path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak
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-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/README (renamed from Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/readme.txt)11
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-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/refman.pdfbin0 -> 73165 bytes
-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/skakdoc.pdfbin0 -> 125892 bytes
-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/tuggame.pdfbin0 -> 80592 bytes
19 files changed, 416 insertions, 12114 deletions
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/readme.txt
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/README
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
Change History
+Version 1.5
+* Fixed a serioous problem with longmoves, in particular the algebraic notation. Thanks to Jernej Cop for describing the bug.
+* As part of the longmoves fix the commands \variationcurrent, \continuevariation and \continuevariationcurrent has been introduced to make writing about variations from the mainline eaiser.
+* Documented weird behaviours of \showallbut and \showonly. Thanks to Frank Mittelbach for pointing that out.
+* Documented that \showmover requires loading skak with the ps option. Thanks to Christian H. Kuhn.
Version 1.4
* Ulrike Fischer has created an easy access to new fonts. It is decribed in
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/_region_.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/_region_.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8cb7c0d4bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/_region_.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+\message{ !name(longmoves.tex)}\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{book}
+\message{ !name(longmoves.tex) !offset(-3) }
+\section*{8.\ partija\\
+{\tiny\bf Igrana 26. julija 1906. leta v Nurnbergu}
+%white={M. Vidmar},
+%black={dr. S. Tarrasch},
+%{\em\xskakgetgame{white}\ ---\ \xskakgetgame{black}}
+\mainline{1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5}
+(\variation{3... Nf6})
+nezadostna in da rni proti daminemu
+gambitu ne more dovolj zgodaj igrati \wmove{c7—c5}. To obrambno potezo je poskušal celo kot odgovor na 2. c2—c4, potem pa se je z njo utaboril
+v tretjem poteznem paru. Njegov veliki sloves je njegovi obrambi dajal
+Nazadnje pa je A. Rubinstein n pravo pot:
+\variation{4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nf3 Nf6 6. g3 Nc6 7. Bg2 Be7 8.O-O O-O}.
+V tej varianti ima črni nedvomno teave, ki so gotovo nekoliko veje od teav v
+ortodoksni obrambi dami-nega gambita. Toda Tarrasch jih nikoli ni priznal. Tarrasch tudi ni nikoli popolnoma razumel svojega velikega
+učenca Rubinsteina. Ta veliki mojster je bil namreč nesporno eden izmed vodilnih pionirjev hipermoderne ole, in Reti ter Nimcovi,
+priznana ustanovitelja te ole, mu ne moreta krajšati ustreznih zaslug.
+\message{ !name(longmoves.tex) !offset(-52) }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/debug_storegame.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/debug_storegame.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bccd6f3e7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/debug_storegame.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+\title{Ensure that storegame stores the full game}
+\author{Torben Hoffmann }
+\mainline{1. d4 d5}
+\mainline{2. Nc3 Nc6 3. Bg5 Bd7}
+\mainline{1.e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5}
+\mainline{3...a6 4.Ba4 b5}
+Move number: \arabic{move}.
+1p6/8/PPP3PP/4R2K w - - 0 26}
+\mainline{26. Qxd7}
+Not \variation{26. Rf1+ Kg7 27. Rf7+
+%\variation{26. Rf1+}
+% \variationcurrent{26...Qa7}
+% \showboard
+and if \continuevariationcurrent{28. Qxd7 Rd8 29. Qg4 Qe5}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/fen_with_black.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/fen_with_black.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f874af38711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/fen_with_black.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+\title{Fen with black to move}
+\author{Torben Hoffmann }
+\fenboard{1k6/4K3/8/1B1N4/8/8/8/8 b - - 0 1}
+\mainline{1...Ka7 2. Kd7 Kb7 3. Kd8 Kb8 4. Ba6}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/games.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/games.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 67dcb264cc5..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/games.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-\documentclass[german, twocolumn,a4paper,twoside,10pt]{article}
- \begin{center}
- \large{\textbf{#1} -- \textbf{#2}}
- \textsf{#3}
- \small{\textsc{#4}}
- \end{center}
-\author{Franz Meier}
-\chessgame{Hans Schulze}{Franz Meier}{Tournament, 2002}{}
-\mainline{1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3.Bf4 c5 4.e3 Nc6 5.c3}
-\chessgame{Franz Meier}{Gustav Frank}{Tournament, 2002}{K\"{o}nigsindisch}
-\mainline{1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. d4 O-O 6. Be2 e5 7. O-O Nc6 8. d5 Ne7 9. b4 a5 10. Ba3 Nd7 11. bxa5 Rxa5 12. Bb4 Ra8 13. a4 Bh6 14. a5 f5 15. Nd2 Nf6 16.c5 Bxd2 17.Qxd2 fxe4}
-\chessgame{John Bauer}{Franz Meier}{Tournament, 2002}{Caro-Kann}
-\mainline{1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7 5.Ng5 Ngf6 6.Bd3 e6 7.N1f3 Bd6 8.Qe2 h6 9.Ne4}
-\chessgame{Franz Meier}{Karl Adams}{Tournament, 2002}{}
-\mainline{1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 d5 4.d4 c6 5.e3 Nbd7}
-\chessgame{Christian Klaus}{Franz Meier}{Tournament, 2002}{}
-\mainline{1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.Bd3 Bxd3}
-\chessgame{Franz Meier}{Norbert Ludwig}{Tournament, 2002}{Englisch 1. $\dots$ c5}
-\mainline{1.Nf3 c5 2.c4 Nf6 3.Nc3 Nc6 4.g3 d5 5.d4 cxd4 6.Nxd4 dxc4 7.Nxc6 Qxd1+ 8.Nxd1 bxc6 9.Bg2 Nd5 10.Ne3 e6 11.Nxc4 Ba6 12.Na5 Bb4+ 13.Bd2 Bxa5 14.Bxa5 Rb8
-15.b3 Ke7}
-\chessgame{Dieter Klose}{Franz Meier}{Tournament, 2002}{Caro-Kann}
-\mainline{1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.c4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e6 6.Nf3 Bb4 7.cxd5 Nxd5 8.Bd2 Nc6 9.Bd3 O-O 10.O-O Be7}
-\chessgame{Franz Meier}{Karl Eich}{Tournament, 2002}{}
-\mainline{1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 b6 3.g3 c5 4.Bg2 Bb7 5.O-O}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/informator.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/informator.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cb46461d130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/informator.pdf
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 101243e1e67..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1224 +0,0 @@
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-% Version 97 patch 3, 98/06/01
-% For distribution, see pstricks.tex.
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-f { ] aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse } def
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-def n { Lineto } repeat CP 4 2 roll ArrowB L pop pop } if } def
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-/CCA { /y ED /x ED 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED x sub /dx1 ED /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth
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-def } def
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-m mul neg def } def
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-/NC { CC x1 y1 x2 y2 x y curveto } def
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-n { NC } repeat EOC } ifelse } def
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-pop } repeat } { BAC /n n 4 sub def n { NAC } repeat EAC } ifelse } def
-/ClosedCurve { NArray n 3 lt { n { pop pop } repeat } { n 3 gt {
-CheckClosed } if 6 copy n 2 mul 6 add 6 roll IC CC x y moveto n { NC }
-repeat closepath pop pop } ifelse } def
-/SQ { /r ED r r moveto r r neg L r neg r neg L r neg r L fill } def
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-x1 y1 lineto closepath } def
-/OvalFrame { x1 x2 eq y1 y2 eq or { pop pop x1 y1 moveto x2 y2 L } { y1
-y2 sub abs x1 x2 sub abs 2 copy gt { exch pop } { pop } ifelse 2 div
-exch { dup 3 1 roll mul exch } if 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
-/b ED x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 b arcto x2 y2 x2 y1 b arcto
-x2 y1 x1 y1 b arcto x1 y1 x1 y2 b arcto 16 { pop } repeat closepath }
-ifelse } def
-/Frame { CLW mul /a ED 3 -1 roll 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /y2 ED a add
-/y1 ED 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /x2 ED a add /x1 ED 1 index 0 eq {
-pop pop Rect } { OvalFrame } ifelse } def
-/BezierNArray { /f ED counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED n eq not { exch pop
-} if n 1 sub neg 3 mod 3 add 3 mod { 0 0 /n n 1 add def } repeat f { ]
-aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse } def
-/OpenBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { ArrowA n 4 sub 3 idiv { 6
-2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat 6 2 roll 4 2 roll ArrowB curveto }
-ifelse } def
-/ClosedBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { moveto n 1 sub 3 idiv {
-6 2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat closepath } ifelse } def
-/BezierShowPoints { gsave Points aload length 2 div cvi /n ED moveto n 1
-sub { lineto } repeat CLW 2 div SLW [ 4 4 ] 0 setdash stroke grestore }
-/Parab { /y0 exch def /x0 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /dx x0 x1
-sub 3 div def /dy y0 y1 sub 3 div def x0 dx sub y0 dy add x1 y1 ArrowA
-x0 dx add y0 dy add x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ArrowB curveto /Points [ x1 y1 x0
-y0 x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ] def } def
-/Grid { newpath /a 4 string def /b ED /c ED /n ED cvi dup 1 lt { pop 1 }
-if /s ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if /dy ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if
-/dx ED dy div round dy mul /y0 ED dx div round dx mul /x0 ED dy div
-round cvi /y2 ED dx div round cvi /x2 ED dy div round cvi /y1 ED dx div
-round cvi /x1 ED /h y2 y1 sub 0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def /w x2 x1 sub
-0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def b 0 gt { /z1 b 4 div CLW 2 div add def
-/Helvetica findfont b scalefont setfont /b b .95 mul CLW 2 div add def }
-if systemdict /setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust /t { } def }
-{ /t { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add
-exch itransform } bind def } ifelse gsave n 0 gt { 1 setlinecap [ 0 dy n
-div ] dy n div 2 div setdash } { 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i x1 def /f y1
-dy mul n 0 gt { dy n div 2 div h mul sub } if def /g y2 dy mul n 0 gt {
-dy n div 2 div h mul add } if def x2 x1 sub w mul 1 add dup 1000 gt {
-pop 1000 } if { i dx mul dup y0 moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs dup
-stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1} {z1 z2 add neg} ifelse h 0 gt {b neg}
-{z1} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup t f moveto g t L stroke /i i
-w add def } repeat grestore gsave n 0 gt
-% DG/SR modification begin - Nov. 7, 1997 - Patch 1
-%{ 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dy n div 2 div setdash }
-{ 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dx n div 2 div setdash }
-% DG/SR modification end
-{ 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i y1 def /f x1 dx mul
-n 0 gt { dx n div 2 div w mul sub } if def /g x2 dx mul n 0 gt { dx n
-div 2 div w mul add } if def y2 y1 sub h mul 1 add dup 1000 gt { pop
-1000 } if { newpath i dy mul dup x0 exch moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs
-dup stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1 z2 add neg} {z1} ifelse h 0 gt
-{z1} {b neg} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup f exch t moveto g
-exch t L stroke /i i h add def } repeat grestore } def
-/ArcArrow { /d ED /b ED /a ED gsave newpath 0 -1000 moveto clip newpath 0
-1 0 0 b grestore c mul /e ED pop pop pop r a e d PtoC y add exch x add
-exch r a PtoC y add exch x add exch b pop pop pop pop a e d CLW 8 div c
-mul neg d } def
-/Ellipse { /mtrx CM def T scale 0 0 1 5 3 roll arc mtrx setmatrix } def
-/Rot { CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate NET } def
-/RotBegin { tx@Dict /TMatrix known not { /TMatrix { } def /RAngle { 0 }
-def } if /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def /a ED a Rot /RAngle [ RAngle
-dup a add ] cvx def } def
-/RotEnd { /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def /RAngle [ RAngle pop ]
-cvx def } def
-/PutCoor { gsave CP T CM STV exch exec moveto setmatrix CP grestore } def
-/PutBegin { /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def CP 4 2 roll T moveto } def
-/PutEnd { CP /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def moveto } def
-/Uput { /a ED add 2 div /h ED 2 div /w ED /s a sin def /c a cos def /b s
-abs c abs 2 copy gt dup /q ED { pop } { exch pop } ifelse def /w1 c b
-div w mul def /h1 s b div h mul def q { w1 abs w sub dup c mul abs } {
-h1 abs h sub dup s mul abs } ifelse } def
-/UUput { /z ED abs /y ED /x ED q { x s div c mul abs y gt } { x c div s
-mul abs y gt } ifelse { x x mul y y mul sub z z mul add sqrt z add } { q
-{ x s div } { x c div } ifelse abs } ifelse a PtoC h1 add exch w1 add
-exch } def
-/BeginOL { dup (all) eq exch TheOL eq or { IfVisible not { Visible
-/IfVisible true def } if } { IfVisible { Invisible /IfVisible false def
-} if } ifelse } def
-/InitOL { /OLUnit [ 3000 3000 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform ] cvx def
-/Visible { CP OLUnit idtransform T moveto } def /Invisible { CP OLUnit
-neg exch neg exch idtransform T moveto } def /BOL { BeginOL } def
-/IfVisible true def } def
-% END
-%%Title: Dot Font for PSTricks
-%%Creator: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU>
-%%Creation Date: May 7, 1993
-%% Version 97 patch 1, 99/12/16
-%% Modified by Etienne Riga <> - Dec. 16, 1999
-%% to add /Diamond, /SolidDiamond and /BoldDiamond
-10 dict dup begin
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontMatrix [ .001 0 0 .001 0 0 ] def
- /FontBBox [ 0 0 0 0 ] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 { Encoding exch /.notdef put } for
- Encoding
- dup (b) 0 get /Bullet put
- dup (c) 0 get /Circle put
- dup (C) 0 get /BoldCircle put
- dup (u) 0 get /SolidTriangle put
- dup (t) 0 get /Triangle put
- dup (T) 0 get /BoldTriangle put
- dup (r) 0 get /SolidSquare put
- dup (s) 0 get /Square put
- dup (S) 0 get /BoldSquare put
- dup (q) 0 get /SolidPentagon put
- dup (p) 0 get /Pentagon put
- dup (P) 0 get /BoldPentagon put
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- dup (l) 0 get /SolidDiamond put
- dup (d) 0 get /Diamond put
- (D) 0 get /BoldDiamond put
-% DG/SR modification end
- /Metrics 13 dict def
- Metrics begin
- /Bullet 1000 def
- /Circle 1000 def
- /BoldCircle 1000 def
- /SolidTriangle 1344 def
- /Triangle 1344 def
- /BoldTriangle 1344 def
- /SolidSquare 886 def
- /Square 886 def
- /BoldSquare 886 def
- /SolidPentagon 1093.2 def
- /Pentagon 1093.2 def
- /BoldPentagon 1093.2 def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /SolidDiamond 1008 def
- /Diamond 1008 def
- /BoldDiamond 1008 def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef 0 def
- end
- /BBoxes 13 dict def
- BBoxes begin
- /Circle { -550 -550 550 550 } def
- /BoldCircle /Circle load def
- /Bullet /Circle load def
- /Triangle { -571.5 -330 571.5 660 } def
- /BoldTriangle /Triangle load def
- /SolidTriangle /Triangle load def
- /Square { -450 -450 450 450 } def
- /BoldSquare /Square load def
- /SolidSquare /Square load def
- /Pentagon { -546.6 -465 546.6 574.7 } def
- /BoldPentagon /Pentagon load def
- /SolidPentagon /Pentagon load def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /Diamond { -428.5 -742.5 428.5 742.5 } def
- /BoldDiamond /Diamond load def
- /SolidDiamond /Diamond load def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef { 0 0 0 0 } def
- end
- /CharProcs 20 dict def
- CharProcs begin
- /Adjust {
- 2 copy dtransform floor .5 add exch floor .5 add exch idtransform
- 3 -1 roll div 3 1 roll exch div exch scale
- } def
- /CirclePath { 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath } def
- /Bullet { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath fill } def
- /Circle { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath .9 .9 scale CirclePath
- eofill } def
- /BoldCircle { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath .8 .8 scale CirclePath
- eofill } def
- /BoldCircle { CirclePath .8 .8 scale CirclePath eofill } def
- /TrianglePath { 0 660 moveto -571.5 -330 lineto 571.5 -330 lineto
- closepath } def
- /SolidTriangle { TrianglePath fill } def
- /Triangle { TrianglePath .85 .85 scale TrianglePath eofill } def
- /BoldTriangle { TrianglePath .7 .7 scale TrianglePath eofill } def
- /SquarePath { -450 450 moveto 450 450 lineto 450 -450 lineto
- -450 -450 lineto closepath } def
- /SolidSquare { SquarePath fill } def
- /Square { SquarePath .89 .89 scale SquarePath eofill } def
- /BoldSquare { SquarePath .78 .78 scale SquarePath eofill } def
- /PentagonPath {
- -337.8 -465 moveto
- 337.8 -465 lineto
- 546.6 177.6 lineto
- 0 574.7 lineto
- -546.6 177.6 lineto
- closepath
- } def
- /SolidPentagon { PentagonPath fill } def
- /Pentagon { PentagonPath .89 .89 scale PentagonPath eofill } def
- /BoldPentagon { PentagonPath .78 .78 scale PentagonPath eofill } def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /DiamondPath { 0 742.5 moveto -428.5 0 lineto 0 -742.5 lineto
- 428.5 0 lineto closepath } def
- /SolidDiamond { DiamondPath fill } def
- /Diamond { DiamondPath .85 .85 scale DiamondPath eofill } def
- /BoldDiamond { DiamondPath .7 .7 scale DiamondPath eofill } def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef { } def
- end
- /BuildGlyph {
- exch
- begin
- Metrics 1 index get exec 0
- BBoxes 3 index get exec
- setcachedevice
- CharProcs begin load exec end
- end
- } def
- /BuildChar {
- 1 index /Encoding get exch get
- 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec
- } bind def
-/PSTricksDotFont exch definefont pop
-% PostScript prologue for pst-node.tex.
-% Version 97 patch 1, 97/05/09.
-% For distribution, see pstricks.tex.
