path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/texpower/FAQ-printout.tex
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+%% This is file `FAQ-printout.tex',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% texpower-doc.dtx (with options: `faq-print,faq,enddoc')
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% TeXPower bundle - dynamic online presentations with LaTeX
+%% Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Stephan Lehmke
+%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+%% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+%% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%% GNU General Public License for more details.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% The list of all files belonging to the TeXPower bundle is
+%% given in the file `00readme.txt'.
+ [2004/07/27 TeXPower FAQ]
+% File: FAQ-printout.tex
+% Frequently Asked Questions list for the TeXPower bundle (printout version).
+% Autor: Stephan Lehmke <>
+% v0.0.1 May 31, 2000: First version for the pre-alpha release of TeXPower.
+% We need some more packages...
+% The following package makes code look a little nicer, but it may not be present on all systems.
+% Loading the soul package enables the \highlighttext command.
+% One more Text emphasis command...
+% Load hyperref.
+% Finally, the texpower package is loaded.
+% The configuration file allows user-specific settings.
+% The code in the file __TPFAQ is meant for the document class seminar. Thus, it contains some seminar-specific commands
+% which are replaced by dummies here.
+% The following command produces the title for this document.
+ \hypersetup{pdftitle={#1}}
+ \title{The \TeX Power bundle\\{\normalfont #1}}
+ \author{Stephan Lehmke\\\url{}}
+ \maketitle
+ \tolerance 1414
+ \hbadness 1414
+ \emergencystretch 1.5em
+ \hfuzz 0.3pt
+ \vfuzz \hfuzz
+ \relax
+% Finally, everything is set up. Here we go...
+% Autor: Stephan Lehmke <>
+% v0.0.1 May 31, 2000: First version for the pre-alpha release of TeXPower.
+% v0.0.2 Jun 9, 2000: Some additions in the `problems' and `how to' section.
+% v0.0.3 Jun 15, 2000: Additions in the `usage', `how to', and `problems' sections.
+% v0.0.4 Jun 22, 2000: Additions in the `usage' and `problems' section.
+% v0.0.5 May 15, 2003: Update related to move to
+\def\docversion{v0.0.5 of May 15, 2003}
+\def\tpversion{v0.0.9d of May 15, 2003}
+ Frequently asked questions list%
+ \thanks{FAQ \docversion\ for \TeX Power \tpversion\ (alpha).}%
+ }%
+\subsection{Where can I get the newest version of the \TeX Power FAQ\,?}
+You can download the latest version of the \TeX Power FAQ from the following URLs:
+Screen version:\\
+Printout version:\\
+\subsection{What is \TeX Power\,?}
+The \TeX Power bundle contains style and class files for creating dynamic online presentations with \LaTeX.
+The heart of the bundle is the package \code{texpower.sty} which implements some commands for presentation effects. This
+includes setting page transitions, color highlighting and displaying pages incrementally.
+The document class \code{powersem.cls} is a wrapper for seminar which sets up everything for dynamic presentations.
+\subsection{Where can I obtain \TeX Power\,?}
+The complete bundle, together with its documentation, can be found under the URL
+ \url{}
+\subsection{Where can I discuss \TeX Power or ask for help\,?}
+Bug and problem reports should go to
+\href{}{the bug tracker}.
+Discussions about \TeX Power should take place on
+\href{}{the mailing list}
+or in
+\href{}{the discussion forum}.
+\subsection{What alternatives are there to using \TeX Power\,?}
+The most prominent alternative to \TeX Power is the \concept{Pdf Presentation Post Processor} PPower4, the homepage of
+which is
+ \url{}
+Another alternative is the \concept{Utopia PDF Presentations Bundle}, which provides a complete presentation design
+environment. Its home page is
+ \url{}
+Comparisons of different presentation packages can be found on the home page of \name{Prof.\,D.\,P.\,Story}:
+ \url{}
+and in the talk held by \name{Ross Moore} at the \name{California Institute of Technology} on 8th May 2000:
+ \url{}
+\subsection{How do I design a presentation with \TeX Power\,?}
+It should be stressed that \TeX Power is \underl{not} (currently) a complete presentation package. It just adds dynamic
+presentation effects (and some other gimmicks specifically interesting for dynamic presentations) and should always be
+combined with a document class dedicated to designing presentations (or a package like
+There are demos in the \href{}{\code{doc}} directory for most
+popular presentation-making document classes and packages.
+\subsection{I find \TeX Power very complicated. How can I learn how to realize dynamic effects\,?}
+As always with \TeX, you should first make up your mind what kind of effect you desire, and what \LaTeX{} structures
+will be involved.
