path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thuthesis/example/data/resume.tex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thuthesis/example/data/resume.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thuthesis/example/data/resume.tex
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- \resumeitem{个人简历}
- 1978~年~4~月~30~日出生于花果山水帘洞,
- 1996~年~9~月考入花果山大学中文专业,
- 2000~年~6~月本科毕业并获得文学学士学位,
- 同年~9~月免试保送清华大学应用魔法系攻读博士至今。
- \resumeitem{目前已正式发表的论文}
- \begin{enumerate}[{$[$}1{$]$}]
- \item Harry Potter, Bajie Zhu, Sanzang Tang, Coupling
- Computation of the BEM and FDM in 3D Spirit Extraction,
- Interplanetarian Conference on Super-Sudden Motion, 2001,
- p.716 - 719(SCI).
- \item
- 哈里波特,猪八戒,唐三藏,三维寄生红孩儿边界元提取的一种预条件
- 方法,花果山炼金术月刊,2002, Vol38(16), p.207-209.
- \item Harry Potter, Bajie Zhu, Sanzang Tang, A weighted
- average formula for efficient inductance and resistance
- extraction, International Conference on God 2003, Vol.2,
- p996 - 999.
- \item 孙悟空,猪八戒,哈里波特,牛魔王,观世音,
- 六维边界元金箍棒参数提取中的有效预条件方法,蚕丝洞大学学报,2004,
- Vol.44(1), p.45-49(EI).
+ \resumeitem{涓汉绠鍘唥
+ xxxx 骞 xx 鏈 xx 鏃ュ嚭鐢熶簬 xx 鐪 xx 鍘裤
+ xxxx 骞 9 鏈堣冨叆 xx 澶у xx 绯 xx 涓撲笟锛寈xxx 骞 7 鏈堟湰绉戞瘯涓氬苟鑾峰緱 xx 瀛﹀+瀛︿綅銆
+ xxxx 骞 9 鏈堝厤璇曡繘鍏 xx 澶у xx 绯绘敾璇 xx 瀛︿綅鑷充粖銆
+ \resumeitem{鍙戣〃鐨勫鏈鏂噠 % 鍙戣〃鐨勫拰褰曠敤鐨勫悎鍦ㄤ竴璧
+ \begin{enumerate}[{[}1{]}]
+ \item Yang Y, Ren T L, Zhang L T, et al. Miniature microphone with silicon-
+ based ferroelectric thin films. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2003,
+ 52:229-235. (SCI 鏀跺綍, 妫绱㈠彿:758FZ.)
+ \item 鏉ㄨ蕉, 寮犲畞娆, 浠诲ぉ浠, 绛. 纭呭熀閾佺數寰0瀛﹀櫒浠朵腑钖勮啘娈嬩綑搴斿姏鐨勭爺绌. 涓浗鏈
+ 姊板伐绋, 2005, 16(14):1289-1291. (EI 鏀跺綍, 妫绱㈠彿:0534931 2907.)
+ \item 鏉ㄨ蕉, 寮犲畞娆, 浠诲ぉ浠, 绛. 闆嗘垚閾佺數鍣ㄤ欢涓殑鍏抽敭宸ヨ壓鐮旂┒. 浠櫒浠〃瀛︽姤,
+ 2003, 24(S4):192-193. (EI 婧愬垔.)
+ \item Yang Y, Ren T L, Zhu Y P, et al. PMUTs for handwriting recognition. In
+ press. (宸茶 Integrated Ferroelectrics 褰曠敤. SCI 婧愬垔.)
+ \item Wu X M, Yang Y, Cai J, et al. Measurements of ferroelectric MEMS
+ microphones. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2005, 69:417-429. (SCI 鏀跺綍, 妫绱㈠彿
+ :896KM.)
+ \item 璐炬辰, 鏉ㄨ蕉, 闄堝參, 绛. 鐢ㄤ簬鍘嬬數鍜岀數瀹瑰井楹﹀厠椋庣殑浣撶鑵愯殌鐩稿叧鐮旂┒. 鍘嬬數涓庡0
+ 鍏, 2006, 28(1):117-119. (EI 鏀跺綍, 妫绱㈠彿:06129773469.)
+ \item 浼嶆檽鏄, 鏉ㄨ蕉, 寮犲畞娆, 绛. 鍩轰簬MEMS鎶鏈殑闆嗘垚閾佺數纭呭井楹﹀厠椋. 涓浗闆嗘垚鐢佃矾,
+ 2003, 53:59-61.
- \resumeitem{目前已被录用文章}
- \begin{enumerate}[{$[$}1{$]$}]
- \item Wukong Sun, Harry Potter, Sanzang Tang,
- Fast 6-D Impedance Extraction of Spirit,
- International Conference on Communication, Circuit and Systems, 2005, 已录用.
- \item
- 孙悟空,哈里波特,唐三藏,观世音,基于三味真火的快速三维钛
- 箍棒提取算法,炼金术学报,已录用(EI).
+ \resumeitem{鐮旂┒鎴愭灉} % 鏈夊氨鍐欙紝娌℃湁灏卞垹闄
+ \begin{enumerate}[{[}1{]}]
+ \item 浠诲ぉ浠, 鏉ㄨ蕉, 鏈变竴骞, 绛. 纭呭熀閾佺數寰0瀛︿紶鎰熷櫒鐣存瀬鍖栧尯鍩熸帶鍒跺拰鐢垫瀬杩炴帴鐨
+ 鏂规硶: 涓浗, CN1602118A. (涓浗涓撳埄鍏紑鍙.)
+ \item Ren T L, Yang Y, Zhu Y P, et al. Piezoelectric micro acoustic sensor
+ based on ferroelectric materials: USA, No.11/215, 102. (缇庡浗鍙戞槑涓撳埄鐢宠鍙.)