-/tx@NodeDict 400 dict def tx@NodeDict begin
-tx@Dict begin /T /translate load def end
-/NewNode { gsave /next ED dict dup 3 1 roll def exch { dup 3 1 roll def }
-if begin tx@Dict begin STV CP T exec end /NodeMtrx CM def next end
-grestore } def
-/InitPnode { /Y ED /X ED /NodePos { NodeSep Cos mul NodeSep Sin mul } def
-} def
-/InitCnode { /r ED /Y ED /X ED /NodePos { NodeSep r add dup Cos mul exch
-Sin mul } def } def
-/GetRnodePos { Cos 0 gt { /dx r NodeSep add def } { /dx l NodeSep sub def
-} ifelse Sin 0 gt { /dy u NodeSep add def } { /dy d NodeSep sub def }
-ifelse dx Sin mul abs dy Cos mul abs gt { dy Cos mul Sin div dy } { dx
-dup Sin mul Cos Div } ifelse } def
-/InitRnode { /Y ED /X ED X sub /r ED /l X neg def Y add neg /d ED Y sub
-/u ED /NodePos { GetRnodePos } def } def
-/DiaNodePos { w h mul w Sin mul abs h Cos mul abs add Div NodeSep add dup
-Cos mul exch Sin mul } def
-/TriNodePos { Sin s lt { d NodeSep sub dup Cos mul Sin Div exch } { w h
-mul w Sin mul h Cos abs mul add Div NodeSep add dup Cos mul exch Sin mul
-} ifelse } def
-/InitTriNode { sub 2 div exch 2 div exch 2 copy T 2 copy 4 index index /d
-ED pop pop pop pop -90 mul rotate /NodeMtrx CM def /X 0 def /Y 0 def d
-sub abs neg /d ED d add /h ED 2 div h mul h d sub Div /w ED /s d w Atan
-sin def /NodePos { TriNodePos } def } def
-/OvalNodePos { /ww w NodeSep add def /hh h NodeSep add def Sin ww mul Cos
-hh mul Atan dup cos ww mul exch sin hh mul } def
-/GetCenter { begin X Y NodeMtrx transform CM itransform end } def
-/XYPos { dup sin exch cos Do /Cos ED /Sin ED /Dist ED Cos 0 gt { Dist
-Dist Sin mul Cos div } { Cos 0 lt { Dist neg Dist Sin mul Cos div neg }
-{ 0 Dist Sin mul } ifelse } ifelse Do } def
-/GetEdge { dup 0 eq { pop begin 1 0 NodeMtrx dtransform CM idtransform
-exch atan sub dup sin /Sin ED cos /Cos ED /NodeSep ED NodePos NodeMtrx
-dtransform CM idtransform end } { 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED pop
-XYPos } ifelse } def
-/AddOffset { 1 index 0 eq { pop pop } { 2 copy 5 2 roll cos mul add 4 1
-roll sin mul sub exch } ifelse } def
-/GetEdgeA { NodeSepA AngleA NodeA NodeSepTypeA GetEdge OffsetA AngleA
-AddOffset yA add /yA1 ED xA add /xA1 ED } def
-/GetEdgeB { NodeSepB AngleB NodeB NodeSepTypeB GetEdge OffsetB AngleB
-AddOffset yB add /yB1 ED xB add /xB1 ED } def
-/GetArmA { ArmTypeA 0 eq { /xA2 ArmA AngleA cos mul xA1 add def /yA2 ArmA
-AngleA sin mul yA1 add def } { ArmTypeA 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED
-ArmA AngleA XYPos OffsetA AngleA AddOffset yA add /yA2 ED xA add /xA2 ED
-} ifelse } def
-/GetArmB { ArmTypeB 0 eq { /xB2 ArmB AngleB cos mul xB1 add def /yB2 ArmB
-AngleB sin mul yB1 add def } { ArmTypeB 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED
-ArmB AngleB XYPos OffsetB AngleB AddOffset yB add /yB2 ED xB add /xB2 ED
-} ifelse } def
-/InitNC { /b ED /a ED /NodeSepTypeB ED /NodeSepTypeA ED /NodeSepB ED
-/NodeSepA ED /OffsetB ED /OffsetA ED tx@NodeDict a known tx@NodeDict b
-known and dup { /NodeA a load def /NodeB b load def NodeA GetCenter /yA
-ED /xA ED NodeB GetCenter /yB ED /xB ED } if } def
-/LPutLine { 4 copy 3 -1 roll sub neg 3 1 roll sub Atan /NAngle ED 1 t sub
-mul 3 1 roll 1 t sub mul 4 1 roll t mul add /Y ED t mul add /X ED } def
-/LPutLines { mark LPutVar counttomark 2 div 1 sub /n ED t floor dup n gt
-{ pop n 1 sub /t 1 def } { dup t sub neg /t ED } ifelse cvi 2 mul { pop
-} repeat LPutLine cleartomark } def
-/BezierMidpoint { /y3 ED /x3 ED /y2 ED /x2 ED /y1 ED /x1 ED /y0 ED /x0 ED
-/t ED /cx x1 x0 sub 3 mul def /cy y1 y0 sub 3 mul def /bx x2 x1 sub 3
-mul cx sub def /by y2 y1 sub 3 mul cy sub def /ax x3 x0 sub cx sub bx
-sub def /ay y3 y0 sub cy sub by sub def ax t 3 exp mul bx t t mul mul
-add cx t mul add x0 add ay t 3 exp mul by t t mul mul add cy t mul add
-y0 add 3 ay t t mul mul mul 2 by t mul mul add cy add 3 ax t t mul mul
-mul 2 bx t mul mul add cx add atan /NAngle ED /Y ED /X ED } def
-/HPosBegin { yB yA ge { /t 1 t sub def } if /Y yB yA sub t mul yA add def
-} def
-/HPosEnd { /X Y yyA sub yyB yyA sub Div xxB xxA sub mul xxA add def
-/NAngle yyB yyA sub xxB xxA sub Atan def } def
-/HPutLine { HPosBegin /yyA ED /xxA ED /yyB ED /xxB ED HPosEnd } def
-/HPutLines { HPosBegin yB yA ge { /check { le } def } { /check { ge } def
-} ifelse /xxA xA def /yyA yA def mark xB yB LPutVar { dup Y check { exit
-} { /yyA ED /xxA ED } ifelse } loop /yyB ED /xxB ED cleartomark HPosEnd
-} def
-/VPosBegin { xB xA lt { /t 1 t sub def } if /X xB xA sub t mul xA add def
-} def
-/VPosEnd { /Y X xxA sub xxB xxA sub Div yyB yyA sub mul yyA add def
-/NAngle yyB yyA sub xxB xxA sub Atan def } def
-/VPutLine { VPosBegin /yyA ED /xxA ED /yyB ED /xxB ED VPosEnd } def
-/VPutLines { VPosBegin xB xA ge { /check { le } def } { /check { ge } def
-} ifelse /xxA xA def /yyA yA def mark xB yB LPutVar { 1 index X check {
-exit } { /yyA ED /xxA ED } ifelse } loop /yyB ED /xxB ED cleartomark
-VPosEnd } def
-/HPutCurve { gsave newpath /SaveLPutVar /LPutVar load def LPutVar 8 -2
-roll moveto curveto flattenpath /LPutVar [ {} {} {} {} pathforall ] cvx
-def grestore exec /LPutVar /SaveLPutVar load def } def
-/NCCoor { /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def /AngleB AngleA 180 add def
-GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutVar LPutLine } def /HPutPos { LPutVar HPutLine } def /VPutPos {
-LPutVar VPutLine } def LPutVar } def
-/NCLine { NCCoor tx@Dict begin ArrowA CP 4 2 roll ArrowB lineto pop pop
-end } def
-/NCLines { false NArray n 0 eq { NCLine } { 2 copy yA sub exch xA sub
-Atan /AngleA ED n 2 mul dup index exch index yB sub exch xB sub Atan
-/AngleB ED GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 n 2 mul 4 add 4 roll xA1
-yA1 ] cvx def mark LPutVar tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-ifelse } def
-/NCCurve { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB xA1 xB1 sub yA1 yB1 sub Pyth 2 div dup 3 -1
-roll mul /ArmA ED mul /ArmB ED /ArmTypeA 0 def /ArmTypeB 0 def GetArmA
-GetArmB xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 tx@Dict begin ArrowA end xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1 tx@Dict
-begin ArrowB end curveto /LPutVar [ xA1 yA1 xA2 yA2 xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { t LPutVar BezierMidpoint } def /HPutPos { { HPutLines
-} HPutCurve } def /VPutPos { { VPutLines } HPutCurve } def } def
-/NCAngles { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate
-def xA2 yA2 mtrx transform pop xB2 yB2 mtrx transform exch pop mtrx
-itransform /y0 ED /x0 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA2
-yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1
-yB1 xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def
-/HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def } def
-/NCAngle { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate def xB2
-yB2 mtrx itransform pop xA1 yA1 mtrx itransform exch pop mtrx transform
-/y0 ED /x0 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA1 yA1
-tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA1 yA1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-/NCBar { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate def
-xA2 yA2 mtrx itransform pop xB2 yB2 mtrx itransform pop sub dup 0 mtrx
-transform 3 -1 roll 0 gt { /yB2 exch yB2 add def /xB2 exch xB2 add def }
-{ /yA2 exch neg yA2 add def /xA2 exch neg xA2 add def } ifelse mark ArmB
-0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict
-begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx
-def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-/NCDiag { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if
-xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false Line end
-/LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-/NCDiagg { GetEdgeA GetArmA yB yA2 sub xB xA2 sub Atan 180 add /AngleB ED
-GetEdgeB mark xB1 yB1 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin
-false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-/NCLoop { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate
-def xA2 yA2 mtrx transform loopsize add /yA3 ED /xA3 ED /xB3 xB2 yB2
-mtrx transform pop def xB3 yA3 mtrx itransform /yB3 ED /xB3 ED xA3 yA3
-mtrx itransform /yA3 ED /xA3 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2
-xB3 yB3 xA3 yA3 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false
-Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xB3 yB3 xA3 yA3 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-% DG/SR modification begin - May 9, 1997 - Patch 1
-%/NCCircle { 0 0 NodesepA nodeA \tx@GetEdge pop xA sub 2 div dup 2 exp r
-%r mul sub abs sqrt atan 2 mul /a ED r AngleA 90 add PtoC yA add exch xA add
-%exch 2 copy /LPutVar [ 4 2 roll r AngleA ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutVar t 360
-%mul add dup 5 1 roll 90 sub \tx@PtoC 3 -1 roll add /Y ED add /X ED /NAngle ED
-/NCCircle { NodeSepA 0 NodeA 0 GetEdge pop 2 div dup 2 exp r
-r mul sub abs sqrt atan 2 mul /a ED r AngleA 90 add PtoC yA add exch xA add
-exch 2 copy /LPutVar [ 4 2 roll r AngleA ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutVar t 360
-mul add dup 5 1 roll 90 sub PtoC 3 -1 roll add /Y ED add /X ED /NAngle ED
-% DG/SR modification end
-} def /HPutPos { LPutPos } def /VPutPos { LPutPos } def r AngleA 90 sub a add
-AngleA 270 add a sub tx@Dict begin /angleB ED /angleA ED /r ED /c 57.2957 r
-Div def /y ED /x ED } def
-/NCBox { /d ED /h ED /AngleB yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def /AngleA AngleB
-180 add def GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /dx d AngleB sin mul def /dy d AngleB cos
-mul neg def /hx h AngleB sin mul neg def /hy h AngleB cos mul def
-/LPutVar [ xA1 hx add yA1 hy add xB1 hx add yB1 hy add xB1 dx add yB1 dy
-add xA1 dx add yA1 dy add ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos
-{ xB yB xA yA LPutLine } def /VPutPos { HPutPos } def mark LPutVar
-tx@Dict begin false Polygon end } def
-/NCArcBox { /l ED neg /d ED /h ED /a ED /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan
-def /AngleB AngleA 180 add def /tA AngleA a sub 90 add def /tB tA a 2
-mul add def /r xB xA sub tA cos tB cos sub Div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if def
-/x0 xA r tA cos mul add def /y0 yA r tA sin mul add def /c 57.2958 r div
-def /AngleA AngleA a sub 180 add def /AngleB AngleB a add 180 add def
-GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /AngleA tA 180 add yA yA1 sub xA xA1 sub Pyth c mul
-sub def /AngleB tB 180 add yB yB1 sub xB xB1 sub Pyth c mul add def l 0
-eq { x0 y0 r h add AngleA AngleB arc x0 y0 r d add AngleB AngleA arcn }
-{ x0 y0 translate /tA AngleA l c mul add def /tB AngleB l c mul sub def
-0 0 r h add tA tB arc r h add AngleB PtoC r d add AngleB PtoC 2 copy 6 2
-roll l arcto 4 { pop } repeat r d add tB PtoC l arcto 4 { pop } repeat 0
-0 r d add tB tA arcn r d add AngleA PtoC r h add AngleA PtoC 2 copy 6 2
-roll l arcto 4 { pop } repeat r h add tA PtoC l arcto 4 { pop } repeat }
-ifelse closepath /LPutVar [ x0 y0 r AngleA AngleB h d ] cvx def /LPutPos
-{ LPutVar /d ED /h ED /AngleB ED /AngleA ED /r ED /y0 ED /x0 ED t 1 le {
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+\Cmd{see} & see \\
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\Cmd{markerb} & \markerb \\
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+\section*{8.\ partija\\
+{\tiny\bf Igrana 26. julija 1906. leta v Nurnbergu}
+%white={M. Vidmar},
+%black={dr. S. Tarrasch},
+%{\em\xskakgetgame{white}\ ---\ \xskakgetgame{black}}
+\mainline{1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5}
+(\variation{3... Nf6})
+ \wmove{c7-c5}. 2. c2-c4,
+\variationcurrent{4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nf3 Nf6 6. g3 Nc6 7. Bg2 Be7 8.O-O O-O}.
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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+# File: Makefile
+# Purpose: automatic generation of fonts
+# Author: Torben Hoffmann, based on work by Piet Tutelaers
+# Version: July 1999
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# where should the .sty and .tfm files go?
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+ mf/
+ (cp mf/ .)
+ mf/
+ (cp mf/ .)
+ mf/
+ (cp mf/ .)
+ mf/
+ (cp mf/ .)
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+ (cp tex/*.sty .; \
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+ latex "\batchmode\input doc/skakdoc.tex")
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+ (cp tex/*.sty .; \
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+ latex "\batchmode\input doc/tuggame.tex")
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+ (cp tex/*.sty .; \
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+ latex "\batchmode\input doc/refman.tex")
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+ (cp tex/*.sty .; \
+ latex "\batchmode\input doc/informator.tex" \
+ latex "\batchmode\input doc/informator.tex")
+ :
+ dvips -o $@ $<
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+ (mf "\mode:=localfont; input mf/skakf10")
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+ (mf "\mode:=localfont; input mf/skakf10b")
+install: fonts doc
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+ install skak*.600gf $(DESTGF)
+ install skak*.tfm $(DESTTFM)
+ install mf/skak*.mf $(DESTSOURCE)
+ install tex/skak.sty $(INPUTS)
+ install tex/lambda.sty $(INPUTS)
+ install *.ps $(DESTDOC)
+ @echo "Remember to run texhash!"
+ rm -f *gf *pk *.ps *.dvi *.aux *.log *.tfm *.mf *.fd *.sty *.toc
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Binary files differ
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-mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul TR[
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-bop-hook}if/SI save N @rigin 0 0 moveto/V matrix currentmatrix A 1 get A
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-(LaserWriter 16/600)]{A length product length le{A length product exch 0
-exch getinterval eq{pop true exit}if}{pop}ifelse}forall}{false}ifelse
-end{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR 1 1 scale Rx Ry false RMat{BDot}imagemask
-grestore}}{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR Rx Ry scale 1 1 false RMat{BDot}
-imagemask grestore}}ifelse B/QV{gsave newpath transform round exch round
-exch itransform moveto Rx 0 rlineto 0 Ry neg rlineto Rx neg 0 rlineto
-fill grestore}B/a{moveto}B/delta 0 N/tail{A/delta X 0 rmoveto}B/M{S p
-delta add tail}B/b{S p tail}B/c{-4 M}B/d{-3 M}B/e{-2 M}B/f{-1 M}B/g{0 M}
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-p -2 w}B/o{p -1 w}B/q{p 1 w}B/r{p 2 w}B/s{p 3 w}B/t{p 4 w}B/x{0 S
-rmoveto}B/y{3 2 roll p a}B/bos{/SS save N}B/eos{SS restore}B end
-% PostScript prologue for pstricks.tex.
-% Version 97 patch 3, 98/06/01
-% For distribution, see pstricks.tex.