+Then you should check the examples in the \href{}{\code{doc}}
+directory for anything similar to what you want. If you find anything suitable, read the corresponding code. There are
+some inline comments to explain what's going on. Print out the
+\href{}{\code{manual}} for documentation of the \TeX
+Power commands.
+Further `recepies' can be found in section \ref{Sec:HowTo}.
+If you don't find anything suitable you can modify to your needs, and can't figure out from the documentation how to
+achieve your aims, please ask on
+\href{}{the mailing list}. If
+you've found an application for \TeX Power not covered by the examples, a new example should be created.
+\subsection{Can I combine \TeX Power with PPower4\,?}
+There is no problem postprocessing documents in which \TeX Power is used. This can be useful, for instance, for
+realising structured backgrounds with the \code{background} package from the
+\href{}{PPower4 bundle}.
+If there are presentation effects for which you'd like to use PPower4's implementation of the \macroname{pause} command,
+then just load PPower4's \code{pause} package. PPower4's definition of \macroname{pause} will override
+\code{texpower}'s. Then you can combine PPower4's \macroname{pause} functionality with \TeX Power's \macroname{stepwise}
+functionality, for maximum expressive power.
+\subsection{I'm missing some of the classes and packages used in the demo and example files.}
+First of all, it has to be said that \TeX Power makes use of some `modern' features which have been introduced into the
+\TeX{} System quite recently and are evolving swiftly. The core of the \code{texpower} package, namely the commands
+\macroname{pause} and \macroname{stepwise} is implemented in `pure' \LaTeX{} and should be largely independent of any
+fancy extensions, but to get most out of \TeX Power's presentation features and process the more advanced examples, it
+is recommended to have a moderately new \TeX{} distribution installed (rule of thumb: not older than one year).
+But even if your distribution is quite new, it might not contain some of the classes and packages used by the demos and
+examples. Here's a list of (hopefully all of) the packages and classes used (which are not part of core \LaTeX) and
+their availability:
+ \makeatletter
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}{\def\@outputpage{\setbox\@cclv\box\@outputbox\slide@output}}{}%
+ \makeatother
+ \setlength{\twidth}{\linewidth-\widthof{\code{pdfscreen}}-2cm-6\tabcolsep}%
+ Package&used in&\normalsize available from\tabularnewline\hline\endhead
+ \href{}{\code{hyperref}}&most
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\
+ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{url}}&most
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{soul}}&many
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{pstricks}}
+ &\small\code{fulldemo}, \code{picexample}
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{xr-hyper}}
+ &\small\code{manual}
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\
+ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{fancyvrb}}
+ &\small\code{FAQ}
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\
+ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{pdfscreen}}
+ &\small\code{pdfscrdemo}
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\
+ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{pdfslide}}
+ &\small\code{pdfslidemo}
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\
+ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{pp4slide}}
+ &\small\code{pp4sldemo}
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\
+ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{ifmslide}}
+ &\small\code{ifmslidemo}
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\
+ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \makeatletter
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}{\def\@outputpage{\setbox\@cclv\box\@outputbox\slide@output}}{}%
+ \makeatother
+ \setlength{\twidth}{\linewidth-\widthof{\code{scrartcl}}-2cm-6\tabcolsep}%
+ Class&used in&\normalsize available from\tabularnewline\hline\endhead
+ \href{}{\code{seminar}}&most
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\
+ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{scrartcl}}&most
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\
+ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{slides}}
+ &\small\code{slidesdemo}
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\
+ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{foils}}
+ &\small\code{foilsdemo}, \code{pp4sldemo}
+ &\href{}{CTAN}, e.\,g.\
+ \url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+ \href{}{\code{prosper}}
+ &\small\code{prosperdemo}
+ &\url{}
+ \tabularnewline
+\section{How do I\dots}\label{Sec:HowTo}
+\subsection{How can I incrementally display a paragraph of text\,?}\label{Q:Par}
+The easiest solution is to use \macroname{parstepwise}, but if the arguments of \macroname{step} are long, you'll get
+problems with line breaks, as \macroname{parstepwise} forces \macroname{step} to put its argument in a box.
+You can use \macroname{hidetext} like this:
+ \stepwise[\let\hidestepcontents=\hidetext]
+ {\step{Line breaks} \step{work in here.}}
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}
+ {%
+ yields
+ \present
+ {%
+ \begin{minipage}{7em}
+ \step{Line breaks} \step{work in here.}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }
+ }
+ {}
+ But note that \macroname{hidetext}, being implemented using the \code{soul} package, is quite fragile (compare
+ \ref{Sec:hidetext}).
+ }
+If you're not using structured backgrounds, \macroname{hidevanish} is another alternative which can be used exactly like
+\macroname{hidetext}, but is much more robust (note that this will fail whenever your text should appear in front of
+different background colors, for any reason).
