path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/seminar/sem-user.tex
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-%% BEGIN sem-user.tex
-%% COPYRIGHT 1993, by Timothy Van Zandt,
-%% Copying of part or all of any file in the seminar.sty package
-%% is allowed under the following conditions only:
-%% (1) You may freely distribute unchanged copies of the files. Please
-%% include the documentation when you do so.
-%% (2) You may modify a renamed copy of any file, but only for personal
-%% use or use within an organization.
-%% (3) You may copy fragments from the files, for personal use or for use
-%% in a macro package for distribution, as long as credit is given
-%% where credit is due.
-%% You are NOT ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of
-%% these files or modified versions or fragments thereof, except for
-%% a nominal charge for copying etc.
-%% This LaTeX file prints the User's Guide for seminar.sty.
-%% You must have my tvz-hax.sty, tvz-user.sty, and fancybox.sty,
-%% which are distributed with seminar.sty.
-%% This is distributed with the index file sem-user.ind.
-%% To make an new index, run, e.g.:
-%% makeindex sem-user.idx
-%% `a4' : For A4 paper.
-%% `twoside' : For two-sided printing.
-%% `2up' : For two-up printing. (Uses non-standard font magnifications.
-%% See 2up.doc for details.)
-% Used with twoside option:
-\def\theheadertitle{seminar.sty: User's Guide}
-% No headers, 1in top margin
-% Change part environment:
- \clearpage
- \refstepcounter{part}
- \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\protect\numberline{\thepart}#1}%
- \hrule height 1pt\relax
- \vskip 1ex
- \hbox to\columnwidth{\strut\huge\bf\thepart\hfil#1}%
- \vskip 1ex
- \hrule height 1pt\relax
- \vskip 3ex}
-\def\MainFont{\tt} % For macro definitions.
- {\huge\bf seminar.sty}\\[9pt]
- {\LARGE\bf A \bLaTeX\ style for slides and notes}\\[14pt]
- {\LARGE\bf User's Guide}\par
- \vskip 1.5em
- \large
- \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}}
- Timothy Van Zandt\\
- {\normalsize\tt}
- \vskip 1em
- \thefiledate\\ Version \FileVersion\par
-\rightskip=0pt plus 2em\relax
-0cm 2.3cm
-0cm 2.9cm
-0cm 3.5cm
-0cm 4.1cm
-0cm 4.7cm
-0cm 5.3cm
-0cm 5.9cm
-0cm 6.5cm
-0cm 7.1cm
-0cm 7.7cm
-0cm 8.3cm
-0cm 8.3cm
-0cm 8.3cm
-0cm 7.3cm
-0cm 7.3cm
-0cm 7.3cm
-0cm 7.3cm
-0cm 7.3cm
-0cm 7.3cm
-0cm 7.3cm
-seminar.sty is a \LaTeX\ style for typesetting slides or
-transparencies, and accompanying notes. Here are some of its special features:
-It is compatible with \AmS-\LaTeX, and you can use PostScript and \AmS{}
-fonts. Slides can be landscape and portrait. There is support for color and
-frames. The magnification can be changed easily.
-Overlays can be produced from a single slide environment. Accompanying notes,
-such as the text of a presentation, can be put
- outside the slide environments. The slides, notes or both together
- can then be typeset in a variety of formats.
-\section*{Getting Started}
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Getting Started}
-\markboth{Getting Started}{Getting Started}
-"seminar.sty" is a \LaTeX{} document style for typesetting slides, and more.
-You should know how to use \LaTeX, as described in Leslie Lamport's \LaTeX:
-{\em User's Guide and Reference Manual}.
-Let's get started:
-\item If you are installing "seminar.sty", read the the accompanying read-me
-file, and put the input files where your \TeX\ looks for inputs.
-\item Typeset the sample file, "semsamp1.tex", to see that everything is
-working. You can use \LaTeX\ or \AmS-\LaTeX.
-\item Read Appendix \ref{short-fonts}, on page \pageref{short-fonts}.
-\item To start making landscape slides, use
- \documentstyle{seminar}
- \begin{document}
- \begin{slide}
- foo
- \end{slide}
- \end{document}
-and print out your document in landscape mode.
-\item To start making portrait slides, include the \o{portrait} style option,
-and use the \e{slide*} environment instead of \e{slide}:
- \documentstyle[portrait]{seminar}
- \begin{document}
- \begin{slide*}
- foo
- \end{slide*}
- \end{document}
-\item If you have used \SliTeX, see Section \ref{slitex}.
-\item For A4 paper, use the "a4" style option.
-\item When you are ready to explore "seminar.sty"'s special features, skim the
-{\em User's Guide}, including the appendices.
-\item Play around with the sample file "semsamp2.tex" to try out some of
-"seminar.sty"'s special features.
-\item When you run into problems, look for help in Part \ref{Help}.
-\part{Just slides}
-\section{Landscape and portrait slides}
-"seminar.sty" is a \LaTeX\ (or \AmS-\LaTeX) document style. Thus, begin your
-document with
- \documentstyle{seminar}
-The slide environments are\MainEnvIndex{slide}\MainEnvIndex{slide*}%
- \begin{slide} ... \end{slide}
- \begin{slide*} ... \end{slide*}
-\e{slide} is for landscape slides and \e{slide*} is for portrait slides.
-By default, the document is typeset in landscape mode, but if you include the
-\O{portrait} style option, the document is typeset in portrait mode.
-Typesetting the document in landscape mode is different from printing it in
-landscape mode; you may have to take care of the latter when printing with
-your dvi driver (see Appendix \ref{S-landscape}).
-If you have both landscape and portrait slides in your file, there are two
-ways to print the slides:
- \item If you dvi driver supports rotation, then you can print all the slides
-at once. See Appendix \ref{S-landscape} for details.
- \item You can first print your landscape slides by putting the command
- \landscapeonly
-in the preamble, and then print the portrait slides by inserting instead the
- \portraitonly
-and including the \o{portrait} style option.
-\section{The height and width of slides\label{slidedim}}
-The dimensions of the slides are set by the lengths
- \slidewidth\\
- \slideheight
-The ``width'' refers to the width of a slide when looking at it in landscape
-orientation, whether it is a landscape or portrait slide (and the same goes
-for ``height''). The default width is 8.5 inches and the default height is 6.3
-The slide environments have an optional argument that lets you change the
-dimensions of a single slide, as in
- \begin{slide*}[7.5in,6in]
-The first dimension is the slide's ``width'', and the second dimension is the
-slides ``height''. If you remember what we said about what ``width'' and
-``height'' mean, you will see that the above example begins a portrait slide
-that is 7.5 inches high and 6 inches wide.
-\section{Margins within a slide}
-When a slide is not full, the material is vertically centered within the
-slide. The command
- \centerslidesfalse
-cause the material to be flush to the top, instead. The command
- \centerslidestrue
-switches back to vertical centering.
-The right margin in slides is ragged by default. You can change this with the
- \raggedslides[len]
-<len> should be the maximum space between the end of the line and the right
-margin. The argument is optional; \n\raggedslides\ is equivalent to
- \raggedslides[1fil]
-which gives a ragged right margin, as in \LaTeX's "flushleft" environment (the
-default). On the other hand,
- \raggedslides[0pt]
-gives a justified margin, and
- \raggedslides[2em]
-gives a semi-ragged margin. Note that as a margin becomes less ragged,
-hyphenation becomes more likely and more material fits on a slide.
-\section{Page breaking within a slide environment\label{S-pagebreak}}
-A slide environment can contain more than one ``page'' of slides; \TeX\ will
-break slides into pages automatically.
-If the mere idea disturbs you, put the command
- \extraslideheight{10in}
-in your document. You can then divide slides into pages yourself by starting
-new slide environments or using the
- \newslide
-command within a slide environment. And you need read this section no further.
-If instead you use the command
- \extraslideheight{0pt}
-then \TeX\ will break pages the way you would expect. This is a quick and
-dirty way to break a whole paper or a long proof into slides.
-However, dividing material into slides is usually too delicate a matter to be
-left up to \TeX, and ultimately you will make all the page breaks yourself. On
-the other hand, automatic page breaking can still be helpful at the early
-stages, letting \TeX\ find preliminary page breaks for you.