-/tx@Dict 200 dict def tx@Dict begin
-/ADict 25 dict def
-/CM { matrix currentmatrix } bind def
-/SLW /setlinewidth load def
-/CLW /currentlinewidth load def
-/CP /currentpoint load def
-/ED { exch def } bind def
-/L /lineto load def
-/T /translate load def
-/TMatrix { } def
-/RAngle { 0 } def
-/Atan { /atan load stopped { pop pop 0 } if } def
-/Div { dup 0 eq { pop } { div } ifelse } def
-/NET { neg exch neg exch T } def
-/Pyth { dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def
-/PtoC { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul } def
-/PathLength@ { /z z y y1 sub x x1 sub Pyth add def /y1 y def /x1 x def }
-/PathLength { flattenpath /z 0 def { /y1 ED /x1 ED /y2 y1 def /x2 x1 def
-} { /y ED /x ED PathLength@ } {} { /y y2 def /x x2 def PathLength@ }
-/pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop } if z } def
-/STP { .996264 dup scale } def
-/STV { SDict begin normalscale end STP } def
-/DashLine { dup 0 gt { /a .5 def PathLength exch div } { pop /a 1 def
-PathLength } ifelse /b ED /x ED /y ED /z y x add def b a .5 sub 2 mul y
-mul sub z Div round z mul a .5 sub 2 mul y mul add b exch Div dup y mul
-/y ED x mul /x ED x 0 gt y 0 gt and { [ y x ] 1 a sub y mul } { [ 1 0 ]
-0 } ifelse setdash stroke } def
-/DotLine { /b PathLength def /a ED /z ED /y CLW def /z y z add def a 0 gt
-{ /b b a div def } { a 0 eq { /b b y sub def } { a -3 eq { /b b y add
-def } if } ifelse } ifelse [ 0 b b z Div round Div dup 0 le { pop 1 } if
-] a 0 gt { 0 } { y 2 div a -2 gt { neg } if } ifelse setdash 1
-setlinecap stroke } def
-/LineFill { gsave abs CLW add /a ED a 0 dtransform round exch round exch
-2 copy idtransform exch Atan rotate idtransform pop /a ED .25 .25
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 12, 1997 - Patch 2
-%itransform translate pathbbox /y2 ED a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED a
-itransform pathbbox /y2 ED a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED a
-% DG/SR modification end
-Div cvi /x1 ED /y2 y2 y1 sub def clip newpath 2 setlinecap systemdict
-/setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust } if x2 x1 sub 1 add { x1
-% DG/SR modification begin - Jun. 1, 1998 - Patch 3 (from Michael Vulis)
-% a mul y1 moveto 0 y2 rlineto stroke /x1 x1 1 add def } repeat grestore }
-% def
-a mul y1 moveto 0 y2 rlineto stroke /x1 x1 1 add def } repeat grestore
-pop pop } def
-% DG/SR modification end
-/BeginArrow { ADict begin /@mtrx CM def gsave 2 copy T 2 index sub neg
-exch 3 index sub exch Atan rotate newpath } def
-/EndArrow { @mtrx setmatrix CP grestore end } def
-/Arrow { CLW mul add dup 2 div /w ED mul dup /h ED mul /a ED { 0 h T 1 -1
-scale } if w neg h moveto 0 0 L w h L w neg a neg rlineto gsave fill
-grestore } def
-/Tbar { CLW mul add /z ED z -2 div CLW 2 div moveto z 0 rlineto stroke 0
-CLW moveto } def
-/Bracket { CLW mul add dup CLW sub 2 div /x ED mul CLW add /y ED /z CLW 2
-div def x neg y moveto x neg CLW 2 div L x CLW 2 div L x y L stroke 0
-CLW moveto } def
-/RoundBracket { CLW mul add dup 2 div /x ED mul /y ED /mtrx CM def 0 CLW
-2 div T x y mul 0 ne { x y scale } if 1 1 moveto .85 .5 .35 0 0 0
-curveto -.35 0 -.85 .5 -1 1 curveto mtrx setmatrix stroke 0 CLW moveto }
-/SD { 0 360 arc fill } def
-/EndDot { { /z DS def } { /z 0 def } ifelse /b ED 0 z DS SD b { 0 z DS
-CLW sub SD } if 0 DS z add CLW 4 div sub moveto } def
-/Shadow { [ { /moveto load } { /lineto load } { /curveto load } {
-/closepath load } /pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop CP /moveto
-load } if ] cvx newpath 3 1 roll T exec } def
-/NArray { aload length 2 div dup dup cvi eq not { exch pop } if /n exch
-cvi def } def
-/NArray { /f ED counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED n eq not { exch pop } if
-f { ] aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse } def
-/Line { NArray n 0 eq not { n 1 eq { 0 0 /n 2 def } if ArrowA /n n 2 sub
-def n { Lineto } repeat CP 4 2 roll ArrowB L pop pop } if } def
-/Arcto { /a [ 6 -2 roll ] cvx def a r /arcto load stopped { 5 } { 4 }
-ifelse { pop } repeat a } def
-/CheckClosed { dup n 2 mul 1 sub index eq 2 index n 2 mul 1 add index eq
-and { pop pop /n n 1 sub def } if } def
-/Polygon { NArray n 2 eq { 0 0 /n 3 def } if n 3 lt { n { pop pop }
-repeat } { n 3 gt { CheckClosed } if n 2 mul -2 roll /y0 ED /x0 ED /y1
-ED /x1 ED x1 y1 /x1 x0 x1 add 2 div def /y1 y0 y1 add 2 div def x1 y1
-moveto /n n 2 sub def n { Lineto } repeat x1 y1 x0 y0 6 4 roll Lineto
-Lineto pop pop closepath } ifelse } def
-/Diamond { /mtrx CM def T rotate /h ED /w ED dup 0 eq { pop } { CLW mul
-neg /d ED /a w h Atan def /h d a sin Div h add def /w d a cos Div w add
-def } ifelse mark w 2 div h 2 div w 0 0 h neg w neg 0 0 h w 2 div h 2
-div /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
-setmatrix } def
-% DG modification begin - Jan. 15, 1997
-%/Triangle { /mtrx CM def translate rotate /h ED 2 div /w ED dup 0 eq {
-%pop } { CLW mul /d ED /h h d w h Atan sin Div sub def /w w d h w Atan 2
-%div dup cos exch sin Div mul sub def } ifelse mark 0 d w neg d 0 h w d 0
-%d /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
-%setmatrix } def
-/Triangle { /mtrx CM def translate rotate /h ED 2 div /w ED dup
-CLW mul /d ED /h h d w h Atan sin Div sub def /w w d h w Atan 2
-div dup cos exch sin Div mul sub def mark 0 d w neg d 0 h w d 0
-d /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
-% DG/SR modification begin - Jun. 1, 1998 - Patch 3 (from Michael Vulis)
-% setmatrix } def
-setmatrix pop } def
-% DG/SR modification end
-/CCA { /y ED /x ED 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED x sub /dx1 ED /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth
-def } def
-/CCA { /y ED /x ED 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED x sub /dx1 ED /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth
-def } def
-/CC { /l0 l1 def /x1 x dx sub def /y1 y dy sub def /dx0 dx1 def /dy0 dy1
-def CCA /dx dx0 l1 c exp mul dx1 l0 c exp mul add def /dy dy0 l1 c exp
-mul dy1 l0 c exp mul add def /m dx0 dy0 Atan dx1 dy1 Atan sub 2 div cos
-abs b exp a mul dx dy Pyth Div 2 div def /x2 x l0 dx mul m mul sub def
-/y2 y l0 dy mul m mul sub def /dx l1 dx mul m mul neg def /dy l1 dy mul
-m mul neg def } def
-/IC { /c c 1 add def c 0 lt { /c 0 def } { c 3 gt { /c 3 def } if }
-ifelse /a a 2 mul 3 div 45 cos b exp div def CCA /dx 0 def /dy 0 def }
-/BOC { IC CC x2 y2 x1 y1 ArrowA CP 4 2 roll x y curveto } def
-/NC { CC x1 y1 x2 y2 x y curveto } def
-/EOC { x dx sub y dy sub 4 2 roll ArrowB 2 copy curveto } def
-/BAC { IC CC x y moveto CC x1 y1 CP ArrowA } def
-/NAC { x2 y2 x y curveto CC x1 y1 } def
-/EAC { x2 y2 x y ArrowB curveto pop pop } def
-/OpenCurve { NArray n 3 lt { n { pop pop } repeat } { BOC /n n 3 sub def
-n { NC } repeat EOC } ifelse } def
-/AltCurve { { false NArray n 2 mul 2 roll [ n 2 mul 3 sub 1 roll ] aload
-/Points ED n 2 mul -2 roll } { false NArray } ifelse n 4 lt { n { pop
-pop } repeat } { BAC /n n 4 sub def n { NAC } repeat EAC } ifelse } def
-/ClosedCurve { NArray n 3 lt { n { pop pop } repeat } { n 3 gt {
-CheckClosed } if 6 copy n 2 mul 6 add 6 roll IC CC x y moveto n { NC }
-repeat closepath pop pop } ifelse } def
-/SQ { /r ED r r moveto r r neg L r neg r neg L r neg r L fill } def
-/ST { /y ED /x ED x y moveto x neg y L 0 x L fill } def
-/SP { /r ED gsave 0 r moveto 4 { 72 rotate 0 r L } repeat fill grestore }
-/FontDot { DS 2 mul dup matrix scale matrix concatmatrix exch matrix
-rotate matrix concatmatrix exch findfont exch makefont setfont } def
-/Rect { x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto
-x1 y1 lineto closepath } def
-/OvalFrame { x1 x2 eq y1 y2 eq or { pop pop x1 y1 moveto x2 y2 L } { y1
-y2 sub abs x1 x2 sub abs 2 copy gt { exch pop } { pop } ifelse 2 div
-exch { dup 3 1 roll mul exch } if 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
-/b ED x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 b arcto x2 y2 x2 y1 b arcto
-x2 y1 x1 y1 b arcto x1 y1 x1 y2 b arcto 16 { pop } repeat closepath }
-ifelse } def
-/Frame { CLW mul /a ED 3 -1 roll 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /y2 ED a add
-/y1 ED 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /x2 ED a add /x1 ED 1 index 0 eq {
-pop pop Rect } { OvalFrame } ifelse } def
-/BezierNArray { /f ED counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED n eq not { exch pop
-} if n 1 sub neg 3 mod 3 add 3 mod { 0 0 /n n 1 add def } repeat f { ]
-aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse } def
-/OpenBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { ArrowA n 4 sub 3 idiv { 6
-2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat 6 2 roll 4 2 roll ArrowB curveto }
-ifelse } def
-/ClosedBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { moveto n 1 sub 3 idiv {
-6 2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat closepath } ifelse } def
-/BezierShowPoints { gsave Points aload length 2 div cvi /n ED moveto n 1
-sub { lineto } repeat CLW 2 div SLW [ 4 4 ] 0 setdash stroke grestore }
-/Parab { /y0 exch def /x0 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /dx x0 x1
-sub 3 div def /dy y0 y1 sub 3 div def x0 dx sub y0 dy add x1 y1 ArrowA
-x0 dx add y0 dy add x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ArrowB curveto /Points [ x1 y1 x0
-y0 x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ] def } def
-/Grid { newpath /a 4 string def /b ED /c ED /n ED cvi dup 1 lt { pop 1 }
-if /s ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if /dy ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if
-/dx ED dy div round dy mul /y0 ED dx div round dx mul /x0 ED dy div
-round cvi /y2 ED dx div round cvi /x2 ED dy div round cvi /y1 ED dx div
-round cvi /x1 ED /h y2 y1 sub 0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def /w x2 x1 sub
-0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def b 0 gt { /z1 b 4 div CLW 2 div add def
-/Helvetica findfont b scalefont setfont /b b .95 mul CLW 2 div add def }
-if systemdict /setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust /t { } def }
-{ /t { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add
-exch itransform } bind def } ifelse gsave n 0 gt { 1 setlinecap [ 0 dy n
-div ] dy n div 2 div setdash } { 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i x1 def /f y1
-dy mul n 0 gt { dy n div 2 div h mul sub } if def /g y2 dy mul n 0 gt {
-dy n div 2 div h mul add } if def x2 x1 sub w mul 1 add dup 1000 gt {
-pop 1000 } if { i dx mul dup y0 moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs dup
-stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1} {z1 z2 add neg} ifelse h 0 gt {b neg}
-{z1} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup t f moveto g t L stroke /i i
-w add def } repeat grestore gsave n 0 gt
-% DG/SR modification begin - Nov. 7, 1997 - Patch 1
-%{ 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dy n div 2 div setdash }
-{ 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dx n div 2 div setdash }
-% DG/SR modification end
-{ 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i y1 def /f x1 dx mul
-n 0 gt { dx n div 2 div w mul sub } if def /g x2 dx mul n 0 gt { dx n
-div 2 div w mul add } if def y2 y1 sub h mul 1 add dup 1000 gt { pop
-1000 } if { newpath i dy mul dup x0 exch moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs
-dup stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1 z2 add neg} {z1} ifelse h 0 gt
-{z1} {b neg} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup f exch t moveto g
-exch t L stroke /i i h add def } repeat grestore } def
-/ArcArrow { /d ED /b ED /a ED gsave newpath 0 -1000 moveto clip newpath 0
-1 0 0 b grestore c mul /e ED pop pop pop r a e d PtoC y add exch x add
-exch r a PtoC y add exch x add exch b pop pop pop pop a e d CLW 8 div c
-mul neg d } def
-/Ellipse { /mtrx CM def T scale 0 0 1 5 3 roll arc mtrx setmatrix } def
-/Rot { CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate NET } def
-/RotBegin { tx@Dict /TMatrix known not { /TMatrix { } def /RAngle { 0 }
-def } if /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def /a ED a Rot /RAngle [ RAngle
-dup a add ] cvx def } def
-/RotEnd { /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def /RAngle [ RAngle pop ]
-cvx def } def
-/PutCoor { gsave CP T CM STV exch exec moveto setmatrix CP grestore } def
-/PutBegin { /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def CP 4 2 roll T moveto } def
-/PutEnd { CP /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def moveto } def
-/Uput { /a ED add 2 div /h ED 2 div /w ED /s a sin def /c a cos def /b s
-abs c abs 2 copy gt dup /q ED { pop } { exch pop } ifelse def /w1 c b
-div w mul def /h1 s b div h mul def q { w1 abs w sub dup c mul abs } {
-h1 abs h sub dup s mul abs } ifelse } def
-/UUput { /z ED abs /y ED /x ED q { x s div c mul abs y gt } { x c div s
-mul abs y gt } ifelse { x x mul y y mul sub z z mul add sqrt z add } { q
-{ x s div } { x c div } ifelse abs } ifelse a PtoC h1 add exch w1 add
-exch } def
-/BeginOL { dup (all) eq exch TheOL eq or { IfVisible not { Visible
-/IfVisible true def } if } { IfVisible { Invisible /IfVisible false def
-} if } ifelse } def
-/InitOL { /OLUnit [ 3000 3000 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform ] cvx def
-/Visible { CP OLUnit idtransform T moveto } def /Invisible { CP OLUnit
-neg exch neg exch idtransform T moveto } def /BOL { BeginOL } def
-/IfVisible true def } def
-% END
-%%Title: Dot Font for PSTricks
-%%Creator: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU>
-%%Creation Date: May 7, 1993
-%% Version 97 patch 1, 99/12/16
-%% Modified by Etienne Riga <> - Dec. 16, 1999
-%% to add /Diamond, /SolidDiamond and /BoldDiamond
-10 dict dup begin
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontMatrix [ .001 0 0 .001 0 0 ] def
- /FontBBox [ 0 0 0 0 ] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 { Encoding exch /.notdef put } for
- Encoding
- dup (b) 0 get /Bullet put
- dup (c) 0 get /Circle put
- dup (C) 0 get /BoldCircle put
- dup (u) 0 get /SolidTriangle put
- dup (t) 0 get /Triangle put
- dup (T) 0 get /BoldTriangle put
- dup (r) 0 get /SolidSquare put
- dup (s) 0 get /Square put
- dup (S) 0 get /BoldSquare put
- dup (q) 0 get /SolidPentagon put
- dup (p) 0 get /Pentagon put
- dup (P) 0 get /BoldPentagon put
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- dup (l) 0 get /SolidDiamond put
- dup (d) 0 get /Diamond put
- (D) 0 get /BoldDiamond put
-% DG/SR modification end
- /Metrics 13 dict def
- Metrics begin
- /Bullet 1000 def
- /Circle 1000 def
- /BoldCircle 1000 def
- /SolidTriangle 1344 def
- /Triangle 1344 def
- /BoldTriangle 1344 def
- /SolidSquare 886 def
- /Square 886 def
- /BoldSquare 886 def
- /SolidPentagon 1093.2 def
- /Pentagon 1093.2 def
- /BoldPentagon 1093.2 def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /SolidDiamond 1008 def
- /Diamond 1008 def
- /BoldDiamond 1008 def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef 0 def
- end
- /BBoxes 13 dict def
- BBoxes begin
- /Circle { -550 -550 550 550 } def
- /BoldCircle /Circle load def
- /Bullet /Circle load def
- /Triangle { -571.5 -330 571.5 660 } def
- /BoldTriangle /Triangle load def
- /SolidTriangle /Triangle load def
- /Square { -450 -450 450 450 } def
- /BoldSquare /Square load def
- /SolidSquare /Square load def
- /Pentagon { -546.6 -465 546.6 574.7 } def
- /BoldPentagon /Pentagon load def
- /SolidPentagon /Pentagon load def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /Diamond { -428.5 -742.5 428.5 742.5 } def
- /BoldDiamond /Diamond load def
- /SolidDiamond /Diamond load def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef { 0 0 0 0 } def
- end
- /CharProcs 20 dict def
- CharProcs begin
- /Adjust {
- 2 copy dtransform floor .5 add exch floor .5 add exch idtransform
- 3 -1 roll div 3 1 roll exch div exch scale
- } def
- /CirclePath { 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath } def
- /Bullet { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath fill } def
- /Circle { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath .9 .9 scale CirclePath
- eofill } def
- /BoldCircle { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath .8 .8 scale CirclePath
- eofill } def
- /BoldCircle { CirclePath .8 .8 scale CirclePath eofill } def
- /TrianglePath { 0 660 moveto -571.5 -330 lineto 571.5 -330 lineto
- closepath } def
- /SolidTriangle { TrianglePath fill } def
- /Triangle { TrianglePath .85 .85 scale TrianglePath eofill } def
- /BoldTriangle { TrianglePath .7 .7 scale TrianglePath eofill } def
- /SquarePath { -450 450 moveto 450 450 lineto 450 -450 lineto
- -450 -450 lineto closepath } def
- /SolidSquare { SquarePath fill } def
- /Square { SquarePath .89 .89 scale SquarePath eofill } def
- /BoldSquare { SquarePath .78 .78 scale SquarePath eofill } def
- /PentagonPath {
- -337.8 -465 moveto
- 337.8 -465 lineto
- 546.6 177.6 lineto
- 0 574.7 lineto
- -546.6 177.6 lineto
- closepath
- } def
- /SolidPentagon { PentagonPath fill } def
- /Pentagon { PentagonPath .89 .89 scale PentagonPath eofill } def
- /BoldPentagon { PentagonPath .78 .78 scale PentagonPath eofill } def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /DiamondPath { 0 742.5 moveto -428.5 0 lineto 0 -742.5 lineto
- 428.5 0 lineto closepath } def
- /SolidDiamond { DiamondPath fill } def
- /Diamond { DiamondPath .85 .85 scale DiamondPath eofill } def
- /BoldDiamond { DiamondPath .7 .7 scale DiamondPath eofill } def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef { } def
- end
- /BuildGlyph {
- exch
- begin
- Metrics 1 index get exec 0
- BBoxes 3 index get exec
- setcachedevice
- CharProcs begin load exec end
- end
- } def
- /BuildChar {
- 1 index /Encoding get exch get
- 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec
- } bind def
-/PSTricksDotFont exch definefont pop
-% PostScript prologue for pst-node.tex.
-% Version 97 patch 1, 97/05/09.
-% For distribution, see pstricks.tex.
