oarg{local options}}%
+This macro combines the two macros:
+\tkzcname{tkzDrawY} \tkzcname{tkzLabelY}
+See \tkzcname{tkzAxeX} for options.
+% tkzAxeXY
+\subsection{\tkzcname{tkzAxeXY}} \hypertarget{axy}{}
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzAxeXY}{\oarg{local options}}%
+This macro combines the four macros:
+\tkzcname{tkzDrawX}\tkzcname{tkzDrawY} \tkzcname{tkzLabelX}\tkzcname{tkzLabelY}
+It is necessary to use common options as in the example below, but this means that the same options are applied to both macros. Thus it is not possible to change \tkzname{label}.
+\subsubsection{Colour of axes, graduations}
+ \tkzInit[xmin=-1,xmax=4,ymin=-1,ymax=3]
+ \tkzAxeXY[label={},text=blue]
+\subsubsection{Option \tkzname{label=\{\}}}
+ \tkzInit[xmin=-1,xmax=4,ymin=-1,ymax=2]
+ \tkzAxeXY[label={},text=blue,trig=2]
+\subsubsection{Option \tkzname{swap}}
+% tkzDrawXY
+\subsection{\tkzcname{tkzDrawXY}} \hypertarget{dxy}{}
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzDrawXY}{\oarg{local options}}%
+This macro combines the two macros: \tkzcname{tkzDrawX}\tkzcname{tkzDrawY}.
+It is necessary to use common options as in the example below.
+\subsubsection{Common colour and empty labels}
+ \tkzInit[xmin=-1,xmax=4,ymin=-1,ymax=1]
+ \tkzDrawXY[label={},color=red]
+\subsubsection{Two trigonometric axes}
+ \tkzInit[xmin=-1,xmax=4,ymin=-1,ymax=1]
+ \tkzDrawXY[label={},color=red,trig=4]
+% tkzLabelXY
+\subsection{\tkzcname{tkzLabelXY}} \hypertarget{lxy}{}
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzLabelXY}{\oarg{local options}}%
+This macro combines the two macros:
+ \tkzcname{tkzLabelX}\tkzcname{tkzLabelY}
+It is necessary to use common options as in the example below.
+ \tkzInit[xmin=-1,xmax=4,ymin=-1,ymax=1]
+ \tkzDrawXY[label={},color=red]
+ \tkzLabelXY[text=blue]
+% tkzSetUpAxis
+\subsection{Changing values by axis default} \hypertarget{axis}{}
+\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzSetUpAxis}{\oarg{local options}}%
+options & default & definition \\
+\TOline{line width}{|0.4pt|}{line width defines the width of the line}
+\TOline{tickwd}{|0.8pt|}{tick thickness }
+\TOline{ticka}{|1pt|}{right side or above the tick }
+\TOline{tickb}{|1pt|}{left side or below the tick }
+\TOline{font}{|\tkzcname{textstyle}|}{graduation size.}
+\subsubsection{Changing the default axes}
+ \tkzInit[ymax=2,xmax=4]
+ \tkzSetUpAxis[line width=1pt,tickwd=1pt,ticka=3pt, tickb=0pt]
+ \tkzAxeXY
+You have to run \tkzcname{tkzSetUpAxis} again to retrieve the default values.
+\tkzSetUpAxis[line width=1pt,tickwd=1pt,ticka=2pt,tickb=2pt]
+\tkzSetUpAxis[line width=1pt,tickwd=1pt,ticka=2pt,tickb=2pt]