-Setting the "\extraslideheight" to "0pt" doesn't give you much flexibility
-about where to put the page breaks. Of course, you can always put a page break
-earlier than the one found by \TeX, but occasionally you will prefer to let a
-slide overflow by a small amount rather than rewrite the whole slide.
-Therefore, by default, "seminar.sty" uses\MainIndex{\extraslideheight}%
- \extraslideheight{10pt}
-This adds on an extra "10pt" to the target slide height (as determined by
-"\slideheight" for landscape slides and "\slidewidth" for portrait slides)
-{\em for the purpose of page-breaking only}.
-If the resulting slide exceeds the slide height, you will get a message like
- LaTeX Error: Slide 3 overfull by 9pt.
-"seminar.sty" then tries to reduce the slide to its maximum height by
-squeezing out rubber vertical space (e.g., tightening up the interline
-spacing). If the slide is still too full, you will get another warning like:
- Overfull \vbox by 4.4pt while output was active.
-You can go back and look for a way to make the slide shorter, or you can
-insert a "\newslide" command to change the page-break, or you can just ignore
-these warnings.
-The recommended value to give in the argument of "\extraslideheight" is the
-largest length by which you might be willing to let a slide overflow.
-After you have decided on the page breaks, you can shut up the warnings about
-overfull slides and "\vbox"'s with
- \renewcommand{\slidefuzz}{1in}
-The value of \n\slidefuzz\ (which should be length, even though \n\slidefuzz\
-is an ordinary command sequence) is the threshold above which "seminar.sty"
-gives a warning about an overfull slide. The default definition is "2pt".
-\section{Margins on the page\label{S-slidemargins}}
-After "seminar.sty" makes a slide (or a slide page) as described above, it
-(optionally) frames the slide. This is described in Section \ref{S-frames}.
-For making and framing the slide, "seminar.sty" does not need to know anything
-about the paper you are printing on, or the margins you want. Hence, none of
-\LaTeX's standard page parameters are relevant within a slide environment.
-(However, for the sake of consistency, "seminar.sty" sets "\textwidth" to the
-width of the slide and "\textheight" to the height of the slide within a slide
-Now "seminar.sty" has to do something with the finished slide. As you read
-this User's Guide, you will find that there are various options. However,
-right now we are making slides for printing on transparencies, and so we have
-to position the slide on the transparency and add headers and footers.
-"seminar.sty" does not use \LaTeX's page parameters for this either. Instead,
-it uses the following parameters:
- \begin{tabular}{lc}
- {\em Parameter:} & \em Default:\\
- \N\slideleftmargin & .5in\\
- \N\sliderightmargin & .5in\\
- \N\slidetopmargin & .5in\\
- \N\slidebottommargin & .5in
- \end{tabular}
-There are commands, to be set with "\renewcommand".\footnote{The only true
-length parameters (meaning that thay should be set with "\setlength") in
-"seminar.sty" are \n\slidewidth, \n\slideheight, \n\slideframewidth,
-\n\slideframesep, \n\semin, and \n\semcm.}
-\hrule height 1pt\relax
-\put(0,0){\framebox(11,8.5){\Huge My slide}}
-\put(.75,7.75){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{Here is my header}}
-\put(.75,.75){\makebox(0,0)[tl]{Here is my footer}}
-\caption{Slide margins.\label{SlideMargins}}
-\hrule height 1pt\relax
-Look at Figure \ref{SlideMargins}. Note that the headers and footers lie {\em
-inside} the top and bottom margins, respectively. The slide is then centered
-horizontally and vertically between the margins.
-\section{Magnification and lengths}
-"seminar.sty" changes \TeX's magnification so that the output is larger than
-when typesetting an article. This means, for example, that if you paste some
-input from a paper you are writing with \LaTeX\ into a slide, it will look
-pretty much the same in the slide, except that it is magnified. For example,
-"\vspace{.5in}" produces a space that gets bigger along with the fonts and
-everything else. Of course, it won't look identical, since "seminar.sty" uses
-its own spacing parameters and margins.
-\TeX's standard magnifications are in magsteps. $n$ magsteps means a
-magnification of $1.2^n$. "seminar.sty"'s default magnification is 4 magsteps,
-but you can change this with the command
- \slidesmag{n}
-<n> should be an integer between $-5$ and 9.
-As noted above, lengths grow with the magnification. For spacing, like the
-parameter "\parindent" or using "\\[2pt]" to add a little extra space between
-lines, this is great, because it is easier to think in unmagnified dimensions.
-Setting "\parindent" to ".5cm" will look the same (relative to everything
-else) whatever the magnification.
-However, if you want to set the unit in a "picture" environment to 1cm, {\em
-as it appears on the slide}, use
- \setslidelength{\unitlength}{1cm}
-"\setslidelength" is like \LaTeX's "\setlength", but it scales the size down
-so that the resulting size after magnification is, in this example, 1cm (in
-the process, it removes any stretch from rubber lengths).%
-\footnote{If you know what {\tt true} dimensions are, you may be wondering why
-they haven't been mentioned. These are not recommended because you will not be
-able to print the slides two-up or use the {\tt article} format.}
-There is also a
- \addtoslidelength{cmd}{len}
-"seminar.sty" also provides the lengths
- \semin\\
- \semcm
-which are equal to an inch and a centimeter, scaled down to ``before
-magnification'' size. For example,
- \rule{1pt}{4\semcm}
-makes a line 4 centimeters long on the transparency,.\footnote{Suppose you
-want to use another unit, such as millimeters, instead of centimeters. Then
-try this:
- \newcommand{\semmm}{\semcm}
- \renewcommand{\semcmlength}{1mm}
- \setslidelength{\semmm}{1mm}
-"\textwidth", "\textheight", "\columnwidth" and "\linewidth" all have the
-expected values in slides. (But "\slidewidth" and "\slideheight" do not.)
-Thus, this would
- \rule{1pt}{.5\textwidth}
-make a line that is 1/2 the width of the slide.
-For help getting an EPS file to be the right size, see page \pageref{EPS}.
-Finally, there are some parameters that "seminar.sty" scales for you, and
-hence you can (and should) set them at their magnified values (the actual size
-on transparencies):
- \item "\slidewidth" and "\slideheight"
- \item "\slideframewidth" and "\slideframesep" (see Section \ref{S-frames}).
- \item The slide margin parameters (see Section \ref{S-slidemargins}).
- \item The \LaTeX\ page parameters, {\em when they are set in the
-preamble}.\footnote{The \LaTeX\ page parameters are listed on page 163 of
-Lamport's {\em \LaTeX\ User's Guide and Reference Manual}. They are used for
-notes (see Section \ref{S-notes}) and the \o{article} option (see Sections
-\ref{S-twoup} and \ref{S-article}), but not for printing slides onto
-transparencies. Lamport warns that resetting page parameters in the middle of
-the document is tricky; here it is more so, because you do have to worry about
-scaling them. But you can use "\setslidelength" for this.}
-Note that the warnings about overfull slides (see Section \ref{S-pagebreak})
-report unmagnified dimensions.
-\section{Font sizes}
-The "\slidesmag" command lets you change the magnification of your document.
-You can effectively fine tune the magnification by using the "11pt" and "12pt"
-style options. For example, instead of increasing the magnification from 4 to
-5, you can switch to the "12pt" style option. There are differences---e.g.,
-magnification affects the space you get from "\hspace{1in}"---but the fonts
-will at least be roughly the same size either way. The "11pt" option gives a
-half-step, somewhat like "\slidesmag{4.5}", if the latter were permitted.
-Sometimes you want to use smaller font sizes for a single slide, in order to
-fit in that little bit of extra material, or to use larger font sizes, so that
-the few things you have to say on a slide don't look too lonely. You can't
-changing the magnification in the middle of the document, but you can change
-the size of the fonts with the command
- \ptsize{n}
-This switches to the font sizes that are in effect when you use the "<n>pt"
-option. Actually, <n> can be 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 or 17, whether you have
-"art<n>.sty" or not.