-/tx@NodeDict 400 dict def tx@NodeDict begin
-tx@Dict begin /T /translate load def end
-/NewNode { gsave /next ED dict dup 3 1 roll def exch { dup 3 1 roll def }
-if begin tx@Dict begin STV CP T exec end /NodeMtrx CM def next end
-grestore } def
-/InitPnode { /Y ED /X ED /NodePos { NodeSep Cos mul NodeSep Sin mul } def
-} def
-/InitCnode { /r ED /Y ED /X ED /NodePos { NodeSep r add dup Cos mul exch
-Sin mul } def } def
-/GetRnodePos { Cos 0 gt { /dx r NodeSep add def } { /dx l NodeSep sub def
-} ifelse Sin 0 gt { /dy u NodeSep add def } { /dy d NodeSep sub def }
-ifelse dx Sin mul abs dy Cos mul abs gt { dy Cos mul Sin div dy } { dx
-dup Sin mul Cos Div } ifelse } def
-/InitRnode { /Y ED /X ED X sub /r ED /l X neg def Y add neg /d ED Y sub
-/u ED /NodePos { GetRnodePos } def } def
-/DiaNodePos { w h mul w Sin mul abs h Cos mul abs add Div NodeSep add dup
-Cos mul exch Sin mul } def
-/TriNodePos { Sin s lt { d NodeSep sub dup Cos mul Sin Div exch } { w h
-mul w Sin mul h Cos abs mul add Div NodeSep add dup Cos mul exch Sin mul
-} ifelse } def
-/InitTriNode { sub 2 div exch 2 div exch 2 copy T 2 copy 4 index index /d
-ED pop pop pop pop -90 mul rotate /NodeMtrx CM def /X 0 def /Y 0 def d
-sub abs neg /d ED d add /h ED 2 div h mul h d sub Div /w ED /s d w Atan
-sin def /NodePos { TriNodePos } def } def
-/OvalNodePos { /ww w NodeSep add def /hh h NodeSep add def Sin ww mul Cos
-hh mul Atan dup cos ww mul exch sin hh mul } def
-/GetCenter { begin X Y NodeMtrx transform CM itransform end } def
-/XYPos { dup sin exch cos Do /Cos ED /Sin ED /Dist ED Cos 0 gt { Dist
-Dist Sin mul Cos div } { Cos 0 lt { Dist neg Dist Sin mul Cos div neg }
-{ 0 Dist Sin mul } ifelse } ifelse Do } def
-/GetEdge { dup 0 eq { pop begin 1 0 NodeMtrx dtransform CM idtransform
-exch atan sub dup sin /Sin ED cos /Cos ED /NodeSep ED NodePos NodeMtrx
-dtransform CM idtransform end } { 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED pop
-XYPos } ifelse } def
-/AddOffset { 1 index 0 eq { pop pop } { 2 copy 5 2 roll cos mul add 4 1
-roll sin mul sub exch } ifelse } def
-/GetEdgeA { NodeSepA AngleA NodeA NodeSepTypeA GetEdge OffsetA AngleA
-AddOffset yA add /yA1 ED xA add /xA1 ED } def
-/GetEdgeB { NodeSepB AngleB NodeB NodeSepTypeB GetEdge OffsetB AngleB
-AddOffset yB add /yB1 ED xB add /xB1 ED } def
-/GetArmA { ArmTypeA 0 eq { /xA2 ArmA AngleA cos mul xA1 add def /yA2 ArmA
-AngleA sin mul yA1 add def } { ArmTypeA 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED
-ArmA AngleA XYPos OffsetA AngleA AddOffset yA add /yA2 ED xA add /xA2 ED
-} ifelse } def
-/GetArmB { ArmTypeB 0 eq { /xB2 ArmB AngleB cos mul xB1 add def /yB2 ArmB
-AngleB sin mul yB1 add def } { ArmTypeB 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED
-ArmB AngleB XYPos OffsetB AngleB AddOffset yB add /yB2 ED xB add /xB2 ED
-} ifelse } def
-/InitNC { /b ED /a ED /NodeSepTypeB ED /NodeSepTypeA ED /NodeSepB ED
-/NodeSepA ED /OffsetB ED /OffsetA ED tx@NodeDict a known tx@NodeDict b
-known and dup { /NodeA a load def /NodeB b load def NodeA GetCenter /yA
-ED /xA ED NodeB GetCenter /yB ED /xB ED } if } def
-/LPutLine { 4 copy 3 -1 roll sub neg 3 1 roll sub Atan /NAngle ED 1 t sub
-mul 3 1 roll 1 t sub mul 4 1 roll t mul add /Y ED t mul add /X ED } def
-/LPutLines { mark LPutVar counttomark 2 div 1 sub /n ED t floor dup n gt
-{ pop n 1 sub /t 1 def } { dup t sub neg /t ED } ifelse cvi 2 mul { pop
-} repeat LPutLine cleartomark } def
-/BezierMidpoint { /y3 ED /x3 ED /y2 ED /x2 ED /y1 ED /x1 ED /y0 ED /x0 ED
-/t ED /cx x1 x0 sub 3 mul def /cy y1 y0 sub 3 mul def /bx x2 x1 sub 3
-mul cx sub def /by y2 y1 sub 3 mul cy sub def /ax x3 x0 sub cx sub bx
-sub def /ay y3 y0 sub cy sub by sub def ax t 3 exp mul bx t t mul mul
-add cx t mul add x0 add ay t 3 exp mul by t t mul mul add cy t mul add
-y0 add 3 ay t t mul mul mul 2 by t mul mul add cy add 3 ax t t mul mul
-mul 2 bx t mul mul add cx add atan /NAngle ED /Y ED /X ED } def
-/HPosBegin { yB yA ge { /t 1 t sub def } if /Y yB yA sub t mul yA add def
-} def
-/HPosEnd { /X Y yyA sub yyB yyA sub Div xxB xxA sub mul xxA add def
-/NAngle yyB yyA sub xxB xxA sub Atan def } def
-/HPutLine { HPosBegin /yyA ED /xxA ED /yyB ED /xxB ED HPosEnd } def
-/HPutLines { HPosBegin yB yA ge { /check { le } def } { /check { ge } def
-} ifelse /xxA xA def /yyA yA def mark xB yB LPutVar { dup Y check { exit
-} { /yyA ED /xxA ED } ifelse } loop /yyB ED /xxB ED cleartomark HPosEnd
-} def
-/VPosBegin { xB xA lt { /t 1 t sub def } if /X xB xA sub t mul xA add def
-} def
-/VPosEnd { /Y X xxA sub xxB xxA sub Div yyB yyA sub mul yyA add def
-/NAngle yyB yyA sub xxB xxA sub Atan def } def
-/VPutLine { VPosBegin /yyA ED /xxA ED /yyB ED /xxB ED VPosEnd } def
-/VPutLines { VPosBegin xB xA ge { /check { le } def } { /check { ge } def
-} ifelse /xxA xA def /yyA yA def mark xB yB LPutVar { 1 index X check {
-exit } { /yyA ED /xxA ED } ifelse } loop /yyB ED /xxB ED cleartomark
-VPosEnd } def
-/HPutCurve { gsave newpath /SaveLPutVar /LPutVar load def LPutVar 8 -2
-roll moveto curveto flattenpath /LPutVar [ {} {} {} {} pathforall ] cvx
-def grestore exec /LPutVar /SaveLPutVar load def } def
-/NCCoor { /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def /AngleB AngleA 180 add def
-GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutVar LPutLine } def /HPutPos { LPutVar HPutLine } def /VPutPos {
-LPutVar VPutLine } def LPutVar } def
-/NCLine { NCCoor tx@Dict begin ArrowA CP 4 2 roll ArrowB lineto pop pop
-end } def
-/NCLines { false NArray n 0 eq { NCLine } { 2 copy yA sub exch xA sub
-Atan /AngleA ED n 2 mul dup index exch index yB sub exch xB sub Atan
-/AngleB ED GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 n 2 mul 4 add 4 roll xA1
-yA1 ] cvx def mark LPutVar tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-ifelse } def
-/NCCurve { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB xA1 xB1 sub yA1 yB1 sub Pyth 2 div dup 3 -1
-roll mul /ArmA ED mul /ArmB ED /ArmTypeA 0 def /ArmTypeB 0 def GetArmA
-GetArmB xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 tx@Dict begin ArrowA end xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1 tx@Dict
-begin ArrowB end curveto /LPutVar [ xA1 yA1 xA2 yA2 xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { t LPutVar BezierMidpoint } def /HPutPos { { HPutLines
-} HPutCurve } def /VPutPos { { VPutLines } HPutCurve } def } def
-/NCAngles { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate
-def xA2 yA2 mtrx transform pop xB2 yB2 mtrx transform exch pop mtrx
-itransform /y0 ED /x0 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA2
-yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1
-yB1 xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def
-/HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def } def
-/NCAngle { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate def xB2
-yB2 mtrx itransform pop xA1 yA1 mtrx itransform exch pop mtrx transform
-/y0 ED /x0 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA1 yA1
-tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA1 yA1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-/NCBar { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate def
-xA2 yA2 mtrx itransform pop xB2 yB2 mtrx itransform pop sub dup 0 mtrx
-transform 3 -1 roll 0 gt { /yB2 exch yB2 add def /xB2 exch xB2 add def }
-{ /yA2 exch neg yA2 add def /xA2 exch neg xA2 add def } ifelse mark ArmB
-0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict
-begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx
-def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-/NCDiag { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if
-xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false Line end
-/LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-/NCDiagg { GetEdgeA GetArmA yB yA2 sub xB xA2 sub Atan 180 add /AngleB ED
-GetEdgeB mark xB1 yB1 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin
-false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-/NCLoop { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate
-def xA2 yA2 mtrx transform loopsize add /yA3 ED /xA3 ED /xB3 xB2 yB2
-mtrx transform pop def xB3 yA3 mtrx itransform /yB3 ED /xB3 ED xA3 yA3
-mtrx itransform /yA3 ED /xA3 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2
-xB3 yB3 xA3 yA3 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false
-Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xB3 yB3 xA3 yA3 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-% DG/SR modification begin - May 9, 1997 - Patch 1
-%/NCCircle { 0 0 NodesepA nodeA \tx@GetEdge pop xA sub 2 div dup 2 exp r
-%r mul sub abs sqrt atan 2 mul /a ED r AngleA 90 add PtoC yA add exch xA add
-%exch 2 copy /LPutVar [ 4 2 roll r AngleA ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutVar t 360
-%mul add dup 5 1 roll 90 sub \tx@PtoC 3 -1 roll add /Y ED add /X ED /NAngle ED
-/NCCircle { NodeSepA 0 NodeA 0 GetEdge pop 2 div dup 2 exp r
-r mul sub abs sqrt atan 2 mul /a ED r AngleA 90 add PtoC yA add exch xA add
-exch 2 copy /LPutVar [ 4 2 roll r AngleA ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutVar t 360
-mul add dup 5 1 roll 90 sub PtoC 3 -1 roll add /Y ED add /X ED /NAngle ED
-% DG/SR modification end
-} def /HPutPos { LPutPos } def /VPutPos { LPutPos } def r AngleA 90 sub a add
-AngleA 270 add a sub tx@Dict begin /angleB ED /angleA ED /r ED /c 57.2957 r
-Div def /y ED /x ED } def
-/NCBox { /d ED /h ED /AngleB yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def /AngleA AngleB
-180 add def GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /dx d AngleB sin mul def /dy d AngleB cos
-mul neg def /hx h AngleB sin mul neg def /hy h AngleB cos mul def
-/LPutVar [ xA1 hx add yA1 hy add xB1 hx add yB1 hy add xB1 dx add yB1 dy
-add xA1 dx add yA1 dy add ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos
-{ xB yB xA yA LPutLine } def /VPutPos { HPutPos } def mark LPutVar
-tx@Dict begin false Polygon end } def
-/NCArcBox { /l ED neg /d ED /h ED /a ED /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan
-def /AngleB AngleA 180 add def /tA AngleA a sub 90 add def /tB tA a 2
-mul add def /r xB xA sub tA cos tB cos sub Div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if def
-/x0 xA r tA cos mul add def /y0 yA r tA sin mul add def /c 57.2958 r div
-def /AngleA AngleA a sub 180 add def /AngleB AngleB a add 180 add def
-GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /AngleA tA 180 add yA yA1 sub xA xA1 sub Pyth c mul
-sub def /AngleB tB 180 add yB yB1 sub xB xB1 sub Pyth c mul add def l 0
-eq { x0 y0 r h add AngleA AngleB arc x0 y0 r d add AngleB AngleA arcn }
-{ x0 y0 translate /tA AngleA l c mul add def /tB AngleB l c mul sub def
-0 0 r h add tA tB arc r h add AngleB PtoC r d add AngleB PtoC 2 copy 6 2
-roll l arcto 4 { pop } repeat r d add tB PtoC l arcto 4 { pop } repeat 0
-0 r d add tB tA arcn r d add AngleA PtoC r h add AngleA PtoC 2 copy 6 2
-roll l arcto 4 { pop } repeat r h add tA PtoC l arcto 4 { pop } repeat }
-ifelse closepath /LPutVar [ x0 y0 r AngleA AngleB h d ] cvx def /LPutPos
-{ LPutVar /d ED /h ED /AngleB ED /AngleA ED /r ED /y0 ED /x0 ED t 1 le {
-r h add AngleA 1 t sub mul AngleB t mul add dup 90 add /NAngle ED PtoC }
-{ t 2 lt { /NAngle AngleB 180 add def r 2 t sub h mul t 1 sub d mul add
-add AngleB PtoC } { t 3 lt { r d add AngleB 3 t sub mul AngleA 2 t sub
-mul add dup 90 sub /NAngle ED PtoC } { /NAngle AngleA 180 add def r 4 t
-sub d mul t 3 sub h mul add add AngleA PtoC } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
-y0 add /Y ED x0 add /X ED } def /HPutPos { LPutPos } def /VPutPos {
-LPutPos } def } def
-/Tfan { /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def GetEdgeA w xA1 xB sub yA1 yB
-sub Pyth Pyth w Div CLW 2 div mul 2 div dup AngleA sin mul yA1 add /yA1
-ED AngleA cos mul xA1 add /xA1 ED /LPutVar [ xA1 yA1 m { xB w add yB xB
-w sub yB } { xB yB w sub xB yB w add } ifelse xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos
-{ LPutLines } def /VPutPos@ { LPutVar flag { 8 4 roll pop pop pop pop }
-{ pop pop pop pop 4 2 roll } ifelse } def /VPutPos { VPutPos@ VPutLine }
-def /HPutPos { VPutPos@ HPutLine } def mark LPutVar tx@Dict begin
-/ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath end } def
-/LPutCoor { NAngle tx@Dict begin /NAngle ED end gsave CM STV CP Y sub neg
-exch X sub neg exch moveto setmatrix CP grestore } def
-/LPut { tx@NodeDict /LPutPos known { LPutPos } { CP /Y ED /X ED /NAngle 0
-def } ifelse LPutCoor } def
-/HPutAdjust { Sin Cos mul 0 eq { 0 } { d Cos mul Sin div flag not { neg }
-if h Cos mul Sin div flag { neg } if 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop }
-ifelse } ifelse s add flag { r add neg } { l add } ifelse X add /X ED }
-/VPutAdjust { Sin Cos mul 0 eq { 0 } { l Sin mul Cos div flag { neg } if
-r Sin mul Cos div flag not { neg } if 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop }
-ifelse } ifelse s add flag { d add } { h add neg } ifelse Y add /Y ED }
-% END
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-Fg(f)p Fe(\014le)h(name)p Fg(g)2949 1190 y Ff(Load)j(the)h(p)r(osition)
-f(stored)g(in)h(the)g(\014le)g Fc(<)p Fk(file)41 b(name)p
-Fc(>)p Fk(.fen)2949 1308 y Fg(n)p Fi(sto)m(regame)p Fg(f)p
-Fe(name)p Fg(g)2949 1407 y Ff(Stores)27 b(the)h(curren)n(t)f(game)g(p)r
-(osition)g(using)h Fe(name)33 b Ff(as)27 b(reference.)2949
-1525 y Fg(n)p Fi(resto)m(regame)p Fg(f)p Fe(name)p Fg(g)2949
-1625 y Ff(Restores)g(the)h(game)f(previously)f(sa)n(v)n(ed)g(using)i
-Fg(n)p Fi(sto)m(regame)p Ff(.)2949 1807 y Fh(P)m(ack)m(age)37
-b(options)2949 1943 y Fi(ps)45 b Ff(Includes)g(the)g
-Fk(ps-tricks)d Ff(pac)n(k)-5 b(age)43 b(in)i(order)f(to)h(mak)n(e)f
-(ornamen)n(ts)f(on)i(the)2949 2042 y(b)r(oard.)60 b(Required)35
-b Fg(n)p Fi(sho)m(wmoverOn)p Ff(,)2949 2142 y Fg(n)p
-Fi(p)m(rinta)m(rro)m(w)q Ff(,)27 b Fg(n)p Fi(highlight)p
-Ff(,)f Fg(n)p Fi(p)m(rintknightmove)p Ff(.)2949 2260
-y Fi(pso\013)34 b Ff(Do)r(es)27 b Fd(not)36 b Ff(include)28
-b(the)g Fk(ps-tricks)c Ff(pac)n(k)-5 b(age.)2949 2378
-y Fi(mover)28 b Ff(Issues)f(the)h Fg(n)p Fi(sho)m(wmoveOn)d
-Ff(command.)2949 2495 y Fi(movero\013)33 b Ff(Issues)27
-b(the)h Fg(n)p Fi(sho)m(wmoveOn)d Ff(command.)2949 2613
-y Fi(notation)g Ff(Issues)i(the)h Fg(n)p Fi(notationOn)d
-Ff(command.)2949 2731 y Fi(english)30 b Ff(Mak)n(es)e(english)h(the)h
-2831 y(guage)d(at)g(the)h(momen)n(t.)2949 2949 y Fi(st)m(yleA)g
-Ff(Cho)r(oses)f Fg(n)p Fi(st)m(yleA)g Ff(st)n(yle)g(for)g(the)h(t)n(yp)
-r(esetting)g(of)f(mo)n(v)n(es.)2949 3067 y Fi(st)m(yleB)h
-Ff(Cho)r(oses)f Fg(n)p Fi(st)m(yleB)g Ff(st)n(yle)g(for)g(the)h(t)n(yp)
-r(esetting)g(of)f(mo)n(v)n(es.)2949 3185 y Fi(st)m(yleC)i
-Ff(Cho)r(oses)d Fg(n)p Fi(st)m(yleC)i Ff(st)n(yle)f(for)g(the)h(t)n(yp)
-r(esetting)g(of)f(mo)n(v)n(es.)2949 3303 y Fi(tiny)h
-n(t.)2949 3421 y Fi(small)g Ff(The)h(b)r(oard)e(is)i(sho)n(wn)f(using)g
-(the)h(small)f(size)h(fon)n(t.)2949 3538 y Fi(no)m(rmal)e
-(t.)2949 3656 y Fi(la)m(rge)h Ff(The)g(b)r(oard)f(is)g(sho)n(wn)g
-(using)g(the)h(large)e(size)i(fon)n(t.)2949 3847 y(The)g(default)g
-(options)f(are)g Fi(notation,)h(no)m(rmal,)h(pso\013,)h(english,)h
-(movero\013,)e(st)m(yleB)p Ff(.)2887 4113 y(2)p eop
-userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/refman.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/refman.tex
index d3d5cac6198..e715ac05b56 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/refman.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/refman.tex
@@ -95,7 +95,16 @@ engine, but it is updated to stay in sync with external programs.}
% possible to describe moves in the running text.
\command{variation}{SAN moves}
-{This will typeset \Arg{SAN moves} using the current \Cmd{variationstyle}.}
+{This will typeset \Arg{SAN moves} using the current \Cmd{variationstyle}. This command undoes the last move so you have to start one ply back.}
+\command{variationcurrentt}{SAN moves}
+{Like \Cmd{variation}, but does not undo the last move.}
+\command{continuevariation}{SAN moves}
+{Continues the variation but undoes the last move first.}
+\command{continuevariationcurrent}{SAN moves}
+{Continues the variation without undoing the last move first.}
\command{wmove}{SAN move}
{Typesets \Arg{SAN move} using the current \Cmd{variationstyle}.
@@ -170,7 +179,7 @@ but doesn't check for move numbers like \Cmd{variation} does.}
{The \Cmd{showboard} commands indicate --- with a small box --- which
- player has to move.}
+ player has to move. Note: this only works when the ps option is used.}
{The dual of \Cmd{showmoverOn}.}
@@ -194,12 +203,12 @@ but doesn't check for move numbers like \Cmd{variation} does.}
\command{showonly}{piece names}
{The argument \Arg{piece names} is a comma separated list of names of
pieces to be shown using the \Cmd{showboard} commands. White pieces
- are named \Arg{K,Q,R,B,N,P} and black's \Arg{k,q,r,b,n,p}.}
+ are named \Arg{K,Q,R,B,N,P} and black's \Arg{k,q,r,b,n,p}. Note: called with no arguments all pieces are showed!}
\command{showallbut}{piece names}
{The argument \Arg{piece names} is a comma separated list of names of
pieces which will \emph{not} be shown when using the \Cmd{showboard}
- commands.}
+ commands. Note: called with an empty list no pieces are shown!}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/skakdoc.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/skakdoc.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0f40b14f9fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/skakdoc.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/
deleted file mode 100644
index 17339b588ec..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7024 +0,0 @@
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-% PostScript prologue for pstricks.tex.
-% Version 97 patch 3, 98/06/01
-% For distribution, see pstricks.tex.
