path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tablenotes/mynotes.tex
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-\author{Matthias Borck-Elsner}
-\begin{document} \begin{huge} $ \sqrt{Mynotes}$ \end{huge} \hrule \vspace{1mm}\hrule\vspace{1cm}
-\begin{longtable}{p{3.5cm}|p{8cm}} \caption{Mynotes} \\ \endfirsthead \endhead \endfoot \endlastfoot
-\\Name of contribution:&\bf{Mynotes} \\
- Version number:& Sun Sep 6 00:25:59 2009
- \\
- Author's name:& Matthias Borck-Elsner \\
- Author's email:& \\
- Location on CTAN:& / \\
- Summary description:& Flexible Notes in tables and documents, like footnotes and endnotes. \\
- License type:& lppl \\
- Announcement text:& sty. file to place notes in tables and list them, \\& similar toendnotes and footnotes \\ \hrule&\hrule \\
-\\ Deutsch & \textbf{Mynotes} \nonote{hallo}setzt beliebige Anmerkungen im Text und führt diese später zusammen. Dabei können Noten anderer Bearbeiter zusammengefasst und ein- und ausgeblendet werden.\\ &Ein bekannter Fehler, den ich noch nicht beseitigen konnte ist, dass eine Fehlermeldung produziert wird, wenn keine \texttt{\char47 mynote} eingegeben ist und trotzdem der Schlussbefehl \texttt{\char47 themynotes} eingegeben wurde.\\ \\ Beispiel: & Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt utlabore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. Atvero eos et accusam et justo duodolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no seatakimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit \mynote*{\texttt{Im normalen Text}} \mynote{Im normalen Text }amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam. Das Zusatzpaket \char47 nonotes (in \texttt{\char47mynotes} enhalten) erlaubt es, alle anderen (Fußnoten Endnoten etc) zusammenzufassen und gesondert anzuzeigen, d.h. sie werden im Text unterdrückt. Dazu gibt man in der Präambel \texttt{\char47 let \char47 endnotes=\char47 nonotes} ein\end{longtable} \themynotes \end{document} \ No newline at end of file
+\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article}\usepackage{endnotes,lipsum,geometry,array,mynotes,longtable,hyperref,color,graphicx,picture}\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\title{Mynotes}\author{Matthias Borck-Elsner}\begin{document} \maketitle \begin{tabular}{ll}Name of contribution:& Mynotes \\ Version & 2 2011-5-13 \\ Author's name:& Matthias Borck-Elsner \\ Author's email:& matthias at \\ Location on CTAN:& \\ Summary description:& Flexible notes in texts,tables and images, like footnotes and endnotes. \\ License type:& lppl \\ Announcement text:& sty file to place notes into text, tables and images and list them. \\ &New commands are defined:\textbackslash \ textbackslash ruler \textbackslash imgwidth and \textbackslash imgheight\\ & The good old endnotes still work! \\ &Mynotes is based on endnotes.sty Copyright 2002 John Lavagnino. \\ \end{tabular}\section{Examples}\subsection{mynotes} Use \textbackslash mynote\{textofnote\} to put a note into text and use\textbackslash themynotes[mynotes] to display them.. The counter is always set to 0 after calling \textbackslash themynotes[mynotes]. The name between the \lbrack \rbrack is optional and displayed as a subsubsection before the notes, you may leave it empty.\subsection{tabnotes} Use \textbackslash tabnote\{tabnotetext\} in tables.\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}} \endhead \caption{newtable} \endfirsthead \endfoot \endlastfoot Some text to show the function of Mynotes. \tabnote{First tabnote}& Some text to show the function of Mynotes.\tabnote{Second tabnote}& Some text to show the function of Mynotes. \\ \tabnote{Third tabnote}&Test\tabnote{Forth tabnote}\\\end{longtable} \thetabnotes[newtable]\section{imgnotes}You might want to put notes into images \dots\begin{figure}[ht]\imgheight=5cm\imgwidth=6cm\includegraphics[width=\imgwidth,height=\imgheight]{test}\ruler[blue]\put(-0.50\imgwidth,+0.50\imgheight){\textcolor{white}{\imgnote{hot air balloon}}} \put(-0.45\imgwidth,0.50\imgheight){$\leftarrow $}\put(-0.5\imgwidth,0.15\imgheight){\textcolor{red}{\imgnote{rooftop}}} \put(-0.45\imgwidth,0.16\imgheight){\textcolor{white}{$\leftarrow $}}\theimgnotes[test]\end{figure} \newline \textbackslash begin\{figure\}\lbrack ht \rbrack \newline\textbackslash imgheight=8cm \newline\textbackslash imgwidth=6cm \newline\textbackslash includegraphics \lbrack width=\textbackslash imgwidth,height=\textbackslash imgheight \rbrack \{test\}\newline \textbackslash ruler[blue]\newline \textbackslash put(-0.7\textbackslash imgwidth,+0.80\textbackslash imgheight)\{\textbackslash textcolor\{red\}\{\textbackslash imgnote\{imgnote\}\}\}\newline \textbackslash put(-0.5\textbackslash imgwidth,0.15 \textbackslash imgheight)\{\textbackslash textcolor \{white\}\{\textbackslash imgnote\{imgnote\}\}\} \newline\textbackslash theimgnotes[test] \newline\textbackslash end\{figure\}\newline\section{ be continued..} The imgnotes do not work inside of tables yet, because a \textbackslash makebox is needed and the \textbackslash imgwidth and \textbackslash imgheight cannot be handed over to the \textbackslash includegraphics environment. If one repeats the values, as it is done in overpic, it works. So far for today...\end{document} \ No newline at end of file