-\section{Spacing parameters\label{S-spacing}}
-\hrule height 1pt
-{\em Command:} & {\em Initializes:} & {\em Default} \\[2pt]
-\N\slideparskip & "\parskip" & "1ex minus .2ex"\\
-\N\slideparindent & "\parindent" & "0pt"\\
-\N\slidefootnotesep & "\footnotesep" & "1.2ex"\\
-\N\slideleftmargini & "\leftmargini" & "1.8em" \\
-\N\slideleftmarginii & "\leftmarginii" & "1.4em" \\
-\N\slideleftmarginiii & "\leftmarginiii" & "1em" \\
-\N\slidelabelsep & "\labelsep" & ".5em" \\
-\N\slideitemsep & "\itemsep" & ".8ex minus .2ex" \\
-\N\slidepartopsep & "\partopsep" & "1ex minus .2ex" \\
-\N\slidestretch & "\baselinestretch" & "1.2"\\
-\N\slidearraystretch & "\arraystretch" & "1.2"
-\caption{Slide spacing parameters.\label{SpacingDefaults}}
-\hrule height 1pt
-The commands in Figure \ref{SpacingDefaults} are used to initialize some of
-the spacing parameters at the beginning of each slide environment and when
-"\ptsize" is used in a slide environment. These are spacing parameters that
-should depend on the size of fonts and that in \LaTeX's "article" style would
-be set in "art10.sty", etc. These commands should all be changed with
-"\renewcommand", even though, except for the "stretch" parameters, their
-values should be lengths.
-Note that "ex" and "em" units are used because these are the units that depend
-of font sizes.
-Outside a slide environment, redefine the commands on the left if you want to
-change these spacing parameters. Within a slide environment, reset the
-parameters directly, or redefine the commands on the left and then use the
-"\ptsize" command.
-In other \LaTeX\ styles, the extra distance between lines that is inserted
-when "\baselinestretch" exceeds 1 is eaten up by tall or deep lines. E.g., if
-the line contains a table or a large math operator, there is probably no
-extra space at all. The advantage of this system is that the distance between
-baselines does not fluctuate with every tilde. The disadvantage is that lines
-can end up too close.
-In "seminar.sty", on the other hand, fraction
- \slideskip
-of the extra space cannot be eaten, but up to fraction
- \slideshrink
-of this extra space that cannot be eaten can be removed if there is too much
-material on the slide. This gives you added flexibility about how much
-material to include on a slide. Both \n\slideskip\ and \n\slideshrink\ can be
-set with "\renewcommand" to a number between 0 and 1. The default value of
-\n\slideskip\ is ".75" and the default value of \n\slideshrink\ is ".25". Set
-\n\slideskip\ to "0" to revert to \LaTeX's usual behavior, as described above.
-For example, suppose you are using a 10pt font, \n\slidestretch\ is "1.2",
-\n\slideskip\ is ".75", and \n\slideshrink\ is ".25". The "\baselineskip" for
-a 10pt font is normally 12pt, leaving a little space between the lines. Then
-"\baselineskip" is set to
- "\slidestretch" $\times$ "12pt" $=$ 1.2$\times$12pt $=$ 14.4pt
-The extra space between lines that is inserted is thus 2.4pt, and
- "\slideskip" $\times$ 2.4pt $=$ .75$\times$2.4pt $=$ 1.8pt
-of this cannot be eaten by tall or deep lines. However, the space between
-lines can be reduced by up to
- "\slideshrink" $\times$ 1.8pt $=$ .25$\times$1.8pt $=$ .45pt
-if the slide would otherwise be too long.
-\section{Slide frames\label{S-frames}}
-Slides can be framed. The command
- \slideframe[commands]{style}
-specifies the frame style to use. Valid frame styles are "none" and "plain",
-unless you use macros that define additional styles. For example, the
-\o{fancybox} style option defines the frames "shadow", "double", "oval" and
-"Oval" (corresponding to the "\shadowbox", "\doublebox", "\ovalbox" and
-"\Ovalbox" commands defined in that style option). The \o{semcolor}
- option defines the styles "scplain", "scdouble", and "scshadow".
-All the frame styles use the lengths
- \slideframewidth\\
- \slideframesep
-which are the (magnified) width of the line (default 4pt) and the distance
-between the slide and the frame (default .4in), respectively.
-\n\slideframe's optional argument is for commands that you want to use to
-customize the slide frame style. For example:
- \slideframe[\setlength{shadowsize}{12pt}]{shadow}\\
- \slideframe[\psset{fillstyle=gradient}]{scplain}
-If you want to build your own custom slide frame, use the command
- \newslideframe{style}[commands]{frame command}
-<style> is the name of the frame, "[<commands>]", which is optional, will be
-inserted before the frame command and before the <commands> given by
-"\slideframe"'s optional argument. These commands can be used to set some
-default parameter values. Then the final argument should frame "#1".
-For example, if "\myframe{foo}" frames "foo", and if "\myframe" uses the
-length "\baldness" as a parameter, then you might write
- \newslideframe{wildframe}[\setlength{\baldness}{.2cm}]%
- {\myframe{#1}}
-You can still override the default value of "\baldness", as in
- \slideframe[\setlength{\baldness}{.1cm}]{wildframe}
-There is a starred version of \n\slideframe\ that adds the frame to previously
-specified frames.\footnote{If using color or PostScript images, note that each
-frame gets added to the background.} This can be used for special tricks. For
-example, if you are using the \o{fancybox} and \o{semcolor} options, then
- \newslideframe{draft}%
- {\boxput{\rput{30}{\Huge\gray DRAFT}}{#1}}
- \slideframe{draft}
- \slideframe*{scdouble}
-puts the word ``DRAFT'' in the background of each slide, gray and rotated 30
-degrees, and then adds a double frame.\footnote{Use "\boxput*" to put "DRAFT"
-in the foreground. See "fancybox.doc" for details.}
-\part{Advanced Features}
-The counter for slides is \C{slide}. The default definition of \N\theslide\ is
-"\arabic{slide}". You can use "\label" and "\ref" to cross-reference slides,
-and the page number in slide environments is set to
-\n\theslide.\footnote{However, these page or slide cross-references are not
-always accurate when you let \TeX\ break pages for you within a slide.} Thus,
-you can write, for example,
- See equation (\ref{foo}) on Slide \pageref{foo}.
-You may want some counters, such as equation counters, to be reset with each
-new slide environment or \n\newslide\ command. By default, only the "footnote"
-counter is reset this way, but you can specify your own (comma-separated) list
-of counters to be reset with the command
- \slidereset{list}
-If you want to reset additional counters, rather than replace the list
-entirely, use
- \addtoslidereset{list}
-There is another way in which the footnote counter gets special treatment. The
- \theslidefootnote
-is used for the counter text instead of "\thefootnote". The default definition
- \alph{footnote}
-\section{Selectively including or excluding slides}
-The commands
- \onlyslides{list}\\
- \notslides{list}
-can be used to include or exclude only those slides in the given list. The
-argument should expand to a comma-separated list of numbers or ranges. The
-numbers do not need to be in order, the list can contain numbers that do not
-correspond to any slide, and there can be duplicate numbers. Negative numbers
-should be enclosed in curly braces. Since the argument is first expanded, you
-can use the "\ref" command in the argument. For example,
- \onlyslides{{-2},\ref{dp}-10,\ref{chart},0,17-999}
-is legal. If "\label{dp}" appears in slide 5 and "\label{chart}" appears in
-slide 12, this is equivalent to:
- \onlyslides{{-2},5-10,12,0,17-999}
-\section{Printing your slides two-up\label{S-twoup}}
-Printing your slides two-up is useful both for previewing slides and for
-making hard copies to distribute or for proofreading.
-One way to print your slides two-up is to include the \O{article} style
-option. This is described further below.
-Another way is to include the command
- \twoup[n]
-in the preamble. This inputs "2up.tex", which contains generic macros for
-two-up printing, and sets the parameters to values that are likely to work.
-Including the optional argument "[<n>]" increases the two-up magnification by
-$n$ magsteps. $n$ can be a positive or negative integer. If you are not able
-to get the right layout, then include the \O{2up} style option, read the
-documentation of "2up.tex", and set the parameters yourself, rather than using
-the \n\twoup\ command.