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-/PathLength { flattenpath /z 0 def { /y1 ED /x1 ED /y2 y1 def /x2 x1 def
-} { /y ED /x ED PathLength@ } {} { /y y2 def /x x2 def PathLength@ }
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-/DashLine { dup 0 gt { /a .5 def PathLength exch div } { pop /a 1 def
-PathLength } ifelse /b ED /x ED /y ED /z y x add def b a .5 sub 2 mul y
-mul sub z Div round z mul a .5 sub 2 mul y mul add b exch Div dup y mul
-/y ED x mul /x ED x 0 gt y 0 gt and { [ y x ] 1 a sub y mul } { [ 1 0 ]
-0 } ifelse setdash stroke } def
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-{ /b b a div def } { a 0 eq { /b b y sub def } { a -3 eq { /b b y add
-def } if } ifelse } ifelse [ 0 b b z Div round Div dup 0 le { pop 1 } if
-] a 0 gt { 0 } { y 2 div a -2 gt { neg } if } ifelse setdash 1
-setlinecap stroke } def
-/LineFill { gsave abs CLW add /a ED a 0 dtransform round exch round exch
-2 copy idtransform exch Atan rotate idtransform pop /a ED .25 .25
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 12, 1997 - Patch 2
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-itransform pathbbox /y2 ED a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED a
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-% DG/SR modification begin - Jun. 1, 1998 - Patch 3 (from Michael Vulis)
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-% def
-a mul y1 moveto 0 y2 rlineto stroke /x1 x1 1 add def } repeat grestore
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-scale } if w neg h moveto 0 0 L w h L w neg a neg rlineto gsave fill
-grestore } def
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-CLW moveto } def
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-CLW moveto } def
-/RoundBracket { CLW mul add dup 2 div /x ED mul /y ED /mtrx CM def 0 CLW
-2 div T x y mul 0 ne { x y scale } if 1 1 moveto .85 .5 .35 0 0 0
-curveto -.35 0 -.85 .5 -1 1 curveto mtrx setmatrix stroke 0 CLW moveto }
-/SD { 0 360 arc fill } def
-/EndDot { { /z DS def } { /z 0 def } ifelse /b ED 0 z DS SD b { 0 z DS
-CLW sub SD } if 0 DS z add CLW 4 div sub moveto } def
-/Shadow { [ { /moveto load } { /lineto load } { /curveto load } {
-/closepath load } /pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop CP /moveto
-load } if ] cvx newpath 3 1 roll T exec } def
-/NArray { aload length 2 div dup dup cvi eq not { exch pop } if /n exch
-cvi def } def
-/NArray { /f ED counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED n eq not { exch pop } if
-f { ] aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse } def
-/Line { NArray n 0 eq not { n 1 eq { 0 0 /n 2 def } if ArrowA /n n 2 sub
-def n { Lineto } repeat CP 4 2 roll ArrowB L pop pop } if } def
-/Arcto { /a [ 6 -2 roll ] cvx def a r /arcto load stopped { 5 } { 4 }
-ifelse { pop } repeat a } def
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-and { pop pop /n n 1 sub def } if } def
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-repeat } { n 3 gt { CheckClosed } if n 2 mul -2 roll /y0 ED /x0 ED /y1
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-Lineto pop pop closepath } ifelse } def
-/Diamond { /mtrx CM def T rotate /h ED /w ED dup 0 eq { pop } { CLW mul
-neg /d ED /a w h Atan def /h d a sin Div h add def /w d a cos Div w add
-def } ifelse mark w 2 div h 2 div w 0 0 h neg w neg 0 0 h w 2 div h 2
-div /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
-setmatrix } def
-% DG modification begin - Jan. 15, 1997
-%/Triangle { /mtrx CM def translate rotate /h ED 2 div /w ED dup 0 eq {
-%pop } { CLW mul /d ED /h h d w h Atan sin Div sub def /w w d h w Atan 2
-%div dup cos exch sin Div mul sub def } ifelse mark 0 d w neg d 0 h w d 0
-%d /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
-%setmatrix } def
-/Triangle { /mtrx CM def translate rotate /h ED 2 div /w ED dup
-CLW mul /d ED /h h d w h Atan sin Div sub def /w w d h w Atan 2
-div dup cos exch sin Div mul sub def mark 0 d w neg d 0 h w d 0
-d /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
-% DG/SR modification begin - Jun. 1, 1998 - Patch 3 (from Michael Vulis)
-% setmatrix } def
-setmatrix pop } def
-% DG/SR modification end
-/CCA { /y ED /x ED 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED x sub /dx1 ED /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth
-def } def
-/CCA { /y ED /x ED 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED x sub /dx1 ED /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth
-def } def
-/CC { /l0 l1 def /x1 x dx sub def /y1 y dy sub def /dx0 dx1 def /dy0 dy1
-def CCA /dx dx0 l1 c exp mul dx1 l0 c exp mul add def /dy dy0 l1 c exp
-mul dy1 l0 c exp mul add def /m dx0 dy0 Atan dx1 dy1 Atan sub 2 div cos
-abs b exp a mul dx dy Pyth Div 2 div def /x2 x l0 dx mul m mul sub def
-/y2 y l0 dy mul m mul sub def /dx l1 dx mul m mul neg def /dy l1 dy mul
-m mul neg def } def
-/IC { /c c 1 add def c 0 lt { /c 0 def } { c 3 gt { /c 3 def } if }
-ifelse /a a 2 mul 3 div 45 cos b exp div def CCA /dx 0 def /dy 0 def }
-/BOC { IC CC x2 y2 x1 y1 ArrowA CP 4 2 roll x y curveto } def
-/NC { CC x1 y1 x2 y2 x y curveto } def
-/EOC { x dx sub y dy sub 4 2 roll ArrowB 2 copy curveto } def
-/BAC { IC CC x y moveto CC x1 y1 CP ArrowA } def
-/NAC { x2 y2 x y curveto CC x1 y1 } def
-/EAC { x2 y2 x y ArrowB curveto pop pop } def
-/OpenCurve { NArray n 3 lt { n { pop pop } repeat } { BOC /n n 3 sub def
-n { NC } repeat EOC } ifelse } def
-/AltCurve { { false NArray n 2 mul 2 roll [ n 2 mul 3 sub 1 roll ] aload
-/Points ED n 2 mul -2 roll } { false NArray } ifelse n 4 lt { n { pop
-pop } repeat } { BAC /n n 4 sub def n { NAC } repeat EAC } ifelse } def
-/ClosedCurve { NArray n 3 lt { n { pop pop } repeat } { n 3 gt {
-CheckClosed } if 6 copy n 2 mul 6 add 6 roll IC CC x y moveto n { NC }
-repeat closepath pop pop } ifelse } def
-/SQ { /r ED r r moveto r r neg L r neg r neg L r neg r L fill } def
-/ST { /y ED /x ED x y moveto x neg y L 0 x L fill } def
-/SP { /r ED gsave 0 r moveto 4 { 72 rotate 0 r L } repeat fill grestore }
-/FontDot { DS 2 mul dup matrix scale matrix concatmatrix exch matrix
-rotate matrix concatmatrix exch findfont exch makefont setfont } def
-/Rect { x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto
-x1 y1 lineto closepath } def
-/OvalFrame { x1 x2 eq y1 y2 eq or { pop pop x1 y1 moveto x2 y2 L } { y1
-y2 sub abs x1 x2 sub abs 2 copy gt { exch pop } { pop } ifelse 2 div
-exch { dup 3 1 roll mul exch } if 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
-/b ED x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 b arcto x2 y2 x2 y1 b arcto
-x2 y1 x1 y1 b arcto x1 y1 x1 y2 b arcto 16 { pop } repeat closepath }
-ifelse } def
-/Frame { CLW mul /a ED 3 -1 roll 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /y2 ED a add
-/y1 ED 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /x2 ED a add /x1 ED 1 index 0 eq {
-pop pop Rect } { OvalFrame } ifelse } def
-/BezierNArray { /f ED counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED n eq not { exch pop
-} if n 1 sub neg 3 mod 3 add 3 mod { 0 0 /n n 1 add def } repeat f { ]
-aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse } def
-/OpenBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { ArrowA n 4 sub 3 idiv { 6
-2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat 6 2 roll 4 2 roll ArrowB curveto }
-ifelse } def
-/ClosedBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { moveto n 1 sub 3 idiv {
-6 2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat closepath } ifelse } def
-/BezierShowPoints { gsave Points aload length 2 div cvi /n ED moveto n 1
-sub { lineto } repeat CLW 2 div SLW [ 4 4 ] 0 setdash stroke grestore }
-/Parab { /y0 exch def /x0 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /dx x0 x1
-sub 3 div def /dy y0 y1 sub 3 div def x0 dx sub y0 dy add x1 y1 ArrowA
-x0 dx add y0 dy add x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ArrowB curveto /Points [ x1 y1 x0
-y0 x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ] def } def
-/Grid { newpath /a 4 string def /b ED /c ED /n ED cvi dup 1 lt { pop 1 }
-if /s ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if /dy ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if
-/dx ED dy div round dy mul /y0 ED dx div round dx mul /x0 ED dy div
-round cvi /y2 ED dx div round cvi /x2 ED dy div round cvi /y1 ED dx div
-round cvi /x1 ED /h y2 y1 sub 0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def /w x2 x1 sub
-0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def b 0 gt { /z1 b 4 div CLW 2 div add def
-/Helvetica findfont b scalefont setfont /b b .95 mul CLW 2 div add def }
-if systemdict /setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust /t { } def }
-{ /t { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add
-exch itransform } bind def } ifelse gsave n 0 gt { 1 setlinecap [ 0 dy n
-div ] dy n div 2 div setdash } { 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i x1 def /f y1
-dy mul n 0 gt { dy n div 2 div h mul sub } if def /g y2 dy mul n 0 gt {
-dy n div 2 div h mul add } if def x2 x1 sub w mul 1 add dup 1000 gt {
-pop 1000 } if { i dx mul dup y0 moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs dup
-stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1} {z1 z2 add neg} ifelse h 0 gt {b neg}
-{z1} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup t f moveto g t L stroke /i i
-w add def } repeat grestore gsave n 0 gt
-% DG/SR modification begin - Nov. 7, 1997 - Patch 1
-%{ 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dy n div 2 div setdash }
-{ 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dx n div 2 div setdash }
-% DG/SR modification end
-{ 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i y1 def /f x1 dx mul
-n 0 gt { dx n div 2 div w mul sub } if def /g x2 dx mul n 0 gt { dx n
-div 2 div w mul add } if def y2 y1 sub h mul 1 add dup 1000 gt { pop
-1000 } if { newpath i dy mul dup x0 exch moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs
-dup stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1 z2 add neg} {z1} ifelse h 0 gt
-{z1} {b neg} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup f exch t moveto g
-exch t L stroke /i i h add def } repeat grestore } def
-/ArcArrow { /d ED /b ED /a ED gsave newpath 0 -1000 moveto clip newpath 0
-1 0 0 b grestore c mul /e ED pop pop pop r a e d PtoC y add exch x add
-exch r a PtoC y add exch x add exch b pop pop pop pop a e d CLW 8 div c
-mul neg d } def
-/Ellipse { /mtrx CM def T scale 0 0 1 5 3 roll arc mtrx setmatrix } def
-/Rot { CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate NET } def
-/RotBegin { tx@Dict /TMatrix known not { /TMatrix { } def /RAngle { 0 }
-def } if /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def /a ED a Rot /RAngle [ RAngle
-dup a add ] cvx def } def
-/RotEnd { /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def /RAngle [ RAngle pop ]
-cvx def } def
-/PutCoor { gsave CP T CM STV exch exec moveto setmatrix CP grestore } def
-/PutBegin { /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def CP 4 2 roll T moveto } def
-/PutEnd { CP /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def moveto } def
-/Uput { /a ED add 2 div /h ED 2 div /w ED /s a sin def /c a cos def /b s
-abs c abs 2 copy gt dup /q ED { pop } { exch pop } ifelse def /w1 c b
-div w mul def /h1 s b div h mul def q { w1 abs w sub dup c mul abs } {
-h1 abs h sub dup s mul abs } ifelse } def
-/UUput { /z ED abs /y ED /x ED q { x s div c mul abs y gt } { x c div s
-mul abs y gt } ifelse { x x mul y y mul sub z z mul add sqrt z add } { q
-{ x s div } { x c div } ifelse abs } ifelse a PtoC h1 add exch w1 add
-exch } def
-/BeginOL { dup (all) eq exch TheOL eq or { IfVisible not { Visible
-/IfVisible true def } if } { IfVisible { Invisible /IfVisible false def
-} if } ifelse } def
-/InitOL { /OLUnit [ 3000 3000 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform ] cvx def
-/Visible { CP OLUnit idtransform T moveto } def /Invisible { CP OLUnit
-neg exch neg exch idtransform T moveto } def /BOL { BeginOL } def
-/IfVisible true def } def
-% END
-%%Title: Dot Font for PSTricks
-%%Creator: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU>
-%%Creation Date: May 7, 1993
-%% Version 97 patch 1, 99/12/16
-%% Modified by Etienne Riga <> - Dec. 16, 1999
-%% to add /Diamond, /SolidDiamond and /BoldDiamond
-10 dict dup begin
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontMatrix [ .001 0 0 .001 0 0 ] def
- /FontBBox [ 0 0 0 0 ] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 { Encoding exch /.notdef put } for
- Encoding
- dup (b) 0 get /Bullet put
- dup (c) 0 get /Circle put
- dup (C) 0 get /BoldCircle put
- dup (u) 0 get /SolidTriangle put
- dup (t) 0 get /Triangle put
- dup (T) 0 get /BoldTriangle put
- dup (r) 0 get /SolidSquare put
- dup (s) 0 get /Square put
- dup (S) 0 get /BoldSquare put
- dup (q) 0 get /SolidPentagon put
- dup (p) 0 get /Pentagon put
- dup (P) 0 get /BoldPentagon put
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- dup (l) 0 get /SolidDiamond put
- dup (d) 0 get /Diamond put
- (D) 0 get /BoldDiamond put
-% DG/SR modification end
- /Metrics 13 dict def
- Metrics begin
- /Bullet 1000 def
- /Circle 1000 def
- /BoldCircle 1000 def
- /SolidTriangle 1344 def
- /Triangle 1344 def
- /BoldTriangle 1344 def
- /SolidSquare 886 def
- /Square 886 def
- /BoldSquare 886 def
- /SolidPentagon 1093.2 def
- /Pentagon 1093.2 def
- /BoldPentagon 1093.2 def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /SolidDiamond 1008 def
- /Diamond 1008 def
- /BoldDiamond 1008 def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef 0 def
- end
- /BBoxes 13 dict def
- BBoxes begin
- /Circle { -550 -550 550 550 } def
- /BoldCircle /Circle load def
- /Bullet /Circle load def
- /Triangle { -571.5 -330 571.5 660 } def
- /BoldTriangle /Triangle load def
- /SolidTriangle /Triangle load def
- /Square { -450 -450 450 450 } def
- /BoldSquare /Square load def
- /SolidSquare /Square load def
- /Pentagon { -546.6 -465 546.6 574.7 } def
- /BoldPentagon /Pentagon load def
- /SolidPentagon /Pentagon load def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /Diamond { -428.5 -742.5 428.5 742.5 } def
- /BoldDiamond /Diamond load def
- /SolidDiamond /Diamond load def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef { 0 0 0 0 } def
- end
- /CharProcs 20 dict def
- CharProcs begin
- /Adjust {
- 2 copy dtransform floor .5 add exch floor .5 add exch idtransform
- 3 -1 roll div 3 1 roll exch div exch scale
- } def
- /CirclePath { 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath } def
- /Bullet { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath fill } def
- /Circle { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath .9 .9 scale CirclePath
- eofill } def
- /BoldCircle { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath .8 .8 scale CirclePath
- eofill } def
- /BoldCircle { CirclePath .8 .8 scale CirclePath eofill } def
- /TrianglePath { 0 660 moveto -571.5 -330 lineto 571.5 -330 lineto
- closepath } def
- /SolidTriangle { TrianglePath fill } def
- /Triangle { TrianglePath .85 .85 scale TrianglePath eofill } def
- /BoldTriangle { TrianglePath .7 .7 scale TrianglePath eofill } def
- /SquarePath { -450 450 moveto 450 450 lineto 450 -450 lineto
- -450 -450 lineto closepath } def
- /SolidSquare { SquarePath fill } def
- /Square { SquarePath .89 .89 scale SquarePath eofill } def
- /BoldSquare { SquarePath .78 .78 scale SquarePath eofill } def
- /PentagonPath {
- -337.8 -465 moveto
- 337.8 -465 lineto
- 546.6 177.6 lineto
- 0 574.7 lineto
- -546.6 177.6 lineto
- closepath
- } def
- /SolidPentagon { PentagonPath fill } def
- /Pentagon { PentagonPath .89 .89 scale PentagonPath eofill } def
- /BoldPentagon { PentagonPath .78 .78 scale PentagonPath eofill } def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /DiamondPath { 0 742.5 moveto -428.5 0 lineto 0 -742.5 lineto
- 428.5 0 lineto closepath } def
- /SolidDiamond { DiamondPath fill } def
- /Diamond { DiamondPath .85 .85 scale DiamondPath eofill } def
- /BoldDiamond { DiamondPath .7 .7 scale DiamondPath eofill } def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef { } def
- end
- /BuildGlyph {
- exch
- begin
- Metrics 1 index get exec 0
- BBoxes 3 index get exec
- setcachedevice
- CharProcs begin load exec end
- end
- } def
- /BuildChar {
- 1 index /Encoding get exch get
- 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec
- } bind def
-/PSTricksDotFont exch definefont pop
-% PostScript prologue for pst-node.tex.
-% Version 97 patch 1, 97/05/09.
-% For distribution, see pstricks.tex.