+In the argument of \macroname{hidevanish}, which uses \macroname{textcolor}, paragraph breaks are not allowed. Using
+\macroname{vstep} is a little less restrictive:
+ \stepwise
+ {%
+ {\vstep Line and paragraph breaks
+ \vstep work in here.\par Yeah!}%
+ }
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}
+ {%
+ yields
+ \present
+ {%
+ \begin{minipage}{13em}
+ \vstep Line and paragraph breaks \vstep work in here.\par Yeah!
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }
+ }
+ {}
+To facilitate the decision, here's a side-by-side comparison of the pros and cons:
+\item[\origmath{+}] robust
+\item[\origmath{+}] works with structured backgrounds
+\item[\origmath{-}] no automatic line breaks in \macroname{step}'s argument
+\item[\origmath{-}] no paragraph breaks in \macroname{step}'s argument
+\item[\origmath{-}] very fragile
+\item[\origmath{+}] works with structured backgrounds
+\item[\origmath{+}] allows automatic line breaks in \macroname{step}'s argument
+\item[\origmath{-}] no paragraph breaks in \macroname{step}'s argument
+\item[\origmath{+}] robust
+\item[\origmath{-}] fails with structured backgrounds
+\item[\origmath{+}] allows automatic line breaks in \macroname{step}'s argument
+\item[\origmath{-}] no paragraph breaks in \macroname{step}'s argument
+\item[\origmath{+}] very robust
+\item[\origmath{-}] fails with structured backgrounds
+\item[\origmath{+}] allows automatic line breaks
+\item[\origmath{+}] allows paragraph breaks
+\subsection{Instead of making text appear `out of nowhere', I'd rather just change colors from `dimmed' to normal.}
+There are some analogies between this item and \ref{Q:Par}.
+If you're using \code{texpower}'s standard colors, probably \macroname{hidedimmed} does what you want:
+ \stepwise[\let\hidestepcontents=\hidedimmed]
+ {%
+ \step{This works with} \step{\emph{all}}
+ \step{\highlighttext{highlighting} commands.}%
+ }
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}
+ {%
+ yields
+ \present
+ {%
+ \begin{minipage}{10em}
+ \step{This works with} \step{\emph{all}} \step{\highlighttext{highlighting} commands.}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }
+ }
+ {}
+ }
+In the argument of \macroname{hidedimmed}, which uses \macroname{textcolor}, paragraph breaks are not allowed. Using
+\macroname{dstep} is a little less restrictive. The following achieves the same result as above:
+ \stepwise
+ {%
+ \dstep This works with \dstep \emph{all}
+ \dstep \highlighttext{highlighting} commands.%
+ }
+If the dimmed colors look too fancy to you, you can also use \macroname{vstep} for this purpose, setting
+\macroname{vanishcolor} to some `dimmed' color:
+ \stepwise[\renewcommand{\vanishcolor}{inactivecolor}]
+ {%
+ \vstep This works with \vstep \emph{all}
+ \vstep \highlighttext{highlighting} commands.%
+ }
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}
+ {%
+ yields
+ \present
+ {%
+ \begin{minipage}{10em}
+ \vstep This works with \vstep \emph{all} \vstep \highlighttext{highlighting} commands.
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }
+ }
+ {}
+ }
+Achieving the same with \macroname{hidevanish} is left as an exercise to the reader.
+\subsection{\macroname{dstep} and \macroname{hidedimmed} work only with \code{texpower}'s standard colors. How can I dim
+ my own colors\,?}
+\code{texpower} maintains a list of colors which will be affected by \macroname{dimcolors} (which is behind
+\macroname{dstep} and \macroname{hidedimmed}).
+You can add your own colors to this list by issuing \commandapp{addTPcolor}{mycolor}. Then you only have to define
+another color \code{dmycolor} which will be replaced for \code{mycolor} automatically when \macroname{dimcolors} is
+For instance:
+ \definecolor{mycolor}{rgb}{1,0.5,0}%
+ \definecolor{dmycolor}{rgb}{0.9,0.8,0.6}%
+ \addTPcolor{mycolor}
+ \stepwise
+ {\dstep My \emph{own} \dstep \textcolor{mycolor}{color}.}
+ \definecolor{mycolor}{rgb}{1,0.5,0}%
+ \definecolor{dmycolor}{rgb}{0.9,0.8,0.6}%
+ \addTPcolor{mycolor}%
+ \liststepwise
+ {%
+ yields
+ \present
+ {%
+ \dstep My \emph{own} \dstep \textcolor{mycolor}{color}.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Note that if you ever wish to use \macroname{enhancecolors} or \macroname{highlightenhanced}, you'll also need an
+\emph{enhanced} version of your new color named \code{emycolor}.