-The \o{article} style option is also called the article {\em format} (as
-opposed to the slides format). In the article format without the \o{portrait}
-option, the slides are centered horizontally and vertically, two to a page (if
-they fit---landscape slides do fit by default). With the portrait option, the
-slides are printed side-by-side, two to a page. In the \o{article} format, you
-can mix landscape and portrait slides with different orientations, but this
-does not work well with the \o{portrait} option.
-You can change the article format's magnification with
- \articlemag{n}
-This command works like the "\slidesmag" command (page \pageref{+slidesmag}).
-The default is
- \articlemag{0}
-Increase the article magnification if the slides look too lonely; decrease it
-if they are not coming out two-up.
-The size of the slides depends on the {\em difference} between the
-magnifications in the slides and article format. E.g., since the default
-slides magnification is 4 magsteps, the slides are scaled down in the article
-format by 4 magsteps. When you change the slides magnification with
-\n\slidesmag, you also have to change the article magnification with
-\n\articlemag\ by the same amount if you want the size of the slides in the
-article format to remain the same. However, when the article magnification in
-magsteps is negative , you will be using non-standard font magnifications
-(which will produce terrible results if you cannot generate the needed
-fonts---see Appendix \ref{bitmaps} for advice).
-Whether or not landscape slides (or rotated portrait slides) come out two-up
-in the article format without the \o{portrait} option depends on (i) the
-difference between the slides and article magnification, (ii) the values of
-\n\slidewidth\ and \n\slideheight\, (iii) the size of the slide frame, and
-(iv) the article format's page parameters. With the default values of
-(ii)--(iv), the slides will still come out two-up if you change the difference
-between the slides and article magnification to 3 (e.g., increase the value of
-\n\articlemag\ by 1). Try this if you want the slides to be larger.
-If you use the \o{article} option {\em and} the \n\twoup\ command, then your
-slides should be printed four-up!
-You will notice labels on the side or bottom of each slide in the \o{article}
-format. The command
- \slidestyle{style}
-determines where these labels go. There are three predefined slide styles:
-\item[\tt empty] No captions or labels are used.
-\item[\tt left] The labels go on the left of each slide (the default when the
-\o{portrait} option is not used).
-\item[\tt bottom] The labels go on the bottom (the default with the
-\o{portrait} option).
-The label you get is the value of \N\slidelabel. The default definition of
-\n\slidelabel\ is
- \bf Slide \theslide
-In addition to slides, you can include a few comments following each slide to
-remind you of what to say, or even the entire text of your presentation for
-your own benefit or to be distributed to others. These comments or text,
-referred to in this documentation as ``notes'', do not go inside any special
-environment. However, a slide cannot go in the middle of a paragraph of notes.
-To include notes this way, you have to use one of the following style options,
-which determine what is printed:
- \begin{tabular}{ll}
- \O{slidesonly} & Only the slides are printed.\\
- \O{notes} & Both notes and slides are printed.\\
- \O{notesonly} & Only the notes are printed.\\
- \end{tabular}
-These style options are referred to as {\em selections} in this documentation.
-The pages of notes following slide 5 are numbered 5.1, 5.2, etc.
-You can use the "portrait" option to print out your notes, even if you don't
-use this option when printing the slides.
-With the "notesonly" selection, the slides are not printed, but they are
-processed. This means that one can still refer in the notes to slides or to
-equations in slides.
-The fact that various spacing parameters are initialized at the beginning of
-each slide (see Section \ref{S-spacing}) means that when you reset these
-parameters outside a slide environment, only the notes are affected. This lets
-you use different values for notes and slides. The command \N\slidefonts\ can
-be used for any special font commands that should apply only to slides. Also,
-the command \N\everyslide\ is executed at the beginning of every slide, and
-you can use this for any other customizations you want to include.
-You can also use the "11pt" or "12pt" style option for your notes, without
-changing the size of the fonts in the slides, by using the "\ptsize" command
-to set the font sizes for slides. For example, suppose that the "12pt"
-document style option is used, but the preamble contains the command
- \ptsize{11}
-and the second slide begins with the command
- \ptsize{9}
-Then the notes use the "12pt" font size declarations, all the slides but the
-second one use the "11pt" font size declarations, and the second slide uses
-the "9pt" font size declarations.
-Notes are typeset using \LaTeX's standard output routines, and \LaTeX's
-standard page parameters.
- Finally, it is even possible to use a different page style for notes and
-slides. The page style for notes is set by the "\pagestyle" and
-"\thispagestyle" commands. The command
- \slidepagestyle{style}
-sets a different page style for the slides. If the argument is empty, then the
-page style for slides reverts to the one for notes.\footnote{There is no
-"\thisslidepagestyle" command.}
-With the command
- \onlynotestoo
-the "\onlyslides" and "\notslides" commands apply to the notes as well.
-\section{How notes are omitted\label{omit}}
-In the previous section, it was stated that notes are not enclosed in a
-special environment. "seminar.sty" omits notes using special
-macros\footnote{Defined in {\tt xcomment.sty}} that comment out everything
-{\em outside} the slide environments (and a few other environments mentioned
-below). Global declarations that should be processed even when slides are
-omitted go in \e{allversions*} environments, described below.
-"seminar.sty" also let you use a more conventional approach to notes. If you
-put the command
- \noxcomment
-in the preamble, then the notes go inside \E{note} environments, and you can
-put all the global declarations outside any environment. "xcomment.sty" is
-used to make \e{note} a comment environment when note should be omitted, and
-otherwise the \e{note} environment does nothing. This mode of operation is
-more robust than omitting everything outside the slide environments, but
-remembering to insert the
- \begin{note} ... \end{note}
-is more tedious.
-Here are a few technicalities that have to do with "xcomment.sty" and that
-apply whether or not you use \n\noxcomment.
-\item The text that follows the beginning of a slide environment (when not
-using \n\noxcomment) or the end of a \e{note} environment {\em must have
-balanced curly braces}.
-\item "\input" and "\include" commands are followed, even when found in
-omitted notes, but you must use the \LaTeX\ syntax "\input{<file>}" (as
-opposed to \verb*+\input <file> +), and the inputted file must end with
-"\endinput" (this is a good practice anyway).
-\item In omitted text, "%" is still a comment character (hence it is possible
-to comment out a slide or note environment).
-\item A temporary file, "\jobname.tmp", is created (this is of no
-consequence---just in case you wanted to know where it comes from).
-The rest of this section deals with special considerations when omitting
-everything outside the slide environments.
-If you might want to make a global change to one of the slide parameters after
-the document preamble, you cannot include it in a slide environment because
-the change will be local, and you cannot include it in the notes because the
-change won't be processed when the notes are omitted.
-To get around this problem, an environment \E{allversions*} is provided. It is
-processed even when notes are omitted, and any parameter changes or command
-definitions made within the environment are global. Don't generate any output
-within this environment.
-On a rare occasion you might want to include some text that should be typeset
-even when the other notes are omitted (e.g., a list of the slides, or a cover
-page). The \E{allversions} environment is provided for this purpose.
-If you do any serious hacking, you might want to add to the list of
-environments that should be included with the "slidesonly" selection. Do this
-with the command
- \addtoslidelist{list}
-where <list> is a comma separated list of environments, without spaces.
-\section{The article format\label{S-article}}
-The \o{article} style option was described in Section \ref{S-twoup} as a way
-to print your slides two-up. This option is also a good way to print your
-The \o{article} option gets its name because your document is typeset somewhat
-like it would be with \LaTeX's "article" style. (It uses \LaTeX's standard
-page parameters, but some of the default values are different.) It is also
-called the article {\em format}; the slides format is what you get without the
-\o{article} option.
-You probably don't want to use the \o{portrait} style option with the
-\o{article} format except when you are only printing portrait slides. But you
-are welcome to experiment.
-With the \o{notesonly} selection, you can make the notes as big as you want
-using the \n\articlemag\ command (e.g., for easy reading while giving a
-presentation). Just as in the \o{slides} format, the page parameters are
-scaled at the beginning of the document so that they can be set with their
-true dimensions in the preamble.