-/tx@NodeDict 400 dict def tx@NodeDict begin
-tx@Dict begin /T /translate load def end
-/NewNode { gsave /next ED dict dup 3 1 roll def exch { dup 3 1 roll def }
-if begin tx@Dict begin STV CP T exec end /NodeMtrx CM def next end
-grestore } def
-/InitPnode { /Y ED /X ED /NodePos { NodeSep Cos mul NodeSep Sin mul } def
-} def
-/InitCnode { /r ED /Y ED /X ED /NodePos { NodeSep r add dup Cos mul exch
-Sin mul } def } def
-/GetRnodePos { Cos 0 gt { /dx r NodeSep add def } { /dx l NodeSep sub def
-} ifelse Sin 0 gt { /dy u NodeSep add def } { /dy d NodeSep sub def }
-ifelse dx Sin mul abs dy Cos mul abs gt { dy Cos mul Sin div dy } { dx
-dup Sin mul Cos Div } ifelse } def
-/InitRnode { /Y ED /X ED X sub /r ED /l X neg def Y add neg /d ED Y sub
-/u ED /NodePos { GetRnodePos } def } def
-/DiaNodePos { w h mul w Sin mul abs h Cos mul abs add Div NodeSep add dup
-Cos mul exch Sin mul } def
-/TriNodePos { Sin s lt { d NodeSep sub dup Cos mul Sin Div exch } { w h
-mul w Sin mul h Cos abs mul add Div NodeSep add dup Cos mul exch Sin mul
-} ifelse } def
-/InitTriNode { sub 2 div exch 2 div exch 2 copy T 2 copy 4 index index /d
-ED pop pop pop pop -90 mul rotate /NodeMtrx CM def /X 0 def /Y 0 def d
-sub abs neg /d ED d add /h ED 2 div h mul h d sub Div /w ED /s d w Atan
-sin def /NodePos { TriNodePos } def } def
-/OvalNodePos { /ww w NodeSep add def /hh h NodeSep add def Sin ww mul Cos
-hh mul Atan dup cos ww mul exch sin hh mul } def
-/GetCenter { begin X Y NodeMtrx transform CM itransform end } def
-/XYPos { dup sin exch cos Do /Cos ED /Sin ED /Dist ED Cos 0 gt { Dist
-Dist Sin mul Cos div } { Cos 0 lt { Dist neg Dist Sin mul Cos div neg }
-{ 0 Dist Sin mul } ifelse } ifelse Do } def
-/GetEdge { dup 0 eq { pop begin 1 0 NodeMtrx dtransform CM idtransform
-exch atan sub dup sin /Sin ED cos /Cos ED /NodeSep ED NodePos NodeMtrx
-dtransform CM idtransform end } { 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED pop
-XYPos } ifelse } def
-/AddOffset { 1 index 0 eq { pop pop } { 2 copy 5 2 roll cos mul add 4 1
-roll sin mul sub exch } ifelse } def
-/GetEdgeA { NodeSepA AngleA NodeA NodeSepTypeA GetEdge OffsetA AngleA
-AddOffset yA add /yA1 ED xA add /xA1 ED } def
-/GetEdgeB { NodeSepB AngleB NodeB NodeSepTypeB GetEdge OffsetB AngleB
-AddOffset yB add /yB1 ED xB add /xB1 ED } def
-/GetArmA { ArmTypeA 0 eq { /xA2 ArmA AngleA cos mul xA1 add def /yA2 ArmA
-AngleA sin mul yA1 add def } { ArmTypeA 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED
-ArmA AngleA XYPos OffsetA AngleA AddOffset yA add /yA2 ED xA add /xA2 ED
-} ifelse } def
-/GetArmB { ArmTypeB 0 eq { /xB2 ArmB AngleB cos mul xB1 add def /yB2 ArmB
-AngleB sin mul yB1 add def } { ArmTypeB 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED
-ArmB AngleB XYPos OffsetB AngleB AddOffset yB add /yB2 ED xB add /xB2 ED
-} ifelse } def
-/InitNC { /b ED /a ED /NodeSepTypeB ED /NodeSepTypeA ED /NodeSepB ED
-/NodeSepA ED /OffsetB ED /OffsetA ED tx@NodeDict a known tx@NodeDict b
-known and dup { /NodeA a load def /NodeB b load def NodeA GetCenter /yA
-ED /xA ED NodeB GetCenter /yB ED /xB ED } if } def
-/LPutLine { 4 copy 3 -1 roll sub neg 3 1 roll sub Atan /NAngle ED 1 t sub
-mul 3 1 roll 1 t sub mul 4 1 roll t mul add /Y ED t mul add /X ED } def
-/LPutLines { mark LPutVar counttomark 2 div 1 sub /n ED t floor dup n gt
-{ pop n 1 sub /t 1 def } { dup t sub neg /t ED } ifelse cvi 2 mul { pop
-} repeat LPutLine cleartomark } def
-/BezierMidpoint { /y3 ED /x3 ED /y2 ED /x2 ED /y1 ED /x1 ED /y0 ED /x0 ED
-/t ED /cx x1 x0 sub 3 mul def /cy y1 y0 sub 3 mul def /bx x2 x1 sub 3
-mul cx sub def /by y2 y1 sub 3 mul cy sub def /ax x3 x0 sub cx sub bx
-sub def /ay y3 y0 sub cy sub by sub def ax t 3 exp mul bx t t mul mul
-add cx t mul add x0 add ay t 3 exp mul by t t mul mul add cy t mul add
-y0 add 3 ay t t mul mul mul 2 by t mul mul add cy add 3 ax t t mul mul
-mul 2 bx t mul mul add cx add atan /NAngle ED /Y ED /X ED } def
-/HPosBegin { yB yA ge { /t 1 t sub def } if /Y yB yA sub t mul yA add def
-} def
-/HPosEnd { /X Y yyA sub yyB yyA sub Div xxB xxA sub mul xxA add def
-/NAngle yyB yyA sub xxB xxA sub Atan def } def
-/HPutLine { HPosBegin /yyA ED /xxA ED /yyB ED /xxB ED HPosEnd } def
-/HPutLines { HPosBegin yB yA ge { /check { le } def } { /check { ge } def
-} ifelse /xxA xA def /yyA yA def mark xB yB LPutVar { dup Y check { exit
-} { /yyA ED /xxA ED } ifelse } loop /yyB ED /xxB ED cleartomark HPosEnd
-} def
-/VPosBegin { xB xA lt { /t 1 t sub def } if /X xB xA sub t mul xA add def
-} def
-/VPosEnd { /Y X xxA sub xxB xxA sub Div yyB yyA sub mul yyA add def
-/NAngle yyB yyA sub xxB xxA sub Atan def } def
-/VPutLine { VPosBegin /yyA ED /xxA ED /yyB ED /xxB ED VPosEnd } def
-/VPutLines { VPosBegin xB xA ge { /check { le } def } { /check { ge } def
-} ifelse /xxA xA def /yyA yA def mark xB yB LPutVar { 1 index X check {
-exit } { /yyA ED /xxA ED } ifelse } loop /yyB ED /xxB ED cleartomark
-VPosEnd } def
-/HPutCurve { gsave newpath /SaveLPutVar /LPutVar load def LPutVar 8 -2
-roll moveto curveto flattenpath /LPutVar [ {} {} {} {} pathforall ] cvx
-def grestore exec /LPutVar /SaveLPutVar load def } def
-/NCCoor { /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def /AngleB AngleA 180 add def
-GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutVar LPutLine } def /HPutPos { LPutVar HPutLine } def /VPutPos {
-LPutVar VPutLine } def LPutVar } def
-/NCLine { NCCoor tx@Dict begin ArrowA CP 4 2 roll ArrowB lineto pop pop
-end } def
-/NCLines { false NArray n 0 eq { NCLine } { 2 copy yA sub exch xA sub
-Atan /AngleA ED n 2 mul dup index exch index yB sub exch xB sub Atan
-/AngleB ED GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 n 2 mul 4 add 4 roll xA1
-yA1 ] cvx def mark LPutVar tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-ifelse } def
-/NCCurve { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB xA1 xB1 sub yA1 yB1 sub Pyth 2 div dup 3 -1
-roll mul /ArmA ED mul /ArmB ED /ArmTypeA 0 def /ArmTypeB 0 def GetArmA
-GetArmB xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 tx@Dict begin ArrowA end xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1 tx@Dict
-begin ArrowB end curveto /LPutVar [ xA1 yA1 xA2 yA2 xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { t LPutVar BezierMidpoint } def /HPutPos { { HPutLines
-} HPutCurve } def /VPutPos { { VPutLines } HPutCurve } def } def
-/NCAngles { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate
-def xA2 yA2 mtrx transform pop xB2 yB2 mtrx transform exch pop mtrx
-itransform /y0 ED /x0 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA2
-yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1
-yB1 xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def
-/HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def } def
-/NCAngle { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate def xB2
-yB2 mtrx itransform pop xA1 yA1 mtrx itransform exch pop mtrx transform
-/y0 ED /x0 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA1 yA1
-tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA1 yA1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-/NCBar { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate def
-xA2 yA2 mtrx itransform pop xB2 yB2 mtrx itransform pop sub dup 0 mtrx
-transform 3 -1 roll 0 gt { /yB2 exch yB2 add def /xB2 exch xB2 add def }
-{ /yA2 exch neg yA2 add def /xA2 exch neg xA2 add def } ifelse mark ArmB
-0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict
-begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx
-def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-/NCDiag { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if
-xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false Line end
-/LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-/NCDiagg { GetEdgeA GetArmA yB yA2 sub xB xA2 sub Atan 180 add /AngleB ED
-GetEdgeB mark xB1 yB1 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin
-false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-/NCLoop { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate
-def xA2 yA2 mtrx transform loopsize add /yA3 ED /xA3 ED /xB3 xB2 yB2
-mtrx transform pop def xB3 yA3 mtrx itransform /yB3 ED /xB3 ED xA3 yA3
-mtrx itransform /yA3 ED /xA3 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2
-xB3 yB3 xA3 yA3 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false
-Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xB3 yB3 xA3 yA3 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-% DG/SR modification begin - May 9, 1997 - Patch 1
-%/NCCircle { 0 0 NodesepA nodeA \tx@GetEdge pop xA sub 2 div dup 2 exp r
-%r mul sub abs sqrt atan 2 mul /a ED r AngleA 90 add PtoC yA add exch xA add
-%exch 2 copy /LPutVar [ 4 2 roll r AngleA ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutVar t 360
-%mul add dup 5 1 roll 90 sub \tx@PtoC 3 -1 roll add /Y ED add /X ED /NAngle ED
-/NCCircle { NodeSepA 0 NodeA 0 GetEdge pop 2 div dup 2 exp r
-r mul sub abs sqrt atan 2 mul /a ED r AngleA 90 add PtoC yA add exch xA add
-exch 2 copy /LPutVar [ 4 2 roll r AngleA ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutVar t 360
-mul add dup 5 1 roll 90 sub PtoC 3 -1 roll add /Y ED add /X ED /NAngle ED
-% DG/SR modification end
-} def /HPutPos { LPutPos } def /VPutPos { LPutPos } def r AngleA 90 sub a add
-AngleA 270 add a sub tx@Dict begin /angleB ED /angleA ED /r ED /c 57.2957 r
-Div def /y ED /x ED } def
-/NCBox { /d ED /h ED /AngleB yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def /AngleA AngleB
-180 add def GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /dx d AngleB sin mul def /dy d AngleB cos
-mul neg def /hx h AngleB sin mul neg def /hy h AngleB cos mul def
-/LPutVar [ xA1 hx add yA1 hy add xB1 hx add yB1 hy add xB1 dx add yB1 dy
-add xA1 dx add yA1 dy add ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos
-{ xB yB xA yA LPutLine } def /VPutPos { HPutPos } def mark LPutVar
-tx@Dict begin false Polygon end } def
-/NCArcBox { /l ED neg /d ED /h ED /a ED /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan
-def /AngleB AngleA 180 add def /tA AngleA a sub 90 add def /tB tA a 2
-mul add def /r xB xA sub tA cos tB cos sub Div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if def
-/x0 xA r tA cos mul add def /y0 yA r tA sin mul add def /c 57.2958 r div
-def /AngleA AngleA a sub 180 add def /AngleB AngleB a add 180 add def
-GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /AngleA tA 180 add yA yA1 sub xA xA1 sub Pyth c mul
-sub def /AngleB tB 180 add yB yB1 sub xB xB1 sub Pyth c mul add def l 0
-eq { x0 y0 r h add AngleA AngleB arc x0 y0 r d add AngleB AngleA arcn }
-{ x0 y0 translate /tA AngleA l c mul add def /tB AngleB l c mul sub def
-0 0 r h add tA tB arc r h add AngleB PtoC r d add AngleB PtoC 2 copy 6 2
-roll l arcto 4 { pop } repeat r d add tB PtoC l arcto 4 { pop } repeat 0
-0 r d add tB tA arcn r d add AngleA PtoC r h add AngleA PtoC 2 copy 6 2
-roll l arcto 4 { pop } repeat r h add tA PtoC l arcto 4 { pop } repeat }
-ifelse closepath /LPutVar [ x0 y0 r AngleA AngleB h d ] cvx def /LPutPos
-{ LPutVar /d ED /h ED /AngleB ED /AngleA ED /r ED /y0 ED /x0 ED t 1 le {
-r h add AngleA 1 t sub mul AngleB t mul add dup 90 add /NAngle ED PtoC }
-{ t 2 lt { /NAngle AngleB 180 add def r 2 t sub h mul t 1 sub d mul add
-add AngleB PtoC } { t 3 lt { r d add AngleB 3 t sub mul AngleA 2 t sub
-mul add dup 90 sub /NAngle ED PtoC } { /NAngle AngleA 180 add def r 4 t
-sub d mul t 3 sub h mul add add AngleA PtoC } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
-y0 add /Y ED x0 add /X ED } def /HPutPos { LPutPos } def /VPutPos {
-LPutPos } def } def
-/Tfan { /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def GetEdgeA w xA1 xB sub yA1 yB
-sub Pyth Pyth w Div CLW 2 div mul 2 div dup AngleA sin mul yA1 add /yA1
-ED AngleA cos mul xA1 add /xA1 ED /LPutVar [ xA1 yA1 m { xB w add yB xB
-w sub yB } { xB yB w sub xB yB w add } ifelse xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos
-{ LPutLines } def /VPutPos@ { LPutVar flag { 8 4 roll pop pop pop pop }
-{ pop pop pop pop 4 2 roll } ifelse } def /VPutPos { VPutPos@ VPutLine }
-def /HPutPos { VPutPos@ HPutLine } def mark LPutVar tx@Dict begin
-/ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath end } def
-/LPutCoor { NAngle tx@Dict begin /NAngle ED end gsave CM STV CP Y sub neg
-exch X sub neg exch moveto setmatrix CP grestore } def
-/LPut { tx@NodeDict /LPutPos known { LPutPos } { CP /Y ED /X ED /NAngle 0
-def } ifelse LPutCoor } def
-/HPutAdjust { Sin Cos mul 0 eq { 0 } { d Cos mul Sin div flag not { neg }
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/skakdoc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/skakdoc.tex
index 5cc5a397929..e80618eda9e 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/skakdoc.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/skakdoc.tex
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
-\lstset{style=latex} %siehe lstlocal.cfg
\lstset{width=0.5} % wider examples
@@ -96,8 +95,8 @@
\title{Typesetting Chess in \LaTeX with the \package{skak} Package\\
-Version 1.4}
-\author{Torben Hoffmann\\ e-mail: \texttt{}}
+Version 1.5}
+\author{Torben Hoffmann\\ e-mail: \texttt{}}
@@ -217,13 +216,13 @@ right column.
-The \command{newgame} command sets u the internal board or a new
+The \command{newgame} command sets up the internal board or a new
game. The \command{mainline} command does two things: it typesets the
moves and updates the board so that \command{showboard} will show the
current board position.
+\mainline{3...a6} \savegame{pap1}
Rarely used these days,
\variation{3...Nf6} is more in
fashion since blah blah...
@@ -232,6 +231,8 @@ fashion since blah blah...
This example shows that if it is black to move the move number shoud
be followed by three periods. Furthermore, it also shows that the
\command{variation} command merely typesets the moves --- it does
@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ Saving and loading to/from a file is the same just with the commands
We have already seen \command{showboard} in action, but is is possible
to alter the way the board looks like.
-With the \command{mover} command one can request that a little marker
+With the \command{mover}\footnote{\command{mover} only works if the \package{skak} is loaded with the ps option.} command one can request that a little marker
is shown next to the board indicating who is to move next.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/tuggame.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/tuggame.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb9569f172d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/tuggame.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/
deleted file mode 100644
index 459dd425f8c..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2108 +0,0 @@
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-N}B/A{dup}B/TR{translate}N/isls false N/vsize 11 72 mul N/hsize 8.5 72
-mul N/landplus90{false}def/@rigin{isls{[0 landplus90{1 -1}{-1 1}ifelse 0
-0 0]concat}if 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale isls{
-landplus90{VResolution 72 div vsize mul 0 exch}{Resolution -72 div hsize
-mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul TR[
-matrix currentmatrix{A A round sub abs 0.00001 lt{round}if}forall round
-exch round exch]setmatrix}N/@landscape{/isls true N}B/@manualfeed{
-statusdict/manualfeed true put}B/@copies{/#copies X}B/FMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0]
-N/FBB[0 0 0 0]N/nn 0 N/IEn 0 N/ctr 0 N/df-tail{/nn 8 dict N nn begin
-/FontType 3 N/FontMatrix fntrx N/FontBBox FBB N string/base X array
-/BitMaps X/BuildChar{CharBuilder}N/Encoding IEn N end A{/foo setfont}2
-array copy cvx N load 0 nn put/ctr 0 N[}B/sf 0 N/df{/sf 1 N/fntrx FMat N
-df-tail}B/dfs{div/sf X/fntrx[sf 0 0 sf neg 0 0]N df-tail}B/E{pop nn A
-definefont setfont}B/Cw{Cd A length 5 sub get}B/Ch{Cd A length 4 sub get
-}B/Cx{128 Cd A length 3 sub get sub}B/Cy{Cd A length 2 sub get 127 sub}
-B/Cdx{Cd A length 1 sub get}B/Ci{Cd A type/stringtype ne{ctr get/ctr ctr
-1 add N}if}B/id 0 N/rw 0 N/rc 0 N/gp 0 N/cp 0 N/G 0 N/CharBuilder{save 3
-1 roll S A/base get 2 index get S/BitMaps get S get/Cd X pop/ctr 0 N Cdx
-0 Cx Cy Ch sub Cx Cw add Cy setcachedevice Cw Ch true[1 0 0 -1 -.1 Cx
-sub Cy .1 sub]/id Ci N/rw Cw 7 add 8 idiv string N/rc 0 N/gp 0 N/cp 0 N{
-rc 0 ne{rc 1 sub/rc X rw}{G}ifelse}imagemask restore}B/G{{id gp get/gp
-gp 1 add N A 18 mod S 18 idiv pl S get exec}loop}B/adv{cp add/cp X}B
-/chg{rw cp id gp 4 index getinterval putinterval A gp add/gp X adv}B/nd{
-/cp 0 N rw exit}B/lsh{rw cp 2 copy get A 0 eq{pop 1}{A 255 eq{pop 254}{
-A A add 255 and S 1 and or}ifelse}ifelse put 1 adv}B/rsh{rw cp 2 copy
-get A 0 eq{pop 128}{A 255 eq{pop 127}{A 2 idiv S 128 and or}ifelse}
-ifelse put 1 adv}B/clr{rw cp 2 index string putinterval adv}B/set{rw cp
-fillstr 0 4 index getinterval putinterval adv}B/fillstr 18 string 0 1 17
-{2 copy 255 put pop}for N/pl[{adv 1 chg}{adv 1 chg nd}{1 add chg}{1 add
-chg nd}{adv lsh}{adv lsh nd}{adv rsh}{adv rsh nd}{1 add adv}{/rc X nd}{
-1 add set}{1 add clr}{adv 2 chg}{adv 2 chg nd}{pop nd}]A{bind pop}
-forall N/D{/cc X A type/stringtype ne{]}if nn/base get cc ctr put nn
-/BitMaps get S ctr S sf 1 ne{A A length 1 sub A 2 index S get sf div put
-}if put/ctr ctr 1 add N}B/I{cc 1 add D}B/bop{userdict/bop-hook known{
-bop-hook}if/SI save N @rigin 0 0 moveto/V matrix currentmatrix A 1 get A
-mul exch 0 get A mul add .99 lt{/QV}{/RV}ifelse load def pop pop}N/eop{
-SI restore userdict/eop-hook known{eop-hook}if showpage}N/@start{
-userdict/start-hook known{start-hook}if pop/VResolution X/Resolution X
-1000 div/DVImag X/IEn 256 array N 2 string 0 1 255{IEn S A 360 add 36 4
-index cvrs cvn put}for pop 65781.76 div/vsize X 65781.76 div/hsize X}N
-/p{show}N/RMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0]N/BDot 260 string N/Rx 0 N/Ry 0 N/V{}B/RV/v{
-/Ry X/Rx X V}B statusdict begin/product where{pop false[(Display)(NeXT)
-(LaserWriter 16/600)]{A length product length le{A length product exch 0
-exch getinterval eq{pop true exit}if}{pop}ifelse}forall}{false}ifelse
-end{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR 1 1 scale Rx Ry false RMat{BDot}imagemask
-grestore}}{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR Rx Ry scale 1 1 false RMat{BDot}
-imagemask grestore}}ifelse B/QV{gsave newpath transform round exch round
-exch itransform moveto Rx 0 rlineto 0 Ry neg rlineto Rx neg 0 rlineto
-fill grestore}B/a{moveto}B/delta 0 N/tail{A/delta X 0 rmoveto}B/M{S p
-delta add tail}B/b{S p tail}B/c{-4 M}B/d{-3 M}B/e{-2 M}B/f{-1 M}B/g{0 M}
-B/h{1 M}B/i{2 M}B/j{3 M}B/k{4 M}B/w{0 rmoveto}B/l{p -4 w}B/m{p -3 w}B/n{
-p -2 w}B/o{p -1 w}B/q{p 1 w}B/r{p 2 w}B/s{p 3 w}B/t{p 4 w}B/x{0 S
-rmoveto}B/y{3 2 roll p a}B/bos{/SS save N}B/eos{SS restore}B end
-% PostScript prologue for pstricks.tex.
-% Version 97 patch 3, 98/06/01
-% For distribution, see pstricks.tex.