+If you wish to use one of the commands \macroname{whitebackground}, \macroname{lightbackground},
+\macroname{darkbackground}, or \macroname{blackbackground}, you'll need even more variants of your new color. In this
+case, you'll better define it in the file \code{tpsettings.cfg} (which contains an example).
+\subsection{I'm loading the \code{texpower} package, but dynamic features don't seem to work.}
+Remember that you have to turn on dynamic features explicitly by giving the \code{display} option either to
+\code{texpower} or as a global option. Otherwise, a printout version of your document is produced.
+\subsection{When I use the \code{colormath} option, my displayed formulae are not colored.}
+Don't use the \TeX{} environment \code{\$\$}\dots\code{\$\$} for displayed formulae if you want to profit from math
+\code{texpower} supports \LaTeX's environments \macroname{[}\dots\macroname{]}, \code{displaymath}, \code{equation},
+\code{eqnarray}, and \code{eqnarray*}. It also works with the diverse displayed math environments from the
+\href{}{\code{amsmath}} package.
+Replacing \code{\$\$}\dots\code{\$\$} everywhere by \macroname{[}\dots\macroname{]} should solve this problem.
+\subsection{It seems I can't use \macroname{vfill} in combination with \macroname{pause}.}
+This is a problem indeed, as \LaTeX{} never gets to see anything after \macroname{pause} when the first part of the
+sequence is produced. You can use \macroname{vfill} with \macroname{stepwise} if you
+\item use a configuration where \macroname{step} leaves blank space (to ensure proper vertical spacing);
+\item put \emph{all} \macroname{vfill}s into the argument of \macroname{stepwise}, \emph{outside} the argument of any
+ \macroname{step}.
+For instance:
+ \parstepwise
+ {\step{One.}\vfill\step{Two.}\vfill\step{Three.}}
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}
+ {%
+ yields
+ \present
+ {%
+ \begin{minipage}[c][10ex][s]{10em}
+ \step{One.}\vfill\step{Two.}\vfill\step{Three.}
+ \end{minipage}
+ }
+ }
+ {}
+ }
+\subsection{When I use \LaTeX+\code{dvips}+\code{distiller}, the result looks strange and `hyper' features don't work.}
+Check the \code{log} file of your document. If it contains the line
+*hyperref using default driver hypertex*
+then the default hyperref driver for your system is not suited for processing by \code{dvips}+\code{distiller}.
+Either you set another default driver (for instance, in the file \code{hyperref.cfg}), or you use the option
+\code{dvips} in your document as a global option or an option to \commandapp{usepackage}{hyperref}. See the
+documentation of the \href{}{\code{hyperref}} package
+for details.
+\subsection{When using \macroname{highlighttext} or \macroname{hidetext}, I'm getting strange error messages.}
+Note that both these commands are implemented using the
+\href{}{\code{soul}} package. \code{soul} has some rather
+severe restrictions concerning what is allowed to appear in the argument of commands using it. Consult the documentation
+of \href{}{\code{soul}} for a detailed description of
+these restrictions.
+The most prominent one is that almost no \LaTeX{} command is allowed in the argument of a command implemented using
+\code{soul}. For instance, to use an emphasis or highlighting command like \macroname{emph}, you have to use a sequence
+of \macroname{highlighttext} commands, putting \macroname{emph} `outside'. Expect glitches in display quality though.
+yields \highlighttext{This }\emph{\highlighttext{annoying }}\highlighttext{behaviour}.
+Another restriction is that accents are separated from the characters they belong to and break. You have to enclose the
+complete accented character with braces or use an appropriate input encoding, typing accented characters `as one'.
+ \begin{tabular}{l@{ yields }l}
+ \commandapp{highlighttext}{S\{\macroname{"}u\}\macroname{ss} es}&\highlighttext{S{\"u}\ss es}\\
+ \commandapp{highlighttext}{Süßes}&\highlighttext{Süßes}\\
+ \end{tabular}
+\subsection{Inside the argument of \macroname{stepwise}, all counters seem to be freezed on all pages of the sequence
+ generated. How can I use a self-defined counter which does not freeze\,?}
+Freezing counters is a desirable behaviour in general, for instance to stop equation numbers from going astray.
+But \code{texpower} maintains a list of counters which are \emph{not} freezed, containing for instance the counter
+If you need a counter for special effects while the incremental sequence is generated (for instance: generating a
+sequence of MetaPost figures with the \code{emp} and \code{feynmp} packages), use
+ \releasecounter{mycounter}
+to release the counter \code{mycounter}.
+%% End of file `FAQ-printout.tex'.