-The commands
- \setartlength{cmd}{len}\\
- \addtoartlength{cmd}{len}
-are analogous to "\setslidelength" and "\addtoslidelength", but they scale the
-lengths so that they end up at the specified size after magnification in the
-"article" format. You never would use such a command in slide environments or
-to set slide parameters, but you might use these in the notes if you were
-planning on typesetting your notes with the "article" format rather than the
-"slides" format.
-You can change the placement of slides in the \o{article} format using the
- \slideplacement{name}
-command. Here are the valid placement names:
- \item[float] The slides are floated. This is the default with the \o{notes}
-selection and the \o{portrait} option.
- \item[float*] Like "float", but if the notes are printed in a two-column
-format the slides extend across both columns (e.g., like "table" versus
-"table*"). This is the default with the \o{notes} selection without the
-\o{portrait} option.
- \item[onepercol] Each slide is centered horizontally and vertically within a
-single column. This is the default when only slides are printed and the
-\o{portrait} option is used.
- \item[twopercol] Each slide is centered horizontally, two or one per column,
-depending on how many fit. This is the default when only slides are printed
-and the \o{portrait} option is not used.
- \item[here] Each slide is centered horizontally, separated from adjoining
-text or other slides by the rubber length \N\slidesep. The default value of
-\n\slidesep\ is "\intextskip". This is useful with the \o{notes} selection
-when you want the slides to precede accompanying comments and when you do not
-mind large spaces at the bottom of pages.
- \item[here*] This is like "here*", but with "here*" the length \n\slidesep\
-is not lost when it falls at the beginning of a page or after a slide.
-If you want each slide environment to begin a new page (with any of the
-selections), put the command
- \slideclearpagetrue
-in the preamble.
-The \o{notesonly} selection has a starred version, \O{notesonly*}, which
-produces a slide marker for each slide environment, like this one:
-\hrule height 1pt
-\kern 8pt
-\hbox to \linewidth{\hss \LARGE\bf Slide 4 \hss}%
-\kern 8pt
-\hrule height 1pt}
-Commands that are irrelevant in the "article" format are simply ignored. The
-idea is that it should be possible to switch back and forth between the two
-formats without making any other changes in the document. However, this is not
-entirely possible. Changing "\parindent" or "\textwidth" in the preamble
-affects both formats. You can get around this using the \n\ifarticle\
-conditional. For example,
- \ifarticle
- blah blah
- \else
- blee blee
- \fi
-The "\else" part is optional.
-\section{Page styles}
-The page styles "empty", "plain", "headings" and "myheadings" work like in
-\LaTeX's article style. There is also a page style "align" which puts "+"
-signs in the corners, like in \SliTeX.\footnote{See question \ref{Pagestyle}
-in Section \ref{tips} for suggestions on defining new page styles.} You can
-change the size of the fonts used in headers and footers in the slides format
-by setting the commands
- \slideheadfont\\
- \slidefootfont
-to the desired size, using "\renewcommand" (but any explicit font declarations
-in a page style override these commands). The default definition of these
-commands is "\scriptsize".
-\section{Other style options\label{options}}
-The style options described so far, "portrait", "article", "slidesonly",
-"notes", and "notesonly", were designed specifically for "seminar.sty". There
-are other such style options described elsewhere in this documentation:
-"semrot" (page \pageref{o+semrot}), \o{semlayer} (page \pageref{o+semlayer}).
-\o{semcolor} (page \pageref{o+semcolor}), "semhelv" (page
-\pageref{o+semhelv}), "semlcmss" (page \pageref{o+semlcmss}), and "a4" (page
-Here are two more style options that are part of the "seminar.sty" package,
-but that can be used with other document styles:
-\item[fancybox] "fancybox.sty" is specific to slides, but it contains commands
-and documentation that are useful for making slides.
-\item[slidesec] This sets up some sectioning/heading commands for slides, and
-lets you print a list of slides or a table of contents. See the file
-"slidesec.sty" for details.
-It is impossible to predict, much less describe, the consequences of using all
-the other available \LaTeX{} style option with each selection and format.
-Since this document style is an extension of \LaTeX's "article" style, style
-options and commands that do not work with \SliTeX{} may well work here. Just
-about any style option that works with \LaTeX's "article" style will work with
-the "article" format. When unsure of the effect of an option, just try it and
-see for yourself what happens.
-For overlays, you must use both the \O{semlayer} and \o{semcolor} style
-options (see page \pageref{o+semcolor}).
-Overlays have two purposes. First, you can use overlays to gradually add
-layers of information on a slide during a presentation. Second, you can use
-overlays to make color layers; each layer is printed in black-on-white on
-paper, and then you use some kind of color copying service to put each layer
-on a transparency in a different color. This is not nearly as nice as having a
-color printer or using a color printing service, but it's the next best thing.
-"seminar.sty" lets you make both types of overlays (and the main slide) from a
-single slide environment. The command\footnote{You can also write
- "\begin{overlay}{<n>}" $\ldots$ "\end{overlay}"
- \overlay{n}
-puts whatever is in its scope (\TeX\ group) on overlay $n$, where
-$n=0,\ldots,9$. Actually, overlay 0 refers to the main slide, but you might
-use "\overlay{0}" because overlay commands can be nested. As implemented by
-the "semcolor" style option, these overlay commands can be used just about
-anywhere, including in math mode, tables, and around an included graphics file
-(if it is a conforming EPS file, at least). Also, it is all right to use
-non-consecutive overlay numbers.
-For color layers, you have to start by defining some colors using the command
- \colorlayers{colors}
-<colors> should be a comma separated list of color names, without spaces, as
- \colorlayers{red,green,blue}
-Then you can use the command "\red" just like the command \n\overlay"{<n>}";
-everything in its scope goes on a red color layer.
-The "\colorlayers" command obeys the usual rules on scope. You can use this
-command any time, including in a slide environment. The command is cumulative,
-meaning that previously defined color layers continue to exist. The command
-was purposely defined so that it does not complain when a color name is
-already defined; this makes it easier to switch from some other color system
-to a layer system. However, you should be careful not to inadvertently
-redefine some command that you need. Fortunately, there are no \TeX{}
-primitives whose names are the names of colors.
-When you print out the slides, the main slide is printed, followed by each of
-the color layers (if any) for the main slide. Then each of the overlays is
-printed, together with each of its color layers. Only overlays or color layers
-that are actually used (i.e., that are not empty) are printed.
-You can turn overlays and color layers on and off with the commands
- \overlaystrue\\
- \overlaysfalse\\
- \layerstrue\\
- \layersfalse
-These commands can be used at any time, and they obey the usual scoping rules.
-The default is for overlays to be active in the "slides" format and suppressed
-in the "article" format.
-The counter \C{overlay} keeps track of the overlays. The default definition of
-\N\theoverlay\ is:
- \theslide-\alph{overlay}
-Overlays can be cross-referenced.
-The command \N\currlayer\ is set to the name of the current color layer.
-\N\thelayer\ makes a label for layers; its default definition is:
- \theoverlay-\currlayer
-Color layers cannot be cross-referenced.
-For example, if slide 7 has overlays 1 and 2 and colors "red" and "green",
-then the main slide is numbered 7, followed by layers 7-red and 7-green,
-followed by overlay 7-a, followed by layers 7-a-red and 7-a-green, followed by
-overlay 7-b, followed by layers 7-b-red and 7-b-green.
-The caption used in the slide styles is \n\overlaylabel\ for overlays and
-\N\layerlabel\ for layers. The defaults are, respectively,
- \bf Overlay \theoverlay
- \bf Layer \thelayer
-By default the overlays and layers use the same page styles in the "slides"
-format as their ``owner.'' You can specify special page styles with the
- \overlaypagestyle{style}\\
- \layerpagestyle{style}
-Finally, by default the overlays and layers use the same frame style as their
-``owner.'' You can specify special frame styles with the commands:
- \overlayframe[commands]{style}\\
- \layerframe[commands]{style}
-Road map:
- \item If you just want to figure out how to do something, check Section
-\ref{tips}, ``Tips and tricks.''