-/tx@Dict 200 dict def tx@Dict begin
-/ADict 25 dict def
-/CM { matrix currentmatrix } bind def
-/SLW /setlinewidth load def
-/CLW /currentlinewidth load def
-/CP /currentpoint load def
-/ED { exch def } bind def
-/L /lineto load def
-/T /translate load def
-/TMatrix { } def
-/RAngle { 0 } def
-/Atan { /atan load stopped { pop pop 0 } if } def
-/Div { dup 0 eq { pop } { div } ifelse } def
-/NET { neg exch neg exch T } def
-/Pyth { dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def
-/PtoC { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul } def
-/PathLength@ { /z z y y1 sub x x1 sub Pyth add def /y1 y def /x1 x def }
-/PathLength { flattenpath /z 0 def { /y1 ED /x1 ED /y2 y1 def /x2 x1 def
-} { /y ED /x ED PathLength@ } {} { /y y2 def /x x2 def PathLength@ }
-/pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop } if z } def
-/STP { .996264 dup scale } def
-/STV { SDict begin normalscale end STP } def
-/DashLine { dup 0 gt { /a .5 def PathLength exch div } { pop /a 1 def
-PathLength } ifelse /b ED /x ED /y ED /z y x add def b a .5 sub 2 mul y
-mul sub z Div round z mul a .5 sub 2 mul y mul add b exch Div dup y mul
-/y ED x mul /x ED x 0 gt y 0 gt and { [ y x ] 1 a sub y mul } { [ 1 0 ]
-0 } ifelse setdash stroke } def
-/DotLine { /b PathLength def /a ED /z ED /y CLW def /z y z add def a 0 gt
-{ /b b a div def } { a 0 eq { /b b y sub def } { a -3 eq { /b b y add
-def } if } ifelse } ifelse [ 0 b b z Div round Div dup 0 le { pop 1 } if
-] a 0 gt { 0 } { y 2 div a -2 gt { neg } if } ifelse setdash 1
-setlinecap stroke } def
-/LineFill { gsave abs CLW add /a ED a 0 dtransform round exch round exch
-2 copy idtransform exch Atan rotate idtransform pop /a ED .25 .25
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 12, 1997 - Patch 2
-%itransform translate pathbbox /y2 ED a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED a
-itransform pathbbox /y2 ED a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED a
-% DG/SR modification end
-Div cvi /x1 ED /y2 y2 y1 sub def clip newpath 2 setlinecap systemdict
-/setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust } if x2 x1 sub 1 add { x1
-% DG/SR modification begin - Jun. 1, 1998 - Patch 3 (from Michael Vulis)
-% a mul y1 moveto 0 y2 rlineto stroke /x1 x1 1 add def } repeat grestore }
-% def
-a mul y1 moveto 0 y2 rlineto stroke /x1 x1 1 add def } repeat grestore
-pop pop } def
-% DG/SR modification end
-/BeginArrow { ADict begin /@mtrx CM def gsave 2 copy T 2 index sub neg
-exch 3 index sub exch Atan rotate newpath } def
-/EndArrow { @mtrx setmatrix CP grestore end } def
-/Arrow { CLW mul add dup 2 div /w ED mul dup /h ED mul /a ED { 0 h T 1 -1
-scale } if w neg h moveto 0 0 L w h L w neg a neg rlineto gsave fill
-grestore } def
-/Tbar { CLW mul add /z ED z -2 div CLW 2 div moveto z 0 rlineto stroke 0
-CLW moveto } def
-/Bracket { CLW mul add dup CLW sub 2 div /x ED mul CLW add /y ED /z CLW 2
-div def x neg y moveto x neg CLW 2 div L x CLW 2 div L x y L stroke 0
-CLW moveto } def
-/RoundBracket { CLW mul add dup 2 div /x ED mul /y ED /mtrx CM def 0 CLW
-2 div T x y mul 0 ne { x y scale } if 1 1 moveto .85 .5 .35 0 0 0
-curveto -.35 0 -.85 .5 -1 1 curveto mtrx setmatrix stroke 0 CLW moveto }
-/SD { 0 360 arc fill } def
-/EndDot { { /z DS def } { /z 0 def } ifelse /b ED 0 z DS SD b { 0 z DS
-CLW sub SD } if 0 DS z add CLW 4 div sub moveto } def
-/Shadow { [ { /moveto load } { /lineto load } { /curveto load } {
-/closepath load } /pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop CP /moveto
-load } if ] cvx newpath 3 1 roll T exec } def
-/NArray { aload length 2 div dup dup cvi eq not { exch pop } if /n exch
-cvi def } def
-/NArray { /f ED counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED n eq not { exch pop } if
-f { ] aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse } def
-/Line { NArray n 0 eq not { n 1 eq { 0 0 /n 2 def } if ArrowA /n n 2 sub
-def n { Lineto } repeat CP 4 2 roll ArrowB L pop pop } if } def
-/Arcto { /a [ 6 -2 roll ] cvx def a r /arcto load stopped { 5 } { 4 }
-ifelse { pop } repeat a } def
-/CheckClosed { dup n 2 mul 1 sub index eq 2 index n 2 mul 1 add index eq
-and { pop pop /n n 1 sub def } if } def
-/Polygon { NArray n 2 eq { 0 0 /n 3 def } if n 3 lt { n { pop pop }
-repeat } { n 3 gt { CheckClosed } if n 2 mul -2 roll /y0 ED /x0 ED /y1
-ED /x1 ED x1 y1 /x1 x0 x1 add 2 div def /y1 y0 y1 add 2 div def x1 y1
-moveto /n n 2 sub def n { Lineto } repeat x1 y1 x0 y0 6 4 roll Lineto
-Lineto pop pop closepath } ifelse } def
-/Diamond { /mtrx CM def T rotate /h ED /w ED dup 0 eq { pop } { CLW mul
-neg /d ED /a w h Atan def /h d a sin Div h add def /w d a cos Div w add
-def } ifelse mark w 2 div h 2 div w 0 0 h neg w neg 0 0 h w 2 div h 2
-div /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
-setmatrix } def
-% DG modification begin - Jan. 15, 1997
-%/Triangle { /mtrx CM def translate rotate /h ED 2 div /w ED dup 0 eq {
-%pop } { CLW mul /d ED /h h d w h Atan sin Div sub def /w w d h w Atan 2
-%div dup cos exch sin Div mul sub def } ifelse mark 0 d w neg d 0 h w d 0
-%d /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
-%setmatrix } def
-/Triangle { /mtrx CM def translate rotate /h ED 2 div /w ED dup
-CLW mul /d ED /h h d w h Atan sin Div sub def /w w d h w Atan 2
-div dup cos exch sin Div mul sub def mark 0 d w neg d 0 h w d 0
-d /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
-% DG/SR modification begin - Jun. 1, 1998 - Patch 3 (from Michael Vulis)
-% setmatrix } def
-setmatrix pop } def
-% DG/SR modification end
-/CCA { /y ED /x ED 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED x sub /dx1 ED /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth
-def } def
-/CCA { /y ED /x ED 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED x sub /dx1 ED /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth
-def } def
-/CC { /l0 l1 def /x1 x dx sub def /y1 y dy sub def /dx0 dx1 def /dy0 dy1
-def CCA /dx dx0 l1 c exp mul dx1 l0 c exp mul add def /dy dy0 l1 c exp
-mul dy1 l0 c exp mul add def /m dx0 dy0 Atan dx1 dy1 Atan sub 2 div cos
-abs b exp a mul dx dy Pyth Div 2 div def /x2 x l0 dx mul m mul sub def
-/y2 y l0 dy mul m mul sub def /dx l1 dx mul m mul neg def /dy l1 dy mul
-m mul neg def } def
-/IC { /c c 1 add def c 0 lt { /c 0 def } { c 3 gt { /c 3 def } if }
-ifelse /a a 2 mul 3 div 45 cos b exp div def CCA /dx 0 def /dy 0 def }
-/BOC { IC CC x2 y2 x1 y1 ArrowA CP 4 2 roll x y curveto } def
-/NC { CC x1 y1 x2 y2 x y curveto } def
-/EOC { x dx sub y dy sub 4 2 roll ArrowB 2 copy curveto } def
-/BAC { IC CC x y moveto CC x1 y1 CP ArrowA } def
-/NAC { x2 y2 x y curveto CC x1 y1 } def
-/EAC { x2 y2 x y ArrowB curveto pop pop } def
-/OpenCurve { NArray n 3 lt { n { pop pop } repeat } { BOC /n n 3 sub def
-n { NC } repeat EOC } ifelse } def
-/AltCurve { { false NArray n 2 mul 2 roll [ n 2 mul 3 sub 1 roll ] aload
-/Points ED n 2 mul -2 roll } { false NArray } ifelse n 4 lt { n { pop
-pop } repeat } { BAC /n n 4 sub def n { NAC } repeat EAC } ifelse } def
-/ClosedCurve { NArray n 3 lt { n { pop pop } repeat } { n 3 gt {
-CheckClosed } if 6 copy n 2 mul 6 add 6 roll IC CC x y moveto n { NC }
-repeat closepath pop pop } ifelse } def
-/SQ { /r ED r r moveto r r neg L r neg r neg L r neg r L fill } def
-/ST { /y ED /x ED x y moveto x neg y L 0 x L fill } def
-/SP { /r ED gsave 0 r moveto 4 { 72 rotate 0 r L } repeat fill grestore }
-/FontDot { DS 2 mul dup matrix scale matrix concatmatrix exch matrix
-rotate matrix concatmatrix exch findfont exch makefont setfont } def
-/Rect { x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto
-x1 y1 lineto closepath } def
-/OvalFrame { x1 x2 eq y1 y2 eq or { pop pop x1 y1 moveto x2 y2 L } { y1
-y2 sub abs x1 x2 sub abs 2 copy gt { exch pop } { pop } ifelse 2 div
-exch { dup 3 1 roll mul exch } if 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
-/b ED x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 b arcto x2 y2 x2 y1 b arcto
-x2 y1 x1 y1 b arcto x1 y1 x1 y2 b arcto 16 { pop } repeat closepath }
-ifelse } def
-/Frame { CLW mul /a ED 3 -1 roll 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /y2 ED a add
-/y1 ED 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /x2 ED a add /x1 ED 1 index 0 eq {
-pop pop Rect } { OvalFrame } ifelse } def
-/BezierNArray { /f ED counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED n eq not { exch pop
-} if n 1 sub neg 3 mod 3 add 3 mod { 0 0 /n n 1 add def } repeat f { ]
-aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse } def
-/OpenBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { ArrowA n 4 sub 3 idiv { 6
-2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat 6 2 roll 4 2 roll ArrowB curveto }
-ifelse } def
-/ClosedBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { moveto n 1 sub 3 idiv {
-6 2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat closepath } ifelse } def
-/BezierShowPoints { gsave Points aload length 2 div cvi /n ED moveto n 1
-sub { lineto } repeat CLW 2 div SLW [ 4 4 ] 0 setdash stroke grestore }
-/Parab { /y0 exch def /x0 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /dx x0 x1
-sub 3 div def /dy y0 y1 sub 3 div def x0 dx sub y0 dy add x1 y1 ArrowA
-x0 dx add y0 dy add x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ArrowB curveto /Points [ x1 y1 x0
-y0 x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ] def } def
-/Grid { newpath /a 4 string def /b ED /c ED /n ED cvi dup 1 lt { pop 1 }
-if /s ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if /dy ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if
-/dx ED dy div round dy mul /y0 ED dx div round dx mul /x0 ED dy div
-round cvi /y2 ED dx div round cvi /x2 ED dy div round cvi /y1 ED dx div
-round cvi /x1 ED /h y2 y1 sub 0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def /w x2 x1 sub
-0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def b 0 gt { /z1 b 4 div CLW 2 div add def
-/Helvetica findfont b scalefont setfont /b b .95 mul CLW 2 div add def }
-if systemdict /setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust /t { } def }
-{ /t { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add
-exch itransform } bind def } ifelse gsave n 0 gt { 1 setlinecap [ 0 dy n
-div ] dy n div 2 div setdash } { 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i x1 def /f y1
-dy mul n 0 gt { dy n div 2 div h mul sub } if def /g y2 dy mul n 0 gt {
-dy n div 2 div h mul add } if def x2 x1 sub w mul 1 add dup 1000 gt {
-pop 1000 } if { i dx mul dup y0 moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs dup
-stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1} {z1 z2 add neg} ifelse h 0 gt {b neg}
-{z1} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup t f moveto g t L stroke /i i
-w add def } repeat grestore gsave n 0 gt
-% DG/SR modification begin - Nov. 7, 1997 - Patch 1
-%{ 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dy n div 2 div setdash }
-{ 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dx n div 2 div setdash }
-% DG/SR modification end
-{ 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i y1 def /f x1 dx mul
-n 0 gt { dx n div 2 div w mul sub } if def /g x2 dx mul n 0 gt { dx n
-div 2 div w mul add } if def y2 y1 sub h mul 1 add dup 1000 gt { pop
-1000 } if { newpath i dy mul dup x0 exch moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs
-dup stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1 z2 add neg} {z1} ifelse h 0 gt
-{z1} {b neg} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup f exch t moveto g
-exch t L stroke /i i h add def } repeat grestore } def
-/ArcArrow { /d ED /b ED /a ED gsave newpath 0 -1000 moveto clip newpath 0
-1 0 0 b grestore c mul /e ED pop pop pop r a e d PtoC y add exch x add
-exch r a PtoC y add exch x add exch b pop pop pop pop a e d CLW 8 div c
-mul neg d } def
-/Ellipse { /mtrx CM def T scale 0 0 1 5 3 roll arc mtrx setmatrix } def
-/Rot { CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate NET } def
-/RotBegin { tx@Dict /TMatrix known not { /TMatrix { } def /RAngle { 0 }
-def } if /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def /a ED a Rot /RAngle [ RAngle
-dup a add ] cvx def } def
-/RotEnd { /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def /RAngle [ RAngle pop ]
-cvx def } def
-/PutCoor { gsave CP T CM STV exch exec moveto setmatrix CP grestore } def
-/PutBegin { /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def CP 4 2 roll T moveto } def
-/PutEnd { CP /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def moveto } def
-/Uput { /a ED add 2 div /h ED 2 div /w ED /s a sin def /c a cos def /b s
-abs c abs 2 copy gt dup /q ED { pop } { exch pop } ifelse def /w1 c b
-div w mul def /h1 s b div h mul def q { w1 abs w sub dup c mul abs } {
-h1 abs h sub dup s mul abs } ifelse } def
-/UUput { /z ED abs /y ED /x ED q { x s div c mul abs y gt } { x c div s
-mul abs y gt } ifelse { x x mul y y mul sub z z mul add sqrt z add } { q
-{ x s div } { x c div } ifelse abs } ifelse a PtoC h1 add exch w1 add
-exch } def
-/BeginOL { dup (all) eq exch TheOL eq or { IfVisible not { Visible
-/IfVisible true def } if } { IfVisible { Invisible /IfVisible false def
-} if } ifelse } def
-/InitOL { /OLUnit [ 3000 3000 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform ] cvx def
-/Visible { CP OLUnit idtransform T moveto } def /Invisible { CP OLUnit
-neg exch neg exch idtransform T moveto } def /BOL { BeginOL } def
-/IfVisible true def } def
-% END
-%%Title: Dot Font for PSTricks
-%%Creator: Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU>
-%%Creation Date: May 7, 1993
-%% Version 97 patch 1, 99/12/16
-%% Modified by Etienne Riga <> - Dec. 16, 1999
-%% to add /Diamond, /SolidDiamond and /BoldDiamond
-10 dict dup begin
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontMatrix [ .001 0 0 .001 0 0 ] def
- /FontBBox [ 0 0 0 0 ] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 { Encoding exch /.notdef put } for
- Encoding
- dup (b) 0 get /Bullet put
- dup (c) 0 get /Circle put
- dup (C) 0 get /BoldCircle put
- dup (u) 0 get /SolidTriangle put
- dup (t) 0 get /Triangle put
- dup (T) 0 get /BoldTriangle put
- dup (r) 0 get /SolidSquare put
- dup (s) 0 get /Square put
- dup (S) 0 get /BoldSquare put
- dup (q) 0 get /SolidPentagon put
- dup (p) 0 get /Pentagon put
- dup (P) 0 get /BoldPentagon put
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- dup (l) 0 get /SolidDiamond put
- dup (d) 0 get /Diamond put
- (D) 0 get /BoldDiamond put
-% DG/SR modification end
- /Metrics 13 dict def
- Metrics begin
- /Bullet 1000 def
- /Circle 1000 def
- /BoldCircle 1000 def
- /SolidTriangle 1344 def
- /Triangle 1344 def
- /BoldTriangle 1344 def
- /SolidSquare 886 def
- /Square 886 def
- /BoldSquare 886 def
- /SolidPentagon 1093.2 def
- /Pentagon 1093.2 def
- /BoldPentagon 1093.2 def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /SolidDiamond 1008 def
- /Diamond 1008 def
- /BoldDiamond 1008 def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef 0 def
- end
- /BBoxes 13 dict def
- BBoxes begin
- /Circle { -550 -550 550 550 } def
- /BoldCircle /Circle load def
- /Bullet /Circle load def
- /Triangle { -571.5 -330 571.5 660 } def
- /BoldTriangle /Triangle load def
- /SolidTriangle /Triangle load def
- /Square { -450 -450 450 450 } def
- /BoldSquare /Square load def
- /SolidSquare /Square load def
- /Pentagon { -546.6 -465 546.6 574.7 } def
- /BoldPentagon /Pentagon load def
- /SolidPentagon /Pentagon load def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /Diamond { -428.5 -742.5 428.5 742.5 } def
- /BoldDiamond /Diamond load def
- /SolidDiamond /Diamond load def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef { 0 0 0 0 } def
- end
- /CharProcs 20 dict def
- CharProcs begin
- /Adjust {
- 2 copy dtransform floor .5 add exch floor .5 add exch idtransform
- 3 -1 roll div 3 1 roll exch div exch scale
- } def
- /CirclePath { 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath } def
- /Bullet { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath fill } def
- /Circle { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath .9 .9 scale CirclePath
- eofill } def
- /BoldCircle { 500 500 Adjust CirclePath .8 .8 scale CirclePath
- eofill } def
- /BoldCircle { CirclePath .8 .8 scale CirclePath eofill } def
- /TrianglePath { 0 660 moveto -571.5 -330 lineto 571.5 -330 lineto
- closepath } def
- /SolidTriangle { TrianglePath fill } def
- /Triangle { TrianglePath .85 .85 scale TrianglePath eofill } def
- /BoldTriangle { TrianglePath .7 .7 scale TrianglePath eofill } def
- /SquarePath { -450 450 moveto 450 450 lineto 450 -450 lineto
- -450 -450 lineto closepath } def
- /SolidSquare { SquarePath fill } def
- /Square { SquarePath .89 .89 scale SquarePath eofill } def
- /BoldSquare { SquarePath .78 .78 scale SquarePath eofill } def
- /PentagonPath {
- -337.8 -465 moveto
- 337.8 -465 lineto
- 546.6 177.6 lineto
- 0 574.7 lineto
- -546.6 177.6 lineto
- closepath
- } def
- /SolidPentagon { PentagonPath fill } def
- /Pentagon { PentagonPath .89 .89 scale PentagonPath eofill } def
- /BoldPentagon { PentagonPath .78 .78 scale PentagonPath eofill } def
-% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 16, 1999 - From Etienne Riga
- /DiamondPath { 0 742.5 moveto -428.5 0 lineto 0 -742.5 lineto
- 428.5 0 lineto closepath } def
- /SolidDiamond { DiamondPath fill } def
- /Diamond { DiamondPath .85 .85 scale DiamondPath eofill } def
- /BoldDiamond { DiamondPath .7 .7 scale DiamondPath eofill } def
-% DG/SR modification end
- /.notdef { } def
- end
- /BuildGlyph {
- exch
- begin
- Metrics 1 index get exec 0
- BBoxes 3 index get exec
- setcachedevice
- CharProcs begin load exec end
- end
- } def
- /BuildChar {
- 1 index /Encoding get exch get
- 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec
- } bind def
-/PSTricksDotFont exch definefont pop
-% PostScript prologue for pst-node.tex.
-% Version 97 patch 1, 97/05/09.
-% For distribution, see pstricks.tex.