- \item If you are trying to decipher an error message, check Section
-\ref{errors}, ``Errors.''
- \item If you are trying to solve some system-dependent problem that has
-arisen, check Section \ref{trouble}, ``Troubleshooting.''
- \item To convert \SliTeX\ files, see Section \ref{slitex}, ``Converting
-\SliTeX\ files''.
-\section{Tips and tricks\label{tips}}
-\faq{How can I fit more material in the slides?}
-Or alternatively, make the little material you have fill up the slide.
-Let us count the ways:
-\item Change the magnification with \n\slidesmag"{<n>}" (affects all the
-\item Change the height and/or width of one or all the slides.
-\item Use "\ptsize{<n>}".
-\item Change \n\slidestretch.
-\item Use the \n\raggedslides\ command, which changes the propensity to
-\faq{How do I include an Encapsulated PostScript figure?\label{EPS}}
-The only thing tricky about including EPS files is getting the size right. For
-example, suppose the you want to include a postscript file in a slide using
-the "epsf.sty" macros, and you want it to be 6 inches wide. Then this will do
-the trick:
- \setslidelength{\epsfxsize}{6in}
- \epsffile{mypic.eps}
-If you include the command
- \espfslidesize
-(e.g., in the preamble), then "epsf.sty" will take care of scaling the size
-for you, and so you can just set "\epsfxsize" and "\epsfysize" to their
-magnified sizes (using "\setlength" rather than "\setslidelength"). Or you can
-not set these parameters at all, and then the eps file appears at its natural
-size on the slide.
-Either way, this will have the expected effect:
- \setlength{\epsfysize}{.8\textheight}
- \epsffile{mypic.eps}
-"psfig.tex" does not handle magnification properly. By using magnified
-dimensions, without "\setslidelength", as in
- \psfig{file=mypic.eps,width=6in}
-the picture should appear correctly within a slide, but then it will not scale
-properly if you try to use the \o{article} option or the \n\twoup\ command.
-The solution, if using Rokicki's "dvips", is to use "epsf.sty" (written by the
-man himself).
-\faq{How can I print just selected overlays, layers or pages of notes in the
-{\tt slides} format?}
-The "\onlyslides" and "\notslides" commands affect only slides. If a slide is
-omitted, so are all its overlays and color layers. To be more selective, you
-have to use your dvi driver to select the pages to be printed.
-In the "slides" format, the page numbers recognized by dvi drivers correspond
-to the numbers of the slides. This means that a slide and all the overlays,
-layers and notes that correspond to that slide have the same page number. Some
-drivers allow one to select occurrence $n$ of a page number. E.g., with
- dvips -p2.1 -l2.4 myslides
-will print the first through fourth page of overlays or notes that follow
-slide 2.
-If your dvi driver does not support such selection, and you would prefer that
-the driver recognize physical page numbers, then put the command
-\N\truepagenumbers\ in the preamble.
-\faq{How do I define custom page styles?}
-There is nothing special about defining new page styles in "seminar.sty".
-However, to make it easier to do this in the preamble, the commands
- \newpagestyle{style}{header}{footer}\\
- \renewpagestyle{style}{header}{footer}
-are provided.\footnote{%
- You can also use the macros in "fancyheadings.sty", which is available from
-various archives. However, you have to set the pagestyle {\em after}
-Otherwise, the dimensions get screwed up. If using the \o{slidesonly}
-selection, then you also need to enclose the "\pagestyle" command in
-an \e{allversions*} environment. E.g.,
- \begin{allversions*}
- \pagestyle{fancy}
- \end{allversions*}
-<style> is the name of the page style, and <header> is the header, and
-<footer> is the footer. These can only be used for simple page styles that are
-the same for odd and even pages, and that do not do anything special with
-section marks.
-Headers and footers are set in an "\hbox" the width of the page
-("\textwidth"). You can use stretchable space such as "\hspace*{\fill}" or
-"\hfil" to center some information or put it flush against the margins. See
-the definitions of page styles in "latex.tex" and "article.sty" for examples.
-Here is an example: Professor Starr wants lots of information in the headers
-and footers for the slides, and so she defines the page style
-"mypagestyle":\footnote{{\tt\string\thedate} is set with the {\tt\string\date}
- \newpagestyle{mypagestyle}%
- {\sl Big U \hfil \thedate \hfil \thepage}%
- {\hfil File \jobname.tex; printed \today\hfil}
-Prof.\ Starr wants to use the standard "headings" page style for notes and the
-"mypagestyle" page style for slides, and she wants overlays to just have the
-overlay number. Therefore, she defines another page style for the overlays:
- \newpagestyle{myoverlays}{\hfil \thepage}{}
-and she puts
- \pagestyle{headings}
- \slidepagestyle{mypagestyle}
- \overlaypagestyle{myoverlays}
-in the preamble.
-\faq{How do I change a parameter only for the {\tt slides} format?}
-The conditionals
- \ifarticle\ $\ldots$ "\else" $\ldots$ "\fi"\\
- \ifslidesonly\ $\ldots$ "\else" $\ldots$ "\fi"\\
- \ifnotes\ $\ldots$ "\else" $\ldots$ "\fi"\\
- \ifnotesonly\ $\ldots$ "\else" $\ldots$ "\fi"\\
- \ifportrait\ $\ldots$ "\else" $\ldots$ "\fi"
-allow one to select for what versions material is to be processed. "\ifnotes"
-is true if and only if the "notes" selection is in effect, and so on. The
-"\else" clause is optional. See {\em The \TeX book}, Chapter 20, for more
-information about using conditionals.
-For example, the first line below sets the slide rotation to "right" in the
-"article" format only. The second line changes the page style for the "notes"
-and "notesonly" selections and "article" format:
- \ifarticle\sliderotation{right}\fi
- \ifarticle\ifslidesonly\else\pagestyle{myheadings}\fi\fi
-\faq{Why does extra space get inserted at the top of a slide when I begin the
-slide with a color or overlay command (when using the \o{semcolor} option)?}
-Color and overlay commands with the "semcolor" option use "\special"'s. \TeX{}
-adds the space "\parskip" between the "\special"'s and the first material in
-the slide.
-Here is the workaround: If that material is an ordinary paragraph, put the
-command "\leavevmode" just after the color or overlay command. In other cases,
-if you are sure this is the problem, put "\vskip-\parskip" just before the
-color or overlay command.
-There are several errors that identify themselves as being from "seminar.sty",
-but the error messages are so self-explanatory that that there is no need to
-describe them here. Instead, this section explains a few especially cryptic
-\TeX{} error messages that can arise when using "seminar.sty". These errors
-may also arise for reasons that are not particular to the "seminar.sty"
-macros. See your favorite \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} manuals for more help in
-debugging your documents.
-\error"! File ended while scanning use of \next."
-You are missing an "\end{document}" on the main file or an "\endinput" on a
-file that is input.
-\error"! File ended within \read."
-You may have an unmatched curly brace following "\begin{slide}" on the same
-line. See Section \ref{omit}.
-\error"! Paragraph ended before \begin@slide was complete."
-You have not specified the optional argument for the "slide" or "slide*"
-environment correctly (see Section \ref{slidedim}), or the first character in
-a slide environment is a "[" (put a pair "{}" of braces before the "[").
-\faq{A few slides do not come out two-up with the \o{article} option.}
-First, read Section \ref{S-twoup} carefully. If the slides still do not come
-out twoup, it might be that there is extraneous output between the slides. Try
-putting the commands
- \slideplacement{here*}
- \setlength{\slidesep}{8pt plus 1fill}
-in the preamble ("8pt" should be one-half the minimum distance between
-slides). If this solves the problem, look for the extraneous output, or just
-leave those commands in the preamble.
-\faq{What kind of incompatibilities are there between {\tt seminar.sty} and
-other macros?}
-Of course, whenever you load macros that are not part of the standard \LaTeX{}
-distribution and that were not designed to work with "seminar.sty", problems
-may arise because of name conflicts. What are listed here are changes made to
-\LaTeX{} commands that may conflict with other macros that also redefine these
-command. The problems listed here are very unlikely to occur, however, unless
-you have a habit of seriously hacking the standard \LaTeX{} macro files.
-\item This style modifies the definitions of the \LaTeX{} primitive
-"\document". It generally will not be upset by, nor will it void,
-modifications to "\document" made before "seminar.sty" is input. However,
-subsequent modifications of "\document" may cause problems.
-\item "xcomment.sty", which is input by "seminar.sty" with the "slidesonly"
-selection, modifies the definition of "\end" within included environments.
-This is generally compatible with modifications to "\end" made outside
-environments, but may conflict with modifications to "\end" made inside
-\faq{Why are the landscape slides displayed sideways and the portrait slides
-displayed upside down on my previewer?}
-This document style makes frequent use of landscape mode. Some DVI-to-PS
-converters, such as older versions of Rokicki's "dvips", use their own
-PostScript macros to print a landscape document, rather than simply
-instructing PostScript to use landscape mode.
-If the PostScript output of such a converter is viewed using a PostScript
-previewer that does not allow you to choose the orientation of the display,
-the output will be positioned correctly on the page, but the page will always
-be displayed in portrait mode. When viewing slides without the "portrait"
-option, the landscape slides will be sideways, and the portrait slides will be
-There is nothing this style can do to coerce the page to be displayed in
-landscape mode. There are various ways to minimize neck strain, however:
-\item The direction in which the portrait slides are rotated can be reversed,
-so that they end up right-side-up. Just put
- \sliderotation{right}
-before the beginning of the document (assuming that you are using rotation
-\item You can also get the portrait slides to be displayed right-side-up by
-using the "portrait" style option (Section \ref{options}).
-\item In the "article" format, the document is typeset in portrait mode
-(unless the "portrait" option is used), and so the landscape slides are
-right-side-up. You can use this format when composing and proof-reading the
-\faq{Why is my dvi driver soooo slow?}
-Probably it cannot find the right font bitmaps, and so it is either
-automatically generating new ones, or it is scaling the ones it can find.
-Either way, as long as you can somehow generate the missing font bitmaps, this
-problem is transitory. See Appendix \ref{bitmaps} for details.
-\faq{Why does \TeX{} complain about missing circle fonts?}
-Older versions of the NFSS use the names "circle10" and "circlew10" for the
-\LaTeX circle fonts, instead of the otherwise standard names "lcircle10" and
-"lcirclew10". You can copy your ".pk" and ".tfm" files to the new names, or
-get a new version of the NFSS.
-\section{Converting \SliTeX\ files}\label{slitex}
-"seminar.sty" can do everything \SliTeX\ can do, and much
-more\footnote{However, color layers and overlays require PSTricks and a
-PostScript printer.} Here is a brief and incomplete description of how to do
-with "seminar.sty" what you can do with \SliTeX, and how to convert \SliTeX\
- \item Use "seminar" as your document style, instead of "slides".
- \item Run \LaTeX\ or \AmS-\LaTeX, instead of \SliTeX.
- \item With "seminar.sty", the preamble and slides can all go in the same
- \item The default in "seminar.sty" is to get landscape slides. If you want
-to convert a \SliTeX\ file containing portrait slides, add the "portrait"
-style option, and replace your "slide" environments by "slide*" environments.
- \item With "seminar.sty", notes do not need to go in a separate environment.
-To convert a \SliTeX\ file containing "note" environments, define a note
-environment that does nothing:
- \newenvironment{note}{}{}
- \item For color layers:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Use the "\colorlayers" command instead of the "\colors" command.
- \item Delete the argument to the "slide" and "slide*" environments that
-lists the color layers.
- \item Include the \o{semlayer} style option.
- \end{itemize}
- \item "seminar.sty" does not use separate environments for overlays:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Remove the "overlay" environments.
- \item Replace "\invisible" commands by "\overlay{1}", "\overlay{2}", etc.
- \item Include the \o{semlayer} style option.
- \end{itemize}
- \item To actually produce the overlays and color layers, you have to have
-PSTricks and a PostScript printer, and you must include the \o{semcolor} style
- \item Use \n\onlyslides"{<list>}" and \n\onlynotestoo\ instead of
-Before reading this appendix, you should follow the installation instructions
-in the file "" that is distributed with "seminar.sty".
-\section{The short story about fonts}\label{short-fonts}
-"seminar.sty" is a \LaTeX{} style, and you can use whatever fonts that are
-compatible with \LaTeX\ (or \AmS-\LaTeX). However, you are likely to want to
-use special fonts with "seminar.sty"; see Appendix \ref{fonts} for help.
-Furthermore, you are likely to want to use fonts in sizes that are larger than
-the standard sizes; see Appendix \ref{bitmaps} for help.
-But if you don't want to read these appendices, you can just use whatever
-\LaTeX\ fonts you know how to use (e.g., the standard Computer Modern fonts).
-To be sure you need only standard font magnifications:\footnote{This is not a
-consideration if you are using only PostScript or other scalable fonts.}
- \item Don't use the "11pt" or "12pt" style options (or the \n\ptsize{}
- \item Don't change the document magnification (or only use 0--4 magsteps).
- \item Don't use any font size larger than "\large".
- \item Don't use the \n\twoup\ command.
-\section{Choosing fonts\label{fonts}}
-So that you can use different fonts for the notes and the slides (if you
-want), the command "\slidefonts" is invoked at the beginning of every slide
-environment. Define it to set up any special fonts for the slides.
-Here are the font configurations that come ready-to-use with "seminar.sty".
-You might also use these as a starting point for your own configurations.
-\item You can just use the regular old Computer Modern fonts that you probably
-grew up on. For this, you don't have to do anything at all. Ain't that easy?
-But see the next section about font bitmaps.
-\item The \O{semhelv} style option sets up the PostScript Helvetica text fonts
-for the slides. The Computer Modern fonts are still used for math and for the
-notes with the \o{article} format. You need a PostScript printer, a dvi-to-ps
-driver that supports PostScript fonts (e.g., Rokicki's "dvips"), and the New
-Font Selection Scheme. You should also check the font file names used in
-"semhelv.sty", and change them if necessary to match the names on your system.
-This combination of fonts is highly recommended because sans serif fonts look
-good for slides, Helvetica is a resident font in just about all PostScript
-printers, and the fonts are scalable and thus there is no problem of needing
-new bitmaps.
-\item The \O{semlcmss} style option sets up the \SliTeX\ sans serif fonts for
-the slides, and uses the Computer Modern fonts for notes with the \o{article}
-format. The \SliTeX\ fonts are ugly, but they might be the only usable sans
-serif font you have on your system and you are really dying for that kind of
-font. Also, they usually come ready for printing magnified documents, and so
-you won't need too many new font bitmaps. You must have the New Font Selection
-Scheme. "semlcmss" uses
- \slidesmag{4}
- \ptsize{10}
-Deviating from this will increase the need for new font bitmaps.
-The New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS) mentioned above is a macro package for
-\LaTeX{} that greatly simplifies using non-standard fonts. The NFSS was
-written by Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch\"opf, and is available from various
-archives, including:
-It is far easier to take the 10 minutes or so that are required (in theory, at
-least) to install the NFSS, than it is to try to muck around with \LaTeX's
-font primitives.
-\section{Font bitmaps\label{bitmaps}}
-If you are only using PostScript or other scalable fonts, or if you obey the
-restrictions listed on page \pageref{font-res}, then you can ignores this
-To use "seminar.sty", you may need font bitmap sizes that are not currently
-found on your system. This section describes how to avoid this and what to do
-about it. First, a few paragraphs about magnification and font bitmaps.
-\TeX's Metafont fonts are designed for a type size, such as 5pt. Most font
-families are available at least in the sizes 5pt, 6pt, 7pt, 8pt, 9pt and 10pt.
-Some are also available in the sizes 12pt and 17pt (and others), but often any
-size above 10pt is obtained by scaling the 10pt fonts. Table \ref{font-mag}
-lists the possible magnifications for fonts, depending on which option you are
-using ("10pt", "11pt" or "12pt"), and depending on the \LaTeX{} type size
-declaration that is in effect (e.g., "\small"). The magnifications are given
-in magsteps, which is \TeX's standard unit for font magnifications. $n$
-magsteps means a magnification of $1.2^n$.