-/tx@NodeDict 400 dict def tx@NodeDict begin
-tx@Dict begin /T /translate load def end
-/NewNode { gsave /next ED dict dup 3 1 roll def exch { dup 3 1 roll def }
-if begin tx@Dict begin STV CP T exec end /NodeMtrx CM def next end
-grestore } def
-/InitPnode { /Y ED /X ED /NodePos { NodeSep Cos mul NodeSep Sin mul } def
-} def
-/InitCnode { /r ED /Y ED /X ED /NodePos { NodeSep r add dup Cos mul exch
-Sin mul } def } def
-/GetRnodePos { Cos 0 gt { /dx r NodeSep add def } { /dx l NodeSep sub def
-} ifelse Sin 0 gt { /dy u NodeSep add def } { /dy d NodeSep sub def }
-ifelse dx Sin mul abs dy Cos mul abs gt { dy Cos mul Sin div dy } { dx
-dup Sin mul Cos Div } ifelse } def
-/InitRnode { /Y ED /X ED X sub /r ED /l X neg def Y add neg /d ED Y sub
-/u ED /NodePos { GetRnodePos } def } def
-/DiaNodePos { w h mul w Sin mul abs h Cos mul abs add Div NodeSep add dup
-Cos mul exch Sin mul } def
-/TriNodePos { Sin s lt { d NodeSep sub dup Cos mul Sin Div exch } { w h
-mul w Sin mul h Cos abs mul add Div NodeSep add dup Cos mul exch Sin mul
-} ifelse } def
-/InitTriNode { sub 2 div exch 2 div exch 2 copy T 2 copy 4 index index /d
-ED pop pop pop pop -90 mul rotate /NodeMtrx CM def /X 0 def /Y 0 def d
-sub abs neg /d ED d add /h ED 2 div h mul h d sub Div /w ED /s d w Atan
-sin def /NodePos { TriNodePos } def } def
-/OvalNodePos { /ww w NodeSep add def /hh h NodeSep add def Sin ww mul Cos
-hh mul Atan dup cos ww mul exch sin hh mul } def
-/GetCenter { begin X Y NodeMtrx transform CM itransform end } def
-/XYPos { dup sin exch cos Do /Cos ED /Sin ED /Dist ED Cos 0 gt { Dist
-Dist Sin mul Cos div } { Cos 0 lt { Dist neg Dist Sin mul Cos div neg }
-{ 0 Dist Sin mul } ifelse } ifelse Do } def
-/GetEdge { dup 0 eq { pop begin 1 0 NodeMtrx dtransform CM idtransform
-exch atan sub dup sin /Sin ED cos /Cos ED /NodeSep ED NodePos NodeMtrx
-dtransform CM idtransform end } { 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED pop
-XYPos } ifelse } def
-/AddOffset { 1 index 0 eq { pop pop } { 2 copy 5 2 roll cos mul add 4 1
-roll sin mul sub exch } ifelse } def
-/GetEdgeA { NodeSepA AngleA NodeA NodeSepTypeA GetEdge OffsetA AngleA
-AddOffset yA add /yA1 ED xA add /xA1 ED } def
-/GetEdgeB { NodeSepB AngleB NodeB NodeSepTypeB GetEdge OffsetB AngleB
-AddOffset yB add /yB1 ED xB add /xB1 ED } def
-/GetArmA { ArmTypeA 0 eq { /xA2 ArmA AngleA cos mul xA1 add def /yA2 ArmA
-AngleA sin mul yA1 add def } { ArmTypeA 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED
-ArmA AngleA XYPos OffsetA AngleA AddOffset yA add /yA2 ED xA add /xA2 ED
-} ifelse } def
-/GetArmB { ArmTypeB 0 eq { /xB2 ArmB AngleB cos mul xB1 add def /yB2 ArmB
-AngleB sin mul yB1 add def } { ArmTypeB 1 eq {{exch}} {{}} ifelse /Do ED
-ArmB AngleB XYPos OffsetB AngleB AddOffset yB add /yB2 ED xB add /xB2 ED
-} ifelse } def
-/InitNC { /b ED /a ED /NodeSepTypeB ED /NodeSepTypeA ED /NodeSepB ED
-/NodeSepA ED /OffsetB ED /OffsetA ED tx@NodeDict a known tx@NodeDict b
-known and dup { /NodeA a load def /NodeB b load def NodeA GetCenter /yA
-ED /xA ED NodeB GetCenter /yB ED /xB ED } if } def
-/LPutLine { 4 copy 3 -1 roll sub neg 3 1 roll sub Atan /NAngle ED 1 t sub
-mul 3 1 roll 1 t sub mul 4 1 roll t mul add /Y ED t mul add /X ED } def
-/LPutLines { mark LPutVar counttomark 2 div 1 sub /n ED t floor dup n gt
-{ pop n 1 sub /t 1 def } { dup t sub neg /t ED } ifelse cvi 2 mul { pop
-} repeat LPutLine cleartomark } def
-/BezierMidpoint { /y3 ED /x3 ED /y2 ED /x2 ED /y1 ED /x1 ED /y0 ED /x0 ED
-/t ED /cx x1 x0 sub 3 mul def /cy y1 y0 sub 3 mul def /bx x2 x1 sub 3
-mul cx sub def /by y2 y1 sub 3 mul cy sub def /ax x3 x0 sub cx sub bx
-sub def /ay y3 y0 sub cy sub by sub def ax t 3 exp mul bx t t mul mul
-add cx t mul add x0 add ay t 3 exp mul by t t mul mul add cy t mul add
-y0 add 3 ay t t mul mul mul 2 by t mul mul add cy add 3 ax t t mul mul
-mul 2 bx t mul mul add cx add atan /NAngle ED /Y ED /X ED } def
-/HPosBegin { yB yA ge { /t 1 t sub def } if /Y yB yA sub t mul yA add def
-} def
-/HPosEnd { /X Y yyA sub yyB yyA sub Div xxB xxA sub mul xxA add def
-/NAngle yyB yyA sub xxB xxA sub Atan def } def
-/HPutLine { HPosBegin /yyA ED /xxA ED /yyB ED /xxB ED HPosEnd } def
-/HPutLines { HPosBegin yB yA ge { /check { le } def } { /check { ge } def
-} ifelse /xxA xA def /yyA yA def mark xB yB LPutVar { dup Y check { exit
-} { /yyA ED /xxA ED } ifelse } loop /yyB ED /xxB ED cleartomark HPosEnd
-} def
-/VPosBegin { xB xA lt { /t 1 t sub def } if /X xB xA sub t mul xA add def
-} def
-/VPosEnd { /Y X xxA sub xxB xxA sub Div yyB yyA sub mul yyA add def
-/NAngle yyB yyA sub xxB xxA sub Atan def } def
-/VPutLine { VPosBegin /yyA ED /xxA ED /yyB ED /xxB ED VPosEnd } def
-/VPutLines { VPosBegin xB xA ge { /check { le } def } { /check { ge } def
-} ifelse /xxA xA def /yyA yA def mark xB yB LPutVar { 1 index X check {
-exit } { /yyA ED /xxA ED } ifelse } loop /yyB ED /xxB ED cleartomark
-VPosEnd } def
-/HPutCurve { gsave newpath /SaveLPutVar /LPutVar load def LPutVar 8 -2
-roll moveto curveto flattenpath /LPutVar [ {} {} {} {} pathforall ] cvx
-def grestore exec /LPutVar /SaveLPutVar load def } def
-/NCCoor { /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def /AngleB AngleA 180 add def
-GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutVar LPutLine } def /HPutPos { LPutVar HPutLine } def /VPutPos {
-LPutVar VPutLine } def LPutVar } def
-/NCLine { NCCoor tx@Dict begin ArrowA CP 4 2 roll ArrowB lineto pop pop
-end } def
-/NCLines { false NArray n 0 eq { NCLine } { 2 copy yA sub exch xA sub
-Atan /AngleA ED n 2 mul dup index exch index yB sub exch xB sub Atan
-/AngleB ED GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 n 2 mul 4 add 4 roll xA1
-yA1 ] cvx def mark LPutVar tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-ifelse } def
-/NCCurve { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB xA1 xB1 sub yA1 yB1 sub Pyth 2 div dup 3 -1
-roll mul /ArmA ED mul /ArmB ED /ArmTypeA 0 def /ArmTypeB 0 def GetArmA
-GetArmB xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 tx@Dict begin ArrowA end xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1 tx@Dict
-begin ArrowB end curveto /LPutVar [ xA1 yA1 xA2 yA2 xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { t LPutVar BezierMidpoint } def /HPutPos { { HPutLines
-} HPutCurve } def /VPutPos { { VPutLines } HPutCurve } def } def
-/NCAngles { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate
-def xA2 yA2 mtrx transform pop xB2 yB2 mtrx transform exch pop mtrx
-itransform /y0 ED /x0 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA2
-yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1
-yB1 xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def
-/HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def } def
-/NCAngle { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate def xB2
-yB2 mtrx itransform pop xA1 yA1 mtrx itransform exch pop mtrx transform
-/y0 ED /x0 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA1 yA1
-tx@Dict begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 x0 y0 xA1 yA1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-/NCBar { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate def
-xA2 yA2 mtrx itransform pop xB2 yB2 mtrx itransform pop sub dup 0 mtrx
-transform 3 -1 roll 0 gt { /yB2 exch yB2 add def /xB2 exch xB2 add def }
-{ /yA2 exch neg yA2 add def /xA2 exch neg xA2 add def } ifelse mark ArmB
-0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict
-begin false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx
-def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-/NCDiag { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if
-xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false Line end
-/LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-/NCDiagg { GetEdgeA GetArmA yB yA2 sub xB xA2 sub Atan 180 add /AngleB ED
-GetEdgeB mark xB1 yB1 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin
-false Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos {
-LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos { VPutLines } def }
-/NCLoop { GetEdgeA GetEdgeB GetArmA GetArmB /mtrx AngleA matrix rotate
-def xA2 yA2 mtrx transform loopsize add /yA3 ED /xA3 ED /xB3 xB2 yB2
-mtrx transform pop def xB3 yA3 mtrx itransform /yB3 ED /xB3 ED xA3 yA3
-mtrx itransform /yA3 ED /xA3 ED mark ArmB 0 ne { xB1 yB1 } if xB2 yB2
-xB3 yB3 xA3 yA3 xA2 yA2 ArmA 0 ne { xA1 yA1 } if tx@Dict begin false
-Line end /LPutVar [ xB1 yB1 xB2 yB2 xB3 yB3 xA3 yA3 xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1 ]
-cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos { HPutLines } def /VPutPos {
-VPutLines } def } def
-% DG/SR modification begin - May 9, 1997 - Patch 1
-%/NCCircle { 0 0 NodesepA nodeA \tx@GetEdge pop xA sub 2 div dup 2 exp r
-%r mul sub abs sqrt atan 2 mul /a ED r AngleA 90 add PtoC yA add exch xA add
-%exch 2 copy /LPutVar [ 4 2 roll r AngleA ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutVar t 360
-%mul add dup 5 1 roll 90 sub \tx@PtoC 3 -1 roll add /Y ED add /X ED /NAngle ED
-/NCCircle { NodeSepA 0 NodeA 0 GetEdge pop 2 div dup 2 exp r
-r mul sub abs sqrt atan 2 mul /a ED r AngleA 90 add PtoC yA add exch xA add
-exch 2 copy /LPutVar [ 4 2 roll r AngleA ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutVar t 360
-mul add dup 5 1 roll 90 sub PtoC 3 -1 roll add /Y ED add /X ED /NAngle ED
-% DG/SR modification end
-} def /HPutPos { LPutPos } def /VPutPos { LPutPos } def r AngleA 90 sub a add
-AngleA 270 add a sub tx@Dict begin /angleB ED /angleA ED /r ED /c 57.2957 r
-Div def /y ED /x ED } def
-/NCBox { /d ED /h ED /AngleB yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def /AngleA AngleB
-180 add def GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /dx d AngleB sin mul def /dy d AngleB cos
-mul neg def /hx h AngleB sin mul neg def /hy h AngleB cos mul def
-/LPutVar [ xA1 hx add yA1 hy add xB1 hx add yB1 hy add xB1 dx add yB1 dy
-add xA1 dx add yA1 dy add ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutLines } def /HPutPos
-{ xB yB xA yA LPutLine } def /VPutPos { HPutPos } def mark LPutVar
-tx@Dict begin false Polygon end } def
-/NCArcBox { /l ED neg /d ED /h ED /a ED /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan
-def /AngleB AngleA 180 add def /tA AngleA a sub 90 add def /tB tA a 2
-mul add def /r xB xA sub tA cos tB cos sub Div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if def
-/x0 xA r tA cos mul add def /y0 yA r tA sin mul add def /c 57.2958 r div
-def /AngleA AngleA a sub 180 add def /AngleB AngleB a add 180 add def
-GetEdgeA GetEdgeB /AngleA tA 180 add yA yA1 sub xA xA1 sub Pyth c mul
-sub def /AngleB tB 180 add yB yB1 sub xB xB1 sub Pyth c mul add def l 0
-eq { x0 y0 r h add AngleA AngleB arc x0 y0 r d add AngleB AngleA arcn }
-{ x0 y0 translate /tA AngleA l c mul add def /tB AngleB l c mul sub def
-0 0 r h add tA tB arc r h add AngleB PtoC r d add AngleB PtoC 2 copy 6 2
-roll l arcto 4 { pop } repeat r d add tB PtoC l arcto 4 { pop } repeat 0
-0 r d add tB tA arcn r d add AngleA PtoC r h add AngleA PtoC 2 copy 6 2
-roll l arcto 4 { pop } repeat r h add tA PtoC l arcto 4 { pop } repeat }
-ifelse closepath /LPutVar [ x0 y0 r AngleA AngleB h d ] cvx def /LPutPos
-{ LPutVar /d ED /h ED /AngleB ED /AngleA ED /r ED /y0 ED /x0 ED t 1 le {
-r h add AngleA 1 t sub mul AngleB t mul add dup 90 add /NAngle ED PtoC }
-{ t 2 lt { /NAngle AngleB 180 add def r 2 t sub h mul t 1 sub d mul add
-add AngleB PtoC } { t 3 lt { r d add AngleB 3 t sub mul AngleA 2 t sub
-mul add dup 90 sub /NAngle ED PtoC } { /NAngle AngleA 180 add def r 4 t
-sub d mul t 3 sub h mul add add AngleA PtoC } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
-y0 add /Y ED x0 add /X ED } def /HPutPos { LPutPos } def /VPutPos {
-LPutPos } def } def
-/Tfan { /AngleA yB yA sub xB xA sub Atan def GetEdgeA w xA1 xB sub yA1 yB
-sub Pyth Pyth w Div CLW 2 div mul 2 div dup AngleA sin mul yA1 add /yA1
-ED AngleA cos mul xA1 add /xA1 ED /LPutVar [ xA1 yA1 m { xB w add yB xB
-w sub yB } { xB yB w sub xB yB w add } ifelse xA1 yA1 ] cvx def /LPutPos
-{ LPutLines } def /VPutPos@ { LPutVar flag { 8 4 roll pop pop pop pop }
-{ pop pop pop pop 4 2 roll } ifelse } def /VPutPos { VPutPos@ VPutLine }
-def /HPutPos { VPutPos@ HPutLine } def mark LPutVar tx@Dict begin
-/ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath end } def
-/LPutCoor { NAngle tx@Dict begin /NAngle ED end gsave CM STV CP Y sub neg
-exch X sub neg exch moveto setmatrix CP grestore } def
-/LPut { tx@NodeDict /LPutPos known { LPutPos } { CP /Y ED /X ED /NAngle 0
-def } ifelse LPutCoor } def
-/HPutAdjust { Sin Cos mul 0 eq { 0 } { d Cos mul Sin div flag not { neg }
-if h Cos mul Sin div flag { neg } if 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop }
-ifelse } ifelse s add flag { r add neg } { l add } ifelse X add /X ED }
-/VPutAdjust { Sin Cos mul 0 eq { 0 } { l Sin mul Cos div flag { neg } if
-r Sin mul Cos div flag not { neg } if 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop }
-ifelse } ifelse s add flag { d add } { h add neg } ifelse Y add /Y ED }
-% END
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-Fc(??)p Fg(.\))381 3113 y Fc(26)277 b Fb(QX)p Fc(d7)0
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-Fg(g4)h Fd(Q)p Fg(e5)f(wins.)381 3672 y Fc(26)277 b(.)18
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-Fc(b7)180 b Fb(R)p Fc(g6)0 3998 y Fg(Within)21 b(a)i(handful)d(of)i(mo)
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-(\014gh)m(t)0 4224 y(for)f(a)h(dra)m(w!)381 4437 y Fc(28)277
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-1938 y(31)278 b(c)p Fb(X)p Fc(b4)170 b(a)p Fb(X)p Fc(b4)1988
-2171 y Fg(On)27 b(31.)16 b(.)f(.)h Fd(Q)p Fa(X)p Fg(b4)26
-b(32)i Fd(Q)p Fg(e2)f(White)g(should)e(dra)m(w)i(with)1988
-2284 y(b)s(est)j(pla)m(y)-8 b(.)p 2269 2409 V 2211 2522
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/tuggame.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/tuggame.tex
index 3cb59ab544c..76f4e5005af 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/tuggame.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/tuggame.tex
@@ -25,9 +25,35 @@
+%% to get showexpl to respekt empty lines
+%% this corrects a bug in showexpl as long
+%% as the new version isn't there
+ %%\MakePercentComment\catcode`\^^M=10\relax
+ \SX@@preset\SX@preset
+ \if@SX@rangeaccept
+ \let\@tempa=\SX@input% Nur sinnvoll bei \LTXinputExample
+ \else
+ \let\@tempa=\input
+ \fi
+ \@tempa{\SX@codefile}%
+ \MakePercentIgnore}
+\lstset{width=0.5} % wider examples
\title{Example of the LaTeX-input and output of an annotated
chess game using \texttt{skak.sty}}
@@ -39,127 +65,53 @@ chess game using \texttt{skak.sty}}
-\section{The Input}
-1p6/8/PPP3PP/4R2K w - - 0 26}
+PPP3PP/4R2K w - - 0 26}
- \begin{center}
- $$\showboard$$
- \caption{Fischer--Tal after \protect\variation{25... Kf8!}
- \label{fig:after-25...Kf8}
- \end{center}
-(See figure~\ref{fig:after-25...Kf8}.)
+Fischer--Tal after \movecomment{25... Kf8!}
\mainline{26. Qxd7}
-Not \variation{26. Rf1+ Kg7 27. Rf7+
-and if \variation{28. Qxd7 Rd8 29. Qg4
+Not \variation{26. Rf1+ Kg7 27. Rf7+ Kh8} and if
+\continuevariationcurrent{28. Qxd7 Rd8 29. Qg4 Qe5} wins.
\mainline{26...Qd6 27. Qb7 Rg6}
-Within a handful of moves the game
-has changed its complexion. Now it
-is White who must fight for a draw!
+Within a handful of moves the game has changed its complexion.
+Now it is White who must fight for a draw!
\mainline{28. c3}
-Black's extra piece means less with
-each pawn that's exchanged.
+Black's extra piece means less with each pawn that's exchanged.
-On \variation{28...bxc3 29. Qc8+ Bd8
-30. Qxc3}=.
-\mainline{29. Qc8+}
-On the wrong track. Right is
-\variation{29. cxb4 Qxb4} (if
-\variation{29... axb4 30. a3! bxa3
-31. bxa3 Qxa3} draws)
-\variation{30. Qf3+ Kg7 31. Qe2} draws,
-since Black can't possibly build up a
-winning K-side attack and his own
-king is to exposed.
-\mainline{29...Kg7 30. Qc4 Bd8
-31. cxb4 axb4}
-On \variation{31... Qxb4 32. Qe2}
-White should draw with best play.
+On \variation{28...bxc3 29. Qc8+ Bd8 30. Qxc3}=.
-\section{The Output}
-1p6/8/PPP3PP/4R2K w - - 0 26}
+\mainline{29. Qc8+}
+On the wrong track. Right is \variation{29. cxb4 Qxb4} (if
+\continuevariation{29... axb4 30. a3! bxa3 31. bxa3 Qxa3}
+\restoregame{mainline} \hidemoves{29. cxb4 Qxb4}
+\variationcurrent{30. Qf3+ Kg7 31. Qe2} draws,
+since Black can't possibly build up a winning K-side
+attack and his own king is to exposed.
- \begin{center}
- $$\showboard$$
- \caption{Fischer--Tal after
- \tracingmacros=1\variation{25... Kf8!}\tracingmacros=0}
- \label{fig:after-25...Kf8}
- \end{center}
+\restoregame{mainline} \hidemoves{29. Qc8+}
-(See figure~\ref{fig:after-25...Kf8}.)
-\mainline{26. Qxd7}
-Not \variation{26. Rf1+ Kg7 27. Rf7+
-and if \variation{28. Qxd7 Rd8 29. Qg4
-\mainline{26...Qd6 27. Qb7 Rg6}
-Within a handful of moves the game
-has changed its complexion. Now it
-is White who must fight for a draw!
-\mainline{28. c3}
-Black's extra piece means less with
-each pawn that's exchanged.
-On \variation{28...bxc3 29. Qc8+ Bd8
-30. Qxc3}=.
-\mainline{29. Qc8+}
-On the wrong track. Right is
-\variation{29. cxb4 Qxb4} (if
-\variation{29... axb4 30. a3! bxa3
-31. bxa3 Qxa3} draws)
-\variation{30. Qf3+ Kg7 31. Qe2} draws,
-since Black can't possibly build up a
-winning K-side attack and his own
-king is to exposed.
-\mainline{29...Kg7 30. Qc4 Bd8
-31. cxb4 axb4}
+\mainline{29...Kg7 30. Qc4 Bd8 31. cxb4 axb4}
On \variation{31... Qxb4 32. Qe2}
White should draw with best play.