-\hrule height 1pt\relax
-\multicolumn{1}{l}{size} &
-\multicolumn{1}{c}{default (10pt)} &
- \multicolumn{1}{c}{11pt option} &
- \multicolumn{1}{c}{12pt option}\\
-\cline{2-4} "\tiny" & 0 & 0 & 0\\
-\cline{2-4} "\scriptsize" & 0 & 0 & 0\\
-\cline{2-4} "\footnotesize" & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
-\cline{2-4} "\small" & 0 & 0 & 1/2 \\
-\cline{2-4} "\normalsize" & 0 & 1/2 & 1 \\
-\cline{2-4} "\large" & 1 & 1 & 2 \\
-\cline{2-4} "\Large" & 2 & 2 & 3 \\
-\cline{2-4} "\LARGE" & 3 & 3 & 4\\
-\cline{2-4} "\huge" & 4 & 4 & 5\\
-\cline{2-4} "\Huge" & 5 & 5 & 5\\
-\caption{Font magnification in magsteps ($n$ means a magnification of $1.2^n$)
-for a font that is available in 5pt, 6pt, 7pt, 8pt, 9pt and 10pt
-\hrule height 1pt\relax
-Both the "article" and the "slides" formats may also magnify the document. By
-default, the magnification of the "slides" format is 4 magsteps, and the
-magnification of the "article" format is 0. To find the total font
-magnification, add the magnification listed in the table to the magnification
-of the document. E.g., in the "slides" format with the "12pt" option (or the
-command "\ptsize{12}" at the beginning of a slide), the "\large" command may
-invoke fonts that have a magnification of up to 7 magsteps.
-Most systems have font bitmaps for 0, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 magsteps. If you
-obey the restrictions listed on page \pageref{font-res}, then you will only
-need fonts in these standard magnifications. However, if you want to use other
-font magnifications, then check with your system administrator to determine
-which of the following applies to you (or just plunge ahead and see what
-\item If you have Metafont and "dvips" or some other driver that automatically
-generates font bitmaps as needed, and if this feature is enabled, then you
-will simply notice that it takes a long time to print documents at first,
-because the driver has to wait for the new font bitmaps to be made.
-Eventually, you will have generated all the extra bitmaps you need, and this
-delay will go away.
-\item If you have Metafont, but your dvi driver does not automatically
-generate needed bitmaps, then you just need to keep track of what font bitmaps
-you are missing as you use "seminar.sty" and occasionally run Metafont to make
-them. You will also notice a delay when a font bitmap is missing, because your
-driver will probably scale the closest bitmap it finds, and this can take time
-on some systems.
-\item If you do not even have Metafont, then you have to try to get by without
-the extra bitmaps. Scaled fonts look lousy, but an occasional scaled font in a
-heading is not so bad.
-Of course, PostScript and other scalable fonts do not present any problem, and
-so it is a good idea to use these as much as possible. The Computer Modern
-fonts are available from Blue Sky Research in PostScript Type I format. If you
-do not have PostScript versions of the CM fonts, and you instead use other
-PostScript fonts for text, then you are likely to still need bitmapped fonts
-for mathematics. However, since mathematics is usually set at "\normalsize" or
-smaller, this is not a big problem.
-If you are installing "seminar.sty" on a multi-user system, then hopefully you
-will make the needed fonts available.
-You can use whatever color commands you ordinarily use with \LaTeX. You might
-try the \o{semcolor} style option, which lets you use the PSTricks color
-commands for printing on a color PostScript printer. The \o{semcolor} option
-combined with the \o{semlayer} option (see Section \ref{S-overlays}) lets you
-print color layers.
-\section{Landscape printing and slide rotation\label{S-landscape}}
-If your dvi driver supports a "\special" for landscape printing, then you can
-define \N\printlandscape\ in the preamble of your document to invoke this
-command. E.g., for "dvips" put the line
- \renewcommand{\printlandscape}{\special{landscape}}
-in the preamble. Otherwise, "seminar.sty" will display a message reminding you
-to print your document in landscape mode, when appropriate.
-You can print both landscape and portrait slides in one shot if you can rotate
-the portrait slides when printing in landscape mode or the landscape slides
-when printing in portrait mode. If you are using a PostScript printer, you
-probably are using a dvi driver that supports rotation; otherwise, you
-probably are not. Here are suggestions for setting up rotation:
-\item The \o{semcolor} option provides an interface to the rotation macros in
-PSTricks (see Appendix \ref{S-semcolor}); it works with many popular dvi-to-ps
-\item If you are using Rokicki's "dvips" and want rotation but do not want to
-load the entire PSTricks package, then use the \O{semrot} option instead of
-the \o{semcolor} option.
-\item If the \o{semcolor} and \o{semrot} options do not work for you, but you
-have your own rotation macros, then you have to define the commands
- \leftsliderotation\\
- \rightsliderotation
-so that they rotate something left and right, respectively. For example,
- \renewcommand{\leftsliderotation}[1]{\rotateleft{#1}}
-In any case, you can determine the direction of rotation using
- \sliderotation{direction}
-where valid directions are "none", "left" and "right". The default is "left".
-By default, the headers and footers aren't rotated, but you can switch between
-rotating and not rotating the headers with the commands:
- \rotateheaderstrue\\
- \rotateheadersfalse
-\section{The semcolor style option\label{S-semcolor}}
-The \O{semcolor} option sets up an interface between "seminar.sty" and the
-PSTricks package. PSTricks is a collection of PostScript macros for \TeX. It
-works with Rokicki's "dvips", and several other dvi-to-ps drivers. You can
-probably get the PSTricks package from wherever you obtained "seminar.sty", or
-check the archives listed in the PSTricks read-me file, "read-me.pst", which
-is distributed with "seminar.sty".
-What the \o{semcolor} style option gives you, compared to just using the
-PSTricks package, is:
-\item[Color] A small patch to make the PSTricks color commands more robust in
-\item[Rotation] The rotations "left" and "right" are defined. "left" is the
-\item[Framing] The frame styles "scplain" (using "\psframebox"), "scdouble"
-(using "\psdblframebox") and "scshadow" (using "\psshadowbox").
-\item[Overlays] Overlays and layers, when used in conjunction with the
-\o{semlayer} option.
-\section{A4 and other paper sizes\label{S-papersizes}}
-Use the \O{a4} option when using A4 paper. Note that this option does not
-correspond to an independent file.
-If you want to configure seminar.sty for A4 paper by default (without having
-to include style options), then you can do one of the following:
- \item Add the following line to "seminar.con" (see Appendix
- \input{sem-a4.sty}
- \item Add the following lines to "seminar.con" (these lines are just the
-contents of "sem-a4.sty"):
- \def\paperwidth{210mm}
- \def\paperheight{297mm}
- \input sem-page.sty
- \slidewidth 222mm
- \slideheight 152mm
- \item Create a file such as "mysem.sty", to be used as a document {\em
-style} (rather than style {\em option}), with the following lines:
- \def\paperwidth{210mm}
- \def\paperheight{297mm}
- \input seminar.sty
- \slidewidth 222mm
- \slideheight 152mm
-For other paper sizes, you can create a style option by modifying
-"sem-a4.sty". Then any of the options described above is available to you,
-(with the appropriate parameter values). However, this will give satisfactory
-results only for paper sizes that are close to A4 or 8.5in by 11in.
-Note that for any paper size, even 8.5in by 11in, the page parameters that are
-set this way are just suggested defaults, and most people will want to
-customize them. Because of the variety of ways in which "seminar.sty"
-documents can be printed, this is a little more complex than with most
-document styles. Examine "sem-page.sty" to see what page parameters need to be
-set, and when.
-\section{Configuration file\label{S-configfile}}
-You can put customizations to "seminar.sty" in a file named "seminar.con".
-This file is optional. It is loaded by "seminar.sty" if it exists, {\em
-before} loading the style option files. E.g., "seminar.con" might contain the
-following lines:
- \input semhelv.sty
- \input semcolor.sty
- \renewcommand{\printlandscape}{\special{landscape}}
- \endinput
-%% END sem-user.tex